_, ---.V 61' I RIDIA W 1&7. .` Urn Till QlT-'l'lu.`l ul HILI. Mono; ;.Iim 0. xwovnunl-zaifisas mu. `I'll: bring: I the quot 0! campaign hoodlc. `nu olthoupornhnm a human In the van would try to "lift" Cleveland by ounu-Ibutlu lumouo sun: at nouoy to ho ropuhllnn fuu In somewhat counteracted by $0 upon Hus Jay Gould bu uhtoluhly udtl to [In A , and thnt lnul. nl -onov have Id! In thtoluhly Iduild to [In Inu that loadnol noon Mn trutod domocuth Lad: D In dim-l and I 0'0!` the nu. `lb Nnlonal npublI- on mama In an 030.000 to party -mg-A-non In Tj ,0! Quinn m` both dds at tho Holman Ioun. uul ohn Allen, A wall-howl Clenlnd nun. bu hot ISLGI) on it oudklnu. mm. unnulh and rooublioun tool ou- oudldntc. Both domoonb sud republican Iduat oi victory. At the lower : headquar- un I our Ibo Inst campaign emblem. the nb foot. and I banner with a N` with rabbit ll thoulrldlo. 'l'hbiIthonIu|Iol `I'll! CLIVILAN D KMNIPIIACY. The 15-ihuee (Blelne oxen) print: the iollovlng deepetcln from Veehlegton. charging Proident Cleveland with coupl- reciee with England in order to fur- ther hle own nhanoee : The feet that the diemlneel of lard Sachville wee the reenlt of an understanding between Lord Sellehnry. Mlnieter Phelpe and the preeldent. in nor- rmed by the London oorreepondent of the Mancheeter. (I-In land). Guardian Such e bargain plaoee Ir. Cleveland in each `an unlavoureble light that in existence could ecaroely be credited It tint, and the few here to whom the fact wee hinted heeitated to accept the rumour an true. The conr- metion. however. from one heving oonden~ tial relatione with the Brltieh premier leave: no room to doubt thet euoh a compact was made between the preeiclent and the tory Englieh premier. and that Lord Sachville was mode a eoapegoat. in order to aid in the reelection 0! Mr. Cleveland and to retain in poster the democratic party for England`: lmne L" :TOVES &RANGES| ms mom or B[i'rLn In pownr N benet." TALK Ur Inn.-u-..~...-. The Ilemlal in still down upon Soototuy Bayud, And chunpionn the appointment of air. Herbert an acting minister. psrtly be cause of hi: former rooord, md Fully be- cnuu be In engaged to ho mated to An Amorlcun girl, and wind: up lav uying: We will not pretend that nnythlng. oven 3 ....minm Amgrionn VHO. could have pro pretend that anytmng, oven u eagaoionn American wile. re vanled on Mr. Bayard to conduct himee I in the Sackvilie ail'a|r with dignity or common eenae. but that in because Mr. Bayard ia pro- babiy the leaat tted for the high position he unfortunately cling: to that haaaver held that place. Hie biundering and `gobbling have, however. no relation to the ,matwr we are oonaideriug. We have no doubt tint if Mr. Herbert Ina married to a qhumin and well-informed American lady, would he were miniater, know better he to get on with euch n necretarv oi eta an Mr. Ba- yard. than did Lord Sackvilie, who hnd not thin ureat advantage. And aiter all to et .. ...m. rliaurrnnnbio neonle in one of 5.. thll Lvrou uuvnuusu. um. _.... . .. on with dlngroublo In an chief sud mo-t impor!|n!~ auction: of I dl~ plomntlng. If Lot .`.lall|bhr duh-on to lo Ill not thnt wonl grad pane both his mvn mun! men sn no Imrlonno hp will mglu Mr. erbert hi: mlnlnur at Wuhin - ton. He will. of couno, Inn to bra through some red tape in doln1' so but it will mks him very uln V th `ah own .......-o.-........ ma it \\`I I show him llld them inks him run run an own countryman, and it vrl I him by the way It in rocclvod Inn. thnt whlln the Amorloam tn` quick to in up they but no mnlicc." Olonlvund nun; nu-go coon . Nuv Yonl. Nov. 5.-A Whhlngton diu- pacch to the Herald u I: Althou h the olootlon day. wjhich WU dooldo tho uturo politlonlhte of Prenidallt _ClIV0luId. in only 24 hours removed. than in nothing shout the Whlu Home wlmllcua that such An event In nun I rcmnu poulhlllt . The re- pdu In the prints pgrt of the hiuliouu are nouly onmplef-Cd. Ind Kr. and Mri. m...|...a will probably an up 9,." ml. 5-..-.-.93.:-. litjvnnug nhvnm II oomplewl. and II . um mm. Clonlnud will rrobnbl up donoc than ur y in coming wash. 1! the nnldonz tool: any ooocorn shout the ruuton Tuesday then In nothlng in MI bearing to indlclbe it. no lnlllllcl the lactic: calmly with the (ileum people he .....o. H. uh thoir oniulon. but udvuncoo with "II Illnnm poopnu nu moon. Ho uh opinion. none himself. He: will noun the election ntunu at the uecullvo nation. where nn upon tqlognpherll oolotutly on duty. All use nnnilnn ol the GONIQ an shun! from Al... gin: Aural)! I. Glrld." mi ol the nuns m the city except Mr. "HE MAGOG TEXTIL-E IN You of tho repu begun I. Nam 5.--lhunur Dudley. bheun nation! commutes. ha` Milo! bfwm hocw` Illl Thou ht ubol. -rux or 1-mun-no.~a. . . . .n| )_..__ --._..- AND PRINT 00. [Ave now full nncee of all their` Newest invite MERCHANTS to exunine eeme previously to buy- ing elsewhere. 3PEl`ER S'l`., - MONTREAL. ELEOTROTYPER8. . D1VER&C0,,TORONTO A Jcluo In Ion-on-until. I You. Nov. 5.-Julo hvnlu. Into oupuuo cam ohnhn Ihlnnonlug. land magnum Nolan Baht he 5 Iudunuio lquhn brcoolno tannin. A Ibonpnuticlao tho oounultlthneuuthutloul udhgnl?-nu ttuuwonuoognst to he Oorulnnd N IOII'I.IIdt\lIh0VOI|d doo!.t|oIouon wlthoutpnjndhoto ..y as rich-.-J would upnuloopllion. Incl Worse than Ivor. I OOIIVALL. Nov. 5.-1150 uul ink MI and 7 but since Suunlny ht. `nay villhcvotonlortlo pile dd I` to '00 solid bottom. A uvrv ----., _.,.-..___. Bllull. Nov. 6.-The Pod y: (I though 00-any osuot uh put In 1 coming uhlbldcu at Purl: It kept: the mun... -my be 3 noun. coming alumna: nu hllilllou my In ff? mum, cu-not on. a... van loud dndhlhohiloon Fr-thy. Khuln- snuhnbouurutodoonupkinnol nu- or. A (nut inucuu r-nu-. Hus. Oct. .'L-Advlou from Sup. my thu plum unotod u post conning ol lofty man ol the foreign I on ud noun Pngod In Tonqnln. and HI :1] but one III-not II) In the Building, Wnum. Ind.. Nov. -11 reelde-ce of John Cootuler, e fer-er. wee deetreyed by a.........a.. -nnlnnnldtht twelve veer Cootulor, tutor. curroycu II} In youth; and the two! old non of Sumo! ty, who was vvzltlng A... 5...! ntlnnh. ulnnull sud noqumod. Inn nlgni n 9 ol mo Inland Kano , d ad imgnuoyutau ny. nd eommltbuf 5 mil outrugo on him. mnimlng him for Mo. A CouI;i'Io on fun. Puun. Nov. 5.-'l`ho munpr sud crust of the per La Charge. who were unwind ut the ammo of the government for pub- lishing cartoon: ridiculing the Army and glorlf ing Gen. Boulnngor, huvo been con- vlo And ouch uontonood no two months` Imprhonmont and to pay and of 500 lrsncu. ..:.:____.-:_.- `u: Wouldn't Eur 0! ll. Lonbux. Oct. .-A Kory uncut wu hold 5: Wolverhnrnptaon lut ovenln. A motion undo b Hound Vincent. I. I . for the conlrul glvhion of Shaiold, and loodor of the fur crude movement. In fnvour of Mir trade In dolatod. three iqusnon ol the ~.-_L... ....ol-us -nninn it, - Ouulgo II urnnguuu-. 0|u.'u\'|u.u, Nov. 5.--On Thu 5 man nunod Haney. 59. VII tried for er mi- ul anal: and soqumod. That night 5 -..-on nl wanna man ld . `T300 `X (ICIXKGI. Iuncu members voting ngninu. it. F-U WV-I vi Dxsuomns. lows, Nov. 5.~-A young lady numod fhompoon was found dead In her room here yum-day. She had jun noolvod null from n oung man, who had boon wn|ting;:J)on or. and that he left I shot Inn has , and her Manda ruched In And Inund her dead. Hhe left I note which will pmhcbly ox lnin the uhooting. but It has not ban In a public. A Great Ileny Men llled-LA lnbeerlptlon AM Link ee Been Opened. * Puus, Nov. 5. -~A terric exploelon oc- curred in the (3 pngneo cnel pituln the de- runent of Avgrron. Eighty mlnere were illenl ; twent.y- wo bodlee hue been recov- ered. l'AIus, Nov, 5. -The bodlee of the miners recovered from the Cam ooel plt. where the exploeion omurm Saturday. ere fenrfull Immlelpd and only A few heve. been I entled. A Iubecrlptlon lint he: been opened {or the relief of the lunlliee. :?____:------- ` Mar. Yuan nu: - mg.-.. Mme. Vnldn, who with 5 concert c6m'- rany. appear! in the open house tonight, : s Bostonian, whose prince Mme In J nlin Wheolock. liar voice In 5 ntronu clrnmnl.lc" Iopnno. brlllhnt Ind uiblo. and In 5 conlplcuolnly largo oomptu. She phruol nrtlnicnlly, nlngu hot rant, nrpoggl sud omure, with uonlumlmh oat. smooth ..-.. ...a nla-nrnoll. sud Ihl sltogotior "arunnuc ' non and clenrnm. slap Altogether with the authority of 3 motor: nrtlut. Her enuncintlon, too. in botutllully dlntlnct and elogsut. That that II III unlit ll evident enouh, and the im loo uh: nnku upon um nudlenct in brll has in the cxtnmo. Danton thb charge. xwu, Nov. 5.-'l'ho King at Wuruvnborg in much exerclud our nownpn r nportn chnrglng that he in under u uonoo of throo Ameriouu whom he had undo his fsvorlla. A for d: I up tho Nu nun-` monod Baron Von M unuht, tho Wanam- berg prime mhicwr. to Nice and Inuruotod Mm us make our amok! denial of I rt Payton-1 mi. `in beautifully dlnlnct um t lnovldonc lmrnnlon the audience but Efrb olohl donut or T than his print: can had has: low! kl. nnl. "III III ynvuw hh expand. ._._._..Z___ Did IQ III] III FIIIOI. -_<._.._._:_._._ A FEAR!-"JL MINE EXPLOSION. TELEGIAPRIO POINT!!!- A opo Kindly IIDIOXI. ._ lie Wu croosod In Ian. -A- I--.- U-.. l._A `um Mao. Vuldn M "`'9" st :1. ...|... -Id\ 1 IIIIIIQ 0:; at 0|-nngovlllo. --------.. U..- K_l)n Thu .---a9-----"`"` . 3..., gpa `rubs Your (holoc- ._- -_._.... am, not 2 annual. 1 No lore Goorlu my... I An. -4.04 \ Croonoul II Ian. M, u lay. hohcdjuut mg _,_I -l.__ L- Igln - -hnl (ht A vouue onuouuujn MTALLY Auto unrmntr. [A uunnnggaoo. Ihlulhl. unit I G`: mi Jtdcl u _-h:~:!.-_- :_-'::::."`.: 11".`... ...L".2 _._._______.___------% t.-::::~:.:.,:,.s..=:.2= -1 ncuoolunryloth. Gun Kuunn You-I. II ycnnold, ooumlnul Iojollforhln `Italian ththollud ad lulhhsvopIIIII\udIh)_QIIlt|.l,t|.~ (III. . W. V . Cuolll. noonbur d New York (-3010*-nhndx I60.- rhaaaocmouamuuqhusuoc will and o! u . 'i {`.'}:'.3.. o......"6 .1... ::sdhuuhnc|n abs Gunny nqludonholm nun. Ilalndo llovnll In Il 5 NIroh|IoI|oCIII'hi NIXCVIO on the pndduchl Wghdlnoo . 7" .HlC |I||uI `S - uuamuh. VI1u + '7. ODIN] II nu" III-Itvuu. -Inn on-u --.- ..-.._ od. Mr. Glulutoun the II-bl: radon in molly the In lluh. toh Mid duh quot- don nndu tho quot!-Ion II ltilod the country ICII know lulthor III n nor olfoomd pm`:-cu. "o * __ UV day. `no ollyvuu : E `occur. Ilr. Ghduono will mluln mole of the week and will Inch award 1 Inn. A unnuon you 0 nun rl In the d uouth of Fl-non, lo I703`: 3 wt ppln the .....:....I |.u..d lnln v. a river wl tho R IOVOIIOX )2! IIIII III:-I u an: on. Count: wimp! received, Into 0 iguana udboIhvundwyn- II lwde a fertile Ihoei-II 0100004 n Pnnle Fur lay Illlee Anny. l I1'nuIunn. Pn.. Nov. 5.-'l`he exploelon o! n nitro-gl cerlne mngulne occurred nc-er Shennopln, n.. III on town nenr here. thin morning. It In not known whether any per. eon wee killed or Injured. ` The megulne belonged to the torpedo com y. o! Delewnre. The exploelon wne ten n And wen tell I) Inilee nw . Eoneee end ehnntiovn were elxeetered In bled!- eta vicinity. At Sevlokley. Ive nllee din- tnnoe, the ehook wee ee but that the peo- ple ran pnnlo etrlelen from O eh honeee. Lennon. Nov. ll.-Capt. 3. Jena. 0! the Nornghn but "Not". Iron New York lor Satan. which wu In collision with and aunt an Imnorsu lludholl, of Coven. dholdu Iupoulhlllt lot tho nouldont. N hi 1: has in out - - .31`. _".'. .1`. ....E..... ...a ".'7.'.`. ':'.':. i2:'. Nothing bu but hard at Nutty-two por- Ionl who no milling And. the In lmlo doubt but that tiny wont w with the -Qnnlnnn , GIRL _ A NlTROOLYCER|NE` `EXPLOSION. --.._.___._____-.-- `thank: God [or II. 81-. Prrnmmnu. Nov. 5.--'l`ho our bu Inuod I monifuto until: that he shares with 0 people their um: I to God for NI mlmn hm: noun from death In list Mon- WIHI I pvupuv cu-u u... mlnc loo: coupe ( day`: railroad ncoidcnl. wild gun on phuttlul at Amhom. In-v lud. Soon: 0! than won uogthon yu- urdsy. Ilr. Horton, ol Toronto. has been .mp- pudgnbd mm Yong Mon`: Chm- D. Baylor. Wolllngton. hu boon olootod uothoollioo cl Ilburhn at tho vourlnnry medical uohty. Toronto. found ilt. cl h _ ._|n mbor. Toronto. Plcklod lgl foot. |0o_; tickled ton ea. :60; but lac : bologna. 0c I ooohd corn hoof . 9 lb. {or 250 ;, unnufb hum. broqklut bacon and roll: cheap at. W. 1). Bond t Co`: ' Just Wanna. A __ at Kin to: Mill: to-dsyhy u-gt. Nab G: and 1- Small. Huron A out stolen from H. Macon` horn: on `frldny night. Ho .44 3.. lmnalll It (roan than an (arguing:-` ' Ebin Moon-I onrnany mgnt. as V dd he bought It lwmqnu-` kl . . ' Vfljfj mquuouulqt-he-nbllnbv to SECOND EDITION. thank: to uou in nu ` nllnnul n2nidnL no; Inn! to Ihcldlon. ...... u-.. 1 ,_r!nnI ll Jnnl ._._...__.__._....._. Douunood to lung. rn.nI.. Nov. 5.-Jack .Kohoo 1'v p:iIt|y murder And ununood to Inn-lnhnr, {E ---z._-.---_.?.:-- LATE LOCAL NIW8. > 517" : nnnlll. rbndhfg "}a;:'IvzX)jii' co. so mm It. vim `roman. `IA'NED GLASS` OPPOSITE WINDSOR HOTEL. LEGANT & VARIED STOCK 14. mm vr'.'u'a-r BTEREOTYPERB: 'g " rotmp. --- IIALL HUI 0!` IONIY. Apply I! this V000 AND 0005, V000 ENGRA V//v0.' nut. N: ' WIIO. OF IVHIY DIBORIPTIOII FOR I0 - HEW - FAIGY - 00 Come And take 3 look through. hctuu. unauek._lloou-on ----2?%-Z--- N 8A`l'l'RDAY NIO INCH. about I IIIQ I0 ll! XX I'I 'oA.`cfi5..1'1~1 D. `INC m. Tomo. V -. SINE. Quota-y. lrhlud coquuur J 5*: mmz`!...!!!!. _j:.1':: 3 `zg - - A __" 3: .A\'... ,_ V _ 'bI5ENi-:*bT T in '02 PRINCESS 87.. mid. wall Ind. 1`:-In Imnudhtnly. Apply 1'. uucx 03113:- mi :'t'o"o 1.3 ` w ` no Ionlnoull at the Pit Incl: II- pnuol-loI In-an VIII occur. Iauon. Nov. 5.-130 ' Berlin Inn 850 rqlkl al 850 Minn! to his vnoonl ultlnuollboonproththonuldpl do- Dania-aDuod.v.d.4. 92111134 tuna,- rm-pang.-gamma-nag.-u~.."u...."" "" .,.'. `, H6! Princes: nod Goulon cu-oou. lunjr No more dlnblo 0|` woll-tonal llutrumens `and: than the 0. ll. WEBER UPRXDII1`. lama In pl-loo and uoxodld by my Can- : Instrument ___.._.____....___.______ I WISH TO IIlPLOYnrounblo man in r oounty. No 0: rlgnoo nqulrod: per- ton! position for Solar: lu- ssod . 1. Mil men. .1 nu oduy. vor- n_ ou2._ II man In an `:9. ~- an -ndA `AL ' 0 K cl Paul: at 0 Oct-u onpu-or. Vonuicclc Iciluagnyn lilo tho duty ol the lid]! 31 D thunamytlou t_hI_n hdvuoy ulna tween the mull- : 4-1-- -_.I `L- IIL.-I mung "In-"I'uL poo:-gonna. - - - L~huIn.mnIvd.vs.41.I. 921193 1 ornlcuuonoc A Iraqi-t. - uycdlnthooduohu ol my not at I olPrun-|soto0otuuoIupuor. v....'.s.1..'o..mnnIch my low tho Punk `nus us: an uuuo an actor. `strong in B0 community cl unu- Imm button on when and random. to still continue Us vendor uh the uupu-or the thhgnhst on than tori, and Into the fun ooumltulon that long to I." The un llhunl pnpcn douorctunucuon `X150 )5: ronurh that the ulclhigu eovnnunlontlon is cloth:-|r`Rtool that love ol the truth in not his I o! Emperor William an 41 ll: lather. `nu. an leek rem.` "" use were week from lll-treatment end lneu dent food. They were out Into e dungeon and kegs conned until the venel we: ready Io - `Pk. -can AMI!` In tho U. S. mlul in toounodnntll the nut! luuy no 'l`hencnAppulodtothoU.8.oouhnl at Acapulco but won nnublo to obtain an nnluunoo. gun... .... IANO REPAIRS at All kind: on Uprlnhu square: onouud at the Wabor homrv. mo! Prilgou qad moon. Kings- , _ -A |__.-..._.-uh 'l'ho Cornwall Canal Bush when n For- DII IQ ll [I81 III Dalgor. lloxnnn. Nov. B.-A lunar writes to in Vitus: "In the curl I ring of I83? I III looking I! A job 5% gging of the Oornwtll`:o.;|.l. 'l'uhorbo;u'n 5 natural ido- pnuoloo tuna ronthonpdo. when Illa] llljhl IIII ollglll to have located the canal. luuntl of following clue to the man. But tho (mun Along the front wutodlolnvolt than. no on togottl) ouch for ollowlng their forum to be cut. The Eu-man touted the contractor: and en - |urI,snd,porhqp.pvo tlnlnuolioeolt 0 money. At sllovoun. though I Am only a tuna. mv an mull the [dos of dmgor A` III IVOIIII. IIIOIIIII 1 IIII uuly hrnugmyoyo t ofdm : when Ihu now he: one, and I alt nd am they should runh Into needleu anger. It wu also aid um the Bauha- noh and uhonld Inn been on tha north uh!` (I tho S3. Iavnnoc. when it would hnvoboon Inon noun from iuvuion, but that tho owun III the Iotltll Iido muugod hhjndkhu {sure to get the benet o t on their II on! the river. If this In true it was about II bud on anything our present I rnlel-I hwo done." the lotion Iunlu ol I Qlun-cl and I Olurlo ol Anompud Ilurdor. ~ Puuu, Nov. 6.-A notations u-Lin nuned Vmbocn. on omployoo ol 5 hunkin houu sod ooonkollnnormero brought. ore the In hum chnrgod with min deadly won- I. The quarrel occurred In tho bedroom nf . -mun who Ind duortod Hskelberger port. {:1 of 3 woman who had dunno}! Hskelber r for Vanhoon. lhkolborgor wu woumeul In the ght. lhkolbo r Ind loh u poni- .1....\.nav. 1.1"`. ma I\n(I hrnlmn .x-_ I- for Vanhoon. uuunorgor wu Wuuuuvu tight. lhkolbq tion in thno`md'IbKn and Ind broken L8. n.:..... -Ikh . -nmnn Ihnna nnme in Dn- RbthIo\Hd'I bink and had Drouon his lininon with n womnn when name vornot. the two zgming to remain Manda. Hskolbergor an the ivounnu nn Invitation to dlnnor nnd was Inoonood bocnuu IIIO Ig- no_rod the now. Ho thereupon wont to her npnrtmont Armed with n ravolver sud sword stick. The womnn nobnlon him of Attempt- in; to mnrdcr her. Hnlzelborner protuu hc only intended to (righun her. but he in reblned In prloon. Hon:-Inldlnc Drowning calunlu on Io, tun-any-`l`wo mm Lou fholr Llvu. Gnu. 0nt., Nov. 5.-A molt hon-trending drowning accident occurred on Saturday be- -....... m A l n'clnok. The three children nceldonl occurred on uuumny no- twoon I2 And I o'clock. The of Dr. S. F B. Raid. dentist, two girls and I boy. sgorl ll, 8 and 5 yotrl. wit : nrnmlng thomulvu on the bulk: of the Grand river. and It `la nuppouod Iron youthlnl lndhcrouon went too new-the edge 0m 0! than fell into tho river. which afum parloulu lace :-.u.... .un.Innlnuu. lntrvlnltolt 0 I IOOIOIIFIIII In In u-qua -wu At.th:I parllcnlulaoe lndeep.udlhootlIcn. lntrylnjtom rncna. ADO [OI Into it WIVR. _cIIi_l- -uh zhnuthoo. Wljl, UPRIQHT. ls doe ad the otlllt. In H1111. nocnursho got the drum on the oppodu lanai notlood the lmk boy. the youngest of tho children. clinging to tho rock: cnllin for help. The alarm was given. and w in; rhoun noon at- rlvod. The boy In and. but the two girl: were drowned. -- `A.-- BRUTALITY TO A SHIP`! CREW. Ir v-uy Tho oollogloto moot tho Brock Bloolvllb on tho lodi. rlllo high och lutlcooo football club VII ooltounln xmasmx. cimn ~. _ onmonmo TNI EMPEROR- T Jolly. ofcucumber und min for math lgudn ntco ud Ink. Drughh hop I - h-aI`.('4.- Q ANOTHER OALT TRAGEDY- PLATONIC FRIENDSHIP. mm A JOB OF LONG AGO. an 2- q-...- -1- IQHQIJFL P1lYCAK-;+|I0 IIADY F ` Yf %Nl`LlOT. cnmnsr i'r"""m" V ` :|BBY & VIRTUES, KING ST.