'`A1~:oN- ulu unnuuu. -Thu hills of Nun` Hnlnpshirv ,_ L, ,__ ..._ ._ .1... AI... full .... .. . Q Will) WAYII. -~- ooo- . Roll of Honor. ; all {non} Q` Hf 3 Inf city bru- bu`: : noel. tho rulwny with the {rum uf tho city, uml In jun: the Gram: branch in thin vn-imty, on the lat: iruz to the Hnvarnmeul, um Umnd Trunk mnlumkluunt. In nngomenu Imula mlh the rail: rnzhln of the mxiwuy wore Ill nu l9rf*I`I'd wlth Thu cll_v hm-I AI Ovlnjnultllull for the hlhng In voter Int taken {rum them. In I -'...`L. cl... ll...-..u-..n..nr 4...- In 0 ,4-0 ouch mu 5 mm In nn. , Ald. Urunv-an and that when thn Gar ornmcnt umnlod up oily a loan of the nut lntn, n In um tho undontnding um it they won would but by the (Joy. nrnuont thn the loan no U-nuivou fdtuluubon lathe public lupmvononu. In 1003 tho Oounail. of which Ir. Creighton III Mnyar, lmnghl tho ro- yotty Included m tho amp lur NXN, Ind obtained A-dud Ir-rm CM Uuvovm nun! thatch-1. II the K. .0 P. RB. Ind nu claim can u. thug ul cum dud n and c louor to the W1 : uuliouoot lo pfovonl Inn tolling the prnrn I Apt", uhu Ir Gull am to tho lhln Inliniluo Inn` A nnannhlgd -.....l uun mamr mun tho Cit Uolicilur loll Ho aground Monocl- lngy that Ibo div-nah-n hm! come In , Mew. had In snticip-cod it, be nlourd Inc Owl Nu Iouon to real to the Conn` oil` The Hpoohr had my a dopuudon oltboK.Ql` ll. bokvn thuka. pd .m.a.4l n..u I... no)... .-.......' ah- 1 |IOI`Cl'|H|.Dl|I'IllIO ,Qpd ad am 1... mhor mung the u. `Chink hid bun rout-`vol; the the Gum umoo in Q": aunt Innld IIM Inhly Qt thou fut uh until they hgd | and. on land. No on-uiu`v than In 01-May- -It HIIIIIVMI IIIIIH In-I o in much u IIITI. Md. I ht Nn. ` AIA I bula. no urunrv man In OI-lay at in not a mum-unionhon union to boon] ol Iouu `throw you. manor Ald.` clnuul Ald.l hora. All I Ill IWIIIIICIUYI. 30'. ll. `Ur r` 5-wed L-r thus one of the mryull and vrru I-on fnclnry, Int whloh the agreement IIL-neon the ;-I---prialmrn Mid UM city an lhmll cannplulod. It In innndod to ;u.nul. Iuuorul during the winter fur such an nnluury. Ind Mr. Jsmu Wglum lun been uppuinlod as an: of than who II be rsqmrud {cumin 5 vqlouhun 0! the Innd Ho thought av. only jun to or Mayor Sulhvnu that hm nqnut should bu granted, nnd thu tho Corumntoo ha Ind mmod Ihould npon upon the Ivhulo mlllol , no lnrmu nun (ma nncunnuv) acting nu H. Tho lulu.-nut ml the clly had :1: ra- coivod I letter from Ilm K .1` I . RIC. ha roprnl to the nmo thing. Uu Wound- thy Int tho Cumunmeo maid numo hm but rcurvod olhcrr, u Hm prices were not I-nil-In-tnry. Sumo In-to were I-rum! fur than uln nl Ihn ll ms: nu" nml EIIKUI J 7`. 35 Ill` lll I'.Ifl EHO Incu- moul um tn Mr. Hv-Ichewn, nnd than mid mm to mm I! no ..u.auliun,u th- niliuy had no right to land hum M, um! ho lurhid him (the nnclmnon) mung it. Thu Iuluzlmr nl Iha cllv Ind nln . ra- Hllllll UH \ Ily T rtqmrly ll) roporl III. nmwr and Nut Hg:-I'n wu foumhgnun lu nnma extentlnrtharumuurnbmnlhooity, |numuch u the nnhcitor {or the K. 3' . RR , mo thy luv. won-In, Jon I letter to Mr. llutchum, m-ulymg him not lu proceed with the: pa! 0! vorlnm Inn on Mukut Nn. 2 Hr had road the docu- In rail:-It nd nu nah! On muul hum .1 `ml u[ the Inn Ill um nny nurun um Chrurlunn, he nn-luntoud, nml rc- colvod A letter (rum the K. c! I . RH U.un5|n_v, lollung hum nut tonell cermn lull w Ich wvre mlrmtllo-I, and which it was intundod Ln Inputs uf, but wl.|<-h the flllwly clumod to have In interest m Ho ountended that. the Hovernlnonl had nu power to grunt Inter fronugu to my peruun; H. van the city Which cun (railed [ha hurl-uur. AIJ Il.-..n .I ..... ..l_.I L- AIJ um uuvornmeiit on me occaunri apniien of by u Miiyur .5`-illiviui. This was tho tirsl. lie he.ud nhuut. report: having been in circiilutiuii ruupecliiig the niimer--llio rlt limo he liiid henrd of my blllna hu- ing bom <`.&i'i! upon ex-`Mayor Sullivan lnr hi: coiiiliict in in nioiiibor if that de- putnlinii. Ha wu M. in [nu Lu under- uiind why any web ropurt. should be cir- culnlod. Hos reuionibrred whu L-ink place in Utiiiwn. The (invoriiiueiit, l|II)()ll|( all or thiiigu, Ill urged to grunt, in far at they cuulc, fncilitioa for tho HI grain of tho railway into the city, In Vollnl liuiiuii in the railway he Lhi-ugh! the people d.-aired the rind tn bemshl. theiii in rat-irn, hence that it Illullld iii-t. ntnp uimide the Clly; but in uliiiig for any privilege: lrulll (.'.,veriiiiieiit ll wn not. desired to interfere with public rights. li was of l."lUl'IB winhod in enn- WIUI wlinrvn (irnml Trunk bsluiig- iiiniila the Ilia Ar railway _tlir of way in- A right in of iuiy the loan which the lluvuriinioiit gave to the Rail way (`nmpany it win muted that this lone which hail lwoll granted to the city, and covering the right: ho had Alliiilod tn, Iliuiilil be cxpreuly nlmi-rveil. Ha lllil nut see how the nclion J! the ex Mlyf could in any Why lie cuimilered glllill al.....i..-.-|-..'lI.;...b- I ..--i|._i`...i mu. I Aalon, I Mayor 5 mnhuu. r0|)4)rlI, WHICH euumntod {rum n Uuuncxl, luuinun the oily warn cm that loputnliun. be cnlumnlnlls h ...-..o .0 .. 1'..... A cmumlrzicnlion vru rend {rum Ex- Mnyor Sullivan, u fulluuu . the: hut year of his Mnyornlly he in: one of I deputuion whxch wan; to Otta- II in the interest of the K. It l . Rail- way to secure right of way through the Government property. He wupruent at the interview w;.h the Mumler of Finance. the MIL1.1tel' of Defence, umd Minister of lmerior, Maura. Unrlwriulnt, Run and Laird Nu refuaence vrnrlnido to any property in which the city had any claim, nnr slid he in my wny cumpruruiuo the interest: 0! the cxty. On the contrary he at the time L-wk occasion to speak of tho Mnrknt lhttery gr-nunda, and fur :1 right of Irny lhruugh the Artillery l'urK. He had nu interest Ill the railway. He did not call ~ meolmg of lhu Council buf.-re hull); tn Llm CA1-|L|l, but at the lulluwing rugular mcuung he do'nlluz.l full pautlculnrn, and the uu.-Inlvurn nmnenretl fully ulxsed It was then with uurprine that ho hurl reporu, which he had reunn to lJlIB\'0 nmmberu or nlllculu of the Iuuimmting that the Interest: of cumprumisod I uuewlm: hy lhnf llnnuhuiun lhaluqvmu the rumurl lu 'l`hnt during` A no-cund cummuumamun wu rem mun the City Solicitor in regnrd to the over- upuumuru; ho nid tho Wu-d in which the slew: uccurnd would be held liublo. The remedy m such a cue would loom to be Against. the party making the our expenditure. A ruolutiou to tho Ilmve otfuct vnuld be K recumi-Ieration of the ruoluliun caI'ryiII;;/t)ho Wnrnl Appropria- noon, and Ihould he pauod, if puaod at I, with due ubIel V:Lm:o of the ruin of the Council. From the City Sulioitor an opinion Ill road, to the euct that u I rule the Council oaunnt cruu I dobt, yublo in uuy future ppriod,uoopt by y-luv, volod on by the pauplr, but In the cue of I nido-walk he oxpluiucd the dithruuoa, the Council huing powor oonditiolnlly, mud on the understanding that the Con- Itrnction" of much u thing In: mount} on nrnrnnl u.-m.!.nl. Isrlluuuu" u| Iuvu - nu-ul --. ..-........, to prevent m.'(`hI:'lIl.. A M-crmd cumnuumntiun wu rest! from n...:-. u..1;...u...- in .-....u-.l to uh. unr- Noblo, Fnco no vvuu-tn. The minutu 0! the Inn muting I red and conrmed. Int owning the regular healing of tho0ity Gonna] in bold in the Ouuucil Cbunbu-: Than -on prone: tho fol- lowing -unborn. The Idynrond Amer- nu Allomtnulntino, Cmupbell, Cu-nun. Clouonh, Dromun. Dupull, Uuhiu, Gilda-alcove, Hnny, Motculh, llooon, Hcduunon, McDormolt, Mollouio, Noblo, Prion lld Wnlko-tn. 'n.. ...i....o.. ..I an In: muslin: nro ' Tb lanlnr In-(II; but Inning; `rah nizrmsa wme.` rvnspu, DECEMBER 4. 1.877. . Prioo v-Thoro1l no olgim on Mar. 1 Q I Drenmn -l huo not the latter w.nmu wnu doutho nilny cm couxcu. (Ran tlhendiu oldvqotino." which ll aria rely ll-uh, Root: And |."'llIIl|lI||Il.IlII rI l`I H rvfulfo-I to me Um `ngwrty In report T uII`n In fmmdnlmn r. nu-d, Iocmulod by Md. mm mm. ivnlmn ..f In Ina Umnmnuo on urooll to re . AM. Mat&l1-'I'ho puthn o J Hurl- Iq, I sickly nnd iudmnnl ci|iun_ ukmg thg 1'amn=i| In pay him (at I Dill. Itulu. ll mnh mu Iln nuly muvu ho had -I Ilnhug a hung. The Cuununuom stream no durnbd to PC9174 :.a \r . --..| .. . n .rnlnI nth-0 nnulu .ua.-n mluoo on rm-oou lo |-spun, Al-I. Noble--Tho [volition nl Edwnrl Gunn, making to be rolunolod C7 D4), lot co-rlun Itrwl impmuunoull which the Council uh-mid hnnclwlu Rnlornd tn the Uommluoo on mom to to n. I AI.l ll-p.-ll ,_1'L- ngnninn. 1. I l.l.-A puvunlw-D-Nu I` -'`"""'o V". n u AN. bull pawns. mm; p-v I-no-12,. ga; )1, Ulaylun, on-umg. 0l3,b0, IL Crag, [-1, pay Int, CTIOI,` W, uooi burn. not ill . `LN; PI!` "ll. Ulla}; M. Clnyum. crnlsmn. 075. W. Hnuun, 79.133. 9-: om-u, aw. W11 :1. wlm, Imn . `HUN; ung. ' Mmzlroil Ind lhqnn Ilygou. "5; Dr` lolnt-h. ufnlouvvu! 400. U; W. ll;-Mr ] l'|o.,37.T` (`Is-IQ]. .";J I III- _a....... ....n.... In. w AA. ....L-.` | lull! II f ' ml by (`M v..| by u.-nor-wt mm mm m mu Ian 04 I87}, `:0, I876, Clfn0.l.'n, (9 900,2? 4). ....u..n I AM u..|.l.nL.. `J Imu,u ` Un mu.-Q an! AM. Igldmkovo the nfu no school. _\ ` um .-\~ In-am panama. til); I puum In` M Hlnvlnn, may no rnnrg-I. AM. l'nm~'l`ho pommn .1 Mann ( Klrkunlrlvk H Nnunu. asking In-r per: unuiun lu o-mulrucl I lrlp-duo! |u (ho udo-cult IIjmn|ng the stun ul Mann. Wsdo & Cornol|.- Rolcrrod to the (um. mince Htroou Io |-spun. Ahl Nnhlo~Thn nnlllinn nl Eduard " n 5 Bottom hyulchn. "Inn bloom ! purier. curing of in louycg. d_h_r all other rer_nodipo mruu ` A rvpor! ul (`--nmxi-ti--uor C-mlay. on the num lllbject nu lulu-Inns roluvrol In the Uonunmoa nu Htruou Ho l'upl'P- I-mod Um Irmunga quutlnn to be vory| unutulnomry. Thorn II! I In-up amount d-on ; Ind mun; ol lhnu nuiasbu-d dochno to pay the nmmnt with which! thoy rhnrgdl. ` AM Pnm~'l'hn natitmn 1.! Mann ' alroou. Md. Drona-nn~ Aunn, Also in I Ir:-nugo. - Ilufon Strut: A .._.....-A ..l I`. Iuu. :.nr|uu- I no pt Inn, ntTomr,( to my un he lu (`huge-I fur I drum Nola-rroal tn Streets. Drounnn - Thu A.:.... .l... u.. -..n-- that the snlrnry wnum not no uvou. AM. Gnlderaleevo mlvucntsd the puinhnem. u man u punihlu, nthun Iv. might. be uid Lhuy had nut the 1) non capacity they Ihnllm have ' vmrk nf the cnuncnl Wu but half dullb Ihnuhl be timahml llrU81`Il")', cnpeui Imce Hwy wuuld lmvu ta pay some um act an Engineer.` 1 un n. . Sovurul npplicnmum were Hated la lune bun received for the Engineornlnp, but they were not read, sin-:0 the rucummelr dnviun of tho Cunnuitt.- to wlvertme for; npylicntmunu had not [mm mm upon, ` Algl. Dranmm said than an than: wnuld be lmle dnim; Ill Hm winter the ..mu.; miohl. hn Inln vnnnnt U0 VH3 (llll',; 1 H10 wlnwr (H8 might. be left. vacnnt. Ald. Mckwniu remindod the 1' that the ethos was tilled tompurnnl that the salary would not be uved. AM, lhhlnnlnavn mlvurnlml the haw. Ald Caruun movad A roaululinn author- iziug` the Mayor tn nunpl-ry tramp.-tout per son: to dirouluto the putiuuns, and aulicnt the mmeu cf than who are {I\'u|ll`/Able to the movement.-Ourriod. .VL'.`IIIllI\U HUl`hl. A tender, unuponod, fur nmnht-ring Llw h--uses, and the rep: It .\ud plans uf T. \V. Null. relntiug to the Iuuno, were re forred to the Cnunnmoo on Htrouln tu ru~ port. nu IlM1I:4l~:2'.RSHll'. K15-VIII IUIV-1. A circulnr from Ald. llallam, of the Turomn City Council, wu nluo I :-ad, Mk- mg that lhe Uuuncil Ihuuld have I num- ber of printed patiliunu (forwards-1) sent around for signature, to bu prt.-named to the Onturio Loginlnluro at the ensuing uuiun, in favour oi the nbulmun nf the exemption clnuasn of the Asaeuuueul Law. A I.l n....-.... -nnu-.| . .-.....1..ni.... nnllunr Till GENINAL IIOFPITAL. A circulu was road from Mr. J E. Clark, Acting Socratary of the Kingston Gonornl Hospital, giving I douiled auto mom of the tinnncinl cmulitmn uf Hut institution. -I -uwrlnluu noquluublmnl punnor. nnnng or Inn nu vanish! cunt. altar mmuhp idhnl. I vltultho hbwntury And can rind nnnllol Itacauuin 9 not-it It i-_pr_ mo Uouncu. Ald. Dronnnn ind nut. heard 0. this latter bofuro. Ald. Allan-Thore must be wlnothing in the wind! The Mnyor- Then in: no necessity for tho letter booauu, on the ndvnce of the Solicitnr, tho lot: spoken of IUTO ` withdrawn from tho ulo. 'I`|.- .....nL.... _-.. nally nnnnnrl uroou. Ald. lT|r|uu-Tho pomion nl T. Nu-ho] nu nmnrilu ha Imv unn-hm U1: lruulnuu IIOHOG HIO Id the Council. A la n...... nu Uon is I l"A.- Ieuo tor 1 ngnv. in nu 1:: mo Iuur. The Mayor inlinntod that ho hud re- ooivod A letter on this matter {mm the Kingston 5 Pcmbruko RR., but he queu- uouod the ndviubility ol laying nt before thn Council. uommmoo. Ah]. Gildonloovo thought lhn Commit- bo laud viuly in withdruviug the Inn in qncuiun {tom the reoent pulio ulo, ` for the time being. A: be nmler-mod it, the Iron: pan 0! tho '1-M compnud the propcrly yurohuod by ox-Mnyor Unlab- ton from the Government, And {or which the city bu A good deed amt title. For the rcmnindcr of tho lull, nanror the water, the only titlo thn city ha: in A lease for right. an (ill in the Inter. Thu Haunt iuljmntnd lhnl. ha hid ru- cnuon. - Aid. Allan sud Drnnnun thought ho Cum-nnoo uh;-uld report; the latter: eould be laid bolero the members of Inch Ooumiuoo. Ah] flihlnunlnnpn Ohnnahl lkn f`.4urll|iL WI5& on NI-0". IIOWOVII , III In `.`. ould ho impouiblo to I911 I110 property and! tr aloud ol doubt u to: title were removed. It vu nhooluuly noeunry Hut tho citiuu uhould In It- uood ol um hot baton bocomina pur- chnnm AH. Walton uuuu-I 1 unno- nont ol the nulntlun until i 0 I.-not: can In.--ro up Council ; they could not fut! wdiuot rn-our. Honour, In An: 3`. nnlll In` i--uunihln Ln AX" Illa! nlnuruvn Iron: um sale. The muliun an nally panned. ....._ ..-..-.. .. -ununu-IIAI Iui.I7'vuc-mo is pro cl I=:.uhrin.Iuota nnd_ lgu-ho, each at u um-uou w up--an In -nrul --Ihot nu-Iv uqt-"I nl ul Inn muqnn luau, gun; unv nah, L37, T` `I ; J Hul- `. nucthl. II); W. Adah, II-grin: I I-~ r Aqrounu. I30; tun oo'lo-L` Pullorlnv and MM 1. (`Jnmhor ` -1 In". I-II urn: Alan I . 15-. Ill! nu-ur-w nun luv! . ---.-. `* i .4 [..iluIu_ u rrpunled `W Fnllo Umrllr Mv Fuu:~4...,-l till no4 pnu mo ova-a by IN: 0* truly gonermnn uprouwna mom, fur you have gnu: ,. |,Il uu'I ul H;-I that I hue . oh. Immn -vf Vuuf I-nor--II1 I. , . Iuungmu . | no pr-um In any I In cl-mh.| chnl ton ol U-rd : Chnrul to deal mm, oh. won out Inlllnq to do Ibu- gvor mhl hm` In loll! IRON` pfbot limp y. lnyor I 1--Ind 5 poop]. whoa (alt: odahd, ml to mulhnonao bligh- o-I, Ibmo gu-or-nny utolhhd at Mo much ml Hill I Inn 50 "HOAX II I mud In an no I -mud to ungrateful at I Qlnnnluhnd r.u. IN-no ln'y nohlo q-alum. I on. wit we and to my just "no then mu` hrlmo-I lab-up will non pup mo, Iml whatnot us may he bqliou up, my (news. I fill nut norm. lorgu! Hun lui hum: In-In I mount In Mouth : |.'B'|, 'IIV|l| VII IHU `HCXIIFO "I $U'I` I my nu law Iuunu Ill Ihort III] out-ng yuu Allor the dos! ulyuur Into laconi- Q1 pg-cur, I no luod Inn soul] to at.- land tho npu-mu hum of tho paint an- II I count lould be appointed. I an- uno yuu. my lriondn, I lnnoiod it I very plan-ngolm I nu pr`-url In any I had dulllnl U-vd'o 00400] In-nv'|. I Inn nu! lo![OI' um III hgy y In-In I Iponl In Health`: Falh, mm! 1 0 nan] hm buuld inch`! I an thou. n ....u...-.:.. I... n.. u n-n...u.. .4 . I DO! IIOVI. Un bun-My Int 0: ll (Bub l barneiullc, Ihw so`. ~...u,( 35%;` Huh, graded thou pr 3: . .3... \ uu.`.L,:r numu I-'|I:qv' &.:|o|a to am`...- `to-{'13.-cl: luv axle-0 41; . .{g.' `hum H. II rvmrn In mpton :4, "mg 5 _ `Otruslwm lrvn MI Bub . " . not uy you our-l nuholanllll Ilhll upn-mun nl your usual - gum Inc on many pnmln causal to II the Iumm y--ur gm-w--my. llx-Hour, | lhnul uh: very uucoraly innlood for than Int Iuummny ul ymlt ulooun. I ulna It lhe Illllfu um um hot that I am Non new no-vmpanlnrn tr-ngu In tho |uuh_ Mung had tho plouun I-I nook` low uluung -.... Alum lhn Anal nl-uur Inh hnnnn! inpprccnlmn ml ` the uldreu the It ' Hn .\I-vndny ensuing tho Rmnm Catho- hcuol Smith : Full: united on the luv. FAN:-cr \Vulnln, an-I pruontnl hill Iilh I i Iunnulmmo purse, (.`. 1|I),) mcmnpnnlod by 1 nu A(l'.arI.mu no ml-Iron Uu the ninth r-I ' Ru`. I-Minor l`lunu. Itov. Fulhor Wnlnh ( nu pin---vi I`) char;-o of the churvh nl tho Julmwn alr-at. Ald. Nubia moved the mlopliuu ul tho report. Ulvjxmii m having been rniuorl,lho May ur do.-cl:-re-I the: report out ul or-ler; inu- murh an It In nut c(`UIlI)|lli8d by A plan of the impruvurnvm am the opinion of the H -llclluf, n\ the Uunncnl Intended Um report ah-mid be. when the petition was refurrml to the Committee. L'nunul mljnurned. ca,--n.u,... wnuxvus .nIHuIu3oII. Md. Nubia brought. up the report of the Uonxmiuuc of Whnrvel sud Hnrborl, recmmnendmq the urnnlinguf the poli- tiun uf Mr. Juno: Swift, asking permis- sion (4: construct II pier at the foot of Jnlm-nu nlrnml. '1 Ald. Drennan handed in the report of the Committee on Cnty Property, noolr mending that the petition --I Dauinl Flynn be not gnmtod; that the former offer 0! rental [or the premise: occupied by him be adhered to, and that the aame be oollacted. and that the etall be de clared vacant nu the tint oi nut Mny; that in regnrd tn the route ol P. Chrke and W. McCannn on the Solicinr be instructed to collect what ll due by them ; that nu Wednes- day last. cuy pnperty to the extent of $l,HTa,()U was sold ; that the balance of me Iota will nut bu pin in the marnt untxl next apring, when better price: are expected. uvu.n..u.v .-tn uaunnln Juno. A vory long And duultory debate lol- loved on the Engineer : slim and on l'unytho'u dnin. The Ironugo which .010 Committee Ill inclined to tempt from tho Inner ill not umfnnbry to to Council, Mr. Fornytho nu clurgod for the [able and of hi: buildmg instead of the front, nnd the arnngmnut In be contrary w by-Int that the Buyer do- cluud the clause illugnl. The othor two clnuuu verb carried. cost not to noon INN; |III nontox- lion 0! Mr. Xnnu long action, the Council nub him I nuimbh Iwuiriug Al- lmnoo; {but the Umnnisloo gin Ir. J. B. Fonytho audit for I08; for admin in Frunbnu: Ward, to ho paid an Jung, In I I'll Juno. Ald. Dlclloulo hllid In I30 I of tho Commune on 8:!-Iob,_Ibich -do the following roooououduuu : Th: cousin cups and book holoogilg to J. 0. [mm be purohud by as at; at cost not to acid Old); that iooouodcan [inn at My Ynnnn Inna ands. tho Md. Mcflouio handed in tho .I tin. pnnnrnl An hush. Ihiol Bl'Rl..\llY A'I` YAIIIHLII. Thlc-I lunged Wllh Duck Shot. l'rt-uulnllon. 'I\ONooIHI thloilnennn lslounduvn-uhiu |Iu&dl|I-in. V uuum cunn- Ilbunilnnlb Iunauloonnldcmtnl Inlthy dnuIn|6u.. \'qozLnc ngulatu Lhc Elli. 0|-I Souls ol qutild V"| (in n- . but to oloctnpu-uncut cum it. must he Oahu nguhrly. and an uh noun! bottles. quhlly in nu: ol long standing. Veqeuno " '"' " n..`"u.."'.....""".; L 1; ; ..,. ,.... 0 New I` 'lUl1 V m\_v| that for Um hut fnur x, 1Il`I`\iulH In the pr:-sent | lump In-cu In---ulmg nrunnd Jf night. ]vl`LlL'llltU'l_)' one . .1.. ,....... L... ......... .. LJ... myml In: ..I -k.... null` uunuu, av tluor Walsh rophod e-I an the .`hnIlh'|; Icons! Dv10IoOr-IoM uunol In I Ibo landing Inca. I-pl Inn 0 -pnldu --IAIQIIOIOI and | I700` VI 7 -.u-.---, --.,-i _. _ ~_ IIYIOLISILI 0.\'L I ) I lino lho know In unounu until 1:; 0 (`null-Inn In tho luyonhy of Inn, :04 bop It potolblo In is able In onvnu too): all you Flnuu; I Mou1_'gu L. Hlndnaun. lnrphya; Sumner. '91 VII?! Icon Coda. hot. Iolldu Goods. ao.. such on I lit lly Ivl Wilt. I Ibo Wally Ia-kl lulu. I VIC Icon`: College Journal. I '50 lbllnjlih luunuu Ionld. I I8 loco wort. ' lhslhq but-about Bull: Wm-I Wad. 1% Mun. AM!-Jail Inca-u. Dunn. lunhlhll Tun. ll-glad Inalnunonln, Th rd`. Dunn. lunluhl In 3. Nndnl Iuuunuh. Th Yo. VI:-don Wan Tnyu, Pruuuohv law-. | 1 In Tan. It . INH1. "lo the Ila-Ions of the (`Hy cl ulllfllll. MAv0R'ALTY'( I878 lcnv OF KINGSTON! I ' A! the lie uni of mnuyof u! 1 Elector. drrrnpoc-In-n of I uHN`l. I opfer on "self ncfmulmule for-Me Maym-ally for 137- n u nlu nun: -nus -\.- - an IT l`Al'l. 3.111831` luau ln.l.|'- In I, IE1. tin-BrmJiJ!B.92s lulu; I191. I. III]. (HlCKEY 8: |LET.T S An! ngupo m [up uuluullun uv Iuuw '|KMll cqlll 50 mm. ORDER. WORK A SPECIALTY.--1! ue Boner Overcoming: an far ahead of anything in the city_. ju (in; from the great nnm~ bar I have manufactured to order dunng the put month. r.- n-_.;___ ..,_ \I.'...-un.,-u I mu m-.u.u-..I 2.. .75.. ...u... ..tl.l`...n.m 1.. .... -...... . VIII I IJDVU IIIDLIIAIIIVUMIVI-I IV V: IIIII sun: Ann. Univ I033! IIIIVAIIII I3?` lluiug lb! Auporlnr Wurknmu I am l|l`*"|I-writ! In iva unurg Illltllfl-)!.iou in am on llal in` gym, um; on)" [my 1' !`d|l0l'I` llllf PM | l.l'S LLUl`HlNG IIUUSE Tho Good: nro of my uwn nunu Mm-o and no In Illd olnny lfutoru or Western tnuhpow mlvorllood so much Mn] Which I will guunntea to nah N gr cont. Ion than an house In llu nIt_v. Call Ind nee my 83 50 HI: uunl Poms. squad to II{ Pain In the city. Into IIJO on [mud . gplendnd unurtmouz ofl IMIONAI. L`nA'l'.~1.eut naly no! In uylo. which I ohnllonu: 33 uunl Psnu. equal In Pain In the city. I Into nlu gplendnd uvlo. home In tho Duluuuion tn nhuv good: equal to them. `f ADDDD uinnlr A Iln[nI At_1'V__Il- n. n..u..- n............u.....- lop! w,nr1. ,-2-x- -~:n-' AT THE`. PEOPLE'S 0l0_IH|NG HOUSE. . Clothing Cheaper than Ivor. .. I-AaaAaa|IAlIn nIvva- ow -u-n-o vvnocn wovvzg Anal an ` the In 3 the any he can oouoquntlynoll Ooodnhopor. nu 0ABPli'l'8uv not In ye1:'l.n:nI:'buuI Th ml: you our main from his Carp Room A GOOD UN) CL PK!` '0 PORT! 0"". . (In! I lI77 Rosana: whtollnn any an an! It. And If ynu vou|rl booouunoodol thla uslloul lupoqt (hr-In. It will be worth your whllo. H *1 III! PM fll PIIITIIO HA3 0|ll LETED HIS FALL PUBCIILII-I AND All A IIIULT IIAI A Stuck or Dry Goods In any nepcrtnont of which he (`cant be llnaleraqld. V - `I'D v'I'HE_ PUBLIC I `JII "r*`RJE(:E#ITvLE{n% I 1 New lluk Sub. New Drug: Good: In 311 the loading uuloun .\uv Uluk sud Colurod Uuhumru. New P:-Inn, New Wluoo-yo. Plain Ind Pusey. we-ry chomp New Sharla. lunlu mud Mnullo Cloth: New 'l`w(-ch. (`I1-IL:-. and Fine; Hunting Flnnnolu. Blnnkou, Cu|h;1u,gud Bhh*(]nK._ Ticklngn, TAM Lmous, Sheeting. Total: Illll Towclllng. ID._"%-.'.i`-"-`-`-`- '%*'E`- 1'35.-`1.'.-`.-"5 ---... a. Z..._. - I a1-..;n_.__n_ n_A_-__- -A U01. 2, H77. Nov 19. 1871. yuruuy [Ur an 1 rs. _c_.g. GILDERSLEEVE. .\I.Ll.l Jud J. ulxubc-J-un-q-n-I-I in-I\.a V Val \_ -Mob gum; um ohoopnu some he annual tn the 150 only -r on rn out.` CLOTI ING 1\[AT)E 'I`O ORDER. v C. ANIDIISON. Inner. H.w II IITI, . H18 KILLINIRY BOOK IS RIPLITI WITH STOCK. AL- ,_-,- ._ .n._ - _ 1.- .._ -..--....--aI-..|| n..A-nL--_.- IIA- l`IAIlI)Il"I`I iii hotthn III full Noland In health. lhvo his bra ulnar ho. Ilrounm &. lion tutu uvonl balm of tho Vs Inollhly and I00. vonoonnondul IIo VI toolhonvlli the use good N am. t In 5 tohnlur uul built: of the Nodnthp tulakoudlcu ehcor- hlly use-and in. Jun: loull. 7 j (ten Duruluu-I.l. &.l.cu-IIna's.l IW OVERCOA TS, EW ULSJERS, JOHN IcXl'l`YI.l. (All New and Prices Lower nun Ivor.) r` Sh MADE CLOTHING .-ul nhnnnnnnn nnnl-at Ln An!-nail in ILA IL; ml: _A_- fE5ss Princess Street. C|lA8.l|VlNO8T0l, 21 Brock street. E' ! `'61! TI ltuvq Ul,y.IdIuI|voIIl OI Ibnivlv I-ctr load gum) dim. Moo Atlalnu IIOIHIIISITI-I lllseue or the Blood. - n n, , I x_ ALL. _-x_--__ L l.......l 9- ......o-i-. I `II I ll-I-g ()l II-oouhvulqunnol luu, 3. .5. aux.-can-not curouuhpu lb on-o.:--out-mg no but of coma lood. llama: an Ice 0' Mount. or ...w'. om `ion: at rum. 4 Au. .- mobud. In polo-ullnmwm bil 15... umun. II c-ulamvill but has In on not . DIM. IOU Q`. So In the 1` . lo nlndb hqon manned :::v.I:*w0 lathe nnbnfhuy Inn `ha pupon on in pans-A N .':.";'.:'.'..':.. ."......'* Z: ':':::: .:-"-- TOnAL}._1f3E mzurnv uv IVIII DXDIIHA 9"-In In. um-co` In-tr 0004- 5*" PIIICII ITIII1` IIIOITUI WHITE LIME Vllllilllui on horoby Included to tan than collar: and plum vluun the Four Pipe: anlmr ll-air pro-when at mum around from Iran. Pnnllvoiv no nllouun II" in nude on lllll fun the 0|:-pzmgu ol Iuppl , I! such uoppcgo In Iuuud M: um nlhoull : Ila: v-I dud. J wnjnnl wnmmi DAVID, ow and Jo; Good: I! IVII\ bjbiim giillll 0 D SPITCII OF WORK .=~/'lV:'(`;:-1-{.H- VV. 11. XOEAE & 03 Golden Lion Grocery, .\.-VILIUTT. THE GOLDEN LION GROCERY WINTER ! WINTER! Water Works Notice, New Currants, Nerf Currants. TO THE TIADl- Om lllndnd Hurrah New (`urrsnu for sale Al Ibo UULDIN LIOI I uI(u(`lIlY New Smyrna. Figs. Inn rlnlul lll(A.\|I.s' 0|` Smoking & Showing To (`an be bought wlnhnut nuhm nu... -.4... .0011! '_ T0 `moist mm `:32: '1' 03130 0 OS faritish Whig office I-U nanny -rind. I llnpton. July HI. INT _.-..nq NIOSI WHO IIAVI IICOXD IIAIII CLOTHING T0 DIIPOII U7 WILI. ulna: barn (had: no`... -uL -_..-_... nu vuvuaus AUIIZIUIIII bought without paying fun-_y prlou at lb: Anna:-.: unsung -_-- _.. We tnvuo Sngnv lnlynn unl Pnulllu to null uni u-0 our prmu uni qunlolly and nuke I volupcrholl Wllh what may no paying tn lulu: ltoru. T|llH'.`I'. TIIOUHAND BOXES rm! Iinvrll FIHH Iur uh I! II In. Bll HUN BH{:'CtHY. M` an all IUII. in (man you .- In noun a outwit. Anlv Io WU. DAVID Owner cg..- n..n... 1-A_..... -._ -u-uuu Iv Illllrull UV WI plans have tidy Orion um. THE IINILBT llRA.\h.s' 0|` .1-:__ g In, - -I I IIIOKEY & lI.ETT'S, PR III` III ETD I.` II~ `-."'|:l`-' lgllnl. Altar loving a 0- A -8. van of Uuughvnloil in I 38 duo of Icing nlvhod luv 5 B blo Idol Ibo Vcqouno. and III uh; lhiioinl nub:-od health. FOR sALEf Iuooollvnt uni-In of Ian W. I. lcltl I C0. OI" KING-I'N).V . WILLIAI DAVID, who um and mu TII (`AZ BIA LII ll KW OVERCOATS, BW ULSTERS. JAI. IULDOOI. lnnnro P0111. PRINCE STR IE1 . J WIIJOI Mun" K W W 00. H w'la|alL-`DA`V"'. loo I. - ' ' HlY(}At(,b nu :nnn."5t'ziEn nu- I-nm no-L Ill). ls. l. I. Irwin.- II-nn-._Hn In-ah Myrlle Mlbhaccn. ; Aunt PbudA.unht&0o.. _ AlJlI.I-`IO0KII.t:nll has $71 000' will ` no an no :3. . nun Ill nnunn`; lpmgnu. I... on. :2. not H: I, I, Quvnn:_ - V 7 -V 7 VJ it tho Ihllsnd Oatnl lair qua: I uni` onmltbu. \!_E.9 I!..'!'.'.5i All llnds 0! Job Prlnllu _ n._n ._ .|.. INULLR PUBLICATIONS rd` RIDEAU - '/um. IOI'II.I!`l0Ilx Qnnhnhnn-jhnhndnlg -...n.. 4...: IAOI PLUG 10! . TI! __ \ lone Other In Oonulu-.} FOR sALEf -_ Q...-. -.-_ , ul nary fuiluy tut ll OIL? hlfllll. I*'C_VfTlYl r. Iv. lcixun. L I. I01. mu.uI mvm. La. hhnr l . lhan. urior. Hearing of in I. mm-dip In Inhmulnrv AsnllILI.-1`ho In) urly in tho olt getting in be futor, nrod at All, it mun Tim: no liml no 4 under |hn nhnvo nm in the (July Ilnll on {Hal ul thin monlll. propolo In xlrivl the new one in. --A on Dnuruun Thu is Imu-hug with cum hll cull.-cu:-n nf due luv poem: to be I-In Mr. (`-uh-y Ink-an find: A nmnlwl of u: canwlnclv he cannot Thu qunenti-all in nu: uuu of It (`umnnlle Hun M which mil 1 pr:-nnptly. A SIVIII Win.- in the In! of m j-~ which hu (then 3 Ar`, ,. OOO '? LI-ul. (.)nnou,-'l\oo Oily Iolldtu ha `inn. In his logo! opinion, that tho Council an. lay JOII ddovnlh to be [QM far cu! ol nu you`: nvoou 80 Anna that the city In lhblo lot 650 py- nul ol tho work It It In Join. sh! Iu pd.-run In 3 pnvoohllvo nnhd gamut. and -Mb to In n uncut og poiotlol ulvuyntobooonnoodotith gnuuu. and lcpl undo! tho dunn- -I `nan- COO M.L. "nun l;u the Inn! solution of India` and pnlf luv: at thou: in tho my. Plano all and ounlu Mock bolon purchasing oluwbou. Unto nuntloh In Ponion lg-b, cal. bunt. my and plated on. Law um. cu aooqnu, raccoon uul Nut hm trimming. Honk nccool and bulalo oosu ; nlm lmhlu and [way vnll robot. H.B.-Bhol hit huh ud uqulrnl tall but vary chap Al I. L HyIu'o. 009%? lo (1 `A. D. $0 rqllal Dal. ly -om. M IN: lad, loll Intona- ing, the following clan II! laud and duly inohlh-I I-.. A u-u_..n_ - u _. -n-.._. -' J. um. u.u.. Mutual. " R 88:0. Chap, vroluhl; " Abuwthy Tues, to-oluud, " W. King. . " A. Point. Vnunudouu. o " I. all, D. d0. ' Iron. I-In--ad, lloblui, lougn and Iona, Icahn docs. \\`|rI.-'l'ho Nnpwu Beam no (ii j-nurnliulw proloui-In uuvon It, At tho Kinuuun rlorgyuun who Ilkrkod the pan on Thanksgiving Dny. Eloriouly (up Ibo Roam) It: pron hu 3 hard line to light on, and than any ho Iona jonmnlathn no not qniu uv to that nut in moral tuna, has that don not jmtity myhody to donounoo Jun, as ohu,-4 "l1il.l'I00 lo the omuury." :-CO0 VEGE71` I N E I I !-wt! by I. B. SIIVINS. Boston, u-I. As:-n1nu.--Tho 1.0 B1 . young man in hold, but tho world In gnltinq and il action be do. at it bo oolnnonoed curly. us and Assembly Announced uupmen to MEI pilot the Ibo atoning of the lnt thin The young mun prupou lrivn tho old your out snd tho A Dunn lln'ln'rIoJI.--'l'ho honking sun [utter] Company have out In 5 aim inviution to attend tho grand uni- nnnunl diurihution on. Tuurlny, Doc. ll, at an Academy of Music, New Oriana. The inviQo" in A: large n I chroma sad about u Ilnbonu. We tn thinl- ing of hnving it {runs} and hung in our pantry. -.:o:o____- Rilulu Au.owucu.-ln |ppl'Ool|- tion 0! hi: long service, tho Oommiltoo on Stroeu hue recommended than 50 City Engineer receive 1 Iuitablo ntiring nl lownnro. Mr. lnnu III an alien o the only fur upvnrdu of twenty your and the-' he hu boon bulky, In no deal: rendered nrvice which an only he amni- Iicamly nclmowlodgod -in the manner Above upocued. 3%; -- -3. __ Nut Es-uqul. -The (`icy Hull in not nearly hsrgo Nmugh for tho many who denim to witneu the insullntion uf Prin- Cipll (`mm tnmnrmw evening. Abuut 1.200 tickets um um, um] nut aver half -1 lh-no whu wun. tn be then` hnve been served. This circumstance indicut :1 tho inwneat that in being taken in the -_,...4 ._ .154. Tax Cuvun.-Tho Inuul::`nl oloetlon excitement in running up, ; ..l u tho ovontful dnlo appruuohu tho candidate: maniluat. grater uneninen and activity. 'lho unpomo will be terrible In the shoot by-And-bye At the prnont nu. II will be vote 7 vote !! I Kingdom for`: vote ! ! ! ._ Ml`I'Iol0l.0ulCAl. Ornrn, 'l`nront.o, I0 mm.--In Inn lower Inks rvgiun lho proo- Iuro bu Incruud uhghtly, ith fruh Iouthwutorly tooouthorly \.I.dI, uni hir wulhor. In th St. Ln-ronto the change: in prouuro have I:-ma nhghc, with ll-uh Iveutarly to uutherly winds, cloudy weather and nrrioo 0! wow. DIG-- . Ho.~mcuu|.-Wo no rpquuhd to mention that tho` Kr. ll. Hitohiu, the St. George`: Social] had the late Mr. C. : B. Mucnuloy buried. Ilurr the inquest. in 3 must reupochblo nnnnor. All hon- our to BK. Uoorgo. ---01O:--- ` lmvv-runs. --Yutordny morning PI-ol. A.M. Boll oomnuncod hi: lectures on clo- culion to tho uudouu of Queen`: Col. Ian. Th: locluna will in continued until Chrintmu. Nut Friday cuniny the Profouor Iillrud In St. Andrei`: Hull. ...____ (`my (`mnmiuinner s cnI1kM0rIhlt~ dilcuhy in Ill due: for lnmucqy Thg Aw plum enough; but when U- 1` ...|.... ....._ a.. ....l...... to he Ono-I1.~os.-A number ol now voodoo crossings no Itch; hid dounia diliunt put: 0! the dly. Tb atom Lvnjlyonu In becoming very npopulu, uul will tool In I thing all Ibo pad. I: ll. IL 8*r:vus:~ I Dar IL-1 have bun uuqblod wit`: &dIln. Cult And UVC Ooaphlul fur Illuyun; ovudlduonn com-inn. U! I Instead u the V no. I um Ivqdthg dong III-nu. and dill using the Vanda. I onnddcnhcn is nothing sq-ml to Po|.lvI.v--'l'bon Ill nothing cl my sc- auin hdontho polio out lib hour 3;. Th muploolduu thunnhud can hardly wont -gliouing. ltll`-till! G llllllr-I XVI P It` dvodthene/wGcI:nPIuid|'I'Ii1hp, innlltholeadingoolorl. ruxsnn xvnm, no. 4, 1m. ')'bv-aaoodcalaodpovonoal an iikror um; 0004.1. 8! P8 pol-II Voluugtou Strut. - -' Giff J. VICIUIYY. pr ecu: .u lot Vatdl o-can Iii __--oio-.-- I guru gang gsmuuvtisg .._.__... ._..._._: | Ivl Inusnuwu -. A. lcudy, W.I.. I0-CW. ' J. Hill, D.I..'n-0|0I|0J. |l hnn (`Ann -;.I..A.A .--.-.-:, Rumnoxn 4! Born: Inn jut ro- ..x...J 41.. _.- II.I._ -.A4I. I-I-.h- "1 ........~.... .~. ....-..v. .. .- tn Iuluguing cirvumIun- winch ignuna 0|` uvorlo--k. qm-Au -m new engnging the snow nu-I (`umnnm~e. the reoonnlnonnlm I likely he uctul up-In ._.._4|.. nu run-u`u. vuu wllu `nun tn enfurou it 1:0 still using the V lotnddnnhcnhlotungoqnnlto It or nell oonphlnun (`An bunny noon and It to av . Your: truly. u. {Ann M. Pu-nun. No. 10 Lqnnp aunt. HVIIUI Sdom, Mun. Pnnn IALL -Ir. In David in about ` to noon him up Toqnqhip cl King'- Qt` to hint Ilnnl County. Ind n luv do. dip htgnb. or nppo-and |"" in V---1 DUI`;-5 IR Iqiptvvvu INMIJIIII ol you; hung I told tn-Or, clone by ad Ml: nnIdon_ 000 A Blunulmlu Pnn.-"`ho annul- uu no -akin; hay Ihilo Ibo nun, ur ru- ghu the moon. shines, but mutt sum I501 I190` OM. tlpito the ominous Iltnlll OOIIVVOII by tho Inn! on tho pending nlgll cl 0 ,;4rIy ol oarnloro, I30. UIIIIVOH '00 won do-ollutlun In (hair ntylo than porn nolody cull: (of. Last night Iuoogln lortll tho full onlhn. dun at on party 0! uulduu. who Pupd sq generously and npirngdl, Q5 M parting with Ilfl niglm for our. Thy child out huubla homo uboou no main 500?. Md played Balloon Minna" alarmingly, follouung it up with gbnlliof I||ll,I|oo uquiololy playod u| _ .1] cl (ho lngunuogu. Not having on uguwn donut on no COIN not run "Odin III OI! ad Ioll thou how much that: undo nu nppnciud. but no loll lull wanna. -_._jj?-'-Z1 Portemouth Puhhc Schnnl Hnnnr RN] (or Deoonbet. I-"Int div . Funk Mont- gomery, Wm. Stewart, Jame: Muntgu mery, Sarah Kennedy. Hecunxl -hv.. Jun. Wnu, Jethro (lnlnm and Funmia Mclnod, equol;Thomu Mr-Cunm>},Annm Hurtrioi end (lhulu Kemp, equal. Third dim: Henry B|iden_ Wullinm 'l late. Alfred 0. Rune. Julu Hnnth, S. Crolt,H. Ounn-nlIy,W.J ArthurI,equn|. Fourth din: Chrinliun Bromner, Annie Wane, Muthl Huh, Juhn Moconnoll, Alex. Brenner, Ambrose Payne llld Mnaoe Vuvordor, eqnul; Mary Jena Derngh. Filth dnv.: Juno Ian. Soul: A. IeOonno|l, Chu. Linluy. W. J. Hnrtnck, Annie Dunnldmn, Mary J. Bell end Fro-I DOIIIMIMI, eq-ul. Full: dn.. Mel. McWnt.ur, Frencn Thnm; can, label Mooney, \\ m. Kpnnody. Annie Kaweler, Thmnu Mclnnd Seventh dim: Clan Walla, Eubcr Mot.- onlle. Jenn Melhdny, Fnmcin Eunl, Henry Iuilh, Frank Ulcbolaon. l?.'u.bth dim: Juan Payee, Wm. M:Cnun.||_ funk INII, Annie LlII,l|r`|re| Brew. nor. Hervey J. Lindny. ul DIIU unvuu Iullnlnnu -u.ru.u uu --...\.u that Hunorablo Jmtlco M.-u rx-no-rved untonoo, will be Argued In the Cuurt 0! Quinn`: Bench in Tufullll) on Mnmlly, Ihon it wil| bodocidod whether Hbonezr will be lurnod luooo to betray mule women" or spam I turn of year: n! A... .I....L--.. ._I.I.__.. 1.. . ..J......l -..A_..A nun ---u nun ---nun.-. - In tho out 0! Ebonaur Smith Pine hund guilty of biguuy at the luck umzou at Nnplnu, the point an to the validity of the locond muriago license on which AI, II _,_ ll, I._A.._ ll ,, . _ _. _.I iuvuluuury oclnbncy 1 in Kmgnton. ._.__ ,..` .l`I. n luuiuau Iclvul u.---nu. .......u.. u.. (lint tlm runinrkahly warm and pleas- ant. weatlier them liml in sudden chock ull Thursday night lut. mlininistorud hy H snow uturin -if the old fmwliiom-l kinal. -Un Thursday A meeting of tho the croditon oi Grunge Bros. uid of John T. (lungs. incl at Nnpnneo. The lilbilitiu. direct and indirect; uf the rm Are in round number: $l40,()00, and of John `I . personally in connection with tho Nowbnrg Paper Mills, 892,239, direct and indirect. Thu meeting renult- ol in nothing denite. ~-'l'he "Inndun Qunrterly lh-i'iuw,V full` Uctuher, (reprint Hf I`f()l]ard Ncutl publishing Uuinpnny, New Y-wk), Cull- taim, among other Interesting articles the iuoiu--urn of Ululon~li:u`rntt, vnlu lhle at the present time, as Mlhrding opportunity of comparing (ha puliucsq events of tu4ln_v in France, with tlmae the thirty yuan: full:-wing tlmluntlu \l'..a....l.... `V IIVI IUU. -Tho Mnuulc Lndgu of Quebec in ornnizing for I grand bull In celobrr tiou of the Innuul leativul of St, John`: Day. It will In umlu the Auapicen of tho Grand Put Mulon. Cnnnul King mm but wolhor muomc convarsuiono, similar to tho onjnynblo one of um you: oinoo, on the coming unuivoturyl ll tho lodge: can unite upon it, there mad he no doubt of in Iupport. by tha broth Mn md their families. ready expariencing the full vlgur ter. A pri\'umleH.ur Lu-1l:c_\' infor than ch: mllninisn-rm __-_ _.._.-... .4 n... 451;. r...1.;.......x Li Yopulau la .9old..b_y all Drugoius. I-nu uu. .J W ntorluo. Lu-II II I won, uvu--a nu--uuu uuny. -Tho Y.K.C.A. branch of Portsmouth hue disoountennncod the Rina Club by roluuing them the use of their rmmu under any circnmltancel. The Rina Club wi|l probably ourvivo. --Don't show my lemurs," wrutv a 3-gun mm) to u ynllng lady whnln he udurod. "Dunl lu nfra.i was Hu- reply; ``I`m just in much aalnuuul n7 them as you $0." ALI AIL... ..... .~..n~ fa:-1-Oi:-Ilnlxu IIIUIII K Ilu `U. -Ald. Allen was very I-.scx-Linus laust uvcning in Um (`ity (fuuncnl. (bur (`ity Fnthern would be u dry lot Wllhnl. Hm Ipicu uf the amnion` nu-lulu-r fur Czntnmullli \\'ar\l, occ.uuu'Iml|y mu`--urul |v_`. [lu- odorifemun nlinlnguu, uf Aldz.-nuou (hukin and Cu-nnn. Mn `-1: 3 xv ,, IL, ,4; ,_ 1 .. nu wuutu w Iuuw ..... ......... ,.......... ~-Mr. Rim oolnnonou his uruparsnco labor in Quebec undnr the nuupicu of tho Y.M.(}.A. Evidently the Secretary down then in I very libcrnl mindod chap. `BL- \' II T` A Luann`: I`. D..-D--unuulk V` U s|3ll] IUUIIII llotku -1'ho latent Agony in young gontla. men`: neck war in D collar Io broad and high und den that I mun bu to go naked if he want: to ahow the whole pattern. In. u...- ....._.........-- |.:- 5-.....-...... lunruuu. mu vacuum, auu. -John|on, the Kingston youth who wuchu-god with Itealing a purse from .hari' McKellor, ha been scnwnced to I connidenhlo time in prison. L. In..- n....:.m.! .....n-. I-nm Kh- txvnuluuaniuv uulv III In u-lulu. -Wu luve received papers from Mr. ` Wm. Wad. Into 4! Kingntun, and now A renident of Nuwcnltlo-on~T_vne, England. We gladly rociprucue. _'l'L. I.o-.A ...m... in u.m.... nnnQln l -31- John Unoulonnld in tn be present. od with I gold watch sud ghnin, At A banquet in be given in bi: honor, at Toulxlo, on Jnnunry 2nd. l..l........ ck- l(:..._o.... ......H. -I... I'- s --A tug luring four barge: in tow, land but machinery deranged on the rlnr yeuenhy, I d Ind to return to Bx-ookvilh. ` -You In In puny u I piotun, in no Iongct the correct compliment to pay to nhdy. 8in,ply uy: You nmind mo of I chmno. ' -05, do Ioogdul-1: dnuy Jay! -1! Ioulluvwdoto toll pnootour Hat Club I least, no Ibo; on gallon. `.11.. qmltiou .gimang fuhionnblo dmlu. Do thou gandomeu in l.'luan ` ! nu troluenl" _ I J | -3". Hr. Chunben, of Porlunoutln, will attend the tan menting M. Roblin, on : the son. may _ , -Daub do Hglltz du I9botrna- 1 iii It you -othuf-In-law. if III! Huh I` X01113; Zquul to I souu.au.m.u.-. Nov. 14.1376- II; II. R. 31':VI.lH:~-