THE DAILY BRITISH; WHIG. D/IRIS TIES. antnesu; : mu QUEEN s'1`., , latest. improve- ; and good pardon ed by 8. Shannon. sod pardon . . Apply to `. Fenwick. J as. ller Death They Bay In Accidental. ClN(`lN.VA`l'l, Ohio. March l!).-,Jnoktox nd Walling Inbmitgod I. oirconfouior.u to the persons with? they lui "ox- clunivoly nnnngod for preoenunloovoto the public thrugh the proeo. They do not donyboing implicated in the causing of the death of Purl Brynn, but. cluim that hot death was accidental and not intended by them at All. They my death resulted from to outdo: of an ndminiuond pnpuueoz ho ufin criminal opus- siou,_\A rd `n mentioned. 16 in aid gbvorlnt y will not nupih dliu. ml. II ltd: ."oonhuioa|" dinally fMC,,IK`|' lWU'I annual: during &.|I-III. Inn. ' - ` At the meeting in tho governor-general : oico yesterday to 0|:-ganizo for the Victo- 0 run order of homo lpord} movement. the nnm for the fund um: mu. gt. lnlf .. mu. roan omer 01 nomo nolporlj movement. the figure for the fund via put at half a mil- lion dollnrs. - lU\UlluBo Contractor George (loodwin has taken $l`.B,000 in the invention of F. `A. Knapp, designed to revolutionize ocean navigation. The invention is ship built like a barrel and intended to roll over the waver. the carrying part of the vessel being sue- nded inside the barrel on the axle. Mr. 'napp claims he will secure in speed of fifty miles an hour. Eitherthe Polaon iron works, Toronto, or the Dominion iron bridge company will builda trial boat seventy feet long, which will be tried on either lnko Ontario or lake St. Louie this bummer. A number of Ottawa men have taken small amoginte of stock in addition to Mr. Good~ n-in ' PIKUPHKIIIOIUII. _` Samuel Rogers, one of Canada's leading: nil dealers, had an interview yesterday with the controller of inland revenue. He urged that the law be amended so as to permit of oil being transported about for sale in tank vmggona instead of~ba:-role as dealers are obliged to do at preetnb. The regulation obliging vendors of oil to sell from the barrel is designed to protect. the l'Q\'6lH]B. ` IIUII UUUU IIWHFUEKJ. The bill to raise William Patterson, con- troller of customs and Sir Henry Joly, controller of inland revenue. to the rank of cabinet ministers is now said to be under preparation. Snmunl Rnonrn nnn nf r`.nnnrln': |.nA:...iA A nae: mro OUR IRII I ILII matters. In is said that Messrs. Munroe & Mur- ray. of Pembroke. are the 'Jwoat. tenders for sections four, ve, mix and seven oftho Soulangol onnal. So far the contract has. not been awarded. TL- L:II 4.. __:__ \l7:II:-__ Ix..._,,-, To Raise Control]: rl to Cabinet MIn|utera-- Tho Loxu-It In render. 0'r'r.\\\',. March 19. The consul-general of Jap,an, Mr. Mouse, is in the city on busi- ness with the goverhment. He will also have A conference with the boards of trade of Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa on trsde matters. In :.. -,:.l AL._| II__.__ II,.,,_, , n in I] pIU||3UU- l whipped Corbetb before l0,000 people and he had plenty of training nml was in as good condition as ho was when he met. the Cornish man. As for Fitzsimmons I got. the decision over him and would have knocked him out had I not been fouled. H\r\'|u\ bi... uI\\1 Dun... ..I..:..... .\.. .L.. nunuunuu nun uuu nuu 1 non oeen xouleu. "Who has any better claim on the world : championship than I. ~-(Si nedl Tuu.vuA.-4 J. SIIARKI-.`\', champion 0? the world. luuocl II Chnllenge. SAN FR.\.\'(`lH`0, March 19. --Thomaa J. Sharkey. the sailor, yesterday issued the following deance: "I claim the ohnm~ plan of the world. It is mine and I intend to claim and hold it until my colors are lowered. Fitzsimmona tells the world t at he hes retired from the ring. but w ether he has or not. I am the champion. I will fight him at any time or place. 1 have 32,500 deposited with W. W. Naugh- ton as u forfeit for a bet of $10,000. Money talks. and if Fitzsiznxnolis, Malior. God- dard or anyone else wants to cover it they can do so at any time. and I will be great.- ly pleased. "I nnnrl (`.nrl'mf.l. hnfnrn ln lllln nnnnln IUUK (IHU \'UUI|Ul uuuly. When asked laat night what his future plans were Corbett replied: My plans for the immediate future nre unsettled, ex- cepting in one matter. I want n return match with Fitzeimuiom. I expect Brady here tomorrow, As soon as I consult with him It fonnal challenge will be issued to Fitzsimmone. I will bet any sum of money with him that I can beat him in another ght. He can make a whole lot of money if he consents to meet me again and,whips me. I will make all sorts of concessions to get another contest with him. Iwillwhip him if he consents to meet me second time. I have not the louse idea what he will my about the mat- ter, but I will lind out in a few days. UFUHBUU IIUU MUUIUIICU EH IUIIUWU . "Ladies and gentlemen: I thank you for Lhis greeting. I can assure you no- body knows how badiy I feel to-night. All I want, to any is that. yesterday when I went. into the ring I was in perfect condi- tion. Mr. Fitzsnmmons is a. wonderful pugilist. and whipped me fairly nndsqunre- ly. All I ask of the American peoplois to let me have one more chance at Fit /,." As he left the stage the crowd cheered long and vociforoualy. \\/hnn aulmd Iunt. nirrhf. whnf hip fnlnrn |.I. cunnm SPEE|]H.{ Fends Not All Swallowed Up In Defeat. Inn wnnzmsn nu; .PAY|Nl}| T'IVx`\`K$`!l'LVIl \V@\\\\\\`A\%\`%)DZ9~% A Iwmty donn 100. Ladies Linen Collars 53 nob, wonh 100 to 150. (Limlc.) CUIII Ul SUIIIIIUHHHI dllll U IFIUIIHH. In the evening Corbett. and his Wife at- tended the performance at the Orpheus. It was then that. the ex-champion new that all his friends had not been swallowed up in defeat. for 9. hearty cheer of good-will greeted Corbett. as soon as he was observed by those in the theatre. In response to clamoroue demands for a speech the ex- champion climbed upon the stage and ad- dressed the audience as follows : |II'..Ji.... ....J .......I-._.._ , I AL.._.I_ ..._.. OF BETS ON THE PROWESS OF FITZSIMMONS. And the coin That Jlngled Wu That of Gentlemen JIm'|I"|-lends-- Add:-cued the Audlenee In the Orpheus Theatre. New York-lle say: He Wu squarely Beaten Ind Accepts the Result. SAN FRAN(`lS(`0, March l9.-Jamee J. Corbett. stood in his brother : saloon and pool-room yesterday afternoon and watch- ed thousands of men being paid for betting on the prowess of Robert. Fitzaimmons. The scene was not a particularly pleasant one for the ex-champion, but he inflected a cheerful smile and gave a cordial greeting to those who accosted him. The money that was piled in huge sacks and which was jingling across the counters was the coin of gentleman Jim s friends. In the avpni-n (`nrhnth nnd his wife nli. KINGSTON. ONTARIO. FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 19. 1597. CAPITAL TEINGS. IQ. I6 IIIVIIII. 0| IIIO I303 III I L. Vino. an American nimuz. who bu boon hold in I Oahu: linen lat Novemhoronchnrguold yeondnct and ingult to Spin. The ulna 01 Viva: Inna thirun `American still in Cal:-.n objected To Dlctltlon. LONDOS, March l!l.-At to-day : sitting of the parliamentary South African com mittee toinquirointo the Transvaal reid, the examination of W. 7.. Schreiner, attor- ney-genernl of Cape Colony, in the ministry of Cecil Rhodes, was re-umed. Mr. Sohreiner wstied thet the conditions necesnry to the exercise of the franchise in the Trensvul could not be maintained. but thought. that the Boers ought not to `be hurried in the matter of making changes. so they were averse to dictation, and would be vastly more likely to do whit they should dc; if they wens left alone. -uIIDUvl"l-II'lTI DCIKZIIA W.\.~umu;1'oI. March l9.--'l'ho ooorctuy of state has been notied by consul. non! Lop. as Human, of the token of I. Vina. an Long-in-can Ann... _L. I.-- lndlun Women Reecued. \Vl.\`.\'l|'l-`.<:, March l8.-Se\'ernl white men have arrived at Lesser Slave lake. north of Edmonton. bringing with them two married Indian women to Lesser Slave lake to prevent. their being killed by their relatives. as happened last winter at Trout lake. These two women were taken with a sudden eicknese which the Indiana `cell witihw," or can- nibal. The Indiana 0'! Whitelieh lake were frightened, and they ucriiied two dogs to sieve the two young women, but in vain. Four white men watched over them for three nighte. They could hardly hold them when they were taken with (its, and reeolved to take them to Lesser Slave In ke. The justice of the peace gave an order to eend them to the Roman Catholic mieeion. where good care is given them, and they are improving. The Gowernnwnc Ilay Have to Adopt a Pro- tectlvo l`:u'l Measure. Tmm_\"rn. March 19. James Suther- Hlgnd, M. P.. says that "the government, may have to adopt a eolf-protacbive meas- ure, in view of the hostile attitude of the United States in commercial matters, as evinced by the Dingloy bill." He further stated that he .\p(`b(l that the coming session at Ottawa would be a very lively one. on account. of the debating talent in opposition. +assueo%-i- *-'---* 0 They Are Going To The Turkish Frontier- A Cnblnet Conference. Ariinxs, March 19. -The cabinet as- sembled in council last evening and eat, until two o'clock this morning. After ex- haustive discussion of Lhequeabioli it. was ,decitled to recall the Greek warships Alpleios and Peneus from Crete ann send them to Volo. Thessal_\', nnd is was also decided to push forward the reinforcements of the Groek troops on the Turkish frontier with all possible expedition. uuwuu uuu many lives are reported I085. \ l Asn1m:ro.v, March I0.-The heavy rain fall of the past. furty eight. hours in the central valleys will cause u continued rise in the lower Ohio and Misnisaippi rivers and intensify the threatened ood condi- tions previously announced. It is pro- bable _t.lmt. the lloods in the lower- Mississiiipi valley during the next ten days or two weeks will in many places equal or exceed in height. those of any provipua year. Additional warning is given to the residents of the threatened dirtricts in Louisiana, Arkan- sas and Western Mississippi to remove from the region of danger. Are Likely to Occur Along the Levee: on the Lower Mlsslsslppl. ST. l.ui'i~<, Mo., March l9.-Alarming reports of a constant increase in the volume of water in the lower rivers are received here. Ruin has fallen over a large section of the lower Mississippi bus-in for twenty- four hours, and at many points where le- vees hold back the Hood by only afew inches margin, there will surely be disas- trous breaks. In south-eastern Missouri and northern Arkansas the countr is over- llowod and many lives are reporbe lost. VAsn1m:1-ox. Mm-nh l!I,.Jl`lm hsunlu wring. It is time to speak with freedom. At this moment two great states are under the government of two young men, one wholly without knowledge and experience and the other having only such knowledge, in truth limited enough. I18 to have. ex- cited astonishment and consternation when on inkling ol them was given to the world. These, so far as their sentiments are known, are using their powers in the con- cert to tight steadily ngninst freedom. Why are we to have our governments pinned to their aprons`! On the heels of this co icert we have plodded fortwo years, and with all its pretentious of power it hes not battered the situation. Surely, it is tiim- we should have done with this gross and palpable delusion It is time to shake oil` the incubus. Why should not Crete be autonomously united with Greece`! It is as uudetnched in theory from Turkey ss Bosnia and Herzegovina. Greece, by her bold action, has conferred a great ser- vice in Europe and has made it impossible to palter with the question as we have paltered with the blood-stained question of Armenia. She has extricated it from tho meshes of diplomacy and has placed it on the order of the day for a definite solu- tion. I remember no case in which so small ii state has ccufeired so great a benefit. Ill: Poworml Danunolotlon of the Action of the Power: I ._._-.. II_.._L In 1 .. In Ullv KUWUTI I.o.\'nox, March l9.-In the sixteen page pamphlet of William U!adstone a touch- ing she political situation he says: "My nmbibion is for tests and peace alone. but every grain of sand is part. of the seashore. and connected as I have been for nenrl y half is century with the eastern ueation. I feel that inclination does not on `co 10 jun- t.ify'ailonco. - AL... ...........I. L- ___.--.., `L- _,.__A_ I-III BlIUlIUU- {Ia then proceeds to review the events from the beginning of the Armenian mne- eecrea and umperingly nrraigne the pow- ers. Referring buhie ebmmptiu 1880 to eembliih the concert of Europe. Mr. Glad- stone guys: We soon discovered that for several of the powers concert. bore 3 nianinnnna tntnllv at rm-uumn with Jhnf. 10!` several on we powers concern Dare oi nicnnce totally at variance with .t.hnt. w ich we attached to it, and included toy demonstrations which might. be made un- der the condition than they should not. pass into reality. At present. the powers have no common purpose to bring them to- gether. But. what; is worse than ail. this pretended and inebctive co-operation of the governments shuts out the people. In is from this mischief char, we are now suf- faring. Ir. in time tn anmxlr with fr-mulmm AI. WHIP SUTHERLAND'S VIEW. Auothormlnorlean Inland. A,_ I In 1: We lay out Loaders for Satur- - day Shoppers. GLADSTONE SPEAKS OUT. FORWARDING TROOPS. DISASTROUS BREAKS A 'I`Il'tIIO Oonmet Msnnns. Tenn... Much l9.--A_ spacial from Knoxvillo. Tonn., npbtll I terric diet In 0 hotwoon hltonsp I :2. and 1 an iniI.n:IhI.l|lnn Illlindllli lllldlli ' 3 o can `..."....e J5."-I .....'. u'.... .."." Win: an out and dusk` unobhinablo. bu:-u:vwal doubt an boliovod to Ian ro- mun, In III: nu uh, tong `.1! W. .IIO lllll Fund the British gunner Vollodo. Capta- lcken. {mm New Orleans, Feb. 28th and Nqwport. Noun-s. Much 4th. for Mlncbclhr in I digabled condition. ., o Eniled One Man's Llfc. Woundetlutherl And Then Sulolded. 0l>!~;ll0l.T, In., March l$l.--\'eat.erday have Pennington, a worthless character`, who had been loang `here all winter, loud- od 1: shot gun and started out. to kill 8 number of people who had incurred his enmity. He went. to the house of Hiram Johnston, n plasterer. and fired at Mrs. Johnston. eenouslv wounding her in the shoulder and back. He next. emptied both barrels into Luther Tnver, an; uged citizen living a block .wee/st. of Johnson's. killing him instant.- l_v. Then he red at. Mrs. Frank Stall, A neighbor, and let-ally wounded her in the abdomen. All this took place wibhin f- teen minutes in a residence portion of the town. The neighbors giwe the alarm. and Pennington retreated slowly ecrou some vacant lots. loading his gun as he wont. Ae two ooneenblee upproeched him he laced the muzzle of the gun to his fore- eed and blew the top of his head off. out- terinq brains and piece! of skull fby feet. Pennington wn undoubtedly insane. In A Dluhlod Illnpe. Ln.\`Iv0\', Match l9.- --The Balgiuutum- er Frieuland, Cat. Nichols, from New York, March lost, for Ant.worp.. paced the Lizard this morning. She Ii nnllod that-, in Int. 50 Bin, long `20 W. .I 0 had nnnund thn Rtilh ntnnnlnr \. AIIn(In fhnt. ll|\'I)I)Uln The inwrnational union of bicycle work- lera at Toledo, Ohio, elected the following ollicern: John Mulholland, Toledo, presi- dent: E. G. Henry, Clevclnnd, vice-presi- dent; W. E. Ranch. Toledo. eoc_v-t.reaeur- er. The next meeting of the union will be held at. Buffalo. A label in future will nppoar on all union made wheels. ICU IIIHI IIIIIHU (U0 ally. Hon. Sidney Fisher announces that gov- ernment. has made final arran emonta for the cold storage of butter lung other xer- ishablo food products which will be 3 ip- ped weekly on steamahips runnirgz between Montreal and Avonrnouth, Landon and Liverpool. Tho l'n!nr-nnnmhl nninn nf hinunla Ilrnr-ll, :h1rd`ay me zsmwn made no In three days. In Lhe house of commons Mr. Balfour refused to take any explanation concerning M. Melinda speech, and said if Sir Wil- liam Vernon Harcourt. wished to move a vote of censure on account. of his refusal let him name the day. Hnn girinnv Wither nnnnnnr-An that nmu, Ul LKIU IJIIII UUlIIPalI_". C. R. Devlin, ox-M. P., leaves to-day on a trip over the Canadian Pacic mil- way as far as Vnnvouver, B. C.. to have A look ovor the western province of the dominion before going to Ireland. The`: Hriti.~h nrvhnmmr Mm-mum}. H Hrnikh UUlI|IlIlUll UUlU['U going [0 ll`0llHl(]. The Ufitiril schooner Margaret S. Smith broke aworld a record on her trip from Ruantnn to Mobile, Aim. arriving there yesterday. The distance is 900 miles and the Smith made it. in three days. In IL. I\........ ..I ...... .-- \l- D-``---- uulunguz-. Tho Hull electric company has perved the Ottawa electric company, with notice of a claim asking for $2u,000 damages of infringement upon the territory and rights of the Hull company. C, R. ])\lII n\'.Kl V lnnvna On,`-Inn pmumug u uupuneae consul In unao city. The widow of the late W. H. Steven. in stage driver who was killed by A tree full- iug on him near Vuncouvlr. B.C.,threo yams ago, has been awarded Il0.000 damages. Thu ll nhanhvin nnvv\I\nnII Ln. an-nap] IUIIUHISLI IUUUD Ql -)",UUU. Hon. T. Noose, the Japanese consul- gonerul at Vancouver, B. 0., in in Mont,- realto report on the ndvirnbility of ap- pointing a Japanese consul in that city. The widow of the hm; W. H. Stavnn. n UUIIDIU. Speaker Byere.ol the Iowa legislative assembly, has resigned, because of charges of corruption made against. himself and other members. In 1.. I._`L 5.. 0L. .I2..-....LI..- -1 Ll- {`1__, U|:llUK' IllUIlIUU|'E- It. is left to the discretion of the Cann- diun militia dopurhinent. as to what troops hull be sent over to take part; in the diamond jubilee. Al . Rntnvin N \' Mnrfin (Y. Raul-any-in UIKIIHUHU JIIUHCU. At Batavia, N. Y.. Martin C. Benhnm, father of Howard, the alleged wife mur- deter, made three attempts to take his own life yesterday. T, P, Mnllhnllnndn nlnrlr nmnlnmu-I hug IIIIK GDUU HUHJ I/"B Ilfl. The governor general will shortly an- nounce a date for the closing of the nation- al Indian famine fund which has now reached About 8| 30,000. u... m Arm-.. .1... 1........--.. .... ..I IIIUIIIOII Dull ! I'Ir luu |uU IIUA. Trlplo Bounced French Guam. 15 box, ro- guhrly bring: 25-. kit : 01-n Hnnn no H1: has hu hnv LVIuBU- The rumor is revived that judge Tuche- reau will shortly resign, and be succeed- ed by Mr. Lnngelier, M.l ., for Quebec centre. G......|..... D..--_. P: AL- 1.....- I__:.I-A.'..- UWH IIIU yvauuuuy. T. I`. Mullbollanda clerk employed by S. lmvia & Co.. cigar manufacturers, Mont- real, was arrested on a charge ofembezz- ling $800 from the rm. Thu anvornnr nllnrnl will nhnu-blur nu, Elli. The conservatives of East Simcoo have nominated A. Miscampboll. their sitting member, as their candidate for legisla- Lure. \l.`:lI.'-._. "V A.l____ l_-AA_._ l_......,__ 4- DMIIU DEED. lc ITUIIUII yuawruuy. Michael J. Cody : livery stables. Orange, N. J., was burned early this morning. Thirteen horses perished in the Human. Thu nrhih-nf.inn trnntv wan rnnnrlnrl LHIIWMUH IIUFBUU IJUTIHUULI Ill UIIU Hula.- The arbitration treaty was reported yesterday in tho United States senate and It. was bitterly opposed by senator Mor- gun. The nnnnnrvntivnn nf F.nnt.R|'n-man hnva BUFU. William T. Adams, better known as Oliver 0pt.ic, the boys fuvonte story writer, is dying at. his homoin Dordheater, Muss. fI'\L__..._._.._ .'- _-..2.._,I `LA !,.J___ 7I'\,__L_ (NEWS [IF THE WIIRLII. What Comes to~ Us From All Quarters. lrnnncmns wmnuan ur. I Little Mutton `run Intern: lvorybodr - Note: From All our--~l.Ittlo of liver)- thlnx Etullv Read sud Bomomborod by The Dear Public. Sir William and Lady Dawson. .\lon- troal. celebrate their golden wedding to max`. grvu-vvv 'V\rv\vIv v-~- Thin In A non sold b 5 big wutarn dapu t- monul tton 0| loot 0 box. 0l!.I..I- ..-..A-.l `l'_..s..I. n-..4n- 11.. 5.-.. _.., LHUUE LU UU llIlCrVlUWCuo Andrew D. Parker has been relieved of his duties as police commissioner of New York because of neglect. J `V Rnll M P wna rn.n`nnhxrl arnnrl 1 ELEGRAMS FROM THE EARTH'3 ' FOUR QUARTER8 GIVEN. -.._ ............ .- ,- ............ ..,, -- da '. i`he London Lancet. says that the tumors of ill-healnh of the czar from cerebml lymp- toma are unfounded. ll..- ll-.." I\.-I \V.I AL- -.......I ..LI...._|.. LUHIH I'U |IlHUUIIuUU- Mgr. Mery Del Val. the papal ablogato to Canada. has arrived in London but de- clines to be interviewed. A...I......v T\ I)....I..... L..- 1.-.... ....I.`-..-.I l\' 1 UYII UVUNUFU Ul III.`KlUUU- J. W. Bell, M. P.. was ro-elected grand master of the Orange grand lodge of On~ tario East, at l act,on yesterday. N-Iinhnnl .I (?ndv s livnrv nhnhln nrnnnn STAR_1'.E)~(3lI1i.`r7(3NKlLL. lo. LIVINGSTON & BBO. J A-l:nrgo AtI:Fo'rIdnnco. Fifteen hundred men attended the mie- aion service in St. Mary : cstbedrnl last. evening. The en bjecr. under consideration was l)ealb, and Preparation for the name. There was I goodly number of members of other r-hurchou prevent. Buperlntendnnt A bbott lleelgnn. V.\x<-orncn. March l9.-Harry Abbott. who has occupied the position of general superintendent of the Pacic division of the Canadian Pacic railway eince the line wna built to the coast, has resigned. He was offered the position in Montreal in adviser to the board of management but has decided to remain in Britiqh Columbia. Mr. Abbott. who was a brother of the late Sir John Abbott, has been connected with the C. 1 . R. since its inception. HOIUG, N AVIUIIFUU ELTUUK, AIHll'HLIH_V HIUTIIIIIK, it. is believed from heart, disease caused by excessive dancing. Dora the night. before attended a ball at Tammany hall: she danced every dance up to one o'clock. when she complained of feelin r ill and was taken home. During the nig tsho grew worse and her parents sent. for lir. Bodern, who found the irl on the verzo of col- lapse, suffering rom what. appeared to be heart. failure. At nine o'clock she died. Never seen such an Awful light-condltlon of The Men. New Yoiut, March l9.-Mate Collins, of the schooner Hilda, now I ing at Perth Ainboy.was interviewed on guard that veg- eel. In telling of the rescue of the survivors of the wrecked steamship St. Nanire. he said that never in his long experience on the sea hid he seen sue an awful sight as was presented by the small boat and its occupants when the Hilde came alongside. The four man alive were trying to stand erect. but their legs refused to support them. `and time andsgain iey sank to the bot- tom of the boat. wh e four of their com- panions w re lying cold in death. Notone of them h d the strength necessary to catch the line thrown to them. and not one could utters word plainly enough to be understood. The small boat containing the survivors, he continued. was sight- ed at L p.m. on Sunday. The schooner. which was then about ten miles oil` shore in the neighborhood of Fenwick Islands, was brought around and directed towards the heat. A very high sea. was running at the time. and it took almost an hour to reach her. After some menu-uvring the Hilda was brought so close to the small boat that her crew could see its interior. Half standin, half kneeling in 'her were four men, lOll0W- cheekcd and wild-eyed. Their li , swool- len and parched, moved slowly, ut not a sound come forth. other than a gasp like that coming from the lips of a dying man. Their tongues, covered with sores and clot- ted hlood. protruded from between their teeth. too much swoollen to be longer retain- ed in their mouths. Their eyes prutruded,as ifthe men were being choked. On the stern of the boat sat a man half dressed and apparently laughing. His mouth and eyes were wide 0 n, and as the boat rose and fell he seem to nod his head to the men of the Hilda, who leaned over her sides. half afraid to go into the tossing craft. On the bottom lay three other men. They rolled about as the waves passed. but none of them rose. They were dead. So was the man who sat on the stern with that ghast- ly smile on his face-dead in ex~ poems and st rvation. The /our live men were insane and weak as men could get who had gone for a weak with al- most nothing to eat and no water. They were alive and that was all. The menou the Hilda threw a line to them, and, while it fell over their shoulders, none of them had llv, strength to hold it or tie it around their bodies. So far as they depended upon their own efforts safety might have been a thousand miles sway. Repeatedly a line was thrown to them. and repeatedly it trailed across their faces while they knelt there in the boat, moving their lips, yet unable to move their arms or close their` stiffened lingers. Finding that the men in the boat were helpless. two of the Hilda s crew climbed down her sides, and when a wave lifted the boat within reach stepped aboard. Quickly the four men were passed up to the Hilda : deck. Then the rescuers turned their attention to the manin the stern and the three l ing on the bottom. They were all don . The bodies were removed in a few minutes, but none too quickly. The small boat, hurled against the Hilda s sides by the waves, was splintered so that it began to leak, and as the two men from the Hilda left it it filled. The bodies were sewed in canvass bags and buried in the sea. Then the llilda s crew turned their attention to the four survivors. Exposure to the salt water had bllstered their skin in great blotchee and their hands were raw from pulling at their oars. A little coffee was given to them and all four were put to bed. They quick- ly wont to sleep and by the next morning were greatly improved. na-IlVv\A nu -Iv-nu. Nnw Yank, March 19 -~ Dom Duraman, seventeen years old, died suddenly at her home. 9 Monroe street, Thursday morning. it. is halimmrl fmm hnnrt. dinnnna mnnnrl hv ` A. window rim of them. T STATE OF THE SURVIVORS. rs ug,zznrocxs!z:e_gt, Danced To Death. -1 u ..-. A-_`3-_~'0!1N$I0!* than _Tho ouvurn bnobull-_l:agIo us on In on April 29th uh Springfield. 50 mum Wilkosbnrro. The closing guns: oocu: on Rant, `lrd |V IIICQDI Fl ! Sop. 23rd. llblf '1u nun uwms.uur.' lIlUIIiJI"1' ur elm no for 0 from W. J. I.hlIo. Agent. ore District Iutnul hro lmuunco 00.. Minus lull and Mtlnfnotory summon of my olnun by recent. Ilm. 'n IIHAWFUHIPS GIL. holnllt full and ntlul my by rocont. m. >MmtHRIcH I IN!`~ \lP\I'\IJ \II' I I'If'\l`I'\$, mm T0 ACK 0wl.Ii.Dm`. RECEIPT or I chmiuo 30 J. Anon}. Born l)int.rlM. Intnnl hm lnnnllnlu s n M W 7- 5,`,,",y_ Double Leap For life 59C A mnmwr woxmsn In Company. amen: can-r. "To hn'd. M well us win nuooou. Keep all your phi-hill pmmluor." .uwm.z J. Guru. I-.i.~..._.un. m.-.. 7:... BOWMAN & RICKEY. J. Carter : New Play. |uii'i'S mm Lincoln I HE ATHLETIC ASHOCIATIUN PUUPICBTY north of the fomxetl grounds. The extan- nlou of [Curl Street will run directly through them Iona, which are -lose to A growlnn noo- Hun of the city. Apply to J. S. SIHINII, Solicitor. Ulareme Shoot. than of city. Apply ` Foot 0! QUEEN ST. In tho mm: at Henry Andeuon, oi the Township 0: Out). In the County or rrontonoo. Morohont. NOTICE IS HIIIBY GIVEN THAT THE obovo nunod Hoary Andonon did. on tho 1%): Ion}: lnotool. noko on ouunmont to mo. In punoonco of tho oct roapevtlng cu- uloamouiu on pntonnoou In inaolvontpor nono. Chopin In of tho Bo nod Stnuto ol Ontorl lmnvlomondlnontuholotn. A too of tho olodlton ol tho uolcl onion in Ion ooovonod` nil. my boclionl nun: 88:00 . an on. uric. on -rnism . tho non. any oflonoh. LIL mu. oi uro o`o|ool in tho oornoon for tho op- soiotuont of lnnooetorn and Aka Inns of I u vglh tololonoo to Ibo d npoool of auto o. All ondiloto ol tho sold outdo on lutoby ohotltolloololrololno with -o. oi tho oddnoo. ouorholon`|ho oy oi not pro- out . oltot which doio I Iotoouold oototo. Loving to- ".'{a'n 3';.':`a1':."'-1 ......" ' ".":'n!u!`}" 3?. - or =noooo\Ionol:'uooOo.ot ' IuI\|o:oo.f'. o .= n-`ollhoyaovonliod. . - .. ` Ilh N `ADI. LD- nrolorrod. A] 7 and R p.m. $7 Owl LL BUY ANICE I:Il'l'I:I 0HXCKER- v; J IM! Piano in excellent order. To be noon at Wmu olue. HE A l`llhE'l`l0 ASHO(`-IATION PILOIWCBTY Ilnn nf ICAII Rt:-not will run Illrnntlv th-nnull Dmwiien. D \`n.m~-In Kingston, on March 19th, 1897. Henry Dunbnr, aged 8| yours. Funeral will take place from his late nai- denco. 168 Bagot nu-eat, next Sundny afternoon at. 2:30 o clock. Friend: Ind Icquainbuncen m-a Invited to attend. GU01) GENERAL SERVANT Wlhlt EW- Rvommonded. One who nun I on: M homo yraffirrod. Apply nslouordon mun between an mm. ~ ~ ' EX(`,HAN(}E-A D KJATSOOPPIB fan!-enwi, made hy nu IV. '0! I blcynlg, lmIv'u nr unntlmnnnh, Ann v In lnthnr tn linu- EX(7HAN(}E-A D HJAT. OOPPIII lmly'u or mmtlomsn`s. App y by letter to Box 1108. Montreal Honk. I {.5019 Agents BUTTERICK PATTERNS. W. I. DRENNAN. lunnu. DIIIOTOI um EIIALIII-III Pul- oou stunt. block above old wand. WHAR_DY S. I l'IA`u ILELIJ` Tm: Lnmxo Uxnn'rAxn-IM-866 Pun no stunt. Tolophono IOTA. Open Day and my I UNDERTAKIIB AND EnnAL;tIn. Prluoou Mn-oat. Phonoa-Wurotoonu. 00; Ruldouoo. v1. bowut urioou. Hm-ooh. I honoa-V\ prion. TIELV II I IDIVIIZI3` Lnmuo Uxmcnnnn AND EnnI.un--1Il PI-Inoon utroot. Dome: Bydonhun shoot. Talo- phono communication. AUOOD GENERAL 8!! VANT. APPLY TO Mus. t5Mv1-us. M9 Wu street. |TEM3X,IEQX. IDRESE """ ` GOODS LEADERSHIP. l'ricon-I5o. mu. 7.'-. T. F. HARRISON. EIBALMIR. Street. Phonen-Wuraroomu. 90: nnldnnun. N OTICB OF ASSIGNMENT. 7 mrunnnsics xvuwrnn AT manga- A Anmrh-an Hntni VII I IIIIIIKYI IJIIIYVKI Dulanora and Builders of Cnnou. Rkh. [steam Launches. One-RMQH. HA"-Baton and sailing sum. Also new and mold- hand Cannon and skills for uh. Boot Liver` in connection. on Htoam Launch for ul hour 0, M foot long; speed, 0 IIIIIOIDII _ )NE FIRST-CLASS KILLINEIIY PEI- nnnnnt. HAnln"n. `GOOD GENERAL SERVANT} Wlhh RI- Vvnmmandnrl. (Inn whn nun n can n ham: 81:. Lawrence (U pm: 1).. ll ncidcdly milder am`) 0` anionul showers. AKIN DIIESSFZB VV` American Hate`. SATURDAY. HARCH 2011. nuvnpun n wvnu--.\.. Go fgom shop to shop, ex- amine goods, and come to us and you will be able to see for yourself that you can buy from us the CHEAPEST. It does not matter what it is you want. In addilloll to cheapness we can "show you] goods that are exclusive.l'ot_'-.- our own trade: ' NE 1"lRBT-CLASS pm-out HAll)\"Fl. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. 7 IT WAS SAID OF A MAN DWI 1.1. BUY A more 1.Im.II onxoxnil oxcollout order. To be CARD OF TH AN K8. \ AtII.)\VI\II9I rn. - II n-nnt SECON D EDITION. o...T.I...."".'.3"1r'uia.ou ' . See our Dress Good: windows. then unmo inuhle N11 N90 hundrodn of other styles st prices that will please you. The collection of new Itylel end weave: and rel-e oolorlnn in our Drou Good: of tho prennt eeenon edul further lustre to our leedeuhlp an 0. new Dru: (Joode house. Our own but elforts are overdone in the showing of spring Geode. end on very bend. an you`-View the Drug Goods eeotlon from one em} to the other. evldenue of thin supremacy In nmnlfest. . It In New Goods tint. we are to-day sulllnu at price: that you might pay and yet reoelve only old style and out- nhlute goods. The Dream Uoode neo- tlon In In the centre of the main {lo ntlret. posltlomus ltls an that than 0- ment of our store. ANOTHER svoorzss, F'OR'8ALE HENRY mums. HTIEITAIII A un `Run [Iupny unngn nu. Inlay : Own Hosp 9o tho but. me box. nee: nd regnrd to dual! In:Ih3d with Mum mm- } ohnr storintiuoflil. OAITII. The Greatest Ioohlnioll If- | rout. of the an. 55.: `rm: TERRIFIC - for life Iluu ted with IHHIO llvlib mess nd I-emu-d to thud] CATMMQUI minus. .I n..n.a--.. ..l l`........ `lull. `Hi E" WI. PIPE. soap *7 Tolophonc 0. CORSBTS 263 & 265 Princess Street. wrn ALI. DAY AND EVENING "51 II llltol (III [III latch. LD. gg anon. 011:1 wx. V LOTS FOR SALI- mhhn -uni-n .o..g-n nu-on WEDNESDAY. MILLINERY ROOMS Fpoclnl shipment onen- od to-dny. will oor on SATURDAY at 75 came, with no Mala collnrn and wit collars at.- uohod. I la the bu-,.Jfor Oid Bu-own Wlndnoz Olive Oil nndu er I Soup. 8 ban for 1 . F yolnthn sons. the For 5A'1'l'l(DAY we olfer 10 Dozen Oromp- ton'u Cornet 490 per ban All sizes in stock. Soup. 8 ban for J Hyolnthn Son box. or `hue gazes for 260. pair stock. We sell all tho lend- ing makes of Conetc. nr HATVRDAV in Our Uplnlstering and Carpet- Cleaning departments were not interfered with by the re and we will be able to ll all _orders promptly. makes 0! Donate. or SATURDAY far In Dnnnn nu-nmn. R. NO. 66. Gl IIIII . JIEC \\v:o pmpono durin the coming anon to. uni prices In tho runouul Itovaof ouId:0.o|iotJill Indv.o`::no lunc- onn pooplo I: want an i lino. our ` `no fat :3 Inky. Grand aha. UTUVNI Ulilllo We want to introduoo you to the latest. styles and makes of about for spring. We Inn tho greatest variety in tho city. New. "III. And very. voryehup. Abornothy. Oouh in and no then. Wlunn n Ollinn-in mnnnvnpchngln l-l|.- UII`?hI` Illll r (DIE. W t i `in goodovory yhlku about it. .'l'ln:o why onryhody in bli- iug about our blood 0! Java and loch: nnnn unnlnl All ch: running. .-uu...A $3 "T 0" WI` .313. Jmakqaual ..-_... .I_..__ AL. piece tweed emu gn salon and III etvlee and colon. Regulus? pnce $4 t.o85. For theee two doye we o`er them at 82.50. Grand Union. `I . -_._s A` S-l_..I.._4 _A.. A. Al, I.A_,. IIIVO DESI] HIC- For Slturdny and Monday. Boys` two- piooo tweed unit: nilors and I" atvlee Anrl nnlnl-1 Rnnnln} nnon SA Onk Vt`-- groan general no rlrgo, uutou, In I343. A clashing for Saturday and Monday. Mon : waterproof costs in black and light colon. largo cape and well made. Regular price 5 and 87. Our price tor these two daa 82.90. Grand Union. Qnmlhn `IIIIIDA 'I`.......a.. I..- --.__:A.:.._ Everything must be sold in drder to make room for re-building. SWEEDING REDUCTIONS, TERMS CASH. an '3 9-.:.uu. urlnu UIIIOII. amen Mooro, Toronto, for commimng an assault upon I little Ind two years Ago, Ina com. to Kingston penitentiary for live years. The sentence for his offence could have been life. L`... 9.5....) _ . . _ _.l ll.....l-._ ln____v A,,_ _ veauuunc cnmllgn mm In 3:) ularonce street. Capt. Braden wan well acquainted v ` (Ion. Custer. killed by Sitting Bull : bx` . of Indinns in I875. Capt... Braden met the great general at. Fargo, Dnkou, in I873. A nlnhinn for Rnnnrdnv and Mn...-l.- "I one IIIIHKBD, an nouuen 3. George Cliff make: u apocinlicy of real estate, you can alwaya secure A good in- veatment through him at 95 Clarence street. Cant; Rrndnn um. wall nnnnginn.-I .. ruurneu nomo. Boys twcvpiece tweed suits, sizes `. 2- 2"?-`nme quality others char 0 you SL50 Io . Our pnco Saturday an Monday 950. Grand Union. \ uD....l'-A-..L'1A___._._ __A_,,,, .|, n ;. Uflll UIIIOH. "Beefstoak" tomato cutaup, the nat in the market. at R.oddon`s. llgnunn FISH` ......I...- - -----3_|IA-- -R ---I 1 nur cnmco tor aK'.'. :0. uranu Lmon. Mina Ethel Reid, after A Dix months visit. Wllh relatives at. Syracuse, N. Y., has returned home. D.-.--' 4 ....... .. ;.....,I _..:A. -:_,._ nn ingl-"v;l`1-;:'1 -;l.`}X.I{1.'?.'.I.. ` W" nturdny and Monday boys three-piece tweed suits. Regular 84. $4.50 and 35. Your choice for 32.75. Grand Union. LIE-n Wknl DAIA -5`)-.. - 5:- _..._aL_I tnul men an rseaaens. There are seventeen private patients in the Watkins wing of the general hospital. The Doran wing is also overcrowded. Aberuethv a is the the nhca vou're look- PUD. IV. LI. In Sfrodded whole wheat. biscuits mcoived this yeek at Redden s. 'I"|."..-.. .._. ..-....._L..-__ ..._:..-m- __A.'_._L_ :_ l\L|UBl| N L0. Mnjor Galloway lefb last. night for To- ronto to cake a short. courae in No. `.2 de- pot. R. R. 0.1. .q}lll:IA nil-unln nzknnf, kinnnibn I-nnA:|v(u-I F.C.MARSHALL (J:-and U: Try Beet.....)ak tomato cntaup. Rodden & Co. LIA}..- l`..II....._.. I..tL I--L _.'__I_A 1... Mom: 53%;! strong tweed pants I ~\ (V ICNTLEMEN CAN BE ACGOMMODATED I with single or double rooms. All modern conveniences. 38 Clergy 3%.. non Eatl at. .--_._-:________-_j- Win: the Buy Reporters cnught on the Fly. ST MAY. B.Eb`IDEN(}E QUJ containing 10 rooms. manta. mrgu lawn in from |lO( in rear. at present. occupied by Terms moderate to suitable party. H. SHANNON, on premises. or at llendry & Co..0n tntlo Street. :-jjn: THE LAIHHS VVAH.EHOUSE 0N ONTARIO Strut-L lately ov-ruupiod by Jnnnes Browne & Co. ma wholes yxrouers, containing an ex- oollont bamomenl and three lame tlutu. Bent low. Apply to James Drowns. on the pro- mines. or to W. H. SULLIVAN. 86 Clarence St. RICK HOUSE. N0. 193 BAGOT VIREET. oonuinlnurrnrlor and dinlnz-room. five bedrooms. 300 count. utomlon kitchen. hM.h.obo. Hot water honing throughout-. Poneasion lat. April. if desired. Rent 112 per month and Mxes. MILLH &. CUNNINGI-h\.\l. `HE LARGE VVAREHOUSETJN ONTARIO K: (`n In I-hnlnun | nynnnvu nnnoninin- an Aw. UUSIS, l:llh"I' LUUALITY. `J01 IKKUUK H'l`., at present. om-upied l-y Mr. John Braden; ll rooms. every convenience. electric light and gas to all pnrt.a.smml ynrxl and lawn M.- tm-hod. Apply to the H. 1). Bmnv Co.. King Street. BROOK S l`llEE'l`. CONTAINING]! 247 women and extension kitchen, lurnnoo. |uu.h,am `Inn am nrnnlr um.-. . nu. `)4 HHUUK S'l`llEE l`. CONTAINING 11 a bM.h,otc. Also :51 Brook Sbreet. A Brick lfoumgc. containing 7 rooms and exrennlun kitchen. furnace, hath. etc. Apply to DIR. ]4`u\vl.r:R. 249 Brook Street. Ordon coming in and New Crontionn not- till ready for opening. Some stylish Gout: an Oupu pluood in stock yentorduy. `HUM HAY II-rr, BRICK RESIDENCE. NO 44-`lorry Street. nornar William: exten- sion kitchen, six bedroomva. bathroom ecu. Rent very moderate. Apply to FRANCIS Kxxu, Barrister. Ontario Chum )8l !l. RICK RESIDENCE 191 JOHNSTON 81`. Hot. water henlin . balmy furmsoe: modern imprrwements; mo erato rent. b l'l92A(.'Y & Stuttv. HE S'l`()Rl4.` NOW OCCUPIED BY MISS Woods 192 \Vellinnt.on street. Pnasemdon lat of A rll next. Apply to M. Flanagan. City Clot .-or Mrs. Pnnyer. 3110 Brook an-cot. FROM HAY BRICK RESIDENCE. ninn Itifnhnn nlv hndrnnmu hnolu-nnm an. ` The Doll: lloto Book For Whig Radon To You Thonpaolvea by. The Defnultor. Lincoln J. Carter : new lax Pt. opera house to-marrow night. Bo ton Hall will lecture in the Wnm new In (opera nuula W-marrow nlgnu. hall, Sunday. 3 p.m. Subject: "Social Reform. "I"-g gt `Ion `Ila-I": `R0 Inhnnl-An ult-Ant A.h.l".Ul" THE FLAT OVER. THE BIBBY 00`: Clothing Store, King street, adjoin- gng Basilio : Printing Oioe. Apply at Wmo co ITVHE ".WS")ENCE AND PREMISES OPPO- IHQ tlm Punt. Ofnn, nnw rm:-nnlnd luv I):- 'l`HlS IIICSIIDENUIG AND PREMISES OPPO- nlto the Post. Oice, now om.-uplod hy Dr. aurclru. POI0.ali0n lat. May. Apply to Join Umli. MANTLB ROOMS BUSY T00. uororm." Tea at Mn. Wnrd n.162 J ohnoton street. from four to six o'clock Saturday in aid of Ladies Benevolent society. - \\'|ll I"0N'I'I1N"l', HE l'5TUNIC HOUSE, ON CORNER OF Princess and Division Streets, occupied by Abernathy & 00. Apply at Wulu orneo spoon. I` 2-Young Liberal Club, Spomng. Luca New. ,7 age 3--In the Theatrical World. Let- lto n to the Editor, General News. Page 4--Edit.uria|s, Lemon: from 0. Mills and B. Silver. Dnlnn I`. II.......|.-.IA I2`- -5- lVI..Zh-I-4... V. lllllll II) D. DMVUIR Page 5-Household Facts, Children : Corner, Short. Stbry. 5, Punch --Thai Vnrv Infant in Lnm nn THE STONE HOUSE. ON CORNER 01*` Ahnrnnthv R: (in, Aunlv nt Willi: (H-Hun U0! nor, mmru awry. 9 Page 6-The Very Latest in Local and Telegraphic News. VENTLEMEN CAN BE siunlo double rooms; All mndnyn LIIU IIUFIII wing II I150 OVGTCTOWTICH. Abernathy phce you're look- n for when you want shoes. Atlirdln nnd Mnndnu hnun Hn-nn.n{-an OUSE, BENT LOCALITY. ROCK h'l`., nrasant. om-uniud luv Mr. John Hmrlnn: Prll They are gems of nontnesm FTRFITLEl A1J.|'_0l" THE FLAT OVER THE BIBBY 00%| Clothing Rfnrn. King ntr-ant, ndlnin. \\ IIIU UUNTIINTH. Pne lTelog1-aphic Tidings. Corbett lnnn I, " moi Hbusm, NO. fovziznu wraunw. Apply to J. B. Cmnu'rm:ns. ~ ASK FOR JENKINS 7}iiiE7sWiFo wm=_r? LQQAL MEMORAN DA. TO BE LET. Will tell at once that uomethin of n hustle in on. New Goods opening. illlnen and '1`:-immon buy u been.