Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jul 1877, p. 1

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ei+vT@_yfsTAaLEs yl oods lu-led I: run Figures. and ONLY ONE PRIDE. Jug ll. ll77. A Choice Auortmun of Englhh sad I PRILLIHOH. - LACE CURTAIN! In great. vs:-Iety, IZEEEHII ulna: vvnlll III II Vlrlely. Jar-`H-:R\?' MOODIE Z", `IIIIU I -330 Bolt Qmlltv In Black sud Colcurod. all ulna. Cillduli kid Olovu. ban. quality In tho Domlnlon. A Choice Auortman! Amorlonu , J",3"gl-|!0,H- Wulln Onlh No not ynnl. COLO ED DBE88 GOODH In [roll nrtoty of Blade: and prlou. Drou Linen Ohoaper than Ever. Linen Coutnmoa It Cost. Damask Linens, bluohod und unbleached from 2!) up. Trhlo Napkins. Doy|o'n. Grc` Linen Tuvalu from 50 up. IKIII II I.I'II'I!_ Black LIIICIBI from loo gar yo:-:1. Iudld Black Luau-on So per ynrd. I Henrlauo Cloth. Blank Punch Poplin. Block Postman. Black French Cuhmemn. Blnok Bnuthru. Block Crops Cloths. Block Gnnndlnoa. BLACK` SlLKS-bou min: In the crude. Coloured Milk in I new ulndeu. Wululnfknlh DBFSS nrt -: n;,.:,, , cm, E. VIIIEIISIIALL Goods Constantly Arrlvlug to loop our stock Assorted. OUR STOCK 0|?` DRESS GOODS I8 UNSUBPASSED. I 'r. mEiiEv's. P!-Cuoaoslnot, - - - - Kmyunu. :.___.____ . LAT)Is or KINGSTON AND VIOINITY ! gun ISLE; as an Inn 1.-puny. !.l.-A CIDAI 8041`. nearly now. 18 has led, ulu. onmnllp hot-l.&o.. For Isl, chap .1 w nnmnl A an, Refrigerators. Refrigerators AIu..qu'u.m or srcconm mun won wile` will be Iold Chap. All wnrk hon-o nuuhocnu and not- VI in; Ibo hard mu. In no running new full enpuny. I I-4 IEIDAI l'lO;'I' nnnrlv mad. I! has oaurfrhuuudllnlolcu. Will coll OAIIIAOII st 5 must Inn (fu- Ihon-oqnmmchuuv , begun I :11 1' d PHRFOIII I Ish- . nod, W nuxowlum` uogrlv no. n u.. ....'...m. of nmoxn mm) was: IKEEPCOOL IBROWN .5: co] J-'.._'.Ea.:`.`.`.".L`:..:.'a.!" LATEST MAGAZINES You Ill! and our Htmk an Completo u my in the oily. Jun 15, um. MKE['F.,`.*3.'E!"3- PIIIOIII IL. IIIOITOII 2:: 1:30:31; snurnr. ..-II Inn-I PRINCESS STREET. IN GREAT VARIETY AT _. `lo00B.KlLL. vol: KID uI.0\'lS. M- I- lI-..|. --.I r\..|,.._,._| `Business 2 P I$I.10.. III? 1"`, CH J. W. BROWN E 00. KINGSTON. CANADA. FRIDAY EvEN11?b_-, JULY 20. 1977; W. OSBOBN. Dver and Soouror. in-r swam &. Co-7 |nnmmoxaum.uuanouu.l mu. own on or II DATUIAL unun II) III Wafr Works Notice III} ounuhdod that thus ` OSI for lnl| 5 Butt! Into. is int no oeuon. I lid for on pltpoid the regu- In hlnho will thud. J. WILSON. All 13. 1H7. MIIIIOI K. W WCo an n A u... 'i'.'.'n. ..'n'.'iu-.., ,1... out In-oat. .lnn2l.lI77. [ (loo. w. On-oljhtonl Whom nll kinda ofoodn on 50 undo to loot equl to now llld on tin non nuonhlo tun u n work by Ina: only. Gen : Chthiu Soon:-od ovorydpv and Dyod If nqnlnd. 1' Kid Glove: don In two hon-Ind without smell. Vnltun, Ostrich and hay Pushers aloud nod and daily. Ont land on-Ind \'nltnn.0I:t|ola olcnodudd daily. Cu elcuul oi-dyad n nodonll low. I ham an ill!` DYI HOOII hono- Tomuo ad Ion:-In In rural my prsnluc 7;unsIou cnnunl tanuw And th nuolallo Ian I1. GOIVI Chthing Soon:-od ovorydav and Dyod acquired. 2' The oldest Renovating and lbyelng Establishment In Illnpton. IBTABLIIIIID 1889. $v'T'&:o'.'f.5`5'1.`nT,.'5. '"-"K n.i`s`.:';'.' I-aoommendad bytho momkuulty. MABTELL'8 BRANDY In wood and bottla. nu) uusa wmsxn in bottla. om scorcn wmsxn In bottle. aummrsss roan: In quamuul pum. BASS`! am: In quaru and plan". 500 don. Canadian ALE AND PORIIR In good oomhtwn--Choap. 1 orumurr: nu-ra. ` 011 Pictures. Want Oolonn In-I :....l_._ L. L; I `J. Y. 1>ARxnILL,] IDYEING TO LIVE 2] lllyl. II . H)'l`H`B CELEBBATED PURE GRAPE WINE for ma `|olnlI nurnolu: It In Milan; , l'ou-mm : Colobrnud Stu Broad Sup: Cured HAII. Cumborlnnal Bacon. Boulou Bacon and linked Bacon. . BEAUTIFUL LEAF Ltib. llnmpchirel Celobntoa Bologna Snug. WILSON8 SURE TURKEY COFFEE. Thin Cams: 8: pmpnntl by: mount prooou Ind rerun: lha full nromn nd auuthl ail of tha berry. 0| Jun 2|, I377. IVIBTUHIAWAHEHUUSEI PRINCESS STIIIT. July I113 -'1. I Corner of King and Clarence sin. I A nloo nos of Dma I-`rum. snuwnltnnms huh ova Inornln from Olvoto Oounty. nonuwn ~ rum uni . mu uurcnun ruxncu cmm:u11oNnv. Coda Vvutor. Em-A Brands of CIGARS And BIOKING TOBACCOS. FOR JULY: ..__j - ._._,,-... Alto, 3 full assortment of CANNED GOODS I I 2' scream, Strawberrlu :2 aroma and Lunch Parlor always men. (CORNER FRUIFSTORF ARRI'VI.AIB. ]Pakgg'ngychong Japan Tea] Invnnnv nnnmn `l`l' Rolled Bacon, Bologna: and M sole 8 Juno IL . I877. April 5. I577, `ta--9 V... '2 IL-5 -V . 'uI_5_mm~ss+- JUST BEGEIVEII T0-DAY `: VII IJUIIIVM .7! HIV: vvnvuau n-an gnvinp. &o.. &o.. IIIOVATID AID BEITOIID. i- Iouctlhvorlonbononna ll! I1'BII1"I'o Ilooll haul Ilng.uu1 at Mr. I. Woodrcornu Bookuoro. n._ nongmyznws Oll JIILY 21'I ll. PRINCESS STIIIIT. Jril 5. I877. JUST gun and Mnplo 8 mp I In .1"! uoolunul oi-dyad 0 DOW -IIlIO IAIUPALTUIID OI AIIKD. AIIDIH IIDIQC T6 %hai'aun* _1ng gamma`: log I`? `Illa It Hot Iour IOWIII at APIII Indy hr In-vat and you Quid do Inlet In Ian lion IIPAIIII at GE 1.4.;-141 L -(Hi. I U vyy--w ..... my .. ` ...... _.., DI. TILGUAIIH, I PYllclAN AID BURGEON. OFFICI- lluth E Oman`: Drug noon. Imhlovvonal llallealol dc..GrI w ulllo A lulu J foufoctlolory. Straw- borrleo, Pllo Apple-. (Oranges. Inning. Jr. Cool, Pure and Plenty! `I'll! BRIT SODA WATER II THE CITY % ICI CIIAI PAILOUR will in open on 1 Quota : lllnldny. lama Radiant 8odaFounto.in c'ITVT=iiiL'ST6l}i} UOUDIO '.I'IIDCl'WO- Our Bunk of Bead: this oouou In moat. com Ieun and umnalvo |n every dopurtmom. and nvlng boon procured from tho moot mllnblo wort. we on oondomly recommend an to our omtoncn. jj I jc 1 XQCZCZC ` UTIIIIDCIIFII UL|.ll.l|lIl'l- do roilqo Plants. Ivor Flower Seeds. Ornamon Grams. New and Ex. Ohoico flower Seeds Gmdiouu Bulbl. Goldon of Japan. Double Tu . n...- unk of Knuth Lhln canon In mnnl. mm IIIIII U0 0III' OIIIIHNBII. `nan-n a DUNN Ulllll'Il- F553;: Mixed Grants: for Lawns. ower Beads. 0rns"mental Ohmban. fngnn Dlnnu uvvu -u-1:-'- -, ._._,...--_.. JOHN A. EADD')CK. Puhlhhrh Phlhdolplh. Eorb Buds. A -uh-ulbnu-ml Null I100! I101 IIIUW SURGICAL APPLlA)}CF.8 For I" dofnrmlllu Ind Imnkneaa of the hnlnu: Inna. ouch u single or double curative M` the uplno. hip, knee. Ihorl lhnlyo. crooked Iout, shoulders. wry neck. aw. ophn.h|pn, knoeo. Ihorl Umlymorooked I All lottn-1 must onnw n uump for Answer. Sud Itunp for "None: of Warning. hunt Priuto Modnonl worn and Tutimomuln." All order: lllpplh :1 only b uldrv-ulng PRO `. J. Y. EGAN. GA'RDMENAEEDH8. lecwi. a Iuscocn. _!`_'f"'.' '3" ,_ T $I'_l.J.`(;1'1l_1 'J.'\'. L) 56 Adflned II I mononl-luau ll1otlmo-notl:- to not out of nrdor. And very low lu prints. 8 but Iodll nwu-dad M. the Cenonnlnl xhlblt on on: All competlwn from all part: of the world- Cnu be con! per pun-cl pout. Bend name. P.0.ndlrou|nd our nun:-at Ex- preu ooo This 'l"ruu on worn duy And night. with gun. oomfomnnd never move; hon: position. which It rntalnn whl: everg mo- tlon of the bod . Thu old style: did more snn than good-t'n n mnyhe worn byn child. and and does not show. GILT-LDJUITAILI SPIRAL TRUSS nu-nut In . um-umz_luu. lnatlma--not) I48 PI Aprllll. 1:77 have n oopy. A srummb nonx. out to any Address on reqolpt of price-3100. ANOTHER-How to Acquire plnmpnou of form. Chill b ofllmb nod bounty of comflox ton." an ynnll free on Iooolpt of pr - only 25 out. I I-nan ung far Dnnbnl-A Oly K43 (BEE. A lure Onto fox Rupture In from Two to an Ionic, by the Inc 01 the our-Awulunu Q'PIhuIIguI-utood hr . Bold futpthhdlutrudonn. Ad'o::;|u sand `I a HIXIY 03181` 5 . 0! 0 t., u. bl-elm for la n u mu: 'l`HOS. l[cAULEY,- n.An -Annrnl. ' EKIYY `LT! Cjju-10 Ivory Tuobor. Psrent and lsuu-dinn ulxould Rent receipt prioe-$`A00. .- rnrrlt Iucenw In - 36$ TO TEAOEW` ,,.__ 010.. _L._ I1 _ _ _ _ . __J .`__.I:.... ..I.A.-IA Jnno9.ll77. | vifiiiiimrziiiiifiiiiij --_-.- -.-.- ., ........... Dancing. Bun Bull lamb. llowlng Bacon. 8Ln,Ing.aco., &o` Boo pm rnunmoa. Mosh uruhhed on a nun nt`25oonci. SPEClALNvTICE.- oatlvnly uo irltuuun Llquorl will be Allowed to bo uol on the Groundn. Tl(}KETs-A(lulln `L'x*: (`hlhhmn Ifm- In In Groundn. TlCKE`l`S-Adultn `!5c: Children I50; to be land at the Boohtoru and on the Wharf. K. H SM YTHK. Preaidont. K. J. B. PBNSI And T1108. SCOHAH, Vino-l'ran'ldnnI.n. DJ Whirl at I0 urn, lI:30 u.m.. `I. and 3:1) p.m.; nlurnin wn'oenubloaxcuruou- Inn to much the c I] n my hour botwodu 7 and I0 p.nn. The Iendld Brut and Qusdnllo Baud: of A BA KEY vi-I be pl-run! all day and owning. Ir_n___nn_ -3 ,., , .u . 1.. - I011 Wednesday,__25th of July.` :E-Ia-__N1a,] [nut 31. 3:g__socIn,] ' nnovzo TO anoox 31-.. opposite um Bqof Quinta Home. 21 Z-' RICIXH .,......_.. Valuable Prize: will be Gwen for all Description of German, n-_-:-_ u--- n_nn_._L n.._.,,_ n or IIIOIYOI. Hon the honor to nmouloo Ihn they will hold their I877. ] *"`s ::ama<.ianma`nnma; July 5, I877. ___.._.._._._. `ITIMIIRI will leave Fol U. Huxley`: 5 Whirl I0 lI:' MA mnrr sum Rh. TIIIID GRAND ANNUAL CIILNNII4 GROVE, JUIT n_I (nvm intent: or Invention Inpuguly uni Pnpotly Bound II 0AlADA.ln(l'l'lD ITATII AND IUBOPI o--. only ululrv-ulng Hnmiltou. Unl and nhlnn-D Street. nuuu-an. A. LIRICIIEUX. Boontary I877. M`=l;'UI'9 u nu and of . mg uyhulhphnntn.` mu nnnrnm Ilopihlt ICI|I'Mfb """ vjw ---v- -"-u nllduoou that Mhvunuqnoooo oi lbll About. an haul lcuoty.uhu-ul Lunnldo Pdnln sh llut. Dhuuolvldompn-9 Innouogquduanyothtdl-nu-uhulul uluultyoroonunubnnd a passive 5 nllotuhlohuunlouslruuuudby 33... Inc an potlof nun ndnv hduhouoo. The boolloladldnoh lino- oi." iI.'Ol.AV"8_iP_~c7IF7li igiijli j 0 \ :..T:1.uL"I:.. A 1 IIITEI C IJIVB-Il'. Alllll and A1'l'()lNlYl 1'-LAW h chunrv. Imuho buo- has Donlnln `I b ea-"`?..."'.`:': one-. """" 3!. I lII'fII.I.A. I I. I. wanoi. LA. Bumble for the proton! canons IN READY-MADE! an Stock blunt u- tonln,Intclnu ln utylo and qul|ly,nd u vu3Tmodc-nto (IE '8 FBI HIRING 000030! slides- n1.'|p`:nou.und In put vnrhly. constantly on n . PRINCESS STREET, (Nagy-ly Oppouh Mo Olly Bord. Khpttom.) and l`ns'l;ional>l-a Styles, Tl OIDII DEPABTIENT oonulu An Imncnu unorunont of Good: of the lFw99i2.-l9d8 'l The Largest. Most St llsh um Best stock for 3 Pur- chasers In the City. THosT'EALn, Merchant '1'a.i1or,C1othier Fuvwry on Wolllnnon Suwoel. _W. J. Crothersl lug I, I011 Dru run nunnnyoaunrtuuuuyg -' 3:33 I M. I lPutry and cafis in urge vmouesl IRIIH IVICI AITIIIOOI. And In! gentlemen who etuoy I cod Blnolo we. be on lmnd the famous IAVEI BR ND" And 5 Choloo Mnllln UHI()OT. AT OUR NEW STORE.` HAIIKET SQUARE. . v-nunahul. I111 [9 Watarous Engine Work: Co. BIANTFORQ. ONT. Jhvllluouu-nlvitnuu. bs.p..`;a.s,p Lemons, Grapes Apples, Oysters. j Coal on Still Falling. humid `g"uAnm' T IIENIIY BIWIIEI, Kmhineg; 1151!. Montreal Street lu3l.l Porlnell( uh Ind cull} muntr can In med .1 a. n no am of o 1.? IP00! CENTS I0 FUEL I0. wIllboh,bol|.rom new or y to porlootlon. Light. portablo chepg. on oubwbonuwhmnhnhtud. no I cl . h tablonul 3...`: `?' ii. ..?.G'$.1"...'.'.. .`."'......:....a. Cu examine. nd leave your on vush uzunv II A nnnpn Coal Oil Cook Stove. AT Iucmum um. And General Ounpinz On: hrtiu, A`l"l'lS`l`ION ! Eni %ciiITA%PT IIIITHIT UA|:l.a A I` SEIEI-S , :7` Tha only Pnotorv In Cumin when I-`RENCH Yon: snus no nude to order. ?ll}entlen1e_n's Furnishings ll :-lncenn Street - - King GEN 1`LEMEN'S Shirt-. A H L 8 Jsmnr rncronv, l'l'BIl'l"Iwo loan mu King. um Inn!!! "77. V 85 King St., Kingston. ab `1l.l877. LOWEST PIIIGES I CALL A1` Ashley's Shirts `War. -Z.-i-.-.-is-1---- 'X;i.Ia,'7-.;`.;}.:n;"i?:{.` IIIO. lllll IOIVO ]0|ll' OHIO?! Tunv mmsu, Id-cg-up IJ ..II Il-_A_-.. I and all description of wu YUKE BHII FOR THE Collars. THOS. BIALI. PI-lnoou Iltrnl. .---.- UOID at IOII. Oolanpd handy, Klnglbu, Out. '-::'-.5...:'.:'..-ts:.*~:.-.-.:::;*.:.,.-.'.:. uu.mm-.wuuic.u,oon.a .34 India oat in nu... .c.nsxlu..oa- mun-1...`:-rush 3 310.5006 Iuht Prloo nu pun nu. Ill DUIIIIO. asnnnmsl lfliou and Llunry looting: July IOII go !.'n|- `unp Inning. Lulu Ill '0 |tI- Ilnnotloltul Cirbthl n.._...4 an; A. In; ..aL.41. -_; n_n_._..n, K3001` IlvU'!'ll'Ul`|=: lzALUl%l`(-).l.'I Boll. nay Tau ad Illjlt u xjtujj 1% :&--r- OI YAVOUIAILI TIIC II LAIGI II IIAlalaIUII.hd|u|II|pdn. anun nonir 1-o Loni} NIT DRUG CD93 PRINCESS ITZIIT, which nlu ho Mlpolad of n no stock Llra in our. Q` Call Olll w . Alli I!Vuuud.'l`n7{uII|Iot 10001` P OI. I I this canon oftluo yuan no no well nupt- od In the o-mlntlou ol Ibo bounlful u I |ndy'r uooxualnonon bulthmuod nunsnp. A IRISH SUPPLY 0|` 'KlIIlIKlI LOIIO 5).)! Mn-n nvunr nmu xvmtma. um bl Encampment lo. l.`.thn `incl nd 0| In ouch month. at 7:30 o'o|ook.|t III - ' lhlhoornor of Brook and Garden and Flower Seeds 0! IVIIY VAIIITV AT llll. BBOVII'8 gv-|~u1- \.w-.- -wvv-'. DA. IOOI lo l6I-:IoIb0I|aul lobutllo vv u-I -nupuw -v----- - . ..-- lnllv. from Wllllnmvllle to the Cemetery every our. commencing at ! p.I. Tbolul M outvsrdu Il" ho mule M ll: o'clock. nd 1 0 Incl lnwuda G1. I I Illllllllllll LADIES A&D_ ROSES ` Street Railway Company I , I8 NOW READY, llnd will note Regular Trips -n_n-_, g___, -un-.,.,,,_,-n-- 4, A man 5.. | H H. I-nu nun--aua.y M|0O.=Ilu|Iuuup|o and at low pt-bu. Jul: 4. I87. smn` RAILWAY. ENGLISH PARCEL with Every Month, for August. hmy Honld for July. Bow Boll: tor Anut, &c., &c.. AT HEN DERSON S V Klnxnon Lady 74 3.3 ) \ it'll-II IVIIIY nmn nzvmmm. um Coulltoun M Apt!) 8. am. Ihe Thousand Island Patti] J. HALLIGAN & C0. Am-nu for the ANDROGYNOUB PATENT CIGAR `hide nuppnod n Iuunfnolururl prlmn. MnN1'|utA1. anma ALI! ....u nthnr prlmn. M()N1'EAL anmnn .41.: and cum lob! (imocu ll Iolm-an] prices. THE NEW BU8 -q-------- ]'1'ea.s, Sugars and L1'qi3E I I HAVE THE LARGEST uul CHEAP R81` STUCK 0|-' O1-out Joy, new Volume Moody`: Addrouu 80. 60.. kc. July 1`. I877. 'mvm__rumdiT ` ( - "C-3..'~"'*:.=`.~`:'-'-'- -"` on '9: not" "50"" I New Rnglmd Edition of Sankara I vvnnn nnnonlnlnn 0'11 D-hm Welcomo Tidings. the new cat col- Innbcnn l\'.lnnA4' an... A-uh-gnu Sumner : Lectures on Promotion \ in the United utes. 76. Ibsuriu Iindurgamn lanul oi" '1-Ahab : Il.oI..uI -0 IlI....a...x.... mane, by ouiu. 010:]: $1.25. Eolldgy Number of London So- ciety. Oomploto, 35. BEAVER GROOERY, Feb I2, I877. Nan the lurk Bqun. I Tint Lu: 0'LonrloI. I Lnnouhlro lg... |._Q_....a_ to n.___... no Iia-mm om or Vdhy In: or lnrybodyi ldghnonrl. by lnhhnrtnn aniline nf I'nInn`n NEW BOOKS Hendersun'sBuoksture. D-1-n-n Ag... I--n NU" IIll`IC4Il\I QILIUIUII VI @3115`, U Hymn containing 271. Price with Music. 80, or Word: only. K nan}: 5 cents. II vlvvluv QIILIll`U| BIIU IIVIVUIU VIII` lecuon of Bscrod Songs. embrac- mg new Byimu by the Inc P. P. Bills. 860. Eainin... soc vu -vIu;IIvIq] I IVIl'lIUVlIv VJ Habborton, author of Baton`: Bsh1u.Ohupontld1t.lon. 30. V Illll IX; D IIHUXIILIU "Eu-y. by rmcu n Burnett, 01:08}! Idltion. 300. "" ' ".} e$`..`2'.'4"p:`.`.`.`?.y. III ~ S"-s.':..m:'?"- *"'"*l NO. 189. WIIVII II DZ-ll. J. L MORRISON. Puuhlam nommggxrnv. CAIN!!! UYAV VIIII I`! ll UIIII, Dlnhnboupatnodmuovu-ado. On htulodou uncommon can spun. Una bottle in cured llrom-Mun. Minn worth hound unoldualdlngcou . ll uvoly aunt CItnrr|I.Auhnn url Cvou . nun want In ounad Crlelln cluvhua ndl sumo runny Inna Bank of sight} non uomllng. 0 sun ovdld nook. Iuumn, rhea-utbm unnuh. ecu:-mum at tho -nacho, ml rnmophal liloulthlmod pclnuq anus: any no -0010? when as In] bo,ur ha- I tuuoll nu nrbmh nlun-cl... inn "-....'..`:.:::':.-.'.'..':.?.-:'.*'...."':*.'.:'..'..: sad 1 blood] dyanury. Ou hoovunhl nun I uudhl oolhlll Ham. :1 Hlrrngll-.-To pn-van! or conquer dhouo ban at Ann gnuduc .1 alumna 0-nor Aland at by Ian. sud Bryn`: Pulnanlc WA Ibn will an Inn nun rough-.1-oldn. thlllnq in than thank and pulnwnary mun lnlnu. u wnr and poaula-nu vnll learn . van with I! luv! mwndui to owner in tar lud Io |nmIr~ nblo oou-nnpuou. and the um h M the Ittonpu noon HI: I! an la-uni, 'l o nultnt IIIII but man: known Iljho mu ur than ooluuatulo in Dry nu`: Pulluonlo Wotan vlurh have been thoroughly u-`mi fur the In: nmn v on. Mad have lot! hum known In ml. Iugon AM ruhllo sputum will uho dorlvn nouhuls um um 0| than sun In All Ilugon nu ruhlln sputum -.':::. ..::..'..".':a:.: :..-:t- by F.LEC'I`I_{_IC IT Y ! Thonuu I'.'z,-Mgr Erlocn-lo ml. I'I.`.'~'-I T uvlp-'3I"X"c'5.. `I . " 'l`:iuiir.ii Vx Bov.-A few cleye ego e women, frentio with grief, cellrd on the Superintendent of Police in New York to recover her pet dog, e lovely terrier, that hed been etulen from her hotel. She of- fered erewerd of tilt dollars for in re- covery, went to the cg pound, eeeiohod emong the unhe my end (f(|0ln0d oeninee there confined, ietributod ninuey emnng the ettendente, end heeought them, with ineny teen, to look out for her loet dll`lln`,dlllflbll!Od oirciiliirii ennteiniiig A printed deecription of the dog, tele- grephod to the police eiipuriutomlente of the neighboring towns, eont willinut din- ner end drove eround the ntreeie III e ceh, whistling, weeping, eml ceiling. end went into juyoue hyetarice when, ebuut derli, the loet dog wee recovered. enil went to eleep with it in her ern.e, eml it ween't until hreerfv-eet time the nut iiioriiiiiu eho leerned thet her little ilnugliter, three yoere old, hed elept ell night in e down town police etetinn, heving been found crying in the etreete by en officer ehout two hour! before the dog wee lnet. nu... 'n~uo-a-vauu nu mama: vuu` I...-m. -Then, hering ratchet` A gun}! pueltiun, in which lhO wee fecing hor hunhend, Mn. Bot! poured em in e tnrrenlol len- gnege the wrong: which eta had received an I wile,` during which it in iueertod Mr. Bolt turned cl! the an. end I voice was heerd in than dnrknc-ee uying none but goeeipe would Iiecan to hie wi!o;1o which eleminine voice inetenuy replied (her. the kind ea much right to he heard uthe young pereon. nnd thet ii the {gang person who hud broken up her me wee talking, nil would listen. The nae voice than charged him with heving violated hil marital vowe, end to hue noted unlike lhe oonvonliunel huebend And putur, and ending by I juotilioetion of her oouree in leaving him. The voice then coued, end Mn. Bun wu soon 1. leue tho church, going ta her mother`: house on Second -(rent, when ehe in uny- in,` with her two children, mlelivo to whom the deolered with 5 true women`: elrneetneu, eh: will work her nger: 05 to eupport nnd tench in e becoming mnnnnr. um names, nouunom. on Tuuduy evening In! tho Twolh Baptilt Church wu lighted up. and re- ligioul union were nonduotod, the palm oiaiuing. Among thou present. was the young ponon with whom Mr. Ben`: man In: auociuad in the recent trial. Al the service wu nboutto clnna Mn. Butt wnjdilcoverod in the oice, And Min Younger, n that: lady walked into the church, quietly left it. .h Mn. Bun came up the able she was warmly grutnd by mum of the fonnlo mo-mborn. who were aid to see her. `Nu, she oxclnimod. `you would rather an that young person.` `FL... I........ _.-- -.l _ ...... tll. _ Mre. Boti. he: now tekon up the endg- el egeiuet her huabuul. Last week ehe went to a neighbor`: houee and uked im- breehleet. declaring that her huubaml would lumlah her neither food nor mun- ey. During the preceding night there had been nine domeatio tun_nult. The neighbor: hed heard the cry of `Murder! which, an explained by the Rev. Mr. Butt. waa evoked by the fear of his wife that there In a men in the home. Shurily alter. while the cl-nrgyman vma absent, Mn. Bun eumrnoned to hear nui- deuoe A number ol cannon, and had ell the furniture in her home aaving the appointnenu of her hueband'a study and wardrobe. rimmed. breaking up the houeehold. n.. 'l'..-..l.- --....:..- l--| nu- m_-uu. The Twollth Sweet Bnptiu Church scandal, in which the Rev. Mr. Bot! ll tho principal gure. in: come to tho from spin. Mr. Don. nu recently tried for adultery with Min Youngor. I noun. bor of hi: congregation. but the jury {tiled to agree. mvmg to tho 0bItiII.n'y of u deacon whu hold out [or the aqua- tli. Dlugnoofnlj Donn In 5 Phllndolplln Clnurch. [Zg}i1fsti}i"aenig Io Incl Fnjun who from the club : My wife In: uilul 3Itl.n,.!| ht Uncool belnro. lurtmln her 5-. men I noon on that calm night When In: the not Inc at tho nu. And Iroudcr. ville bar syn an: lull. ll out I. In thy: to none,` Ihnll IIII ll. lnd been cmuln Wlll. sun at Ioou.or nu-at month, Just In hon lnuod ouoo tluulgtl, Aug lvooluno hvrmnlnlly uh|nu lolrvollg . I qu II 8::-stun: no In 3 In an A uhuuquun _v.nIl and Mr, Will hm-bu syn. and oak 5 want 0!-- Iull In all It auburn hair. `Plano unnuc -oath, V Jgu tluuhh. Oak oouln hoop ll` . on n . {.401 ya I how I though you won my couch: wun. ANHOOD , RI-JSTORED. _ Vlnupg of y-ogthfnl IQRIGQO. whoa `jaw-pvyruu-tutu: 3-Amman I local Ian- "jj` Rjl-9&1 : Vienna: 01 yunlhfni Ewe P: k Ooh! ..'."`"' ":"...2 .'.'?.`..'a. ...a"'.1| ya Iy_ ulgohoQ._AAIy nun! `Iva:-o, mu so. um. 00000! Will. IIV. WI IOOII. Punoonn. 0. ll. LAVIIJL. I.D{. I.O.P.I.. 0. (bio hunhoaulflnluay.) D0311 ml Alf. Ol IQIIODIIA mutton Hm -::.~*- v- Pnnpouu Ippl mi rhllkuu. ' rlhl hvlutlol In utoulad to all hollnu. [nun laden Journal. Jhudp lucid. Wilding Bom- 1.....l-__- Ill!!! uuvbtn, %3m%rr .,.L'::..-.-.:.' nlhvhhl term nlvluuhr. ml ionth. at o'clock. at Llsltoonor IINOITOI. I'll! at M. J0hI'I,l.Il..".0I'.OnI'I vuu In-our - ul vnlodnwhr J uldlun voloth `M M`. -inc: nu _0Ioo.C|nI'uu N.c[wdh . `a$`.{':.`. annel Woozls. Agent. at the New lesbian. Ilnnton. .4.-nun . -IAnI\nn|I __LI|_L__ ii immo- nun pron vOOl0.%Io the hnhlbwd Illonn. Iun It. ohn':,l.B.`-burden Inn lnnodhr ulxnulo dnwhr u nut to the "`.i='..'3`-3`. 22.`. 1 with shoal I7.WllI!;uu-used unconta- ln CI Ital. In ndtlltlol N tilt largo {and moon Ho have clnndnbcd null-Ilyolu `ITGII XKWXI U Til:-d yhnpnIdovotuI30,000 I. kl - n-uiifiiignm .m ' lists A 0:- | uvmoouounou & cums] FlRE'AND LIFI , Insurance Company .-n-.--. ma non u-nun: an HA8 (Hill ON. uotul Anon. I7. Wynn:-and unsound- Cnnlul. fII_Id Ital. In Iddll the pa no chi Inn and wealthy pro] DRESS GOODS on nmlnno run. run`: VIEWI or 1-In umuncuxrr Icumn-. 0|! 0! lb Ind publhulou our luuod ll Analog Effet Your lnsurancesl Jun U, W1? ugbl-C July 3,1877. THOI. III Olcmcluueo 00.:-gpudonh lulu ,'I IE7 which IhO!yI.:l It In .30: par Jung II '71 7]-\[ll Bubm-Ibo: In pnpuod an app! on`: Iowan. uh! I: Inuit! can to 1 wet hln. with 0000 AND PUB! IOI. I-aouhooh. Solomon. Hotel: and ch public In gounl npplhd In qunm . All order: romptlfy scandal In. 1: II -Ivan rnoulollvnyyronptl ...'?o`. H hon yourouhnulho Dion of {In Dnioalilf. It 50 QUIII IT, Klnnlnn. _ ____ _ 0! tin Du` Klngnton. and w. In your f;iVIlfin' '_ IoriIIIt_ ' ' .g=,p'Wawrnr br u."a'5unu knot `I ichmnnq_&_Boyden's. 7vo1. XLV; Iny III, I877. Monufcctnoozug *c'ovqroouonoo-a, Juno N. um. public an nannoc noun 3 vuollh proprloury. I` has ol uuuu on low Illl ., Thu mnunvhunnhlovetllll IREAT GLEAIIIO 8|! n . -"u..`1..3'{. . .3';.'. n..... .u. `fhlncczyhupudovotl .01!) not I. ,,,, ,, F .. SALE. 3.; .-.::2.--:-.-.-. oIv'IiTAbIi"T:6L1Fc. [III PIISIIVINO. _""`?9! nJOHN IAALONEY. CIILP; .'-:"Z:':'aE.'-7-r.-..=-`l duchplnn. jD'l\(1 BROS- Plumbing and Cu lmlu as` won an `rlunltllu. YOUNG LADIIU JOURNAL for Aunt. IVII IOITH do DI` BILLS fur JIIV. N} J)? 01`. IIITAII for July LIIIUW H0 . do GOOD WOIDC do CUIDAY IACAZINI do [em noon STORE] \ RAVI `PHI LARGEST and BEST STOCK of Onnhgee and W gone between To- nlto nd Iontrool. and um. thus hull Ilnol will null 10 I095 per cent one: then say 0% party In the bulneae. I intend- ln` purohuun to call u the dllnon: WIN- noue In or about Klunlon end nee l'nr then- nelvee who he the lumen end but hook and who III]! the cheapest. Pulloullr Ithntlol pnld to ell hull: of no poll-lug. All work warranted to give entire Dtllfntlon. G. W. ROBINSON. Jun-g II, IIIT, _ i Robinson : Wofks. E08 in return hi: ninooro thunk: to h friend: and the puh'io of Ihecity and v | clnity for the inborn] pnuonnze ha ha: rooelvod Ilnoo oolnuonoing hminsu hen-,snd would uh thin opportunity of informing than that in consequence of the rapid increase of nude in has found it nooouury ro obuin inrgox pm nine: in which to do the work. Having IONIL od tn building well known A: Phipps-'5 8000 Iutory, Johnson MI-oat, Ind having Added new machinery pad can vonienooa Io ennbie him to do every description of work even men mplly than hitharm, boy in solicit 3 con- wlnnooof tint. iibernl anpport which he has received in the put. lid Glove: ciunod in A few hours ii requir- od. Oltrioi Font-Ion cleaned sud dyad every day on gigs promiua. Biunkota, Laos Curuinn od. Ontriol Fucker: ery on the romluw n all II n of scouring done on tho ohomm notion. UI`PlCI-'l hm doors above Puk- h|ll'I, Princess Street; WORKS-- Johnson Ilrul. Kinguomont. OSBOIIN. I1 IUIIIOUI CUITOIIII and. "' .`.`.'.........L.' '":..'ia`2`.-. ...: " "THE PICTURESQUE - IT. LAWRENCE! Mon Emory of tho 3! .2? '" own: and Owen on It: Innkn

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