7-:.j: % FRIDAY = SUT;1HEHlANlJ S QBARGAIN DAY. I TU VIUI DUI"! Ill IJIU Ullly I.-U'Ull". Mrs. M. Elliott, Kingston. is the guest. of her niece, Mrs. James Brown. Belleville. J. A. Mitchell. Montreal, in II guest at the residence of his parents, Wullimn street. James Aggors will lmve in 31 few days fnr Hamilton, '"4\ will hn nnnmnrmninrl hv IIHU TUFXUCIIUU Ul Ill! [IK|1ll|4F, VV IIIIUIII BLTUUD. for llnmilton. He will be accompanied by W. Murray. A I Wlnvnunn nnnralnr nf. Man (I T R Movements of the PoopIo-What. They are llayluz and Doing. John B. and F. E. Soper, of Naprmee. are visitors in the city Lo-dny. Kim: M Rninfl. Kin(lnfn|| in than nnnnf. ~"'",... K'ugm -~:::'..`::.:; In In I V , I the Plmhtokq. dun: day fof nri-ulnnl gun. I VUIHUHUU ll| LHU U53`, 0] IIFUH. "W. H. writes that there are in this city children of fourteen and fteen years who are encouraged to read infidel literature. In nuch nn atmosphere what can be ex- pected but such children will grow up in- dela. Let. them have christian evidence instruction in the schools, as they will ob- tain it nowhere else. . MUUUIJ GI `ll- Cateraqui ward conservatives met last. night for organimcion purposes. Oicere elected were: Chairman. l)r. T. M. Fen- wick; viceichairmmn, l)r. Ryan: sub`chuir- man No. 8, John Humor; 2), Dr. Bell; 10, R. Bunt; 11. J. Mullen. It was suggested last evening by A mem- ber of the city council that the tireetatioun and the residence of the chairman of the tire, water and light committee be can- neobed by telephone, for the sake of con- venience in the case of tires. cull, U H .-...:A..- o|...s IL--.` ...... :.. Al.:.. ..:|.. BDKVUCI/U. When the hose jackets, purchased a few days ago by the fire, water and light; com- mittee, alrive here. chief Youlden will have one of the steam re engines taken out and an exhibition of their powers wnll be given. nun r.` Han tlinln nn tho nhn Ln" nlnnl: n UU |:|\'L'l|. One of the dials on the city hall clock in in u very delapidnted condition and the city property committee will replace it. by new one as soon as possible. The cost of the new face will, it. is estimated, be about 3175. (Kn...-....l.: um.-.3 -.....-........o:....- .....L I... Uy VJUUFSU VV IIDUII. ` The air of spring may not he very notice- able on the street. bubbhe spring styles in ne shoes at Johnston 8: Co : would warm you up. l`}m vnnh-11 nf Rf. (!nmmn`n nntlxnrlrnl will The Vestry of St. Georges cathedral will take immediate action in the nmttcr of gutting into repair certain property on ngot street, between Brock and Johnston streets. IIYL-.. AL- L--- :--I__L_ _.___L,.-.l _ t-_. F. %NISBET Sl BUUH I15 `JU53|UlUo H. R. Nash has purchased the brick resi- dence 0? Stuart`. street, south side, just. west of University avenue, lately erected by George Wilson. Thu nir nf nnrinrr mnv nnf. he vnrv nnhima. U0 5. An entertainment will be held to-mot rmv evening at the residence of DA R. T. Walkem, in behalf of the children's aid society. Thu hnnrd nf hnnllh mat. thin nfrnrnnnn auuwcy. The board of health met this afternoon to raoeive and take acnion on the city engineer`: report. to council regarding de- feonive drains. TIT- |.....n Inst.`-- l-..... 1X7:ll!...... `l'..L...-s.... KCULIVU Ullll. We have lemurs from William Johnston, M. S. Burnecte, "Aunt Isabella on school fade, and others that. will see daylight. as soon as possible. H R Nash lma nnv-nhnnnrl Llm hrinlx rmai. Wlll U3 UNIIVUIUU HUI` HIKE WOO`. The board of education has beeg) request- ed to have its budget; ready for presente- Lion to the council within two weeks. n.... can .ll 7. 1...... .I.:. ...--I. ..I.....A DIUII I30 I-UV UVIIIIUII WIUUIU FWD W0KUn Our: top all. We hum this week placed in stock 0 large and varied" assortment. of line shoes for ladies wear at Johnston & Co a. An Ant--lninunn.-.1. ...ll L- L..I.-I L..,......_, VV KIKIUWDUK llllll Iuurnmg. , Tho50o toes of how purcbuod for the fire brigade from the Toronto Rubber Co. will be delivered hero nut. week. IF]...-. Ln...-I 4-J -ol....-4:.... L..- I-...-.. ..........L me, pouca uuuun |I_l_l.nIglIl.. . Up-todato ahoea-You can rely upon nd them It Juhnnbon dz Co a. Con , all oinomdelivored prompt! to any Irtaoltho city at 85 pg: ton by W. G. brnig & Co. \ The Y.M.C.A. harmony club had a good rehoarnllul: night, twenty-ve members being in attendance. 1 'A nhnana.m-an for `V. A, Milmhnll nr. UUIHK III IIIIIUIIUDIIUU. A choose-pron for W. A. Mitchell ar- rived ab the G/l`.R. freight sheds from Woodstock this morning. T119500 feet. ham nnmhnuad for the V1 v-'----F-.-p _ ~ `I'M BI-I00 0' IV!!! Du uu-wrm tho Pnoplo Au `lilting About-Nouung tho Atbui of fnbo Wlb An Dululno Hnhnn. PAnAan_APns _p_gcx Eo uifav oun uc._nor,y. , Thirteen tramps were iven shelter in the police (Ration hp). nig t. Un.t.o~dnLa BhOaI-_'nu mun rahr nnnn mums at ms nu. W any -II~uIll$ II :llIIII IO 5!` Tnkl Rota. A Iioae tout yelterdny did not prove snti:- M Anhorv. paasam Jnfiou. Iviwrvu - w-\-v `or In! ciusv pdnrzn n unnocesluy cut], nruyuu agglu- lntion on this iupou-tans quutim. int-I iN"'l .'hi`l 19".` PUFJW3 mall understood vi a of I largo Iuajully of the peoplo 0! Ontario; --E. O1l.u.x.Cor.- Hurt Illa Tender Fa-clings. Frederick Browning. one of the thirteen tramps who received shelter at the police station last night, told Sergt. Snoddon this morning. when being put through the usual catechism previous to being dis- izbnrgegl. that he did not belong to any church. The questions asked by the sergeant as to Bxuwning`e occupation, de~ stinution. nationality, etc.. are put. to every tramp who receives shelter in the police station. Nevertheless Browning took urnbrnge at being submitted to the indignity of being so interrogated and re- turned impudent answers. He was re- minded, quietly, of his position. ,und at this he became more indignant -l?) and ehauply informed the oicer that he "did not go there lo be abused. Resolution of W. C. T. U. At a meeting of the W. C. T. U., held in the Y. M. `C. A. lparlor yesterday after- noon, the following resolution win adopted and ordered to be sent to the Hon. A. S. Hardy, premier. and to Hon. VVilli:un llurty, M. l . 1`. Whereas the present Ontario government promised to enact all the prohibition that is within its jurisdic- tion, and. whereas the privy council's de- cision gives it the power without the shadow of a doubt to regulate and restrict in any manner short of total prohibition; And, whereas the temperance people of this province under the but legal advice. for_mulnt_ad twenty-throo amendments to the exiuting laws. all plainly within the powers of the provincial legislature: the government on ita port franiotl a bill oun- taini only two out of tho twenty-three amen monta asked for, at the same time inerl.i`ng clause! of adotrogtade character. one o shin into a vor la: al -:ni'n.l.. 1.3.. .aL.i.1i.i.:i"m.-. i- ..rgn.'. on Isnnou who noun very largely withfdno loqg e?dbl_iah`od rogtg thol mu` pslisjcuto at. no: it.` ; m.`_Ro|oN`-at we gxgnby ex on `:12: -tlA`An I-Ann-At. At. this nrnn.-marl round: of _".IfO!I`InIL W0 DQIIDJ OX `Q DIE ngrot at. this and reach of hit on the put. oft. 0 Onhro (dum- monb sod our em-nut. hope nut It will without unnocosnuy deity, briqgiu luggin- hua. an chi. imam-um. am-aim. inn AI..l1o a Mistake. by Mrs. Levitt Cam- oron.25o. 818011 copy LU uu h)rwuluuu LU nn. 1 uunu : "Tlmt. this board of education learns with deep regret of the great loan H. J. B. Ponse, an exvchuirmnn or the collegiate in- stitute and public school boards, has sus- buinedin the death of his beloved wife, and desire to phxce on record our deep sympathy with hinweli and family `in their great. bereavement." Tim rnlnlukinn was r-nrriad unnnimnualv. gTO[ DUl'IlV(.`ll1UnL. The resolution was carried unnnimousl_v, L116 chairman remarking that the resolu- tion would prove of much comfort, to Mr. Vanna Resolut Ion Of Condolence. At n regular meeting of the board of education held lush evening this resolution of condolence was inl,roduce(l by Capt. '1`. Donnolly, seconded by major J. Galloway. and ordered inserted In the minutes, and` also :1 copy to be forwarded to Mr. Pause : "Tlmr. this Ixrmr-I] nf mlnvnfmn lnnrnn Labor In Vain. `Friend: of a King street merchant. re- siding on Wellington street, are relating a good story at. lll expense. At half-past. four dclock on Saturday morning last. he awoke nnd arose to get: a drink of water. The water would not. run. so he proceeded in an attempt to bhnw our. the pipes, fan'- ingn bursbnnd 11 consequent. big plumb- ers hill. Alter working in min until seven o'clock be called in two plumbers, who went. all over the pipes and came to the conclusion that the water was frozen in the main in the {street/. They were about to proceed to thaw out the freeze-up when word arrived that the main had burst. onuore street, and the water had been turned off in consequence. Numbers For The Policemen. Chief Horsey has received from John Harbin &Sons, military outtters. Mon~ Lreul. the nunlbcrs which Lhe inlice com- missioners have ordered the members of the force to wear on their uniforms. Each gure is about. one inch in height; Llioy are silver-pl:iLo:l and are very neat: and well made. Commencing with the ollicer who has the longest period of aerviceto his credit, und who will be No. l, the men will wear the numbers according to hinglill of service. I . C. Weir will ha No. I-I. Each man will wear his number on each side of the collar of his tunic. lb has not. yet, been decided when the distinguishing; numbers will be liret. worn. Accepted By This lth A_l..l. Major Drennmi, secretary of the citizeiis` committee for the 2"Lh of May celebration, this innrning receivetl noLice from l.ieut.- Cnl. Puntoii, coimnemding the lch but- luliaii, A.l..I., Belleville, Llmt. the invita- tion to tllllb corps to spend the em: in this city has been ucceptod. The oliicers faI\'()l' the proposition to spend the `.33rd and 24 oh here and to bake part in 11 general church pnmde of the military forces. In is ex- pected that, the bnlbalion will turn out. 2'25 strong, and many civilians will accompany it; here. A deputation of ollicers will visit. the city next. week to make iirmngeuieiits regarding the quarters of Lhecorps, etc. Must Egon Awisy In Future. Aiderman Mclielvey states that he has been informed that quite a large number of persons not connected with the stuff of employees at the pumping station are in the 'l'\1)iL oi congreguting in the station during the day and evening. This prac- tice does not conduce to the elcienr. work- ing of the dep:irtmont,nnd on that ac- count Mr. Mciiclmy has suggested that a noLice be posted at the station prohibiting the ndmimmce of any per:-`sn not on the staff. v A memento of The Past. There is on exhibition in J. H. Mills auction rooms on Brock sbreab ll relic of long gone days, in the shape of a" walnut sideboard. the date of the manufacture of which is lost in the mists ef bye-gono years. Designtl for usefulness rather thim for onmrnont. the simplicity and solidity of its construction makoit. doubly valuable. LIIIIIIII` uvuuun u uvuaa Work will be commenced on the erection of the new plumneceaaury for the reduc- tjum of refractory ore at the school of mining. Five tons of ore from Folger Bros. Rainy River district mine are Being annoyed. and mill tests of three tons from other mining districts will be made this week. Work is being continued night and day * an-nu I uvun vvunnvn u-unv Mn is comforubla for your feet. Buy chem 0 serial shoe: ; ours are that kind. Not too much room, not too limo. just epnu I1 to make them easy wearers. Snug, t.rim- ooking, of um-active shapes ;`,at.ylea you 1l`llko.. Come in and ice them, and we ll gfive you good reasons wlfyyou should buy from us. _ Haine:& Lockutc. __.....________.j .\ From Youth Up, by Marion Harland `: Qln ' now To IIUIO Money. The why to` make money is to ply spot cub. Now we want cub and to induce you to trade with us we gunrantee to give you anything in loot wear at lowest prices. Como amt. see us. `L Abernathy. 127 Princess street. ' ~- _ , I L 1; - ` ' _ ` `lunllght soup wrappers Are warth half I cent each it brought to Write oicor _-r`:--__-`.-:-*-` link; Thom comfortable. n - LI,l, ,, om! AND .vn.cm_rrY. , -:-d---u 3 nllnlng School Notoa. .!II I _ .__..._-.._-_I -_ .L ..--:-..&---& 1 To Make Money. _._-n... _.-._.L 2- A. A meeting of the board of heelth was called for four o'clock yesterday afternoon, but for several reasons the meeting was poebponed [or _e few days. -9 In bno \I|I:'\Hl|l)ilC(Rl Jilll. A copy of his limil mzturulization papers dnted Jnuuary, I381), has been received at the state department, and will be used to base n danand for reparation for the out- rage committed upon him should the second investigation. soon to beinstituted. show that Spanish ollicials were in the wrong. In addition, it. will form wood grounds for a claim which Mrs. Ruiz. who saw secretary Sherman yesterday, is now preparing. Secretary Sherman promised a strict and impartial investigation ' of the (`nan Repuratlon For The Outrage, Nmv Ymuc, March l`.Z.--A special to the Herald from \\'ns|1ing(,on says: The state department has settled mite own satisfaction the cltizenslnip of Dr. Ruiz. the nuLurali1.ed American. who was mur- dared !IC<"urding' tn consul-general Lee. in Lho (.`n.1nnbacoa j.-nil. A nnnsv nf hie nal nnlhnrnli-1af.inn nnnnrll ' ' "|'!f!f_l`\II V In CV- 55055!-'lil., IN! loom Hub`: Do,po\ . W31 & IABOI STIIIIIS. my Mr. munner. E. McFadden wns the successful ten- derer fur carting at. the prices given below: Horse and cart. per day of ten hours. 3| .40; team per day, 81.50; Carting stone, 81.50 per toiso: three horse team for aweapsr, $2 per day. o5I|=H'III- Inn Qwhvu Qfl 10 P6!` llllel I000. James Skinner, Union street, received the contract. fur smichwork, the prices be- ing: Stealing pick-axes and drills per point, twenty and twenty-ve cents re- ` npectivcly; sharpening pick-nxeannd drills, three and a quarter and hhree and throe- qunrters cents per poinn respectively; gratings, etc. per pound, three cents and three-qunrters per pound. \V. Cochrane & Sons wore the only other ten(lerers,.:\n(l their prices were very close to those asked by Mr. Skinner. I2, l\lnF`mlrlnn was the successful (nor was ancepwu. The ltathbun company was awarded the lumber contract at the following prices : Three inch lumber per 1,000 feet, $l3.70; two-inch. per L000 feet. $13.71); one and one-half inch, per 1,000 feet. $13.70; cedar sleepers per lineal foot, $1.75. 3. Anglin it ()0. also tendered for this contract, and the price naked by much r~ompm_v. for each article. was precisely the Hilllle, with the exvoption of that asked for cedar sleepers. Anglin 8: Co's price was $1.85, Ratlibun a, $1 75 per lineal foot. Jnmu: Rkinnmn llninn street. received preslueu anu IUUCFIHBII UOIHIH. VV. l\-UlJlII- son, Mooers, Walkem were in ntbendanco. 'l`hero was only one tender for hardware. W. A. Mitchell offered to furnish ve-inch cur. nails for $2.15 per IOU pounds; blast- ing-powdor, $2.25 per twenty-ve pound; fuse coila per mu feet, forty-ve cents; shovels, per dozen, $6.50: etoel~point.ed picks, each weighing tive pounds, forc ` cents; aledgehammers, ten cents a poun ; pick-axe and sledge handlee, ninety cents a dozen]; three, four, ve Mid six inch nails. two cents and ii-half per pound; Portland cement, $2 `.20 per barrel; ma- chine oil, fteen cents a gallon; Canadian coal oil, sixteen cents a gallon. The non- der was ancepbctl. I"lm l\'.nf.hh||n r-nmnnnv wan nwarrlm] the Ill` lulu Ul`l`,uI_, iug Iuuy Ill tuu u u. -u` --v pu.-.,g..4,.wgg..\go.- mpg, mug, and nursery. incur v...nm.mn...n.....u, mun l'I.nwnVE.(hIl-.. FMFT7} FlCEJ 1 1 1 T ` , Plhzpler. Notched. blackheads. red. rough. .`.'. mo!hy kin, ncmng. Icnly scalp. dry. thin. -ad mung max, and baby mommm prevented by n.-nu--.. :1-.. oh- -nnn nlrmdnu akin nnrlh. mum; nur, mm 030)` Dlounnncu pfl.'\ Ell|Ull U Cl".`!`L'f'.A Son, the moacolfccdyu shin pnxuy. iII| and _bn\t,ll;,'ln coup In the world, well u iorulmhmmdnxnq. "" .u.` 31'. 1-` H34-` ,$- PHTHPIHLK HI/l|LlUI| UU })lll'U(lIlUUUo On suggestion of ulderman Mcliolvey. a notice will be posts`! at; the pumping station prohibiting the udmitbnnca to the stubion of any person not on the staff. A Devout Lover. by Mm. Lov1ttCa.m- eron. Q50. Board Uf Worlul. The board of wnrks mob yesterday after- noon to open tender for supplies required during the current year. Chairman (Lsrson presided and nldermen Johns. W. Robin- Jinn Mnnm-A \Vn|lu-m warn in ntranrinnnn, EH3 EUPBYIIILUIIUUKIIJU HUUBU. The manor 0! obtaining a horse for the use oi tho department, was left. to the chnirnmn and the superintendent. in will hn rnnnmmnndmi tn nnunnil that CXHILTIIHHI UHU UN) l'lIpUl'lHLUHUUllII. It will be recommended to council that an injector for feeding the boiler at the pumping stution be purchased. u mnrzm-xtinn nf nltlnrlnnn MOKn]veI'. )1 LIHIL Wlll UU IIUUUUU uuuug 10:7]. 11. will be recmmnended to council to seal! the small engine replaced by the Inglis pumping engine. 'l`lm nld rmmrvnir lnf. nn Cnlbnrnn ntmnt. CHLEIO UURICFB I01` l`l\|U. lt. was decided to place a telephone in the superintendent's house. '[`hn mutrnr nt nhtninimr 11 hnrnn fnr Hun uuueu LU pa. uu The solicitor stated that he had receiv- ed from Iuglis& Sons their band in the ,pumping engine transaction, satisfactorily executed. and a request that the price of engine. $l0,300, be paid to bank of Men- treal, and that the balance be paid to the firm. They sent in an account also for 144 days interest on the price of engine. and for $856.25. four and one quarter months salary to en ineer J. McEwL.n. Mr. McIntyre state that it would be perfectly safe to pay to the bank $10,300. He has written to the firm saying that the committee does not admit any extra liability for interest for a period exceeding three months on the price of the engine, nor for the cngineer s salary for a period exceeding three months. I`hn A.-um nf RH) f-lll will LA nnirl intn Hun EHO CID) . Ald. Donnolly said he would not agree to the city taking control of the engine and starting: her to work untilthesteaxn jackets have boon tested. The superintendent was instructed to prepare for a test. forthwith. On In nnnnrnuninnlhinn from (`nnlu-\ a IIIBDKVUULUKI DU PITJPIIIU IUl' Cl I/UUII IUYDIIVVIIJII. On n communication from Cooke's church. making for A reduction of the water rnteas, SI per year, on the ground that the water is not used during the winter, no ac- tion wns recommended. rm... ..l. . ..s..o...-I sI...A. LI... L......I. :. LIUII WHF IVUUUIIIIIIUIIUUII. The chairman stated that the break in the Earl treat water main was due Lou aw in the pipe. The old ongine was do- ing dut_v when the accident occurred. It was decider! to ask for Lenders for supplies that will be needed during 1897. II mill hn rnmnnvnnnrlntl Ln nnunnil In pumping Ullglllt. '.l`lm old reservoir lot on Colborne street, will be placed in the hands of local real estate dealers for sale. I: ....,. .l..n.'.l ..l 4.. ..l..,... .. 5.-.I,\..|.,..... :.. CXUUUUHIK DUTCU IHUIII/Ill`. _ The; sum of SHLROU will he paid into the bank mid the engine will be Luken over by the city. Alrl llannnllv nnlrl ha wnnld nnf. nrn-an tn A Dlupnto Regarding Illl & Ion Ao- count.-Tln l'|l'IIl Ash lore Than the ooimmu comaui It Ihould Pay- Oclnor ggunnou` `runs-cud Lu: Even. my. , . Chnirmnn Ryan presided at the water worka committee meetinf lust evenI'ng,Ind there were` pro: t. : A dormon Donnelly, McKeIvay, Wu! em. Stewart`. and the any solicitor. D In All-.. ......n.--L-A _....:...s ol... BUIICIDUT. R. W. Allen protested against the charge of $5 for a me newer that had beet; laid beside the water works service pipe opposite his premises. The charge was re- duced to $2. 50. "Wu: -nlinu'fn-n -fnbanl blunt Ln luaol rAnn:u. |lNLIS ENGINE AACCE-PIEBQI THE steam qAcK:Td_ mu. as :ri::r:o"'rc>`ari4nti4._` TY.E'5 '%'"-"-%-%--(%- MILES WORDS IBUHBEWSHAHDWAHE SutherIand s ! Backward gnirp S [Wide Awake+Snap You will find it will do the wol'k to your `entire satisfaction and will be the cheapest soap you can buy, as it will last so much longer. Ea-c your wrappers and get a picture of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. DAVjD__I(_)B__TON&SONS,% If you use so called seif-wash; ing or electric soaps they wil[\-.` take the paint off and injure your hands. WIDE AWAKE SOAP Do not imagine that any kind of Soap will do to scrub the paint or even scrub the oor. Ifyou use commoh yellow {soap it will discolor the paint and will not make the q,or clean. ISPRINWCOMING Robinson Bros., IO Pe/r Cent. oh" Rubbers Friday. All sales cash. Jl|C\] LU BUPPIJ JUIJ VVILII I Gllll, Kalsomine; Alabastine, Brushes and all the etc. necessary at cleaning up time. Our prices will please you. Might cause you to put off your house cleaning until a late date. But everything points to an early spring, and we are pe- pared to supply you with P int, `(n'(~I\rr|:nn. A}n'hnnl>:nn '1-ndhna %Ho'tisc Cleaning. ' Ifybu use is the LARGEST and Pnlntan. Decorators. Gllllttl. 275-7 BAOOT 81'. make your seler-tiuns early. Brim: the size of room we'll tell you whst it costs. (3 Cannot begin tvu doscriluo the beauties HAMILTON. ONTARIO. of our stock of Wall Paper. Etc. Martyr To Love. by Joanna Wood Ark . - --v --v- --v- gavvnuuvn cg chair of Prinoou no omnzwu atnou Antiolpnba house-cleaning time and Bis? _5c;.'l;z;r_lt1"` Canada. S6 IS with you; 1`_. a _e_o;. :..z.:.-.. I353 LL.. ..La _ n..__ n._ Tho corner Bookstor .__ -n -n_;.,-___-A_ z- All Sleigh Bells, Horse Blank- ets and Rugs will be sold at_ cost price. Orlglnators of Low Prices. 1 PAPER] Hi In` to `hkuvhW'oIIh' y : m 3 Jpn: uq-ng;iIIIuIsuI.~uuu nu. nan ' O The Inspector`: Report. At the meeting of the board of educa- tion lust evening. inspector Kidd present.- od his report. for the month of February. of which the following is I summary: Total number ni nuniln in u.h-ndgnnn ul wnicn me rouowing is Total number of pupils in attendance during the month. 2.377. In February of last. year the enrolled attendance was 2.254. Increase. I23. Average daily at.- tendance. 1.935. In tho co:-respondinc month of Rant. eerit. In! 1.75]. Increase. 184. Althoug the attendance for last month wnin edvanea of that of the eor-K responding month of last year. it failed by 129 to reach tho nvorage daily attendance of the last: three months of 1896. The dc- ereue was caused by the prevalence of contagious diacegel. many of the purilu having contraeted U man neealee o I mild typo. vhioh vented attendance at school. In the kindormu-tens H7 pupils were enrolled. and the average daily as- Mndance was I02. 'FL. ...__l. .R AL- -__-A_|.___ :_ ____.-..A-.I WUHOIHCC `VIC 1113'. The work of the caretakers is reported us having been uuofachorily done in all the school moms. oxonptiug two rooms in Louno mhool. As tslhoro :)pnh.r:dt.o be town` I` to A 0 ti of Fron::c|I:hool.` thoufuoon wet`: to- quoetoghokcqp daily noortla oitbc tam- ponbum taken at. 9 uun.. l`. noaI\ and 2:30 p.u__n. The nnmbtr of da\ at.l_'_nt lynch- on Iro` chains {mm choir nth: dam the month in annually lame. but in nun; nunmimmnmn Inn hum nmdnn-l _:nhI` 1:: 3?; `$37311; obc:inved inf 1|] tlzooohoolo. ' . ~ Thus uvingohrfo 0! tho oihounlm nnnh. which can mun. an-fund ham. FIIO IIIOIIUI ll IIIIDIIUIIJ lIl'l.'0. DIII III Wu and cans nodtonlonrticuto has boon pludn In show that tho nhoanm tn unnmidnhh TXI EQICIXIUBCUK III! % _ con to show that the nboonco wu unuoidublo. TH. ghoul-Finn; AI OI.` Lngnbl --g _.-u...n.al e..~~~\ V . \ `< " ~'S:`?iai`\:`;\\ V l"S\` Q; ~.. ~ 5` \.. 91 II % `sa- BHUUII [0 [INF HCHOCH. This led E. Bennett to remark that he thou ht the teachers in the dilferent schools had t e cloak-room fever since they saw the provisions ma1lo= for such in Fronbonnc school. Major Galloway again urged that stem be taken to improve the condition of Louise school by providing cloak rooms. The page are there and it will be necessary only to erect. an enclosure. ~ I. :. pl.......L. A.-. an mm --_ L- __n__., n UlIl_\ I10 UTBUD III] BHCIOSUFQ. In is thought. that. 31,000 can be collect from the county council for the education of county pupils during 1896. wrmlnou wnnl. rennin should be charged. -1. G. Elliott called the attention of the board to the condition of one r0:)m in Wil- limnsville school. where in A very small space over sixty children were crowded. At present hntaixnd wt: 1 of pupils are hum; about the walls, an the ventilation is very defective. llo naked that the pi operty committee consider the dOi|ll`.hlll- by of improving ac:-ommodation. His con- olnaion was that an uddition should be added to tliia school. 'I`l.:- I...) I.` 0-....- A- _-_.--I_ ALA I . mcx or sumcient nlotmng. J. (,1. Elliott asked if the property com- mittee had taken any action on the com- munication of Rev. Mr. Sims. concerning Queen street school. Rev. Mr. Sims had asked him to ask if any price had yet been xed for the property. E. Bennett replied that action had been taken. Mr. Sims was notied that the property was for sale. At the time the committee had not do- terminod whnt rental should be charged. Elliott called llla nl.f.nnf.inn nf Min unspunwr uuswuruu mun 118 mm I105 neuru of any such cases. Teachers have been known bofurnish clothinu for certain de- serving pupils. John McKay said he un- dersbood there were a number of children prevented f:pyn,at.tanding school through lack of suicien-V. clothing. 1]. Elliott. Rik!-`NI if thn nrnnniu nnm_ uunu moor In one evening. Majoruallowny called the attorntion of the board so the clause in the inspector`: report. reforring to neglect, of caronalxers. Such roporba were of frequent. occurrence. and he thought action should be taken to- wards introducinga reform. He referred to the dirty condition of windows in cer- mi n schools. A 11...... -- .-.l AL. :...._._.A__ :t _,.,, ,, , 2| , Mill] K1110013- A. Horn named the inspector if any pupils had been sent. home from classes on ac- count. of being in.-uHicieut.ly clothed. The I inspector answered that he had not heard nf nnv nnnh n.:.ma 'I`.~mnhm-a Imun knnn Don Buluoo of Key` West. by Gunter. 50; UlIl'UCK- Major Galloway was disappointed with the report of the committee on school pro- perty. He had pointed out to the mem- bare the necessity oferocting clouk rooms in Louiseachool. which could be done at small cost. Bad odors prevail in the clues rooms owing to the pupils having to take into and store, during school hours. their hats and wraps. The e maker was declared out of order and was :1 vised to introduce his suggestion in the form of on motion under the head of "now business, which was done later in the evening. Mninrllnllnwxxw nnllnrl lzlm nnntinn of (,'.U"lIIIl(J6- 1)r. Knight, asked if the increase of salary (.0 Miss Honzy would interfere with the wozmng of the .~ulury grading system. It was pointed out that it. would not. Mist! Houzy is emplqyed in special work which few teachers an-`oqunllliej for or cue for taking up. I In rnnlv tn nnnf. T)nnnnllv hr '13:-nlrl I aUl ULIIIIIK UP. In reply to Capb. Donnelly. Dr. Herald said thut the school management commit.- tee had made its recommendations to the finance committee before the budget. was struck. u..:....r\..n,........ ....... J: _ _ * _ _:__;-.I _..:.L Ll'UHUlll'UK'- When the report . of the oolnmittee on school mnnugomeiit was der considera- tion Capt. Donnelly, ferring to the clauses providing for -i creases in salaries, and also the abolition of kiiidergauteii foes. pointod out the inconsistencies which might. arise in future unless such were pro- vided for by the new by-laws. It was 11 strong argument. in favor of referring pay- ment of all monies direct. to the Iinunce coinmitbee. 1|- lI-:_l_L -.I_-.I :L- AL- z_,__.__ ,r HUI! Ull IIIPIIUU WIN). 7 r. Kni t asked for information can- itornin th item for 820 for a bond. Capt. `Donney eplied the't"the 820 represented the premium of the guifrlntee bond given the board by the treasurer as a matter of protection. It was customary for such premiums to be paid by corporations de- manding such auretiea from employees. The bond is in the keeping of the city treasurer. I um-.. u.. .....A_. -4 .L- _-.__:..-- __ a coma. pncou no arms procurcu. cm: in bro judgment of membarc of the committee the hon instrument wan ucured. One thing which recommended is to the corn.- matcee was the mob bhnt. in was home unadc. ' Ll- l.VII:..u. ..-....~...A...I AL- -_.-I-__.:-_ uou-u. namely. Dy uenuer. _ In reply E. Bannobb stated that condor: hsd not been naked for. The committee was instructed to purchase a. `piano. Dif- ferent dealer: were visited, their pianos in- a' oobed. prices and terms procured. And in o iudcmant. of mamhan of Lha nnmmimnn 11500. w.r -Mr. Elliott acceptad tho explanation, but. wi had his name placed on record an oppo: the adoption of that clause of the report. a the regulations of the board had nob en mplied with. r. Kni hr. nnlrnrl far infnrmntinn nnn. nnoe eomlnnnee. J. G.`,Elliot.t uked if the new iano for Frbmemc Iohool had been purp and in accordance with the regulations of the board. namely. by bender. In mnlv E, Rnnnnhh nhntn that fpnrhu-n ,- At last night : meeting ogthe bond of education`, when the report of the commit- m qu nance wu undefdhouulon, Capt. vznelly expreeeeda hope that a clause hgd been inlet-ted in the new bylaws and reguletionewhioh provided for the referr- ' iug ol I.ll.mnt0erI wherein the payment ol money we: oonoernd. direct to the tin- anoe committee. .1 r1I:m:.. ..-|.-.: :1 `L- ..__ ._.-__- 1-- Enema '1') Flag. by Jules Verne. 50. .. o - Ir '0 Various illtonnluuuud at the looting at tho loud or Ednonlon-Ilnguco co-sumac noun Uoitrol an Ix|i'o"iI- nu-o-u uamn to Wlllluuuyuh Iehool. ` ` `AI . -1,. TO THE ynmous scHoo1.`sl mnouauour THE cmr. ` mmovnltgginml noun mung onugo OI which variously W! In Jinn. '1 nu urn uwuncu WI! IIIIIVOHIIIII. htiona of the bond an I `khan mmfnllv ohnn-ad hf all Intou nun. u an pl anl Iyll inhon-. nigh. vbg to ol- i chi ncomtngtion of :1}:-'* vlgouqp. _ ' phi`- mg. Mr. Rankin was inimitable inlthe role of Philip Garth, a "u'xno~expimd" convict. hither oi Mrs. Dunning. Mien O`Niel. in the chenotur of Mrs. Ann: Dunning, e widow. employed ee typo-writer in the of- oe of Ste en Baldwnnaoored pronounced mecca-. ire Leonard M Mdlne Carlton, Miss Ellen Lee ee Mollie Smith, and Miss Weston as Mary Ellen Higgins, were seen deeerving of All oommondphion. W. Herrie ee Stephen Bnldwin. Georli Work an Theodore Mott. e `police magiauaue. 8 0`Connot es Ebennox J udkine. and C, H. Croebyu Tom Higgins impereonntad the nhu-nchn nnmnd with A fnithfnlnnnn And uuuvyu Aom uuggona Imporionuou (no chanchn munod with u fnilhfulnou and precision that spoke volumes for their ability And application. ...4_ _.. For the Balance Of the Month A. mqplg` n uuqqcnacd to rotlro, Ha ha Iucun lly commanded every but of Yugo pmportiona bum by or for thg M. l`. uoggfgny. hf: lutchal-g being the new atcnpior kqqmount. na_ phop will bi n)gn_ by Capt. Ixwdsloy. wbowu Inc in comlmnd ol the nominal B,- nqqkburn. Irwin. 88. Cabin:-nes, has of the scanner Tllley and other bugs vnotorn cuts. will sail the steamer Ban- nockbnrn. * ire-gum PUUIIU DI lalll! Ullay. LIIU rUPllLH' tion oft. 9 leading members of the com- pany. McKoo Rankin (who is a Canadian, a native of Windsor. Out.) and Miss Nance O'Neil. should have been sufficient boat.- truoc all lovers of the drama, and when in addition the manta of the play itself are taken into consideration. the wonder is Llms the bone: was not lled Lo overow- nn . r Rnniin wan inimitnhln in llnn I-nln nf After I l l':h::n:': -`vi Us On A. Mc__Il_n' ls balggidod 'u:::tiro. & 1... .......... II- ........`...-...\..I -..-... n...'. _: CLOSED `THEIR ENGAGEMENT. I180 UIRHB WES uuwrly U|IWUI'lU_\' CH3 HUGH` tre-goiu public of this city. The reputa- .._._.- ll-?-- I)-..L.'.. I.-.L.. 1,. _ l\.__.,\.l:..._ to Bcoooitrnt-I Tho Phat, Job 00 , ' also .......';.....;.':': 3:. _...*"*'*..:,::':...,.. 3:5 Mull dqpnnnunt; I8. I in t hlf `of tho plumb; in when-. thong. m nmililn ..|. "NH lllllg. A number of members of the Kingston vacht club have decided to give orders for 'i.ho construction of one raters. to be ready for use early in the spring. It. is expected that at. least a `half dozen such flyels will be found in the harbor this season. Four Cape \ incent. ice yachts came over to the city yesterday, namely. Ruth, Spook. Flirt, and St. Lawrence. The first. three named will compete for the Wnlkor challenge cup when the ice will permit. of the event being sailed. They are owned by Messrs. Roan. Sacket and Peo respect- ively. The ilyera remained in the harbor all night. expecting to enter the race this morning. McKee Rankin Ind Bl: Company In "True to Life." The attendance as Martin's opera house hat. mghb was utterly unworthy the I.b6a- fv-o.Ivninn nnhlin nf thin nitn I`hn rnnntn. EH6 rE'(llll35TI UK K/Ul. IXIDBUII. The inbornalionnl ice yacht. rnce baa boen declared off until such time as the course has been put. into good condition by severe frost. Water to the depth of several inches covered the course this morning. A nnmhnr nf mnmharn nf thw Kinantnn ll ITIUU HIUUIJ HUTU LILIIIHK lall|7 EUIIRHIUIH Cadets at the Royal military college have gone into training with a View to.t.nking part, in un nssaultwat.-urine. They rehearse nightly. The work is being taken up with the nequest. of Col. Kitaon. Thu inuu-nnlinnnl inn vnnlii. rnnn has ` Hockey Sticks And Skates lUl"l.lIlllg B CIUU. The local ice yachts to defend the Walker challenge cup will not. be named until the morning of the duy on which the race takes place. A m.n.nf.im:rnf Hm nxmnntivn nnm)nit,f.nn ITIUU DUKES P|IL'U- A meeting of the executive committee of the bicycle club will be held in a few days to consider the possibility of holding ix rnca meet here during the auuzmer. (Tnrlnrn at tho Rnvnl militnrv nnllmvn hnvn CUl|6L{8. Ayoung lady graduate and \'ice-pre5i- dent. of the class of 9-I will be married next week to another Queen n graduate, lutely inducted into the Presbyterian church at. Rusiolltown, Que. The drnmubic clul. meets this afternoon to discuss v_arirmn matters. John Mn1~ 1-hall. M.A., will read in paper on The Slmkespereuu Drama. ,`. What In Tnuuplrlng In the Spnrtlng AI-ems of Thls Busy Clty. The K. U. members at 11 regular moat- ing tonight. will lorm a canoe club. A lnDnt.in|'I nf nvnlinm will hn hnlrl at "IR to-nlgun \VIll IUTIH ll CHHUG CHIH- A meeting of cyclists will bu hold at the Y.M.C.A. tonight, for the purpose of forming a club. The lnnnl inn vnnhtn tn defend him yUlll`U are UeCUlI]Illg LHIIIKU Ul IIHU llllblv. Considemble changes have been matle in the regulations for students enterin the mission elds in Canada. Only thosegwho stajv six months in the charges in Ontario wil be ncce ted. In rerard to the fields in the N.W.ll`. and Muniktoba. only those who consent. to remain ten months will be employed. This is principally owing to the scarcity of funds, ancl as the return fare to the distant elds IS so high. it is not considered advisable to allow students to goout for onl{ five months. These re- gulations affect L )8 students considerably. as It means the loss of nearly :1 sessaon at college. A vnunrr lndu nrmlnntn nnrl \'inA.nrm:i. LVIHTCH lib. 9S and 99 hold :1 joint meeting on Mon- day evening next, at which an excellent programme will be rendered. each year conbributing one-half the numbers. These are the two largest yearein the college, and this friendly union in the matter of meetings shows that the old and hard dia- tincliona drawn between the dillerent yours are becoming things of the past. ffnnnirlnrnhln nhnmmn have been mnrln in Iy SHOW Dy (DIR HSW 0l'gIlllZPlUUYl. The levana society mob Wednesday afternoon and nominated officers for the ensuing year. The nominees are: Pre- sident. Miu M. G. Bellamy and Miss E. Malone; vice-presidvh Miss M. Bond and Miss R. Mills; eecretar Mien H. Anglin and Miss M. MoRae; tro`usu`r er, Mina E. Millnr and Miss E. Millions; prophet and historian. Miss Mnckay; poetess, Mrs. Taylor(Dupnlr) and Miss N. McDonald; critic. MOB A. Chown and Miss M. (lobar. Election for the above offices takosplncoon March 24th. Inc.) ...,.I inn L..l.l ._ :._:..A. .....L:.... ...._ ll-.. FUFIIOO -IN OOIIIIGBT l|ll'5lIOl' Dullllj. A ting of the member; of the cm; of '94. at, present about the college, was held Wednesday evening, when it \ya.n_de- mdod to have A permanent orgnmutnon. The permanent otcora are: . President, J. C. Brown. M.A., and hiatoan, J. Johnston. An endeavor will be made to bavg every: member of_ the into also: or- nea nd With the preandont on Decom r 25:. each oaruto what each one xa do- ing, and L in news will likelx be printed and sent to all members. A history on the yoar_will_alIo be published. Another tnetsng wnlltlarheldllmforo the cgooe of coyege. us A co eggg roman: rnnoea among gmduateajfiot fa is clear- ly shown by this new organizntn Thu lmrnnn nnninlzv man Wadnaadav DIIIIICVUIVI-* II III l-. VVIVUI V 0:110! lune 4 ` `The sum: gnootingaof tho Arts alopiecy 'wu_heldoon._ mood!!! afternoon, 1`- re- porc of tho dunwu =01 the X-osdiliy m showed that various inn rovomonbo lud_ boon undo. and that I. reading-room iii iiialoln cohthinod 3 larger `amount of literature than at any previous time, A ood balance of cash who also ropotbod on _ _d. The following who eloolpd cura- tnn for ngxh union: A. J. Maikleiohn. A. Klust be cleared out to mike room for spring goods. Ptice no object. H. llT6llELL S `IHBIMRE. 85 and 87 Prlncou 8n`-iii. aooui, .1. I. nanny. 0. 4:. Juuunlmln Inu J. H. Lsidlaw. Amengimenta to the cou- nmutionavare token u . Th paopoul M rslioothe annual fee id- not meet. with fpvor. vfho society meet; 3 nin this af- ter`noo3-_to oonnlder further gualneu. 5...... ..l 51.- ...-.-`L4... AC sh- n`nn- -_.av-o..__ moouu ot Ouu lA.Vaioni soo|ojtIe_- llflnno Hn-n. ` \ QUIINQ UNIVERSITY NOTES. ~' I -:5:-ta--- Inna. Tue tonomng Inn uooyou cura- tprl for next union: A. J. Meildejohn. A. Scott, J. F. Harvey. J. A. Mccnllum and J. H, Lqidlnw. Amandmanta to tho non. SPOR.1~'l_.'TC-i PARAGRAPHS. noioa `o Iotlro. Tnn- nA'1LY wma,/1rmn.1nr7.I MARCH 12. 1397. tron qdtods Aldormurnnd rs. J. B. , Alton. 85; First Baptintbthu-`ch. 817.05.. v......:.....iL ..|. .....`n..u...L.a41 an 97. (MIDI. Clvlo oouulnoo Iloctlngl. The the. water and light. oomuamoo mot. at three o'clock this Afternoon to take mo- tion rcgurqing the gicinl not of tho not hang youuxdny nlnrnoon. At half-put this the bond 0! health begun I special meeting, and At` four o'clock the finance oqtnxgaituoq mat to prepare a report, to fire- :-cnt. at ap mqqbing of` the city connci on Monday ovoningnoxta. London Prldo. by hi. E. Bnddon. 750. The Money Spinner. by H. 8. Mernmun. I . '7Kn .t h I ` 5*". 75.27 - uibutoou '5' %'3';.'$5..9. -roZ.I.sx.`732":'.'. Theft M o`n`r.hg_Vl5t.h\inut. aw--uuu lavuu III - gang; .3 The Allen seed company of Picton has given the farmers notice that it will no; put out. n bushel of peas to be grown this year As the McKinley mull has put. a duty of eighty cents R bushol on this seed. The company has paid as high as two dollars a bushel for pens to the farmers in Prince Edward county, many of whom unlined SL000 on the sale of peat. The Allen and company has supplied us much as 30,000 bushels of seed to the farmers of Ameliasburg and Hastings county. This in a serious blow to the formers. A Chosen For the Police. A citizen suggests that the police com- Inieeionen would do well to procure a comer: for use at the police station. and that the tramp: who l6(`8lV6 shelter there at nights be grouped `and photographed every morning. Thie would make the de- tection of any criminal who may he want- ed by the police of other places. quite an easy matter in compel-ieion with the dim eulty that in experienced in such mutter: at present. UUIUEIKOI P` . I criulqal `null. mm C0nD[dllLl_)'. On Wednesday night. gram] councillnr W. 1 . Bell. 00 C.F., addressed an nudi- enne at Belleville at an entorminmonc given their by the loml cirvle. His ml- dresa, covering .-e\'ent.y~ve minutes, was listened to attentively. A. Mac-lonald, manager of the local branch of the Ontario hank, who has been ill with grippe for some time past. and had begun to improve. has lmd a relapse, and it, is feared that. his (`Olnplnlnb may enter a serious nlmse. `II II 0-!) I- ....lY`-_I.__ f._._.._ -._ 1_1...._ HIE XUOLIIIK llll IISII [lUH\'lI_V UH IIIFIIKHT; arm; since then the member has pained him constantly. nn .'nrinnIr`lnv ninhf. cram` nnnnnillnr HQTIOUU UIIMSU. W. 1`. Bell is sulfering from an injury received over a year ago. Leaving his photograph gallery one night he missed his footing and fell heavily on his-right. nnno ninr-A than than mnmhar kn: nqinml PUFIDIUII Ul IIUISPLILUIIUT. A. G. McKenney. of Toronto, represent- ing the (`xutba Perch: Ll: Rubbur 00.. of that city, is in town to-day on a business mis- ninn `V . Luurruy. A. I . Fleming. 0 rator at. the (LT. R. atu.tion9BeHevillo, as been promoted to the position of deapntchor. A G M:-.Knnnnv, nf Tnrnntn ranrnuunf. Cursed By a Fortuneby George M31;-- with Porn. 750.