Wm H" OLIIIAGII cl 5 out III! ('0? $0 an qumy) tun an In Cu-uh. W In J`llJ'l'0lll Inlal ? ".a`f`J3.':'. .`1`.. nu... Almnqun 0! 8130!!) HAND W03! 1| will In coll clap. 6t'F_-E No. 21 C` A on`! solicited. (`Y VOL. XLV. 3-1-ovzaisx I have tho [chit and Best In HALL OI PABLO! ITUVII. As CHIAP Al Al! HOUII In the TIADI All ordon ronuotnd with tho tndo prompt- I] Mtllldod to. GEO. CLIFF. ' "Ln: e. um. A Fine Assortment of the - Latest In I n It lopt 11, I877, "sop: 8. ._........._. 30W BELLS. Woddlng Balls. Young Luella` Jonnnl. n _...I II7.....I- In which I would oollolt the potmnngo of my Ionnouen, nod no man In! one u Inylhvoruo tl n' 00. AH Ind: of work collected Ill tho buninnu done on the Ihout notice. WM. DUNN, PRINCESS 8'l`l{EE'l`. CHAS. E. nu urn For a lull or Parlor Stove can 41' xv 85 King St. Kingston. vb 9l.ll7`l. 'i muse. Invest T. MCAULEY. uni I I H277 Good Words. ` Sunday Ilngumo. Family Bu-uld Chamber! Jnlnul. English Woman. Young Man of 6:. Britnln. Born of Englund. IN GREAT VARIETY AT GOAL OIL .\:u nation |_ _ lumnoc ouyurud In Ihuoll-cl. but lloubo-ulohtbnn mouth by saw no cl mm. on. In In! II nu Iupuuy. ll-A CIDA DOA? nu-I 307,13 has I 500' I505. IIII. H 70: Ink. chap 1... |`. 'u7. ~ . 0" U L0. but It on In-ado It lira Iollln In; Any no 0! outs: in. In t: on as country who Is II 1. rl ohotlily nut that oupnoy cu CLARK WRIGHT, Woulngton sum. III? DOOITD HCKILVIY I IlICI'I CPOVI DIPUT. Io-QI '17 Illll . `I50 Ipodllb Modblno In no iv an I Nb It Illll In mo! upc- bnu known 4 haph- Hlno by null. Th le Iodlrlno ll all it nll Dru-nun ut I1 DO! Maine. or an out [SCHR()DER SI Iolullltyot consumption and I pn-nuun VI nllolwlktunrulouolntuncnd by 5: Iglmnlhopogofutunudovu Ind .15oIpod Modbtnolnthrv nhlbnulynnduuyyuuorupcr In-uhlnnulluhu dluuu. `$310005! III... 3: flcklodklm 0 I o.or I (OfaOf'|uhO::IC wlrqlllonlzoo Id 3' . by ntlclnulag ILLIAI OKAY E 00.. lnaunr, Um. I50 00.. Itltlflllj WILLIAI III by "nth t (Ian, I. H hug: ad nnyoulbh dnuhu ouryvlcu Iu. :.Iu ludmr, C Bold In Klagnon SAUSAGES. ] Pluublng and Gus Imlng us -.-II Q`: 'I`I-nnuIII|In- ` I J mended Ill um Infnihug cum ... Sam Wonknumlp ' Bang Tgholuntorrhoa. M", .31,` all luouu thvollow u n ooqunoo at Hall Alma, nun unorymnlvarul Lulltudo Pull In tho Dual, Dlnnon olvlnlon. prot an old ago. And any othor diooun Ilm. loud to luunyot eolnuaptlon and n pron-stun nun. all of which so 5 minus Int and myoell that I have rsochod 0 Manor unto 0! Hanson Linn other Innnlnoluroro nnlllng nth light and hnvy Cnrrisgu. (I W ROBINSON . Wmmamemxi. i AM THE UNLY CARRIAGE MAKER In Iln (on that took I-`urn Print M the Central II`: I. Iflm Priuu on (`Ari-Inna. Cut.- hrl. Wagons. Sulky, to. I will on from the oouuncnvomens of my bmineu In [878 It bu boon my ooluunt nudv w in: mm In work. um nothing but Ihq CHO! IQ-IT I LECTA $llIII".IIIQII DI Ill] IJIIIIIIOII In lulu! ID IIII Iun nothing ID CK sud employing the but skilled vorllhon In oooh department, um`) I utter that I luvs romhod hlghor of perfection DI. GRIPS SPEOIFIG IEIIIGIIE 41. [Palms Suuchung JapagY$Tea `HIGH IVIIYBOIJI IHUULD Rolled Bacon, Bologna and Mauls S lo! [lung I llrja lulu Ill ulullry Ill Luv uulrrirl Q Rim of Iuuranco an low an my ufa Oua. Thu Compnnf in wound to no lnuuh not 0000 in the wor d. Applloauonn received at tho {mice of T1108. BRIG(}8.Agonz, Ulnmnoo St , Oppouito tho Pun-Oloe. Butt 6. IN7 7. BROWN & CO The nun mmpl mtvlamenta were made It the [HA1 In Uhlongu Ind Bmwn, buaidu giving 3 large Ium uf mum-y to the unferon. 1' Run: of Innurznna an law an nnv nfn Total Assets... ........$27,470,000 `Invested in Canada... 900,000 Sept 94. 1877. Irpuul 22 London & Globe Insurance on Burrm in street. ouutumlng Una 'l`uut.Iz of An Acre morn or loan. 3|'t`.-Als0 pan of Lot Iaftvr "C' in said City of Kmgulnn, on tho South aide of lhsy Itrcnt, lmdnty--ix I-`rec l"1-outage, ouutainiug 0no~l-`arm ufuu Acre. mum or lru. ub.-AH Ilml pieces or Imul an` land and rounaoa niluuo in said Cntv ul Kmgutun. und nown an pun, ol lac! Nr. 263, vonuinlng 654 (act, wlm-In in umrn pm-tiruilurly d-u'ri|-od in lm Iorlxmr-, tu be produced At. the time of lab; toglu or with and rm-orvlng ought of wt] on the North:-rly side of the live sumo House: to the diaunuo ol Fifty I-`net back from the nuns: in common with the owner or own- on of tho Northerl 3'9 of mid lat. TEENS OI` HAEJ: Ton per cent. down at time of sale, Imhuco in l'h|r1_y Duya. Vnnhar pu-ciculun um] bo_ knuwn on 99- LI. 001! GO to give nth! Ens; nun} Ulumoko-I. 1- Cu 1\ Brand B E BUY F01 ounsequel menu to purchase U81` ARRIVE Kntllo nnd I Cue llsmpnhiroi` ,___.______ W E HAVE 4 ALL Illdll amt. lfmmman II I TEIIB OI` HALE. Ton down 0! Vlrlhar be on up- lfoulul to the nndonigned. or to B. M. rlllnn. IVILLIA M M PB RAY. (u-nu` Bqn ":fJ"a..';;_7_..:..:::`* JUST RECEIVED T0-OAY: 1`/ Aprn 5. nin. A:-re long. l 3|`t.-Als0 CI] nidoof Ilrcnt, urlruul inwi-I(.`1tvul Kingston. 655! than Iorlxuua. produced the arm lxhlbtgollon; cl Qnoboo and Unhrio putuln I` o yum Work to hononthom Km on to bopui la uuon Icahn; the uubllu nut ' DP" 7 |I7h .._._ ' ,_,__%:1T__.[w___ -51-: Inn:-9 inn:-|i"r"'1 . VII II6Il'llI{. 0111 [III] 01 IVUVUIIP bar, 2 o ,Noon, Tho lollowina Vdunblo City Property, nunely : lu.-l.nt No. 2461. on the corner of Wilmn Ind Buant screen, and un whueh um crusted I've lwu--uyry Hloua Dwelling Houu-I and two two sum_y Womlen Hlluh. 211-L--'HIh Houth-Ii an Ha to! L0! NO, 778, Burrm in street. -uutuininu Una 'l'uut.lz ufnn 2n-I.--'Huc South-Eu! ll df but No. T8, Burrm in containing Una Ax-re, `win. BE 301.1) BY PUBLIC AUCTION, undo: Power of sale on Morlgnge from John llnurk. dned ms nu: Juno. A,D.. l874.to undo! Power 0! nlo Mortgage from Jun nu: Juno, 1)., I874. to Byron Mnntl Briuomwhlch on-(gage will be produced It the time 0! uh. u the Auction Boolu cl Wm. Mnrrly. on tho Inks: Squto V Klnlol. ' -nu-qpuv-. On lsturda . 3rd day of Nonm- bmst o'clock, Noon, 1'0 PIOOUII 1'33 III! MORTGAGE SALE Ian: at In. Julrs. N.|l.. in! June. I811` OICIJII. lltlllod In I'IIl lluuedlnloly allot Ila Flro, wllIoI( nbluuacul or Dllillt Ilrlnon. WILLIA M UR RAY. Aucnuuur. Kingston, Sept. 26th. I877. I IUIUIIN. EU IIUI Iulduu nor an "....`'a'.`.`.'.r.:. " lo. u.2 .1.'m. Valuable city Property.` PRINCESS STREET. nrfl 5. I877. noon nut}. Mnple Syrup In .3`: CALL AT KINGSTON. C.AN_AbA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, ocvronmc :3 1077 Gomp8nY' I |v_y ulrlxim O. W. ROBINSON. yrup, Fresh To-DI]. [omvm Lamas couc.| Wollln tolstuot. Cull pnup Jlltondod nr wml Tllllll NEW nuns] ARGE and VIII" IUPPLY OI BUKI IIULLI, CAKES PADTIY, FRUITS Ind over dooorl Hon of PLAIN and FANCY UONI` ION Y. 1 No lnov-one In nrlou booolu It looks EVEIYTIIIII cum AID anon.) ` C OIKII KIIO Ind CLA IICI I1`! . I U! ITAI `h PRINOESI 17838!`- l0pp. Tandy Bron Marblo Works.` No prion like In: in the Inc. but '1`. B. FOO'.I."S REFRESHMENT ROOMS, Arriving Everyday I l AI 0' IIAID Indy Ilnlnhod for ab 0 In : uunmaont ofhtuu-oczalau Coda 3.1, mud kvi r In . upood buntddof Imnhud wormuhlp cannot be gnu! In thhalt ornnyothorin Cundn Abs pnlntod Skill at on bud. lbnhoudlhg, uh billttoortlor. SHE: Io udeunoh ll obtained pruoa with at tho A s H L E Y ' s hirt. collar & Uu Factory. OPENED OUT A-NEW. IPREPAREFDRTHEWINTEBI Woollen Shlrtiugl. Drawers. Haul gurus 1-uvninnn mm of the Buniru 1 Mock of J. B. Prince It (`o.,nl Montreal. on :1 st. Auction hut week It ml I-`.'(' in the alollu-. You see to an alien! to sell Cheaper (Inn any other hemp In the city I? Remember the pines. -n-tln'- Illnnlr, l`.nr-Ar Frlnnnnn ll lwlnelnufr luu pllou. Martin`: Illork. Corner Prlnceu and Montreal streets. m - u\I\nv1\r1llIVIn ._ an B1llia;d-ln1-lour C OIKII III!) Old CLA IICI " UP ITAI '3 Ilngotnmlopv 14, I071. And 3 general assortment of FAMILY (IRO- CERHL8 AND LIQUORS to ho mint :3 the Iownut (`uh price: The above include: a por- 500 Boxes Layer Raisins, Ill Iln-r-on l'nIpnt-in Pal; 0. Lu uuxs-;'a.-. an-..&r.. ' nwocuaou 1-0 In. nuns.) PKYIICIAN. SURGEON. to Oman and nnpo-I the Pun Omm-, Walnltol Street. In t c M" or country CERHJS AND LIQUUKS ho mint the rice: por- lnkru Stock of J. B. Prince 61 ('o.. M Montreal. Auction T. J .. Donoghue 65 00 um I-nAn|vA` gnu n uvrll 1.10.1:-I uuyrl I-can-Inc, 100 (Korea Valencia Raisins, 200 lllf Cheats Frau:-aM.Tlv.'AS, Sugars Down Again.) U(\NI`K.'I'l0NKIY. g prion AT THE VICTORIA WAIIEIIDIISE. I J. Y.` |uItIn||u.. Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant Ln: I`) IRYT U81` ARRlVED-PUBI LEAF LARK)- Rendered, Champ. Alto on: HA|npnhil'O'l Colchruod Bologna Snug: I ._ E HAVE "SLY ORE PKICI F0! nnd not dionont prion hr dilor out Cuaoomen In the use In some not. PRINCESS STBIET. opt 23, I577. c. 1.. 01.111-rz-. mmoumn nu. JAIVIIJ 1: " 4m. for on ma. HIVCATS-J (,`un:xbM-lantl Bu-ng, Smnkocluml I-`onrmawn (lolebntad Star ad Hams, very Cheop \ E IIUY FUR CAHH It tho bu! market: ounsequently can olbr Ipuulnl induce purchasers. Ivar ARRIVI-ZD-PUlll 1.1:" man'- Q Kanla and Ihumlarnd. Chain. Also on: Underclolhing of all Kinds Flu!-Clan Good: at the laweu Poulblo ldvlnx Ptlceo. IVIETUHIALWAHEHUUSEI \ll|IVUA, vvsu MONTREAL TEA HOUSE. IIV. WI IOOII. Puvolnl. -4-- CILLI1-r-s cum: that in me best in nu. Dal ! use my other kind. We sell It. Hue jun. received uad ale: for nah "DDT AIlIlVID-WILl0l'l TUIKIY COFFEE-qnro, Inllhy and rolhlllo. ` imv|:' Iw:nn'mxoTnr'aIxo w Heb I1 ndnrtlu And Jan u we ro- rooeul it. f0U WILL I-`IND EVERYTHING IN . Grooeriu, Wine: Ind Liquor:-CHIAP, LLL )UR GOODS ARK WQRRANTID ` to nine utlofnctiou. Vrsimlnts cIiAsnT U FIN! Tllli IVINTER. Ollll MOTTO : T. J. DONOGHUE Q C0. l""`. ""'-""""`l ht Ilsa. run an nppodhn. And 3 can nuunaou cl VIOHAILBG. AND A rum noon or O()NFEC'I`IONERY. LIFIDA nnninn nl 'rnnArl'n Alli conor or [In and Clarence Sin. up: so. um. i._._ ILKB, SILK VELVETH, VELVBTHEN Ill) 0I.OVl:_ and Boot: Untrleh Fu- mn. to . cu... uI.n:ANIl) mi nun. FUR!-I LAC]! (TYHTAINS. lllumy. Hlnulml-. Couutorpunsn. Suit und_Crnmh()lndnI?lMn mi. Bleu-had sud Fiunhoal In I nugwrior lnnnunr. ICORNERFRUIFSTOREI All the lfrnlt In season. In-out supply or Applel. manner. 0 I` U` I C I: Tim Icon above ran-IIIII'u. Prim-cu bl W 0 I K R : Johnna: nna. lingual. Ont. Imam In-I 3:-juv- Dye'3},'Scourer, B|e-zi<:`l,1er Ex Sarmnliun. h-om our London Agonndlroct from tho Publlnborl. oonlalnlng FCLI. SE1`! OF` Q Puam glunnoood or no charge. Band for ptlnhd Agency In operation hryonn. HI!!! GIllT,0ttnv|`(.)I.t., loolnhd lulnoor. ldlolhr for an Drnqhunn. , yum EASE or BKS.f llchalot. Figuiar, Klnl '11. F. ALLEN, IIICIHVEI) YESTERDAY and ON VIEW NOW.' Jmw&annKs1um! A call in rupectiully ooliohnd from I who will: to go! what tho can dapnud upon an the van beat uluo for I. eir uouey. l\I`III`llla\\YI'\ n nnvnuu Blmkou worth $3.00 for $1.75. do do 400 2.25. do do 6.00 " 3.25. do do 000 " 400. Anal Ll-L-- -u-In- Ann-"1! -and x-- m HAVE IUCII PLEASURE IN Ul-`l"El(l.\'G the fullowinn [Ereht lnducements in H|ankels.] I090 3.] ll). Prtuuu an-cu, - - - - K na;t4m. HAVING BOUGHT LAROELY ()\\'lNG to the unprecedented low price: pre- vailing In I-lnglnud. names, m7. Jsnm BLANKET SALE] ._, _...,,.\.... Litho rnnh plnna of the shore pruparty will be (urn nhcd.un nut, to thong iulcrented. by any Mung:-r on It` Cnnmlinn Bank of (,'nm< moron ll any uf the hrnnvhmn, or by thn under up ed. The [Altar will also he prepared In uowmpany Intending purchuon tnuulph nr meet than: at that law on 'Fl'ls.SDAY or FRIDAY of ouch Ivw iu theinturvnnin lime up to the `!7th 010--tuber, prevlmu Iutin lion being given 0!" Inch desire on llmlr part. and than or at nny other time. by latter. will ntfnnl all noounry inhrmuion ugnnling the pro- I C . P" y E. MITCHELL. N lap! 29.1877. .J")LV A` .|.`J\.J.&. ;.\1 LV.L4.|.\a u. - EXTRA BRAND! 07 TOBACCO AID CIGAIS. ......... ....._., -- 7.... -... .-.-.-_-- . . ..~.. ,..._ Ono thlntl end: will be mqnh-ad u! the time of pumbuo. Ind any rouunnlvla mun thnt mny bonizul will bnzlven for the balance on up pmved oocunly. I!-:ak-_ .L- |.|..|.-..s ....- _..- n- Neither the hlghut nor any louder nu-elm: r- l_y woepud. PKIUNY. BLO&K B.--Tb6 Mill Property, upon whlvln In AG riot lull In full ranmlug order, having 8 ml: of noun and all nocuuuy outbuhdzugo ooInp1.ta no 1:: good urdur. In l\l'I( n 11.. I'\x_.:u_...n_-_-A_. ....__ .~-r._.u _.... ... .....-. u. ...... IILOCK C.--Tho Dludlor,'l`roporty. upon which on; buildings, vulva, and all the neconury gppllnnoon for I lnruo and vnlunbla dintillery or brewery. nun:-urn n u an n -_; u ,_. 1.1; ___. 1. CITY LIVEESTABLES 1'. mc.uEv_'s._ .. ........_,. BLOCKS D E F 0 and H are laid out in Town Lou. and all occupying dunublo mun tiona. u may be noon on Nfurenoo to the plum: n_. .L._.u _-_|, _:u L. - _..z_. u . .1 _ .z,,, For the bouoroonvonlonoo or Intending pur- chuan. tin pro ny has been div-dad mto ought. Block-.n the Ipudt.-rn nuy bu tor any, or I" of tho nil blocks. which any be den oribod u follows: F `IKDRII will be roeolvod by the under- nod up to the ink dayo! OCTOBER NIX . for no pnruhuo ol the undarmoutlom oaduvalllpllzlerloal Intalo I.` THE T0}NlN Oil` 5 rnonl ohmploport o nvl Allua, lag... and zolnpriuu shims lwulvo mTponmr SALE Vafuable Heal Estate. TOWI Of OIIELPII, OITAIIID. I nmilton, 181.]: Sept. ll! RICHMOND & BBYDEH W.nOSBQRN|, 5.} J5 iabb do And higher prlou oqully good ulna` FRENCH CLEANER. (mar, Klnuton. Arum {III FOR SALE, S. WOODS. I ruruonly 0&4-ploporty o! Unvhl if and oomprhug about I PLEASURE I.` the fullowing Cnudun Bank of Commerce` nmllwu. Ont. uh Bonn. lI7 . ll. IAOOI. Ago. Alba: lloonl. Ihptu, on I will log!-`V: JUN` IICIl\'ID-A Monk 0! AI- IIICAN III`? II A11. raw and our. nomn an ant. llf. um nan-. womhu A muss to us. nuns-on IA ,- wrn Ion mm: mu.-uy. A call aolhud. THUS. IILLS, HOW? I84 FIRM . -nunh ll-ah. Illnnnnn $3.31. Sm-linm, In M an tmnumllul ur clolivo red of tho hm undo punnnm. to mid Aol,oInl1 pt-N um; I pouring M` the Inn; nnud Aunts-nu-nt Ball 0 lhe uh! Mum:-ipnluty, II KIN-lion: for Iemhnn ul use 1.:-.48-lnuvo Ant-mbly nd ll Iluninipnl Eloollom. rnd that Iha aid Lin nu ll:-no pound in at. my omoo st Kin IIo|,on the Ivenly-1-Lbs duy of (40980. hot, 7, mt! "mum than for hupootion. Elector: no called upon to anmlno the aid L1nL|nd H In; olln-I` orrorinro lould Ihnnln to tan imlnedhnlo pruc-coding: In have the add anon l.'ul'rwtm| gm-ordhn; to bur. Dated at Ingnmu thin 28th day of OcptoI~ her. A D , ll! 7, timml In Hm ncmnl nnchun at ' Tho \'uu-ru Lia! Ar! :\fI 17"1."lhn my-In rvqunrod by and .`h-4-nun, ha Iramuullul clolivored of ~__._:___-___.......__ __,_-__ - `Pacontn ol mvontlon lxpallouly ad Properly loolrod Ill 0AlADA.Ull'I'lD ITATIIB AND EUROPE ---- I'0ildI{S l.lS1`. I877. Muni- clpaulty M llm (`My ol King- ston, (.`ounIy of Frontenac. C L. In reputed to execute nllonlcn on trusted to im wi-h mm-ptneamu usual. and have then: made up ny the but workmen [Int can be found The Imlvhr vri I do well to call and unminr h I Block befun lenving Lln\ir'ord-rs clam! here. The Largest Hull Bent Stork in the (`Hg in thin Trade. lnvwu 1'5BUp`:""" -- - ---- lulu`: Iloul. Pinon: luau. 3.91 91. ll. 21 Brock Street, - - Kn: yawn.` A-NN()UN(.'ES m the puhhv vlmt In` has I: Fnlluncl W 1": 1* Mock now complete. No. 21 Brock Street,! NIIIY M L5-I\nl A IIMI`l: I I The People's [}IBtlu'ng House.` Alno Int. l.x-oulnining unn Acts. more nr It-an. lriug between Martial! Street North and tho I0 foul. K-ud, Wtllluun-ville. TERM3~I0 per N-nt of pun-hull mane; down 3! hum of-ml:-, Ihpvrrvm within 3') day: and remnium.( 7. : per c-out nun` If duirel to and remninm.( 7. 1-1-mIun_y' duirel nmin uyun Moxtgnuus, puabln In one. two uml three yearly innunlum-la Wllb inutut as 8 per cont. from Isle of Sula. VV mo -IJ MI -LV 1:-wn ~ The mulinw-sure Infnlinhlp` 1-uilod furl Ilrgna Until en lnmnon-_nr for other Innufbccunng or fonnmliug lmuneu. .con _,..I, .. , , ,. . . Al.S"-~In|l he sold a. unnv time And he, Town Lou N--u 2. 3,4..'und tiou Var Ht. Khpton. Nu It}, I7, IR, I9 sudwmnaumu Blrwl. (.'il_y ul K iuguon. Al.n In! I 1-nntuinina nnn Lain nun-A nu Ban I (II C tlornignell. FIJI Sup! 19, mi: LINN! urut-rs ellwl new. 3' Romemlu-r Ilm plue, Embneunz 1:14 A -ru. mom or Inn of Land. nllmn 3 and . Uo\ohln-urv,I|ll In Cold AT PL UM `AUUl`lH.\',r1ulot,npoIlhopl'unIhnI On Thursday. the 18th day of 00- tober. 1.0., 1877, CHAS. LIVINGSTON. llu1'tnn'sBrawary& Distillery] xvnumeu PHUPEHIH `EXTENSIVE SALE] ---j O. ll. LAVILL, I.D., I.C.Pl., to. (but bronto lye and I'M-Inrmary.) OCUHI1` ad AKUIIIT. Olen In tho Drug lion, IO Pram Duvet, Klngmn. G Title uneu-epliouuble u.`, ....- l arlicu1urs|un_\' ho had from the Ma-rvham-. Bunk (fun-dn. KIuxn!ou,ur [rum the un- MERCYIIANT Tuum, THE P-RIMISES KXOWH AS Zln lmrl-y glvun that I have Innu- I In dulln-mu] tn tho M-roulm luau- A r Ines rosf I. FLANAGAU. Cl:-ri of said Hunk-lpsllty I `U. -I- H11 "W r'mT"', I rlnoou-In! I Dr Du! sand the bu Du elk-Id on. lab. Au Man an -an loft ii an Inc Dr. Intnnnd run Iobcuold and Ink. My add! 080 Ian um I! lntnul g.Ihad.vI|l I-csnluyouuplcud. `ul ILIUI. Wngun (or Tun nu! (Innnrbn. will ho cold at 3 roolonnl-I0 pron. The In! bursa lot Q I who ondolt-oi Wollouvn-has Mina Illlllltnllj: hill HI!!! I" un-yr. unuu Io calm-mob fobmned azovtuthl Exhibition: Qnohoo uuuuubor ofyun mum or in my mum. I" v`r\ 0 H I..Ii`-. olux.-nn no novmul tron. sod Ilvnlltn uvachrd. and la-Amy fut lmnluu. A Iluum ll Hunt-and Pdilhg for an nu! (Innnrh-0. will ho cold n nnnnnhlo Imam. Th I41 ham-gar lo! M I nu: pron. '11`? Int lot In I O W x Ighrtrammcnt. on Mt P0. All [ nonsm mnwm uous| Q.'U'!El2lm'_| N B Fperlnl Ittrllinu `Inn to the luzllo d-puma.-r-L Jul-In nut. Ind and pan so order on use ohm-was uocloo. rluucuu nun. lnptomltow, 1:4. 1:2,! Plain and Figured ()-`trick Fathom. all prison VCII .v-.. Colfd Mlka for Trimming In all tho allloronl Bhulon. I IJUVV 5-D. OJ llllllfflll IUK IU CHIIFI HUT Ornunonu in any quunmy. Alan. M1 I'll! and Winter Rock at Fancy and Htuplo [Dry Goods I- ._.._ ..,.....|_._ A n.,_.._| v n_. -1 -vIu In now oomplou. A pochl Lino of Wil- (`PZYH at loo, worth no In nny bonus in HM lruln. J. n aunt. 1.1)., n.n.s., 133: f. IIAIITY. Ferguson : Block. 'If0IE IIIVIII lllll STOVE! OALI. AT Comprhing. FELT HAT8. trimmed Indl unmanned. FLOWIII. 1': dlonul Inn to Inlul hon. n_-...--o- I. .-- ....--no- ALL THE NOVELTIIB 0l'_ 1'Hl SEASON ! Pluuh Volvcta In all the new nhndu. o|r'd hum In nary prion. lr'd Bil-bone. uooryd and very low. III-A.. -_A l|._....I n_._xu. --._AL._ .1: Tnlt-an I-lnauum ` thin! be "ill on 1' Tuesday, the 2nd or ocloben ]enAnb`op:$HN"`%`B X| PARCEL I An ! 3 will he u M aitlmr in one [Hook or in aopnrmo |n|n`ll. In many he do Iormined on us time of uk. Tannu ofulr. lrn D--r rant :0 [Inn nluln. INTIIT, Graduate of the New York Col of Donuntry. OIIIO Wellington mus. holvoou Prin- auund Brook nu-nu. Putlcnlnr umnuon and to the nnurvulou of nomlnl huh. It-ruined Lima 0! uIe. ofule. ~r rant :0 time olule. and um hlhmva in . dnyn than-nor. 'I he other conditions are the sanding orders of the Court, to be s-Itlud hy the: lulu For further paruculun Incl ta-rm-of ulo ' nnplv lu Nauru. \\'ou.I2I. I-`iuhnr u Ilol'lu-run. Iinrrinlrrn. Ktrulfurd. ()m., and to the Auc~ (mum-I M Knunun. um um! um-mu! var run of atoms In tho Com- Inipcm-mr of Pub iv Work: may Ilnlnk pm not not uxroudmg llm highest rule Nut any I` on lw puial Iny llu- L(`lu'm0 of Hxdrulne pnvl- lngu on the kl-lmu ur other Prm luciul Cum]: an-l no: law tlmu tlm pr:-sent rue. PAIN`!-ll. N0 lwlll he sol-l nubpot to the nut nu-rned to June of ale. snmumlngto About 5640. Inc Alla aubjeot to the morcngon bald by the lI`rnnlonu1.|.oon and Invutlnent Bounty, on which an overduo `hull! .I,900 gud on which no moruin duo ||.57`1.o0. par slain in Inmalmeuu apron war '1 your: vuln- out lutonu. l"lI. WOODS, HHHER 8: MCPIIERSION, Vendor : Solioilurl. 1). H. LIZARS, Master at Strntlord ,._-._.4_.__.-.r_- .-#__. (`Anal II Klngutnu MIMI Loch. Then in Also? Dwulling Huunl. I Barmtlble and J ed cm the Pr<-party. The Mill in About mile: In-tn the (`it ' nl Kingston Ind nqnlr ta-r nf n unilr [nun Rnlaau nu the Hum! Trunk l(sil\v:_v. The ye.-u-ly rental in 8.500 par un- num |mynh'-- luv! _vur'_vv.u lhe (`mvemlnenl uulil (Mu lit uf Jul`; I31. when the Lanna in PIIIICHI STREET. P.\lT1`El. N 4. I.rn~~hn'l 7 Being pot! of ~-I In-I Nu. 38. in tlm 4th (Inna-Minn of then '1`:-wnnhip uf l`iLLahurgh.nn lhe Eu: Ilchs an! the Lou-kn.nI Um K|'n`,,v-nu Mllha Station 0! ch Rinlv-an (`nnn|. nu-nlaiulnx About 7 Acres 0! Lmd, \ lher wllh the Lone ml the prirr I mun npnm1enu:veu lheretnhelunxin ;on IE1: parcel L "ruled n Hume Flouring Mill 3 12 worry: high. 3013 : feet. three run nl French Dun Swan. Uurlulll And lerchulh Bolts. Eur:-kn Smut Machine And an exoollcul. Semntur. The nnchin no unto Wuterwhe-also 20 horse pawer each. I innll -Irina by four erainnfullmpplyof vicar at I" Icuuou. 1 mile W not Whack of 20 hnrse each. eminnfullmpplynf hgvlng the whole In In: Inter of tin Nidem (`Anal Kingutou . ills Locks. Then nlmhrond Dwelling Barn. Ruble huh: lnr the War llqnnmentm Juhn Rourk" mmpnau-cl ul' In-we trurtu of km] funnel ! mvcnxl with vat:-r but now pnrwy nolnimml nnd vnduu-el with crib work an-I -situate in frnnluf town I.-Lu A and B In Mid city. to- puthrr with uh,` |-tun-J nnul appurteluuceu Inll privileges Uh'..l'\5hI he|nn;I'ng Ellllil XIII Vuu-Dl [or Dlullllll l0lI. PARVEI. N0. 3, Lem-ehold propor1y-ln the City of Kingston. dt-mined by two cm-Lnln luau dun) `llnt July. 1866. unl muh be tween ll:-r hlnjentyn Principal Secretary of Hutu fur the \\'ar llqnnmentm Juhn Rourk" munnwxl (nnuur I purp-nu. Auctioneer, the lnllnwing uhuhlo Freehuhl and htooohold Properties: PAIKPEL NO I. I-`rm.-h--ld- Being put of Lot B, in the: (`My uf Kingpin-n. containing 1-8 1 uf an ncru. mow ur luau. buundod on the South by luhl. h0`l'l'l0lI|N nnhl by Buuclnu b .-\tlxiu- sun tan lhmmun Huwuu. and by the ortherly limit of mid Hu,tLqu'u inn! eltenulod ta dun: place In-rilmer uh-ntinnu-4| on the E13 . by the wn1eru!l?M.\r|qnI Bay. ml the North Ivy let.~ I.-r and on the \\'cut by I {once nm the edge uf the three (out bed It Iha end u! which ` ame vumnumnm znuk-I A nnd ll an placed. 4 Then II An uh;-ry on this Purel. J u.nnu.~u up... n . .. 1 .. 1... Pnnlculnr alum! _ and pnurnclon N0 2, Froehultl -In tho City ul Kinqlhnn, composed n! Lou numbon 38 And 39un n plnn or Iubdiviaduu ol Lou nuluh-tn 3.4.56 sad 7. on the Nu;-ch In]: of Brook Htnwt. 1-! the orizilul Iurvev 0| Puk Lot No . 3,4,5 6 And the Nu;-ch orlfilul survey 1 In said air . hen An nun: luu, but WI" aituutal uufnlunble for building lou. PAM`!-`.l. No .'l l......)...|a ..........-o.,r.. Hormel Kmgtun. I listed this `nd dny of Boplmber,A.I). !-`77. W hm Inn-uy. ontho llu-he Hanu- intha City of Kingston. in an County ol Frunhnno. M Twain uuock noon. A- Ilv-A_-LA___ .|_- n____,_A_-.| arc] Ion vvvvvwnp an-no-9 culi- By \\'illiunMurrty.duly up inter] fm tint Am-liunear, the Inlnwing lr-_.|..J,I __ I I ____|. .I) n_.._..u__ I uriunns so I Iutrl` Illll nnal omcr DD ox lnodob tio(.`onnu(`h lnsoauo! SHIT V:ROURK. tbcnv ho uld by PUBLIC AUCTION. with tho awuhnup M Dnnkl Home Luou. lhqulru. uh: ol this (`out II Utndonl. at the Auction ll:-um: cl William Hurray. on the City Kinxllon. County I rrullv-Inc. I0 I Iuvc u culci noun. On Wodnotdny, the Seventeenth Day 0! October, A.D.. 1877. R: \\'iIlin.nMuungu .Iulv Annnhmgl I... ulna Pununt to 5 dunno and nal onict ol nlo V; RUURK. than I mid In lnouuu lllll on the Ildcu (`anal and Mother Valuable Properllc-s In the (`My uf ` I!l__..A__ MILLINERY I -' OFFICE-Undcr cm 11 tylo o C rrlnqo an short no. on. .13 II. IPoiI|. I. DJ , bu toqu- . with [loud Bun-nun Prlnoonlluun, I '1: Dnnld Inn 0144: Ihn I! 1)!` THE Ilka ! Hl`)(,'K8 HI` Illl.x In-JKY over shown In mnguun. In Pununt tondocrvcnnd nal oak: undo bytioconnnl (`hnuootv Inn can or GIIANGEBV SALE. T-`on SALE _` I won! nu) nmvmui I &omjgtnv. HART Y ' inter] IN Hill In] owing hold Properties: Inll can I ; . `Do pnvprw Clan In mu 3. K :"y`."'3'."" I 0 G (50 non: no. Cut on tin lnnuan. uyu. cGORKEI.I.. 2: : ""` '`'.`. :.``.'..'!=`:.' "J.'.`.: : .'.:;.'.`, olnuhu. Nahuatl, oh. 0 call silen- uon O In I % ho ngulod - PI"I"l' 8 IAIIII, Until lo, I. mm-nova uiu. ' ' " `luau. Aqua M (`nub 3|ll],lIH of want. Ivollllnj 00 ll um dnnovhlnb -on-cnntuvuhuluho nmnluu. uu clououo nhonhnd on-ruin. Hung- vonn and Old (Drona Into. 1:! or-rolukmg otigmorvuullnahv-whats an vmd avg Anucu ln-lu.u. In lmco I IHVULLY Nil HIE. In uunlnug 2""....."u1.`.`*.`2"%` at oiullo hlonnan, wink! induced by unhbuutglluolhuvhgwulunm -1 out d vhlnmlduhhod tor-o at the nym urvn.:;odutuol`o h`u':0Il7 than nouns- am as . a pan: -mm nausea mm In haunt union of also cyoo. the n Illlou union: in rulm-mg nunllocn Iodli notion, Ihnn vcuknnuamain and Man I 90 long tln-ulaonod as nul hrutuuou. : In tho non nu l0.u{o null oluuulnnody onrdhouvnd; nnuorula M Ihlrll ll |l IOCO All N.p1Il"lIr\ null n at I]. oonpoudd vldo htnliluclnlut r.:,uh an Mlnppllnslhu. boll: uuvl uur. Iy. uncut 'lTm::hO:I':|1nlO om: nurt- . to . :77 ,u of -vocc-.g'L""..."...7c Tn Aulloa In Ian I: pnunml to tho pm val uh A-uncut nu all:-Sonny nogunglvo ujuul Ghana ol shun, .4-nu uoounuvoolnutlluunnunollboo o,u-mi stuck lulu-nuhu, victim in need urohlg-Vqiglquothgtvhmwnhou or uh- noun (MI in I 1!: condition Thy us an QM! ID! pluhie. still wry ul In-Om And can can (at uni lunclu, um-u III the thin and Inuit. and nro InV|Iunh ., u.. that who Inn u outta! long Ila-Adina. nml ellon ynuntl uunnunptlun Some even H-II nu the-.v helluva u-y INN! olmnly rnml --y the an 0! than of: Iolzooulovl oonaunu-I mu Ptwu-ad by (Ill). I5. Ill'(.'ELL. Lon-H. IZDQQ Q S $.Z'W1f' II An Inblllblo loud] for 531 Dloooou :1! Nu In (auto or ohrunlc). Onnumln of the '~ lulu. lilo-nun a! she ladtynu Ghnrhn and Wuhan: of VHO: has any (hon. in [and the pollen will fool in ooot may pea: All that soothing` wnrmm. Q ` Cliljhj gun Mien of u I m. In: Ihohno been nun-I ol llhouuuln, 'Ho1lo|orul. nd vuinul och: pain In tho Kulncyc. local or Mode. and hollow It to cold done b [In aloctrnul gunlltha which the I an cnuuiu. ml which In Iupunod to an nnum. than ru- lipunod nnum than hull r,,__,,LL . Doulnhn Tolognph Once. I. I. mouovl. |.A. the 0! than on Ionuuud Pnpuod by Ill'(.`ELL_ Lowell, Inn. Gold by sll druuhu. .....__.-...__ gusllthl which the Pan: Plotter: Iupunod ... hunky kw-own ulho rnlnkinnounon oi the Bible- Hllbbahllid Bnrlund Pm!-, whirl: Vhhll och-nlllh-n|l_v omnpmnn M uhulnf-I-eruu-ny. sud whan oumbauod IIIJI Iho puns nmlu nunl gums, In found to ho mu of has gr:-nu-as In-ul mu Iuodlnmu ever brought below the hnlnzou nee. The Arc Icknnwledgrd by I" Ihoham used 1 mm In an qniohenhu my onmr H... Inn Iiay have our I-Mora tried, and Han: mm A)! than Pluto!-I will :1 more-ronl no-rvu-e nun I hndrcil ol this oulnnry hmd. All other Plutnn In duv of uuon. and mqumu Inn has worn oontluull 01 nice 5 run; but with than N tn out: 1 dlluun; the "mount on. ioxtlhd Ibo path 0500: 1 pasta ooothluc I-mnum. ?_ .g... ,_ firm! (`omllan Hrdlrm:.-An I 1-mnlitiuu ncdlcmo Iur Hone: Duleyn Cumliunn Pow- der: sud Anblnn Hun llomm1_v,hunm-qnnl. ibuwu In chin mpmt nmuwulnhiug. Inuuy burn: that were auppopod to be hrnln-n down nu! almost wonhlma, km by tho use of n I`-w pochgu ho-n matured In a henuhv and annual condition. all [run nf lhn allumu having In-un r~ump|-toly remand. um! hum toe-u -old In!` frolnlv MI75 more than way would have New-II pn-rmuclf; when on Iunl I burn: nmlmna M Dar of: Gun mom Puvdan and Arnhign Iv-an Bomody, I0 know u will be r-1-ll] named with the result. Exluombor ha nuns and tooth: Ibo alzlunn ol End In (lulu lulled with the Remember lha d nuns thou;-nun Hard (,`u.|l on not puhngo. Io|d bull mo-llaludoman COO - Q. Than and has boon n tuna when um haul in; oho nanny dlleronl dlnounn bu been onnnod by outrun! nppllnnlionn to tho mr neat. II. In An nuduputnd In-I lhntovor [half um Miro population (the [lobe resort to the no of nrdunry oluum. The prlnclpnl ingredient: uuul In mnlhm -------O0o- lllchelrl Iellndon7-l_nprovod lull: Rubber Peron Planer. I UABU-. 0 all Ivhn um ruff-srlng {mm the z-rror And Iuallncretluna uf ynu%h_ m-rvnuu wx-AL nos.-, only ulvcay. Imp of lmnhuod, Jtc.. I Hi and I nudpt that will cure ynu, l"RlfE OF PHARGE. The grant remecly won dlucem-r ad b nmiuiounrv in nnth Alnerim. Fa-nl I not -ululruuund onvelupo on the Rev. Jum-pl: T. Inn.nn. Station 1). Bible House, New Yak (tltv. -: ' A common oough or cold Ihould no In be ml.-J vltlnoon when nulouhod H In cuu vonodtnto Isthlll sud um-rally {Mal pul mouury div-no. '|hoInnro rndont an twurn of this and plonptly nun r_vn'u Pulmonk-. Watch. a 0IPI|VO winch bu uuullud in M puution for our tnucy yuan--I.h-y no I)- vnu olouahn and exam I moot holneoful Inuence on -ll tho tram-hhl and ulmumry ornu Sold by all Inedirlne do: an I`. 2.-o per box. Wo"'r~.oa Ia-eon. ' A cuilhl I9vk`.t.6hI In oxundo-l on :11 vluuux b.Och'oI.u .-.---ggn-mg -ng --44.: ac T. lnn.nn. York Ulty. % Cnooomu TnM.- When Sir Juhll Mucdonnld nddroued I meeting in the County of York roooutly. ho nllmiod wnh - tour: In I-in cyan to the dud: of the great And good Ruben Baldwin, who once ru- ' pruontod that County during the old- ximo utrugglo far constitutional govern- ment. The Stntford Benson cull: those marl `crocodile tutu,` Ind recall: the (act thu when Robert Huldwin III ulna Sir John tad hi: party branded Hnldlrin u I rebel, mobbed hi: and burned him in agy.--Int Phou. `Pu Annoa IY_I-iAl.VI pain; my annual olh-bury l`riu' Lint: of llurliculturnl and other Shun can only nppour if ordered And paid for u nduniuanonu. pa.-up-opna must be prepaid. Pruhninnfy Notion of pungnph ro- forrlnu to Moon": I, Loctureo. Sn-mono, Uonoortn, Honicu uanl or other Shown, on-.. can only appear if paid for as A!- vartinemonh. The ohnrge will be 2:. (3.1. for 50 rod: or under, and (id. for every sdditioul 10 Iordu, Ind muu ho puid In Advance. Pm`..- 13.4. A`) ll. -.;....n...._I -. .1 4,, Nnticu of Prnentutiunn, Sngid Mout- iugs, Trent: to \\ urkman_ Lmlga or (`lnh Fonlivitiol, Cumplinuonury Dinmern,U.m groqnionnl and Sabbath Sdmol Sources, utc., Lro inserted in the Adzvrh.m' rt A charge 0! 21. 0.1. for ma huu|r1'-lor any loan number of In-nln. In :11 ounce than pa.-up-upha must ho prupnid. Prulminnn nunnnh ro- In of nrdll nc than luv known `I Tho lollovlng from I pnbliahari notice in II old country novnpnpor in only one uunplo of the sound manner in which publisher: in tho uld Vt-IM do bulinul itb the public, nn-I which in very duffe- gnt And Iupennr to tho uugo in Cun- . dn : IA!!!-IOIIIUOIIIOJWI :1 III; Win uuouyoorIohhbo:p?a:`.u.d not but noun yourmnlhonrwopoal. 0 yo, by olnulatouv smug fouon bound. not nor: to llIIlo.ul the Innd so full. 00 bush but oouthtnlluonl; Lot unooth or. not count: nu- CIXWZIUIII. PIYIICIAI AID IUIGION. 0l`l'lCI- llooth t Dunn`: Dru Icon. cud: ' ` ' VVVVV "- asnhthl would hard the -04:93 soul, trllu pdnnd to no bloat O wholo. And lmlo wold: oflm-lug Iindnnu um. And undo: thoghu. And help In lime or load. hraup. lih long: by not! Bprlng uhovon [ ll Itzlilvulo oorur, Iowa by uhuoonn; o war " And Mn 3 Ipoh tho onulml and and H0 [in I all he eould,uad that in land; And llulo words ollm-In Iindnn ulgdot lulu byhlm. hand how: and nocnod and in It way - KW I hfhluaunebodntho romeo-o V uanuuaopuo-u-uulouo. Aalnllhnuulnn.ndnui Id , ' AT THE IA. v -..,-cg -. -... --. REMOVED TO BROOK ST... Opponlh the liq of Qmnu Homo. nos-amt w:5TCw. 3. m7. -1-: .__.....4oo...__... PITITTB IYIJLLVI. l..l.n|LI- ll-_.-.l- 1.. _II n ....... -1 u-qua we Inna full. true. but oounp {nil ; anon your neighbor: pen: and In lo.lhI&oul2oununlnuhdundd1- Tbwowd pnyu-.Ihe nu-phuu` blush; ""'_i_.... .. - lo Douloulu In Britain. rdunry olumn. dncipd tun-lneuu In nuling Intern an Gum ()IIbumm-or In-lwr ..._.g.._._. A 0ABD.. u mm lllurina no! I than ca, u-nu IICICV In -o:-->o- luclilfll ,; 2-gzzv- Tn count in mi. 3:`:-ooua :.-r.""-"..""...'*"""'""....:-*=-"---i-`"3 . Elli! inrnnn, IIII AIIOOIIIHX I III h-.&hWIl@- ---@--- OFFICE-Undcr CM` Hotel. Any Ivlo rrlnu fnI'holadlh,{uIh bum so on-lot. Blilh no obtained pmmm Qluboo "t?32'f""' WIXKKC Will Joucnnu. oppauuoruvouo. In-.lhd ~A$'AlIllIJOCfl`U Wain lost Iulldor Ooldb Strut. Kiwaton, Ontario, ' IIAID Nady lnlnhod for sub Inna uunmont of first-('lau NOTICE- 11oME_0_1>_A'rm1. well as Tlnsmlthlng. ' All VIII hie numlulun and not Itnllq Ibo Ind than more rnnlu r llcuomy. Uvnu Inn v 355, XOOI I1`. too door :50" Iloldlolnm. .InlI S. 1-9. . Ilrrn u-nienol. . ' LIIIITIII Old A'I'I`()IlII'IrL'l'-LAW lnlhhan In Ghana". otation l ubl|Q- OI III WOII ! u n-nnlnl nlnnntlnn -J nnhh 1|. IIODY IAIN! - n...n. .. L-..1 -1 In... L--. 1 JOHN MAVELL, ` II`. on ulovo Cloud hot on annual! would with u Intcnd ca ' oowsumy. 'Dsu\:Es*sT 7X11- VVTXX O Itf IOU C RI ) urn un.o"ruA'" '"Ei"ii":.3X':&I" A - A In ltlll HUI Z AIHQIIIICCIIOIIOIIOICIIIIIIIAIIO bnlvlhtvui. POWIIUQOI . |SolldllI(lIrvoyn.oIoo- Ililtoa. hh hit. In '03!) C HUN! .1 n........ !1.....a. IT I". I FINN`: ` }....a.."""':e.`us'J" a`.'."3'a`n'2 I. II Il1thII.A.. 0.V Iolhg Milieu. and st to infra: (hi I ll carrying on J. L. IOIIIIUI. Pudw Ialdlunolh, Ofce nd p In or country pt It}. ll! St. I J Icnolthooluryulobmlllll ohotlily oupnoy hall that It llllloh. $6 pot wool in your ownlrn. You and ntbonv fnnhono one nu. You on (In you u do the to its name: ollv yum -nun-no `W0 Arrucanon Hump to man In .u.'..'.'."`u -'5':-W"' ".1".':.I.":.'.."" TIOIAI IIIOOI. lunar. ll K"!.=.9s~..,,=*i.!'s,1:=91I:! W-I onus:-7 0 R OQUE T! |ooa1 on Still Falling.` cm noox STORE,' KEETTCQOL) I Refrigerators. ` Refrlgeratora English sun Felt Eatl, Tweed Hats. Scotch Ospl, ajsc. K'fisI6:[1iee:naaIway lVf\ IDA NV. ffineAAr_I_1er_i_c[an_ Sn Felt -'Has.' E?i LisH rAAXiiNES| gnu 3-.-'--.u- - --$vJ` PRINCESS BTRIIT. lope n. 1971. JUST ABlllVlD--PEB 3.3. 018041511 N, A LARGE 1.0130! . , n C081` f y In In mu-o an icy. Ivmuum nu .. om. Sonic! olozun I cum WRlGHT'8.f 3' Ann you lmva triad all the rent. try the 8TA`I`lUNEK.S' IILLL. and you will an money by no duh-1. Youru respectfully, -nu In .-u. __, ....... JV- ..,__, .-1___ ,_ _,, STATIONERY LINE. School Bnolnl. same new prices Collegiate Institute Books do College Books do 2.`: Bll0(;I( STREET. June l|.l877. "CHEAP" `ITIGLHTI EFIIP dLJ6'Il'I'NG IS THE BIN!` PLACI `D0 BUY YOUR ECHUUL uutvxa. SCHOOL BTATIQNIRY And in fact my thing you mu roqnlro In tho nu.m.nuu-nu I Inc ' McAul:y:] van -n-- at Ra-pt 12. I877. ;l"'I,..!F:,.!!!..`3 ml All Goods In my Shop at such It Prtca as wm Covwlncq the (loner-at Puouc Mac ad`. And I owe $2000 on Ibo umn. Now I wlnh to pay EM: ["3000 u soon u soon A: poulhle and In units: to an -0 I purpose selling Aug '27, W71. MW1&.BiI9'J'8~ I llnve $8,500 Worth 0! BookI{ and Stationery I I LOWEST PRICES I CALL A1` SEIELS , ruullmd In xwnnons cu onus for tho Ilhonl Inpgon bacon on no duo annual 3 hutuu, and I