Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Sep 1877, p. 3

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Sou: Bu-rn.-'l'ho regular weekly Ilhnry muting o! the Young lien`: Olllhn Auodndon will be hold st their A no-no-mm, when Mr. J. n. Dupuil III and u pcpor ontitlod "A brio! Ihhl of tho Iohr oyuhln. All young an no invited. The muting oom- Inuuotadclook. Tulhll III 1`_oulo 2nd Ill, I0Oll1I`I' IIIKI [U01], llllulun unuuw-, no any nuialnnba, we Iul utinliod tln result Ii" not only be ntinhctory to thou concerned, but Alan I Gnnncinl ulc- oeu. We notice theihci that uathing bu been loft undone to complete the - worlu, not only in the moat nubaunlinl nunnor, but to introdnoo tho moat. modern (although expensive) improve- monu. The . Manna, Mr. F`. W. Stncknll, hn last no time in porlocting tho nrrougonnnta, Dlld in this oonnootinn we might mention the nmiring clan: of Mr. Killalinl, ihg Superintendent, who hu watched the building of tho an uid chimney with n critical nnd uporionood up, and to whom much credit in due for hi: careful unen- tion and knuwlodgn 01 how Iuoh thing: Ihuuld be done. mi., u,_.-|.;.... W...h. -ill he a tyrant. ` Total: In day. 668 537 Tqtsb `Ind day, 669 636 ...-_.__u ..- ...__---..--... Grind tolnln, 1,! 1,073 l,(B'J 3,943 Victory hr the America: (can by 9? points. ._. COO Unmaoy III lll'E,Il up:-us; u u... Iluntono Hooking W-uh viii lake V plan. All who no invited villhoox puudtopnunnluirinviwiuueudnn \ tho gate, olao they will not bdaduiuo-1. The Conpuny have shown gnu viqx and ontorprioo in tuning this shit, And In trout. they will be u Inoouulul on (hair emu-to dourn. lf public opinion in my guide, sud strict Motion to buni~ togolhotf with good, hilhful unicorn, --- -_- -..l.i.-an an Incl ntilnd HAD . ~_..----.. Gruld lotlll, 1.143 l,l0l 1 IIIOGOIIIO, wiltltly In Iuluuuny -nun.-, lair to cloudy truths: and possibly light O--~- - Pnouuuh for tho nut 24 houn- For the BC. Lownnoo, nodorllo winds. `kit nothor. For Mnritimo Provioou. nodonu, nourly Io uoushorly Inndn, 1-1- A- -|_..J.. _--n.... --A -mnnlhln II-hi. 1...: ..E."." ll npnciTuuQ,ouuvooioIoo ol unap- Iout and choc-nlixuol sppoincnanb, and above All Ibo 0 `may ol out and ouolnl oonddonuoo he on of rain, the American out, Bonus, In: or on unnng Ibo Honk of tho mu: _ an-don ndnn. . \ Pncuun.-Thu` OM up: Tho ooh. "Prhco Allrod In boon pur- `duolfnu III Hours. Iolpr by It. I. E. Rullotd lot tho sun of Iona (hound In hundred dolls:-n. IIIILTIIIJ WOIID. Iona! opening on Irljny Ion. ------ -- ooo$A. .- 1110 Great Rule lurch. lllnu an I I--I. day, M8 647 day, 76 BM ~_..u-.-. --~ coo- _. Mr. (hunter, 90o__. MARINE. m;n'1sn w1 ue. } MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 1.377. 1.066 I .079 1.629 1,013 ounuu we won I0 any uuppuuu Inn: 3 copy at tho Ohtuco Advcrtiur, which dunk: unnl column to I description 0` Winnipeg, Ind publish: twenty four out: in ilhmntion of its unmr. euu uvlnnn ue uu: uvu--uuu-u -nu vv-u no-Ie no more. Oh, if thet. were eo, whet e gull exieted between June nnd us. He wee the bridge which crueaed the rlieeui. and if thle bridge be ehetleled how ere we to drew unto the preeence ot(}od. llut ee to Hie eeoond coming. They had nothing but rereletinn to elinw that he , would oome ; end it ie reeeonnble to think thet He who hed identied liiineelf e-V cloeely with our nature: end interuiitii ehould come luck to the earth which Hi! beptiled with Hie blood. But they would have lied but conjecture [or it Wllllfrllt the reveletion of God, in the distinct light thrown by the epoetlee upon it. l{ Ohriethee eeid He will come e.zi\in, He will come; end if the ep ietlee held up it lively hope ol Hie returning to the Church. their words will be fulfilled Mid the Lord will return in llie glory. lle, here noted eome of the peeeixgee of ` Scripture reletiniz to the Lrd'e eecnntll ooniiuu, end he liret dwelt upon the mys- ticel number eeveu, of which vuentian in mede eo often in the Bible. The tire! of theee reveletione ceine from the lmrtl Huueelf when He intieaeted that He ehould be killed, but thet He Illuill-l Lo reieed on the third dey. Alterwerd He eeiil the Son of Men ehuuld come emiin in the glory of the l"ether, end with the 811- . gele, to rewerd every men eccording to. hie worke. Agein he ieferred to the im- blenien who tied qnne to eeeli e kingdom ln e for country. He took Scripture to menu thet thie uubleuieu wee Chriet, iuiil thie fer utf euunlry Heeven. thet king- dom the title deede of tnheritenoe of which the Fether lied pliioed in II hllltll. Agein, when in the Temple fur the last time. when He hed poured out the mile of Hie wreth upon the Scribes enil Pherieeee, He made use of theee wonle. "()JerueeleInl U Jerueelem, hnw olteu would l heve gathered uiy Ollllllfrll tugellirr, even ee e hen gethereth lltf chicln-ne, end ye would not," end later He pliiiiitively edded, "llleeeud in 1].. thet oumeth in the mine of the Lord." Speciel menti-in wee nude 0! thie event in the prophetic diecnureoe of Metthew, Merl: end Luke. At the Supper. on the eve of llie crucixion. with feeling: of love. And the deepeet intereet in Hie F.4- ther'e purpoeee. He eeid. "In My Fe- ther'e houee ere meny ineneinue, I go to prepere e pleoe for you; end it I go to prepere e piece for you I will come euein, to receive you unto niyeell, thet where I em than ye me, be eleu." Thet pleoe ie the Holy City, with the rnyel paleoe in which the bride ehell dwell with Him for evermore. (tn leve- rel ucceeione the Lord directly end by impliceiinn, declered to the Chriniinn Church the feet of Hie coming. Even when He hed tekeu Hie ight, when He hed peeeed lrom eerth. He eeut down two engele to eomlort the eorruwing die- oiplee by the eeeurenoe thet He would come egein in like nienner ee He hed drperted. He dwelt upon the de M l'enteouet, end the inuence oi the Iloly Spirit, end he pointed out thet n1 ither hed en beering upon the eeooml oom- ;.... nl .hriet._ end he lllllil lnrther oile- Iluy, nun |q;vu'|| my ugyu-uuvv of mortal lilo; ho lolt tho Father`: boaoin, came to rd: and val made man. Thom wad-no other truth which ahpuld ho held with it Bruin grasp than thin incarnation -~that. the Son of God. the only and eter- nal Son ol God, wan main man, and that the two naturn, tho human and the di- vino, won unitnd nover mom to be napa- ratod. Hi: humanity wan real and com- plete, nod wanting in nott.iui(. [la would not have been man it the will of humanity. the intellectual facultimi, had been wanting. He started out with thin auumptioii of the fact to which nll Scrip- ture tutifiuil: that Juun Christ was fully and iudood man, that He died on the (iron, that He run again, Ind that His rolurroctiun in an real and an thorough in His incarnation. Tho iolurroctinu in our day was lilJ by a alondor grip upon the faith of some man. They think that the uintaiiul body of the Saviour did not rile from the dead. Not Where was it then when nought ht the tomb by thou narrowing woman? Where was it when the angel: naid. "Us in not here but has risen," and nothing roniainad in the oepuluhro but the wrapping: of the crucitiud mic. Wu all this n niiike bu-~ liovol WM Ho juggling with lli.i dis oiplcal That body which win h -m oi the Virgin Mnry, which hung nu tlm cross, and which wan buried in the grave, win rnilad from tho dead, the lame and yet "mother, the uimo in mate- rial yet eiidawml with the power of angels, trantgnred and made to suit the wliitl and dentiuion before it, of being unociatod with God throughout the age: of eternity. And with that. body He uoundml into Heaven, and theirs lit: at the right hand of God : or lie stands, iutoroodiug for us at tho gulduu altar of the tliroi 3. Many boliovo thnt the body of Chriut dilappoarod with than resurrec- tion; that alter pauiug from earth it resolved into cloud: or other ; thnt the soul only became a pure Ipirit, onterod the depth] of tho God-head and was man Oh ll thnl uni. nn -hat n had booting me aooolu com- ing of hriot, and ho Inadu lurthor cita- lion: in tootioaony 0! this aooum tion lrom tho writlngo ol Pot" and Pan and tho othor apoatloo. What did thooo words moon I Ho opalo honoot wozda lo lmnoot mon. Ho ooicl honoot Iordo bo- cauoo they won Irxtton by tho (Jud u! tho Chumhmho had alao [iron rovolatiou .' thot "ll children may undorotand thom, bo guidod by thom,and rotod by-thou. Toll mo, and ho, cant ooo word: nu-on onything but that tho non Juno Ohriat will ono day norm bout to notch in pot- o..u, in bodily glory? Tho] had boon modo to moan oaroot doo] umro, and no proooodod to rofor tn omno nl tbooo nio- mtorprotationa. Porhapo tho moot oonr non of than to tho bollol that whoa tho Lord aoid Ho would oono again, Ho noontotdootmtoooparatoooul Iron: body. out! convoy tho lunar, with tho miniatu- ing ongoll. to tho ol tho lI`athor'o throno. llut ho ho that Ohrtot could o I planly nl dooth Ihon ho dooitod it. ml said. `I hovo Iniohod any ammo,` llo did not ooy. `tho limo boa ocuo Ihon tho Loni Ihall votorn in tho clunda and toh no to Himooll. ho! ho addod, `tho lino B othond. Tho Lord know two to own: llnooll ol loath whoa ho doolrod SI; and it won d--ing tho vlalonou to tho lard`: Iaaguugo to Ioy thot u coming in tho oloudo. and ooaonponlod by angolo. Iooant dodh, that ghootly agony which HOCIO to doolroy, lot though `Ho diod in lort, and {or a timo loll hooootlu his advonary, Ho yot cuuo W ICU F!!! V-I-u-5 wu- xjj _ `' oorlntd Joan Christ. Hi: in! theme up in alumna to Hi: oouing ` ngnin in tho mody. Ho commenced by taking, In it Iran. for In to look into the (own? In it not bottiug humanity to loqk lorwud and auquire can-nmiua tho dutiniu of our nee I 0! the great ovens of which the Botiptuuu certainly spoke, the coming in glury and unjuty of our Lard Juno Chrini llo cum once, nndu inctrnotiod In 1 and fuck. Ho Ill born of I virgin ol the ` `hquu 0! David, onlond into our hulna. ` Int], and pulod lhlongh the oxporionoo ` ..l ._,.p6..l lilg- L; I." ah. '.l||Ap'n I-gnnm . but man. 4 :o'-olucl Rn. Ir. Inn dcliund the int ol I oorioool four UIUWI TIVFT I- IIUIU III I TIT VI |v\II nu-noutouchhgthcpoond viii! ...... 1...; j.... ohm us. a... num- \.lll.ll1'l Wl. Iona. py l.o'v..-Ir. Anlrun. unlmliml Wllll lh-~ nwun Kumulunhur um unme- nml ueetlnnt llm nunmluro ui Nurd 0: Co.iI on such |m4`lI;(c~. Mid hvnllunuhuimdaucn lixwn L-AnTI*s7 comes. I .-.-.- . 4 Iliu-|wII'.-1 In-lxmlonn lmprou-cl lmlla Ilublu-r Porous Plaster. DIP A lvlnulr.--u u wuu vu, $00 with the nnnounor nut (too Inaiuo Ito ooolnnnoo) of d .|lII 0! Hr. Juno: 1 AL- Tu; Y In-r Mu In lhr Ilomllnoll. run uogow rrmly for In In | I-w hunn Apply to l)A\'Il.\S(), DURAN h (:0. 1.... ml Iii`? lay, OHU UK (H0 gr nf the Church hf but cumury. The In that "II cunning ll Jurmg the hf~1imo Hun, Na) dull" Ha I would uppur that anus tuuoduoonl up : into ncozumian at ukodnou. um! tint by renurnpctiun sud traustui-rn the Von clothed. Paul nid tho but thou three cm-huum wu thnt. of being dulbod upon. "0 did not `Int to die, ho lnnuod to be clothed upon own without dying; but if he mun uh hip chance etther tn live on. or be relieved at lhll life and its temptations, ho could nther ho 'clut.hod at -n." This In the run nntl lubuhmoo o Aymtulic touching. There wan uuuther mutter. It In nit] thn! It l'uutc:-at. Chriat cunt with thu Spiral, for that I work: nhauld be ful- Iillod tn the prounco of tho Comforter; but after Pentecost the blouod_hopo Ill 1-til|hel.1 out of Mt: returning. Suppouing Hu did come in the Spirit at Poutooull that did nut exhaust the tcruno! "II no- cuud returning to earth in pol-tun Md in holy. The unity of Chxilt and tho Holy Slant its fully recugninod, but tho] Iofl ulna aepuate and diotmct. Onoo more: He heard I clergyman uy that the Lord came after (ho fall ul Juruulom, nut that |l`l.`I`A! mu nn other com mg. St. John`: rev:-Intmn, howuvur, Ir.-ta wntl.-n after the destruction 0! that city, at)! III the chapter of that apuulla-` Kl'lKtl|,,'l which he had read. the wound cunning was lpolon uf. (Mutt. xlu ) \\'hen ttm lxml said that this genera- tn--n nhull n-`L pun nwny until My not: be fultillml," wlmt if he cuul-I not Interpret H. 1 Th:-y umtul not inturprut I" the do- clarnlintts at ` -i mtru. Ila woul-I nuke I _...a .J ll.-hnn `lnr. clinch the pron-mu alumna spasm Io- tlce. Paul had rolorud totho burthon -0! thin lifmnud lnom oat` tun! mild it would that do: iuttod into ncondilin ukodncn. ran SALWJVII to LET: Two Brick Houses. light looms. K :10: sud (ollu, Vary Unq- forhhlo And vol] Chop. but victxiouu. Than '30- no Juan Inuihounuul s-ll tho put ol an Chunk than can she should, with but low for the Lord And fooling: fur the Bride, cub- uilulu death I-vr Him. and II ouuinglot Hi! cvnmilng. Thoynhuuld I03 .0 Ifllii 1-I (loath. Tie Lani nah ii 050$- Inuoo of the spirit int Ni. and 3 has n in non Inhabit I065! dbng dind mul. Then were twotliua to which die pun-slut dindd Ipochl no- un luul hm] ralornul Iotho I Aug '2. "77 An. 2|,lI71.` `m 89.13 ope charter. REV`. WI MOORE. l'|zuIc|nI. ' B;-rwlulp nnnnlkm put! to llulo And It. ` r nae! I In 0 ' ' '" "W1. moms. HI). II". Boeroury. I OI IOKTHIEAL ITIIIT. Thu wv--|_|-hjlnwn fun And pour Inn Tu. mun. mm In lhn um am the llumimon. (`In ingot II. II. nu r_ron. y wr nid Oanadian Tweed Pa.nts.. Fine PantL........... A Good All Wool Suit... Tweed Vest: from......... Oxford Oren 8hirt.|....... do- Chino- TIIE ootuini non cnocsnv' In receiving he tell Stock of new ten, the yeere growth; Intern. Iyrnpe. lrntte. Picklel. Ienoee. Lemon. Orenge end Oitron Peele, end the lergeet euorunent of other Groceries end Oondhnente in Oeetrel Oenede. We buy in lerger qnentttiee then my other house In the city, having greeter fecilitlee for dlepoetng of Goods through the Golden Lion. end our Drench Itoru tn lel1ovllle.Brock- ville end thleolty to e lerger circle of people. than enebltng ne to eup- plyhnmel to e better end cheeper edrentece then others. [?' All how (loud! um Cluoal-or Ilns Full Hm lulu.-on-lion lot Ilontml ml Kingston "unis stand at Damn, but nhun not Inproud. . For Hmdsome Goods, New Goods and Cheap Goods, go to }H|CKEY & lLETT S 1THEfNEWYUHK CLOTHING STURE THEIR Vl|l0lE SUMMER STOCK AT COST PRICE-MID LESS Has Reduced His Summer Dress Goods Very Low To the lnlanbllutu 0| um my and the Surroundlnx lllntrlct. 1 800 Pieces New Dress Goods---New Styles. New Mattalasse Oloskings. $1.00. 1.60. 2.01). 2.50 and 3.00. New Fancy Dresses, 12 1-2c. 15c. 20c. 26c. 30 and 35c. 300 Handsome Wool Shawls -Extra Cheap. Navy. Seal, Myrtle, Plum Cashmerea. 50c. 60 and 75. 100 Dozen New Kid Gloves. 2 Buttons and 4 Buttons. :I`l..~..~ Hoods arv um-Ir to our own nnl.-r uml xxnzrnulml I FROM 'l'l)kU.\'T)-\\'ll.l. llll SOLID '|Tll|)U'|' IHCSERVE, In J. G. S`tralwu's 01:] stand. Next to Ilcmk-ruon`u Bookstore, 0ur In-mly-lule Stock In \l'eII Assorted nndpll Ilnrlu-cl Down VERY LOW. - ~1 A Bankrupt. `Stock of Blamkets, Carpets, &c., .----o&o---- ltn|npuIo.-Th:ough the kiudnou of sltknd to day Illppliod with - ..._ .1 n.- nu... 4.1!...-1.`...-. -hich Jul! Ru-mvulen 8 Inmlul A-cannon! uf Flgumn. om Pnou an ad and um Io-on luleu. I101 m?& AT WALDRONG. louuhuudtn its had um cum to bu no noel thus. our Iuuiucu in has luptthln the any or mm In an- unused uunl-uh. uuhnuoupvo-t an the phyla nut to mould not our In lulu; at tho also they run-mo lot mu noon). GRAND GHAWNOE for Eur TWEED8 Ah now ncriul RPLINBII) BARGAINS IN TWREIH. having I Lnrgo luorl on haul and -lustrous M" Clou-`mg than oul baton lhn Fall. In hnvo ll-aunt thin rqudleu of Cost to pnonu cu; I'|ll mppt the almost lruydrb. - ~ . - - ..-n ,,n__.nIL-j Goldon Idol: Grocer ` __.--.QAQL TWEEDS I Sept. I0, I377. Sept. 14. I877. Sept m, l876r Ty! pruluuq uuy-u-uu -on vhulqlouuoluudsyuhool. Iopt II. IE . 8090.15. 137:. I LJUKUII " l'I`ln~u~ Hm w. L Ion: ao GLUHLILUUS NEWS T FUR KINGSTUN .' KID GLOVES IN ALL THE LATEST BEADESI OOMMEIIDING ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 20TH. (All New and Monmuan-rim at 00. Iulovl AoclI>I1Ir.-1`|o (huuqn kuhqplr. Wu. Inch. a trust and Instant Anal. 0! lhnhgtoa, Iludlivlunur no Rolland, jun Iutdln. `ha. Dclpltofl. out ch; 1003. Iuloll tloubbbnuyby u..\.u_...n|. 5.... -nu. 5...... CBIUOCII. lldulhbolln 'Iuu.`.nh.h....t .5. mm H. DIIIIlII|&h aoM|Ioh|I- _.. IA -_. .L._.u 41-; Ann L. nunlul R. WALDRON S. Wilson's Buildings. Iris-mind HATS ud CA PR. 2 All Goods uoritd In Plot: . pd Anal nu / Princess Street. NEW` G-00133, l`)-\\'ll.l. I'ITlI(_)U'l' ~01 / KOXAIIGETCX `& 03$. (4-nm King uni hiatus 5\. _ K PI"! |'A|N |`&IA' I'l qIL||lh' lu Hm-* HIM II `I `III. |n~l lmml nu-nr NF. l'I(I.`1I`.`l uxtru WM and Iha war] ....I an lhrln If run I mm in l.I|c`:' uvlhh wrummr Prices Lower than Ever.) no ALL THE GENTRY ur II II lIX"IlTI'IlII. Oppulu In. In:-gun` Ina loch Ihn PlHN('ll.Hll HTREKT KINGITON. IHWI A WlBL.-vI nuuruuq II.I| B5,: lam belonging to Ir. Wad. Innllld Ih Hallway Ions. heron Ouulquoud Kluplou, by some noun Hdtlhlolgltbooovorlug ol I well on Ila podlluol ll. Iongboy. I lur- X` living Ion It. Wuih. and loll to n.L.u... . am... no third: hat. w1LLm"rE DAVID, lH.\l.I!2I IN V New and N-rand ud Goods `% CHEAP JOHN to the owner. WI. DAVID, Till (`IIIMP JUIIN. Pp-um.` gun. P. [walla IMI-[in Inna, lung`, ._ , .,,,._ -.__4 I Ibo lhuhnoc Quart" 1! lot It Ito sch (losuuuhn of tho Towuohlp Inu- nloium-uolumhq at Ann lg-nnl nmnl-I lnud.thv-nunuutvo Dual 3 Hunt. or pk-0. lour Wrlll of vualnn-n 4 Anna on Llnham. nu an-douuulllho with hits. Thu hour-v Ln. but ruin. ab us. an hut in ma Tnw . huluoblo Properly liuhohd talk at Iudglu -alum: . pnparqun punk-cl v nu onomnl dun. In lint; punks; x Tupopam hwplmlnnlb usnnluwnuototlarvb. Anlxuv --.-- -AnAIL Q_.._-_ Z. PREVOST, III LII livid. I llnpmll. III] id, IIY. SK LAUGH VAIIIJ PAKIIAGI IIII 010 Spring Waggon: Mal ling`). Apply - In urn-u vi vu.----.. ..,.,., .. WM. DAVID Own ..;,___ n_-|.._ -l_-g-- HA` Tn Puloxnumr.--Ru. Dr. Grunt. d Inlu, in bdng App:-cached in con- nation with the Ptinoipdnhip of Queen : Oollqo. W0 culnut any that the rover- ond pntlonnn will ucupt; but if he don (lo Oollugo in much to be congratu- ld, than be in n pntlolmn ol unknow- Itdjwd ability, And one who would nnko a worthy cannot to tho puunt popu- lu Ind Impound occupant of the tint chino! Ch Uninnlly. ' an In I! I - I'II-`II. I}, W I plank-~ lvavr lhmr 1-ruler: Illh `I ,1 In: llA\'ll| -... I-IIGKEY & |l.ETT'8, l'l{lN(IE8S STREE 0 I" K I .\'h'.' 7'0 .`\' .' lf'C_BA.`ALE. Kl.\'(-'S'l'()I\'. For Sale. luvlc nlurnxln HAND Tu lIl3l'()!l! ml WILL - -ul|. ll all the Iwulihg m Iuw-vn. Plum nlvl TWEEDS I -I Mmul.-Hlntha run, and Shlruup. ` ` I bum.--`l h_uun dnin us up at 413.3. low In the ._I. I j'IV|qI$'ut. warns. nun -cu w Kiting: China at thin-Q loot, lluohnolouddcd nut Burning. Iiolpoviarullogullhvo nun who vcuconhgonhounsuonthul to hint: Ipldllyu account ol loul iywhldlhq un may auteu- 5.1 !"r_.;2_*.:___'**'tm _ Ination.--TIolcI-shut: Bank at Oudoglvuuchnh chocouda Gu- dlulonluth-oluook. ---o3o-..__- 1 w XIX, IlIIIIvIInI- . lI$0QNotlIIHl|UnoouH IIOOI$|hI|Iq*IIIto;|n|Io lnlvqnhbuglln 3 pnuriou ...-ll: % ~ T IOIDAI tum. III . 11. m7. Down A WILL.-OI Thursday night .--. - |.-_.. L`I._.l_- A. ll. ll--4| ..v.v7 V. hi ? JULVIOIUITY Tnlllcndnuiivdbulloudny. g-...1..__? Y.I.O.A.-A tho uunl Sunday onu- lu muting than III I Inge nmudnnno, Ir. 0. Tmull, jr., in the chair. The setting was opnod with singing and pupal, dhr vhi Ir. J _ I. Oluko and He. Hutu-lnno uldruud tho muting, NIH no closed wi|h_ inging nd the Uoudlotion. nun.-16 in with vol] ,_-Al-_ AL- _ _ _ _ . .._._, lion Illh Ine epproecnmg uuu-uu-.w.. .. Bnrebogn. Mr. Benjamin's article, `From lH|'lIII toCunsi.nntiuople,' with twenty one engravings, give: considerable infur- 1 mstiqn uf sn historioel ohsrwu r. Wm. H. Rideing contributes I paper entitled` `The Life of a New York Firemen. lloreoe E. Scudder conclude: hie sug- gestive review of New England elusi- usl schools. There ere two bountiful illustrated poems : `An old Umbrelle,' by U. P. Cnnch. sud `The Home Concert, by Msry D. Brine. But the moat olurm- ` in` oi the illustrsled pepers is shut . which opens the number -- `Mytown," under which title Rose Terry Cooke describe: A characteristic New Euglend town. Dr. J. W. Drspertrests of Burn- ing Glusee and Mirrors. IlImlnnore's `Emma approaches its conclusion. Con- stance F. Woolson contribute: one of her best storiu, `Raspberry Island. Mr. I hillip's short story,`0n I Melon Schoon- er,` in novel end antertelninv. The Edi- toriel Departments cover their respective ; elds as comprehensively sud s\tl|fsctorl- ly es usuel. .9-o9---____ __.__.......___._. A PROPHITIC Luunnt--J1.-hnuon, oliu Ruthvon, who hu for some month: boon lying in joil oi Hamilton on o chu-go of committing I lllllI dOl'( no oooonlt upon I Min Knolior, boo boon ploood in Rook- wood Asylum. Wo loorn from I contem- porary thot the prinonor hu Ihown him- ooll, at oartoin phuoo of tho moon, to bo o thorough oml incnroblo lunatic. Dur- ing thooo to ho writoo ondiuo rowin- tioul" in his copooity oi o prophot-rovo- lntium consisting of such trail that even I crazy peroon nhould bo oohomod to bo the Author of them. The governor of the joil hu token Iron) his coll pogo: of tho moot unnoluu cvoddio that could be imow ginod, Ind woru Hun tho opocimono 0! his erratic composition: which worn pub- linhod some time nuts. The median] ox . minor having pronounced Juhnoon to be : innne sud limit to Itond hio triol, so ro- purtad him to tho Government, which iuuod o warrant for hi: romonl to Rookvmml Asylum, where in will be in- cu-oentod for life. --~----<.--._._.__ I ..--- Hun-n'u lhanuu --Hnrpcn'n Mn- guinu {or October contain: one hundred and ve bouuuful illuntndox-I, and in I u very nttnctivo number. The moot im- portnnl. paper in tho number in Gonen M`Cloll:n'n Article on the Regulnr Army 0! the United Sum, sdvocatingiu in-I ...-l..'.... -...n.onlinnn fur if. 0! the Ummu nuuu, Iuvuuuuu. ... I crane Ami mnking nuggeatiunu for it. more eicient. orpnizntion. Tho '||IuI- lntod paper on tho `Campaign of But- goyne, by W. L. Stono, in timely connec- tion with the approaching celebration at =- -.-.._- M. u....i..min'n Arlicll. ...__..__ Purn A1-vu1nsnm.-'l`ho Polorboro Rerizuv up thul the roctur ol St. John`: Church on Sunday owning, whoa ro- quoated to unite III lnnounoomont in oounoctiun with the Snndny school enur- niou to ldyl Wild, oondonno-l in Lhul strongest torn: the pl-notion ol introduc- ing uoulnr molten during divino urvioo. Ho strongly urged that in lawn Iuoh mutton nbould be [hon publicity through the props: ohunoln. _ 15 (I000 uoh ub- Iurd me than attending dlvino service . 1.: L- -1 .....- -nmnnt llhnfm In undldntou. -Tho oxtonniu bun: And drive houu 0! Benjamin Briohnsu. of Amelinburg, with must 0! lhoir oonunu, were destroy- ed by tire on Suturdny Afternoon lat. Lou llpoul 82,000. lnnurod (or 81,200. `--Broclville Rocomla`: The Scxtoth Club will gin 3 concert in the city of Kingston in about two weeks. This or- gsmntiun in undor the direction ol Prof. Ksufmnn, And is composed 0! very nblo and well trained mnnlcianl. n, v:.....:.I 11-5--Imus an nlnruad and well trained mnucunn. -Dr. Kincaid, Pohrboro. wu charged by I brother phynioinn wuh Inslpnotioo, by ndminiuariug I dauprom drug to ono Mnrgnrov. Rubimon. The witnesses left the ouumry bofuro the unminntion and tho can wu dinminud. L. Alllllt, I|lI`lI`lIw In uuv Ink B". P. Guy. Beyond CHI duplo hot to know nothing. `lb lntlnnilon will be I-oooivod with cant I); nll tnononlotod otnoqndntod -IALnk. J.-ngnul HI: round Illa! Iunzl tr. moo. nuonumg um... ....v... should be at one moment uhortod to lo!-pt tho "things 0! the world. the Hull and the devil," and the nut have n . ,._A. _.1 .....;,... ..l no-In dnv nun- And the um, um um nu. In-vv - budgot 0! notice: 0! rock dny unnu- montn and out to them. _____._ ooo.. .-__. man! of the long punumg ulIpIIIuvv- In the Uonty of Prlnu Educ!) Rdlwny Compaq and tho Oouua Iy Council ha hon undo. Ar- Council Inc wu --w. nnpmum on being undo lot tho con- Iuuononc oml common: at no road. Tho town ol Piolon will be uhd lo 5., L--- .1 summit um 11.. nu. OII all no awuonnnu. -Nuw that (dingo plum on in full llnhith ngood than $0 [00 design: colored out to: um-coco lot uootlut us- Ion. -- l'|uu in I grut oat of vouch on I|w"ny down the labs. A oat. ol ono hundred vault in nporhd to have his _ Ohiugo 5 eonpla of day: ago. #'l`L'- n.....-cmnm. ol Ildnmtion hu Uhldgo eonpu or up ago. --Th : Doputmont ol Bdoution uncalled the examination (or udbud clan and intermediate, to! tho Oonnty cl Dnndu, on account 0! oupying by the undidntu. um- -_.-..-:-- 5...... nu! tlrivn homo __----- 9.... Pulcu Enwnn lhn.Inv.--A unlo- of tho Inn; puuding diupntohr - W- AL- n...-o- nl Prlnm Edugfd THO KIWI 0| flown in: UUI-lvu - nnov its bonus 0lO90.(Xl), uni Ibo nu- nioipalitin nlong the nub no upoctod to contribute you-ronuly. It In now hopd by the pfojoohn that their long chcrhhoi drum vlll he ndiud on .-C-KT Yuan. PIDPIITY.-TIM motto: of Inch; and pnporty III In: wool disused In Toronto. '11 Quun City IN III] IIO Iontion that the manner 0! xingnoamm h, by noognhing nu nlllu can u pononmy. What: It: Iluu up lllo um: 1 us. --8ilnr Bpchp than tutoq told NI Odour nth to 1.2] cunupor pond. -'l'ln Punk 0um'a' bu aloud Ipu Ch lomoth you. W0 lih tho Gnrdni. -I'ulIioII|blo furniture uh" VII oohcdby Kclllsn, and will Mn 3 run All the dioelonnlu. u..._ n._n 0-1:--- nlnnh can in In lhnow local. - but Saturday night Thoma Kandy. u can of widow Bujuy Konnody, Boy Mud. and II, tool 5} nhhko u hbknpoonlul ol 5 lini- nut. mulching iodllo. man at bol- lulono and ohlurulori. In not purpor- tloaulobonrodutl on lulu-ulna. A oluncuol upodyovuuptiooof tic donut and dnhhtntion oi pupa u.- Idohn and tho Id : Mic. DI. T013- nuu sudden H: on at Cape not Inlay. - l'o rid yoonull of you vile`: [ado Molds--IAh 1-an In lion. --Whoa in has like Irlnh children! When no lulu lab limo Pm. Jm--. n...c... ah... baton all am... um um... :..Z'u: nu tqiluutl. Kath; 5,15 Nun og .L_`.g llinlll. ' -'l'hooiu9ItiII thcoulol In-_L_x_.. A.. A-- Qooon OIIII.-M the Wdunnwl Bond 01 n_..|.aLJ.......h-.-_.....ll.- CIuc|(n*.--()n Friday and Saturday the Omuul and the Montreal Cricket Club played I two innings game, result- `ing in the dafust of the formor. The Montroslers scored 101 and 85; the Otta- wss 98 snd M, the totals st.u.diug 186 to M3. Gordon's slows did the business (or the Montreal Club; but Gordun's slows didn't opente on tho K.C.C. , the plnyots in which mads ten runh o' two bins. On Sslunlsy the 'l`oc_unIsehs (B_ AB<) plsyod s Landon cosm st crickst with this result : Score-Tocumlehn, tirst innings, 23, second 2|; Lonulon, first, 39, second 9, ans wicket down. Thin night two weelu ago 5 middle- agod men vinited I friend`: house, and in the warn of the evening intimated that hie earthly heppineu would be complete , did he but Iuceeod in getting n wife. Hi: ` friend: knew of A young woman who won mntlinoninlly inclined. Thin Inn 0' Gowrie" I'll sent for. In her too willing ear the love nick uwnii: poured the sympo- thiel of hi: heart, emf II gushing response come in due oonne of time. The inntch mnkiog was I Iuceen, for on Saturday uight In! the two noulu had but A single thought, end that thought wu marriage, which wu Ipeedily celebrated. And new we draw the veil which divide: the public from the privnte. Buioe it to any that whet ulinen the wedded couple perfectly utlnu us, and we hope the love which thun quickly developed iteelf will etill continue in grow And expand, thlt they mey no eye to eye, And reap the reward: uf I contented and useful life, Semperjidzlie. FonIs'nLLINu.--The fun in ufliciml cir- clol now: day: in confined to the mar- ht Iqnuc-, where the linclutorl and police sud lpooill dotectivo farce-I spend their limo in dodging nuennnollmnnnd in- dulging in poll of oxpertneu. It in not I matter of Illll in or is not lnw-indoed it would bnio old Knick to tell hhnt in luv, no In u it in contained in the munty rioordl of tho Oorporntlun; but the Inni- tor has resolved into I qnulion of which in the smartest, tho violator: M the dolendon oi the ngnlmionn us they ltlnd, and we nlnll calmly contomplnto Who I-null. ready to bet. our little Ill tint tho huchten will win. Iun.--Tho Bootoluy of the Midland V Ooltrsl Fair in lap! nry buny receiving ontria for the coming thou. Alrudy two thousand no in, sad the big Huh none ion In until tho ova or nctuul opoulng 0! sho chit. Tho hit of thin wool precinct to be vary uuoooulul. A Noun LAID.-'l`he morning, nlter lhe elreet letter bowl were erected, on eged end eooentrio oonple stopped oppo- eite thei. etteohed to the lump near the Drill Shed end enmiued it criticelly. They felled to eee how it held the we! oil, end they thought it must burn I mighty wleh, end Iutly, they couldn't nnderetend whet kept the wind from blowing the ame out. We oennot con~ erive my elmilerity between the letter hoxee end the eoel Oll lunpe, but then we we not given to etretehee ol imeginetion. None but polillolene are guilty ol such A thin`. ?_._..jp._.;. -130 turn that the goods and animal: are on the ground quite early on Wed- nuduy. 5| __ ,1 ._.._ .l..ll.._ |.-....._. uvv--u, . --Subscriber: of one dullnr becumo members, may enter free, and Are pre- Ieutod with four mlmiuiun licketo. Subscribers ol 82 receive lnmily sud car- ringo tickets. :--_.<..__:_ Wlln I Iluunlu nub In l"IVV- --'l`he judgu are wnnted At 10 a.m. on Wodnudny. n...... 1 RIYI mm-in. rmviivntl In (at. vvounamny. --Over 1,600 entries received so far. Good enough 3 w u 11 9.x...,.......ly Rnn lmva made uooa onougn 1 -W.l!.G. Savage at San have made 33 entries. Gocul for them ! -'I'he From-.mnc L-ml Mining and Smelting Wurlu might show their lint JD!- night. -Ddn l bother with your lunch. There an no refreshment bootln. nu. n__.a In ....... .......o E. uni n um. ouu. -'I'wo relrenhmont booth: nre enough with I Dunkin Act in inroo. nu , :,,.I_,- 4-- _....a...l A5 In - m nn IIII.-Tho Elna noumont has him I Cup bold upon the pooplc of Bollovlo. _ Alnuly 5 Olub ol uvonl hundred Inn has turned, and recruit: no oonountly tank; In. ' Kr. Rina up In will ox- Iuu hh lulu! butt}: in raising the tall- Rlll.-Thin oolobntod loolunr Ian bun hurd lrorn. An nur radon |mow_ Minn pruonl oondnotlng 3 uriu ol untlhgl it llollovlllo, And the people than Inn pnvnllod upon him to tannin during the wholo ol the prcunt uni. Mr. Rina `It! originally nnomlood to appear has on tho 21 inc. (hing to the nbnvo amnion ol tint for Bellovillo ho Iill not ho Ablo to tuck Kingston lnlon Snluttlly night nut. Ho will pcdtlvoly ho have on Sunday, the 23rd, to opt: the Fall oinpdgn. Noun. lluhll unllzlu will quickly (allow I-'v-uuvw 4 Allaucu. his nhunoo ol than Incumbent: ol St. Paul : And 8%. Juan Chunluo (now unending Provinciul Bynod) tho Bu. Hr. Prime, 0! Pitubnrg, oloiuod II II. Pnfl, and tin Rev. Menu. RQCQ nod Cucuright in turn 3: St. JOSH . 30'. Hr. Wihou bad Alltho ICVIQJ It 000110 : Cnthodnl And Ohthtchnrch to perform. I.'X2Uu|n. In the shunt of Rev. Mr. Croxior tho pulpit of the Sydonhun must 0. M. Chunh Ill oolpied at the moaning ner- vloo by Rn. `Hr. Batu, of Cltarsqui, and the evening union in Queen Strut Ohutch no lad by Rev. James: Brock, Ak- ..... cu. in Rmlqnhnln Rina! Ululcl III nu uy lwv. u-um. .......-, In tho tuning in Sydouhun Street Olluroh Rev. Mr. (lnlbuith yrnchol fur Mt]-n minutes. liillnnlnn . . `I In. Kl. Kllelu delivered two very evening dieoouue b All to line been very lhpughtlul end _.__..n..- I v-v Alon-an MILL. -Kenn. Booth O Woodnl, ol the Sydonhnn Kills. toads; dhlolval pcrtuonup, Ir. Woodrul ,.|u__ a- L8. .4-nun Hg Qg.`.q hp bin. dhnolnu plnnunup, -r. u........... ulllu toghh partner. u today ole- oltolnoo unite hon tluoityuad and 3 lap grill -ll. l!l.hout akin; hando- lwu Iucuou. The will oh: I compou- ` Mon vim KM pmpnud milk ol Mouton t Hula. III UIIU Ivuvuuu-nu. uu.....-. --Tho Band Tourusnugnt in not I suc- -1'ho allow inhpon to the world ! -MAy this weather hold out till Fri- A Rub.-On Friday evening Inuubor of you; son visited the rooidonoo of Ru. A Wilson tad undo I demand upon him lacuna]: uumannn as which they eon- Iould uhould ho nude in oonuquonoo ol the nv. gntlonnu oltcnd pononal chunotunu. ndrreqnou wudoclinod, vhnupouiu hm-ndon Inohd 5 portion d llolondng around the pnniun, and unnlthd Cid Ilnohhl. my. , --Bajun in going to enter his Inger -Koep on entering till Tuesday .:-|.p CENTRAL I-`LIB NOTES. ID]!!! I-CHOU. AIUS!IEN'l'S. latch linking. Ky HIIIU I UIIIL, IJIIAU IlIllUl|. \/u punvn . Chicago charters: To Kiuq|t.on-- Schrs. Winona, C.(}. Mixer, J.T. Mott, and the J. S. Ilichnrdn, {or wheat to K ingaton It 8c. 'l`|... f..Iln.-inn urn Hun r-ruin nrrirnln fnr nmguon II. ac. The following are the gruin arrinll for thelput three days. At Hulcomb & Stew- nru 2 Suhr 'I`wo_ Friends, Tnlodo, 18,000 I _, u n.,.. 1.. 'l'..l..A.. 0 mm L... Irll; ounr n wu ruuuu-, ..-mun, .u,..vv buucorn; H nfnay. Tulodu,8,000 bun coro;Ceoelin,`u|odo,26,355 bun wheat; Cornican, Toledo, 13,358 hul do. M.T. Coy: Garrett Smith, Toledo, 15,560 bun wheat; Africa, Toledo, lightonod 3,- 130 bun when. Ituulmen Dowd, MilWl\l- kee, 23,8`2s' bun wheat; Jemima \Vhito, 'l`oleJn, 18,000 bu: wheat; Dolol do Wolf, Mllwsulree, `. .;000 bus when. For St. Lawrence Furlmrdiug Company : W J Sutfull, Toledo, 15,919 bun wheat; Porokee, Milwaukee, 22,500 bnnhell wheat. gul ullgu un Wllvnu nu -u..5-..u... About 1,653,000 bushels uf grain Lt Chicago at present, ngninst over 3,000,000 same time hat year. u:|.. ... -..;..- .... AI... I-)ol.,W|.a.I Dunno.-A lady In Toronto Inn ' jlunhi not elect ot the stator lupin ul lull: with 5 Hblo. Sho IOU! their Inll, all Iiugly lortillod n III the nu! 0! C50 coming later- luy. Ila auction to Bnokvlllo nd the Duncan-ul-hlkJohn. mu. lady walled; peanut Ilia ovum! tho lu- pau udthnpuhu-unupknlowlch OHNU Q50, I50 would ocular I Non- hgcn the country. when Tory pollu- Qugo pk-Ildlq thy can to forgot _L.A AL; I.`-ml AI Innlnu nnhnnl. no, age. The propeller Lawrence, of the North- orn)'[`runait Line, has been Lahore M. For- ty Mnlu Puint. Lnka Huron. UH Iafely. A'l.;....... aha:-ran: - Tu l\'inantnn-.. `Pnsaod thrnugh the Welland Cuul :` Hchr. Jennie White, Toledo, Kingutnn, wheat; Reindeer, Alpenl, do, Ceall; Walerhnwn, Tulodo. do, when; Norway, .a,. .|.. n....h..- Lil Hnmlllnn. Pm-I. Wnterlnwn. Tulodo. do, when; nurway, do, do, umber, Lily Hnmnltan, Port. Huron, CnIlim' Bay, navel; Mongnugnn, Clncngo, Kingston, blmll; Ltd] Mac- donnld, do, do, corn; J. H. Brook, Big Creak, Garden Island, umber; Counuut, Toledu, Kingatun, wheat; W.H. Uldal, du, do, do; Von *itruuben7.io, Milwaukee du, du; Flying Mm, Uhicngo, do, corn. The Iohouner Senator Blood, vuitirvg for I charter at. Detroit for mu wonky, gum cnrgo of when for Kingston. um... um : nun h...I..l. "I tn-gin gt. Blll IIIIIU IIIL ynnl. Milwaukee rate: on the l`2th~Whent. to Kingntun, Re; to 0Iwago,7Ic; tn Bu'|~ snuuiu be (Juno. i The Smelting Works will be a great benefit to Kingston and the surrounding oountry-tu Kingston as an important institution, the only one this side of Cleveland; to the fsrinora, and othera. who empluy their tastes in the service of the Uurnpany and thereby add to their elchequer, when, otherwise, they and their horse: would remain idle. Many in the city understand this great advan- tage,aml have so viewed the works; but to those who do not understand we would say that it is worthy of support. If auc- cessful an Iron Smelting Works will be eatnblished near the present aite of the present Frontenac Smeliing Works" and by the some Company. We should have said that heretofore all such smelt- ing was done in Cleveland, U.S.; the are being sent there and returned to its dee- tinstiun, calling fur freight each way. mL . ._...-I.- ..-.. ...... ;.. nu-nu--alinn Hm unauun, calllllg UH Ilugln Ulhll In . Tha works are now in operation, the furnace: having been started an Satur- duy, and they will be running niuely by the date of the formal inauguration. ooo-_._:- Yesterday this ambition: young men made what we hope to conscience will be his lut public eppesrnnee use lectur- er. He made I religious sddrees in the park, but tho` not so menu it. was of en irreligioue nature, end turned out to be Chnrley's unrivslled sweeps 0! nonsense. Here is just one specimen. He wss leuling opinion uplurd, impres- sing upon the hearer's mind the impnrtsnce of a higher spiritual life, when he psused snd silenced the endi- ence by the enquiry. Whst did the Sevi nu esy to thgthiel on the cross 1" No one ventured to even whisper I re- ply, end then the spesker`s vnioe broke the prevsiling slillnese, end the snewer Mme, 'l'hu~e in 3 lnunuln llocl with blno-J," he 0! courne tho audience lnughod. II. III to laugh mun} of thorn Illendcd the service. This Abuse of Ohntinnity Ihould can or some on should be in- dicted u I public nuiunoo. Tho Amrrioanu Ire spin tbo victor: At. Croodmour by the but more nor ro- ourdod. Lut your they dofnled the Irish Tum b 22 poinu, on I total more of 8,126. his year. they mule 208 point: morn, whilo the British Turn in- cruud their count H6 uboro the winning noon ol Int your. Young Blyndunour in the hero of IIIO match, his noon nun - in 429 out of I pounblo 450; thin oqui~ ulunl. to urikim, the bull:-oyo sixty-nine time: out of IO ahou. -IVW II III 3% IIIIIUII Ur -n|uuu-uvu with $0 dcuuod. Hi you; widow In on host sympathy.

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