u"rnu.unn nu. Whuudilnloolocudnanionabbhul uqulIonuudouchoIuIOIInuui`lIn u will by . `I `*1 Hvenlovn --~ --5*-....:...ay-'***-- -1, ' " Du ` II, For Onwegu, (`Ian-lnnd. Den-ult, Illwnukeo And Uhicqn. IlI..--.I.... IIn......a.... .....I ..L.._.l-_ um unlcagu I Tuesday. Thursday ahd laturdsyl For (human, (`la-veluml nm|To|c Sixteen Staunch First-Olus Up- per Oabin Steamera, IA DAILY LINE] Jngl. um. |"""`- --<|g_c'o.ryaaIu.| unluollnunnunanunrnotuu IAILI. -.- Fauna wishing to new! for the-Ir Imndl qbguln Pumas Uurtillmuau for I95. 0 Iinkotu no good for one year And the unouut in Iofnnclod lens I small nluluouon. lf not used. Vnll lnfurnnzion will be given by the A onto oonllc-am: to ho obtunod n or- H In n dar to boentltlocl to this bonun. For Ticket: Anal nu lurtlmr information I Illv to H. B()[II!l.l R. Gomenl Ann. 1: [The MT. Co's Steamefsl Llvznu-ool. mm LIIE lnllug mm ldvorpool on TIIUIIDAY ndhon roe OVl'_1AT Ill)AY,enll|n 08 Lou!) oy and lhllln ton-ooivoon and Ind lull: and Puuengsn lo and from Inland and 8oo|nl|.uI luunslod to ho du- Do In method under the ngnlnuou of than out Olkn lulu: But human tho hour: 0! 9 an. ill 4 gun. I. DIAUUIJ` I M. `ll II. II77_ According to position or autumn. The Btoolnorn of tho Glnagow Line no inun- dad to nil between tho (flylla Ind Portland it intuorvaln during the Season of Winter Nu- vlptlon. Interval: ( vlptlon. GUI KI IIDBHIIIIDII K) lllll IIOIHII. For ply to R. Ganenl Lynn, v ronto, Out. POLGER 0:. HANLEYJ gnu, 0Ioo.looh:l Broo Strut Son! nd. I877. 1:51-52 2;: auohu to Liverpool or hondonderry And buck lO'5l do do do 125 00 do do (`In HI) I) LEAVING Swift`: Wlurf. `Kingston. It 7 Iolonl in the morning, ud unlhux at nll |n Clfflll IIITI, LIAVDI (IUNNI WIIAII, Envy Monday Inning. , u .. _ u,. ,n .._-n_.;A_ HI Klngllun, Mny 10, I871 ARMENIA, All first ulna tickvu Including mull Ind D1530 Yuunll. Sept Had. I877. Free Reading Room, Prepaid rungs cenlleatu Pawn: Men ! for their obtain Pnnnno Uurtimlu fur I96. NIKKI ; lllll-I108 Ill DIHITI Unvegu, l do do ... 50 o Apoording to punk 0! Stateroom. do do: W According position of Btntoroon. `ho Glumm in ...... u.-..I1U| In: or nun: non ounw. .. ,_ no... Iooordlng to-Iooolnmodntion. -IIIII nu-u-n In tn;-nn: nion Qusmcc: \ME8 SWH"'I` 8:. Iumw. Winn-L I7`! LIUNI 00. Iuuglnlou-ed [anon should in lulled lull II n hour pv-winnnw the M-5 of olmlu; tho! Ilnllu. II-IQ}. Mon. -3 AIIIQTDI luhwu, IVIIY lDAI.n .3niNoo mu. cl I000. 1-no?-Tioon am. ; vy- Vi? M34999-1 `,1 In...` L_ I001-ner 8tore.| And a lull nnthui cl VIOHAILII. AND I 'I-I CNN?` 0? SILII, am: vnvrm Vll.Vl.'Tl3I-IN Ill) GLOVE and look (hawk-In Fer thou. Au . ho..CL Annual nnm. VUIU. LAC` cUl1'AIlI.mnm . lllunh-II, Cantu-yo-no. Il.nIrud(.'rInb(. umtlmn MI, lluohod And finished I: n luporlol Inner. Ofllla llnoboon above Pullllh. Inna: II -'0`KI: Johnna Ina. lluutou. Ont. lope. IIJIYY Ltl unl PIISH SUPPLY OI` BUN! KULLI. CAIIII PAITHY. Iruurrs udonr heart an -1 PLAIN .....1 lI'AN('Y Oulfl. ION BY. 1 lo lnnnnu In nrhu booolu It looks hour Iona All the rnm-|n sums. Great Supply of Apples. lopp. `Indy Bros In-blo Worlu. 0(Ill`lCTl0lI!IY. lo lnnruu prion Ilh III In tho lat, but tvtvtilluq hum -no anon. Dye'3f,'Sc'6u-rer. Bleacer OPENED OUT?-`NEW. T. B. POO'l"S REFRESHMENT ROOMS. HYAOINTH8, Double and Single TUIJP5. do do OBOOUB do do IIOW DROP, LILY` &c-, &c. lBia..*.._.F*!.._19nl MEDICAL HALL! Hula. lonnyrdon [ruled on all Haney Order mm (hnodgthd and K .P ldvnrdm Inland ad l.o`w and"-I: Unllnl lulu Dononlu magical nnul-p tin Iuanlnunnn nl Boner. Ho |a I [ontlomn duorving of all cnmiulanue And llmrou hly nlInblc--ArnprIor Review. Please M slrnu PROD`. J. Y, EGAN. .Iu`I` [I77 Humilmn (Int. '-v -.-vw jdlhohulovnhvoluodnlbh I-bt . A qulruljrull upurunw IIUII nun -uuuuu um variety of Mn pnlIonIa.-Orungovillo Hun. Pu-um oolnultln Prof. Inn, of Turonlu, will Ind him riot! yrullahle and ruIt.wurl.h_v in (Ivory p oulnr.-BmcIvll|o lhwnnlur. We nudhlly rmommond tho ulictal to 5 ply to him for mlmf` M In Itrictly honor-nbr~ und Nmlldnntlnl in his trnuctlonI.--Napmma Wlmbychronlolo. Tho pron of thin Province trash in the hlghut urmn of Mn lnlonu n M hilitlea. He in 5 pnotlon--r of no man o or in hit treatment ol lnofllll non lulnu. luviu do vote-I Qomklanbla Ilnoto 6 Ir study, An no quirod.;reot upsrlnoo from the number and oolnultlnl Inn, UVUK OVV vluvu u: v uuvuvun I z a Wrlu your run fully enolooo 0l.00 mm 3 you with an unnwonun In IVIIM mlulalo loud: repaid nnvolopo sddrouod to your calf. OUIO III. II Wunn ll Tum. n..'-1..... 4! (A4 Ann - "floi. llnllll nun xurvu nu unuvuu - ungu- ubllc re Iutlon and has Ieuimonlalu or the hm o Amour In M: nokzmo AblllI.iea`- Itbychronlolo. pron Ipcoh I over 3.(-)2!--(`I111-';c;-ix; 3 Months I I 1' uI_u_ ......- .--- A.lI- Annln-A II III and n V-I -V.-V---.1 LIYIA IIIIIJO OV TOIAOOO AID 01043. in`: anal lI'n<|nyu. (YI-I5 It 3:11). ` lmherut Inland uul u-Ila-'l`uadny, Thur: dnly And Ilthlldln Ulon It 7 cu. Ilranrv Inn I`n.unlnI-n. l'LurdAvn nml Ia.ud.;i:rrop1_t Geneva. Olldlhuhovoltnnnn vlllluvo llnnhn hr CIIO VIMQC. idly. |nmzorwouoasoudonn1mau.| On londna. Tundnn And ktnrdnyn st. 1.387: wt noun 6 ulndug uunuu, II oudnyl. 'l`Iudn4E| In tnrdrm 6 l.lll.. lI:ZI) III.. and It p.|n. J nrl-nnlllltglll Inn Walk lnlnnd n 6 sum. llzili II.. DIM Jtw p.|n. . B:'l`l9IInllllO-IWlll loan Wollb l.nlundh:k .. 3.3.. .n. uoopn ' kg at ioudnn. ' ' _ ' ? on I): Wovlnidn . Thlrudayl tad Pn- dqymwlll leave IIIICOIIH 6 nm.. II1!) 4.-Jul I45 p.|n. Iatnrnlngvl lens the luhMlID:l5n.|n. lp.n.|Id pp. sulnnn-onah-., um um. um um gal. IntIl'Ih(IC |.I. lo nu, l2:!)un.nud Ill 'ui have Kin eon FOR auuunquxc, cnllilnginl Iowa 1 .6! `l`nondnyu,`l hnruiun And dnylllizlb .n. Returning will leave (hnuloqlo on W nudAy|.'l'hnr|dsya nud Friday: II 7 Mn. Ill uuxu Iuu uncut; vn uvnuyu.-.-.. .. A CURE GIIARAN'Tii>| . .1 Il__._.. -..4I -|...-I--| Aghlllhu olpomnuy. Loss or VITAL manor u-Inlng from Iuuu Ixolscarflous. -uIy - ---. w.v.-_ ..- 0OIl'I'0!I0lIIY. LIODA HIIIIZ no lllll All W4 Frldnyn Ool 3|. I871. an um lhhwdu . Clout It 1 uwnry Kn! -- l`Ioa-Inn. l'hu|-vinyl and Cllunlnyu. (`lune It 3:1). Pnrmnnutl:--(!luuo :07 mm ; dollvr`-`I 9 mu. Ilrinnh Mniln Iull In alum! n follnwnz Via Nu-Iv Yorlmvnry loath} II I pm. P|l~ car {So I-`J uunro. or (.`|nM||Au Una, ovary I`rhl|y all p.ln. o 50 per I-9 anon. loud A UTIJDIVIIIII lallnun uuvuu How to me tin plnmpneu ofhmn. nrongth of limb An bunny ofoonploxlon, only 26. . A.-vw-`us (xvv A `I1 A \Yrl1T`I.\1\ |Los3 or MAuHoiui| lAre You a Sufferer?| Then hand I Stump for late: of Warning. I U10 0! Private Iodlocl Works, And Toononhl A HPLINDID Ll'l'l LI BOOK. ,, ,. .,___ _._-__n_ Opinion: of (A4 Pnu: Plol. llonl has earned for himself I high Eubllo retltstlon Iuhul Julj -turn. II. K/U181! \.l \1.;LAv..;;u -.-.._.-- tn cues of Hunt. And phyuul doblllty. ` upoalullv. nu. Aniiiunlsms. W._OSBQ.RNl, PIINOIII [TIBET- Wolfe l|lnnd........ I:00p.nI. I150 pin. (Iurlun " ......... I0::IIn.u|. lO:00LIn Nu-whom Iiouln. . . . 7:00 |,n:. .'a:(X) p.m. Hana-nu and Iunbnry -IondAyn. Wodnu day: Frulnn. (YI-an rnucu_gLAm. And llouso Culture. FOR SALE AT "HIE III!) III, II VVIIIIIJ III Opi ion: Pan: EOAl"bIl himq IITAL And pl); upoolullv. u. nnmn` 0. 8. HOBART. DAILY Bkmsu wmc NOVEMBER 8 an-I uu3o??.'n$." A m u v O'.`..' IAILH. `OIDII. Intern. pot ()"l`.|i. In- cluding the N;mv.Inm I.l0 pm. Provluoau . . . . . . . . . .. `.3200 pm. Wuurn.por(l.T I.... 8:|0 p.|n. 9,1!) p.m. Unmnl utes. vla (,`. Vlnmm. . . . . . . . . . . .. mo...-. Orlngeu. I.o|nonn. ha, and a lull numllrunent of (J()Nl~ IC(}'l`I()Nl~)IcY. Oysters gnd Oannod Good: A man unr\, .I|7.-W |u:u:Iv|:n: Quinoes, Qulncos. cm mun STORE] WAlII'1I4'I70l.D (7 , Nbvauurlt llll Hub Iounn In Olpnullnjdd nun out Id no In muuwu I ol KIOIJI on and um: aunt of Guam: O (I. d um duy. ` Paul! I Q Oonucu-d Land Gun, Prluu Load OIMII, lln Prrempuon sud Humanoid Onuu, -....'.'3f&,-4..-. the uonernl bud Ooo sum |>nn|non| of mo lnunor. - uutufbutoro the ml Do- puunou 014 Beauty Laud Wunlu. We pay cut: for mom. Whon ndnnanu are Importocu we [HI mluucuonl to Duh` them. -nvvnavna --u ..--.--...-. Iuoum !H:n.uvwn, nut lgluu. On I. Il'l7. (b_ sag.) ........ .. ` llowvhum and Owls-nu. 2 Hnrmwuulllnhhou II- Inonxhv K.h. I`. ,,l The Oldest Innovating and Union Iuahuent II In--A.-. III! Illi 6 DUI! IIUII Ul| nun: IIIDLI A pureiy V'('{etul|1n IWFPIIIIOII, both III nrrwuranno mul tunlcnfurni-cluiuu a moat {grew 3 1 a method of mhuinumring tho only certain nunndy fur mu-nmml or throw! won-Inn. It in perfnclly nufn and mild ' repnration, and in IpN'ln|I`y Illlllplml for rhi In-u. Sold In ml.- ('hnm'uu and Drugglsu. L`Aur|ul --`Hm Pul-Ho no re-quested to ob er vo that all the Above pr:-pnratiuuu but he Trade Mark. THUS. KEA TING, London, I:-vm urr vnwulntl` x.hlH1r:lS'l" IP9e.o9ae929..:Ie9.a2..TI 'xumaa's cum Lozcm: Comnoaud of the nllrost urtmloa. The homu- Itllllll D Iauuln LuL|'.VIo- Composed of purest Lelan- om rouunin no opium nor any deleterious rug, tlnemlhra lhb moat. ulaliu-ale can talk! tlmm with mrfmsl (`ullcll-lu`0. 'l`lmir Imuacinl elwt in ups-4-dy and '4-rmin. Thin old Iinfuing fnmily rmm-nly is dzuly rucmmueudod by the moat eminnut |'ln'-in-imm for tho cure ol KEATINIPS 30!! MIN SOR VIORITAILE A Inn-nlv vrnmlnlllu nu-anneal. I IILID. ll L ;/`I 1 11.111, zguruoun, EXPORT CIIEMIHF & DRUGGIST. Indnm /`V Pun l)rugnnul Chmnlaaluarc/all snub-d . CIIIAP "KT M'M.|Ll.AN`8 Inrdwnn Icon. Printout It Rolled Bacon, Bologna nnd Mnnle S llolll. l lmvn pr:-m-rllwd 1hmu|argm_y. mm the but results. W. IL (I--. Apt-llumnr .Il.M.S. - KEA l`lN`S (`UITHII IADZENG 8 no pro nnrnd bv Tmnuu Kanum. 5:. Paul`: Church KEA'l`lN'S I.UZI'INGEH pared by {at-d. London, nnd sold by all Choluinu In mum and line. xmus1'oiF13681~ omen GUIDI ` a1moR"`E"56:X:}": Law lnnrlldnll 1-o C-`u-In. II. T. Knrmm, KIIGIITOI. Dear Sir,-llnvingtr|ml your Intengoa more than `.15 yearn, I can cuudnntinlly recon) muml lhmu --Yournrm Ihmuv \'l~:Rmm. Chomhn. Uhomllt. In. T. |(r.n-nan. lmlum Medirul Service. Dear Sir -llxwing tru-I your Luwugoa ll. Ir-(lin,l Imw mm-In pie-usum in textifyiug to their lmm-viul vi-rln in when of lnulneul Conuuunpuun, A-thmn nml Ilrnnchial ee l lmvn pr:-m-rilu-d them largnly, with the CHOICE WINTER APPLES, [OT l'C|ll|"I| P001. Anoum DI IIDI III Unlud Hutu Gonornl Land Oloo. llmux, l'rI-emp|-lon Una. nloov , _ -- , e1:iovni!@4> . Sn nun 5'1-nn"ri`."v!h. - \`V_-`L2: _C C _r:_ r `I *-`WJAl_{_t_I;f*E*- Just mzcswsn to-om: PRINCESS STIIIIIGT. April 5. 1377. __MoCAUL .1; mscocx. ' man. H 1! VIII.` oulndnalahndnnrovuoaionll Q Prince Edward In la, (b_ . . . . . . . . 7: 3-.` A S I'HM.l. A CCU]! L'1.A TIUN OI" PHLIGU. urns Ann-ulnl. mllllla. Phniltl. Almll lu|n.lIpIhI.1h& W31 [Ann I`- I x~"" PUHIAlI SAW MILLS but II. an In mulo In than no: In by my one ul nun-r nu. In any part ul Hm rmmlry who to vnlllu nu vnrl unduly M Lin 0-pony In fnrnhh. $116 per week In you Ynn hood not he awn Mun BOO in nu! anally urmwl In than Hum. !&nbllahod 1365. nu n nn :14: , _A A SMALL 1:01` on` India. IOIJ1 w.':u.o.IahIaua igupply cl mumnl ml sly rmmuluoudod by El: nun! | lI_vnic-inns euro ('()I f3IlN. A S I'HM_I A u M 1 syl'v lp 6 In F yrup, Fresh To-Dsy. Unnnd llhl Vlnmnt .` Plolull . . . . . `KI to lawn: I mono- Kb IQI. MIX gun, Inc TIICIOI QIIIII [fill The -can-an ol Hula nut cl:-lmon um II rinllnl (Stadium! having out-d 1-mu den Inn in spy was run I "Wcr-aoonhtn `tuft. cvulufodor mu much. the NI! In hon-hy Ilhriotl that I only It: ovum uh-gonna Mu cat (or la n ha-u Inn And |o:nh:|hu their nmn upon the "III". I. . 1 Inn of Ibo rm'wu.a. huh has Iuppllvdl will I Ipnuu Wcvwuonuhnn gnu-ounppuv nod Iohnhol which the `quail bhvuh hsahzul I. pd I . gIv":oouoo that lay hm mind may nnupodc-ta with povwt cl Mtann-y In Inholuhnt pcun-dlnpqnlnu lumlnrhuw and \'a-odnufurt: turn! can Inluuou hy which that In: in aMn-I. Act hr In In` aoumud uounoh * '~'-::'.-... *--":~::.7,.,,..... l . J I CH3 at:-ghnzhvo . at-ho. it. 5` Gull (Nun Inlnnnl|y Don I! Q4 WOBOIITIIIHIBI IAUOI In-dared by (`onnou-nun I'Ill' IIIIIV IVIIIIII L1ll'(v. All Claim: rulmlng frmn Ihn M. Jnhn HH- wan. lnmodlnlnly on prucnunon, no-III:-d In |'ull,I|t.hnI|Inhn|oumnturduoonnt at llam- nn low on any Int cluo Culiplhy H. H. I'lIll'l`li2K. nun II77, Au.-ut Imam... OAPITAI... lfnh Anna: nn UAl l'l lla---... - ---'1U.UVU.UUU (inch Au-u an the III. JIuunr_v. ?7_Q|,l7f`70 Not Inn Iy nm M. John Hr:-o! am. June, 77_ OTIU.-`NJ! LH| l`l AIHI IN l\lIDl"1'I' QUEEN Insurancg Company. cnnucnornmal IIIIIIII IBLP AT 'JnhnMayeL|'BruckSt.` fxpronon Ixpream. Total Asset.s.............. Invested in Canada. ., _. u. |..|._'. n - n Insurance Ala:-goslockonhndofcnlhudnulo udlngllnowork. Baal Ipooinlulumllon and nick dupouah '27?) UIIBAPIR TAILO -THAN JOHN MAYELL, IIOCI l`l'.. one door above Ilonllcl-'5. July 30. ll". -.n.--.oI..i. ...o.- of on dew:-I tlon . nnlhe ban llenrso ID the Dnmiu on Funeral: nlumded to in city and oonntry on the most reuonnble terms. HY. BRAME --AJIv-- -I nuoruuouv. of Furniture. Underukin attended toln A in brumhan koepn on hsn I Inge unoruuen .0! """" ',iII.'C.'ZI?I: r~u---icy 1 0abTnet Maker, Upi1;1s_te-rer 'and Undertaker, 163 P1-1noo-- B treat.- KINU.s"1`uN. FIRE T at MARINE` BRITISH AMERICA Insurance Company Ilpmom. lhpronm. Mi|ml.... u um. nun ucunnv. 1.1:,` A Dunn: Duncan. cl J mach anus. lhnhn l'Inn- Hvpt 6. I827 Fl RI-1 AEYI) 1.1m-2. Lwrrlmol and I/mzlnn` Keep: oounnmly on lnnd I lnrgo nnd uriod nuoruuouv. of In] l9.l87l. All Itlndn of (7()l"l"l NBJTAHK ICTH, HM K0111)!` lmuh-pl 1-onnt.uut.ly on hand. [7 A NEW HEARHE, llm hon! In [In-r-My nml run furninh I-`uuerula In the umet. Iwuuvn Corner Princeton and Inn mroeu. lo. I5.KInnlo-.0nl. Uidful Chartered Uumuau Wompany. - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - -u c a - o - a - n u - - . . . . . . . . .- 0&8. ll7_ JAMES REID`, .L.l.....A Ilnl...-. "|mA1n`nunu nu IOIIY `I0 VLOLI `6a'bn{8?ii2E3F I vv-1.--u cu Iq vvuuv--win I Till!` ONLY (1001! 1,4 ('(`l LEA 1: mains anon won: ._ ._--:-| -n._u..- --4l -..l.I. .I. BIMDY ILIII8 I _ n...|. .. n.--; ..r I_A 5. ... Qompany. '..xo.ooo.ooo unmrv. ..$27,470.000 900.000 -.,. ..... .4 ..__a_....,.._._,...... -, M, , , W A nuum Biro u Bnnn.-A M Ito IIIIPI ITIIIT BUTVIIII I BIO? `run PUIIJL` WILL ALWAYI HID A and about It All Huh 0! Ir I-rn at! month fun on of man C K KAI ITI. TWU |.lQUll'I JIAIII Nil BALI UHIAP Intern Ibo Dulih Ill! pj. (lot vnnr Wnbal. UIOIII IX IADQI7. IIII. Illlpj. (lot you Wnlobcn. JOWOM Iopun-I AT lfll I. \u-:10: quhhlsllhi voaouuunvl -I I- ` ll-poppomliloovoyb Iluroh-u G880'sIln-l;l'(-31180 Stock ('0N'l'llI.YlH. or nu. l oln.;, on:.. O'er for 8ale.foo1 of Queen Street. Kin ton. ALI. DESCRIP- TIONS O" LUMBER and MANUIAOT RID MATERIAL ` run lIlIl'HIt lIl!lI.l)INll AT I.H\A l('I` I(A'l'I<`H I AGENTS: VV Clfflllllllllff at}; cfo0::`1l-:4; :1.-.:Mm``-0?-nuwu'u lav Yuck or Bouoq, aauulcun. of so .5 On the onovnnl Pnuogomtodug Ihidiu. so 42 ln|..or nothing to an North OH! The British and North_Amet-ican Royal Mail IIIIAH KIA! ll IILIOI l'l'll thovlowdunlnnhllgtlooehuou dlooouuototnllnououofth you-. n_u.. nun-nnl Pnunnfrn-on-n-sauna Gl~JNmEl{_AL l_l\_:SUl_Al\`;C1 `At RI/SSIA Wodneuluy, Nov. 7. ALGERIA ..... Wodnudsy, Nov. 14 BUTIINIA... "Wodnudny, Nov. 21. ABYSSINlA...... Woduoulny, Nov. 28. Tickou In Putin, ||.'a.00. Gold, nddltlonnl. Return Tickou on fnvorshlo brill!` Buuerugo Tleletu up ind from I" pm to at naropo at vary low nun. Through Bilh of lnding [I191] for Ilnlfuhlugow, ux-o,AnsweIp mud MM: pong gg g Cnutinunt; and for lodlurruun polu. For I-`r-eight And Cabin Pun on;vp!`y at the Com on 06100.4 Bowling Omen, New Yo;-1, l-`or I-`rmxlnt null Puuxmnpr y at LoIupn\ny'|() oo. Bowlnug (Imam, N.Y. 6` I Y N :L-'I`U~ W3. IVI IHII "K Pnnoona u-not. the most central Hotel In Ila` City. (in nornooommodntlon fol-Onulnnd Ipmiolu mple Room: for Commercial Tn. voun. Omnlhuu and Baggage Wngxonto `H Truinn. A Livery ablo ducked 8 JOHN . Proprbbr. -:--O&-o~___. Between New York and Liverpool, CALLING AT CORK HARBOR. an/Ill IYDIII IIIIDII Donn: nyuu; nu nu ROYAL Ir31" 0E'i r UII` ENKGLAND. Royal Oanttdikh lnxtirmu-1. Company `l"I ra and Idnrino. Ana ovary muowulg Iloerngo puungert. Have Been Awm-dot! by the lntnnmmml Jury at the World : l'Iu`Iad=lpIu'(I, on their l'I'1mos : April 4, M77. T Commercial Union Assurance Company l\|n` IFNULANII And every lolloving Wodnudu I`-on New York 3' Bunion nu-kod '_do not any uocruo uuungort. ` lIIW-IlI IIWIUF-III Ivruu ---- -~ .-.. W. G. In J. ELLIOTT. Uoutinut; polka. Olpp! CHAS (3 lI`RAN(`l(LYN Corner 0! Johuton And Ontario Stuck.) Inooutly ro-furuinhod And Ihtolgh runw- od. Very oontrully nltuntod, front. 3 the hrbor and near the nounboot . The propnetornaraeunblodthro ll Igbul can to All -nrd ovary woonnn niou nnd oon van ----.:x::..-'22:.-:.*:*--`N ~ I bu nu on Iowa um- Iuuto habitual Hulda: Capital April 21,1374 THE AT.E` STEAM KEEP YOUR INSURANCE PREMIUM8 IN CANADA. nyal Canadian lnsmance Enmpany. FIRE AND MARINE. Assets - - - -- $25,000.000. FIRE! and LIFE. 4..-. Agni-\Ill-\A|II\l-' /\l\Ilf'\A|I M11,-_AT. -3- `I .-----..----, _ W . I`! re and EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. n r can n:II-LlEVE. Auont. KINKAGTOI LOCAL BOAIDZ Jaum-s Mannoe, (`hn'rrman, John Cnrrutherl. I, Dunn, ` Piano - Forte Manufacturers, ]{lN(iH l`()N. ()N'1`A1l(), propne ton are enabled tllro I lnaeuu bul Allard lion ones. while: oguroou and Landau an pm varhinl nhnmntorh on of the Angl>AmarIou 1:. un.s.uba. co._ Pmprbtoru. c`E N*r EN N I A1 AWA Rb"s. 1NsURA;~:cE_ _ `.f;GBNcY, -:-o I thonovcl unlnnhhg tl-achuouol ooll1doo,thouummortllo Mu Misant- Inoouulotnnououofth nu-. nwuhmw nnx. V_l INSURANCE AL] ..._._._. -._.._..__.._ ._...Ao_ .5` . . . . A _ . L . . - . . A _ . I . . .....--- 1- Lumlmr ./Vlanufaclurvrs, HHKANY demrvo-n the grumudo nutl pntrnna 6 ul 1 mt -nrl. a [ma (cu-Ag of rain, wum tumu of Ilm mrcmlxi In-h Iuul pr. \ im:~!\' HI I-Ind holwoeu llriluh -rd A.nn'A`r< mum fur run-n bufuru iunurmg or rnnuwnuz your mu-nu IIIIOI 0! VIII` II E Cabin, .90 o. M0000 and undo, com, mo: ng m nooouuodoau .|5.W, Gold, additional 5 vnvvn : .--'- __._.. -__ -_-v - UII` IZNULANI) 0! Iuauring un dnpnnd upon low run-vu nnnl lmr ml 81 !!! ` uvllnnu nuu nanny:-nvnvusua Au l`l)|( IIUCHK IIUILDINH AT l,()WK8T l(A'l`|*'H. ORA NI) TRUNK RAILWAY. R. ORA WFORI) & (J0. C. F. C-lLDIR .1. I . .'||.Iu:Ics|.m;vi:. Ago-nt. unumou. 1NsURAN&E tun: Pnuoa luau. 13E__B<? CO-= Rate: of Pan: 0: mm....n|mdo nohI,..uor hula II II II 1\p|. '1 taken srocxl E. H. Parker. Druggist, ILIKI? IQUAII. Inuit W71 llmuau 3130!: $0 loin! smut rl nl nrnuuu to us` Auto-I lump... . 'Ilch luuulr-I In . human: qnluot Ian M VII: an-y It nun uni In-amid IM -A Infonamn in LL: llnnnl m lanulan Asslmunee Company, ) 0' LONDON. IIULAI lltna luz-:uramceCo y., (IF lIA|('I`Iv`(H(l) CONN. vwwuu:-I-v- vv-- ELIEVE. Agent. I SCYTIIIA .r PA RTIIIA A LGERIA .. | tmruyu.` PHOISPHOZONE FROM NEW YORK. thug go BRITISH AMERTOAN HOTEL _l`|lI.|I WlCl.I. KNOWN IIHTII. in war! 1| hnr ulmlmg hv trvmllngwilh I STRANGE & STRANGE, `NINTH. hllbllll IDKIINILI. an A nhrfunl W. VAX! WATII. Annunallnnun nn-u I .ul- 9- mu--w |n'| r. F. (lH.lh|C|(Hl.EEVE, Ann?` Klngnlon llrnneh. Two Mllllono. SHIPS. VAN HI WATI Aponu [RIO UII ..WednoIlIy, Doc. 5. .. Wadnmdly, Dec. I2. `..Wodnndnv. Dec. I9 V Wvunnmny, use. 1:. .Wodnuduy, `.Wodnuday,D:-c. `)0 \ (Ynnndlnn pnhlio In It! npuf llmkigla ratumm tfuuumlunnn ) PERRY. Gan. Mxuugor 93' I Il'I EIVIETIIURIV I19 I BE --l`|llH WELL KNOWN HOTIL In very nonulur with the unveiling nubn Ind the :.uar:ur:u'&}u.nn:nuu ht lnlhlyjouly at Not! I. dual "n."a`.'-m... onus: uhtpiluuhb Woody unnho -l I `-smut do-ddv-maroon - hnnolm-uln II-wt-r ....." ".2"" '."i.'."u.'. .a?.'...'I.'."."'..".'S'..': loom unwed A-noun-u. lamp. to 5. nun-ad Adwvdoouu uncut A-usua- nominal HIIII ?| E?" and fan can pow Mm Inc um an uuu|oI.ucop|w|-o-nor-lomluoa-9 rut uh: uh) our-hupd llgloul VI nunuputltu nqvcu lotbullllhl pounds I1 oohunjlwmaorl oivlbl no ynuur mlnouo. noon: -1 lush. In-mug! 4 `umpqulgo, Aulnrunnoutaua n-hug-d :0 IM tollovlq av Th-DIICOVNI Mun OI llu pg human and II Halm Innhor cc-uunuuauq. that undo! Tu Luau on that NIOIIIQ thv0|uOItOIlAl|TIv-Inl_H'uhIc uwmntbgg. M-no (Min Alva-nbauonln gn 4-uupd I! Moon mun Alvouauunu iubol II M1`;-nu yo! I noun: an per` IT CI! mun A. A Ml! A VIII nu IAIIO nu nnvnlri |uM-rvilvI9IIIOl'- Wlilab KNOWN HOTEL ll very porulur travelling public ill y I-`irnt (Hun llulol in the on . Good lhnmlo llouuu. Fintalnu Llvorgn oonnoo on. Tunnuuodonh. W.DAVll. prievor. Tho Woolly Irltloh Whig Planing Mills > A.\I| um um noon noionv JOSEPH VIADDINIIIMM cl NW ! H'l`l`I1\ M ms nnmsn wmc [}mhet1&Bo's Hardware House In published Ivy I J Ilualnu Pun I lvonhu. M than om... Mun-rl In. BIRD CAGES, BIRD CAGES, -an nut. 11: unn IIIIAII :11 III ! -1.1`. Btu-rloold. Kingston CONFECTIONERY H II! IULLAI All! I lluu In sum (I! run ll mums: ]uUwrvuv.9a'o.r. AucLo-Auillucau HOTEL 11..---- ..r I-|._-a.... __A n. _ Dissolution ETa1'tnemmp. Iluva just I hhtd Mam-< late uuurtlmvnl nl Hm l'|Iuw~l (`nun-x nml foucuvu Uh nu~u_ sunuhlo I--r all Agra and du- grrma of mghl, Also, Finest French Lavender and Cologne Waters, Undeuaker Brook Street, Market Square. `l'lElul.a (`( )Il'L'l`I`Il.Y FUKNIHIII". And Iltoudo-I to on the nlmrlul. notice. I C0l"|I`lN3 on |n|In| And l`urn`u-haul no order on all ntvloa. loIu:IA1I`.(`JIAIu)Kn. A `An: and nlnndlll II`-`ran .... -. Grnlllug. Pnpc-r hanging will he done M the chuput rate and haul utylc by S1>1%1C?1m,t LES IIKIRALS (`( IIPLETELV I-`URNIBIIID. Iltmnleal [he 1' CORE`! NR nn lnnnl uul fnrnlnluul Lu nnlnr all ntvloa. Iumtlunc muumca. A New and Solondld HOITII IAIA|I nrvlnllnul and Hm mun mu~ml'ul Allan, P. MgDEMOTT. Hour: of Arriuln Anal Dopnmu-on ho! non Human lonu~anlT|no; GOING WEST. Al-rlvn, m ROOM JAPER. WM. R()BlNSON Kingston Ontario -cw v-vv-.., ---~-- r- - n In Pnblhhd ovary 1"--I-I-.v lrw-Ina. "04t'llIl`N nlmu In I II] Liuxlng tho lu.-ll. J . Rl__:gEFD S. I IIUIV Iu Uviunulu HIIIIIU lately nmenrwl. and Hm mm! mu\-fill alum linn guru tu on-Iona. IPIIIII TOIYI ll"II IIII _. ,.. -___._-- u-u i--.I. AA.` Wholesale and In-lull, 0. H. LAVELI. & C0. FOR 8A'I.-!: CEEXI7` CHOICE CANDIES IHIAT lII'I|.I| II R, __...-4n_u_n -tr----_. (lulu-Io Slrm-I. (human: I Aun~-. 87 King Street WM. ROBINSON B.-\(l()T S'|`lLF.l`I'l`, -mu, nun: illllhll` ('MII1Iat, nntnnn A IEAI. 3 mlawolo. I, IIIIPIIOOO ( `umplol, n-nu. Innnn. 1 V11}: T0 all who I!` ml Iran the Iron `;".n".':"""n.;':..5 "......u.....:,"'"`a".".. "x"."u ""' ' ' n.in or -I meal will In - I` on rI";wudboonr (JHAEGB. 'l`|u[rnt I-om unlnnlourv In loutlltnurlu _ odby lknl uldmnud anvolopetn the 3". Joseph half '1`. Inmnn. llbtlou D. Bible Bonn, Now Yo E Ulty. `fl ! 9 hvyalcm IuOu'I'[ nigh! Ion-nu. IIIIII . Conn I __|I.pu-Jpn n.u71.' "7 `CT 1 an Q. We I Inn onpioyc:l-`tho PI Snur nootulnlly in can 0 (I11 nhmnln aliurhan. nnnou d (Io Illa: Nlo, ollololu, Iouull-nun lnpcnl uurhnudln (undo com (I gouonlly. An All slut-uin_ Ill nyrup oughuo In and I: obtain oditou, cuhion, cloth, wyuu. not` other: who use their brain: non than Hugh nnnnlnm :1 wall ll onnnlivu. who that bnun than their Inunolu; u cull u opontinu, prinuru,tailon, uhoomuhn, sandman, Ind sll those when oooupotiol oonllnu thom in ill-nntilntod and our-hand rooml, who no lisbloto min more or Ian from norvovl dobilily." Sold by dealer: genonlly. -O HOTEL__GUIDE In: W. I. Cilllola-I. D. 0f*'.lOW| ' Ilnlln auur In chronic -Annlalu Opunlnn Wool Inylhu Inn III lop.- din-than, dobflity, uunlgln, orynlpolu, boil: and diuuu ol the skin; Also, ohlotuln, luconhu Innanl uteri. Ind In c|TY Ho'|'EL-No.99, I01 And lo) Pnnoona ': `wry Fuuz .u..uul. mun -olu noaivn-I under the at lulu: I. M. IAVIOIIEO Ward. 9. Ontario Wurd. I. St. Paul`; Church. '. Ioulnnl Band. I. All Buinu Church. 3. U. Nevllnlufo. Prlncul NFC. ', Itornnr ofliurio and Prison: lb. I. Connor of Earl and Barrio Bunch. '. anon`: College am. I. wring : Bnwory. Klng Duvet. `_ l)r. u-ungo'|. Kin; Strut. . HG. IAVIGIIEO Ward. . Ontulo Wurd. MIITINOI. Unto: In (M llsllmvovy llndu ova pp: ovnyhl . mu .3 mm. L MI: 35-. M I 0' .1. mun. brvnunamnnlmunvfh-n. ...........4:l|.`$ p.m. GOING EAST. A..:..- A 0131).. . -.._ ...l._l-.. In `I . 7.-W: II. . 3:!) p In. 7:!!! I In. 3:!) p.-. 9.0) p.-. ADI. Arrivo. ....`J:00 Lin. ....`2: 5|.m. ...|:l0a:u: .. ..6 0:11: JUHEPII IIICKSON, or. flu 3'1 Innmnur Arrive. Do . . 4:47o.m. ....4: Ln. ...4:l|.`5 ....4:l0 gun. (I .' lmp.u. 7:0u|m. mm: ho-.1 King I] Tlno; Pll IIIUKSUN, Gm'l Innnaor ;:u':l o:.'o'P.r'qpt Hooch; nay Inc I ouch` at I oiled. ll ocllhl hi and u...C3."n'.'.'..`.'%.u "" "nu. omunnqund calla-In on cloluo-gab;-will h'|l;l\u,dlIuQb,nII- INIDLIII. in I... I! van. 4:3) pm. 7:3! mm 6:3) pm. n ". ii"i-4. um". nu: Av mouunua utnmmo :....~ has an an-m M.-u.o.u.. u bin banning. II" have Au- %w lnmllnn M Y I a mu and Iullhvuu than l.-:r.'7.'::;.'.."L':.'.`:".."`"| IITUININU `- IAOVI (ll g nctd Iolhllla I =0-:`~L-..)ur|v|n'h an. Inn. ""`J """-`-v -'---V---v l OH o'clock l'IIIII[ oil the uh. Including laohln. tanning lean: ouu-ml ovary TIIUIIDAY at Noon. Buclrn tlnkolaut vo- duul nun. Apply to A. GUN] h I I. 5; man -1-". Icllnauho 33., dun! uuuvhh III nhulluunu. A.-mo. [Steamer Alexandria I TKCIIIIKO l'0f-.I'.OfIIIIll l'|G I. I III!` I. IlICTU|(N|N(}- Will lone Pistol at I p`l|. o'clock. llld calling at all Intormodhu Pork, wlll nu-In linpmn nbuul 5 p.m. mm ....n.. .n.... M... linnn .m. on. no..- VIII I'vl.'lI lllll`IU.|I'I IIIUIII J p.Il. Will unto loco oonl Hons Illh tho Sha- uor Uum an Plato: (or llovlllo and Tron I Arriving at Tnutcon M M .In. Iuno day. - . up. A... - un- For loniml and Way Po; {or Plctol. Iellevlllo and II- tornodlue Ports. LEAVING Bum`: Whlrf. Klnptnn. `I unlock morning, oalhng hruodhu Punt. nu-Mn; Piston n I kill: II. ulrrlmulun, Wm I..... m..o... .a I .. _ ulna. ru-an run; In Insh- tonuuHIoAnuIuuun Iuudgcdl hives and -I:-fbnnllull pn..`.' 0. I. IHXWI, Juno I). II77. Ki! W'|l ck III ti 8 I to-|)_bo '.J"...m'.. ....'..'.'.`.: "5's`.`..'.?.3.'.I. .. El ndnr nf Lhn Innnnn. li ictona.n_Kingsi:E1l \:w'l. nnu Inna l Inn, uuul nun-Inner III of thin car. It vi In For the intemt of pan-anger: and lunllien lng We-at lo mm-nlt the Agent 0! Lhhlha lure un,-lupin liokoh elsewhere. Am: lulurmnt. In uh-nil-1-1 will In a-huurlullv lllha bnlun umlunin Hokoh alnevhrro. Anylulunnnt. -nnk-vim will be cheerfully lurnh-had on npplicution to JAMES Ht. Ln-roan. `Inn:-I Chi 0. While tho nu-amen no pnuln through the Wollnnd Usual puurngun can be nunveyu] In Huh (mm St. Patlurinu In Niaxnn Faun, Iovm mllou. re-main fuur hourl. rctumhlg Ihnngh tho {am--us bnttlelirlul nl Lmldfl Lane 10 name bunt. all fun 8l.. 0, when in nu-than nl fnur or mum uenl pound by duyliuhl. Round trip Ind l`xl`I|T|l[l|lI tiukl It In time: It grerly rwlum-I run to Illwnukoo. (fhioqgn. unl Lake Purtn. until Nuvunber llt nu. ElIlInnnr(.'l`L'.!0l. I C` . III bgvo jam : _ _ ___ slate No ohungo of bush Ix-tween Xlnguton nnd Chicago. Whnlo lb: uh-nmprl um nxnnln lhr-mmh Um lean! fnur or nmrv. Tho Do.-Q.l'1-ll. Kin-r, Htrni Haul pound by duyliulnl. trip vxmrn-L Between King|wu,Uaw ,ClovolAnd.'l`nlodo. I):-tn it, Furl Ilurun, mwnuku, Ubiclco. and all pnintu Went. Northwest And Houthwmt. Ono ul than Steamers wl|l leave Khurntnl EVERY BIVENINU It NINE U CLOCK. Monday. Wednesday and Friday Tn: (Mu-n. f`|n.v..Iu..l hat:-..lt Illl-mu}-a DYIING TO LIVE