UUFIIIUEH BIIUIUIIL . (Jome and see us if you want anything in foobwen r. A. `Abernathy, Fge tramps were given shelter at the lia headquarters last night. All were noborera. and one was :1 New Zealnnder who came to Canada several years ago to make his fortune." FBI... "Au-.. ....:II -, _ , ,| . IDBIJ. This morning Capt. F. Strange received as samples four pairs of boots. of whivh the militia department has 4,500 pairs for sale. They are ubsolebe and not consider- ed serviceable. l`I... D.........-.. ..a-..-; 4,, , - I UU FUIVIUUHIHEI The Pnncess street. store. occupied un- ,til recently bv Prev-oat. & Cn.. has been rented by 0. Sta: (Iatharinee business man. who will open a dry-goods and furni.-lhing bu`-iness therein` l`.............I ...... .... :: _... ",4, .1- IIVUEI Ill vulgury. LV. VV` .1. The new cnurtof Independent Foresters, recently formed here, will hereafter be known as Court Uataraqui. No. 3.-I`-21. The oicinl number arrived on Saturday last. m|_:_ _,-__,--_n . n ... - `- uu: uuncwu. ` Cnpb. Braden on Saturday last shipped several sons of single harness to .3 former Frontenac county resident, but who now lives in Galgnry. N. W.'I`. Thn nmv nnnrr nf Inrlnnnmlmn ll`.-.....;....- IIHIID UH`/9. The disease known as the `fermnn measlee|msI spread rapidly in this city, and hundreds of persons, old and )oung. are nficted. *' IV....L l).._..I-.. -_ (V.A, \ u . u - n IIGUUUU. C. J. Graham will erect: a fine brick re aidence on Sydenhum street, in war of the dwelling occupied by the late Prof. Wil- liamson. - Q..l........:..n:.._- .. LL. 1 1- a - v- - IIlIIII5U Subscriptions to the India famine relief fund close on the l.':r.li inst. locally. No more subscriptions will be taken after that; date. TL.` .I1....,.-- L.__.. V -I -I" uuuuu nu cuunral uuu western Uanuda. On Saturday temoon the horse owned by Arthur Dupuia ran avgny on Brock street, breaking the rig to which in was at.- baohed. I` `I A`--L-_. ...:H ...,n 0 surgery or Inn Kmu In ljumldn. This moxxingltahz men baking a short: course in " " e uttory were exercised in field manu-uvron on the gum. > , Beeohaufa liillu wlilll dispel the "blues." A Moncrea exc ahge speaks of the Wzuu In by lunfz odds the beat. paper pub- lished in contra and western Canada. On R.nf.|n-dnv Ahnrmnnn or... 1.... ....... ...I ,6-t;ruor of Prllmou Ana Wonlugton street: Dll DIlIaIIH*ll Cl'lCIn. -Dr.` J. O. Cohnell will more into his now `oice this eek. It is the most: complete surgery of be kind in Canada. ' Thin mnrninar tho Innn n-..l.:.... - ..L-... was uompulou on auurunv qlbornoon. The My Friend From Lidia company has arrived in the city. and is staying at the Bn't.ioh~American. Ill! BKTIVUII Ill VIII! CIT!) B:it.ioh~Aq|erican. -Dr. wil PARAGRAPH8 PICKED up av oun ausv_ azponrcns. `IEO Ipl90' of Ivory llny Ln.-.w|..g gh. Poonlu Ara `rnlklnp Ahnno_I`.n|.l..- n.-_ :-uv -p-gr In -vvry I-ll] IJIO-WIIII CHO People Are Tilting About-Nothing II- oppu tho Attontlop 0! `that! Who In "l'|k'In.I No/tom ' ' ' "' All kinds of shoes account at AberneI.hy s. The work of filling Qleosonh ice-house wan oomplotod on Saturday qfoernoon. "Li? Fr-iand Frlun lnin" nnvnv-nan- mums` as PERSONAL MENTION. T0 gu;`1.`;voLv`gns. . the winds the smoke of two furnaces be- Luuu WIIICII ut1I`uIu.lly patrons Have been 1')!` so long accustomed. The double amoko stock will hm'o disappeared, an: in its place will be one large stock, conveying to neath the boilers. The smoke will find our try to the stock from the two fires by R joint in the form of the letter A," which will 6% below decks. The bowdvzk will `be increased. as the npnce fi`onLin;_r the on- gino room occupied by the` boilers. which protruded above the deck level to the height of several feet.` will hereafter be llueh, giving just so much more space for1ba.ggAge' and freight. Likewise will the solo be increased in ei/.o. as the Jorge 3 ". hitherto boxed in to hide the machinery has been removed, and the only obstruction from one end of the saloon to the other will be the smoke:-tack. The machinery is all being placed between decks. The main deck has. been strength oned by the ndditionmf Ill new "knees." or brooee. In addition the steamer will` receive two coats of paint from stem `to stem and bull to hurricane deck. The changes will make the North King one of one n:-at steamer! on Lake` Ontario And the River St. Lawrence. Robinfon Bros., Dulno--. l'\.-.\-_A..__ n unaunlug auluo I lllpl`UVUlI.lI!l.l II. Whbn the steamer North King (goes into commission upon the opening l)fImvig.'l Qion her appearance. both internally and externnlli . will be groatlyv changed from that. whih her many patrons have l5een far 80 l0n'J smnnnrmnnd, Thin rlnuhln amnhn UIIAV. Deceased WM a liberal giver to local charities, but his giTts were unnstentrr tiousl_v made and his right hand knew not what. his left hand did. He wns of a quiet and retiring disposition, and was held in the moat sincere affection by the members of his family rind in the highest. eiteem by his ucquaintances and friends He was a staunch nnd`life-lmg liberal. Nu.-m;;om|rhm L-.nll To Rust. Tho fu nernl of the lute Owen t\lo1.`uinne.s tool; place on Saturtlay to St. M.~arv't-1 cemetery. Services were cmulucted in St. l\lm'_v's cathedral`, after which the lung proces.-ion moved to the cemetery. whore the body was lul(l in the vault to await in torment in the swing. The pull bonrors all near rt-lati\'en of (looem-enl ~- were F. -`J. Cochrnne, ll (L (Jot.-hrano, \V Leo Cochr.1no.Ale\nnder I, -enrnnrre,Robm't, W1]- sonnnrl William Wulnon. lmnensed wu.s.in his younger tlays, a noted athlete and among: the mementos prized by the surviving members of his fmnilv are several chmnpionr-hip trophies won by him pre vioun to his noming tn (`nnmln for throwing the heavy hmnmer." In his native. land he followed the occupation ofa clrover, nnd drove some of the largest hortls of cattle from Liverpool to, Hulyhend that were ever taken ave; that Rbute. He was one of four brothers, one of whom is now conducting one of thelargest (lrug; stores in New York citv. `l\............,l ..._.. .. I:|_-_.,I ._.'__-._ L- I, I LII"L'U\L`K'L'|l IU HI3 CUMU- He and his minpsmion hnd ;_rone'~nnly a short distance when M r. \'l'nlshnlippo foll, his forehead striking the ice with such force that: frightful gxisli was in llictcrli The wound bled profusiely nnd, lifter lmving bandaged it, as well mi pos- sible, he, with his cmnravle, returnerl to the cit._v. On his nrriv:1l here Mr. Walsh mnnmunerl Dr. T. M. Fenuirrlqwlio attend- ml to Lhe wound. Mr. Walsh will nu be nhle for some time to return to his reg la duties. * Accident (In The lm-. Yesterday afternoon I`. Walsh, coal and wood merchant}. Barrack street. started in company with :1 frienilvto wallmcrosstheice to Milton Island. The min of last; week and the subwwluent melting of the snow that lay on the ice had tho effectof coating the harbor and the l`lV(`l' with a sheet. ofive no smooth und slippery that walking on it is almostun imporasibility, as Mr. Walsh di.-acovererl to his coat, II- ..-..I L1. ..,\....... 2,... A Sunday Nlght lluuawny. Last night. M. about hnlf-past nino o'clock a horse bebngxng to John Laird, painter, Prince-s street, and which was be- ing dri`\'en by three bo_\'.=, run away. throw ing the occupants out of the mutter. The uninm! gnlloped nlong King street. and in turning onto Princte.-.r4 street run on the sidewalk and llgaillb the wall of Hon. Dr. Sullivan}! house. Here it was stopped by a passer`-by. No dmn-age was done to either the hnrnnaa or the cutter. and the horse re- ceived only (I. slight scratch on one of its, knees. The boys were uninjured. The runuwny begun at the corner of King: und William stream and was mused by one of the runners of the 1-utter catching on a street. rnilwn_v rnil. ..........,. ....._, .... ............,. Mrs. (Cal.) l\'it.=on gave a sl-caning party to nbonl: one hundred of her friends: at. the Kingston .~knLni;: link Saturday evening. The ice was in splendid form. nnd the keen winter pastime was f?Hi'1_V(.`(i from nine until H120 o`r~lnok. The hand of the Hbh battalion was present and di.-coursed some of its choicest music. Refreshnienls were served in Line directo1a' meeting room by caterer Baa;-ain. About ten o'clock 8 grand 'mnrc|i was forn;ed, led by Col. Cotton. l)().(`.., and his daughter, Mary. The nll'..i \n>Iun .. unngo n..nu...Lln ...`.. II Illa , all`-nir wn ` .,.-........,.. .,...,.., ...... Willian Aykreyd occupied the chair at the worlgingnienh meeting in the Wnn: hull yesterday afternoon. The attendance was meague, the audience being composed of not more than two dozen persons. Single tnxyvas the subject. of discussion. The chuirinun read from tho Toronto Globe the report. of a sermon delivered by Rev. .Mr. Kennerlv, of Toronto. dealing with the single tux from the point. of view of an op- ponent of the theory. A. Happin. J. R. l)oni\ldson, Joseph (leorge and others dis- cussed the paper. Luv; II Inc nan Ill: The number of persons who are, or who think they are, nlllicted with some obscure type of disease which the regular medical practitioner knows nobhing about. is very large, judging by the crowd that rushed to MeLebd s drug store on Saturday last. to procure boxes of the nerve and heart. pills" Mint were being given uwuy by the m'\iiufilr~l:urer'n general "agent, Frank Brownlg Mr. llrown was kept, on the move all clay` ml had all he could do to mciafy the \-isi or.-.' demands. Don Bulasco of Key West, by Gunter, Afhu. " Al.-nyn Adding. We are always adding to our stock of house furnishings. This year we are show- ing the very latest things in silk drapery and curtain materials with fr-inges.~ vords. enamel: and gimps to match. New styles: of lace curtains. new styles of ' ericnn Derby curtains, new styles of pains and trimmings, new at les of window shades. Every body invit to inspect, them. R. McFuul, Kingston Carpet. Warehouse. vv nu l-_C sun--ugvn 1 run -9. At. the uinomatograplu exhibition in con- vnmtion hall on Saturday night. Fredrico Hammivil e. the lecturer. tmnounc'Ad that upon the return trip to ;.his city views ,of 00100 of the local scenery. places and events wouid be ahgwn. The cinemutogreph goes from ham to Uanenoque on Tlmx-`edny next. ' The New Pnnj ` The stock of purses. end one: and hand bags at R.'Uglow 0; Co : is very attrac- tive, the styles are We lame, and the V colnrs and uhapoa hbe very noest. .>___. -9.... Making some Improvements. Skating: Party On Saturday. /(V_| . l_':.-_._ _.-.._ _ -I . VVU-"I IUIIIAUU, Hill l`_y \,'Ul. ` ., r.'x.@ u most. enjoyable one. wm nu. Klnnlon n... ._ .._-_._L__.__'_`. -__|_!L!-.-_ ` crrv mo vncmnwn. I) scanned single ax. ,_, ,- In They Were All I; L-.. -f _..._-_..._ ._.L_ Facing The Flag, by Jules Verne. 5Cc. u. \II n u nu; Jsvvlllutl . An old and respected resident. of Yong township was removed by death on Feb. '..`lsr. in the person of Joseph ll. Thomson. He was born in the towm-hip on August. timh. I809. While still a. more lad ho found employment as a amigo drive on the old mail route between l'rez-coma Kingston. In `his declining years he took much antis- fnobion in recounting lo willing listeners` stirring incidents of tlioi-e early (lays. Ho sub.-equently educated himself with I! view to adopting school teaching as `a profes- aon. In that capacity he labored in many parts of Ontario, and was also oimilarly engaged` at Alexnndria Bay and many other northern New York paints. and final! had charge of schools in Michigan. {lo re- mained in the latter stat; I number of , year.-. and `on returning tdok up his Ibodo in the vicinity of his old home. where he becaino quits awprominonb gure in the bemperunco. politics! and socinl life of the cornuiuniry. He !8l\ 0d in the old town'- sliipcniincil of Yonge and nldo acted nus imdilo` for she township oi Yongo ani Esco for A number of ours. After this ho wig: given charge 0 two lighbbouua mar Gmanoque. which position he held until he felt unequal to the worhond than ru gned in favor of Mr. Buck. At that time Mr. Thomson __IocIItod at Rock 3. where he resided gp 10 `the time 0" his , death. ` Deceased was an active liberal. IIHU Utl'" urllllllg. The prisoner was nrrnigiriad before the police idagiat.r.nt.o this morning and plaud- ed guilty? to the charge preferred against. him. He said he bud been drinking, was . on his way home and in he passed the bis- cuit factory. he \\'a.-: seized by an over- whelming impulso to enter the place. The inugislmio sentenced him to one month`a imprisonment`. in the common jail. Inuuv I ll Ilro.~k\ ille Recorder. uuun uumun mm, nnu Lnnn two men were at. that Limo in the building. Sergt. Snot!- den detailed 1 . Ca. McCulInuh, Kennedy and \\'eir to investigate, and the three proceeded to the factory. They found that an entrance had been elfci-Led Lhrough in window that had been broken [or the purpose, and ueenrch was made through the interior of the building for the intruders. After a Lime 3 young man was noticed by | .~(;`. McCul)ghlylllg under 0. mblenenr Lhe broken window. He was huuled out of his hiding-place and was Lnken Lo the Ft)!` Won, where he gave his mime as John Tur- both. If/was found that he had ried the Lhe till of its contentr fteen cents. He was not, under the inlluence of liquor, but had be-~n drinking. The nrinnimr um: nrrnitrnnzl Lain... n... ._._...__. And (int A Month's lunprlnonment For The ()|"hsuL`e. On Saturday evening lnst. n telephone n`.es.~4u;ze was received at. the police station, suiting that. (ardiner`a biscuit fuctory an the corner of Earl and Division streucu had been broken into, nnd Lhnb two building. Sersn. Snorl. was \vn.u lllllllL7lI!"U culu'agP,. l` pectlng B H` turn of the prosperity whic is again to lend their tables nnd eruae their minds. Cnmuln is more moderate in the struggle for wealth, and yet in the future it Is sure to come. Cannot we be titted for the trust by educating our children to the highest and wisest uses of the rich blessings of n bonecent providuncei Thrift tends to honesty as well as self-respect. Let us by all means encourages and instil it. The Kingston public school board has hitherto shown so wise and disinterested a policy in its mannggement. and a moat. gracious at. tontion to ull that |:ns been suggested for the advancement of the children under its charge, that we feel, as far as this city is concerned. we may safely leave in its care this plan of mu iiigs banks for the schools, hoping that it may appeal to theirju'dg~ ment and meet with npprovul.--A.\\'n~: SH '.\\ SI IIIIIIIKILIUU. It is said that n lnrge masuro nf Eng- lnnL1 .~:wealtln is duo to the cure of or hoard- ing of monies in the centuries past. If thnb be '1: sin, in will not lie at the doors of America, where, M u- rule, the expenditure quite l`.6RCh6* the limit, of income of the people, they, taking the days of dofedb or lane with immense courage. vzpocting the nroauaritv whin in nonin tn _umu;,; uuuu. nu um nuluy Luau ne 01` mm Li hcIpin;: Inoth-31'." As they ,-zrow older their delight may be inm'en.sed by tho kI\0\\'le of saving for the parents, thus stimulating; (.0 _'__'i01l behavior, for posses- sinns well mod, HlCl 8Cl8e waif-respect. All thin precludes n proposal to institute sav- ings banks in the public schools, where mine of the smallest. value may be deposit- ed, and ut as given time returned to the child with a premium.pmpnrtiomut/e to the amount tleposibed. '1`m's suhexno would not. involve much lzxouble. nml the monetary results would be very trlimz, but the stump upon the child's charm-tor. nnd the inlluenro for good wnuhl be mean-yurelm.-. From this! lihule fund of itnown, even if only ten cams in the year the child mi-__rhL learn the high and irnpmmnt. ur_t; of giv- ing" that greate.-at. of all luwrin,--, nnd nut. nuurn huu mgu unu unpmmnh urp O! "giv- invhr" greate.-at lu\urio.-; nnd out. of the potent factors in llnollluking of noble manhood. IL :._ .....'l AL-` _ I, \ I H U\-(I. It. ii, fortylxnntely, very easy to PM lute and excitet,heenthusi:1smof little all)! ran. and correspondingly cruel to dash their hopes by imlilference. or by crushing their lictle eilnrts. '0 know the pridoof the ynuwg child. in the fancy that he or Rho is hchuinw nmrh-ar," .~ \a 'V"m' wmw "Mm A Martyr To Love, by Joanna Wood, Ann V u uu Ill um II-gut pl me goepol. are We not` equnlly culpable with them if either the material abundance or the gifts ofin- tel|ect,whioh have been bestowed upon our young nation, be prevented, or used un- wieely, for where innch in given much shall be required. The beat tent.-hing of our land. for church as well as state. tends to the elevation of our fellows and begins with the ohildren. the earlier the better, and this brings us to the object ot thir paper._ We would say. with all your teaching "teach thrift." vThie may sound indenite and may be tlionghtiuiprnctio ublo, but with an honest desire for the bet. torment of our good, intelligent, patient and often laborious workers can we not de- vise n echc-me whereby an attempt un\_v be made. We already have sewing taught. in the school:-,nnd in larger Pl|i(`Ezl thnn King- ston lessons in cooking are given to the girls and other mnnnul labor taught the boys. ('zmnot we nd a way to teach the children now to save the pennies, tlmt they mny have the wherewithal to provide the materials for their sewing, cooking, etc. It 1` `A..L.._....I,_ ,7" 4- A 1' ` ` uwn uuura: anoulu W0 IIOY. Niko warning? While the different. civilimbioxna -and s-tiU more. the teachings of a religion of cnriaciunicy may save our land in who prea- enb day from faking so low, you living as we do 'in the light. pf the goapel. eumulv moabla with t.hnm it` nilhpr Suvlnc Bank: In I.I_o lclmolu when the chum-on mg: lava -their rpnum and llu\-'0 {them _l`etnI-nod In 5 Lump sun.-as 1: \Vorthyof]0oqIIdorwl|on. In this age, and not-.ib|_y" uphn the Ameli- ciui continent, mtnro has no boumifully hvished her gifts shut the Mormon we have heard of exlravngaub luxury may be repeated `with A warning, The deony of the Roman em pire begun with the surrender of the nation to the utmost axbnwagnnoo and degrading pelf-indulgence. Have we not. of late had an` exnmple of the prostitu- tion of wealth. if not in our own country. at least in America. nud not far from our own doors? Should not. take warning? diH'emnr. nivilivnnjnnn .nnd Mas.` WM. rsKs"nNn sua:;;s1' A wise scams. ..__A...__ B R 0 Kg I N:|'C3 R Y. mam` Ai@cu1:MN. Gone To ls Rout. n ........,a..- Is to drink -a` batten; Endz healthful watgg than hhy ' a---.--...:..-_:-- T0 DRINK {rl-{AB -Galedonia Springs Sel1zef-3 Styles for young men, middle- nged men and\QlWd7 menu` lnmest quality, correct lslpcs, ezt lrom New York andLondon. Don't believe we'll have `a bi? of trouble pleasing ybu. F. NISBET SI The H. D. Bibby Co.,% OAK HALL. KING STREET. JUBILEE HAT STUHE. I897 HATS. V IJ" Llily H rc. In the three series for the pennants tho ynchbs having points in the land are: First, ch:-=n- -`Chinook and Jack Frost, five points each: I-laquimnux and Deance, three points eweh; Dalphin. one pain . Second class-\`Vhistlewing, teuhpointaz Breeze. four points; Jack Frost, three points. Third clast-3-l'rodignl Son, five points. um nrxu noun lor cm! oropny. In all probabnliby the yachts Whistle- wing and Breeze. owned by commodore W. C. Kent, nnd ox(-ommodore H. S. Fol- ger, WI be Lwo of the three yachts chosen to (ll fend the Walker nrophy for the King- ton club. The third will be determined by days race. In tho thrnn sun-inn (nu 0|-la nanunnl-.. Al... \V|lll'[I will uu saueu. Wllel` plllllblllflg, ab '_ :.'10 Wmlnosdny nfwrnoon, the (laps Vincent. club being the competing or- ;Innl7.nl.l0l|. This race will be considered the limb heat. for this trophy. nrolmbnlimr Llm vnr-Mu \Vh;.rl..- luv I llllllb IIDICCI Ab four o cloek this afternoon the third and lust; pennant; race will be sailed over the Kingston ice yacht club course. The winners of this. as were the winners of the two previous races, will be eligible for con- sideration in the choice of yachts to de- fendthewnlkerintornntiomfluhnllongomce, which will be sailed, wnnther peimibtmg, \\'e(lnosdnv afnernonn. the (`.amu EVERY HUMOR 1. \,uIuwe|I, amp , II. On Saturdny night at the Kingston curl- ing rink Col. Drury defeated Dr. Wntmon by thirteen points to ban, at curling lor the Stewart trophy. ` ~- T now I: told Ihrouchoql (ha world. Po1'rn`Di'o 4:: Ir Cunu.(:nIn-.,Bnl I`rum.. Bunion. U. B. A. r:T"l:1ow to Pruvenl FM.-u Human," mulled hm. . .u~uu._y yu-uug nunmrn. ntuxdny night at the curling rink I hie dly match in: played by rinks skip- ped by T.- `Caldwell. Lannrk. and A. Sbrnohnn. president of the Kingston club, The rink Rkipped by the pmsidont. won by a score of ninobeen tu seventeen points. The rinks were : 1 l..:,ll..... D n|,-.., 1 In In A vuuuvu ny u. 1.-uzuuuv, uy uuulgu unsu- with Fgm, 750. London Pride, by M. E. Braddon, 750. The Money Spinner, by H. S. M: rrlman. '7Rn numtnnn, amp. MI. W. Baillie, z\. T. Smizh, w. B. 1) nlton, T. Culd well, amp.17. On Rahlrdnv niahr. no. Hm l(:..a.o.... ......I .... .. u.-,.u. nu umcn, uuul, and nursery. Cuticura Inna In Ania nu... _... .g- _ .. - ~ IHU l'|l|I(H WCI'0 J. Lnidluw, F. Shaw, J. W. Power, A. Slarnchnn, skip. 19. W. H.-nllin, :\ 1` 14mm. \v n um-.. Hy LIIU l\lI|gUllUl|l1|HH. Ontario: In the second hnlf there Wm eighteen minutes of n:-Lual play. The Relleville team had the match, but one of the Kingston players on the pretext than his now was bleeding left. the ice and the mforeo IIUOWOII ten minutes rot-t-. whivln gave the Kingston ylnyera their wind. Had it. not been for tins clever bit. of fak- ing the Frontenncs would not have been in H. I`iIn;)1us. lnlou-libs, blnck'hrem1s,'rnd. rough. oily, mm hy skin, itching. amly xmlp, lry, thin. nnrl !.4l.'n:: hair. and lmluy bl:-,1ni.-In-.~4 pr-v\'n.nL-41 by (.3Ir'rn-unA Sou`. the mom. elfnctivc skin purifying and lmautifyin ' soap in Ihu world, as well as purost an sWc('te.~Jt. {or toilet, bath, and I` 21:5 nellevllle Connmoutu (In lhmlmy Alan-In. Infelligoncer: The lncnl players are un- used to a covered rink and in makes a lot. of difference. The liingsmn link is high banked and all the players there have the carom gluno down ne. Q... IN. cm. ...t. 1111.. L--. a.vm.-_. 1.-.. CHIUIH ;:t|UlU (l0Wn ""6. Sun: Ice too soft. The boys )mIt, hm. ing been treated in a most cordinl zpnnner by the Iiingahonlnrm. nnnu-in- In Hm tannin` '\u H...... um. FWE T 'UMOR3 IIIIUI N \\'HIl I. ()'n3th:nn, in n neat. little pamphlet, has soul. broadcast u\vol.}'o pointers as to why the ().W. . meal` for I897 should to hold bharu. Th masons are M1 veli found. ad und ought. to carry weight with wheel- men,-.renemlly. In is promised that this pmnuhlet. is only the chin edge of tie wedge, um] that sledge hummer blows. in the form of strong arguments, will drive the wedge home to success. Ulllpllllllllu). Kcortliug to in Berlin dcspabch in Sutur- duyfa Montreal Ht;u_r, wtho inbonnedinte hockey champions of Ontario are anxious to go to Montreal at once to play for tho dominion championship, and on the return trip will stop otfhero and give the Front.- nncn a whirl._ l"....uI ..... ... .. _-_; I-..u, \ In - Cursed By a. Fortune, by George Mair- Elf}: Warn 7Rn u uuu:-omqngure`. M S. Sxmhorluntl is in the nals for the Stewart, cup und Ute ..(`.a|-ruthorza gold medal. the propertv of the Kin anon cur`- oing club. Dates for the timr trugglu have not been set. Mauuaknpa "C 0......) I.--I.-.. L.-. _A ~ 1' AA IIHVU Ill)! 0 - Members of Sears hockey team my Unb ifs cmtorunre excluded from` the rink an the Marquis of Queeuabury rule: are adopted. they will Intact. Dunlupfn mm in ll nal match lor the local mercantile ohaunpionahip. A'cordim,v m A Rm-lin Anahuenh :.. 9.4.... purunwuug. ' - lco yachtumen were in great glee yoIter- dny.5 Ngarly ovary ygqht in ha; (1.9: ehodk` "A {rep i_t_a_ Annie and Ii-iihshxl tv 30:0 glinton- iffy} iurfaca, which the foe i|wa,,ha_rbpx' now p ouo'ntII, . .-T M Thu wall-Icnnwn Om-.6.Hn.:i mg-L. I now p oucnw. F: 'l`hu_`w_gll-kno,wr_1 trohtin {nah ni;`s"i.ao.` founorly ah ` any of \\. I)."Mc `no. of this my. was so. ya few days nro id` Pic- mn to an Alberta, N. \\'.'1`.. ram man at a. h nndsolnegure; Li S. .qut.hm-Inna] in in Hm nal: Imp lm muernnuonu comes: vnn no new at no o`clock on Wednoedaytutlornoon, weather permitting. ' Inn \'nnhI`nlnnn uvnra in normal n`n- maul-An-, Ill` I03 "I Up. 3',`I'D0r I III nrnr. 0* . condition` form-yacht racing. .nndho inuernncionnldoontoc will be did it no A`:-Inn]: nn Tn:-In4.R.un.....n...u... _.-.o|.... -jnjz Wigs Inn Irunljlnj In {In porting . ` Alan: olv:I'I|I lull)! _. The Kinglbon ioo-yacht club will hold I rac tor the olinb ' up ohia n!_r.ornoo. Tho start will` be undo to foijr o l-.I'oc Jrun '1`IIUu`I!>, ISL- n.-Adlnpl ....`.AA .. "'6 hurt`. `XIII ININ WIl|' DO IDIGCII I ll!` 0'l`.l0(`,K-. John Elliotblxu ondchd 'ro\"eM._v-"two and a half gear ROili'iIOI` Bicycle lo: tr: `I: purpoan. .Igok-proposes so do bun)! racing this coaon. Thoice in the zsrborii in rnclqu onmlil ;|'\lI' `(III 3!/IQ, Bank! D-nnlnul ant. s`3onna _P_ARA_Gn;u;;I'$.. agi-an Friendly Lurllug Mltvll. .A 4; AI. From Ydixth Up, by`Mar1on Harland, Qn "- Ice Yacht Race: v,|,,| .|- -. rmm Hmplbo to Bcrofuln mac | by CUI l(.`lI|LA Jlnlmu. _ Dovout Lover, by Mrs. Lov1ttCa.m- i Arnn can yr A % rmmn _Imo yyou .. .V.ypvvvv-v-vvvuvvvv.vv 00:. Princess and Wellington Streets. ________._._____i____ knife`: Mistake, by Mrs. Lovitt Cam- 0ron,25c. I All Sleigh Bells, Horse. Blanio I ets and Rugs will be sold t cost price. M I .13 to make your home attrnmive. lmnuurncrunm Pulntou. Dooonton. Gluleu. 275-7 BAOOT ST. Tho Ciorn or Bookstore. In to have you try our service. Hockey Sticks _Aml Skates _r . Must be cleared out to rnake room for spring goods. Price no object. I. A. Il1`6HELL SHARDWARE, ` 85 ahd 87 Princess Street. V fI"Hr;:,$ 1, toconvlnvo you of the murits of our work. During March we will do Paper- ing and Pulntinu at llednced ..'o.b`IaIJ' `Tfu `/ I '1 This year. Have you chosen your mount ? If not consult us ; We have ve reli- able makes to select from. ..'W3vare I flui ` fl ac ICUL Ll UH]. Bee our win- dow. _AWHEEL TLITE wow) ___.1..: For the Balance 015 the Month WILL UE " Panic! wishing to 9"}. oil), or exchange jun, proper ahpnld will on (Margo Cli. v mutton for real eIGolo,96 Gluropoo _ 1 ; W0 [X 0`@-'`' . ` . - .j Snap SE-M. Sixty pairs of women : dongola button boom---oi:u 2.5. 3, 3.5. Former prices: 82. $2.60 pa pair. Saturday your choice, 81.50 at Jollmuon & Co. ` , one: win p0llllUu anu npprupnuo Call. The mission band has been reheated to repeat the enr.ortninment`ut`In early due. and the requut. will no doubt be colfxpliod with. ` ._-..._._._.- n,,, ,, .u . _ suQnn- Q1. w..,,,.,... . 5'9 Wnh 31:15 I 00115 tub I! brought to Wluu o co. ' - ' Crodltnbly Preadnted Cantata lmmnnuel It Cooke`: phnroh. The Olive branch girls mission bend` of Cooke : church. nzisisbed by several memi. bers of the choir, presented the canteen Immr\nuel" on Friday ni he in a most vrdituble style. The mom rs of the mis- sion bnnd, to the number of fty. were nll arrayed in white and resented 0. very pregty appearance. In t. e ab once of the organist. Mrs. C.evolin very` acceptably presided at the organ. The singing by the children was beyond criticism and evoked the warm epproxnl of the audience. The only unsnm-factory point. in connection with the atlinir was the rather small Attend- moo, and for this the very inclement wen-, hirer was wholly responsible. J um}... ll. m...m.. ..m...:..i_.a.&i..;.. Ul.`Ol' WI! Wllnlly FBSPOIIIIDIO. Untzhow H. Clnxtou occupi and opened the \`cning'I_proceedi brief but pointod and appropriate The mission b-nml has bean ra l'|II7 UXIBDIIIK UUIIIIIDIIPYI U] lllra. A petition. requesting the board to act in the maicber nu nbe earliest possible mo- ment. is in circulntion. and has been sign- ed by every oitizm residing on the street who has been asked tb nttach his or her signahxro. Attention of The-.u|"Xoarul of Health Galled to Tim Matter. lie:-irlents on West street have written to cll.'nirm.\n Dr. l hclun.of the board ofvheulth, making complaint regarding the very un- sanitary condition of the outlet of the West street sewer. The outlet is more than `en. feel; distant from the water's edge and the sewage discharged runs over the inter- vening space, smeading as its course pro- gresses and (`nu-es on almost unbearable stench in sulnniortinie. Residents in that lucility state that even in winter the order nrising from the lth is very pa rceptihle and unhealthy. There are beverul l.)0[-ll0`.l`B9 situated close to the outlet. and to the ( iers of these the stench is especially objectionable. It is requesued that tile board of health take the Inntter upnud take steps to remedy the existing condition of nllaira. A nniitinn n-nunntino Qkn I-man-I on not wesr smear sewf OUTLET A D1-mu-vlng Case. One day last week citizens residing ndar the corner of Bnv nnd Ridenu streets dis- covered that n. family living in the vicinity was in destitute circumstances. There are eight members of the family, the youngest being only a week old. When the oondi tion of the unluvtunnte family became known the members had not partaken of food for twenty-frmr hours, and were in ix hall lamiahed stats. Relief was at once nflorded, and since then the lsinclhearted neighbors have been supplying the wants of the, parents mill children. The father is It carpenter by trade. but for some time has not worked ill y, being unable to secure employment. Tie two eldest children, boy and girl, are uld enough and are wil- ling to work if employment was found for them. I IHHllHCi".' Well, I boliom there should be 11 pro- per menliuin between those who give and those who receive -some person to receive all ulothin;,r contributed. and who would supply it to those utnnding in need of it. Then those who have any cast-o' clothing. no matter how much nor how little, should send it to the proper person for distribu- tion. This is 0 great need that l have roco[,{ni' d, and unless some- thing: in this lino be done. no contribution can do us: much good on if it proper organi- zation were (-tl'e(.-ted. with this purpose. A quantity of old wearing tfppnrel lmn been sent tome, since the paragraph touching on this subject appeared in the Winn. and I have. of course. placed all I received. where I believed the most good would be done. But, as I have already said. the grant need is for the appointment of in per- son to attend excliaivel_y to the receiving and distributing of clothing that may be donnled. And I sincerely hope that all who have cast-oil` clothing to spare will , give it to relieve the terrible need that ex~ istl already, and which will, in all proba- bility increnee until spring opens." LLIKVII IIIIIIICUIISI-C1:~' LU l'U".|EU`)' ID. Whab means uould you propose an be- ing moat; e'ccLunl to relieve these fumi|ie.'~`." I nun 1|-_1:..... AL--- -LA..u.n L, , ,,,, IWUY 'IU pl'UlDl)l HIIU HIHPUHFIC. '_'Yes, sold Mr. Black. it is much greater than `it is reported to be, for in nearly all the crises of which 1 Am aware their condition is not made known volun-M tsrnly, for the heads of the fnmlliee are re- .-rpectable. mdustrzous end honest men.who do not relish bring the recipients of charity. They are all anxious to secure employment in order that their wives and families may be clothed and fed by money earned by the husbands and fathers. I know of families in which the children have not suicienh clothing to go out of` their houses with. and are, therefore, conn- pellod to remain indoors durin`T every hour of every day of the week. `t is simply heat-trending to think of it. ` In several cases children h:.ve been sent home from the public school~~. because their clothes were not clean. These onfortunates are losing the precious benefits of educa- tion and are growing up in l nornnce because they have no more t nn one suit of clothes apiece. and are compelled to go withoutchnnge of ronnent throughout the Ihinter months. And in many instances Ho pnronts are no better oilthanare the nhilclron. This slate of uflsirs in disgraceful, and steps should he tulu-n immediately to remedy it." 'imf. mennn unuld vnn nrnnnnn an Inn. ( I IIOHH ll KIVOH DCHIW. The first question called by the reporter wan: Is the destination in certain families as cut II it in said to be 1'" and the an- : or was prompt und emphatic. '`\ u. Black. it. is much cwy. ll uppumng. U ` A Wmu reporter intervievvcd Rev. J. R. Black on. Saturday last on the sub- jecg u`ha. through his connection with nhoj children`: nitl society, has facilities greater than are posuuod by any ubhar ul yman in the on . {gr knowing the con` mun of the fami ies of many unem- ployed men. and the result. of his chums- Lions in given below. us: nrnf nnnnl 3: n nnhnu` I-an OR: -nun.-I-An . . ' ` "`*=:7 An lntorvloygguu J. ll. `Black In Re- gurd to thovundmon of Alnln-5-210: ndoklinown Voluntarily-'W_lIn agno- lllllrml. If the reports of those who have Mae but means 0! inquiring re araing the con- dlmom of tho lumilien of ' `non citizen: who ciunon nd employment 91-0 to be be- lieved, (And there iterory rggion why mob reportuhould bo PGOOWOII as being amat- ly correct) the extent; to -whih grinding poverty has invaded muny homo: in this city. in appealing. A will!) rnnnrmr inmrvinnnhul Au .1 CHILDREN inrr mom SCHOOL . son wmror CLOTHING. OLIVE BRANCH BAND. ATIHVEREA-is nssmnmm. OUR DESIRE /1 . \ chmr '3' H Greece '5 ly' tgtbo `damn ; ml: `of power: in n no and to uncut: Cute. sxurmlon "Anny lantern sou-vlco. Th lnnbarn snrvice III the Salvation army temple, under the management. of ensign Sim. last "evening aumctaod a In-go con- gregrntion. The scenes shown wero illus- Emtive of incidents in the career of "Lime Mile." A London vnif, um] were very life- hke and distinct.` Spocint voc and in- st:-umonal.munic Ina given. `u `Ida:-on Ptoport;-Iold. The Munro property on St. Catherine strut. ponainting of I pu-t_.jall burned lipase and A building lot. vain!" upubllo auction on Snturdaynqfgfrnoon by uuctnonur John Mills. gdloz Sm th. contractor, was the purohu-or. an the price puidvu 8250. Thus was quite a crate! pnunt at who told and bidding Ill liv0ly.~ UIHI ETUUU nlm. "Our lives resemble the great deep; we are out on the ocesn nailing. Our euuli are the ship:-. eternity is the ocean, heaven the desired hnren. There are rocks and shoals, dangers and difficulties. perils and perplexities; yet by faith we suromnnt all these obstacles. Faith is the eye by which we see the Ipilitual things of this life, and the eternal things of the great hereafter. Faith is the hand that reaches forth and takes the blessing from heaven, the finger thlli touches the hem of Christ s garment. Our usefulness is in proportion to our fsith. Greet fsith brings with it hope, joy. peace and love, and the power to win souls for the kingdom of God. Let VOUI` DTIVQI` bn `(f ' Int-rl innennsn nus your pruyer be '0`! hard, increase mg: no wm suuna lur Ina Iunguom 0! Lion. halal faith. . ;I\lullDlll` I chur- A large congregation attended Brock street~Methodist church last night. The chornl parts of the service were excellent, Mr:-. Hughes rendering a solo, The Bless- ed Life. Rev. John Iiienfell preached from Matthew xiv.-3|. "Doubting Peter." After relating the h`istoricnl" aeLting he said: "Doubt made Peter sink. Doubt causes men to sink to-day. Doubt pam- lyzes the life of the christian, and of the christian church. taking from us our love forllml and condence in Him. making our lives weak and worthless in the service of the Saviour. fiwomnn entering 'nto a marriage contra implicitly trusfgs her spouse. thou h their acquaintance be com- psu-alivelyahirt; yet we doubt the God of mercy, wisdom and kindness, who has cnred for our fonefnthers. cared for our- selves till the present time. and will still care for us on through all eternity if we but trust Him. nun..- 1:--- _.-_-__LI_ .L, ,, ,. 1 suu npuuuiua u|vnI_yu pruacneu mrgIve- ness of sins in connection with simple faith in Jesus (_`.hrist. Be it lmown unto you men and brethren that through this man (Jesus) is -preached unto you the forgiveness of sin. The gospel would not be glad tidings if it left those who believe in uncertainty and doubt. Mr. Mills lnid special emphasis on the clcarness and nimplimty with which the subject was treated in God's word and from it delivered` a. truly interesting and helpful address on the blessedness. the basis, the extent, and the style of the divine forgiveness of sins. The blessednese is known and enjoyetl in bhe soul. the basis or foundation of fur- giveness line been laid in the cross of Cal- vary. the extent of forgivemise is ull~-All my iniquitien on Him were lnidand the style is all the heart cm wish for, hzw. ing nothing to pay He trnnkly forgave them both. IBIIIJUTU UX LIIC UCTVICC. The address was given by the president of the association, George M ills.hia subject being, Can We Really Know In This Life That Our Sins Are Forgiven. He said the snbjeu-t had been suggested to him be- cause of the number of professing chris- tians ho had recently met with who were `in doubt about the for iveness of their sins, some of them even I. ilnking that such could not possibly be known until the day of jntlgment. How different wna the teaching of God's _ord and the experience. too, pf many jnyfi christinns on this all- impnrt-ant subject. The day spring from on high lmih visited 119 to give the know- ledge of snlyation by the remission of sins. The apostles olvmya preached forgive- nnesl nf aim: in nnnnnnlninn miol. IIUUK PHFD. The evening song service in the large hall was remarkable for the unuslu1I|ylar_qe number nfyonng men present. The sing- ing was hearty, and the selections given by the male qumrtebte. under the leader- ship of Arthur Ellis, was an attractive feature of the service. llllll IIIIU HINT"/. In the testimony meeting that followed Edwin Chown and about A dozen others took part. Thu nvnnhmrr nnnnr any-"inn in H. l..-us- roux AIM \guI:Ull u, Hpoiio Ill we llIL6l'n0Oll ror men on " legenerntion, pointing out the necessity of the new birth`, no matter what position a man may occntpy or however great hie intellectual attainments. The natural man undorsxtrmds not the things of God, hence the necessity of being born again of water and the spirit. ln hhn fanlinannu mnntinn that fnllnnuul The Y. 3! (LA. Service: ` The services at the rooms of the \'.M. ().A. yesterday were of a most interesting and protable chararter. Mr. Wallace, of Qua-en u, spoke in the afternoon for "}Inn`m\m-nlinn, nnintinn nut Hm .mn....`rn UUH Ub WHEY. Three Jesuit; priests, Fathers O Brinn, Doherby and Maring, arrived in the city from Montreal on Saturday evening, and are conducting a two weeks miaaion in St. Mary s cathedral. The first week's min- aion in for women only, that of the second week far men only. Rev. Gregor 0`Bryan is rector of the new English co - lege, Montreal. The retreat for women was commenced lust ovonin by Father D iherty. The first muse one I day for the two weeks will begin at. live o olock run. each day, the second at eight, and the evening service at hall`-past. seven. comely on om! nu Djacli 01 missions. In Sydenhnm street Methodist church yesterday morning Rev. J. E. Starr balked go the children, taking for his subject. " Tho Ferry Boat. As an introduction he related who story of David and Absalom, and questinned the little folks many times. In some instances the answers were amus- ing and interesting, but withalshowing the training Lheyhad received. ThoA_,at- benciolvthroughout was of the best. The children went home feeling happy, and no doubt wiser. fI"L.... Y......:L .....z....... `L`-LL--.- n:n_,-,_ warty. Principal Grnnt pronclmed n missionary Harmon in St. Andrew's church yesterday morning. In the afternoon D. M. Gnu- dier and D. A. Volume nddresaecl the members of the young F19`: missionary ooniet y on the an bjocb o m anions. In Hdllhnlh an-nah Mnthnrllak nlnuv-nh IIIIIU. Rov. Canon Spencer oiciated gt. the morning and Rev. Dean Smith at. the even- ing agrvioe in. St. Paul ! church in the Ab- aonce, through illnna, of Rev. W. B. Corny. Prim-nnI rnnl`. nrnnnlxml A ml-ainnnru ""E::..u'.vI'. E. Stir: proaohod I very able an dtfactive rermon in Sydeunhamltreet Mdthodlac church lust; evening. His nub: joorns "lnuonol| a Ignbnnoe of God." '1`boPramvt4arimnnm mgkimr nmmu-n. 1005 WI` "l0[.[Bl'F0lI'R IKIIOTIHOQ of U00." '1`boPreabyteriuna are mqgtinx pr:rnrn- pionn for a wool: of sol!-deniu , from nrch ,l6th to '. .lsI:, in the hop: of raising 830.000 tfo tracer. indebtddrneas in the foreign mission un . D`. . (1.... d...._.... -(L',!-L-,I ,. .1 , IUIIH III IISUIIKUU one 4'00)? III Kano 5Qr\'I(*. Rev. W. '1`. Lipton. Wolfe Inlhnd. bu received a cal] to Newark. NJ. Ha wan dnwn mhnrn nnnnntlv unnmlinn u u~nn|r in IVODIVUU I CHI} `:0 NUWII'Kg N.-I. HO `'3! down there rooomly spending a wool: in thntrfliv. [Ill lll D0-`IIUITOW BYOIHDE. ,, [At morning nurvioo in'8n. Jqmos church ynturday F: G. Klrkpuu ick read the 'le-- eon`: lmd assisted the rector in the service. I)... \1.' II` I in"... nu- v.|'.....| 1.-- Wou i uviou:i lflilllpl. _ ~_ on` llndnb. - `-4 A regulnri modtipg of. So. Jpmea guild grill be held to-ixorrow evening. Annm-ni an iQD|I:l\ in'Rr. .T.nnAn nhon I-oh <..a+..;;. ufrnb{*XucruT4_nu%s. Doubtlng Peter. mining Innlwto In Toronto on Ann! lit. Dmiol Egnn, bobscconintl. \\'ellingr.on atsjeor-, who Ina been conned to Ylis bed with a severe attack of grippo for five or nix weokq, was able to get up on Saturday. Dan}; many friend:/no glad to see him around agun. guy: a wuuu uracrxe roan rot 350. A PAH`. Provost. _ut the New York clothing store. Brook an-o_oe.Ahu're_oeived a and of boys tweed and Ierge. bunt! (all plan) will be obrod duhwo Ihopth, of February at 85. a pull`. . oy no great viluo. `A - _.._-;_...__._., `-._..... lion 'l`wud Orson`: I-um for ace. 1 ram. Amn -5 5L. 1?... \r__I, ,|,.n . muuner. turns. 1". Jones, Union street. Dr. (ioodwin will deliver an address on "Some Metallforoua Rocks of the Kingston District." at the meeting of the Ontario` mining institute in Torontoon Anril lst. Ihnial If... ...b..........-..' \\'..n.-.......... ruuurulug no ulnnan. ' Capt. John Braden retux nod on h`atu_r;,- day from his business trip to New York. He mm that. trade is suffering from de- pression there as here. Mu, I) Lam. ;n 1...... 4'... ........ ......1.. ciqnperrs pruulon were nero. Mrs. D: Little, ill hero for some weekvt, returned on'Satq\rday to her home at Po torlro. She was nocqmpanied by her mot. or. Mrs. F. Jonas, Union street. `M . `:I\llDhI Iii" rhnvnr an nrlp-nan nn wna unu Ul NICCEEE. Lieut.-Gov. Kirkpatrick will leave the hospital in London this week and proceed to Brighton for four or five weeks prior to returning to Canada. ` Cant. Jnhn Rrnrlnn rah. mzl nn Hat...-. Movement: of the l'ooplo-What They no laying and Doing. Stanley Allen, Brockville. visited his parents, Bagot street, yesterday. Mrs. Lqiahley`!onvea this week for S`. John. ., to jokx her husband. , W. J. ooro, goal estate broker. has re- turned from Toronto, where he went to put; through g,, real estate deal. His trip was one of success. Ii... J1-.. I(:-L.._:._:_|_ _..:n |_-,,_.|,, Presumnbly topgluont Citizens on Saturday " Evenlng. Among those who attended the local market on Saturday last were fl number i` `of Pittsburg residents, who, after having disposed of their wares, proceeded to "till up" with liquor, with the result that by seven tfclock they wen: all in a state of ghting intoxication. They attend- edaraie fora horse at a King street west hotel. and here one of them got into nn nlt-cur` Lion with a citizen, the result being that n free tight ensued. lteinforrements were, lhter, taken to the scene of the conflict and the ght was twice renewed. The citizvrns had the best of the battle, and two of the Pittsburgers determined to hm-, at any cost, revenge for their defeat. The battle, which began in the hotel, was waged along: King street to the corner of l'rinco.=i~I. When this point wipe reach- ed the two l`ittsburger.~z above re- ferred to left their companions. entered Sears` hardware store and asked to be shown some revolvers! saying they wished to purclmse two. They tlirow on the coun- ter a large roll of bills tn pay for the pistols. but the clerk seeing that they were underthe influence of liquor refused to sell the revolvers to them. They then went out and by the time they reached the corner of King street the other combatants had disappeared. One of the Pittsburg men received a blow on the face fromn bottle nnd sustained a few slight cute, but no serious injury was done toany of the others. :- _)'. On Saturday afternoon on the market square two farmers. slightly under the in- uence of liquor, amused themselves for some minutea by making bets as to whether or not they could lift 11 pair of diminutive mules owned by E local clothing hnnse. Without asking the permission of the driver they proceeded summarily to decide their beta. The mule.-I stood the jfun. con- scious of the fact that there were othera. mung cw uu. (J. J. Graham -has begun the work of adding im rovements to the two stone houses atat 0 corner of Earl and Syden- [mm streets. Furnaces, extension kitchens, modern improvementus. plate glass, porti- co.-, etc., will be added. `VA utnnf tn in... than. .'..o,. .......`.... ......| CUP, 1100., Wlll D8 RUHBU. We want to turn them v'nto money and will sell shoes for cost. to do so. A. Aber- nethy. nn Rntnrrlnu nffnrnnnn An Han .nn-.1-nl lllxlllllg VVIIS L700. Coal. nll Irizen-.deIivere promptly rn my part, of the city at 95 pm ton by W. (L Graig & Co. " [3 J (II-n}\nvn.`|nn Lon...` bk.` ...,...l. .-.i E Fllllly H-"ll ouuurtmy. The livery stables were well patronized yesterday. The weather wns most fuvnr- nble for driving. Young people were exi. dentzly anxious to enjoy d1'i\'ing while the sleighing was good. nnnl nll twnn rhxliuu.-u-nzl nv-numnn rm nnvv llllllu UIH IUl'bUlIC- The cotton mill in running on short hours the.-=9 day ' Work begins at eight o clnok in the III ning and ends at ve in the afternoon. The mill ('loscsAdown on Friday and Saturday. 'l`hH rnrv ah: Hlnn Il'Arn Inn" nab-nnI..nA OUR BUSINESS