u N U. I VFUI $ I-nvi In nu. Tdyhhn ol Inohillo to stall aUu& Ibo one: u 0 uynpton ol Iqplbvlll In that pnlloI.m'I ngu-d Col` tho llptbiln 0! Mo oluhl position. Iloufory M-ado an to Ihnn-ohnuu IIIOI than in nothing no nmur, In than Us ooubkot Ihu than u 1! think hnpod cubs n mum. Nelann. Cr-uchrt work in cotton, CUIFIO. Mnu Smith, Mus Strickland. I`.-....|.-: up-I: In mun` Ru. Min Qmilll Mun amckxnml. I Tilting in cotton, Min Pnrd], Miu Strickland. Brnithng on clulh, Min Horn, Min Strickland. Ll.-ni.| nn nun-lin nntlnn nr linnn Strickland. Puint. Inca work, Mxu I`urdy,Mxn Strickland. _ A....I.n... -mu-Ir Rh. \\ m Gunn, Mun man, Mil`! Lr . \ nllurlvwn. I Luther wurk, Mina Mary Downing, Mi: E Rona. Uremnna Wurlt, Mu R W Bukor, Mn 1) Rankin. Crew.-l, Mn R W Barker. Enru~Mrs Wm Unm, Ramnn em- broidery; Mlu M Wuorla, Immpinu; Min Mctlnmmon, wall puclut; Mm Nol Ion, ombruldery on nnnul; Mlu C Frr l nor. balm-I Ihuel; Mil: E Fnuer, photo- ggraph rmck; Mme Briggu, ll`-war pun; ' Mm Smith, hem! And Wunl wurk cunhi.-n; Muwuin, wuul uwrs; Mill Smver, tuft mlr; W H lirukemhxru, Iux aw er-; N r; E Allen, tucking; II V Brown, sk.lsL-an Hun-r<; Mun Funny Ahhuu_ ... ....|....u.-\Ir- lluwnnvnr Ah:-I Mr: lull lll;l; H II hr-vuuunnnu, --; nun N uu-r4; wool cunhu-nu; Mn Downing, ahelln, Mn Hm;-nn.u hnnll Ihnrl, nu Mary Umuuu. Machine tuning, fmmly, Mn R W Barker, Mrs Wlll Uhoan. 11....o'. .h...o .....I.. h. Imml Min Nul- Umlth, Miss mrlcllaml. Crochet work Ill wuul.no, Min Smith, Man Sirickluml. t`.....)...: -...-I: in 7-nn` nnnllnn Min Man Ksirlckluml. Iruchot. Imrk in ion}, ODIHO, Min Snulh, Mill Strickland. Luce work, Mun Mnry Juno Regen, M rn Hmvpr, I'll`! IUKUVVT. Naming in 0 Man, Mu-I Swnokhmd. Noumg in wool, All-urn I\lHUlll*,[ |II C `Hull, cu laugh, Mm: Sui` kiand. L ...n..\ inn Tho pooplo of Kinguun were 11:] ba- foro youterdny favoured wilh I unit from Hon. Sidney Smith. Thu object uf lhnt ` visit, we han Already nnnn-mood, nu in oonnootion Ivith tho lnnnfer of in In- tended contents to the now registry [ ooo. In other words no name More in hit uicinl cspuoity an Inspector nl Remu- try Ocol Int Onurio. In thin respect are onhruin for this gontlomun the nmol lodiny ol rt-gm] u to try in cherish fol All public ooon in the diachugn of their public duly. We have been wondoring Ihdhor instead 0! uiurnin; to thou du- ties at Ouhonrg and than minding tho bldncu the pooplo, nprdlau ol pu-1/, hu Olployod him I nuond lo, thin llulho oioinl would not be lik-ply to turn up M Broohnllu In dny, nnd, dun- nllg tho party ulnour thoro, ntnko (at at John and 090 Tony rncuon. He did to II tho Cuban!` domunurnliun unly I couple at Iovh ago, and it. would bo. qnslly logitinuu in pitch in 5: Brock- villo. when the hard-be-tad Twin need all the help they can yet. We uhull| plltp 50 tolol that lhl H--n. Sidney II II Ontario oui-I, and tbs: III the stance (at my OIIIIDOCNOII but-an the Iodord and Local Govorumonu nr P...-. lioullll Ilia count: at (`ob-our; In not `I u all Iuoonly. I! In admit thin, on ymild like 8: not why thin union for `_ use you any not also uu-or (or the } Mg, Whoa 0 Mn rnmmr, without` 35. 5. .hgj..'I o! inundation, qunat | ` 11.1". M :0 plant. a hug: outcry I In stand And loner: an add:-mod to the Orgun-in-chin! uiinnduvtinu "pun tho nunno. All which, in thc light of the social: o! the Sidney Smith In-may, gun: to lhown (hut I Ihnlu-olcllh rumour spinal on animal 0! Rolurin Inloce-donu hint and any 1 uvmo scandal Mun n oooplninl ugniun o'l'oty incumbent which In hilly jutioui by the (nu ol the one, 5. -u.|u in Inn. ho hum Maul! ninn mrlcklana. Braiding on munlin,co!t0n or linen, Minn Smith, Mn Nnrthmure. n....|... ..l ...en1.....-. Min Smith Min Mun Smith, Mn Nnrtmnure. Display u! millllnery, Miu Smit.h,Miu Strickland. D...'no Inn. um-I: Rhu Pnrdv. lfin 3ll'l(`IlMHU. l Quill. in knit` | Mr: Calvin Day. Pm-6 work q'| -nun `Inn; [1 .3 I Dnwnn-g. hudr. ` ll` Haw len had on exhibition nmpl-:5 of A. W. 'l'hnmpwn'I rock And gruunul planter, for Ihlch he II agent. It. leuuu ut be In excellent urn-.-la. J (Josh lhllingl.) -l hue nuer known 1 Ieonnd I! `but whn Inz bnunv the nitunahun. _\|H...b.. :. .. hm-.l Ihinu In .mnvinn.u but Inn I'll ununv um Ilunuullu. -Whukoo u -A hard thing to cunvince, therefuro lnover nrgy nth a drunken mun. ~ Mnida marry tn chmgo their condr lion, wi-Jmu umrry to unpruve It. _.Am-r n man am to be tlnirtroiuhl hululngln wmu, uncy, mrl urunr xnv-nd, Mu Lnuhnr. Fur cwttv-n Iluckingn, Miss Nollnn, Mun Stxicklnnd. 'r pinnin m.M..n Ilia: Pun`! IHII Wood. Seed In-nth, Mr: L Knight, Min J Inunill. I itrlcklnnd. Applique work, Mr: Wm Gunn, Miss !uV~r. Tory cnntempororiu no Aching to know why Camchun did not visit. Ontuiu with the other Ref:-rm Minmtorl. We` know of no particular nu-m why I 11- : chimed Tory Ihould boo l.ruu;_ht Went novel] to gratify Iho cnnocity of the Lib. Com. of Unurm, who have an Auld Lang Sync" I rt -J fonlmg fur the Illa who got intn Ill odour when unr- roundod by tho ountuninni-mu nf Tory Iooioty. But why. let. us uh, In Mr. Mnunn Inmportod to Essex to hnunguo the Fr-mch th`ro, And Lnngovm, the Fnnch lumlur, left hehu.d l Wu the 10!. unuplnlund 832.0(1)-v! Sn Hugh Allan's gold, which full to his chute, tno heavy: loul of corrnptiun Luonrry no r for l lt in hiuh limo Iomo nmlactnry Iolnlion of this Iunpicioun v.r:nncI.u-n none to the light 0! do], And nowhere would I vindacuinn from no foul A nun- ploion on yet onlhroudl il. be In-vro [nulully roooivod Ihnn mmng tho Turns .4 nnnpin Hr all mum lot the 832.000 I i!oVvr. Plum needlework, Min Nelagn, Mrs \'e'.snu. SIICOB ll I-IAID I"0I. o--- v-.-- TIILTIII KAICDS, : crochet, Mina McA.`.nm, Mm.- My. ; quilt in milk, Mun Morn- A Andrews. rurk, Downing,` 1 ilrl` niaum. uwuul, fancy, Mr: Drum- nuhnr. `lilting, Min Strickland, v. \, funcy, Mr: E Alien, , Mrs E Allen, Mr: E , line, Mr: C Fruer, gnuluuy rooclvuu nun lunn.` ...- .... .- 0! Ontario. By I mean: 832,000 V Inn eons out time. .-.....}.. . ,\_._.__ , conrae, Mn McCul- A Aylmcr to-any. -Mum.;ba hu agreed to the oboorv. non ol tho nd ul Novounhu an I [on-rd thy ol llnniqnving throggbout I the Donimou. In Anon-Bonn Homo, Baotou, in ad dihon la in uoollonl tabla, bu llilyl had u npuluiun of ham` on 01 the clunut haul: in he country; Inn lho ion on o! n thou-mgh houuhopor -u I nonr non nppoum than tho pnum day. punld unul we own olnmgnu-m. - lhumuvo ronuuoon luvs boon nude tor tho lunn donoutnuon u Aylmcr to-day. Inca! tho mum. ~'I`hu lune movomont in to be in- augurated n (mun on tho 29th um.., and at Mnmrul 3 Incl Inter. --A New Yuri Tompur-moo Lunch tmn ll urgnmunu I lull ctuudo Igmnu ono lhunund cu, grnguorlrl. -ThushruIouoJ suit: on tho [Ah Shun {Lulu-ad III Uhm bu boon pou- punod unul that alone olnwigounn. promruuuou not 1013.10 11.-u ll nponou that Gouge L ox. the curtain, I dying in Cuubridgo. Inn. `Pic :1 : Itoooen for lump today at. lair lion 0! gen, including` (our Qomboru ol t Bntiah rile bun, also In-go cargneo ol pmduoo. includi I uuter of I million bushels 0! {min In Ihmy thousand boxes of qheooo. Thu uncut: of I haul M. Punonoo. N`. mc-I attendance. an. Crook up the visit of the Sioux ohioh to Wnbington will be pruducmo of good, In negulintiunn can beoonductud with the Indium free from the uunpncona connected with Indian: on tho fruntiqr. I.'.........-c N _l 1:... 9-1 _l...1 nlnht liulunrau. s Now York, Sept. 22 -Tho atennmr Dmgo, fruul New York Sapt. lat fur L1 u-rpm-I, nu burned at sea on tho Blh inu. in Ln (6 long 37. Th`-re wu nu Inn 0! his. Sbu had nn an-mod cugo ut grain, tobacco. ch.-one, lanchur, mud I thousand bulel of cotton. I . lloum. Wunlnqwn yoluruly. -A once:-nlul lompornoo Agitation in goin on 3! Pnotou, N.B. -- In mnjwmy In luour ol tho Dun- lin by In In Bruce I: denitely `Inn at 1,36]. ,,'l`... ...i..nn nnnnininn (}lnnmlr|'n Inn lor London. -'l`ho Pupo hold I Coluinory yester- dny, and appointed I nuubor ol luuan and f-uni n mumps. ._ rh.. .-cnumr at Cur B". L` H. riit. BIIQIVS.--`- .,.lld I0 - 0u_obu Ind I-urn mumps. --'l`ho uctnuut at Buy, H.. inchomod nun nburacung lutluo {rum tho mull. _,'l`h. Ilmn mnvnnnnt in in~. lhmy nnouund b-nu nl qneoao. The guests of I hotql at Bunanpo, J., were pt-named yuurdny by uung sh, but I were uved by prompt mu die-I attendance. 4:... n.....|. ..... n.. .:.;. .4 n.. mun: connected nun Inuumu ma Xrunuur. Koylpnrt, N J., Sept. `2`I.--Lnt night I re destroyed thirty house: and llnn-I, including the L`-l`.vaL partinn u! the bulb non par: of the town. Lou 8500.000. Nan Yuri, Sent. 22. -Ex-Min It 9|` nu lac evening. Mlyur Rnddoll. of Fornnnduu, uyn `hora wu 21 now can ol lent yuurduy. The ditouo in Iproulinq rapidly, Ind the do-tntutmn it I. All work 1: Itoppod. Than won 5 oath: on the Nzh. About 81,001) nu ruined in Now \ork city for who Inlfersrl up to In: night. Fun nunon of tin "Ocean King" Hy Telly I II. Montronl, Hope. '1`) -Tho home :11 Mr. Pnndll, nuncinl ngout, 8%. Andre Sir-set, In Inland, the ulna opened. and 12,000 m munoy nbunctad. The owmr wu snooping in the home. J F. Chum-out bu been nromulad In tho puuuon ul Uopuly rrnmunnury. Eduard Dnpru Ill uabbod In the sh- d--uuon I-no lull mghv. by one 0! I gang nl rundu-I who sum-had lmu. l -"`he Qucboe Provincial Elhibiliou closed yo-II-arlny. -~'l`nu~. In 3 furious mow norm on oloood yvsl-army. --Thou furious Muunt Washington youur-lay. _A nmuxunlnl Inmnonnoo llloll 1,301. -'l`no caiuon containing (.`loopntr|'I N-bdlo nmud yutordq {nun Alonn In: [or London. _1`h. Pun. hold a Cnnninlorv vaunt- par: 1-! mo mun. 1/vu uwu,uw. New York. Supt. 22.-Ex-Mm It-r Wuhhurno And fuuily Il'I'iVOd (tom 1 .- ris lac evening. Mnvnr Rnddnll of Fnrmndun. nu the Innerorl no tut mgln. F110 uunon of tho "Ooran King" hue been arrested, chnnzod with mutiny Fhoy nmdo no dmuunuutiun, but umply ruf-meal to do duly, claiming lhoy wuze not properly fed. Sun Fnumucn. Sent. 22 -- A man mm-unu nl uuempmyea umrxmgmcn wua In-l-i un Friday. Tne upo-akou bnuerly mveighed ax.-um: Lho Chlnua, and pr:- p `lad the wurkinguu-n to arm sud argu- nizu and put. thomav he: in n pr-anion In eufv-rcva thelr dauuxndu. despite the Snfety Committee, police Ind nului. [ .'VIH"l`9Il habits. (if... Cal (`-1 -vruki was 1 pun-.ngo:j by tho 3-nrnunlmu, put nrnvod. Inoopmg In the noun. J. E. Chung-out promoted to tho puumon uf Deputy Prnthunnury. Duure SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22.` 1877. we IonnIns_'s_oFIIciIis. Wholuale Poluo M u a-City Burnt not pruporly led. Frnucucn, Sept. --.-I mm-tinu nf unemplnyad wurkiugmon WM Fndnv. I-Dvakou bnllurly London, Sept. 22.-Tho Clyde Ihip Drlghtl on ntnko have Iignod nn u-bur lion and rmumo wurk. Ulncmuntl, U . Sept. 22 -Ton houses of buameunn Mam Shh-at, Shollyvillc, lul., war burned yesterday. Lou 840,- 000. lmurud. Lundnn, Sept. 22.-A dcapntuh frum Bucharest any: the Curewuch has been remfur-:ed by two tlivm-ms Ir--In (Mr um. K.m{1'.unn bu received hub oumnuud m I(uI..nr.u u e-murmeu. K6_V|N-rt, Sept. 22.-Lnu bv re here our 8200.000; inlursd Sl~l8.600. N-aw York, Sept. 2`.-Ur|un Pun and J-an-ph F. -`unllh, prumlnenl. Mur- mon chiolu, nrnved to day, Thay report I cargo of Murmonn coming on the noun at next weak fr-um Europe. -- ..,.. ,,_, noun. uueuy loads; u d p -. Au.Il'I Blllhrll loom: no upln upon. cu-1 covuu.-|lonlsr looting u 9 p n. hlblll. l'na ynthl. run for the olmmpinnahlp ag uf balm Untnrlc-, in being ullod uver u.-day lay the (mole mud Anum Uulh burl for the tlI.rd tune, but hula micro.-`L II loll. In tho cuntul, u it no thought (u be I lure thing lnr lho (`utnhart Pennh-r:,'u|!. bout Ind nhue Heller. Inc! ..I rr-nhlnrl um! monTimL. A Robbery of J7`4",K000 Reported. Returning Work--Steamer Burn! -Crew Saved. mounnu Dllel or oounn. Lundun, Sept. 22 -'l`ho atumor Amo- rica, from Dnhi-nuro, Irnvod It Lucr- puol yesterday, briugmg [-art of the cl'\`h of thu nlumer Diego. At the time uf the abandonment lhl Dmgo was breaking In two. The crew were rolouo-I by the [hi- tuh bark Arkluu nnd tramturrad to the nurunpr Amonca. \v..b.;....o.... n (1 RAB` 00 _.'I`h. Amonca. Wuhington, D.O, Sapt. 22 -The Treuury -hm Ilpun the Union l`nc:v train recently nlt.-ucked by robburn 1.1 Wynming 30,000 ounce: ut silver bullmn In large bars, to heavy that [ha ruhhvrs waruunablu In cnny it. Iithlhem. Natl an u-unna was Inn . . an nunco was Ian Duhhu, .`~'e,nt. 2'3.-Th trufu on the Suuthurn and Western Railway nu din- .0.n|nm-al on Monday Ill cumcquenco of lnhnf urxln-1|. ( \U>I`IlIlIl'lI UH AVILPHUII Ill LUlIIL\`uUIlLU \JI l labnr nmkrn. Pam, Sept. '. ?.-Gnmbotl\ n Ientonce i; nnmirmml. .4 11o:-rwlc ;a1} .IIur(Ier-A Big bmuht. Tnroutu, Sept. 1:`: -.u [wry urmcu than Inurumg Juhn \\'nllnmn, uf Wemhm, n brlckmulu-r. Ill 3 drunln-n til Ion.-.1 an axe and Iplnt. hm wife`: brmlt-p0l1,kIl| mg her imtun/ly. The lnurdun-r. uh.- hu b-en Lrreod, hu hrwi In Wcstun [or 16 years, and in the {nthnr nf ll .-himren. The doouud nu ut dluipalocl hghitn AIM and loath Granny lllmlunn I. on On sad. I lnndnlovu mum: on Oct 9nd. Arrcnuoouissrnrcuzs. LAST NIGBT'8 NEWS. 2.; a Juhn W: VTOBEETIJT` "I93. T0 Mn-nw Int In nu-I nu Intulnuan-.1 my. 04,500, Invorul payable loll yuuly, 54 lnInJ.IL , lnrrnl Wane onncn Au` 1:. mt ' Repc rt 1 Item 'or Al I all A In. .' gnu. Tnlnp. Wind. v.1 30.116 mu C Untnnn nu-u-Ioc | '1. I01 1-`; (V-n--lulhb-cl nun;-m.u. British Amulco-H9 12. III. H5156 H9 1 2 , __... __ I Ibopnrlmrm of lnrlno nd Flnhorlo. lunllliltli ni (`A `AHA, \ L-mduo. Sept. `I?.-Two norontllh an on-mnncad from the Bulgsriun could war, which, if then be my truth in tho nnnunucement, sugur ill for the Rania pn-apocu lhu uuon. Molio-no Ali, Iho hu rndudly boon uduncing iron Ruml and tho lane 0! the At [mm to ' the win. snooping that country holotu Inn, in am to ma. onngod .tho Culb- utch'a Ion.-ea u Bicl:.sud,|lIu an hour! lighting. to bus totally round the Huninnu and inuzliug on` than I has cf four tnuuund knllql and night lhuunnd nu-vndo-I Fmu tho Plllh dz-mot n in rupunod u: the Ilunnnnn ` have fur the time being abandoned the olfanlito nnvl lull:-n back on their old po- Iiliunl, but it In doubtful)! snothnr od- unco ll be made in thin` quarter. Both these rnmnnri. honaur. should be scoepted with caution. In tho Shipkn Pun mutter: are qmot, no ghting hu- mg occurred since the uithdrnwul of the Turks from Fort St. Nicholu. In the went from uucceuol hue owned the arm: of the M--nluuogriuu, who now occu- py the Dunn Pu-I, with hudqunrtcn It Monica, and tho uuin {urea Al Guunlnko. 1 `.....o...Ia......I. An. 0-: _I..-oL-- in- ` :.._...._,....>.~ ` OFFICIAL NEllTRALITY- and wuulJ hue tuka Ethan Allan "um.-H pr hurna 0 -ulJ not be - I dam-ly. Tm: (If UIO Ethan" Inn ["0 lint: Ilnms of Messrs. U. I l{.nuL1n. They lb) and II rlmk numng Cuuuty.` "Young Ethu nun.-d L r hm (inn prop and tho lmmluome I 1 1 Klohrllou -75. 73 1-1 mcuca, and mo mun nu-on u ucuonxo. (lunlmlltinoplo, Supt. 22.-FurthoI' in- telligonco 4.! yoncrdny concerning Maho- Iuet Ah`: victory slates lhnt he ntuckod tho lluuinn pooxtiuun boyond the Bnnica RM. 04! _,f1-.. l.....o. -l` -.., nu--. -5 umnu. "\~.nl)g Ethan Allen," Mr. M. Cou- rovh uuble utnlhuu, took second prime, \VuuH taken tirll. hml not old rrosnnt. The young -xpecled 1.; beat in Tm: call: of "Yuung lirul. unl mound prima- Gordon and W. H. promising hornet, null the tint. in the Ethan" wu greatly ad- ........I I .. I... F"... .\........o...... ..--5 n.-. trolls-I I owned in I vllnw `_.. u. van:-u nm._{hlmnrn~4 an well: cem,-a, Ihux-hurc|`1uI in ling In the knglw-nu h I Imh pr uchc-rs [arm -I -51., tiw-mu`: Udtlm inv_:ly1l.e !!u.'. I". I wuu nnu nuuu \JI|vI' -nu -Iv lyllu-' u, this umo-xpecusd blow, deprived of hul- ham! and hlh--r. Tho griaf of the (uni- ly. tnus nu Manly plunged in! the nor- rnwn ul bu:o|vemeuI,In'| elicit the Inch mt . xproumnn ul heartfelt pubhc gym` .. L... Iontl-I. Sup. 22 Bank v! M-mtrul-16`2 I2, ll JO. 7 I I0 2 J L IJUIH. Uuchnrull, Sept. '12.-Gon. Ignttio u nulluring from four. Ho bu rojoinod lma fnnuly at Kn-H __ ._.:+-___ U. was the New Yurk uinger Iowing Imwlniue to-uk first prize. \Ir (` H l`..rh..n O. ....o ....I.. 61-. RUBIN Dlll. Mr. C. 11` ( prim uu mnglc but uluu mu Jan. lnturm the cnrxiago I ..,-L S1-~r~n' S!IvXr`5R.-Tho meeting of the |`rmmcml Synod Inning brought. to UN! pun of Cumin clergyman from well as from dinunt dio- Hm rhurchuu in Kiugntun belong- | mg body mil be supplied l Imh prv -rruw u full-ml: L,`.L!mdral--ln (be won.- ing by line H. Appleby, of tie Sum Sm M.Il`iF; nu the an-mug by Rn- : .. u..s..a.... ..: u....:n..... inv_:-by Apple! on-nu IU..:mn Hul-den, of llamillon. lH\'n 1 ~-1n-I ml` .`s`(. l Au1'n~ In the morumg by Rev. Cumn Hx-hxlun; in the evening by the Bush: p u{ nlguma. S . Juun-n'-ln the murning by the Bishop hf Algnma; in the tuning by tho R-v. T. H. Appltshy. 'T`>... |!...I..... -0 Al.-...m- chi. ...\-..Z.... n! s dnnglm-1 My.....u.an Ibo Ion: Iuunmln Jon r`t-n-unlu nth non III ITII. M Human. on tho |7lI IMO . In I. Iqlo, if dnnnllu-I IIIIIIIIIII, 51]. u. Tl-nur -H.'vIpVl` (J1) lxbll ' lath-I quiet Ind study prcn without rioddvd bun; ulna, vuu .u,-a-r nun J0 ; 2(l)utn 5.12 >110 ma-dmm lulu-n lllv MI) nu-in. alum The RuarIus~`I3_aoklng pow Ucutily. jo ` . tho Iiloplliili til I btlltvn. Hie ('xt~i'i.Iniv if lllll Ipe-ecli um-med beyond llll nu-wiighi 5nd in nu hiin gran. piiiii. Hnwevo-r, ha ramsmod :1 this Syuud tn in clun u. \\'o'iiudny Illoinm-In, Ind liihu-q-iontl, rulliml About the oily, nrchuing lllllv gill: for llll irilo and chi -iron, in whom Inn was nrdouily nuwhod. Thu nlkhl hr um ulieii ill, but hll lrionda though: it lI- Hing Iioroo "III! I dernnuounom ol the u.mu:l'i. They brought him down yuturdgy morning to We lflln, uh which turn rerun] brother clergyman, rulurnlng to their hoiuu. Ha gm. vi'h nnoul hll brethren, into the Piillnmn car, nnd lay down uying (hm ho lolt no pun. but ouroino ulmiiuiun. Ho oonat.mily ukod fur Iulrl, ml hil lrinnd bocnu. dc-ceuod had izruln unuaiinlly oul-l. ll- Inl Iuil cor-rod with ruuu, Ind mine brnnrly run irnourod from I [arson lh llho nut cur, ui this In ulmi viiihuui . prnducing my rewtiuii. Ha iuauiod on having iuorv truer. And when urged not tn drink so muoh,uid, `l con`: hulp II, l `the thin: in i:ituIerAbla.' Th;-no Iona r 7 Int I--rd: sunken. Huiug tnlu-n the Inter, Mid holding hlr Mend : hlhhl, hr Iurnod ollxlnly rouiiil imil cloud his eyes ' In I luv imnuiu ho baiiui lu breathe - huvilv. sud llll lrioiid uni IN-0 Ihn nut 1. i car, and onllod out lur I iuovlionl mm , A phyulaun, Duovir Thornton, of (Ohio, euro at once. uni pm ' > nouncod than R". Cnou on lung, and in `ls minute or two by dint! Thlo tout ` Qluo anon slur tho tnln pgmd | I Qildllllll THO Mhnp on N..."._ `i Dun Uodiloo, ul llnmilh-ii, Archd.-g~.,.. ' Wiloun, tho In fnrinuugly on uh. g,.,,_ ' And many other clovumcn Ioro proum I at tho ummont. Tim pmnlnl sh-n.li tn , everybody onnnnt well be d-Iotlbad. Ai I C~'fID'Ill inc bod an no--...v-i tn cl... otuloii, V1.0 lho \ vii Avch 'u.... \\,i " nun I01"-'0 U10 ll--N-rry to lronk Hm Ii-r I I i r I I I uh]. noun (.0 the boi`mH(I vi llt lull .'-mu iy. Tho mm mimu uhlr In la chi`- dfilh Thu Jun Canon um I.. in. .,,.,,.. of IIVO, she us 66 you: u! go, And 0-.., at ' the wool. ololuit and ualnu. |,.,"m,,, I nl ch. mm-a. When Iln Ira Amlnlnm Alarmed, upeciully M the hnuun 1.! in. . It Juan. Kenna was uurdod tn [mm for I chroma lithograph. would be In unumanluiou for .u..... .4...-.. wrw 5-v--.1 us.- pruportiuna,uut gulon wny in which be A butter hone has not bocn I Frontenac. ._7 .ng ,_,____ ... .. .,.!y.u.-I. Znchup nf Algumn thil morning 1 Hm hh. (Janun } realon'| funersl all Irrlvn thin avening to be the Mr. R V Rogers. The Rev. mm, A Kmgaton, left ulno lu al- on. W .. zv Dmru. --\vVo Iincuruly regret that Mr. Frnlur, at-nun] of the `l|.ntu1gs,`l'uHdrnJ thus morn- n;.( the down trip to Klngllnn. n ma: cnurvly unnuhcnputed, and umy mil be imagined, ngraut ` N 011 hnnrd. Hu dumilo will T nu: wg_n_u:ws. Ceulrnl Fair Nolan. of ubnruuona taken at King- '.'l hours, ondnng bopl. Wad. [I1 Incl"! (Ha; I!) opri nus aln 6116; I30 -npvrle 5] ; IN umin. pravldolu nnd uhcl non! r we-I. Wanted. _ 4... 1.. nun nu n rnoy took two extra prize: in n dnpnrtmom. for mcritotiuus In oommnn fnirncu to the for othot photo, which it 1. tan would ho our- tupt and ooburvioot oomn to [in Bk John o unto luodoouo -ojudty thou. by tho uoroiu ol all In: ciloo, to con pod bly can out 0! thin city, vo think It would ho only donut for. Tuppv-I to omit tron his luturu opooohoo the dubi- ooa conplidont to Kingpton shout ginng tho boon of the grout Uhiohdn to tho ooootty. In tho ll:-it place, It but lul- ly boll tho pooplo halo don't particularly hauler After political oomplimnntn (ruin the Great btrotohcr onywny; than, u I oortoin Tory untnr would any, they don't hol that they ooIc u-'nti(msly deserve tho plrsiclllll ooonplimont m qnootion; and, lutly, it thoy GU, they would fool thot they had dono unnotlnng (or which thy might hotter uk tho pordon rothor bhnn ncnnnl uh. mnontulntiom of tho `- ...... ,,....u. . (.`..rb"\t tuok nvt only rs! glo tunings horse for speed, u a carrmgo loan: for Baot- N I Balls 0.W uid B. \\ Anglican, -Monlnnl, lopt. 1!. 3.5.1. ..nIu. ....l-n )'r111s EVENING.` A 1. III: N ' 8 nxnmnnn ]1=eIDEoU'I"s] If IIDEBJ will be method by the udera Iignod up to the `Ink duo! OUTOBIEI L I nod up doyof Ul.'l`UlIll NIX . {or t purvhuo at tho undonIonuon~ ed uluublo I Edna IN THE TOWN 0|` (JUILLPII, formerly the property of David Allan. Ku`, And oolnprinlng about twain urea in :1 . Sir Juhn upon tho pop): looted And III than dnublod up Ind lll, Thu Cuban up, this non. ha loul "uhomgtod uonnohutoo much I I-cub. `_.a.4.. I For the bone:-oonunionre I lnundll pur- ehuaro. the pro [arty hu boon dim! mun ought Blockmnu the tender: mny botor Ln) . or ull of the Ll Moon, which mu} be doc oribod u follows; |:joUam:E6p_E FOR BALE] ll Itluniod on (Ionian Mn-cl. conlmnln nu moms. human 3 I'uurv am] "All, on th uhlra ; I [nod Collar. (fhlun. Uoudlhod and Wall. Torsion}. Apply vo WI. HIOWDIU. W - I Illlfou Sept '29, I877. Wolllngton It. BEsTrnsHovsTEris IWIIIIJ IIVT W IUCUI. AI Iopoaomd Ibo llth tut. Bani l.,v|lo Ir. WI. Yorhued ill yum. AI lth B11. W IIHIII Al (LA Ink: L I. Al Nnpunoo. q(od$,non. ITaPonIAnfr sAu-: Vaiuahle nal Estate. II III TOWN OF IIIELPII. ONTARIO. V KIIDIEILH will be roooivod by an under s" nod doyuf IN At tho um timr nml plan; will n'nn he n- rolvod M-pnrnta Irmlorn fur the nu up`, 0! pzrnvnl for tha dion-nl novtirnu of ti road The grnvcl can be subject he the mun-mrm--m. gpprm-;l_ Ind unlur of NI Raul Plingiluwr, I`! --ther 1-anon Appointed for Link ]:ul'polf_ C a I. DU-I . T RUIGIII, W II _'fI- `lilhunl `In can plan wuonvv Mur- Ionu at 4 o`clock fun In: lue moidolco. Gun` in ltrnt. Ethnic and uqutnmru an nnnfullv I-thud In nnnnd Ml u-dunno pol! ll UUPIIIII Inn to UA- nun Punch, and the gunman mum. to rolun lhoobmnh ol nu burdon ul doubt- incurrud an crown; tho Stnehu Mom rlol Chat-05-In tendon! to ohunon the lilo ol the lam, rnuunlcooq j U`-Til. hlpotlfully hvhul to attend. AI `unsung, OLA Ilth I-0 no u Una! Mull m lull l'uI4u|lIK nrdor_ hnvmg P run of uroun.- nnd all no?--unry outlauiulzup complete nun In good onlor. lhI1\1'l 11. I`l ll . H , II ,,,_., uuunpww nuu m gouu unur. m.m1; (:T.'n... Dinullnry vropmy. upon wluuh urn bmldiun. van-, and all ma novuun Appliances lor 3 large And ulunblo dnutillu) ur brewery. lhlnxti-cu n n- u n . .. . .. BLOCKS D E I" 0 and H urn hid out in- Towu Lou, um! I ocicupviug duurnhlc mun lions, u may be neon uu nferoncu to the plnr. n..- n|.`..4l ......|. gnu v._ __-_.s_ u .. .\ _ Kingston and Napanee Huad. SALE 20!-4 ions. l0u Wednesday, October lINl|,l AT nun n'mnrl PM IIIAIP, I` K.'\.\|'lH l.|.Al.\l: I"). :(':.uu!y ('.':rL'. nor-rga Sc-xml. Clunrmnn Ccrmntnllio cl Cuunly Prop!-rly. ,%.,_ ,., mm. \ [ O Inlhplomon !.?Ind.l' tern` In.J - Dndlholnhll. Nua%\,q-fl? yrro `I1; I-maul Inll uh. nlnnn tmnnnuu Alma. .._..-, .. .._.., .. ...._ .. ............... W ...u 7... . Om third cash will be roquiml at tho: zim. of pumhuo. mud any fllllhlnullln luuolhlllulj be ulnd Wlll ha given lur the lmlunol on up proud nocunly. |t-;.L_- .\.-L;_L-.. .._____ .._.n,__,,,__._ J . Neither tha highest nor any under nooasur: Iy Accepted. I Ilaviohu liio thank: upuii I'll] llllno lliuur no: then expect the Uillflhlllllllllll pun uvu eounlry. We don't any all thlo ohoiit the J olin A. Maodonald of tho oerllor time. When on yet lie no onttlod and Ill: tree polllicol character undeveloped, the generation which Int oont him to parliament should nut botoo liorolily judged. But Tripper : thanko oro olw toodored lor having not only brought into public lilo" but l-vr having "ouotained uniuehingly and onc- oeoolully the Right Hon. rte." Now we oubmit the people of Kingston came on near not aunuiuing llllll at the lat Cleo- tiun that the Stretcher`: tholiko might have been much leu guahing and null be undeurrod. We loucy from what we know of the constituency that there liu been I gtod deal uf iucliiug" in regard to tho Chieftain`: re-i.~leo- tion. The Tory organ here has re- peolodly "llinohed by admitlml hie moot daring crlmeo ea grandeur jubo, declaring. alter depoeing him from the Conservative leadenhip, ihat the Conoeroation of Ontario were like nhe-p wnthoul a nheplunl. Many of hia uid llmr onppnrtera have alto u-clied" and bul`. od from him in order lu preoerve their own cuvxlieteiicy and honour, and many more than would make up llie lui. `l little inajnrily of 17 have uiort-`y lloupportefl him ll"-[ll oympnthy or lllll t. ` or lroui lDll('l| lower [ Plllllpllllg, but hue winced an-J "inclied" lhllo tlulnu it l Under all the circninotancre Kingston leie dune nothing on particularly merito- i l rimie ln l.llll matter. and we will warrant I John A. Iayoooloo when he l'Bl'IlOnll'El`l lilo lat oncapo lroin defeat by the very skin of llll tooth. Tne'fou - lo, we neither do- oervo nor deelu Dr. Topper : uninean. lng and left handed caiuplimeul. The part of it which we have quoted eoundo too lunch like a earcntic unlo nt"the local Turn-I lor not tetner ouppoiting their man than they were able to, end, in thin renpect,iuay prove even to them the unlslndeut cut of all. Mapli-p ltho ,Dr. is cut) ennugh ta lureoeo that Kingston will in all prububility hi on titled to nothing but llllk`llCl`all\.lll atiii the next election, and I0 riiilier unilnl_v us while he may. Iluvuver thie may he,we airiuiuly orlviae the Great Slietcher to beaten his gratitude npuu uliji-ct: more deserving ul him to addreao llll in I: -ill nut llnll .I. '2 on tho Ibuvo Raul. for mm vur. can Insuring at I`! o`clm-k Imon. nu the l'2lh Novem- ber nut. vnll be sold by Public Aucunr , In HR. HENNESEYB, \VA'I`ERbO(). Itljd. I! II, |fY`I.g __s_oou'.-.x.1m. COUNTY OF FRUNTENAU. TENDERS F08 GRAVE! nun-t.IIuw1IIn. Mnpnomcu mu inn, luslbouoc, ngodyoon -I. W-. Iol`I.IlDlI 'JI Atbulh ,I|ohol, Ill Hholl Ll. uaiud` I IICO no BLOCK A.-T1u- pl-own! ruid:-nu of David Alluu. Eu; . with the Nubian, Uutbu'Id\n,.-I. Groon haunt Mr. and (Imumh thorcln nnneh the wool. omuom In! uunul clergyman ol the Dunno. Whon the we Archdu- gnn gown Ill removed to llulldullu, his u-dunno pol! ll Uurllwnll fall to Co nun Prunlun. sad nu-mule Lithograph plum of the lbnwi propr_V will km lurnInhml.nu roquaal. In Ihmlo mloronexl Hall Hamilton, 180.}: Sept... M77, II An I In. K-0T`0D JOUIIIYIAK TlNlIlTll.- lvvly to win. 41.1.31. IopI'J'2. w.m.m TWO :1-mun Email an nm'sr,. K nllnnlod nu (Ionian conlnmlng By ordar, IVILL Bl OPEN _WAN'i`lD, InlYII|'v|lAl `I PLRLOUR I, '0 3 IOWDII. grnuuuu upuu ....Jn... mu... ....... ..... .. it. Ir. will not null him to uddrou `Hull-lerfully ela-tic pmu-n in lhe 0Vcl' i dwindling and nut truly inicroacupic ma]-:1-icy by which his rnntor luu lmoly bun warcly Able to Iquuu inLo plrlir main {or the Oil y of Kingston. IOIllAfl,uuuu India It ! II, II ropun u: no Lily Inn Ilumuull. Ipomleauonn Iny ha can so our 0000. The hunt Tandu I.-at at-NOIIVNV uuphl. P()W'1|l A non, Anhllocu. Golden Mon Iloc-I. Illgutu. lop! Im.m1. 5-.,,,.."' gory g. h.` dun m mnl ropun the (Elly Ilnll lhnlvhuln. InoanInAlInnn -lV A [Argo Luorlhauc-M of Bibhunsinall the New Shades A I80. Table Llncns. Napkins and Damask nm clam AT LOW I'll ICES. RUC'TT6f~TSAIE WAl|I86||l0E88Cl|EIl XX & XXX Ales & Porter Valuable lnhogany. Walnut and oak Furnllnro, Plano. Cut Glass. China and Plate lllrror. This afternoon: dupntohen inform u: that Unmbnttfn untenco hu been con- firmed. 1! this in so At. II I must do-pom: shame. [I Fruuco in Republican: in nu)- Ithmg more than: name, the lmliull van] I resent this nrbltnry imull. at the eulun g '0]-ectmn by repudlutiug H19 liulorn whu no thus nltempung tu lhruulu the pub i |;_ 1.5."..- Ounprinin one wry nupermr Upright Fina. 5 ' um o London. Hulw-,I.mungrn.L`entn and D. um` Table. Snalunlmnrnl. Vhniu, Pnrpell, .: mhnrd Book (`nu-. udulldn` Uur--nun. Mal.- d llntariu Agricultural college. 0 I E N N on the 15:): October. WHEN EIGWTY l5TlIl)l'ZNT`-4 (`AN BI A(.'C\JlUUIIA'['ED Huidu Krgnlur Count than will be I 0 ml onu Iur I-`um-rn lonl worth` on Ibor fuhoro hum or other: Ungngod kn {Arming lend for(`lreuIn-I. giving full Infunnulon concerning term: of unrnnoa lo wu .lmlmIT()N. A mean! (tall.-ga`. (lulp .BcpuIuber lath, IRY7 EQUAL 1'0 ANY IAHUVACTURID IN T!!! PBOVl.V(.`l. D. Table. tjnlulmnrnl. I hnnu, ljrp \.' -phord I I noun. Cooking and llu-nu rm.--` Kcl "urnnuro.ChIun, Ulun And `nrlhenwnro, ` Sale at IO o'clock. Torin rub. CHAS. IMIILLAB ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT. R. &J.GARDlNER Ill! Bubooribor is favoured with Instruc- lionl from PIHNUIPAI. ENUDGIAI3. no ull at his ruldanoo, Soven Octave Puno form, Muhngsny Drui- loom Sune.Conno and Side 'l`ul-lu-, Marble Top Bldo Tlblc, Tnpulry (`AI-pout. Pictures, Whaling En-Iy Chin, (`urnuv u. lnrgo Ex- -nnion Dining Tnhle, Side-lmurd, lhlr, (`lolb and other Chnirl, Lnungun. Surus,Woul us! -11:91` Cnrgetu, Stair do. and Noah. llookoua, Writing Table: and l)cn|n_ Muhopny sud Wulunl Bedroom Sums. Hummus, Wuhutnndu, Foilet Stu, Iran Dmlntvnula, Hair and Sprlng Vhltruuu, Lookuug (llusmn. lhlh. Clock, `nu of Chins, Largo Dinner Hal. China l-`run Nina, Cut Glnuware. Superior Con! Blovo, llnl.Itnn'I,H1ll Table, 1:", Stnrm, Cnpylng Prev. (7:-oolorv And Kitchen L'u-mule, with I hon: ofothor nrtiolon Loo nmunroun to men lion -.....V.. -,, _, ,., gontlomln bad A than but uveru Illueu, from which he recovered nuimently In he Able to j-rm in the Synod. 1).: Sun- day In: lw relurnml lu his pnrochul duliel in oompnny with his uncle, Arnh- dewnn \\'1l|un_ of the Duncan )f l`..run- tu. They went buck un Monday tu Mun Mrnl, bud It the Hylwd Unnuu l'n:l2HlI deluerecl an able upon-ch un lhu subject .1 the Duncan. ta, nu-vnlly l oc~~u|nmn-nu. tho mloplmn of Unnun. The rnortu-n ..l .1... much bovund utrrngln ( Bonn three luck: Ago tho rcvorend ,'n. & J. cAnnmn 0n Wednemluy, SPIN. 26th, All of Mn ll0UHEl'l()LD I-`UlL\'lTURZ. oounhun; of Will lytuuld 3! `IM Roliclomm I! HRH. PAT- Tl1`.|{UN,WnI|lAn1 Surat. uur barrio, ALL THE llUUSEl!0l.l) Fl'RNl'l'UKIC 'l'llEHl`.lN (.'(H.\"l'AlNLl), .1 nquvd Iodawullng, Du Olll up 3; In: all In A I! ' "' "'-L n'.' IOUDII. IQI D, IIV1. Icahn: Plan, Kan; I0. ........_..._ Household Furniture 03 'I3.'IhVI'lSl).|I' NEXT. M "n [IIIDIATILL I [-04 Plain Cool, Io! Iadovuhing, but am who on m --II-I-mt Anus. ......h.- I lie lube.-rt;:` _som 91,1317` A (III nnlleilod. All salon [or each. Ono price only. mam Imiucco mom Yarn man Are ronhnlly znnml Commence .1 U '0 ock. Hop! if, 1577. Bale pnellolyll l0.30 o'clock. m.__, ..,n __ -___:..v_ TermI-enah an dny of male. Supt so, 1577. ' U1` 3. according to the Ondnuo Pkg, .J Ind olhlbly Illunaod on ordal ION. 1: lutuuolnbn llu nlhuncool mm.- H ________ _7_`_ T In Lalo (`Anon Preston, Iludoupll in prnnaing About In tho Lion skin of loyllty at the aural Tory dolnoantntiona. Thu: diuguind, ho loudly brnya nboul the dovotiou of the Tory pay to British Connection and all that; but hit own Ion; Ann:-nlion can paint in protruding through the roynl alone And than the wholo nhmu in dufontod. Km} Kinpmninm distinctly remomber the rumor thrown narou King Itrool, nut Brook, many yuru :30, hearing the inscription `No I-mkiuq ta Wuhin-,n.nn' to frigllon tho Iuynl citizen: of Kingston Iron voting usimt. John A. Mncdonlld. Thu] worotho words 0! Wandering Willie. Ibo idontiod rolugoa who owns--rt: with tho Tory lo sdnrn ho hu repntodly bnndod with inoapuoity and trauma, but who now dintondn bu own bran] cheek- to blow tho trumpet of loynlty lor tho Tury party. Whu can hanger bulieve ' tho `prnetical polil.icun3' . IENDEHI will be l"4'I`|VPt| bylho Indor- ugnrd nun noon on `I UKIHA Y, the tub at, our lbs Ioul, Ilium. ('nOpq.|Qy g.` |mIiu' dam uuihng canal: In In: lfllv LI BIIIAIKY RISE TING. Au6*TTo Ns;ALE" THE NEXT SESSION Till III!` II THI IAIIET. QUEEN'S COLLEGE. K VHLKLI Pumper on P. BAJU8. A `II. IIT7` T0 cohfnkcrin? " For Sale, a.. nu nnl-u PBHR 3188 BTREI I`. ' lltllfillw mam. "E.\'CIl A .w.' 1:," w...a.;..;n k'I'lI.' . nu-ud l'In IIAWDII U IACIAI. J E. ll["l'(`HE()N, AUCIIOICOI Hnc of the Young Mon : Alum-iulmI., IoVllLLAN, Aucuonur . TAYLOR will rend I Iruu-` Iu WM. JO" NHTON, Prelldnnl `I a col, Aumuau. At the Tory Plellc. (Out: wa Cstizen.) 7... '.'.'.'.','3';I";.L:ii}-oT 'o}{r'd" "rT.'.'$ qn-In) and Ismlud In upkndidon Mon. ..Jou val qfcoillurtl. I Deal to; the lat hi! you. -i'no Nut Yogi Journal of fomnvm. B-utml Paul, lad author loading Annnmn 0!] on but strong articles in hvur ol flu an-lo nuts Cuodn. _A um- lngnun. In Hm ndrnrlinnnn nl Inc um um uuuu. -A [III lnuunn In the sdvorlinmg n! the Lunr pnpon, it the lroquuoy ol nouuu 0 onion 0! Canadian canto, which indnmtu the manual and mounting cluncnainnl And Imp--rum: ol tho! tndo. Tho uofk n gs-uonlly o! ulri moo nu-III) upluudid|aon moo. . 4} wrnsu ronuunus. ` Cauln lbr cuuuu, [We hope IN dny 'I not far distant thunk. Dam`: vunuilo talent: will - Bad I and 0 Sold for dnvelnp nut in the House Common: of Cum- da, when the brillinncy ol hi: war: would soon oonumnd lot him A ending putiliun. And yhon he would ralloct x':ro~ dit on the constituency nendi him up 5 well u on his mtive lnnd, yhich given I I to the Empire mine of [wt grwwoaz par ` liunonury onton and |utea.nxen.-:.`d. 1 News ] Dun Wulu ; II` L-.. ,,|:_-_J AI... -\...-.. I.-um vnllr l um in the Eumnrn rutnuupn. -1`n.um Trunk bu daohrml I dividond--n than -1 anal InlH lf_\ nrrvipp hand: at 1 a uorhng pu 100 bond .-i'm. Nat Ym k Journal of fonmvrol. IN 00. --Largo rlmvvn of mule and sheep an being bought up by Amnrwan Ipvculr In tho Eu:-rn Tutnnmpa. __'I`|.-Ilp4ud Trunk Inn dmlu-ad I UKAI vv ulu . We have clipped the Ibovo from your local conwlnpuruy, and tako notice u! it on ncwum u!` it: displaying the name Ipirit that bu ulanyu been the hana of our coun- try And therefuro oxfomive to ever'j_.m[.n Unmdinu ll -nu Innn nnnlnnnnn -In-h unnrlerful Sh: gang grain}: ifhig. j...:..._._?.._.4. yo I` cum. -Tho Uxforrl wnodcnwuo I-navy, N. 1 , ruoomly burned, in to be rohum ll nl An If any man poueuus such wonderful udentn An above hinted, we cannot under- uumd huw hi: own country can well Ipnre huu , and if hu hu not uuch tale.-nu n to mnke him prized At home, we do I not want him here for we are! not ptsrticulu-l{'iu vunt. of men in my da- parununt u! in that 0! actual nottlemont upon wildhuulu. Tho `tbrillinncy of any mm`: powou" can hudly wnrnut Cuna- dmm in plncing them over themselves, pmmled he in I fresh importation from the old countrv. because the hnbih, feel- pmvi.led he in fresh unporuuon xroru the country, ings, edllculiull and maluner of looking at things of such a mm are all I met. foreign 1... mm menius and growth uf no country, Ill!!! vuuuquuu -uu .u.-....-.. \'I ._-v..... _. to the genius gmwlh country, nnnl o-unruly luv.-unlmxv. with the fueling: of all truo Cnumalmnn. 'l"uiapr&M.-txcn nf gnving furcigm.-rs the reins ul nuvwr lmn lmull the cuum of am q-mum-ut I-no. -'l`|.n nunpnmun of Mosul. Thumu Walla & pa. hu create! wry oun|HIor- ah]. unoumou tn cuunuvrcul Iucluiu and II II I queutmn whqhut ono or no mhen houna ntfaoud by tho hilurc wi|l bu Al-In tn wuthrr ha norm. `Ii... . 'l`l.. D.f..nn Jhnnntrnllnn truth:-r ha --'Iiur: The R.lunn dlonnrnllon ml Gall. an A non Iuooou. ' hero Ara not mnny nbl-cr or mom (I 81:; man III Pnrlimvont than Jnrnu Young, and ..... ....... ..m. . .n-......au up man slum-~ I'Il'lI4I"IlIl not many with 1 urn: vvd hold on their con: ems ul puvu-r nun uucu u U2um4ln'u h;u:kmm.lucnu Ill tl ulnitinmiuu, lhi: |:n':`unll:i|1g L: clunmng lu he Brmsh, Hun uvurynxng in lhu shape of an If he can uuly u\\'oll" and ` wurdsl 1| hn"- -these thimn ha of all Lmmalmnn. reins puvwr the rucu fur lllic|:n-rumlvimz to oI'cr_\'tl|iug chuunng tmul_un;,v to Englushnmn mouth hm wurds 3 thing: lmvc been the cause for lung years of L`mu.ulu'a humili:s~ Lion in the v3 us of the very people whmw favor Iho sought to secure, and has made her 11 bye word to the neighboring Ro- public. The Vuitcd Staten demand at lent ve 1. [NH Cry I I9 I\||S5|II'I IUIUIUTI` -Tha-re In about u much variety in John A.'I oovurul pncma Ipaechu n In the Iemhnr delcrnlml by the Sculuuuu `Jun ohouory, nhuwury, V11` ruin bo- umeu ' IUIII ; In-mm ln,th Pnrk. Y.l.C.A. Weakly lnqtlu II 8:15 p... lmrnu of tho It. Vuoonl do Pu] Ioohty M 4: p.u. ll! ` KIICHNXI ||I"$. -S.np.-.1 uuckimgl are qolug out M Mylo and the Sulnlny Scho-I icnIo II nu mum be eloclrntiocl by I bu) ham. din play ufum northern hghu ovary time 1 prl fnlln out ul :1... Ilng. - -Wv nu-heed ln dav until young In- done at nun-qnuruu. -Afl.--on yurnlul dnuqhtor of an kylmor, Quwo, Ininiater, olopzd recant- ly Iith I M-nrubnrg young man. Thuy acre ummi.-d Ievernl lnya baton their pin-nu know Anything About that 5! 'niP ' fur. -- Mr V`. J. Bo.xm'.ry luu Lek-n notion h r 8.30.1301! duungo: Julllll McKIllup`n Uvunuh-rcI..l Au:-ncy, M; the grnnud that they lulualy umuunm-d ham dolaudnm. In nn pi-rhne-nl ruo. puhnc. _v-.'u`B hufum an ununigmnt. can be natur- hwd, and pmnuus to him naturnliznu --n hu can take no part in the politics vi the cuuntry. This in. an it should ho. fur I man untl triuniug, mm is [ir.u`nc:u l(lIUV\'ll.'llgU pl Cniuulimi nlllur-4. Nu dnlllit. Mr. l)zn'in l|.L1ll`ll`nllN whw vmulnl like to [mull hnn f>rwur1lu ; an nlan lma (`upt. Kirwam, Stopliun J. Manny uunl Inxuiy others; but l`-muxla ah-mll have fnomls tau, and friumla who will jealously guard her in- rc-msts nud secure her true xulvnncement, and wliu will 500 it, innrenvor, that slio duos nut fall lmck mm the old logy no- tions and practices, and tlw political and ruliginns illlllllulllles which ll]')|lI`(` tho ninth:-r mnntry, and mark it as oing at least a hundred years behind the times. And tn wlmm almll (`uiiutlu look but tn Illf|tlIL`l' country, nnu IIIZITK I! an mung at .-\ml to whum shall but hur own children to wcure the xulvantage-I 1:) whmh she has :1 right, and to keep her nbrcust with tho ml\':u1('oInent.s nfthc age I Hun-Iv Ahr munmt In-urn from those that I Dc l`lll1't`s INN` lnlvsu nu-n lllllull) uu.-y xlmul-.1 surve Cumuluum tn thu ronruo T and malmauch cttl-rts as W! lut the world know that I then: in u (`:mzu1mn country --n the earth, and that tlus Cttlliulzl nf uurs" is not .1 lm.-re hnnhvr nu-In fur the waste nnternal uf Hr;-at Brltmn and Ireland. \\'o.- haw lmnm talent, 11-! it. he dv'.':-lup- ed mtu llmnc Rulu," and lot nupurm` mum trnm mtlu-r East ur West lridc Iln-1r I l um, and thz-n uccu}-t the situation that um) unh--ut prcjudncv be carton-let! tu | them as :1 ruwmul uf lh(`ll' thuruugh Im- turhntmn mul uf their mt-rit, u..,. um: um: "Inns km rum ; 1ntollmnc } tun-, xu: nmy pl ruward uf IUNIIII Ill. -~A Turnnlo lnwyor Inn ncoeptcd I 34300 buuuu to Iotllo In Saul! 5%. Mario. `Send Ill] the fools! Uivo ua goodi general: and we wall right well enough, .. oh- N-n ..f Ilm Rnnnmn nnldmrn `lrl inlln out ul Hm day young dlau Illung-timg a brief `rut ulnooonl. irt.- Ni -11 Illh Inle ul --ur good IuuklnJ pl'|llL'I`l. Tun mun. he nu-ppoel. Wu Insnlhll tlm kmd of bulmou mun be do I hand-qunrlou. -A n--on nmrnl-I dnuuhhr lull, JKIIIIUI I1] IIII I-L- III u-- u---, to chick. in hot. In in `inn the by hi: on violation ul II. cuppa--d ucsulily 9! his |VIoinl. I! an "on. lnpouotcl Rqhtry Ollooo lot Onluio Jan :30 an up today a on u! we -|...._|..M.A.an nl Innvll Ii ALA cuuntry. This in. no be, should lmu'n his mule hufuru he should work at it, and ve `ours is short enough In mzqulru u |uI uf the nmchins-ry uf the Guvurnlnellt uf tho cuuntry. lh1llmm-_v --I p.m-u~.~(' ll] plmfurm pur- fnrnn\IIa'n*H mnn u|l|\'Mu:1luan Imver cum- IAIUU bumu lo leulo Ill mum. as. non ght z-u~ Ihn an! the Ruasmn mhherl. - I`h.-no nri -llI8 not rocupu ol tun uuuurgl Cnthu he l':c-nu: mu CH7 l`l. -J;uy.-Na llnlllnll n Av? unco more. ll. Clrlrl qu.uv.-rly. - '1`.-ry bun: mnl Tr-ry beer are making the Hon. \\'nll-am Mncduugnll uncom- ful'l|lI| {IL lnwvot accented A Klngstm \ - nlIHl`0DI II Illlllll IPNIY [U EIIIVIU -. HIl.`Illu it hu burn the other In] ~|l||Ju hu smcoodo-I HI iuumg I v 6 par cunt. loan as u promnnu of 1 ' nuI|L ~ Manitoba in In-dun] mlr Cu Minna . Hutu: n. it h... h.ul| Hus nthnr Inv (`Ali'|\`|`lUll'l' I(L'l.\'. Lon, Sapt` not rocnil-Ln of I'm-mu wan LH7 12 CURRENCY. -,..,. - ' SATURDAY INIITG. DEVI`. 22, I878. _-- . ` -uvvvu-. ---.... ...-. n runuorur more dour uuutuonu. the Cuburgl -2 ZBNA3. [HE BRITISH wmu. .----00-o---:- -Tho [nu Corhon hlI.ll|C 01 the Philadelphia Cnunpisllnhlbilima in on In way but 00 PIOVMIIIOO. Ind tiny an no nquinl hr in mupou-salon.` 1'uz`u:.\1u nut. M (`conclusion of the Prlu MIL ` Yactordny to gun the print lint oun- nlzll, uyo the uuudo in the l..u||u' Do- pnlmonl, which to append. lioouly ....|.n,..oim. -n A dimll. Ink. an Ila punucuuon wu u uunuuu -n--, - -v priu outriol Ind so be nnrclnod out bun. than nnd ovoryuhoro, and ya: it until! Jun ombrnood tho hill 37 cluul had I not one of lhp hooh bun misplaced. Thu India` priuu Ire ; ' cuss 31-ubIu' ion. Wu tluvun, Min Ouborry, Laura D11, Provinoo. Uur nluon Inununu pa--pm won ronul. and tutiod lith unnur uiu In huttinlll and cnlhuniuu In tho nnohsnfod continua : with which loriom 0 d Norfolk has our ngmiod tho prinaipln ol Rcformnnd the patriotic tutti-mu cf the Indurl of the Rofuru pgk-` manual Ion pvuontod to the ._.. .1... panic at lonuuu on tho: CI-"l"III I I but Ivuwv-- - -.._ pg-Q _ Ihol um union, who opoh length the pnlitiul don-tiun. [Dd won ~l-nllovod by] Hon. Mason. nllntinon And Curt Iryhl. DI Bulnr, ILPP, Ir. Chullon, nu Mr. llynnl. plruucni. Ivulcu In -yyu-cu. and sun; pubcntion In 0 diaull Iori, II the ...;.. -..o.a.. hm In In nnnlcllod oll ham. . The Grant Reform Daumnutr-tiun ntli Bnmptomattended by omhuniutia (.lmu- I ands, wu follmvoul by unuther pnpnlur` :-:.... :.. |\..nn..- ..l uh: Lihnrnl Lander} Tho Rofurm donmmtnfinn at Simona on Friday In I ulinnu In tho norm of Iriumplu Ihlch but uucndod u Miniuvn in tho dilurlul dwvricu of tho Provinoo. (nu Mtun thnnund people --.. ........a ....l uumod unma- 1- . Wu fruit, nut wurthy. Flowon, (unmet, Min Wollbnrn, Min 0 Roman. ` Flunnn nilvnr Iif. "II S Bnknr. U Kenton. Fluunn, silver win, In S Bshr, Mn J Nnrthmon. Inn-.. -nuth M:-n RAlnr_ Mun M BEG '1 C.Iuni|L H-up u lnml, Mn Brian. Berlin wool uork, plniL, Role Mary O'Neil, Mrs Ban-u. Embroidery on silk, Mill L A Dnvy. E-nbruldory on woollen, Mu: Nolnon, Mr: Drurumund. I:`...s....\.`u..... m. mnnn Min nnrhurrv. Ill! lnll Km-y umu I. nuts unru IIUIIII. -'l'ho [rut-It nu-uko ouny woman tan make, ll jun :1 man A: hot hunlunri has bran el|IIol ml-tum uvl mnluhn cuunpnnywm nppunr in hll nu unilnrm. --Tun Inn nuul"Ihl|>I uro uut nluuyn judminnl, the part): -man tin out lione- uu hnlnrn tholrut bnuiul. lull Youn Inn, Inn: to unit, il you un~ dontnn in no! u hon bofuro the in ready. yu will lose your use nnd nnluu tho hon b.-uidn. n... .1 oh. haul hula nnnv man Inn mvul. the pronoun In cnnrny. Ono qnnrt uf ohun whn|u~y.ho choc - our the boiler, judinhnunly nppliod, will 0 mnrl huoinnu for the don! thnn lhc Imnrteut. cluknn ha ha: nut. Bo moruphull tn all dumb nnimnln- no man can riulu (`Mu hunn on n sore hacked hon`. Mn J Nnrtmnon. Flower truth, Mus Bnhr, Mun M Wood. 51--.! --4-H: Mn Y. Kninhl, INA: J unan, In lournvou uy nu:-um. V-.y..... uprising in hunnur ml the Lihanl Lander IO. U! on the lnllowinu day. Fuurfton momben of pnrliauncnt, iuoludmq three Iiinintarl of the Cruwn, npuuod upon I tho platform. accompanied by I Iullo hunt of ox-number: and protniuunt. Kefurmern. The [noun youiblo onthulium In eli- cited by the cunt of the day. and tho boutiou oroouptioun Acorn-dad tn the din- tingulshod guuu. Tho Tury reaction ll gutting loll palpable every day. It In: boon much talked About but WI nut. work up into A hnxiblo ro.|lHy. The Reform puny in baonming thoroughly | _-..--.a I. -.. nnvnr mum uuiud and E Cuwull. I Hut work, Christopher Gotdou, Min M Wuod. Moon work, not worthy. Shrll Iork, nun, W Woodl. Bud Iork, Mn Brian, Kin Skinh- Innd. lnnd. ; Berlin wool work, ruined. Miu Strick- lsml, Mn Briggs. Hnrhn Inol Iurk. DlIiL. MIT? home. -An onthvuint. it Ill individunl whn hollow: About {A-ur mm: as mulch n he- hn prove, and whu Inn pron abuut luur Hum: ll mutch at cunybudy nlu bo- Inninn lonon. ~ The d 3 that will follow ovoryboddy ain't worth I cun. _'l`hng. hnnnln -hn Ara lrinina tn nit um ! warm cun. -ThoIo people who ITO (rising to `H to heaven on thur km--d WI nd out at Int thnt the-y didn't have thru tlohu. ,_'l`h. urn-Dun! mulnhn nnnv -nmnn lug non-re tnllr-It Dvgllll, --Nntur no-Isl:-m nukol I plmol, aha imply lunmhc-I tho nu Inunrmln, sud tau tho {allot tiuuh the job to um hum lull vnnn -nn lnnrn In -All il Inn nn. bruldcl. Ono ol tho buuradn any man In nuke In in all out hm rollnnuo hood and the proceed: in chnrtly. Una nlmrl uf chain I'||lklV.`hO 0hOIn- Mr: Ururumund. Ernbrmdary nu cotton, Misc Carburry, Min 5 nckl-and. l'.'mhrui:l-ry on mullin, Mill Strick land, Mn Calvin Dr-'y. Ouxpnro work, Mill Stricklund, Imus C m[v'.l'. Nu-stllalvnrk, nrnamentul, Mu! SU"ICk~ Ilnrl, Mun Mary D nnuinvz. Mnn|:II|n mninu. fmmlv. Mn Barker, Mrs Wlll Unoan. Gent`: shirt, nude by hand, Min Nol- I IUD, Mun Nuluin. I`...-Imp -..:-Ir in muflnn lm Min Mun Nulmn. Urucbel. work in cotton, n-3, Min Nolaun. P.-....k.A ..-mh in nmmn mm:-m,M1n lulorm puny nu uvwu-mg -.uu.....`..., , round. It wu never muro united onthulintic than now sud is sure to: nwcop Ontario for Reform Government at the non tlectiull. The epxuph of the sickly Ind uh-rr: lived rucliun in ulrudy ` written.