I Cogs.L| -ll0v. J. B. Fulton, lonurlyn pu- tor or Ihn `1>muyma.u Chunk .s cm Vilnius. died I-woolly in Chicago. -It in I vary any thing to catch cold illhio weather, and pooplo cannot ho loo osrolnl u to how they oxpou thun- ulna. -Lltt.lo lino think, not that it hug ..__ A- ---....u.._ .0 _..J _:A|. AL- . 11$ vnna UIIJAJIIIIIQ Janlnuvlrll on tho lh ol Nounbor. '--Binnin aching Inch nu agitation in lontnnl am it in all the talk. - 7-11.. honulnoldor who ulvottiood "mom to lot to gonuouou luruiulsod chi nun" -an nunn-nn -ilk Annlhuntn Xi UV IUD T "HUT Illillijl with pa" up outrun with npplicaph. -lhv. J. B. Pnlton, lonurlyn 4... .1 u.. `n...|...-.x-.. m.......|. .o n... -V-Tudy BM. willnglin in AL. IOAL 1|. I1.--uln- The Fish Market. mun Inns. """' '4' -Kunmn1.a um lwnuo m B at 'l`hnmna R v (3. B I. Uuulte Nunntnll h. Swedish Wedding rm Arnnged for I WU?-- 9 ` (41. "Romance from ` ,0. \b.Hy lhrlin wuss 2,0 Mina El 3 C. J 1()-0vortIro "If I warn: rod. rru._ -._-_: _ . . . . ._-n..-- -..._..__. Tn Bnuv lnu'n.-In (huge yoordny batlcy III m. and chm ` Inn up--ma nlu ol a4,ooo mun No. I Canada at 78:10 Duo; and 10,0!!! huh- olo by unplo M 72:; Ni. 2 Onudn no hold M 76;. The neoipu And uhlpuoulo fa an pot! during an pm mu 5... been heavy. Two Inn dole. duo ` W'ridAy,`|uvo dapuehod our 1oo,aoo |....n..|. .. 11.-.... AL- _--L.. 1.. _._. I ` -u--q-- -v vw--`u, nuv unit: 0! -IIUl :l|hCOllCI'IplIl|UIIIl"|`\O'.QOC `Q-JIIIOCBUICQ. ` Om-nu.-Oo Sunday Mr. F. No Annony, Trooourot of tho County of Houiuuo. dlod oltor o oomovhot prolong- od Hluooo. tho oonoo at Mo ouorln; bo- Ing oongooliolf OI tho Iungo. Mr. Mc- Amuny rooidod in Bollevillo ond llod any important pooiciolu in tho gm ond lovourol tho pooplo. Ho vhitoul King- otoo voty ooo on clon'onl dologoto to tho Ontoo Diooooou Synod and in ouch o | oopooity nodo tho ooqumolonoo o! a large | Minor in solo oh]. Ilo woo o populu ` ' ond mosh-ootoonod -on. WOOD `YARD, Inn: IA. CA1` n `um... . butch I n.L- _ . nu nuuu-uwu Puulesuss in nu ysvswv-Iv". |_ Of Messrs. Ueindl, ltysn sud Us-nnig the compliments of former dsys msy be reputed with even grester emphssie. The plsying oi this oompsny, in the save- rsl selections of the evening, wss indeed ' beautiful, end we can edd our emiorsstion to the opinion thst hss been expressed in I other pieces, and by other audiences, i thst altogether the Club produces the ' most enlmired snrl superb 0! chsmber mu sic thst is to he besrd st the present dsy. Hut ell the praise does not centre in the music oi the Quintette(or Sextetts) Club. Miss Lewis, the vocelist, chosen es the outer stlrection, merits the most kindly mention and cnmmendstlon. She hsss plessing sddress, but this is only of se- condsry importance. Her voice is more then nrdinsrily good, lull sud sympsthe' l tic, but her sweetest sud clesreet notes ` lie seemingly shore E. The intonstiun \ ll pure sud nished. it he: been truly revnsrled of Miss Lewis thst sho eims not ` st greet th.ngs, hut succeeds in soeom- plishing results oi the most grstilying usture. Her reeding of music wse meth- ` ed by uoursoy end expression, the very eelentisls of good And eective siiuiug. She wss sppisudetl very wsrmiy in "Qui ls Vuoe," from liellmi's "i l uritsni;" the bsllui, "The Sends 0' Dee," led to en en< core, sud Angeli Surensde" wss siso encored, when she gsve "Robin Adsir" in splendid style. Perhspe Miss Lewis hes not so ebly tilled the piece sseigned l her. in some psrticulsrs, se her predeoes sore. but she lesves e very isvourslnle ilpressiun, sud excites much reinsrk in her fevnur. he hes s hopeiul luture belore her. It were well for her it she eould elweys rely upon such see`ompeni- necte se the Mendelseohns supply, so ertistie snnl so nished in every respect. Hush e plesesnt evening we here not spent for nssny days, revolting, es wsritd, in the highest end choicest melodies oi the sncient end unden. msetus r from "lnust." Hounod, Dsrlin wusn fair." `l`aubar1.. Lewis. King." Adam` The opening overture, Rossini`: Sunl- nmil," introduced the two new imtrumonuliul, Menu. Jaooblohu and Dannrouther, both violin plnyeru, who joined tho Club with an acknowledged reputatiomnnd who are calculated to give it fresh prominence ind win for it higher laurel: than hnvo yet been Acl1lV6d. Mr. Jucoboohn muku In sdmiroblo loud- or, hit tone being clear while hi: encu- tion in gnceful and elfootivo, yet only and unuuuming. llin rendering of Othello`: Fnnlauie vvu exquisite, and dinplnyod hi: nccuniplilhmeut thoroughly. lu Mr. Dmmreutlier bu bu very lbln Iupprrt, llxln gentlonun being n pupil of the grunl. Jmchim, expert And in- telllgent, prumiuimz til] An lmnuurod ponitiuu In his prolouion. m u...... u-...,u and to II... gm! .n-n uuuru vn new -uvnurvuv-u unu-so. -- een ufely uy that the Memleluohn Club hu, sinee ite farlnetion, neerlv thirty yeers ego, embraced some of the beat musicians the eontinent he produced; end though uvenl chenges have occurred in the personnel since Kingston rst listen- ed to the delicious streins of such gifted ertlstee, the eieieney end standing oi ` the orgeniutiou he: not been impaired. Rather it hes rieen higher in the eetimntion of en erecting end criticizing public, end to-day nnh among the Guest known quintettes either in -Europa-. .snd Americe-certs-Tnly in Anie'r'ice-imbued, u they ere, with the they undertake to interpret, end pos- leued of the condence and sbility to curry out the platform upon which they msde their suspicious debut, l'll., te eleute the tone end oultivste the better quslilies of compositions, which can never lose their beauty, end the grandeur uf which ll only brought out when Iubn1it- ted to the skilled snd graceful trestinent of ueni such us these. We -hsll not presume to discuss details; it would be invidious on our pert, end it is unueces~ nry. The programme wu more then uooeptsble, it we: rspturouslv received, sud inspired in unny 5 breast e sense of delight which is but rsrely experienced. The entertninment was made up of the following pieces. l --0\'urture in "h'r=uiireuii:I. ' ll -uini. '1 -(}i-vatinu. Qui In mce. from "l l`nritani." [Ue:Illl)l. Mina EH: 1'. Lewis. IIJHIIIIWIIUKIVII Ill IIIU `II I.lIlII HIUIIJIIIS VQ tho world`: but composers, and improved by the axperiona ol yoan, tho Quintana Club in oupdilol 0! furniahing an outcr- ninmont such an In no but uldom pri- vilogod to but outside oi tbs clnnnod circles of tho motmpolitnn cities. W0 .... ..m- .... n.-. 4).- u-...1.1....:... m..|. IIl2ll$l, |IO GR-WI ! 'IVUI II III. law!` doloohn Quintana Club in II City Bull Int droning. The periodic! vhiu ol not animal u-link: In fpluuuro which to candidly content we annot nppncinu too much, and nah recurring all iatro- duou In to now (won, And ngv phases of tho Ilijlult clunod and brighten! gonna of! nice: nnuio. With tho only tuition elf ` the but mute:-I, lollond by a (fuel oompnlxouion ol the original meaning 0! ' u. -Add`. K.-6 nnmuun.-n gntl imnpnvul IVHWMIVKI IIUIIICIL - - Adngh from the .'lvp!.eY.t.o op. `)0. Rue` (TV! .Tnnd-;'..sed from six inatrmnenu. by T. ya . 4m...||.. h`-nc.i.:.. I... \.'i..lu'n Rm .rn" ...1eu Irulu Hlx Il'llLl ulII H` UH):-Ila Fnntlinite for Violin. 5. E Jncobonhn. Hallzui, " Hm Sam]: u` Doe." I". Hay, Minn Ella ('. Lewis. -Rnnmnu n.nl Rondo for Ulnrinot. Ryan. Ryan March. Hodurmnn. Sexteue. "Fnust." Gounod, | h Mv I)nr|u'na rum lnir." Taubart. aioianood- lnluutlanpt non nude toducrihof minutely the cocoon given by tho Kon- Aglnunhn ninhnoh lulu in OK: it: Ilgll |l0Il8EY 8 HARDWARE HOUSE y---v ---'-uvuv- \-vvv uvu,vvv WUIIOIO. tho ache la and .-l- Ann.` .1 1L1. -_A AL- Q-_ .1 THE uarrmu wme. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1817. nu: QUllTl`l'l'l cum. F. (`la_v. uvuu. F. yan) Erult. Plo-nun cl llounl Son mu. -Tho Ingliuhpa noonunuo I-I ropon pro- gram II no Icbooll nublnhod undo: tho non onion. In 1871 Landon cull- uinod bN.GNehi|drn in and M clo- noohry daemon, and only R1269 pheu in odoal luv then. The counts nluounuoduhobn hon IC'Xy don- blod. The volunnz uhooh Ilol have I......o..n49u .. n.oL.n.n....: n.....u VIII . I II VOIII I DIVO uuou no tools loo |.7M,'I?l|o the lobes! Bond II? `IO II`, 'II IIIIIIXH IIMII In HI. Mn . Nome! tho viomu no dung"- oulplun. Fray had boon drinking 4 -1.- A Dnvulum RlI.'l.\l.'I0 A Mann but rush I youn nun named Funk Fray omorod the fa-mdry at tho 1\'a9.h~ml ll-mu, Yuri, Pm, and drawing I ravo|< nr, lhnl I young gitl nuaod Gnybil In tho brunt; In tloonnllol nnothrr yuan. Iomsn nunod Bcllly in the brunt ulon; luvin; tho lnundry ho Mod M I mm mnod Nooloy. but UM lull glnnced ol. Frey then shot Thunu CI-mg. 1 oolond nun, in tho brunt ; tnnulng sorou (ha Ilnul, ho IMI M Juuph Irnov. tho lull merely [ruin hi: body: ho than onlond I dun It--to, ning one shot than with- rm! Iniun In Mr om. than In In nun- @qFPEN, CIKIT IUWI, III "I. OIIC IUIDI IIIOTO `lul- ont Injury any ono, he un- od by 1 sun nnnod llponuov. and in tho nrnxglo Frey Ill hinuoll shut in the Inn . Nomol the victim: no dnmnr-I UCIII, UUIYIDIIIITIIWI U) "10 OOIIIPTUIICUIIIIYD of every intelligent. person Ihul. I (run without. any uool apringl or hnrd Inh- ntunm-, having honlod inguinnl Ind Iunbellucnl M wall M vuriouaele. at Hm ndnnood qu rupooliuly from M) to D5 yun. mum and Iillmmd the nu Inna. .1. I upnn mnool. Dr. Hotchhrh pun noo u dnu in Albinn. Orleans 1.`o., N. Y. Ho ha lrlvollod through Nun Yuri Bum, and xrnillly lhrnugh Onnco, Wnanown Ogdcubnrg, I.-r nun run. Dr. Hotchlrinh truunonl. in] rational and ooononmnl. In ~ immediate rchol nnd onnlunl g in lmnml nnnn nninnlin u.pi I .H`rm.wuM Tinuu Aw SH-I-onnuu. Dr. Hnwhkm null vim u loHon. hp-nu. runpbol. alone. luv I and I. Ilng-Ion, (`N7 Intel. luv I, I and I. Inrlvlllr. ll Lunonoo Ian. I and I. HIHHOGIILC I'I|lII IINI IVIHIUII DIIFO II in bMo upon scientic prillciplvl and ouily domonuruod to the oompruhocmnn of avcrv lnhllium uonon (run Tun Puus Exmnn.- To-marrow the ! 3'"" h`" "'3' ` 1 the hunt. `Och, modrlo Whlch no to be unt by Mr. \\ U- 1 W Y. um I Hum Power to the Paris Exhnbntion ml! ` W,..],_` boon new at tho reading room of the -It is rnmnu Muhnnicf Institute. Th-y nru the ' l : "f P"""- " name which were tutored at the Cent:-n I 0 '8 '1 9' RN _ _ N ha ha: relulswlt nml bhow, ll(Ol'9d Ind improved. [hey I am" 3 (.1,,,,,o,. are beautiful Imrkmnnnhip Ind duign, he has Irnuun In Ind wo hupo Mr. Puwor vull be u auc- "Thf""` W the l'rmu1e:.t ' ooufnl u Ihon ho lul pctticipnted in `H "W Churmm the French Expooitinn And carriod uuy ,,,m .0 C.m.m (int pnu and Iiln: modal. He male I bun-r Hm! lrvm the I y no more coruin rum] to prouperity thnn -unu uuuu -.u -111) u. rlvirvn _-n. .... .. l the total nbntinenco from the use of m- toxic-Mung boveugou. Thorn In: only` one method 0! pnttiug a stop In the ule l of intoticlung liquor, and thnt. wu tol Imp drinking it. People might talk In` they hkod of`tbo Adunlbgu of prohxbr ' tion, slap the um and you ltop the sale He invited member: 0! the Club to want 1 him At his ham: and make nrrnngunenu ` for I Iyltcmnlic colloctiun. Conudouhlo ` eulhuuum In mmilelted, And both 1 during Iha Ipeeuh of the rev gentleman ` ind when he Inlhdrow the IlldIcnL`O ` choarod vucnferuunly Mr. Grant cone: " hn Church duties In Halifax an Sundny a` non, And removal to Kmguuu H No- vombor ` I o._____. The incoming Princlpul of Quaoni In a 1 `:hI;"'lLX;> tomponneo worker, and when he taken A ' __A mm in mnominmom side he in an immomo power upon it. He ` building curn-cribs an excomm in I public Ipirited mm in one hundred ' `'"Y `h"" '99` 0` llnbl` wnyn. but chioy in All efforts at the |me- ` '_1_,i[i:: I liunlion of the condition of his fellow 'give. u u.m,mg dmcripuun of the mun. The Hnlifu Chronicle report: tlut. cinl mm: of that count:-y-no In: R. recon; meeting of th, 10] [{(,f,,,m urea, no insurance foulural, no In Club tho Rev. 0. M. Gnut paid a mic "`'""` "" `' "` '9" . ' H. to ulcaiuin if the Club were unmnnmnnl, (Zia-Nn pm`, LO` 0, the "H in vmhmgto pnrchue Argyle 1 11. The ` mind, has an innnte some . r cl hourly chonn racoived pm zh fgct be: l prietxe: of life. A Indy at 's\ 4.!` . ~v ' `.tdS l.dTAl `th '. yond doubt. lho rev. gontl in then | K .r:l l:'; md `1):l`;; r:l'nu_k` offered In in his power to he _: them in ` N0 wk .-~ collection, and mule an eloquanl nppenl | -A travell : ;; ul-unnnn. whilat to them to romnin nndfut to their prim ink I b|'_|Id:(J6h "01! Win lljlli, Ken ciplel and their pledge. Ho In about to 1 :3: :""J" I`; C",-rm/`1;`_ ' "9 "'. W11` leave the city he loved I0 durly, and 5 _:\ me buy attend church L Owl? "ld `m""] Mm 8"" Pi'~' ldny Wllil hu fdhor. The mlnilt nura than to no it prosper, and he knew ` qmte earnest in In: prowhing, An: {rm use of mmnrea. "Hana." u .... .....-.. ..--a-:.. .. ..I In ..-nun...-ibu Hi-n uuuuu Iv| -nun`-vuu. J -Shurtagen no what try the lmr.n0- men of I cIpnin'I temper. and some of them are tried unruly. The Milwnw I ken Semivncl mention: the name )f the j Argomuc, with 50,000 bushels tn Imam, [ having I shortage of 250 bnnh:-la, and tho lohonnor O M Bond, to Kinpton, with 28,000 bunhcln, hning a Ihoruge of `.315 busheln. I ..., uvnu. -'I`ho Cunndlnu steamer Umntlmn) cleared from Muakogon with 32U,l)U0I deals for Kingston. -Tho unmet City of Owen Suuunl, ` of the Collingwood And Lake Supenurj Line, panned tbs Saul! Ste, 314:1-ie river Monday morning, bound duwn, with A full load of wheat, 25,000 buabels, from . Duluth for Kingston. ( I CL,.-|.._..- --- _I.-A I-.. Al... I .;--\.'\ | Grown Jewel, AT WM. DUN N S .. ...... W... ~Tho propeller St. Louio, reporlod having struck A rock in the San]: river and sunk, ha been niud und is on her vuy down. _'l"|.- l'V...-.ll... .6......-- u...nol..m -.... ..-u,nu. vnylvlul nu Ail`!!- - Ohsrten are source in Dalrnit, 1. though there in 5 lnrgo qunutity of grain at tint port. Flu- ........-l|-- CA I,...2_ -.-..\..:-,I vuullul. nu u'u. -The Ichooner Bunk of DAy"iI nbnndonod on the nut can: of Amlurat Inland. . n.- . . .< . --O;`nin ntu It Chicago have declined 10. Lumber freight: hue Advanced. The carrying onpmity in large. |....A-..- --- -..--M- 1.. l \,.n....i| - ' --Corn in ourriod [mm Chicago to Ug- donnburg for Sjo. _'N... ...I nnnn -. un--.L ..l n-..";. us . Mr. Sinklgr, Q.C.,Vol Bruckvillo, II the Crown Proucutor. to ma A. a I`. Inc. tuck. The Queen u Knnkausio. uuult. The Queen u Suyon, Intent. to commit murder. :3 ... Some of ihou sro serious chlrgoa, and may and in conviction Illd Ponil.onl.i- . ...........,. I` The criminal uluudof in nude up of uvoncuolu lolion: ~ The Quoon n Hondonon, dutroying n bridgt. The Qnoon vs North. inhnlicide. The Queen n Mccorkill, Ihooting with intent. The Quoon n Honnooy, larceny. Thu Qnoon vu Onor. malicious injury to the K. & P. RR. tuck. Th: 0...... In Ilgnk--.o.`- .-....lo I , To-non-row the fall tilting ol the Court. , lQ!l0III'n Bench will opon in tho Court Bone 58 noon, but it in juot probable I the Judge will not noel: hon until the Iolhm upon: in due. This will be lit. Junie: loco`: Int visit to Kings- ton in his judicial capacity, no tbs: in will in I" likelihood In undated the .:on~ gntumislu and wcloono of tho Iognl fraternity. I 'l'L-._'_:__| --|_..|_; -, _.,.|, ,._ .1 The H|nllo:Iu\-t and Hal. Story: In Hm Ilnr lot. A I0 I nllmbnrol FIRITI -CLASS BTUV EH that in MI) all Flu-up for (Sub. Plume nu- Io I call Ind unmlno Hwvu Inf:-to you In WM. DCNN, OI! I. I873. Prmcou irt-ut. A True Beformvr. ll.` LIEIZB. IARINE. I PIICKIIHII I uhjocl LI louro` ft `Iciplo-I pruhonunn at sulp- uiml ole. AL the I|lUl IIIII II I" ulru-,1 When n rvprcunutiu mun unumn fa-nun! either In prupound I poli- cy ul' M justify his public Iotinm. who- Ihor he volunloan Ina Ionian or pronoun lmusalf on tho invilntlnn of his party, it is upocwl Um. he will at lone not be uunlty of v\'Il'lMppill[ tho ling nf nrrmrimv uul unml nmnmvrr Hut In null Ill I..-w nunw duurruu. I pnctiool, > nun fl V __---..Q_:_I--. J Tn: lulu-v.Tnnr.--1'ho unannou- nont II nu-vi. um I has dune bu boon India In the quohlll M lnnbov In the principal depots of tho Western lulu, owing to 1 nhorhu in nooks. If mu pt-we coo-rulnh now rm to at oouldonblo lap-mun to Ibo lumber- ncu cl Ouhulo. I --.. --,. gg. __._.- (`II IIIII 00!. It Mn Sun Yuri Ln: -Thm in n : pour-n hung but that non more or loan with Lung Dunno. Cough, Cold: or Comnmphun. yo! none would die nthot than pay 75 com: [at I toms ol medicine that would can Ibo-. Dr, A. Br-Ochoa`: Harman Nyrnr bu lnbly boon inn-.u!m~od in Um o-mntvy from Gummy, gml In wumlornul rum: Iltonilh OVCI7 onollnl. hyit. It you doubt win no my in print. out (Ilia 000 Md bio II to yullf Drnunou. HM'h C Unnn, or Wad; g Cmn.-.!|, an-I gal A ample home for 10 soon sud Ivy IO, M angular an lot 75 uonu. __._O.. RVTI Inu I'll! IHIFHU fly, WI on `L. vn who-n In at-ul hua tondorod urvloo lo Iha mural impmumonl and olovnthn of Mo cnunlry, Mun word: MI Mood: dun nut upon, Ind and in n nnnmr hie lnundn rhn not dunriba und cannot jnnuly. it u a an M uddolt Illlonlumn." Sm Jnnuvc I-Iv I--us exhnl-ill:-u Thnmu by r ` called forth Ill 1 Iouar Ill Um Hm auu..... -.a..--n CIIIPKI IUTIII Ill Olllilenl In IINIIIIIII` lcuar Hume Journal. Thin In an L... -l Li- PIIICIIS ITIEIT ltngnouom. Jni, I357. 1 .u---.. pluiuuun unu-ml uu u uvon pruprin-ty and gum] m llhlhil mhruiry v-I Ipooch, mvl o--ummn Ionunm -nd helix ......1-.| 9..- on... L um: L, [In --- gran I[\.O('H, DWI 0|*lllllI"7I TCIPFQ [Of PIIDH3 oonunmw .nd fouling. II. at last do- Imndovl hum Nu! bin nppennnco Ihdl not to v.. zkod I-y tho nignionnl aoat-I olint ncntion, tho Inn -1 ull-control, and ;_-. In brocchoa llpnll tho propdotiol of -- ' But when the chic! 0! I l..|.|li.....o ....a.. ....... -.. Ill) VIII rBI()I""l U INCH HUI UI'uCr' Ina It in aid. further, lhll llnl etfoct In tho Pope. -'l`homl.-re Kun|aVO, nominated by (`-ll:-ctor 0! Nut York, 0! the deloguion clan Clnrlnnnli to nht Conkling. blltt-r opeocn ngninnt Cont- ling lulcnny of tho Gibson "hula Hug ll" House. mouux. rmnnurad that Anmdou, ax- Kxng Spun, (ml: on nave-rely the loc- Inl his Info, A gs-nlle Ind lovely lady, that rewlnrl in take lmly nrderl And unlor n rlnnumr It in lnid. fnrthnr, lhn! U')IlI|lIIlIlkll'| Ill Ilillen` nml I-para! Uhnzx Mnkhlur, Ind Mukhlar I : -r\ -\'culch u ......a ... ... 9.. pl... ` ml-umno parL.-rre- rrm. I --The recent bnnk failure in Berlin has forced the banning home 0! Honcho] `:5: Imago into insolvnnry. The rm om~ I played a campus! of 7,000,000 mlrkn. `I Ill., is 3 extensive Hut 1 'aeventy will be _ reqnirocl in thuir cnnntruction. -The Auwricnn Minintnr In Hnlhnd CHI IUFIH. I v-Hrasshupperu Me mmide-rod 3004] f` burnnn.-ta-rs nu the Went. After the Ind- ` don denven: of nnvmrm tn the earth, nin tinurinhly inlla wxthin half An hour. 3; -A .\'uw Ynrk Cuun hu decided that . I :Ieep1u,,-:nr c.uu[muAen are reupomiblo | for theft: c0mm1Ll.ud on person: riding in l their cnrs. Hrtn or uunlurel. "rlpl, Illll IBO `little boy, in he jurinq you P" J - A aeru-uw rmlrund war in threatened ` in L~nut.hc-rn \'.errnru..l, urmng out of the tennng up uf A una rnill on the South- | western Rallrnavl by Col. Punter, who in ` nmlerstuod tu '~o aided by the Uemnl . \'o mun! H11. IEFOIE IIIYIIH Hill STOVE! ' CALL AT PUD VHIIJ ll ? CWIIAIHII. ` Imlo nttendod on Sun- Idny minister wu And made ` {rm um-txnran. "Rum." and Ihn XVU KHIHKQI :;; whilnt arou- iing bridge Uli, Kentucky, wu uuiled by In robbers, whom he put hum 11! C`IIN ;!l`. br-V nttendod church on Sun. reqmrou Ill mulr cnnnrucnon. ~The Amt-ricnn Miniulor to Holllnd given the nan- bank (all- uindling nmdol the of tho world. _ !<'u..n n.m.- In Al Al... ....n..L..--.l warm. 1 -rEven untutorod `mind, I! the pro- \\ ingtnn I presented Spotted Tail with I oi. `urn of I Inll CITE. --An Hlanuu clergyiium tnuk lo Ihinky and quinllle tu cnra his oliilln, and an in- vc-ntigatiiig coniinitwu in looking {or the quinine part.-Fre-- l rn.i. I --The rammt hnnk inilurn in Harlin BL JUIIU, A` . U. ~ Mr. W. A. Hinuwurlh Ippointod dapuly of ll'c Unvorunr-llunaral for ligh- ing In-nor: patent of the Dominion. -'l'ho oar; mg: of the lntorculnninl 5 lhilnnv in September were 814,000 in I excoaa uf mu auuingo during the nuns mm-lh last year. --A San Frnnciscn rm oar to Iupply (.'hic.'\g-1 vnlh strawberries next month if the demand juuie! shipments by the . car land. tags I LUDHU -F1vo pans: of A building i St. Juhn. N l 0| l)\lll|llV|g St. Juhu, N. .A \l.- \U tnreo yearn (arm. - $15,000 annually In tho mm doomed necessary to nmintun the Dioooun Col- lege f Aloutreal` - Flvo nmsum warn huria in Hm Jaini- EHO MITIIIC --A th.-uannd cotton opnntivu In our nf work at Annton-nndor-Lynn, ow- ing to I uriko of weaverl. -A cannot. in Halifax panitontlny hanged hum-.~lf in hi: coll to Ihorton I three yearn` (arm. S3 001! znnunt-"I1 II Hun nnm nnmntl I luv! tho ham: and Don! lu UALI. OR PAHLUE BTUVE3. Iuunuy Invau --A frog was (round in the Corannn coal mine, Michigan, ninoty fool below the 1-urfnc-I A oI.,.......A ..AM.... .......|.'... -.. oauy. -~L-in Erglhh wnmm, when I Inc! wu handed In her replied, lhsnk you, I'm tltudy uvod " -A frmr wan frmnd in the Unnmnn -ThAo full in the luiut uuon of tho you. Everything goes on nntnmnntt oally. ' ---Z-in Erulhh wnmnn. when A Incl In wu l0I' uugmg nmco nnr nous. --Governor-aloe: Bilhop, of Ohio, in: tbo ne burd in Cinclnnnti. --'l`bo name of Mmlonmn, Q.O., in now mentioned in connection nth tho n.....I. no;-A. --'lI'cu in the time to run: chntnutl and pop corn and the auulion. -Adolm Patti hu rncoivod 82,000,- 000 for uuging hnr debut. -(lnverum--aloe: Hiuhon. nl Ohio. hm Lno anal: cum ( i Bench. ..'n.. .11 .'. .1 roam an nnnu-eu, tun: Itru M on. --C vlunel Baker Ind 00. er nglibh oimr. are 2.3 be aunt lmck to Consumi- no;-1. -'lI`nu in the kiln: to run: nhntnnh out w nuun up we nnuco spur. -'l'he limo moromont on, 0! the nod engr6u`ng topics in Dlontreil. -Art.hur rs-oloctod Gnud Chic! lu- ginoor of the Incomutiro BI-ochorhood. -Tha Shun. nkn but tho Knru-onun - I no anun. nn on: tho lunronwo loan at Mnnlrenl, three Itnight other uz uurlng (ms recent uocuou nu Franco. --The Quebec pnhoo An doing am: but In hush the Buuco nnir. -'l'h moromam. nan nl tin maul IEVI STORE, PRIKGESS 8T., mu tor town; u not on sunny. -0no lhnuun more dog: Inn been licensed Mm your in Toronto than last. -l'nIndn of 8.(Kl0_000 not-non: void noon;-oa um In Toronto tlllll loot. --L ;-nrdn of 8.(l)0.000 [IOIIOIII voted during the recent olocuou in Franco. ._.Thn Ouch-um nnlmn an dninn (halo non --Honing on the Ltbrldur 900! ro- portaod nu-y tuna --'I`hroo net: a! sunny weather About the Ilpgdnlou hbndo. -110 an null onlcrhiud cl ox Mnyor urinal : noovory. U --A.lu. Cnthbu-I lined `u Bollo- vllln lnr Anllimu Iinnnr nu Rnndnv, `-5101. UIIUIDIFI Illl WI` vnllo for telling Iignor Saudi}. don hnv I..IIl'|I|. Dill VHCH In. CHI.` 0' um! lnhlligont rty, upon an yn lhr-n In :4-uh hnra I-nndnrul moor or me Lncomunro uromornood. Shun. on but tho Kora-onwo urn at Mnhllnnl (hon. :0-niuht unsung: -The lluuinn 70,!!!)-an Eden Kan. \:ATg<'aIII"I of mulch Iplintl, In nu-rtwoniy-nix thouund been shipped from Bucking- u mum, lhu neuun, to the no: N! Wilmington, Doluuro |lv.1`nnn. I-I x |ll.l.l.Yl7I'.):--.-Tr-hO and.- I mule ul himlolf M81. - J-ahn A. Msodounld hu o|<>q~IenC and imlignunt um; Jnurnul Thin In -In [rum-r1 give the Tnrkinh 11-vnn and the Turkish | Man their new oicinl Mk I Ldmzn Human and r. 1nnto.xd of Unmnn Pub: Pull: AI CHIAP Al ANY HOUSE In Ihn TRADE Jamoo Swift. t.uwI.:xa3wnu.,nxorron Vishnu sud Iuull Dacha In All Doootlntlono of coal` -.-H-nan Inca:-Q II;-Launch-J -L.`- H'l`\L mm were buried In the dbri: ; in :our|a of demolition M. It nun ma union u`ml uvorutoppinj owl nvnnlwrc; Rut be null v act. nhuunou ol numn ruprct lot publia faelina. It awning, nnn mane II J 4 tips," unit] the u won Illa , IV IIUYI I mum I` inquired only Iivo over take it in my ` vH'R UI `lfghf i ID II` we \V7;1' 1: numma u on Iv luau? DAVlD'I Bean nap... pdh Pnrlhnliar-cwy. Prluan Mn-L Ohoon Cook. iibitui I. non.-um , |..II..~4.. mr.\'1Is`t`. I 0171!`! -M Iuuouo- B-co! Dlnotbn IICOI loud and Prlnrou Inn: I on so, an llI` saline: Dam in How and Iooond-Band Goods 0! Ivory Dumption. O06 H.177. 1`\lI l'Y WAIH'V I.';I.-lor nlo 3| l)A\ llJ`I Ilollli mm- ( ll . Hl7Nl)IFl') RAW VIIAIEI. . II ISAAC DAVIDI lrolu Illa cAsH PAID 1"()I?.(3TDFIR Al`! 'I.I~ NEW nouns, IHICKEY & |LETT S TH] ENTIRE STOCK HAS BEEN PURCHASED BY THE UN do:-signed and is being offered st ISAAC DAVID 8, IBANKRUPT STUCK UF DRY GUUDS. I091. II, I -on cgaauunuqguun -u-v-- -w u--.--.- vvnnnn nu-vvnn, And an In the [urgent In ma nil] ha vnu e -1-uquonvly null (Ooodn ('lm|pr H1: CARPITB no no; :1! ln yet, hutubmn Tnnrmlnv mu mnu prm:-Irv lroln bu (`M5101 Room A GOOD UNION (.`A|lPEl' FUR FUHTY (`li|'TS. llnb '1 13177 Efiiar WA"R-M"! HAD COIPLIETED HIS FALL l'L`BCllASI(S AND AS A REEULT HAS A stock of Dry Goods In any IN-parlmont of which he Cannot be l'ud-rsold, wzrr own 10!! um AT mu HI:J.AVll_)'-Irohn um. by an gun .V__..__.._. ,i , __....._.__._..-_.__. TO 1.-%-iJ:Bi:.ii`J' I .. V-.... .,. _..~. .--.._. . ..... V `HE READY MADE IWJPARTMENT H COMPLETE In I clause: at (Mm-In M our own manufnomro. L2?` All \Vou1N.nu inr [I0 .50, um beau. vmnn in Ibo city. ' N GENT`?! lI`l.'R.\'l8|lI.V(l wn haw a full Stnrlx I-{lb-I Inuit ululgml in RnKAtt.u.Ox!unln :1 Whlln Sb. la I-`mu-v \\ ImIn=)r S.-n-t. Unlldrl. Cum an-| Un-Irn-Iulhlng The Newton and moot51_vlmhllA'l`S AND :.`Ar`z~` In In mu. 7 DEE\Il'\T We Challenge nnyfonsein the Trade as to Price. Qua1ity.Work and Short- ness of Time in Lianufaoture. Hep! 90. 1371 ' -rennin wank K KIEGIALTY1-A NEW mm cLfufTH1rau STORE. 10 pl I-`CW BUICK H|L3. UUlll.lIu Bl: IIIIUUIUU. ULBID VIIIIU, II: 0| 9o. s1.oo,s1.25, $1.50, 1,90, $2 25. Beautiful Shades of Colored Silks, $1.00, $1.25. $1.35. specu.f`1B:ot am: Mantle Velvets, $3.50, $4.00. 34.59, 35.00. pcl New Black Lustres. 15c, 23c, 22 1-20, 25c. and 30a Cheapest Canton Flannels, 10c, 12 1-20. and 15c. Ii` You wi'.l nxl n Bunutilul Hon.-k of all \\ iut--r (Zn -In, Chnp gt low Blul HHII. 30' Black and Colored Cuhmeru, nrv uhan. ll ! II term! or uumrvu-u. nypu w I0 WM. DAVID Owner The Chenp Broker, Prlnceu Street. Kingston. July 3rd. I371. ..._..- .__._.._.....j____.._..___.- .. liov link and Colored (luhmeru, A very ob0|% ! low Twoodl. lama. um Funny Cmulnl I 'l`.okII|[I. Tabb lzllulu, hnunu. Tm: cl. u 80 pieces Navy Blue. Plum. Myrtle Green, Zeal Brown Ouhmeree at 60. 60. 70, 80, 90, and $1.00 40 pa ew Black Oaahmerea, 50, 60, 70. 80, 80, and $1.00. 26 pa New Black Silks. bought at Auction. extra vslue, at 60, 75, 90. $1.00 S1 25, $1.50. 1.90. S2 25. om) nurmn rol nu n mu! . mvm-3 Inter limp. (Dot. 2, 1877. All Dry GoodsGheape1Vt11an1?tha1jLast Fiftasn Years ?%III ')0I'II WORK-`I-;PAIllID. Inn A- tll Vlld. A ! IIAAC DAVID ?! Al diluent Trad: lulu in Toronto uni lnutrnl M. Fubuloun Priest. in no in o pouliou to olur our nnlnuoul Cnuumoru and the uhlio zounrnl 5'. Dry Good: on Lower (bu: on he _lwu(h| in any homulo Farm in the Do||.|lnYion.I Remember that this Great Cheap Sale will OOIIIDOJOQ on Saturday the 20th of October and Continue until our Entire Stock of Winter Uoods is Bold om.` C()E AND 5|-IF. UUR NEW YORK Hl`n`lMiS8 SUIT nude murder for OM01`, oqul to any 315.00 n nowhere. rm I.\l\v|7 nnnnn nv|.- unvv A L'ln|.` ;.-.unu.-tuna-u-uw . nv,_,.,nn .. ` ... HAVING PURCHASED THIS SEASON OVER 820,01!) WORTH 01'` FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, S T O V E S [N unur vuzmn yr F. X. GOUSINEAU & 00'8 PBIGE LIST Iv -u_y '--`... OUR STOCK OI` TWIEDB no war; In a mud marked down to Can. Jul ROl.'dVIl|--'1 Bpludkl Auortmeul of HATS AND CA . If All uoodo nu-led IAPIAIII Figural. Ono Pfloollioduld Iulomlnkon. cX'.A`U'G-&'X`Q& $ 03.. Oct I7, 1877. Conn King uni hincun R. Oct. (,1 77. Prices to Temp: the Closest Buyers ARE NOW OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN l LSI`ERS,0\'ERO0A'l`S. PEA JACKETS Having a [Ann lanai nn hunl nnafdauimna M Ckurlnl than oi baton the Wlnln N FINE GOODS WE HAVE ` Chock: Incl Fnuoy Punt-rna. ILIII IDIJA uv ll Al\E I\I.`DlIJT' r. ('h6.1p * s an... HIS MILLINBRY ROOM IS REPLETE WITH STOCK. .. ....|| n....,I . 1`|.-_....- n._ {I ; un-1`: --n 1. 1|... I_...-.. ... .5... ..;n- L- ..-.. . ......... no ES'I`,A'l`l;I .1 l I\l()(,)])1I 8;, ()0. -'87"'."I:" (5 \L7`""_! Ill! MHV Urrnnmu unmu nnnu,-u.\: HI u.olrma,u\ nnwnln, run ulblll Having I la-go Stock on hand and duirmp Charla` than Wluq, THEY HAVE THE! A O try:-coats. Pout Iuolnotn GREAT SACRIFICE, HENRY LOWNDES. 6, 1877 KTMWALDRONG. Iuriwry. ITIIUZ nuts Ohonp For Fall and Winter, 1077. (All How sud Prices Lower thsn Ivor.) _A_- fefjss I \II I \ar\|_u..., N tho Sonthweat qusrtor of hot 24. In tho fnh Conconlion 0! "II Townnhlp of King not containing 50 Lot" of and oumuted lgnithsnan are two Dwell ug Houlen. too nplu`; [our Well: of Iulenmm 4 Armor nu Orchard. in god condition. I-Mh fruit. There hon: now rn. lntoly bum, min 10:48, the but In thn Townnhlp. This valuable l'rop:rt._v In uumod war the arth Bond. ve miles from Kln mm. The property can he pun-hm-ed in pay n` on third down. For furthrr pnrtiun on u to terms or otnorvloe. Applv I0 Illll Elll (Mann! -- --vv'--T.`._7< Momiuanwom a co. R. WALDRON S. Wilsors Buildings. Princess Street. NEW" G-00138, I if y-nu an-ulrl bo nmnnced ul than Msnd lnnpoot I be: wurth your whiln. New Drona 0006: II I" Ibo balm; oolnun NI-w Priuu, Nov Wlnooyn. Plain and Inn}. Row shnwh, Munlu And llullo Cloth; 4 Hnnm-In, lllmhu, Canons, And Ihmlugn I and Tuwolllng. \ New Dnm Oooda In I" loulmg Wlnnoyo. Four. ruul lIl0l'ru.'l. ram;-rtulng the law-ly on II-ml of law In. Thnrly lawn. in tho Iuuouruuon of Pm- vmral. my the pnuluv In 0 good Dunn Huang and Fun. Run, and its property In altnnd In I thvlv nlghbarbon-1 Tun: puv. Apply to tan. IAWDIII mad [alumna In tiring ulglbarbontl Tenn run. A ply In ;IAl`|IA .8-nlu-mu. Ihntomor J I. JACIIOIL I IIKRIRAIILI IIITUATID (IF Till I! ' hT LAWHIXCI. KLIVIN IILILIJ: In 7'". KINOITUN, lhmnrlnl I50 ldlv ma Ihlnl nl l..n I- I09: I. Waluable farm [01 Sale Z. PREVOST, `...... n...... on... .n.- nu--- 7 Four noon from the lulu! Iquua. IIIGKEY & |LETT 8, PIIHPIII I1"IlI' & |l.ETT'8, PIINCEII ITIIIEKT. 6. 1'05 Inokoa `Ill -torn. I N ..UI.0f JACIION. 'hIAbuI>-h Overcoat- JLCIUIN. Phlahurgh `VII. DAVID, Till CKIAP JOHN, Pnncou Strut. pochn Burgess` Funny store. VI IVIII lllivilrlllll. Opooulo In. In-nu Inc: Sun luau PIIICISI STREET KINGSTON. L J l\I It-`A3 I3! Ill r VI `Univ. NI LAIIGI Fllllbl (!AlulA(]I and we lpring Wunom and liuuy. Apply to the owner. Wll. DAVID, Tll CHEAP JOHN. Pnnmu Street. on- for a llull or Parlor Store IZIHDEBD D I H D I I I L V U U I V IV. `D CHEAP JOHN 2:: nnon snuzm`. 00% IT. I377. nuunux . New and Second lland Goods 0! IVIIY DIICI I Pflol. wmnxgg; yum, 1110!! WHO HAVE 8lND RAID CLOTIIIO T0 DIIPOSI U? WILL plane Inn their union with WILLIAI DAVID who will stand rid: 1:: ant. 1"3"Zr;i."1*iiz amnv 4-n- nrrvnnrvvnv I M.K['.v:P.*:"S- olchlulrxilodet all. l.l'I-luau 0o..ot louuul. an Austin lad took at I Ivhlathubllu. Youuovoounurdto ullchapu dill nyosbu hunt: the city C` Romania! llopldeo, lama ! Block corner Prlneeu and Ionirml nu-ecu. ~-. _ 2.` ._., I` DIUIY PIINCIUI ITIIIT `limb? ilIIII,ou Iuoconnuul 1 hi. ` Iogu u:.uu' s,.nc'i'z`::'I'Ex') Alohnpuuybnulnuu `nod: 600 Iowa Layer Ilauqlu, 100 Boxu Valonda Bantu, 800 Hit Chute Fragrant TEAS. Alli unotcnontolftlliloo cut AID uquou to In -ole as an buuuh `I'M thou lnolnduop-w Ihuolch IfmI06cUO(J.H.Pl'll008 0o..ot lannnl. n I 'r. J. Doghuo do on Ian. I.` `rand:-4| -ml nn (Al ul- .K. 8: P. RAILWAY and In -Il III'I IIOCII '1`. J. I I. by jv-u-vu----v V. - luojnnhdudandchrfuulo !P.'.-..91?', sens L.- u.._I.-- ....-. `-4; 1:0 0 0!` KINGSTON . T-`3TI"J.` `ARGI FAMILY (`M Ill] nut: sons. IPKIIUDII-jlill II TIIIIQ Y ....,.u.usymou.uaun-ml -nhlpulmu to noon uoy hallo ligand. The bni|l1qh.,A..vu-y In cubulunutn vuty Iupdcowoono thluglibiltm 1010}- `III push: ougnvlq bid by Po anon`: Iquino In 1010 In 0! run or- cnlhnoc. ltbulru dnnlhcululr do -In-'4-0 The bill" NW-uh gt. map): ol chi-nun `hey no hovering In the shy, out the Holy Oily, c'.a Sta 0! Bothlohu stunning in: as an lualovopo. It la n pknm Old ought lo be In our] Lolooholl in ADC- n_.'-_ COO-*--1 Tnl Covxcu..- l'ho ngulur muting oltho City Ouunoil no to huoboa bold Int owning, but I quorum hilt-l to No an uppunnoo. The lollovlng won proton! at the than 0! adjonnnonl: The Mayor. Aldmnon Canon, Clouonn, Dmuua. Dnpuln. Moons, Iocuunnoa, Icboruou, Hellenic, Ponu sud Mot- :-u u-Una:-I vullvn-'5-V wuy DI china and pol unto: Inn mm: the IQV HUI Olly and County Bngiatry Olen, ad ptnouud than I... ha: (Inga-can nnnl In ngnnling Ono two has dnnpnun and In condition ht ........u....|.. cL...l.l.I..J n........l ~---4-1-o -- Tin TAM QI.'n1'Iol.-h may not be dcdnmly known how much Into! the tank on Divinlou strut nny bold. but it has been pronounced I complete nnooou mu tho trhl it In nubjoot to on Sun- dnv owning. The engine puupod I grout deal 0! untor from it. and yet, you- hrdny murmng. it contained out In * fool, and in again rapidly ljllng up. Nlw Duunumt Iol1'|u.v.-Tho No- vember number 0! thin fuoriu.n|gu..no In at lund, lled .0 mud with I line no- loction ol entertaining reading. `'In tank 0! the supornnunl" in tho non ununinz on ry that bu appoand in it far some time. But all thn content: In 2-- -4o--j Tnmv.-awn lumuo PuK.-Mr, A. W. Monro, of Kingston, in upgod In duck- in: the loonory ol tho Thousand Inland Park, which will be publiahod in connec- tion with I hintnry of tho comp ground, to be edited And written by Mr. Dougdl, of the Montreal Witum. ---oqp.---__ (`nuzh l{I.vMI nigh u we think cl 1:, but do you know that tho Plerrepont hu oouod running to Gun- noquo on Mondays, and the folk: of that villnge munt nuw stay nt homo and jlb their hula through the Iidunlh on that ` day. _._._.3.___ __ .. -. -.. Tm: Rm! Mvumrm. -It in aid tint on Sunday evanmg, at the Rina meeting in the Amoricnn Presbylerinn Church, Muntrul, standing room in bud! to be hul after noun o'clock, and acute: turned away diuppointod At being unu- blo to obuin I plnoo. -- - onnoov -_ '-' "'..:.":.....-"'.`.:."*'..:" a: o In =O.:`hudnocwIunv~oodnddoIv j--o-&-o---- Nzw B|u.x..~--The now tower nf Christ Church, Cuunqui, in shout to receive I bull thsl pill be fully equnl to the new importance of the edice. It will bu over three foot in diameter, and Inn I Voioc that will be heard {rum Cntnnquj Ilull fur over the country. _,._..... f -Ll.l..l.*l</.`I BIuuo|.-The Rov. Mr. I'.- '-zn, rocently nppuinud by the Bilhup \-f Hntnriu to the Church of England .'~`.nu1-n at Billing : Bridge and 'l`nylnr- ` .1lls, oiuulcd h bin now and ol hhor hr the tint. lime yutlrdny. Billing : Fudge In tho location ol the Rev. Mr. `hrry, recently resigned. `A -<>~ ------ j__.g_..._i Pnonnuuruza for the next 54 hour: . For the lower lake region, fruh Iouthoru ly to weoterly winds. clur to {air And In-mar w`oM.hc.-r. For the St. Lawrence And Maritime Provinces, froth 61,0 W winda, fnir weather. Ar:-m.\'T.u|zNr.--Mr. Curl Richter, luv- ing taken up hi: ruidonoo in Boll!-vil!o, and abandoned his onglgcmenu in King` non, Mr. Du Rocherl hu boon Appoint- ed Musical Mute: to tho Oolloginto Institute. jg; .__.j -- -----ooo-:._.; Tu Rloutlr 01no|.-'l`bo my ur- Lu.` --A _.l . I.-_. ...._AI- -Z`-* Tun l\l:NnIu..u-nz:s. - l`ho talented mamber: of the Quinboatte Club left here thin lfterumm for Bellevillo. where they perform this evening. Mr. Ryan roporta himself uell pleased with the success ol the tour so far. --~r- .._V>{. Ins: Bu.1..-Thero Al 0 dibrenoo of opinion an to the warding of tho chum. pionnhiy base ball ung, and to settle it A meeting of the Iubloribon to the pennnnt in called for this eronin; in tho Anglo American Hotel. -._, o1o_____. l nI1'1'\'.-Wa have hand many bonu- tilul things, but we novor lintonod to Anything which no tickled our (way u the Swedish Wedding Mu-oh, n render- ed by the Mend:-luuhna. .-_.~- >~----- Sun!-.-Ab:>ut 2,000 Ihup Inn but brought from Onnodn during the put {our week: by A. D. William, of Belle. villa, and I Mr. Morrison, of Capo Vin- cent. 01 o4o>.:_. To STUDY phonognphy roqniru In pnhonco nnd dovotiuu than cm in < hundred in prepared to `In it. B that in mind, you who ndmiro it pluAurs'n nke. Ll - .:u4 :*.;`-`..., _.---oj..-:. PABRID Ur.--Hon. Ilr. Onrtu-ight. bu was $0 Cobour; wholhoch hu bun uunmouod to gin ovidonoo in the can of Simpson v Wilkinson, tho Big Pub 'l`uu.~-8dmo 0061.23 hug for I876 Inn boon paid to tho by Ohnhnlnil tho Collector. for tho lomyllt ondlng din 22nd of Ootobor. Tho D0! uuunoat __ ___ __- _..A paper: an out. Irnnutnm.--Rud the neonatal the Vmdorvmn bignlny out. It in illtuuly lntonung, and in eunnootod ooluvlut with loud Notary. ----ojo.._.-- concur.-A muting ol than inur- utod in the Rim Oolm-rt on Walk In- lmd will be held on Wodnudny tuning, . in the usual plus. -....... ocrln.-'l'|o 0-H-_nnqui Gang: h-to hold a social ontchlnuut, and npob `much cujoyuont. ` ___.___._.._._._._._._..____ ITUEDAY lVIX'0, W1`. 23. 117. -.__._...... _ I;-ooua uuouvuuao-acct will For 5 Good and Q09; on;-mg; 0100504079? CUCUW 00 I04. 1. L3 VETS (Nothing Muporluuo, Wellington Stroc i&:L2:r:=1-1.`-v.31:-I on Inc! 1 so3o'co-an of rum. Clan llnrlwood I - ._._........_....-.. - any um nozunw [or BIuu.-Tho work of Mr. Green, pug- nlnrlu, In bola; omudod by tho Iwu ' pumping Vault: The and In pluul' to Ian Ontario 00-0 in you: ago an multiplying very rnpidly. Thy uppou' M ops-u nu -witty]. and no the lunar- Mq Iluuot bud. 4 PoucI.-Jo-on lcbonnld In a young lad who values the gundunoo o! I kind, indulgent mother, sad in given to much that it nyvonl und degrading. Ho nu npmuuaun ma diuniuod. arsenal Wnhh Ind luholla Dlelnlyu, ugnnu, pug Ind .3, tr! uni lnvlr. - the nod- M van consumed for sum months. John Olroy. who iudulgu In Iippling on 5 buhou luko bun, In and 35 or M `I! - -1--. --OC~--j-- Con. On. Luna. -1 be any nuthoritlu on under the lmpnulon Nut too much annoy in paid [or the lighting n! and oil IIIPI, Ihilo tho work In but very indul- lonnlly performed. Thu (`ommmoo on Fire, Water Ind (In no of tho Hm opinion that the Lllnpl can be uloudod in for much In N.-n in mm paid nut. WM: that and In View tender: will be olllod lot Iron poroona willing to undu- lcko tho urvioo. --..-___-. _,,_ ._,-.. . _. Urn InnNu.--Tho Cnty Rogiutnr at vital otntiution can only Account for 181 bitthl for A lull year. It in yzonerslly bollovod tint thin don not indicate tho cornot lncuuo of tho riling gonorntinnv Ind it In jzut puuiblo thnt some 0! thou an mornings I Government omoial any In 3 dolopto to mall: it count of youth- ful noun In the clty, and tho jab may be nttonaod In I gmd dul ol oxponu to IOIIII 01 our cttinnn. j_.__,_..--. , , Ans Exmnn10.v`-'I`he St. George`: Snndny School has: ungngod one o! the (hunt of exhibition: mm travelling, to` open its portfwlio horn on M-nndny even- ing mu at St. aorgdl Hall. It in [inn by the Drummond Light, the umll poworlul ol iuclnu; And tho via" to be preunbd Ombruoo menu in Amenca, Europe and the Holy Land. It in: ontortainment fully cqunl tn the stern- option which left tho but iluprouion boliovod of any uhnbuion over brought hon. ._, -9. .. Bnoun S1`oNi.--Snmo one in r0lpuu- Iiblo for I grongnnd gnovuul blunder m tho administration of our cinu nurl. Recently the Iupply of ntree; men] In roportod to be Ihort And pcnrcn, and $234 worth in purchnnual {mm the Pennan- tiary. Now the appwprntn--n in uhIuIt- od, Ind tho Street: Committee recom- mend list. no man broken ltono be pur- chnud this y .ar. Whit in tn bommo of tho poor man who break utonon for u luv- ingl The Council may yet have to In- unr this question to [hair narrow. -4`--. _ ....___ ... Polrru. Ez~V:1,onu.--()no And three eon! poltal onvolopu have been iuued Ind ou-ad: One cam. at 01.30 per hun- ` drod-l3 cent: for 10, or 3 cent: for 2. Tune cent, No. I 83 30 per hundred --33 cents for 10, or 7 cent: for `L Three cont, Nu. '2, 33.35 per hundred -34 cent: hr 19, or 7 cont! for 2. The price: charged for envelupu 30 to 35 cent: per hundud. in I pretty good one, when the pllin Irlicle en bu bought at whoieulo hnulu for 81.00 to SL2!) per thousand. There in money in this new speculation, wmowhoro. psted to do. -..,,,..,_ _..._ _ u -v- c All CI! to lawn. four and one lull but III IILIJIG ATTII CHEAPEST RATES I` II CITY. Illll`. NIIIIIAL uuu ul uul \/l\ uununusn In Iv uw uvvvI- 0d. The improvement: that are neceu- ury and inevitable will an! fully C230, and the quution remain: to be Iolvod, whotlnr the premise: will fully Answer tho purpolu after all bu been nid and done. But we cannot pronounce in ad- vlnco ugninu the suggestion, though we may priutely bolieva that iv. will not erminnto u uthfsctorily u it in Antici- ..-A-.! 1.. .l- Plan: an, --my: wuu.-. -nu uuvv u-v VIIUVI of sbolinhing what we hnvo for nome time looked upon Is B nuinuoe; but the lame txme we dun : thmk vary vourahly of the ulo to which the north and of our City Buih.-ngs is to be devot- -.! 'l`L- : ......... -...- AL. ... ......-., Some time in the early part of the summer the Market Committee recom- mended thntthe sh market should be removed from its present loceiion at the , foot of Brock street to the basement 0! the City Buildings, bcuentli the Police Court. The Council adopted the report; and now it is proposed to not upon it, especielly an the K. & P. RR. Oumpsny have offered 82!) for the old building as it stands. We presume the sale will be mode, the Amount of purpose money bo- ing full vslue for the pruperty for which is S. nW.nn.4l `Va urn nlml In 4\nnIAnn, Aug Iuu uuuo nu um ynuyvu; nu vvuwu it is offered. We are glad to c.;nt.em- plate my step: which will have the effect ..6 .l.r.li.him~ nvhAf. -1: Mann I/.r nnlnu --Rov. J". H. Sandenon. who occupied tho pulpit of the Den Muinu, Iowa, Methodist Church, lut. Sundny week, in Ipolten of very highly by the local `paper there. Mr. Sanderson Ill once one of ournolvu; that in he was I member of the Fourth Estate. -A y.nng mm with haggard appear- nnooy his hot junmod far down on the `back of 111: bud, And Inning Aqnimt I fonoo pulf. Int Honing, uprated hi: ndmintiuuo! the weather by pronounc_ ing it `perfectly |g0l'[eO|ll.' I\ much . ...... ...........,. _ --is Lordship Biahop O'Brien. in At pl-cunt in the ouuom pan of bin diocese, wlioitiig money from thouco to be unbd for the completion of the Kinguton Catha- dnl. In-uzv-1 nu u-v -nun-nu-n unvuu. --Blonda lair in ooming to the front gain In tho moot lulliolnblo color. La- am who (no that blondo switches to tho (I-unloppo: Iuoron will noon rognt chair pnorouity. _I'1l. I...-A-l.I.. D.|..... f\'D..'-.. I. -5 thinks, `cone to A ` quution of mud with the Our, that hi can olor him 3 for nugget- n.- -lioIvy loan in the morning no no noun {ousting I light breakfast. It in getting bofoggod our night that oruuu I diatuta (or the muutlnnl mu]. In,_.I_ L_:_ :_ .__.___ A, Al, n _. !Z._.9..'2.w!9:L.