Oranulatad Sugar. Yallow Sugar, Japan Taaa. Faarman a Harm and Bacon, Fina Family Flour, Praaarild Fruita, ' Table and Cooking Ralaina, AND IVIIIY uluu-luv-uu-n.u-..u. ...... .. .. . ,._,_, plwheu u;-nI.'ulu'ty ul-I I--' -:~l I ..n(vrl!A |ulu_\'!h'Ir,; launl this H M \~v\ |-\ vase, for mu um uutmnnnvmr. lnu .-! un-`wt an that nhv wnll very soon he lv-:_;nn`nl us "The Put" or "The Kettle" l\_\' lho hIn`l\`. and eve-xmlully tho muuo WI I-cu-um nlllggl to, lmr. ll -ncu wu may myllnnt n:mwsm1i glvnn lo Aluu vlnhlreu wry mu--hllm mmo way that ni-kntumrs attavh l`n-um-lves to ol1il- N dn-n In .\ nu.-rim and Eu:-um-. ` Dunc nnly nre thu-rn nu mmlly namn. l-ut. em-h [\\'.l`l1lI'B name divs with m owner, lh-V ` l'0]n-lltioxx of a name in lll"1'l(`!t( gc-m-rntium I having nothing to do with the prm-rs-|\.inu of the YIIQWIIOI` of an nlder pr-won. Children are not Inn for a rich undo or I maiden aunt, to necul'o xx-onpv.-ct:-` for them. There an no pnuthun:-`ms nmnrs. as with the J upw- mmnudadeui person is not spoken of by Ihmo if It can he nvcmkwl by any clre\nnlo- ` vutirm: lnclenl "av c-Rm-I. vs math to nvul~l all n-l'crom~- tn llw ale-ml. -J. K. Goodrich ln Popular S('l1`lII'0 Monthly. an n a nun: Afmudy of 1 other morning 1 I\' in H... I UIIIEIV IIIUI lllll |\I unu mzrre-.1 in tho wm--r 1 un Lhn smotxal Hm!` mu l-vr mu ood!-l. lIm< tho fnrmturo wan -in-n Iumks nu H11` libn|l`_'-' \\ t-xumt uf the -lawn-.;,u4 . 1.... n V... ....r LHII INK _u.. lull-shad odl In r.`.r..'.'|.....|..-gnayln with hm lllulllnbd PHI I]; ~ luv-11:`! :mvl who have _..t 5.4.. 0' ll'HI Ul u uu . Im.!o that is I w~ huzry it twl. u bol-'c'.Il1liful n -. sbo \-.111 contra: V In. unnn-II 3 -Wm no fully u. Indioctirnu nf 0! Iuda an your ntmnnch, hurthllfll. ll lutdlcho, riumq and nmurinu uf I003. ylnd on 1.53 nomu-In. . _I.:.... .. nnmnn nnnuan at the pi! .IUl'I.uII. II` II ""` ' ` 1 "II or 1 choking or pswin 0! the nmnmch. are In Hlooal lliwern. which , hl ......- nu nnrnfl . Blood lhtwra. w ones on record. I ...... In the can 01 Honing Va. Csnuln Puma,- n`ont. loan indllvdllnlll 00. It Nspuuee I Icttlztnent VII I""d CC. lino helm: ll loved Mr. Hmlll he the naunpuon -4 Elm pmporlv. 0.505 Plll `hdf own costs. Curl cloth (rum 11.50 Q0 I0. Suit-lte lrom We. to Mint R. Mahdi ; .L'..r`" .. _.:.1:;.T.':.;. hnnngn ,__-a--- \ hnj ls.` III]! In I s ulhx 1- 1|--I-~ru `I-I lbw Hum-~ '.~- .-- (`nun no-nun. `I ` H HM llI"!l|Y| v IIL .uruII-nun , r. :..t".I2l rLm .n- -the In-wk Him; xl.f'I wnllwvt _l'-'0 wllnd,nn`l .. ,.,.~ 1-, -_.vmrk. \\'Ilh nll hm;-:11 vi. I'm-Lchnnznn to my this: To in 2- mm must-nut. talkmur-hor ,n:.: b-*rmouth in an uixl-r-mm-' g-`-13:11:" m Philadolplnu '1`m:o._ uurnm-n .'|`{:lIYl!Al user. I my nvqlunznmnuu mvuko tho .3 to llu-I than n larcnk haul no ` pip:-vi tnlh-~h:1thr and Hunt. the-1r Iutxvla pur- I I .. . mu... yum-n.~yI Huod. Inna no uomu-u. pr gnowinle um pi! 7|, in y at byanrdnck _ hu cured the [unit ll. vlnr I `l|0l`i. .'I yr pumlu v [1 H16 nun ---. 0. ....| .`1'Hl'Pl`l Hbuuuxuuvn, vuz-um} and must. of 111-) \u.-1"` ruuml. The full n (`HUM nut. bu eamnwu-I u`. certain how far llm jun-vl. 'l'lxu . ....v...-. . __ - Ah!!! QIVII l\lInIo--- Xn l"|nu. Quart: and Saul Ken. which Judge: vmnounce mu llnmt In the city. I also nmnut-nature as superior Quality 0 Ginger Mo mnrunuly for funny undo. an -1-: It\ll QQf\M `I-I:I:.IAji lhl lDe|1.u:wr hwy- d Why 0 farm-rr climlnng .\ml why. Imvmz -- Hm cur 1" lln--t.n'c-ly \- .2 - vi: n':1unf 'l'Im ; Perms" ..g n.. .n. Yunnan \\ I "`T` \'IIIFI -n _'-u-\ {mm H u lulu girl ~ I 4.n'n'ritO In lm, ` . In--N nmnl Tho ~ nv umry of \. .4.l mu .1`. I H LINN!" | MIN} thl`. up-.| mum .- -`. mut-r . n... n \ "w|llU` lb VIILIU` ud `I IIHKIIIL No child . In In: \ WALS"H:& STEXCYS `R Underwear Department. JACKET CLOTHS, , cold for M). I pound Jlpnn or mow: um wlun nncy China Place for 600. Apple: by the bu-rel at Q Prtnoeu street. 5 TI? 1'1 AV ALL OHOIOE GOODS, AND THE PRIOE8 ARI RIGHT \ iOousineau, Quinn 8:. Oorrigan, One case Ribbonsjust marked off, all new shades, different widths, and the price, well to appreciate the extraordinary values we are going to offer you, will require to see them. We keep Shetland Wools, Berlin Wools, sin la and doubh; Andalusian Wools, Baldwin &. Walker : Famous in erin; Yams. J. & J. Baldwin's Genuine Bee Hive" Yarns, T. W. ust & Oo. s _Wyvern" Yarns. ...n---..-...`._......____._.._. - UL"STE R E: LOTHS, Now tnese goods require no raise from us. The discriminat- ing public have decided that wit out question they no tho but makers in the world, and you cannot buy them cheaper in Calida o-day than from us. JOHN LAIDLAW 8.: soN. Ladies Goat Skin Lace Boots, Double Sole. Ladies` Goat Skin Button Boots, Double Sole. Ladies Warm Linea 8/vating and Wa//I/ng Boots. Ladies English Walking Boots, E_FET_i3/s.R {N }hH<`>sJI*ER,\? r-xr,,._LpRoN s; flu-,, I:-._ !i0c. And 630. ' GTJUT op_3_wHoL sf6 ._......,._._;:.._...._ Dress Goods, Silks, Plushes, Ulsterings. O|oak'- g ings, Flannels, Prints, Shit-tings, Tweeds, ' ` Underwear, Hosiery" and Gloyes, ` Co'rsets a'nd Fancy Goods. EVERYTH/`N0 6'0/N6` AT POSITIVE OLEAR/N0 8.41.5 PRIO8. ?__........, -..--.-.-am pm sc'u:.D- WUULS, YES WDDLS. . .1... ._.._._.__._.-u: EV ERYTHJN(}_MUST Go. ___...._-2?_._.. WALKING BOOTS. R|BBUNS,YE8 masons. BOSTON MAKE, BROADOR ROUND TOES. Ejave zou seen our El ant Alsortment -9 m..a .. "ma Qh-inn: haw are Acknow- Have ou our 2.: am. lalbutuuuuu of Plai s and Stri :3. hey are acknow- yedged to be t1-e nest in the city. ` __._ _: A rrlsuvlf 8000338038 TO B`. X. OOUBINIAU O OO. "IIU BTOOIK _i&:*6`':x: Ilvivvuu -- Katina cnlulno M.vm.aH _a_. BTEAOY. IKIIMAIU I ma may he \ Man: will u [.J. McMAHON S. J IN cums um wmcun numnoui DRESS GOODS. 'T`O3uhlnaIonn!Iu-oh:-nlnltn HAI N ES & LOCKETT. la-1. l'Ul`I `Km . `*4--- \ .L_.I.1._J..I_u\z.uV Ia - -'r{i7-~u-:_ -em-.. :mc.. 400., noe. and 030. ' rum am". :1 for ll. . K6,. I00 ..n I.-- l.'>c_ and`--200. 1.: I-Jlntlo. U(.'.I 1| 1 nu zmnuu hump, .441 hm u`... v_-..-.... -1: BE s6:t.1:>. us. JOHNSTON & Oo. PUB Fl.`E--- GRo6ER.1Es, FLOUR, FEED AND PRESSED HAY n.-. IlI4\ _____. HE Ohlhlsibnnx mu 000K'8TFl1IRlD BAK I! PUWDIRI IS A PURE IRUII` AC POWDIK -~ A --.n .-n-nn-in No addition 1 the II`. 30 N- Description of Groeenes. can-:.u-ml `run! 1113 '"` " "' , _ nnunnv A (`.n'n__ Ix. IiI<:\lI.\I. k`.aq.. M.l).. Toronto. wt-lung uml.-r rem-nt dnlo myu: '- \'u-u- U()(?I)A has given every Mtilhction. both as In urity and i'inv0I'. I relurd it no MI cxccllvm geverngo, highly nutritious. and, owing in its .-.. -u\'AIl uul DNHW ---.\i\ D- B_AR_l-\KFAST - COCOA. I 'l`nIInnN| wrlllnt H1l4EJ'JI IISUI scramble to tho nun hukr pl:-Mute In venom elm, hm-M150 ul its heat its being small] auhnllnbla by the slunmc FOR R,\L! BY ALL [An I manna-nu L delicnm stomach. I` clouding ll Lu my pull-. ltnfnmuai. purllyhnd LR DING OROCIHE -_- A An ME: j&`co.,%A IDLAIBJJAJ v --.---- -. Fresh Baltimore Oysters. ~ W. H, UARIIUVSKY. 212 Princess-st. TELEPHONE 2|. OPERA House: FRUIT AND OYSTER MARKET FLORIDA ORANGES. MALAGA GRAPES. BANALNAQ. HINGE NBA '1`, SHELL OYSTERB. LL, I 1-\_IA:_._____ (\___5,__. CHO =~: ICE caocnmssl ..I..J ..|. U _l-'J .54.. ...... - We take the loud in Quality and Variety. You 0811 not almost any shape and style. Ounol-`A6-Made Brand in the latest. Made only It _.__ .j;-u----we-Isr The Assam Tea Estate qepot. DlLIUIllU8_ DT1l`JI5iI3`Ill`1_ll.3l?FF33 .n-nllnnnn cnoxon ulna u.uuIs' moan sun aunt. nlsnn an. 01.0- ` vnAxn-mIo'rm um. [51 15 -n|13A.sn-1,-I-'I"I\`r UWIII Inn-u- -_.__. " `--'-`- -nllhn alum. U ununulnuuu Inuuav. -n v - .1 - R. H- TO "J3:'Fs% l(l \!l) u1`DI .`|l"l` uARlu`.RV,. HOT .-MILK. -%SHKE7 ORQOIRIIU. Q3035 CREAPL W. D. HEND at-not o! Prluouund Ioatnnl luau RV A com. U99 I . Two CM ldlt ,.n u-|.| u--nu no Rmgsoa n . ...__ . _....-.._v :u_....__.....n.nnn UUHIVIUUU Allan---_-_. _ , A hronkfuut beverage of grant excollenoe. Pry (turd be ooIu'in(:.-d of Its nupu-lot qunllty. I pound Intel at nod Japan 'l`oasIJo.. unnlly Jlpnn or much `has with .--. mu... Plum om! FLOUR STORE. ` --v- . nu------ ..___._ `Just the thing for hold weather. 'h-y It A1` '1`!!! BAZAAR- rude .\ 1. 1-iAR_PE (`Va J`! V-an. _--__~ _ Owl-om-s Bull-Inn AIIIIOAN ` ___._________ um .IIu.u-g uu - -_,.-. .-, at ALE AND PORTER H n u__.| :2... -Mnh Ind; [R 'KUII. ADIU run :1..- mamas ml um; not unmcdn 1 he used y the must dollcawe onnumu nj purfucl Infoly. ll: In-out uunomc sung hum II: bein lnntrinslunl y TMIC HES I All hi IN Tllll`. B .\RKl'l`. as well an thor- nuly udupunl to the want: utlhu kitchen. bu mu envluul lmiuuonn at In namo and cw. uoou-moo. Bevan an 0 to or vsnnuon from . the IIIDDIO nuns: (`OUKKS I-`RH.-IND IS GENUINE. rule Mark on ovary package Mbm HOMEOPATHIC mg nu FREEDOI FRO! FAT KMTERS - .|.- ._...o Juli:-min llnlliltlh. `nu-___ PRINCESS STREET, III\'Ivu- No. 10 cu uurcx 317.. Z ..-..... A uunuuu Raf, THm`binL'mBRATmn .. mnnnn nnnln um luunorunlxu` Oouvlcrlnxlul -*'1 VANDTIHUFHY UIIU. D. FI;A.N:K'.:.:r:N Inurlovnn. 213 P3[`l}`1i5 Sfrlll`. DI -"i1Iv--- Mr Load: at the Onurlo Brown; and alumni Co : superior ~ - . qvI\ r\r\'3qn`. 1 I1-. -I-{I-L-$0 lime srnpzr BAKERY.- 70 HALIFAX. N. B. hhthbllla Q I E-nhi In man I I. KI INN}! \r\r: ` Inlomynz A_V_V `_7_ 5 direct from their annual {t_lLouLn rival to: Purity. III.I'vwu #3. w. nu. yup---- ha-mu-.1 um um: aunt-uuou Ihouklhuunnklng about Iholmtnuwholl In unto um uh. or an Intuit. Fran the you; In (`low-luul. who 5.. .....|. .. mm: frhndn. and who `on tho ud- WWII UN you; III twvuuuu. wuu -- amino man{:r:uu. and whuumthond-` |0x`4 W Incl lull- onatpulmqu u b mru ` I InI.I B1 IIICI I qullf H I `"0 - ` .. mmre marked woman. bowowr. though 5! tMI'c-nml Ilylu and I3` ` THI wn/I 00 has inuaomr mo r` we: ntuum-user. musty. Purl-our Boots vhohnonunry DIII mun--ho In over &)-!:u I uon In the puudnl also at Washington. \ VII "clove anlr. with the iuevilnhk result In than day: tn the west. when wealth Wu nut uucmr In not unlit-5 not my not an . -n........u 5.-.. ..r...|- Illa Rh: ha wo- '.?."."".. ."`. 4. . ,,.v. lphc-re at W porlouced novu-d her whole nu.-V. Bho ll: wo- .&\ mun nf rare eultuw. prumim-nt and nruvv I .- .. .....n- ..I In. LlU`l`l\l')' Hfluly Ill IlI|| an-n ~v.... M the fine ar1a,c-spwnully puhmv douo some dainty W-wrk h\'! S<`" rm thnlunmov-of study in not on.` It IIiln\1lIl.c the lunar In-hu',;n n1 Mm Hun-iaon nut. nnlv In-um h-~ lnornry moiety and In-r I-niutiI~,:. carnal. lah-m=r in Hm lhl| hf llr great deal of her nu-nl Inn is gum dianlpohharphuu` hon n-. union of that ITS dwulbohuuoytoln 11 0000! in denim In no of the unw. - -.-1` Kr. and Ilrl. Harris--n were married when very young. The hushannl was only `J0 and the WHO was younger With (ml 03(1) on which to bqin l_ho \vorl.l, lx-side I nrrisolfn theoretic knowhdgo of we law, gnino-I by 1 Itudy 0! his protection, the youthful couple wont. to Indianapolis. They nomad In I one Itory frame cottage. and mmmv-ucnl noun!-r that his never slum known as check. \|.'I.H.. \ln I-1ll'I`l\'I\Ilh.\` In-\`\`l` kn--wn KIWI hu uuco Known a menu. While Mrs. Harrnnn hns great wealth nlm has lII`\'t-I` kmm n 1 ~.--rt_\'. Her huabnml has hceu aumciuntly 1-rurniw.-nt. lu give her apmiu -ndly to u nu l| .~m~ In in every way by nnturo. lie-r pulish hi, IJOWQ , rather inu-Ilu-tun] than tlmt u! the womln of fashion. n 5|. M. nun] Um Hun-itnn nrnnlsvnnrnllr OI mamun. B tln Mr. and Hm Harrison are n|mpmln- inent. in church oirch-s. Fur )1-'|r~ Hn'_\` haw bu.-u in regular IUk`!ld:llH`o- nt mm nl um Plmbywnn ohnfcllol Iu IlrIinlmpuli.I,n-I active in the ' Iuclasseannulsun-lu_\` Doubtlesw ch lmvu its c-mm nu Warh- ington sock-t. inlumm nf tlm White House is nil p ul thvn-. nml wu-in] virvl--s during um win of 1-`-~\'.|-U0 nmy, wrhnps, wear I mum subdued ('unI|nlvxmlI than dur- ing the uocml ldmluistrnlmn of Mrs. (`Imu- laud. ll... `Ln-on-\ u-hn i~: tn lm Ihn gppnm] lmlv come soon]. ovum laud. ----- ` Mm SI-wrtnza. who is tn In tho sovnml lnuly } in the land, partnlma nmrn of the I.u- of * New York's _mu1\ bu-'|]li:un. social vuwlos, 1 Hrs." Horton, III her mnidvll munch-Anne Livingston Street.-iudivamn. comm {rum nxnongtlwnriswcrativ (milk-s of the Empire- state. She was born at I`-m~,.:lxl:x-opsn-. nu the Hudsrm. n tuwu as noted for its I'dl|4':|l|nm1I toueiu New York nsUx!orJ is in Ubiu. It In then` can Vusiar ml]:-;;n 0lll`iHh|*.~`, and as u.. \l.\..nu. in IN)! n vnnmv u-unmn In there I. :at V zuuur rum-`_;v uuul :.~uu~.~. uuu -.. M. Murton ll still a young xmnmn, Vassar was rounded not too lntu ta luring to bear upon her through the suci.-ty of l ..ugh- keepnio sulnn-thing of tho; sumo inllm-mo brought to bear by tho utmwph:-ro or learn- ln of Oxford upon Mrs. Hx\rri.~-nu. gut Hrs. Llortnn has hurl otlu-r lnu--nr~o.~x. Bhopns~eal:.u1n- Limo in New York suck-Iv, whore 5110 m-.-!; .\Ir. M`-I'trm. Tlwir -nun-u::,.;-3, lollowd. Hu is very rich. and his mic lm-I nlwny.-I been accuntmned to wmlth. Hhu m l"s::r1bed us a wnxmm 1-f mu-hum 11- ;_u,ht. with largo bluish gx-uy o_\`--.-. m.m- mm- plexion uml gray hair. Nu:-.1.-sllu~ mmh--r uf ve daughters, the old:-st of wlmln L 1 I. /\ .-\ ' ` -..- __-.._: Ig;u0a.dNvIICilIc|oOy-IIOI Ihoylnllltlihlilulhhd 4- Qnnlhl Ilna. nun. u.u. `Mrs. M<;rtu`s inuence will be {en 1" VWnshin;;t.on Iocidy Lanna: that 01 11114. Hnx'ri~.on. _ ,. \\`h-\!.\\'nr he the coming Inuence of awe given 1 ) \_3'::'..'.1 women \\~i:) 4 \\'lm`.u\'cr two wgumon, 1mm (5 doubtless as mu'ch lpceuizm -9) .-.b _::. it 'nmoug qua womqn (,1 'nn!\ing1.-3:1 I`- V`|L`f_V at then in riboul. {no future ubizu-`. raunng the men. Time will show: but. x; in qr,,_',,.: uazuml that. tho tong to \_3'::U.1is:;;m:A sqciety by each of Lung women mm 1.`) won 10 be its lmri, will In .1 blending (at. the tndmdlnllty of both. In slhpod by cducutiou and -------f-:---`------- THE BRIT! nuenca 1.4:... na m..'..I. ; I'll ` I'll nu`, AUG` hni :1`-funn. llut 1|)` rvlixuug; :Is| wvll; nml n-`half In her ;_ hm in un , .. .. A N ' W WU` In WIIUU ll` I . 4 , in Irilldl. nun: "V"--" -- '*-~* dboho _ 1- 5 Iuuacoaoun ..'..`I.';.. .'5';..".'4'~nS":-nu--up-~ "soy:-loo! may-' . A-_.ALl. ..anIn Ii hlnnlnlln IE NR [LAX INC. TUESD A Y, NOV. """' """ 73"}; unn- .'.'l`.'l`..':'.`:.`k-ac-:" Icdwnrhd A -+*.':."-'- may turn udhulhua-I-val with at y nub.,d-tddhmhcndnlj ,. IHIL Mung that than 50;, Agent In Klnllt _a-- ,, _.-- -sour bnd `Wow wuu um um-Iuuuuu d1;.b.:s cum in &|Ir|dl0 l|I|""""" lnllnlsbou:$N|~ (`u-no Bnnrnnll. `50 `|""4||'lN" ` - ..... n... n.-|..mmrnuntar. In holu adu- mu lywi Ina unit In [,..,.|.,.u|.u-goclook .044. an ah!-In tho KUHIO ulllln !lI|l|IY'dlII[h&' N .,.u, p... omguurpuuur. In boll] uud by 3 pumps: who man: the pntllo uoa that Ibo will HVII P5"-L , , . _.n.h jj mm..- num- llllll Innzunuv -vu-u-~_. ~-,, The euro! M` nun-ow ovu- Ibonce-as nnnulanenenz In uuoi In n.4A.s..,|u...hmnl n_n.upau|n.. )`!I'IlI.~_" u llkt` ll fl" Ill uvwvuvujs I hound, In killed. ., ...L nounu, WII uuvu. Thotwonty Anh who remnuy lnthdat Cadlou-do In &huounuiMtl-Iunhl . nut go far tnwud lllpmvlnz the population of this mun1.ry.Vu l.hum:h they bmught rougtouuununuuuum lxemhul tflnkuls for uh 13 A young nurrhd conplv In Annny In much mod by vbdr lrwndu whn admin atly the pretty thing: In nwir In-I hunt. following each ojnculntnm ufjulo-hghl. with tho query: "Oh. who saw \`-nu thhf" It never Im'nn*d u- (I0(`\.Il` In ah--nu that the young muplo ludhunghl. any of thou` pm- _|IlII.i Th" _.\n,.ny Jnurnpl In`H~4 nu f.ml` buy!` a rlnlcl WIN i`l"\|* d 1" " 9": a ..(uI..-..u Hnnu-In-I--zx-. nu unnvuu .. fuul mm (7 prob-ct. her I: gun: I mu-.|u' ouu!:ly u etched hnluu on. ll: