Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Nov 1888, p. 8

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af"'?"' ""Mv-n _yd gm-9'4\.\.. WIN III II I0` I UIC ICIIUW. The polka to work on the can and soon hand 1: Inner did not hr III] (non the on when dhchnr . Ho bud been an Int 0 harbor on neural occu- Iloou. but the pollen had not boon lortunoto enough to scan Mm. Ollou Small. before he knew (hut Foster Ind broken Into Adamo Lou:-A lnnnnl n -.- Ann:-Ah`nn I...o-.'. 4|- nu new mu loner nu: oroun Into Admin homo. loud u an nnunrlnf Punter : do- fcrjpuou rowing _n_pun0 ow Cuhgqui CIT III T CKVUEIIIUT -I' AHQEI was convinced that the bu In In: the n- huod India. and In :1 0:1 to AM the polio: and In] low {or the know. Th` nnllun hnnnn In rm-E in than 1-Ann Anal uuuuuopuuguurnoumuuuoor. an an aura and Mr. Adam jumpod lnnbotyupd s nvolnr. hutonod to the hilt: . and ran an tho burglar who yollod "Hallo !" us than knocked Hr. Adan to the oor. Bcloro the architect could an ink weapon tho data! had loci. from all the circumstances It Adana l....4l l-A|-- --.I L- 1.. 4.1 4.. -14 n.- ponlunhry. Soootonr Iahugoontruoo vulwdoluo tluhouu. lb Adunwu nlu-and by the vllnpot 0! voices, ud Izuilhoopcolljollur `rooodou. She mi Mun sad Mr. Adunn hmmnd Occult: In! the India In rluud (to: tho pultuduy. slur souls; a torn luv bughrloon cannon upon the proponyyJ _ a9;'4OIuAmIII:..:.-:.`.*,sm'.`-.\;1.-.-.u.-"r..-.x-.r ,n.r:..; 4*: I-I-1w cunu an an cl-snot In-I-u II- ._A__.- 1.1.. A..A. I-ad In IL- IARRETED on A mm AN INDIAN WDD NAI IIIN WANT- ID POI IMGLAMII. lcloni, llld. and Bllont. links a Note 01 Thu. .-.l-l.-..I _- u l._ A.- -1- lllrdoilo Style: J: A: nmul .I-ALx.... "\lI--`II -U . lllo lartuuu lulu. III:-no Malqp on-ngu Mo. lot; lemons 200.; crsuhorrioa l'.';c.- bratilnit brown roll bacon; ulgu cumilumnud genuine and elder Ibo. npllon. Jul. Crawford. -- on-w -u-uuu Th yum-d . Th won]: not of.I omo no.3 nun Jaw In lama : run opm From. ` Sm-rn`s FA1.u, Nov. m.-Tluro wu gon- onl utiufunion exprmod on All Ildu at the now: of the b -luv being onrriocl In your city yulnrdny. he and] 0 than hers oops quit and the prevail an tooling in In that when 1 o by-law in nnbmmod here it will oa_rry with 5 largo majority.` nuelwc in my new road. Alrouly more II I tendency upward in renl astute. and our enwrprining citizen: an looking toward in- veotment. We feel in plounro to ox our grntitudo no the pooplo of the old_ ima- Itono city for tha hearty support they have given the by-lug And the mnpugounnt of tho` N. T. & Q. nilwny here our satin con- donoo. . ......... ,...:...... .... 7:...` RI II II an upnuedgru tidenoc In 21:33.5. rond. Alrouly than tendencv umurd in renl aunts. and m TIXIIII Ill IIl'I.I'u Yu.un. On. Nov. w.-Tlu nun ol the by-low being pond was ncdnd hon lut nmht with much hllll Th. vlllnan a nursing IIIIIQ VVVo Ilh*lIl' UUWU II III! by-low night with much plounro. The village ` Ruthorod in nouns and axnnugd nut unn- E. R. Bherpnlllu Id lprollc. At the Dominion hotel, can, oh Wed- needey at 10 o'clock, in the presence of I lame and fuhionoble gathering, Rev. Mr. Young ushered to the myrtle threshold, Ida M., denghter of} Mr. Joneph Spronle, end l'2dw.\rd R. Sharp. Erneenown. The pretty bride was assisted by eliee Minnie Spraule, Malcolm Hoyle performing the oioe of roomelnen. The uteem in which the bride e hold wen attested by the wellneelected end nimble tokens. among which were I purse of Cfzolrom Sidney J. Sproule. end 854) from Fred Sproule, two of her brothers. `The dinner Wu in keeping with the eur- rnunuling. The happy (maple, ehowered with the omenl of good wiuhee and luck. id: for an extended trip to the eastern provinces. A war. Loan toss-rfmw. mgns wun Inucu picture. '1'!!! Village g thorodlngrou and printed t - tirienoo the no\l:rond.Alraulv`:n:mo`i n nuuuanu: lumen gin: and decorative work: of the McCcu|lund & Son. It in from thin uuhllshmont that the Guest window! hnvo come for the principal odicu throughout the oountrv. ume Ill canton unnncle at R. Mol"nul`e. It in extremely interesting to vielt some of the lending numufucturin bounce in To~ ronto. Parhe the not! counting end enrprleing of t rem all an the extenelve or nmnentel etnined glue and decorative work: McCnunlnnd & Rnn, I9 in Crown chi. O nu-plhlgd. It poo nmug|no- oHbIoppodt|u,\nI|Ivu1tho othcr way. The gun was lotdod at the wmnu and. la tlllvu-d O udtrh&.6 ht wu has n and the blunt won in gay lad null. Bu lutudot defeat- ! I mnnrcll onlyinarouo-l tho gnru an put the pooplo In 5 jubilant mood. RI- dnn waders Ind not boon diuruntlul. no nchlumuu haw how that: luau-ea lay. Sydnhnnrd wusbonun-u ud II any car onctuuiuu to the on lad crowd In tho mu miles. It did the but :1 any turd In J:-Jordon to the toss! vole cue. Vmath undo thguuo con- vlnclu In hvonr at the pound. and villa hrmqui word nun-an were boln1_ swnlted the curd fell to hula; on the final lulu. The inolqy elm Ind boon put up that tho Nunnn. Tamworth 1 Onion RR. racexveu wmcn are none the worse for gono- ml use. but are 8! 50 per pair cheaper than the usual prion. The cheapest annel: In white. red or gr: in tho cilv; alto Iplondld nine in csntou nuncll R. MoFnul`|. It in nxtnmnlv lnnmnnna In nigh ......- n escporl a. mum Ste. Marie nllwsy. Blsnkoh have ulen unmher tumble Five cues slightly soiled blankets have Non received which the for per mir cheuner than xo,uuu so au.uuu. ` John F`. Wood. M.P.. lnhndn to push on the New York, St. Lawrence and Ottlwt rnilwny. The company in nuthoriud to construct I rsilwny from Ottawa to Brook` ville. or to I point hetwean Brockvilloand Wentport on the line of the Brookvlllo, Westporz &. Saul: Ste. Marie nllwny. lnother tnmhln mos money out out his poctsts. Buslnsss msn this morning sunounosd thst property had sdvsnosd 20 r cent. during the night. It Is sxpoctod st hy the thus the new rsllws s srs built, the dry-dooh constructed. ths Grand trunk rsilwsy workshops and eastern hud usrtors locshsd here, the pnlstion 0! the o ty Ill! be from 25,(lX) to 1.0!). Jnhn W \\'.vuI \`I D I..s--.I- A- _..-L -_ .a. s':2' 153:.` ?.?.IL"1"'.?. .""vZ'a.'."..`.a".'F "3.'."'.'.'{! tucked by wo man and badly and. HI: eye: were hhckonod and his fun out In neural plsou. Hulda beating him they took money out of his pockets. Balkan man this mornlnn Annnnnnntl mu Ion a grocery noun to-non-ow. Murphy. an em loyoe of lho_ corporation. while Intr. iootorlp on VVodncodAy Inn at- by hum mod. HI. lllfllly I `V Ill. Yu? Chen ! Eight pound: of sweat potatoes {or :8 nlsh onlunu Sc. 9 undu fore ; Flori 1 onn . we dos. ; slag: lo n :0 barrios. loo quart. Evorythlngpzzoqp n?nHondor~ con : gmoory homo to-mormw. Murnhv. an amnlmmn of Hm nnrnnrntlnn Olll IITUIIL The students of tho modloql colleges. sud upocldly of tin Women`: modlcnl ooll . will peruu with intorutnoo Grooms '1 recitnl ol ovonu at Columbh collage. Her lectcr. pungent and caustic, Appears in Sa- turdnyh Wum. YIIY CIIQAII! Elnht nnnnrh nl --ant but night I n broke out ln'l'nntou. dutroylng the opera homo, Quota : haul. and 0 number 0! stoma ndiaccnt. The re begun at 9 o'clock. but In: put out by mid- night. At 3 o'clock thin morning It broke out drunk. 'l`|.- -....I-..a- ..t .1..- _-.n--I --u-___ __.| gruumu u using Irrul I0!` I00 NAIIVIW. A r cripple nuno Colo hu urlnd In the o ty. Be in lndeod an object of ohnlty. Ho crawls About on No hand: and has on I mu. (our-whoulod truck. Rh fool and ankle: NI decayed. Ho ouno tron Sydn- um. l--A -l_L - 41-- |....|.- ..A 1. -r , , _ . ,, unu nun. um menu um ma non put N; no. Tworll I Quho BR. by-In won he ddoolul vu oooudmd lonl ho unnlnoum. the Co- unqu vudon uuonod wind In . no... cl.-. ..._..| .L- --..._ _--._n_ 5.-.: ON mvomng Inll` mono? In shin district. Thu mw drlll shod. Hollovillo, h shout oomploud. The oor will in nude of uphnlt. A gymnuium will In out In {at the benet ol the Ioldion during the winter. St. Mary`: cnlhodnl choir has bunn- orgnniud under the muugpunnt ol Mn. Dcullochon. who in outuouy qudiod to Instruct uni load than. An olnbonu pro- gnumo In boing arm: (or the Nativity. For c5!pp_lo_un_mo_ away nolon no Icoompllnnoa nu ohjoct. The lot: oond {or tab on Inodouoll street are nellln rspldly. Some ol the most prominent ualoou men In the city lnvouting their in this district. rm nnw drlll .o..a_ h.u..m._ s. .5... um: rillnnni IIIIOIII GIIC. Bcutllul lulr goods; duh and nude making; qua tor the Call count All work (nu-utud. Min Richardson. out Walsh & Sucyi, NI Prisons 8; A! I? o'clock on Wodnudoy night I an tried to buck into the ruldonoo o! In Mutts. Kin aunt. Ho nu fnghtonod sway before 0 ncoompllnlud Na objoct. ollrld for IAIQ on Hnndnnnnll ant Inn.-at U-`Clint-one ndptharplun. E1050! I50 KERR. !r0I"h`w nnrrlnl A gnu I-noun n._.I.u _ IL n r. K. In! M uncut :33 :Ino`:.lnoom to-dcv. `Dan broom: won pnoootod by I merchant. who bolhvu that nllrculu haul! dthl. hlufnl hula nasal. u Juan: --1 ---l`- Ill poo. V T50 of Aldhlki ION Inltl the lIIInn..(M INIIII ll.-J L-mg. 1.. In- - --__n uuaocuu or mg on, lo-cola-carnal-PI:-1 nouonuno H. .-A... __.-L __n, n u; Irvin u. Cnwlol I.- jnin I III. |.al'I'lOI- B". John IMKAJ will 7 the anal zun|n.a-nnnngxhm ul-n-I-, --I-n AT HYMEN'8 ALTAR. rlinoan In Vain. . A.` 3-.. an -m._ ._. nun-Ru-:.hu-any --ury I vol. ....W.....%} co`.'o_K Chemo-48 to m Buuer~-Cr_nmory It In 25: Tuwnahl I! W 2! : Humbug? Isto :Wonta:n low 8: 141' Iurulunww lin-Imuumm. uvlzllrool. cunts: )IAIuII:t. ' ` LIVIIIPOOL. Nov. IL-5 N`- Chooo-Wlmg 51n.Od: (`cloud 67- 0d. l.lVl:uP0ol. corms nI.umI:`I`. x.:v:m-001.. Nov. 31 nuny UIIII. Khaauuou now (onion! and prepare lbol! to outwith 0 propodon iron the 'i."u'. ....a...T" """".mu}""'.i .' nll or an anion!!! ' y: I063) ; In'Iln. if.i)'w (L25: Ontario Hill tam I1t?;rcu 5.9: to am for bake:-I. Salon M) 1.: .~mporm-. 0'10 M. Onin. WheM-nom|nnl : red will!" '3 zoom whim am to 0.11): Mprinu 0.00 and 0 No. I Nnrlhurn. M1) to 1.9- . 7=< -67 to 580. '-78 to 790. (kn-87 lo 350. IONTBIAI. PROIIIJCII l|l.uuu-- * I MONTRIAL. Nov. 8 Flour nooolpu. I875 bbln. am. can but Market ulol on . M. unchnr-and N10- Pnmnu nut. I.l to 8.40; pan .1 lpdllu to6.5o;nmI In It . rs: am: emu w6.):I1nnoe-no.mI..%`to`lL26: t]n_taI;ig Ncxlrth-wont 1 yard! cloudy. I mm] H1 2 IIOII Cotton. iteody : 1 Rich. I (IMHO Nlllut city Puaancur an ...... .. Monuaal GM ()0 ......... .. Canada Paomc RR ....... .. Canada Cotton Company .. Dania: Canon Co. ...` ma. . u on `o.. On! Pnnunnrlt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. San Aluudor. New \ork ;l'. . Phllndnlphlog W. Iont, S. D. SIIIIN A. U. Gobhn, W. Barclay, A. 8.03 W. L. Agle. J. A. Fulton. A. BUN! Manual; H . K. Psrnom, Gndplnlb Nitoholl, Min Nicholl. Min Warner. Uh _Boboru. J. Roboruon. Boston : H B. Elli- I bun. Dueronto;J. N. Butedo. BIN" w .1 m..n- w n u...:...n nmc|nilh:J. uanquo J u: Morohnnu uoboo Bank .. Hankolcomma are-M to mo. LlIIa\l-4. to 5.25. Oornmed-3.25 to 3.!) Win in |D.W. -1] to II. lhorm-B to M. HAum--13! N (Yhetoo-8 Bunch-Creamery IA; bun. Duaronto;J. N. Hutedo. null: W. J. Clulf. W. H Buulxell. llruclvilbzl K. Some:-ville. Hamilton ; T. AIMI. 3- Mnnnro. Ottnu;A. B. Power, Dom; C. I". Rand. Clonllnd. _ II. '0'. I . ll. rII'I.T. J. Is \m \V. H. Ooulaon, J. H. Stowe, J. I . Toronto 10. R Smith, Chicngo ;J. Fdty. Phllulnlnhln 9 w u..!tm_ .~L I). Shut I III I'IIllvUI lltllvlun Arrival: at the British America IOU- A. I. Bujomin. B. U'LoII(UiI. ` I. Benjamin. \ u-hr : E. Molhny. III 3'. A. II. ucqomln. H. Uuouguu. 5. I. Bonlizlin. Molina! . lh. (v`. wn.(l. H. Ptrkor. J. . QIII. \V_ H. limlnnn J H Hmn; J. "31. \/IIIIIUII I` IWIOQ Wllll WIWII II :- itlclndlloolockzroosllodho H rotlnd. Illd olly ho yloldoal to E: U any n. okin back upon It drow':,`v:o Vnldn mg Mdii mail In four Kingston in getting too purg- ution for demnndlng 5 double pcnpyus. TIIIII VODLIIIIOD. hThe concert be\i`ng no eetiefwlory. Ihtd I dlen ? ` II it was hily ouu3:. weflaoondungtod, but t Hm the line 0! rouolln. A progrunne 0! teen pieoee VII lengthened In and H1 ' two ; ever vocel piece in novel Id once only id 5 linger eecapo II vll. Cenoron re nopeuod Iilh watch in Ida iueered ll oolock ; reoslled behvd I cmver ncll IOIOOIIOII 0| II. T mun: orchestra wu niculnrly nll 1.. dead : with Robert litter`: cluiolot & Robert Luke`: trombono Iolo.uIni thug. pnninneuu it mule up min: the ovorturo A Very praouuble contribn h I loos! organisation. The orchumlu much I rouiaud place. Thonlo Ihu. rotuy. pain Murray, many menu an due for thc enutgy will will. locum] um! srrnngod so ul 5 and with which he curi it to A ntynr oouful conclusion. 'I`L- p...-A.-. n._K.... .. -_-1-l..,A--- -l~- J Ej'{'c"IoI.I1'y'. run `I 3 not mun or that shown! ll -v-~ h ch|gqlnhnrbtIN~ zuluuul uuauoovurugcuunnuu rlpwit thnlinyoompound. Buds: I-orlsvuuvcr bdllgodh. `fbohuuun nonunion! Iowuonndndvi ududvuoonnt or docsyudduch Io In;-con. has Ibo ".1.."".. t"...".'.':'.."""......"..'...":.`.: ........u....u.'. PIKOIICCI MARI!`- I Mnv-I-nIAl._ NOV.` n \aIIl'III1lI'I, ox noronuo, waa tug; comedian for the evenlng and he bade work cut out for him by my at .u..- and euoone to call forth his breadth ol talent, and variety tag... truly. "The Minor`: Fate" vaa gimp excellent dramatic effect, and uncoua ._ core by a capital rcpreaamation ol a by euayiat. The eolnlc sung "Hhe Wfg eluted another comic mug. as did 5 "Swinging in the hue." "Rubjj Piano. I on I: liked ao well henna cialty of Bel ord'I. who dnel it III _ wan rapturoualv applauded and a d recall followed. e Silver Bell" selection ol the T. man nuliuularlv ...n... Vwvuuu uilul` mm: W at`: Uallmln ," being 1 Cunoron, Toronto, . Iva. Another oncon ' M ` Io. Mtg Anya l`:.;\ TM qulrtoth dunno I" the pub` |' its introduction hole in I mania] l|lJ:BlR\'ll|IcIl0&:;t :1 Bootthh hurt: with tong: (I! on. _ vvn with (one and up nag`. 'In Hot." Tho Auld . . Wo'od Bum Hide I Won." J R nor`: Unlurlnc " |..|.... o-x_. ., . P"!-k'.' ' ' `"'` `*5. no nuooudgg `"3 `[00. "'|k'g n `h ` uoloool Inn Iul'|unm.l.`::.M 9.. mm uoptohlly, ..,. ,,_ ,. x.w..a`|iC`R..5'..gg.-...... ......... [vs `warm or'tIu.-...;..f` ""I u. ;:: A One`! I-LIA- _.._._. uonrnuu. a`rocx~;AnInI. cou'nAMRcuAL MA"r'rTsRT- Weather `rrobqbllltlo. ~--` ---i ---t uimlu. cl I Iluuwu vv..' - \ _ | nu, quality Ilolmll ruler PNMM zud I'0I .I-ulnonl III mm. 'mlI. cloud to 00 nhwon In con- pun III III o,~vn|.'_' ,--~lutho.apg.g.,. 1.. ....: :..ur--u:m-a'\ug )1. luuuu... Lxvxm-001.. manna`: Amertcma Ma. ` AN DREW8 In :6: Townahl mo zwauxorulow 8: ' T u ; bone Iolo.ud tho un- II E IHIII-IITCIX INICI Hf txpnulng a verdict hvonnhlu who by `I. cm mum ALL mm. uomnauidiuunulnucnu to mmavl M1- IIoIooiIuooIu- &oIub-`tau b I%%-0&0}! 1%? location VcI& loll! Natalee --n_nn----I-A-gall-n-nah: --uv. uvu -I win was-I ll W2 T-W In! DC; I`hovuy`I look no I " aid ammhut Int night. "In this: 0 matkr If Ruth- bnudouourr ubaudlnubittobcunouto til` I hold :1 Ch ..:..':..'.'.'.:.. .... .:... .:-....'..`"-'`'...... : in-... . I ... . . . - nlunltuuto nu: an. 11 An; ` lotto at tho Ion. 7. ll -ntlvo 1 an nu ET In on all It In. an and wood st ::vu'tu'pdcg, .1": Cnwfordfn, logt 0! Oman toot. "Tine"!-u'a'i";:T|;l'o"`w'-"R3. an HIE oqullu vnlntlon; norvounncu, and [in strength And rut u wanna wno ll wyll, nervoul Ind ll Ins, and who in: old had: Add foot, lot too! and Act like ` `iron. but IE)! Pllh muslin I Intlnn: -an `III I (`USU DI 'I'IIII 1 Th}: wouum selling 6 pound: of. our colo- bnud lfspnn to: {or 01:8 pound: of our 50u English breukful Congnn for II. and our aunt Mocha and Jun onlfoo for 2150. Int nnnnd. W. D. l-hmlou A (`ll VIDOII II II OIIDIIIIWG "I0! I10 YONG t both nllnn and an pun! princi- yu. The snrlnuny tooling, nu Ihoro~ .. ....a. -. .n -1... 4. ..-- ....-......u .- L- Dill lllll DIOGIII Illll JIVI 0"IfX , pot pgund. W. D. Honda & Q1; `rho Golda-n (Into Special. The Union ind Cclhtl Pndo raids and ` Pullmdl eominny pin on. Dootmbor 5th. a woolly trnin of Pullman veutibnlo can to run between Council Blul and San Fran- 'oiuoo. Siam hut. electric I lit, at nu lath mouulorlndlcunml at man. Irllor Illop. nboorvnion and umo lug rooms. and n female ctundnut fur luiin And children man it "tic duct train in the wwld. v. - nanny: uuvvu. -uuIuy U III III`- mn and has no, friend: In this country. boy: won nmnndod until December ht. D. NOITII IINI I . Mllly, WQFO II`- noted and chrjod with the rnhbery. It In col Alhort time since Noni found`- ul{t.y ol Invlng bmkon Into ;*Ety'u homo on Prince: strut. llullndy In an or- phan no, this cunntrv. u.-uuuuuscu rnr Inc ronlnnllnry. A low da 3 Ago thieves broko into J. Mc- (hlllf rail anon, on Prlncus street. and ntolo I revolver and ld brouch. Two hoyl. S. Norris And T. ullndy, . chm-`nod with Ibo rnhhnrv. n s. A h In d -. '.'.'. 5".'.'i..'.'u.2. .z"l"n".'.'?3' `:'.'..T'2.'.?*. < can but nu ? toned Ihouuolvu with uskln ol olatlm. sun gnu: worn um morning. The Inn ontorod the engine homo. but nd- : Impossible to carry olfnh engine con- ; an old unit glut mu uouuu voted by mngnonuu yu- iord . but :53: were mu-pt-ind lhloro aa- rloun on mu . The thlavoc pun though 3 window Afar runovinu 5 acorn cub. hint Bnrdutn. who sleep: in the building. loft his out down-thin. and thin in our- rlod of. In It was valuable goldwttch. The cool. minus In ldon phat. wu lonnd new It: `Inc vor this morning. The bumlnrl canine honnn. hm. nd. may on on una Igun. About four thuuand bushels of wot what. from tho nehoonor Pruton, above At tho had of Wolf: Island. has both him to Cnpownccll and In low bola sold for fty cent: n Inn. A schooner mm Chun- moot took I load of it to0II'ego. when It Into be. acoocding to rumor, mud: Into whiskey. nut night we Nupuno and RR. omen at Nnpunoo nu burg! wn thonnht at um um ch. 91 n. 1. a Q. nus. Q-nu. The oppoomon to flu Nuance. Tamworth & Qnohoo nllwn VII made up otabont I50 votes. Till! I become very apparent when it In ouloulnod that 210 persons voud anlunt nllrnn and m nnnnl urinal- nus. oluot II unpunoo burgluinod. It thoncht at am that the china won glut the boom voted by Kingnlonhu hrday. they mu-m-ind hdon ng. The Ono? manufacturing company which own: I. a lumbar on the wnokod boat: It Capo Vhooul hu picked up the lumbar don; the shore. The company will sou-coly lose on bond. All the boat: will have Iobodnwu out and npdnd before they on In and spin. About four thuunnd lmnluln M an III II} If N The huge Vnlonoln, Inna 0d at Gudon Inland. out @.(ll). she I: 1!) [at In hush,-8| but ban. and 19 ft. 0 In. hold. Her onrrylnf pool II LIN tau. Sh: VIII he put two the mint tndu. '11:: but In built with the nun! one that has chun- :o|-ldudull the wool: built at Garden II- III _ TM PrIOu|'r;!lnd"Oovogo out-vl y coding npeon. gbowllsyupon hoturinl. 0' Thoochr. Qnoon at the Lakes utnrnorl In an co-day {tom Uuvogo. She in lending loyhou. Thonchr. Ploton In clooln '3 m Clonlnd on onJu;' '1`. has and during tho 5 1 . common. company. can have IIIOI and lnnuerby thoO. 0.tT.oom The Emnnunl Inrlh In: In nu uuvu company Inunan to I-obnud tho nun: Chlohnln. To-day lot engine wunnovod nrooanoorvtonuhomnuh uuller oy BIO U. U. I I`. QT]. The Em of Indh has In a prodhbla anon. cloud chow expand on tho Tunoh nun man: an: The summer orumu on the ru- Chnrlotto noun netted about OIRJXD. Tho Gulvh company hounds nbnlld `h 31 MI H1 nnnlnn Lift. .L ruuuffnuu s r. 1-`. cocoa-a.ouo:o.. lw"'" Tho oohr. Hllo mutt in an IM touoluonlunohtoothi in: In- IQ. iv: in nuuy IQ IICI Iuouunou will nebula! . nd during um pcrlodlu thud! to tho pooplo cl Khpton. He in on out pnulur. and hhoppannoohhh pupil In nlvrgyu gvsyhg to the congregation. .._.. ._. ......-.. cl nu-up ugvuuu Ind boon 1u'5i3n'nL"u':In ibly no lurvztca wraldwhlzo Econ led tor the u o 0 ' '- opposition n Nuance. Tnmmmh `u oohr. How: Donate. ht. Thanh. ulh lulu ` (34.5 .I..L l.. 15...... KIII W ~ - 1. "6? . . 4| 1: at to cm 5. human, D... II. Il-_.I I- 1.1-- I..I.. .1-g. LI- In-l Oltlotol About the What: and D.-- [ugh--mg-g Elba: u tho It-law. Ln: night the Napoou and Tamworth IR. Nnnnon in hutch:-hul, I; unnuoqol rwmn. I plan ol no gov. fr. 313:1. vhohu bun Ippellhd prlohprhlt at C.-nwdl. For the put uvur Pr. Kelly ha: ha: ldontitiod Il ndlnl anrhh. And during um `C601 wuvuu -uvv--I-I v-`I'- 'V`-""1" pnhblyoau ytlopclnnsuhynlgnl. Thqnl Ilnotanpuhlopntioonr nonvulnchod uIug!all|appur- auhtho mo. odnadny OVII- 7 lnglul. tlllooruhlyhoouol the ` `I-on Indal Inn: ol shares. The man: nnllal with tho mum: of (km. FXICIIICI UK N IX-I'. III pnpon udlldumh thopnlnaoCun- Iunnl. - Tho oppoqmoo an mmlcul to mu on having curled the by-low. I! :hnlr action had boa: Inn dmuhnllvn muihlu Im 77:3." . L L H035]- huh ` ' MII'0 Uullr I ' -: caudldutu rm-` tho` Ponloontlnry. I hm rlnvn ..... n.|..... |\....u.'- :..... v 1 - `lake I New of'l'lIb! -.. --II I __.._ 1- ~I UARINI PARAORAPH8. `Girl! I ! I- `f..'"". `ri..7"".I.'1':'.3.'.l`,'y"}.1"u..., 1:.i ... are. not at all what It nu Quppouod to be. MA Dun` I Inn} A. It ' nnlal . n-.4-`L--. olurod todnv for m 'sarrIsn wmcl mun. NOV. 30. :-- I undone lulu IV -00. NM cloth no you on Vlord to pay for. wl tho yorld Io bowel] tailorodintobowoll hvouI'od:|nd.' Wmmmhltmu ouaotolmnhortt Prince: SL, you won`! Inn to pay too lunch for then. ' I Grout lulu ol Bondy-undo Olothlpg. Provost in ullln 3` and youth` our cosh. All wool. or 60: boys` unit: for 50; llan'i'IovoroontI. 311 wool. for II. but no the boopvaluo in the city. Man`: Iwood suit: for 83; non`. punt, All wool. OLE). The ubovu good. as our own mum- lnotnn. Won ma 3. x. nnnrnntncd. v AIIO mom good: ll And t In guaranteed. unto Nate 0! Thu. Peln benlehedee if by magic. Poleon`e Nerviline in e poeitlve and almost lnetentm ueoue remedy for externel, Internal, or locel tune. The most ective remedy hitherto noun` full: far short of Nervlline for potent power in the rollcf of nerve in. Good for exteruel or internal nee. uy e.l0 cont eemple bottle. Luge bottlee 95 oente, ht ell ; dmgaiate. unclean, nllld. and Elllqient. In`ell dieeeeee in which e Par tive medi- cine ie celled fur. Hemiitone Iille may he need with eeiety end eetiefection. They cen be taken elite by the meet delioeee per- son or child or by the elrong. II the con- tein neither Ininerele nor crude or de eterio oue eubetenoee; their nee me be long con- tinued with3ut_ the poeeibiirtv oi` ulvetlon or my of the mreeuite eo frequently unend- ` ing-the uee of pills coinciding Ihoee nub- ` Hamilton`: Pilielerr, safe, euro an In ,yt t. Sod 1' ru eta end deel(en in 325$; i Ill panel! to oegum 01. 8:: being a ken go in the oolluhe aid that he thong L when he our the name: coming be was going to got towed. He did not know he won going to be on-outed. Ho bud been raiding for thno inch on Codnr Inland. it yonld be well if the police would search the opot, they might find other good: that Footer hu Itolnn. noooruon. Footer In about thirty-ve you: of Age. And nrongly built. He has honvy duh moustache und `arch eyu. He Ipoah good Englinh. u llllll an I great deal of innocence rogsrding tho robberies be in suspend to be guilty of. k nkhoilcg Igokon to I A. ` A An... A _n_,_ I__ ___ 4, . In in surnugn me non 0! Mr. Koboruon at srangtougnd the but ovldonca that he won the burglu Inn found in one of the nkiu. I con And 3 palr_ of ulovu. Thno have boeuidantiliod u bolonging to Mr. Robortnon. vsnugo. . Tho Adam: burgluy in not the only one for which Foster ll vnnud. H0 in wound f Eh h th no I M . Robe tao :': ,`l:5.lII:'l:`II.x|nd tin h::tonvhIrnn.-- air kg Ull . {ho nil boot it called the Reindeer. und in a very Ilno crnh. In It were found chilheln, nippen. uplkn sud Iciuoru. just the kind of articles I bnfglsr can use to ad- vnntago. . Thu Adam: hnral;-u I. Inn! oh. AIIII9 ....- an wnlu. utpt 1. uolunuy IIOII I u the d ukl. but he VII mrpu to Iectholn icngoontohho uklhowuln. It in not min whether ho jnmpod out or hll into tho wow Jooidealslly. Captain Domully gnbbod hold of him and pulled him out o! the water. Be In: than unint- od to tho uumor by Small Ind Dunnollv, and brought to the police IIIHJII. The prisoner : bun: were alto towed to the nitv. um uuormee UIPIOIIIAUIII ox meu uneuon. By thie tlme over three hundred people hedooe entheehetltowltneeethe eepture. e Indlu let the eteemer oom- ln` elter hln end let go the ehllfe he hed In tow. bet he dld not have time to oerry out hhee. The eteener Piertepoetx-en to the volthe eellheet. to lute:-oept the W. ht the Indie: jenped lrom thle t to theehlllelt end then crewled over te the leet Ill. 5 lnteetlon wee en- doubtedly toont hlqeel! looeeend rowewey. Oeeu-Smell leeped iron the eteemer to theeell boot. The hnete drifted down the elde of the eteelner nntll they reeched the dle wheel. Sept. '1`. Donnell] then t eeonnd ekl. hut he re: enrm-' tn W so an mun. oorpun on-non nua ( oer Scull aw hot and hurrlod to the dock. They Arrived In than to gut sboard. d In! 0d bp|h' Allan 0! their info Bv Ilrirnmllmn our thug lmndndmnnonll`; uuwur VIII` lll%BlOl, TIIIOG OH! 01 IIIO and Iqlnod the Indian and the bouts. uocnnd 0 hill` and nu-tad In pursuit. The stunner Pierre B was A: thin limo winging out from clu-ry what. on her In to the inland. Sol-pun Carson sud Scull In: And hurl-lad to ma Inns ruuur no no rornmonu: mnuu boot and Ill towing two CHE: Inhind. 0600: Craig luunodhuly mailed out o! the Indian Ind nuhnd Ihn Imlhn And tho hmu, III , Ulll III IIIKI llllll I05 X IOIINL bu morning 0 ulophono mango cum to Ihorulioo nation from Architect Adam that actor Ind H8 Portunonth in I all bank uni -.. u...a.... o... am. |..|.:..,a I|U||X. IOIINI I in IIIIWITII I'I-`KI . U0` earl den In 3 puns be Cehnqui b ge. eccorxelled by another man. Time rolled on e repone were received that the India wee camped on Cedar blend. Two loenen weal to that pleoe the other duh. no the Indian could not be found. I. -;\--l-- . e-I--Jung- -......_ ..._- "a':'e`:o'teln"!':v{>:*' 31 the Nepenee. Tun- wonh 8 Quebec BR. was (our llIOI'I then the anchor the; an-led tlnelvuer work: enonnlon b -luv. The mom re ul the rellwny oonnnmee of the city council Me In the glee. The work at no yeen he been eedotuid. and further deuone ere nnneoeeury. hen wee e even; seem at work In Vio- tnrle wad ynetevdey. Dole e prevented all the eleoton from Totlng 3 y to. Five were on head when b`nl _ `aeme. When will the vneyor 4 oonnoil teke that opoaed trig 0!. `I: Montreal to 'r" .."".;....'. '""a'3.." `.2"'.t. " S"':;} mrult: e ope . at t quee on I olll'. -

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