--..--... Panel 0ont.-John Duly, lunch Illnhtly, lllon Andonou, lnvb Jor- dg ggd William Dowlhg. dunk, db- l|n0(-|lbut| Lats, drunk and dia- ..g.d" nd 32 o: (I) dnya.--Willinn Allison. drunk. tumbled to n In. M3 an n..... A..4I.-um an I! an mi llrlln, I\lGOI|I VVITU, Fll; l Iy I! U) M llze Hath of Sept... `.'$()(}f:; du., In , , Grave Strut, 8'3 26. dn., d114, Mnulnml ` Stronl, N 95, Juno Wnlonn. urhilratmu in Re Dupuu, 830, do., W. lhttarwn, 330; can u! cue M Kmgamu V` C-vrpurn tum pf hood: And Lnnnduwno, 87.32, pay lint Sydenhnm Ward, N0 79, Dr. H ll. Euns, modionl onmlmlian, 85. The Unmruntu bud bofuro them I communi cuuou from John Fruor, on behalf of tho Kingston Hoapitnl, I-equating the pay- ment of nine months inlorut. on lwu de- benture: ol I500 uoh, not presented In Jnnnnry Int when due. They nonm- mondod thu. nu manila` inlorou be Id- unood on thou dobonluroa. On the Com- munimlion 0! Hughes Al Horton. asking for I grunt of I -iu for I Iiuniug mill and nmllon factory in tho oily, and tho exemption from taxation. They recum- mondod lhn if the petitioner: will gua~ nnloo to area! I uriu mill and wuulan man. 5. AM. Hihlonleen, un bohnlf Milan Finance Colnmmeo. pruomod tho (-1- luvnng report. They rocnmmendud Un- pnyun1oul 826 on Account nf brul-nu IIHM. John Hartley, bru-Ron Itmm, $1.150, Frnncll Dnwnun. ch-alnng well, `u Muntrenl Strool, 87; W. Unotlhalluvv, drum, lhdanu Wnnl, I200; l'ny hat tu .I.. 0.. II.` IL). ..I Q-..) I'll) 117.. .I.. I 1 y 1 vnxar ugnr, IIJCI nll IL. The Mnynr nid everyone would adnut I the necouny of lame re protectiwn In these nuler dintricu where they hnd won property burn down without. any means ` nf uvinglt. The Onmmittoe would be` excused if they exceeded their appruprir ' hum I little lrwr much I purpunu. | The motion wu curried. to Do uwnyl wall nllod. ' Ald. Dnpuin Inggontod thnt if the ` tank run dry they could make the [album vnler tight and fill it. ' Thu Dfnvnr nninl nun-v-an. ......l.l .,l....n 1 unaoruunmnul and mmnterprotntmnml Ald. Dronnun remarked tbs! on I)ivi~ I Jinn Strut the Cummings hue been; upping nomo O|.h0l' porIon'l well, and by ` and bye the supply any can. I AM. hlcclmmnn luid lhlt [hare was |Anu oye mo supply nid lhnt. there mu an gbundauco of vutor in the wt-III; Around there, mad he expected the tank to be nlwnyn wall lled. Ald. Dnnuin nmun-hul Hut 6 elm o,uuu, ll Is-1'-u. Ald. Drennnn-lIow much Will it contain without the wall of muonry l The Mn_y0r--AbmIt l5,00(l gsllona. Ald. MoCauxm0n continued tut when the contrsot I'll given out the iden was j to have it water tight, that in, have I cun- I creto bottom and have the nixles built with water limo And stone Iunuury. l ` But when the execution I'M undo for this Divinion Itroot tout it run found that an Abundant Iupply of water ooulil , be furniuhad by mom: of I spring; hence N tho Uumiuittoo thought it ndvinble tul alter the plum and Ipeoicationl, having the side: built up and botlum left an it was. In ruferanco to Montreal slruot the lame specication: were used, but the Commit- [-90 did not expect to get Inter there, anal so the Engineer hu boon iuurinted 4 to have the tank made water tight, and it will hue to be lloll w from A hydrant or by wrfnco Into--. " Tho Committee did not object to 3 criti- cism ol thulr work, but the-ydlllilud mia- ` undorutandiugl and mininterprotntinns. 1 remnrliod thnv An l)ivi- V nom uuruco Inter. Md. McOnmmnn nid sumo of the at-Aternanu in the letter m question were ` inn-unto. The tank was cnpahlo of : holding ll,000 gallon: of wntarinnwad of 6,000, In utatad. ' Alal ll:-.;nn.n_Hn_ .......I. _.II mom. were not cxcoouou. I Ald. Allen oould not no the use of buulliug up the Diviaion nreet unk a - E carefully, if, n he uudontoud by I lettxry in the Wnm, it wu merely intended to. hold uurfnce Inter. .n.z vu..n........... .-:,n -._._- -: .., nuns In Iuwr. I In nnuwor to Aid, Drennan, the Mnynr uid that the Inc tank undertakun muscle the third, nml chit their cont was $137, ] 8195 and SWO. Thu approprintinn for that purpose Ind been near-led by 8122, but he would let) that on the ruuud g ` urea of the Fire. Wner and (In l)u.p:m- I ment were not exceeded. ALI Allnn m...M um ..-. `Ln ..... -1 T An OI-In Hol7n.---HArry Lindloy vnnh to come here and Ex up the Onta- rio Hall {or so Upon }_loune, but tho Connoil don't. think much of tho offer. Some 0! the Aldermen no under the im- pruninn that the plus in not sduptod (or thus purpon, und thst, at my rate, Bury Lindley in not. the hair pin to put in material which will be o' much Iarvioo to tho city after he is done with it. - 909 ~ -4 ,- an I. III on uonuul Itroel Ina tender of M . Wales (0190) being the lowest, mun ptod, and the wnrk in now pr-r_;rues~ ing. They expect the tank on Division ntroet. to be completed during the present week. It bu ncapncity for Il,1,|0'J gal- luna of tutor. .. n Ala n.......-.. AL- 11,, In ... permrm. I The Mnyor said the Solicitor could not got. Along my Inter with the Itrom upen- iug; tluu the work III undennk-m u noon on the nrburaton had mule their II'!ll'd. .1 '5`: -nu-A4 Cuullunn --.-..-L- IL- .... A: ... A rm some further remnrlu the motion was carried. ` t titmultbou lo we uvvmmnttoo on mm-u tn roport. Ald. Allan dnw nttontion to n ntroat which hd bun ordond to be opened by the Council, but on which tho work hnd not yet been commenced. Ho -untud to know if the Engiuoor had A client in the city on one hand and I clio ' scum-body oils on tho uthcr. Ho refarrocl to Urns-o stunt. When the Council or- dervd any work it no the duty of tho En,viu-or to no that it Ill done. He n who of Upper Goorp street, and uid pomd. Ald. Wnlhm did not nndentmd that the Solioitur bud bun ordered to hu..o the ntrout npould, but merely to notify thou living thorn to pluoo nu more 4.1;- atructimu upon it. He did not under- stand thnt George street In to be open- ed at the pr-aunt time, but in rt-gnrd to the other than was no native duty to perform. Tha Mnvor llid thll Fnnlir-ilnr n.ul.l nut wt nouglng Ian not to obstruct Dbl! 1| called 1' George utrool; Ah I the opening tho Itroot till he ol lit: 0 non, Ivhilo is will auu A grout dul o! illlllfj to him, ll be will lose his wall and out- buildings. Ho com lninod that In Ind not been Iummnn bdou tho Strut ` Commiuoo to explain hi: cue, to ha , thought he should hue been. - Rsldrrod 1 to tho Cvvmmituo Stnwu (A) street. IIO nun: Ion lroppvd. A d.` lotcnlfo --Tho petition of Bunuol Muohull, lilting llut he Ind boon and with n Iollor (mm the City Holid- lofnotil 'n; his not to obstruct that in nnnr Goon. n.nat- um um runs, vvn|l.n nnu UL-1. Aid. Monmmon bru-mht in tho report if the Committee on Fire, \V|laI` and , tn the of-ct that for the budding of :1. nk Montreal Itroet tho tender of! H Wnln (`INN ha-inn tho In-..t -x... can 1)! than bnhn by (lug. The amounts (or wind: thcyukd hung boon Mind In tho Fianna Co-nitho In-uunu lot Iludl thqlllod hung I posted by Iinancn Oonlnitbo `HO III llnonn-l. noon p_uua by thofinqna I dons a . |__;r.t*f._...c..7..:'1~.:?P.,*:a'm %.-.4..-- STOCK PIvImuucu--Thin morning the stock of the insolvent rm of Mean Joroy, Moodio 4! Co. Va ION by uno- tion. It In bought. II the rate 0! silty- lvo cont: on tho dollu by Mr. Moodie, who will curry on thn buainou in Lin on name and on his own Iooount. Tho book dobu wore pnrohuod at 20 cont: on AL- .|..n.. ru, rny Inn 11., `($0 (`M-1; do . .d0., I M.lcrInn, Innduwno, d, I :nmIr.nli.m, vv, unoun I , (In. In J Mnl r nu: lnlnacrlhonoll amount 0! III Donut in vlu-Marl to all tlm well hon Ila m Inn of the Inn! harm it the United Iuuha. Ho Ion`-I be villus; to onhngo NI lorlhooi. Inrtbav hloruolbn will In [Ivan an gpplnontlun. _ Bacon`: Ethan Anon. lot libel. l'Ir1 npphentlou. CO1-`.!E CTIONERY Wholesale and Retail, D. Mcwon Son. qwsxn smut. Engines, Boiler:-1.&c..lr|ulnnd saw Muchlner lANUlv`A(.'FURID oil It PAIIID. {T0 the Farmi_{g_Uumn1nity ! I-Iugluh Woman. Young Men of (M. Britain. Boy: of England. J'" B00?` 1'~ O`:-run`: l{IcInIon.--Mr. D. l. K. line will leave hora no u to open a norm of mootingl in Ottun on Suurdny aven- lng. The people of that place an pn- pu-ingn grout reception for hlnl. Com- nittou and nub-c.:mmiI.weI have been lppolnud for the muxngonout of the looting; Supt?- . W57 J. J52,:ia`D's. R(`llI(`lll||(`l` the llllli IIIVE. JENGLISH MAGAZINES J u\\' ur`l1,~s lg 'a FUN. ' ALL IIUITI I t In their anon. A J. ILIIDT. _..__... .._____.._.. .__.`. _._____,.._ THE BEE HIVE Ham 5. Ian. ` IN the Leading Place In Klngsiou lor Good. Durable and (`heap ; Wear. IRb,iIl80Il'8 Carriage %WErk.' PRINCESS IT.. KINOITOII .' , n ma mzun. IREES BROS- Inuu.-Pnnod mom cf. w.n.6a 1---! _..A-.J-_. 94L. lulu. Il-...4 TEAS, OOFFEEH, I &c. &o., }BAzA.A.n.. ] iny the Can, Quart or Plato. CHAS. E. WRINBIIALL. nmbl) JUUIIEYIAN TlNlIlTI'l.- _ Auply I 1 WI ALLEN. Illanu/`urrurmy (,'onfe('Honara, bvf-i-i:K,` on! Sept. `.'-I. he wurhnnnnlulp ll unlurpunod. The Mn rule uuul in ma Mulnnfmturv IFQ oflhe vary aI,wlnlu the prmon uro ` per cent luwar than hnv ulhnr Store. O In run HARIOUR.--To-dl] we undu- lllld that about sixty vouoln were lying in the lurbour,Io that tho` lorwnrdoru no buior tlnt my boel. the labour boloro than in inorouing, sud probably quit I nloo littlo Inn for domurugo or dunn- tion uponua. xrom wrulnz luvc loner: to that glsll. --I)r. Oliver Wendoll Hnlmui think: that unn uf tho Iiztiut Boston saying: in this "Alter n`.l, tho fooling that ahol in well dmuel bringlu poaoo of mind to I Woman wlnoh religion can uolgivo. I.l"II IIOIVY. -.5'im`o Burlington`: Mayor dounpod with 850,000,tho ruidonu of that lob row-stricken my all sing. Money mnkon tho Mlyor go." --The oppurcunity of woman to run pout-otoeo in said to hrve Already but u ul-nary eect in pravonting husbands from writing love letter: to their gislu. Hnhnu thinh -um ngaum an-`germ. -Nouu hu boon rocoind at Hontnd that the u. Rowland, which chard from are for Liverpool with I cargo 0! pro- duce, in A total neck on Nnlonndlnnd Lou bony. Hurlinnl.on'n "Artur dnnnnnnntl BOOT AID SHOE STORE! IIIIII uumlo. ---A unnpuunco organisation in New York under tho lud of Rev. Dr. Cmaby, in shout imuguntiug I thousand lav Iuiu qainu gr:-ggoriu. boon r-mind :1 Mm.u..I GROCERIESI! : ~- uumy vpocm onmublu no to be I umin uQ:c`aoc sud not to Oh to phneuuomo how troublo thou. -- \ hauls lavo ol Scoutuy Shot- mun gave 5 bribe Ma ouuon house in- npoctur to pan her boas`: And nun hud hum dinmuod. _A o.............. ..-.._..:-.u,_ 1- u__ III 1 ml Illt -A bone! ladou with llldigg mnl tank in the Laohino anal. ` _MA:.iInhuinna.dn-- I... L. Il:__ sun: In the uaonlno and. ` -Mnnimh\hnoudnu Ion: to lin- nuotn. linzheho it In! UOI III "otlct . 'r ."-.11IiPlI "maid mnaul.l.. u. ha 1.. uvvu uvuvu tho dollu. 011610: OANDIII -11 Quoboc 17;Iacu tmuu... Ill 1 great bone with lmlinn turn in ' Repairing prunptly nttended lo. "Fora sXi.`t-E}- ray. r ~-'l'l_Iiny vpocid onnaublu no be `um In at O nehoc and Ian! L. m.. u. Sunday Magazine .. -| n ll PRINCESS STREET. UENTLEMEN: wmnn. ..|vnuur.. .u .- OYSTERS, ----3o;o---.. Alum. Puma.-The ouployou of tho Crud Trunk Railway Company will hold their annual picnic at Collin Buy on Thursday Inn. A quudrillo band bu boon cnpgod and I much nnngod botwoon club: npronnting Bollovillo and Kingston. ll. HLCUI. Aunt. Minot Ilohl. l(8nguoI,0|I Opp. Vscwrin Foundry OUIBIIOY. ALLEN, . Wolllllwl, 3* SUGABB, V You no II opposite as th ,1: Dr` Brown`: In`, PHI C1 BTIIIT. nwa-L nuloml, I long: Inna.-an Ian and llnnunnu Iut (Ml:-o--CI-ru--no lnnot, oppqtu hi . llilll um I. an E. COOK Q SON, G R.(f)()ER.S. MONEY To Low} OI IAVOUIAILI THIN! ll IJIOI ow IIAU. IUIK. lot ah-odor IQ. puiooll APHJ to Dnonn.--Mr. Lnntly, ohoclu player ol Bollovillo, bu dopotitod .10 with the ' odltol olthls popor. in junnntu of his `nod lnltll, sud tho prolininniu for the ` notch botwun him and lit. K. Kelly, of Kingston. an new oolnplotod. .. -._|. In lverytllu put Down to in Lewis: poulblo laws. Groceries. Provlnlona. lamps, Crockery. Coal on, 0. Inollonao of qullun will o had In land with low [men to wnrnn the old: of Chanson. lrults a Confoctlone ,Strnw- berries. Plne Applet. ranges. Lemons. Apples, &c. lot I luv IPGMIC -and low at tnlu And up prions charged on olhonl Cool, Pure and Plenty! -rm: mm mm wnzr. us run cm: 2 ICE (`BEAI PAILOUH will be upon on the Quinn`: Bnrlhdny. Grand Radiant snna Fountain [ cm mun` sTon,| IJIJDI Ill-IAI III -nu uluvvvnu -v vvcun A H vlo-mlld Asmrtmnnl uf DIAHUNAI. nml FANCY WORRTICID GOOD! will In told wry lnw RDIK (TIJYTIIINH hu Alwnyh Mean A n|u~Iul|l{nl l`l|nJ-louus and our lrndn In Hull llepgrtvu uc in mil lnonuuuiug. from lbs lnmplo mu-nu L mt no he I lungs vnrlntyufood-. nuke lhrul In an ulvlinh m.m-no-r nml our prlnoa an :1 low sanuv In! 0 mu 5' A full yuan meul.of(HN l"-' FUKNIIIIIINU (I(N)DN| AlI|_)'l Iu Htouh A fruh lfrirnl of TRUNIL1 A wuxplom umruneul of HATS an-I CAPK , z.aREvosT, n-An-it IPDI-`I' l-_. h..- 9.-.. 4;- u__n._. --_-_- III! W VII uuuuu nun-. uunuw vvl In singing will be prominent humour- a.u.. .1 n.. .....n Oanadian Tweed Pantt. `in; DnnOa VG. [rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` . . ` . . . . .. Oxford Drou 8hirts.......... White Shirt: .............................. .. Under Shirt: And Drawers at Ooat. A u |-_.n.| A__..-.___- ._t nlA;,nuAl ....I I.`Al Ulllllullll l`NUUlI runw- Pino Pants ................. .. A Good All Wool Suit. Ulnugnal Ania I-nm EIIUUU nu VVUUI U Tweed Vuu from .. II-In-A Dunn: Chi-O: '55 I. IU1. lTHE:T\lEWYUHKLfE EUTJHIfJG STFRE TIIEIII VlII0lE SUMMER STOCK IT COST PRICE AND LE8!` IICI APPLES by the barrel! or -ouun. You Ind oppmilo W|lnol'l linol- II Brawn : Flu hoof Ihlkl- IHICKEY 8: lLETT S IIUU -Iu'n-I -uu vv lulu ol tho cunt. \-III`! JIIUUIUUH. uv, va nu -v} Iql.-Iunlnl 05510], ugruat, noun IMO! let all nvnthA-AnI Johnson,` int, unnamed for W dnn.- Elin- iuh Adana. insulting Ann Rubory, loud I and can at so a.,.-wsus.- IOU. Hull ad dhotdorly in the III- Ihshdludqp. I ICCAIIL J IIISCOCI. luniwa. Q` All hail Good: In Cheaper this FAN tbnu for lhc lul. I5 yearn. for Bmdsome Goods, New Goods and Oheap Goods, go to 800 Place: New Dress Goods---New Btylu. New Mattalaue Oloaklngs, $1.00. 1.50. 2.00. 2.50 and 3.00. New Fancy Dresses, 12 1-2c, 150, 200, 250. 3!) sad 35c. 300 Handsome Wool Shawls--Extra Ohoap. Navy. Seal, Myrtle, Plum Oznhmeru, 50c. 80 sud 76o. 100 Dozen New Kid Gloves. 2 Button: and 4 Buttons. (Thule Good: are made so our own order mud wu-ruled I Sept. I0. um. Aug 10, 1877. iF1f.iT*-13-wi NOW aomirnnrn AT WALDRON&'S. Jun Booelvad-n 8 lamlul Assortment of BATH ud CAPS. a` All Good: Inn-ind ll Plain Figures. one Prico M ed And no bu khan. oK'A'CT3E'.l`()LT 1 CD'S- 0ur llemly-Made Stockls Well Asaorusd um All llnrlwd Down VERY LOW. AM not oluring IIPLKNDID BARGAINS IN TWEEDS. hnvlnx A Large Stock on hand nml duiroun of Clearing than out Def--Ia the Full. we have Iloduood than nprdleu of Cook to pt-noon tut. um tempt the oloout buyon. AInvn.InIu.-'!'ho children ol the 0.11. Ohuvchu an propuidg for their Buudny School Anniversaries, which will lab plan on Bundny next. Somo vary I-g ginning -ill in nmminnnl nhn-nnhr. OUR METHOD : S-pt. 14, TI; GRAND CHAN CE for CHEAP TWEEDS [TWEEDS I New Black SHII. Lew [Hook und Colored Cuhmorel. vnrv aslmnn. but must and Colored Uuumorea. mm rnuu, no vary champ. Now 8huI'|, M Now 'l`woodn, Clnthl. vmd I-`nnoy Costing. l-`lunnelo. Blunk 1`1ukInga, Tabla Linom. Shaotlngl, Towel: uul TlJIVI!"IIl[. IN ORDER TO IAKE ROOM FOR 1HP2I|l FALL HFUCK NOW ARBIVINO. Sept 15, `Blankets, Uarpata. Hausa Furnishings. as, from Tumnto. Innnaznnmnnn. % THE `GREAT BANKRUPT SALE BAHIII.-Thin wooing Ru. Mg,` Gllbnhll will onus upon wlnl hoin. and: lion in yuriu ul uldnuu on the uijcotgf "Bnptiun." Tho muting: will In hold "In tho Sydonlnni Strut IVI...-ah ` nu RKET soon; RB. Call at once and noun some of the nun} GREAT _IAl0AlZll In In `Inn. In J. ll. Stratum`: Old Stud, Prllceu St:-cot. Itllptol. ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 20TH. 1103011 IIU'N Q1 UIOVUI. A Dllilnlll Ill 1 III (Thaw ) JUR1` RICK IVIIJ .177. (All New and Price: Lower than Ever.) MONAUGHTON G 00. I I'll TIUA DIIOIIII, lnnnum R. WALDRON S. Wilson sBuildings. '1-UIUII III III! In I nuvlynn outru- gnu furniture :8 10:30 to-nos-row by J. I Ilnhljn ' Princess Street. NEW" G-00138, uuu. XONAITGETCRT & C33. Conm King nod Princcu St `III! III! TWO WIIID. STJAWIEINOI WHARLIINOITON . Wblunlo and Iatdl Dudes In .uu--vw u----. u-----.. .."., - WM. DAVID Ownq The Cheap Bnotu-, Prlneou strut. lu-gnu, July M. In. COAL DEPOT. All DooomnIoIuof coal` \ I bill (loooculm 0! {II Ttillllp If Illu- ||nn,I\0nllIlIll| I0 Aoln of mutant uud. than-min-Itwo Duo nu; Hounl. tuc- 3" K.J".`2.' ..'4"`...a" .`{$;.`.`.'.`." f.3."J"r"{.".`.' ursu nu`. .1-IRuh`11s;l-u:kco:I. tho but in tho Tonsil`. v II PIIIINY |. 1.4 the Iond.In Idaho- '1`: pnouu an N nlnhu-ad In v 4 Onxxu Dun-n.-Thin uoflillu the Iago! was accompanied by nun! non- 'blI 0! RM Ooaull, whoa opinion to no- Ihlbd In mud to cousin mum: doct- lng ll.` Annnina In nlhlninlnn lpnnh puyhgooolhlvd bin. for hnlc you than urunorounrvho. Apply WI. DAVID. THI (YIIIAP JOHN. Pnnoou Strut, pout Bnrgnu` Fancy More New Dr-cu Good: In :11 the Iondmg colouru. New Prtuu, New Wlnonyl. Plain And Funny. Mantle-an And Ilnnllo (`lothm Blanket.-, Cutwuu, sud Shlrzingn. a .95. ul IVIIII Iii.`-ITYIUI. Oppoulw In. II:-gen` Inner Cool: Mon PIINCIGI B l'|Kll'l' KlN(Il l'0N. M CHEAP JOHN DIIALMI II New llld Second Ilnnd Goods .|I IIIII n-an-u-on... WILLIAE DAVID, ITHOHI WHO HAVE` SECOND HAND (`LOTIIINH T0 IHRPOBK U? WILL .. plum bun lhnlr m-don with ll.l.lAI DAVID -I... 1 AP! .ra._9sNrRY 131 II Kw OI! vurluuu -I-II'u- --vs lag tho opening up of Divide: Strut. v-- v--::` I the Soulhmm quart" of IA: 94. in Inn 515 Cooouulol at tho Tovnailp of Illu- -nmouulnlng A0190 good - vu uuuuuvo )NI LAIOI IAIILY CAIIIAGI nu! two llprlug Waggon: and Bug). Apply Ihn owner. w. v - ' V Four Icon from Ibo lnrlu Iqnrr. James 8wlf_t_g_ HIGKEY & llETT'S I I D I M I ' F N B H `Pl FOR SALE; ._AL-..a -_-...- - OF Kl .V(lSTUN I uan-I IIIVII uuur lIl'lOl'l ill WILLIAM DAVID, who will ntvonul with on- 1...- For Sale. JUNE IAHILV l'AI'lI\ laldbukh 50610111] '50 0` la 10 Llrlr aollni lug llnporguh. lfctunglou Strut. ITWEED/S I us than I I! PRlN(,'EN.'l STREET. Pnnoan HI.ruI._ 4 `'1 .`'.u g. H. Vary In all do than banding to buy and Wiuuor adult. 1 count and c uduhc! jgj .0 CC `CH0 2 $7."... .4 4. 4. LIVIPB Ololllo"-. IllIl.-l tutu unvuuu uuu vv Iuullll Gaul yutordny: Bohr. John Mun, Ollugo, Klnpton, whoa; W.R. Taylor, Toledo, Oollivuby, Nubcr; J. Nu-Ion. Tolodo. Kingston, corn; Starling, Do- Otdl, Kingltun, what; KL. Brook, To- l.J_ Ki--hug ll-.L.-. Vgnbgg Rlml- . an an nounrr 11- out DEA WING noon. .. .---'.>~-- ` -Bantu: sh uh ol Pdncipd sand- ._..I I-h-up -6 IILUI I1g:n.InQ Lu J p .....:uy mu .....ucnnnn< God Son |hoQuun. A. H. Ru:n'rr. Ionduutor. ----- on Bun`: BI-non.-Wogln I pod ny- nopoh today 1:! Ir. Blah : spout at Tounut ycuotdq. It should be load 3 with -nah umnnt especially on it can Jain none luonl nlonlun. It In aid that thou through with III ulalnu II. I Blsko round nmrly uluuud, and tin! hi-null on tho but cl hopin- hath. Mb! I low shun ho ho to- noud to I nnidunco in the Idglboo uooa.u.au.1muouIuuma-.-u `mid to I ma unit A NUT roa Uouuoll Sun -to CIACI. --Mnntroal alroot takaa olovau loot ol ol the 50 (not In! on tho cant aida 0! it owned by Dr. Dnpuia, and tho arbitrator: have daddad that the oily ahould taka that oloun loot alripaa a onlapoaaauba lor the banana onnlenod upon the remaining 39 fact. by having the aim oponad. Qnry : Had Nu aide ol tho aunt jral oorroapondod till: the Inna of tho lot, and not tahau any ol it. would it have bonanod It an]! And if It had thu bonolttod it. would the owner Ian had to pay to the my the amount which Ma property wouhl hava boon analud by tho oponlng of a altooll Again, who ahnuld pay for uponirg a atraat in a city, the any or privata individual: I TIIOIJULI Axum nu Cnw or A Sruusun. - Yeotordoy ot Montrool threo of the crow ol tho `Algorion,' Albert Craig, Jnooph Donjnrdino And Thomno Duqnetto, Inro triosl by tho l'ulica Mogiotrnlo on o chorgo of refusing duty. Mr. Roy, for tho prooooution. collud Ooptoiu Howard, Monogor of tho Richelieu oud Untorio Uomponfo lino , of boou,tuwhioh tho `Algorion' belongs, who depoood that ho hod boon brook!ut- mg with Coptoin Trowoll on Mondoy morning, whou word woo oont up thot tho men rofunod to out the bum or will whlch had boon providod for thom. Ho wont oud our tho brood and it woo tho oomo u oorved to tho puoongoro, and woo of lint quality. The menu conlinuing to ml-mu duty woro than urootod. Foe tho doiouce Mr. Uroomhieldo ollogod that tho brood provided for tho Inon that morning In mouidy, om] thot whon thoy roluood to on it tho Uoptoin you thou tho oltornotivo of ooting it or plug uhoro. Ho hold thot tho ohipping ortioloo bound tho crow only for ouo round trip botooon Kuntrool ond Hamilton. Mr. Roy hold, on tho uthor hond, thot thoy oppliod for tho oouon. Hio Honor oonlonood tho Ihon to too woolu' linprioomnont without hord labor. j_ -v..._..:j A recent Act of Pei-liement line inede it cumpnleory that e Tenchere Aeeocietion he held in eech lnepectornte. The Allo- cllllnll eboie nemed he been orgenined , in lef`0l`dlIJCO with that etetule. Al- , Ihnllgll there he been one meeting for the pruliminery purpoee of organization we first regular meeting will be held . upon Thuredey end Friday of thie week. , It wee expected that Doctor Hodgine I `olllll be present, end out oi oourteey T the evening uf Thuuedey wee eet spurt ` for hie lecture upon the Educetionel ` Future: of the Centennial." But that gentlemen lining iutimeted his luehility to be preeent, the tint elected Preeident, Prof. Dupuie, will deliver en eddreee upon eonie puinte in the preeent echool eyetem on thetevening et 3%'cloch. The whole at the pruceedinge ere open to the public. end, ee we undentend thet the Preeident will dwell pretty fully upon IUlll8 queetione now egitatinx the minde of our oiiizene, we would edvieo ee many of them u qan rnehe it convenient to be preeunt. The meeting of the Aeeocietiun will be held in the County Court Room ' in the Court Huuee, end the lecture will be delivered in the nine piece. I I l I l l 5 ( I t i l ( I rulilluunv -u uuv u-un. nvvh nu-uv. Rev. Cauun llebdon said I for cords on behalf 0! the canto of Alqoinn, And nlter lame rumnrh by the Rev. F`. W. Kirkpatrick I collection wuulren up lurtho Diucenn Fund. Some new All nual sulucribern were onrullnd And the meeting dinniuacl with the Binnnpb be- uudiction. it is exceedingly gratifying to notico lmw favuurable nn impression ll nude everywhera bytlm simple yet elfuctive advocacy of the Binhup. -j---O.O-' "T Leet evening a Ieeiouery meeting, on behalf of the Ifaoeee of Algonae, wee held in the new echool room et St. Jemee`, end wee fairly attended by repre- eentetivee from `,1! the Anglican congre- getione in the city. Alter devotionel exercieee, eoeording to the form provid- ed for mieeionery eervioee, the meeting wee eddrened by the Biehop of Algoina at eome length. He urged upon all the performance of the obligation lying upon them ea member: of the Uhuroh ol Ohriet, and then, having laid down the principle of nation, he proceeded to detail the node of hie own Diooeee. tell- ing of tha meaeure of eucoeee which hee nlrendy attended the c-peretione of the Church in hie portion of the great eld, but, at the eeete time, ehowing to whet a emell extent the Dioeeee of Algorne it provided with the mean: of grece eo bountilully enjoyed by those living in more euttlod neughbourhoode. The Bieh- op regretted the ebeence from the _meet- in; of the Rev T. H. Appleby, who wee prevented from attending by e eevere cold end loee ol voice. lie recom- mended to the Church people 0' Kingeton the Ipeciel work which haa brought Rev. Mr. Appleby to Kingaton, viz., to oollect {nude {or the pere-mane at the Sault Ste. Marie. IL... iV`.n.... lL.l~..l-n ..C.! n In. need- Z9. Qlvlyulu. IIIIIIII. IIIIIII Iuuur, Olllgo, Kingston, oorn; Onnndn. Iiddlo Idnul. Kingston. tmbor; Mnntoroy, Illnnntnn. Kingston, what; 0. U. nugllou. Iiluukcn, Klngnton. what; Alhnnlouo. Ollico. Kingston. What; I. J. Lul. Chicago, Kingston, when; Onllnlt, Toledo, Klupton, Ilu-nt. -Koop ymr vnthor-oyo, opt: for ugrnnu And loafers, who no not wry Iumornuu And enterprising, And have I - pcrtioulnr hncy for culling in st th back door when then In no one to noolvo them in I propor IIIIIIIIOI. -1`ho Guunoquo pooplc no union About the removal ol the branch 0! the llomluutf Bunk tron than u conun- phtod. They no cudavouriug to II )ld it. VI 17 IIIIUIIIII. -'[ho mdpuil ol the yacht Kuh- lun." of Bollovillo, hp boonunl Inn min. vs vuuuwvuuv, ur vows-aw-U I-Uuv lot npain. --T`hroo young gontlounn will be or- dninod in St. Mug : Onthodnl on Sunday out; an. n n - ,,, lnvroubo, Kunu. _|...a.._v....|...n.~ uiwliumv, and-in ' -lrwin-Jordan-Ohlluon is null the inmodhu nponidon ol tho Shad! ..l Wgin-In-n ol Wnhrlovn. 'I>L, _..x__ Frontenac 'l`enoIners Aasoclntlol. KOIIUI . . -Tire lulu Allan H looted f-..--__. 9-....- -Ho shun-oi,-in Wnhnnuou I_-_..I._ | Ilvll. nllluulul, Iuvur, nu.-a. ulvun, -11-` I010. Kingston. Ilnbot; Ysnioo Blade, flint.`-.. Uinngnun um.-nngn-.l. Ilhhllg` Inn urn. Ivvuuw an an-uuwuuuu nu Inuruuull 1|. Fraa Trnda." H was also given out that oavaral prominaut Cnnaarvaiivaa ol the Riding would in on hand to auini. Mr. Parrot! in hia aipoaiiion of tho quaaiion. But. tha eventful nvaning came, and a ' noble band 0! luau paraum preaanud lhamaalvaa-a vary large audience. Ihioll lndimtu how very much iha Agricultural olnnea can About tha gran ` luna upon which, Sir John up, in. an! ganualalaction in to zlapaml and turn. Thin Inga noiapany waited vary l patiently for tho _|actnrar, and the lac- ` tun: waitad vary iinpaiianily for a mm anooungaruani to ventilate tha man which had coat him I daal u! oonaidarm tioa and dabato. But iina paaaad, {ha aaaalbly annual lhamoalvaa in viawlnn Ibo obtain an iha calling 0! tho hall, and indulging in a quiet me a Ma; but avauiually ibh aubakla-l, Ind the can- takar ol Ilia building In loft to hold tba hrs alooa. Hr. Parrot! hit that thin an itnly a reaction, tho atfaci 0! which ha paraanlly axparianoad, Iliad obligad to pay tho axpanaaa at Ma little ilouriah. `Pm. nah .-...L-. nn MIA non-nun.-3- .. ..,....... -. ...- ...... ............ 1'1: other opukm on the pmgnunn conned udvrnrh to their nnpootivo hull: dnla. but Friday tuning Mr. Pnrrott, 1 var] pronounced Tory, In nnnouncod to looturo It lhrrowlmith on "Protection __ nu..- "l\--.|- I! I. _-_ _I-- _._-_. ._,n On l"ria.ln_y next the issl show of the touting season will be given on tho Ilsy Msrkot. It is styled i uliuuin's and Hsmiiton s peril London sansntiun. Wo glosn sumo particulsrs i! it from the Guciph Marc-my, which, in A notice of the snir, said The band. in s carriage `drum by cight horse-s,psrnded the streets in the morning. At one `h'aiuck s bu- loon uoonsiun took plum, when Mons. Uuon went high intuthe lumvaiis, inning for s sost s trspuo bsr only, ml which he perfunnsd some very luring leeits. The porlorinsnoo in the exhibition was novel, scientic, snd interesting in the highest dqroe. The optical illuli0n| were really wonderful to the uninitiated. 'i'ho ts- blnux in Little Jim" were very lino, And the ghost scones of tin: most mirth provoking chsrsctor. 01' course the num- nsr of producing the startling etfects in this mysterious l`o}.l 0lUll'|liull is s scion- tio ucrot, but no one will deny thst the strange spposrnnoos witnessed by those who were prurient on Suurdsy must be tbs rssnit oi aonsidersblo study. Nuth- ing oi the kind has bcfuro been seen in Guelph. in sliilitiun to the Lomion Sci.- sstion prnpor, the nisnngars have scour- ed the sorvioos oi Wiiislun, the grant hu- mcriit iuiu poiyplionisi, who hu dunng the put twsnty yours l'0Ct.lV9d high scu- niums irorn ihs press of Csnsdu Bo- sidss othsr sttncitnns, Milo. Etta, ths ountortiomit, psi-iurniod some truly rs- -stksbio iosis. Tho whols sihir wsss t success. Thsrsis nothingin sny wsy objootionsbls to my portion of tho sntsrtsinmsnt, either to lsdics or to ohildi-sn. ___._.g.__..{ _ .Uod, has it come to this! Then he __.. .._. - ....... ...., -uu mun. nun, whispered to the doctor, `ll I die to-day my immortal soul will be eterunlly lost. That, Mr. hlQusig ssid, was s dread swskening in this world. The third head wss the Divine csll, `Awake thou that sluepost, and arise from the deed,` and the fourth and last head was the Gospel promise, `Christ shall give thee lig ' ln closing he said Llist we are all dead in in trespsases and nine. It is a dentfi sleep that is upon the world, and minis- ters of the (lospel must needs cry aloud uvdid the Apontlc Paul, `Awake thou that slespeet and nine lrom the dead, and Christ shall give thou. light,` if they Would {sin bring men to understand their position. lie called on sll his hearers, then, so they valued their immortal souls, to awake, assuriogthem that Christ would fulll his part and give them light- Tho evening text wu, Acts, 22nd and 23rd verses. The reverend gentleman ssiil thst there were two figures promi- nent in this text, viz., Paul and Athens, and sller s touching introduction said Paul cpme to Athens to proclaim s living (}r~d,lirst, in His penonality ; seeondly, in His providence; thirdly, in the person of Jesus Christ. and he expalisted st some length upon each, but our epsce will not permit of s more lengthened report; suloe it to say thuy were two excellent sermons, and calculated to do ulizuh ..._.. _.u-. "up Ivnu uuu uuuun. um miniltor, and how he had lent him Away. `Wlut do you think doctor? Am I going to die? The doctor answered that my day he might pun away. The young mm In utuninhod, And cried out, `U 11...! L.-- in ....__ ; .L.-_u- rn|.... L- s.ssns.-ss.-in Sundsy the pulpit ol the shove Ohureh wss occupied by the psstar, the Rev. F. Mc0usig, who took us his tutin the morning Ephesians V. I4 ; Awake than that steepest sud sriso Iran: the deed, snd Christ shall give tliee light." After I few pointod introductory nemerlis the Rev. gentlemen divided his text into ` luur hesds. First, the deeth slo.-ep, which he illustrsted by s besiitilul inci- dent of the trsvellers iu Switzei-lsnd when crossing the mountains being rescued by the monks oi thst country from the midst ole blinding snow-storm, just having `lsiu down in the snow es they suppose for s rest which would is- salt in sure and sudden death. Second- ly, the dread awakening. ln speaking of this heed he said there were dresd swshenings in this world In Wall as in the next, And he gsve an example of this. When s young mm was dying in con- sumption s minister of the Gospel called to see him snd speak tu him about his soul, but he told him to begone; ho wsnted none of his religion. When the Doctur csmu in s shnrt time after he told him shunt the ,-:.,.-,i,_ , I I I I . \sllU -n.n. I ulCIU&lluwuIUvu wanna, vvvuu-' .- lhoshnoou of Row. Mr. Gnlbnith. The i union was III lbk olpolition oi that ' page from Paul which rolntu lo tho loolinhncu ol iarwnahing the solution - of tho world. The alert of thror. [ontloaun wu anything but nunplo 0! the "foolish preaching. which In dumb- ed and oondunnod in no nfeuund tonnn, but wu, on the oonu-try, Ill eloquent and yd practical dinoouvu which proud hotloltcrhlniu and instructive, And land to ho much nppnciaud by the lap nudionoo pnoont. We hopo to but Kr. Clumlnru in the any pulpit: _ avail "" DAV. A. 0. Clhuhon, ol Porhnouilg .._.|_....| .._..x.. ._ n..-.:... -.-..a..- in 1-`: -u-uwu . 1. Innis. .Tl|o Inn thnl lulu no not- (row. .Nowton. 3. QundrilIo....Oovoat Gu-don. .0o0t.I. 3. Solution. Joainbuuou of Doniu- Ui. . R. Smith. C. Vnhll . . . . . . .I'uIIIo . . . . . .Batilork. 5. Iolootlou...R.oool|oulon o[l6hoB4:pon.. . r. G. Gslop .....3oy Rub: mht. Bon|hc0uun. A (lrud I-`lulu. London Han.-mtlou. l UI.l'l'l` [CHOK- nuluuu, III nun--uuv-, I on Sunday evening in -- ll- l'l-lL.-.oL Th- Ald; Walks:-The potitioo of John Uoodoulc, in npvd to the muse. ol Ma vo-ool.-1lo union uh-. All. IoOunnon--`I'bo pomlon of Ed- uud Ismrdlo and P. lannon. aim` lot tho IODIIIIOII and inuodhh pay- III nmou u no pt! I no nounng I500 Ill ll) nun unt paid to: it. wbilo In his out down loot nu Iukon, and In In only allow!!! .10. Tluro cu something own About it, and In proposal to nppul sen! the usrd. [Ito upon IL Ald. Dnnmn ropliod thst tho ubitrr ton Ind (inn that they oonnidorod the full ulna ol tho Isnd. Ild the sldormon Ind no onnu lot complaint. U0 imiuod that than publno impronucntn should hue boon undo hy oumnct ; it uno inundod IIIOII thy by-luu nu pnud Authoriling than. AM. Dumlil mllod AM. DmnnAn'| nusnonung mun. Ald. Dupuin cnllod Ald. Dnnn|n'n attention to tho hot that in tho Brown can the land (I in; on tho ulna Itnoc) nluod 5! NJ pot loos` ho nothing moo at 0100 mm: tin o ugh! lot it. none: nnu man no unpmyoa. Ald. Allan doubted it 70! much. He ropontd d tint the work than d Mn bun done by oontrnot. Ald. Dllpuil lntod out thus in reh- ronco to hi: It itntion one be had vir- tunlly given that lsnd (or the highuny, Ind If not Mind to pt I Ihnro of the public uaoumout ho vil own tho Ilront. and ought to have I right to put a toll gnu it. Ald. rooliod DQII lllul Ol "70 U0|InCII. Ald. Allen remarked that the work on the opening of new etmte should not be done by the corporation men, but by ooutreot, end then they would know just euotl how much it in going to cool. He el uded to the out of the oorporetlon horue sud men being enpqed on Mon- treal street when they Ihonld hue been elsewhere. The Mlyor nid he Ind not been Aware ol thin. But the Uit Engineer me] here kept the time o the Oorpontion home end men Io employed. Ahl. Allan duubtad it won much. He 9.5- --~ `I'll Pnnuomuncun Jovn.u.u..~ To CHI nnguino to have taken quite I hnoy, cnpooinhy ainoo it has sound up- ol in new nation. In uonorsl coutouu nnintol-uting-thy no man thun thn` Alloy ombnoo many idou which, cloth- ed in fndmul |nJ orlginulity, Inn a listing impression on the mind. The hot number ha Ln uhninbla out ol Bu. Juuph Uook, who III the lion of (body the Inca intornntionslcunp muting. --........--._.: move mo nuuunngn upon us. Alxl. Allen ulted, when in tha nrbltntion to uko pluco nng I npooinl uuumont on the proper? holdon slang the line ol new Ilreotl, or the improvemunu of which tho] receive A benet. l The Mayor uid thin would be attended to am anon on all the screen were opened up, And it in ucertuinofl how much thc my and thus rupoctlvo lmll owner: 4 mun. pay. Otherwise it in itupouiblo to tell huw much of tho uponu lho city will bug to bar. Munlruul Strut. wu tho only Ono at Ill nearly cnmplowl. Ho upoctod huh I nporl. on It At tho . nut meeting of tho COIHICII. Ald. Allin nmnrkod work Me-urn. Jnmn Wilson, D. CunnIng- ham And A. H. Knrkutrick Iubmitted then` uurd- for the And oxproprinlod from Mr. Willinm Patterson, mod In mo upeniug up of Divilinn Street. Mr. l At Larson in to receive 8150 in full nv.ufno- linn of thc land lnkon, And he in to re- tho building: it. ALI Allan nkad. when tho nrbllntinn gnu-nnnuua --v-nu. Maura. W. llu-ty, U. M. Willxlmon and J. Wiluun, who were Arbitrators to determine the ulue of land tnken from [)r. Dupuin on Brook Street, uaed in the npomng of Montreal Street, submit- ted |.hOlI' report. ltgqurdod the Dr. only .10, in full of all claum for uid lnnd, it being held that the increased u- lue of the renmimng portion ol the pro- perty wu nulciently enhanced to 0111!) ponnate for that tnkon. They nvmrdml ihemnolnu $30 for feet. Al-l. Dupuu lllltl ha had bean only oflyod Ill) fur L300 foot Iquurn of land. He intiuntod his intention of Appealing agnlnnt this uvard. -run I:n1Vl'IInnu A\lIAIr\ nt .`K>un|.Iu nnnnr.-n. Mr. (I. W. Lmhe oend to lupply ultu platen, fur the numbering of the houwa. av. 32.bU per down. The opiniun was axpreucd that the Council could make the real oal.t(u uwnorn put numbers on their homes, but it I'll I question whmher any puruculnr design could be enfon~o`l. One memter, howevnr. nug- guted Llut what Lhu city wanted mull was the nnmng of the Itreotu.-Refo-rrod no the Uouumuee on Street: to report. ....m-.. .-nu . n. ...n Ills bvk nun. Llll-lllll. A latter In rend from Judge Bur- rowen, declining to occupy thoUouna1l Chamber for the purpooeu u! 3 Division Uuurt, in consequence of in luck of un- uluiun; and uking for tho une of the Ontu-in Hall for that putpn|o.-Rolurred to the Cummitteo on City Property. Au nr I nu. On motion of Ald. Drennsn, the offer nf Rev. Mean. Mnvoly and Pnlmor, of $l,`.. ;':0 for I cortaiu piece of land on Brook uroov, wu accepted by the Conu- cxl. city. Ald. Allen thought all those matters were for the Uummmoo tn consider. lie -lul nor. think much of the prupoaitmn, n It would be us] enough putting In | few paper haugingn, And npplying A; few lnubu of pniul, which, at the and nf two years, vmuld be of no use to any one. The motion Ill carried. `HIE II city. Alc Hill] Ill! UOIIBMUUI In I-nQII' (IUIIUUTIIIIIHU. Ald. Ulld`l'IlBOVe oppoled the petition. He did not think thnt the city we: re- piired to risk the ufety of the `ity lluililingn, which hlld Always been`: cre- dit to the city. Already the preininen were endangered by poxtionl of them be- ing tenented by different parties, and, no lire proof well: aixilling, an accident was likely to involve the Inn of the whole building. He did not think it pulllble that Mr. Lindley or Anybody else could nuke n creditable opera house out , of the hall, no it hsd not the proportion, the width, the depth, or any other reqiii- ` iiite,nnd supposing he were leaned it for . two year: the material he would likely put in II. would not be worth luving the ` nilv penoa. Ald. Drennnn moved the reference of the matter to the Committee on City Property, but in doing so he uolicited the opiiiimi of the Council an I guide to him and his colleagues in their dulihuratiunl. AM Hilds-rnlanva nnnmed the uetikimi. --ooo-~ I'll Bun. --The band an! "A" Battery will play in the City Puk tho lollowlng F0`?IUlO I I hg-`In WVL- K--.` A|.-A l-`I- __ -4- I '1 up: I-I uuuun. I A loner Ivu road from Harry Lindley v & C9,, uking for I loan of Uuuriu llnll, u thnt ho could contort. it into All Open Homo. He proposed to ndd I gnllory, have it luppliod with locum tixturu, sud ' also have It netted with open chniro. At the same time he poinlod out. that mun first clan orguuutionn puood Kingston owing to the want 0! ouch ID inu.1tuI.|'un. If the hull were laud to luux fur live your: he should make all the necessary nlterauonu, but 0! course the rent. ulmuld be light, In the improvement: no d revert to the city at tho and of t perled. or man Lana III mo nuns Iuy. The Mayor said he Ind not consulted the Solicitorin Lhnt mum. Ho wu un- dot the impuuion thnt the lnnd would ml! be hnblo. I`|uu-- ah. n\nlIAI rlnnnnnd ll. Aldu. McR0i0 and Mocunmon eu- quincl if the lot III still linblo I... npocinl nnonmom. for tho luv nrou-improvo`- moms`! Boonnoquid Ald. Mgam-non, it. would bo wall il other: could diapou of their land in the some Iuy. Thu Mnlol` said land not consulted cnuron ugn}. Tho Mayor remarked Uni the Council would lhun sell tho luad` fur the mo Hunt. at that for which they puruhuod it. ln\LvU I n. -n.u an-9. A oomlnunignliou _wu road from Rev. Moan. Mnvoty And Palmer, ol the Methodist. Epiaoopnl (Jhumh, Itcoptlug the condition: of the sale of I amp at land rooontly bougiu by Na Couucnl, and adjoining the Montreal Street oxbonniun. They synod to pay $1,250 onh (at it, and than cluu tho nugotintionl (or I church tight. Thu Mnvor nmm-lad Lhnl thn Cuumsil I 1 Ulononu, unnnu, In 1:, lmaqruoovo, .Ioua, Manon. uunou, Mallor- Oott, Molluuio qnd Wnlhn. Thu minuln 0! tbs Int. midniuhl. no- uou, uclsouto gnu wunn. The minutes 01 tho Iut midnight nu- Iion won rend and continued. Lut onmng the locust sums; or no City Council us hold. Thou nu pnoont: Tlu Mayor and Iain. Aldu- Iun Ayn, Autumn. Usllpboll, Onnon, Clements, Danna, Do Galdqnluvo, Hdna. Hanan. Knsnnnnon. Manor- Ill! be IIIDIO. There tho mutter drappod. n nun noun. --_. Ia! owning thongnlnr satin onto my Thor: oo>~ -4. Y.l`O.A.-Tho litornly mooning wu Illld in thu room lut night; Mr. A. S. Harman in the clmir. After ringing and prayer, and the minute: of the prevloul looting conrmed, Mr. C. Tnylur pro- coodod In deliver his lecture on "El- ; clnno."| which wu wry nly given And noolnd Iilb Applause. Mr. M. (hug: In-nod 3 vote of thnnh h the lecturer, which In ncknowloduod, and tho moot- Ing cloud with the noun! uoroiuo. ` coo----,- THE BRITISH WEIG. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. `L877. J CITY OMIHCIL. A Quiet ul [Tu-eolul looting. Aruutouv DIl.l0AI'I.-A| the noon: oonvnoutiui ol Hubopn st Tmoo Riun, Mgr. Oonruy, the I`: I Apostolic dolo- ptqdolnvond and run In which ha uhclud tho clergy to anchor my inur- lonnoo in olocuoun, in Doha" of one prey or ch vlhul . can in the cumin cal that: right: on dtuonn. Mgr. Conroy full IYNOI I~`.h the prinaiplo laid dot: in I. altar of Blnhon Ramon. cl Na- 335" "?.".'.'.TC. I':.'.".'.r':'.a'.>'a'.'n'.'-..:"'.'a.,..' int Bishop Ra-pn, 0! Nu Ilruunlal. maul: nnhlnhul,-.I.n III I. IIIIII OI DIIIOP Elm, Cl "I. Bruunlal, neatly pqNuhod.-Im Pun. D&'llI III. Ald. Dnnmn moved I resolution to the clock that the City lnginoor Allow no more work in undo in which the up- ro rininu have boot: 0: Mod, unlnl Ky inouon ol tho0on Tho Council than udjouruod. .j-.--ooo ~ - u u - w. A by-low III inn-oduood lor the pn- nutlon oflnulont trading. ullin or dling on the market run. `ho y-In wu [mud in Gonna no of the whole. Md. Auohtinu in tho ohnir. Alurnr-I it III Adophd and Inn become law. ALA I]-an-can -.....l . .....I..M.._ 4.. ooum DUI rooommouu my ncuon. A non for I873 paid by collector to C|nmbo-r- lain lot the fortnight onding Sept. `)4, 82! L10; do fut I876 $27.80. A number of item: won paused for hrohn uono unuuntin` to about IL000. On motion ol Md. (lildoruluvo lhn ro- IIIOIHIOG lllll II III. peuuonerl Wlll glII' grist wuolan lnctory in tho city, sml continue to run it Ind ltoop gmployod It lout not leu than l.hll`t]*VO hnndl, that they be ex- unpt {rum uution on mil cud ponnnsl property cnd income {or 5 pcriod ol ton yum ; and that the city call them a nice at I nhutlon to be horultu ngrcod upon. Mr. Woorlrull appeared before them. and pro In erect I grict mill in tho'aity I'M 0 city would rant him I cite for tho came at I rental of 315 per cnnum; and he to pay the tuna, the site to be I00 fut cqusrc, und ho to employ frnm uvcn to nine hnndn, tho buildin (0 coat Il,00l), be that Itoriu And I all high, and have capacity lnr I50 bnrrrlu por duy. In thin can the oomminu could but rooommond my uctlon. Tun fur H173 nual hv nnllnntnr tn Clumhnr. IIIIDIIIIIHI I0 IDOIII `I ll]. mounn l o~ port Ill carried. ..__. Rlxl Hll'l'lIW.--Tl|iI evening Mr. lino will oommonoo his tompennco aulpuiqn in the Oily Hull. Spooid nr~ nngomonu have bow mule for an inte- nlling muting. There will be some ax- olllont ninging, And Mr. Rine will be nuro Uointorolt llll Audience. The ntlondnnoo 3 pfolnlul to be very In-go. Lnt cvening In spoke at I children : meeting in the Bydoulmn HLI-oat. Church.