mm Gathered About nu Whu-no and non liehnutu. Thu nah!-A lindlnv alumni vnnhrtlnv uh): Ion, ncnpplngon us: way or com: ol no form hounnn. Thq won fnnhor tnood through Anhdotl ad out to the Oslo 0 when It won told Ilwln eollootaod nolno do to that woro owing tohhn In that oonntry by portion to whom ho had nold sowing mn- chlnan. All further trooon of the three were loan untll [not rock when R. J. Jordan was nrmtod in Toronto and convoyod co Pom- broko on n ohorgo cl goal-bronkln . A l u_mb|-oh oononblo won in nlrow on 'l`..-..A-.. .....-..:_.. `.-ul_- Q-an-nuvnosnuhgn An all munm`: llz: 3:2: lafllllill` on-I, now- onr. t t 0 prhol III found ucuuly looked. ll oontulnod Iolrwin. AI "ago!" had ovldoxlx visited the Apoc- tlo" dc she light dollvond him out of the h 0! hiunomhu. A reward In cloud by the council for his chute: and l oliooOoor H|ndo,olK .u- mad the fugitive none the utvnrdn and notiud lb nthoddu hon ot the - tun. vhonnpl Ccnshblo Cdruy - ad thollmuhul undhroogh the nnnnu;-nnuinnnanhclfnynnnnnndlgdnod for the full Adam 0! I87` but Ill pontpcm or! null tho lnllo up-'|:a.lIu prisoner claiming that In no! u `recurs the I witness to uhbllsh la la- noouonnt lnllnnlumorauntbuck sownuaulnouuuuunouuucunznu strut. Alothot lndlvldul wucholnlholr oompsa.undonopotnlnglnA 1875. the door In fond open to tho trio Ind nd. Thu nu nnhnmuntlv tnoid me pol ma n.a..l',".3.'."1."".'2';.`2:,`".'r...a' II h the I did gun: En la: 1" |:d Ihl.I!I`lc:rlnAtt"llllII and on up eonuaonuy. a nu Ella: iron lb revolver went through 5: ll bl th Id. 3 :1: mg :2 ma `l{x:s:n. .'l`fo..oouI|b|: llply. lilo wanna In as I jnuhtd the Mid when the char`: In rand to II M pludod not lty" And was not hot to the look-up nut morn . Whoa non morning cone. how- nu-. In tho danrol than who: In mun an a any bad lcrl I not: or duh on Brhhhn nth Anon-In into {or Iowa land as hhnntlu the In Aleutian Isl: n-an A...u... InJ1vuInAI in Alan In thnlr can con ny uonmu um uuongn Aumu ton, Itnpplngon dd: wty At some of the fun hounm. Thu won hmhor u.l .lI. It I. I r. II. sno puopw wouu not bounty nllny that would not run unit to $0 . . `III Ix I or A Inn:-nut. AH. Hill `In! that none Ilnugo when lm nth J Ind toad wnlowcnd. the own Inga: u up lay on uno pupa. can win his to the lockup. The oonlhhb thcnulognphd mull: No. Ludo: h~ (wanton VII Iodnod ngnlnu Irwin lu Npny. The wound was brought bolon I lnndotal uh nuns. thoolurn IMIQI HUI IIADG. Uvlllcluy K1 uln- outo avoid hoonln I I0! rib`: hllou. Hull; the that 4 tb quot ntnnn an uh. nrnund_ hm down. and In lhl Illloll. FIN! IIIOIIIIII IIII Iuqiui lpconoontho Jtco dowmndhthl noumu he hand Ii: rovolut nah at PCOIIC C. 33. . ICC. COWII, II` - III position In q Ibo constable. but 3 lucky " Inlnlnnrnhln And nun: nnn mun cu-nu nu rvvmvwq Ihoonuuhlo. tullnoky " up lavulunhln ad cum 01! south n-J--.-o A.-hlgnnhla Alanna In IL: IIVIIIIOIIDIC IIII came on IIIIZ. uwll undercut ouuldonhlo tblllt In tho solar. -..| 5...: L4. 4.... |...|...{ .-hm ah. hnnnn inaction ouuuonnn noun 1: Inc uuu. ndhd hhhoo bmlud yum (batman . and on couldonhly. A third [In hon his revolver thnuh hh honmlrs nxsrolw TOLD. | than hook Into the Ed. ololcl Mn uoudlho & but lrvhduvurovolnrudlnd our ohouldorollhooounblo, udumublll through hlnoouoollulroiulunllnnlnt wlohlnhuih. Ilr.Jn:n:I Pittman;-loo ounnpan t 0 non ought NI: thofoulnu bohbdmvldutly outouold hoooulluuuryulor win : L_n_.. In_-n_ .L. .L... .14! oh. .-no uuuuonooutnsnwoou. ul1"3'..u an .a.....m.. nhr. llcoonldloc um-onum King I THI ADVINTIHII HE HAD IN MN` PIIW Vllll Ax- no now. use} won I uuuy mwuu 1h htlnn ol ocounty mu 5,53 And through Admu ma. nmnnlnnon uni: I |V At nomc the _g>.`;.'g..o.uuhIu-Alovdvu -......g. n-.. m....I-noonnAnoh MARINE PARAGRAPH3. to pnuocuu II. Ioudnncooinlorrtho an}: dllllnntpu-hohhuutu." lorionyltlliuluuuhdg. hnnwnIlndnn_ f""'"""' " n'.."E"""" " $s2"5..2i.? mmone n or comm the Inlnweono wltM'n OW yntbto! tho crooning sud continuing until the uni: bu not bound in am-ninu. Dnblrun. the crouug no oonunung nu no man nu t beyond an atoning. Duiomrun. nvouor. MI dual mound khan putenl for his nllwuy lot Oh: Unltad States and Canada. and All inlringemonn will load In uunnndnn. Ir. (Inns Inn nooivud A" strong lyldncnto For-I to Introduce OI-aura Now Paton. A Iyndlonu 'hu been formed at Bath. nmon hlulnan men, with Ihnndout capital, to mu thb more Important nllny patent. calculated \o choc I great (lunch! living to. rdlvnv oomnuien. and an Ilaounndu ol -v rs-cu as us uv-v uuyv: --u-u u-nu. rwvvlnvy calculated nancial Caving to railway com live: annually oath at ondnga. It will Indicate the approach ol all train or alnglo engine: at p. by landing an immense command than Ila. an-I-`0.u.!... -IaLI'-n AH! n' Oh: my mom: oux um up my uuncu." Grout Ineuvom ! nlu Connors, "hurry up and get the doctor. The lrncood idiot in poisoned. He has unllowod enough nirv- -chnlnl to poison Ilx dogs." " With the nld of 1 nommh numn Omr 'ClIlIIllI K) Polll IIX QOQI." ' With the aid of u Itomsoh pump Ooor Yugr Ill out 0! danger in two houn. 110 Ind jun been appointed on the form. sud. whila ha nover non food nranu-ad In that nu! Jun noon uppomuu on ma xorco. ma. while he never seen food pro In that way bdon, he took hit man like 3 llttla mm. `But Sargent Connors, when he not the plntoon out. never nld dun: "You can go now, boy: ;you have got your net." "vvnon nnyou wounuur` uua uu porgunt oi tlndolc.-cr. `'1 Am not wounded," ho gupod. I got uvlul In All of I sudden." . "Di you drink an thing in any dive 2" "No. replied the o o'er. "I felt Ill right until coming an 12 o'clock when I at on A dry (0011! box And an my lunch." Grant Imuvpln ! nln Connarn. "hm-rv ac nun um npcuoa uolonu nmugunl I], "i! you want In come and this ul. 1 on two colored men from` Pnoic OYIIIIIO elmrod the station. otrrylng tho body of `tmlsnm Yaqor. The oicor win all u u .A round In t n . "II be 510! Ofzlbbtd :"'::.3`:n: ur- gent. "Wu don`t know. nld the colour] man. uu uuwn an Inn: uvuu pl-u-pun, Jim; the line, all lnndln each men hi: dog redone, nuurked : " ow bo you can no. You have got your lunch." e mule e bet with the eutlon-keeper that he could cell the turn on the bent where moot dud dog: would be found next dny, nnd then out down to rein; hlooxperienceu while ghting under Colonel Mnlllgnn in the war 0! the rebellion. Sergennt Connor: we: cleoorlblng the liege at Lexington, and hnd got to the point where Genernl Prince demnndod the our- ....:I.- It` eh. Alba In . kn-go nl -lnnnnnnn gonna. "We don`t know." said the colored men. W0 found him lying on I dry~goodI box thin Ildo ol Polk on-oat, carrying on just u in lo now. Where uooyou wounded ?" ukod tho narnunl: cl tluvulcnr. p reason. In oooanonoo so we procu- Im on of the Innyor. to poison dogs with urychnlno done up In (em tin month of do: nut. Wham tho ml in banonllod um, nu: ma nnu wu lnllouomully mun fat for day: thorwurda. the city Ioavong-er being very slow in naming the decal dog: I tho bll In Inn "gins av::lnnoSar':nnty('3.onnon.nltor nlzinn WHO?! IIBIIBIII YIIDOQ (IOIHCIIGKI (III IIII" render of tho city. In I burn of cl nenqo ha Ind use npcnod Colonel lullgufn ....I.. Hi! .... _...p .. ...._- ....I o.|.. .. It IIIIIIOII 0! "IO l'|Iy0l'. W POIIOI GOKI Wllll dog nut. Whoa the vol ht bonoollod thn maven: would aim in nah mm In the mo Iorg!|nI wonw gun to own mu: us an outgoing; {moon 1 number 0! than mor- ulu, an t e ranlt wu Innlodomuuly mun! fast for dawn Alb:-in-dn. lha cllv unvonnr lrom mo pm One IV0llllI:l.oS:l`n'-C,('}.0!|lMl'I,lfIOl' skin 1: ch: man in t 0 trout platoon, I nna tho ling. and hnndlnn nah mun hi: ICC LIII Kl h`KI van t no reopen. in- cut he laughed one would think ho in: a lag: he won I very rod annel nhlrs w n dlnlpllno did not force him On wear I Mn mm mm] ho had I nmnrknblv mull 3."'a'x.'~.':'pu."5m' .'o"e :o'.;". i.'1'7.'.'& 37.2; alu oio; mad he had a nmuhbly anal! 0' III. VVIIOII IIIO Hill IIIII 0% XII! the urgent would give to each mm in the out-min: nlnoon I number of tlnnn mor- wmon I\lI[ lllll or corn: loounu an al- voroo from non Nubile and donovunon the dlvoron `u I hgnl. The Sn! 1: Quocn Natalia to upped to the putrhm o! Gon- utnnthaplo ud ochor ohhh 0! Gina orthodox church to uni the utloiol tho metNpol- ltn Tboododun. Tho Intake of u GIOOII Pollutant-Io rm: lip on Itrnh-Inc. lIluI&-| Inlnnnxn Ipuyunu. 1. - n......:....Tn'.'. UIIIU I! CC -`l"U$Cl-1 Chicago Inw-Ooonn. Em but About the pohonod pollounnn ! No? Well. I'll all you. It In your: up when llontonnnu wm known In unrgcnnu ondn llooforoo. Thorn wan big. rur- Innul nunul Mk.-Incl Ctnnnn II u-u-nu- vv fol-oo. "ihn-n wzn: named Ilichul Ctnnou II I. `hmory pollen union. The nor am hind In that reunocn. hu- am In: nuovnnou to nun. uu ox- quun bu, however. In ample prluu for- Guno. It In roporud Nnhllo In going to St. Phnrlbnrg u the guest of the Curing. All clan: of noelocy. ovtn Milan`: pu-thus, oo- nroly criticise lulu utlon. Brmnnu-r. Oat. i`l--0nnn Nnnlio hn voroly cnucno nu anon. Brgux;:1r. Out. n-Qnoon Nuullo ihu out 0 own!` message no Thoodcu us. the motvopolluu : "I oouldor your dochon null and void And without lop! uluo." Bnmmml. Dal. .-0unn N|II0'l ud- null and void and wunom Iogu vuno." Blmunl, Oat. .-Qunn Nadia`: vocsto, nding that the metropolitan Theo- duh! hsd clrady oounlud with the pn- triu-ch nl Couhntlnoplo and III: I arch bhhop 0! (XI-lovltl baton dllso vlng tho murlqp. bu unbumod to the doors and am: am: to Iuahu-at to ddinr the di- munqp. nu Innumua to Inc we and ougocno Buolluul to deliver` vogo my-Ito QIOOII Natalia. a-r. rrnuwcun. ucu. -mc pupun Inn on indignation II the manner In which In Illa of Sonic scoured a di- val-an lrmn On:-n Nadia and danmmm (ha Aoliouolltouunhoppnliounofloo onnolhloluu-vb. mi. HXIIIIIIIIEKTI 33$ dholvhg tin In-nhp at the Out: and Kit: Illa. Demetrius. at Mach. and Nia- unr, ol , have but dluniuod bouts 5351?"? '" "" x'1.."u`:"i..'7".'.'a' I .......':-.....'."""`" ` um::::.`ooc. n-1: u mud am the I! one granted to Kin Illon m the d:ll list ullounnou to stalk. 5:: ex- ..-..- kg- Iuuugugp an annual; nplunin 'tII. Au. uunnnua um uuupwncn `ha 0! hard wood was lonnd. Lt .Il.I'uotodlIodvuh hv loam the nlua. Bil on cuqnal wu |x;I&uoprhu H! In rploou an ..... .'.'.~".'!!P"'...' ';".;'1."`...`.`. `;`.'..'.".'l` KCTIITTUCIFIK IiII\/IIII and who 5 $50 an ol nun tn" ulna. Ignlutl latter : action -dhnnlvlnlhnnnhndth Ouuud w. J. Sonlnorvlclnngono to Roollntu-. VIC OVOUIIIK SC I KIUIIIICTI, IYICT fa 1 I may ml Ion muons. nmukod hon va 00!. In thou dun It was the pnotloo, at the manor nnmm In ohndinnm 911 {ha arach- QUIIN NATALIE llwun. 0.1. n-ou. mull. ha i `2'.."`.."'...."..`.;'.'. .'."".'. '1.l`1";_ nAn.wAvfcRossma uoNAL. `non 7:? wmr}iuvono. * HE AT! THE LUNOH. $_n....-I - tho di- E1; uuumnuv-an -. r-.---v-. river. `nay nu pun: .. wn nnI|tinfuotory-too ---\- `hr-lit!` W." M mace nun ---- Inow. Ntrdeer ceptured but good duck ehooting wee enjoyed. Because of t|.|Ie vie: weather they lost two vslunblo I-Ind. ' Dr. Wllloughby ind o nu-row ucnpc from death` yentordny. While scum ting )0 board swat bound freight tnln at ` lbom mun hoodlon aka the can. the -51' box of the wing! oowhlng Ind thro_\viI_!g III}! onto! the my. Ho nioelvod ingurm II hll Ihouldor and book. _ no-Amorlou canoe uooointlon WI" P'` bably ho hold out your on Rtave`lal`.llId- two mile: bolov Uounoqno Norrow a In! Thin in done in delorence to the central or .....z.u.... -high Inn nursed to meat i!_`_|:f "r"15."i'53JJ'1}{aS(innc.' central nr, Iooiutlna which he agreed if I gathering be held on the St. Lawrence. oommittoo nll ponomlly favour Ride [.5- -- nu 10.. at W. D. Hcodty I Uo'|. TIM fodudatiou for the new water tow! II ooupluod; And his nvurv Iol'd structun. Thrn count of sandman: I m Oildor shove : quarry hu boon nod. The iron to! Lao-?wor. duo hm on the Nth. has not u~ hound; This nleornoon I meeting of the manu- dlrectorl of the Y.lI.C.A. was held for the gunman of nqloctinf 1 oocreur ' in land `. . Putt. who eaves for ami ton cl Nciv. 10th. .l'hor All two nppliunnu. Fina mllod our. rolled on , on cornmeal. "Bockor'u homing? all-riiil our. mam: mnkmo : Gleason`: nuuggl. l n. '1'-`z'i'7'a'`.". -`3.' K' Iu'$`.'. Hoodry & Co'-- to-'r' far the cleimenu ol the ennnnnuu cause. u Danlfriee. Sc-otlend. eeye he will have no diionlty in eecuring for his client: thdr ehere oi the property. IChoIcc freeh butter. 92 ; fresh eugl. t: Early Roee pouuoee, we per bag : I0 I` 8 HI onione. Ibo 3 2 ms proeerved fruit. And the belt No ooho in the city I-3 W. D. Bend & Co'n. . On NOV. 7! "Jim the Penman" will relented At the 0 re houee. Miu Punt. noun hen. le e ending lecly iu the out Mar the performenoe ehe end her friend- wlll be entertained er. the berrech. 'I"LI- Aft`:-nnnn I lndn Of "It d Itllllnl honey. vulu honey Ill aux. canned corn. canned bum. rolled II bnsiiut boon, nit Vital` herringn. Jun Cnwford. Thorn were 03 ntradonn at the polls nation In July. 02 In August. And 87 h Soptolnbor. [ho drunhnln were the In numorons--79 in July, 54 in Augunnud 67 In September. Clear white honey In Ioctiouu. 20 ; whip In Soptqmbu. honey whlh lunlly our, crown jewel and all kinds 1 lnmlly and putty our. cranberries. mt: Early Rose Iatou, grapes and quincu June: (In: rd. Mr. T. L. Snook, who In ommnol lor the claimant: ol the Hunnahlield eauu. st Ilnllfl-Inn. mntlnnd- nvl won. Choloo maple lull`. Irhlto uhlo syn. Itnlnod honey. vhiu honey In ndlu. nnnnntl mm. canned bum. ror cougnl um coma nu ma nun: Con Rulntly. competed at locupg, llld ||NhoIIld..I5l`I n-0 nn Iuubt A at \Vna`n'n drna nfnrn on. To-dc "A" btttery. bonded by II - onlhllt bud, mu-ohod throqi 8 city. Lt.-Col. Cotton was bound. Tin man. can nd Acoolmonontl hid city. l..!.-U01. mtmn wu noon-. `nu ma, you and UII Wily III! DlI- IVIIIII l'lllXI- ` riot. 0! Raulnv, Inn mu-rhdtnll. Davis, The ceremony occurred in 8: Punch Xulu church. Ind VIC I itilllslt nlslr, Fm much: and nnldn his thn Diun-I ` uou OIl|Il!.OI|)IDO(l wllnfloho huuhoun: `E on! an hon 0 Wade : d non. (In Iliad`.-a I wanna auxin ngno IIIII AIII. hm: ask! a gun IMI road. Md. the ll. T. oom- rnntl ova Iln M` I. x`. I` `V ICIII (I INN"- 0I Wndnudny the yonn:1lnl|aryI. lul- Iorytovl, whllo visiting M A full nut U rive, found n nlll which oontninod uvlul oona, wooden doooy dnch, lhlng hlg can y:u'1_I-:5 ! l:;l`n':-fuel C753` ,- Tho Mail my: the Kingnton R Pm upped Ill dilmbod by the uupremougn with coats, and tho tvupm ulyl judggq wu nu:-vol. I'll ITYVX. Thoro won uv_cn.l ght: )4-Itudny. g at the oollogo. A student. I but lint. d jcntod to another ulliu his hlhur \h IE 1 oCn hnltlor he who. Phi... |...n-- l_..|. -_.. I..-_. ..-LL, 35.'Xl?`u7'I'm'3-7:I'1.':'.'}3'5Lf';:u'.l'?. W. D. Bondry &. Co's. Rant (Irv Imnal in tin all: do... uni .- W . U. DOUG? C (/0 I. Boot dry wood in the oily. either all u uncut. at Jcmu Campbell`: wood yud, Q ponluhnrnckptls dwdryuhbndnym living from Shubot lake. The but brand: |n-(3mn iuml. ill: V "WI 01131 LAID. `no but bmldn u-o-Cron jovol. v& 1 mt. crown Iour. nllod ostmul, rolled on, Early Ron pontoon. fresh and mo bmu. (rah . Jun: Cnwlord. 0n \ odnuilny Iut Min Nollie l iuIu- ` rim_dRmlnv.vnmu-I-hdtnM.l)ui-n % "21..-a9.v.nIno.n-:m.zs.:I'..'!'.. u _ ..,--....5..-.u.un)..>\`npvu-up ` ct. nor! $5.10., n` 5 pound; lI_'u|I ogp. N can HIIIIODOI I. to marrow. A hlm ~. no cuuurvuu llll|Cl`llI' um. ' "TM: uh In open as |m,"|. 35. u Iounoonoat B merchant puma Q 5 ash {or Ibo haul! of lrurglun. 1! Na and something mph... .. _ ouoonuu eoluo wu.. me. and 00c. W. Roblnnon. ur., uad vile. Ihoocow their nlldouoo M Shorbou lake during Q summer months, luvs attuned to the any. Buck & Booth have the but thin. but 0[.I IIIIIIICY II. WI`. ` Chico butter, fruh eggs, luvb up ubh opp! |v`oonnnn`n I In; but 'I_l_I bc_oon_. vory lowest prloq Q vulva--0' PIDIOOIOT v-HON nlhlngth ngrusnuyaltm Iron v Mu boon loud ornohd. `Du port Mn bun uuvod. D.Johuo|hubonIuHo Gnnnnoouo for hunting I-0- . .. uulollnooullllboolhllto (ml 1;` Ouuoq I bushing Ilo dcutuvzdofnthcdn ||`:I.u . `I ha.` "Thin lo In onnn nigh. " |. .L- -, nu tor mo unuu oz In|r'|ug_ ycu nuulhl wchnr yg ~ thin dull wuthc try W. . llndpy g C,` oolobnud eolfoo &)u.. 36c. and 40, M`. Rohlnnnm Ir um -it. -|... ....._.,. Wlln COIKI, Ill `I`L--. up-.. : summer nouns, nun nlnnod lo the dg, 1 Ihobut ulsln, g wood and dry Nook; You on an in hll ll th I I II ' Thnyglnztvn lhn. |(ui:..nn.:....L`g. .& will onc'artlned bunch. of board Ilpuunuu nf Mun V,lI.l`._A. IIIIIHIII. I1 VII I -'Il|$III Illlf, For cough: and cold: ah the Dismal hunk lhbnrh. command I oloclnnn And .11--v 1 __u-- `gluin- r AI-0 flu. ~ --_I.- null : Illlul" 3.`. bacon. spiced Nu`: nu h (`.n'n, vYI.lIh '|noII.W' Iln sonn- nu nxm3_I__nT: mu: I;QpI'|tnl `Work. A wovldnloh uhnocunds. and of `HA amnion} lni On I]. II: rnnhlnnll. about B0 to mold that lumber ' be bought to no any from own nu:-\h`u' `rt Md. that I should have nonunion |ww_nm\' o udouulmv In thnohudtho .'l`.l\.nI In A mos. Tho ntuocpttlotlu Oo`clook. %0X:|'lKIIADV'l OOP- Fi` MSW IALWAYI tn ' ll luau Ana: Ilu-0. uLn`h Inj Id-L uni`)-n `FL In , I-"la an u want Inn. with Ald. Joupn mooool III In noun or uvoul robberies ooumlttd darling the pun month. On an 07 In dim was can-ind 08. Enlruucu III [dud Ihlongh whdon ludicrous 0: the aocondooouion fur` ocnb. Iurkqd, nu tau. `Iain Um durum foundoa thipu-noun! M. Ma- Nsll. Moth form: for! nun hnhn:=:-kin: M: B|I'n:.:3II|oI:;lO Ind ITIHCWI -Ul& lwry Invblrlthuu-iol_v. Thoadon :mDoIl]I|llptohIt lzlkoonoynnd ......."'..'.' * * '%:'m'*x:.::`:."` nish km] 1; I . NIKE : H0 . were VUIIQI I Q) In bios`; the door. was set for (linen 0|`, HCII I CVOIIIH I|I' I IIIIWCF Ina taken In the hunt lg: III onodphn bolt (on tho W \ III cut: on sf-ya `I'M largo thpdnnoo, 5! the city l:l!'Irn.o'v.u?ln[ u:d ' 't Infant: III aka I: the hunt. minus l Nslly. lull to In I'II oI'lu|IIwy lonour yum Io! htghthln MI`. Bandy : shop. He in! I burn through . Biucockhpnulnu tho. 1 woo . m"&`u'u*.'&'3"?:.;u?m'E 2.`?! plrldpl 0 . 1 owner todowuiu nhootywtonbuhundthcn go I and II II: dud h ind .:n......':...:':,..:.._ W" "'1" no Iooooo up on oouou-nonouoo yum um a oh 0 node In Quota Anna : time, and all _ lol. Fundy : house was \-hltrzd `Old Ibo ox-convict at out onoomm Crook. opened u upon Unokor with the lling tho boards ol the Ihouty toll of load. but doll: no dump to Cracker. only {tightening in: out 0! I your : growth. Crook wu provontod from doing morn don- pr. sud on Monday vu not to ol to Rough: into court and upon tho "ivilfhla trial. The gun and la were tabla. no main. of the p r"; intention to day some ponou. Tho on was an awful rooms. dnnlohrnllod. foot Inn. and CT -'3' HUI.-P|fMn.;';:1;h:' '..".f.'.':;.'.'.l`..." 'J'r}:': Iron ugh 9 Ill ..m':'nn. noon! to : mun 1:: hun- II no plcl up In: an is during \ho mum. not null ruuyi munuon. man an wo- IIII returned to but In: lovo,and of OOIIIIO. Crank nod vunruou. Bovnni dnyugo Ila I up hln onhk-horullod piano! and I nlmhnn Inuln In Oman Ann : tlmn. md Icahn no on Wu Illlrd nu Pooilo can laugh Over It. "Cracker Jack." or John Purdy. of Graf- ton. who In just colnploud I arm 0! noun mm In Ibo louchry lot undo; the Ihnlhln . Inn hut In-ad through 5.7. : ..'c"n.u'."'..EI":?';."}`.i.'. "' "'1'...`;`:I nun! adnunn. shor altar hardy`: Inngnnnnnl I 1.1]... -A-And I`.-nk Al FA`- `u`.'.3'33f.'.l"z'.x':'.'3' 2"c`..'Zi .'L'}'E':1? bone, untried Purely : tile and livid with but will l`ud_v'I llhantlon. Than the wo- -un nnnnd to In: In: lon_u|d.ol' nouns. onjonuoontcluolugo noomng ud dhtdtutlrudcthstwouldbonocuphqn. h novel tho Int In not. The at I-oul.nbo.|IwordIpnyn[lor.|nnuu thluoronllwuh In Inn terminating in Kllguon tho non H Ill in th. n [nut Jill ou'3':m: halo: t':i'Ill tliuoloonllaubol vultla and gunman will In banned. no that to be I Klnlltoulnn vllhlllho nntlntun, become 5 ptoud hand nnr Jinn; TAX-PAYII. w|u,||uu nu: IIIIII, income a pan: clourduhou. Tu-Pun. w W `O W? VIOICIOC IOWHTI llllll. Inn Iolqythllthlnglntlngbo common In aid ought to put In and too. and lot the audit 0! your the on I hang uh. nnlhn -`(laugh DI dual ill wuui Iuvy Illly Uvwu no ulusu. - ruuuuvuu-uvn we. Not ooulndolluy say that I pollounnl dntvll bard hutho but oltlmcuudwhonthoysnd ngtholrcrty n-.a-.o nu... V.n... Ornlw WT` III` I Ilfll ll OI I3 03! olllmund when they trod ngtholl-duty pnuot tMI.-Yonra truly, X. Oolbg Ibo Wrong '01 About It. ' Kntonox. Oct. 2I.-(l`o the Editor) : mam want my opinion About ohllrchel mono b no Innzlup. human. or Iuoh I h? be vo In raining money, but lot the money spent for nlok-nuuh lid odi- blu be Iundod over without mnkin woman Al: n-pl: nntl On in I--nnv-I N ha an Q Thjl VIII! any M30 013 Illllll or money by noun that pariah lor y 0! all-nloriom thu.-Yun. `uuucmlluuun. Ala. 11'." AH. '&9|I-,-YO, I an 1500! an "3. On! all Mould 10 um Iuprrucl nnIIIHeoI|dwI:onn I to Vlpl" . so-. -can vans ch Blduuyaul WINE. KKL 'D.'-\ 10 IX I:CII0l']l II ludhgyoIrpoporohhMtl|lu1.,lIotloo thupollaour while his duty. u-uotlngroughtohbovolllc want numb: tlnnondcntwlth A ruot Iw urunurougnuouoowuu cu-. wuuu Iulwoudcnt with by I t I vdnol nblqudl :- ..|oIu:; thun"l.|':|Hdlug omuu.' P . nllowod thin thing I ah when cnllod on by the alert to him. thaw cnlv hunted and fund st plllulIlVlII(.`l|IIIouny KIIUTVT on-In hln. tboyoal laughs! jund him. nndnnoon (in mm Inland in cm- unlit lull. Indy nu uuguou Ill! pun: u bin. ndoooon the men Inhdln Iodyto [rum v lonoo toward him. lnnnn-vlonvlhhthlnnbnnlnlbo UKIIIM dlorlllo .5u'.";..".""` on by him. `ho Itwml Iulouguwncpu an ne will don! VI: in refund to saint the nan-vnlnlnnmlnnknlt nonnnlnn hr IXWXIIN IXIll|C.I'IK1III`lIIl|lII'll|- ulnduhomnndth aronot :- wlusnliovdo. oven togllilngu manor Nwnuuhdclnq nollannnni dntvhhnul cnounhuth but 01.. T IIIIICX 0VCI' WIHIOII HIIIIII WOIIICII at: 0 sad toll to recover It by e. Tboro wo be non joy ond uthlnotiou If the church! would turn around and givo {rue concert: for the poor ond cutout, and thus win than to tho ohhrohu. when too mony of than on crowded out. There in non jaw known when plo do good not: than I rub it Illllll of mono b nonmillttinnrtnho lnmnlv of |nll~nlot-"iony. any nun. no Irwin: ndtnskolt compulsory for nhopollomlnd In htortwonoathlln _".l|I`U|* 9* '9. l1'I|llD.lIlO1I||O npoututtloanhano thuthia Ihouldlnloohod om. `ho pollen whcalnlbolnwlulucom Anna A-dlnnnnnnlnn -III 50 .1 moo punt In no xuauu cum cloud 1 whunnvnyvu bum from Smith`: dhbihphu. ma would be 5 I Ihpi. The and onld lolbo Alnnn 4-. an-n `A -An Alhnnl inl 31'n"".""I..'.' ?7'.'.1,""....u..""."a -'o'o'.3.'aF cult Inuuouppi dun 1':-and to Iolnlly. Ina. Jo-oph lllaooul tin man of anal mbhnrln mnnlnd lulu: the lllll. Illlpo the folks. umou. on n-m an team): In null-an-on-nnrnlIhAIll.hIInI__I|nnn 31;! that some poomlwou W HOW I` I contacted with olthor. 5 AN ENTERTAINING EPISODE. |5lTTfTOTHIlOlTOI- `no but of nun. mg . no-u `Anna QCOAQAAQ Til` rdnly. I THE ` BRITIBH WHIG. FRIDAY. OCT. 26. LII. gag; A u -. nuntl.?u:|tl:o::dhh)my'.. "1 ll V100! wun nanny Ill luwiull : Sllllrl. .l"5gor M Gnauoqu. Oooui Wok II Walla h_lnd, and Kate as Danton. They will carry _83,() buh. Capt. Iocrlmuon, d the polar. `Iva lin- thdn. roman tho up he wu umngatow doyongohouvthoiuln hoomohhonchn Bluobo-which wu Id with all lunch a: board only this nuns!-nloklng up about oIgIIoI`t&foloIlOllI0`VIBI'.`Olh_IV,I_ a nu.` o.u.('cu`quu5no.m.' 3;; u..up'.".ouu1aI.-a llyhthouo. " 1` DO I I (IWO[0. n.l`l`;:n:rr9rw. ;h:r following both. grain mu. Ill; boat :55 rt wultl toL|:rko- to trail : Imp. Can U, 0 mhigu annurlo. Why. Dominion, Coltlc u. , Richardson C son an loodlla tho follow- It vuull with barley for Oungo : Soil-I. .5. Gunman. ()mu': Wan 5: nun. . The tug Tho loll todny with two bgrgu for lihu one to load coal for King- Itoll. The oolm. Emory, Proctor and Falconer m on route to tho city from Omega with ooulior Swift. ' ' Than It only nout no !t. 0 in. of data- on the Mvlu` uhoil and no lnov upon It l|II C II only M` IU IL 0 III. III WIIOI Mylu' shot! no bnoynpon `warning vouch to that onulclc of It. . Thu Ichr. Dunnn :1! tin Lnlen. I-Ihnllt gt warning wagon to slur onuuu 0! ll. Thu nchr. Queen at the Lakes. nbnilt ll Dnoeronto. will be launched an Thlrndny. Ten days later Richuduon E son: will load her Ilth but-lav lm Durant. um qlyl Ilur mcunmlon C her with barley for Oungn. Tomorrow the (ollowln: I0!` LIGVUIIINI WIIII N IUIII (II "VI OI`. The uuhr. E. Blake and prop. Dominion {I075 hon oh.\rto'i`0d to any on to Glove- on . 'n.. o.... 'n.,..._;.. 1.0; a...A... ..m. 4.... nu eome pen or me new or new Ion, while the emoroue Jnrden in reported to heve been men-ied in Toronto eome four yeere ego. end on have eeother wife living there. They heve been he II; e goon-y or heberdeehery of eome iln , end orden e reported to heve been` etlll pureelny. hle vocation ee mechlle egent up to the time of hie erreet. Some time eer Irwln'e eeoepe from geol e rumour obtelned currency here the: he use erreeeed II Uudeuburg for eome crime. but the lucky edventnrer egele ee- mx.-od {union and obtained hie llhev. `III! n0 '3 IHTT II WQXIDUT. l0I' WIIIU oeied juetlee end oblelned hle libel-ty. W ether the charge wee one of blgeny or otherwiee could not he leerned. 'YO- 'IQIIUIOIu The nchr. Dudley cleared yaurday with 16.000 bmholl of borloy (or Onvngo. The mhr. Whit: Oak In in nor! with Cl!) umuu manor: 0! oorloy mr unvngo. The whr. White Oak In in rt with 4!!) tom of con] Icroenlng from F3 rhuvon. The solar. Grmtlnm clnhd In: cvonlnn 30"! 0| COII IOYOOIIIIIR "'0lI| IIITIIIVIII. whr. Grntbsm cloned Ins evening for Cleveland with 000 ton: of Iron on. Thu nnlnv Ii! Hhin and nvnn nnmlnlnn more onerge (I pol-orennn Tuesday morning. nrvin Iummoneel on III the wltneesee the: acid fonnd, who were to teetlliy npeinet Iain at the nvloue trlel. It in ev dent the: [twin or onion will be tried on the three ehnrgeo of blgnmy. et~ tempting to shoot the constable, and break- ing pol, and an lutereeting time in entici- peud. Jordnn first wife in deed. The wife whom he murled in Renfrew in aid to be the happy epouee of moth: who reeidee In some put of the state New York. the Jordan reported