|L.:s..~;--~.~.~_;.. A V IOOIOII lot can -nun. IAl|o-Oool _ I'M photo! 0! 1|: Vlonnn lunch; club ure .hn and nttnclloc. And the company {bell A ISIIII fllUv----- Mpont 700 tone bl Non sooth bltumlm one oeel on Uunn'e Vherl. need by the III . Hero. took re nndetluth fI'0l|| Mule- oue combutiou. end wee dhoo yentenn dey. Ceneiderable coll VII N !-INOWOG to mother vhnrl AM a go! IIIOI eeonred to dig Irenchee in the e end lnlo thin! the line enqlne pumped ooneidereble inter, `I-`he eteemer we: kept at work Col` "V0811 |I0\Il'I. nu ongun pumpou a -"- I on III: Way llouo VIII III Sutu- Slr Rlchud Cnnirhitnhnod yuan- day Irolllolton. When 3 l'0I8l k~ odththohndlnuuhtbo althou- Mr, v - . .THI PROVINCIAL FAIR. .z.._._._ baton 1|: Vlonnn lunch; olun S ottllcllog. I nmmv lnl.||.n..d.1.hg (r, ________..._. m.nIo at GI nhunlo. . ,,,A_. .1..- 4... -nnnt I lthuoonhundtho 3 `DUI Wu The unannou- .. oh: nlln nnngl AUG. 8|. Ibo at. Call: with! thy unulothundllhlyuuuugnuuuoy uootolhopou-nltndools noolvulelm luthopnuunh undead doubt M! an 30! all mule wqdul with so tiny think The that-lnlon Inn not canal to um. Tic reason for this on may. one twin; than than I pull 0! tln comm-y "In-nand at it" with nporlluuolty that "IICICT II II Winn -f----..-, -__, voull kill anything. It In thought an u lot uouthnhuoo DIIOINI` my in dam to n- ho tho unulnuonou sdluut bah. inn ur- --J- In nunnnal Al 8`- unclsuoi on 3 dilonut bun. unu ur in upnnod at thonuondsho `ml: company. M It Ind boutud by the snochon mom than my number. and Ind non nonunion mule than Io an ochor Inlln the oonudoo. Than I now in 5 Hub hln for none line. On bunch onto! the bushing up ol the com- urhhg Hutton will In that that In nlllgrunnlnq - -x..-|- n.....l anndl. ulllr able to pro- HIIUIII in that `DO ll llIuI,runIung I single limo! goods, will pro- duce very much cheaper than when It AIIn?d`l ulltod. Pooplo ` s. Dix, 0! Detroit. In vlnldng friends in the city. WJ. Sanka`: tour in "Shanon-Lawn," open in Syrsouu on Sept. 3130.. W. Wlnuru. that spending 5 Ion vau- tlon lure. has you to his home In I on. `Mr. Sims. manger ol the London nnd Luoutor innunnon company. In in the city. n. un-vud Tnvlor. who lush to-night b'onIhcho"ndudauuIgIuvmuuu- utodovurtlumot. In at glu- h'C:uroqu|aMo|wcn udurlngtho o A`n3wbu|on lbnlovuuconuol the H Ifl be ~r'--NI-:__:-___ '--~' '-~' "' '" IIITOFTHI IIAIOM 1: III me my. Dr. Howard Taylor, Ipah in Bethcl church. in the (nut 0! Mrs. E. Chown, Brock St. lluwoll Doncldoon, of Pmuborg, wont so Lolhbridgo. N.W.'l`.. a fun day: ago. He will [0 Into buninou there. 1.. n I`. llnmnlh ant hll llllllnh WIN! I ltito bunlnou there. Jo n C. Motullo am bone mun time syn. Yuhrday It bopn well And looh very ugly. Mr. . Redmond, who ha been raiding hm (or neural months. returned Co St. Pull. Mlnnuou. yentordny. R. Baird. manger of u dramatic ttoupo. lnluthoclty to-shy. lllltroupohlucnm no. Bola: lorthofnlrwooku T`-` . J. am an mll ouln president of thr.` Ch gull Ilnnnnnnl and TC- St. Paul. Minn: II: and Ilunlhhn rod in spntlvo of rsmou, I township nou- Guelph. Dr. J. Edwln Sula]. who but boon utop- ` in II IITIII In nu u... ...._. am, ...uli`::.i picddont at an--.* St. Minn: and Ianltoba mi!- ......| I. . again. at nnnon. I township DI`. J. Edwin Soul . ping At the Thonnn Inland rim (or two months. left yesterday for his orno in R0- chclter. N.Y. m....I.. Rnllu-,|:_ New York. the onlo- chum; In". Chtrlu Enllock. New York. bnled author nnd naturalist, in in Klngueon, t.ho_ (nut 0! Mr. Qggggg Smith, Vaughn tan-Ion. 00 W 1nd. Ll - tornoo. ` Rev. Mr. Muckle. r of St. Andrey : conmrtlon, left for ontred to-day where 310:!!! meet his wife en route from Soot- Mr. I-1. Canto. mining engineer tothe goo- logicsl uurvey 0! Cnnndn. In in the city on Imnlnuu In connection with his mining ou- thtlonl work. He will visit the iron. phoo- ` phnu And mics mines. ` Mnior-Gonornl Cnmeron,` oommsndgnt. of mics mines. Msjor-Gonsrsl oomrnsndsnt. of tho mimnry college. in I usnt Frsnch scholar. Some yous ago its trsnslsted the phlol by Archbishop Ihshs. entitled equine cur le Nord Oneal dc` (`Amer-uque. A high school is ssnblisllod in Egsnvills. Raw. 8.. D. Mills has oonssntsd to wtu rwsor And principal. Ths oommltus of msosgsmontis oompossd of Dr. Chsnnon- houss. cbslrmsn ; John Chlldsrhouse. secre- anm hu-mnap- gun` '[ I|ulnAl `Alb, jucj-n IoI.IllIoIlIoIuo`IIuhhu1'I'ollu _ -In Downs hon ill.` -I -no- 11-. h.|I...|||. L.` 5... .._ * i;aa..': Chlldorhou tsry Iouuror; and Thoma lath,- --_ ...-_ nun nnr 1-r\t\ A Strange Death In Nenenee-llenrv lmlth DI-inke Iron e Bottle. Leet Tueedey Henry Smith, of Nepenee. went home very ill. the reeult of e spree. A doctor wee celled in. Duri the night hie wife went down etelre to get lm e drink of inter: he got hold of e bottle oonteining medicine which hed been preeerlbed lor hie deughte; by en Indien doctor. He drum of this compound ehout three ounoee. Between live end elx hie wife. eleeplng in enother ep- ertment. went in end lound thet he wee deed. Dr. Grenge yeve it ee his opinion thet deoeeeed come to hie deeth from eome nerootio poieon, euoh ee belledonne. which he believed the bottle iron} which he drenk cuntelned. Mre. Brown in melting up the bed found e leee ileek between the ieether end etrew tic e. In regerd to the content: the jury eworn in et the lnqueet eeemed et e Ioee to know whether it wee whlehey end en old toheoeo quid, `or cold he with` the gronnde. The jury returned e verdict in ec~ oordenee eith the lento ehove eteted. Iulmar. lint oow I... II.` In -IIolIlo Appolluuuusu. < R. T. Wnlkeqn, fund mater. hu op- polnlnd the following V.W. brethren $0 the oioon lndicntaed Inc the ensuing muonlc you: ll. Cluk. Wslhrtoll. and union- Annkuno Jnvnnn Alnxnntlnr. PIl)l)N). lfllld ll. Ulltl. wuurwn, rum IUIIIUI ddcon; Jams Alexander, Pour mo. junior deacon; C. F. Mgnull Par duh. at-And mun:-lntnntlnnl ol in I: JIVIICI d Iugrinundont or worn: JIIIIEI Vulcan, npunoo. and dlrootorol oun- moniu; W. J. Plnk.1'o1-tb; organist: J. H. Bothwoll. lanai` punulvdnt: \v...T mm. Klmnum. nnnd uumd. ' . nu. ` ' uolt cl b .;9"...'.'."..."';..`L".'..:.'s'z'.'....:.':'.`.'..3' {L cloknot -Io Down `non au- IQLIHZIPIII ItllcI|l|Ihnhuhll- I oomoah that have coconut 2; _u 1!: about than Ila Ibo uulhgnoar pnpcdyuuououovot thou: hood 5 not Iupodhlo lor chovhvn expand." in luuoohlu Ihfbx "Thu 8%. lawman AI Bnoivlllound up aunpnh luhuiorhhnuulor blq sh, -Hutu have but night out glxuop WHAT WAS IT HE TOOK 7 l WIIIIO ucvwuu--q ~-v--.. llolnn Au:-not Atuum-u. I ,n I\_.__l. I- nlnlolnn 'pI.| .-.k_.:-.-_--- PERSONAL MENTION. - l mu-no Ionuo-In '-"'8' ` .._n-_. An.-4-I Ann-In-I. IOIIII Attract Alunuou. , uoocon; 5;. 1-`. up In rinnndonb ol .. ........ up.-ul . Inonlo Apoolntnolll. l\.`-lIn-_. ---A -u--0-n Ilhonl pull 0! Ilooouuuy A II oporiluulty -(Linn, D. I-Mnullmio month up IV uuov mvomu "' `I'M Ipluo cl I Plllh no n'I.h'I:gDA.s ..u._.:.."' : $3: Manila: -1 ft... `h -_ [who at Jl. `* \" W ..m id. I la: . *1`. ._u:.'......":.:.`.:;:';.'~.-,_ _` ahncs chap [rosary u....,"_ Ant spun 1 mm on tlllurdq 33K...`f.:. ?,,`:.`,,:' The unv_uhg.loo- the toundguu ,, ,,_ mm H ubwlnq uunoou 3! two cm.` out lot lh l nd. In! It All!!! ` church: :3 ho". day. I;a'."a'2'a:.".2T....a." "".."'.: .`::: rt laudInopchcbunumu.m..._ It Ilandcnoui chat pond. . P crew: in. ..."g:`.:*..:'.':.:`f.::..::*.:::;..';*`::-.*:: I . ' dmh month hub. A3xmaJ_HJm:.2.a.&:.%;:.:~ A *' c- was bacon lot II aux`: pound at " ..I...n guns 5 aha IOIIO. Mnpdun allllord. uvouth daughter at . until: tltnghltt. I-M clllrvoyun lift nud- br. in st 3!) Brock Itroet. M I HIVI [ha `:3! Ill' Lg-I auu u-nun. pu; ...'-.:"'....`.," ': `"3 ` IO. llltord. u __..-...L .|-....u... ....4 3!) Brock nal I Booth luv: the but nlsln, hug wood all dry blocks. You cum M1.` win! you tilt in the luol line In duh yd Haw drlnhnt Wade`: drum non: that I'll! II Inc um um ll um; M New drlnhnt drug 0"`, phosphate. kmon pholphntc. egg phouplmg. loo on-un sod: valor, rapt." I355. _ `V. LION. lI`O 0' Hnrdy & Cm, hu 0|, blind I Iltnutlon In (`nny & Hnru|d'I dry pod: Iona. Toronto. The member: of the meet cnmmitu. Iota. lounuo. Tho about iron the city Aw -\Mn.Rucldu Inckluloo. IN ``'I""- The India! the Hero`: rvuulnr Naturdgy .......-l.u.. nin name In In nruu uhonnn llncuulon. mu nmon. ltd Ixcunlolu lain pltvo u mu uflcfug :1! l:45. A that trip in nlwuyu hml on u, Euro. 801! 0 pound pot: of mnrmnlsdelou dollansnd R Ill ulmnn hr I nlugngn at Honduran`: ohup grocery house to narrow. The Hero lenvu (}unn`u Ilmrf u L4,`. .111. to morrow lot the park nun! Alenudrh FA]. Will cull both way: n the putt. `mk- CI` _.- ete. 35. _ The reoel he 0! the K. & 1'. RR. con- 1 for t 0 third week in August when J03. an Increase of 8|.`-17 over the com Ipondln week In: ynr. Shoal It row cold or rein to-mono: :1- ternoon the em`: a Iendid ulonn will nub on just. an oonnlone lo a in your on per ur. like In this trir. The Rldnu Belle eevee Swift`: wlurl every Tueedev. Thureduy and Sutnrdny for Smith`: Fells, Where puoongen u ah the train for Ottuve. At the Brookville races W. H. Cnmntock entered I rouet. ulleglng that J. R. Pub had not In Klngetou thinouou mskhg e record under three minutes. 13.: an road In the city. either cut I record nndor three mmuuaa. But dry wood In the oily. uncut. at June: Campbell : woo-I ynnl, q- poulu hunch pa: also dry slab: dnily uh rlvinq (mm Shuhot Luke. Niall! water: It Wait`: drug mu: Cllidll. hoop Roth, St. Le vu, Vichy. nnhudg, Hnnvsr. Fri~`I`Ic|r'-hull. Clyunk. DUEL I-only nu-\.., V.. _, Bnhudg, Hunvsdl. Fri-du-ualn-hu B mile: (from Wolh Inland). I--n hullc known: UvI"I dohlllty. 89 by'Iu l'lllg`|H. luv by w. A. or 00.. uonml ""' At the th rd nkil nee I Clayton. it `WIII William Horne. Ca Vincent. Ind Ben Hunt. Alexsndrh y, the font wu clotted b that bolllengthv. Mr. Doyle u tn lriah lnlfn--nnv ol l795d|h which Wu picked up vhllo dll [lug--tho Ionndntion of (`.hnlm-rs` church. On It on 15150 Prince of Wales fentherl. In` uonco of the holding of tbepto vincld uh bltion st Kingagon the mum Noruemon will oontinue her weekly trip from Rochutor this year until .\'uud|y.S0|I'. Huh s View ` but some known: Uv-ariqulninanv` `lronwinofor loan of nppcite ud gun! > Ssld hymn drungwta. Pnpuul \ In W. A. Dvor 800.. Mantra _'_ Everybody llloluu 5-. .. chino angst onrod hum, hm bacon. And our 40 cent tea. v to any other in the city. ford. Cupuln Lthello, of the} Carlo Nnvlgstion oom ny, mnnr|I'I work vet. e in 4 lap! no dd bloc vlllo. V. slur. lie ought the bl: Bill` the loan OMIII In mllu uboumcb . Tho ol-I uumbont Charlcmo [us] to run [mm the -lnnllnn Pruoou. And at C rl to uywpho. tho Bouthonnon nnmilohko r lth. IT"!!! I` `CHO NIVWIHOB mull nu; month`: work at. I`: in the receipt: wll be up to t 0 expense! are leu. Mr. Davina. of Southa w cu, .....-. __ , ' the Richelieu & 0|- expect: 5 of opinion till the be last year's, whili the Ml`. Davina. Southzunptnn. Hngllbdy has lately oinod the band of A" ball! He In 3 v uble member ol that orgnb lion buln a n: clul musician in nvory n Spout. o p'nyI A clmionet. Our tuI-Our 40 cent mixed ` ' ' - ---- In I'I 'P- 30 clmoner. Our tou-()ur40cem te: In th uent in thin city. nnd with vvmv pound to Rive you I bountiful cup und smuer or plan Beautiful fruhpumr. tub butter, `P 13. 03. Jlmea Crawford. ill poultlvoly cure nick lmdnche IN revont its return. (`-nrt'er'n Little 110': h. I. Thilh not hlk. lhut trut ..m n rlnn. Soc atlvsrtigeuunclnt. Sill pill I don. Soc adverrtiselucllt. B pill. Smll don. Small price. __ It wu thought that Bunds-mun \\ 115! of "A"' hotury. hld deserted. 1" 5` ""' rind his oomnd ~ ' W ruck: yutonlx alter an Abae He had viuitod not back to the city when he wan H. Sharpe, hue with the rm 0! 3- ."d'7 II An Innlj new one and it is h` hid. to keep the best quality of |i*ticleI_ on Proust! In for Isle. A call solicited. IL ' for the W5` 11..., .1. htful m1uznznnq__ __ MM. olfe Inland md 000 W` Lu` C 110., Illu nu... , 5I0|' 9015!, I monthly ned will I'M- Jud Itorlol. . our 39333?! the` 0n?7I;il;1 ` c H"'I'IOI' . 9 no In the ouuno .e3'm.s1o In moth lhIt~. Illdh in a third. um. Cm " My 47th CL. won 85. Set 5" I` 503-. Ind Print Bartlett. 7'!` bu" '.'"a'mo"-For thou '.'"';;,",", dollghul onmpkl W ' from thin tt__'____,,_,- I-`"1 Carrying plans to rruoou. an n lhmton and to his {mm the Frontcuc. and bin that to Pru- oolt. when any hot map: for Montrul. "The ban uoppod at my lunar`: vnlurl," uld Mr. I'll. `kudlvuonbond ol ha- and bond 3 potlmnu any to author; `I hon Ion uotd much. chain. uolsnd key; I took ship out at a hat shout cvplvo nib shun [Ion no the watch up. nod they Illppotd 6!! at my hand and wont mm 110 rlnr. would uthnvo tnkcutloolor the whit. Balance. 'l`|ntnlghzCnrloouchz bl: llolt. Tho out 01 GM such In I mu. inhod by shoI_nh'o tooth. In an the mm-ls no no shout an hour holou the L-6 ll:-chills I did not know lcuybody :huo sugar on pg. Roth, St. Le vn._ NW: :`g.,'Lu_ . 11...... null. lnlmdi. ihould go were mu ,... Irod hrenkfust And `I which in III James `ru- IJH. - aqulru in I produce lhnt city._ _ Tomb Hill! '91` .1": lb lull II t and in about an new nllou Inc but Broolvlllo. I the only or `time in coma hon. and there In: love!` cox Inquiry About the watch. so Curl kip: Is. _ A _ u MIII. V01 Pi? con`. ` Puucl. liver in` lIl{|I|l'] Ivvuu -- v......., -_ In t Ir. In an ho VIII on once with Mr. Part. of Brockvllh. who we ullod thc but wrim. "to the fool 0! '5 [dud an owl ab. Mar Anchoring! V0 hlm 3 pole: I had we ol tho um myth. lhm tho mm; In oomuunood to duh while I vs: puma; I hook on III? lined and caught A blank bun. . Ha aid. 1 vi ulsow on how admit. Ho hdud mph sud led up unotlnr, ah; the lam worth. 1 ud hook hhuul so 1 . `I "333; vhd:ln :13 :33, In spurt. h M`: `rn.`lmc:I;ht.tho 9hd.h=I":ho':ld. cannot Wllllus can along und thaw Inch a wall aim the but thatwo ought no more. but to run added to on he no human." 'm: uon1umcsswoax. A uuu Ilchl alto a NU B Study I Apply w Edit] -ununhu Rnpno-`Work Wall Dolo. Yuuulaytbo am oiolul lnijnootlnn ol the public lulldhd. In OOIIIIO 1:! auction st In I: 0 l"ullor._ Nun by Mr. Thoma chic! not 0! the dopurtmout of game works. artfully want our the [so In of coluulothn In dclnll And an the close com- rllmcnml the contractor. Mr. (norgo New ands. at this city. upon tho quality ol the king that any can work alone go hr. rum ... ..I..a.-I um. muould he only us ohronlp HOU nhnlchl TORI --.-. ._v..`. _ I V T ` ` lnuotlnnk-ol his 30' Palm: llnljcllng In Nnponb- WorI Wall Dona. 1 --s....I--5 an Inn nlnlnl Ililtotloll gmmblu-. `htufohigoctnnl (lulu: II unu- oomo and to now well developed. the build- lnq hula dlnou nu! for sh: root. ullhou h agrut odolrotl youohodoqoout. us win. II or u fy the .... ..~:*..:":.-:-'..' :. ~::.....'~-~ =*...... tact ox - hlmull delighted with the Itgne! botl`: on nl.ud'IIn1iI.ndnnrownun - Iitnlto Iohlltho hoontyoHho.- I Thhll In hi-la Kl ' "'u.{E' -n'1 .:.ml"'.`..3 nu Qllll Iullhctlon not only for prohlhly In and In no In dqm the paid contrac- gukruy-V 1 I `W Pious wo- omw o'3'?7.. omr. .1.-. _- ..__ _ , OOMPLIMENTID ON THE WORK. r chronic -. In Ingn. nu-`.'-`$8-u """. - .. . n..- l&.l.. _._o- In J Lin! ..,........... zrza ' I := 0r|I.loII|Ih|oo||I|cnuon ` AI I':'|lI!IIIfIII--n-u----.---- .. .._.,, i `As l |tubIrg-P|\IobIrg I. u-mu a. 1 | as hdhnnpdh--lndhMpolh cu..." unity. the Inner Ting to Ian In: and un- nlng up I Icon of N. 1110 Irishman than not In ad with line was osllodn 6 o'clock had Ind: 156 lot but whim LI III! II Ian at $0 Ilpooluou In much- unl-IonItlIIl Inn Ilhlhlt. I-Il__A___ 1| B.-5 Chu-lnltll Pull. Out oi the nut Into.-hung oxllbllu lo the Ccudln govorauunfu homtlnnlnon of Unurh. Thin mvlnoo. it will be remem- boml. lo vtry r ch In times: every nrioly .1 ml...-.1; Thounndn nd Iuhonundn ol_ rich in times: nrmy of minerals. Thouundn tom of Iran on yearly bhlppol to Cluvolund nd Chloqo (roan Klnpmn. Hero on Iona hug: photo 0! Iron on which no dxty-dz par cent. pun. Than an handsome urol- nuno ol Id. Ill\-or and nlchol quart: I-om Thunder y. Inga. Ihininm-plouu ol oop- poronlrom the north ol in Superior. uvcnl prouy bunchu ol on t oryuuln. thdr pnrplo and ted Ina Haring like polhhod alas, bout! ul sun 0 of uurblo. vuryln ltho wuy hon A and black to a nun I I. um? on-on-mu lions Vlfyll in u pun I In. pun Isltu. ltr. Bluo. tho Isl oommhlimnr In olur of tho uh N, N the wrlbo I human chunk oi what Eoollod gold-but in; mlnpiclo, loud only in Cumin. TM on contains both d and attain. and the ulna ol tho than when cxsnchd. u fouhunnotlon both men. Horn 4.. 1...... ..|.... ..l nlmmhnn of limo over tonhuxmouon or non: moan. run In tho Ingest piece 14 pholrhh mlncd. It wu taken tom I van: nut Klnguou. uvuty hot And nlxtoon toot wldo. Thll on uh bit woighn ovor hall I inn. on on III) aural vary In plans: 0! mica {Hon thorutat mine: In t 0 world. nnr Klnploo. A Imp urynbl wu onoo lskou [mu that mint." told all`. Blue, "zhut wolghod eight tom, and from that crylul In mien 1 pure. clan shout. ten lost In dlumtor. the largest sheet of mlua in ulltauoo." 05!! In t to tho chun- hl an award [)0 only on old ropununtw tlonn of blow-plpo reduction ul pcrin tablet: by l'ml. H , el, of Vlotorln uni- \-oulty. bobourg. Canada. " ....-_.-._ -A..;auAlIA.lQ lotion! IOIIII HI-Us M Bo-ton-New You-In 8, Boston 1. At vm.A.InhL-Phllndolnhh 7. \V -1--:n;: noun anchored About the Winn: 4 hon lulullu. nu - ,, on- II!!!) I. -LI-nu an Q Ixolnngu. Tho sloop Idle Wild 5 am on 2,500, qunholn of gnln at Richardson`: Sous dock for Common. Tho Iohr. Whlto Onk. Capt. Dix. left the city 3! 5 o'clock on.Wodi\o?H|y., She wu loaded 3: 001930 with 410 309' t cool And srrlvod this morning It 7 o clook. Sh bud bun about but one ciuy. Juan: A. On, ol Tronon.`uyu he bcllovu an- .o......- Vnun In be hm: than the the IMAMOI` Vnunn to be luau man um Horn. and will back hh opinion from 0100 to8Jw.|nuncu unuydbtuoofrom the [(1) min. "I! the Hero II no int n ' hot friend: claim." he Whl` "III! on mic non mouoy for them In 3 fun hours; in this vruy that In any three days this season." The hunt. Dclovsu. (CAR Bnnlm), which vtu unborn our Big (11 Crack. boon` About any. ~ A. of Trenton. say: helluva In Ilmnn and DI hack hh uhore nag aenay ueu. bound from Oewego for Bey of Qninte pone with one]. he: been releeeed. like wee die- : ed et Hendel-eon, N.Y.. end then equi- ed , or Om-ego. Alter eellln 3 short die- unoe ehe epnnfeleeh. end e crew had res: dliculty In keeping her eloel. She now es Olwego with three feet 0! went h;|\'r':1:`:1l:' `son :1 Lyon; omega` 3 x I . `W . 9 JD huh. wheel : eohr. hlte Oeh. Omega. 304 ton ooel geohr. Phllo Bennett, Outage, 173 tqne ooel uahr. Albacore, Sen- dneky. 794 tone cod: echr. Fe Cher- locte.253 tone ooel; my Alma unto. Chicago, 8,700 hneh. I I geohr. A. Iulr. Chiclo 3.0% heel. whee: : pI'0|I- Inher- I_w.C|hIp. `I7.@ hvpeh wheat: I01"- ennle hleuhei-I. .M0|l- ` 93.943 huh. _ L..- JOIIIIII I he. Ill; `lino TO-DOIPOW. > D03`: (cult the min of tho bl; bank- rnpt nook ol puts` in and (woods no-not-an -on Prlnouu man. (out than '--- II---A Inn body count. ` ll In-uv uvv cw. ---. .... __ , M Mintuu non KINGSTON. vy '-_--. , -V, ,, Vmnm: PARAGRAPH3. -222.1: In`li:5` l-.....A ALA nan. Wm aamcn WHIG. mun, ';."w- | rnnsmm C0m1l'l`1 EE ammonia. noun UOIION MI VIN` O0 MATTIII. T flli ho rm OIQIIIIICIDI Gd MINI: upnma. runny \V$n In 3.. Lunacy add that than w nnthoouuoltkw lal||IIoIho|lI~ou.wu defective. It and humid Educ. Mr. Wlluot aid that Ilzclloqhuhululd that he should no lo: Illlutnloltllll). udIn(WIlnot) npl Ilutltdklnotmuu hovlcrpbh ddnvmhvoulducvlothun 11. spnkounld tho on should not behold rnmnlhlo III II on the ugplh. on-i when ulna by the nuns runn Rona Ihonld In Iain to take! -5-I In -1: uxmnv IQD If DNWNKI ohocldbilodullonpslrltlnuluonuu. H tllll order wu not complied with u ......n .5.-nhl man tnrglgtln rghhgol oonotl chock! nun tovuu an u. the nlln. The city engineer odd Aid. on- vick handed htlnglng tho that nllncy mm: bolero tho council. `[1: :1 sugar I d u mun-.9533:-h 1110 city uouuoou no luvur going though boooiul grounds, and row oouuoouded that ho doopoood ad oovotod oz a canal two. He thought It would oloo hoogood 3-lnlobuildo otoonnntuuho foot 0! Barrack stunt. o ohondlotonoo Into tho wohr. nod continue it put an Quanta`: whorlhv mhn: do box (Lola. `Thorooowuiot: 3|-not coup in ogoinu 0 an Iory - don ol this slip. Capt. Uukln add Mr Porloy tolcl him tho drodp no going to gut an lha nlln to-dny. ouginoor WWI OI KIM Ill.) to-un . thought an dndgo wand do the The mum ol nlh vu mi about. Two board Inlh commenced to-day will bu bull: on Alfred Itnet. from Prince: urea! wtholnlr nil. Thoywlllhodxud (our foot up lo. Bonkvudn will but loontad luldo oi :the walk: hand 0! outside an In other nlroou. The oqlnut oquldon thu horalovudn plutd II this I _will bo heme ptohohd. Ald. Wllmot t that when tno was wouldllhhoill -n..s..| Ihonooonnhndtho `Ito links In Qua: Dopartuguu Vary largo-Good Ipokut [or use Item. 11.. ..|..... .0 cl. Vlnnnn fuming club I I the ntttacuqn. Ana mo oolllpuly um. mung fIau..ol.1.in lair. Hon. 0. Iowa `Hon. 1!. Iloroior and Sir Aiox. Campboll V II, by othor ongaaolnonta. bo ovontod iron: anondln the exhibition. 0 ontrioa of cattle will vary numer- ous. All tho accommodation lor them has boon already iakon up, and onto accommo- dation may have In ho rovidod. Tho oloctrio light: w 1 ho placod in posi- tion at than {air ground out wook. Thorn will ho about thirty oi thou. brilliantly illu- minating the raoo track. tho waika, tho bnlldln and the gland stand. up ada. tho not-otarv of tho Provincial Wade, the ot'cnry ol tho Provinohl lair. defies the Ontario to give I sin in in- utunoc in which the con-upoudonoo un ex- hlhleor In: no: nronptly utundod to. A: to the show line into will hll whothor it lg or in not being wall In-hqgod. Mr. Wade will touch` the city on Sutnrdny. Already the you: ladle hue ontoml for the lulu` riding Hill. It will not ho a an 0! wood. but of style and grant. The Provlnclul utoolntlon will in u all- ur [nodal uni NH: uldltionto t. oprluo of tho Midland Agrlmltunl uloclutlon. and uh. judging to: both will probably `uh piano 3: the amt time. Exunnlou will he run over the Gram] -r......|. nut`. v IL um K. t l . R: and the ulmo. Trunk, thou P. K. the K. P. R; R. W. & 0.. And other nllvnyuy run trips toward: Kingston dnrln the fair wank us vcrtlow prion. `Tho nod Trunk will sro bly run 8 Ipuhl (tom Brockvillo ouch my. urn-yin; the pooplo from then and in- hrmodlnta nation to had from the city in one day an a nu nuutlvo at tnvol. no-nus u u-u_.-..... ...... A very locum. that won Ipeut at I in- nic Von y the elite of (nlonburulo in Kit. J. . Fair : grove on Tuudny durnoon. A voylugooon of In from th cit . Al.lnlIIil`I Villnrltrld tyo my lnrge ouioonne o! people Item me my. edjolnlng villngee end country reeponded to the kind lnvlutlon ef the committee. Every meene ol nmueemenl WOIRIOVM , excellent dance rmulo` by PI-ol. lele `e. orcheetre. ewlnge, croquet. etc. A rlo oolletlon ol edlblee wee epreui on the green` by the Mleeees `ner,.Weuoner end omen, to whlobnl who oeme nnprovlded were cor- dlnlly lnvlved. The rlnclpel eurnotlon we: the denolng pln orm where Mr. C. Spanner. in. not! other member: ol the oommltfee could be eeen bney themeelvee, eonrtennely encleevorlngh In e everyone llevenl n time no `poeelble. All ex- preeeed I emeelvee delighted with the am. nonn'q enjoyment, ml tbelr tmeetment by Ilieoommltuee and their Indy oomperetnre, who will elvreye beveno dlonlty In eutect- lnvery deelreble plnone to their plo-nice.`