cominoiicad the tomparnnco revival in Soptombor, but he hnd been detained in New Hampshire until the prouont. Ho intiuntad that he did not like to enter upon the lnbour, And hnn may Ipptnnt o'uhing ot intoruto when Mr. Rina ro- turiied, nntl he did not use than Ldvniitnge of commencing and continuing tnr it luv dnyu and then Iulponding tenipcnrily. He preferred to rvmnin neutral for the time buiiig, or wait Ioino othur plane: where they were wiinting him, having Mr. Rina to carry on the reform ho Ind initinted, And he hoped he would be abundantly Iucceufiil. Ho explained wherein he differed ivifli Mr. Rino- thut he used legal in wall in mnnl Iuuion, and thought the moat 1-octiinl nuultn could only be brought nboiit by I combi- nation 4! tlieiio inuence; Several of the Rina Club elprened their plauure :1 meeting with Mr. Hnlmll, And while they were Wllllll and duiroua of uniting with him in thnt wliicli nootod the pub lic good they lure: the unis ombnrriiw ln0l|l.l that he did` in gaining tho and: each had in view, in connequonoo of tho puutioii in which nutter: were then ti placed. The unfortunate mntrctcmpg in. I regretted. I While the lhne Club were engaged in ` lrlnncting their business, udoputnlion of the Y. M. U. A. viaitod the Ocuncil (Jlumber, Announcing the nrriul of Rev. Mnllnltell, whnwu proIout,|nd deliring uuch 3 discuuion of the manor u would and to prevent any looming friction or oppooilion in the holding of tompenuoo muting: in the city. Mr. llukell fol! unbarnuod,And not unnntunlly no. Not knowing of the nrnugemenn of the Rina Club he had come on to ll an engage- ment he had made with the Y.M.C.A.. uvenl month: ago. He win to Inn tomparnnco n.. ....uu u.-u- I Iv -nun u uluvrn . It wan then suggested ll Hhe Execu- tive Committee, u! which the uther re- preaonutive hand: no ex-oloio members, should have I meeting to Arrange I plan for the more Iuooeuful conduct. of the ounpsign. The suggestion in: Ippl'0VGd and tho Committee will uumhlo lhil evening in the office of the Mourt Folgon for consultation. uvvvllu -wv-nuv-nuvuu>.... - .. -u. gar. Trouurer--Mr W Tnndy. Hecretnr_y- Mr W Crnig. Executive Ooxnmitloe--Dru. MoCAm~ men and Dupuis; Meurl F Sharpe, J (hllowny, W.W. Foster, H.F. Jonu. W. Woatlnlm, '1`. Rogers, L. B. Spencer, 8. R.ent.on,0. Bonkeu,R. W .Muek,l) J . McFM' lama, William McF'|r|nno; Huvdl. Mourl. Poncnck, Grnfftuy, Jullitfo, McKay and Crozier; and J Ardell, with power to Add to lhlf n umber, iVVIIlU' ueun wlnuv - .-.-y..--.- --m.--- - jtendered him on the nrriul of the trnin _.. ] hate. In Montreal he ha: been very _k `l eucoeeelul indeed, hie nnl meeting show- ing a litfclpledgeeiunen nnmbeng eoine 4,500. He he: held two and three meet- : inp come dnye, the conducting of which ` `n he taxed hie phynienl ntrength very : much. We negret thet hie health he been visibly affected by the labor he hen been cal. upon to perlornn. He in now teet- ing upon hie unre, taking a ahort rent, which he deeervel, before coming here end entering uponn cunpugn the like , end the elfecte el which hnve never been _ experienced before. Thin my eeenn nth- | or eanuuine and ouupuken, but we here | imbibed of Mr. `Rune : condence end | l enthueiae'm. end we are penueded that this eminent epoetle of temperance will ` give the city a ll.|0l 0|h(lI nhnking up. It lining been counted advienble end - . expedient that name permnnent organiza- tion nhould take place before the re- lulnption of the public meeting: n num- ber of thoneintereeted in Rule : work met lut evening in the Council 0haIn- her. A etetement of the Iinanoee wan reed, ehowiug the R..T.A. Club to be in ngood healthy condition no {er no money mntten were concerned. The following otlicere were then elected: Preeidant-Mr S" Woodn. Firet Vice-Preudent- in ~ Second Vice-Preeident-.\/lr F A Ful- 0;] uni! .. I. vuucau/Ir. mu. a.1qu'ph.a um llwoould In nnihblo on Tuouluy. nod ' tho Uonnittoou oinc nquubd him to oomo, And that I nooption would ho "s.'.a}.. nun. um BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, NOVENBER 1 1317. -rurnucz urou, ` ~ and Graphic Words. -._ -'-az-* I 3. QIICIIOJMI 90- INO- cook; lanuuu n prboun In We hprhnggu. II. Hua|n|..--1`hla goutlounu, who had intended to conduct 0 action of huh I ` ponnuuuunplu the any under my . couples of the Y.|l.0.A., wont any 00- ' day, not damn lo Indonuh I ruck ' ohhi night lnjun thud Ir. Rina. and J to old my ponblo collhlol ol Intu- uu. We run! that he nrriud Mn :1 J um uno, lully ovnpuhiu with Mm. uld ' , hop, no In |nt|:uud, be will had until udoooulon In mu have In ghoul n -`l'|Io Quon rill gnu _l`-pttdon 9.. Alien Rhodes, and cannula tho um ...A-Ag-n hn lhnnnnnnltkn ..AL.. Ii, IIIIII UIII Inn IOIIIII IIII III! Illnil ,'. all oprin Imuol. DI. |'loIohIm'o not oo duo in Albion, Orleans Jo., N. Y. lie in tnvdlod through Nun Yari lulu. and nrdy than I Ounce. Wnunovn an Ogdoubnrg, or sun yearn. ----- %_ I unbolmu u van on uneooolo. at man! ndvonood ape rapoollvd Iron M to 90 you-I. man 004 Illluaa the cut nninu nllnprin (IE2 than in Llhlnn, nil-Ann in ' -IOGIVIIIO. II uwronoc II", I and I. Dc: Eowhklnh treatment In pncuc-I, ntinnnl and ooononiul. lu shoot :1 Immediate ulnf and ovonluul euro 11 in buod upon aeionlio princnpln md ouily domonuntod to the oompruhommn of ovary Inhlllpnt person lint A (run Iilhoub my col opnnp or hard wh- ounon tuning hulod inguinal and unbolhad wall urioooolo. n ma .A......A .... .......u-.I- 1...- n ... on 909---- Bnlvawu Tnvunl nu rrrnnuu. DI . Hotchhln will um u lollou.- lgponoo, (`a-pboll Iona low I III I. It lol, (my Ioul. I-v I. 0 III I. Inc villr. In human I- Illlllllll ITO Jul! "0. VITIICIIIIIIY Ihlllld` am, And lhll loonlityln Mn-ly iiftaon milu [rum the Eat Templeton whnr! on thl Uttun river. It ll clearly nun whonoo thou cruturou come. A long tango of barren mountain: airotch from Portland northward botwun the rivers (hunuu and Liovru, ma] join in with thonnuplured And uunttlod urn: of` country Iulurdn tho Inurcu in! than rivers. Thorn in nut I door tu be uon Ill thin neighbourhood at present. The valve: onnu down this uumi u curl no the month of July, and oonnnunoodt out work 0! dutruotion." Wnllng lrmn the Wakeeld Mann- . tnlm, under date nl Uotubor lblh, Mr. Vannur uyn "W-lu-I are at present Almndaunt --n the rocky llllll nnvl uwmur (mun ul ll-ruplotun and Wnlu'nel-l. Snuxa llnrly llusep hue been ltillml within the putfew lllyl III the nelghbourlmml of our qtnrtorl. In Portland township md along the Print`: Crack hardly A night pnuen without tho haul of that wolf being heard, And hero, Illa, the Iho-op hue boon iillod In largo nhmlmn Mr Pnlnnu-r, ol Wnkoold, lnformu me Ill! two year: ngn an army 01 wolvan came down Along the valley ul tlo are-k jun: rein-rod tn, nnd dutrnyod ovarylhlnu m theirtrnck; some `200 Ihoup lull nctum tolhuobluoduhiruy cronturel in Purl- lnnd alone Inthm I cnmpnrntircly few days. ln the (lure of Templetun thu- nmunll no jun! particularly |lmnd- wt. loonlnlv 1. }.m.I. n... ' 3335 IIVK It olutlvo In in cure of Fomnlo Wnskuua. . nu,-m m uuuln mo roqumm mnrrmun alucnmenu, which were named by [hi] urbane zuntlouun (after pr-upor mqmry unto their ages) They then luughl the mailing ununfannncu of Judge Turn:-y and were wcdded. more mm run A century were rekindled. The two lovers vinited the Paris Fnir in company and while there. called on Clark ] Pnltun to ubtnin the roqmlitn unrrinu-oi I:-cuunenu. warn Iunnd by nu. nun. Ho louud her elxyuyi 3; {ha plum nf an old maid. and (uh! her he didn`:| mean nnythmg by it, and asked if Iho vru Mill angry She nid nhe was n hula mind at first, but had partly gotten war it. It In nut laug till he hnd succeeded in roinuutlng himself in {hut enviahle place in her hurt which only he had over hold and the spark: nf Affection that hnd uuoulderod in her devoted bmmu {or 4 more thnn hnlfn century rekindled. The Inn Invnn uiniua oh- D...-;. :r.:. ;.. nnu glnncon which only lhejuvenlle tiller of the nail can enjoy, tlll Ueurge fuund himself engaged and the rlny named. But triviul trouble: nrnle which seemed mountain: in Gaorgo'I cyst, and in I [it of disappointment he pulled ntnlu-I and sought 5 hahiutiun in the Wat. .\s time lnpnod llll pnuiun fur th I ir Annie nul- ciently paled to admit ul his nllacnuns being controd upon mmtln-r. wlluul he married and ronred A family uloleven children, all of whmn are nuw mnrnud, and hue long ainca nhnndnncal Oho pari- ntnl hearth. Two year: ainco Mrs. Gil lupin died. and the lonely wi-lnwer be- gun to revolve in his cranilngical lottery wheel I few Ichexneu to get a wife, when the qnondsm npplo of his rye was pro- Ientod, and he unanimously ndnpted 3 runlutioutn return to hit ru love in Bath. H. l.....) |,., - in Anny were wont to congregate uudnr ma umbrnzeuul ahublisry of uhl man Wnlunn Ind exchange those 5' ul illlpiring wnrdn and glance; which only thejuvemle tiller eniov. Heurua fumnd m one an--cunm of Mun Amnu \\ 1!: un, of Bath, whn in her pristine dun mm a rural In: of nu gr-walling pmsuuco. Thny were Wont to congregate undnr the umbrnueuul nhubliu-v nf nhl mnn wllnnn nu nppmlltllull Ul " H nan, in nu R I|Il' om terqn-erutium he bocmus Im-t.-I--1 up in the a'--clinm of Min Anniu \\'1ls -n, of Hath whn in Luv nu-.'.n ..- .1. \n rvn. um Lurnuu \ny.) ulnrllry) Upward: of fty yunng-1' there lived` in this country A young nuin punauiug the pntrcnymic of George W. Uluonplo, generally known and called by the pIeho~ an appellation of Waah." In his hil- l)ln[ul`xIH'al'ln1innlha hnmm... u....;.I...l .... cepuon, OI Iuon terrible detail: in none at the ,preuut cue. He could nux. quarrel with the verdict of the jurv, in with Inch evidence they cuuld hue returned no other. While holding out no hopu, ll Lordnhip-laid he would lorward the jury`: recommenda- tion to the prnperquartar. He then ecu- tenced the priloner to be hanged on Nov. 30th. The prinoner, on receiving hi: sentence, preqenteil the nine nnlil and unmoved demeanor that bu (`ilfl| (l(`(Ot`~ ind him throughout the triil. lt win otherwile with his children, live at whuin, two boy: and three .girln, have occupied rent: in court (luring the whole can and frequently exhibit:-d the most puignnnt grief. When the verdict was: being given And tho Iontnnce pronounced, the children were in the witneneo room, and the nlirielu and rob: a! the girl; on learning their tether": fnte were heart- ren and moved everybody in the court room to pity. aoo--- no rupnod, leaning on this rail of the dock: ``I am innocent, that ion!!! hnvo to may. ' u Lordship thou sddroued the prinonar, t and aid be ill I mpn of rolpocublo Ip- pnnnoe, that unnl pooplo Ipoh well of him. and Han bin proum position up all owing to one trait in his chnnclor, sud thnt WAI drunkcuuou. When liquor took hold of him he oauod to be I nun. .\Vhilu laboring under in inuenoe he hhd non: hi: wife to n bloody grave. HI! lordohip hnd never henrd, with one ox- ception, of Iuoh Iarnbla detail: thou ` the nnunnt nnnu Ha n....I.l nu! H. IIAVI Ihnbully nun! Khlnoy Complulnt. unlit]. With I Taunuenlnticn to lorry. Toronto. Oct. ao.-ua. Ionlahi Chin! Jnuioo Hquty wmrnod up vary ullv in the William vile mnrdoreno, taking an hour and I hall to deliver his chug, and ravmving tho oridonon thoroughly fr-am point to point. At a qunrtar to tour Hi: I Lordship gnvo the one into the had: of | the jury, who iunodintoly retired, and had not Nturnod at 6:30, when the oourt 1 ndjoul-nod till 8:30. On tho Chief Jam 1 tioo ngnin tskina hi: out the jury won nuniting him. On the must question . being put by the Clerk of the Court. the 0 lnronun at once Ilid that they found the prinonor guilty, and strongly reooInmond- d ed him to mercy. Mr. Irving, the Crown 1` 0:-unul, then moved for the romance of that court. ` Hi: Lordnhip uked the L prisoner if he hsd` nnything to uy why sentence should not be pnuonl upon him. He replied, leaning the rail of the dock: innocent. that in I I hnva in nu: Womnn s Love Vl`{'e-quIllcd After nn I-Jnguguncnt of llull A (-'(`I1Ill!']'_ (Fran. (he Carlinlz (Ky) Mn.-wry.) Fn-nv-4|: nl hn -u--u-. -nA' o|....... |.... 1-`wit nuns r;.w.u.'r:n. Wnlven I `Ill! WKSTOI IUIIMZI. I In Canndn. he Ml wvl--1 '11.! :11, IV`! In Indar 1 141 Illa e fuud Jtul ,, .,- ____..,. --An ncuve gr: mu m Eurupu c Immu hum nlrm tn cr`\:py 01' 1. Hz M--.".u)uru .sp_,; ten 14 .mar Nova: - |l\| .| 1-r Ivy hon -uvxly toe: tho .1 ,n/l`N.v1rL jaunt. l'e`3r)lI|liul)l Home of U..vn_, 'e lmduy. Nut mo: intrndnaed in I :1 --Mr. Jame-n N van: editor of [hi 3;.;;;fcnUNTY 01? FRUNTEHAUI fus.w. mm 1 ms. rowm. Vaacuno (1 Sol; ;y all Druaadua. IAIII1 IQIAUI. Abhoill. I I --Roving pnnhnod all I In A " pptlnl. II cm to`! mph: union on """ '"".v w at` n rownu. u --u----'_-. .. ._. -o-uvw sic IQITAI. T!) A!" III Tlllvmllllol, ' AI Till! LOWE-11' PIICII. calm lnvm the pain. In nu ul nacho wort and mm lnlmo [oil] having. W POWILI. Imving amend Inappr- . umhnp vuh bu Noam Clubs. and no-wad law the new Onllorv in the Iuq IIqun,(vI-Ion lha nu Id ouohunno ucu ud ynpu fut unhlug Illll LAQ WUHKJ. has to ououun In their uncut: lrwmh and noqlunlnnnu In tho ducal 1&- roumnng ronnu y, that they Inland noun Elmotogrnplu of III Ella nd Hlgalnll the I`/ounly Council .\ """""'"""; an rowlu. Illptol. M. I". II" mm pain: In call and OI` pm: plug ohovhno. lune-nuu.I. I 12 o`olock Noon of Bnturdny nut, November 8rd. FRA NCII ELKIHGTOK. Pnunlv (Nari ! To be punnd 3! (ho nu! Boulon of the Call: an. nun boonnl in. lo the nulonlglod. on or halo!` NPLJTUBRAPHIG mums. VIGITINE UIIII Pain: In the Back` yuuuuo. II`auntrI' 1 menu Inn. lullllllilul, Kv . Depository. Inwlng Puuuvcly Iooonhu III. M rm-my n-Iundod. sud under the aunt mgnm-mum. Ilmuo oh! and nthlhnbtt I mndm-nod Ilu nroun Drawing 0! the lIl(ur|g('uAh Dntrihulnol Co. `bola l'|nkoIn nu, II. no 35; upturn 4.50 F--r II:-it-u ml `nu J. W. I AIIOV Co. | nu Mnnnno-II mnnr Jan Al Iulhn. -..... - y-- -u 050.000. 1320.000, OIOJOO 05.000. 93.000. .9a0.. ur my or `hr r._nu Print-0. Autumn in `M11100. II'numrI' & I)ronrI' UOI . Lmnnnllr Kv . Ihnuanrv. IP1-izaDi'siHl;1ifiI1Hi}?1mpa.nyI lvmlrr Art 1:! Imainlnlur nf KI fur IL; an no-nu.--uvnnwunwavnn vvulrliall (Undn I4-glnhmnro of Ky . for the bun-l. of the (`My rhoolo 0! Frankfort`. Ihlvh uh: plus in the of IMIYIHVILLI. K) .m I'uhh-' Lulxrurr |I|l|.un Don. lllnl I810, $5, or $2.60| Inn-nil-I Il| lhr [)rAI|nn nl um anu mumcxpu up-ma, II and to uoood $500,000,000. -'l`ha Montreal Oautt, oditod by our friend T-un \Vhih-,1: In high jubllru out Mr Laurleri rlufent. Tum 3 am: to have sold himm ll. body and non}. to tho inuence which cm:-Hy canned Mr.`LAu- I nor`: defeat. But. vuth :11 hi: nuburvi- 1 ency, ho duel mt uuualro to go! elootod lnr nnyulmru hunuoll. |':'- .-r--~.u2urn mmsx to nu Iran: 150:- N1. 14 .'\'nveu1bor. lvuislalllro M We Al bani- nou seems to have not in on "tho . ,u,|`.1.`1:J." Nearly 850 hill: and Ware inn-uducod in the `an Al Walhington yOI~ more than 200 were our unglo do] before. N` Matthews, for Gltoon your: the Bulhlu Uomnurcial, hue reniguod his position upon that jour- nnl hecauao he cammt eupport the Repub- lxcnu numnumuuu In the city of Bulfnlo. .-~;\ culuulnl prnjecl. II on foot for the estuhlinhxncnz of n`_IyndIc|tO to found western and nuutharn bundn upon which no um-rent hm: been paid since the wnr. The tutu! nmuunt, Including Iuto, oily and municipal debts, in id oxcood 8500 (100 000 .-._,._.#.,-._. 7 -a --._......__.._. Ln: nnunv. i>imIc|Iu1'nl'r IUITILY lnolmu buuunnnt (In Fqa ('7' '1 hnuamndu of people am now unlouly \lluuuu1ho1mal\en Lu lnlt through the pro mummy r-- xuptouzn Of(`unIAllmpIi0n.|IhdQl' the nLnld.xu-x -than thaynra trouhln-1 with not]:- ng lvu! .4 n `(cold How necaunrv nu. um, unoo use opening ul navigation. -Tho natal value of not building: erected in Ottnnn during the put nun- mer in not down at $274,000. ---Tno Cnty Council of Toronto dooidod to lay in 400 ruin of shoe, for braking by the poor during the winter. -Mr. John Riordon, of tho St. Cntllnrinel Pope-r Millu, And lunil , on mnkinu nrrnngomonte lorn trip to llluropo lhurtly. ---'l'ho Ottawa Citizen nyl, tho htoot in that Hon. M. Geotfrion Iill voonto hil not for Vorcharcu, to make room for the new Mmuh-r of Inland Revenue. --S1ucetho return of the Hon. John Young from Aultrnlin, he bu roooivotl nine hundred And forty diplolnnl for Conndlun exhibntuu ~l'ho lomh Prince of Wnlu Roynl Cnnmlun llegnnent aniled from England fur llaunlmy, cm the Sun Omnl on tho u 6l.hof!.tnaIuuull'l. There art now but 9. low Czumdlam in tho rogimont. -'l`he tnial number of potent: luuod 1n Cnmulala nbmu 11.000, nud A modal of etch inveminn is on exhibition In the Patent utlice. At the pvolont lino tho number of pntenu iuuod nvorugo nhout four 5 day. --A cablnurnln received in Moutronl, stated that 200 Ihoep were Ivuhod oil the steamer QI-ebtc during the puonge between that city nntl Liverpool. Ind 120 wore rmotln-rod on board the Manitoba durum; her trip ncruea. -'l`hat was on uuulull uilluy soci- dmlt reported by tehsgrnph from nur Salt Lake City. A passenger trnin In hfted bodily by tho wiuvl nnd turned up- side donn. Several pornmu woro hurt, but none htully. grnlu Ihipmunt lrom 300- C l<.'urup-. wntinucd, And ongngh llh- Ay bean undo Iumciont cr`\:1\y til I . grmu tv.-nnnge room of Hz aw` mm`! to null from Bon- tm. lx In: \'nvumlmr In the gun round: fat Gononl Dobll Hy. IIITIOLI. -An npplichion in to bo undo (or I new trul in tha `Bug Puck,` or limpon v. Wilkinson cue. -Uvar 6.0J0,000 bulhola of (nil: but bun shipped out from Tulodo 'by Iain since the opening of navigation. Ital nluu of not building. lllll` HUI". -- here no two Rina Tomponnoo lnrlgenn Toronto, Ind 3 third in to ho starred. _ An .....|.`...o;.... :. g. L. _.-.|_ 1,, , one osav. -Tho Sudaoonn Bank In: docluod I diviwlond of 6 per cent. for the current hl"- war. 5...... --.. A-.. n:..- In ,,,,,,,, ., nu ox snntogn. , -The urrlnln And doputuun 0! out: uurrou 1% Bolton lu: not not-ngd one (day. -'l`h. sx_..I...m.. n...|. 1... .a..I-...| - non --'i'honnnngor of the Windsor Bob], Montreal, Ln cu` ho Mr. H. Boutlguo. Inc of Snntogn. -'I'ho nrrivnln And dnnnrlnnnn nl nnnnn u! `um-Id How necouurvlnlt lion. n mm -:7 41:! be cured lor Iron in Inoipi and avr;`,'nxerl.IolI unod to get mi of AL 1:`; Punmunic \\'afa-rs I ill nlup Ibo bak- uugh 1n .1 frw munm-n, Ind by lholl In no on the hr.-Lchlnl and pulmonary orpu nu nl ulnuw-mun re-nulu will soon be db l"'l"]JU[ lhv) mun! boukeu In limo. Iold I medicine -luuleu at 15 per hol. uun yo warm; up trash. --The main business o( I looked oonunblo in In dodge ruolvor bulhu . -Sl.. John ncunla An-m In In nnttinn I ooiuumu M In dodge nvolvol haiku. John people uun to be gutting In count on the aubpct of la pneu- tionu. nu |'uhh- I.n|Irur1'|lIH.0lI Doc. Illnt lnn_\'I4,~4`IJro l.\' (TAMI ullorn put of A111: mun gnu. -.- AA- In wom lou. , -Tho uuump-is nu-av people Inc llhn $0 tearing tn.-kn. huninan (II n Hanna-I In nah: u I: Ilmu ALL ACCOUNTS -A lively Dunkll count In plugt in Woi _-'l`I_u uI_ump-io ally hot. "2-9.9: of mu in :43 8:. Pain, 19 .1. W. uulov 00. , .mnu Journal Iulldhg, Jvl [lot lhnohUu.(hn `, S Y. mud lor I Circular. 1, TX 72.7` x the Drawing of the I-As-'l'AI'-- 5---=2 CUBBERCI. ouct nuiiu-mun nu mum H. Unllulud I|ab|Ian cl :1! lulu-at BIRD. OI [Alp lawn Vanda. Iqbal: noun 0! uunhu. ll GILT LITIIIIV 8' loan Other It Genuine. Phnnix Fire Insurance 00IPll!.__:l Inpdol. Mynle _Ng:_yy_]uhaccn.! VIGITINE Iolhvu Fnlnneu M the Ulomuh. JOIIN AGNIW. I A ,I D. Oonlv laptops and Chur-u llcu ol Inuhon oak Iln. EAUTIOFI v-----.._' -- Ioldnv. the Inn Ilooonbor. at I.-80 p.-. , fun: of nodes to ho pnvlmulyglron hy %IKOhI GI 50 obtnlnod on npplnontlun b lb udonlgn-d.vho nun be .onn.4 hy oil Coodlduon. Ihuhr Iran Hun Count 0! CIy.ou ldtlkon tho INA .`\'ovalur. on 1: luutlhn II proton! tlonoolvu pr unabs- Ia. V: .A. min II urorduoo with the lumen and Occurs! Iagnlntlou. the loud Annual lluninuton cl Condlduoo fur Sm-ud (Nun Coma:-nu will in MM II I.LoCoun llm1u,Kln`uun, onnnndu on 0` '1'}. For Iooonb clan Cermlcntu as Public Ichool Teachers in the Oouty of Frontenac and (`My 0! lupus. December I817: [Examination of Cantdafzsf I`. IAIITY. Ferguson : Block. Baum-on the ootlro Iyntom to 1 healthy 1 dluon. Q Anyone buying (`huh In the bauu I4 Knuth: eon have the: out free ofcharge I Irma liodlloroul Mnrleu And wall -u-H them I ATCLOII PRICES. I hoop my uruul NI: ch 0! u fury and Maple [Dry Goods`? I an bound lo u\l| than lower than Iny bnuu III the M140. A OAH nmwllbd And on dotormlnml In prion linen Mllliuul In that line Novoltiel in Hats and Bonnet: and Trimming: to Match. All the Newest Trimmings for llnntlea! ll TO THE uuuessi I [RIP IAITLI CU'l"l l-`JCS Ind MA.`JTl.l union on the pnmlnuund nmh Ihnuu ta ordu-. I konp 1 uuvuuu -nu rnuu) I nu-run. _ THE READY IADK DEPARTMENT IS COMl'l.ETl in all clans: of Uoodl of out own mnnufsotum. Q` All \Vuul8u1u Iur.lO 50. the but nmo In than-ny. N GENT ?! FURNISHINGS we bans I full Smck of lhn Intel! dv-Align: In KazMh.a_01fordn uni White Shun Fnm-{ Wmdn-vr sum. uullsu, cum and Undonslothlng. Thu Haven ud lolt Styllah HATES AN ) UAP5 II] the city. 1 33111:: wm can by: I HUB popou. PIINCIII ITBIIT OQCUJIY7 WI Challenge snylxouua in the Trade 9.: to Prloo.Iu1ity.Work And Short- ness of Time in Hmufaoturo. w any .|n.w omawnerc. Icilsk. .\ NICE A."l\'4)lZI`MlNT of Wnraloal Cooling: In I run: Dnnxt llnnu nn-n.n-u-u-u-o. .. ......... _____ COII AND an OUR NEW YORK HU.~4l.\'h`.58 HUM` lands to order for 014.00; to my [M00 9 nowhere. -on ....._. -_ . ' -ronnzn woax A_ SPEGIALTYV-j NEW max cjjojmraa STORE. WILL OFFER FOR ONE WIBK ONLY. . Heavy All Wunl Blanket [Iluth--Double Width. At $l.50 per Yard. Really Worlh $2.50. Ox-ungo E511 Building-. Prlnoo-Q Otroot. non'for -nu (F. X. C()USINEAU&CO. Thou ntnullngua with their orulorg m MPOH4 "N97 ill! [at unfncuon u to uni ugh tho Urdu Tndo s -yeclnlny. 3' A Lholco Assortment of GENTLBIETS FUKNISHIHOJ ooutntly on band C. L`nIl'.KN_ Hnnnnnu-_ A-----'----W- -= -`*.:Lm*:~"..%';'y ':;' ."-'~ VIGITINB In I nhuhla nmody for lloulnoho. Mens' and Boys Clothing for Winter Wear. WE WOULD lll:'.SPBCl`F'Ul.LY INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT WI RAVI onxn-:0 A CLOTHING noun ITHEmDUMjNlU`l\l% [JLUTHING STORE. OBI ITOOI OI TWIKDS an vu-!`lu-so sud nurlod down to Cool. Jln Ioeolwtl-0 Iplondld Antonina! of HAT!) AND pal . 2' All Good! nulod In Hull llguru. tho Prion Quid um u n has taken . . KOKLUGETQN i C$'.o M I7. 1871 . ('4:-out [inn Ind Flinn`: n Oct. 5. X777. Prices ti: Temp: fhe Closest Buyers ARE NOW OPIIRING GREAT BARGAINS IN ULS1`ERS,0VlRO0AT8. PIA JACKITI llovhgnlnrgolcootol h;:`n;d bdhIIoW|nn. Ull AND SKI: OUR N! ouwhora. 7 FIND nnnnu mu Ill` Oct 17, 1877. V CW3 I ll` - ' Gun (bluunpuon and regulates nu hovuln. ON THE ONE PRICE SYSTEM, (lextlloor to learn. I. J: J. Gurdlnark, rrinoeu Itroot.) , 1377. Po: uokoco use was LATEST srvus IN COATINGS, VEST N03 AND TRUIIIEIIIIIIB. .. nilrrrucu, 4:5. ll.-nan In toll Inmu ll xouumhle` nu? Ind umkn n npmmlly hate all tho Monmuan-roi`a oo. on Iur1IIII'V$- JQIVIO "u. DAVID Owner no chap lulu. bula llnoo. ltraluundilrltlll VIUITIII wm ondluu lull Bhun fkom tho nyoun. -. - vuuxxq I to Ioltiv U la! H 050 u'h(booasbId`:%I# 5 IE- ma -ouumq at Anna! mu Ihoun_u,nIOI0 -003.13- WI. DAVID. Panto Till CIIIAP JOIN. luau, yum Du-gum` buy lotu- Ill LLICI VAIIIJ OAIIIAII and (to Ipng Waggon MI Ina. Apply to u 0100!. JOII. Pun-Q luau, DA- _..----u w----J nIlUIlUl- K CHEAP JOHN WI IVZY IQGIIPIIOI on-uh In. Dunno` fun 0004: Icon PIIIOX IPIIIT IIIOITOI. gj ;a....-._. -- iv no--coasts 113 V 111' DIALII II New and second Ind Good: 0' I717 BQOIIPIIGI wxnnuui mvm, DIALKI II OI KI.'V08TON! TIIOII WIO IIAVI ll! IAID (`LOTIIIO T0 DIIPOII U WILL piano Inn mu anon Ill WILLIAI DAVID who um wad um` VII 0A-. To? Ai"rhzEi:N1~"n vguqssau lcnovnflnapluudunonfng the tau. D , . I0! `I'll WINTBI. Arrivtng Dvoryaarl Woollen lhlz-tin}; Drum-I. Kou AND WARE Undejclothing of all Kinds ` ms mrzcf rmmu sum PLIASES IVER!` BODY. I A few who say: no:- Mr G E` Anhln_v.Cny.--Sir. I hon much l pleasure In ltulllu llul. tho wot! don {or no r` In your Fu-wry has given evury nu-Icohon; I Hm hnrln being Ir made nnd of a load an GOIOQOQ ,A I015. Ir Goo Auikay, [In IIOI-gOI'vfs The hlru were rooeivod nu-in; lul. and I an won plnud who then ;lhay It vary wall, In fool. than no the but Imn; him: I our land. Yo-In be. JAI. lhvwnn. I-.r ma DAVH non uw grunt -Mlnfncdon. and I can c-boerfm yrooomuwnd tho uylo of you wurunnnnlnp Jon: llrlnvnn To I120 I. Aahlo - Yoko hhlm prooln Inn y have not worn. ' Kinglwn. SSH! OM .1377. Ir 0 I Ashley.-sir I Inn and: ploo Mus vn sunny that um Bhlru which on mule haves pun ullnflct on um I um ihnrln bevug In-Il"unndo good Ind lmuh I on Ihornfnre strongly neon- mend your French Yoko unm- ` Jnun Hr-n-. FOF UIIO )Nl LAIOI VAIILY Ulkllll lprlng Wqgou Inn. Ano- ] As`.E77_- `Shirt, Collar in Gulf Factory. T PRINCESS BTREET. ICWCILEC late with wundufnlnuoocu In I dluuu. or-n-din: z.PRavoT; Pony Ilnnnu ran... as. nn._n_. .. Pour lloorl Iron the Harlot Iqlsno C. ANDERSON, Manager. son sai: uni... -.4__._....n ":_Il0Il. Oct. 14, N77. lilo -5osrl9|r: Tho lrvaoh Ina f 51 ml: you an [In hunt I .0 arm Fofr Sale. Alnl IAIILI In in G. I. ASHLEY. ITCDW Q CO'D. Coo-om King md Prdvma -Ba. Guuoqu, A IIn[unn-Duv fa Th I CWCIJIIC Can: the want out: of Cantu. Jon: Mrlnvu We Inn on End `I'll In` In: The II you an Ibo but I [.1 I. Pllu, Poo Ibohovo Illla Jun Imus n Diagonal: " ` ' VIOITIII llloco II: want an 0! lomulu. ' laouadllud Pililor. XEGEIINEJ VEGITINI VEGITINE VEGETINE \_..n 3.- -u 4-...-- .. VBGBTINE -- -1 u___ - vzazrm: VIGITINI -..n-- -_-.-... vlrnn _ y. Flontbonug In no In In can with mule! ulna urns! won so loud I J tho rgnlu I in ICU Nil oonuaal nnlhol Ilnlnuywnnn unblnipnufunu and the public noonllr '0!` bislldrnnlcu and humor r-m--::ra__:-.~.:-`:.-.......-*--~'-**:::*".:. :: and 'l`lI FAt.'I'.-h Inst 50 Born In Illd wilnilnkho nubuncluocl atly- pling public Viki no church In part ion` In Inn (man, had lib tori nwllclo Ion-duqlnu up: which I pot-noun -on! hymn-out on to uhhlhhd. Tlollnouovoucu hnynnlou. and II that the menu ol the qlhllou In tho dlylnybo caulk chub nddpud d It. All chunks DI poplo should 3&0 NI ptonothg Ibo (duo. ' COO A Gun Gun.-John Gothic, 0! Byncuoo. in acid r Inn lo that city nth woo I M: poohh. Rh Manda alum that he lost it publlng In Ouugo. and uarhd In: than let Kingston, duo then In In: nut but Loud ol. The ouqu Put up: "w. don`: my boi two this in, but we do know that ll he had NW he could not ban done bot- tythn lo nqnndor It hon iutood ol Ilyruuu or King: " 1 i __ .__,-v.v HxxuIL3.-Wo disapprove ol the unn- nu in which some one noting on behalf ol tho Young luln tool pounuion ol the ohunmonahip n on tho ooouion ul tho noon: much, sad now In lpproVO of the return of tho ag to the Iuhootlbon, ponding tho nnumr of tho Clippcr to A oummuniutiun which has but: -out 'n_ The wininn will rocoin It in duo tino , I ..h ttlng formality. I -->?ooo-;~r---- Fun ltnmvu. -- Tho uohnngo of Iocnnom u. A and H" Batloriu my be hked by sumo. but it mll can the country A very lnrgo lam ol monoy, And what in tu be gunml by it. I We speak not in the Iuterulu of the public, and in the luloroau of economy, And I! hope tho mrenuncnl. will In Iupportad by the < but cumiderutiam boluro any pncncnl more in made in the manor. ` _ __,-..._..._. . I. -vv--uu. lnuunuuunwu nu -uv vnIuIu.' twenty-four hullrl. Tho bulletin: nn oomulted each day with I mnrhd and I lignioant interest. ._.__ _.Q. r- .--- ___..4;._-__ (Duo l nun~1.-Tho public lnlly nppro- cinto the cnnnidnrntion tho Government 0! ()nI.nnu have evinood for them in tho nrrnngument onterod into with the Do- minion Telngruph Uomplny !or roccir ing And panting up each morning the wentimr prubnbllniu {or me onluing ..n u . ) __ ,____,__ ) Tn: Ann F.':aIamou.-- l`here we: a ) good ettendnnao at the exhibition given ) in Sydc.-nhnm Street Sundry School In! I evening by tho agency of the Drummond ` Light The viuwu Are really excellent, V mid have elicited ndmiretion wherever shown. They will be exhibited in the ume plu-e lhll evening, end to-marrow ` evening in the Y.M.C.A. hell. ` 4 _:_o3o_---- l"1.Iuu.\'1'.-'-If we are over (wound with A (luverumenl billot, and no per` mitted to wen 3 Government livery, IO hope no shall have I horn At our oom- maml, for than 1: nothing no onjoy so much M n drive, so long :5 it in M the oxponne u! some othor pouonl. It in no jolly and high tuned, by jove. A UIIIT CLABI ITOCK UP Barlin and Shatland Wools.} `KR --"$.11 no`:..- v ~ -5 ' Arrturnzu RounInv.-The Nnpnnoe I D Standard lenrnu thnt on Saturday night ` two men Attacked Mr. J. I onwull,of Sbannouvillo, while he was going home, And attempted to rob him ol hi: purse which contained about $500. lle anor- geticnliy defended himlull. 2---o4.>o. :_ SMALL P--x.-We umlontnnd thnt a bad one u! small pox bu dnolopod itself on Amhent Island, but tint ovary precaution hu been taken to prevont the diuuo lrorn nprending. An ounce of prevention in much better than I pliund of cure. _ ,; - BI"mCll`A`ll l` corro|pon- daut of Hm Nuwbnrg Reporter report: that Mr. Clyde will not be I candidnlo `|'..r Kingatnn towmhip next. year. Mr. Alon \'.1nluven, of Mono, in ngnin in the field, and Mr. Charles Spoonor, of (Ilen- burnie, will oppose him. .__ -r. - nu tlvuu vvunuuun, nun Iuu urn unw- x-~ co moderate to fresh wutorlyto loath- urly winds, cluudy to {sir wuthor. --~--4-j-0:: [`|mnusIu'nss for the non twanly-{our hourn, for the lower lake region moderate winds, shifting to nouth or uuthont, In.`'` to cloudy weather; for the St. Inw- n,.. n.. ......l...-.0- 0.. I.-`.1. -A-I--In in -math. .;o Run. ---Rate: from the port ol Toron- to may be quoted It `lo to Kinglton, and 60 0.) Montreal on whut; and 20 on bu- ley 003-go. A vuuel nu clnrtorod for I quantity of when M. Port Nelson 4) Kingnnn at 2&0. ----- .4. `.- Ritmnxo.-Tho one of Hodgnon v. Pvfmdomld was the but one on the dock- et, and whom it wu concluded yeuordly the Auzu Uourl. row. J udgo Mnu return- ed to 'l`ox-unto on the up-bound oxprou. I At BA'ru.-Lut awning Hon. Mr. Cartwright nddulud 3 muting of tho electors of Lennon II Bath. The Attend- moo In good. Tho Hon. gontlounn de- livered A tolling npuoh on nancial mal- IOIT . ` coo --__ ... Cunt.-Tboro in n lugo Iluc of voueh, gnin laden, in the hubour, and yutordiy tho M11`. Co.. dlapctchod to Mont:-nl nixtoon vuuln, carrying shout 250,000 Egualnoh. ---V 0-19 ---- LAt.'lml~sI:.--A haul of the Bolluillo Lwrnuo Club will viut hero on Sunr- dny and phuy I gold Ilth tho Kingston Club. Cunnidorublo intent: `in being (nkon in thy match. a--- --c-we.--uuw IQADIVU. _..`___ __` T V elm `T f"nu.--Leu evening eoue -.-l M ' the practice: ofothcr dnye vvere revived 9 by the young people in their Hellovfeen I 8- I Iaetivitioe. To e greet extent they were PIUNOISI 873331`. ` conned Ru Imuu portion, All of which 59. 137- were more or Ion enjoyed, md hue loll `A--`Hm mom:-riee whioh may live long and per- ` hepe never die. The etreel pende end um` . ._`. 3."... "DH. `h I open nl`v domununtioue were ol II" ` __ eoeonn . I MA.usI|.-Puud thrmgh the Canal: Bohr. E. W, Ruhbuu, Oorlorioh, King- uun, when; Montana, limkogon, King- lion. lumber. rnvtoum yuwnuy nu-van non. nu you, 524. Ihjorily lot the Bill, 110. l /Dunn.- BEL .-Tho clho ol the poll M Pdotbum yatuday chord Inn. 414, --.. no.4 n.4...n.. In. um am no F070 U00` CIaUDQ'I'UUIfUOCl o an ooloror uau6y:u4.u. 1!` EPA cum; Walllunon Stud. podam, lg cow Ianfu-kuIo'o|otl8|0?.f [gang gritisll mfg. I .-....__.. '17aUnsmv svnm. xov. 1. nm. .__.__j1p Fora aoodaudbclpouv-coTu ulmw cnulluvao 004.91. -..:--...o_.------ air? AND noun:-7 Rwln lt'un.-1'ho Into ulna haul has ol Incl knoll to the country. W. 1 in on dty no pm! to complain of us. ' nphuutu u! was nahu, but while 1 Iodolonuc not uhu given ipog.` dual the algnllount relation: which I pupotou country bun In the hay gig. nil Cid Ihllo uouhlno In Joliqhtlul [or plants purpoul. it cannot non gm uhogntth upon which the hyping. .1 'A -n 1-nah Jnnnnah VldlTINl' --Removu the nuns ol Dluineu. IIU 'vvwvn irivu -nun lulu and depends. ` Iobot. Hi: Iamluhlp nouming am the Ruxn n. LA'l'o ronto yum day judgment In given in tho Pu.-ton um, nndu it ho! mom load interest, In hommb pmom In ; In thh can a conviction III nwlo under the Crooh` AM (or rolling liquur without I Moon in Prlmo Ednurd Uounty, than tho Dun- un Act m in tuna, and in. dolondun wllotdond to ho I-priwnod with hard Ontario Lqlabtun Ind pain to pan an me giving power to hnpou ponalciu lo iolringouou ol the Domino Au. ol which up had some doubt, ordered the count. non tn botuondod by Itrikin` on! `Bud 1350:,` And coal;-mod the conviction, bu` ' ` ganuhd that the rooogutunoo should ' go` in golod on4 " : u-guru. n nu nun nu nu-u.u uuyun-lulu to the public whnl. noma nun any undor ` some ciroumluncu, but It only winh to ` nmui that to Ihnll never Into innult from my man without running it. Re- buh onmo from Mr. Meadow: with vcry ill (not, when it in romomborod lhnl it In but I for day: ninoo that young (amic- uuu npolcgiud to 5 member of the fourth catch in rqud to the very mum which In Ill Io Inwiu u to gntuitouoly bring up unit: at tho muting Inc ovonlng. ` l nnoN.u.lnu. \t the publao mu!- Ing, hold in the Ununcll Chnmbor lul evening, to nrtnnqa fur the rstnrn uf Mr Rino, Mr. Mudolu, H4-crelury of the Y M. C. A., nude an unwnrranted And uncalled lor attack upon the prom of the city, which wu lnrgaly rapruumml thorn. Ho complained n! mhreprnontntium, which wore not Inch :1 In :1 ho wu oun- ounod. It in not of much importance In H): nuhlin -Inn: nnvnn nu.-u mg. nn.I-- nuuunuuuu uuul urluulluw Edward )lcCumbn. JIUIOI MoBridI, and June: Bulcc-rd, drunk, nod {'2 or ludnyn. Zmhuinh Tnylor, Mr. T. |{1gnoy'| hoatlur, In `charged with nul- ing I fur cap from n gentleman who Ill uupplng It the City Holol over night recently, Us in also ncounodnf doing I hltlo HII-tapping It the Halo] Romandod unul lo~morrnw. ns 1 nlnn . . .. .... --u --nu. nu nun--uuuu a nun, an uu:-n od man, And nprofouiounl lonfor. Hall Ill runnndod until to-morrnw. r) ,| - n In l u. m .. . Clnrlou Pmld and Jamel Hull wen charged with lnrceny. About two dlyu no they tuklod Hm driver of HunI'.on'I brnd curt, at Mnc. Scan}, and demand- Od that they should be given I loaf. Ho hoaiutod and ono nf them threatened to sub him. Lia 1-lonhtiod F|old,| color- . . .. . u... ltIlIb vn nuvvuu - allul Qvvv. Vuparl will be I`. 7 pm. Immedi- uely after the (land Vesper: of the Four tho urnnmenu will be remuvad and the solemn temper: uf the dead will be hunted. There wlll be I sermon at the close of Velporll, and Mun for the soul: in purgnwry will be oz-rod up at 8 o'clock to-marrow. I To-duy--the Foul (`.1 All Saint: ---in I ' holy dry 0! oblignti-an intho Catholic ' Church. Mane: were celubrntad It the Sunday hour: in Ht. Marya Cnthedral thin morning. The Rev. Father Mc- Cnrthy, of Brnckville, uicinled at the lat mun. Ho nu nuutod by Father: Corbett And Cicoluri as Deacon nnd Sub- ducon. Hi: Lordship the Binhop prewhad. Bolero the sermon he an` nounoed Ihnt ho reoeivad in tho plrinh of Brookvio an offoring of 8810, nnd in that of Brown : Mill: 8300. :n L, . I,__.__I; FANCY woots During ell the evenings of Wednesdey sud Thursclsy and Fridsy. first (but chiey on Thurndsy night) the close oonjunctinn oi the two plsnets Msrs snd Saturn in the southern sliy will rope! inspection snd prove interesliniz to sll those who take en interest in the history ol the solar system, but elpucielly those who sre possossoru of suicient optics] inesns to enable them to follow those peculisr oontigurutions which the two I planets st this time present from the I Mlth.` This evening so close sre the two bodies thst Merl geucentricelly will sweep over I portion of space occupied by the orbits of the three outer ettendents of Ssturn, viz.: Titan, Hyperion and . Jupiter, and should any (:1 them be in s line with More and the earth st this in sstronomy will tske place, this is, an occultntion or eclipse of s Hnturnesn sstellite by the plsnet Mars. it may be sdded that seldom in s life-time csn twelie members of the mist system be found grouped together st one time in the held 0! sn instrument as they will he l I l ( t t ` period, the! as Q never observed phase p s (4 Cl e e ft on Thurenlsy night during this remsrlra 1, eble conjunction. 01 n . OI! account. Hononou vs. MAcoo:uI.D.-An nation The dofonoo In thut Mn. ' Mnodonnld m the we, um. um .11 I the hum relating to the Innuction Ind boon boon written by bur, sad the good: ' purohuod by hot Lad nut to her, and thnt dofondnnt had uolhiug to do with it. ` No jury: judgment rourvod. Meun. Brmou for plninti`; and Menu. Men I` quite and H J Msodouuld for defen- dant. I "Al VII-.1 IIIIIIIII nllll Ullllluull, III itinonnl oloclrigiul, lootund bolero the Nlpoou school ohildnn one dsy lut rook, lld tho Standard up they land 5 "shocking mm." 011 3 Jun, how could you 3 us-nu-uvuu. g -`l`ho India of the oqgngclionali Church ma uni: ale 3:. a.o.-pal` lhn .....I.. 14.. .5... .1 5.... -...|. . vuuuru IIUIIJ IIIIIK IIII Ill 00- \lU\lI`UU Hall today. The show 01 (any work] In very Inc. ,.A -3..- --....a h l.._.. |u.......... ._ -Pooplo should not all their lulu u- quliuhlwu tlut they I?! not gontlonon until the Ipookcu bacon: and-non tlumulvu. lu_, u,::,_ n .. n ,,.s,,,_uJ U-IuIU Ulluunu In: no Iuyyutun I r..w. hon a.d.-n.. 3.1L u .11.. n......a. 1...: am pom... .1... as. Ilonoubnld ontitlo MC tonnpport. _Du...I- -Lnnhl -nu 5-H oL-l. -`.1- --_ -v-u via uuv. --A chap nunod `Jun: Bhumnn, In tin-..o -l..lph.n 'A4I.III 5.1.... oh- Police Court: All Salntu, V F.(}-E TINIS Propnrod by l .3. s'r|ws1\'s. Boston, Mass. ` Astronomical. WIID WAFIS. ASSIZEB. I ! llIrouu>.--Tho 0106! today [ital `tho Int ollr. Blah`: gnu Ipul. M `Tannin. Th Inputs. 0! the Tory }onrula till Iowbounool; and It. Dunn`: nllopl houiliv any Blah` his nollnnu cm by lcopnon luv the unto bang. _,....., .,. .. .-.w-nu, uuuwu uy III nu- ldouholl.bo0-Alcgool thouvdurt -1.- Wbllo In. Adulph lulia, cl Onpo Vnuoot, cu nming will! In hail] M bnoiiut on Sunday nmnng, uppuunlly as wall uunol, tho Iupuck up 050 land book in hot duir, and (undisto- ly upind whhout muting a void. A lnqulon can no may by Ru. hunt Darin. ol Wuortovn. usblod by the nu- 4l...a. Al 0.. n..n... ..l AL- n_.....A 11.... ' Ion broodoolt tho nod: of oooptloion. uu CID VI Ill. IJCCI IIVUIIIIDU IU IIVU K/U-U.-A qua Assembly, nnd tho Willard Tract Society of Toronto hu ounlorrod I fovur on oil luvoro ul clolr thought, by p|lbl|Ih- in thorn for thirty oouto. Tho nuhjocto ol the locturol oroz "Uonooionoo," Cor- tointiu In Roligion," God in Nauru] Lou," New England Soopttolom," Doudeoth oud all!" And Tho doolino of llotionnlmn in Gannon Unlvoroitiu " Ioopticlnm inn buolou thing. It cannot be oollod o orood, but tho nogotion of oll croodn. Tho Icoptie in vory uuah Iiko I nun who trio: to taln up his rooidonoo in n boloon. Ho uotl Iolnowhoro bo- twoon hnvon ond oorth, and bolongo to noithor. Mr. Cook loyn tho hlnno on tho Church, tor much of tho ooopticilm of Now Englond. Dnahonootymrofoooing ohriotinnity, and unoympothotlo oolIlh- nou. culling itool! by tho Iouao ol Joan, A oooptiaol pooplo munt ho o lolly poo- plo and A chlo ponplo cannot ho a proo- porono pooplo. Drivon with tho wind and tooud, thoy connot nd tiuio to thrivo. Truthful thought lohoa tho notion strong; orrnr uoho lto nook, tor flloohood hon within ltool! tho ououoo of diotntqrotion. Tho thought: ol tho poo- plo glvo v|[Or or Ioohnooo to thoir L-_A_ w-nu ulv-IOU! Ill\-I IIIUII lII:Ill|XVl|.lIllU IIIl"I' or of the dny. Lu: -ummor he debut- ed six 0! hit but lectures to the Chuuuu` ,.._ A_-.,, L1,, , 1 .l nu II . m Those who like tho nbon can hnvo them in the lecture: o! Rov.Jouph Oook, lhl clearest and moat philosophic think Ar I ah. an I... .........-. 5.- 4-1.--. Sound Thoughts Ann fiibnuuo nuns. " CI, -