Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1877, p. 3

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VIUIJAIIVII. - I U'IIlVI nuw nusv. v . n- . Tiupuriak will be niud to the chant order of the priuthuod, and Rev. Hours. Kelly and Cioolnri to the ordor 0! dan- cou, at the B. C. Church, Erinuillo. Tho unuony will ho porfotmod by DI-L... nr lI-l-- Q.-_.... -5 IILQII ..'.I.u.|. '1 he Playslogs. luao lluvunu. Jon Nlwulnu. Fawn J Ban. u-.- . AI onmpuod with 1876, the ylold of I kinda of grain hu boon ndorfully largo, and o-urn gnim hut ioldod quite as wall In in 1875. Ind better shun in 1874. Tho yield (2! what it probably greater than in my previous you of which we have 5 roourd. Tho munch undo by tho Counmiuionor of Agnculmro oi the yield of whut in Onurioin 1873, 1874 und 1875, Itou the ucngo of fall when to have boon N buholo par am; Md 0! .... - -I...n I7 hnnhnh in non: tho hsvs bssu `N mlsmus psr sxs; no on spring IIIIIC 17 bushels sors; ncurns ol tis GI-snd Trnn Rsilwsy lot as prsssul yssr phos tbs ylsld of MI whsu st lull} I6 bnshsls psr sass, sud of spring uhsst st N boshsls. 80 thst not only bss tbs yisld oi wins! in 1877 hsss Is: in ssosss ol 1870. but It sssssds tbs yisld in tbs thus pnvioss yssrs. in which Ihsl In oousldsnd I Iiqfsotory hsnssl wss rsspsd. Ths lsll Ihsst atop is this you lully tiles ss lsrgsss in 1870, whsn 03 out 0! 75 rstuns sstt Instsd it ss below sn svsrsqs, thus this you to out 0! `M N.-turns stsss it to ho nvsr -n svsrqs, sud nut oos rspnns tins yisld nndst su svsrsns. Ths spring shssl crap any ho ssthuskd, iron tbs rstnrns, ss 50 psi cost. In-pr H m Is 1876.` The qnslnty 0! ms gnin is mad, lull whsst Inning hsss rsspsd In ssnllsnt condition, shils spring shot! out -sd tbs rsvsgss at am. sad vss um. Imus by rust, slthough x-sh In August dstsnontsd no quality In sons ysrts oi Wsstom Ontu-lo. IFFII-VPIVVIVI lliutviivv 5,1 Bnlluillu Inuuapucmmuu uy|M.hunoduinIlatLsh Ontario. `hunnildn u that nuonnobo and than nfunoou burn: tho yuhu Zlhlluond Inns. The start Inlobo udoltlfolod. rnu vvnuu Spring do. * (Ml: . ` ......-. Full Wheat. 9 Spring da. 48 (Jun . . 94 Pan. . . 47 Bstloy.. .. bl nunnn Fall What 3 Spring do.I Um .. `,.I D... I has-mm Apoaunou.-`no Roebu- gupponnppmn cl unpack: undo K. as. IIJI-villa Inhlli-an Ln lavas! cl T I IIUSIIV Iv 10 Ivv non! the but dlblnatn spun lalynhdlltldlfoclono bohddjuloltlolnjundnonv Q Tlofntlfllyllcuhtlooo ndlm, n-Annnnnvanllnln. run. .. Buloy .. --- Tho fact Ihnl. tho hnrnut this your hu been one of tho but our gurnorod In Cnnsdu, it generally known, but the fullowmg detail: (Iuppliod by the Mon- trnl Gaunt, from the G.T.[L Haporu) urn nl intoruc. n uhowing the extant of the yield. u ooupnod with (armor you! - ..-...-... nu run nuns nupnnf-I nl 1877. nernqe. below it below it Total Full Wheat 26 0 49 75 u.. ._ .a,. mu R 90 m7 ran. . Barley . Corn `CH1 E-jvIC'U$ume`-wweivae :1 Prel. John Itewert. el Ieriaehel 0el- , iege, Aherdeee. On the niettnal aide a Dr. lair wee alee lineally deeeended .0 lromsirlohn 5tewert.hruthertoJaeiee, .4 eeveeth Lord High Steward and grand- i,_ team or King Robert II. or Boot- l_ land. The Duetor'e a.....i..i....;.1 edu- M eetion wee pnreneti the time-honoured M Univeraity of which hie grandfather m had been each an oriiaiiient. Hie depee el A. K. wae obtained in l8I5, that of II. D. at the Uniiereitv of ldinbnrg in 1819. He became an Ordinery endEx- treerdinary wieeeher ef'the Royal Hedi- ealoeiety of ldinhurg. He attended the celebrated Keheole, and walked eome oi the leading hoepilale el London and Parie. From 18`)! until 1852, the long period of thirty one yearn, he eerved ee Medical Otiieer in Her Majeaty'e army reaching the rank at etel enrgeon, re; elaee. Thirty two yeare ago he eeeie to Iiingaton, and remained then for (our yeere--being Medical Oicer at thie poet, from 1846 until 1860, when nu hie de- parture he wee preeented with a gold watch and ehein by the oitieene. On hie retirement from i the army he returned to Kingeton and made it hie per- manent home. During the time of hie military eerviee he wee located at Cape of Good Hm , Sidney, Gibraltar, Malta, Corfu, Heberttown and finally Canada, with which hie work ie moat pleaeently aeeocieied. During the fatal emigrant fever of 1847 and the cholera 0! 1849, he followed in the lootetepe oi the Greet Phyeicien, and went ebont continually doing good. An intereeting akevoh of hie Chrietien labour le given in e book labelled Bible Temperance," a work written in 1861 by the deeeeeed, in which the queetiun of total ebetinance ie ably and exhauetively diecueeed in e eeriee of lettere eddieeeed to Ed. 0. Dele-en, Eeq., of Edinburgh. A preieoe to the book in furniehed by Dr. Burne, who paye a hendeome tribute to Dr. Meir for hie active labour on behalf of ell mo- rel reforme. The Bible and Tract Socie- tieeiound in him their moat efficient and practical advocate; of the Sabbath Refur- mation Society he wee the ret Preaident, end until hie laet deye he euught by kindly Ineeeuree to bring about the uni- vereal obaervarioe oi the Lerd'e Day; in the Sanitary and School Boarde, and in our City Mieeion he wee very proiri meet; and in the temperance ranlui le wee remarkably energetic. With tem- pereuoe he identied himeeli in 1643. and ever eiiieeliae been faithful to his pro. feeaione. ile fnllowe to the greve in Kingeloii en infant daughter and en in- tent grandeon, and leavee a wile and tour daughtere, one of the latter of whom ie married to Major Wileun, lete of the Royal Artiuery; another ie married to Mr. Jemee Richmond. He eleo leavee ten grand children. Yeeterdey morning it wee evident from hie manner and ap- pearanee that death wee near. Until noun he wee onneciniie. then hie mind failed and ubout `.2 90 he expired. Hie ha: been a noble life, devoted tn noble deede, and the public yenerelly will long revere hie memory. He has been the iriend of oburzli, Cllfielltaliliy and humanity e men with a very evmpa- thotic heart, wlioee impuleee were aiwiiye well directed, and eehieved happy rueiilte. 0! him it muet eurely be eaid, "Well done thou good and faithful eel- y.. . . on us: .. .w onuncru or 1875. nongo. below. then. Total. m.--.no m an no The |iArveut In Cnndu. my mu'r1su wme. suunnu, OCTOBER 3. 1877. TIUIACODI. IIII. Inn-| M. B. Jnchon. Oink of the Crown And Plou, Toronto, in on 3 (our of impoouon of the diorun: clean over which ho nu-nun control, Ali bu boon in Piston for seven! day: putonpqod in tho performance of hi: duds. jag \(.`l'lIl or 1870. bclow. nbou. Total. -n In I0 I67 H9 10; ) 1'23 1-.- lot the cont, -ow:-mg I0 Inna"-- I `Don't Into po u'yl I'll ho goldugqg cl thunk but no balls. W0 looi Al him to I00 il thoro wu I glimmer of whinnmaring irndeocaud in his yo. nnd lwpolully looked M. our club dodvcntod to poou in new cl my Eauiblo hostile domonntrntionn he mi;ht no in viIw_ But ho pulled Iclulr to him, and thruwmg nno log uvnr it, bu ul. down, saying- `Strnmnr. Luv cumin nu out In W Ill III ,0? rw, II` EIII IOIIIO `try to kind I one u up an nil it all. ul III lot: of Ion soap. M nod o' In It up you know, kin` o moo, so that than the vitamin lolh rad St they'll jun bulo out. We uund hiunn didn't nuh . at in our no. w:&'r'hu." In uolmnod, `not nuke po'I.ry. Why, I thought oditnru writ onrytbmg. kuorod onrythmg, Inn 0' jnci-olvnll tndu in lb: Hun hue Could turn 3 hnndnpnng (mm the comic to tho nnunonul, pa` :0 good an 1 clrcun man In 3 ran .' WA such: It Lllnin Hint Ln nun ma not vurymung. `The. by gun. that but: In all ballot. On`! -ah po`|r1 oh! Jun lo, I kinda NO! 00 yor analog, unngu. Putty Minn on duo print nooupcpcu an can`! u I bit oi po'Iry. Look ban,` nil 50,- puma; an A well-worn uunl lilo -um, '1': roll Ind to pay la [0, ol list`: that din yo. I oh ! no Ind-I. cu-Ion. We rmly `unkind that In dkl am can po'1.ry and dinecod ii: in inlet`- n the up the Matt, when poo- .ib|, 0 you -1 pt I" the `Ivy he gun- od. Ioho pkhl nplh M and ICING` lot ch dent, -nu:-sq to Mucou- 'D.:n'I -nkn no I.n| ho lnl-dnonndl A h|l,lmky fellow entered our nnchnn I youerdcy nfuruaon, And nftor him; null" hu hut and pullmg M. hi: forelook, ho ulod:- 'Bo this the l'lditnr`a shop! Wnh I mule, ohildliko and bland, we Inurud mm that it wu. `Bo you the clap?` We Again nnuurod him `in the air~ Inutivo. u/.1....L .5 M... on ... it cl.-.` an . -IIIIIOINI I107 KICICU IIII DUCKCI; fig! ul ohnp ho was too. sort 0! a hook ollor, nllon I rudm' nn mm pu'try, norIu,|n'uch|ih. But he hov puud in his chock; Now (unloldinv I newt paper) hero in what people cal 3 mm,- noul, tall: I In: good puuu. An lumlor Iurll him up In uinl him I good und o to gloty. WI) I III)` you to do in to copy this in your pot, on` nnh some u us` at ml in nu -nu Lnnu Lin 1| nun nn Qh.| -hug In nun .' W0 rut! ly mlmiuovl that ho nu wondodully tnlon-ad, that odiun did not how everything. `l`han. In gun. that an all WIIKIN IX jillivi. nu nhbhqougd the Iclaool olauury to `An , court mu oaunul) can we I: 1: you wnur. to." (lnuuhten) He also awn-re that he nonr refund to mlrry her, rad wu Inllinc to marry her now. In regnnl to his trip tn Poughloepuio with her, he tn'I~ tiod that the and her mother ulmd him one day to go ndxng with thorn, And he wont, and the tin` thing he knew he III in lnughkoopoio lmymg wedding qoodn. After other tr-ntumnny of |lI|nl' ll'H[:ll- unce, oounsel summed up, the Judge delivered the chnrge, and the jury railr- od for dullbonuon. After being out tun houru the jury returned my verdwt of Otiirll {or plmmtf. III IIOIII, Il,Il- `Stranger, my in} Manitoba bu knclud tho bucket; right nnnrl. ohnn ha Ill too. purl. ul : to nut n.. The defendant Barron Iru nut. put. upon tho Ivitnou stand. He in n young mun And run I muuutnoho. While he Ill giving his evidence the plnintiff eyed him intently, und he cut furtive glint.-on at her. He tutled, nmong other thiugn, Ihut. he and he wuuld go to Duver Ind act. Father Fnrley to marry them, hen her brother told him he Ind been to pee that print, and that he had uglead lu marry them on the full Ming h'und:ty, And the pr0poo9d nmrriugu was ro-ml nut in church, u was the c.natmn. Ho alum uvoro that he never agreed to marry the plainti until Apnl I. Aftar sho cum- Inoucerl thu suit against. him he went lu you her Ind asked her In marry km,` and the Iv-uldu't.. He added In hm` tutimeny: I hue the wn.1.hng ring in my pocket now, And you (L-uhing I`. the court. and oannul) It if you Intut In " (l.umhtar\ Hunlau awn-re he Dl'0llIBl' Ill lens EU uuvur Kllllll cnurcu to nuke tho nrounry Ifrnngonnanln. Upon his urrlul there he ucortniuod that tho prion: oould uut ulcinto, and after- ward: it In decided that ma wedding Ihould occur on Feb. 10. In the mean- timo dofendnnl cums to Ponghlu-epnie with plninti and her mothar,I.o pur- chase the nodding dross, n ring,und Iomo furniture. 'ho paid 840 for her wedding dress, and he purohued the wedding ring nnd put it on hor tin.ger,vmd than touk it off again and put. it in his pocket, tn put iv. un ngmn when they were mnrrlad, that being the Uulhuho cuntum. In the m.`...uu-e delamhmi. hard of phylicml disabilities of the pinin- !il]', And re uoatod her to wait until (ha In! of Aprii to gut. nmrried. when, he Ilid, they would move mi A farm he and ill! bruther had pnrchuad, pnd aft-r thnt dalendnnt laid pin.-ma`; brother to II, to her Ihu he could not marry her. The brothor did this, nnd plain!-if rent word to dofondnnt tint nho Ill vary hurry to but it. TL- .I-l..-nlnub Ru-u-an -an nnlf nub be.` Uelollulul. Won! Lu plaunuu I mutu- er, and she wan nmmq. ll rcturuecl to plsinunnd told her the reuult, and then it In arrnngad that Hm wo-d ling nhuuld occur Feb, 0, and Miss I'M-era brother III lent. tu Dover Plains church on nunlrn Ihn nun. unrv `l'Al|\lAII'|AlIlI Cour! fl WI. IJIIUU In OVUI IIOWIHK. Min Pawn In the tint Imneu. She teimiod in acne!-al tanm tlmt. aha had boon acquainted with dofendunt navon or eight. yun. She Iomutimu resided At her home, And at other times varlusd at Amanin. She nid aha r-t n.-uv ynung Unrrun at pic-nics, and afterwmr-ls at an- cinbloa Ind hits. Euch udumed Hm othor, ind in December In! we dufahdmlt commenced tn km: company with ha-r," llld won slur he on ered her his hum] in marriage. She laid in rnply, l Am nlinad with yuu, but I must. uuk mother (int, Illd if the in nhaliad I vnll be." Defoudlut wont Lu plalnulh math- or znrl lhn wan snlinml. H rvturmeal Ponghkeepeio, Oct. 2.--There wen en extruvrdinnry branch of prv-mine crane tried before Judge lsnrunrd, in the Cir- cuit Court hero. The title was, "Juumn Puwurl, b guudieu, ngmunt Daniel Burou." {hmngee were loud at $fn,0()0` The perliue Ire reeidemsof D-)n:r Plains, and me Cetln-lice. The hit pleinli_' In About 20 year: of eyes. She Ill neatly nuired in a dark wit, wuro I faehinunhle bleak Ituw bonnet trimmed with ow.-re, end uound her neck In A white leoe scarf. She is nthur propoeleeeiug in n penance. end her modesty Ill gr-nera!l y commented upon. Durmg the triel the court we! lled to overowing. Min Power: In the She 4 nu couursilr or A com-u uvnco nu POUOHIlIYIll-A vn.mt,1 or 0650 l\|\AAIAlII mnunn rcrcy Unm want. 8:!) diviuion.-Wm. Bum nor, Jame: Pnyno, Chnrlou - Fhrtriclr. Harvey Lind- ny nnd Frank Maul equal, Annie Luu, Hanlictta Suith. nowuer, menu lneuooa. 70 : divi-.i~.n.--Honry Smithh Dubbl And Hutu Moloulf MI, I Knnl And Francis Nichcsnon Dora Milli And Joseph Little Mnqu-M Percy Chm Watts. 8511 divinion,-Wm. Bnmlu-I`. Z -IIIIvIu-urn wu-u In IIIU IhIlI`I|vIl 0 Institute odlnd upon Mr. A.P. pg. IL, and prenatal him with Q` UT copy I! Onshore Olyoopodh ..n- u. `Io- lot division.--Frank Moutgolnory, . Janos Ioufgoauty, Juno Adana, Liuio Adana. ind div'IdoI.--Jothro Gillan. Ohsrlcn Hadley llnhln. Alain utrink. divhioo.---not-ci-n Imanor. Henry I OOIIIIOII], Chgng ewlll. Saul Aulouunnd Joan Bangor, oqunl, Wu. 4- Lrm-. 8-: can. ltladivinion.--0lu'iItins Bnnnonllu. ` Brenner, Ihry J. 1!, John Print- ly, Knub Va: Order, Riohurd Huh. Midivbion.-Wm. Om, Juno Ian, Wm. H. Hurlrick, Mary J. Bull. Thumu 1 Moon. Mabel An.hnr|.|1'homu Iuul. I 9! `iV3Iion.--Fnuk Thom n, Mur- |Ir.oM.cWntor, Wm. Kounodl;-.0 Cort! I Liltlo sud Mabel Monnoy equal. Alex. ` Mawoter Thoma Mebood. 70): 1.! sun __.nnu Hrnith '1':-An`: I P0! IIIOUTI _l'lJlIL!C ICIOOI. Queer much of Pronlso (tau. Ho Wnuted Poetry, , , Frank , Frnnoi: : mull, V9??HN dwtmu run I mall Arm-In I (Hot Hm! I onus- ma:-n may in aruhully huh I uulnrong run In to roam Ivory to-ulrucy up dunno Hun red: of Illblh nuluhon on lacuna; uunud man man wanna Inoronr noon Ml that point. We may ounapo many 0 Intel noun by looping on-ulna wall forulol vuh tun blood and a prayer!) nou-Iabod halo."- 'ml an-via Ouvru - l|old_,only__Iu Pacic fmic sumnim swam` ` OALL AT noasm mom: House} An III `III I To hnlouulllipol lhonocbth un- Ind which :~ xmpnmvd Io tlnu unwm. thus M- an-riug tlmn In I hoe-|u:`_y cumliuun Tiny are n-n nor! an pllnblo. null vary adv ho-aha; mm an Inn run (or Ink boot: rnlu In tho udu nu-I broul. Ind no lnvnlnnh 0 to than n In: have 5 no-I-l.M loop Iundtu. nd as-n 5-'4-u uh nouunwnon Bo-0 non ull mum tuurvo shy won olllnly and by tho un -.1 than or I In: cum] noun-puou. Pnpnrod by (IIO I IITUHILL. lnvoll. Inns. Iold 1:: all druuuu 0 the N Km. I dc pmparly nourbbod Holt."- 0uoru`-- llold only In mulled. "Jun In: t 00.. Houipolhlc Ghana. lnldun." I August Flower. ` Tho mun. mnwrnble brim: in the world are Huge auarmg frnm Dylpepul And Liver coulylniul. More than seventy- uve per Gaul. of the people of the United Sm: are nlllncu-cl Wllh than 0 dx-nu and than oaoug such u u Stuunch, Sick Hm-nduche. Hahntunl 00:- tivenou, lhxlpluuun uf the Heart, Halft- burn, \\'.L.rbruh, gnunmi and burning pun: It the it cf the Stomach, Yolluw Fl.-in, Guam 'l`ur.nue an-l dsngroonblo inn. in Hm Innul.h cnminu Ahvr onhmv, ~`kln, Linnea Insane IIIII uungroolmo lulu in the mr~uLh, coming After nnng, low llnrlll, &s. U.) tn your Drmmiou, Heath GI. Uunn, of Wulo & Cornell, Illd got I 75 cent Hollie of Arulsr Hover, or I Sunplo B-altle {or 10 cents. Try it. Twu dumu Iull reliavc ycu. -~- coo r-- _- . _, .IlII-In-II'.< Isellmlonn Improved Illdla Ilublu-r rorons I Imstcr. Ingulro munv dxmre-um uuuuonu nu noun oulnu-II by unlwnrd nppiwlllum IL` the pro~ mm It In an umh-pull-cl ho! lb-lnvrr hnlf the anMr1- pnpulnlmn nI' tho globe rum! to the nu of ordinary plul-I-I 'l`ha~nrmciunl iI.1rdIontI nun! In nailing in own an lha b`ruulm(-auto n! the Hurle- Hnhh:-r. In-I llurgund Huh ; which. whim arivnllrnlly t`nn||Iuuu ad in lnllofolntlrlmly um] ghu-n mmlunud In]: tho pure madman` aoirnllully cnmpuundod 8: [all of l'I0!`Il'||`|ly pure madnln gums. In fnuurl lo ha IDIO of tho gronuul haul mg umhmnn not brought below the humnn I'Il'l`. 1 ho um ulnmrlmlgo-.ul by all who Inn uud Siam In u-I quit-Itorlhnn In] other Plan lo-rn they hum rn-r holuro triad, um] mu: on: (H uln--u I'|>ulc-rn mil do more rul uorvloa than Ann Acvuunn. -`l'|Io aohn Annis Iulny and Oriental nu ngmund yu- Corny nothing, the format on Four Kilo Point and tho lotto: on Snsko ldud. Both were pulled cl um. do- `-npd by the uoilonh. nmnnai-ms In uuuy. seven or tnue qtndz-ntl hue uince pnaed their unmi- mixinna; vhree an nmetc-rs end four 1: mums. Fuur are under tuition at the prllrlli timu, mm of whum [nee up (or exnminnti-.u thin weak in St. Juhn, while the miller: ill be examined here during the prva,-nt mnuth. Thu balunce of the students cnlerul will rt-aume their stu- dies It the clurenl navigation. ,_ .oo-. A Mxrrnn nr Dut'ar.-lu the trial of Pisa fur lmgnluy in tin: lniu Auizae, the nice lvgal pxlllll. ruF9 Na in whether the second nuuringe wan lugul, from the hot that the lank ul_u.l fur the license Ill iesllml lay a LieutoI.Iwt(l-wernor (Crew. lonl, who died in 1875. it In probable that there huvu he-u ihnunndl 0! than bhmlu |iI`t.l by cnrnleu iuuerl of Iner- 'n-(e liunuee. There would noon to be it doubt u to the ulidny of I marriage li;ense iuued our the uignnture of I deal mm. A lnuzle punitive iufurmntiun ul) :1 certain ; - in! would settle the question ne tn whestimr matcheu were Ina-I l liuvrn ll elsewhere. Statietice of ti.. Hlulhvt` nf person: in the province, or in u 1! county, who have been married (or rain-.-r. not married) within the lint t`-vn gems, on .l.o authority of | license .` iexued by S defunct unvnrnur, would I f: rm kn iutervarsnq dncmnent in fnmily circle: where this delightful suite of du- busty in respect tn their being l - Ely cun- uituted, uiota.-lIm~cr. In-u C--MA - Hnfuol. um Colmlrnso. -"yotoonogl kulualcdgo of tho: ntnnl In--1 whirl gown .n no oyonuonu ofdtpusun m.-i I-nmllommnl h I onrotul n yllnonon ol the M nmnoron up wall calm-cog Uoooc. Ir I0. --Sinco the npening of tho Quebec Schmnlu! Nnvignliml by Mr. Benton, in February Inn, more hnvo bean nineteen ndmllaiunl to study. Seven of thus nnnhvnln haw; sumo unused their exami- all ken. -Qucry: Why damn not Sir John omit the ntla of `Right Hun." until hi in III:-rn in and becwu:-n really a Privy Councillur -If England 1 Sir John In be cnmin-,( 5 hula two much oelobmlod in the wny of taking whnl he in not entitled to. and |,o'..'1 by me Mllslulnlllll. --'l`he (H-nu-.c!mu' Brotherhood, in se:-ninn at L"unrn, huV0 resolved lhatll in lheuhvy nu" each member bundvncatc the m-nvnh.:l princnplns out the Order, vIz., lempemuco and opposition to air ken. n........ w... (L... M. RE. Jnlm |u~1-funlivmry Thu rmcipnl inzrudlonll rushing hon luau-rt IN! Uum Uilhmum -nr holler ULnr, IHHINSH. In EHO ID(l'HDUVl. -P|uvn| contain: ubnut 17.000 poo- pla, 2 churches, 19 molquol. 9 unimrou; 1.427 hnlnwa are mhabltnd by Chriutinnl, and 1,627 by the Husnulnnuu. .. l".....-. 1.... r.....la.dnh.on In-cruel. . -Duri`Hg an ulurcaliun botweon two resident: of Chnmphit: ntroot, Q-Ioboc. Int evening, one Harrington draw I -`heath knife and seriously nabbed tho uthkr. Dinean, in the nbdnmon. _DI....n- mun-inn nknn `I7 NY) nnn. yll, yntordny. -A weal yesterday. weakly nenpapor, tho Specular, devoted to tho Protestant religion, in lo be utartod in m;U'|`ll shortly. and Row. A. J . Buy. 0! l.wnOhuI-ch, will boodittor In-chief. ,_'\..rNKn ... ..N.-nqliun Lglnnnn Oun UIIIUIIIATIUI.-Iln vlmluf II VI hlio will In It Innsdowno to-day. Oslllnoqnu and Birmingham`: on Sunday, Iylouhton Honduy. Oundun Inn on `fludny. Tamworth on Wodnudny. nod Blunonvillo on Thumhy. Hi: Lord- Illip in Inning bin (mun homo. uvumu In M ammo} wwnunup, um. -EvIgl|nd lut year imponod can 1.6 {ha vnlin of 131,610.23! sterling. A large pmpuninn came from Canada. --Tue Nuuron nnd nlnllod lubom-on large prnpurnnn [rum Uunaaa. p'uurorI amp! ad on the new municipal building. Brook n, N.Y., numbering 100, Itrnok vnlardnm uuuu mule. -11. 21-. Hamilton iatoboorduined n miuiumry to the l"r4nch Cuudiu: Cnthuhoa. _ A Dunn} A4 .n~qnn nl hgnin lnllnhla for Unthuha. -AbouH00 acres 0! bnu, suitable (or the nlsnuhcturo ol nugu, are under cul- tiutitm in Wullonloy township, Ont. -EnuIAnd Iul venr imnonod on: up 3 npno by hanging mu-uu. llhl llllid. -Till Euglllll and llilh Roman Ol- tholio rolaua are About to run: the Dmni ihle. _D-u \?w- nnmiltnn in In H. nlnginntl --an Jullll lion and round n-oil ll bulking Inn of Norton, Boat I 00- --'l`. Gunman. Ottawa. Cried Io Iii bunmg noun or not-mu, two 5 U0. --'1`. Guzman, Occurs, cried wind by hanging hiuull. and (mild. Evulula tron. u um my uconnng. --The temp-Ar ma ulonn MC in fully Ottllknhing Iho in N33 Booth " 0' -- can iehan Eupol the G. l`.lt , an in New York. -(loldwin Susi-h nature: to Gaul: nut Juno, run-ling moumno at Oxford ---8u' Julm Ron bu mind fro! the 1....L:.... rm... .1 ll...-1... R... A (1.. `I CAN 1!` `(F1 "`KA|IIII00' . burned; lei " Eng -_Ilr \\'..ohmAn nI-MnI1I- nl "nu- burned; luau nun. --Nr. '--rkunn, ox-Mayor ul Kon- trul. in nu nil.-3 mounting. I.-uno--nun nlonn full! -I'VXIIIIIIZIIU Il-I CI V-U Gonna:-Ocuunl. nod andutud his bnllnpuuonot Ibo lulnun. Bo glam I-anndnl Aka Inlsnnl Al nnnnnri In IH'|u.IIl'l I OIPDIII I VIIIDIIIII II pmporcn who Ir` - pmv|..onl out bmnllnu ubloa with -1- I, >H 0l'F\I hon-run wbn-h may an s he-Ivy do- tor n bllh. II In hy the ju- In I um-In nrlil-I90 uf db! Hm! nui- I Io-nclrncy dunno | rI'Q:n".v w.-mun -boron: then tu Slfvllblif HI-IAlllCo '"" (RI... 545 ...'.. Jun: urn sun} a an to: ' 30 Out!- BICIlVlD_`i`lm nu: Praah_l]_x1tcg1 seed. [w, 1:. lIcRAE & 00.] FJv&.$1*_'iEh.99'.a.`9i:i Birds, Birds, Birds.i Our Ready-Made Stock Is Well Assorted and ill llnrked Down VEIKY L0 W. II. JV-"lUUFu*IlI' HUI! tllll VIII VI lhl Phydop will uh plum on Tnoodny Ink. At lent fty more ohuuctoru will 50 nddod, uni may change: will be undo, all lending in improve the display. 'I'|o nut psndo my be ducribod u the (land Finale." Junt Rer~.n|vod~A Splrrrlnd Auortmnnl of HATS and CA PI. 0' All Good: Ilnrlod In Plllll Fuxuum. outs Prloas naked und no'lu taken lIo1V`AU G~E'I`C>1\T as covu. IHICKEY 8: lLETT S Ar'unw uffurina `IPLFINDID IHIKGAIRS IN TWEED`. having n Largo Stock on hind nod do-niroun nl Clearing Hum: out befure the Full. Ira have liodnoed than regnrdlau of Cool. in prlooa nut will tempt the uloomt buyers. ITWEEDSII GRAND CHANGE for-i:_1izAP TWEED8 TEE INTIBE STOCK HAS BEEN PURCHASED BY THE UK dereigned and in being ocrod st A GREAT SACRIFICE, HENRY LOWNDES. Kant `H1 1977, BAIMJQT mcK UFOY goons. ` "` '1` < J gI4`I1ERY. I\I IE (`O UOIIJUI Iopl. Io. um. Pnounun-In lot the nut trout;-four burl for the Iowa lake nmou: Kodonto westerly to southerly wind: and fair In- lbu. For tho BL Lovnnu: lode:-no to huh nuorly to nouthwuhtly wbdu, fail and oontinuo-I cold watch. -&_. --t -2- -< `I'll Ion-I`: lino.-Tho nonorinl union known an thq noulhh mild, lot Ihlnto Father Olulu, took place in tho Catholic Ohurcb. Smith`: Pulls, this ODE. Bishop 0 Btioa, of _KmgIOon, nu yuan. eopum with tvdu pth. The Bishop`: anon on the hub cl th hu Father Ohio was voty M I for Inch`. Drhklu ad making Cake. POI IALI AT A Stock of Dry Goods In an Department of which he Cannot be ndorsold, No mute: whnt olharl may In! of it. And if you would be convinced of club on" And input them. It will be worth your whllo. u .1. .1-Luv ugwwnuluu ' \./ IN I-`INK GOODS WE HAVE A NICE ABSOBTIEIT ol Wound Cootlnguln Dhgtuh, Chouh Ind Funny Patterns. ' HE l(lAI)Y MADE DEPARFIENT 13 COIPLI-71'! In all oluun oi Goo-In of our own munufnclure. 5?` All Wool Sula lot .1050; the but vuuo In the any. [N (lF.'NT'S FURNISHINGS ye have A full Stock ufthn Intact lulgnu In Ra[|tt.I.Olfonh and White Shun uu Fnnn-1 Wmdnor Smrfn, Uollul. Cull : And Ulderololhlug. The Now... uni moat. m,n.nm1's AND ans 1.. tho city. 2. PREVOST, -Inr l'I'IIl`l' I--- h.-- n.._ as. u-_|.-. --_--- Sept. 15, 1877. JUETIRRIQED Bll HUN GROCERY. W0 Ghanohgo my Eouso in the Trade u to P:-loo.Iu1lty.Work And Short- nm of Tim in lhnuhotnro. COME AND SEE OUR NEW YORK BUHIRESB SUIT undo holder lot ||4.00; oqul to any IIOLW omavhero. - YD` DIME nnnnn Ill! HAVE A NIPII` Alinll`I"Il`I'l' nt Wnunml l`..aI....I_ nA-_-__u_ `ORDER WORK A SPEGIALITYV NEW max l]:THING STORE. ' -ot-o-- lion.--'1`hon no quite 3 heavy [root In! tuning. The ciraumuuloo [In tilt to 0 commotion Among undon- orno-dny. Tondcr plum were unav- od from oxpoud plum and ouolnlly bound for tho winur. 'xIpuIowsuoxauu.nouzu IF RECEIVE. UIITI 7.3!`, II DU, `[0 _ 90. 01.00.0135. 3.450, 90. 35. amum Indus of Oolorodlllh. $1.00, $1.26. out spam! locotiuk lam Volnts. $3.50, u.o,o. ouo. uoo. no pa my mac: Lmm, 150. 200, 22 1-20, 850. an 800. dhuput omen rmuun, 10. 12 1-ac. and use.- Ir Youwl nd n Bun-Idlul Stock old! Wtnurouch, Clnplt R. WALDRON S. Wilson's Buildings. Oct. 4. 1877. Sept 26, 1977. 'Tf=i._-_ 60 piocu Navy Blue. Plum. Ilynlo omen. 8051 Brown Ouhnutu O3 50. 00. 1: 809 90. `ad ' 40 pa lowlhok Oulunuu. 60. 60. 70. O0. 80. III! 01-00- I llnoklkmb tstluouou,oxtnnlu.nt60. `II, F oo.."n1.oo. I115. :.3sh1.9o.|2 - - new much and Colour! uuumorea. "' "mm. aw vnnoo-yn. rim: un rnuy. up, uhoop. low Sluvh, Mullen and Inlln Ololhn. Now Tweodn. Clolhu. und funny Coating. Flume!-. Blnnkou, Conan, and Blltungn. Tlnklngn, Tabla Llnuu, Ilhooungo. Towels and Towelllng` Tu Blu.Pl .u lo;-lulu! "3? 1o.'so. sndn:1.00"e - New l.|!.'u~l HIIII. It or much sud Colorod Culumoru, vorv uhlb. 4, .'.G(|).l .,l|El LIOI BNCEIY. .__.__.3..__. l'onnu.I.Ino.-Ic loot: u if thin on- lot be stopped. Than on A low pooplo In tho city who lot] that tiny mint be hit -Nay um loop the pooh:-I buy or gauumthlnn nnl|nIIn' nut ||\nnnl|_ H13 MILLINERY ROOM I8 REPLITI WITH STOCK. .|... u. .__-- . .|... ,.;o- I... ..-.. ......--....-_nI.4.-II n.....u-n\.-_..-- n;.. n n I)l`lIl"I`I HA1: COIPLETID [ill FALL PURCHASES AND AI A RISULT HAI nun nit can I-. IX IMBUJ TIAN, nu lllnlaalaonvnanon -vv-- -- q--.---- urn-.. -rnvvnny .1 tho lnrgeu HI tho rily be nan mnu-quantlynoll Goods Cheaper. Ilia CARPETSAN I in yet, but about 'l'hunuln- mu can rooum from hi: Usrpot Ilomn A GOOD UNION UA PET lI`0 I-`URTY CKNT8. 1a77 AND IIW I (All Ngw uad Prion Lower tlnn Ivor.) MGNAUGHTON 12' G0. _A.. BOSS B4oop.-1`ho'noThon or tho Bins Tolponnoo Club may obtain body: And hoonuou at the WHO oloo. Show your colour. ~ __-..g._-_. IVII! onto: and lab nu sold at Hideout : bdoro cloning the but non- lng. A (null supply coming in by noon ` and owning oxprulu to-day. Bud hi: odionhonout. :__-.1c.--. 1 Princess Street. NEW G-00138, ' ' 7 Iloll ITIIIT. Ion Door: from It: lulu Iqun. U. I I D &LKL'U3-ETCBT Conn! King Jud Hivlccu SI New Dveu Good: In all tho lawman ooloun. New Prlma, Now Wlnooyn. Plain and Funny. Sluvh. Flnnnnln. Blnnknla, (`.n.Imn. nu] hlnlnnn. u VII \.vr\I-I... `(JR IM Boutllwutqunurol IAN. lllb sun Uonuuhu I the Tovnhip of III`- uuo,e-mulnhg I0 Ann 01 oclllvud 14nd. Glenna are two Dueling llnumtor cupid`; Ion Walk at vacuum. I Landon Unahu. In good opudgllgu, _W|l5A 'l'I_U_. _'l'|o_n Walk 0! Acadia a-um-. with fruit Thu noon not . him, do nun, tho :5:.`......." ...':{.'. II . I ...""""D`.'. """` rzgzulh `lows "'&i.'nTvTi"o$.2." no any lulu, Prhnn lint. lljn.-IIIJDLIIT. ' Z IVIII `T110- Ipoodun In. III-On` Ion! nun PIIICIII ITIIIT IIIGITOI. L` I\I In-All Io`: Ill __i. --. my gun fvuuuu I gonothiu pnunnl may luppcn. M- CHEAP JOHN I'-llV\4a Cl K--I -I.I"I"- r In wuuvg NI LAIOI IAIILY OAIIIAOI and In Irv!-I Nouns -I IIar- Am! lo the aunt. WI. DAVID. Till CHIAP JOIII. Pnuou llnut. up I poalvo Blrgnn` fuoylon Tlll CHILI JOHN. PHI ` ' Ihnidivn Iutfunh-upon N Ayplyu AAJAQ 1AII- `...__4_ [WILLIAE mvm, DKALII ll IIIJIOES II New and second Ind Good: n. IVIII TIIIIOI. {To ALL ms agrgrnv an -y---4....-... THOII WHO HAVITICOID IIAID (`LUTIIIO T0 DIIPUSI U!` WILL nlnnun I-nun Ihnlr nodnrn -MI: HIGKEY 8: l|.E'|T'8, PEI IOIH ITIIIT. an-com In u7vTvuuot'a own: Ion FOR SALE. M Qluulhrnnt gnu-hr M I`! II V For 8110 Q .-.-AI-an-th-(Ind: OF KINGSTON! IDI-v luau: 'lIIIr U-ruurl VIP WILLIAI DAVID Ibo will Avoid wit` nu nun. For Sale. A `AIIOI OAIIJ LI-_-_J ll-. IAWDII h IAOIAI. [TWEEDS I 7- _--- , _ , _ , " splendid Wanna Coda at O8 Boauuhu Tweed Paula at 88; 1: klndunuc Blue Black or Brown Ovomoatat $7084. A. LEVEYU stoma; Buoponun, Wellington g_.__,...iiTz`*v~"**r'L.`':_'i*_v-I 0IDllAfl0l.-To-l'lI0l l'0W Rev. J. F`. A_._._x_L __uI L- -_:__J A- AL. ._.__.I In. Rxn.--At Ottawa Mr. Rho gob hopolully of that be upon: to accomplish in Kinpton on M: return Ion. To-day ho co-nnonou his lsboun In Montreal. We trust the pooplo will Id In inking his hat Vllit hon u plenum And Iuooeuful u pollibll. coo------- %?glOr8.1IvoulI`_d(::_..!_WJolP'Il|o.- luungmlvung .m` H. I Oolkul-III] Vounn-In CnI.-0ol. cmpboll ox- I.-..---A.. .0 oh. Ilrh II. Ah. Inn-ur lune-non.--lajoc Golan] I-I I-math n-dun` Inn. DMD AI. ".2 Ig It : Q A-bI-'n Will 0IunA-- Inglol Inst. 7. Iu.|). Juhu. `v!_WJol|ln. lush; 6:_ 0LnnA_lP-Invrhnb-Pnn-. -2--ojo-..- Tu Puuoo:.--The nut turn out ol .x_ nn_._,:_-_ _.-n A-L- _l_-_ ..._ 0II..,._,|__ Planmnon.-on Woduoulny lat,` dc to the opnnhf ol Qua : Dollop, I0 IOII-knlnm dun ol the Kingston |..lI.-l-A- Innil-A4 g-Ilgtl nun: II. A D IATUEDAY lV`lN'G. 001'. 6. 1877. DVUII-I I 333' Ivan hulanu has. oa..u.. Cl! IUD VIUINITY I-COAL nut vu-awn nun vu yu-uuuvu sq Bbhop O'Brien. Bornon at 10:50 o'clock 5] IN Vary R07. Dan Chiuholm. COO II ivy] III vliuwvvru vvyvvyyug h Hal-dun. This nu In no- ,._._A .1 LI. .4_.l_I._4l__ 1, BumuIu.- l`h Gums any: on Thursday 0! lat took uutln cl bor- gluiu won oolnuitlod in Piston, result- ing in um innunoo only 0! loan in my considerable amount. On the nigh Above menlionod the grocery More 0! Mr. `T. Vnnhorn mu ontorod uni upwudl of C30 ukon from the uni: box; tho boot and fancy non of Mr. A. Soutlnrd Ill "gum Ihrough" to the aunt of some 40 or 50, And the clothing Icon of Spencer & Clark ocmo nut in ordor, but no money In obulnod and nothing wu nluod. onouou at stationary ounlun I-I` Inc refer: to 3 par mph that appeared II it: columns I luv up o in favor 0! Inch . nruioct. Wu mu It road the Win) oolunme [CI duyl In [nor oi men 5 prujeol. We Illll lyrical oerefnll , but filled to observe the utiole ref to, end hence our omteeion ol the pmper credit. However, if our memory an-ea no well, the Wine, not my you: go, dial oppooe Inch en en- lerprieo, and lot the very reuon neu- tioned by us Iut Tneeday. We in pleued to know that our mntelnporety not enternine e dnlerent new of the queetion and have no doubt that, with III ueuei energy end inuence, It will soon eeeonplieh the deemed objee\.-On- (aria. > COO. but. I 0910. Ilttnold IIdW.Dong|uI.I| nglhulnol. P. Q Iinni hi...` 9-. An... Al lnnnnnnn Ennmu-non. -A son- plnint nu II 0 Al. the Education! hudquuton, orontu, that nine of tho copying which but been opidolnio our the Prnviuoo lately Ill don: at the In~ totnadinto onminntiona In Klnguon. Mr. Kidd, thc uuninor, In tho moat ourolul lnnpoctur in tho whole Provinoo, nod ho conduotod the ouuninntion oom- plninod of. Ho land the utmost vigi- lnnoo on this occuion, Ind yo! he cannot say that then In not copying, {or it in impouiblo to prevent it in my Quaint- dun. The dopnrtmont in no pouudod 0! Ir. Kidd : onrncltnou that (boy how ukod him to not In Oonniuinnu in In- vutlgnling tho sllqod irrqnluitiu. Tho onquity will ho Inndo in I for (hp. -_- The Wine up to an Ilintuhn nbuut u Kingston papon diuouungmq tho onooc of stationary cluster: C and ..l.-- 1.; ; ngrunnnh that nnnanrul II in ICING. Wu want our contemporary : conclud- lu-; oonplluolt, but uill his! hot II and to in cm in regard Io tho WIN : policy on the cluster quudou. Wun -n lama. nl gnu nnlnrvilnn Ihhh Ii ' Inna.-no lnruuo.--'l'bo lut ol '||u ovupliub nesting: at tho Noun lzm Oougrqotloul mum. nu-'b'~ unto, oonduaud by ID Row. R. Iolq, or Kllgltou,/Du holdluc u M. Pu- yiom to tho until; It. I 0] pu- fornod I nurlup unuouy, gun boil] the Inc that In than phat in the -1-Inn VUIIVFIIIC vn--.-'vva. vuuupvvu -1~ Ounnuudcc of nu ma Mott, Bollo- vmo, in him pounded against for nono X nnn.. Inn-Q ghgoann Inn unlnnlnnu hill.-J. louoy, IIIII.IlOI| Ictldun Jana 0.5!]. lent nnlnnij--nolngl r. |7I|h. Inuhllub-It than I l..n_A-IIl.- -.- J|.-I-_J 3 -nu-p-uu.--n-U IUII VG` VIII lap, boa |lO|I|Id.:R.uI. `no la- te; IAIIOIIQQ that lupus! lab no- nul than Indian Ilolqnn. us u-vvu v: -0 --my-` hulk our labor or am. UIIIIU ITUTIITK III |II"|3UIlIliI . Illu yvvl et thet,eo that there wee note wide choice, And Kingctcm butclure did not meke their unuel lerge pnrohuee. The Herrowemith cattle Felt wee blenked completely on Wedneedey by the heavy urn! U! u: vuuuuu n H! Iva. --Tho Tnmwarlh Fair on Tneldny Ill well nttohdcd by buyer: uud fsnuorl. Uuttlo nruonco in lho_country. and poor -4 lL.A .. cl.-. oh-.. -.. tunln -vial. -rThO Townlhip of Kingulon Shoi on Monday willbon lpleudid one for I bunch Socimy. It will be won-th tho drive out to Counter : to lee. mu , m , _ ,_u_ uI.:_ -_. m.___J._ __- ...- uuu ..w.-..... ... ...- ...., .....,. -Tho Pu-thiuu no man ungnino shun our thnt Perth will In the objec- the point. for tho Huron Q Qnoboc Ball- ny, louing Culoton Pluoo and Lcnu-k Villqzo out in the oold. . 49:->_..... IIIIIII uvuuvnu.-(5 umuuuvu 1'-vvu vuvu. the text for A thnplodical hunt our Nut Into recruit`: devoted hnd--dovohd to she dire uooeuitill of the Tory nutty. ,, TL- D--aLh.. ..4 man` --nnninn Ill Iuul I -A oullootion in 33-! o! the Inlfu-on by the luninoin lndin III tohn up in 8!. Paul`: Church, Pourboro, Int Bun- dny. Tho contribution: unountod to one hundred And thirty-ve dullan. This in nublo in Peurboro. -nu. L.-_L-_- l_.'_:.__ --..- aI.-o VIIII, - bung ftvuuuuuu u`-u-- nu -can oc non, charges for vuluntoor eloihinq on which nnjlool ad destroy- cl during the gallant`: angina. The not will to trial at tho tuning Bollo- .m. 1.4.. IIUUIU III I U5Cl'|l|lI'Uo -Tho Batorboro R.m'mc'nr up that the biggou inurnuliuio joke 0! tho lol- non in tho Kinsman Newt making tho Bobcaygeon Independent`: bantoring ro- muh concerning Niuhnlu Flood Davin Mm cut hm A phnnlndhml hnl-ml. nun! MIA! Uuelvve, II In: nu-u uuuu . --Blue ribbon: prcdomiuete 3! thin time, but people weer their ted uoeee ell the eeme. Thue Ihet white haired young teen ween the three ngnleuone colon. ted, white end blee. Will some one hue the kindneu to nuke e union jack 0! him! , n,.u-_ :_ -:,l -1 AL- _..1r -..-- wvl - _...... -Mnliury drill Inn been provided for the male pupil: of the High, Model and Public 8chooll,,Ponh. Sergeant Dun- lop, gndunto 0! K inpton Milifuy School, in tho imtrnctor. nl..- -:LL....- ..--.l.._.:..-A- .4 ALE. -uua-. A Wander: blllit ohrgodn nnhuconulolloolllxll .|.. l......s_:- .. ah- um... `Flu -an lllllllllj. LVUIIIII. win [nu yvu nu.-an pol-otnugo on your Ciao and honey than clnning tho roll Iron your poo: neigh- bor: door. D-(I'll! Ill \IUFUIII"- --W'uhin no nob out bu dulinoll put av dolls: I haul. but lsouohooul who buy ol nono gnedl In and! quad u will non: ronhu My ndnnuga Inc It I 311 KIIIIIUI ulnvund-u thlonnnin on the noun. The sun lookod his nanny`: worth ad started for Ooudn. -'1`hiu in the time to go on! roll- Imnting. Nothing will [in you hiahor .....a....-... nu. sun! 15-. Ann! nnnuv thnn ---......._.... Iuun.--'l'h said: can vary gnu` hath Anal. --J -.A_... UL. l_n- -`ho pin dunk In boa:-thud In It. Uuhduuo and mu. `hing owing to the onnlty at nut. ` * --Tho -'-mm Bollo"hn sun un- olbu ngulnr rub bowed Clayton and Capo Visual ; ' .--Young Mallory : lube: denuded thruud for {he uppcohudon ol his gou, when the him In daliund to the Shell! 0! Oohulllj. __ Hold- A-.. -..I.- Ann Lu Jnalinnll slntloury Elonlpn. Zllnlilll IIIIIIHTIUII---I;vI Uvjll Ellquvd |auyuudqd- hualnuothn. bniqh lllvldoshoillhrycllg. n. ndotlovhltnuloluso the to Oh- n__._-_ n..___-I -_.I .._.I...L_J Ll- Towuhlp nlrn, , wuowgni. --:- Wo, uoonlndon lot the or-cotton ol the show mentioned` works, do hmby ugh mu It won bound ty contract to any out the vol-In to tho Ioliolgouan o( Iapn, vain`. Ion sud (hi! to took no avian II: n) at er pot-non. ndtlnrr an an an-an nv tori throolh hum]- otdofl IN: aunt poflnn, lunar! did IO noon uy work through luual- 1 uh-an nl uulnnuhlo bv their coda. d My won uu-ouln unnu- dulq cl Iotinnohl by Old: coda. g ouhhiy not otdouol Ir. lul- -. ahpluu mun. way. on. cumin toensu... no pun In the squad oununuuu. OI]! ulltlf DUI I||pOI VIIl0n. Booondly--"Did not Maura. Pour doubt tho stability of the chimney 1" You, we did, And showed the detach in the shut, vhioh were Idmittod, and our suggestions osniod ouf, Le. , we made tho inhriot bottom H. u! Iho -ghimnoy round inuaad 0 square, whereby the work In very much urongthmod and I bother draught orntod; In Also incrouod the thioknou of the up or action: ol llu walls, which nu too ight. Tl|irdlv-AI In nmlfnldina : What wuln, wmon mu I00 ngnr. Third|y-AI to nonlfnldinu What does lint amount to. Wo.honvor, never ndvoontod an omlide acsulding. and an the work could be done ohupor from an inside Ioubldilng, we allowed the non- truton mode As they lnkod in nu. manor, providod the work ION done to our in- Iiohclion. Ii`mn-chlw ._ An tn -nrlxmnnnhin Tho tiohcuon. Fuurthly Al to workmnnuhip. The work in don: in I sound, Iorkmnnlih manner, and I: no mm was any of it taken down on account of iulorior Innk- Inuhlp ; and no to well bring dono by my other potion : older. tho thing in ahuldor Io would not slluw In in- brhhllao in Ihopnniuo, and II ink the u.-coupon in; coniouu from the ooltrlcton Ii onnrn that It In]. \l'h|| than tannin. Mr. Klimt. In ooulncton um ounlrn IIIII IO \v\'i1.h than ninth, Mr. Editor. In dull uh no lunhor notion ol tho mu- Iot. but lone our radar: to judge for lhonuluu, bring at tho aunt time (but our nputnlon u pl-social architects doc: not nu on IL! auction of this ion- dorful money. I pics of work in which then la uolthor originality not ingonullz. W. -hnuld hug Inuh than man I `WIT Iliiullvc Inn `'1 II 1" kpqblgntlt 0! III ouch!-pdu in than for uottloulathu. Ir. I-I-LA -:1: n nihhh null. CT. I. IICIHIOT onguumy not Illll . W0 olonld have Inuit th nun o coon but lor tho chum. o 000 o! the ounlncton {tom the chi). & so OWII - I. Ml. Em1'on,-An thin Iubject hu been um much commented upon, and the (Act: no grnenly lnilroproeonted, we feel it mu- duty to give the history of this wonderful ehinney. We will therefore take Mr. K'|Iehu:'| eulomente in your paper 0! Wednudly lut uriatum. lt`inI-l)id not Mr. Killhaw come Wodnualy luv uruunm. l"ir|I-Did Kilnhaw coma born for tho I iul purpose nf orocung those vorh I` ul erhnpo he did; but. I! so, why dud he not do It I Bmauno ho had not cuudonoe in hinuel! nor in the omdo sketch of I ohivuney he brought with him. Mr. K. and the muugmg Director: calm to our uico with tho Ihtoh And conveyed to us their wants, no that-lure prepared plum nnd apocm. cation: for the prount work, which worn gppruvod ol, sud hue Ilnoo been carried out uudor our suporvmon. .mndlv-Did not Mann. POIII -nun-u nun luv nu--nu. \-I Ivvllvw uuunr to. There Ina no breach of propriety in my one. Our ooatomponry hu written much Agniuut the Phyniogu, and in inu- ouoo in indioaud by the iucresung auc- ouu of tho panda ...__-o3.___ ulu uuuuug no uluvulll ---J nun yw--vu. It wu I gonenl order that when I hall in nude At. my plsco all mumo ahuuld oeuo Inn to admit of the ending of tho nddrou and the mnking of ropliou there- `/K TL--- .... .... L........|. .-.t ..-,....-.'.o.. .`.. The bad tutu wu oonuod to tho reui- donu of I ool-bin strut, who vlnitod lrkndu thnt ovoning to Avoid 1 meeting with tho Phyliogn. The muquernden did nothing to dinturb my nick person. In --- . ..-n..-`I nnlgu Huo -I...` . huh oppouno the noun wu m very ma Into, to u I mild up:-anion. Undnr the oircumuuncu I refuul to accept the party nu not mrprining. Tlmro in Inch I thins: u esrrvum a ioh too fur."- party not Inrprmng. were ll wen thing carrying johtoo Nam. an n:.. ,,n,:. .1 Al the next place visited than Wu no response. A rclnlivu of the gentlr mnn cnllod upon has ninco her arrival in the city been quite nun-1|, I fact of which the L-uderl vuro veil uuro (so her medical Attendant inform: nu) Ind thorefura for them to persist in stopping opposite the house in bud cute, an um-onion. III IllUI|llI ul. uu vuv -luv u-u - nu... bu of con (huing liudll which some- whu ruomblo than of the Do- minion and Ontario Cabinet Minin- 'torI) very in and line looking, from lnxunnnt foodini; on olllcial fudcler. 'lhin lino putungo and loading in lying on one ai-*0 ol the road mined (}em:ral Elootionl." On the other llde lie: the bnrrun Gold: on which tho Upponition bani no lelt lo urns, sud born the cattle Appear to have fared very badly, ninco thoy new to be enunciated and lull Itnrvod. Thou Al'l`lVllI lino head: Vory like than of Sir John, M. C. Cauuoron, Willis MoDongall, Pnttnon. `I . N. Gibbn, Tuppor, sud nally the nntlino of tho lunouu Nu:-thorn Railway cow. Tho caricature in uxoeodingly good. 000- ;"""..........".'..'.r....'.'.'.;:,7" Hon. Wnllio McDougnll In: said I gnu! dlli About tho nut genon! elec- tionI--ho bu pieturod tho unnnor in which the Mlnintuinlinu bun boon fut.- hning upon the Ipoila of olco, nnd tho hope the Cunurutivu ban 0! improving their lo:-tuna in tho good time coming. Grip illuuntel thin pninl vory happily. He has Wlie in tho poainon of n dup- er, snrl nbovo him an sketches of what. he drum: of. On one side are I unm- u ; _ _, /|..__:_,_ I.._J.I _L:..I. -......., luau lama.-Than no 0 grant no u _ .5 L _.|__ n, J._ Al- -..-_ _. ZVI11IIeuwpuyuue yuuuv-U-- wuitc wtllguerenteb eueeeee in e epluu like that which Mr.` Greet in about enter upon, but It my fairly be inferred iron the sneer in which he bee dir- ehergetl the heuy putotel dutiee do- volving upon him that be poeceeeee that energy end oepeoity (or organisation which are indieponuble in the heed of en edumtiood lnltituuon largely depend- ` eat on public fevour for it: support. Hie well known [enidity will be eure [U9 make him populer with hie etu- deute, nit hee elrndydone with the genenl puhlie. Mr. grant will be wel- comed to the Pnvinee he I netive Cem- dien. hie birthplace being Piotou .in Nevh Booth. Hie ewn eollegiete eouree wee thhen In Glugow, but hie putnrel lile bee been epent elnoet entirely in hie nu- tin Province end thelueigbboring one of Prince E lwerd Ielend. Fur eome yeerl pent he has laboured euooeulully in Bali- (ex u the pater of one of the most im- portant chergee in the Pmebterien Church. Kinpton, Oct. 6. Tlopluoncnanuluuuuu-.---. -1 Ba. 0. u-. an, .4 ac. unm--. Ohll, lnlUu,ooIpa with 33001 to- pnhtion an pllpil ontonndliuvucur. ltdounoldtqylhlloi tbtnhoqulio kvl -ohtlupopclnrptcuhotot ._.u... ..m .... ....a.'. mm... in ; nnlun ol>h-hywnhtlwfoilon Qthivht:fhIriIljnauou dran- dpnllrodgnmullobufocnnnyncn Illduocldonuythomao ol Pnuipd cl hhlldihtiou, lulu sunny which Chi-ouhu In: no min lllin .._ R. -.-n._ 43...`: an Lin nnnj. |nIII'-|uu uuvu -nu nu u--u u. _...-p vl `ho punon ohounubkuaunuot. 2.. a. ll; u-nut. nil in. um!-'- The Chimney Question. Ilcllonnlva Dunn. onus-u oou.LuI-. -_ro~o--.- 7 K jgpuus-wu.-D.-. [gull upldu tn .9... 3 :5. us! rung Iullunt, -335 annual: hill a I-nun

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