Colonel Quaritch, by R. Hnggnrd. 30c. nAunt Diana, by Ron Nouchetto Cnruy. '20 cents. - '\! Cs . . is I: n _0ul01 no am-Ie. '" |' by tccmen: or sun released by pc-raum unklmwn to him. The jury bruught in I. van! ct 0! not auJ|ty.',' "1 the conviction was qunhod without 00! (I. In oh- gun-nl nAl5 n J I} l',nn`n|'nInI| nl 08%|. C In the appeal out 0! J. D. Creighton. ol tho hhlx-auun army. the conviction um lmg|hed hie corn.-nl, hwith bcults xed at |n,9-')_ t. I Hurt with the. city. ' '|`runh?|l| unuentad w the mum] slim). to be pun turlnwun n tm. Clly. True bills were presented ny the grand jury ouninnt Brennan, alizu Lownlborongh. tur escape from the penitentiary. and Peter Zero fur larceny from the yrioon. Nuvenn v. Millnr.--Thl| was In Action .-..._ , Thu TI-lul ul Actlalll. For the third time, in :1 many weeks, I conviction of the police Inuuiurnte wu quashed. George Brown wu nal Int June for nliowing hi: harm at large oon~ may to by luv. Hen ponled uul in court yolurulny ahowe-I I. at the nnsgintrnto would not listen to Any cl luntlun but lined him. He ahmved th|_l. 0 nnlmnl got _0ul of In am-le. either by Accident mu .-..l.....-.| lm nnrumn nnknuwn In hlm, Tho Zero fur larceny Irmn me upon. Nuvenl nction_ lgrpuuht by William Nevem ngnimf Thoma '1'." Miller, contractor. to recover $200 dum- ue. fur non fullment of contact. In mm- Iquence .1 the serious lllneu of the defen- dant, Md; Miller, the cho n popnne and will be tried by the Iudgo without 3 z..... Jnh \.h-lnlvre. O. 3.. for nlsinli. he wrote a letter My my; mu no wu m. Abrnhun Almon. of the township of Chr- endon. took the oath of all inuce and, hav- ing resided in (iuuuuln for t rec yearn, mu grnntgsd tho right uf citizenlhip. "no. " "\\`el|,heretofore, when I jut-ymsn wu ll gent hi. neighbor Answered for him And we won) deceived." ` All .|.- .'......-. .....u. nu-nannl nu. mm uni deceived." All the jurors were present nva one, und he letter ing that he wu ill. .\lu-.1... Almnn, nf than tnwnnhinuf Chr- thoriliea touc-`hung It. The petitjur wu cnilod, Ind uch nun who answered ml to and up. "IL. unn Ienmr u-hv I mu`: them do who answered mm to nunu "Du you know why I mule them do thnt,"uid She-rilf Ferguson tn the reporters. Kn u (or Ihu --mkln --those you will n-I at R. M. HUI! I-Z\' & :U'H.. l l`in(`L-5:1 street. Inuumfrw lured by the P2. & (J. Hurncr ('o.. whose "uruud Dnchcu" ltungo In ncknow utlgvd by hose who have already me In use tn lw "without A rlvnl." (`M1 and we the Ranges and read our Hut of tel llnnnluhl. and than buy A Rnnze and make Your hnnw happy fur Chrislnuus. ll. .\1.HORSlCY & (`.11. Home Furninhlnq Hardware. . lrlucus: street. Kllmqmn Hnn Rth IRRR, - $VQ'IIIlIIIIII1.-vvIIlIsjI-i to nupport convicts in luxury nu-l idleness. l'he-y could be made to not only suutnin themselves, but to be a source of prolit to the country. The Inc ierdeu oi the peni- tentiary uid onone ooouion that if lstt to hip own resources he could mske the insti- tution s protiuble concern. The matter hed been tested in the United Ststes. Coutrscts were sbolished, nnd the men exercised like pet animals with the result thnt the judg- ment of men ot value Wu crying out eauinut the uyItem.bccnuse lsck of employment was dnnniging the health of the prinonels. wss driving them into insanity. vnn making them |lIIit'II an citizens, gnuluuting them into permuient crimiuula, and wrecking them body and soul The proportion of workers in prinon to those in hon:-at work was so small thut. nny purticulnl` employ~ Ineut could not ullul llio gcncrnl state of trale in that line. In the intereate of the public the criminal clue-as should be em- ployed. because it wu unjust to injure their health by keeping them idle, and unjust to uutit them for life outside of prison b melt- ing them persons of tlaluhy muse e and brain. On the uther hnnd they should be so taught and inlltructed u to be useful to the country while in prison and unulul to themselves while out of it. Lt-ginlntlun would be tpeedily requlfutl on the point. so he urged an opinion one wny or Another. There was no lmdy of men to whose opinion In-aw weight would be given then thst of I gmrnl jury Ielccted lrom the best clesecs of the community. They should stste their vietve ulesrly and well so that they could be used by those in authority. They had the privilege of fully examining into the nutter and queetioning the warden sud prison nu- thoritiee touching it. ` Th. nniil inrv wu onllod. And each mnn aeott. neneenee. Silence wae eecund anal the eddreee wee proceeded with. Jee l'rioe aaid keeoeltl not oongretulete the Iieouhere ul thejlry on the luhtneee ol thdr work. There were {our oeeee to none heloru then. but they were light allnire. He Ilnml then: to heeten through the work he the elvil doohet wae a light one. He ulvieed then to /ieil the charitable inetitutiona. Ha wee eurelhey would llnd that excellent work wae done in them, that they were eutitlenl to the eupport ol the ublic. In the goal there era a larger nun _ --l prieonere then usual. There wae en iucreeee in eome_ crlmee in the city enzl eouuty. _Da unkrnueee in kingetan wae nleo on tho inoreaee: ehen thie was eo crime in tune lorm increued. He uked the ju an In vieit the peel- uutiery and oluezy Canine lta workinge und form an opinion upon a eubjoct that ll becoming very prolnlnut, whether it in de- eirable to employ plbouere st proliteble labor or keep the Idle. luy vagnbonde at "country gentry." The pn.-eent etyle of living in prieon hed aeeeed the unmhere in them who largely lnoreued. There were ihoee who claimed that oonvicte ehould not be employed in work competing wlth honoet men but he eaw nothing In the contention. He pointed out to the lerinere that they were the meet lntereeu-xl in this matter. They were the producer: and the one upon whom the burden of the meinteuenoe u! the lellowe lull. Would they allow the criminal claaeee to remain nop-proulucere and non euetelniug? Thin wae the queetion and very noon the perlialnentnriene. from public preeeure and eolllnent. would have to teke eetand on it. fine inannlaeturlng clueeoe were in favor at the country eeting the elpeneeend inek the rieonpleeaaut lclleneee. The jndgelztured the comfort: end ounvenienoee ptovlded for oonviote. They were fed. clothed and honeed in a manner not enjoyed uy a large number ol the working eieaeea out-mu. It wae un- fortunate that whqu milll-me were lnveetetl in oepltal nu.-mint eo Ineny nee wue deprived fleet then- veewh||eineew&.dveeaed he! en .....-us! annular. in Inlxlfll Anal iilhnnenn _ V, V J- ` '.`` I` . Haida; Louuhbona Not I. XIO Rnhnm nu -`maul and tin uhhun In . :1: Youudsynltonou.u_IIoo'o|out.\ho county ouunopoud vlph Judy: Print as third. Thognjury manual: sale! was his IIVIII. Khpun Inca -Mn_lnnnnnnIi' on at 3. . Ali). John In-bun. muons uuun-I. Is .luvuun:loh1A M. lhnh; IL Manon. la`. Maa... 'u.-3 w. and llhihlr hnot : Hoary Int. uhn DI J. Fair. John Fowbr. W. (3. Mdlntb. Kh ... Iowuhlp ; :4. cu... won. Jana} Ihnhhu ht; J.J....H.nEuJnnL lhrlhnl. 1 ..4I.-`L woo: IIOOI owuuuo on 1'!!! rpuwmt oi cnmmau. 0|'R (`NIH-`1T.V/IAN .\l\I lK|*I'I`.`\ will he ltfllll` {ul)' nuppliml with TURKEYS nnd G `ESE whu-`I uur I"mn'enm: fnrnwrn will sod at ren- ann.:hloprh1-5, but loam lhe full benol of Llwzn you n-quiru one of the bus! (\1"t\|Il-I-I an rs A |If\f'(\ Io Jdodo 01006800100 canola: no IIHOUI OlO&lIO Iaboct-Io Ind In folio ll hm Xhlllou `III @130 Should Dunn In In: Worth.- IIQIH '0 I010 0 "Donna 0uIIr;"IO -nlg4-. |8Al.L 1nLnNns s1Tfs7r ,' Vhluho I Not-0 0! This. Pain bqnlnhorl u H by magic. l'0loon`n Norvilipo in 5 positive and almost inut.nntn- nonun remedy fur` o:xlarnAI..lntA.-run], or [oval ' Inn. The most Active remoxly hithc-rto ' nown lull: lu lhorl ol Nervllino for pousnt power in the relief of norn In. Good for external or internal mg. . u'y 3 l0 cunt nmple bottle. Largo lxoplu 25 cents, an all druggiyu. I _ _ __.__ (Inn! Rule on Ila-cl,`-Inndr Ch-clung, Prevnot in Iellin b0 u lu-l youth` over - ct-nu, all wool. or `$50; lmyn' unit: for 82 50; '.\lun`I, overcolla, pl} woul. far 85. These are the bait value In the city. Mun`) tweed units {or 85; mon'I__p|utI. all I-ml,` 81.50. The nbon nods no our own mum- laftnro. Won An M In gunnnlud. ' `.m r William Inn renewed his grand - luhogymer thu moon of the Imports! ur- vum dull wear I nmmaolu. Elosstlon ol Oeors. The follmvinu have been elect:-I ufcell of V L.().l{,. No .577, for the ensuing yesr : W.M._--W. Corbett. l).M.-Jsmos Evsns. (Ihsplsin--John Dgvy. Recording Sug;gxsry`--J. C." Shsughnessy. Tr`eunror--T. Luumon. D. of C.--A. Mensry. Loclurer-1I. J6Tm..on. C:-mmmaa-C. (Jsrson. H. Hunter, S. Wm-ls, \\'. Houstun. W. J. Clark. Trustee ~W.vCurbett.. The oicms of thin prosperous lodge were instslled by J. Msnhsll, district muur. : St. Janna` Church 'l`nnpo-runes Hm-Iety. The mo)n.hly meeting of the ul)mI:e society we: held lat evening in the parochial school lmuee. Rev. J. K. McMorino conducted the unul exeruine. An ex:-ellent pm- gnunme wnedelivored hy Mr. J. J. Wright, of the divinity clue of Queen's: coll!-go. It was new in linen of thought and reasoning and made an excelleug imprcneion. Mrn. Pollen. of Springeld, U. 3.. I former Kingetonien, end e daughter of one 0! Kingston : first reelulenn. mule en eddreu upon the value of the Women`: Chrlutlem (em cnnce uniun in the United State: and n` V. 12 great. inuence ol motherfcnree in tau femily. Her uldren wee mun. In- Mieeting and mnule egood lmpreuiou on the young, whom the elm eepecielly eddreuml. Hhe urged e nromzer en port from the India of Klngnmn to the .C.'l.U. l-" uluw .v-nu. iv. an nu-uuuuu, .*4im~c-re sympathy goon out to W. J. Stat hem, of the linn of Noumea & .\Hnm'l. In the lone he hu nuntaint-I in the cl;-uh of his: wife. he pm-soc! lWI_V thin nmrniuu alter an much 0! three week: which luelup- ml into brain lever. Mr. Ste-lhmn, who Inn in Raglan-I, ruched home ye-tcrdny slur- mmn. Mrs `totheln wu n wnmnn of tine lppOIl'Il'l0lJ. Vivnuloul. grneruuu, nf kindly di.~p0liYinn.l|n gm-nllv Pntoenlml. The Inn of her children 01 tvndor you: WI! I unurco of grout grin! to her. 1'i'5.'i.*$.`,'.;*'*"_"'*-i0r*p'.'!ou,\ `h "UPI! ohlnonl. TIIUIIGUI. WHO Ollllly IIIVOCIHNI lll "ITI nnre." Mr. Wivmn attributed this in nu ulmirnhlo and Ielf ucriilcin feeling of loyalty Iimilnr to that which ml hold thin countly together in in than nl peril. He then pourlruyed the winnings: oi commer- ciul union, which would uuimilnlo the two countries. If thin rmiuced annexation well and good. I! it id not it would produce Ill the Advantage: of Anneutiuu. -w-- -. .-...-w---w for --mkln --those will n-I R. M. HIIH |'Z\' k .()'.-l._ I rinm-sslailrmzt. Ila Tull: an the Advnlllaou nl Cunmu-r. clnl lTnhm-CnIInIlnn Loyalty. Nil \0lll. Dec |2.-_Evutu| Wlmnn locturod In Wont Nowbri Mon lul awning to the Kill Von-Kull not Ilqlnunh club on Cumin`: relutlonl to thh country. "Hurt no 5,(l)0,000 of poopla." mid ho. "I'huuo only hop 0! uuccoufnl dovolopmant And` pcrfoct growth lien in I union between lhemulvu and the union Alongside ol thorn. the greatest nation that the world in not Inn. at no pronounced In the Iutlmonl In (` Anhn nnnnndln that union`: M Do!!! on Inwly I on It Ilwl 5 constable to ullive. mu: I let! I nu-mhcr of parliuuent. who openly mlvocntml this mu nnro " Mr, 'imAn nltrihutaql [him to In Guam 3 annual uni to-mornw in would ithdy I bk to that 3 nu-mlusr tum: rrumom uovuum unmuuunuon. ii the British legnlimn st Wuhingtoll ha left in chirp oi a third -at-rotary it would nut oouiut with the dignity oi the United Rules in Main I minictor st London. M r. Phoipo will. in lint coco, ask for lave ul nluoonoo nod no homo. Hm: far no oilit-id intimation ha been nnolvud from Lord Sniinburm nor in it known whether he will a loop to nt purpose." X? 0| IL INC, IIIVI IIWI I 1! Wlftllll, never mon to than now. I all gone well he wlll remain here till his I-nccouor In I polntod by President Harrison. But I will not go vrell II Lord Salisbury porlhu iu his nation ol not ropluclnu lnnl Snckvlllo during Pruuldent (,`|ovoIud'ndminluntion. I! III: Brllhh lenllon Wnhlnnon In lbolllou h low lmollol-silo-lord Iultobnoy to chance Inna. NIH You. 900. I3. -71 Winn`: Lon- don up: Sunday more or la: Improbable rumor: Lholl the Amulet: Iulnhlur have lately found Ilnlr wqy law ptlnt. and othon my be bun! In prlvutc. A tale um. or what. purport to la 0 ulogrou rom New York. In It lul boon kn-urn (hero for name than I Ir. Pllol la not oomlortlblo In London Ilooo the kvlllo -I.ln TL. \l-..L..lIl- -l.l- Ln: nnfh C7 W30 II I IIDX UH. Tl-`IVIIIC slur. Tho Soclvilln chit hu nodiur not In Mr. Phelpf personal relations wlth the British verumont, or Ilth my mom her 0! it. oy have nlvu a bout cordial. in -I rnmdn Inns kill his n-It-(nmnnr In an Inna. Thojldgo vhhlnwlhnuul stand sum-ouhousbognnndihtltbullltlhl cot v-noclhbln huh aboun- pl oot|ol.bolnulr-muniorlhpnouodho and warn! ol thpolbonnqiunhud o-maul-la ova than Ihcoruunlcn hul no jurlnillnloo. and In lock! in: `lhhmnl n Ilnhnvhnhnulnld .._. _... .. . ..-- ---'-v~-v----- .T.T';TmaInu-. J"-ft: n-:bonQnII.l.5u|f -`.. .|.1._..| I can v|I."uIoI.IIurIruuuppIVIII[III- "'5 '* ":r-*' :.:'.: annual luulunbq icon cuoIIIII'|;S!nuI .3 NEJW1'(3(TK`S*. II? Wm $IIlX|OIICD'I- v. gilt Hand Illntlwu 13...; oclalood .L'.'..n.-up m...| -- L-n.A...n..L..a....A.n. 5.45. uuulttnuh 1 _-g Dan ..m..| nhunnnmnhnll WILL PNILPC OOMI HOMI I MR. WIMA};/ON CANADA. IN MEMORIAM. IPOIIOUICX II IIIO KIIIIWIII III at uuntlon that tomorrow -Olnnlu Inna.-dhln n algal n Imum udoplu U; one run. --hmnu. Doc. l'I.-Tl|o roboll kept nnnllnnaln n on Ilondnv, nlnh:_ om-n| And soft water with good auannmg ; oonvoulum to Queen`: Coll 0 ; hnvnudln-to ` . n. ` Ioonlon. Apply on the pro [$85. or I Lu Unlon Struel. between Gordon ma 7m:-od ` IA. ll |.ullI lIIuIvl' uunvurlvv-I'IIn V'|:_rm.s', D1-G. I2.--l)uring n rfol-nuance st Hnbennumth, ohemis, 1 qmnlo Mon tamer was umwkorl by the brute: and fur- Iully lnoornud. Sho died noon Illa! being rucuerl. 2 ` I|'Hl'AlII, UK. l'.--INC NNKU IIFI I I continuum n on Monday night. `Flue Gama: [on In: hit pwy tluuo. Thorn vote no cuumu. Y, rurlck U'nru-n. M.I'., rem.-nuy vmum mr. Momney in Kilmninhom ml. The Icy ha ha been rendered half nuns by I: long imprimnmont. and that M: hair ll as white u now. ' I'C'l'lIllGII III IIIU Illlllliu Muvsr | Lns.urr. Mo.. Dec. )2.-~ l'he tlwclling 0! J. R. Klnx, near (Io-wkvillu, wu N1rlietlM.'Z this morning. King, his: wife. " nmlnh children. perished. II. is believed the family wart nmrde-red. and the houlo find to ooncoul the `crime. ILIIINSI. 0| hung llnprlnulurlu. Dvmm. Dec. 12.- Binhop Ii`i.n:nr1e;..1 y y I to r. Pnrlck 0'Bri-n, M.l ., recent nvnnuu in Kilmninhnm aunl, 'l`hnv IAII ha lloulnngvr lo Phulun Nnpoloon. l`Am-4, Doc. l2.--Mulumo Hlmlnn r. In an iuwrvievv yesterday, denied that I 0 had relu-ed Io live with her hunbnnul. 87:: um he wuu-yin to play Napoleon and nuke her 3.10349 lune. She than burst into team And beggeu to be exuulod from nnuvorlng further questions. rur ' lI3IllI'I_ K/-IVCV-I5 o l'unus'ru, Doc. l`).--H. A. Mummy nay: he will give 3l(l),(l)0 towards the endow- ment fund of Vlcmrh university u n separ- nm university An-I numlltiuml on its remun- irug st (,'nln`iui'g. pruvidml an Additions! HU0,000 be ruined wnunin live your: unurdl I lilio o|:j-421.. Mu-ey Iurthnr promises to give Q.'$,0l)') a wear fur live yeln to the unl- vouizy uncoudltionully. A Houvunlr For lira. Phelps. ` l.usm\', Doc. l'L--Ludy Hnliubury hon Initiated I Inuvovm-nt for rountim; Mn. Phulpl with I wuvonlr u! or an In Lon- don, where her houplulhy and k ndniu of hour: will ulwuyl be remembered. The gift. In to lake tho form of : vnlunblo bracelet. Mrn. Pholpn will roooivo it A! a meeting of weltlmown hdlcloonvohod by Lady Sulli- bury. Warned (NY In mo Whltn Clpn. Ruvxrilltln, L, Doc. I`1.-N.m.'_ [lead H:-lmn, ulzlermnn for the wound ward. who ha: been hgming the liquor iuterau, And who il prnjenlnr of III onllnunoo now pond- lng, which nbaolutely pruhibm the ale of liquor |lur(', tn-lay received, I cmmnunica- lhpu uigm-d While Cup! of Northern UH null," asking him to n-sign his pmhlon in the council and threatinq bodily injury in Hue he does not do In. Thu police are in- `\'utig| the cue. ' win um I-I||I' cmmron. K.Ioxvn.u. l'onn.. Dec. I2.-'l`lm bod of Thomas Uouuhc-I-. U. H. deputy mnrnhs , wu found .youtcnl.\_y m n thicket In Cotter cmunty near me (m v ..I Rom mounuln. Ho loll Eliubuhtuwn .\u\'. 30th, to nerve Wur- ranu '-n a gang of nummhinoh And in not been nuuln. THERE IS EVERY PHOSPICPT THAT 0"]? ('HlH.`lTMA .\lKRKK'l'.`\ will he |ullI- 1n.l\- unnnliml will: TURKEYS nud G col ma Iynonoa. B|tx.vI.~cu1~u.~4, Vt... Ike. I9 -lAw|o WAI- don haul-some word: with Henry Bun and Burt Robotic and an nrny lollowod during which \\'nMeu'l skull was hmlmn by I nick ol wnocl. Wnldeu will die. He Ian I villa and I-nur chlldun. H-nun-on . n 'I`-..- I)... ll) ,,'I`|.- Iuulu colorun. wno mumorou I mun nunou ou- uell our Hnrrimnburg. L5,. nu taken from no! and lynched. Bnxlwnnm. Vt... Hen. Ml -lAWII WAI- .. ....... ..........,..-... ... ..... .... -..., .. unem Ioyod vorklngrnon rid I vlnll lo M Homo. London. 5 lot which Ihcy muohod In pnoeulon tlu-on some 0! the prluolpolureou. Tlnyoo, obluokhur net, upon whfch wu lnocribo-I. In IMO! Inn:-1 "W: will hgvn curl or bond." wmcn IIIOCTIBOII. II `I luau, "We will but nth or bud." VIII ` _ . ,, ~ , _ _ `4l,.`.*; _`A1'7/ % 39: vi-7'-\1\$&Im` any r_'_v`.'.'.`;.u":'_"'.' 1.:._- ..m.- ' u may conuaorou u an alum}. ho Iabldod ovlcouhom I50 Cl|u:I~ oudo autos but lulled Inlnnllly. tlo a- nhln hnvlnu I-nfnnnd tn lnrnlni A mllltnrv 0| LDC OVIOILIIG I3" "TOD. The Iteunuhip (Ila , (rum New York for London. but bu oulthi-an with In unknown Ilaunuhlp ol Gnvuold. and hnnnlhhnnn nntlv dunnnnd. II II [W UVUHI '1 IV. TI "-`o Th: South Cuollu unit in 3 bill mukla It 5 miulonuunnr `into M0 by expulsion for Any member of t lqhhtun to maps nlncpuolrom any railroad. The IDOIIIIII will put the bout. A small continuum of the uni urllly oi Id M Hanan. lnndun. I hr uhloh Ihov If! Vin"i"vunn"" :I"' " llusllh` uuwfa Ic%.I`1.auHO. . 0`l7(n'lCII'||l undone: twin to aoat Inlan- obmhl The Ittlllng than at Bovlu. Is. no hocomlatnngly. One of tldthndon. A Hum. nnurthnlhn will hand uochdo ad old] the mam Illa: Ivnnn. school (anchor. I'\'l|IllrU (NJ "I l|lQ.' UUHK T'T0v_s%.0R F?.{.F3.F amount an icy mo nmus. lb Iylnn. school tomb. aged U. and Nb Iavh II. were run down by agnptuitttlu at ounlng at Knoxville. . $0 pIlI'O. new bndhnn luv: Inn wu an up u an in nupnvunouu. Tho Pall 0 Oagcm on un varn- monI'I count with re to Sunk In. do- ohul that tho Arnbt. lo UN Irish. an 6;}: [or home rule. and canal to be htly considered uneasy. ho Iahntlnd adadmnhn in Cland- XHIO KIIIX DIYO IIIIX lllflilly, IIC III!` clnln having rolluodto Inrulll I mlllhr lotus tom! Ibo IIOIIIUI from the wrnl at an av and dull lrhndl. TL- -I----all-n lllgnnnnou 'rnn\ n- Ilauiuhlp In How tly dungad. It barn` uvornrlrvofrsvo boon Inst. TL- Il...oL l`....Il-- .4-`h- Ln- --.4I A IIIIO H UTTIFI. III- nocom guy. kllnouu. uncndchulhq will build: nmnkuln and old! the IIIHHL Ion no [nun IO Upward: ol I Kl) new buildup have but crooked In Dninth `Mo yon, math: our uldonbl over .(ll).(lll. Neatly .(IlI. 000 Ian dad In lnpnnmouu. Th. Pd! .2? Gamma. on the nonm- IIOI'If:-1-lU|",| 1030 lo. 0*. Inc In Itrllo. TL. Ilhn-uh nnnnnhlnu lCOIQU`X'I IIIIIVIII. The Micah cuazvwyihlq idea tb;_uu|bolallIuoIooIc|aua. h nu. hoopla: us not undertaken. nut all I.uu.ou ult- publkhit In-.O|doI-orlllddnuo H100!!- lnmh lacks an sumlny. I-. Iuvloy [muss or up wow). llt)L':4: wilh ohxhl moms and extonlion kit- .sn with good Iulbllng nnnvnulunl Queen`: (`4-Ilene pg|- ` mutant not not nnrpn rounouurrunuvu. UUKICW Wm-IWI },..u-In `man. no wt Iullnbdnn yudool la|nIm.0Lhnnn-nndInn:l.h n. .' O W 5'. V" H-CCU`-In 1:. mg. Don. is -lath hyhc. - I . who nmr-iorod u msn named Blo- u-II nan! llnrri-amlnu-.v I a nun tghnn lrnnn Elfnct. of Long lmprluomrnl. ol the Day An Vat: III '.-.-. III.` I\._ IQ I THI RECORD OF CRIME. A Llull Tumor LIIIOIWMJOIL 1. III l\..__ ._ _ ___l..` for Victoria Univ-rally. .._.. I\_.. In I! A II..... I the lotion 1;!-TI" mm \\'N7'I'l1`.KllWi3l.`0\"l'<:.~` Ag` w. Ill-`.r2\'E<\'. King Street. I!) Seunplo WU" W In! Pullll at \vI|-nloaale prlvoa. L13: `L \7\J\IlJ IJZLUUELLL A .\'E\\' YORK PIANO can be bought for 3715. Apply at this oloe. LHIIWIIICDQ W Ill! TIIUIIIJ, W: recommended by um norm-an Profet. ion and the ammo press.` Don't. fall Io tr! ll- ..If:!r sale by All` Grocers Every- 'Iu:re * 1. . 3-` ' . ` M-lu::.Ioo..n ail. uo.. and 8 on 111: n-An - nnrunn . won;-loll by Rev. .\` W. Conic: a of also mumr two oolhlls MUM. Apply nut douI'.' to I no Kin: an (o`n Drua imro. .&?.__..___._..._ iusdunon. l"nr lorllu I91"! [0 nu-uuus KILL R .\ll'l)lI'Z. `I'll! lA.'4`l` HMJ` 0!` Lu!` 2 In the I concession of Iho Township of Klnza-on. mu urea. ownnl bf Ihe non: of tho Into John Wr m. I`lr:rn 9 An excellent dwell-mt house ml in land; ulsu barn: Itlblot. etc. Hood msuhlo Igln sum. Tlllo I. Apply to u.muwMc MUDIII. ondorf Solici- on lhiu land; also Darn: oumor. cu.-. uuuu Kin ACl)t).\'Nl Ll: MUDIIC. ll .,....- -OFFICE. In-go. oeutml. well mm. Terms nummble. Poaeulon hnmodlntoly. Apply ' J '30:. Wulo. _... AIURNISHED lIOUa!II`.' on (`olhorne Street near Bydonhuu ; :11 rooms ; but mad with fur- uov All modern oo_n voniencuu. A ply no Iui1'I.~."s sum. n:.~s'rA'r: AUKNC . mmmn. `nee. am. 1333. Ham. l.I`.. rmeivod u :u\`. see THAT V!-EAT TWO-STOREY ls()l..\`!`l-II) mun-;nw|cI.I.lN0 HUUSI and nemlnuo. hunoui by Sydunhnnl. North and Hay Slrot-In lun.ul -mum ououulu-I by Mr. Henry non. r term: apply to MA(`D0.\- run I. n \ll'l)ll-2. `air w I ob -I I0 -`1doulul:1.o:r{u:(,` -w uvvv-vow---.. Mn nu fl toloel av.- c-ue.;"{J:'ucuo?a'. owouiitutlonu and e3.'}nnm":`o`.u `Nil! 0! Soup In a saw mlnuul ' A I!|'0IInd-Work for All Brown soup, un 0 "HI! gravy, and |I'|nm1uAh|o adjunct to Ir saw. Thoesnnd Cheapest Artxcle of Diet Eye! Introduced to the Public, \ ll(..|.|._ _, g. , ..,_u n__n__- TEN`!!!-TR mu l'l78l.lf` HCHOOI. uocuon 33. rt, Towmoulp of reuof lauds and Imm- do\I'|u-. .\|3nImulum nmllnu nulnry. qnAIItIm- tax. I -lranwd lo the undenlauod will he U!) to lion. Will lull. WM. RICHARD ....c -.-. I'l'n|A 3-lnnlavn Bun P. 0. _" ?`:*"`?-:':"`-.?, X '7i\T({'n`|:.\'1su|-:0 Wn6iIQ"'i'u`Ici:.v'T on Jnhnwn Slrot-l. mo doou non!) of Hugo! lruL Till Bl3ll)lN7Ul` on imdiid ammo. mung W. Cooke : doublu Inn: :'_:.-.'22 ': .'.'1'1;_'L".`? .9:":'.'.=.. ..""'........ uh WINK, IIIfI-'. IVIIU VI vvuquuu .. ` sq hu:.nqull)yous. Iu::u|lron In lab nuldouogooruro! King sud (homo ninth. It 8 o'clock on fhunday shornoon. n,m-AI 74 Colhou-no not. on Doc. nth. Juno: tllon. usual on at A. 0. non. ape] |5 ouund tht no luuml vul {aha mtmty dur- uau at 8 oblock. ._.... _ V7,. . TLA nu]: uuwmuxnuuo on 0! ol gihtllil Mu. h and 15 loo :7: -':} :`-"3 3`. 13 .`.'.'.`.3.' us. lwzui '* "jljlia |1'.A!lDIlW'I X-uluou llul. matron (`I III 13! Jag. `ox-rut luau Ouanqul Kuhn`: "OCIln%:&:GI1 lull. vwununn cu. WROLISALI BIPOT : 39 8t. Baomment 8t.,lIontn9aI. bvunnw 2:00 o Oo0KIlI'-| Valuable `k- -not (too 0: .'{':x:o.u-. 3 HUG `ZU gents. GI` L100!!! `A91 cents. AI seuoumz V 81136 lhrrett, 20 cents. !:|...._-_-._ L n. _ RA|L%RQAiDS?_ SPECIAL 1_smN'muN{ A-G001) BARGAIN. - vrsuu I|ll\'l\ ...... I... kn... eman and UOIIFDIQ Marryntt. 20 Udliu. _-1.___ `Y? . _ _ _ -.. 9*` I` `-1 om :3 -1 (l'1Vln.IfD L Dov. Plh lml. WM. It uruu Hoe!uy.'u Bay _ GORNER BOOKST OR nan-en, zu ccuu. ,_ The Emperor, h George Ebert. 90*`- The Countess Gisda. by 5- M`"'- 21) cents. Like and Un1ike_ by Mia: Brndden. `Z0 centl. Ifoa BAEE} _ s Iuvl-ml |'ll'_lDl lU I III.'\ I TMAR .\l \RKl`I'I`.~l l nmennc hsrnuarn will null m~wm>-1 ~- - * ' $2 -Jsrmo_m..;- . wouun D513 j-- Vim`!- In; 3 LI: Al U1 THE DAILY WHIG. "o Minn ul I-"I ||| u;-ug.-.3, A meaning of the? R 4`-ll UrooQrI' succin- tion wu Pu-In i-rhv uw -Maia` Institute In: night, Th-' M |--mH - I Hug association in not to try u I w ' mu-v y- mas. and cnmun-en may read uuunml Hm: the lLIu(`iMi0n is worlxinu fut tbutr Interest: A: well u for in members. In ctfuru no directed ltinlt the wholesale grocers` .oomhino which in crowdinglyouileu no that for he benet 0! consumer: they no not making a nuonnblc prot on oodu. _ In ngud to Chrbtmu pnunu or `our Yonn glm so much albu- lhhction upd jodolly has but lad in the put sud prots no to mull it II boen .I..m.d not to nlvo any. M - -, awards` %Desiccatwt;.d l A 1|. ...__-._ the put um pron docldad not to ..`.'.`.I`,'. `Ilia Cloanlv. or On:,Al{n_ Applied-`l'hoy 'on'l Hoar Ihdfactu. Lu_\'lm\'. Dec. l2.-ln thahouao of com- mon: last evening. on the Import ofaupplioa, Mr. Labouchore moved a rcductlon of 5,000 in the Irish oonatahulary vote. He con- demned the am loyment of conatahlea to collect evide'nc' or the 1'u'nm. Mr. Bal- four rotated that the chairman had ruled that It was inconvenient to dlaouaa such a matter in connection with the estimates. The apoakor aid that auch a manor mu only relevant if it relerred to the m),ac~n- qluot of connahlea. After apoeoheb by Maura. Dillon `and Tanner Mr. Balfour. amid cries of "No. no!" from the opposi- tion. moved the cloaure. which was carried HI to 39. .\'h\'.(~s .\I.`\X`!|I. t| ulppnl I0 \ an mg. m nu u beilr; autumn-od. Jmm-s T. ll`:-u.l_\'. I-Ia` I-nmlsmnn, on mare`-I him near l'u.-.-.-- |< .\Inn-ln_v, uml lmlgml him in jlil. \'~l-.~r- lay Iunrnin-,; Brown was bro gm I---lune Judge Hrmrn for Icuu-m-o. liruun mi-Z: "I was wurkinv; M the tisnin;z gruululu III- "- l'ecm lulu in (humin when lxrmlv, ,, V I.-aYI`lsnmn. Us-guixwd and {um um. ;- iv... I5 rll`ahu.l on u.- Vlllh ruml\'e'ru ;|I1:ln|..;-gm.` '1.-_-I mm '.ui_a Lnat.' )1-!`ml lizumy, um! l.{.~. low I km-u` it 1 mu 1.: jaul In.-ru. ' 1.'..~..u'n mu wxxmm-L-ul lo ueu yur in priauuuml 1.... n ` ~ a lIPl'|!I rn. l'uu.~, Dec. l`2.--Saveral newspapers ,,l0n_v if the issue of the Pnnanm mun] loan proveu A failure, the government. in conformity with the prnpoul of the extra arlirnn-.n- mry cmnnnisainn, will incrmium nlhi in the chamber of depntiel. to euuhle the company to meet its en ugennenu. A new company, nndz-r the let enhip of the Credit F0l1Cil`l`, will then purchase the cum]. They are Greatly Excllod. And Not So Wllhount Any Good Rtnuoll. Puma, Dec. l2.-Lut evenin uciting act.-uoa among the amsll lnvonlorl ilcuuiug ihc prospects of the Panama canal compnny Irouml the companvi olcoo And in the Place la In llourne. It wu rumoured that the cum any was: likely to obtain In ad \'am('o 0 4ll,(X|0,0lXl frlncl on its Pininilm railway shares. This. it in elliumt-ud. will emxlnle the company to meet engngernenls until the commiuion. which it is rumoured will in: sun: to Psnnmn, lhlli hue come to llPl'l!i II..... II... la) \`..n.n.l -nu--ng-ml-u Inn ])r.'rm-rr, Dec. l'..`.-\\illiIuI couvu-u-.l se\*vI`al \I|'cL'kI IQ`! 1 alum-2', while ili Um cunludy ul .\'t ;m-.9 .\l:.x~shu.| ukimwl In VII` |...i:. g.-umm-nd. Jmnvs T. I A I'xmI.u~ I~`uplIlu- II-um Juullru |`oI-rlhll 'l`.||wu Ilark. 1 no plclle um prlurvu IIIPOI of Mine: Fraser and Hamilton. TL- i.|.oinn--n nun van-inlu :0 Ill cnnrgn In ul hand If. I"u\\'br. A .. .... ....II.... 6 pure e. Something new le the leiry depertment. Phi: table in well etocked with freeh butter. orig! end milk. The diepley is In excellent one. and everything in kept in good order. Sales are mede repidly. The egge were nearly eold es three o'clock. Tne nuide are : Mieeee Thom n. Ne le S nkie. A. Greenwood, R. cllroy. . Poly end A. Mc-Bride. The pickle end preeerve depot le In charge of Mine: Frunr and Hnmllwn. AVlIl'l'yIH. WU UIJIZII. A Recoilinz Vengeance. |>y Funk lhrmtt. '20 cents. of Mine: I-`ruor sud unmuwn. The hutionory or variety null contain: noun lnurutlng nrtlclu. includin an dmhnnnh ol lbw. Ir. Ilmkiu. The kn I III Ildllvuuu v: v -u Iv`, cu... vvvvv u- rhdognph ol Bu. Ir. Iluokiu. The n ohnrgo no link I. Spsnkh. E. Morn Ann] R |<`u\rkar. nm b. ruwnr. An excellent progrnmme has been pre- pared for thin evening. PANAMA OANAL STOCKHOLDERS. umo, Ill cnnrgu and H. Wolln. L`....h. I`, .II um II. \\ om. Fruit: of all dcncriptlon are npoood to View in I moat Iuty munnnor. Mutlnmol Hnrknou and Gibson mango thin table. '1 hey are artful ulouwomon md make their buninou pay. Pnrnnnl nnndllul cnndlel call on Minn bunnou Persona noodlng candle: all Minna: and Paterson and us Iuppliqi with good; Iomethinn now lairv dontrtment. puruaoo ol II: n uupuyou. Mn. Cr -0 In. Cochran ullncl the nponnou 0 About one hundred unlnunt ltd) waiter; at the he lublo. Tho bill of {are in very choice. An sttrwuvo palm In the ower table. It in packed with some ol the most. beautiful ma mother earth can produce. Mluu H. unillnu um! Duh are the |uporiutond- can of the bower. `Id d The cake (I in ole at. launch ad lw Mn. A. Minanstnnn. Harold. ...- -_..- ...- .., .. -.-..--. -- ---r-~--~ .a 5 Mn. A. fhu. Mxuusmng-. Harold. and .. Ho. The heaviest and fund! P Ild `Ill - hyn that luv: been not in I: III dhm '0' a long time cu: In nrchuud at thoponltu table, In chug! ol udnmon Tnylor. Dulle. And N. \\'aIlA. mu nuornoou. Tho oxhlbldou lo tho boot Ibo! hoo ovor boon bold In Ibo oooodothn. A look out (Io obllo w{|I ooovlooo IN vldooc tho! tho lodloo ol 8!. Androfo on I ond sill- lul won-taro. On tho work to on many curiuoiti booidoo munotono oplondld opocl- mono ol odioo' work. Mn. Iluuhlo um Mn. Dr. who pl-oddfoo ooh doportmout. A cunopy of logo odd to tho delightful op~ 0! (ho o dloployod. Coohrono -_---n...-- .. .|....o A-n Lnnnh-mvl An-i-o-no ZN CB!-U. _ Diana. Barrington. by 3- 34- Crap"- '2|| vuutl. Under-Currents. by the Dachau. 200- In Far boohgbgr by William Black, `Kl mints. tholr uumnf (hrlitnu kl: In tho my hull thin niurnoou. 'n.- --| I. oh. 5...; IL-0 Ln nvnr A lino Dhplu olOlrIo|.II Dado-TIC , A.n.. v...n_n.AL-A-oqlnnn-d. 'i.-%IIII|~ID|IU'lI u-IIlov!ct.In0.I'.I.IIl*Y.-In IIAIIIY. - - Ouloltqu m'u-noun` noon -2 hniutda-bntadnlhu. To Uticn. MIIIIMN York, PIi|ado!`a. --sq--1-.- IOOTQUIIK IT. - - - IINOITON. `PHI: LII DIN DIRT m:_' 0 UN Alllklw 1'8] RATBBUN OOIIPLNY nbtduurtlunln. llnuhll: cup 81 . AN%IW'8 ANNUAL SAL`. SAE(3Oi`l)`-Et`)"l-O_lN_l.- A MOTION VOTED DOWN. ll. Gentleman and Courtiex-,by |"loronce Mnrrvnn. 20 9', '[|l` II! '3'`! ll . . ,1. -`n . .1! n.......| -. KIDNAPPED IN (`,AN,'\Un. lluhnocunl `cumin. el gun. lutund ` E L... Mi:ou Stnnp. III, JAMIE BIID. L hlllll IYMII-HTAKII .__._..----_.j.--.-_:- Enosmn. CANADA. WEDNVFJSBAY-IVENINU. uncnuua 1-2, was our H,-_-.w |!Illul II I-I'M! ._ 11;: nun In-u-ly. :.`_v M l\~.I- ws 5 an-I ml:-vL'::m. 1 . I H. Br:-wu, Hf Mu.-.\ uI|g ` Hm l'u|!a--I -. L. I. 1... .1 will be triuul by the Lodge vmnouv. n jun . John .\IL-lnlyre, . `., for plaintiff, an Meurl. Britton & \\ hltlnq for defend- "Ill. Eaton VI. Tqnuhlp oi Pittuburgh--An ncupn for iujnriu rucalvodto n vnlunhlo x ATN1sBET s