0|) lnnkln lllln U10 nnuwu 4 In-nun swindle was detected, mg both Ten: Ind the United Tho nul.hurni:.a at `-'v':xn}`.iIlgI.( informnd, and: special ng:-nt v N. 1...". nhn nhlmmnl a clue. w lnlormna, arm I lpcwlm ugu-m. wnl um. out here, who oblmmnl clue. which ha boon closely full-med, :'uau lIng m the ailnnlnznenun arr:-at tn-day of tiny por- nou in differ:-nt par ! of this country. No Iona than lhnne` n cuuu. hU'.Ilt`l hive been burnml durum: Hm past your in da- Itruy evidenca nyinst a-vindleru. The nrianmnrs an--.9 lain-In tn Texas to day. nu indopondont undmuo. no puuguu himself not in mm on I party nun, hm In jmtp mounru on NIH! menu. All the tuning porn, includmg l.'Svrvu- ROM and IA M-hm. Iu[IpuMNl nudi- duuro on then ground; _ -, , ....-_f_ evinienca ngnpnsr. a'Vlllulel'I. um riaonern Reading, l u., (M. 19-A verdict. uf not guilty I'.`.I rvudere.l In the canon of lho rintvra nf July hut, except. M to George Houdhnro, whu \.lR found guxlly nl innilinu tn nut, -'7 "" C'.O~~.__ CAl'(`c)l'I (`:m.uI1nm-I --Than in not likely to ho my cum.-It Ahnut the ofoolion of 5 Dnunmn-n mombor by the Centre divinun of Qucbec my, to roplu-0 Hun. Mr` Uturhnu. Tho dntfaroul poll- hoal puma Inn onmo to I doullo un- dcnbnding to Ihrld the nnnoynnoo uni on not I an oloctunl battle on shortly be -1-: tho pm-n! rloc Luna, nut to who in returning Mr. Jscquu Mnlmlin, Ad- voulo ol Q-labor, unnppuood Mr. MA- loutn hu IIIIVI been I man I! decidedly Inodoulo views, and la mm accepted 3: onndldmo. Ho 5-lvdgoa himself bu} Toronto, CL 10. ~l5 Trunk from Tnruulo tu -... 001,- uh:-A0. lH.~._ Artduns fur Dmnngm, for Pa and False .-lrreul. lhnlsu up mu nxnu. nrnunun, (trunnion, - Hur cnrrmpnndunt. at Csmpbclllun, New l'.runsw1ck,stM.eathst ..n Fndsy, the 5th |nst., s ronmrlusblo n xerslion wss porformud by Dr. Ihloum, 0 Csmphellt.-m, ssznote-I hy Dr. Vonnnr, on the porsuu ul Archxbsld Chstlersn, s young msn 0! shunt twenty one yesu of no, lmlungmg tn thsl plscs. Young (`hnttenm had lm-n sufT-ring fur some times Illh cunsumptnvn, Ins light hung busing |)"|lI}:Ir|.ely sullenod snd brulnan down, with the exception -I s small pur- uun st. the top. Mrs deslh wss In.-nrly upechul fur vovernl wu-Ls past. Dr.` Hslcum, c-Including that he cuuld nut, in the courss o! lhlrg-. rv-waver. Iosnlwd lo (upon his chest, which hu rlld hy mahn s doc-p iuoisiuu st the low:-r and at the shoulder blsdo. sml mu-rtad s silver tube. through -Inch Im draw out shunt two qusrts I-f ucowhnul) nlfnnsnvo mm.- vor, snd sflervurd wsshod nu! the ssvity thurnnghly wnh dinmfectsnts. The pa- tlsnt upcrio-Iuwul unmodists rshul, hu strength sud sppsmo huts returned in s grsst Insssuru, sad in II now sbla to walk shout the; house; whereas, before the uporslion. he could not mm himself in bed. From the rn-ulsul suoooss uf ch. opsrstiuu, and the: hot that th patient : lung is ct-mpsrstnvely sound, his lnsnds now suturt-nu strung hopes ul his nonv- .... nu lhlomn n|nims (but this is the Ilruh` nope: ul ml nonv- or Dr. lhlomn claim: m. uporuion ol the lund porlurmod In (ha Province. It c-rmuly u-thou much credit on him nkill Ind oourngo u Ill)!`- ........ _ Ml .I..I|n Pu rr Rain Fire Lmm I erson.l. l_-- not thnt he who uuenun m u... ...... , ll guilty 0! All. Without the inst parti- cle of juuionion, II in H1`: can, the Ioul brunt: of Tory Ilnnder in quite nqunl to the tank ol boonuring my man with ohloquy, no antler how reprouchleu hi: priuul reputation. H . ..-oo-... ...------ csnsnn V qgsznrjcuts . F .1. Houuul. on. 10. mo. Mill blah. nah! qt!-0 sod u Imv-an Guided chm . bayou ad olaiugl on I0 la: y-our I ludllz to human. 0- an to- an: OMAN; for-7. III` um Ton'g`rg ZITo.J we 1 in Ark 21 C AI'I`\I pcwml ng:-nt was new no-I wed, ruamung t... 111.7 nf uixtv nar- It. A Iarga t1unn~ int-ry and wool n- nydd. Lo:a$HM,- Iv-":1. ~ Oswego FRHI tun. ware par- A hrvn um\n~ I boon man couple:-1 an M0 noon. Inp- poqod. The Rnuinnl no not free to not on both wings, the Runiu: form at Arduhul, on the right, being out {no will umv ruuun the oonsivo, and n mg`:-ch upon lhuroum in by no mum iu-prubnblo. Afono blow the Turks Inn lost All the nduuugeo gained during the summer. Their total [mi in not down :1 16,0000 men, including one hundred otticon, thirty-two battalion: ol inllntry, and four hnnden of nrtxllory. The non nf the Cnrcuninn chin! Bchnmyl Ill Among the killed. Thu nunmntiun nl tho attack on g::.u' ii uoloivcd (mm the auto! III in Ask the doles! cl lukhtu Palm : ll !!! pron: to have boon couphk t has boon. Inp- mnd. The AI lurlhe! inlelli. the killed. Tho toaumpzion of the Plovnn uuid In hue boon liud for ta-dny. Shunlnl the Ruuium prove nuc- ceuful in this quutor the viutury. fol- lnuung- so closely the dolut n. the Aladjuh Dngh. mgy hue the Offed. of loading to m-gotinuom [or pence, u two cnuhing reverses would be more than the Turh would be oble to survive. Tlvmun an rumnun of I Pulilh in- Among all the aisuissions olour school system, we do not remember having seen the euueation that pupils` Ssrings Banks should be introduced into our public schools It appears tlioy have been in sueoceulul operation in the `old country for none yous, end the matter has been considered suciently feasible and im- portant to elicit diecussiun at the recent eeeeion oi the Social Science Association. The operttiune 0! such an institution are briey dieoiibed by the N. Y. Evening Post. Oneeaweek an hour or so is set apart for the eullection by the tescher of the surplus pocket money from pupils. Each of the latter is fnriiielied with a card on which the dates and amounts ol depoeite are entered, siinilsr entries being el course made in a book kept for that purpose by the master. Tie total amount is deposited in some sound on!- aide Savings` Bank to the credit of the eohool. When each pupil's raring: alno-iht to_a certain suui his capital *---'-- in .I..- interest. out it 'l`ur|u would be none to lIlI I|'o. There are rumnun of I Puligh vuiuu ol Roumnhin from Gulicinf` It. in nlm ntntpd thu tho British Uovornmanl hu seized. II onntnbnnd of war, tho nnlermll hr the iron hutqunlord for tho llunizm troops. no I-......-.1`...-.. nu, 10--An Indvr llunizn St. Pete-raburg, Oct. l9.--An Indy! rldapntch of Oct. 17th nynz On rec-iving i_nf.-rgmtinu of nInukhtnr'|_defent, hpmail Puhn withdraw from the neignrhnd uf [gdyr to the heights of Zor, near the Fr-utuer of liulornu. [la in on the point of cumplet:-l_v 0vadu.,( our torritnry. H--rlm, Uct. l`J.--Tho ltuuin Some Ciclal Juurnnl I1-ptvrll 69,434 ltuuuiann killed and wourzdad to Oct. 11. ___- coo - -___ Rams:ocI osc_orocnnmu[T iiiifnithid Em: ovswms. BULK AID EAIILL OYBTEIS. It-uh sud true from lxnpurmu. , .1... L IIBEIII all man! than Ranrmm. Kn-3 Direct, ("All our I Pmwn Manor LL. [hm] Vrkhy cl Ibo ummh ol October. 4 AH ed lb N|noOuuh. M. 7.40 o rlvuh. l lly vrdu CLO!) IIOPPIR. 1_3;;pIEi'c3'U'I"s? gTRAYED from linrrh-eld. on Rap! '29:!-, K A DAY PONY ; 00 Mad luot Wino. lune mm. mm on l1'ra~hoI L cumin Involve hunch I Uanadian Enginak Machineiy IlIl|l\I'_ I G-w-ANDREWS: harm! the mrolllut up uruor W. J. UABIHUA N, JAE. (J lN)\'NlI'.l.l.. Pruldnnt Socrrlnrj IUIQ. ll Ilpnw nu y-nu,-u .... Qtlngol the yulzbaduuolothoou Iho|odit.olIhor!uIoodonood.ouh qoundtluoltjh hound gninunsybo no udpum to can we Janjh lulu Ilonnadiq hunt, In lllraniu-stark or .0-`on.-:o|u|h|r, uoods on hnndnml romlmunly replenished. -L`!-I-`L4 On ltom By onlu JD) W" l"YKnZ. SM-mtuy sud Tnuuru Ioutrnsl. Nth Oct , I577. W. J. IIARKIGA N, Oct I9. I877 III I. um an order Is \.uuu\ Iigunlir lIVt`I'hUl - -_;;.-..nz , ` THE W!_I}:IEIS. Loan to the Tm-Mala Arm 1/. DIIIIICII INT TAILOR. The I<.`Ier'uon Reaction. Noajrom. "lldls rnmoo-oouu-tint A.-.--ql nu KlIlOl0I' om _s__n'mn?. "n.I7 owning, Um, -1'1` M ll 8 0`:-lm-I p In n-ham-o n , wvnl--ru nu roqugouul an I gm! nupnrunre WI I brought IIIFMIIII. ll) t-nlor C OI l'AN\'. - 909 ~ ragga 1` T ML" "I H". M. .x.. 5 |.\. . `IIlIh1LlI_, II he hnld In the I, nun-uni, on Wb.D.\'l3 ,.n wn orlooi p m. I.-rlbo. I. ~RUl\EHT IIICWITT, llarclold mu tench lllupwn About a 9.11:. Wm make clone connections with the Star Inn [Man I! Plcwn for Boanllo And Trenton Arriving ut Tronwu II 6 pm. same day. I ; nun (`MI I III! In mm: to sun tha oonveniendo ofborroweli. lnorou muduruta. For funhu Informa- tion, Ipply to IAH u-ADvl|ulln u-..-...- `Bani bu utvtut. IAudI0IhnI:IdoI`II"=P'- -!-IILI. OF`I`l(II--We|Hngton Btrotl. uppoolu the S. (Jourgeu llnll. Khiglwn. Octli, I-127. `Pinion and-Kwingstn Will nuke dnily uipo(3IudA_y,n oxoo.LIod). bo~ Ivan Knnpwn and Pit-1on.fot rt muudur of tin Iunou. . -. . ..._.- ..,. uu. . on. _A._ _. -v ulunuuur Ill up: ----n.- LEAVINK} Swift`: Wharf. Ilugnol. 5&7 o'clock In an morniim. sud coiling At All In- urmodinto Peru. rooohmg Pk-ton mt ll:.I) um. nu-u-nun-un nun 1---- 154-5... gm I n n. vuu-mu-nu: nv-u-.-v-u-..........- .....r _ RETl7R.\'lNG-WI|l Inn Pinon It I |l.Il` o'clock. and calling st. all innnnodhlo Pol. will tench lliuguon About 5 wm ....x.. .1... no-unanllnnn cm. US1`.uu Wodneudry nflurnt-on, in the rlly. A Luau: (mu; LUCKIII. um: u: hhwk rlmin numbed . I loci. of halr loooclgin loclt. The udvr will plane return It tax a [human Wum Urncc. MONEY TO LI-:uo| EHEAP OROQUET! M. Kirkpatrick sFa11cySture. l`l}:NUESS STREE I`. PREPARE Fem: WTMR !JohBrW1|'E:E:6;kSt.] uno-ms w_. ........_ -.._ , _ begins to draw internal, on which I unsll charge ia deducted 10-: the nutionery mod, and the bnlnnoo plmed It hm dupoul The than 0! thin practical odncauou m hubiu ol thrill. urn highly prnmd, the conu- ~- 4` -----.m- -ulnnrhnn nvgn [,0 (h. | uvn | IIOCI 01.. 0| | Juiy '.`0,l(:7. Woollen Shh-tings. Drawers, Hose AND WARM Arriving Eva:-yduy X ! cusar CLOTHING I ""*'.::.'*:a':'::`.;:".?::r:.:';:.::.""' I PIIILAV, I ll. IIKCPA. Omaha! ` . sml QIHJM (Nunhc-r nllbl I NCO!- 4 Inc J Pivolrhnu -In-I Ivonne: 0! 0010, ` OM Pm.-nit our II I PIIILAV, I II. llutlul. inane] Qnrhm alibi} logo of l"uyo|o-Ir-I `.10 "4 Q who-'1 Phvuu-San. hurt:-n. Antenatal!` n n Du; Dunn! Cat II II 7 A s H L E Y ' s Shirt. Dollar & Gull Factor y You ind no nppoolto Wllmon hug]. aw-It Rh: Jo D Brown`: Flu Ptoo! Bulld- In`. l*ltlhTL`l!.`4A MEET. 1 oumx wmcHT's.| CHIN In It Iuuwwuu u no v-yuan utbunlhnd lldnhol rgnlruoudiq Io|boAnonlol;nhI|hInsybolur- Ilthol. It llptliol Ibo plon,|u the ...:_-.n as. non! hndnnmlo lion Jl'ST AN.l(l\'!'D~ PER 9 I ( /HCASSIIN, A LARUE LUI` Ur` Fine American Soft Felt Hats, car A ~.. 1 mlxcmn-I Iluollanm of qnuluiu wm o hand In band with Iuv |-mu (41 turn: the olnln o! (iron-rles. Provlslons. Lamps, Crockery, lioal on, ac. jn. cool: a son, English smr Felt Hats, Tweed Hats. Scotch Gaps, &o. ` The Largest. Most Styllsh and Best Mock for all Pur- clmssru In the City. ] mos. SEALE, }Mercha.nt Tailor, Clothier Lules` Nut 5 for nnlv-`.00 mnrkod lufu l am And up puma uhmqnd nu unborn! ol thrill. mgmy prnllru, luv w..... `(ion 0! ooonomy oxlondmg onn patent: at home through the hnldron {mu nohool: Ihilo the hunt are particu- - - -- 7- --._---..n. hnnnmd In thin But [in-nthluz put Down to the I.om-.Il possible Ilium. ON GOOD FARM OR OITY PROPERTY! T ARMENIA, If?` Now in the lime to buy. . --.u\ Rom 23.1377. fob N. I377 Underclmhing of all Kinds NICI APPLES by the bnrroll or luoun. A I-`luu Assorllucnt of tho Latest In Aurzr, us.- [mu nohoolz unuo mo mum ... ,........ luly and punnnontly bonoud by thin ooohnl chock to tho npondlhrift tendon- oiu 01 youth. N tho Ichouo ha been Odd Iuuulully in Gnu Britain. Franco, bolgiuln and other counmu. lion In no nuon why Quads should wait lorsn Ancnonn uporimout boloro moving in much I noun. Why not gun it 5 trial in Kingston! Even if it nhonld full of lmlnodiob moons than would be no hill dam; while. I! the plan worked ___n n _-..IJ L-can nun-II hAlhnl' in our `av-1' .,.r., n. JAH. leAR1`HUB. Iunz, Onuriu Bulldlug and avlnp holy. (PUB METHOD : IIIIIIII --lvlllvu up Hun-I on band to! But band I anal Us blno I-vrl. PRINCESS STRZT. an .u~~ U FOII Tllli W INTEIL THE PAST ITLAIBIK OBIDIB W03 I - -_._A.I .n_..u.... ...A -.. .|. 4|. umnv-nTam:sx . `ML ._ L-_J ..I n -3 1.--. JOHN MAYILL, It. our dour ubovo linll Loi:xe_r_LosLr;, '13 ion bat: in continnoun opera Ibo our Ilnu.hv|ng Nil through tho it tho IMHO! nlpooublo duration l.I)youn. They not to have boon has tho IM ondwud mania on up -4-m_- ...4-.:-|- um unuluv Iuul cur` ghlr lor the pruom nuan- .I)Y-MAl)E8 the Btoui In moot M- I '3 Inc in ntyio and quamy.nnd h-lulu prlu-an .v`l'K!~l3-IIIING 00008 a! undu- I H: great variety, oonaunlly on (}R()(JER.S. and Most Faslnlonablr Styles, ,,_ .L_ _,_-.--. __ .-4_ A'I` COST I o llnlnm-A of tho Stock)! ClI()QUE'l` UH CLARK WRlHHT_ Wellington Blreov. av p.nu. u--u u._,. JAMES COLLIER. THUS. SEALE, Prhnnnnn [tram M dlonat 'l`rqio lulu in Toronto uul lnnuool cl Fnlnllocs Prison, an II` In I vacuum to 010: out nuncmun Good: `O:-(I Lawn-r than can to ` HAVING PI ROUASED THIS? SEASON OVER 81),!!!) WORTII OF FANCY` AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, ' hulk; principle. the wealthy land on on baby oiioungod not only to 0:55- uuu in my mum. to an 009'? _._.LL_ .3. .l.._ on nulnl th nemembe: me tn! 0 : mm we will 0 ""' the 20th of Ogtobzel-`and Oogtlnuo until `:>l:rm.ll:1:!1*:`8?::kmd" of wmm uoods is Sold out. F. X. GOUSINEAU & 00'S PRICE LIST `U1-corn. ARE NOWOFFI-IRING GREAT BARGAINS IN 1'l.STERS,0\'ERt`U.\TS. PEAJACKET8 lhvin. n Lm-mu mnlx nn hunt! and duiruun ol (Tlrurinz than on 2.. fun Hm Wtuu-c Prices to Tempt the Closest Buyers ()l7I STUCK 0|" TWEEDN urn vorv lnr a Ind nmrh-cl than to Cool Jun Iloceln-|~| Spluualul Assortment of HATS AND CAP . 1' All Good: mule-Ii In mun Fpguma Ono |'M(`A naked and n - lean ulon. _ IIOKAUG-ETCRT ti! C33. (Mal? IR`7".' ' Tn:-nan L'..... ._.J l'\u.`_-... Rt. ,1 I an M nommy. OVVIL` .- -Wolllngkm Iln. lamina Pr! .9 and Ernst nnon Pulonlu nun.-um mg I: he proonuzpn of nun! sun. J. 3.01.121. In. D DI... f..n~.i. ` C\ IPITIIC` II-_A--3- 1`! 3L- Ni`- \'..-I. I onus III` I mum llual. gland to soul; the nudanvgnd. O. I. ll` IWINTEHANGULAYAHM aoungolun lot u-u..-.........., ....,, am... Thu nu uhhhnhod thou! the ciao than Ital-near ol Anyrh eu- ,.,A _...ml... IL` Tn. [Id In Red Drab, 13ooKs:| On Saturday um. ct. 2ntn.| lH|CHMUND & BY[]EN.l Sugars Down Again A Large .\'umIn-r nl rim-ond. lanai lzoolna. 030 I3. |D7_ PIIOIOGIIAPHY GLASS! oE1C&1i1'c"r1rJ-1"fcE". Oct 17, I "7. but GOIII; Inna. u my W-.. -v.--_ Ioll, it would bono null Iulhor in up that thin locality, no provotbinl, lot II uodouly uy. lot uoli-I worth And urea; oonnon nun. uhould hue pun tho Initiative to the union in Canada --_::........ EV` Cunlognu In A tour I035. IH`. NIH Urrxunmuum-.A| nnnu.-nan In 1 hoIr4nc,uvr.n\U.\l.3. rr_.\J.\u\L| Having n Largo Stock on hn_lv`\lt!";;-I than on 1.. ;..,,V. um Wm". f0l'l Ill \hh`ng to M0100 moth!!! ` oltballt` A mum Hudclnnlnn -Ind in non Iv (In nndanmnul. HI IL'Bl(`|1lB|'R \\'ll.l. UCLI. IIY l`lIHl.lC Al'L`l|lIN. Pen Jackets ' 10- U.-c-3:; ---on - -v-u-~. Inv- ,IUTlIT. Gullah of Ibo No! (`um I! Dnltotry. writ` -I'nllInmkvud|ool. In-drum! AUCTION SALE Eiinfafi" cam; 3rd Drab, For ran and wgntor, 1877. the lat . but things iau-iuionlly goal, u at loud. should not honou- hiph Ipotd boeuuo they any ohms to In hoary with nuqmty. En- ll I50 Iud 0! Q0 Cokuldl than an guy iuiitllhn Iorlhy at hubuiu Mhllhn Md iulmlnn. Anon; the Inl- | up `public [r|Iu'in' of Chin pnoonl gunqoldn lot oonuonduoty nong- _nI_.. `ung I2! I50. Ml] Drab, Mcmhuan-1-oWa co. and Sm _\ Blur, IA DOWI_ Av-onion. 01' hi. uuvilog to Ibo lmlnon Hal, A man olklbl olrun-I on (Main ltnu. nnqr ul, adj-on Ibo n-uuonenol Wlm. lath. - T"'.`..` Ann`! I.. L an An`: ,'New Autumn Dress Goods! WAITII Apply In l ms rnomunc Loan and Investment Society The very ndoawm which yo! IIIVNO Inn llul been provnbinlly pru- gn-iu. and ouhluly China button no supple: totlorulo. Thick poouliulyl oh. 0.` In. hm thlnn ialtiluionlly In pnporod Io In-olvo npplk-anon for In Do- bomuru During lnlrnu.-uh 17-upon: ot- toohd. In sum. and fur Inc-In pounds a ll- vnlan Ill] -Juan. Imam um! I: a lunar: Ml-no Hunger. ()I`|'l(fl --C|u0IM Mroot. onmoltc Ibo Pan nn Kluguoo 001 M, IIT7. .1. will he n-rt-Incl unull (or Inpplynng the .\`lo~uu-u u tr None minor in G4-nnlne. Rlchc-llvu and 0ul.n'lo Naviga- llon 13 mp-u:_\ FUEL VVOOZD FIVE THOUSAND (C C 00) GORDB 0!` HARDWOOD, C.A_'Ef'I'IOl\T- Mynle _fl.a_\{Unbaccu. Iu2rriu-au 035? runs IAIIIII. V N V R. &_.;j.gA1:%1)1 N 1+3}: I-on tum. llnndlgn. Few. S9, I32.` _. -- ...... For further punk-ultra apply to R. & J. GARD|NER S. An Inspe-otnuu im nuul Salnn for cash. Sll'lt`l|_\ um pn.` cam msruw uw uv- any. ill IIIOP, at-mu. n -I ah" I an-uplvd by` In-nu Iran` `"6? r`! I EACH PLUG '0! THE A BIIIIII _BUS|_l\_lESS I Tnmnnns ' gmxnvourox h m.. Faun of Km` and Pnu-cu Mruul 1 _II77 [`RlhL`l`.'S8 STREET. For Sale; .1 .n...-AI-n In :5.` n..I.. 1'0 II LIT. Inlr A--HA-- -...l ...._ ZTIJEJ IE J(J'Ic Cornet Kmg Ind !'Hnrul Sis. GILT LETI RH! `vlnioru. I 'ruwmnI u nunu. . . ,- WORTH I TIIIAI: Overcoat- Pom Jackson TH! JUL! lllllul, I to but luMNll,IilJ5 pl any man. ` tllbll or In-go on-IOI DO( TOI Um ~ In: 4.: Kh`[I'0ll.. -Oahu` u! |H7'_\`l I I. K K I Innnger. llIu~_ ....____. we vonturod to my camplimulntn " ---u tn-mat. - an Qlilg grams awml T UB0. `K ..;-"'`'t' vunltit.thIllbnItIIiII|D3" n|iirolIuh;pvnutoloI&h-ll` the buunpvllhuau|nH51- 3" .5. ..a.a..a a. and at this dur lolt-tun-upwpuvu-.--., the auuipuoau 0! Iain. Putty nub, IO mppooo, u Jonopl: Vnpd nus-n in hug, the Inrplnrx the young! pluny in than soda to supply I the (Canada of tho Including dunk. At such: tint tho Iubudod grgin in [dubbed to tho pooplo in an intent ratio to Choir Iodlh, Ibo pond. getting -out, the woman and children hols; 8:-A notvod,ul unsound: the non. Saw I spun at anbuuoo und nliol, it um 50 ndnittd, in non bad one. Some -_.x ..|.. .. .5 .... nu, n nnhann on. UIIIIIIQG, I not: uuu vuv. -w..- nooh plus, or at any Ink, 3 Iohclno bodying the ptinolplo 0! it, would (or~ uinly ho ol inmnu utility In countries Ihioh. liko Btltish India. no npoaod to hair and all the gaunt horrun this drudfnl kl-In innpliu. u... _. ..... if -n alumna. bying uruann [I'll Illlpuu. But no can, It In chooao, bring thin louon ol lorothought still clout homo. In our man country time: at plenty Ihould not be mukod by lnbm ul pnxiigdily. lnlatioa-and dupnuiuu, good time: nnd bad, moeoed ouch other Iith nnhluout unornng sllernutiut-_ It in an inhtuntion atly cuutmdnclod by upotioueo (Int prosperity will he porou- niul.nnd lint than in eomequautly no mcouily for laying up ngniun A niuy .1-.. I...o-..I ..l mm-idinu fur the future mcouuy wr up-.5 up ........ .. .-..., day. lullood 1-! providing fur the tendency in to discount it. There cum: to in nothing more intuxionting than Iuocou, and when borne npnn Inn 3 .-._ ____ ._.-.. _.l.|...n A-'~`|lII nl lblll IIJGIQI, um IIIIII uuruu "Ir-u ..... on of in IIVI man seldom dtum of being landed high and dry upon the urund of ulvauolortunv. The only pos- sible innunnoo ngninn. or lniliglliuu of. nalionul, commercial or indnauinl 119' Nation in to permit the ugncily of hu- man prudent: and frnunlny to hunhnnd tho upuro rtsouruen of the on of abun- n-.._.. ... .. on ....I.. tlmm overlnothe the ruouruen u| tun -.. dance no u to make them overlnp the succeeding tirnu of trinl and wtnt. y only ouch precutinn can the material cimumutnncel of huulehnid, onmmerciel corporations or govern- ment: be at All equnliled. This we: I leuon, which, though legible enough, wu largely loot eight of in the heydey of our lut neuon ol nucceu We are now believed to be emerging from 1 depres- uion for which the country wu cartniiily not prepared when overtaken by it, both government and pen]-he having lived too cloee to the verge uf iucumc, if not beyond it. and without I entlinient re~ nerd fur the contingenciee ol the future. New thet we have hml the mluury lua- eun pretty Iternly and rmly improued upon us by the stringency of the time: through which we have penned, we ehail be culpable indeed it we do not retein thet leuun end Ippi] it during the ere ul pmeperity, of which we can even now deter} the returning dawn. ,.- oo>.- V _- .... VIM!" U dotth.` II. -ilIl . ullulmnu II In huul for tho lint tuuo. _lr.,\l.-up Wnrlmm the lint --ExMuor Workunn, o1.\lontrnl, in rapidly impnmng. - Battle], the Bounce murdernr, in liv- ing at home undmurbod. -\'|uo lhuunud cutllo shipped from Munlnvnl to England this your. . _R.u l)r Dnnulu. Mun!"-A1. bl`. ` Ivlnu. Y.I.C.A. Wockly Ioolhrat us 3... In-I-no oi tho nsVnocndol'nl Ioohty itlzlpn. Munln-Al Eng,-land this ' -Rav. Dr. Donglu, Muntrul, hm been Iotimnly Ill, but ll imprm-mu. -~RId,ploIn hu voted 8{_U(N,) loan to I laundry und mnohiuu nhup. --Mrn. Iirluhnm Y: ung no r.~cunnn.: laundry um mnomuu Inup. -Mro. Iirlghnm ung 1 -`(.`\)\u ll frngn tho lint Ihuck of their husband J..AL duth -- l.`ho Dundurn f |rk purchue qua: Hull 1: lhu only thing U|ml|luuInxu sum to talk Ihoul. ,_M- J \\'nrlhinaI.nn bu taken lhe DI"IIIl`u. . -A bnilding hu boen rrrcted non` Bnqhnm Yo-ung'I gun) for the Iluahor .1 I puny 0! men who hop: comimul gaunl out it day And night. --A Muuchuutuglrl bu just not the ' I . Inc II ulumou an unuuou Io Ibo lnbflclnoul peanut. hung won :1 Inn in u! tho but clubs to Ann ring. The players who Inna thud Int than: 0! II?! no. Uol-hmnh, 9; Panic. c; Dudley, lot 5 ad clung. p, Dtnnon. I In Donohct. 81 Is; Run, a r, Quiutomrl and change o;8unh. oh uuuuug. I Lmgh noun can to to up -I . F Ihoul. -Ml. J. W4-rthington bu Iuu 1-! the Windsor Hotel, Muntro||-- !-0,000 per nnnnm. -- A Smimz Bull. remark: the Uhicuo llllly. u -'I'ho city Aueunrl ol Momrcnl are ngnevod been-no Mayor Buudry cull: them thuvu And hlnclmunnis. _A Runnnu u-hm-lmA'nm nnenkg q-I I And hlnclmunrus. -A man Ichm-lmn'nm npukn -1 Spotted all u "Frooklod Fin: 1-, lue Iburignunl chi-nin. -(hut Britain will med :1! the nborignunl ch:-Hum. " when the Amrncnn Imrlct cm In: your. 30 nyu a prominent -1.-M-....n elthnngo. ~Unc of the dclogulu to 1 cupal Convention, in Bout-n. mmluuu`, Ipolo of bu loricnl u brothnn. The Hon. Fianna Iiiniulcr bu shown tlntlu two vuryllmpotunv. rupoalu the audit 0! the country Lu been retriovod |ho`i`};cin3 ddiillzod uent boyquid n. A--_...:.... 1... um nchlnuna-AI uul cor ounnm`rumu. --'|`hv Ruuinnl no cnnurucling paral- lrll M Plovux The whole onmpugn nn tho purl of tho Mnooontu ha been Mu pld Inlhnut pcnllol. Tho Baltimore and Ohm Rniln-Ad Inlhnul parallol. Company dial pteaant I bill for tho tram purtaunu ol lruopl on tho road to help put. down tho unto, and it is a good round um hoaidaa. ~ -A quoor way ol hazing in lhu adopt. ad by the (Iris --f Wu-llaaly Cuillvga, ol hum; II mu loopy- od by gm: Munohulolln. The] all kin every new ` comer And `in but I bouquot. A euntom which Ihould be ulupud by all `oo-oducn l.iou' oullegu. _'rh. Tnnnnr ol tho Province of Buordnua. ' -'I`no our 0! an Anorimn Ihip which auhd tron London on Tuvldny, muuno-I win A low hour: on I rt The cup- Iuln shol tho louder. And t unto Iuuud- od moth! 0! than unlinmu out. The nhip no brought but by lltiluh IIHIOI. I3: 1. -1. plant! on My nun. ul amen uaov nu: ion 09, not It, and nod 7. Thoy laud upland Ibo akin notion of ohuupimr gmp `gnu Olhpt than um: tho Allo- houu and Oil will tho Iloobooton. L the ooghly pun cl? mom] aom than opponent` 807. he T-onus-ha still mm: in IS?! the Onndhn on.- rsonlip. and In uldmoo no nuclei to a nu lnbfldnoul DOIIOIC. hung gnnnl It day And night. just flrmly rvootd in I glen. jungle by umr rymg ha brother`: Info`: lather. Nun lur ounnm`rumu. ,,'I`h.. Rnniun are cunnlruclinl ocul- oullegu. -Tho Tnuonr Ouluio invites tendon lot the purchuo nl thu Ihola or put 0! I09 Cm:-Jo Cull- uolnlutod 5 per cont. bond: of 100 neh and 278 0125(1) uolnpoysblc Jnnunry ht, IDEA I385. -Rov. Allrod Thompson, chiming to be puwr ol un lllinoin Methodist Cnurch, in command to Sing sin. to: In pun. on Monday, hut ruLLmI[ tho wife of I nhnvnul. whoa oouldouoo In ubuiuod londny, tut nxmnng mo cm or s eh yum. whi cruula the ocun. _l- (L: as ghouls? lhnrdmgn gill M wink tho -ln thoooobnbd Bocrdmnn till one nloonmn nu nndorod in Benton yuurduy uaunu Anus IVuroI|. Sh In-uught n um lot O(,(l)0.0lJ0, chiming that by I lrnudulout oonopnrscy sho hm been do- fnndod ol properly bcquulhod by Boordnua. _.'l`-. noon at An Anorimn shin Ihich tho? hing ddihlaoa Ixmuu Ivtyvuuu .. donptiuu by tho rophon of tho Int Tory Govorumonl. Canadian credit in Englnud III nlmool irropsnbly injured by tho mad promiu ol Sir `John to build the Pacific Ihilny within ten non, A phyuicnl nod nlncinl lmpouibility, mil by tho unbluuhiug and wholoulo corruption (vigorously und nnonimounly denounced by the Britinh pun) unoomed by Sir John with the proliminories ofthnt work. The credit olthooonnlry Ill only uvod, an the Hon. Mr. Cnrturighl put: it, by thv ~---:-_ ......;.|....... mow! om. by the C>--iI-I}- A Goon Bacon.-Th Toounulu o` Undo: Mu dud their aouon. toning mod my guns not which any has ton 69. not cu`! A Sming Bull, remark: Tmm, uoml lu be butter than n nuudmg ---. -Mr. Glndutnnoin nbmt to viuil Iro- _...l I... ah. l',r-I hm: Iuuuucu -u when the g- l_A._._A L. (`l'I{lHLN(.`i'. 1% Ned nounlotl um. ol aovouon toward 8:! John A. ludonuld has Mr. J.lLlhiduhohto. Ir. J.lLRaid vunulo lb lubed nbnnulngla-3. `|'IlI_ol ital! loan It-Canticle Mr. R d to any npocinl dindr-Goo, no any ombu- ponqu have been plutd in the sun position. We no not wanton required In uinoo any non dun the Qtdinuy We not uouuou uq-mu to uinoo an dtdinuy amount of on! miss: out thin hat. 0! oounu F0 are [Inf am well an aunt hu manual: but u we have not the yin- glad cw men oven; nu oocurnd; but unn ol Hr. Raid : uorpuinhllco Io mun bu ueund fnun any un nomad demon- uruion. But it tnnorirno that `Mr. Rand ooneciud tho bri limt thought 0! naming hi: chil-1 Jmhn Alumdor Mao- don|Id~| thought In:-thy of I igntio insoILct. It would [in u inilintn J. 1. M _a... And Ihnt could in non It would [in lmuun .u. A. M.-jun. And gonthiug In an inlnntl Then in the rltbuck IMO. the uni lotton It-rm tho diuinuuhhinz chunchthtic of tho om- ndo 0! I bottle of Jnmnica Ruin. but this woul.t probably put unnoticed by count persons. 8': In no logtl objection can be Min to Mr. Reid`: action. Ln- bollmg the ynathiul hair uJun" ctnbo furumou nu`: onnccnlon to a loud mother`: nn-indies Hut her child in the annual .l mu Iavuu inoliminuriei ol that won. oondign puuiuhrnont mated pooplo totho men who bud Iullied the pnblio `lonour. md by the promptunu with which tun van impoud to con- vort tho `Impending decit. into I unutiod. Bin Iilh wu oommurlcucu In 8nr Juhu at dinner limo, and he jumped up with nlwrily and Rufun Ste- phemon, Ind hurried 0! to too the eh:'.d'| forehead muutonod. For this he ol to we receive: uuwunlod prtiu in the column: ul (hut good Tory print, the Chnthnm I"! met. To this no object. It doe: not re-q-urn any Ipocnl Ability to attend a clmnlcning. All you hue to do into Itnud up Ill 3 line, nnd thin can be ac- c--mplinhod without. loci of Info by an or- dinully mlelligem puuun--if there are nlbnn to back him up. Al for the cun- daocouuinn dflplnyad, that`: nothing, S.-um peuplo have been known to do very Itnmga th'|mzI-|ftor dinner. Un one n--.~nsll)n. A only 0! young blood: in this dunner. un uuu occasion, putty young in only mud-uceudod to lake I cow off the uncut. and carry it bodily to their dinmg Punnl. But we don`: recollect thus any- body mm pnvicularly proud of it Alter- wnrd. To opalk seriously, if Mr. Reid Inn looking for the silver mug which in nauully given on Inch ucouiom, letthnue who chnune cc-vumcnd him for his enter- prise; I! he III merely nctnnted by u do- airo to have n delebntion 1! his home, he ns Lhn smallest.` kind of 1 snob, and the Clmtlmm l'hm't `I on tho nme level for chruuxcling thn n'.ur. dunner. i 1 catty Un Wednu-lny evening I nary renpect- Ahlo ludienco, numbering over 200 peo- plu, assembled in ch: Mechanico` Hall to lintuu to A lengthy nnd cnrehzlly-prepared lecture nn the above Iubjoct, delivered by Sn Fruncu inch, under the Inn- pmco of the St. Pnu-1c|L'| Nnuolml AI- mmntlon. Iocvntlon. Thu lecturer reviewed the aunt: pre- ceding And landing to the union of tho pruvmcoo of Quebec And Uuuriu in 1841; he commanded Lord Durham: expres- nion of opinion none to my plnn xhn had been 1-rnpouad for guiug an equu ....m}ur nf Ionrelonulivon to tho two pm_ proposed tor gxnug an up... number of Ieprenenlalivn vim-on in order to attain the tempurnry end of uutnumbering the French, which In Lmd Sydenhnmi plun,|nd deprecat- ml the Ictiun :1 the Inner, under the au- thorny givou in the Union bill. in dis- fnnchmng two-third: of the inlnbitnnu uf M-mtreul and Quebec, and securing the! rrturn on` momten pludged to sup purt hm Government by I stroke of his pa n," by whmh Lunar Olllldl, ho clum- ml, hm! nut A fair ropreulnuuun an the lira! lfnmn l`urlI|ment. He paid a hngh tnbuxu tn Mr. Robert Bnldwnn, "(`uxm ah`: nmst Illuatmua atutuuun," 1-) Mr Lm-is l.af<-ntnuno, Dr. Trncy and nlheusl -...|.. ..l.mmml m the hid-rv ufl Illuannua auzumun, m nu , prv-uunonlly ndenuhenl In his:-ry of the country during tn: period. In IPHL , lim l\'L'luIJl` hecnme I member at Lard .\ ,.l.~nhnm'I (Rae-rmnout hy nccopung the ulce nf lmpeclvvr-(lencrnl, \r'..ich v-nu rlulcly pr:-ceding I very criucal pe- rmd, during Lord Molcnlfo gov.-rnment.. He soxeuulv oriticlnd Mr. Withr-21': hl! Iury of Umudn in I number uf p|rl|cu- hue, nnd cnmndicled thn hnLunun'u- nu-rliun {hut the French held the hal- enoe of pouer in the second lumen of the unmn, "Lo cnnnturuct the dumu-Am in nance of Irh`ch," hp snorted, "the pl'llICIp|0 of duublo mnjx-rity_ n 1`; win PIHHI. Ill Introduced." Ho uppolod I.-rd Motcnlfoi lnumutmn that the mu- ummblo gm-norul election of I344, when the Butuh p.rly {Vern Iuccxuful, u pane:-AND mnjnrxty had been in dwqar cl helm` tie;-rxved of their rights, mung to tho nolom prooumlu-gs of R.-nun t,`mh`.. Inc mum a! canal Isl-ran nut puuH.~sDd ul lhe fluuchuo. UL tho Ce'Obl'.|l.'~i I. mm JuI~'|Ih I apm-an, the founder -.1 the tip l~muu.n party in Lemur Uumdn, W|Lh whuu prwnto hfu the npoulner was chum- ed, ho mu-I, "hm yvluicul prlncq-!ea ,, .......I|..4 hv rircumauucu winch mum appear mnuu u nlulv--. .. ..... Inn-I um you-I Iilhuu! nriuuu cappu- ntmn-, undead, it has bun I mutter n! oonu-1-vony lo.-wow-n rival politics] purtiu (0 which the crrdnt nl bringing It About ;...aI- |..l..mn. And. VOL it II "M mung which the cram m orlnxmg u lvulu jun! holullul. And. yot. quite run, you: dnoo L4-rdl Durham And Sydonlu. Iorl ponuulod Khll tho Eug- luh popululon we-ulvl noun I351: tuluuu the outhomy ol I 80.900 ol Mumbly in uhich the French should pcuou or our pronimno ton najomy. The ruen! l uuu of Anuudy ol Quobrc I cum- ov much the sun oluuo u the \ I-I Noun ol ADOIIN] ol Invor Canada. and the quootiono on which thn tun noes no non Inhly tn diu no proctuly Ihmo which undo: our ouumntion bin to be an lith by the 1. cs! Logialntun. Iurplul. (Hill!!! an-.1 . noudotlunol devotion ......n 11.. John A. Iadonuld Unvuzi to Montreal and uneven, mu those who Inolonrd him that In Ind CIIMIO." They wan no more rcIp0llll- hloun Mr. Withrow him:-If for tho con`!-vlnnpa, llld if it produood [ha om-cu `lhlch ho allaguu It did, It ufurdn n curium imlxmou ol tho misleading in- uunco nl nliqimu prejudice." He nud It seemed in woordcnco with oonntituhuu- Al mags not to prrncuo-I In loqulslo on such III1p0l`MnCq\IeIlionl u the Clergy Rourvu And the Hoipuntisl quution -uhsllouno ol Auombly winch had boon prmnountwd by n l0'l'hifdl ms- ymty ul boh Houou to be nu tludnquuu roprountulon ol. the `hoopla; but an umudmout nlrnung ho Vprupnoly 0! roprauntuion ol the `hoopla; nus an unoudmout nlrming pruprmy proceeding as met to loginhto on than qupgtulzl us curried during the union 0! 1854. Thu lcolurot euneludo lain nblo nuu :1 follow: To the Iludaul of our put hmury the Iuccc-In ol Uonfodorntmn almnul I marvel. ll bu 1.11:-cl I.l`ll nun noun-u " Z (L..a.:-1;...) 1- I-A..A -..-algal an n` davotit llluckn lllslory of Canada. --__. I`!-IE BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1877. um`! f II-u.l I I Bough on (}mn: *'hall the fauna ` In In China. llgin, ll|.. Oct. 19.--`H30 H930 Evin Bunk uupondod. Dov-Ilu Ily 050 - and, nuts ono hundred thonund. I:..n.... PA_, Oct. I9.-Tho Cannin- nun}: thonund. Iutun, Pm, Och uioxun do:-ido Allen C. Lu-on, scanned to dad: for honing hi: ulnar, mother, hrothor, Ill liner. in inane. ` Baotou, Man. . Oct. l9.-Wundol Phil- li;-I, in higloptura at Nowtun lut. night, uurtod IhlC"Gl'llll wu int.ox;...led than ho had eonnrntinn I.t`x Sumnor, Ihlch led to hit charging the Sumter with ly- -- , 'I.lDLY IVIl'0.`0O"'. ll. 1 llllllll. mg. ~ 8m Fnncinon, Oct. Hi -Yohhnun advice: nunnunoo the urorthruw ol the robdliqn. All the chic! insurgent: worn ulnin, clpturod ur onmmiuod mipido, but Sugo, tho nllund lander. cannot be found. There are doubt; an to his con- nection with the rebellion. pl...-i.I aiuunrhnnnrl were occuionod M. motion lllh the rahomon. Bocinl dmurbuncu were occuiouod Hong Kong. between the now (lunrnor, Pups llennouy And the ct-mununity, cana- od b Hennouy imiuiug ugmn trotting tho hinou population with more hu- mnnitywa-1 his prodconunrl. Wu in I\-l\Lhl but-nan (Thin: :'.nd Sill]. IO yous. New York. Um. l`.).-- Wuhington spec- ilh : The Ir1",'.:.u an it i-\ reported the House Dullmcrnll will mm-e to repel] the tenure r-f lhu l)i"o Act if the Somme oppmol mo. l ruslJent`a not-~.lnn!Iun|. `Art to the numuutinm then, tlmre wiY| he no Ieriuuu vpnuuitnrm tn Ilnrlzum nu Juntice uf the Huprumu Court. Tue frlundlnf Protection are alnmmd at the indicnuom of n gsuuml uuult upuu the tariff next uintar. hu prodconunrl. vur `I robnblo between China r.nd Sian. the armor huing roviud ;claim to Savor- eignty which has boon dormant twhmy VGITI. ..,..., ed In cummun NIH} onur cu Ill -scum pan in polmcn n mtiunn were made The I the order in tn rearh elm for pnhtioul ends uuly. II. in nnllv clvterlnlllexl I uIHPUII`.Il!II III I" `lrlvnuun. Uswagn, N .Y.. 0.4. l9.-( Woollen Mills. near Full-4: tinlly burned lust mybt. A my of nlunblu nnu-'-inury : uahed cloths were duslvnyad. 000. :.-.......-:.~ \in on In UUU. Kansas City, Mo. , Oct uwindlo was bruuqhc tn by the arrest. of J. R. I Stevens and Hourgu W. qumtiuu uf Gm-ernnr H nu 4| churgo of f`rpin,.; In suing deeds fur hue An immense n.rm.nt n , Flour nt-olpu. . I-ck: ptlmi INN-ut dmhhq `hum! ed and each` I I day. IIIOII M4 Id In llnlz nun. Aha unctngd An immense n.rm.m nl Inna nu neon conveyed under mun-, ;.h:ma. About a year Ayn than ntonliou of (lnxvvrnur Huh- lmrd was called to the matter, and lunkin" intn tho nmller 3 mon- A AI, ...... ,lntnnl>.uI invnlv. A dny or two uinoo vonturod predict that the ulutntuy with which our Tory lriondn woru grat- ing Hon. Mr. Laurior would prove cu be tho in: of the kind that gontlomui would roouive. Alnudy this opinion bu been votiod. [it I sort ol pitched battle in _ Ivan the new Miniator And the ludrro oi tho Quobec Torin, in which, by the vny, the inter no acid in have been thoroughly wontod. Hon. Mr. Clilploui, we pie mid, changed the Hun. Mr. Llurior with nlmoat ovary politiul crime in the Cunurvuivo cntnluguc." We know it would oc-me to thin. By enter- ing the Government Mr. Luurior commit- ted the unpudousblo niu not only, but In: become 5 living Imbodilnonl. of lhe that he who oil :-ndu in this one point -A -n- --.i. ..l Innnanrinll my