QCANE HAMPERS` I RMHIC ` fa-cl II II.. |....l I with juine I from door. l'hor(~upon Shannon Ieized hln wife by the arm and 4-olnnmmlenl her to let the visitor alone. Mrs. Shannon, itnpllml by so out raved sense of vnnjngnl rights. refund to ylrltl. und aft:-r ll stormy scone Slnunon thrust his wife out of doors. l: wu wlnur nnvl Mrs. Shannon mulod tlmmqh three feet of mow In .a no-ighb-ur'u house. When ghp remained un-`il ulna mnxnunniontul with luv-r parents, |n~l u brother urrivc-cl and wok ht-r home. After that Shunnon frequently want In llrm~l(\`i|I--. in] no nnnoyotl the family that Mr. l.mgl1liu'a time on duty at u pulims ()fllrrr was -19! ml)! ulum up In wan-hing his on u lmune. n or-lgr to be rid of such vinitntiolm Mr. lAlI hlin removed will: his family to 'l'oront,u,, Iv are they hnd comparative quiet, and eveuIun|ly,About. twenty five ye-urn ago, come here. when he wmln.-ul at his trade-, that of carp:-nter. If Hhmnnon evrr followed the family he llld not. nuke himrclf known. Mrmslunnon 1... u:.. Ann .lu.e Lnunhlin, u uh:-, wu himn-H known. Mn. nnumon (or Min Ann Lnughlin, culled) was inn-xprvnilvly relieved to be freed frnm hi: pt-roecutlonn. and hnving lmuned from whnen-he bolioved to In trust V -rthy out-imony. Itrqngtlu-nnl bv her |mm.|e.lge of hi: diuulute huhiu. that he wu dud. aho mnrrird Iglin. I"nl._her Thnrpo conducting than nerelnolly Ilrouflwonlys-two earn ggo. From lhul. lay the hu not and n word pf Thoma Shannon until I I'Im'n Dmler reporter road to her lut men ing the Article in the Brockvillc Tinn-. __._..__ ull I. w -1 Ivan- To ho free lrnm lick headache, Nlioul` g... ,.,,,,uP.unn. m-.. an Cu-tor : Liulg um rm. strictly vogmuo. Tm pally uhnuluo the liver nnd`_h-no the hitch M10- to any I night." Mn. Shnnnnn, who hud been preparing kindling hy the stove for the next morning : rim. Aruue II the! reply, and observing her husband and the woman winking at each other. cried in am outburltuf {urioun in Llignntinn 2 ' Ix-Ave my house! You ere no tlec-ebt women or you would not talk like that. L:-ave my house 3" end the pointed to the l's.......mnn blhnmnn by ulugnuu. A L`l'l.luL`II nrumnr. By dint. of questions, answered oomotimu by one and uomotimen by tho other of the women, the ropor r draw out this history : Willmm Lnugh in VI] A policeman in lirockvillo. While his laughter Ann Jana Mu ya in her teen: 3 dllhillg. handsome young lumly unvne-I Thnmu Shumou lp ielrcci in the town nml fell in love with her. its was I lundm-Ape gurdolwr of (Jnntnn. N. \'.. and After ll hri-I muruhip murriod Ann in -upilu of lhv uppnILiUII of the family. And Lhv reinunntrum H the pnriu-h prioIl..Falher K: Hey. .\'hm~m~n. 1-~u yearn the senior of his young hrini--, [huh he-r In (`Anton to live. liming the-. thu-v solmrl month: 0! their mnrv riml life Tum Jevclu hnbin of diuipltinn which were a mic mu! to his Iilo. but the burn it nil in pnticm-e, until one evening he Look a strange mmnm home with him. As the hours wore on. and the woman IVO no signs of Iv.-parting, the umueql wl u gsve her a hruml him by uking her if the Inc lWA'(' that it mu gmwing lute. '~\'Au " `an: tin! hnunu IQDIV. "but I CIUIO left ou, have you not I" " 'ee. and my husband ha been dead eight yonrn. " How nanny children have you 3" "Pour ; DJITQI hoye nnd one girl. The oldest. John, la going on twenty-one. and the youngeet. n eon In twelve, meet thirteen. I hnd one child by Shannon. but he never knew it. nod it only lived {our week: nnd thne dnye." Your name now ln- 2" `CMALAD IA: Iuunhnnd iAl.ll.lI|$ Mlllll`. v--.mu.nu.vu Iv nun: Iv - ........ -- Hot and Gold Bath: it all [loan at JJ.\'I5.S IONSORIAL PABLOB D_n|_L .__._..,-_ -1-.-. nu-.|. til-.. -unlit gmwmg Ins. , "Ya," `an aim hrnuu reply. l All night." \In Shannon. preparing worm Al\'ll"I' nun m-.~ar.v. The lor-nor Mrs. Shannon remarked: "I! he 3 uld and mo oomool hi: money, :3 8|. ). 1 would Accept lion sceouut of I the wrong ha ha: dono lie. but 1 would never touch hh hum] uln - hour. 11 he in In Minnesota in may any there." "An on In comfortable circunululool Y" onqui the rupurtor. "No ; I an not anally. My two oldut buynnn at wonk. And they support mo. But 1- would never live with Shmnon ugnln." "You are married 9" No; [Am I Ildow." "You have been married uinoo Shannon left on, have not 2" 'nn, And mv hnnbnnd Mooney." "We thought it Itnngc." aid the liltor, "that the ulvertiumout in the pa r ITUI ol `Mn. Shanon.` bocaune noudy are how her by that name. After aha left nor huulnnd she went by our intact : nuns `,nunhlin " Ijljlllhg lly C T9595" 1|. T` may .4 out amok: W W-y dcouunlod ihntboiolwl MIDI". 00- ........4..|I..L.. nun. unlhosl In. tho whll||DIMICI.HCII|Oa nova our hot: Inn bLt`h:-Inna ol-Shhu-1:. at. In Ijl 1 `L ...n .I...l_- 9 l|0VIl|OlI:`.|IOIIIIIIIuIu|Ion.w II : s.a 1... an. an ' . and {:1 imitr ytnlh. T` Altar holng lube ll the vo~ mun to when In uteri. 5 nponu nod tohor the Inn :6 (mm the 16am (rookvillo). LI 050 tllng pg-11.1101! us. vluhor mg`. mmmuu-oueh u Wu didn't IIOIN a soldier until In Ilhrvul" -"IQ loud ho Ill 11 "-"ThII'Io`:.. lived In Toronto and thou egg. " um Ibo rude: ruched Ilocnbul. Chunky dunno Hhauou nnlvdll ville In and o! ht: rlvih." ~ -.... .... 9.. -00' nu thn -nun : .. I. '0 g. pg! Iu;ho woman : count`. ugw but with fllf. '5... an nnndlnn can nhhod Ibo two prlli I [OW IIIOIIIIIIII. II"-'II Inc VIl'I"l nid to tho IIIWEI cl his-h 2 * \\'dI can a run sure enough : ro- muaco In your old sgo. och Anlcu to be nuo-oal Shannon won't no on lalud. h: 2 In! ut. who'd a thought it at your ` limool Mo? ll ho : duh he bcuu and 1 you Iomo money. " } wan. V vu no xunuuunau - ......v-- .~`v .i'` :a`?.':`.`..`1`.1?'.".2.l:``z`;u.."..`:';.";..y `U than ll UIDIDQ I! l Lnughlin. oolllll. Ilphfi Qlly, mu tun Ilrmnt. Whoa the nullng I finished the two viuiton Iookod 3! no hot in unto ur- prlu few moments. Shut! the younpr ' :5 "Your now u--!" Muhor. lay hnnhsnd vumluncu Malta-. hwuohlht. all I-otkod It Michal 1 \I nnvmv " , Ian was .\Io0noy." --w. ch QUIL T0 T3 `YOIY OF HOOK- VOLLCI INOOH ARDEN- ..__._-- [8 sun wn-fgga wnidi `rnklng all |`" LU.\'l!`L"o N0- I--.1I ,nI'nPP in l'mIIIO `AdVII||`_o of IL , .'M.---The Newnltluu that rner in Mouth has used _t.ho An}:- in diipine of I portion of MI n-hich hu boon purchased _by A New THAI Wnuud. la-.~zm.v. Nov. m.-Miu Vslor Wind- mum. who uuod Robert Borneo \VnIpolO I--r hronch nf promise And libel. autos (Int IhI- wu not Iwue when -he docllnoul Ln nu- n or certnln quutlonn Ihu the result would In 3 nolnult. '8ho intondn to Ipply {or I .__... o-4.! ` Mn". Chu. Smith, onm... Ohlmwrluc: "I hurt and cry remedy lot nick hood-` `ache I oonld but at for the glut Mun years. but Caner : Huh Lint nongood ghuullthg nut. . > A numb no hot wvuuyr. In non-Iu new trinl. o n In: n lllll Alhlr. _ mm.-, Nov. I). The dual between Paul In-Rnulgdl snd,M. Rnlncoha. editor ol R~ ,.uI.h`q1u. I"rarv:aiu took plnoo this morning. Four Ilmll ware exchanged, but wither unnlltlllnt VII hIl_| !. \ ..___._.___..__..___ Catch 0: To `IMO I ) And tell Murny you saw `that ha has hit own uh of (Ann nook and implement; on firm. Point Road, Piunburg. on Wod- nmulny. Dec. 6th. at noon. Thorn in I good .-nurznnxnt 0! Implement: and some n: ock. . I _~_`_____ -.. - . . 1 n,___ IILI- _.lo.n. hin Wlnnlnz 010.000 Inuurnloo. .\|u~"nu:.u., Nov. 30.--The Ill rremq court of Michigan and Detroit. hu ocialed the cues of the Rivhelieu & Ontario Nuvlgulun (tumpuly v. Thsmu & Money lnnuggnneo colnpnlniun in favour of tho former. The unit involved 810,000 inuirsnce upon tho munm-r Spuuu, which grounded in Lake .\'uperinr and was clnlnagmi to that extent. imt applied (or and roluoou Cnqu-m m -- divurcu-, and than she bu retired to I cum vent with I younger duughtar." Tlio Jollowing ITO the losers. n. r.. nru. grocery. Itock, removed but dnmngod, covered by inlurnnce; J. F`: \\'eIr, hntter, good: ramovmhdunnged: W. Baird. tullor, Ion umsll. The hull, with scenery. lur- niuhinn. eLc.. dentroyod. Total Ion About C-`!.0O0;-lully covered by hnuurnnoo. tnywudvxr IIIIIO o|I'.IIIr $1..-:1`: tlooltruu tactful II D} cnvdbtoho an-gun-:5--..aa... him Into the It Ih0V`OuI'bO but III ill: I no usual plus '12: settled at hudqunon. and a liquid at nocuod oimn uuoa`orrIhv::l. By tbhd L!!!) 0037- van on I that yo||h[..And ery|I|`,`IKHl them." KIN thou." The Eliot hold (`to crowd hot, 1u:oIh:dol c Iilsfludnn ~n|:.urmuL on sun . Insat- od' pollen won I05 ,3 will. II III ddly I d I ! I ambush. M -4~'."":..~I':;."." -'::* `II OI ( I O O . my Ihynn tho nhontinn ocourroitruul It In lib buy louna 00001 M II! Prim nu nay when tho nhonling occurred, and It cupped to he the on than Mollurny choc. The Iogmu are greatly uoihd, but the pollen do not lost any lurch: trouble. A LII!) uoI'lor1 1-urn u--u. An intoruting one came bolnroJudgo Run In Ouuu yeotorday. in which NI Ut mun landlord sued Dr. Annie Lawyer for 8H rout. duo. Too dnlcmlnnt pnld OIAU int court And led nu ulhot. Account. fur 8|`2('() [or portion: reualuravl tn Ininlilli wile. After taking the cvidonco win hmmr nlelivt-.ronl junlguwnl for Lhuulefenulunt fur tau on-nu without emu. He laid (hut ho cumiuk-rod that Iho clelenclnnt alevnud her Ihililil-.1 to u noble proleuiun. And he could --- ....n.inu mum rauonnhle then that n I IPO in I rvnlunn 'l'un.v1~m4, Nov. 30.-AhouI II o'clock lut night A fire broke out in the non of Hal`, Punly block. It wu got nndnr contlol and it Mu on posed nll out. hht thin morning it Lin brute out and nprcul to every build. 1? in the block, complouiy deutrn In it. Tm Jollowing the losers. B. .. Bell, -rv um-In. removed dlmngod. Dlllu 0' III ` ' Iva. nu. nmoar AND ROSI- .on and .mm- N m`nu It!" In: loeslhl Audion ll:'ul.KlMIW||- who I nag guano. omen the ah-dlluglll Ihophogbu thooovd at Ihonuuulq ncl uuolod l`su\-Inn Cross: and incl od him down. lnctlrhq Mn akull. Molar nywnddnn than other blush down nnnnuudoomud Intonlonshnho nhililin-n uohle proleuuun. nun no coul-I no nothing more reuonnhle `wmnnn whould miuilter to the niln-out: 0! one of her In. A Young I-Itnor I the Into:-Ion Ionnuuow rooo Ash. l.u_vuxnt'. Nov. 80.-A hoy nmod Hul- bund, I ad I! yurl. the u! to [In notim fund nryoltho bodyolshoy nunotl 'l.ulo. who run found dying In the streets at Haunt. on Tuesday north with Mo throat out train our to car, has mut- od for tho murder. Tho crhno was un- rlonbudly committed In Imitation of "Jnvl um Rllmn." chronicle: o! thou-but:-luriu 01 "IO uugnom B0 OIIHIIIIIUI III III uiuuu. And the lion thrnnghunt the country an than can mated with u new problem. Thc Hpihleidn vigilance committee. nrgsninni in lit` the cmutnbulnry in tiotoating tho Whiuchn i murderer and preventing iutthcr or mm. in: neared the `sxprovul of the poiino in their appointment ton nun each night to watch the court and alloy! oi the But End. sud othorwiao act uonjointly with tho Motmpolitnn iomo. lhuh mun will carry a dark lantern. a whistle uni 5 night ntiul, an-I be invatod with All r ul- nito authority. Col. Juno: lonro. who boon uppuinud chic! oomuiuilnot cl no- tropolitul polioo to nuooad Guard Sir Charla Wanda. and as yuan in Iupl. `WWW. * replace Mr. How-nrd Vincent. : ;rcn-01: mamhnr of parliament for the comm] dlntrlvl cl Sheffield as director of criminal Iuventl gntlom. He wu Iubmqmsnlly I polntml nnlatnnt oommluioner ol motroponun - lice. but resigned recently owing to Mn n- uhlllty to endure the hnrlhneu 0! Hon. Wurron and accepted I punillon In the homo oice. HII zsvpoinlmant. which who queen hu sanction . In I peroonnl triumph Ind In unlvonnlly approved. uuwuuuv v-gs-u - --v w- _._-.. gnu, and hit; a mug Iddw won on its anon 110 d lit shooting snnqood n unvd. tug __ In_n- or monthly lmuumenu. TE.ffMS.f0 SUIT EVERYBODY. tlonbudly omnmnua In Imluuon or "own the RI ." chronicle: have In Cod dopnvo-I youth: In many put 0! line Hngvlom to emulation 0! MI both. And Lha nolloo thrmmhnnt country tropomun pulloo noooou 1 Chnrluw ,urvod85 __.....____.__...._. lloulnngorh llununllc lnldycuy. l.\I-n.\', huv. .'W.-'lho Purl: curu-upon- put -1 the Timrn uyl : "A pt-ronnul fm-ml I .\|ma. Bnulunget usuren mu thu the hu 4:! uppliml for anal reluool cnqoent tn '1 In-..n-.-. that she Ammnmnvkkxu WATCHING WHITECHAPEL. . A LMI1 bout : Flu: Tho cum-3 Ilnwmnl the Tory Ihjorlly hlmnnu Nulhlng In `Nut Pnpar. Nxw Yuma. Nov. II). -The 1`irrm' boa- wlnu denpatch up that slthou h hm! (lnmplon mu down the tory muodty In Ilnlhom by 000. the hiluro ol the llboruln In carry the post will be uloomlly rooolvod. lfnvlcr onlhury alrcuuuunou Inch I In a reduction of the hnulilo mforitr would viasvod u u pnwtlool dlufuoa an victory. I-ut the liheril cnudldnw V/II personally I0 nuporiur In M: opponent. and nudo hi: can- wim on such btuld ground: that his debut hy any majority It all In I blow to the party programs. The harm of the eloonn ll um laudon bu not ohongrd In mind an aim [pink nllnnlinll um uzumm man In on tho lrinh question. A Young la-nr Cu Down-What was an Crluuo Oouunlnad (or 7 I Nuw Hunt. Com. Nov. 3|).--Yulnnlny " gfugrnnan poop]! Wu lloll Orohud street. near llenry nun`: oon,hurd In two pinul than in qnlcl Iuoouhton. Mill rushed to the spot. jun lulthno to-no John I: Kim. 5 vomm luv Iuduw in Pnutlov flllhld "II IP03 jllhl IIIIIIIIIO I0-IX JDIIII I). King. 0 you (.'huo'u - Ilia. {Al to Ibo Iidonlk dead. A van runner ruuiln up (in nu. but be dlnppaurod boloro any out could stop him. The uloon Euro! dub all knowledge ol ' TCHOOL OF ART. Rgoms C31`: and Iantmlstroota The Iploon too damn Ill Inowlougo DI the Mair. on noun than wunorow In hbphu. Thoolrhvuryuyuuouq. The Iuppoond ohgovt ol tn mumcuo II to gain 3 widnr gmunvl upon I! ch In cnmluct the naiutiun chm in permit ed -under the pr:--out lawn ulna! the soul ` in: uooptlng Al the porlod o aleutlulu. Hnu.I.\'. Nov. Ju.-IIu Ioolulu memnerl ol the relohneg have published no appeal to their not porter: to continue the nqitnlon and to col not funds {or delnyleg the ex- ponlel of the next election. which I: ex- yectod to an place In the autumn at M89. The up loom.-lunlu : "The time: Are now llvnrlh e to u: u never before. A rudlod um-isl {mm in neceeury. for the t citizen Iuerl equnlly with the wor man." The uuppueed object of tho manlleeto In to unin A nmunrl upon which they will an no pcrun mo proouuon. PAKIM, Nov. i|0,-'l`ho lbuluxght com- mittee: ulvinod their ndlwrenu not In take part In tho lhmlln demonntnllon. in II II I government lrnp to provolo a bloody col- Hnlnn numugu guuuounou-uunuv (four. fghO|; uuan'dIp. voulnthbonhluuolu on Child. 1\|y-In hnlp his but lunar ulhlhtnotlouhgtloluvnvhn nnlnnnl I Ithoul courtlnu ulonunn Ill oruor no nvmn riuu. Tho ommnuu-inn will be out in full Iowa. The opportunist. nlupullu hnvo do- cldoul to place I wreath on the womb of Nnudln ptinr In Mn demonstration, but they will also pcnln the prooanlon. lhulu, Nov. tlu. -Tho lhuluudn (`Oll- Preparing (or Inn Ion lloouol -150 Dndn They An low Playing. \ Bums. Nov. m.-l`|u Ioohllu Imnhou .0 ch. nlnhnua hum nnhllnh-d an Annual :dIO@$IID|:|.T.|o-II II u.|.I\. IOIIII III I IIDOO IV ll 3 by Wilson. din Humor. the New York tlA.A.`lD on and onion '1]. Prlaoo hrdlnnd. ol Bulgaria, nquntod tho nllhn Io anus him an audience in (Jon- uuntlnoplc. but the nllu "declined and Iuumud that than will be a change In the Turillh lib uncut! la Puolcvht n that King Illhn hujohod the pl: sllhnoo. nduhu 0 non: tnonvlll ounbo u.h..i. h I: though Ihh III! on n Paying Irlbuto to lunch Iovolutlolluo- `hung to Avoid I ma. Pnus. Nov. .l.~lt In on `ted that 300,111) pen-no will uh \ n the Bu din domomtntlnn. Dr. din. u oouoln ol thejrovolutlunlut. rofuou to psnlclpnto. A gruul no how has been found who will not an chi mouruor, and other nlstlva no likely to nuud. (ion. Bonlongorllr tonduo lung A wrath on lluldiufn tomb. but he wlll go n ma individual deputy with I (on lrlouclu. The Boulun at omnmlteoeo. have decided On and Ian wn-ntho, but without courting ulontlnn In onlor no Avoid .i..1. 11;. nunnnnninln Irlll In nnt In lull -_-muuuus, I nuuuune. Uiulnnn --nu -.- ---ft H: m dtwtramnaln nonri- A;:v-l `Tor 11?: ():le%rulod SP1". "W" Hot Air Furnmo nunuhcmred II! .l- 5- J Nha. Symcuna. N.\'. -T- T 3 K71? III VWV udwliucuuudumlll Uonvdlu dust. I. Oahu nsouou thtbolu nolpodoo-unddthochhu. Inlet Dgglnloucuoalm. more-huadcllouplulonuothg whlchlnqll in 550 quid that ol Ha!-Irrtot when an pollen won tllbd. I Q I . run. an L1-I... In. huh n- III Ill?! III "II FDIIOU wvrv Iuluu. v ' lzorcy With. Port llgh. in n- uolvod Cull) u put nuloln 10 I aylalthlmbynln hnlutlvn. `nub: aqua. has manna his top nnl-I-n an M will Introduce a unlnuol lwouuot lupus In Iuunuu nuup portcn that be will Introduce nlnuol nunqo NH In \bo!|pnhhoouu|uuodl- t ly. . `Franco and Holland bovonlnuil hub nloly. Fruneo and Holland have quail to sub- mlt lo ntbllnllon the question ol the doll mhlullol of their nnpootln pouulou In (lulu; 150 noon wbolcudo d I 0.T.R. A.-Juana.` -An -`Ada nnnn aw Emil". d ucu `Tho 'I.for[|n ollb room! In Bunch Ion hlnwn up by `go In!` In; lid luv: Gn- ham and Jacob Inna idly urud And] rod. Arlllnn oonnlnlnn Iolontl IOOII cllnuluag oouulmng nguunu unu- hn H from the 033': poclolcl. The an us: have boon coduvou-tn` to tum Ibo Ihitl. ll. Ill.`-[gonna nnAI| -I-HQ [KAI HI .1] tum no uuu. Hr. llhtlltono uni: vrhn that In In ulwnyl dutiful the torlcl to undo the ltbl question. booullo that would In tho (plai- and outcast Ilrlmn Indiana]. at Hnlnrln. louuntod malls! unueru uuqvlu uuuw Ii hod. It In thought Huh I! r:vo|I|loI ll IIIVII. pm l.S . -OHHVWQDI holllu uu'.muuu'.-onus up tqthdlotclllglllllo I 3 lmdod sun. The nun mmmabur -.-l.-hln- M I nnn-uln -ma lnnnd AI EIEA}iLIuEss Is uzxno eoouuess. `I-5-0--I:r|:.o-`cluulnhuu-`ht Iuu In Irlnuy Nctnubqpbtdpvun-0 dQuuu|ud. haul: in dunks who In in _A_l_It E nu-unuuu puwuuuuun-nu-`spu-u an utvwd. Icahn of In lnlvdltu any won nglnd ulnn-mud:-glln Unnvnlln dnwvt. "`h` IIIUIOII I. I130 III! nluruu weighing pound: can found dot mums or um um. nuonmn noon in mm: rout ouuniu owns. THE TIMES` QUEER REASONING. VERY MhYS-TERIOU-S SH6OTlNO. Inkennu poclllf-Y 9' nu mun: honnm. *"~'` " ` 3' m In Iolhnz city nroncnleo. Path`! `'*"'`3'` ~ luau: at In auvuuu uuy won nludwliuaunudumlln \_..J..-n -I-gt THE SOCMLISTS ARE BUSY. Lpngunu. hull N I vogblond dinnL:`rul`;.mlInI|?o`(KI'| not ulol. EXCI TEMFNT IN F RANGE. n the fuulllh ou- l..--.Ll---Q-nnhnn 330. in I ' ' . ` In I :3; X c1'"3'3`p.?41H.`L "}"{n'4..'}%s.v.nL" She] hpuum-louuhould culls! Ill d I at onq .. E1173 nprlgntbn to 3;. to- opocuvo llulunlonn. N. m. N.n.-'l'cudonuo1ot uq Evaluate:-It.|o Ac mull: to. on Hilton and Ham (on not to the Comm] Prison and Rdoruutory hr Fem clan. Torollo. The lowest or any tender not nocoaurlly no- cc-pied. W. 1'. 0'REll.L\'. R C HRKSTIII. - lnnpoctoc of Prlnnn And Public Cheulihna. Pnrllnlnonl Bulldlngn. roromo. III! Not. I888. . - P3,... whhlnl M_ 22:. ..,.~..'2.:=.;'.L~:..... ...u mew W`: for Red Inna. opposrrn roar OFF!- The undoflljld Weurteauuy. vvvo ......, .---. hr the Iupply of matches` meal. buuor. our. ovmmaul. poulmo. eltdwovli. $10.. to the fol- lowmg Inunnulmu during tho1]oar I3. vi: :- Tho Anyhnn hr the mono In oronlo. London Kinuuon. Iltunmonnd la: the (`antral Prison und Return! 1 for amulet. Toronto; thr Rahruwory for Pouuun hhono : t o lnuluul an lot-the ondllum nd the ind tn uouovmo and _ _ _ - wuugqz . v-- 4;3f Wednesday. "Due; L- -......u.. A n.umhnn' nu uw unmrlluuury urr u. . ....-... ullatthowla! ondllu ind In II-uutfunl. Twonut-Ion! Inroclqilllo _rI GEORGE OLIFB.` ag- pu__ ,__- -\--u 2....` `luau-I. I"I`Fl\.III. v-.. Hum msnms of all than (I Unrlxhu mt.-tqmu-on nocuu-1 M the our . onnutol Prisca: Ind uordun uu-con. inu- un. No more durable or no. M. WIIBIR UPRIUIIT. ll Canada llnm lh Iuriernlo in pfloo ad unuoud by an (`un- dhn inurumom u up: an. v. gupus. PHEIED mu onauzs. n- -Olnnm I-\ In PHI nI'(`O\ll|lYT. HT}-Mwuuj - TENDERS for`SUPPLIES, 1889. V ,_`__ ` h l\I.V|:\z . ul. II-clorl. u an n l{u.cAuu Kingnlon. Ont. _f_. `d5?..'a".':.":i.`:':.".'u'n:..'.:.i Twonulllc-lent unread will be required for lh: dun fumhuonl. or and contract. specica- ';2-:1::`.::::.'.?`.. .. "6`...;".`.{ 3 3.9.` .".'. or -on IIBl.l'I(`l.. apuuuu non and lurlnd an only be had mnklu Ippllcntlon Burnnot the I -...nHnun .IAIIIl|nnI. niEi:'\`I-:i'. Km I-mot. - uuol-I .n wholonlo pl-Icon. -_. -- -. . -II! _ K|RKPATR|CK'S. nvvuw vvu allulvvww --- _____-_V Hours-PalnLln c1Au-l0l0|! IL - Am-moon draw ng o1ID-liwto I: I3 l~2\"-ning drnvn clap! 1:!) to 9:81-P-` `ubjx-eta uughll.ufnoludopnlII`!1|nI`| II (J \|.'|4.n... ;\.,|.___ ___ -.... van-Ooh all --U EA 'l!.-`! I I _.E'-_'-'<.T.'T ?59.-- luuluug 1558 any Juan:-- -..__ Pmmptly attended ta In (`Hy or Country. The largest and bogl_guorlod_ Iggc} _o! :1 Next door to W. M. Dronmn. Princess 8!. ll-._..\_:,_ ha, ,,1:__ m--_ --J (1.. ENE: 71' U NT'dI .... .......| mmmnmom and renalrlnl of __._____'-__.-__Z.____ ALL KINDS OI` RANK And OM00 Rubber sump. Huh. Em. Iuppllod by Blun- ,;u g. KIIic"A"l:vI.Il. an Inn. I-got. II... '.L' LJ..LV.|..|..V \_I 0 ll Lomponmont I-epalrlnc n am every dewrlpuon of uusf EEJQENEIDF, I5n|5I'InIIonl foronvo. _?_._____..__..._ FOR SOILED CLOTHES, In I but auorlod stock 0! Hnhoo be1wo-- ammo and Moulrul. choup for can monthly lnnudmonks. tr:-null`! TA OIIIT .a'|I7lU IV UVII -u--u---' I-Ivory Instrument Fully Guaranteed. nu-uul"n A , I .l-_ I f__ [)|__ ...-uaauvagaa -:-- - T W nod A80 V. llnkgg upochltyn lngzh ofnelu -.._-- ,-x_.. _....a- Insurin- spnouu. mm'rw_u. _ A NICE ASSOIITMENT OF` L`|{\v|sTin dibviss u w. . must. 3 Sample pin ux I50 PRINCESS STREET. --CIlEAI'EST `AT- I-Ivory Instrument ruuy uulxnu J.REYNER, Golden Lion'Tck. man: or in All IIDIIIIAII AC` CHEAP AT roodvo London up to no! 199. 5th. 7888. . L...A`- A-..- Enjr Now York`: Wnlllng Match. Nlw Yoluc, Nov. 30. -At 9 nm. the Icoro ltood : Littlevmod, 475%; Herty, H; Moore. 447 : Curtwright. 428`: Hmym-th. H9 3 Golden. 401 : Muon, 398 ; (`unnor, 403 ; Nnromnc. 423 :' Hurt. 409 ; Unmpanu, om . |.`|.....- 1'15 . Vim, 997 : Tnvlur. 330 : C. Smith. M7 ; Pooch. `Au. ' Nlsw \'onK, Nov. 30.--l-`ully 3.000 per son: were present st 3a.m. Only four men of tho lugs eld tho! -uned Iuccoevlv-I in eon-ting the 400 miles in one humlrod hours. which occurred AI. 4 o'clock. Liu|e~ wood Wll then just two miles bchiud Filzr gonldh record of I83`). Nlw Ymut. Nov. 30. at I] s.m., the Icon: wu: Linlcwood. 4&5: Heny, 476: Moore, 453: Csrunlght. I37; Norennoc. 430: Hows:-th. 427; Connor. 4|`); Golden, um. u......, um Cunmu. 855: Eluomax A_I'u-r_nnon dmvng olnu-2:!) to may p.ll|. l'_.\`(-_Iung drnvnngf I-.lLp.m '-`ubjrcta taught noludo painting: In Oil: and \_V Mer Cnlora on any materials. Pnslol nnd (_ ra un worlnltllumenliry and advanced Draw- Inl mrruohnnd and moolmnlml. A upocinl clue fur nkolchln from nature. Foes and Prowectna on awpl canon. (`HA3-1. . WRE.\ SHALl.. Princlml. Noromnc. I23 :' nun. qua hlmpluu, 350 : I-IlIon'._ 335 ; Vim, 297 ; Taylor, ; H7 Pooch. $12. ' Nun: \'mux. NQV. 30.--l-`ully 427; Connor. cw; uomeu, I04; Mason. (07: CCIIIPIII. no.3: Tnylnr. -`MI; Pooch. I3: Vlllt. 9973C. Smith. 147. ` An llnqlullllea nun. Nu: \\'n-1-.m_w1'r.n. P..C.. Nov. :40`... Senator Mclnnee being interviewed relative to en Ottewe deepnwh whivh stew! that he had meikelernrlng ropbrte as to the pm.- Ienoe ol leproey emonf the Uhineee Ind In dieue in l.hh_pro'vince. decleree the denpetch to be en unqualied leleehood. lint. he never mede eny euch etetuaent. And further does not believe the! then In now, or ever he ben,eceeeot|epreeyemongtheIndlenelp._ mi. nmvlnee. end even doubu___w_hother e been, a can of leprosy among me uuuuu pp. this product. dnubu whether I" (all! bu boon found unonq the Chlncu. maueumruu uz. Hector .\Icl)onul:l uf Rat. l'ur found munlx-nu: on the ('au:ulx.\ llnilwuy track this mmninq wnth I torn and Iulferiug {mm tho I). T.'I \\';A!Lcd mcr u.-Vt.-uly mu`.--s. (incur an I`M`k-r Hun loll};-ul IN I: L a horse In nlgn mun U)-(l.|y. Mrs. Enly, whose luulmnd clap:--l \ another wouun {rum ;\lc(n:`._; has jun him in St. Pun] . u........ \` m.:..I.I. . '1'...-....n-. I..w mm in M. rum Henry S. Shieldq, 9 Tornnln lmy, hm- , been non: for nlnliug u ch--~|( |\m| gun. He Wu pmviuully cnnviru-.1 uf theft Ill Tn rontu. |:`lnnn- lung 'n"nn I5 mm. nnr hI|n:`l'n1l V|jIn.hI.InInul nllhhuh Inn on In Yut. vb 0.7.1. at l.Y.O.NI. mo ' ' In on loan: PM on Ibo IIdcvnIIn-A uni: Iunuuy. ".|lll. l`U\'. Nun`. '29.-~-This afternoon the police were nominal that Many I-`oh-y, An old wmnnn who Hun nu Yuung~ntrrut., ht tween (`horry uul Wellington allwt, was oruoy eject:-I 1mm her hu no by u lunli, who Incl on nlinu-an vurrunt for rent. Th. old Ivnman mu lnuml I) my holplm.nlyulrunL on I nmltrnu in fruul of llm h-nnm. 1 h- bnilill nuulr the M-imrc-, pm. Mrs. |"ulr_v anal her trunk on lha an-Ix-walk and In--kml Hu- donr. Ser;_- nut l'iurh rovldecl hur II`-h lodging! Al the pallet: eel I. Janus: Xlnnniunfn Imunn, on I.l\elin\'or|mr`n Iuocl III the noun were union. Yoltcrxlny nhornoun Mr. f`rnicluhu-l; wn pm.-living the children of the lip urect Iv.-lu-0' in the the drill In qnrvpuraticul for Lin visit. of thollov--run - cueal. A little crippled girl named lkker was in one of the upper rooml and we dial nut. go out with the nut 01 the children what: the lllflll noumlod. TIO young rs .m'.u of luoyn nu up Iuiru uiur the rut of the children were out uml yollod to bar that llw nlnirs wen burning. She In to bully 1righu-u- ed that ihe bocuno llnoouociuus, Illll lhu towlun lud much dlllcnlty in rouuruag 1.-.. [L sroves 'and RANGES. ...._ . ..-an-n nun nor. Alnut 10 o clock this morning I rnnnwny horns mmlo thing: llvoly in tho vicinuy of Ibo Jame:-sum: market. David Henry, I Ind who drives for (Shula Voqnor. I-utchur. [oh I 001: nundtng in {mm of 42 Murin- Itroat. Whiln he was Army the Imus ha- ` Lune rt--lieu unl tum! ulf at u 2.40 gm: dong .\lnrkM.-nreol. A man whn works for .l.muu Uoldiu, our dealer, triml In Map it unul Wu dmxgucl don the` road fur Iume rlhnnuco. Th! vur_;uu nu pzuuul on-r Nun. but luckily ho \\'.ui nut Inn 1. Aft:-r Ito mlliw-nu. in lhu Lu! nt \n`hirh the vm-(on wu dclnulillwd, the nuiuml In Iwppeul. lllll l'. "C.AI`-Ultl |uuI,'Iucr III all. -I. .\.r\- nuniur was ;;<-Hinv u pail of \\.\I-'r I1u.n a Hume, In-r lul. fel u Lncl ru.u-lulu: I--r :1 she fell in anal um mrried tluwu ulih lin- curn-nt`. Tum Hume in n\'t'H`-i an-l mu :ul.- ` fnr scxmzxl huu-'.rul In-ct. \vnhu.u nu <-|u-n- mg. I"-vrumntc-ly aha In nlour\u`l g-nu: nmler llm 1' -wrml plans by Mr. Hen-leI.~uu, uhu plungrnl in uflur her. Ulho1.<.urnm.; ` the planking "ma turn up Imnu lnlnucc down the rise and bull] \\`cl'u rescued. PIIII Aeclcleul lo I .|InuNoIm ll|u-Vrvu of In Morlhnout. \\'m.Vu-I.r., Nov. z`9.~ The .\`urthvres-t Assembly h.n that L vulu un pxci hibltiml alum! be luixon by lull-:2. Hath byinus oulnnntlml to lhv `win p'.c' In lay Iexo It-fulud Ly i.u`yn: lll.\]'l.'Hln.3. th-ll nguml (`u|unil..s!ion I:om_' I23, and u_-.-.mhl xhsbeuluruu 0'). u......... \l.-llm...|.I ..r :2... |`..r1..... ..-.... wulkul L-vculy mu.--5'. George Yurkt-r mu Ionic-I by kick horse at High muff In-lay. Mn, I".ulv. Irhnna hnn-Imml olruwul TI` EUTI IY Qntuununltlliti III- - Il.. `IL--- -..u '4` `Hold : @0000! Itlnoottho Voulllhgloch DOIOCOO-Ill I101. Igunx. Nov. .--(X In W am. of (M Wat Rklllg no: `N0 I lttgldo soul lnlnl udtluul tn-nlgbk Ila Inn] at ntunool lrom I shooting I!- nuioo nlhocouuuw nu! III nllglulllu (run bl: I-gnu at Rdahoauh livery ohlula An In wont to an out, his fool caught ln some way with I lnlo llornlle-l gun, l-nth lnrnll ul wlurh were loaded. The Vanna vu dholnupsl and the conun- ot tho we lnrn-b luulgoul In II: ubtmch. H In oorrlod Into the Ihhlu and -tun-uh ammo-I to the Artillery lnrruoko. llvin` lnr only me lmur. Hu- vilo I'll nmunonul and reached him jun lnloro be lost muvlommu. (`npuin llrin wu alum: Mynn old and cum ln Hnllfu from liormmln Iltln Ill toginmnn couple 0! nombs nga. H: vs: man-iod urn yunn :30 lo I Ilcrmualn luly sud lad om child. An luquou is to la hold tomorruvI. EVICTION IT FMMILTON. lodging! in me pullers cull. Juno.-I Manning`: house. ruml, Wu hmkou mm A low ovoniugu o. A much. an brooch. 8 in cash, and all t to loocl in the homo uulou. \'..a..-...... -0.-.-.m..n \.lr (`I-niclnh ulk Narrow I2-c-npo Iron: llrcnvulnl 0' I (`numb-~lltnnI I-`IN. CA\IPBF.l.I.I-`I-|u|' .`u\'. `29. r-~'HIiI |l.iu' um an un I-J _y-_;r.<)| cluxululer of .\Ir. J. .\.o \- .. .. .. .......`.... .. ....;I ,.l n .v... v..... :. To mien. mwmm York. rnniiiu-a, next uoor w W. M. IJPOIIIIII. rnnuuuu nu nxmnhing, Plumhing.Staam md Gu litu Hr... ....u xx... w.o..- no-Mn! Inwlnoarn. `iii iguana oomnn I dohihncls. lull-clan: than wpuudIguu& roornuuu 31-. - - - xutou-ou.| Onto. Flour has fallen 15 cents per hundred. HI UVID DULY AN HOUR. . vnqnnmoa beam. --'--u---n um. Non A PLUCKY RESCUE. KILLED av A-KICK. xmosms. CANADA. uuoav EVlNIiiFu_N:(;VEMBER so. 1838. z--at1r `....l..... x: I hrs In v. u. 8 ll`L`l bill Ht: had Hot mu symcuu. NJ - _.____.___..__-