Tho Promior io onnouncod to spook ot tho Goncort cl tho Worhingnonh Bonot Society ot Montrool thio wook. Tho op- pointmont could not too moro opprupriolo. Tho Firot Miniotor ol Condo in no hord o workinginon in his prooont onltod poni- tioo and rooponoihlo copuity. no tho ocnntry oontoino. Nu nun who wcrho with his hondo could ho o moro tirolooo toilor than ho. Not only. howovor, to ho otill o workinglnon. in tho moot orduouo oonoo of thot torn. but ho ho: boon no lndnotriouo on any mon in Conodo could ho, in tho Inonnol oonoo. o wcrliingnaon, having rioon from tho rock: of lobour to hio prooont oxoltotion, on tho virtual rulor of hio country. In no country up- on oorth o-c tho working olnooo uoro highly honourod thon in Conodo ot tho prooont uouout, whoro o lnochonio io thuooon to hovo hnnootly climbod to tho vory pinnoclo of powor, ond from thot onltod ototion to rooct, no tho Hon. A. Mockonnio cortoiuly dooo, tho [rootoot honour upon tho working Inuooo from which ho oprong. Woll Inoy tho working- Inon of Mcntrool complilnout thonoolvoo by doing honour to tho roprooontotivo worhingmon cl Conodo. IIO roloouuon ox nouuluu, oven ehouls preliminary n tletione tor pence be opened. The lute: nory of Osman Puke`: sortie in that it In prulnpted by the entire Absence of provi- sion, and I.hM."Ihon he euenipted to rev turn/ from his nnmoeeuful stuck he lound the town occupied by the Rueeiene and Rouuuniene (mm Guvitu. where- npon he eurrenHored._ The nuuher o! rrieogete taken b the Ruuiane nu ort I uegnd,exc min of twenty thou- nnx emf and wounded. There hue been put rejoicing: At St. Petenburg in nonoe ol the mace. An enemnt he been undo to take the or Inn An attempt mud; lib of the Prince of Monunocro by blow- in; up hi: temporary ruidonoo M. Anti- nrl-tho houu of I M--hunmedm Boy. Fortunately the Prince was nbunt, but one ol his body gunrd Ill killed, sud six injurorl by the uplmiou. London. Dec. l`. .-'l`ho umntu of M. I10 1 4. Vonulidntod Rank ('2 Dom.'l'nl r: h HI. Months] 9 11- r: I I Mnntronl. Dar I1 rlnnr no-ripu 2040 hhln. Inuhl quiot sud dam;-M lumtod. with price: nnc.-lunged RAIN 400 Ilrw-n.( lmkor-I ml 5 .'-5. `I00 vuadtnm hclrcn st. 5,25. Ill Iprinx run I! 5.1); NO do at 5.12` I 2. Hr||n.prmiu1unI nn-I MIMI unolnnuql no A! -`LIT I uuvhnngnl. I E I W. l'urn lllly . No '1 'I`0l`lu rlcy nnminnl; .\'u I (`condo hold at Short: 17 to II (`Q IIITLIIIN, -l|uv|n| hon vvquutad n. T slur n all an: n n (.`nn-Iuhu Mr this Wu-d.for| I. I rolprllully nohf (L. 7". god Illouno ofoub clamor Your ohdmt uvvuu. I n Qnn-uncut Fall? lnjurorl by the axplnuou. London, I`J.-Thc tho number captured It Plum tole- gnpbod from St. Parornburg In-I night worthlou. A Vmnn. nhnrn turn- prncuco uw. Edwnrd Kimball rained l`. .'>,l)()0 unant- Iy toward (`hiring 310,000 debt Inf lha Contul Prubylorun Church. Un Sun- dny Iho membarn nnnbncrfuod thu remain- ing s1.'._xm. -- occur -- IBnC'l'HI I ll|ll"l|lll'>V\, WOIIIU TICIIC Mncnhuu from hm I-r--minon_ nnd Iona him free tn return. The l'r_yrnu, however, thmh hm lomtmn to lm country will mun! I Iuhler and rmer ram-luuon. (Hy 7rl(gru;-II 1v Jay.) Uurogu, Don l2.- 1 p.In. Who-LC unchanged Nn I Mill-guhq (`lub LN ; Nu I Ivhlto Michigan II l.4-`-` whitc rad me I 40. l'urn Iuuly No `I 'I'ul`|u 3% C01`; | hrlcy We-`uh In King-:on.oI Do: I) Tnggnn. of tuna` III lath II Ill uon.oI Doc llch, of volullpllna, Pnlrbcl any-h. vougou can of the Inc Ir. Wllllan (Judo Tho futon! will take plseo from Ms motion `a nudouo. Inplo lbw , lhrrlo lunt. I-II Frkh 1 -0l'I'l|Il uninn o'clock. Fund: And u-q -.. u unccu nu rupu-Ifully Invnod to utond :u-|r-I7-VI-ar * To the Ila-can of Frontenac Ward. .IlO wonmou . A Vmnnn aorrrspundont, After A uro- lul Iurvay of the nperrllionl About Plovnx since July. concludes Unmzn Puhn unr- rondorod Ion tlun thirty thuuuud ulte- gather. -- .1. r-.. Uompnny. Pour B. Sweeney nuln from PhiIndol- phi: for Europe to mun-uw. It in un- nonncod tbnt ha mil mun return and prnctico law. Edward l`. .'>.l)()0 racont- Wuhinuton, Dec` 1'.` -The Cunlu] It Oduu repnrtn the -,,rxv.n crop 0` Southern Ruuu for 1877 in gum] u.-nditiun, and the lnrgnl hnrvontod within twunty-n yonn. The drnfu mnda upon the inbor- ing clunu fur thu army uhlxgad the plant- oruco purchau to A large extent agricul- tunl Inschmery. An cnormnnn qnunlity of Quin hn boen bought by E-ngliuh md other merchant: at :3 very low prio. in depreciated currency, wlnc_h in stored uniting shipment upon luo couatinn of hnanliuu tn take its plncu in the market: of the world, st no small It cost to the pnrohneu than! it will nu doubt hug I doprouing inuence npun the price 0! grain to other cunntriu New York. Dec. 113 -Tho Tnlrum uvn York nppumuuonu. The Sun up repnrt, which in every nppennnco of truth, credits I largo num- bar of thou prwnunont In the ulvor movunoat mth being interautod in nu uttompl tn furco gal-I up to H0, by get- ting, in the tirat Iutnnco, an expression of opinion merely, u was Attempted in tho Muthown rolulullnn III in orlgillal form. 'r'n.- ............ ..I .1... .nI....n`.- mm In. lorm. Tho manngern 0! the Alluntic and I`:- cic Telegraph Cumplnv have urdend the diltribution u! the Frankhn Tulngrnph Company : Ilnck. Thu in equal tn I H vldeud of nbuu`. four per cent. on the ct- piul stock of the Atlantic and Pacic Compnny. Polar Sweonov Zjv - II" It! ICU. I Iutocanddcnuachdrlubllvo unqth unusual luuvnlunqnvube noon tlosolohulhg uIhu,hniu -hula. would have Ioiollc pdho IHI|h Inn. IIIIIONIUIIIIIII oldoudhhnnllnahuohm dulldnnlavuohbupcnuldrlolly hyquuqlhiunodnuonutpn pgdhglbouuhrununubo tuna nds. `I'M lhanunhthcslu pnoullomublojuuuuhhrilhh udlnoo. `lib huh qllh llhly. lnthu Iunluboclubuu D- am! by vlnt-vi.-5--Av-viv-t Ocnnwtidful-|q,whhooHoourku |uaclpvutlp.nnIuupI.Iuo _`- -III I-LnI- -nnn j M uni Grain (`reps in h'm4pi1-l'm'on of Pulilirul l arri(.u, .l`c. grain to ulher cuunlrln York, l`3.-Tho ggyg thnt it tho Ueiuucrmic caucun lul. night. the speakers doprcclted my alliance bg. twun Democratic Suuulurl and Sonkiing, Ind thereby nuutiiig him to triumph our In ldmini-tnti-n that hnd done so much for the paciticsnou uf the country, On the other hand, tho Timu Inn (In: Thurman, Entun, \'nnrlit.u, [).m.i. (inland, Ariiiitrunq will min with Cuuki ling in refining to cuutirm the New York Ippuvihuoiils. nu rormt, new Liula U- I Ilnptou. Don II. Ila: AnnIEA_va_EsPn?cus. o I'lovu;-C-bum:-uu4.. J00 ,":_l kl Blrk and aundpd. (`impugn (By Telegraph To-day ) Il.u.n~..I h (By Trio:/mph To day ) unntrnnl ll no In acupu- I. OAOI. w -w 7..." __....._.... .___.__...___.L:..___.. WEDNESDAY lVlll'G.DI4J. 12.1077. ____._._-_ ._ `ma I_LmIs. Tau-kc irt Wounded. )5 mos : .=a@.* 011:1}? I\.- |n.L us run J ronsvrn LII IHenderson,'s Bookstore] Bud the Following (partial) List 0!` FANCY GOOD! HOW ` o/ponyod out: I i Leisure Hour. lunlnool In Gyiuduu n7 9 n. mun bout--lo In lush; and oloouop ooon no 7:! :1 union. - (Inn Pnhuhn ludngu lxpu. bun-In cIoln.W.I.I.An C - ;m.:IosnI.5bunhu mu pa. H, '- |John Henderson] lcHnIs1j~uAs| 8:.-up Albnru-- all nylon. { Sundny at Homo. Britinh Worknnu, fnondly Visitor, British Workrpul. (Juan, Plturn all Inna, ` Autograph AIDIII. Blblnu and Pant loch. All II uqnlollo Illdllgl. Photograph Album: from I00 to 00. Euol Album -upload]! ht. Ilnrk `l`;uIu'c lamp look. Already [IIIOII sud rudy for path; In. Pbotogrnh Inn for Curd: and Cnblnu In Volnl. nd beautifully Innnollod lfvlu. ...__._.___..._.._.....___..------ Like lerl leeeoneleld in lnglend, en the strong right no of the Emperor Williem in add to be euioue to retire. Biemerok in repprted to have reneeed hie roqueet to be relieved ol oloe. The greet Oheneellor ney well be eeueed with the important role he he: pleyed in Gerlnen, in hot in Inropeen, history, end may rarely be permitted to retire into I dignied ruliremnt without her- lng his desire for euperennuetlon impugn- ed with the euepicion of Inconpetebility between himeell end the Emperor, who r~-~ L1- --..._n ehlg an Hnntl gl thg E AT HENDERSONS Little Folks. Ohuurbox, Wide Awnko. Old J onnthul, Emily Friend. : Infants Sunauy llqulno. St. Nicholu for Oh:-mun. `rho Adviser. Incl A lbihl. Hemp Albums. I Statuary on But Gracia` vnnuvu . -v-V...-_- .- Mn vounn Iuhnnun. Open Olnuu. IANNUALVDLUMESI Peep Show, 0h1ld'I Oompuion. 0h1ld'| Own lngulno. Kind Wordl. British Juvenile. lorry lube nu. Panel Ionoou. frunod or nth-ad. I-` oy Beta: of Non P: r sud luvo|opoo- fty urioliu llld kium. Jnpnnue Note Pnpor And luolopu-nuw thmg u|iro`y unique. Brunswick Hobo Paper, I Enelopu for do it-y-w-u'-,_........'.. grill! hid] Ionian Ida! :lU|aohtIloPcno,vnhu|llnun tang alpaca unkind cg Ring Sundn. ITWS %PH9.f:%""| M in rou-upon. Raiding Ginsu` Deal nnd Work Boxu. Furllu-.r Llnlsl of Books, &c., I In a few days. }111:Nn1:Rs0N s D005. IITI. Goons PIIIOIIC I71. _IlIOI70II Eh: Qaily grunt wh-tg.* Just Iloooivod EN III INS! VARIETY. IOOIIILLII. FOR 1877; I Wodnooduy Evening` ' IA? XVII UKIUCI I Iouvhn will plan; :39!) nth Nb` Ii O. TIIE mam stain or cunm MID umus m xnunmu. `run A GOOD: suasmrint Christmas or New Year's Gift (:0 T0 BURGESS D Inc: and l.'Iu-I'uI Artlcln! In tho laetuo Boom urn..1`h-nun, $8 Ttldny. 1300. 14133. 11: Hill A!` ll rl bolvoon Imnull sun In: nmyuur, -u... OIOI his protons citlo u Haul of tho Uviitod Fatherland to tho ututonul of I L _.A____ -A-A--_.-. Tcnnrvouln lhoovuh, DuI.I1 I in: mama umusml| ITHENEWBUUKSTUHEJ FULL ![`|`P|.H"B Ul-` ALI. KINDS 0" CIIHIHTIAD Ounlm Alborol "The Theory I I-ilnouunn." "Tho Iodu-I Ioulor and lpmior. `Tho Ihtdud Iloeuuou M." on ale, IN 81`. ANDRIWB HALL. OI Vrlclny Ironing. IN-r. Nth. Ill LAUIKII AINM:lATlUH UV CHM.- IIKI CIIUILII Iuuml huldlug the-I Ann! Ink ul For Children we have: | Imam. Polku, Jnkol.n,L`npa and Hood: In Wo()lln1l Fur. l For Eadiwes and Ifisscs we have: | The noun; Ru 1: a u. (`Iuu.ln, Uunlv. qunran rut Mun. ll-ml 5 rd (.p|:p lfamrmbm` the lunconnt al- l0'd on all (`hrdumac (lnodn. ,- A____.._ _-n Tho ovoot of tho oompoign. in foot ol tho wor, oo it will doubtlooo provo, hoo trooopirod in tho dofoot and ournndor of tho dotondoro of Pioyno. This fortrool. Iron in ouppoood imprognobility, hoo boon otylod tho "othor Sopootopol," ond oo in tho copturo of tho Critnooa otronr hold, so tho loll ol Plovno hoo ooolod tho dooiool ito dolondoro oud virtnolly douid. od tho iuuool tho wor. Oomou Pooho hoo won iminurtol ronbwn hy hio ht-ovo dolonoo of tho ploco oomnittod to hio looping. Tho oovolo doiooto which timo oud ogoin ho iniotod on hit booiogoro, will not ho oclipood or ooood by tho dio- ootor oi tho ourrondor ho fought oo gol- lontly to ovort. Ho io now ooon t hovo boon ghting not only tho Buoolon c~no~ my without, but tho ovou moro otorn ond rolontlooo lomino loo withiu tho citodol. Tho two Turkioh orlnioo of roltoi, which Iron oouth-woot ond oouth-ooot of him woro voinly ondoovouring tooloct o junc- tion ond holp him to roloo tho ologo. woro quito uoohlo, notwuthotonding o {ow no- oooooo ovor tho intorvoning Rnoolon lurooo, to brook through tho outlying liuoo ol tho ononiy in tioio to ouooour tum. Tho oovority of tho Inioorohlo motor of thot rogion-tho olly oo ordoutly hopod for by tho Turhl to put o ohoch, ot looot for o tiiuo. on Ruooioo ouroooivo opofotiouo--pfuvod oil too olow thto you in coming to tho Tnrhioh roliol, ond pro tho invodouo on Itooopootodly ouopioiooo opportunity of otill Iooro oloooly invooting tho holooguoh od dronghold. Forood,[thoa. to tho rooort 0! o (rond oortio by tho doopototioo ol hio oituotion, tho `Eurhioh ooncoodor otohod oil upon tho bottle, with tho otnoot duh ond brovoty oollying out with hio oruy upoo tho booiogoro. But in voio. Tho long ond bloody hottlo thoyoo oollootly wogod oould not rot:-iovo tho ill tot-tnno whioh hot lottorly hoootod tho Turtioh ooooo. Hio orooy dolootod ood hiuooll oorioooly it not lotolly wooodod, thou woo no optioo loft to Oouon Pooho but uooooditioool ourron Jot, ood Plovoo hoono o Tnrhloh Noctcm, thotrouoioo ol tho doloading oruy being ourrooodod ood ooptorod by tho victo- rtooo Ituoolooo. 0! oouroo tho lottor, both ot tho ooot nl wor oowoll oo ot tho Oopilol, oro wild with oonltottoo our . uni. t.._ Aglnd A-J nnnonootod land Ieedlnge from Bhakeepeere IOIIII l'II'I'I Alli IIIOIIITI. |`i3u .oBIu"so~'s CjARRIA(E_}V750lH(S. |s_ BURGEss,| Ghristnafiijs Cheer. I DAVID cHA$. BELL. Esq | For Gents and Boys we have": I"n1Inrr-lnlhinn nl'nl| kn-ul: Q We Aim at giving the l Iowul pouiblo prmve. 'f1`}`1Tf; NIHV I SPRING St.JGi:nrgeEs Sociely of Kingslgn, RICHMOND gnd BOYDEN. . wunnnn. unusual in unuaocn hon:-gophr ||l|llSS |A%5E %9| 7E|Il n-vw -an:-n mun Il.l~J ur u-u uu luau -nu `.,-....., 3' Lowest living rules. All work guanntoo I. Hops].-in; In all nu brumlwn. I5 \Al Elflll `Ion nrvoul M 6 p i , Ibo noun. Lined nud Fur nlslu-I hid (llnvna and Inn I Now Has, Lrinumul sud uulriuuuod . Silk Yeluln n nd \'Iu-mans--Il: Cheapo in the wily. Call and enlnlne our stock. Doc l1l8'.'7 *'I`l1eElocutinn Assuciatldfl my. V New I-`Iowan. {Fuzhou Ind Ribbon jun! received. & Aonuncn sun. IVA Ilvuvo nun IJVJD I` Uuriart-|ozh`u.g of nll kxrull Ties, ('ollam-_ (`uni um] Mull`: TIIE WOIIKIIGIAI PIEIIEI. STYLISH PIJCASURI-1 Hl.El(Hl. lQl'4l. TO ANY IN THE |'B0\'lN('l NEW MAUI`: L`U'|'|"l'.B'5 0!! BEST BIWLI AND QL'Al.l1l`. -1 l...... I . All _ .-L -.....-0.4 I II--ml-I-... In All .1. I........|._. Nolnon on [ha Sm Jouph-)O|H Inpnull Stool Kugrnvlnp Ilinlnnd I00 Y4-no Ag" RECICI VI-III 'l'0~lD.|Y. JUST RECEIVED BY PIOIIIIIOI OI ll.()('l'Tl0I. l RIN(`l$S STIHIE I`. S. WOODS. I for llolfurd I Isguano TIE FALI. OF PLEVIA. Ind Opun duh; Bla*t|E@ar}d/Ei%| i1-rFet1AS$i|ks. 01-00: . C fro-In Utah or Au IIIII. |l?rT\ounon1oodlnootlIo-adoudthol to no. NB 0 I CAlll'lEN'l'l-ilk Mu halt univ- ndvlll nlarnnnd Inc and I Pgug, Hold Flack 0. Hunting hmh. Pudlgoln. TM ulna It I" In full mag The In our bnqhtto Kingston Punk: In vat of Hun-I link will do In M to nab (Mn ohuwo Inn: -II ui rlaaiokrto. Iluato. I WILLIIUTUN ITIIIT. --_ v Inn for In as. | [lg I|:.:I:n1 oun.uM 0!!" . 000 I, M? Hwn Button Kid Gloves Ackuowluhed equal I nnlmu 131:/r Trimmings LOWNDES IBHINDIII. I" `"0 0... ICTIIIIVPC. Unlunnoo Int Ho. R83. an [Inn eormr nl Ilrl And Uordun Mr-eel-, nut Ir rynonh. lndlnpatobln min Olhu [on lot Ink. Ap -Iy M the llnmu Wan. Urnc: [Lo I0. I377. Twienty-Five cents for (1193. TWIN rv nv: cnrrn or mutant uI.:crr.u (31112 IH'PM AS ( 5001).`! Ion vslu our cloud In Alumna, Incl Ll- huqcud 0.n:u.Lon,.uc- noon-ya. ., , r me MAn_z_r. J N O. E. ROSE Twostolenmlono llrlckllonso FUR HALE ` THE l'NDEll8l().\'ED TAKE.` GREAT pleasure in unnouuc-mg tn Hm Hlilehl uf Kingston on-I vu-inuv that be In: on Inn-I Lowuussamotinii n unrllunu vets and Irish Po Inn: at 1} Black uncrvolored Silks, Vel- Lowest Prices Imn liver Known BLACK GRUB (DRAIN HILKS st 700, N0, ' `I, `lib, 8| bonus] 8! pvr yard. `BLACK UKUU HIKAIN HILK3 700, lo. Il.'L'o. 50 Anal Colomd Ohmic Bllh ml 90:`, M. and `L5 per ynrd. Culorod urn Gruin illu ID A the fuhloublo Shula at II.`.`.}. [I 30 um; `LN! per yd. inch lllu Cololed lruh Pupluu ll. `Lad pu- van`. IIIICI Il.IH LUIUII/`u Irll IVU`IllUI .la" I ynn . Trimmung Bill: in all the fuahiounhlo bula Al 90:` And 0| par yur-I Bllok Sill Vclwla nl lutl nnd 8`) per turd. (`nlurod silk Vrln-la In all the fuiniunublo Shade: an Il.10nml I. [nor \.-ml. YARKER S OLD STAND Acme. Bar-ney& Berry : NewYo_rk Olub---all clamp. RU(!KER. BROAD AND NAHKUW STRAPS pm-M. KID_(H.O\'E8--vJou*phIn1~u Unl main in 300 NH] und mhor 1a.:-lnoumlm hluulou. Alla Light lilnsdu fur rnmg wonr. An lnupco`inn renpo-'llu||y lnvilul. Salt: for (`uh Slrivllj una pru-u I A la.rge&Varied Stock of Skates Body and Buck Slrnp. 'lu~fnlIow-in; pacurnlz A(`l>RN' R. & J .GrA R D] N ER DQHJD1. Century to tho-r.uTnoIlod intntionuo. Uhnthluuu at Ihldolmclnod Iulnnocouonbuk hQuoioc!orin- Oity Book Store. A call win lied behnrnpu R. 6:. J. G@_BP|NER ...- Arr PRIRSEBS 8Tl{l!~:I`. low 23. um. w. w. RlDEOUT,_ IK)lTIl nl SLII( }I*I U]*II.I.S NOTICE- nu. cmmv, YIAFIIII 0' can? i` 'vv-1'uuu1.x.. iurluding the Ir-Mowing nylon public cynptby, u nu. Iloounu. .. I oouunpnnry rumrluu that "jonula throughout the ooumry. and upodnlly in tho Praviueo 0! Quebec, inuipootin "cl polhla. upon an E9!` Foloud ltd at the halo! lAdIIIC|uohon, "` vile ol the Liout.-Govomor of Hmiw it And why in the num of con- Idouo should they not! It vouid ho no lo: nu. nun dioondiublo if death `did not, in Incl: I cut, diurm the bitter 7-; _-u;.:-_| ......o......1 Pitilnnlv ll No 60 PR! NCPISS STRI-ZFZT. .-~ ml` In cu nu -u-uruvr. G. W. ROBINSON: ARE SEl.LlN(.' and MOOIDIE, IIIITCIIIIOK. CENTS I AT IlDIOU|"I. rvluuing ulnwhon. uvho vllbo $4 `did not, In men I one, ululnu IIIU ....... not politlcel neontmont. Pitiloooly tho lnreoved Lieutenant Governor he: been hintooll poltod with nnuooonrod ohneo lot whet hi: political onomioo hue ohooon to doeianeto hio opontooy from tltoll petty, had he hineoll, inttoed of * hie wile, boon the victim of death enrol} polltteol Inolieo oould not have hunted him right into tho unvo eed zlooocntod ite ellent end eecrod procincte. In the one of hie deeeuod luly eueh o. crime ogeinet dooonoy who still lose Io ho droousod o! u in tho romotoot deuroo pol- eihlo. While it ie grotilying, then, thot all hove united in oxprouionl ol oympr thy enont tho nod ovent, it in on edmir eion of tho bittornoee ol political mile `hot the loot we hevo just citod should be olgnileont enough to excite even congru- tuletory romlt. Whatever Iney be em! or done in tho heat 0! living combat, Dooth, at lout, muet olweye be permitted to dlunn ovon the moot envenomed nml poreonnl political hostility. Dllllltl Illlll ul eiuue, luv elvxr -_,. . `l'heee wiee wunle eupply e bright il luetretiun ol the true poettioe which ee- lightened Chrietieuity will telte up in de- lenee eqeinet the eeeeulte which ere di rected egeinet it. They reflect with e ure light the cerdinel beeutiee of the h`eith, tor while relient, they ere tree (roan the hue tint ot errogenoe, hetred end uncheritehleneee. They reet in the ever, I here elnedy in view, uetnely, golden mean between any renoerom end the! ot the yeen ol 1878 79 - which II hletent Orthodoxy on the one Ildo. Ind In ell prohehlhty lollow en inleneel, hut 00"'0|lm~'|0`|`: Ioonooleetio Advenced end It] mid-euminer (|878)- will In ell Thought on the other; they hold hit by lihelihooul egein be exceedingly eeveie the Old while not diedeiuiuu e coneiderr with moderete enowe ; hut etoepting thie tioe e! the cleitne el the New. Ieoh reminder of our winter: olthe put," I laminae held to eoienoe ie the beet de- believe inpreeeing ieotleretion will he the tenoe Chrietienity thet oen be eet up; .|netveurulugiOli condition el Cenedien It givee living elpreeeion end Irpllolllull wiutere duriu the next hell oentury. to the Chneti.-.e theoriee of it e; by in Now. eir, the longing in note "toreceet," very moderetiou it drewe the lenge out of het eimply en en reeeion 0! opinion, end the eotentiete--il the lure me he ueed thet on e topic rel delighted lu eee ie without oleooe; it ehuwe e hul hutple- intereeting on whole eoinmunity more old treat to the etteoher, ieeteed ot pelt end Dore eeoh yeer. in` et hiie eontutleoue epithete end Hen! G. Vexime. then making hehii d the huleerke ol eu- Montreel, Dec 7. I877. peretitieu; it exhibite e love ol light, of ;{ `q___giM. `tin, an lonaom` ` neneet int-etiuetiun, e yeerniug elter the ` I 1,". an I. um. 0, H ..h'., ttuth, the etteiument ol whieh ie thel `km N, .50" m. an, " cum. higheet deeire ol the huinen intellect, end 5. 1., `mm . Jwgd "4 P" 00 d. `ll P`l `PP"`" ' 'ih W 50! i hut ul ehort duration, which I won dutiee ie the qeudeet illuetretion ol the; in. b,,.,, a, 15, "4 w, 0' H Ohdothn Mt ` month. It -in ptohehly he preceded hy the oonteeapot-ery'e eloelng worde wit` light eeuee, het will he lollowed by en .4 . ""50 in ,5. hum of l mu ` llyftlbt nee el teeigeretnre eotl reiny eott ` eeether towerde ' see not ee elreely' who heve heerd, reed end peodeced over p,.,,,d_ g,,._ u... h I ,5, ,0, the eelltietente eepreeeed in Prieotpel ' the river to tehe- but I II o! the opinion ugur. |.....,.j, um H" .m .n hi it will not The ledteetioee !vI`JuIuery the hettet hy the epreed of each `OIIIOIII "' m i` "H "' 'M' V ` mu ` -~- 0 em ~-um - we :.:a'::.,`";.`..:'.::`.o:'::.:'r...':;:` 004 0050000. V5505 '0' I0" 50 I de I, end thee eoetinee noderete end hemfleeteed ol eteedie; deeetly epert; ml d to lie eed. DO protreoteu, will nave lune ununuuu, in putting the lluiehing touch tutheln. On the ether heml, ehould the river re~ mein open ell the wintei'-unueuel end unprecedented ee thie would be- I shell not be eurprieed; lot I believe thet ero meey more yeere hem rolled by, we shell hen uooeeienelly to record web e olunetic eondition. One winter, hoe- vuu--- ...-. ` cloning Int! all than ' um by notion: oi the inn ol religion should had in oi and to uni ioi Principal mm`: kind and Hg-halted words will some damn doopiy in in mind: cl gll who you-and thou. and unique u-ad Inbcniiu pana- in; aulpiiou oi lino pmioudly inm- uiiu quuticn Ihiol Ihoy moi oi with II Ohriuin and oyupdhoiio I touch." BOW. II$ DUI: I Ivv-J nun nun, U-v Iv- opooun ououboldo 0! C50 loropou `.4 Anlnin an-nnhnn III In ILA Land: _ A Hun On.--'l'h In llu-ed :':."..':'.:'.~*. I hlldo man in V1!` 90 an run an Vs nsrov1|0IlItofo.ho.oou\n0u0Ud- chub. who dz-ihul into Imm mono] pqo, winding In! In runrh u lol- Ln; `thy. new. lid on out how 1 Mid and both? 7" " It`: you lbw," --an bah LB ll. hit Iii: I'll After duling with Mr. Grunt`: vluu on noopticiom And tho relation: botwoon Icionoo and roligion, and to tho doalum tn-n ol the Prinupnl um. Fnilh nu tho bluud lnghl of Truth, tho 1iur nyn :- -.`n._-- -;.. -...-.l. nunnli A hrmhl il. POIIIII 0| noun ll IIIIIIJI vull sun. -.... you may hue nought In dmo dlrntly, and at onset WM duuu indirectly ond nuc- oouivoly." The London Advertiser thinks the an ticipatiuns so lriely indulged that the Rev. George Grant, LI. A.. lete of Hali- fax, would justify in a signal degree his election tothe important olce of Prin- eipal ol Queen's College, seemed to have been amply realized, so far as his in- . augural address is concerned, lor it is worthy of him not only as a Christian clergyman, but asa thinker abreast of the religio-scientic problems of the day, and gives augury of a collegiate adminis- tration that will be eminently successlu in stamping the youth who eoine within reach at his inuence with the broad seal of liberality sud enlightened toleration, as well astrain them in the duties el sealous preachers of the Word. Our cen_ temporary looks upon "Principal Grant : treatment ol the true relative attitudes ol religion and science, as very (sli- ettoiis and instructive, betraying scours- geons desire for more light, with an abiding laith in the immutability ol the Broad Christian veritiee. Supramely conscious that Boienoe must lail to better down the ramparts of Religion, he in. rites the attack, net in heutoring words. but in the lull faith that good n.iust issue from the shocks, that Scionce itself will rise to higher steps of knowledge, while Faith remains steadlast and uiishakenv only washed brighter and purer by the storns which surge up and beat again; its walls. He has no oruel words for the Scientic txuaader against the Bible, but, confident that Truth is ranged on ro- ligion's side, invites the lresat play el discussion in the assurance that in the ery ordeal only weapons ol delenoe will be lorged. Darwinism and the reatol the inn have no alfrigliteniug terrors lo, Mr. Urant's robust Christianity, which does not wrap iteell up in a mantle ul scorn, or retreat into the closut, but goes out bravely to the etmuunter with the sling and its stone-il such a gure be applicable to a tulsrntiun so broad and sympathetic as the priucipal's. Believ- ing that Mr. Darwin's thoory `will soon pass and he l irgetteuf he takes no timid refuge in the thuuglit, but grapples with the speculation, and with Prof. Gray points out that it means only "that what -.... ._-.. 3.... i-muaht In it me diraetlv. RELIGION MOD SGIEIICE. -_. IAMIEBAIIIOI. Du. lI.-'l'bo Ipuqnt ol tho Bhun ol Ohty Buur..ln du Victoria Hill, are in in; tile pnrtmnity by 1 oldlngaboluc lot the n of the _. _ - ....I.m nl um A-A nnnalnlan. lhn holding A bllluiu Int IIO olnouon or my gut` p -pllrl at tho tn modulates, the voting to cluooon Sotolsy non. It It acknowledged on all had: thgt nun; cluooon autumn} non. Hr. Murphy`: alumni ol olootiuu an in- proving unnhu. -.- ' About one hundred po_op|o. uunnlnt. pooplo. any 9! than had dnnknu. uguod tho plodgo at the Rim muting Int night. To-uonov night the Rovi- ulhl will hold I mun muting in tho Hui: Hull. olpoolod In no IOIII yum. unuun, IOI OOOI omi oath` lol. linear, in; Ihludigu II Inuunt. he walked on]. Thu In indool I Ih'0\l- lou noun. | --_-.x.--{.1 -llhnbonn noon! U504 Ir. I`. lmopor, consul in the Ohukvnll cum noted ohotka cut. Md rolruo-I tho Uboul `anon upnnod Khan in the `annual Ihkhhudu arogunut Ibo Bi . II IICIO ycha MI ohur nu `flu OnnL-I'l1-Ida nal-an Anh uoood Puluuouhlaul l'.,r~` `Dy IWTIPU I U'DC,. Toronto, Doc. l2.-A rule In undo nhooluu yutoldny in the Qua`: Bunch, quuhln; the Duukin Act In tho Oonluy of KOIII. . Thug.-Int nloed lulon Jutioo Panor- Ion N` Vino Chnoullor Blahlin the one ..0 oh. I.i.u...ln nlnnlinn, mhtivn to tho uid Vino Olunoullor man In Inc one of the Lincoln olution, relative to uliallty of the auoumont roll: and vot- on' hm, nil` be squad in tho Court. of Appeal on Sunday. ._...___.....:.:. urn.-n-An nl -run DIVE!) hnmunt In.--`hands; warning, u I point about nine nllu can at S - noun, the gluon ol the am Fudge` cums: on I an Inlkinq on the truck. 1 Tho wluotlo III blown and the [mount baht nu lot. In Ipo 0! Elm tho` an I much Ind thrown Into the MI` mun Monet. As soon as the train oouul toatuppod. the Individual who In upootod tn ho loud Quinn Andauh, an no: claim as tho` Nlol. luau-. uououurnnuouuum: .,ur~ N]. O Q*4`XLI."'I nigh |: no.0!!! In `an unnmpto-I hyg- m_o_m. Dunk! Jc--Lmcoln ls`lo'cuon. I January ol that you In ulriorou our oy mild, balmy and opting-like weather, with bare sidowolha and dust in tho roodo." I do not now prodict that it will bo tho aaino thin wintor, nor do I prodict anything inuro than hao alrorly boon `(iron in your coluinno, nanioly, that "olwtiltl tho wotors oocspo this rat pinch ol wiotor, navigation will probably be open to an uniiaually loto dato. I, hoo > ovor. may bo allowod to oifor a low fur- l > . Inetonrivlngiool ther roinarkl thoroon. Our prooent and approooliing winter in ooting, an I oxpoot- od, oo far, very liko that at tho you 1875- 76. A warm, wot autumn woo prodicteil and hso occurrod. A gloomy oiid wot. foggy January (with (it oonnio oomo cold doyo) in now old forth and will probalily to turn out. But, Docombor, Jio month we aro now in, i; to docido tho has of the wotors. nanioly, whothor thoos oi ' > run on unimpeded until tho Fobru;.':_, oulal lorui, remain upon through the entire winter, or olooo up boforo tho olitry of tho Now Yoar. Triia yoor lallowod for tho first and only oold pinch, during wliiuh l thought tho rivoro might pnooibly bocoino ioo-lnokod. lt coino, and in some put: of Coiioda wao botior niovlrod than in uthors, but altogothonowing to ito oom- porativo niildnooo and brovity, ilio wators woro little oootod by it. Thoro in, how- ovsr, aoooond cold toriii duo towards the imddlo of tho proaont month, wl lull may ho vory oovsro or or mild and briol` on ilio lint, on ono can lay; but .h()Ul\l I say ono thing and Mr. Brown contradict. one of no will be win to hit it. l, however, may roinark that it was my present ini- prouinii that tho rivor will not tiilio dur- ing tliia approaching cold map, and oun- sequoiitlynot thin month; and farther. that it may posoihly not tolio until tu- warilo the month of Fobruory, whoi-i l espeut tho woothor to be nooro wintry than during any othor part at tho winti-i. l'lio snow lallo oi J-niiory will, of coiiroo, isnil to thicken tho wators, on that tho Fohruary oold torni, which will roliably bo protraotod, will havo littlo Sllcnlty rivor would ahall on ooro condition. l|0I olrvoalyln ~whioh will in (|878)-wil| oxoooilingly oovoio onows; but "our oi tho niorlrration will Canadnii oroging Ilmply oayiroooion ol opinion, topic on Till wnrrn. or 1878-9-xonlun-Ion or nnuurn mvnlnn `III III ! HAL! (SIN- UIIIT U`?- lou coup. ( To the Editor efllu Wilneu.) Thie le le e queetion which hee enginee- ted iteelf to me more then once recently. end certeiuly it ie one of coceidereble inlereet to ell obeervere of the weather. It will be remembered thet eerly during the eutumn ol 1875, I predicted an un- ueuellylehe cloning of our rivore end open weether Iete into the month of Jeuuery, 1876. Thie prediction, ee Ier ee"Iho open weather wee concerned, we: well borne out, but every one will re- tnennber thet e paler weve of unueuel eeverity, eweoping over e lerge pert of Cenede end the northern United Stetee, towerde the letter pert of November end eerly portion of December, ceueed the wetere reelly to become ire-hound et en unueuelly eerly dete. end ee our citiune rubbed their froet bitten noeee end eere, ,:hey jeered et my open weethor" and "rainy 'Xmee end New Yeer'-." Thin poler weve, however, peeeed ol ee epeedi- ly ee it hed errived. The weether eb- ruptly niodereted end rein end elmh wee the order of the die}, with but one brie! intermieeion between the lllth end 20th of December, not only through the 'Xinee end New Yeer'e tiniee, but ell through Jenuery of 1875, end into the month of Februery, when the third cold enep of that winter occurred. NM. .i- I -ieh to rnmerh. the! lied of that winter ooourrou. Now, Iil',l will: to remark, that hnd we been npuod thu oold polnr Inn in the full of 1875, luvipuon would hue romninod Open through the ontire winter of 1875-76, lot I do not think either of the two ulnar cold nnpc (in December And February) were of Iuiount duruti-.n to hue atfumod thin; and the luv. day of Jumnry ol that in unhorcd out by "mild. bnlmv Inrinu-like weslher, Bear Coutou---Hm-phu n IIL-npgg ll-lnLllna. -- -- - . VIJXUIOI ON 1 (By To-day.) .o.. n... 19-; ml: m ,. ` THE RIVER. 1'1-Ill BRITISH wme. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1.377." , (To an 4ac;:v:u may.) Dzn Sn:-l did (not he the in- uonl uldnu cl Principal Grant. I .... .....; `u nnuinh cl Inn- III prejudiced. The Iounel or Inn- peh tint preoodod the leened gentle- neu e entrance into Kingston Ill too Seoloh, and all Scotch, to unit ny Unn- dien idea. Pmbehly the name obnox- ioue V out-uh ol mun Le Annoyed Hr. Gnnlu much II it Ml uthen. But I Inn reed hie eddnee. end Shel. u|en~ ti'vely. Hr. Great lo I very clever and intelligent man. He ieeln well-eduated. I do not an no because he quotes lntie. an excnube bit of pedentry, but be- cenne edeep veiu at enlerged thou In and nuoning pervade: the whole of in long dieoonroe, combined with lush originnlity end expressed in glovingnd gnooful lnngunp. ll he spoke u Iellu he writes. he in an onlur of no men IIIBIII Adina cl rnoctpu UIIIL pnjudiood. The ourish noh nnoodod [unlo- I writes, he Is oretur or no lies! order. 80 hr roulcur dc rese-l ednire the excelleneo ol ell um he ssid, but I doubt the priety, or rether the utility ol his bet: e sgsinst the heresles ol the dsy. Allowing his declsmetien snon te Unusties, Dsriiu. Bastien end other eluption to be true, Ieltting whet the bud o! s Christien College ehoulsl tell his Divinity clsss. still the hot creepe out, mi buno! ol e PI'0'8II')I' of Divinity to expound It is more the duty 1. Truth then oonlute more errors. In I 1 popular essemblsge, when nineteuths ` of the sudienoe hsd never heard ol the ` Gristics end the numerous modern heris- ] tics, and the greeter portion of the other tenth did not csre s button to about them. Why niso up Mon 0 Bunk; min only to knock "I`is fully to bid the devil good marrow till one meets him. we en ed- vsnoed thinker. thst is the oaufphrsse. ell tlut Mr. Grsnt went out of his roed to refute, would pus with en i.lle smile of pity, and consequently the Prolesser`s seal and eruditjon werelebor last. it might be worse. ln some it might create theimpreseion, the: in spite of his lure- mnst position ss rtlieologien, the sound- ness of his lsith u e Christien minister, Mr. Grant had himself e suupqen thst sll he tsnght-- What shell I say? I had batter explnlll it in other terms. flush Miller vrnse mm of strong reli- them doinl Irnulloa DUI in Iron: z,ouu muu. -Mr. Parker, 1-! ma Pnrhr Hour,` Bmton, ll Mud to ho worth our nu nnllinun Fur: long time he sml hi: pulnor considered it A poor your when they could um. dnvido our Il00.000 bo- tvun them an the not protiu of the olublhhmont. _A nnurn Dink Rnn Ill nnlnntod -A nogro, Dick Ron. wu untamed to be hung ll Lou:-Io, A:k., 1 law day: ago, and uvonty-u hundrod porsonn u- umblud In nilnou the execution. Bun ounfouod the lnllhllf, the noun In ad- jmtod sud tho trap about to drop Ihon ` I lelogrnph u )0r|9.uI' nuhocl in Illh I ro- ' nu {rum 1 0 Governor luv kn dnyl. `ho Huulhern uwupopor which prints the not] up. `Ron umlod, tho olhon aim-n ' I olubluhmont. yz tho diothrgo 0! Inc mm- -7110 hi: nut on the nvlun nl tho Til- ` Ionhmg IIJNWII canon concluded yIl- I I lay, tho jury totunnng A vo,-Jm cl, death by abortion, lnotiuimulg the no- ' um um. amuu um In. Luu a3 older: and obolon both union and slut its last. The no noun have boon oonulm-I tor um; M the Ion Anus. Wlmui-vhnury. (ha 01 1 Joann. I !!! -QIUIIILIIIFQ hu been Iumcrllud wvnru (no proyoct. -Mr. Vnndvrbill In: just paid `I00.- 000 for Little Fred, A: I mutt for Lndy Moo, sud ho claim: that he mi: in I donbloleam lhnt WI [0 I Inilo In hu- nou In 2 "J, -Si|ro Blnndin bouu hi: tight-npo potlnrmnnou In 1868, In bu Iluno morn nun 3,000 uc--nnioun, tho uorngo height of tho cord being Iomothilg lou "Ill! I00 hot, and tho alinmuu lhno ppriloully tnullnd not far In-m 2,500 miles. 4: Pu-In-r nl Um Pukar Hons:-. ! ~'l`Io hundred huilioo ban boon rondorod humolou by a [nut In M lhnuudor, an the north cons of Spin. I _,M. Mimi tho Hdiln trulv dolo- `pg ugpnu, at: win an: vn-uuuuv-a unv- and --ave-M seed 1.`... `-1 in -mi ha nnnnnnd ll: Hcnuudor, the non: onus on npuu. --Mr. lilui, tho Hslilu trndo nlo to tho Won. had An interview Iyoutordny with tho Pumice rolnlln lo `grnln (night nun on the inunutioul. I on u I, ,|-_u-_ .___ _;n 5__ 1 DOIIOII, Illl KWIIIIIIIUU. --T|u Nnnlrul lloord ul Trude will rooounuml lot duuuniou u the Dosin- `tnn Bond 0! Trade Ibo snnduonl ol IIO Inulvout Act. to an to roqniro the comet! ul hvwthirda in Iuubor ol Ibo onlhmn, npnoomin Ihru-louru ol the Iinhviimn ol the Molvout, pnvluno tho dint-Inga ol tho hunt _'I'InhmunI c|l I2lU,UUU. 38,04m worth of liquor nixed by tho (`vuuurm It Ynrmnulh Ill bought at auction by the lompornnco pooplo, who undo I bonfire of it. #'l`|.. l'r..u-..M Tnblrnnll rcmortn Ina [owl nro duty neo. -~l(. B. Damn nu boon nut. Ii}-arty Ifur nun yours` impnmnmom in St. John Ponltumury; ho nu Iontonood to twelve you : fur munlnughtor. _A hlllurd tournnmout will ho held twelve your: [or mnumugntor. --A bxllurd lournnmout. will in Mnntrul nut Ink; J-kn, of Co- bouru, Monnotl, nf Toruntn, Burloigh, of U|m)lt'\n. sud nlhon will compote. -'l`hu (July Hnllp Kitchen fur the to. liol of tho Pretutnnt pmr will opon on Thundny of non nook. Abaut 3400 In: bun oubncnlml toward the progoct. M. hn inn I-nld INN),- .I-In u-..... ._--_ --. -_- ! ~75. Lincoln olooliou can -an ho him up in tho Conn ol A on I Huudu , whoa tho pohn noon y rand ` by Ilr. Inn. in the Oouu at Quota`: Bench, will booonidorod. ,.,.___| n---.a .1 '!*_.I- -(II month: rur mo nmoncan warns. --Uno 0! (ho luau convert! of Cu- tholicinm is Mary Monica Mu InllSootl., I grind-hughtor of Sir Wnltor. -A mnv of oilht Carleton Plano grnnd-dnugmor or an wuur. puny eight aporumon, in in Inch, bnuod thirty- tvso clean on the Madnwucn. ~-An nurinn tumour weighing llbl. In romnvod Irurun girl at Ottawa Ingt Sunday; the plllolll hu -inoo succumbed. -~A loloarnm from St. Louil. Nu, Sundny; tho patient nu -moo IUOOUIIIOIU. -~`A lologrnm Nu, uyl tho (or boat Bea, worth $20,000, Ivuluuk It Moutuin Sprung; on 5un~ day night. --A moeunn In to [Also nhco It Freder- dny mgm. ~-A maaung pluco icktonou [In 19th incl . to consider thc nubjcct n! u M-mtimo Vnion. -'I`ho honn ol the Hall acute. Mon. ' IIIII ICU. Ivlnyiu u-In uuuuyuwuvu `nu- hnnmul it any in pinned tho Qnohn Ann Anuunnllndli Iij. subject an Dlnnumo |`nl0Il. trul, expn-printed for park purpouo, have lmm uurded by tho Privy Coun~ c|l C`2llL0(XJ. 334 um lnrlh nf linnur nixed bv undo bunnro or n. -Tho l'ruc-M Telegraph report: American npaculnlurl uhng lugs dmru of lug Luv] ncruu the river at that point; Ina {oil duty free. _.II R, I);-nu hn boon uln. Ii}-ortv etc. - Ju. Mubumld. Toronto, hu boon c.-mmmed for trial for the forgery of I check fur $150. _.I in I-mkunnd Hut 1600 would suf- Moutrul lnr omen. ~Ford, impnuunod It `Philndnlphin for `.56 your: under unlonco .9! death, [In been Pnrdnnod '1... Ihnnnnlu` lnmhn Inna hnn I had battcr explain 1! In other terms. Hugh drum: gious fnith, nnd in h'.| Writing: ho prided lnimnolf upon reconciling the truth: of revolution with the run of geology. HO HA] I nun mun Ihih ho uuocudod in revolution with [us turn or goology. nu wu I uno mun while cunvincnng lnmnoll; but I limo came when ho In: no long-tr no fortunnto, for on the completion of hi: Int and but work, The Teuimouy of the Roc|(i," ho took his own life. Mu! ho did not Ln Wnu. Anon. I]... I0 Iu'I'.' don tux Lnreuonlng lo nu ma Inu-. -Tho Lundun polioo no mnkmg 3 oruudo npimt bu-born` pulu. signs, ate, check lur $100. -16 in reckoned that 8600 would suf- co to drsm Goon Lnko, reclaiming 1.~ 000 acre: of good land -lv in mid Hm I}, T. R. nronou tn 000 acre: ol good hum -I", in hid the I}, T. R. propou purohue the Uuuu hotel property in Montreal far oicn. w....a am...-;.......I .9 `philulnlnhin been nmnnoa 'len thousand lambs have bun bnughtu Ill Luurk in the put throo month: ur the Amorlcsn mnrkot. than I H-A IACAAI. nnnvol-in nf (Tn. IZIIIQ II` II at`, -U '-v---v- --v `fnrh no oonugiondlny dopnuod. Now, thlboll Plovuud Km. thon- -...aL-. nngnnhnldn nl OI; Innnnnnn -'l`ho river at Montreal in rd} slur and the Inter warm. -Mr. Fnrml, bnndmutor, Arnprior, hu Inllan hour to 89=),U0(). -192. Hunting in in cuatmly At Lon- don fur threatening to kill hi: Info. _'l`h. Lnndnn nnlioo mnkzun My blag; lly.) (,\hqm_ Du-,, II, If? .\-v What If January. GGIOI YIIIU In-nu`. :0 II.` B I` __.4-_ -7 yo Q03" A` uuonu-mo aura}-av. D00, 19, 11177. T 8'."l III'.`I00.| I ION. -ooo- .._._- Clil IAIIIVI. oUnn:NE7 nnunno 0, no II n uuua Inn mo Porto v" I can inuodinu sup: tor the conclusion of on uuninieo Iith a View to pogotisuoao looking to the utsblislr aunt of peace on a permanent huh Tho Rnuiou, however, will not dinoontinuo ho roucution of hoatililiu, nun nhnn nnliminnrv nnnutlnliom London. uoo. 1z.-:u I'll to Inn has npuhd. tin the: ol the full oi Plnvmhu bun toinhuifv an denim noon alpaca. UH Clues at no mu or Plovnnlu toinbnify any {or pouuthn my have uinud at Con- nnninonlo. And it in ntoud am the IFS"! turf-Int VI I-V -iIv'vw- and Austin uupdgu an In the bonds cl Ibo lnulorho Quinlan u-bu. In tho vuvmully ti on call The vault any in pummel by `full dupes- Ghnot luhludnu. but ulna use cl (hula para: mi namely Inlurnoo Chop-0 hslluploc `Inky. `liking 1-1. ` ILA`: `Alb x-nih