`Large stock of Furnishingsl always in stock, including Un-: laundried Shirts for 25c and up. For New Goods go to UUZUI`. U. L/ICIWIUIU. The median] faculty of Queenfs universi~ ty met on Wednesdn_\' evening and made arrangements for holding the spring ex- aminations. 11-..--- .1 Q-,...Ar.....I ...|... ..........oln nu.- annnauons. Horace S. Spnlford, who recently pur- ` chased the l.. H. Kelsey stock of drugs and groceries. willsoon move his family to Cape Vincent. l`he Sugln Leeds ngriz-ultural society holds its fairut, Delta on September 99th and 30th. I.. N. Phelps succeeds R. J. ` \.\'lunlnv an anr-rn! nv~I1 `V ll&lC_V 88 FC('T(`)UU'y. Two twenty-live cent ties for a quarter, I or n fty cent. tie for a quarter, Suulrdny only. Hrnnd Union. linn-an Inunln Hahn-xv innnnnlhnr n9 \Vnnf.- I only. hrnnu lnlon. George Jeucleshery inspector M. West- | port. seized It not on Tuesday in Crosby ` lake. It. contained a pike weighing tom and :1 half pounds. Mr. Jeacle is an active otlicer. ~-\ m n.......... L... .....+ L:. .....'-......:-m'...- omcer. T. Carson has sent his prize-winning Irish water npnniels to the Chicago bench ` show now in progress. Rnrr nlnnl`. nvntnr hlnnh. nin nlnnt. L0- annw now In progress. 1 plant. pie plant, bo- , nmlooa. mint, radishes, waber Cress, pur- sley. lettuce. celery. green onions, hot. house mushrooms and cauliower, zit. Cnr- ` novsk_v`.4. `* (looking eggs, lc. dozen. J. Crawford. (J. T. S.-u-ken is confident. that his Ice yacht. will win the international rare and the Walker trophy should the nice be con- tested Lliiefseaaoii. i u..-...._ ..-.... ....... .....:.... 1...: Qns...-.|.... (68[e(l mus season. Secure your new spring hnt.Snturdu_v. You can get from us the latest shapes at coal, that day. Grand Union. Jnhn Mnmlnnnld whn hm: nr~m1nied Hm` (`0.`lI.7 [nut (ly. uranu UIIIUII. .lolin Macilonald, who has occupied the ` p0Fit.i0Il of stoker at Rockwood uaylurn for Lhree yours past, will leave on April lst. to , accept, :1 similar post. at an increased salary in New York. Jellied sliced tongue. l.'c.; English |umwn,l.'nc.: new maple sugar; roll butter, l.c.: cooking eggs, Inc. J. Crawford. J N Mnr~Knmlrinl: nf 'l`(1rnnt.n. insnmu 1.c.: comnng eggs. Inc .1. x_.mwm-u. J. N. MncKendriok, of 'l`oront.o, inspec- tor far the ( lore district, re insurance com- pany, arrived in the city this afternoon to ostinmtu tho dnmnge done to the stock in ' l`ipos liquor store by re u few nights ago. .In~zl'. nu nnnn nu Mm ion in In nurlinv Ill) l'l`|0\l Lfll`()llg D. Thonma Fur :-ell, formerly of Perth. but ` now of Whitewood. Ansa.,has been notied of n logncy of 0._ 30,()(`.0 to which he and his brothers are heirs from an Inniskellon ` oatato. He in between sixty and soventy. His sham is $?l7.'n,()W. \no.....I ...... ........:.... an \`.n.n-Ann \l'n wnixv Allen & Son, Bl`0C'( ` Street. ':;':i:xf\ non V Lj- to Toronto um-pecnomte. ~ A. Smith, of l .n-ham, was ned before W. D. Blnck. J.l`., $41) and costs for an in- ` fraction of the game laws. I Hm-rlv n rlmm-I unnrln salsa will be 0011-: W0!` ll LIIO lelll pI'l'I.8P. ` Saturday your choice of our fty cent; ties for 25. Grand Union. . A ,..._L..._ A: ........._ .....`..|.. 4 ....... cl... nun l'|[)O H llllll()I'Fl4UI"U Dy HFU 1| IUW IIIXIILU ugu. Just. ns soon as the ice in the curling rink will permit. alderman Wnlkem and .\l. S. Sutherland will play oil" the final round for the gold medal. The tinnl rnunds for the other -trophies will ulso be lmrrieil Lhmugh. rm..._..... 1:... I I r.\-........l.. at lln..o|. I-ms nls snnre is -3.u.,uw. Attend our opening on Saturday. '8 now have the brightest. clothing store in the (`H_\. Hrand l'niou. 1'}: to (late the number of students re- gistered at thedairy school is far in ex- cess of former seasons. A steady? increase inattendunce is expected to continue un~ til the school closes down for the summer unu -1ULIl- IA. 1`. Whaley as sccwetnry. '[`um rwnntv-livn m GENERAL PARAGRAPH8. I colnpllhd Illll tho All10l'Ianu)nu'u:- \vi th.tho voting am y to M umdmml Ind local government-I tutu p-ynant for a arm n! _vnnag- ating Mteen par cont. at the topl ""_'_' I Kc Hopes lone Day to he I Union of the l Whole-of Afrlo|-IIe Had to Abide by the London convention - Enhrtnlned at I Public Luncheon. Bwrmrnwrnxs , 0ran;:eWll`reeState.,Mnrch 12. --President Kruger has arrived here to arrange a closer union with the Transvaal. i He was entertained at a public luncheon.`: and, replying to the eulogiatie toast of I president. Steyn, said he was mot there to conbrovert the queen : rights. Time [ would show he had always defended her majesty (cheers) and he had told his peo , ple to respect. her. He ho the two re- Knblics would form indieeo uble ties. but e had never any idea of the Free State being absorbed by the Transvaal. I Pmnidnnc Kruger said he knew he had 1 {ems HlflllUi3lESOME. RKRUGEW8 OPINION or `THE i QUEEN or ENGLAND. lV||'I 5'__W'II_$'-o n u-vu _vgy_ _ .. ` J 0I'Ionu llelfafl `to Prof. Munyon. 11 and 13 ' but Sr... oroutn. nnavrorod with tree Mod1- I Ioluivioo torpny (tune. 2| \ 0; Separate cm for Each Dluau A ! ALL DRUGGIBTB--I60. A BOTTLE. , being absorbed by me '1 NHIBVIIII. President ruger had`, to abide the London convention, but I l j the queen use troublesome woman, and ` it was therefore necessary to deal with the [ question of union with the utmost caution. } i He hoped some day to see aunion of the f whole of Africa. 1 nun rny nun uuuu. ` John McCorder was arraigned before the police mugietrnw this morning on a chnrgo of having been guilty '0! An infraction of - the by-luv relating to livery atnble keep- ers. by having refused or neglected to pay falter Jenkin. Princess street. for A horse -...I ..-L:_|- -.__.`....I _....l ....ul I-.9 Li:-n waiter aennn. rnncess sweet. tor`: w and vehicle ongigod and used by him. Th; tlnfnndnnl. nu-nmisad to IIIV and vehicle engaged and used Dy nun. ` The defendant promised to pay the o__ Amount. of the clnim not later then Wed- 4 'nesdAy. and hearing of the enema ud- jonrned until that day. 3 This In the only Way That the Powers Can ' Make Reply. \'n:N.~..\, March l`2.---'I`he Admirals com- l mending the European squadrons in Cre- i ' tan waters have suggested to their respe':- ` hive governments the advisability of each power contributing I,000 soldiers to bel employed in occupying the towns in the 1* northern part of Crete for the purpose of `I preserving order. | J A'rlIIc\`s. March IL . rWilh the abate-_ Found Illa Remain: S.\R.\L\. Ont... March I`_ . The body of Thomas kaney, who Inysteriously disap- peared on the morning of Jmumry 9th last. and whose hat. and pipe were found on the water works dock at. the time. was found oating in the St. Clair river. about 100 feet below the. water works dock this morning. Rauey'a watch an?! some money wre found in, his pockets. Whether It. wu a one of sccideni. or otherwise cannot , N be determined as yet. ' V for some time. The condition of Rev. John Mutch shows some improvement. and slight. hopes of his , recovery are entertained. Tim 1-nluliminn of Miss Booth. commia preserving oruer. A'riuc.\'s. .A abate- ment. of war fever there is a growing belief 1 that an amicable agreement between Tur- ` key and Greece with regard to Crete is possible. \'u:\'xA. Mm-ch IL! --~'l`he semi-oicial. possible. \'ir:\'NA, March Fremdemblutt to-day snys that the view of r r the (Lreek reply taken by the powers is ` that it can only be replied to by the em- l plo ment of force to induce Greece to obey ` th will of Europe. . (.`n.\'.~'rA\'riwri.i~:. March 1'2. `The opin- ions obtain here that the negotiations be- tween the powers on the reply of (lreece ` to the Cretnn ultimatum will be protrac- tecl. In the mennwlrile another threaten- ; tion. Renewed outbreaks are threatened ing feature hnw been added to the situa- in Anatolia. The British ambassador, Sir l'lrilip Currie. has drawn the at- tention of Turkish government to the condition of this district of Asia Minor nnd has requested that iinme- I dmte steps be taken to avert Another catas- ` trophe. ltnppoars thnt the condition of the christirnrs there is deplorable. They: nre the victims of constant outrage and murder, and the situation at Payne is so` : critical that a massacre is feared. Advices from Erzeroum say that large forces of Russian troops are concentrating on the` Armenian frontier in the direction of Surike- r mysh, in the distrivt of liars. ._4.,,,,.,..r .l Death 0|` Mr. `I1 rewery. Cnl.l`.I)ltN I-I, 0nb.. March l`. . - -Charles T. Drowery, miller, died of pneumonia` this morning at his late residence, Durham street, East Uolborne, in his (Nth year. Mr. Drewery was formerly of Prince Ed- j ward county. where he was a justice of the peace and municipal clerk for many years. He moved to ('olborne about twenty years ` ago. and ever since had been engaged in the milling business here. Mr. Drewery was a member of the Methodist. church and a liberal in politics. He leaves a wife and ~ six children, two sons and four daughters. The oldest son George is one of the law firm of Messrs. Field, McColl and Drewery, of C-obourg. Colborne and Brighton. Turned Elm Baclt. \\'I.\`n.~'oR, (')nt,., March l`. .--Emil Chevi- ron, who resides in Sandwich west. was last evening refused admittance into the l'nitcd States by the immigration inspec~ tor. Cheviron, who is forty-t.wo years old. and has a family, worked for many years in the Grand Trunk shops in Detroit. He was laid olflast September and has since lived near Sandwich with his wife's re-I latives. Yesterday he received word he could again secure work in the shops. He was going over last night. to make arrange- ments to remove to Detroit. when he was turned back. The inspector told him he would have to get. seine American citizen to certify that he had lived in the states. Doowgn _YQ}]__I_:sEI.F lllle Uelll I (I auguuy lncttrl. Tnmnx1'u, March I2.---Ex-jud;_-o Boyd. formerly and for over thirty years jumor county judge of York oulnty, died this `morning at his residence. Sherbourne street. aged seventy-seven years. Judge Buyd`u health has been gr:|duall_\' failing for time. mi... .......I:;-.. ..4' 1).... Inhn l|..h~|\ nhnwn , emerumeo. The condition of Miss Booth. ` sioner of tho Sal\'m.Ion nrmy. cuntiuuca to improve, though slowly. " ._ __._______. ._. 4 . 7 , - 4. V. J No Declulon Yet. W'.\~iii.\':1'ux, March 1:. -The sennce ; committee on foreign relations this mom- 1 mg considered the urbitmntion treaty with (heat Britain for two hours. At. 12:3!) no recess had. been taken, and no action had been agreed to. The committee, owing to the rebirement. of senators Sherman and` Cameron. now consists of but nine mom` 5 beers. Of these Messrs. Gray and Millswere ` u been. In :. I........... that Hun nnvnhniflon fuunrn . nueent. ` It is known that the committee favors the amendment previously reported, 1 eliminating from the scope of the treaty all questions pertaining to the domestic or ` ' foreign policy of each party and a new one 1 that will prohibit the selection of members of the supreme court of the United States i as members of the court shou'd the treaty l be-agreed to. Co|e%man`s ;;s;,,;<;;_, sm UNIUUQLLSII FIJI? 3IIHhll V '"":5!.`J:,f`..'.. ; EMPLOYMENT or FORCE. One Dead: Two Slightly Better. :1 I 1.1 l.`.. :...I _.. I). UNIOUILLID FOR lly" I . g n- A A- _ _t._An-_ lust Pu: HI: Debts. '4 |---A~-4-.._. _..-. HI|ll!`0lI'l'- Imp-iov'od" .:f!`onooopnthlo 1 I Ilolnodlu not II on: In:tntIy,npudlly cm \ low dun. linnyolrs the moat o unto cum. Hunnn'| ` Ilullm Cure eu{)o;wr:;u:lz:u: n'm cg": I o 1 ll 1 of stomach troublu. Mun on : n on cm can naps hendacho u I \ Inllnuu. ' Naornun dlunun ran :1: ~ }IllOd._ Kldno troublu. Pllol. our: 1. ` Asthma and n I Penal. complaint: cu { I. -IK II'UUU|IIgI OCJNTOJ. ONT. '_ culture, nae gone no nngumu. - F [ A. Akerlindh, Scandinavian interpreter ` for the department. of interior. has just. re- turned from the north-went, whither he 5 conducted a rty of 170 Galicinne, twen- 3 by-three of w om settled in the Edmonton district and the remainder in Manitoba. ` Mr. Akerlindh say: that most of the emi- : grnnbe appeared to have means. A ll; Dologntlon 'l'uI-In IpC-Ic3|||ll I '0" -n...-- I... on Ialmjj. ` way. The delegnein is headed b A nlj `IIIII`IIvIIlll aunu uy--..-----q --- elnou Near to Idlnallen. 01'-uwA. Morel: l2.--A big `Moll in in tab! city today asking for I MW for the Lake Erie end Detroit Riva` rhlli - r. .Y' M. P-. Hyman. ex-M.P.. Mr. MoGreT`Jri) ` M` Mr. Casey. M.P.. Mr. Hobbs, Mr. McKee, M.P. The director of experimencgl farm le. '0 yesterday for Bonbon, where he he: boa | invited to deliver I lecture before the Massachusetts borticulbunl society on Hortiou1t.ure in Canadn. | I-4-1'1.` I M..- ...,A.n..nv minhtnr of Lari. . ~`i uRsDA\TAT WALSH S. ` "ort|oult.ure In Uamun." ` -John Lowe, ex-deputy minister of agri- i culture, has gone to England. ' A Almrlindh. Rmxndinnvinn in| a0!'DPOt0l' '$Iv $['25' ` ,. . E Priestley's celebrated Black Dress G3ods for Mourning Dresse , '-7oc, 8oc, goc, $1. Finest goods made. ` Elegant Black Crepons 65c, 75c, goc up. `New Cloths for tailor-made Dresses, in all the new shades of _ Green, Blue, Fawn an'd Shot Mixtures, 95c, 81. A Serges, Faneies,,Tweeds-over xco pieces go choose from. (lad The Ben: Doctors-lie Found What 1 He wanted In Dodd'| Kidney Pllll. i Gomzmcn, March 8. (Special)--A cue ' 4 of greatrinterest here just now is than of Alexander J. Suarkey who for some time L has been an extreme sufferer from rheu- - ; matism. l{ia statement to the corresporr ' 1 dent in as follows :-- um-.. ..:..l.t...... unnnthn I mac n vinlhinx nf E Elghtoon Month: Trying To not 0urod-- l i 1 i den: is rouowa For eighteen months I was a victim of rheumatism and during the whole of `that time was trying every means to cure it. 1 had the beat. doctors in Canada and took their perecriptionawitln faith and )at.ience." "1 mm tired at. last. for I foun the dis- $i"o'a'.,"'x{a3"':T:`3f.b:.`.'."'15'nTZI. N53`; ' `fan run: I I Female complaint: qu . `tun on : Vltulur Inparu no AI 3:: to__wu Jun. Price. 11., .- I:..-._.. 1-09-.-inlh-AI Munnvnn ll Arm 1.`! their perecrlpuonawlnn lawn anu nuance. I got tired at last ` nppombmcnb nearly as killing an the dia- ` nnsn, ` l)odd's Kidney rule. "I have used two boxes of these pills to effect, n perfect.`cure and I don t. care who ; knows it. . ease." But one friend wiser than the others con- 1 vinced me that m disease must. be cured ` I by way of the ki may: and recommended l)odd`s Kidney Pills. -4 mm. nnnrl twn hmmn of those uills | E. Dewolfe, representing 1). Richards, I soap manufacturer, Woodstock. Ont... was in the city today. Mr. DeWolfe s home is in (.`n nanoquc. N... mnnn mnI.t,runa or table oaddinz in l (.`n New cotton matcruaa padding three widths, also doublelaced white cau- ton at R. 1\`lcI"uu|'s, Kingston carpet warehouse. u*......l. ........l-mp}-{on `Inn A nnnrt. J. warehouse. ' Fresh cra|1bex`i'ics,'l0c. a quart. J. Craig & Co. ,t..1I;..1 tnnnnn. ll-)l`nA= cookinz owns. 10c. AT RICHMOND & %AMco s_. Urnig & U0. Jellied tongue, l3c.; cooking eggs, .1. L`mwford. We have still a number of English Art Squares, which we will clear out on FRIDAY and SATURDAY at these prices: $10 Squares for $6. $13.50 Squares `for $7. $15 Squares for $8, $25 Squares for $15. /\ \ ;s""1`HE CHARM OF .;. INDIVIDUALITY `i It n`m>s1 nsmemrm I iI?F1Tv1 6ND S FIRE *** SALE: ...` mnn An I nllil nn 9 2: John Laihlaw & S0n.. `- 9 2' Black Cr: RHEUMATISM cuan. Special uttering of NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. Best ' ' Value we have evor sold. AFTER A spimbv. In the selection of a costume it is not alone necessary that a Dress should be beautiful, tasty and becoming. It should above all else be DISTINCT. In order to insure that we have bought quite a large number of DRESS PATTERNS. Each a gem and every one dierent. ART SQUARES 2 Zraveneuc, 62 inches wide, {of Cloalks and Dresses, 95c, WWI I` BIIIIIIJ II VIIIEII tho Vlyknnou pocullu uo their ID` 0n0llho pen MOI. pm - Ilccntlou. 00. _ ` lls! lngcnn. . - n A n n u an Ann: C -- -.J .-.u;: now; a -uv u-Inn-rv-v M of Cami ui lodge No. 59, I.0.0.I`.. mar. no thoir I in the Oddfollown` hall at two o'clock and. in chugo of the noble grand. proooodod in can to Portunouth to join the funeral rroouion. Rev. Mr. Foo. I relative of t. o famil; of deoouod. con- ducted 9. short. service no the the Oddfollom Irnrinl luv" . t the oemet/.1-y, Roy. 1. R. Beamloh no it '3 as cbapln in. `.`0o. Don I: Ir)-In; Eggs. loo. Donn. K` Gvod coming eggs, I00. donn: froth ma. 15. ; fresh buI.t.or,\ 170.; tub butter 156- J~`\{rnwtxrd. ` (.00 to --1.50 ';' 0'ut.ar'lo Ba In. '1 63 976731;).- Glul \'-\Vhoat No. 2 nnltobn Hud. Mo to We ;0 rn~. son to he ; Posse, Mo to we ; Outs. NC to to ; Barley no to 460:1! 0.390 to (lo Ontmu :1. 01.40 to 1.150; Comment .700 to 800. l'll0\ ,|8l0N3-P0r|I. 811.5.) to 11.50 : lard so to Ila ; Btu.-nu. 0 to loo ; Hams no tollo ; Choou. no to "110 ; utter. townships. 1!; to 170. Waste 111.100 to lie; Eu.10o to 190. III \` `$12!! I KIJIFIJIJI I-$1.1 I`! Il0N'1',IlIAl.. uo..Mnroh1-.- -ll'Loun-Rooolpt 4'10 brln; mar ot. met. Quotations: Pntont ' Wiucel .844! to 1 ; Patent. Hg:-11$. 1.50 to I 4.75 ; S1 msight. Rollor..'1.:KH,o 4.1 ; xtrn.3.60 [ to Mi) , Superne,I.8I)t.o 8.40; Strong Barton. 1 ; Ontario Bag. 16'.) to [00, (ilul \'-\Vhm\O.. No. 2 nnltnlm I-hrd. Mn tn 34.: 1 Iran: \I\Il-I -ltllihluu 1 LIVE noon. Noon, Mob. 1! -Whonb N. Fm . `,6; 6, winter. mod; No. I 001.. 0:1 6 ; corn. til pens, As 3M; oork. Mn 0!; Int-1. 21: 3d; mow. Am., Inn nd; bucon-lon% auto. heavy. Illa ud; Ii ht. 2! 0d ; abort cum navy. ` 24 till. Chane-- blto. Mu 0d Onlonul. 61; 0 I. Cot ou-AmnIoM lndd1lnu- :I H l-Md . [Juli [lull (gill III ICICUIIIC TX at half-put two this llhmodh and can very largely attended. Tho members No. at. thnir h I in n... n.mt.nn-.' lull n ma Oddlollown Gouda ! no human M cuta- ngqniotory. ML; l....-..I -O"LI.- I-1- Y I'\......_ A..L up guuuuwq. The funeral` Into W. Duncan took phat from are In. nnidenood hand If. hnlrnnff hon this kltnpnnaiin anal W. DUNCAN LMQ TO REST. 0 ' .. . . . . I) ..'::::.':.?*'*'-' U womorolsl Ptll 'I`ol.. utronl T01 .` fmhnll-n N: lwynl &loot.rlc.. . . . . `Toronto Railway .. `Blnk - >f Ilonuouln u0nMri n lhnl. . . . . Ilolucnmnnk . . . . . . . .......... nk of '.l oromuo...... ...... .. orol nah Bank ........... on manta Bank or Hulum. Unlo .1 Bank. .................. .. Ban: . of Ooinmu-oI........ . Nor Invent. Imndoompnny .. Ion null Oonon Oo ..... .. X `I t-ll Tel ........ . . . . . . . . .. mt:-onl Telegraph .. Yfnoholiou Nu. lnontroal Strut. Railway..- Nontrowl Gas Co. . -- - Bell 1%} 0 110110.. lluoynl oot.ric.. "I'orom n Rnilwnv Hlhl >1 llonu '0nAr! o BMIL. Bunk dn Pnnnh I0 NTBIAL PIIODUOI IIABIITE klnuru nun I l\u4 `In -...L 1.: II`: I\IVIl V YOITBIAL IIOOI Illlflo riotnk... nk dn Pen 1 ohc 11': Ban [but of Thmntn LIVERPOOL IABIIT8. noun: \1..._ \A..I_ In IIrL-_. u COMMEROIAI: . u. .15. 1:140 .. 70; ..I3l I98 I59 187 `In 19" 291i m-3 amen s ulocul no man lon nd vomou. nntohng I- TAYLU R S. -"ra;":";Fa'u'i'uv'u';'u'33'uTai's` :'I`:3f":'o'T"\1 Ihsclnuuun. `:Tiil.-`IlI6WIlILS ohhthutluu. 'I'huon1loMhoblI Does the feast content. Aye, that`s it hunger`s the best sauce." Satisfy your appe- tite with good nourishing food. We've meats galore, fresh, salt. smoked and cook- ed. Try out jellied tongue at 17c, and sliced cooked ham at 25 per lb. `DEAR. RIR: I um nlmnn 'DEAIl. FIE: lnm plenum! do infurm you that uur lnrze stock or Spring llntsh now In and npanml up for your inapw-Lim. You may have hunrd that we houuht our huts from the heat. nmkero in Eng- land and New York. run! for tho umna [Erlou In sold to the wholesale trndo. MI onnhlou nu M retail Hutu at much lower Dliuou than fornusrly.ulHm1u;h we have always sold them luwnr `hum Any other retail ntore. You mm ame- foro count. on an vim; 851` to mu by bur- lmr your Hut from us this sprint: '9 have tho Neat:-at and Nowuat. SM-Ins in mock. Trllsungm ho fnvorml with a visit. from you. \'m1r:4 truly, and to rebuild tl ` .`1or\'es.alumnml'x mom a nun an ` Ipoedy euro {or :1 amuse: ulna . 1:-on: ixnpnvt-r*.nl\ l:'uo".n|nHt_hutond ; nu-vac. men 3: pop ulysin. wind db nu... rhoum |ciaticu.l?oa:>t:nlo,:. ory. cry: `we 3:. phat-ioalolthoboark tomm|:,chloroIilm cicknun, tho! ` - ulocul many 020. PM ; 0 5 lotion on the uxuahvsun o ` III. tutoring Ion fixer. WEAK MEN F nun ii AII\ -0-.)-.-0...... -..._A.I _.__. u\.u Iuu um I ection of `RUBBER :11 undo. Linux Iurku-a. Sunolln,` Bank. I Omoo Stun . Bah monk ate. snuu-s or ' SoIl- nkon. ton. in nmmnr PANGS] CENTS - A V A PERSONAL Ltrii Aiorm Ln. M`: nub .:: ' r I'll I nngl om mtsnilzl 3? J IIL \V\.l|l|l , this line AI-on m.ooI. 1: tr I mum ` --I NEIVB l Tolt`. Thaw mnmh ` )0, I SIG BIIEIIII. niaiougriu. unddrhhing tho am at gun... ` . ' . Ill RUIN` IlIClIl(IGlDu ` . Wqthin 1 day or two ntur thus lotto: mo 1 wrilbn by Mia Sihclnir. the lint. tion olthohony neaivcd by Dr. W: owns` cshld In Indip. than widing. without` IIoh_v.|M Imam tor in Sinclair. and` V AALAQ -KQ:n.nI-n nnAbCnLl-nu QH` ngn. -0 `llll S|lIl'I|||I` Write: To (nmuhl About The Dlnlrou Thorn. For the benet. of those who have cou~ `tributed. or may yet contribute. to Lhe i r|uinn `.nnnn fund FM:-n|n'vh Ilun "av IN` ' ful to Balance sud Humanity. Sixty milllons for humanity and the na- va noement of science ls the ltnprocodontvd gift which has been beam 11 on the world by l_!rv1 Nobel, the SW lsh oll klng. ' `Ft-`htlre Nobel fortune in fur the lur- goat In Swudon and mm 0% l e rcutest in all Europe, has btwn loft in a. lump sum V to bo used ma :5 porpetunl fund, tho lntm-osat of which will serve ma n mnzunt stimulus W aolontlsm and humnnlmrluns. n:.....n1\r.m,.| ....... n... l....o no` Hm (mu- no ngut Fortune In svmlen Donotod i I I l l For SATURDAY and SATURDAY Nldm. i W acmnusm nnu nlllmlmmrmns. i ,A|f1iN0i)Cl was tins lust. of the font Nobel hruifnors who (it-voiopod the grvut pt-tr0 .d!'Im fields of Ru.-tsiu um] ontuiilishmi ' big fucturivu in which nrmio.-1 of mvn wore ; rmpinvml. -They wvre nli of F-`.('i(`l)li(.' ix-nt, 1 mud Alfred working in tho inburumry ` with his futimr, mmie diS(`U\ (`H(!5| about ox- pln.~1iV0 which Mr In cmnmon use by man- ll1'F.0tIIrvrs. Nolwl's vxpiuiuiw oil is one 01 his invu.-nlinmt. in tho s:un(~ inlmmtnrios liiil('Ik(`i1`H p0\\'d(i` wnn ilrnis [)1-1'f'vu1Nl, and tho Nah:-i.~4 him usr.-ul)ii.~aiu-d grout. fm:t.m-iox- I where ordnmmu for tho grvutv armies oi I E1u'0p(\ in turnmi nub. Ah-ml Nll|'I" dim! D(YV. 10. nnd iii! WW 7iiESEE%0i"Elft* Afr:-11 Nah:-I (Hod Don. I0, and WIFT ` directs thnl. uftvr HORN` milllmm of l:mn(-r am tllntrilultmtl frlvndn, thv rmnnindvr of his fm'tum~, mn- .uI.-tln_q of uhnm. $Im,um>_(mn, shun nudis- ['.u~:v(l of In lhu fuiluwluu munnm-: "Vlv o::-mnmr.-a urn m-ml:-rrd to vnnrvrt, nmnng n'lutl\'(-13 nnd` [`n()'<'l`(l ()1 HI lnl` lUllU\\'lllK IlllHlll\`I . , " My (`.`:t'(`lIl`ur.'-I , my entire ortuto lnm sufu l1`('lll'lH|!I. which l -, _._...___. - 3_..__.. THE INQIAN FAMINE FUND. Tuuuurnctur szqussr. "rill FVH IIVU Illlll In` will, "nro tn he` 1 Avmlvmy of Set I ngzy and nwdlx-Ina In at Hmrkh<\hn than of pvm-u Ivy :1 \u tn lm nnnnintml [I (H lJ|'(\l'U I'.\ it to in: uppuimvd `H ; disl- IVVL-'ol}Ll'L'l.Vl.4 \JL4LVlvJ". Bargam Lot Men's Cash mere Socks only 25c pair.` Better goods 33c, 40c, 45c and 50C. , MEN'S COLLARS - Latest- styles, 2 for 25? ! TOP SHIRTS--Special for this 5 day 37c, worth Goc. 1 1 3 (Ms. XIII I U KIRK IDOVBIC DI 13.3.0-Illll UNI `itngu ly. lcancortifythst. Iun nor 'inthovory batolbanlth mdfoolvcry `gt-udnlIoB.B.B. Aurnxn l`noux,Ilon- Lnnl-0ng I (Tnpn nncem !'L!\}.:l-. There is but little (`ll2)llL'0 in the condi- tion of Edith, youngest daughter of Mr. ` and Mrs. J. A. Scobell. She is utllicted `l with I most peculiar Inalwtly. and one that 1 hmllea the skill of the best medical aid. f For months she has been unable to lift her i head from the pillow. and she suffers the most intense pain on every occasion when it is found necessary to move her. Her appetite remains good, and strange to state, she is growing an fast as a child in perfect health. The Eagle certainly hopes that Miss Edith may soon be restored to goodnnnd perfect health. scotch Settlers In llleter. 1 l Rev. 8. Houston delivered an interest- if lecture on Scottish Settlers in star" to in feicly-large and appreciative l|IdlOCO in the lecture room of Cooke`: church last evening. The speaker dwelt upon the. advent of Scottish families into the Irish province, their greduel coming- ling with the native two. and pointed out the many admirable treite of c-herecser I thet ere peculiar to the descendants of the ` Scottish emi ms. The lecture was ex- haustive an instructive. and contained much vnlueble end hiatoriml informetion. I uelIUa-1 Wu nu vuty poor nuqlm Ior ~ over {our years; the doctor nidvit. was con- nti tiou. Not. wanting to spondvoo much can Igot. three bottles of B.B.B.u:d took _..I.. I ..... ....AH .. sk-s I .._. _.._. JGCIBU Dy uu U\'Ul'WllUlXlIIlIx llllIJUlI|-_ . This morning's session: opened at nine (fclouk. The delegates at. once went to work on petitions und momo:'i;1|s. An im- portmit. petition was laid on the table from the members of the order in tho norLh- west. territories, which was referred to tho ' ronornl iur )oses committee for m`t.ion. L I , This petition asks for power to form a dis- trict. council in Winnipeg mid to appoint an oiiicial orgzgnizer with rosidvnco in Winnipeg. The petition is signed by the Rev. 4:. T. Coombos, supreme grmnl supervisor of the north-wvst Ierritorie.-2. und James L. llroughtou, district lu- puiy. (`urnlvnl At Ruclnvood Rink Atn mmiiml hold in Rockwood rink Wcdncs(l:\_y night, a large crowd of merry skaters assembled. Music was snp;.l1o:l by the Ruckwood band. Among Lhosu in ` fmmy dress we ob:-ermd: Marion . Wheeler. summer; Mary Smit.h, evmiing star: Annia Tuit. Red Riding Hood: Florence Mvlleein, Topsy: Daisy Hollnml, red, whim and blue; Ida Mcleein. snow- ` ball; Annie Mceein, coining through ll|0 rve; lientlm Mills. fairy queen: Aggie l C)n\'cr_\', queen of folly: Benjmnin Davis, lmyinrilaerz Myrtle C\ll(`ll0ll), smnnlnkc; May Ennis, lady 1-Ludcnl:Belln Potter. lldv student. Frank lloylo, Oh My; John Mu\\'ntcrn, Buy a Broom; Harold Clarke. June; Th0ln!\8[)A\'i(lRnl1. l)`i1Il_y"s nal: J. Keir, llick Dido; \\'illia Potter. Hdodliim: W. (7. Pottor. Jumping .le.vk: A. Forsyl.he, llonoy llee: W. llainilmxl, Roclcwnod Masher: J. Jnmicson. .\lisaionnry; Alfred Smith, Hipsy: l".dwaul Bemzpre. llod (,':ir- ` rier: W. (`onvery. Alnlmmn Coon. Thll In What Labonolnro Wants to [Ind out-80 Enid It WI! [III Oplnlon That 811- graham Bower Wan Not. `relllng the 'l`r-nth. LONDON. March l2.-The examination of Graham Bower. formerly imperial aecretury an the Cape Colony. was resumed to-day by the South African committee -sitting in Westminister hell. Witness testified that he had never told Cecil Rhodes to communicate his intention of assisting in the rieing in the 'I`ranevanl to the high commissioner. He understood that lihodoe intended to do so. Rhodes, Sir Graham continued, had communicated his intemione to him us 9. personal friend, not an imperial secretary. He did not. know if he had ever asked Rhodes whether he had informed the high commisai oner of his plane. Mr. Labou ere. who is now conducting _burg. The witness persisted in the statement that. he could not. recall whether Rhodes had uid to him that he hnd told the high commissioner of his intention. A. n..'.. .m;..r. Hm nhnirlnml internosed | commissioner 0! mainxenuon. ` At this point. the chairman interposed ` and ruled ngninst. Mr. Labouchere. con- tinuing to press the point. whereupon Mr. ` l.abouchoro said he believed the witness was not telling me truth. Mr. (Ihambnrlain, speaking warmiy,said: "The Committee must. protect. the witness from insult." I M. I..lnn.n-lm:-n .`-I rmmni; that it in _ Intentions 0! nsalntmug In um rlelugs . The witness \'ouchsnfcd no reply to the q\l(\.tl0|l, whereupon Mr. lmbmxchem ask- ed: Do you decline to lpuuk in order to shield yourself 7" Ar nu.-- ........\L....... at Hm nnmmirtnn intm-. The H. D. Bibby Co. OAK HALL. KING STREET. amelu yoursen : y ` Obher members of the committee intex'- posed uh this point, but Mr. Labouchero . persisted in deumnding an answer to his question. and the witness nally said: It. | is n nmtlox` of opmion whether Mr. Rhodes kept his word or not. I decline Lo say fur~ I thtill" ......l..+,\ ll ....naoi.-an Pm Riv \\'il|imn ' ther. ' In renly to 0 question by Sir Willizun Harcourt, the witness said he did not i think that Mr. Rhodes had co-operated ' with the high commissioner in such 11. way i as could have averted the mid. ~ Flve Cents Per Qjuarrtol-Ankod But Noune Knows Whut'l`wmI For. lh:.\.\'r|=m:n, ()nt., March I'. . The Sons of England supreme gram! lodge held a ` so.-aion last night and cmmnencerl on the seeaional papers. Business proceeded smoothly until clause sixty-six. asking for ma increase of ve cents perquarter per ~ cnpiba, was reached. The supreme officers were _usked what. object the executive had in view to apply the money, but. were un~ able to give a sntisfnotory roDl5,/ After :1 henlel discussion by the executive and some of the dolegzmes the clause was re- jected by un overwhelming mnjorit._". 'T`hiamnrninn'n R(`s.IRl0l| nnelmd at In I um uu ` (Tam Vincent !'I2u.:lo` 'I`hnv~n in hut Ii,f.I,I Ih, JIIIIOC TOIIOO. I80. II. l`IqIju||hdeanJ.I5o.:EngHch brawn. 2:L:oclkhg cut. J. Craw- ;A RUWAT THEUCOMMITTEE. i|3#THE `INQUIRY A SHAM OR A ---- ncnn n his plane. Mr. Labouthxere. the cross-exmnilnmon, insisted upon a ! positive reply by the witness to the ques- tions. The` high commissioner, he uuid, * had wired last, evening, denying that he had ever been told anything before the mid that showed any connection between the force that had gathered on the frontier nnd the citi'/.enu movement. at Johannes- _burg. The witness persisted from insun. Mr. Labour.-here -"l repent i my opinion {lint the witnessis not telling the Lilith. U 'l"ne chairman You are out of order. Mr. Liibouchore--"I shall move hhut. the room he cieixred on every opposed question if iie<`es.sur_v. [am going to see whether this inquiry id u. i-ham or u i`ei\iit.y." The uhairumn This is not. the way to H r. _'|:;.... I... II I|CID-`.r`uI\. - nu. . __, _ h`,...O _ fpnilitute bu,_giuess. Mr. L:1bouchoro-The way to facilitate business is to let. me ask questions." In... .IlI`I\:r\l` fn Hun winmn Mr. Lnbnu. THROUGH HyNGERS business 18 to let ask quesuonu. Then turning to the witness, Mr. Labou- chere asked : "Did Mr. Rhodes keep faith , by informirg the high commi.-~.~:i0ner of his intentions of nsaintiug in the rising.-4 T` rm... ...:p..m.=. .-mmhnnfnd nn rpniv tn the Oonouynuon OIIOTI. Genb.-IIna in my poor hoqlth for war ltmr vnnns tho dnnmr nidvit. in non- REJECTED THE CLEUSE. A I'M-ulhl rv A H] It->lV|o-n. n})LLItv 7 main DAILY WHIG, Enrmur, Luncn 1'2, 1,; 97. `u Vary Lawn mom crowded law an y llnnlleut of Inset. Ceylon tons. J. Os-nig"_& Co. Maple sugar at Cu-no\-sky's. Major Jackson. Gnimnoque lield battery, in in the city. New maple sugar. Paul Reilly. signed to M. Avory. J. Cuwford. H. 3. Wilcock. , grocer, Piobon, his as- Jngned to J. T. Scott. Hardy : dress goods sale will be con- tinued Monday. 1\n..'n-. fail In hid nn v-mnl Antutn -nln Mon- of Olden Township, has as- l urlna l IIIOII. It. was stated at a dinner of ndveroising . agents in New York that A reduction on duties in Canada on a list. of pro -riotory articles such on patent. medicines. icnrico. enpolio. ot.c.. would cause fully $1,000,000 nununlly to be spent in advertisingin load inn Canadian papers. Nmr mnnln nmrm-2 nnnkimr mm. I|)c.: season. New maple sugar: cooking eggs, ll}c.; fre~h eggs, I5c.; fresh roll butter, He. J. Crawford. A... .....a.... :-......I I... H... I-l.n.-l` n..:..t- Infl blynnnlan papers. New mtplo tupar: cooking eggs, IHc.; boa-Mable butter. He. J. Crawford. I.` lVL-....-... I\_...._....o.. |.-.I . mg. n..- SPECIAL } ATTRACTIONSE DON.u\l)l0 onnwr. he. .1. unnuoru. F. Chnplnnn. Desoronto. bad ll \'Il y nar- row eoonpo from drowning Wgdnoadny. He was examining the dock Ind stepping on a plank which covered some thin ice it broke under him and he was plunged into the water. }{o\:amo_ up under the ice. but nmnaqorl with great diiculty to extricate f himoo . "FL- ..--.. I_'A--L -|.-...A. in -HIT nnrl umon. - . Ald. I?rofonuine. M. l .. Montreal, OI! that tins! anungbmonts for the erection of the big ou,ooo,ouo bridge at Montreal have V boon comphtod arm the Americnn contrac- mnnm pond: in nnnnnntl Ih tho wortu noun OllIplC Ill IIIC A tors ptocood lot -n-.-no.` ...-_._s I... . I tmued Mommy. Don b fail to bid on real estate sale Mon- day noon at Mills auction rooms. old papers in quan'.iby'nt. Wmu oice. 10c. dozen cooking eggs. J. Crawford. Chief tn:-pccmr Sv/eer.nnm s visit to ! Kingston post office has been delayd. _ The newest ahnnea in hats At. cost. Sa- 1 turday only. umna union. ; At. Cannes to day a yacht race for 1,000 fmnc was taken by the Piinoe of Wales Britannia. ` | |Ripe Bananas at Carnov/sky's. Hm~dv`s dress wood: sale will be con- l L;r.'Iwl0r(1. An order issued by the Bay of Quinta railway reduces tho price of single tickets between Deeeronto and Nope nee to twenty-/V live cents. At. g.t.ime when other railways are increasing Llieir fares ibis gratifying to the travelling public to have tho {are between these two towns so much reduced. A_Q..o....A.n will In; nnr nnnninn rlnu ' DOLWOGII I-H630 {Wu Iuwua so luuuu nzuutruu. An Saturday will be our opeqing day.` after making extensive alterations nnd im- provements. we have decided to offer all goods in `the house at cost. for that day. Grand lnion. I. ._.-. ..n-n...l _s .. .l:........ ..l` ...l....... nun The very Inks: ahapo in stiff and, fqdon haw. Bargains for Saturday. Your choice of any 83 ingot $1.90, (Znnd Union. A ` lungswn pose omca mus neon uewyuu. The newest shapes in bath at. cost. turday only. Grand Union. Ar. Pnnnns to dnv A vnnht race 1.000 | |t(.Ipe Bananas an Utlrnovakys. Hardy`: dress goods sale tinued Monday. \Y..... .....-nnrn .-.....t..i... nln on-Cuincr FIFFX CENTS will buy a Fine ` ' .3 ndried Shirt worth 75; 31 an-rm nf fhi: Hnr: In.` l.Inueu1.uuuuu._y. _ _ New curpeb, curtains. etc., amvmg daily at.` R. ML-Fnul's Kingston carpet. warehouse. 3 IN... ......s..,.l -6 H... .....n ..I..-1.. nf Rina. ` warehouse. r The control of the mail clerks of King- i ston postal division has been transferred to Toronto int-pectomte. ` IFUUUIUII UI LKIU game HIVV-\. Hardy's dress goods sale will be con- tinued Monday. 1 :-nf (".hnvIm: Knllv Ynnkrnnl. hill been unueu Monany. Prof. Charles Kelly, Montreal. has been appointed choir louder of Knox church. Guelph, at a salary of $400. Whv nrn \'m| nninn Ln Milli! auction IIIIBUPH, Ill: 11 l.'|lIl'y UK @`IU\!. Why are you going to Mills auction ' rooms Munduy noon next`! Why`. To make money by buying real estate cheap. Mninr Hrnnnnn in wnrhino nnnnmticnllv HIBKG money Dy uuylng real UGUHLU Uuuup. Major Drennan is working energetically nnd is leaving nothing undone to make the 24511 of May celebration a success. Rrnhnr Hnnlmy Kiumnmn nnnimntinrv. I (H8 '_"iLvll Ul ly CUIUUHIMUII ll EIIUUUUH. Stoker Henley, Kingston penitentiary. has been ill since his ro-inecutement. and in(`.ap9.(-itutetl for duty. ghced congne. l.'c. J. Crawford. ` Alknts me making to secure for the Nth battalion, for drill purposes, the services of u number of ex--ndets. now in the icy. An ALA l'hin-nun. lmnnk nhnur T A l`.;n'. OI HUIHDCI` OI UK-<'ll()B(.!'. HUW Ill Mm l'Iu_y. At. the Vlximgo hem-h show T. A. Cm`- snn'.-x water sp-miels Marguerite and Mike (.7, in the challenge, first..n.ml open classes, all the lending prizes. .K`nf.nrrlnv \`rmrnlxni:\n nf nur ftv vent.` (1185 [Or ZUC. KITIIHU DHIUIL A number of young people from the city on \Vcdnenday drove over to the residence of Harry Hinckley. Wolfe Island, spending | an enjoyable evening. HIE.-ml inllinrl Lnmrun |."m.9 English emoyaulo evening. Sli:-od jollied r,on;,:ue. |. >c.: English sliced brawn. l.'wc.; cooking eggs, 10c.` dozen. J. Crawford. nu... _....l:....I l`.......ls.. -5` 1\.......\`. ..n:.m-m`. ` IIIUPVJUIIWII VI vitqd. 'rwE1~{;rY_.F1vE Bnraaxn Lot