cull . if it exiulonl. might have men rome- U by I namomlronco d-|reun.-I to the British Government. It` wnuld he litm- ennugh wlu-n such romonursnno pruvml un- nvnilln fur the Pmaitlont. to Apply to (Tun- grou or uulditiunnl lo l-ion. When no tCullmn) nppli tho nmsugu becnnn: more and more tpphrem Hun it hm: been inspired bx poiiticul uoceuitr. '11. might. be rugnrde at Mr. (`levelun `a long delayed letter of acceptance, bocnuse it betrayed 'ln:arly his Anxiety for unother term of 03;.-e and his four that he would not boeluclud. Hi: chnngo of {rant on the fisheries uention showed that Mr. Cleve- lunl and ii: rty were in deapernto units politiutlly. 1 may um defeat staring them In the Inca and were seeking to divert nt- umtion. The wholp Innvelnout. In 0 political movement. ~- '*- "'" .\lr.(`nllnm ntfo-red A muonlution which mov *- WW` wan llicl ox-~r_ ch-sirimz tlm Se:-musty of the '|'rI*:u-ury to inform lhr .\`-mm- whc-thor the trlnsit in bowl nver ur nuruus the u|-rilnry of the Unin-I Stun-s without nyluoul uf d|.|lil'lIIl| gun-la, e:tc.. mlnin ha-In (`aim clinn parts has been wrmitwx aim-v July I, l.`Hi.'s, us .`\r(icl(- XXIX of tlw 'l`rc-M, ul min .....I fl nf tho net uf Murvt I. l. .`\mcu- .\.\1.\ oz uw : mu. us ININ uml so-vlitm 3 of thv net ;\|nrv{I I, I373. are said to |\u\'a- |"'&L\8Il tn he in force, if so by wind. nutlm i y -flaw. I Inlnluule Ihnnlnuunly Adoplt-I by the llnuw Fnnluu Ainln Ibnmulllec. \\'.\~`ux.\-.Tn\'. Aug. 30.-'l`lu- (`muminc-o on I-`on-igu .\'.lirn tn-lay rcceivml lll" re- pnrl nf llw sulv-vnnnniltr.-xe on the lh-tall. tlnu llill. The vhuirlunn, Mr. I'mlvu-ml, saill tlml in them queulinul the cuuuuium: had ulwuya uctml without rc-gnnl In parli- nauship, mul he lmpccl it wuulll Clllillllllc to do rm. Ho rofurrml to the fuel. that a bill llllrmlucml by himself hm your turn, cou- tniniug 3 nntrictivc- railroad prnviniuu, llml lmelnmlopml by llu- ll-mm nlmust unani- mously, though the raulrm:l neeliml wu mlxnoquemly alrinzlu-n out in the Scnntv. Tho umumillce unanimously adopted the Amended bill repnrttatl l>y tlm aub~uuuuuit- tor. Slr. Belmont having been nlnom. when the consideration of the subject. wu begun,` c-xpresmcl tlm upiniuu that it wuulnl be prnper for Mr. Mel `ro;u_v to report the bill 1 me House. llllllllnlc-I`~1lmnl to be the in- teutiun to call it up mr uctiuu cm Sutunlay. ;l`he following in tho le\l of the nulnmute an . NH : IIICI \l.u Sue. I; Be it enacted. abc. : That w}n-n- l eve: the President nmy deem it his duty to exercise any of tho pom-r.u given to him by l In lvt cn!it|o.L An act to unth0I`iw the ` l`Ic1i-lont of Kim |'ni:ml Staln-n tn pruu-cl. and loin,-nnl liw rights of Aim-ricam shing ve.-nah, .-\Imsrimun fi.~hornu-u, .-\n|crimu| trading and other xmnwlu in certain cuss:-n, and ftnrmlher nrpn.~-n." approved .\lurch 3. INT, it shall - lawful fur the I'nsIilent, in M. .I;....-noinn In: nrnrhunltion In that ef- \ n~.~`m in I.-eruun cum, his discretion, I prm~l.nnnion fect... to uunpcnz , in uhult or in part, the tranapnrmli-m lICI'us.~ the territory of tho Unllu-1 sums, in hand nr vilhnml the my- mom, of duty nf gmnlu, wares and more .'m~ line ilnpnrtcal nr -xpur!-rd frmu may fureign country from ur tn llw British dolninionl in North .~\meric:t. _ I G 0 Tlmt. \\}n-novel the President Sec. 2. "fhut ulu-never me rronluem shnll be mtlsml that than in Any discrim- ination wlmle'\'or in tlw ulu of the Welland (`nu|l. the t. Laworu-n<'.e River (`uul, tho Chnllhly (`anal m-`z-itlwr of them. whether by tniln, tlrus-l-ark.-. ro-fuml of toll: ul otlwrwioc, which in nr may be cletriuneuld tuuhe interest: at the Uniteal utes or my nf in 4-him-.nII. it Him be luviul for N10 ild chain In 01 Wum omen. the I. mteal nuueo or any of its citizenn. I-lull u....:.|....-. :.. Li. .16..-ration to inue n procla- i -lull be Iuvlun mr my l'reIiclen't in his lll|'Nl0n procla- nation to that effect, wlmrgupon there shall be collected a lull vl '20 cents I um upon evcrylorel vcssu-I and her curgnpanin though eh. er tlw .~;nvll Sm. Murie (`um or l.ho`St. (`lair Flats Vnnnlv. uul the Secroo llry of the Treasury may nuthurim anll direct n of the (Sum-ml olc-onto` collect the toll: `vied nmlt-t Lhll act, at tho` Presi- dent may in M. digvn-llau. when). in uni- ml than is an nu:-h dinrltninutiun. prov IIHI (In not 0 ui-I comb to any such foreign vane]. 'l'Im Preslclant when util- ed (last, much linrrimin'It.ion hu~ qxued any lune his prnclumtion to tlnt atfocl. in[inn' wh:-|t`ll!Kll| I. Illllll" led by lhl: nci .r.;.n nu longer be oolleclncl 31.1 M P.`-nA)n`|.m..u, if nrdercd. Ilull"ceuc. . Soc. `2. 'l`hnt the Secretary ol the Tran`- Iury ls nuthnriml 19 nuke any regulation: hoodlnl to carry this I':I' into olfecl. - A. ....|. nnn min! In there anythlng like ;::o:|{;l"t} into eflecl. A! only one point anylhln Iih ` I dleronee belies.-nu the Democrat. an Ru - pnhlk-an me ham. TM: was \I wllliou GWIVTIH from -tho $3 lnn lurlhe I'nmunn Klpluy w \.`III' | (Cullmn) nppli mo us the aituntinn um! law how We excuus there In for it, it me and apparent that .. 3...... ;.....|m.l hv nnlilicnl nocouitv. THE RETALlW`flON BILL. uh`!-nc\'el" ` .. -..u.o:...a um mum in IIIV '-*"*""% 7" no unu `On Nqllld III! II .5... um um ol an H! Inn lull TIM cl Wulunuon no Inn pnouuuy an owl nhqad Ila rohql u Iloahhrluw rights of A rial cl Cuuclhn put-In. Upon IN- thouvun dlvhion an pg, llhmnul lulu dc-lutlvynvub 0! MI. Winn Ibo question can on onion-Hg I lovonblu upon on lbs uuhmuto bill. then want: uopuu rate. The Rorublklu In-l-on do nut ox Him the -m cm Ind this any than lrum Choir silo ol the Hunt: I/in build up. Iithnlgl an I .......m... ..m..L I-ha nbcloll man my _ rohlhuou. Ito Iluult when llhauu up. uunuugu nu an whld was Nbcloul Mk II! tunnel on-I u-vo u the hub 10 iuurhichlh uuuwiulsouln I I tho Pruklnnt 5 randy bu Iutahna power to do what he Jain: In the way ol --:----o A conning: Iuu-3 uurquu-vv. Nuw Ymut. Aug 3|. ~13 making on the [lunatic quutlon M. Yonhn luv. am. 3 Illlllondd: ':1`Mohauo Fun: In which we on phood by the lander of the republican pony. Hod hohvn Ihu it lnny result In. It in not the I wry to peace when a mu say: to Mu rlghbour, `you have killed my on null um plug to kill your do .' Fhn mum irritation, burl umpcr. fwd blood. The road to ntslhtlon In not the roul to pone. It may result In Var. but our duty tn our nonnln in nhln and nundututy. we wil L-`.VH\` I-1;, i1.v\>n'rn*ov lI'I a;-(;c-k-Iho bosol. assort- :u.K 'l`n:.s in the cite`. Give him a call . mu sue for yoursel . _`__,_________________ Kl.\'h.-S OF BANK Mvl U'|~o Ruhber . Inn-rs. ."w|1.~I. |`2lc..s11ppliwl_!uy HI: , II lint 1 Icon. Nut Ymut. An . 8|. The Pu-IMoM'I recent nwu-up ln (gun It. roonmmuding Ntallutivvus In the ml (of III rllllllilli mean" u You-kl mncru-y at the oops: Unluu last night. Mun Mn M).(! page crow-lo`J Into the hall.` Hounor tiny, Dolnvuo, ` VII U`! urlqcipl I;no.d|or. _ but duty :4: our people in plain nnndntury. vi I And by the people ll whnevn cost. If It comes to the point. thst war must come, And that (`undo mun lull. u the will. Into the unm of the union, and H In the providence of (iod lhlt punt our I but rilwlen inland Icrool the nu: thou ti and the dnyl 0! her ` osplivlty. than ovary |lhcn{|-lm-ing man can ruin hll voice in hnllelujn llo In Inoolud Down And Pulnlly Wanna- od by I Dcupcoruo TI-nlu Imbbor. Culmuo, Au . 3|.--l . W. \'sn|nKI'orp. the Clncinntti 1 coeutlve, wn found lying At the corner of Luke um! Franklin streets curly thlu morning with his skull crushed. \'un.It\vorp ha been lnlluwlng Funk Kline slim Jullnn Hnlnwn. I notorious tnln rub- hor, for several mouth: uul,only found him l...o niuhl Whan Vununtworp uttuuptod mouth: uugonly muna mm luv. night. When Vunuutwcrp ntuluplod to IITOII Kline the Inner ntruck him with some blunt. lutrnmonl. and mule good hln oocnpe. In Jul Int Vsnsntwerp attempt ed to snout. Kl nu in Montocollo. Illinois. and vs: hadly woundod by I pistol shot. Vnnunwerp will probably die {mm his In- juries. Wlut `u (hvornlnu uuuunuu. Tonuzno, Aug. 3|.--Rev. Dr. Buthorlmd nuts: that the mooning ol the nl board d Iotbdld mlulou at Wln; on Sqbt. Hlhvlll Nd more than Iurylnuu --o Th. nmmun-l union 0! Mothodiul mil- IIIVCU B` |'lIl$I'yIIsss~ est. The proposed union 0! sions in Jspsn will come up. Dr. Suthsrlsnd thinks it s sstiro on chrlsdsn clvilisstion that s misslnnsry society should hsve to pay s time of 8250 in order to secure permis- sion lor s Chinese cluristisn with his lsmily to enter the dominion fur the purpose of pm-Aching the gospel to his fa-llow-uountry IHQII. HIT Gums lo lloml. l'Alu.i, Aug RI. -The execution of the (`ureicanhMl-it Rochinl ha: been fixed for Monulny next. 'l'h'o French executiont-r has been ordered t.o.,nhlp his guillotine to Sar- teun. and there cnrry mIt the sentence of death. The Cornlcunn are urnuaed. and a vendetta in leared. It in intended to mnlte an imposing din lay of military ntrength on the occuion. 'Phe tlnce ul exectttion will be surrounded by axarge body of troops. Mitigating Their I'ulIt'y. \\'.t.m|w1'o\, Aug. 3I.-Secretary l"nir< child said lul night that there mu 1 dia- ition to relnx the vignroua Ineuurea against the (Ianadian poachers on the nul- lng rounds in Aluknn waters, because the Brittah overnlneut in now propoein legit latlun w Iich will entirely atop the tspredt tionn. and pending then stop: there in a deslre not to adopt a aevere policy. (Iron: Firs Ill mmnunu-. . HII:l.INA, Montana. Aug. 3|.~-A linu- trouo fire In rsging in the range: in North- ern Montana, extending from Maria liver to Sweet (irul hills, I diltnnce of 50 milcl. The winter rnnge of the Benton and St. Louil compmy ha been douro ad, with I large amount. of hay. Unleu nhl comes the Fire will cover immenpe tracts of 4.-uuntry. The (thlnuo and lhllwnv Iilntnrprlno. Lu\[mV_ Aug. III. -A dfnpdu.-I1 from Shunghui any: the Tientning l'uku ruilwny igbeing enormously patronized. uul pro- mises to be a uucccu. It in gated that China approve: the opening of the West river to foreign cognmerce. The govern ment in trying to rune an unuuinlly bony loan. en mcmlns nfnll kind: on Uvrirhls u.m:s exevumhu tho Wubor Factory. of }'rinr`,~ss and Garden ltreutl. Kmis` ` u umrv lurnblv or woll-toned inslrnmepl mh than thou. M. WEBIIIR L'| l{ll!H I`. am in price and unoxoollud by III! 93` LVH`\|lIN.`lH. Actluu I thus rocorf Guild. TIIRl|V1', Au . .'H. -'l`helom|nion whnlm nlo gvbcerl` gu Id hu decided th"nt no com~ promise will be made with my retail grocer who ulu for one on account of_ huvlng been burned out. unleu hi: utock. to the value of an ..... ......e 41' hi.|.wu covered by |')Vl;.|;;1;-J-c;u-I:-unlou n \f|Iuo 01 60 per cent. of hi: linhilitiemwu innunnce. - Annlhar lingo commun- '~A1'I.A.\"rA, ($5., Aug. 3l.~-Tha tropical fruit men have comhineal. and the consumers will be unable to get a tingle banana or plantiff nave through the ccnrteay pf the trust, which WM nrganlzop in New Orleans, .|.a.. .....I. 1`).-_ must represent: a capital- fruit, organize-.p in New Uflellll, this woelu The trust represent: capitaluol I I9;(XX).(Xl). ._.___.._._.....-._.._..._... A coutncn|u:I:lIln Rloqnuoo. u_... 1-...... A... -11 In uunhlnn nn II Mutiny nun Alrlcnn `town. Lmuxm, Aug. 31. --A-lvicu from Lorenzo Mu-']uer.. I l'orugucto.w\vn in Africa. lay a mutiny bu broken out nmong the Ipldiorl of the gnrrilou and Hunt. mu-Ines hove been landed from the vuruhipl to quell it. Fight- ing In expocutl. The Amorloan Wlnovtlu Day. Nr.wv-mu-. R. l.. Aug. 5lI.--'1`homulitm And Henry Boobs. reurectlvaly Amcrlcun ....| ('.n.di..n court uni: I chunplon|,ployo_ IIJ VII`- __._._._..__.___..._. ? The steam dredge hworkinz at t.hoQuooIr'I what! and `railing a great quanmy n! ma rial. Old umber: that have not probably bun each In 10) ycanato holng brought to L. -nu-lann_ 0:v-oruucu Demands. " ~--- A..- on D-.. n. nmhm-In ATTACK on A D`i ET|VE. Illu \&u4 I much .1 thin.` nsnmlxninrrnl land: examined and re- mulo on smnc. Mlnos and mineral lnndu ! auul sold on uommlulon. Uon-rnmo_nl unlined and secured for pntr nu. \\ Ill ' lumdle phosphate on commlne on. Mar- isc. tumitur.-. etc.. o( nll dqserlpuonn at rmnonn le muss. `e um! ware ousu foot of Princess street. lll. Annlhor lingo comblur --A H- \.... `M __'l"b... ...--..:.- II (in Icon. ii-r:cora' 'I`L . ,I ___l_X.... .. A IIPORT 07 TH! SECINRTRIP IX- PICTIO NEXT Wlqt. I Ila IOIXICCKI $30 II IO C IX TIOUII IXII C* M NO -'I0 U. I L. -Idlb urnxu. Aug. ll. -1`! llcviundlsnd gamlonhowgll yulnlslyhlw IIOh'lIlI.:: u I m vat Inll! . ho lnh (mun about the luldllb C III l$|I . Adjl.-Ono-ml Phvoll In ncdnd I ult- gsn (mm (`ale-ml Hobos. Comundutol "(' Iluncvuuuu that tho Intuzln. turned In iclill mun tho Skull W` on Sutunlny. The men an all roll. T50 ullchl nip-rt of Ihe trip will nun-In In-no manly next week. I-.....n... m nun-u ol who IhhI_u_ol 70' nXTrr':1:i7K? VICTORIA ruvh hon may Inn `'00:. l'mdlu no nturu IJIIUI cl _(Iton_n eulonlut (`huuhrlnh N 5.9 ;;.`."::_`;':.*;1'.' . qvO,1$m9y,,.hQ_n,. clip won at Wllnulluuu I-q -- - On tbs nun: ol tho Illninlu 33" lot I nlund. which an hunch - In-council. It LI poulglo RM! lh VIM!` ullhnpolntwhotluror not Only IHIHN levied nu tmpluoo VIII loci in II Cloud- monl M 50 we nut unlit: ulnhthg sll such articles Inc. u........o lmlhmtlnnn no list I50 nllhn \' ` at on than nu: uliolu lroo. ' I rou~nt indication tn IMO Iiounllion Rie Auuciutinn muting Viki Oi 50" on Momhq will be lb: lu-you our known. Team: will he prooout from over] '0Yil|0O unl from the u-rrilurlon and outrkn at now pouring in in the secretary from ull qllrbl-I. Fnmlniniuncr of (`lllklul _KII Em` Axh-FINT uAx niiu. J.` 1:: Prlncou 8!. from all qururu. (`nu-nmi-loner Johnna IA! wriuiu the Sn-rouu-y u! the (`nub (`on- lrnl hhihilion to say that trriltrlcnla nrilll-emmlu for the ullnlulon III udol good! from Ill! Ulllll Hutu ll|lClldOll '0!` uxhihinon only. In and of Islam duty will be clurgul. .I K Huolll & Co. hut purchuod lot clurgul. J. K limlh & urchuod $00,000 the .\l-on timber um ta comprising about nine: nqnnro mllclon Lalo Nlphlq ..Ia..i..a.m us mom rooorvo on sturgeon HIKHII IIIIIU` uljuining Rlwr. uu of no Ooun Ila-Iol-Inunnlulu ch In-Ilron. \\'|\`urr.u, Au . 8|.--Tho election 0! oimnuf Grundirsngo Lodge yuan-nlty rvnullml nu fuuwlz -- .. nun. .- l\:lIu|u'\n -- un----.-. M. W. H. .\|.--N. (`. Wallace. D:-puty U. .\l. --I".. F. ('lAr|te. (irnml (`hnplnin -|h-v. John Hnlllm-ll. (Emmi .\'a-rul.ary-~ l`|mmu Kc-yon. 'l`n-auurm~-- I). I). Wm. Andoruun. Hmml |.-s:uIrar--Juuu-I Evuu. ' Iimlnl D. of (`.-J-nlm Nihlmk. lk-nut 1::-and (`In'!)h|nn-Rovn. I . ll. Finn. I unilobn R. . . Cooper, lnvormcy; .I. R. hill. 8!. Catharina; Wm. Mun .|..n . \\' \\.', \\'n|nh. UHAVOI 3. Hnnyillull; `V. \V. \\IlIII, U\|.' ,p -J. Hloulndnll (Am|*l. ;:?)n||x:.| |fgL Johlln N. Ii. Catharina; Wm. Mun `V. `V. \VI'I|I, 0CWI; I`...-.......|4Inn In-an: J. Hldliln. N. : A. ll. Mvhou all, '81. John. N. B. a luv. Dr. Hluith, umroal: HIV. DI`. `viii. \\'|tford: ll Fonts. linntlctd; 3. . `V. Webb. loco; K II. llnrrh-Brighton Johusllqhc, Duerlln W. Ptttlrlu. Dumlurd-. 5. A. Dupu. Innklords I`. Roomy Oak Hill. ' oma,..a. v 1.... Ur-and Tnuu-as-F. D?.8Iuvut. Mnnilnhc. >__ ll|IIII|"l' ' "I ' """"' ` " ' (' -. - `Idem. Fm'ug- J. N- #12:: :%. *..',......'`" Ill! H1`, In (`M mu rg. The win l'(`S' aide of Barrio ulroot. hotwoon ..____..______._.._.__. L Ulult :1 one tlwelllnu homo must- and Brook urools. an resent occupied `in an o`Remy. Apply to ACDONXILL Colnourg. . The visiting hrolhrpn won onlerminonl by tho local bnalhuru tn Ill excursion to |"ruer'a ruvo And I visit. tn Liaut.-(lover .....- Hahn In Inn in land I4-glnlulon. I): m.|.v, Aug. 3|.--(`nrdimnl Moran. Arclnhinhnp of Sydne , who in winning Tuum, in reply to In xlreu conlrulod thv mmliliou of self-gu\'ol`I|od, loyal und proa- wrmu Auutmlia with the nbjoct. auto <-I `rm-hm-l. The nlillercuco ho uud wu duo In Ihn Irinh laud legislation of the put threo m-nt III in: 1 I'|"IIQJl'I run l unr Schu U. II: Ill-nor`: Hull la lune. l{m|r'., Aug. 3l.- Emperor \\'iIUMn .1 lvrumny is expected to drive here on Oct. Ii. 'l'|u.- municipal nutlmritlen um Already nu-king prepurntiun: for M: reooptlnn. Uipluy u Nlnilnhg I |..nnl v (I o. . In-pn-led at Irlglldnuo. N-ru, Aug. 3l.--Two Ruuhn ex-oloern ` h.|\`u bcul) Mrenwtl hero on suspicion:-I ` In-ing cuncuruod in tho recent MM 0! brigundngo. ,.._- |gE4 Five hundred llG['VhhCI were deienteal with greet elm hter neer Wedy Helfn. ():tn\'e Lube! e was terribly mutileted I) Illcxpiuniuli of dynamite st Montreal yen- wr-1->2 l'he Pioneer 'l`ruu review oi the year : operation shown that the High Ltoonaw nynlem Inu worked well in Minnesota. The (`ourt of Inquiry At San Frenclncolnq-_ iounti thnt the collision between the Itearm ere Oceanic end City of (`heater in cauu-ul by I tide. > Thu Manitoba Government home rm to the contrmrt with the Northem Pacic and it in likely to he Iuppo d in the Leginln. mm by ell the mem re except the live Com-wstivcl and th oi the Liberni. ___.....__.::_..__._. Two Ind Inullinnln-I. lhmI.'rn.~', Aug. 3|.--Attho Police (`curt yutc-may ljulric.-It Down was convicted oi nluhhing Jamel Laing on the street lut Sut- urdny night. The nugiutrph produced the rumor : unonviahlo record as loowu: R83, drunk and disorderly and not mu; ,l8!.i.",froqIIe1ntlng dlmnlorlr hmrno; 886, I! larceny, drunk and dbon rly, drunk nun! assaulting police; I388, nlncono language. drunk, two uuultu and one llnreutenhg. Down wu uutericod to I your in the Con- tral. Ann Martin was um lathe Mercior for a year on a charge of _ ugrmcy'a'.`- Her rocord uartllell |!m\_~ne`n: n I884 she went down or va__mncy ;. in H435, firccny, vngnncy, tlrunkenmu: in I386, vagrant: , `trespass, drun|u-nneu; in I837 the serve (our tmnn fordrunkonncnu And this car Ihg hu 1: in jail for vtgrnucy nnwl cliunkennou. -.--:-.- .......____.. A Irlln Iorlnlhl lllvclv-o|.~ BIILIN. A_ug. 3I.~- In the election In thin city, In the sixth dintriut. Herr Liehknocht (Iochliu) nu um.-uxuolul, receiving 26.007 VON! OM. of u tum] I)! {I,79I. ` ~ A change In ugd Government. Tnmm-m, Aug. 3l.-~A cqblnot council of the Onurio government wn hold yuurdny, whcn It In` undornood Mr. Purdue : retire- ment from `the commlulouornhl of crown lundo, owing to Ill-health. and uppolnv mom of Lhut.-Col. Gibson. |l.P.l ., to the position. formed put at the business `up lot DEMOCRATIC '& RIPUBLIOAN. vv--.V7. .... - strike til tho lb! glam worker! A ol Plmburg to pound to-uqmow. Ulni-lnhg "` I" (`find Loctnren-Cgpt s_ W '.`."` y""u= 0. W. J. McCarthy. lgllluusv. ..._____._.-_... IN1EREST|NG ITEMS BY WIRE. :-__-__.--_.:--:- GRAND LODGE OF B. N. A. ulnlre muaon IAII nip-ug uuow To. 2-3. . -.. --nnpninn In u vvuxum, rnuwmo omnm. mm or emua.d ed um nuhod. `Pr -ad vs luv nub Jo "Joan henc- ! Wtnhted who the but In the mu-Het. an aura vunud. :1. non moxzmt ,--.\. `Full SALE. with mum pair out ole. and boat ht cheug_M owner in loan meen roomI.1ncluding bath room and -rnhupmn-menu. The: Interior in tin- nvmnml woods. and the whole bulld- '\` heated with hot water. For M-lrvss Wu. Nh`.Wl.A.\`l)sl. Jn.. an the L~-Xuwi4mth Q Reid. Architects. Kin] L Anson`: .\l:uuc UI his Drug Store. _-,___ I O: b S u 3 Papers. hlnnllnos. rs;-.manI1"sx xi:n=ry ohenpot than nu!` place In the chi. sE3&HAMtL'roN. Props 'i;_;_. _..___ __ Jul.`l!.\'It\'Mlt.\' Hanson M smploum-nl given And full` 3 I I1. nonmunos. Utuwn. L'i`_`. .",` L. ___..__._;__4- .\'r L.\3T-A I-med? warranted to u-1 mm sun Cnrns. Bun om. Callnuwu. .m3nn`a .\l:\uic Corn Suva. lnpoxol. 150 1e": [)1 ul looallly. nnlublo furs r Kin; root on r . Apply I! P. ESTA V Hi Princess 8 '_: ...__.._.._ I llnL'.~'l-1 on I nd Wollmalon I pply lo (`nuu"n ___..___ hid house l,II| Apru. leaving the town. Wu K) .._________....._____ tI\`..~`ll)E.\'Cl on Slmooo Street. lately by Rev. A. W. Cooke: double homo. roomr two oollun: good yard And an next. door. or to B. llolmnox. `I A k V_ Drug store. it olchl moinnnnd extension kit- .-d and non vnpor with good uubllng ; at to Quoo `I w ;lmmodlato - Aplyoa I %lm.m|l.'o. n trout. between on sud Alfred eel `."4lI Aug. :eENEriK['N'EWs AGENCY - SPECIAL _ THAN/fit): MOT, some Designs. Adorn your vest wuh ono mm H A L! A1` S;-CAMPNAIGN - BADGES. /IINING ENGINEER & " "`T T.':..` , 4.._.____'___. .7 Lu-go. Imnu-5|. w:Il I7|llod. Term: Puuuuion lmmodlnwly. Ap NIH. )N ORE EXPERT` irni ais1~au'ron:anusm|ss- mntqdtutod or bust E bd- , th bl Cad : v:Ir;|l or out will rythlnn appertaining to the ualnun mason [or oellIn-ovn;er Intends going ~rn'm. Addrusn all oounnunlonuou Lo .L.Il0.\" ll Woud st. Toronto. _-_ .~'nl.lI) BRICK RI-2sll)|.\'L`E on Street. near neon`: L'ni\'erI|t)`. com rooms. ncluding bath and -rnimumwnlenu. Tho; inlqrlqr 153351`- J ; AL; ` Urnhlnri `nl A-lilac D l"n'*i 1 -_o.c- NG WORKS, PRINGES S'l'REE'l'. mun nfmodn cimmlnna um nnm..a_ 3391:. Iloml. `mi! paper: please no . ~- Flouxmu View ""-_"?'!W?.?_-. PABTUBE. J3 ()1~o lumber , Hun. supplied hy I!Iut- u`1.m`.nm|mtnclurora. Bnaot 81.. II. . shuns. o.b ' , -_Q*39o~P:-Inonn:t.:I%1?u:'| 1-Axuonxlrnc solicited. , -'1-zm-..\`r|-:s-A.a. Upson. Pro-Idem L m and Bolt 0).. l`nlon\ -llo. (`onn.: G. I . l`re.\nur(-r Northern Chief Iron Uolnpany. vsh. \\jIs.: Than. Bardon. Real Haunts. ml.\\`is.: W. C. SlI\'orthorn. Socreur t'rn('hicf Iron (`.o., Wnunnu. W|l.: C. . Aurora Iron Mining 00.. Glen)- 0hIn;Hnn. John Hagan. Pool Mutu- |LOtuvqn. _ lhhglun llu. rune: (`nuuwulns Bnon. ___,_.________ uxlla. nuuru yuur V FOR BAIJ AT II Cu-w---V V , 1. mun. null. cunhlonl :. un .\D|`lL nwncsl O I the wlh 4 ___ guoen 81.. bet ween ll. Puonolsion Int ` anus pt. III. rncuu rupoellly In.- {cu-am, INS-3'3 ! ' 1 Makers. Ir watts. .:(..l.L'.Dll.L.) V .A.L._ 3 vronriexon `of Altai k 00*: mom 4|`! have remov from 0.8!. to K ' Wnm o . where! 01 have - `"5 Dfenuloeo 1 would be planned to no 1 and many new man. Talo- I .\o. 53, - IT IS A REAL PITY 1,5.`-'._.._,-" *:'.;_:.`-m... '- -:..-2.:-:.-s: was IATBBUMOOIIPANY - -A --_a... n ....| -an Ihn mu ll u:-jtj' `I'll THOUSAND ISLAND IOUTI I than Wmmn C Olkuhul nu. - u M- L |n_:I-.|-IA 13$ m$$-v --v.__ __-, - huh Wu. 1! not won me can It won go at oumh uptohrmuu ma moun- vainoolhoylnbouunduoauuntolunr vvuuwuwu up vu--_-.-.- To lltica. Albavmlew Yodi. Philadofa. ...__.._.._ .....a_... ..4 .n nnhdln North WICIMVC. IHIIIXO III III fin ll nun- rn Now You-I. vh 0.'l`.ll. ul I, :0. ll!!- 1'. IIANLIY. - - DC. `fluid A101. " mall" IICVV IT!!!` I II-w`.". 7. man. Ihmllon and :11 Pchlill w...fn-_ V...-I. win n.'r.It. All N.':C. T The Wu In Which the Batu at noon no Dlvldol. ma.m:e5?~~,., ~-.,_-..,.: If an duauuguau whh the ponondt! Emil). To each UIO runny In gnu uvv. ....._ fho will give: to lulu widow the homuuuul residence II Carleton Plloo with tho `Orion- nlty at the homeatotd ti CNJXI). dnughtpr. Mn Juno! Mclivoy, he glvn the mill pro rty at L'0rl(Iu| and 85.1). To llll (lnu hart, Elloll u-d Ellltbolh. CYMNI) each. 0 his nloue. Catharina Boln. $5.11!). To his non Georg: Oilllel. the Imohlno Ihog: unchinerv and plant It Gunnnquo. To h the noun. Jnmeu, Wllllun. John, Dnvld And 42...... h. oivn: the money Already IdVIll0- are divided oquullf botvciu tho Inn. The will of the no oil) Olllln, Curl ton J Plcoo. put the penonnlly II N0 (ml the realty at 8|Il 2(1). Inching 17.4). n.. .m viva: In ve \\'lll|lIII. John. Davlu Inu (Scorn, he give: thc money ml to them. l'he residue of hi Onto In to be converted into momy and dlvidod Into eight aharea, one of which in givan to aaoh 0! his eight Iona and daughters. The daugh- ters` nharu in the reaiduo an to he invented 1... u... ........m-. and the income paid to reeidue to be Inveueu by the executor: end pnld them during life. the principnl to be paid me they nlull rel lively appoint by will. or in default of. air making any nppolntment. In their children. If nnv oi them shall die without. making appointment or leaving in- eue. thento be (lavlded nlnonget those en- I..nIung nppunumum. u. .. then to ` titled, u in can 0! _}nc.o-hey. ___________ he 8!. I`. M.& M. Make an Apparently Ifuvornbll Oer to Mr. liroolnuu. . \\ I.\'.\'II-I-2-., Aug. `II.--Tho delrgnto from the St. Paul, Mnnitoln & Minnodpoliu nil- wn ' has retained an offer tnblr. Ureenwny to Lane tne Red River Vnlloy railway upon completion. in; interest 5%.} per cont. per umum un mnlntalning the mul. The obligation to [my rental is uuoondltionnl and re lcu ol the unount. ounod from the oponunn ol tho rod. The govouuum roll-` x..- .._.I. -.mI.l in min :1 5 hut vglagou regudlou or me smouns -an... ....... ..... ing dock would In him at jut ulnndon nynhle in the company : hut. mortgage lulu. The nilwny would connect with the Mlnitobt road It Hmerlon via I bridge over -3.. 12...: rim-or And Anv other rnilwuy. mclud Manitoba road I-;merIon via a m |uu Uvcu the Red river end any railway. ing the Northern Pacic uhall. with the up proval of the gnmrnnient, enjoy running right: over the railway on equitable terms. AI Iecurit the company will deposit 8.50.000 in homll. n lieu of extending the line from Norris to llramlon the Manitoba will ex- tend the llotineau branch to Brandon, `Z5 Inileihl extlllmiona to he lmiluehia you`, hull of the mileage lay l)o.-celnhor l. 188`). aml the completion in llecember. I890. All railway: to huve running ri ht: over those brunullea. The company ask nr exem tinn from tau- tiun u provided in the 'orthern Pacic agreement. A nmximum rite is guaranteed to St. Paul or Duluth, and the company of- fer to lease the portage linlt. The offer come: too late. 'lhe gnvernlnent will Itauil ur {all hy the Northern Pacic contract. -.______. Cuunt \'on oltlu Ilotlred From I Pool- tlun He couldn't Actively l IIl. l{r.m.l.\, Aug. 3l.-'--'1 he recent correspond- ence between the I-Emperor and Count Von Moltke in published. Reying to the count`: request of Aug. 3rd. to allowed to resign on account of his inability to mount hi: horse, the emperor wrote thnt It was ex- tremely painful to himself and to the army to lose the services of I mnruhal who band led the German force: to the moat marvellous ..;.......a... nu: uuror crowned the struggle: of the moat marveuoun victories that ever crowned struggle: an army, and the! while acceding to the re-. quest with It hecvv heart he must beg the count, out of love for the eovereigmthe couu~ try and the army. to Accept the presidency of the defence commilsion so that they might know him to be etill 'concer:ml with the weal or woe of the fatherlund. __.._._-._____:.-. Tmln on I switch `l`Inoopod-_I-Jnglne um Cur suuuhul-Twu lnJurod, ' (`1..\\'m.\'. Aug. ."|I.--An accident occurred on the Rome, Watertown & Oszdenlburg ruilroad veaterdny About four o'clock, near Theresa Junction. I tnmfer station, twelve mile: from ~(}Iuyton, the turminun of thin branch of the road. The fan exnreu from New York by wdy of Uti-:3. 'due n Clnvton at 4:30, wu Eepurted thirty minute: late ut the junction. The trnin for Ogdennhurg was held on the side trncx. fhe yor. In muting I ying twitch. telescoped the ronr on`: '0! the 0 dennburg trnin. demoliuhiug thc engine nmrpart of the en; One luly wu imured about Ihthond. and 5 gentle- man n-nolvod A broken Arm. ,, DISTRIIUHNO THE WEALTH. Imuren I00! Inc, noun. man received Why he Went: IeIeeu l`rom 0lI|co-`I`he `King Hard to I'll \VIIh. Nnw Ymut. Aug. .'il.---The, lI_r;alrl`~ liar- lin says: "it in reported the: Prince lila- merck bu wandered hie reeiguetion. No- body. however. credits the Itetemenl. At the name time it. in mew that the chm-_ cellar`: poeitiou. under the new emperor. in immenely more diicult than it was under Williem n! or even under Emperor Fred- erick, owing to the young sovereign ! relo- luln cherecter end ind udeut viewe. lu- ltencel ere cited of t e emperor heving simply announced to his lint minineer. n his will. oerteln impol-tent reeolutiene. bearing on international policy respecting which he I-:du\l i not! pnviouely uked the chancellor`: X. ` . :I:-j Ooudto Illa ovnnl. . Bums, Aug. 3|-.-At l'Zlnon._ ungury, 5 mm murdered his an chlldnn and than committed Iulcido. ansmncx wm`rs"ro RESIGN. AQCIDENT NEAR CLAYTON. MORE REASONABLE. INFTRMITIES or AGE- ?rGsTox, DIID. ` `I. -h Ihll o|ty on AIQIII I n(,`\m|I. hlovd Illa cl Du nut. and 38 yours. will have the funny nnlduoom an and Wellington rash. :2 t on Suurdny. Supt. III. Pfll ~----lnmncu LI! H.200 )hllV , mung I3.WU- ldow -..... Plum with LIII DOl`$|l* A; aorrmn. ~_ CLAN.-\l).~\. FRIDAY nvfflua AUGUST 31,1333. --- woumuunuumu -- --~ - - I Tm.) h wine pucuntntul :2'J'..'.-"!?'."."" , .,.,wq-S I"?-7-`e-~~"' ';e~--rm.-i *-W3... ` 4-4.; .0 nun! u. 5 GINATOII Ifnu. ozwrmo cuvtuum Issues. .o:\~w.u.x. -I. IIIIPIIIIO TIIIOC III! .10" was no Iclhl the hon. nu I-mu BOON! III! kl ml. \\'.uIllxu1*n.\', A0`. 3'. In (Inn SOIIQIA hln . roplyinf to I50 u--oninu undo llr. "A|muI4|I n lb Iptwln tut wool tlho Prui-but Md 5 r|_.;ht Io ouupoll the upnntlon at Suction Chi --I the rrvlnd summon. which llgv Iran-it opnuion oi Homo: -un ul nu lvvu Iuluwo, ulhvl Ilsa transit -.....I. Inlnnnl II Fllill I Iutuion, allows Ilw trnmu. cl nods between the Unlhsl Slalu And (`curls 1-Iolmu tho pylm-at ul duty Mr. um... (um. M... ..-gnu! that if the I`!-ddout VIII!) um eruko to suspend the opornuon at that Ii-ctiun ho wouldlno nun on uh-crnic power, __I_1|g_h_! on!` by pglvnnlngu J "-"an-pa--g-?i'.'.""""' iioi ohrugtu n Iolornu` gran, Ilnuluie in in us. withuui any contingency vtlnsiewr. nu. Cnlmm (Rn ., Ill.) uidreuonllho su- Ih on the name Ill jock. In his opening II- uurh he Ipoilo ol the Unite--I -`lulu hails: mliml to dnniimtu km:-h`|n -omiu'n| Oxpruuml tho n 1 at iulho not If dintnnl. luturo Ibo iqrnadinl [VrlI\'iII(`Q\ would bouocno part of the Ullihl -`um-n. The N- ~tinu ol tho Fisheries Truly lay the Henna mot. ho laid. with nppmvsl of I lu-go Inniurity ol $50 lo M the umritrg; The r- hllation In -. might lnirly I4 I -n a whim llml even tho Proukhm. hu Irwulne mu-.l than the treaty wu as mi-uh-. T0 retrieve win: he Incl Inn! by that miuuske, Um I noidonl hurl luunchml nut mm A hrntuler mi nml wnulnl nal hinuu-If in deeper wnur lhm lat-fnre lllll with greater -lanrers. .\lr. l`ulla-In than ucltlnmaml himself to Huuletnil-nfthe Iulljoct, gninu r-xwnnin-Iy him the qumlinn II in whellu.-r the Scum-i.ary of ca Trouury hul not the pnwnr lo mhi l Ihipmum. fmm (`numb to Unite-I Mutant iris lnr n-xl-uruv tiun. Ne armn-I lhnt I. .\'m-rvtm-y of the 'l`r-uuury imi the power rnviiczilly to pro- hihit such truuii. by on inhing uuuh rule: uni regulations in wunlul nukes it incuII- vonicnt. Altoihe ulincriminntion Against Ameri- usn vessel: on (lnodinu caumln, that am. exinlonl. might have inoeu rome- `duireuexi .li... Lu A vamnnnlrlllm _'.'_.....________+ ,\'T. one furnlnhod Room with bond: mull rouu\.|l :31 King 81.. opposite day harden rocoh-ed. Ice. A low ` ~~" ----klnnl