:S7T5`FEUS Rifles and Revolvers MEke thee u Fly. A-rnnIIn an-nn 4-unnn nu END DEF! 'v.`lC.L-I.-L\}J* T` ': NLW swonm (at the old Stand). i - sgechell ol e\'< Sh wi . mg. stock of Boots. Shoes. Trunks. Van-n. -- , ., nor? ti? from the but [nouns In the Dominion. lDldx1.?:.s`"P`,;i'mLd;',`:,:: : J. .KingtCo.`,J.&I`.Boll,CoopertSIIIl|.,n~ -v Hnnn. , ._. ,_.__. _...Ll. n. to or. III 5unII.- vv-, V. wu -. .7`... .---.r-- -- ~ ., t on long me. In tho but... and other lncltiu we po-o- on-W "' ' * 2;-::.':'.'..':.`:.'.".:'.::.::.';*:.'.`..':*?.3..f?:.`:: ......1,`'"":.*'::.`a:.`I1'..,. Sytteh A our customer: with the very Our human (A: before) wil dollu I worth VIII [or every (I 10:11 but lnlpootthezooduusdtholbnf th Iowan : s'"T'..:a`..3 .m..u`,".7"a'i1& olhr received. ' Cousineau, Quinn & Corrigan. BUCOESORB TO F`. X. OOUSINEAU & CO.. OUR NEW AMAZON CLOTH 5EZ.A.I1\TES 32: .2 I-"';;'TV ' Store. In- uuooou Smut. int Iloonon. um. um us. nun I. nun. l\- T V nus,-nu-v nun-I-|t\I'|lll We hon jut ruolvod the Input nook of Shot Guns, Rioo sud Revoln-ls ever shown In thlu city. Ym on boy o good sound Double Br0ech~Looding shot (mu [mm 810. and botumgou OIB. 818. 8%, I22. 025 and npto 075. Single Breech-lxld on, M, .7, IEIIIOIMI `I5. RIIHI Muulo-London. C7, C8. '10 and 81. ). Single Ilnulo London, .5. U4. .5. C7 and 88. Flobort Riol. 03. M. 85. 87 And 812. Revol- nru from O1 to 018 ouch. All that Rie and Revolver Csrcrldgeo. Paper Shells, all duo. 750.. 00. Cl. 01.95 pot hundred; The name loodod 02.75. O3 and 83.50. Re loading Tools. lor Shot Gun and Rloo, 400. to I8 I not. Bran Shells. 2c. 3c. .'Sc. Wu. .._n. n... II... n... (`Anglia fhnrhlnn Ihnnml Bolh. Chlllod Ihot. Ind nll sizes oldllg Ioou. lor anon uunu Illll mun, -wu. w '0 - cu. ..m._ u......-. --. ..-. cub. Gum Bop. Gut 0000!`, Cartridge Bugoud Bulb, that. of Wad: Ion: 4 tognnp. lluulo and Brooch-Loading Caps. Curtil & 1 Hlludl & Hunllton Gnu Powdnr. Doooy Duck: and Dark Calla, Greener, Romhghn and Baker Shot Gun. Fhhln; Tackle. Tan and Awnings. You W la ` - " 'j- "-"" "- 5;`. I I gun, Q: .7] 7 III I . Ol GIIII `III, I Ipoclnl line. `Lu. `q.-.,Fh..),..gbi|"|||. &*COI'9CI bolus wide for 45 3450;, goilldcllltilalilb.-IIIUI. Colond Cashmere: I `,0; Q. gmaogggdnp. Dloolltlllwul II]. I5. IO. nodup. Double puns Dun Ina-his In I dlhuut man In In tho lnhloublc colon. Hem y V4,... 14. 35.5 01.75. lunar pfloo Otlll Thus no Iunly a tow ol the h" |_ '. .5` ghv our I30 OM63 will N folld Oqlllny clap throughnul. 8Pnn`L N01-`C3,. ggaygndo elothlng Ind dotbllg node to order; Ipm-i .]g,_ Oygyoogb, Q5 SIII. B0,!` S 8 Ihhl IVOI. CC" And ennune AL.- -0 3'ew.vAI:.\voo1g ,., . N _ A _ On tn chap; New All-Wool Cunmeru, Black 3%. ..'.',:,',"," 3* W` SM:-. Putty no Cheap. 1 I DUI Goodnor Trimming: go as ' - A-A.1. McMAn-lg . -L _L mm. In 1 I71 7h l Lau|8S' H STTICHHH Uilblcla uuu uwuus vuuy, ........_.._.,, We bought these goods at a heavy reduction and cannot duplicate them, so we strongly advise the public to call at once and secure a big bargain. lihufwu uvuc--- _____ , The lot consists of Men's Dogskivy Coats, Men's Bulgarian Lamb Coats, Men's Persian Lamb Coats, also Ladies A strachan Jackets and Black Coney Dolmanettes. u . .L_-- _--.l- -5 .. Lgoull u-nrlut-Hnn and cannot om pug:-|nnoh'toIntodnooto our Vidton and the Puhloaonunlbourlpodnllnrnlntn 200 piecu new Full Dru: Goods, low rial. 50 piecu new Full Jacket and nude Cloths. 150 n new Full Tweedn, all-wool And heury. piocu Grey an -Black Plumb. -15, I8, 20. 25c. 50 place; new \ nllor Suitinp. 30. 35, 400. 3!) pieces. I yud wide, Gray Cotton, 5c. All N ow Goodtut very low prices. an unnnl I`! CHEAP DRY 00013 110081. - 176 PRINCESS S'I`. A Now that ichool has open 5"! Boots We have 3 _~ - aplon bn;d `Dots. for that purpose, 3 --J` ed the child:-e did lot of hoe A "'7"l-T!"'[": _ `Now ichool opened U WE HAVE 108'!` OPENED TWO CA8 017 FURS RECEIVED PROGRAMME SPEOIAL FOR FAIR WEEK. FOR FAIR WEEK AT 8ECOND - HAND BOOKS -..u...n.n..a hunt: haunundnlnlh `jA-T-VVALDRON'S.' . R-O-U-T-L-E-Y-`S T081000 IND 0/011? STORE. 178 Prinools 3%., - Kingston. Ont. SATISFACTION II TH] ABOVE AT "ii.- Wi3.!?'- 7"'""'-`-3-3.'.3 :M `.1. " ::]o8llum:vb|c In xmr... lI-.I. lI_..-`In lllu - ._-A.x_1 I! y IUW pl nu:-2. R. WALDRON. lea. ' 4 IPI-loo good heln every do Munufnctum ol "'3 MM-r relibbh `THE 60!?! OF TABLE WATERS." fhquwdfunk `--L.- (L. -4-'- -I.- `M H I and Colore-I : I site! in & Harvey, ener, Parker, cw get :tureI or n sup? IIVIARI or nn'rA'nous.| FOUR] llvua one of 0. z_.__-_g.. IVUAVAI - ONE DC Tu try ` more th _..L -1... Illlfvlu cup of t Ill 3 M W0 ' Unmlxod These [4 Burnqth I The Inn 0//zharzk Ml cusl choice. I A I Strength umnll com the world his cum` 5 ' sou Am limb) 000 [SAP nun: It oouunlq than wit No ad: '8lcvnu8 Nlcn A.- ' u.iu.ooo "ham Gal Gun. D-maul lmy! Van Q-nu n n- An unnnn I manna big thy; 387 it no -77"` 3 '|INZII|I ` V---* `V ' ma Fm:-'0-I nah- Imunu ax . M . I IOWAT. `I-lll'l$.O0lVI1 .. .& '-and IDIYk LD&. Oolldo onus 1-mutual.` DPA HIY. ' og..-xo. II. nuns! prnjocdloulukutholorhnoarthn can duh: worthlen In any event. n..|- . nun mnulnnn Wu hlt by pllllll 1 Ultra [Ill Kwm uu-uuruuu nllw. llrmly lntholltnod Improvodcoan culunudkkrpodonundytth nountdo volopncntn nhrgnd, Ibo govuluum now knonwhumnnt.-huhn. llulork Ind count tho cunt point eobod-tudodyund thomonnnyrohnqbutvto glnncoattho haunt the ups: h'irbctonobowoom- nlamlvobnohh thy an. For connuiooou clllnl worlhl In any ovens. Only 1 n annulus wu by Ana-lam: ell I883; than for I tlmo thorn vuuouuthlngllkonpunlo. Attbooponlng ohhooougl-snot lIl8B.tho,Bon. Samuel J. Ttldon nddnnnd I lottur tothoupuherol Ibo homo urging lmunlllnb action. citing thuvollhovutooh that tho tvnlngrut ooaucmnof tho Unibd Bnhwcnw Ilonllyddannnlanmullshn lnutlnnG5.lm.- G3,!!!) worth ol non-nmovublo pmporty was subject In ddnctloq. Tho Mulde- purtuunl & ulna put forth oudunblo an-n.hrnolvlnIlnlInodlmpI-ovodcoad uh city`: domain are Mr: could:-Id In lnnno onlol--thIt In, from Iloclty mouth- wud to Sandy Hook lIoo~II|d the opon oonn. r----- A: the at-urdonlnt wart: down the bay Governor`: Island ran directly In his way. &li*`Willhm.`|8 tbonarthwcis polntoti wwmuwmuwwwumamnuo: thohhndmca-ncuuury ulnar: awunuou; ltuunca:-lyukou: on circular tour at me in tho dd eznbrunzu; no ouunuuu i lhdrnennnIhoIn.andIhoynddatrmo tothnr noiu-mi with ha I! or In-bun u.-. -nu.-u-pp-u..e.m.u...L.. nu'hI'|I%'|n.mnnIlIg tony-dM-or uiu. fdduxwouldbodxnllun tnuIbou'-uontI-npolntol tho:-ny. onlwuouunnd uotanlycbllarrowl. Iutolllbguoha downlonadyoot. lnllhnnnunh dolcnnn ol Loulnluad ?....; .. nun;-. PHnt|l|dTIl'!Kx`INwI W CBC CIFIIIZD wlul conpbud nrullury and not-podou Inn eunvinotd Inn; 1 thnlhotruo point for champ and \.a|chm.dn!nnb non nun who as fuj HOHIEOPA 7 "1" I IL D. .1. LD 8.. two nu-mw hmhunolnr uuuu up Ilsoclmunl uulho Quit. war the Hook. DIAOIAI or cununua. Thuthnnuabulthreo narrow wnyn: the nonhnut or 14-toot channel, the Bush and the moinohnnnol, Ibo nunoof the an: in- dlahn In depth. the Bwuh Is males: except (C the lightest craft. and than the only dunno! to be providud forlsconvoniently dahmtbh from Sandy Hook And from toru- Icwouu which could call: ho Plilod on the "hunt" jun north of the mun chnnnul. 0! man: than nun union: could be ndoptnd hunk jut north or we mun cnmuu. courts the nuns Iyltom Inn a slut ougguud tor the Nu-rown, with anal: Imp:-oumunta on tho most. recent expo- rlonco Inny onkgoot. In addition to than hitherto mentioned Ghouls nuunll fort on Bandy 1Iool:,ono at Wlllotfo Point on the Qound. and Fort Schuy- lot opposite. on 'l`l:ro't Neck. and these are all tho to:-tuna low York hag, And yet than on some onglnoon who inslst tlut even nowtiow Yorkoould not bocapnwed byany Ionian Iootltndny or two of notice oonldbo Ind. Thoypotntuotholnrjseatolpnohu. Gugbtnb, Irulbolh and small but oolld and hoorya-on porpotnnllyplylnglnthe harbor. and my that tho govonunont could. no it otmlnly would. du nongh of them to . clan lb channels at opprouch by ukinglhonvlthltoimuhuboendono lnothol-worn. lHId'tdnlyu-uo`thunat.- In bu tnvaod 80!! York in tho way of vu-ynnnowohunnlnotthoontnnuumhor hr-hon. all nntodhtnnooo; but It Is but to hnrethenxoroodutlo and pornnnont do- Qpnnnnulv tuna: rudy. Lkut. Gn bacu-elul Andean- ybtoutinnboot ddnuu moded,u:d the can lorthoincipdcoutcltiuotth United Bum. Iukm; the tow could),- l5.Gl). TN! includes Iron turrets, cu.- mud baurlu, bubeth batteries. tofpedou nndtoqndd bush and Ample u-xnament for all. and the lmonnt for Raw York In 017,- IIIMIIO. Tho soul (I: nllthociuen Is but l}(pnrcent.oudugroprt7toboptoI:ctod. It only tannin: to add than cheaper!- ndnn with new-pleura ur mom powu-in-.1 `ihau powder an yrooIId1n(ntiI!n.ctol'_v. at Lint. -ur gun. projoculjluvlllnlw wry:-uo- though as yet at ounpu-stingy abort rung!-. .n:-mnnnnmwnnoftnnacnndlity 'l'hoBx-itb; dudodou not buttoahbcub | own mrld hrlhg. lie luring: mg l .In'uk to mom. 5 ti! nhnhoddoum. Nu. l W .D. 1:13. 1.08. ha cr|:oouqo'oc inch. sunl- Ihouchuyotnt mapu-uuvuyucunnnga, u out qt: of tnnnunutmty umuomag \ J..Buax.s ' "0 DIAOIAI OI CRAIIKILI -. __. L..n AL... autumn: Q1 j IA! 0!` BAIIBOL -77:3?-A] b-m a;-e..5. | Murray&Tay|or s 1xit`}"i3{i{;gg - &