Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Aug 1888, p. 3

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lllnuu ~...._ and In your ONIII only top vnl _ 0 WESTPORT. nu -.L -_.. l1-om `THE BRITISH wma mun. AUG. 31. loh duys by Du. Ucrron. Su!l|\-an utl Anglia-if lulllnl Nmlvul uzl nun d the lath of III! M00301` Thumll In I`.-slglo. and Inn HI I`! 8%` Hit: [um-nl -51`. Al- len nu-I wile. hon Dmll. fl vlnillng at W. Alla`;-W. Dork: an (or. II II-malt. an |on.--|. \ all and mm. o! Now York. on at their mu!_Mr'I. --Iln Ju Ilylllll Illa Ryamd I'M!- up In Put an vuldnac Mr. Rvu. pon- mum. --lI-n Clan Imam in: Jan to uni: school at Inter`! I I.~-3|ru. M. Byrnl hand A MIIANO [it'll all Mnmlny 0'-`culls ad dlndovond the war the nut clay. u----- -u--- IAUIILY. Aug. 87.-Tip Klglloh churrh hold 5 puma I. :5. `vote at Mr. ` our Dub nor. on Wodnoodol. A lug: mud sanded. A In I was dew! and by Rcv. Mr. Smith oury. Soup by llama. Nut: and Stone were most cum and cujoynd uolhcrpld h .--Huvy Iron on Wcdundny ;:N.-Uu`hunduy night John Leonard. lngbmok. n shoemaker. in ward: at sun! In yearn. curried Hrs. dicny. About OHIO -30. nd they no very happy. Ind can her only out In- 0 ion. 3 on Iludny. A: I ha via ordor:T_To?`I'l:l:y`: but thopharghd rm. Mn IA:-\nArll'l lourlh n I.-Un ol stung.-0! ! your Cu-ty. shoal: M` h nmnoulll 1:: `CH4 . I I1" Inyl Iuulo I [fill u.. r 7 . `u ,,_.,l .|.-.. M...l A Il'lVlCf ; li'dO'l"I|!0f I"Hd|y.but thopnurnou mu- ton I day. This In Mn l.oonnrd'u ourlh Imrrlngu ; the hu uvonuen children. her previous nuncu hula; Nv(7oy. Ilc\\`h|tty .P.'!_..,_`_`,,, _ ;,JE:..`:';. .'J:..."...:.....`".f "" -Vrltmvulsuu, bocomlnq thruunnn: 0 `N unnlhllnlo them 5 ' Iluyt for I Kingston 000 ectluua -..l.Iinn. ~-A nholcgupher Argu lun- y_Es_ nnncflluy ed. A lnvullor confectionery nuaudod the wedding. plnotcgupher mod hen. -A rty 0! our young men and mnldenl married on; at n rooonc corn uocinl at A distance. .__._ ` oulmu. Aug. '28. --Lu! week \u- reported the :0- von illuou of Robert Murphy. In-nm~ mutton oi the bowel! not in. Iiuahlen local modlosl moo Du. Du uh and Fannie! were summoned. but on '1 urn-lay sllorlsoon the vial spurt wu suddenly exlin uiohod. A pout-lnorutn by Dru. Dupuia, nboo, Hem- Itod. Muchun And Bell revealed A urloun nuts 0! Iuunmulon. The lunersl on Sutur- .I-.. .. oh. Mllhodill rhun-h I'll largely nt- to nuke up bukou [or Snturuay lnorlnux nexl..~lle!wuen two Illtl three hundred on- joyed the Methonlinl. Iorlll on \\'elnoudny eveulug. S. J. .\l|l)ee Inll Mn. Nellle Br her nuntllumrocl ton gullnnu of loo-cream, which wn consumed with pie uni culo. Revs. Maura. Palm. of Norman. H. 1. Al- len. ol lhth. and T. Meyers, of Wilton. ex- celled Ihnrt sgocchu. Us-urgio Wntu. Mina .\`mizh, Mrs. rod Lute-n and Hour Smith. croditnbly supplied the \'0t`Il, w ilat the n.I..... nn-hutn not tlIere"\t'ilh inIl.ru~ with pie um cue. oi eracchee. `red Smith, Oileeu orchestra ot there" with inuru mental nelectionu. 'l e pastor wu chnirmen: $40 Wu ronllzel.--The Alberta, pf Somer- ville, and Violet: hue-bull clulue met on the latter`: ground on Sutnnlny. Result. `)2 and one black eye `or the former to I6 rum for the letter. Frank Allen umpired and eve good satisfaction. The lunyu were delig ted with the fair \'ioleu.-A (um belon ing to Mr. Burt skipped lrom the cheese salary with a load ol whey and the \\'l_V they tee- tered oil now win I terror. No ueriouu min- hnp.-A men in Up renown axed SI and cool: for allowing I and horse to become I nuluuee think: be we: harshly duel! with. -Couneil met on Mondey end Lrnmnehd I .I..l nl |I `Q _I|ln and truunoua u dul ol lanalnunr- tug an Inn: and Fucturv Itreeu hu rolcsul.--A con- venient walk has been mulu from Mnin street tn the grill. mill.-Boot.h`s uhecl on (Jooac ishmd gave way before old a c and the elemc.-nt.I.-\\'. F. Winter left londny for home. Lnngdon. lhkotA.--Liuie and Lena Wincmnn have gone to Rocheulur, \' \' __l-`milv Scouten ha been viuiting Mrs. -Clliloll IIIBI Ull mun Mutual.-I hi he In 1:...-..... ishmul uuve wn In nocneuur, N.Y. --l-Imily Scouten l`. S. Tlmmermun.~~l.en3 Watt: and Hal- wnrd Watts, Syrucuse, nrriveul Suturd|y.-- Mrs. McLeod and duughtct. Hnrrinville, I|i., are visiting at Andrew \\'ycnu.'u. M rs. Mc Lend in a sister of A. H. St. Germain, To- ronto.--A. |*`.. Fimuunnmnlnnt & \`nilmhle mare on Monday : ulruppod dead when in harness. As now.-ml horses luve gone in 3 similar way, what can he the cause '.` Donpbniclerliry nnd Doprouuun Too ofzen result. from muses, M. the be ginning auily remedied, but naglecteil mm: dillicult to remove. The liver, allow- ed to become `turpi-l oi` inactive, pnvea the way for A host of dm-Mel : conitipnlion giving way to inuligchtion. until It luv. the uniortunute \`iul.iIn hu to undergo all the horror: of Acute clyspopais. No remedy no I eedily and with Inch cartainty correct: 5 l discuss of the liver nnd stomach uncl bowels as Hamilton`: pill: 01 mandrake and butternut. Vegomhle in componition Ind _u..._... ...t. snhl by Polson & Co., King- Ill ullcuuu u. Huuj Alwnyr safe. Iton, And by K - - --I-. yuan: um: umnu nig |lWIIJ\-I-Iv- rolouneo the hunt In thcolty." I the mumuctnn I mpg:-lot unnllu 0 Mar Mo manly Ia tunlly undo. ' 1j.--_:`;-gnu 0v_o-r Iaw, I take murh vleuurolln Italimz that` than uainghnnruluc Blood Biweru I have outirely recovered. I suffered from impure bl-ml `ad hgd over 500 boils. 1 cm quali- dently rcwmmcml B. B. H. tn sn wlferer from thqnme cmnplninl." Dpvl I-`. Mott, rcoommcnu n. n. n. w ... .....-.-. the Mme David Spring Valley. Um.` l .. The Greuu.-at iinrgplln In. tho (my, Z. Prcvoax, uf the New York clothin Itore, Inning viveu I large order for full lmportatioua, w rich will much here urly in September, hu decided to nuke I Inge re- duction In clothing mule to order, Llso the ready made clothing will be sold an int ductlon In cum ~ anal.- TWO IMPORTANT POINTS. -T--- Dup`on`cl'.~1u-y Illd Do|Irb||ion _ 4.-.. .....`.h from um In componuon mu Sula! by ($0., King- ynlonlers everywherp. - ' ` ,._4___.__ ____{____._ .500; ,,I_--..__ il- he courle If I this talk , in (`nmtln and the l'niled be strange if some editor: , u-n knowing what else to Ikexl of III` or the i- at that in the on! subject noun:-nae of mankind In most md even [hole who Iumw 2 I :. :- ...:lI mill senteretl |u mu unu- I qunnpuhy of sll.~- y admul Ii pic uic . lnvilulon general r Snturalay morning ...I am... hundred ITHE SUGCESSFUL HATTER exclusively in Hats. `'`'*" '*`'`*3` *""""""`*`3"l*5 -`v-`4?**`*~L 4`*~?`"?l-4~R99.;'.9e?;z:,:;;:mm We keep the Newest Style: at Reasonable Prices. Hatters say they have no trouble to sell our goods. S-T-Y-L-I-S-H - G-O-O-D-S We -NIGHT Cousineau, Quinn & Oorrigan, MACLEAN, SHAW & CO. fEACY. . n-- run:-nnnln IID NEW FALL nouns I CHEAPSIDE, i - ,RIOI;-1MCNI). - ORR A Lower prices than ever. The balance of our summer : 60c to 76c on the dollar. \ The only Genuine Lardhine on the market is that made by McC0|.|. BROS. 8:. CO., of Toronto, and when buying ask for` - -`-**"D"'\"""f'F I mzw FA.L_|:[T%AVND wnmn STOCK Also rrlanufactdrers of Cylinder, T r GENE"TFURNISHINGS SUNO "nun -.____ 277 Bmnl sh-no -<-= [F YOU WANT THE rpest& BestFurniture I I nl-`_~lCRll"l`IONS. CALL AT THRSETARI ALWAYS Till BB1` VALUI. AND All NOW OFFERED T0 TH! CANADIAN TRADE BY [M cCo1l Bros. C0,, Men's Dress Shirts, Men : F wear, Ties, Collars, Cuffs ar first-class gents furnishing prices. .__'__ 106 Princess Street, - { are the Only House in 37 cases and bales to hand, including 4 cases of Dress Goods and 2 of Ladies` Jackets. 1 case of Velvets and Flushes. 1 case of Chinese Silks and `29 cases of general stuff. Prices are marked very close. Inspection invited. Opened out thin morning I8 cues new Full Goodu. . ` 7c.. (Grey I-lannclu Hc., nll wool Grey Flannel l7c.. Melton: from an, hugcllolne Colored |"uIhe| 500,, V Cl Jncket and Ulster thl At the A V ,- un MONTBE AL. DHUD. 3 NIB`, VI u v - , c coI;L"s"` LARDE 1 BUOOESBOR8 T0 F`. X. OOUSINEAU & 00.. @----------;1 Bllu Int`:--V... \\'nlel` Flosat. Rubbor U l|l|Il.\'U I H.0II'TL\' LTI I-`NDKD T0. -- - -nd - Plumbers. /8 mt out WHO ours mt nosr Are receivin their ivnportntinm eve Tapestry nnd rum.-ll (fur mu ; Rugs Curuln muterinln : Plush. 'elvet Ind lieu, Towels. Tnble Linenn, Pillow ' Cotton Sheeting. Quilts, fancy Black Silk I-`nille Frsncaim, Steel, Silver And Tapestry Cnrpeua at 25c, to he haul"! _ Prepare for the Exhibition! _-:1-r\ RECEIVING Aim MARKIN'G on` 7xE-or3Nn'NG up , Flannel Shirts, Men : Under- . and ail goods usually found in 1 rnishing store. Large stock and low r everylln . comprialn `In (fnrmuz Rugs uml Inga ;_ Curb` nets: uml Mull; Uurul I Inu `Valve! Moire : hcketu nu Mau- nn, `Linen, Linen Sheetin . Fancy Dru: Materials. Blpo I, Gold U-imp. , , hutllrom . I C`|3lIvv-- ... .LL 1m~zcmm`1oNs. AT - H A I A :3 s Q I HMVY . u-n-......I 17.. A III] uie Richmond, Orr 8:. Co. r:_ - - - KINGSTON. Canada who Deal WINDSOR HOTEL. Engine" and` I-llarlness Oils ` stock offered at - - Toronto, Ont. (Ianum I-`lnunel , I00 pieces New Dress ' Velvet: 20, Nobby -&-CO. nu ---v-.-.. . .v_ _ _ The Bamoovs To: locate. Tue Loobah Tea Compni Tho Much! Too Bltttou. mmned for the purvou 0! -uvnlsimz In" turn A NI mi! A R IUST-RECEIVED Tvocar hood: 0! the Ontario Brewing ----_._ wing secured a. large line of at` the Finest J span Teas ever at-ted into this country we are :13 it at the extremely low 5 of THIRTY CENTS PER IND,or FOUR POUNDS FOR 5`. DOLLAR. If you use J span try this one. and you will be e than pleased with it. It is ;-class and makes a. delicious A .`_lIEm' . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . -4 \4\I\II\ I` IILIIAI II av Vldt` `-7 Crude Muk on ovary paoktgo 18!. Fine Turkey Pruner. 5c lb ; Choice Mixed cklos. 200 5 qt; Fresh Eggs. He 5 don: ml: sun. no` n 1}. buv I cake. The ll me UEIIIIIIIII van with eve? an I114 . 9-- llllllxu I nv-. namiths - u .__..._ B1 UE14 Iubnn 1 nu UK 'kl{B.IE1lD BAKING` PIJWDEB S A PURE FRUIT ACID POWDER. 1. _- -u...... um. um: Ammonia L}A\"S in the pluio to buy Cheap Gro- 19:. And Multlnt Co : superior 3 ALE AND PORTER E IPIIIII. Gum: ndmul KQI.`I'hlc||]\SdIC' flmnunon Mm In-0 In nurnlow " Q gvcnvsv-u-cur vv - 3 Ac nun Kingston. ll` IJIQLV .I. I-`J5-baa, tlxod with (`hlnn direct from their estate! tow tens stand without a rival for Purity. ngthn d I-`lt\' n . to ullt:!l`IillO:(`f has lhll da received I llcnnaiutunentotthcw (the neat 1088 in world! um will be Happy to -uwly mom of customers. who desire something wally co. with n sampte 0! mo nun-. A n n 3- A l"\ I`` l"\ I'\ E KI 3 BQGIUIOD W 01' Vunauuu ut. the ample name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. I 1: ,|, .4 -_.-_. _-..I...... .L|\II I 2--` _ _ door to W. M. Dronnnn. Prlncou RI. mug. Plumbing.Stoun tnd Gu Fitting. .-... .m:~k of the [Alon lmpro`\'o_d; '--o J R FOR ONE D01. LAR. ` AND ALL l|l.\'D!! 0? FURNITURE IADE TO ORDER. B1 PRINCESS ST. koomiuiz. mquorsa.` " % 7{iTi1NnRv&co. :kleI. mo Fresh Eggs. Inc 1103-4 nple Su , 9c" I 1!), buy hes are 5: had with our 40cJspnn T03. tithe bunt. ul hand rlnmd chin; plan no: with mm:-u nmnn hurl Electric UUHTIIIIEQ llvwulw 1:: --u--- addition to or vacation Hm -imnln name 2 7_ Np. IOOLABBNCESE. - _ Orton-n Buns : Auuou Horn. ____f___,,._ ; Assam Tea Estate Depqt. _.. an-.-`- II'Ij& Iijj pamomss STREET. A mAv\O In Iti-upgtnn, 2";jf+:'Rnb N. A-n-`rt-Izod! 3. n \MES REDDEN, -- --_.._..._ nun-I-n1EI1'.'Ifl`I nmsx 7 _7rHm OELEBRATED an Ill|II3`|'lI'I Illlilll Bl" 4 D!.S(`.Rll"l`lUN.V. Ulluu n . BRAl_\/IE'S. , I'l|l|uvua.'-..` a mock I 1;` ___`. ed for the purpose or lupuu INDIAN TEAS. .; r\L),,_ .u.....o I-nun [ha Lllnuuu -- ~ 0| cu-In|!l"|'Dl` '1 'o~u' don only tor -_AND - PAPERING - - ----`.--A an-`t. VIII IITIIvu-_ I vet. oar. Sydonhun Strut, Klnqwon. -`_;g L lmprovau daljd RANGES. -'1 rum and un -_._..._.._..___ - HOUSEKEEPEBS I ! II'TL\' A'I`II.\ul.u nu. and Plumbers. II|lI IIIl\| J7 'n.".i'. 1.. 9.. 1-.` Ln 3:33: In use any - \VI_:|RdTU`E'8, g pou . 0 Dll'I nlucnrlu (1 lb 5.3. Lnundry Soup. 25. n A-n, kn, Iuu V-- . ..... I Improved A n|f\lE'l :5 A ru Kr; nwu m,w l'\.In ....... omalno neither slum. llmo. not unmonln may be: used by the most delicate concmu m Ifilh perfect Inlet}. In I ouccu-0 lug from it: both Instrinnloul )1 THE BEST L H.` 1)` THE . ARKE1`. as well an thor- `hly adapted to the want: of the kitchen. hag ilod em-Iona unmmom ol us name and up: Dmnnoo. Bewu-e ol unch. . _.a.|:;:-.. 5- A- an-u-zinn h-nun lnuu cum; pun 6 but Electric nu-ulru Rn-n Qn , News or jrEs_viC1.\'|n'. j PASSING IVINTI AI REOORDED IV \ OUR IIllPONDENTS. Pltlflsluu . Au]. II.-Ill'. Coin`: hull an alowly nun: .-|Ir.laIo||vorl| whhlnton nlmnl Va u in Also In luher.--Uu`r poopk have MI 5 mooull "t 5.. Son the r|vor`-`M|n \ orn:n:. Carolllcg Md Nb: (Sn '. New Yolk, spout . 0.. nlnvl In! Inch lit in at tho nnrmvp. IIII VI an an... .....__ W , V Connvlm I luv day: In! in; nnrmvs. -1". Soon. Minn Tonuu. Hoot! um! I-In-lo an mun; Manda on Htubnrg. ..-_-._. "ELI In . Aug. 9t4.-To|ognph who no lnlnfpgs up don; the nllnnd. . Domuor oh I cnrloul ol outdo lo Montrul Int Sutur- dny.-ThI Homo (Bands. of llnrlun. and the Spartan. of Dolu. had 3 huolnll content born In! Sun:-day. `PM Home Uundn won. but the ponplo ol this village think they cannot do It qdn.---Jo|In Iro- lund. unltod to Mint lloulmon. Fumuuvlllo. I... ....... 9.. unnuvul on the wulcllng tour. Iovounu of Iun|Ioto- Dal-an us; an. n-.. n. In-than-lnl I'|Ilnoc-Ap|q-g um. Int Hstnrdcy. no mum cannot has new ilonuul wuldln -Jo a Moultou uni Ivlh an vlnl n; It -'-3 II`ini`#I`vt.w.xaas.;'v::an::,. % I'll! I-I unu- Aug. 99.-Hum! In in nu! I`! but vu the ample: o A 1 in ma ....xuvaoNnu H: u.'.|...n Wlnlmrn hu mule up. u.3c.; two 3 H) but uunury aonp. `wt Lemons, Data, to. to. S. W. Dav. 288 Princess St. In um eeeuee.....,nuvg.m.:. .. _._... IIu')bort \\'IuImrn in uunlive vlyll to Walk Ielend.-The Irlende 0! Wil- llun Lane end A. II. Coin VIII regret thelr severe uIokneee.--\\'I|Iiem Pirmen he: lost one! hI| tineel cowl. -I'. A. Muwell II erecting en addition to hit Ierm bulldlnp. -.\Iine Janet .\hxe-ell In about to visit I.`|e\`eIemI, 0hIn.-5Ire. George Hey and her In-mhor, Riclurd Bloomer. ere Vlnitore. - -The eervicee at the St. Lawrence chumh -I r- u.....I-.. I... my L].-_ Hen. Bloomer. nu cl: are evnrv other Sundny by Rav. Ilr. denon. 5! 2:30 pm). Aug. `29.- The ho Kenneth Hollsnd. in- jured in the saw m I. was taken to the general hospital. Kingston. last week and suili-red amputation of his lelt leg: he is doing \|`t`ll.--.\lI`I. (E. hlsrtin is rewverinq alter a war` eevere ll_lnese.--Nlss [Amy is visiting in 'lngston.-J. Smith has return u\l from the south.-3lr. sncl Mrs. Burgess. Mr. and .\lrs. liruells end their families hue rt-turned.-Uur high school opens with 1 very {sir contingent of pupils. some of them lmm distsut counties. -- the new principal of the pnlnlic school is the son of .\Ir. Youn , one of the trust:-es.-.\lrs. and in (`Mill- well nre expected back from Wisconsin in time for the provincial I-ir. FICONI` ROAD. Aug. `27.--Hu\`eeting is about completed; the cm is very lihht ; foduler will be very scarce t is winter : puture is looking up since the wet weather. and cows are imprnv ing in their milk- ~(Thsrlee Reuluien is going to run the Lake Shore chotse factory next season. ~--"l'he July make of ihecse were ship- `ml us He. on ..\'atunlay.-~.\|eaers. l . I. and . . \\'ar:l and H. V. Lyon returned 3 trip to New York city on l-`riilay.--R. 8. Day anal wife. of Rochester. N.\'.. returned on Sun- day per str. Nonemsn after spending s week visiting at his father's here and other lrlends in the vicinity.--l ic-nice are still the ~ -..-. `nu. vounn movie of the neighbo|_Il`: ii. \\'uni returned tnp to Ymk city Frialny.-`R. .\'un After here vicinity.--Pic~nicu range. The young poo in neighbour- hpod have had I coup e of very Iuooouiul OIOI rocon -Our new anchor. Mn. 1'}. ti . | nn...... Jsmlg in I15 upokon oi.-lirI. ll II\u u-u - v-._rV. , _ 0:`: `recent! .-Our L. (iiboon. Stalin. In well upokon ol.-MrI. Shorey warn the guest of H. Wurtmun hut week . n SI`2I.l.E\"S B \\`. Aug. '29. - Harvesting done.-l~'au'mers are thrashing. The neighborhood is alive with huyen of csttle, hogs, etc.-.\lrs. Donnelly has returned from Montreal. much hotter in health. -.\liss Burns has resumed her school in Pittshurg with 1 large increase of scholnrs.-\\'e welcome back to our vil- lnge school .\1 r. .\iench|m and Mrs. Helleni- vmrth.--.\liss Lucy l-`in-lluy olliclntes as or- genist in the English church with marked success. ~'l`he Salvation army has succumb- ed st hut. -.\|rs. Hewhins is visiting king- ston.--Alfre-l Chspmsn's hmlne was de- stroyed hy the )eslerduy: no iusursnce. -- Re\'. .\I r. .\l_vers is expected back to preach in C. M. church next Suml:\y.-R.ev. Jsmes Wing snd .\lr. Henry have '~lii\:iM.e in his nhsenoe.-.\lr. Bumu-h's house xlestroyed by tire on the '27th.--.\luch sympathy is felt for the family of J. T. Bower in the loss of the wife and mother. ______. biu C. 'I'.IIIII- I'UIII'I -any nu; - Inc: In lolghbou-In; at country (hull. lug Inn faring I I inn of nmita of mmcovite in mu uismu-.. --m,... '1`. l|\`i(iB0ll and funilv. intennl moving to the city mon.--John Ponlu in still running his law mill at Sand Lake. A large nit of 105;: was tnkeu there from Opinicnn some day: sgo.-Thomu Young. engn ml in col- lecting ginning root: for A New 'nrk rm. to he used in medicine. in At the Perth R-ml. The lnntil found therein |bun(i~ ar.ce.-3iin I. Nichole purpoees attending 8) deuhnm high school nclt t.el`m.--Mrn. h`. " Lindsay is convnlaaent. - Barr has nuule ill! fourth shipment of cheese to Ayer & (,`o., l\iout.renl.-Un Sunday eveniu Int W. lhrr, and A. Thom ` son of L4-mlon. Inglnnd. Went for A call on t 0 bike. The former in chang- inz pooitlnu Wu thrown into the 'wntr: bet in; an excellent swimmer he escaped with n dnckimr. , - mg an ex ducking. \VIZS'l'I'0|tI'. . ` "`Ang. 'l7.-.\lntthew Hataernby died on Aug. 24th At the '3! of 83 yenru. He we: in on old reuident I lhly respected. Cor- neilun 0'Shen told his house and lot At the Upper Hill: to Jnmee hlcough. for 88.10. . Fhomu Bird void hinhnn of 50 acres to his brother Williun for SL200: He will 5"`\. to Michigan in l\'o\'ember.--Cuper Rpeqigle boo ht I villnge lot lrom J. B. When an. on `Ni:-alen ntreet, for $l"25. He will build It once._:--Andr1:w .\lc.Canu I brick house. with menurti roof. is nearing com- pletion under Ihomun Kiltey. Broohville. contrucwr.-Arthnr McCenn will soon move to his new house on Spring Itreet.-Jmneu ilotting in veneerin his dwelling.--The Preebyterim church under oiu repnire. Plett Curtis` hotel in bein n b John (`arbor .Smlth'I Fnllnmng 'Fhomu .\ cRen`u house y Patrick McCann.--Fuxnen are getting their grain well nved after all the ruin. llnllllllcrlnmu. Aug. '29.-'l'ho military nportn took place In-day on Battleeld` c0mmon.-| h:-nicl nill come from the city ln thin direction.- ATM nul not for thy ownenhip of the all- ... ...... mm.-ro' in 3 few days, tho Muy-' .1110 {or the ownenmp ox me In vcr ou%:omon`o!l' in days. Ihn May- ower u long in Advance in the Inn two noII.--G. uh. II`., is p g [nor- -u-. -1... . ......~. nmndon norfonnod I 'r'Io".I.l(;;:u2. progreulng Inor- nbly u pvm operation performed I I\ DE.\' IIAM. ).-fho he mil. ,___:.-| L !-u-Inn Int week PIYTIFIIIV. u, . n_,.._-..\. l.-ll llAIllll!l'I'l'.`Ll). 'l'L _ __.XIln- ... --um-On III Ilouly llnlohul. ol one barley Khgpjmgg is started.- ...a _'l`|.. lrlnmlnnl

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