ann 1 an or an nuns reduced `in ;' Jot balanceofseuoh. We `in iyou to K wuumu. umr only u.c-mnpllsnxm-ntsa urv riding and dancing. Wlmtovvr accom- plhwhnlcnts tho Gcnmm gcntlcwomuu can [must of are 01' the domestic order. She is quite Lhv reverse of imellcctuul and can- nut be said to [xussess any of those graces of mind that are feminine acompllshmouts in tho strictest sense of the word. ]L.IIH:nm and Hnnnlumla nun .Ia..u.......:~L~2 m nuulg uuu an mwn I. -nmu. - In Franz-u them um daughters of the old arlstncrncy who lmw made n point of be- ing grnduuted from the public schools and 01' taking up the dlplumus that qualify them In om-n their living as govcrncsscsor teachers. But. this is the uxveptlou. What the FrenclnvoInam_ lacks, however, in this line of ncmn1plis."*munts she atones for in grade elegance :n11(}'7>,-,)1lc. Alnstrian and Hungarian Indies ca11b'\3t be considered as accoulpllshcd, nnd un intellm-tun] Austrian 01- Hungarian gontlnwoman scum: just as much 01' an ddlty as is spiritm-llv FI-mwh- woman. Their only :LC('()lI)pShl]l('I]L`| Pidill and (lnnrimr W|Irnfn\'I-r nt--A-n MRS. Al\`.\'ll`1Bll.\?u'[VAT\'. I'(`(?.`l OI 1L1lI'O],`tfIl WOIHCH hll 1111100 U18 tullowlng vompnrhmn of thvir qualities: In lnglnmi, hu says, the ave:-age of Accom- pllshmcuts oi the class known as gentle- womon is not high. While every girl is supposed to learn how to sketch and play, the plane, the knowlmlgo of fo1~eignlun- guuge-H, modern hlstury mid of everything uumidv that touched upon in the am called ` iudies' papers" in 1-lun1cnmry,lngiislx girls are exuberant with health, vitality nmi physical vigor. duo in the main to the outcluor lite and foudncm-; for exercise. `But they do not shine in nu)` ]2m't.iculu' save in riding and at. luwn t. -nniu. In "Fran:-n Humn .n-n .l......l.;....- Ar 1|... ..n.: ..... up. nu Iv uuuuu A mun \\'hr.rn diplomatic career 1 given him nbundnnl; oppnrtunity to serve the charm-trx-1.~`ti('s oi the \'n1'h Luu UIUUSD suuw rnugn I't,\n(lH [0 Do [I'Il\`Cll`d. Unless each traveler ntrllnmvs his quo- ta of the cheer my-1.b wlll nut l:e`rcal- lzcd. A lltt-lo nod_ d smile on entering the room, as coml'crtul:l(-wm-ll to one going upon us juurnc_v-tlwse sound llbflc, but they attuul for 1ll`c s s'.vcetncss.--Pl1iladol`- phlu 1 :-t-ss. n llb.ll.lUH[JllL'l'U Hi myul unu mvlng. It is not u. want of heart. In case of ` need many an imlividuul about us demon- strative as u. but of Iron would 2h(-vrfully smrrlara hinmolf In u cause 0! Irlcndshlp. But; thlrg is not onuugh. The fmully Is, = after all, a community of many tantra and Ideas. Lilo mntuinn for the youngest and the oldest souu-rnughrmds to be tmvclvd. Unlmm mnh n-m~nlm- A-nntv-Ilnnhul 1.1.1.... culwms an name. We have known brothers whose devotion to t.he-glrlsot their mxmly was most: faith- ful. And so will they ever be if the home ; ntnuoaphcru in loyal and loving. Isnunn wum m` lumrt In onan nl nuu AIVKIUIU. My boy won't concern himself in any- thing in which his sisters nre lntareated, 1'.0l|!l(`d u distracted motlicr. He ig- nores tho glrls connplatnly and wun c be men upon the smxyl: with them." These ` habits are usually the resulb of carelese customs at home. In Inna. lvnnuun l~...\4l..\.... ...I._.... .I..-.--1_- toe the other day cling!) to its mother`: knee and throw one little arm about her neck. `.`You llttlelorment! You've rum- pled my lam! In the lmck. And I haven`! `had it on half an hour." That In tho way that Ioollrh woman rcnpnndcd tn hls aoa- tlon. And the poor chlldwxw smumarlly deposited npm.t.he oor. li<=Lto1- to lone u llnndred gallars than to crtuh out the only thing. affor all, which makes life sweet and livable. UM`: Imcu -u...u ......__.... I.n__.._In 1.. ___ Woman : Wen] Tank. .......... -r\A\l- "I Are In charge of I chartered accountant who holds I t.o|cher's cortmx-ate fronrthe Normal School. Ottawa. All subjects ambnmml in I Ilnnlnu. Ioonnnnd. civil service And ling- llnh Com-an thoroughly tnught. For Imrtinnlara nnll .0 0).. (mu... ..m__ Em-op:-an \Vomen. .-.I.... .|x_I-_._.:, THE DAIiaY WVIIIGI. 5I`ITE8DAY;"L[ARCfI 16," 1397. `. _,__` "Q B. `ksibbnn. Bollovilk, i,du:guou- ly Ill. 30 in on oLqho.I|I|bun oonpuy Snow Rood Sketches. Sww Rom. March l.';.-The concert held here lust. Friday under the nuspices oi the I.0.0.F. was a grand success. The dialogue. "The `fan hoe Paddler," performed by local talent, was well received. Robert Gilbert in the port. of the Yankee peddler, took the house by storm, and the rest of the performers sustained their ports to rfoction. The music by Poul Bx-os.. of olond, and the character songs and sketches, iven by J. Moron and C. Forbes, Lmsrk, come in for 1 large share of gpplanso. After the concert, 3 party was ` given st the residence of W. Storey, at which n Inge number of the young people enjoyed themselves till daybreak. Miss Martha Bnim is home on o visit. Miss A. E. Atukinsonio vioititi friends It Lo- vnt. D. H. Calnpbol, Iavsnt, ie I eat the MoKinnon house. Visitors : r. and John Lee. Ianvanb. at `A. , Duncan's: . . liner. oi Clnvondon. And Miss Nollie in, Sherbet Luke, no E. Buf- hm`; 1 HI! Soft paper or old newspapers crumpled up nnd made soft with the hands are more efloctivc fur the polishing of mirrors, win- dows and picture glass than Chamois 0|` llurn. To keep a spoon in position, when de- sirous of dropping medicine int. in and re- ` qulring both hands to hold the bottle und rurk, place the bundle between the leaves of an cluscd book lying upon a table. The best. way to wash bed blankets is an to wring them uflcr the last rinsing, Luz up hum; them uu the line and let. thum drip dry. The nnp is then not malted down. and the blanket. retains its beauty and new appearance. ___7: __ A writ: r on irvulxty says that to obtain a ])\`I'fIcL ideal of tho fvmaie form divino ` nnu I-timuld study (irrek models for the iujad, Eiigliz-sh [or the complexion, Irish for tho hands, Aum-iuun for finger nails. lmiuustuuee for the feet and Spanish [or carriage. In buying largo nuzs for thellbrm-y or illulng mom liou1'iti:~oft(m po. to get the poles un whlch they um rolled. 'l`h0sc will be found useful on clvnnlng days. '.l`lm rug is. lmmllul much mum easily by rolling it; up on its polo than by dragging or carrying it. ___,._ Primny sud advanced courses of Book keeping at the _. x ..u`-- -Ivvuilll Queen Amelie-of Portugal is a physician In good und 11-gulur standing," having passed the vxnminutions of the Escholu I`uly1(~chuicu. lhu loading college of Lisbon, and takm its d(~gr(:(-. Her st-rvicus urn givvn exclusively to the your among her subjects. and it. is said Lhul: she Mu-nds to her pr()l'(`.n`.~'iUI11|l duI.i'r. with as much ztuul ma u ph_\'sl(:inn dvpcndout upon his profes- uiun for support. -.... -~a. u.v-uu AIl -I A pretty use for broken toys 15 described in Mudume. The heads of broken dolls have hilshortn been consklercd useless, but now thr-y are made into charming p1ncush- ` ions. A bag of some soft material is filled with sawdust, and this is onvvred with n second bag stltfened with cardlxmrd ut the bottom and made of silk or some fancy fnbtlc. This is gnthul-rd up with u fr-HI about the doll`a neck, which has the effect of u. ruffle. The pinoushion looks well on the toilvt table. uuum ls uornpreneuxuu. The right, temperature, then, of di`or- out baths is us follows: Cold, 50 deg:-(-('9 to 60 degrees F.; vexnperute, 7. ) degree`:-1 to 85 degrees l".;-tepid. 85 degrees to 9!} do- greon F.; warm, 96 degrees to 98 dogn-cs E; hot, 98 degrees- to 110 degrees F.-- 1\'ew York Ledger. Proper Temperature or Baths. It is possible that the vxprvssionu mid, tmxipemtc, tepid, warm and hot may fail to convey 60 many a suic-iont idea or the dicrent. ranges of wrnpomtun` to which vim-yo terms are properly appiivd. To do away with any vuglwnc.-is or unc('1'tniuty which may uttcmi thuir use, mid to pre- vcm; any mistake with regard to the-, req- lliiiill temperature of ouch and nil of these bmhs when ordcrcd or rc-quit-mi, it will he useful to give the lowest and high- est; dcgn-c of heat within which each of them is cornpreixemlcd. Tim I-iahr. fnlnnnlmfnnn ohm. :\` .nnr.... vvu.-.... an-unll sun. In . The Ladies Home Journal Mrs. FL '1`. Roi-er, in telling how to fry the small lish, quotes the old shying, "Small ti:-`h should swim twice--`onee in winter `and once in oil." lnelts, trout, whiwbait, porch and catsh," she says, are perhaps more palatable fried ihnn broiled. Small llsh may be utrippt-ti-ti1ut is, the intestines may be pushed out under the gills, so that the fish may retain their shape. Wash and dry, then dust with salt und pcpprr, dip in egg nnd roll in bread crumbs. or they may he rolled in cornmeal. Howe ready u good sized pan with suitioient oil to cover. 1 ucf.ho sh in a frying busimt, then into the oil mu f;L'lll[)L`X`i|lLi|l`U of 2360 tlcgmos 19., and mo}; for about five minute:-;. Drain on hl`()W1I paper and serve. Where a small qua.ntic_v of fat; is used, and the sh cnoked on oneside and then turned and rocked on the other, the method is rouliyhot fry ing-ib is snuteing. The resulo is much more indigo-soiblo than real frying. Cam iish are I1-uquemly fried in this way with- out; being dippe-Al in crumbs. :~`1m.-`h may he ruiied in ouroroornmenl and carefully fried in dripping, oil or lnrd. A mixture oi` dripping and lard makes u better frying xnuboriai than lurd alone. A pure \'ege~ iublo oil is freer from danger of discmw germs than either. Never use butter for frying fish. 1!; boils at u low u-.1npemt;nm. consequently burns quickly. The blityrir ncid softens the ber of the fish, destroys the avor and rum-xos it, to become sofuu soon as taken from the pan. " uunnl us uruuneu clean with I rather lull hair brush. The dust: thus dislodged is gathered by means of n Iecond going over with a carpet sweeper, and nally the cur- pet is polished by being wiped over with a cloth wrung out. as dry as possible lrom clczm tepid ammonia water-two table- spoonfulsl of ammonia to four quarts 0! water. Wot paper is to be prelerrcd tosalt or ton leaws. The former cannot be enure- ly removed, and the gmlnaleft absorb lll(Jl.H- ture, rusting the mrpet nulls, whllu tvu leaves luj um and streak a delicate carpet. um an anion pxeoes not out of the room. Brio-a-bike in dusted end also put; Aside in 5 -]')i\)t('L`Dt'd place. A stiff whisk tlkes the dust out of timcomemot the room, and. than the carpet is sprinkled with crumpled ; pieces of newspaper, wet but not dripping, uni"}i"\ve-pt` with the nap. After this rst sweeping the cornice: and door lintels are brushed tree from dust, the walls are dust- ed down with a cloth wound rotmd the broom, or 45 Special brush, and` tahe'bMe- board is brushed clean with rather ati hnirlirmah, 'l'hn duct: Mi... .u.,I.-..I.....I 4- U I""3`* ~`| mmtvqm mumyne at-unnea` om carefully and covered with similar cloths. and all mum leoessot the room. Brio-n-ln"an in dnnwl mm .1... .9... -..m- u.. \ * " V UPIIWGFPNKI lummu! must: no arulnea carefully and onvevhd -m.`.c...n.. ..1.'.n.. ' Inuence of Wall Paper. nn.h.`..I...5 1.1.... .._u.. z. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE A Use For Bx-alien Ton. .94., nun Inn I-uunln... An..- 1- J- A Queer Doctor. .4` r|_...,, , n . Cooking Small Fish. . I ...Il....l YY...._.. IH nay ) 'l'.. J,` `Our purse` nlois attracting merited It- toncion. They nrrlll now, and tho prion arauhy blow who you would ':`."ii .i`2{"' "."? """`. "-` "`7"` '.% lul lun. 109 Wlnlilllg (.0 Ifflll EH01! Jigs am. home. of 3.3.3. mg took in toga Iy. Ican'oerti!y't.lno I am now in tbs vary but of health and he! very gruueful, to B. B.B. `Am-no Tnoux. loa- um]. Oun. ` vvuuu-Iyntllill INIIUII. Gonu.-I van in ,:very poor health for ovur four years: the doctor acid it was con- lti ion. Not wanting to Ipendeoo much (IE not thus human nl nan, um Mun} her a successful future. UUFIIIJI 000115 0! "Cr .lILOr. Trenton Visitor: Mine nth won all heart! by her charming nppenrunce and highly cultivated voice and we predict. for W)'Il0Ll6g IJCIL. Herald. ' One of the finest concerts at which the Herald has had the good fortune to be re- presented wns given at Anderson s hall. Trenton, on Monday evening. It was under the auspices of Miss Emelia A. Scott (formerly of Kingston,Ont. .)who is organi- zin a vocal class in Tren n The people too advantage of hearing a 82 concert for 25 cents, and to say that the audience `was appreciative is placing it mildl . The up- plause was most generous s each ertiet wee mmpelled to respond at least once to each number. Miss Scott and Harold Jervis received an ovation. The for mer has s rich. welleultiveted and pleasing voice, under perlect control. We voice the remark of everyone resent: "It was the best we ever hear ." Miss Scott was prevented with a beautiful bouquet of roses. She gave the entertainment to introduce her- self to the Trenton public. nnd the int:-o~ duction w entirely eucceeeful. Miss Scott conumpletes also orgsnizin s voesl clue in Wysndotte. Mrs. C. C. ood. of London, was pneeent to witness thu suc- cessful debut of her sister. Trnntnuu Vinltnr . M:-. -5; _.-A _n wiy Lu umuumcuire cneere I0!` 159/. News was received on Friday evening of the death in Toronto of Robert, son of J. W. Anderson, for many years 3 boot. and shoe merchant in Nupnnee. Robert. had been ailing for nearly a year of lung/ trouble. His many friends in Nupaneo extend their sympathy to the bereaved parents and brothers and sisters. Mrs. W. R. Gordainer has been conned to the house for the past week with an attack of grippe. With the Institute of Chu-tvered Ao- oountante of Ontario. A Kingston Lady : Sm-ecu. Wyandotte. IJoh.. Herald. ()nn nf the Hume! nntnnnrln 4;! ml. uuumr. uumunun. secretary and treasurer H. H. Hinchlenvee this week fortluelph. where he will take a position in his futher a store in that city. A. (` Parks in shipping `Z00 barrels of apples to Liverpool, Eng , and n cnrload to Montreal this week. Apples have not been as cheap at this time of the year for a number of years. Joseph Lowry and Mr. Ronnie left to-day with I c irlond of horses lor the north-west. Nel- son Irieb, Mnrven, is moving this week to George Robinson`: farm on the York road. Mr. Robinson goes to l'nion cheese fecv tory to nnrxiufacuire cheere for 1897. Nnwn u-An rmmiuoal nu L`..:A.... -.......:..... mvmugu pun ILU puunuu OI mun U`I.4lUc.; mount, of milk per pound of cheese was 10 072 lbs. E. H. Phvppen is proprietor ol the factory. John Foreatoria again ap- pointed cheese maker. Audibors.E`. llumm. Adderley Vnnalyck. W. Ryerson Gar danier. salesman. secretary and treasurer H. H. Hinnh lmuvnn thin wnnlz in. 41....I..L. General Ne we. Napanee cheese factory, now known as Burt.leLo a combination. held its annual meeting yesterday. and C. E Bartlett, the proprietor. was elected salesman, and W. Rvernon Gnrdenier, secretary and treasurer for I897. The Bath cheese factory held no: annual meeting on Wednesday Inn. The following has report. of the season : buines.s : Total number of pounds 01 milk.) .64 1,132; botnlamountotcheeaennade, m-2.9.33 pounds; season : roceipu. 813.527. - 80; paid for mnnutncburing, $2,851.33; paid patrons. $10,679.01; paid I-aleamun. sacre- tnry and treasurer. 810] Mi; inspector. #4: balance due treasurer. Si. 54. The avenue prnce per pound of cheese was 83030; average per ILO pounds of milk 64.4lUc.; nmmmr. nf milk new nnnml nf nl....... ..-.. puupm un uur utuuveu province. ' George W. Dawson, liberal organizer for eastern Ontario, fully expected [0 be pre sent, but was prevented by other impor cant business which commanded his atten- tion. He will visit. Napanee some Lime this month, however, when a meeting will be called with the ,view of putting a candi- date in the eld to contest Lennox for the local legislature. ..uLu Ul UuI| `I314. Moved by 1). T. Rowse, seconded by D. W. Allison. and resolved: That we, the liberals of the county of Lennox, in con- vention assembled, take this opportunity of tendering our hearty n-ongratulations to the Hon. A. S. Handy on his udvancemenl to the honorable position of attorney-gem eral antfprcniier of Ontario, on his success in gathering about him so competent a cabinet, and do hereby express our con- denco that the interests of our province will not suller in his hands, but will be conducted with the same prudence and progress that made the reign of Sir Oliver Mowot so illustrious and benecial to the people of our beloved province." (leoruve W. I).-iwnnn, lihm-nl nrrrnni-par I...- uuu u5I H.`uIllIl`al classes. Lnali WB, (.119 lurlnulu of Lennnx, congratulate ourselves, ua well as the Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, upon the happy event. which took place on the 23rd of June last." l.I......-l L..1\ in h______ -.,, J `I r\ HIIHIIIIHUUEIY Hoopla 3 Moved by H. M. Deroche. (3 C., seconded by W. S. Harrington, and resolved: That the reform association: of Lennox, at this. the first meeting tince l.he general elec- tion, congratulnte the Hon. Wilfiid Lau- r. er upon his e ection to the highest and mast responsible position in the gift of the people of Uaiiuds, and that we hsxo viawed with pride and great Bait]:- fuction than manly and patriotic atti- tide of the premier in dealing with trie man_i questions presented to him for Lnluti in, sun that we most heartily endorse the stutesmiuilike ability displayed by him and the other members of the dominion cabinet in settling the school question and in stumping out the corruption and min- management that for so many years char- acterired the rule of the conservative ad- ministration. It is highly gratifying to the farmers of this country to know and feel that their interests are in safe hands and that nubhing will be left undone to advance their cause and to restore the prosperity of the agricultural classes. That we, the inrineia of Lemmy. r'.nnLvr`nf.IIiAfn nllrlnluun puma. , Short. and stirring addresses were dehv- ercd by Messrs. H. M. l)ere~(.-be, (J.C.; W. S. Harrington. I). W. Allison, ex-M.P.; Alexander McKee. Amherst. Island : Thor. Symingwn, B. E. Aylaworth, warden Li Lennox and Addiugbou ; F. Vandebognrb, and others. The following reeolutionswcro unanimously adopted h`10VBd hv H l1arnnIun I) r` -nnnnn 4-D`-"1'-'3 . The Olloon Soleoutl for tho lulnlng Your -Booolntlouo Adoptd- other Nupanoo News-Doom of n ronnor Handout. NAPANIIE, Much I0.--The annuol moot-' ing of the Lonnox reform asaociuion in bold in the town hall Saturday. It. won largely amended and onthusinm prevailed. Dolegateuwere present; from all parts of the riding and the harmony and good feel- ing mnnuested is 5 happy augury of tuc- csss when the provincial elections are brought on. The following oicero wem elected: President. Thomas Bymington, Napanee; vice-presidents, D. T. Ilowse. Bath. and Henry Wilson, wave of Rich- mond; eecremry, W. S. Harrington). Na- pauee; treasurer. Dr. Ward. mayor of Na- pne. Shnrt. nnrl EH"-lnn nthlrnnana nun-A /l-l.u __._..-v- nanuurvllhllll to Anchor Buildings. over Expgqaa Office. comer King and Brock struts. - Lmoimronn MEETINC] A rum-: RALLY m NA#ANEE.oN Oonnupntlon cued. I _..- :_ ._-_._ .____` SATURDAY LAST. $2? Imam ft-Ylef for mmn S-e mica-?m rut fat . mod mount: In a nun both men Cu-ncmuvloa . ma 3 single npnllottioaot (:r~ncmu (oln 1). tho grpamukin cute. Tho omy opocdr and ooorgomtonl humane for kchllta buflllg. bloodlng. scalyr and phnply hmnorl ol the thin, lean`. and bloogl. Li I 4- For any case of `nervousness, eleep|ou- nosa. week stomach. indigestion, dvnpepeia, try Carter : Little Nerve Pills. Reliet it euro. The only nerve medicine for the urine in Hm mgr-lush ' uuru. 1H8 only not priee in the mukeo. T llrl ght's Dlseuse. Dlnbe tee. Beware of the stuff that pretends to cure these diseases or other serious Kidne . Urinary or Liver diseases. in they on{v relieve for n time and make you ten times worse afterwards, but rely solely on Hop Bitters, the only remedy that will surely and permanently cure you. It destroys and removes the cause of disease so ef- fectually that it never returns. pnuquy uumun us we Inn. lean`, and mood. tlcura the-vu-Ia. PM-I-In mwuncnn. BABY HIIMBRS Imam: muenor'niiire uL1uoa.'?m IilIU\V'E-` .-uso Illtll. ms IR defeated. The nm,yor`s wife drives up and thorn is some SlH'(`}ltSll(` (`.0IlV9.l`Sll0n lmlxuzmi her and Mns. tissimz. Afterwards the luu_io1` and Mrs. (liaising ride off to thr horse rants and Mrs. Erlton drives to churvh, untl the old mun, lternft of his bird, cries out: It is mine, hm- thor.-2' I lent, it to the king lotea.(-h his tlit-(Try-of-F'aiLl1." (I):-.enl Deon! l-`utteh Mohammorl-I<`or the Faill)! For th(- Faith! Victory to l\lohiun- H]t`(l.) But the English would not. lis- ten, or they would not understnntl. ' ' ` So I brought nil I hurl. think- ing to Ian) mine own nguin. But _\ ()[NiPl' hull-doomed ll]flllPl had it for nothing. ' ` ` liui lmvt` patience. llnvn pntirmoe. Gml sultln-.9 the av- vounts of men." lh-re WP have the strong religious ronvit-tions of the native and the loose, undnmestit` lmhits of the English resi- dvnts, nntive prejudirn and English huule-ur. native hntrs-rt and English contempt, not n. few of tho forces which \\'f'!'l'. soon to find exgrossion in the I-`. l'("Il mutiny. (N:-w \ork, Mztt'millu.n 8; (`-0.; Kingston. R. l'glow & Co.) ll/`SI, gm.-u, n-.1uuraeu-ss, despite us look of ascetic` patience. "Three" Aline (}issing':-4 iulvuncs c:une with an- utlier nod nt her big admirer. Four :mnu.s; the reply was usquick us an eclio. A vexed surprise showed on the pretty lmhyisli t"-.u.~:-.. "\\'hrtL an im- pertinent wretohl Eight nnnas-do _\ou henr?-eight annual" But.the old mun, us the ucvount narrates, calls out `One rupee-l and Mrs. Gissing. giving a petulant jag to her rein. turns .-uvny. lut. her (:ompunion`s face darkened with her temper. l)7n the impudent devil," he muttered 's.ivugely, lie.-fore raising." his voice to call Two rupeesl" "Fivel; there was no hesitation still; only un almost Ci.Hl0l`t)US unxir-.t._v in .-I. worn Olti voice. Hut Erlton, driven by oh:-itinn(`y and his 1-.omp:Lnion's laugh of derision. calls finally, Fifty rupees!" rind secures the bird. The Old men in the green turhan turned avtiitly, turned for the first time to look at his mlversnry, and in his tube wuss intolern.nt. hatred mingled with selt'-pity; the look of one who, know- ing that. he has justive on his side, knows also that he is defen.le(l. nmim-`s: wifu rlriuuu um ......i n....... nmuy 111 me crown look when if r:uxu.=. The speaker was :1 loan old man wearing a fudml green turlmn. who had edged himself close to the nuctiuneefs table and stood with up- turned was watching the bird anxi- ously. He had the face of an enthusi- ast, keen. remurseless, despite its look lmlienun. " l`|u-an nnnnul" ll... Q \ I! I |V nuuu put up nu Hillt , illlll ||H`, lbllgllin pt'U|)l(' nuw luku part in Iha scene. "()n- unnu, 1-ulled Mrs. tiiszaing. with 1 mquetlixln nut! in the big major, and a loud aside: (`rueI I muy he LU you. sir, hut l`ll give than in save the poor hruln from having ils mu -k wrung." 'l`wn nnn:o.s!" 'l`h(-re \\n.~; :1 RIFPSI of t-ngernvss in the lH`W vuivv which made many in the crowd look when if rzlnw. 'l`hp snranlmr vvnu .. Imm ..|.-I Iur Irllua lJl`lZl, Hll(l l\\'lI`l('5(I ll, IL quivering tufl uf bright 11-min-rs;n11l t-Ilukillgvrit-.~1, uluwe his hour]. ` ' ` "Cruel devils. aren't they, Allie `."'.suid a lnil, fnir En lislun.-m In his fair com- panion. l`h9 a big, while mnkuluu is` soon put up for sale, and the lillglish '|(),,,. nnnn " 4-ullml I\ l.-.- 1::.....:..... ...:o|. QY WIK, |'UrU(' I Ilw lzird`s nnirnu-inn on grtuutzuru upon near line uctueveinent. Mrs. Steel believes that the time hris already come to forget, tlii least. partial- ly, the projmlices amt nitsumle.i'-it.-inti- intrs. \\hi.Ull brought. oltout the mutiny. nmt hopes that. her work may help to lmsten that happy (`t)n.~tl\l1Ill11l|ion. Her work. liowever. in tracing the rebellion to its sources, has n;tturull_v to outline shurpi)` the vuus:-s of different-.e he- tween the fuir nice, to whom tttna in money. and the lurk ruse. to whom time is nnught, and Lines cause: she points with, utlmimhlo skill. l`e.rlmps she describes with a tr:u-e of irony tho ottit.-int English life in lntlia; perhips she details with n suggestion of ennui the scenes l`n.'t('.l.(`d in the lmliimn at Delhi, but every other page throhs with emotion. l`o nttouipt to ive it brief sltett-h of the story wuud he largely to enumerate it list of nuines. A l`v('ll(`I` view, both uf the uut.h0r`a general style. will he ohtninetl. and also of the t-husm which (liVltit`(i Englisii and llinulus, it` n passage is quoted I :-out the opening clmpter. (_)utle ltatd re- cently been uunttxetl to the English dominion, its king lnui lteen tleposeml. llllti his menzigerie is mm being sold at auction. l'hou.~taui(ls of \\`0l`k[1l(9n at Lucknow lmcl been thrown out of arm ployment by the t-lmnge. uml tnatle their [)Nl. felt in the opening st-one. "'l'lte |u'll'lt)lLs` rou.~s'~tl it fnint. interoat, and the rrotnl luughetl suddenly at thtt flntteting st're;im:t of .`l red and him: inucnt-.'. us it was It):-l.,\'8ti from lmntl to h.-uul, on its way In the .~;urpri~ietl and relut-tout [)Ul`(`htl8t`.l` who had hid in fur- thing for it out of .~.lteer idleness." Another mouth to feed. Shuxnsllu Y" jeeretl u fellou lltlvl .`il(`l`. .'l.~l he literally flung the hirtl at its owner. `Ari? Shtunsliu. take the ll:-ll)_V. ` But \\'ll:lL \-till thy house .~tuy."` Tlmt l hnve ni;ule :1 fut lmrguin," retorred the big, course owner uuolly, us he vtrung I in: bird`: nu:-ll un. In-i.s)A.I '.i London a Largzaahlro Llfo Au- suranco Company. Pnonoumr A on: us connn Wm , Bnmu cuu. aunt armdoponltod on non at. Ottawa nndnow unonnotoono an on ollnn. I we: than who majority ol olcu Mon: ohoiou plans of lniunmoo oorod llmhnnwnraunn A thrunng `rake! `rho lulu:-A look ' of Ban Iutouut. - ' M Mrs. Steel in her story On the I-`am of the Waters" liens given to 1`lnlish- men interested in lmlia, and the num- bar of them is steadily growing. a ohancv to see how the English lnindia stood to the natives. and how (ho ho- tives slootltotho En lish, thirty years ago. lndin s tart-ihe valnmily which is at this moment dividing with Create the anxiety of the whole ounire, will give almost too keen st relish to this strangely fascinating story. It is not like the usual novol; it is all heat, and flame like the India sunlitrht; it is .-ill passion. color and fury like the wild liner of the jungle. The ability to produce tho ntinosphero ia of it high or- der. and tho nutlmress is to he on- grululzitul her line tlClll9VelllBlll. Mrs. Slmxl lmlinvm: that tlm Hm. hm. A stand! or IIQDIA: ur lI`lIl_V. ' ' Uul uuso mrguin," and lwirlml it, I1-all):-rs and iv hi.` hmnl mnma svNmcATa_ Carpets CIGIIIOII; Alt Jndlold. Eelebraled Club `Ted Blended u buy `b cho salon to: in `ta : I: u n 0 at W I d 1' F In t gut and I 1~n_`_gg_ _. ._v -vyw-u JAS. REISDEN 8:. co. Inn counted the Anna! 0! tin .. -any-u I Qllll 's`.;g"' 37 THE EA$IB1?;NW f Ilhlhlll n `-14.4, I-Oullw Llvorpool and Globe Fir; 5:-;.;;lllqnrnIIoo Company. ` H .II.I1 In nrIIlH.... A- _|.n-L IA Prizc. Sold in ilnguton and ovnrywhon 11:003- nda. by Ali uaponoihle drngchti. 1*-*-_1.-7-----------v---'-"" IDUITTIOG. IVHIIIIIIICI UN a" who Abun or tmua. _ lent on-y. uwaon ll , Ilbbacoo (um or mm- B`f 9 "4 A-W" gnu. wuao'r.q:on lead lo` 1- tlrmtty. Insanity, conaumpuon and an early aunt. Has been prooorlbod one asyonn In thonundl ht ones: In the only Rauablo and Ham! lodtotu luoum. Ankdrugglltfor Wqod'I Phonpluluulr he one:-a lomo worthleu modlclno In mm of thh. Incloce prlcoln lotto:-.and we will und.hy~nI|'I null. Price. on noun. I1: nlx. NI. on mu.-moo pnco m nwer. am: In mu unn,lI1-lulu Price. pnohco. I1; nlx, 00. out plcan. my will mm. Punphlau tree to any uddnn \ The Wood Company, Willdl. Ont... Ollllo WOOD's PHOSPIIOI? The Great English non: ._ L. m... n....x....... a..-` Dodd .s Kidney Pllls Always Cure (Wave! _ - _--- -..... vv -u uw vwl nvvu, or ahovollod up on to a screw. our wood. t:oo.1a the vary but. `lake one load and glvo it I. tut. Have it once. it will do thorut. lay to the tolopbono, 1:5. "Cu: you get the ooal yard for no on the oornor of Ontario uadwut an that do give our cod; I. cut. Live the longest. and an the bolt. GRAVEL nomrs fi'f13uv Pl .. --._.... Chase`: Syrup of Linseed Ind Turpin; tine in tho latest. discovery {or cough! asthma and consumption. It It plollin. (1 nick and certain. 25. naunmll lulu uonumnpvlon quick _ 25. u. u. nu-vruvuuvn. ul.U-, U 11.. lumbar Gallon Physininnu and Sm-goon: Onunlo. 011100. 19 Montreal atroot. Talo- houo 585. luttr coal was never soon. (In -\..\-.-n-A .... __ L- - `IE3- Dr. Chase's Kidnoy-Liver Pills will. without fail, cure all kidney. liver. woman): and blood troubles. For ale by all dal- ers. Price 250. One pill I don. ono cont udose. Edmnnnon. Bates at Co., manu- facturers, Toronto. vu-V; --vwvvv-g noun - -uuuww, ca;-'fx:tn death about 1 was no bad with indigestion?! ho arm y rm-~"'7i' than the doctors me me . I trl variuua alleged rem ` at f ad; than no I. ~ One tiny oar ulhr III-ugrllt, F. mumphu. sent me ph .0 Dt. , Chase`; Kidney-Liver Pins to try. The mulc wugnarvolloun. Aim taking 3 l'wu ale to get up.` `Urn; sent for a box. I could noon at thing. In A short time I 7|! 05!! I019 two miles. to Bancroft and back. Wm! 3\ QIIIA, health and vi 1- for his V "Although am over 0 glut-four yarn gs, he says, I tool no young as Ivor"?! `. U , `H M. u....... L-...-..-_ 1.-.: - _--...... fir. Moore. however. had I nurlo\v.CI3. cape {mm r 930. 7"I indige|tion.? l`ho ad that. Hun nlnntnrn u5i\m mg I It-I North lnltlngn Oldoll luhnbltunt IOU ' a uni II: ska. : alum uiursyn `, . ` , Joslu Moore. of Bancroft. 0 ' _. 0 03 ch oldest. and bow known M of Hastings county, can bout of III "t`.'E'.'.!f'.'f?.`{.i'.'.`.E.3'.`3 .".`_t....-- .......:s Ae: twenty years of most ex- cruciating `pain caused bygravel I am leased to make it known that have been completely cured of this lon -standing trouble by Dodd's Ki ncy Pills. During these years I have spent hundreds of dollars without any permanent relief. Had I heard of your wonderful remedy ears ago it would have save me months of agony and hundred: of dollars. ` ' JOHN~1`\TICHOLAS Bancocx, Sharbot Lake, Ont. man, an Tolopho -.'1=` DR. BEGG. 2 03 WELLINGTON STREET (NE *3 Pflnogu). Toloplnono, 487 . ___________ BooKBINV`l STILL Iuvms puma." IEDIGAL. Illll igll-ll $U1VIl1o Sin Rzcbaau Guamvuoal to ` promptly and potmmaniir can all to:-ma of Nohmn ` w..L..... n..n..a....L n;.....u. CWO NI IOHIID 0! (W703 Woabncu. lhluloonhbuvlh con-two. Impouncu and an abohaf Abun mv lnmu. no fin Re C '0 ' _-- IJ..-....u..1 A. av-1-rt`:-1: QJFIIIIJTI -._.__.,- -7 , ,_;_. __.__ "_1f'."XiKTi)E'T?o37aZuor ` "" ' fl-i'I~. Tolophona 89. ._____.__....._.___.____._... R K. KILBOEN ll.D., Il.0.P.&8.,LA l`l. o llodlonl sum:-{ntondont Kingston Gono- rol Houpltnl. Ooronor or city and country Oiloo formerly oocupi by tho Inc Dr. Haun- don. Telophono No. Ml. _ V R` ,rI%! rA3Kb-.`l'.2J;*S.:Hl.`.D.S.. u.n., D: . u can t 6. R9: mu. 1:: vnmmm Avunuu. ' S . hon: , I I-13. to I |).m. Saturday nvnnivm. A an ' .13 Taophono 846. 0.1 . on-mun, D.D nu. In Unlvox-altylvonuu. man. hon} . pm. at rday evening 8 to 1` - `I 14.118 Auhtuna. Tolophono .` ` " . - ' -- KI A OLEIEN , . . . L , N 51 ) T8 LD8 DHNTIBT em: ...... i'c?3?2.'..`'.{?2&3... `."..`:`.l' Iona omcunums 'L.u.s. mcwrm-. or-uoaita tho'Pout OM00 Woluu ton 10:000. K11. `anon. Eshbllshod in IRA IOJQIQIIO ho. Xslldnnca. IN Kin: ntna -s Bunlnnu. horthand. Enc- llahl or Civil Service noun`: ohtnlmblo .l;_:_Cnn|dn. Oonioahd uuohm. S.. A. AYKIIOYD. D.I)... Lll. "'I) o Olco over Hobs:-t`n `Medical Hall, c 1' (noon and Hugo: Hbrutn. Kin scan 0 co 1: b_1\g.llo. Red .116 York not. ,-:-_-j----------------- Until more unable rooms can bu no. cured `PHI LIIESTONE BUSINESS OOLLIOI will loosto M No. 229 . Gordon atroe. Jon an Inn Book-hoping or Short- hud In Ion time by our law me- thodn. , A `wwulvs. Anomnwr AND s Appuiur. corner of Brook and King _, ,Wdn'DI-vust .nc ' WHIO 053:0. '1 "M. on A. ASTBAACHAN. 1 ` lwuutn .mm..'f::.'\fFAa39.' Il.0.P. & 8., LATE Ml - -v-- ---v-.v-V VVAIVU "Closeburn," KINGSTON. on-r. lining with 1-1.. 1--..-- n..n__. . :9 low nt El-II Fmpotty. ` nut: Doboncur I.Ihn 2 n G Boo!omy?"bgv'noo mfudavuo In tn-lo for usoln the `mac Inc. one to land at ur- :.A.noho:, _ ldlu-.lhr at I n@% AFFILIATED 4` In 1.1 - n to.,0n I.lIxv-tux. o j---------- I. H. MCCAMMON. M.D., CI'|., lmbor Collar: Phvdinlnnn ....I a..-.._,.. as live: _We siill alldwing to per oent'."discountoff_for cash on all Ann nruu-In " ELLIS (lumbar of the Ont. rio _ oolutbgnch. A6-:n|;1.u':e, An.oHrrol .-..*._..-.. .1 A AYKROYD. m).a.. `ff Hobart`: u.d1hl1)..1 _...___-_ fITfioox1`1m ANT um REAL` tqAunt. Rant: and account: cob . our to loan at lmnm ntoo. Ulnco gm. our Wade : Dru Storm --w--- - -c u c-urn-I I3 N..A80NAB01' .|I .` gut: in Building, oomor fool: `I nnoiutrutn. Phono I19. i"Es or all kinds reduced hi `lnhngg A` -----:-- ll - T"? 1'(1"3""."'1ii'L1n'i"' '1""1'n"I .'..':.x ..'=.:r;z'..m.:.:....' ..:.t....[ mus onxmnz mun b, you Anna. man nu Dim-lot. ` I lnlalllh ugaonau I -Q: *. ~ ~- A |._u gut` 576 HA}: In uuwn: on suns In Loam cantor` on on; 3'. ch run of Interest on 0194' ` Dobontm-on. Apply to Tnonn lu. In ngomm boat: and Invent- Roomy. on oppouito the Post Omoo __..,.._ .. _. ____._._.. - ` EDUCATIONAL. "..= Giving Back loc. On Every Dollar wnllh)" o'CHo1 MEDICAL. CARDS. ......_.._. _.__._.....v4......___. .. -4..- . .. ..__. _;_AROHITECTU RA L. :--vz II. P. BIITH. BARBIBTEII. BOLIUI otn Public. Commhnoner for rvvu nyply I0 .38: CORNVAIL I. I.. - Prhmun - 1. ..-..._ .._.-......-.. .-. ...._..P....._. i"1.vo):. nun as scum: Ontario .muE.' ' no5_s_: LIVIRY. .. ..---v vvc--rcu-J 0 - $110,011). In Addition to which 5: V: for non:-y tho unlimi- o ntookholdors. F 011;: P PEBTY imn at v . on renew o on :l;.ouo6 nun from ILIIGI I-STRANGE. AJOYMII. Iyspcolnl Aunt. Klnc Strut uuu puun ox uululnoo olfol mun. gqon glfizlnl-lo ` A. bvmson. . PRINCIPAL. : ?f .'a...u.._.......__.. ...._.__._ 5TKEE'l` E A} 'l'oIopl1ono(,N487. JR q Principal. ' H. 1. Lion. '1Fe :Te [I . mu-nm< corner Tolr -sulwxla I KJIV, (JlV'I`o In Union with The London counts of `I310: (lnxlnnd). l`nll mm of Unlvu-slay graduates. lancer: In lnthomnuos And French. The renement and culture of homo Bomblnod with the high- ut mental t-ruining. Into Dpnutnnonl in chance 0! Stock: Bllnopd. Raq.. Hus. Doc. but `torn boglnu February loch. For Mum. .43.. Apply to lln, nnInn-nuu - - uuua nuu lu gvsaup. it means only can the omtom of friendly greeting has not beonfillllahcd. . Han you ever been present when u mgmbusot one of these undemonstrathe familial sets out upon 1 long journey. pclnpu upon an absence of seven! monthn! Time In nothing aolexnhumsssing and dis- tutdhl u rad eyes and swollen checks on uociilonol this kind. But the opposite Qxtlvlnatqulaobnd. Many 5 young to!- duting out In me ha! onulcd with In count:-ouacltyol-not-elgnlnndthe `$060!! luck to you, old fellow; take an ,yonnn_lf, which tullowql him from June , `ma. 0! oscaua which childrw ~_l*hi-esinoeruemugnunanwoseeubey pruvcnuun ul nlnny evils. I know of more than one family in which father, motlfer and little ones anaem- blo each morning at the breakfast table without so much as one word of gneng. It to not that they are intmmonally chill In dnmmnor or ongmased in thought and unconscious of the presence of each other. Thane quite on tho dent to nnswcr ques- tions and to gossip. It means only that of friendly lreetlmr ha: nnl -u-vuuvu un tun HIIIII vlrolo. In the hon. o circle a little demonstration ~-n llttlo healthy show of no:cBlon-la a prevention of many evils. I knnw nf Jnnrn nun nun o.-..n- x.. vrauguuuu. Who!) we entertain and amuse an infant. we do not help in its esseut.inldo\'oio1;- ment, but rather hinder its normal growth. We excite and weukcn it. But nonm- temzhcs nnd strengthens iho infunt mind. A ohild 3 months old, nlroagly observing u ` dieronce in sounds und in colors and foriulllntiiigf. even though forbly, the pur- eonallty of those around him. i'm-vs literal- ly tho whole world of material s(\usnti(m.~ and will gain more new information by his own unaided perception thzmeithor the Iutlier or mother could possibi_\' m-qnlro in a much longer time without an attack oi nervous exhaustion. We cannot _provont this natural rupid development, nor would we wish to do so. But we need to avoid with the utmost care either interfering with or uocelol-sting its progress. All the environment 0| 5 child should remain an nouly as possible the same day ltydny. New rooms. strange faces, unusual sounds or nights, should ho avoided. in order that he may learn to know the l" and not I in their simplest forms and with the minimum strain upon the nervous system. -Harpcr s Baznr. Iuluc u`Il.'llui_V nanu. The prehom-lilo powers! is bahytue pro- portionately much grmm.~x' than those of a iunturemau. Many chiidn-n. when only a few weeks old, are ubhs to sustain their weight by hanging hy the arms. Through this ability to grasp and hold wimtovu comes in contact with their curving u` gem comes their rnt self taught, lesson and their first menus of diversion and in vvstigatlon. Hmn u.-n nnnu-0-nin and .u...~.. .... |..0..... IJLIJIIRHDBDIE. The sense of touch is the last of the hip mun powers to be wiped out by the 0D('.mn- ` ing of death. It is also the rst to duvelop in the newborn infant. The first sonsa- tions of thls outer life are usually not agn.-mbleto the newborn chlld. Ills foo- blc wail, I protest, the W189 un- known, seems to invite our compassion and usually tempts the um-minnts to offer injudlclous panting. 1!, however, tlu-.111-st feeble sense of touch is used to give th( chlld 5 point of Contact with the new world, a baby even A few hours old, unlcan It is In pain, will he (-onifortcd if It be 111- lownd to clutch in its tlny that the linger 01 some friendly hand. 'I`hl\ nrnhnnuiln I\l|Il'lII`am n l.nku...... ...... nunnuxq -nu I/Kllllllluuun There ianconviction prevalent that a child which is left; so completely to itsel; as tho method previously described would indicate will, at least during habyhood, in slow and dull and will feel horvd {qr luck oi` interests. But in reality the undis- turbed child, while serene and sweet, is in every waking moment also unusually and uniformly active and guy. He discover: and `interprets gradually and naturally both the small (`go and the great noncgo, and since he discovers thmn f rum tho stand- point of his infant observation, not fox-cu] prematurely from the point. of view of thf Adult mind, he will nd in tho process endless amusement without disturbance on excitement. nus nuun-u IE uuu1.n( l' munter. 'l'lxo way I s0l\'('d tho problem was fr, make my wallet uml sklrt of thin wash goods so tlml: I could change them 1-wry day. I have plenty of time todo the wash- ing hero and can h-on them at night. A! llrst 1 made thesklrt. long, like those I had nlways worn, but last; summer It; caught in the crank rlght: there. and I had my ham] and knee l~adl_v hurt. If the good: had not been thin and turn, I would have been killed. "-501: Fmnclsco Exmulnur. Illklnlfll In luu Aanu. " The clothes problem," she said, was A dllcult. one to ma ut rst. Everything gvts dirty, and of course skirts are likely to catch in some of the gt-nr. as I have found out. Illoomors? No, I wouldn't wear bloomers. It is all right to do a man's work when one has to, but wearing his E-luthes is another matter. `I'lvn \.lI1|v T cnh-nul u` ....-.LI.._. --_ A- nuuuis um K0116 as menu as they would be It she were xgnged in ordinary household j dutlrs. `h -engine room is an neat; as any Iiifchcn in the land. ~-'l`ku ..l..ol..... .._..L.I...__ II -L, cu -- FIRE 2 wumuu mm or ovlucnc runnement. Mrs. Hhunivan wears no gn-asy jumper, ` nor is her face blzwk and grimy with wot. Instead she is always attired in neat tting cloth:-5 0! pretty colors, and her face and hmlds are kept as clean they would be ll `bnstmred In nrhlnrv I.m...g|..\|.1 UIIDU |Il UrUl'l'. " Do I like my work? she replied In an- swer tnnquesblou. "Of course I do. If I didn't like It, I couldn't do it well, and when I would be discharged. " She was standing with one hand resting almost at- fetrtlonzmely on the throttle valvaand made It pretty pivtum, for she is a good looking woman uml of ovldcnt NIH: Hlmnivnn wnmu run .......-_ z.......-._ mmuy us mm on ulcm clgnv any clocks." IL is over three years since Mrs. Shani- vnn and her Arrived at Mountain Iicmm. Tizcy came from the east, where t!.u husbami hmi charge of the motive pmvc-r of :1 big: 1Inu_r-mill and got. big puy. But his hmltin hruko down, and so Ui_( )` czmm to Mountain Home, where he took 1-.hu1'g(.-. of the angina in the pinning mill. For a time be improved in health but xmlly hnu t.o;_:'.v:1.p and mt. nis wife du his work. There was nothing else to do, for money was HOn1 G(!'!ll]d nickness was ex- pensive. Ami thuwomzm hns done the work mti:4fnotoril_v ever since. She does evm-ythiug about the: 1-ngino, from above!- ing the fuel under the boiler to making the! n.-pmrs. and keeps everything in the best of order. 5-`\.` I` III... ...._ ____\_m- .1 -- - - Allhctlon In the lone Clrolo. flu. L..n .\.\l_..I.. FK IlL-A|- `-- u'.u ruugu, uulruy HOPE. We never had no man here that rum that engine like she do:-s, said one of the mun. `'16 never shops a minute during thuday and always govs ma smooth and steady as one of them eight day clocks." over f.|u'ur- mun-u ulnnn V.-.. uluma, um uuu ll prouu 01. (no umuncuon. She has been running the engine for the planning mill at Mountain Home, in '1`ulLm.= colzav-y, for over Is your, and she likes the work, although a great deal of In is of the `roughest kind. Mrhrnf-nln Yh-vmn ha a lunn l..o- 4-l...o ..-|..L. `rliugnuah sunu. Mountain Home is a hamlet that exl.-In mum on account of the pinning mm than Iuythlng else, and the people there are at the l'b1 lgh, sturdy sort. Ufa nnvpr hr-1| nn nun: Ln-A chub ....-.. Infancy and ChIld`hood--MI'ccuon In til Home Cl:-nlo-!'. nropasu Womn-Won- an : Weary 'l`uk-Clounlng q cnrpotod noom--(.`ooklng Small Fish. Mrs. Annie Elianivan of Tulane claim: to be: the only woman engineer In Califor- nia and In proud of the distinction. Hhn lmn hm-n #'nnvIinn- Hm unnlnn In- M... `I A WOMAN WHO |EARNS HER LIVING DY WORKING AS AN ENGINEER. -VWOMANAAND Home.` K"'35.", .!..':..a.!`.1I`E.' 9011899 lnfsncy um] Clullihood. 1..- .___;,u,_ , Iranian], and theyktoo. to1d:}1-1:i":':{E'i13'. -.....r ..... - *1 I .. sh:aua;.`';;c.;';``.';:..'.?:.`;';;?I: ..:{.`: may be shaken lightly on they hang, {aided V Ingagthwtsa then" in upcumea was an in ` ti. poulbli-. and nally pin hIh\ in guess at` muslin kept for t purpose. ioturea an to be brushed on their tacos with a Ioft brush, air Inch wiped mud Irlllrdnpd tqkhd In nu -:1-n`a&.1Inh 9-5., clonning I Carpeted noon. The proper cloning of a cu-pcted room. as set forth by Miss Patios, demands. nut, that ii poasibie all draperies and hanging: shall he slipped tram their in- teninga, brushed, aired and laid aside on! ntthe dtit. Such as no not nmovable mnv In nlnknn Ilnholu .. on... L--- AA!-0- A lUI' O!'lll`l' K9135. A true woman can hardly clnim much sympathy for thut; which may even: luml, it it be done for one she loves It was God's plan for the race that thcro should be Marys and Bull-s and all the long list of noble women to intltu MS!) {or good those nbout. them. They cannot got away` from this mad of humanity for their love and faithfulness, and he who gave them their mission will help them to fulfill it-. Then` is no cause for mm-muting, no room for oomnlalut. 101- it is a joy to every truly womanly nature to give of" the `beat. thm Illa nosseues. and how n~:-nmnm... t.. n...c vvvnaqnug nut-tut bu |{1VI) OI {DO $5 CHI` iaosseues, and her rtcompt-use is that she a not impoverished t-hereby.-Phlln- I dulphh Timon. `-In nomncu uni; Au ll L'UnS(`ClI( (| Kit`. 13 is not a cruel task. awvnry wm-1:, that has been given woman. "('1' iienrti highest. needs an-. lie:-2L met by love. She is her best and truest. sell when lost, to all also but; that which will gin: happiness to those she love-s. >'u(:riliu(`u arms joy and pain unfclt if ti t`l`l`[)y mmthvr life is brightened and the wny made smoother for tcndvr feet. A I-I|n -..\........ __._ x,, u u - yva lull Ul uuxuu UH`. This being true, how much depends on those to whom God intrust-ed tho world's happjnc-as! Surely thoy nu-1| the low, the xratdexu-o, the temler sympathy that can be 1.m'fected only in n cunsvcratcd Riv. It in not. n nu-nnl o....I .. ..~..-~- -----`- .- u.-mu a V1 any Aunt. We innpross those about, us by what`. we live and xwr, not by hut. we believe. Wlmt child ever tool; on low, nvcvt [onus whilu listuning to loud, hursh mus? Wm! the low of pert ;-ct truthfulm-as ewx strengthomed hy svltucsshtg dvct-ptlon in thusv in authority? True, some 1-sumo through natural tendtrnclus Loo strong to be upruotui by example, yet. the mic rt-~ mains that each humnn being is htrgely the product of tho t-dm-ntlou (hut Ix-ginsut. thv cradle and is continued all through the period of home Mr. 'I'h1a hnlna M-nn kn... .......|. .x...___ u in mm mru-wan of tho W()l`(L luxiians and Spaniards are distinguished nbuvu uii other women in Europa hy thuir prufuuud ignorance, duo in the main to their iucurubio induleuuc. They do not even possess the urt of eivgzun-0 in dnus, and while the fair Hpuninrd may he said to oxcvi in tho xnunagmwm of l.hc\f.un und in the wearing of her muntiiiu, her ituiiun si.~;t,u- is without, is single rmivvming puim s.'n'c hur izcuuty. Purixups Lhu um:-it uccum~ 1.ii.simi wmnuu in `Curopo. nt uny no the must. brilliant, is Luv Rus.~ziun, who unites to her sivm-icy of tvxn}wrunn'nt. is mur\`ci- nus facility for tho .-u'qui.~.iLiun of foreign izmgungvs umi is power of adaptability that is altogether Aincrimu. But her ul- Lainnu-nis are iumriubiy of u. supercial cimractet. uuu uuural znorougnly tnught. particulars onll At she College office. oornor Prinoou and aydnnham streets, King- nton. or write to A. BLANGIIAKI), J. B. hloKAY, chartered Aooonntnnt. Prin. Pres. .._._.__..__._.__.._.._.____.._.__.