-*1-mntnn-oa`ZizEna. MALAGA GRAPES. FANCY BANANAS. PIN B APPLI3. FRESH, SALMON. BHOKID SALMON. FRESH BMELTB. ' oimgna ulna ton I'-L-_-_ |_ t.'n_..-I `l\__8__.. Wm, mI1tp1P1T\1}_ur shouuqm oichruuu-pawn nnhobotuunol tbutrvngthd lbhcuny ofnumlttlo hulnvoulnuvoty musaululdpll dkhkn. 110 uloon is the lollmvlng V01: "flu coming mum- cipol ucodqgo clued opponunltlu that Ihould ho woloonod by cvory tempo:-moo _.-. mm. a; 'l`In~nnn to whom we can- III II In the honor. Tint wu non! undo: #3 would Ilnmlly numb the quan- clbn. (4 ) ll any on! Na h-noun can inpu- oul an OD opnn-have ul momponnoo. tho ovllol u. and tlooxtrnmulioulty cl n- lornlng hvhthnnhu pmmlcuhod than to nuwork snout the bum- rm vt their no he Ihounl --I-n L-mun nudoduuuhni 5'0""-u.:I'5:a"unK"' f"7p8ivcTu`.3iu P1 thin louver. inhoy Md noun 0! compu- don, at their uhptioiln. Ho had himself been doing one work in this wuy for the Inc was `gun. and no know who:-co! he spoke; In III)! to this crying evil 0! out as could only urine from iponnoo and al- a not. And not much would ho dnno till Christian men and wulnou throw thomulvu Into the onus of rdorm with the iuunuity and pnvorlulnun nnd hour: with which Pull Inbound for the ulntion of men. Quoon Dunc-t 0Imrnh., At the conclmlonol his discourse in Quoen Itroot church. Int evening. Rev. Mr. Bland nppenled to his hearers to no to it that their homporsuos sentiments bocsmo some- thing more than sentiment. Hs ssld: "Men on below you no svowod temper- snos csmlldsten for us : in the council ohunbsr. There may have been some lernnoo of o iniun no to tho sdvlsuhillby 0! `this sup. '1 here should bs none smong tam- porsncs men ss In the sdvisnhllltv ol unp- portiug these otmlidlles when tho step ns boen taken. Tunpsrnnoo is not the only mntur to ho dlncusssd In the council, sud support could not be naked for s cnndldnu who hsd nothing to rooonunind him but his tsmpusuce rlnclples. . In when men who will comps fnvonbly w Ih others who pro or have been mambo:-I ol the ounncil. sud who nre thorough going umporsnce man, are willing to oomo out us onndldses they should be supported. sun by those who wore not consulted in this amp. The trou- 1.1- ...m. nnlnn mmnnrnncn nnonle. bv the toned, "Brie up the men,` mu- men ere in e venoe. end the [leg wiliuot be brought bed: to them. The only thing thet an be done it to bring up the vutee. or the lemperence eeuee will en ' r reproech. Some mey uh. to tvhetinte tie it thet theee temperenoe oeedldetee elmuld enter the council ? Perhepe It wou'|d be Mr to refer the queetioner to our upponente end eek to yhet intereet h it thet they ehould be kept out 2 We might preenme thet it it ie worth while for their epponente to try end keep them out. it le worth while for their iriende to t end put them In. lint the council hee I e getive ol deterrninht the number of to be rented u fixing the iieenee fee. end oi lee Inge et -eocommodegbne ehell go with e tevern licenee. A few eetive end ezgreeeive tem- peren eldertnen. in edditiouto thoee who ere I vonrehie to the tetepereooe oeeee. mey be that en edvenhge.` To diminielt the number-no! Iioeneee ie elfeln. I would eppeel tn you, then. to or nr pert Ity word end deed in eeeertleg exietenoe .-4I 9.1.1.... (I the eemnerenoe neo e end the idrd mddood In manning cu -ummou And"Is_lmn ol the mnponooo poo tampoi'1nu`ouuoo." ` 1 --:- I IONIIOII OII I'll DOUG] Illa PIIHII. "I . Juno: A. K. nlhr. At the close H3- Ipoakor mule nhnneo to minnlpipal mu- lcro. In connection with (important truth, lollmvbg " `be coming muni- ..:...| Al-ntinnn Al.-(I annartunlllu u! uliould ho wolnonul by cvory umpuruuou mun among an. _T|lc~unn to whom pn- trut the ooud mayor and alderman have no Ijltlo dogma at power with nupoct to the tom;-truce us. If they nrrenen @1450 right staznc vl no: any wnyp :4: guy the ' 0: lovnponnou and to lawn` I the number ol had-union. 0lIl"00|ll5- ctllon will In yluul in power by the Clark- ugn Volta the ply 9001` tiny nix Club- on-tel lot any-on t In tha City of Klnxltnn. which has It manage ul an v-one font and a dept from , King uu-cot of U foot. and has crooned on It I! none blackumth alto and mu- chlno am. and met the Inaohano shop a un- l lo. _ nor an; ion ml 1' pan-ed lately. A be 030 nut in ms to between throo an four thousand do! to par nnnulnkinl I) do OM pl.-hog. T kmwgrvnmut l.|m:ol lo. Tltlo mdbp:nl;'u'sIl:lo.'nA|p.f 911 go R031`. SHAW. Holhllw. o--on. _g-._.-- WILL! \M HURBKY. Ancuoneor. consulted in Imp nap. xne mm- blo with some hmpornnoc people, by way, in that they wont. give otharu any dunes to consult them. But now, u when DIG W"-ll IOIIIB VIIIIFTIIIIJI pivluc, Ir un- chunoe to in one of the battle: of the rebellion u color- benrer In ulnnco of MI roalment being commanded to bring the colon back. no- wnod, "Bria the men," than man n. In a nnoo. Han will not ihnunhu -pvonynuwuaooIu.uuI drink sometimes onsllln. and is would can 1! they land hurts ol compu- 4... .1 thdr nhnntlclnm. Ho .'UlII'1|Il 1"a'`..2`Z."' with the nhuldotto .....n.. I. cough, #5: run. . All Tllljvoou W6 ooutlnuo wall 4 popadu at new V1- lnclo nhlnui for 5 quarter: 8 pomuh of candy for I doll: buunu 40. 5 down: raga Me, a damn st loudonolfl chap ' aro. -..o-._..._ . ._._..,..... THAT NI 1' `PW Y S0l.AT3D_ ruuanvv I 0 IUIII. hound by Inn-non. I by _o_u3 `$3 pupal vilhiol [.33]. W0 `MN II-I Rev. hlr.Tlmberlehe epohelronl Prove:-he. xxx.-l5. He epohe ol temperence ee having two hrenchee. Appetite end everloe. Men drlnh liquor heneeee they like lt. end men rneho end eell lt heeenee lt peye. Ie en- ever to the qneetloe. "whet le our pneent duty ee Uhrltlene. ee eltleene. ee e 2" the preeeher nplled : To eheteln oereelvee; to lndeee en meny othen to eheteln ee we on : to petronlee temperenoe twtele end temperence grooerlee. even though we mey heve to pey e llttle more to Inehe up tor the loee euetelnerl by not eelllng llqnor ; to vote for prohlhltloe whenever end wherever poe- elble, not merely for our owneeke, hr meny would not drink if ev other home in the clty were en hotel. ut for the uke of utherl, eepeolelly our ohlldren. If e men`- relate! to vote for I Inetv-her of perllement or elderrnen who oppoeq prohlhatlnn. or to Tlgn e reqnleitloll for e lloenee. nnd yet in l epite of ell he he eeld end done his eon: ere rulned hy thlelllquitloee tretlic, their blood In not on hlm. But It he he: been e petty to the treflc hy vote or elgnlng e quill- tlon for lheuee. or by lnduerenoe. than le he more to hleme then the men who eelle-. then the oounclllon who grent the lleenee, then the men who Inennleuture. or the ow ernment who glvee them perrnleelon. Lil not. then, eaeinet the `government, enelmt. ' council. for meny o in metnhere would ledly (one (or prohlhltloe. only thet It would he`politieel Iulolde eo to do, ltether let nu uee the power we heve In our hende ee electore. end hy`onr delity to the canine ol tem rence mehe etemperence oendldete {or per iement or council leel thet he le eele. thet he le not going to he jeeerted by hi telnprrenoe lrlemle end the nude the leuglv inn emck ol the enetnlee ol prohibition." About the avenue Iron Iiolmu n my un- looun no banished ? Our Chrbthn pic our well nlnrd tdpuy the I" ht Add uonnl taxation I-ulnar than this In qully ohuuld am. The vvoryhlut Mend: the saloon keepers could Inn would be than who would pnt. n and to their buulluu. I would ru- thcr wt: in themlddlo of the nd. Ill]- ox..- oh... nnnn nhhonllh. tho contrac- thur wslk In uwmmuu or mo an-s. -up tlmo.thnn upon nlxlednih. the contrac- iion of which depended In tho moniy derlvpd from the poor drnn null. It sup 0 diagram to tolppotnut-o people that It won said 5 uunponnoo basal` could not ourish !or want of patron . sud am good mull could only be lnrnh ed thronh thoruvcnno .I...|...| [man an lnnroom.` TIM duty of lie lnrnhhod through snorovanno derived from the hr-room.` duty th Christin people In tho Innnfolpnl cloc- tlom I: clear; namely to unugua tho bond: of :3 umpynnoo pony` In out my onndl." ` pond: or I`! council." . . gcruntctt ovutho wulaoluuny. \ has npltfun did not Had It had nulfoon But Hluhoolntc yet. Thotugol mull- olpol pollrloo Iupon yoi. [do not hunt the nun who hum usnonood their policy to In Ianpunou Morn zouly this, they at lunch have the noon`: at their coulo- chu. ldonuuy uyon um ennui votolortluounuoryonnnnotc rlluut. otthnyou can you Inna. hr I unq- Iho you an an. 008 lulu man. you. Godmguhtlu nun. you say. Wu can't do nytlhf hon : this qunou Inn? mn-onus. Till qunuou um um -._.h non-A Mll tin xmh cl Clank NH lg clpnhun stun Clutch. 'l`E3`iInor. Rev. J. W. Spnrllng, preach ocl 5 very lurclble sermon (mm the` text: "Am I my brotlxor`a kn r." He held that It In: the nolunn dug Chrlntlnnn to do lholr utmost to an alt fellow-bolngs from the druohuda lab. and. theralore, ln our own'oily tone to II that there was put in. I counoll which '\voull an hr :0 possible bnulah llwulooul. "The present council." he told, "III juut In good I one an In do urvod to have, bocauu In put the ululor -men than, um! I bollovo then won men In It who will pron mu to tho unpar- nnco emu when and to do I0. Thu no 43 tavern: In thln 1:13], on for every 4(1), of the popullllon. on ll you uh sway u loul sh-ulnon the nu: n a clue no the ohllrlrun. you will have one aura to ovary an .. ..... hip mo :1 oh. nolmlhtlon. What on I.;vn;'ec;' `vii-yy 75 ot pun bly 100 0! the lnlon. `About an from homes I! mo in- , L._x_L_.Io II..- (`In-Ingn nannln ho Kl um: -1 -=="-"=-:3 LL: J ohrtst0l.hwu.' TIII qupuou mu nu-r nub Otuwodlltln pun olcuwlu It I.bon.nd [hogan m|_lbno(ug_Csqu- Ntoh Uttnvtlllll at uonuu nu It wbouono nxlllonolourcuw dlu .10 roll Illh zn:v..lon;`[:`t.o (mgr? not rollddnll on or is back. ~ 3 will In than to say. You may say, `When 1: Inn t I low unpar- noononlnol can what null do {on expect! Wu do not (I I our] 0!- orno Noun: hduy, than it woutdbo IoIlI:lI'UIlIh.:::pooo or :3: ma pronoun unpnuo prrd hit its until. W0 can more than Buulutull when-cults on with Godmnd thclonkunnd whhonshrault ..o....n...l.|..nJ.uI.lu-A." lriemh Mid llllll mun no mug tug Ilaock of thn prohibition." ;,.....;.'B.Z7 roguod tmlay. hqh m xha [mun I'll I50 toguoa loamy. alt m the (mun United sum. the on ho ti .u: all `.`.`...u.."{'.I:'....'a...u. I N!) boys gen`: and ' none}; 35?-.4 `I01 In` far up tun ~ THE FQLLY OF THE BOYS- lithe ntgnilinoi Inc contractors on we Whaling and Lie Bvlo nilrond ueonulon. which onplclod ycuqhy. A {human you old I;oy.UhIr|u Flock. who in Vlaglknog 3 turn y `I: mppb.-hie I an with tvQotI.,O`ufO=`Vut hill. zpklng. eokiw a nu bdcn In ploolon took phbt. but thy Into hilly Injured. Plooivqu blown IoaoIn.- Bunion Inn WIN bully butt. Nutly 0 bounowlthln I In-go nalu was blovll sud nomo at 0 um groan dlnepid ICU Iorlomly dunagod. Fmy roth an you any ton! ol dynmih in can , VII not oxplo-1. ed. The bias! anon vgvinuuly lama rgll:-and lalmnu. `I ` ` United Shut, the continua nuns ma lu- gu hnuntiu. lh:a&I!ll! `[796. th lnlur-, notion in the zlbor. and the hhdlul II Afghulaun. d`5"6"iIItiIol Zun- fho mcunuIpd&'ht|0ulgovorn- mm In England ion highly commanded. 0! ,3 HUI on In` ' ilhnqh uuommuum hour uonlthc Inns in. Busby MIC ldnlglq Ill tooth port 01 the London 1mm. 1 no nnm, ll dosnoo nl the libel to (ration wt. hu Mgloctecl to rogiutor the I nunco And ad- dress: of All In prop: at Somouot Home. The nululon um ll r. Couyhoro, om ol the non native cumin 0! the union- iuu` in lumm, In on 0! the proyriotoru, In nan. 133959` I -lnmulll | into` In muons, u one at use p In con are! u mpudou jolt. The) Own a bnnnlla. lsplnolu-And u In Blown to Lana. \Vunuu. Du. I6.--'l`hn mn.tcn ouuootdu ll0hp ol powdr lfthc oonlnolorl 0! tie wn-M... .-n Lnbnlnh nllruul nnnlon. hunnnlvodldiutlorqu-nu as ygm cg u R`: ;._`_'.-..3."'*"'*.... .""'?-.. ...'VL'.I."'::'.-.-qt.-. low dhovu M. 00 Inch 1 voyqo to tho and. All Odin on Europe LA-aha.-an-mud. nulvu ha. Mr. \;':lt:::`ga:':rlIntuonu wonlth, de- olurcu that In In truly the roprlotur of ono~ Moth 0! the London inm. '11:: Times, 1. .:.n...... nl the libel mmrouon wt. `CI WKTIIKIIWOUI II IRICII III` In nruuvu u (allow: . Doc.llnt.oux-Pu-0 ud n-third. good to "lll:.I.t good! nu-nnl noun. _ ___'_ Zlhouonmn war Im not I on ans be: In: mptund nah not this no nluvu. `u uqudron bu captured nn mm or ammunition` Thin shown that the cons cl led. Mt.-\3:.l::n,la::':rlmnenu wanlth. I N um: boloulutkn. Ufll CT Tutu nolpho-nan I-In hp-no Au no You nun 10311. I in Inoonth Iolnpnv . :.:ua%'1.o.-pbxuu I-n:aum. In ohnllmnlnu hn. ""u.uvo!Iv-I st. h-llrdlc S-`1---*. two yours. A pump: min on tho Womrn & Ac- lutlo railroad wu donllod If Mclvol-'1 ounlon. A mail agent w_n_ Hlledold the -ongineor. reman and conductor Injured. No puungan hurt. Cudlnd Lnvlgctb In the Mnuulman prlloou mm la; mp! mu lulllhifr uppmuu. I pond 00 upon`: I. o Abolition of domestic ohvcry, but the tnlo mun be uuppruud. lln (hulnn Ill` lhln LOKIIII OH z|nIi~ III uuululupuuuuuu o---no-u 's`.2' PVTTWE Mu. `tuna, lb.`-hnn-a1&ni.. hm. I0 Illll II [lllwlr Ilu uuuu uuuuu-u. lntooaootllonordomcluol ol the dynamlhru at Anton, III.. who ha been on trial for seven! dnya. the my returned 5 verdict of guilty and nd ll Ioutonun u EDI! VXPI. VI ` FIIIUI In sci VOW had to pal- Kbhu qua- ol oh; nupnnnoy. AI unle II In among boron in Columbus. nu o t our I.-onpuy I! nor!- A qnrrol not Sonnnu. Ky.. uulud In tho mu subbing o! In. hruhlold and the uuiunl but two ohildua In In. F . Staph. Juan: J. 0'Kol| . nuahor of ptrlhment, bu hon noluud mm prison at 31 o. His glands prounlod him no uiduunn u pum It XII IITTIHLILIUII In Uw I-In -- u- hum "Ba 1 xrrs r X; gun `V .m'LE..3 to in Iran Doc. IO D at lit up to am January. J ll.1`nI.oII. F.b".a`I."I'.uCe$AI\ ' ' Allht. aunt. IOU. Harrison hai pr-vmlnud I plan In IIII cubi- net for Wnnnmuhr. It I: believed the merchant luu boon olvnod tho pootmutor ernhhip. wing tu Itmpomr ll`:-non Jonnph - ro- co the nronocod Hllllurhn domon~ ~Dwlu[ limpomr naou aouopn s ro- snnco pro od Hunu-Inn nt.rstion.ln favour the popu toltrnnllon In unmnnl IIIDQI kn haan nhndonod. Itrstiomln lunar 0! Inc poptl uumru to hm nl powot bu boon thldonod. _x....-..u..- Q An-nun III nhn Inna ham .1'.`:'.`:'.;".'.';5 .'.x.....-*'-~'......:: Th QI11'|II.lju'wwwuun ogihto in A loan! manner for tho rcuornlun cl ch; nun! be Iuppruloa. _!*r_9::.':.:.".:1'.'LE*`1':i'."E.."::`.; THE mm of THE NEWS- -----ngan `llu numb lnilsnonc. _ n__ n: _-.lI-....-5 -- .n_._.a`.n.AmA_nn..d.a-.A_.. g. _*AUCTlON SALE, Valuable City Property_. to Innnnnr fur tho rutomtiun may vuu In illuttho In- `nh unlnnnr. pranuuo. Kln Iutil-. ncu rrulcu. 35 THURSDAY, am of January Next, ._.... ..._|... .._.._a..I -n -.-...nt in II. VI-I ll-Jvlvuunnn vnu vc cu----.J ..---, All tlolq llublsu ocnu at M. by R- H. Pnmmon and Elder 1-09.. am (`am out! of City of K nxutnn. nun g v;onp to~~t_ gut! ooI5'~.a"'y at. A. .onouo" '" 1'53" ' " :.:..::.. 1.`: "'":.*.. . .z:."..... 3.: Km: 5 ' ou'.'.`."e'`n'.1`1`.`ll'v`..s"'2o"w`:K..;"..`a':.`}`; convonhukt no Quuugcoll zlm 3?. V- m Union all A153 ll. Av. 11. umuvafzla Princess-at nun: Innl.lI\\!l.` 0| jj w :-__' 202 Princess sum. oppoau.wumg:`nouL 1 rpm. Ltnnhrncx doom AN 011. pmima.22 x 36,-with 9 1.2 inch ........l.l:-.. n..I.. Q4 cl ULIJ FALHIIIUILQE L 00. WIN: V L-~ unu moulding. Only 81. AN OIL PAINTING. hotter quslity. with 3 heavy musivo gold fume. Only $2.50, to olotr than out All OIL PLIl'IIIG.woll exocutod.with lmvy sand 8 hob. mohllio hunt. Only $5. .._._._:...--. a--.--.._--...p--.__._._.-. OPERA HOUSE FRUIT r-ND OYSTER MARKET READ. READ, READ. now: an onmsms pmsms V ' mnw - 5%: "":`.`v3'a`. u'I AA__L .`,-I',_| __.I 34.-.. T; A6 I J. W. R I. m n..u.'u.}.. :32 '{.a-14 '\v-.ni;.m-s:. ` J U B J I u u v w v....- jFI'_m Z'7l|i'T"' ' Mechanical and Bteam T;3;0u . A f\-II- 3- Znlnnn \ll'iQf\l, ,g***y.::P I : mzI4.M0: 0;! KING Apply through A CHANCE FOR A CHEAP vb` FWUCHINUCII III`! m`-vvI ' 0`? in n Im v-rie't." * occ..etc, A P~9H!-.!.<., I`. I" ' m punts. I WAN ID rum-noun 2:. `Hill. YOU Vl_8l'! Whisk Holluu I Ipv and Ila. as V 7 pun nu:-nv W . f re '3--`r -`M. w-. man luv ruuuuuu nu K`..- ... .. ........._ ville. V At a rolnurul of the c r of the l`nuby- urlnn uhurch. Humvndgth. Mn. W. J. \BoItn_n. the popular orguah . was the raci- phat 0! an clonal mun rocker. u A when uf kindly regnrd from the members of tho choir and nongloptlon. and the Ar rociutlon of the oiuient manner In vh ch the Inn dlnohu-god the druid 0! her pallet. The nranonlntloll wn math is But 1 . D3; In I `I IBOQIOMOI7 llooocuuu mac mumuorthon. Aunt - uotbtx. IE Nnp ind! `JON `BIC Iltold QC! "VOII Ouch: Ipldh-." which at clad: coupons! 5'3.u:C" lq the chain; d was It In highly hunt a well u dilyhq to no can- a... .. nIAIn_ dnntv Ilrdcl. wanton. [V `M IVIR. I III Riqgphh-uauuunm _. -...w.n, -1.111. and 1.1.0. 1 ~ Slit lhll ..%.'..':..'m...".'.'..".'.'.'-.:..:-...'.-;.s-.,.-.:-.; W h `mtw Quvloh II Cb 115.4... . Iddu bu loon- guy, h-. y.`l'r. TVOIIO . olrglu: ah. _n.IA.-cl`.-9 -ntl It g! $351 WIIC nu In W- lulu . and both!` oon!orrlu" nou- uau. tho uoouhdtho Ind do- gzzod maa! I urmon on the vluun of and now: out o and {ohm dummy of Ian. rot t tho diooouroomhlch Ink-d one hour. I. hhlnqa ovinud Ibo mpshy for the on.- vlcu and any lad: words ol bupo Ind won t to then. Ewing bun wand by t r choplnln mm the clan wu nhsiontly luiiohd. ho conferred tho nnnmmnnt nnl onulnntlon. After the nmclontly Iuuuhd. no conmnu uu sacrament wlhut ceremony Io vlolttd tho funk hon Uh! he was rcolvod by the union. In Fsho . nntlbthn having hopddu Vinittot Dopuy-Wain Sullivan. The wu-dun and cum hhutg well oauyng ID no can- ehb. d wu-dun. warden. ` III hhllpttbondod inn: hwokl the HolyG|\uO Iodooondlpou tor uulrutlu. who who in cm 1.1. .1 ...A halal` mnhnlnl` on. .l x Atorgh \ .1; . ,.._.._. Cancun; cannon: In Ibo Poul- Igouuhv L'I0lIOOIar ".'.'..?.?S '.'.r`:.'l OCR? pljl than out Ibo :oooodInpu.' Ilo ll 0'!!! 0 00!-dill Woholnu - It `hula I03 You lath. `no Auurlonl co--Ittu ol the Putnam (haul co. OIIOII to do louothlnx. Loxnol. Doc. 20.-A dispatch to the Now: ll-om Pub nyo: ll in mud in nancial `oil-elu hen the the American committee of the ram: ounl company has olfcrod tn refund In the Ilguidnum the Inn: of 9'(ll).(l)0 francs.` than bob. the smonut of ooumnlulonn resolved from the company. This would hoop the work: going ' for I lortnl ht or than wait. Hi the` offer Illl pu laoooooptd. U at ulmllor oru uro brtloollllj tli slot 10: " Chap cm-tau: nd In You ! lolithy hm vi: `mo Kingston & Pbmbroko and Cunds Pnio Railways. Oh nhhnbd hunt: list oantrlhtod lo the rod: mrtlon of Italy. A! the conclusion o[ run they _\vefer shouts of Lnug I ,._.I L`...I___,| ll uvo Gludnuauo and Irounn nu nup--nu. Ir. Glands no, In reply. aid was grout- ly touchod y the ROI on rdod to him I) than (or when be ad always annulu- u vnruuioctin. Be In: [Ind who Iblo to thank them for the uldrcu sent to him `on the tnnivoruryof the deal: of Victor E ml. d I In tlbn rtoumod |.a:u:nI`Inn:. "ll: ill III? 0 to mullahs, Emuunul. and I (no u w him as Flouooo. "H9 In l:llImDbL make 5 bctlurnuponnthn by saying "Viv: Nu- poli. Viv: Iulln" -Commondnhorc Morcelll than ensured the oltrhno to grist Mr. hells" xuouunennnoro llorcem then entered our-lugs greet Gladstone. The nudenu enolrcled who human, but Mr. Gladstone begged them not Io do no. Upon noorlng the nnonnl the hood of the oerriege wu lowered end ll r. Glul name In: bun-heeded in the moonlight, end hula lnrowell to hln edmlron. This mom lug Mr. Oledltone attended church. He appeared to be ln excellent health. All the nmuneperu hero join in giving him 5 cordial welcome. I To-duy thh employee: at tho mscnmun shop in ' Clo: with tho K. I I`. R. company p mod Rnbort Motley. fore- man. with I in on , gloves` sud scarf. an n ` token of rogud an an meat of the plum ` ant rnlstiouu th C exiutnd notwoen them. as. u.o...-.-In aninnlnl Cant. Cl-sin. subor- rodlunltlon ol nay. an In IIIIIIIIIIIII ud th houu 0! ?\I!Ah`."1`-Ex?` .3!` Ln` Eunlund." thy: exiutnd noswoen them. On Saturday a enlng Ccpt. Craig. super- intendent of con action for Hod inn. (link & Co.. In: proton '1 with 1 I5 ring and nldhudod cum. t 0 gilu o hi: foreman. `ho captain in very popular with tho men in his employ, and openk highly of him. Tho qqrh on 3 run: work`: clun- slon will Itop this even 33. Thu pipe: will thou hug reached the tank in Willlnmr V SA! |`u\.\u-Nu. ll--c. M. Autrslm -any mu Ilse gnu minus I! .\'aI'ouV-`cs Inn Old lutod _\h'ee ummtn. 8,0. And 81300.0(!) were lot! ` --J ...- the uldnn than were menu 0! --mug ljvo Glndnbuo and Ireland III` El-'Rl5'|-" u. m...a.n... In nnlv. am In nont- I lkmonzbr FIR?!`-CLASS RETURN TICK 3Vlll\0 mud (mm Kltiag ALI. N I 8 on the Salon Inn and rule vhlon of chooundln Ohlhllv Ind toliu Lion the lummolon 8'. Ida and uron and Icht- Counlnllwan In (hand: and to Douolt sntollounz ___ _ _.______ ___A__ A Wholunlo llnugnur Eur-nun`--. Znmun, Doe. M.-0wi Io-shqprotul or the must. peanut! on tho um I-u...a.a1.a nu dc cu':'n_.. -uo:...'x'1 ox- ..........:.u...mu-, Don`! font! that the Ncbowoll oomph! will give: manna Io-non-ow nltonohn. ,* dloohugod the drain 0! h rnoelhtlon wu little by Bo olicltoun menu-. `W :1. ram` 555575 Kldii. HI`-l: l d and A pproel-ued. thi employee: of tho blnchmlth .I\nn in nnnnindon ktomonnbrx-on to Thou Who Are Enum- mssoouo EDITION. mugsnuo mesa-onnons M IT IVIII-all-Iv can .-u-- n. .- Inn nnnhloo. sum. Doc. sub to Jan. Is;Llu'o uul 3 third. and lo 2- turn Ind] Jun. Doe. us: and Jun. m-3iunlo Faro. good to mun lull Jn..Ind. _ `Teoolusud Btudonll at Bohooh and (N- QAOBTONE Ill ITALY. _ A GUN? OF HOPE. A must ~Ir-no Inna, . \(\.\I'I~`4`n. M.-Adviou H0 5-my gust strike of coal I oldod. Thou:-`Ike u: umnr:n.S,0.)0 man won Idle N... .___. 1... luv u.. muhn ---:_--:2: fllnughur Iorbiddvpn. , n. 1\....l_. In.I.||gn.nf.. T-7-no sum, u. . nu A.I..l - - KlIOI?OlC. I Vern {aw by the manor! ._ Baum Oiltolu. L` ` An 5 ` u oongugulon uumblod in the pun chnroh Inn night to line: no cannon ma uouby uh putor. Bo Jung: _nlhr_.V :`ho Ll}: I'VE! Q vaoc-a... %GEfirins5Present H run. In no jinn - dc-plonhln usual at M. or its mlurlu that lolldkd II II 1 Itou hold lulnupboo II it alt Icon:-[0 than war, [unlit mm Inch: Nah Duh. Chin! I out cl chlrdoultboorllu M `"3 N. HIIO N0 Duh, Nu Yoti. ..':'.-.-r.:., Ihohluhoohavlllo Inruqulu thuthounndnl cunavum'i.Aovounov'Km ra- ven anunuma. no and Qoluvo null hit |I__ suuuoui-Ann-ocuonuhrv roman D0300-no-Ionlnon In Iulnlcbib-.uou. . .-... T ..."_........""`"' ."?$.'L"'J'n."'! .1: 3 unit VIC! C ` We 3 L uh lino of an chub and the out at pr III unqu- wholo :3--u the trouble: Bhutto Ihoooa hulbdaaont U0. Thou otdrht Qlodnhrtlolmluuyurn oouhdnntion. counting lawn. us: use OUXMMJD nurly.` This would have do- hand] .11 an an I nonruunt. hills our x.-I. nag. lie. I MvIv*g"-=|_'||| 1. pg; , 37;..." ' x'...uup--nL 5% .a-..n....u. nnlnnl J M. an in molly.` Tlb would lguvo do- 1 ad nil our out cl gum-uncut, I way? and M: II without I ntloul dish. 'c;.lnlltlI||I\Jv-uns oddthonu cl 0 than In, about utroyd. patina born and orlmo nu-bod. I-I-tr:|::d and puhhod. lhhh run could be main to onuCndn|nIn you-I vonldlou how herself. Iopulptntu and wulshy would the Inn um. Tic lmmonu upoulltnro In drink r A. 1'. 011: told to howonuhu nuud.ulI tounllthoddool almoglulmu And who throughout llnlud. tI\horlIhu||Ccnda.t|o uhuludln won all ulotbo cdnlul otivuu-old i. (I) The nun In no: with It: cuts 0! III pnvulld &_ tuusnly. `B0455! bhnorululn Ibchrluhnchnohmlh L.A..n|L.m-nunmpnnghqgjghg TE gum SIONID RAH BEEN IN- 8l`U . I by r. Prunolu 1`;-Ioey. to poll on um pramluu. Rina strut. nut Prlncolll. A- nmnnannr 0...: .0 r........... N.