Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Mar 1897, p. 1

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H- LI-:u\', Mex , March 8. -The notorious |)u.nvhc,Junn \'n('M made an attavk on B0019 haemla, tw(`nt_v-`e miles west. cfhereund forced tho euployeoa of the place to surrender. The robbers then plundered. the store of all its stock of mer- (:hllf`.(F01\l1`;tl`Ubb(l the lesidem-e of a largo nmo nf money nnd vnluublcs. Shortly after the brig-unds lefctho |uxcion~ do A force of rum! guards arrived nnd went in pursuit, they cnmo up with them and u lively ght mok plnce resulting in Vnona and Lhxeoxof his men "being: killed. One of the rum! guards was lulled and another _serious|y wounded. ` lIHlll`D'Ul'Ill MULIICNW \`\'ll/H l`L`a.'1I(l [0 III! foreign policy. "I will udtl us the bible lmsitz `On cnrtlv, peace. good will toward.-A men ; pe:u`c for Spmn and all other nations. The Madrid press and politicians regard the presidents words as confirming the fnrornblo impression caused by his inau- gural address. The l`rnsldeut's lllem-mge. .\'.l;\\' \`unI<, March 8 -- A Mndrid special to the World says the \Vn.=zhin;_vton Cor- respomleut of El Liberal, in n desputch to that. paper, Htntes [hub in n recenb inter- view uucmdetl him by president. M(`Kinle_v he asked the president. for some de(-lanr tion whivh he might telegraph to Spain, and the latter replied Lhnt. he consid- Crvd it ulpcxiluvms to my un_$`t.hing further (half what vms contained In his ' I ...IzL...\... ...LoL . .......l n. I.` IJLUII UIIFCDDIUKI IUI UIIU `Ill-`I1 ('UlIlHU Ul _)'Uul'!|. A strong: cleputalion of the city vouncil and board of trade will go up to Toronto Lhi.-1 week Lo pub the cnLy's application be- fore Lhe legI.~.lnlu1'o55'or umlnornly to borrow .5hl. 31l_(NII) (.0 put, the re brigade und (lie wuner works on u first-class basis. LIIILI lb! CIIIHIHI BUUCK I;"lUll,UU`}. An increased demand from the state for micn is mnking the owners of mim proper- ties hereubout. jubilant. The market has been un.~:et.Lled for the past oouplaof ycurn. A Hrrnmr llmmtnlinn nf Hm nirv I-nunnil wusi LU! nun mu. IL is Hlteu mun the sun- dnncc has bec-nnie HI) ahnost extinct Iniliun ceremony. In British (folninbin the pro- dical "pot.laL-h" festi ml is nlso being sI,mnp- ep out. The number of pupils at the In dian schools in the dominion wus ),7H. end the nvomge attendance 3,371}. There nro iiltcen industrial sohoels. thiity-four boarding and '18!) da eachuols. - y w Sir (`,hn.r|r>..:: 'l`unnmr- nn-I niinrnml frnm Iuy cum-uu uy hill) weiberll Dluck nre, pub- lic bn-incss will be found vrull advanced at, the npening nf Lhe session. - The annual I'0pm`L of the Indian depart- ment for the fiscal your ending June mnh. 15915, has l)(:`(;)ll [H`iIIVO(l. Act-.orlin;.,{ to it. there me l1)Y),0()U Indinnu in mm dominion, `_ .`%,HI-' buing chi.-iaitimi us I r'nt<~,st.nnLsI, 42.4.34 as Hmnnn Uutholicn mid lli,%< l'.. an pagans. The, religion of l`_ ,'. (i.`$ is put down as unknown." In Ontmin there are |T,G(53 Indians: in Qiuebev-. Ill,(`n'_ (i; in Bribish (`.9lumbin, '.. .'>,U(iH: in Manitoba, 9.- 441; in the territories, l4,(iT9. There nrc only . HUsLrug,r_rIiin: lmli:in.w in the not Lh- west. Len-imries. Ir, is stated that the rInrnn\nnIr In Rmrink 4`.-.l.....I..'.. .|.- ..-- LU nu: liul Ul 1\lHl`l`.ll. ` The bye-nlccuoii in Wriglic hikes place on i\l.u'(,-ll '_ .'ii'd. \\'illi:un Sniitli. late deputy minister of marine mid li.~:ilieiie.=, is dead. Them is absolutely nutrutli in ll|o.stnte- ment. Llmt. the meeting of piirliiinient will he fllrl.l]('1` d0l$"|_)'ll. Tlint. warm I-ll.ll(i(!(l ile- linitely by :1c.\biiiuLiiiiiii. l'zu'li2mmnb will maeb us 'i-ulleil on March `-!;tlh` and the [,{O\'Cl lll"H(*`Ill' will be in H l`0bi[iO" to pro ceeil rupiilly witli bueinesai. ln fact, the ."llllI6ll1llllHU:)l'l~U\l.8(l tzhut despite the (l8- luy calmed by the weibern block lire, pub- founil vuill mlvnnr-ml nf. LU lllilullllu Thv Ottmra men who con.-ztitute the Prescott, elevator 1-onlpnny hzgve ordered nix steel bnf 03 to he built in time for the opening 9? u\'i_g;:1tiou. They will mm. $I.'.,4mu eat-h and will marry" .`}(>,00(I buehela n 5 Ir!`-I I n 64TH _Y1niu:.:-No. 56. -3-nu,-nvu curu IIHU wm r-nrry .bU,UHl| Dllhel nf grain. Tho date for holding; the lnn.\vent.uro election luw been poatpcwncd from tho l.'lLh [0 the IR}: of .\lzm-.l:. l"'|.,. L..- ..I,.-..,,, II - | . . | I Bye-lclectlons In Several Quelmc Riding- Thcro A`:-_e Ono Hundred Thousand lu- dln.na_Iu 1`}IoDon||IIon7C. It. Devlin Bu- oomes,aI.I lmmlgrntlcm Agent. O'1"1:\\\'.\. Mnroh H.-A cubinnt meeting was held at, Ottawa on Saturday from H to 5:30 o'clock. The customs Lurilf was under consideration. _ C. E, Devehn, M.I'. for Wright. has been uppuiuted immigration comnesiunur to Ireland. 'I`L.. l'\LA_,;., - I "- ` " THE CABINET CONSIDERKING TARIFF REVISION MATTERS. It Will met on the Date as Ar-I ranged. {BUSINESS wm IN HANIM IPARLIAMENLWIRIIHZH Gentry To lleilnngedl. .......... -1)- \l___L u HI Hill; H-'1 (TUHLHIHCII HI I xddrc.-<< with rt-gnxd 10 hi her PUB- ` her REMOVX L; (ct LIVINGSTON & 3110.] An Immense Assortment to choose from. A Since the abandonment. of the English tunnel scheme the shaft at Dover has been med an a coal mine. Ir. was suddenly ooded and eight of thggxnen workiQg_ in the mine were drowned. Ohjecled To The HIM. BATH. Ont., March R.-Yosterduy the three Methodist t-onzregntions of Bath cir- cuit 6llLhll8iRPLi(`y adopted in mi-solution presented by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Tucker, probes-tirig ngaina-t. the "h:ilf-wny""Inea- sures of the license mnendments now he- foro the Ontario legit-ilncure. and nailing upon the government to full to the full its plodgrerto the prohibition electors of the province. unws nun rnwm sums I Sentenced To Prison. \\'nui-<'rm'i\. Ml`(`ll H Charles nml William Ilumplnrny. brothers who rented it home near ()uerv|llo and went. into whole- sale s-tenling, VH re lriexl before Judge Finkle on live (lIll'eI_`0nL vliurges of theft. In nll suve one Clmrles plemlerl -gnill.`y_ nnd was sentenced to three years in Kingston penitentiary. William, the younger brother, was found guilty of having goods in his po.=.pcs=r-ion knowing them L0 be r-tolen. and was sentenced to two yunrs. The stolen articles consisted of a horse and cutter, robes. Wlll[I.`(, harness, cu`. the world's vvauace. Tho nnuual meeting of the M59 society takes place tomorrow afternoon. In is proposed to lower the {cc of studonti-I uf more than four years` euamling, and to raise chub of the undergxrntluntei-. UpUl'llbUI'N URI It'll: FUVUTUU lull [)Rln[I. The ulmn mater society will hold an open mmting in (lonmcntinn hall on Satur- dnv evening at. which a mueicul prov,;ramme will be given. "T'hr\(Inru nf Hnvnn in tho enhionb nf Wlll UU KIVUIL "Thouods of Homo in the subjpvt, at, the meeting of the classical and phil0logi- cal society this evening, conducted by J. Wallace. :1-L- _._._._al ____.v__,, ,: .1 . I NOT'lC E . 0 nv sync-vnr- -ui .-/ HUFEIUII. At. the meeting cf the Y.\\'.C.A.. on Friday afternoon. 11 song service Was con- ducted by Miss Flomgli. Stewart. Solos were given by Llisses knight and Wilkie. At`. the lust. meotiu of the Levnna society a paper wns rend y Mina llcnscridge on "Women In English Literature. It; is undorstood tlmt. the parties who decorated the gymnasium building_aro known to the detccnives on the case. The clue worked upon was :1 ladder belonging to the H`l'HC8 hall, which the untrm'ne(l opernbors l){l(l left. ('0\'0X'0(l with paint. The-. ulmn mnlnr snninlv will hold an celebrated ers at the brands of Lowest ~~ VVHA" l U`hl'lJl|UU IUI It WUC|\- A nneeting of t.lm<-e inllerestod in the for mubion of :1 drmnaLi<: club WHH hold on l*'ridn_v evening. The fnllo wing ullic-era were elected: Honor y president, Prof. J. Cnppon; presidont.$l olm Marshall, M. A.'. first.\'ice-president. C. E. Smith: so 1-ontl viceApr(~m'lmn. bliss F. Ryvl-umul: R0l"l`0lvul`_Vll`l.`:|?|1l`8l`, ll. M. Nnmmo; com- mittee. Alisa E. A. Dickson, A. J. Mickie- johnund N. M. Leokie. (`lnssic plays will likely be produced, and these will be chosen by the (rmnnnctee and the partn unsigned so Lhnt the members may study them during the summer. It. is expected that the club nxll be in full swing next. session. Buy your Spng Glovs from us l/IIU UIILHH VVKIU IMKUA Lecture.-I in ll1C(l:('7|IO will close in two weeks. The medical examinations com men:-e on tho `_ liLl1 IHFE. The meeting of the(Jssinnicsoc-iotywhich was to have been lneltl on Friday evening was postponed for a week. A Innnlilnr nf llnm.-A inl.nrnul'ml ln Hun fnv, L_UU|"|l-`-' -1. I. nnllul; Lluululcl, II. "I. Solaudt: |ibro,riun. '1`. (J. Brown. The mission (~lm-A which meets every Sunduy morning at !I:4.' was yesterday ud- dresned by Miss Nugenh. of Alnnednngar. India, a returned Inlrsionnry, who gave :1 most iutrercstiung account of her work dur- ing the past aux years. The attendance ut the clusn was large. Lnnhurnszinlnml-x-Tun will nlnan in Fuyn UUl'|Ul.'(l lllllgo K-The vM4(1"h meeting on Friday even- ing was lml by T. R, Wilson, who gave it paper on the Chxims of llenthendum nu LheChrisLiun World." The annual meet- ing then took piuce. The reports of the president, mid of the diH'ex`enL ('()IlIl)liIK 6N, .-+hnwe [hut mibstmitiul progress had been inndocluringtho past. year. espec-iully in Lhe Inatlcr of Inmoaned nttcndnnco, mm! more ll(`I.i\ 0 intei`e.-at, taken in the meetings. The election of oliix-ers for the ensuing _\0aI' W.`l.'1 then prcweederi with, the following be ing (`hoson : | rc.~a.idouL. Thurlow Fraser; vice president, J. W. Mun-nlmll; recording 2-ocret.-1r_v, J. I). Hyrnea; correaponding .=ecro!:u'_v, J. I". Millurz treasurer, 1). M. I"Ln .....'gn.'n.. ..|.....;. . LC.-J. .......a.. .u....... ..___...... 1` The Latest Nun From The llnlllol Mirn- _ ' Inc. The meeting of the almn mater society on .`3'nLIm~ia_\' evening was held in Mience hall on account. of convonubion hull being in use. The great, majority of the students were lpnesent. as an exciting time woi-4 ex- pc<`tol._ A long time was: tnken up in dis- poeing of a [min_t_ofo11icI' in re urd be the legnliLy of the elevtion oi the al- letic coni- mineo two weeks ago. A motion was brought, in nmninuting .u new committee. but the president, W. F. Nickle. ruled the motion out. of order, holding that. the com- mittee now in existence had been elected bonstitutiomxlly. `and in su port of his ruling he read .1 lebter from r. Bourinot. of 0 we, in answer to questions gon- cerm the present. case. Matters pans- erl ov uoru quietly than "expected, and fthis is mcpaliy due to the `careful stugly given by the president.` to the intri:-aw questions before him nn(._l to his firm and dt)('l(l0d rulings. .'l`l.n \` M n A nrnnbinn nu i.`...,L... mm. All the "Best "mak- , ?5 and 7? Brock street. `$Tnos. 1i:-.JoHNs. - QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY NOTES. FOR SPRING WEAR. you will save Money. Prices. And I r.-:`.9."'.' 51" "MR0- We have just reeelyod 3 mo. assortment of FINE GOLD a.nd_ . SILVER Lxmis ox thU.,vr ' Latea; NEW YORK smss. N-""`rsw eoo13 s :` Yonr ohoioo Queen Brs;1d `or Boulteru. None boner ' In the market. We oer 'l`omnt.oos. Com or.PoIu at `tho per dozen. - I- The `T~ou1n.e.m side of Fort Henry hill was well ntronizez aterday by you" people `WHO enjoye toboggg`ning_ Tbs slide In In excellent. condition. 7. Tl1n "Annual nnininp. in GA 'I)-L-...I, . unuu m In cxueualn. conmmon, /. The general opinion in St. Petenburg in - that pze~ident. McKinley in going to ahmv himself one of America 8 I_l!0&|`- ptsidontn nuqullr suzrr urolell Into. Sometime last. night or during tho early hours of this morning thieves broke inzlo l ipo'n wholesale liquortaoro and holpey themselves with n gel-rroua hand to innu-K merable bottles of whiskey., gin and othar liquors. They also drank the content: of several bottles before leaving the place. ' Entrance was obtained through A window` in the rear of the shop, the blind shutter of which had not. been fastened on Baton ll day evening when the ntore we: cloud. \ This is A most. unusual occnmnqg /tbg shutter being invariably faitened blor / I the ato:.a.io-closed. law` or THE FLAT OVER. THE IHBBY I F0'.H(3lz)H1imzMara, King ntreet. Moln- int Hu1h'e s } r1uting0mue. Apply at Wmo 0 as `L ~--:__-- _._.____.__.__._.____.. THE h'l'()llE NOW UCUUPIEI) BY M188` Wrmd-a 1192 Wellington street. Pnnmnlon Int of An`:-ll next. Apply to M. Flanagan. City Clerk ; or Mrs. Prlnycr. M0 Brock moon. uurnu modnruto to suHnl:la puny Apply tn .~`. :-'||,\xMm', nu prl'n1ir4-H, or M. Fenwix-k, Hundry K 00.. Ontario Street. _ I! Hot. waver hauling. Daisy furnace; mmlern imnruumnems; mo-lerule rent. .\'rF.A(:\' & S'I'I-IAN`. _ .____.___.Z______. ` [ST MAY. REHll)EN(')E 281 QUEEN HT. 1-mltnining 10 rnomu. Intent improve- menfn. Hume lawn in front. and unudnurdan in rc-nut. xvremnt or-nupied by S. Shannon. 'l urmu mmlnrute to suit-cl:le 5. Funwiok. .. .~. .s.-mp. nun .-nu. um l7UHNl`.l(. HI" I l rint'0.-m anrlI)i\'1'.1'un Htrenh.-.m-1-upiatlby Alzerm-1hy&(2o. Apply uh Wluu (Miro )_ ll- -_..-.v-psrrl "' Wutchmnkers Ind Jewell: cor. rrlneuu and WI ' "" Ilnnn H/I `H ` . SALE. If _____:.__L_.____. BRICK RE>`|l)l l'.Il JOHNSTON ST. Hot. heating. buisy imnr--umnerlts ; rent. s'rr.u'\' lb IUUK!-l-()NE SET l H`IliIA nl`il-Nlll1il'!l llllmtrutetl Hiatory n Kninhu edition of (- \~'er'a works` Nearly (`I14-an for ruxh, togetlu IIFPHVH M.J . thin ummc CARD." . ,_._. _--L` HcN'I`i.I:.M}cN (EAN ma Aco0MMoIJA'17E}'5' I with single or dnulrlo rooms. All modern <-unvunium-es. 3:4 Clergy 5%.. near Eur! nt. .2. yanrs. The funeral will leave his Into residence. York Road. on Tuesday nftornoon ab three o'clock. Service an 13:30. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in- ` \'ited to attend. .i:x.\Iu.~:iv-lui l 0rtsm0ut.li, on March 7th, ISSI7. John Redmond. `~q Thnfunoral will leave his late roaid go. Portsmouth, on Tuesday moi-ni_ 1 `at half-past. nine o'clock for the Oh oh ,,nf the Good 'l`l1ie!,l`or-tamoutln. Fri du unvl a~quaint.nnou are roepechfullyjnvltnd to ut,l.en(l. ` (`I14-an lnr rllxh` 1(- M.J.H1l-Au :---:-na-j nun n x unmu n`, LEADING Uunnnnxnn AND EunAuu:n--HI Prim-ens street, Comer Sydonhun strut. Tol`o- , phono communication. _ I. I`. rll\l\.1B\}N. l'Mn:nTuucn AND I-`..\mmL.\mn. I :-inoou Mrmsr. l'l\ 90; Rouidonoe. U1. Luwestprloas. ' vv . lll..LlI1.na1VV:'\.. FUNHRAI. 1)mnc1*ox AND lcnmumn-881 Pum- casn stroot, Mock above old scam}. _, , .1 :15. 11.5.1 u, Tm: LI-:/mma Ur<:.un'mmcn-25-I-956 Prinnou street. Telephone 147,4` Open Daynnd Night. ` !STEACY&STEACY. New Dress Goods, l.O00\ pieces New Prints, New Table- Linens. Nawness all thro'the store. Prlces lower than ever. - The coming of spring starts a general boom thro' the store. Every depart- ment is throuszhly up-to- date. H I". !s`T()N F. I'riIn-nun nu In endless var'iety. includi-~ ing the Nmv Srsm-:Nm-tn Dm`. - glllk noi?sE. NO. 95 Q1}13:Eri"TiiE'E'i'I Apply to J. B. (t/umu'nums.. _A-{x-` or THE Fl.A I` (`,0's12lnH1inz Mara. Kink ntraet. mHnh\. MARCH,1897. VEI LINGS` lUI' DRIP. LU IUD UK" U.`UI|lI|lKl . .0ARDINER`5 Rea] Esme Agency, ll Wellington St. Klngutou. Ilnnnv tn In-n ab Int-n..6 -..b-- r(35k.4C()NIf '2r: r " . I H<:lHA NI-iI.nvn\iu u-nu. Lu:m.~.'m:-ln Kingston, on Saturday. Murchtith, Francis \'. Gardiner, aged 72 venrs. W Alsoa. boautuul nuuonmenfol` mm: oomxscmrrm in ,3 in Opals and poms. ,3 `HI ` tor the Newest Styles 53- WE AT HER PROBABILITEES. . `.1 Liquor Store Broken Into. . . . . ..AI_.._ l__A ,, A ' Sb: Lixwrenco (Upp3r):- Fair, followed by snow oraleel. no-night, higher temperature. - V. -roEETE.'_" i-`f<>Ii{ vi M. umsxmm. HIaItl"I`l\II A Nil Iuhn A 1 us: T. F. HARIUSUN. run . mu. 1: |mnu's nous| "P{-ENRY BRAME, ulnizn-luknn A in wnn ll()1 :lE ml l)i\- ' JAS. 1:14:11), I V... ....... . .-.._ 'r'Wo om: TS. It'll. .} nlurm-('0: Nedpa of the arid. .\ 1 I ialnakosm-..,-9. and . y nuw and will he 1 utlnor or so-purutely. ('8. _"r'cXcu OF 1~J.\lYY(7L()- n-1|. u`. Murm`1'n: NmInn9.l\'u EACH OF in-u..} Murm-vo: Nedpatlfu V\m-Id. calf: s`9`AiE (`/ORNICII. 0|" Rh." m-4-nnlnrl In! ;>M5ll'u Mtlf: Dul- v sol-l . Atl- The Great London up New York Success. ` Jam by no to: ma pmmoou novnr as A Hotel. llnnownmma. to Aluxuador I sun-.r _ D - mrhwuhimlnyl mm. cums. nu... ofDo[R.G3A~v 1 MYFRIENDFROMINDIAI I 5(r.\ 55. - Earl Ht . no Gordon St. double brick house. 416 Johnston . I . new houw nud lot. x7.tl32. 414 '` frame h0l1.~B. ` And l.`'lother properties in city and (-ounty `for sale. to let or oxulmugo. nAnnnu|':nn: n..-| 125.... A'__.__;, gun VVUlllll`I:UII 05.. Elli` Mono: to loan at lowest rates. MONDAV. MARCH 8th. 0 (0 The Bully Note Book For Whig Readers To Post Thelluelvau lyy. Carnival at Royal ririk to-night. Wednesday men's day no SuLher|anLl's. Friday Harrson & (`,n._re-opens for busi- IIPIU nc.!.v. _ Special nnooting of the <-ity cmmvil this evening. I "Mu I1`:-innrl frnrn lmliu " nnnrn Ilnnsm nuunu gueauuy nlglu. Mans meeting of temperance workers and aympnbbizera, City Hall Tuesday, Huh. On WllI1:nnana- l '!`nlnnm..hin- `I (`jrv nnu syulpanulzera, Ulty ail '1'uesaa_v, Hm. On Wuu: pages: I, Telegraphic: 2, City News; 3, l.er,tern. (ix-cece'a Story. District; 4, Editorial. City News; :3. Illushrnterl Articles; 6. Latest. from all Parts of the World and City News. p- 0V6llIl|],{. My Friend from India, Opera House, Monday night. R.|'hhnnn"l`unndnv nml \\'mlnendnu nf. - .-van, Ivuluzvu yrluvr. Vgelllnztol Street. LU onuny lllglllt. R.|'bbons Tuesdny nnd Wednesday at Richmond`: fire sale. 7I"I....... ...lII L- .. I._.._.. _...`II......... _L __-_- IVIIHIIIIUIIU E HTU ELI-IU- There will be a large audience at opera house Tuesdny night. Mann IHHAMHD nf tnmnm-nnnn um:-luarn Come in and see tl1eI1\nmln]},;r) ourCmw- lord and King of bcorvhers u:,\'cle.=. u-4.. ` By Spools! un:.nfomont vlh` Kuhn. B myth 8: mm. BICYCLE STOCKINGS. `LOCAL MEMORANDA. JENKINS. - Wellington St. Tho NMt.iestlesi'gnsuj11st rucuivod frnxu Euglumi. IIIIU Gllflllg NEXT: dilly or In by thoqneon. I VT 3 Ti. jaglnv e I Norma: um I ` -lay? liodlorn tun :5 1 mo ,hM by onht plomhoo no :94 1;: no 2\.'c'.".".5`aI2'%`:`n'.`.'... .:1>`:n `:?`"'. -uu guvuu VVIII unvvulvu nun. Loxnox, March 8.-The Times an- nounces when the bhg o{~8inm visits E - land during next July or August he I In nodvnd bv the (moon. * Joalouy unused It. CInc..um, March 8.--Jamea Powers shot. his wife Mary early this morning, kjllving her instantly. and then aenb A bullet" `into his own breast/. He cannot. live. Jealousy was the cause. " Donolmrg Convicted. Wrrx-:n1*o\\x, N.\'., March 3. - John Donoburg, a h Del-koeper of Pul-aski. has been convic hera of arson in the second, degree. on a charge of setting lips to: burn owned by him at Worthville, N. Y., inst fall to geb_,t.he insurance money. To Throw (MY League Control. 7 ClllI`\mI, March S.--A lloconl special from Minnenpohs. Minn., says: Minne- sota will secede from the league o91Ameri- can wheelmen and in conne:-Lion )'ith the states of Norm und South lmkotn form an independent league for Lh eontyol of cycle racing in the nortliwe-`L. Circular letters have boenaent to every wheelmnn of note in the 5 ndayqeemd in the proposed movement, n he l`0Sp0lle8.`l indicate that the aontim nt. in favor of throwing ofl tha league control is general umonguthe racing comimzenb. The new league will admit professionals on the same t,ern1sas unm- hours, and issue: sanctions for Sunday T8088. Hll.'ll\)'.lll 1 l|`P"lI|/3 Ul |l|l||l`ElllU`. Ul lI||lH'~"' men. Nearly every coimnunity in the state is iitiecwti directly or indirec-t.i_v nml meetmgs have been culled by chambers of comnierce to urge the new mlininistruhion Lo mho stxepa to PIIVC the state from being deprived of its second best. ind nstry. Miners from all over the state um Iioldinp: mass metings denouncing the prochunu- tion and petitioning for relief. / A Sl()I'lll (ll l I'()lED9l!. S1:.\1`1'LI-;, \\'a.=h., March 5%. -I'rasident, ("2m'e|.m<*l`.~: forestry reserve pr0(.`lanmLim1, o1Tect.i\'e through the fullure of the .~uudr_y (,-ivil bill. hm: raised .1 storm of protests in this state. It includes the best, minornl (listricbs in \\'uslm1gton. and Lhreubuns the iucnoate rights of thnua:mds of mining mnn \'r\-\r]v nvnlv r-nnnnnnifv {n Hun ISHHIUF. IL is my own opinion that a general war is nob likely to arise out of events which occur and may occur in Muc0rl0n'u1. Butngonernl continental portiun of Turkey is, in my mind, highly rl:m;.;'erou.~n nml likely in the long run to prove a cause of Inn I` ` ,4 gt'IVEl)Il \\ll' III ]'AUIU}IU Nl|`lI|x,`_` .\_,. . '5 thing Lhnt. IH Hkely to 0('uur1 islands. (I11. 1.. ..._.. IKI---I mu: u. .41.. . .u-......m NI-)\\` Yului, Mnrrrh R.-'l`ho Journnl ml- dre.-wcd the following questions to Sn" Charles Dnlke, who is (:0n.~nden.-zl one of the ubleat l'Ingliashm<:n now in pubhc hfe: What porc0ncnc_re of Englishmen are opposed to the coen-ion of (tree:-e `: (`an the l'In;_rli.~h 1n:1=.~'s'c.-3 influence the government against coercion. If (lrc-ace declares war on Turkey. is :1 general European wnr cortnin to result 1' Sir (,`lnulc-.3 rcplie/l us follows: "I do not. propose to write upon your rim. two questions, as the matter in in con delicate RI ?-llfl"i0ll 20 make it wise to do no. ;. With regard bu _\unr Llnlqtlestionl 0 not. think Lhere is the .-hghbesn risk uf u , lwur in Europe a\ri=un;_; out 0! any- ll :11; that hi `IIIPIV tn (\('H|lV` in tho llrn:-Lv In IIIVUF U1 K-UTUULIA. C.\n.~auN, Nexg, March 3.--T|ie question of the t,imc-keeper and wounds was coir aidered by Corbett _\'eSlCrti:1\'. Corbett. Eniil White and l)ei.1ne_v would be his chief ud\'i.=er5 and seconds. He has non yer. Lit`- cided upon the othea two. but, will (I_a.lm in the course of 11 few days. His choice for timer is Jimmy" Colville. of Boston. If the Boston man cannot serve he will select. Barf I\lustm`snn.of l)em'cr,(,`on- x-idon, of'`])et.roit, or Mulnchi Hogan, of Chicago. All the men nre well-known in importing circle: and have oiliciuted us timeikeepers in many battles. IN ORDER TO BEDUOR STOCK PREPARA- to IOIIIOVII to Brock acre. and to uh room for now goodn, In will olfor dur- ing an next two weak: our stock of W In. Funny Goods. It:-..nt (rally roducod n cos. nan-` 1ubg-- 1- In: Lle llmn Greater 1"-ar of Turkey Than 1 ol... 11-nub 1`.-nn|.I..n lhxrry Cox-host: `exxvea for Car.-`on t.0-mor- row. He was quetioned today in regard to the be! Ling on the fight. He said the real butting hm! not yet cnnunencesd. He has '1 big u)r11vniuiox1tu b3b on Chrabh at. odds of ten to seven, while the Fnt7 mona money he has on hand i4 L0 be wagered M the rate of $43 to 31'). The odds eveuumy promise L0 be -`Fill L0 SH 30 in favor of Corbett. l`..r.....u K7,... lI......`.\ u 'T`|.n ......-Hn.. pUI'[)0?,'BH. SAN F|L\\t'I,~I March 5%. At. rs nxeeu ing _ver~ter(lz\_v Lor1rrnI.gefm' the celebra- tion of St. l uLrICk`H duy. A resolution wus adopted leum'Jm:ing the" Corbett-1"it:/,- s-imlnoua ghr, and appealing to the peo` ple. no the many among; Lhem who are lover:-I of nnhletic games and sport, to dis- (`ounteunnco the voun'm_: light, to | ep nwny from it and to my that it. hua nnt# LlIe support or approml of reputable Irish. rnnn [J16 \;()YD6l;b`I`ll.ZHllY]l1|UllF Il::',lll;, 1-mu u. H. Mills. Of this number about l,INJH will go from Nevada. and HJDIMJ tmm the aunt nnd Pat-in coast. All the l'uUmun curs not ub.~mluteIy in use for twenty-four hours run. are to be used for (lzmson h'ghL pu rposes. H,\\ l4`n\\rI.~un. Mm-rah 9. At. A meeL~ D0011 Udklullu unu Dull l`liLlll,'L"UU. The Southern l m*.iIir* railway o5xt,inmte;s' that there will be ; 4),(JHH in Carson to see the (inrbebt.-l<`:Ly..~uiumnoma I'i:_~;lnL," said W. numbc}` I .-.. :........ k'.~...`,l.. .....l u nun Cu-nun nlm The Fight Denounced and Reputable Irish- man Urged to Keep Away and Demon- strate Tlmt It Has Not Their Support nr Approvul-Reaolut|onI Passed at San Francisco. \`J SAN Fi:.\.\'v|svn, I\lr'.rch S ~The sale of seats for the Fitzsimxnons-Corbett fight begun in this city at noon Saturday. As soon as the sale opened Billy Wiliiarns, for Clmrles L. Asher, of the Bnidwin hotel, purchased .',5l,5UU worth of $40 tickets. During the afternoon nerly `.300 tickets were Hold. About half were $10 sent.-`A nml the proceeds. according to ngents (Took & Clark, amounted to nearly .71ti,HIyU. M.-my tickets were nl.-o Hold in the evening. It wna expected that 7: 000 tickets would he sold in the <-it._\' nlonw, but, thnttho oath in nu: hm-x been reduced r-one-iiderzxbld is shown by the fort that LUNIID tivkets have been retained to supply the dexnnml of both Oakland and Sun l"r:mci.uco. mm... u.~...I....... n..,.;o:.. ....;I......, Aafinnufn: K;INGST_O;N_. 01wrAm,o._ MONDAY EVENING. MAi:c.7*~`a. 1897. truuumngslu sale 11. The Sale of T icketscgan in San Francisco. Inna namnun mwEm.T} {hv 3;; PULLMAN CARS WILL 3 TO SERVICE. SIR CHARLES DlLKE'S VIEWS. The Qua: 1 .u....-. ll-_-I Twill llocoln Elm. ._|_ n In _ . BE PUT IN- UUL Ul i|H"V- the (Brock 9 IHIHICU HIIU UCUII uleblnglllanea. Rev. "Dr. Lyman Abbdtf has a_ Keeley curedepeftment. in Lconnecuon with Ply- mbuhh church. Brooklyh. N. )5. ,The meal!- t.antpeeeer.'.t.he Rev. H61-noe Pqrbr, hue'pec- iel care of he work. The patients, upon. re,- covery. are expected to y back on the instalment plu-rthe ooelso theirtreptment, this money oobe used for-`the benet of the petienu. Dll EEFIOUBHBSH 0! {J16 Sllllfaloll. The German ebeamer H. H. Meier. Capt. .VIeni.I., from Bermeu. February `Zach for New York, which `passed Prawlv Point. March 2nd, was sighted {to day off the Lizard on her way t.ol"_.|`lmour.h. ne` signalled that: re hd been on fire but; Lhrat. e ames had n distinguished. Rev. "Dr. Lvflmn Ahhdmf, ha: in Racine DUIILKI ll)l`lIMI](l. In Uruguay, the authorities of many important. cow 3 in the republic hgvo openly givbn th "r adherence to the in- aurrectionism` standard, offering aid in men nnd arms. This adds greatly to the strength of the `revolution and increases the seriousness of the situation. ml..- n..-....... .............. U u u..:-_ rv,_. uuuun ggmons. valueu approxunucely no ~.':)4,.s`uu,nuu. 5 A special from rem; Amboy. N.J., says a large Cuban expedition succeeded lugeL- Ling away from Bmnegat. (fupt-. JohIm_v"` ()`tSrion us_ mid to be In charge of the ex- podition, which sailed on the enonmer South Portland. l.. ` I _.._.._.. AL. ..,AL _,,'n'_, ,r Km MUSLIN. Oicial gures of the 1306 wine crop of France Inge reached the sum) department, Washington, fmm consul Wxhey, at. Bur- deaux, shoing a total production over :1 billion gallons, valued approximately $`.'.'H..\`UU.HUU. *' .' ncunol room cogmaerumy. High muss in the Anhcns cathedral yes- teiduy was attended by thekilug `and blue royal family. The eel-.-ubrnLion*wnn in hon- or of the Greek officers und men killed in Crete. l'\HIA2..I {I..._....- -t LL, Inrxn H,` , , I` uu Ll) ueaul. ' Fire in the Ilunnah street Methodist vhurch nt. llumiltyon damaged the Sunduy school room considerably. l{i0h In-nu: in Hun Arhnnn nnrl-_m{.-nl I703. nu Ill U] uunll 1\u: H CH. 1` HIIIIDOFU. A litt e mn of Henry Brown, Tulbury \Vcst,, set tire to his clothing .-and was bum- cd to death. L`.'.... 2.. Al... l1.._._-l. _.,___; |n,.| I IIUEH an. nnulllurll. ulcd In we CCIIS. Bu-gu.-x twenty-li\*n nml lly vent pic: are In Cilfll2\UOIl in York County. Om. A nd of petroleum is repmccd on I fmmof John l{u.~ Werat, Flmnboru. A lift n nnn nf Hpnrv R:-rnvu "I`.|h. Spice 0! The Mornlnu Papers And The V:-ry latest Deapatclum. The Prince of ,Wn.les is enjoying a holi- dny n: the Rlviern. Prince Bismarck is suffering from 11 se- vere attack of mtluenm. John M(_`MnHen, nr1'e. for drunken- : .1 I ' .1 II . ..n l)........... u. |r;n_v nun nun HI In-1 p ).-'.:*(3.*`n:4l0ll '-`OIH6 O! the bll.~'Hl()r4.`-I ]lJli1(I'." of the Hillier fzunily, ui hue f.LLh.\r tr.-m.-n<:Led their legal buslnesx, There is ubundant evidence that their own sr.aLou1ents rcggurding their greutugo, their nmrriug_veoighL_v .~n\' years ago, and t&:iI`- eaxly h|.~a(or_v are substantially ('o{rcct. UIllL'Y'. nu W05 nuunu _yUlH`U yUUl)g8l' Dfl U10 present. Mrs. Jncob Hillier, ol Michigan. Mr. and 1\h~a. Jacob Hillier were mur- ried at the old lmvy homestead. lot, thirty- .~ix', fourth concession of llrnesltown. .<=oxne time before the war of ISILE and set- LlC(l HI :1 log cabin near that place and re- mnined there for years. During the war the young husband was engaged in draw- ing provision.- to l\'ing.-Aton for the soldiers, and tho yonnu wife often cried for fenr that her young hubby would fall iubu ,1 he hunth-1 of the Yunl:ee.=." It was nbontr that time their lir.-IL nlnlrl was born. 'l`|w_v lived in chi humble cnbm unLil'nc:1rly :11! their clnl were born. N. [Hwy lms .-till in his pOSHe:-sion the hearth stone of Ilnnt cabin. The f:1n1ilynfr,crwar morul Into the Luwns-lnp of lbrtlnml, Frontenac county, where they remained until they moved to I\licl`i;;:xx| nozlrly forty yenrs ago. H. lhwv has still in M1 nu),-'.~m.-..~unn unmn nf _\I`rur< nbru, ugwl l'IglIL V-Ulglllu AXIOLIIGI` ii mi as nipety. and the third at ninety- Lhreo. A brnthcr also died at ninety- t.ln'ev: hu was some yours younger than the .\.1v' nun] Kira Junnh H.'I|.u- Iuvnnln ...-..... -nun: umL r-nu Wm-I Horn 11 nule B11550! lluth, nenr Mill Haven, in ITEL , and is Llmrefoxe now HIT years of ugd. Her father, Peter llavy, cznno into Fppcr ('nn:uln nn company with Jncob l`lllll(`J', fatlnerof Llneprv.-lent. vunemlxlo centenar- inn._ They were bro1.lneI'.-3-in-lmv. Peter Davy died in Erne.=t,town, a little north- east of ()(lh'S&. The elder Jacob Hillier died near Odessa. your.-:1go,,;LL Lheudvnn(`- ed age of one hundred and nix years and seven months. He is yet. well remember- ed by many residents of the township. Hie eldest (laughter, whose mother was killed by the Indians during the war. died :1 few years ago. aged 103. Three of Mrs. Pull," rbwaisters also lived tougrenr. ago. The net. survivin:_; one died in Odessa two yours ago. nqm vightyv-eight. Another L.l ilk nineh nml tlm lhirrl nf. ninnhy. At this price we place on our counters a new line of BICYCLE SERGJ~: Dmass Goons. It's the best value we ever `hard, and you d guess it worth 40c. iVll[H|.ll (`.8 HH.\'l'Y'. Henry S. l)n\", Odoss-u,fniie of the On! mrio IICBIIEO coimni.-.-aionuria for Lennox county, sends us udditimml particulars of the Hilliu family. of which mention wm made two weeks ugo. 0:: amount of their great age. and of Lhuir huving been new mmrly eighty-seven years marrie ohlesl. nmrrietl couple now known to be In- ingin America some have been inclined to doubt the \`1JI`I`CCt'.vl){`.." of Lhedntes. M r. liavy. however, leuvcsno reason fui` doubts un Lhub score. He is a nephew of bile old couple, and has had in his pu.~;~'e.~ui0n the M 1.'...m.... fnmelu i.;I.i.. ..`|..,.l. H... lI.H J. |AUVVO\('I, lc1ut'rHIUlt'ubUllIUVHUUULH ul:l(u'uun:u1fznnily bible Ill wlm`l1t,llell1ll~ im'f;unil_v recurtl was kept. l\lr.~. Jacob llnllner was Miss Hu-nh Navy,` -1: aunt of H. I).u'_\=, and the old lmnlf/r`recarll ~`ho\rs that she was born :1 litllc east of f1H.lIPI', l'.=.fnl' l)~)v\' mnnn inrn ['nmn~ I{8]{tII'(Il|l[_: Hm llllllc-r l"mniI_v Fnrmarl 3' Erucaltuwn 'l`nwu.~1hIp. Nan-1 n nu "on 1-..- Pp|.\ 'IH-villi . IUHIL, Henry W:1r : N:1p:m ee Berna | _u I\ .She Was the Wlfe ot the Great Brooklyn Dlvlne. Pn'r'H'bFT}{ENE'i MRS. Heescusn DEAD. In Dark colors, also Cream and Black, ADmrio'NALTFT/{GT5 UUUIJI. ,arre.'~ted dlul in the cells. ivo pieces in \'nrlt Dmlntv Hun I-TICCIIER. . Muroh S. n Hod at [U242 rm . the` All. /40 ` u reuho Plague. ` ' B0.\m.u'. Marc 8.--Lord Scndhurat has I pointed: committe of four, wnliatirig 0 Gen. Cntacrmcommisaar `now, surgeon- mnjor Dimmock and municipal engineer Janna.-. irined with, the full measure: for hhe suppression of the bubonic plfguo. uvu try I. u no Innuxuu. `PllII..`\DF.l.PH!A(`Pa., March 8. -- Shonlf `Crow Saturday afternoon read the death wairnnt. to Jamas B.-Gentry in the county` prison where the actor has been since his conviction of the murder V/of Mnrgarols Uryadale (Madge Yorke) the actress.` (_}enh"y ialbo be hanged on April 22nd. IIHU III! 'Ul \JCUI'L'U VIUUIU "ILU\l:"a session Percy Chubb, who wnll use. I as a pie ure boat. only. The cost of buil ing nndmaking alterations on I was 150,000. _,_:___j___.____ I _ The sIbop\nuanc sonotf Nn\\"Ymu<. March 8 --The sloop Vigi- lant, the conquercr of Va kyrig II and trial yacht for _Dex'ender. h pas d out of theln'ii`)tI"(>f"(`}`e(ii`;:e Gouldnto the pos- smninn I m-nv Chnbh. who WI" um; hm- :, A Flllhuutre rt-r .-Jentenm-*d. PHlI..-\l)El.l'lH.k. 1 a.. Murch 8- ~John I). Hnrr,x-.everal days ago cmwicted of aiding in t,h3tiLLiIJ'.! Qmt. of the hbubteuing (\- pednbion on the steamer Laumde, was to- day sentenced by judge Butler to two _\eu'rs` irrprimnnxent und to pay :1 fine of $.'>()(a and costs of prosecution. Prior to passing the sentence the court refuted a motion fora new briul made hut. wok b Hart's counsel. ` / \ 11 ts.

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