ll` LILE L` 1 HARD, Ulllllxod with chtna direct from tnlr atom 8 Those tense stand without I rtvxl for Purity. e I V I ThmklIldn(3'lg.'|o;.Al I11! (I I-cool ad `I11 oouixunou of use (tho vnuut an In Q0 ynrlm imd will be happy to uupply than of customers. who desire something rally . With A Iunplo of the um:-. jv-u:v- NuwI'Iil:aIu (`111 93.90 (to I- in Iho'u~':& the '2-uh]. Thoacrocolooodiirlq. -_n, _. \-__ l!-._.I_._. _, _ .__._u A l'n-tly Choir Cushion. ,. ~ :,,_ .;,, |,__|_ -1- _L 7153711011! IIIIIIIULC" UH OIIVII Will": a and lower bordar arc worked in PRICES_ L9wE_Rm_1jHAN EVER I I "(ONION ININII, IIICII II FICKIC, BIIILII. .|'|lvuuIIu nnu-mu, my , --muuu uuu 'u-Iauw Rniuim. Pools. 8 rice: 0! I kind: ; Starch. lilne, Lnuml and Tulle! Rm ; Cleveland, None Such, Dr. rice'n, Newhrn, Snnw Drill and many at r kinda of lit by Poadun : "an:-:nnn'n "um: n-Ln _ An!` even! dBIL`l`il)'i6lI 0' U `D .0 [root - l Newhrs, Snnw mm um OHIO! ulna: ol nun; roaonn l"eArmsn'u Hum. eu.~.. and ovarv doscriptimn nl CIIUICI-I RUUERHW will sold grunt- ly below mac price. Don : lac this opportunity pun without. taking ulvunuge 0! ll. 3: RE.'I?EMlIER~-TMn in a (1:-name Clear-(nu Sale. _ ' 1;Assam Tea Estate Depot. | 'hhg n--......... III..- 0-5-9- SUGARS. 1 1-IA.`-h (`()!'F'El-ZH, TOBA(.`(,'(H. (JANNEIJ GOODS pf All ducrl lolil Bottled liomlu, n?zch`u Pickles. swoon. .l-`lnvnunlng Extucti, etc ;'(?nn|dng an Tnblo Sricel 0! I" launtlricnnd um... u....I. n. -.i.-.'., Nmllhrn. nnw man ha FANCY` TKNFTSTKPLE :_G5R_()_C]RIES AND OUR BIG STOCK OF NEW GOODS IS GOING OFF VERY FAST! ! BETTER BARGAINS. .B3'1'1'l3B GOODS. BETTIE VALUE. Thai: They` ' cu} Get Anywliere Else. The Shock Malt be cleared out by February lat, u we then main u change in on business. ,:As. JOHNSTON` 83 co- ARE A8 GREAT A8 EVER. The Assortment of Goods which we show is as com- plete as ever. Our Bargains are still better than ever. We are making still greater exertion to further re- -.-_ 1-....- -A.--L llnillllla IIUIIA | \I$V\II vtuvl U-vs: vv --- -..v_ _ _ W mdvuce our large stock. That means still greater Sacrice in Prices. We are selling all classes of Staple and Fanc Dry Goods at prices lower than an Retail ouse can bup for; lower than any olesale House can sel for, or Manufacturer produce. The End we have in View Just/es the Means. EVERY%%DAE._%EY%EBY HOUR, Appearances imlicate that we shall continue to dense during the rem ainder of the short peri- od We intend continuing? in the Retail Trade. We are new in the fourth week of our Retiring Cheap Clearing Sale. ICHEAP SALE - .-v.._ . .- V... u.;RA?ENaus, Opposite Wlndlor Howl. dVEROOATS. A Good Man : Overcoat Made to ordor for $18 ' lln-nu... u. 5...: .....- ......... _I...\_ _m `-5. `WE HOLD THE FIELD! CTRA NDA% OPl 0R1`UNIfY FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. .o 8;;-` 3:45 Woo;l"8(idoboo.rdn. 310.50. 800 our Hard Wood Bedroom Set 81 . 6 See our Hard Wood Bed Room Set 8%- Marble Top Walnut Bod He Marble Tog Hat. Rock 812. . \l7nInu.I: idnhnnrdn H93. THE S[AUGHTER T CONTINUES The Morning Hours are the But to Avoid the Crowd. DOORS OPEN AT 9 A. I. DAILY. LOVE S LABOR LOST In seeking throughout innumerable stores for such articles as you are sure to tlnd at such pleasing prices. We are all laborers struggling day in and day out for an honest exis- tence. light we be allowed-the pleasure of avisit from you on Thursday or any other day, indeed that we may be per- mitted to labor with you to convince you of the fact " that we areleadersinLowPrioesinourline. I-IEN`ID'RY at 00-, III\lI\Vl)l! nu ulnurnnm A van Mnu`I`nIAl.1`lllu`.lc1`i iur Bi Sam on name ms mm m nus. JAMES %RE_iI aanndasa 1:" noousu- 0I'I'lCl' I0!` 510- Howevor. In bud mun canon -dong will make him no ton-the limo prioo. TIA! I` R l'\ I!` I I FURNITURE. Luv Au}: vvu--uuv uvu --uvu -Y. [at-blo Tog 812.50. Wulnut idobougdl Pu-lqur Bot. Eur Q 0111. 845. . Combination Bedroom 80 Walnut Oentre Table 0 'rn'oaowna who nmomu Sun` OUR LARCIJ-E sroox or R. & -J. GARDINER. .1- ,1.-l...l.l-I.l.V .|-I-n.v -- nan: gatr-up CORNER OF` l llN(`l'2SN AND MON'l`R|AL 8T.REEI'S. win an oxvfxu m was PIOPLB HAINES & LOCKETT. vlll. Uih 3 . m o . 'i`?I%le y 50. SELLING OFF AT COST Flannel Shirts. Under-shirts and Drawers, Cardigan J tickets, _-v__ pa B0sI0N7-HA{TTlwfbli Wnlllnxwn street. -ro.u.-non ALLTHII mow; Men's Fur Collars and Cuffs, Men's Persian Lamb Caps, Men's Otter, Seal and Beaver do, Fur Gauntlets. Coats. &c. All lnfnv-nu-nllnn AI In nl-Inna nhgn-Pull: :11`-nn -n-a--;--up -1 722-3- Beaver Capes and Caps. Alaska Sable Capos, Oppossum Capes and Caps, Greenland Sable Capes. Fur-Lined Circulars, Ladies` Fur Jackets. Ladies` Sable Sets. Inrrvu. -u vu--. Th Empcror-.In(ioorgo lbs , me. Th: Oounteao Gisdn, by E."Mu|ott. `Ill nnnm. L IDLIVUZPU I31 Solo Ann: In Kingston. -Cr?- `HID Uouuvuuu vuuuu, u, u. .-._.m.. `mounts. Like and Unlike, 5] Illa Brsdden, `Ncunu. AT N ISBET'S CORNER BOOKSTOR 001 n lquu-nob. by R. 11.. ma. non. Augt `I.)umg_ by Ron Nouoho ucony. W) vonu. it I rvlliiu Under-Gun-onto. by the Dacha-. 2012. In Far Lochabor by Wiluun Black, 211 mu. lurur uuuuuuu. -., ........... .....-, `ZU cenu. (hntlomu: and Oourt.lor,hy Flonnoo Man-ysu. I) out-I. A Roooiling VOIUCNICO, by Frank rm-nu. Noah. "umgg' !\o\'$, || vnu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. u - .\ll of tha Above an an In . Alan not (If um Immtonod In lion 0 In Mind- 1`; (`mm nod on than uywqy. You am not hc lmpununod to buy. (`one In and so our turn. Open every night uu dew! ohn Henderson& 00., u u: ta-nu--u-unvg Vvuuu. Unv- All Information As to prices cheerfully glvqn. ` NEW BOOKS. ,m.. .`ovoI-. ll .............. .3 Kayla`: I'oMIouIu II`. I volt. . .. aunt`: Nov I V I` N 15.73 .'.'-.'\v..K-. 2 voh... scar: Nuvqmlf V0! fin?-i`u.'.watu. II vou.... soar Novolu. II rob .. .... Ecol `I Novel: I vol: ..,.. IO 7* Thnrko nu `I . oyolo. THE OELEBRATED l`l`llII""""" .\`o\`o|QU\'oh 'J`,','..',`.'.-.'. .'2..':.c uhollolddl. I: vuiu.. `mum. Novgb. II YOU , . . ... . . .. .n.on..nhovouuuo that. ~uo-nu MU_FF`S. "IV I v-nun. _,_ _ __" lot IInI(&|w'."*: 82:. \'6"` ___{--. .. .`.'..'.'.`.': c'FIr?ifMA's P'sNIs ..4.- j- jlj A3060` an 091?] _GRoomau;~ss. LIQ'Uozso. 0oox'8"`Fi'ii n'i'1"'i x i?$"'own:n 1-`! A PURE FRUI I"ACI'D POWDER. lr....-n__ __...L-; ,._ _.A _.. -___._ _ _BE_AR BO.A.S- m`wTqTI?""'jT msromls, must: on mm. _...a... In. nhl lnnn - um noon Blcww crrv Bonn. - Pni5i:s 's?Em:r./ Again In 9|-no-`onus l1IDT 20 VSIICI. IL coooumu V cum uarnn. I) eons. -- A__ L- 1\,_ W13rL{.{{1'.I:}.B'oapa. Glqvu. Kitto. Books, 010. A1` vmaor nnlvl [MID nAml .1 86 Prin60..8l St. . I IN THE nuuq nun, uIno.Iu' ll be used by the moat dellmtoc h pcbot . In $ hum Ila being lnl rinaicul y T} 1 ET. an Wl!"4 Illlll If IUI I6 flII pl'l0O. T_wEDDELL, If I'\l\l\IJ IIIPI l\\l7 i`I'I`\. lll FV`:li`3"'_9~; '1 CINE; "UVA C I` PRICE FOR CASH. M . :.-..-r..-. .:g.. by B. M. Caper. U19 POM.` brornue. r lll-,` mun 0;` yo.-.uuv nu~;___- icnue, or poau a cone. tmnmed \n_th min-1' Eur purl ` Anwl llu stot.-'.'nr,;p an; ml.` at `A color to mrrcapoml. I`nrn`si-unes am u;:niu wearing roxlstockinb wuh the black toilet: now in hahion; they 3150 won: low iboes to match the dress. ylnlo the stocking: are the color of in tmmniugn or of mo. tabrictn comblnsrtinn wi`!I I9. I9 III stocking: and black L51 B1: ._ - rw :.1 \?ol'nrWith tho bl-wk `, [`(`~. -z now `:11 , [{0} NICK bmcuded I - ; u-nu ma" colored clo:h.- : lump P xperlanco -. HM bnnvincod many that to no any (1 the uuhultluu n'end'for the only mire ' pop Ind painless corn our: h ouendod with dnnpr. u Always and non noun -och; than Putnam`: Psinlcu Con Extructa_2;_,_ at A-.._-l.n. man rumnm I xnuuuuu vvlu ..-......._.,,_ .. dnlahll. ` Bnoklooth hnvo thohut duh, lnr 4Ioodn|ddry bloclm. You now jut gvhuyopwulhthlodlinou IN -nu nm f U, "10 "IX! GCIHXIC %XUlI In used m?m .?5'`." u".E."Y.'s....':..i'f.uf'}`v'n"::'?a$ s'? I M-I1 `VX1353 1x_1ng)h_gxp:1',u WHUII thor- Mun m.h mu m kltohon.hu- 025101! ounvplgoifl tonauul ogitalguno and an llmslcry for \'nr2mu| Ormulonn. Hlnck st,>cl;ings remain In favor for general wcu-, with Ixtgh shoes in thmlaytinn-, and with low black shoes, but umcrwiso tho stockings match the slippers, whether they are of um colored Suede. of gray Saul ~. or: of bronao ghee kid. With oveumz tuilou ` Ibo 5ll'ppcra_,nro mado of tho drvss mu'.erxnl '- th_o mm brocade. hr the Hun or ye:I..w Riml- .- . .'.....m m- sunn uh: emu trnynlnx-nd\\'1rh s.X\'n-I` mum wearer. For quite tiny children there were pt-Puma in soft. creamy lamb`: woul, some with tho capo: out in deep uths,uuU edg,-v wxth ta. trimming of run]! poznpum; 5oth-m wnth hands of utfy ocoo. delightfully warm mu]. baby like. 'l`no (hmluuti\'u nkxrts urn wt. in my plants into the short wanted bochucau Chlldl-rn'u Dru.-non. In <-liililreu`s dresses the changm are rung on the plain fullstylo, saiuiiiveisally nilnpu-L l A prutty little (rock in rated.-i vaslimeru seen recently was cut to show a small round yulm of vieux rum nun : veiling closely tnchod. Tuc-ks also appeared on the sleeves, b(".wm`ii shoulder and elbow puih. nndon the urn.- sltl. whom they were mt`in bands of llvu or sewn together, The (`0ll'.(`llfb, n.-uh nnd band lutn which the (rock was set. were uni-" broiucred in pink silk. A charming little cloak was A miniature copy oi` tho double shape In fashionable at present, with its long utmiglit {mutt The material we: brown cloth, with 1 dnrk bluo utripo, faintly out- limd with red. any and turn. Tho hood was llnoul with dark blue silk. and the gthened back was held in place by a pointed nd. `Tho pockets in tho under part would doubtla-is pruvo a great ntwuctlqa to the Imnll wearer. En. union II'n1' n`\|lt'r-on Hm:-n n-urn n-Faun .\8W 1 Hrh I\l'I.l|llIl'5 urn` ul `IIIJ nun: uulw. The minis`: for tho l>x'i-In : mother is ohm: 0. , sulvjuvx, of serious cu:xsIlent.ion. An ap- pruprmto ;_-mvn for tho o<-o:z.slon (l0ei;:l10I! is one u! gray vvzlvemdraped full in (mm. and trained to the bark. ' Gray, Inuuso Color, and -lvctrio blue ralvut on all fn.sbi0:1abIo fo1'su(`hg0II'lls. In New York those velvet Irv-ns.c.~un'e made with tminunnd are worn Wllh pt-LL;cuaLs of bmcadu. lllowho rimmed with DCIDOPI an am. A null page to carry tho truln o! a bride but become qulu an Institution of the swell English wodrllngl. A Iucnentul costume houo In copy ofthoold Finnish drennd consist: of o canny out vurn ova clan tting! all hub in turn ool- . oral rloth: It the knee: urn rlhbonl and root-two ol pale blue; the large vnndyl.-o collar and cull : an of plum linen, lnanmllully hom- mu-ha}; and tho Ruben: but in of lawn color, with along pale blue ostrich leather. 1: has a capital em-ct, and is quinen novelty nftor all tbovolutlml plush which have boon mnulr wm-u nn Mme. nmvnsinnn mnsuy worn on ulcso wvuuuna. In Fig. `.3-may be seen an illustration of an imported gown for I brldamaial. It is in wmteaulumroaud non-o. Tho bodies is trimmed with gold punemonterio and n hoe jnbot. The tulle bonnet ls onmnenml with hues of the valley and ribbon bow; (`mun pon,':r`(` s;`.k make: graceful gowns for brida- Innlds, lILT\-ctlvo gowns worn at A l`(V`t'llt New Ynrl; Wt-dmllng \\`(`l`t` of gray an-.1 whiw. Tim .`v-.~<.-x fnr lhn lu'i.ln'u lnnlhnr in nftnn ll nu-go (`lnvul uvv tom, and hemmed trilllng or hm-id ooh muslin fell o\'!t thuilk um! At no 2- nxunuuum "*0 lh| I'- WW9 BIZ. latitude is allowed in the choice of gown: for the attending brialoslnninls. In Fig. I Is shown an attractive model for a llt.'.lo girl`: ln-M. It in in wl-its until nnrwknx. with n Huh 0! die nine tied at the back. The edge of the skirt is bor-It-nxl with I Inca uuncing, with which Ibo deep collar correlpondt Tho over-skirt. item. in hsttlounnu. The lust. to nutch, in llkowho rimmed with balm-0 and loom A .-nil n-Inn on nnprv (ha tllnin of I bl"(.lQ Ill? nu I It Vvlqpl ullu ylunu Wuu. nmstly worn on those oovnsions. 1.. mu. 0 m... 3... ...m -m m. IVUIKI IUITIII llllll II DUNK, llll"V`lUlrU`UWlll licdvvhihbldbd Qh lilarcb-I along Ara Inna: no |-- Onvnlnnl hr In-hhu -uncut wnnu wutuuu urn Ill unmoun- N at on man or kn (non-I by brldm. an mhan who nnvfnr nnvnn mndn nl ax"'e"e5"oe~,4 I'\f\Ig-nu-nun: annual-xunlwu II Ir` mo!` 1' l- KIWI`! (I, UTHII`. ` 'l':Inro othcn who pnfer gown: made of l corded aux. -nun ur notrganmna 0! mo` Inna: M hjllnn A E-|'n am noon T11! -II, ylll T Iii?` ITS UI HID llgo Igntd hloedlat A Irk`h`u dun: neon nxxoutly wu ontln.-ly of whluv moiro, tho what: but hhgoovcvd with Honk; lam. Annthr hulhnuo . hthlnl Inc sou great-sled I tum Am! hnllnonf whim IIIIO I1 FFFII urkot BI-Idea [Utbulnrly dnlro Ihlvo lb pun: Owl Iltirw!-d-I nllnan all! -p mm. Q have I _ Ugh I! t=lr 1194- no. I-mm.3 mums dingo differ lull um` "'* ' than worn n rmmt Ilhln of tbokl pmdnoo on tho mind: or gush the Man 0! novelty. hunt. -|._._..l -...I -a |..._.- I\J_..A..l__ _..-... mus TIIAT slum mono nvoi us me wonm or Manson. .1 -I-lusts-unuuu-I-Ivuvt-net uvu'uuhIcu&hl&MucIl Wuouuhpcsonoonnd I-anon: U|NA_I*`%I|. v NIX Ill ll4VVEll_V. Bath ubrmd and at home. Dinctnlra gowns n-1. at gun r.-manna can in In-an ch. wm sum W3 vfnum UTKMUCIX Ill IIIVCI} A wedding du- nudo recently by n New York Inodnnto for a widow Ivuu! u duudron hrmm velvet and at It. trimmed with um culured vnnvu lIl~ tenhn-oded with gold. Them wen In-on vnnvnl bob }l1'srIIhl 3 sum: and I-unlit!-of white moire draped with Ian. and white rnno do chmo em- bngdud in silver. A _....I.Il-up clan: .. WU` I`: ..y n rului nwll N4 `V ' . anal Itconninu n l""' ""`?": comm ::.:.'"::.:-.....,.-'*"""v...."`-".~t.~.*.'.;-:.: ma- THE BRITISH WJIG. FRIDAY. DEC. ll. _ nemnma nut: Blankets. - 1k:`.`.1 I-X:xr.::1-:1} Lholrbold duiznh of great rod I9H;:;1t.`S_ 3rUf sunflowers, with Uwiz-lun~Vru, -v. n 1.,-w x.~.rr: ` M 936 dnMe!.Q|,_ i.c;_Llm-9. ;-1p,--.4,-_ with ribbon at tho corner: or in hm co.-no: r:.Ig'.' 'I'!:<-an dcalgnn urn \roz'Lcd nu ` ck-cw.-1;; Lem double ind previously pa-.1 \ thru;1`.-h Lu. Water to ms the calm-. Tho go,-g 1.` .!.me with I lav-to wontcdnocdle, and all non: of Inn; ititolu.-I an used. an tho ...:....a-d nmpet us than! dam:-uuon with v " rI:.-sumx you cum net, The upper mm of the dhuhond shop!~ tushlan in of olive mush, eml.-rbldavd In nun xnd slhemsmolml with VI gn.-RI, olivaand reddish brown mllz, the outline: being worked with gold timed and the Punch hung; Vin bright. yeilow silk, On tho" lower half nro '|`K'|4'L'b I user: iq .`lr.. 1-5' .- . ...._, V..." --..._... The cushion for the but ofn chair. 0! which I sketch is given. In puny and novel in design nnd willbo mggutlnto not-non: lntomnted In tam-_v work. though they may I n can to follow all its J:-tails: ` ` llL\'HlUTl: l Illa II up Illll', bpllulllg Ill lnun lulu lnrcn-Lst. h1twnin;mak and \\`:1 h m-1l_drnin nml rrll it In uur. llnve n lnrgu pic-(`U uf butter, but, in n ux Louie; lay in tho plan-s uf clnc`.`mI and lot lhcm fry Km a bright. hruwu; sprmklo in atlas]: of salt: turn over an fully nnd fry the other mule; pick it. up on I dwp 1-lunar; stir up two wupooutuh of our in ntoucup of milk and turn into thu kc.-mo; stir wlnle scaldmg, and either pour over the chicken nr servo in 3 tunoen. as you fancy. and all or Inn; mwuu an u|' -. . inclpal object as a cam. "" " No work. , H mm` -...`.,__ ..- Ono wny tho)` mu}: tho {owl is nftuy this rmlrion: (`at it upm`, splittinglba back and In twain; nook W0, drain ..,n .'o In n....r Hun. . Inn-.. ni..n.. ..l AI Ayopoung mil: 0! Applet. A new and wmpting dish with Apple: II lb f()IIcm`in',:: Sunv half a loan largo npplunu hr sauou, and -wlnlo sull warm utlr in a bit ul butter and Iuqnr Ln mat.--aay om cuplul. , bet this get cold. llwn sur in Lhru eggs In-ll beaten and A little luumn juica. Put I link buttavr into u frying pan. and Illa: It ll hot 1 mm a (`H1-ful of hn-ml orumpn and -ur until they mlnr la in nice l>r Then Iprinhle I part of them brcml crumb: upon the bottom ulnl sinlvs of n l>um~n-I pucldmg mold. [ill the molul with lino nlc\\vd upplnt. sprinkle the remuunlcr of the bruml crumlru on top And balm Lvrr:n`.y1.m1u1v.~L Turn unto! thonwld and nerve mnla a sweet. uuwo 1! hked. llmv Went:-rn llounowlvu Cook (`blokes "ALUI INf|`}[`_KE'I'.|u Wu" Al (ho?- ';M: Idnplad to. he wants uflha umohen. rm- 3 led onvloul mum! of In nuns up Downy cinch. No nddittgn lromv ooors numb I8 ozxbmn. ndo Int pa wry puhp _~ WHUIU Illll IIIII WBII H.l;.'\'l|.V 1'. Brno with mrlny oa-unL.:;'ry can or cur- nnt, plain or ochcr acid joll . Dosuroto place as why upon I but platu~r,n lhu will luvihuna the work of mu-vimz. rm... . , .- carving. WITH, EMU |K`II XI`? l\l ll laIH'IU_V- Another cook telli why no Imuy [mph an shy of outing the stuffing. The tmuhlo in In the making. It in anal: mixed up too wot, which cuuu-I it to be bcavy. soggy llll un- wbolmomo. The steam of the bu-d on It cooks furnishes almost enough moisture. This cook adviu-I to try the following and In if It It not light And tempting: Break up Into ue u-umbun sulclout qunnmy of the nut: in- sub portion of II lot! of suit lld (being sure not. to have nnv lmrd mm-uh manna IIUU IKHTMJII Ul II I`--l U1 DILIU ll sure to Imvo any hard piocel); anon with mu, pepper, a little chopped palsy, powder-ad Iago or thyme can win may pn-fer: add xneluxl buttnr cnnuggln tu mouhn u whole and mix well w;:v1Lo r. Ro" lth lnmv nnxn` _..-ru nnnnnno mun. lllll UII lull! HIT`, llrlv III ll Illollo IIUIITI Ill when muted air In a limo boiling tutor or stock; strain. skim oull tnt. add the mhlotl uni anon mm an and pl-ppor. `Hm In decidully the but nuns for a turkey. Annlhnr 1-nah lull` rhv In mnnv nnnnlg nun UH Ijg-"TI U llII"`U ZIQICZX I1 ' cooked I nuuutn la than (our loan. an extra hour hem: pnhnble in I mluum In. Long ('0U!.`Ing vnth lrcqueut boning I0 I50 nrrot uf good tut-lay. Lflnr lhn nu-haw hdtnnuui -no-an In -all _I.`TUl Ul `VIII IUTIVI. Altar thoturhy hdnnuhnnnnn to II. cpriuklmg can and popper on the nude. Call it and no into shop:-; lard the tap or by INN: of I-nmn on-r IL. I! in well to Itu | turkey some time heron Punhng. Pour: Inn. 5.1!;-. --a.. nnD1\ 05.. Dunn... ..0 `L. IIIIVIV! EH13 IIIIIU KNIT` IVIVIIHS. r"Tr - mu. boiling water mm tho bouomof tho dripping pan: lndotho turkey occutouolly with A Mlle hum.-r. oeua-r Will! its own drippiugu. Juli. lnfon uknng from the an or out 0! the oven put on more um.-lunl butter and Ilpriukle on more our. Thin wnll nah tha skin crisp and blown. While the turkey In ranking, hail tho [lhbtu wt-H, chm thin ue and numb Lbo hrs`. When an lurkoy to man put It. on a but platter. Put the lacking pan on the re, dredge in a limo our. and uh:-n nnnhud dh In I Ilnln hnlllmy u-hnr nu- gotten out with a now In use undo no quaint lllo wllonn I an-I bun in to Ann. along ma 3 no nmnuunl 4 mm. in ovcryla-nly`n lnodulr and dump; room. some of use-m an ruuml. -qunn-, arml- rirvulnr vr trhngulu; other: nlfrct add and (rocnquo dnlgun. Coptn In Imltaon of H mm head (up And running little 1 km ruluonod In aunt wins rqnum lucr- Llo lulu: --w I.-`-Ivv vu `.--_ ----w;u Aemnllu; tn 1'11. Renders:-u I turkey ol ` IPVNI or ouhc pound: [the in: selection, it fmnhnuhl honvomdor hated nun lam It lauunud as In-pun-koyuhoulnu to nnnL'nd A nnnnin lam than fnnr inn:-1 An The Bsrnoovs Ton Estate. `The boobah Tea Company. The necm Ta lama. Iubuahod tor tho Iurpouo of ouynlylnt put INDIAN TEAS, uhillvn -nu. rum... .u..... 5...... A4. no.9-