um nor Tum ha-.3-(Ionian I cum. um um. '5'," I3 .122"... '~"'..:.'4~"""':...a." `.`.`n'.r 5.3 H! mm _I'0I' I ma llotllt. A Ilngle mu bottlc will pron New-vllu to ho equally oiouddh an II utond C Iihmnl romody. ad for of dc-odpun is has mun]. ' I0 81-M A mm. mm 1. .1: cm In man: so pm. um pom-. Ncrvillno In the most :1 and certain remedy in the world for It onlf oogtll 0 t 1 I0 coolI_hI'otthl -Aaing hnttln mill n-an N-oils: In In odnnllv , Conuumptim my be mom ouily prevent- ed lhsn cured. The lrribtln: and hnnuln ` `l 1o'ghs3'|Il;::|.'::' `lunch by an aha touruoou , 001:. dlpulunanry trou la. ' N Alfred Gnun, '13. l'I'(l NWIUIP, '99. ---:1 mu: wno nwunnuy you own: cannot, at 5 drunkud, go to hetven, but I defy any one to than we (mm the bible thnt my one who aka I Qllll of ale. gin. whiskey, wine, or bnndy cannot go to heaven. (AQ;.lnuIe.) A man ought bot to tnlu these simply` ms bovgrngu, oibecaune he likes thami You no not bound to also a home of cum: oil It dinner every day. The Chriulm rule in, ` 'Whother you out or dtink do all totha glory I Golf When op lat younelvea up for apoutlu yonnm n the aignu of your upmtleoll . Ilvo keep the Ion command- ment: u. Ihocluyonthwlovo to our neigh- hour-und land '0 II: also alone it will be better for us. '0 I I not then be goomllfmning thing: ll min which are no sin: n 5 ." yum young. mu; rnomn nlcunmmon. 299 ; Alfred Aldred, 294 ; Wnlur Martin, `I76; Wllllnln Mum . 275: Alexander Smith, `202 : Willltm cGlll. 249 ; Robert Muxley, 23); John Derry. 225; Rlchdrd Boyd, 2l8; Wllliull Conley, `I16; Phil Nah. 204: Charla Guy. Ml ; H: Powell. 175; Hugh Pa. user ` and Stanley Tsrrult. M0; Frank I10. 157.; William And Fndulok Allen, 150: Funk Sllcr, M9 ; Bertie Baird. M8 :E. Gay: and Jnmn (`.amnhnll_ I39 2 End Mania. 1'28 2 nucr, Mu uoruo aura. IO! :15. (JOY! I00 Jnmu Ccmpholl, I32 ; Frod Manic. 128: Allan Strand. H9: Juno Strand. H8: Wllllnm `King. H8; Wllllun Paton and Fred Swltur, 84 , William Hunllton. 77` I Union. ' Quoon strut Ichool. Senior Third Clan, standing for Ocinbor ; local number ol math obtainable, 500-1-`. McArdle, 453: Edwurd Bull. 306 ; John Auulntino, 38`); Durward Hutmm. 36-0 3. Luwin Young. .149; Thomas llcCnmmon, Q99 : Alfred AMI-ad. Ql 9 \\ nIhr Mm-tin. will be bold tomorrow Ivon- Ildnt the onlpiou nf thy NOTE - THIS ! Wlll I W II_Vm WIIIIU WIN OI you IIQD` Imokon will knock at who door 1 long time uadtluu not get In. some mothoru think their daughter: VII! not got Into haven if their dnughlon wcsr the Grumlier style of bonnet and loothou. Other: are jun. u otrttxtngnlnulounou. (Lsughm-.) It in u luu how phtisu dive tint at one thin on then another. You condemn uno ing because you dun: not smoke I pipe to saw your liio. (buughmx) Hut yuu cu: do anything else A great. dad worse. Can a mu: who phqu card: go to heaven 3 Yul. In an. Cut A nun: who dtinlu whiukey go to haven T Yet. he can." An inurruptor---No, he cufl." Mr. Jame --Thin in mother gape}! A mu: who h itnully get: drunk cannot, u drunhu-d. no to helven. but I dafv IIIV one KIT lm OUIX |IIlIuI III Km`; You how no right to tolososo sin in I you nlnlotor. I spook with on inunnity of purpoos. But on so . ` Brother. you should dnv it ( ughunl I stay pols Juno Chdu was very Inlhl when s dcuonosd Ibo rollglous prolossors of His day on `ooorosioa of vlpers. how shall ye` eocopo QM damnation of hell 2` I toll you some 0! you no loo manly mouthed. Who: lo tho rain 2 You know you on not llrlnu ht. `ll In truth and shone the dull. . and you on `terrors on o ipo sod tohocoo omohdrs. (Lsoglnsn) 'ou may lie, stool. htooh tho Bohhoth and you say that will all hofou-given, but ll your brother smokes you tell him he wlll not o to heovas. The sighs n! afar hso just t 0 some does on you so I so; on Ibull. (Alrplouls ) `Photo's sunny 5 smoking man V` lg! to hsovoo, while some of you nn_n- smokon will II long lav. I}. Jolhoy In muuou,.u All - A Ionnllnblo Anal-nun. Toloo. Nov. 6.-0n Sunday morning Rev. III`. Jcfrq punched I roauuhble 1 Among tllotlhll II id` .";'\'ou hnva nu: rinln Inpto|.u-.:tn lain in om: PRICE BTORE. ea Panacea; smear. KINGSTON, '\-I Bleached and Unbleached, V Twill and P|ain_ -A A4 9- ..-.. ---...l I- THREE LINES, Two WIDTHS, LADIES FRENCH KID BUTTON BOOTS At $2.50. ` The above nes excel anything we have showna: the price and will well repay you thetrouble of examining. SPECIAL omves. --I1~:r-- HEE?.T_1NGS Apo'rIoN. SALE f ` H71!-turn. Oarpeis, -03.. etc. D C I. o%_ "" " PIIIC $......:..."`uia.t:i;.!"" "' ' J IUQN um II`. III I IJlIUvvV'! 6 . I 'P3' " ." ll ::.T.$2'. . u`.'.'.#.`.'n'.`;$ .3... * 3.rE1:'movr1r1=:i:B8 IIII hall. Thurndny evening. ` ` ' u -34"`. Do. to `In. per yard less than present rema, rates. Quantity limited. Oomc early. PULPIT SENSAT ION. Vnlnublo to Inow. _.y,.. _-,. L- _,__.. ___n _.m_ not-:.- -- blo to I ta 0 leunrol gnu Auc FUR-LINEDVCIRCUELARS. ta: leuun utatruu-nu M. on use o my I It: being sully uni nnn lAI.- II A1-L --AN D- ABREAKFAST-COCOA v_ _........u -u_ un 'l`-mnnl). Wrilhll nan Arcana: .. .__..., Unmlxnd with China direct from their sum Those uuoumd without A rind fur Put!!!` Strength and flavour. The undoulnd has this da n-ceued u unnu consignment of these (the . " :10 world) and will be lumpy loaup|;`>`ln` ram . o-tnmeu. who denim smncl choice. with an ammo of the lame. 1-_:1FLI oholoo. wlu: umple o NAMES rR"E"E5DEN, ? $:ate new The Bar-noon `res Estate. The boobnh Tpa Company. The Koch! Tu Estate. ltublllhed for the pnfpooo of snpnlyigl P [ Erifzzi 0:3-IN'l"l` i>1'acbaII1<}Ns' T `ND `LL `IINIIQ 0| rurumuns ms mom 281 PRINCESS ST. 51 Prllonu Strut, cor. Sydenhul Sm ! Kingston. uhlu"l.-""" '" N we """A "' .2`.`.'."J.'%"""" EH; CA5 IF YOU ?v`[1e?'rnn L`/zeapestc BestFurniture [WP Al I Y\I.`Ql`DII)'l`VI\\VQ PA II If Io ooloct (ran. Alwql the but uelxul I! post uylhh clock In Ihnorn 0u.un'o. Gin Ill 1 an and look over our nod. spruce up-don,t be a chIn-aMj don It `all thotrou spring nu-h hon. All ELEGANT LINE OF EANGIIGB R5B.iN_S6N:S~ 'iA'ii' Mi-:'1z"1ior 877 Baqot Slrref. ` Bend In your order: only tor ` PAINTING - AND - PAPERING Iklllj Huang -1- 703 IALI II I gnlnl Q WW-)?T -STv_:E0PA`T lTlf} MERCHANTS! - nousskeerznsi 9;`ms*s; lngto lu mm! mol um wms ... ._ ..- ._... .|.I|a-no nlomach. I 01' ALL DESCRIPTIONS. CALL AT i3;;._.% M -_;;.._ n__u-_.._ .4- ......4 FRIIEDUI THU! FLU! Inna... sblo the moat-delicate utomnch. euunlnnoouunoudingit to my pall- unootluh unlulneu. pm-ill 13"` Inc hlo by lhv smmAo}1.' DBILLIIYAI-la - --In-r O. nn --251 Pnlxurzss snu:m,- 2` 002-. Byoonham street. 'l`olQI\ona oommunlcnllon. g -aaavova L:;va_..--- Lesdini Undertaker and mbslmer. INDIAR TEAS, PU Rf. aw: 7ElIE.;bir} .143. A. MJPALMER .'.'sr::-.-:'=:'.':'_,-'.. '::=:.-:'.-.` --AND-- gantl. WIN! Ll'IOUlOII'II'l'. `5`&%}FE?l?F"~ OF 1889. +.. ..'h .'......a . \i.`` >15 re-1".'aA M-. Indaoll in Jun nouvd the Inca lot 0` Overs_=o.ating -._ _-.. ;.. RATTENBURY `O.UaVL|`NG `ND SKATING. A nanhjonn 4- --n- AA-Ininn-up A-nn W. .- All llltllltllllj III`- on.-s53'1"nn u. ohaortly urd- mdihohutinfcnntkn. can nth: 7 's'..'L."`r..."'.T..'7';".'.`." ".'.'.'S.' 1?: can gnaterllunln ormor um. Our prlcn will In fond Italy at low sud` our pmonu much but- ur an the ordinary ham,- Iudo ' All In dl - cmnrrl? In amnumg. use uunuouaonrmroruoo nu awn olthougoodninby nonnuoonudlo shhclty. A an whlohu vuuummd by &D.LnIIn:IvHhnn;u-an--._ WK ICII .... L3 .'u."`n.m..""""'.` is? run nzlumnnd n the can .30 and Mar score, tho ruruhtha of the inn for the ungnu Animus :5 0kg.` nu-4|- L. L- V `............-..--.. . Into 1 t U-Viv: tuuruu "wt- gfl UIUKIRI OUTBI Al. which all via An In- "` '-Iua"'.Tn"s'.'.'.I ( I and the Unhnd Bum. on thin hclltlu for hi Ihnnn anunnnn Am VRIIDA at I van. JAKE IUHIIOND. noel-dun. E'a`i'".5;.{'.,Z ll wuu uulun ny "- annulus. . '-1;: man." -"":y'.'7m. Sun. "I|tbopu|I|kdobMnd owpthud In uI . T750 The New York ha h taking 3 kindly In- hmthslrdoh |Inodould.uduuudu;- lyonrp-otuounhnouvcndlhontho unondouqumho. luullphluthtth burdnwhlolunu-uhupoutlno poopbcl Qldswulqhnbhlldlynuonqby A___-.n-_ Ill`... L-.J._I0 ._-. Ik- 3: a-V uuvllnvuu uwauvu-u-Irv-. uuua an r hoaour of Hon. J. H. Pope, sir John Mac douald hula a apfaoch la the course of which he Old : "Alnllallon, VI mun always re member would had to direct taxation. and ll Ira adopud commercial union or unre- atriobd rooiproclty, which practically means the name thing. we would have to mpply our dimlniahad revenue by roaortlng to di- not taxation." I! in remarkable that the prvmiar baa not dlncovanv.-d` any diifhrenca holvaoa than lerlna. Soul: of his organa have boon at lnnita palm dening tin dia- tlaotioa and it ha: been drawn Ilth a ran regard for the litnoaa oi language. But that II no! to the point. Sir John` in afraid that the adopva oi reciprocity. nnlimitod and nnraatriotod. would load to direct taxation. la is not ramarhablo that thin thought did not occur to him at an earlier data? He dB not think 0! it in 1878 when. in papar- ing the way for the national policy. he said he daaihil a ndppoity of trade bo- unea Canada and the Uniud Sm... but that bola; lmpouihlo he was daurminpd to Hana nupnulty dhrl. -`Ho d not think olitagalayhollloltada clanu add- adhdnhrlfutdliiiinlavolrd noi- proolty. and providing for the carrying of it an in an the Ulllad Slab: ,In|glIt ' chain. 13 grozxhaam gnu 0! dlnot cmuon _ manual adqpud nalproolty an Uobaaa lad an-nu. ' ._ an 4-_i<;__ L -_a_n, . La__.n_. n_ Auonobn ` SALE ` J u up u vn-I-I-A stun -nu uvuunu xv .,__,_ . Iloitullodfor. The day of battle bohg pound common some will be ullowod to nlgn In the counsel: 0! tho nntiolu. Bo- tnu now and non March. when he tnku omogncnl Harrison will have (In op ...4..-n.. 5.. ....A.... ..._ n.- ....n.... L. _. purunuyyu N71! lpful IIIU puucy III ulu ho` pond: vl safely nd incest"; and Mr. Clovolud will have time to noct upon it rlnllnc and Into nuoomonl for the insult In cloud to the BI-lthh gomnnqpt. dlnctly Inljhllbugh gin plodpohntlu-y an Wnhligtol. in ordor _u plan a [notion .-L... nagg L- AL] _..A __a IIZIZII lltllvvu Ulvulvll ylv-uuuriu In my: United States In 5 Isle plunllty. In ovary nub In In: bttl 3 luoarito on tho pl: In A- ...nn_L_._ ...;.-_j .3. I... I. .L- .|__- IX K T . l.VIIIIII|U K IIX CIII IUI Ihngdlhnuvund tblulhtholpuw emu vuoluiy qv._nb puibbam hm uwhodpnnny alga pool- J I"nvnInAtI Ind`! In P I nmhn. um Iwuoa In -y [us put- a..,:a.v.1.~1P."udn in v6}, I put.- blu. The rqpuhllouno have conducted the non qhlhd ud nnltod ooouut. mad the nvnnlblhdn. Wlutcaulhnn any on- ` man 5. non. III pu'!y.lIh thodonoendo. bu Lg.` .--L--lM.L [- L _ -1 .._Al_._g vvv- nun: run . uuv vwwiiv-IVUI--\I. I: bun_uu- 01 Inn-chad guslncat. It Jnth unto. the Iuhttylluty. It inspired the rohlhtory talk of Pnnldut. Guvulnlunl I hadrons hNuw York noisily dooluod that the npubllosu vod [0 I be In their opponent: could do In the dohnooud proaoclonol Ana-Ion: luumu. WDIIIII Id! rolprk may mean cu only be I! van undo dining tho but 0! the blocclon and prohnblfbu noboro ouctthu most of the talk that ho been indulged In undar vu-y similar circum- nunoou. In truth the Cundluu Inn duv- -cu:--:1. an aunt DIIU vulluuxuu uuvu VIVIV' Cd thd thrcotoalngl of ho!!! purtleu towudo hruoonuohhonhulwhichthcdcdn to punch: to I vithta-I sun and handle clo- --gh g-Ilgl I.- 51. J-.. J L-AnI- L_l__ IlIIlW\"-I IT WIII II-V. 5I- VP typo n-A mph the policy he an and n. v u-an-.-u-g us uuuvu _vv yr vvhou votes to did not get. W, CHI TI UC$UI -I ICUCUCIIIII-Cl lnndnogMx\hHhouscnllodbnnI`db Idn"vapI-Ictlenllyobolbptou dhtrlocg III! his PUHW to: crap. and htouonudbukwbcstgrownus tubul- hhhroI.Ictfoldor.ndthu tin wintry : OIIIIIOI {nth [In stock In much hector llnllvu. 0! by choninuocsrolty. ndchtnvtbonhuugbuthuothhju _-L.l__....I l.._ AL- ..-o -.4I -..o , iv _lnon1lunvIr|oq. ` low `PI1'c,ps- and Quick Sales V nyjlom -uuuuuourw 5-v-v--cu-. u----ou.v.-'- auhlupon-1| Inn the cut and we, when ltvnnlovvrdbpnlod any uhud h puny. nulnuu magma diudoc. in Aqnt.tholuucnvoro|nnpnicHrooo- dillunluhllnldlytluh gnunndloo olutochunportodstshutinu. `Dulu- pnn-ullnthodculoouoonbcuh not sturhrvhhhcy polio! pony cu: -I-l_ ...JlA "cu.-';.a":L' Aunouucmtuf. E "&k" thpbcl Olllliflotop npoth. IbI@.un&[J0.lho||h pathos Ind _...-l...J-.-_-LggA nnnnnhgplnn -nx CTV:--3--wvv-uwu---- ntpydplhnhlllhl. Andthh bhldlovlllablbolueolruy oltb nptthpuhhldunnlnoogn. Than- ulhovutlcohlbolutthuthopnvlna plcnlly dld not at`! at nldnlnuc l.__. J_.__I.a . AL`: AL` -g.-II.4I Launch all: ow-`re--any T_l_-lER'J_\_lLWAYBY-LAW . .. _.._ . .. -.._ __ ... __..__ _-._ DIRECT TA XA TION. Al the Sborbtooh dgllnouirntha, hold) , _ _ . _, .3 II- I II II, , -n_I,|,, |:_, IXI 1' 01.1 KILA ND. In-than baboon oldctod pnlldu.-It ol the "-.A4.I 01.1.. L. - ..l- _l..--Iln- 1- -.._-.- 'Ul`I `Ibhpbono. Ioo& IIO. --4---o-w--o--.-:1--.-.... 1:. ml cuor IIPOHI. nnmsn wma wnt}js_1_s_;_o.w. Nov. 7. I TO UIO I337. porazsunagldglnclug zozlgn nun . 0 I randy. will 3' N 0'1"`? 13; M II 5 U l0I0l-I0- 3:. J .`.'..`. .:E' ' pawn .II 1., uuuulo llwootlowl. Vory ne sweat ddII',15o pa Apllpn: (hmhdd ups, II: Kin . 5800.105`; l.r.:hqgl.lI IIhI$dl`:.`:; and cooking IpplQ,fuhQOOI, ooohd eon: _bul by the pound. um Crawford. - ~ g----- ----~ - '0! III! Ilonoy-And lbko Your Oholeo. Pm-grain- ._a..... An. -`An . .a.'n.... I -I I-III lloloylli III! tour unoleo. Pmmt : coo. -mm- . &:. duo: ?nl-:...8ptniIhP.olak|o:II. ; IMHO. I!o.: 8 lb. can pnurnd ugg _-vuivuv-uutvvrwwjv &v-vvv KAY GR KAY N PA 9. EU!` ...A... .. :::.::-.=. ...=::.. .. .'__-__ - -15-- ._- mu pusengon on we IL. a r. ms. ooocn van thrown ngdut inch othor. Two ladle: fainted. The much VII injured. The 0.1`. R. Inh urn not badly The under wu` broken and portal 1 t cardutroyod. uwppoa nu tmn and united mo runn. The. K. & P. RR. cum along at I rouy rapid me with the engine behind. wing to I hand in the track the men on the train oouid not no the G. '1. R. trnin until the Inn oiou upon it. The bnkumon did a i they could to lnnon the force 0! an coili- Iion. When the tnlnl not 3 K. &. P. RR. 330 car In: broken by the under oi the G. .R. lcoomotivo. The bnhunon jam in mioun direction: to ucngopboa lni The pusengonon the K. 4 A Gnml Trunk Train And I Klnguol 8 Punbnlo Train Inn 3 common. At noon to-dpyn Kin ton & Pembroke rnilwny mixed trnin coll ded with A Grnnd Trunk rnilwn freight train. To the inner was nttnche npnuon rconch. The uci-, don: occurred between noon And Queen Itreotu. The Grand Trunk rniiwn trnin started out from the cit I little and of tho Ilmn it an. Ann-no In Ignu- Al.-- uuruu out mm the cu mm menu of the time it wu upon e to leave. Mm ring Princes: street the driver hard the lnguon & Pombmh nllny trnln coming, stopped hie tuna and uhlted the result. Tlm.l( h V Di! nnnm l'lll|l! AI. - runn- 1'! [7150 III! "IO UIIC l|DOH IlOIIl'I._ Uroenwuy And Mu-Oh: In ohnrglng them with being hoodlum, and sooordin I threw out the bill, Thou urylmn -no.5 go up- on the froolmimm lately. \ rvu uuucuulnju Toronto Papa. Th ury did nouhlnlunnh WI I ran .15! And the Call llbolleod Ilvannnnw and LI.--Cln In n||AnnIn- bk-.. With a D09 . Doop lornw. lllllull Tllllu. A dclpulcln from Sn-uh nay: HoI.- Mr. Pudoola borkuly tllwlth dhcuoof gbo kldloyu. B nay Manda throughout the provhcowillbooorry toboulhh. vvonu `um -uu-uvuvu vv IIIU run-wu nu vvlubu uv noted After the ulinmnnl ol Cleveland) and by an lnerouod mnjority. And thh that n. duponto nttompt had been mud: _to have Mn duartd by "plodgod" nnpporton of Gnolnnd. Ho ho l'I|l ahead of bin ticket and to an extent which indicates his great popularity. The liquor men voud for him solidly, vhilc Ihc tunponnoo men wuud their energy In tho nnuuoonefulnmpdgnof n prohlbitlon cnndidnto. nobnoily. Why no? Hon. BcIIj.'But.ur- vcnhnlolocdcoubo novunus. han- pnhllnn and 3 probcuonlot, but he um lno trade bocwun Caudn and thc United Shun. and in not likely to can hit hboun hlhndlnotlon low thuhh ownpucy hu seconded to power. -I-__._...... 11." v._ v...|. l......o L... Ill$ZII'\l BU Flwvlu Tunnany Hall. New York; man: have has vary happy he night. It power and pcuovonuco wan donoutrud by tho luc- oan It In carrying the` whole city mm. adumg I. tho uyonny. by Hugh 1'`. Grunt. "tho candidate 0! the people and the County pomocnq." Abrun 8. Bowen. Gnu will unit an znoolhnt mayor. u L-- J..- :11. L- LI-..Il --ul Ll. -u-6-n In Shirts. Ieckwear _ `In onilun vnrloq. I -.i_-' `A__--- _A.l lI_-.'-l. fI..I__ VICTI WIII ZXU T .UlIlUIlUIIB nu-yvlv Zi hudouuutliltolllnulfmnj hi: party in mg puma. to whlch he has boon mud. And hound: font uonool tho twodduu men who could not bo bribed by the Inc John Ship of uurfuoo railway lune. (I... -A- IIIII .1 I7... \'.-I. no.0. L-- vvvv-awn uulgvu AVUW nvln uncut. Ipllhuu too much {or his oppountl. Ha ha been elected to alias for the second full term (In ulllol to thc pwlod in which he --A.J .IA.- IL. _.ll..._.._A -0 l1`l._.I...J\ --.I VIII country. no Gull quuoa lnluaeud the national clash: non than It was one upwind to do. All Bu-than bummed by It lnovory an. Thoughhthpnnhu vonhhvour ol 5 ndlction ol the nvnno the republican condldtb III tho pmuctlonbt. and the Iunhctucn spun. 3 gt-not dad ol chug And may In his bolult. D_ AL. ____LII..- nunnnn In Din nlnonll jl-Ui lllIIIIXjIa ly the rupubllonn MINBOI In the election (I yahlny. and Iluhllnhmcnt In Iluoh of I rqnhllon administration. It may be up- uuund elm an and Ill] coin to tho Igltuion in hvouol oomuanhl union or unnurlct . rI__ u__x `u..A._ AC unrruuu pun, uvvuuu - uu.u -..... banal! hopchuppodooutcltbo Unlhd um-. and oolnpnno Ihopdtltn olthovu-Hagan. Hhpultlou vouldho nuloluchlnttuthultlollnotndytbo ohnppodnbutohuplahonr won hptou dtbo country. I`. `-4: -._..u-- |-l-._..4l oh. -nth-ml olullapullndluluutlohrlgy. od1onNhpu~ovtdod dthrby ubhuuchytuuu Ind night w`.ZC1wv IulIIn|lon|Ipuuouuhuulh." `I'll Iguana! b dllnnhllo It Join IuIoIIl1|.IIdht Nu punish: knoll! udnbu-uhopauwnnyuublnuly a. All with Iolnclbh un- -uuhg up u obouldlnopolnnrollbou dlalypultnnndhlnpnny than 1-.0I--I--ad;-nnnnnn -maa Th doll h Ludo: nut have but Iollodlnudqhuchonvuanoluhnd Ihnclovolud hdbcubuludndulah an bun. And Land Iukvillo Want. lichens! uujoytho dhuonltnudtho ptddnlndhllucutuyolobto. Thlorrhon puny lnounalllgt lull! I...._.. In L.._. -5.`-u -maul. nut J (ha t.`I'Ill'f`&'K.h.hC vlnthiovhoueonol-bthvclhtl b. hvllllhtnndundbo Ind-Ilpvun-uudvnlthn Iulnnl h in `ying cl pqh whys vldbb ulu. Allulhl Illhlhtvonhuloiopby Io(hnI-vu|dhuopnvIdo||uun- --A.A_..|. __A.. _A___ ____I | h I. In Ch; `I and Cheapest" '0!` Fur- uluhlnp ` u city and 3! print: that alnh nnnnntn. IZU 0:1 in -us:-vv Iuuw-J n-nu-c Connor Hill. cl Nov York sun. has _-n_ L-__ 4-- _A-L 1,_ 11, _..,_.#A_ II- 0oIn||:;woot aowcuon uh." I7... 4-- _..__,- 4;... an. _._ _. COLLISION ON THE TRACK. COMMENTS or THE Pnsss. L ' `lhov Dourvo Donating. I Dunno ILMTION N07. uoua new lulu rower mag n ptloul I191), 7'" IT; but club at tlntghoo. 00 and but Mb: olger I Bosih CHAT -_STORE. 1 Il9-Iu._4._ mg..-