I? TI-IE DAILY BRITISH WH 10.1% HRIOK llEll)|iNCl!`-. N0. at. nnrnnr Willinmr outnu- ~u. Imonind; Inn on Inuutcxrnmonau. may 3!. .$:' 50. 0:5. $4.I . but how good can \ ro. PARIS TIES. znfnuxm P0 WEB &. .\`(l.\'. (`rah Arvllltcmn. cuvvrlc I-U `int-`Y: - lrrnurnn. Pu. Muuh ll--Pour Mu- hor will tempt the chtllcngo of Thoma- gh?rkoyuu:hIiht for 810.000 I aide. J u an. `a mung:-. uidnn ll 8 mm Slut-koyoroold dopooit tho 08.500 with Al. Smith with my other responsi- bhpuriyinlbouqt howonld cover the noaquoupoo. Allen: Discharged. Tunnwn, Mun-ch `.`!|.- response to an ndvertdpolmwnt which appeared in locnl paper rrcontly. atating Mm. mason and atotloctnttors were wanted at Philadol lhill. at number of Toronto muons hiod I. am- aelvcs thither and were engaged. when it leukod out that the men were Canadinm. tho authorities 1-topped them from work- ing. and got it warrant for the arrest of the employer, Mr. Connolly. He returned to |'hi?udelphia. whore ho wnn arrested, and he in now hold in bonds to appear at next months auinos. Five of the Toronto {non have been held as witnu.-cu ugtimt. um. " A Pool Pppnuid. Tnnusm. March i!0.--The fire insurance compeniee doing cergo bneineu on the in- land lekee. the Alliance. Brii.ieli. Ameri- oen and Western. are in listing for the formation of 1 pool for i. ie you : Imel- neem Such in pool existed until lnei. year, when it. broke. each company working on its own beeia. Nowe regprn to the old system in pro; . . ,, ---. -s The Pepe] Ablefnte Will Follow Events on They Are Unfolded. LI\'r:Rn-uoI.. March `.30. Mgr. Merry Del Val, the recently appointed pa ml delegate to Canada. sailed for New \'or on board the ntemner Umbriu to-day. He was ac- companied to the etemner by a number of friends. Among those who saw him ell` were Mr. Russell, the Manitoba lawyer. who pmsenfed the Manitoba school case to the Vatican: Sir Joseph (2. Colme, secretary to the Ullllllfllll high commis- muner in Lomlon: Fr. O`Connor. of the lt.alinn clurroh. nnd Fr. Dunn. umlimll \`mglmn`a neoreuxry. To A repreeentauivo of the United Associated presses Mgr. Del \'nl said that he was very hopeful of auc- oesa in his new field. He was leaving for Canada. he said. with a perfectly unbuued mind and entirely open Lo von\'icl.i0u. He will follow events M they are unfolded and only desires to conollinto the opposing in- forests. 7 Taken Monday can be ready for delivery the same week. Call and inspect our New Dress Tweeds and Suitings. Walter Hughes Was Attempting ta Kidnap II Little Girl. l{0l'.~l1`n.\', Texas, March 19,--The moat during attempt nt crime ever known here was frustrated this morning. when n detec- tive killed Walter Hughes when he was in the net of entering the house of Frank Dunn. n wealthy resident of this city. The police received information some time ago that a scheme was on foot to kidnnp1)unn`s little (laughter. The purpose of the Irid- nappers was to keep the girlin captivity and demand 840,000 ransom. Detectives have been on guard at Mr. Dunn : house. (or severed nights. but no developments occur- red until this morning. when it was dis- covered that a man was attempting to force one oi the windows of the Dunn residence. ()ne of the ollicars inadvertently nttractod the attention of the niarnuder, who. find ing he was discovered. drew an revolver and tired twice in. the detective. The detec- tive then opened fire. and the intruder tell dead. lluglicn wns It railroad man, but has lately been working ns a carmenter. He had rented it house near lllunn's and, under the floor of one of the rooms. hnd dug a cave in which the kidnapped child was to be secreted until the ransom wn.-4 pnid. .-\t a pointjsome dmtanno from the city Hn hes hnd nrranged a number of tin boxes, w are he intended to direct that the ransom money be deposited. Hughes nlnn intend- ed to give notice that if any watch was kept over these depositories it would re- sult in the death of the child. When Hughes` body was aonrched n revolver, a keen-edged butcher knife aml a bottle of chloroform were found. An immense crowd has gathered in and nround the marque. where the body lies. Mrs. Hughes has been arreeted, but will not talk. Innuwmm ENEMlES.! Germany and Russi:/Opposed T oi Grccc monm uoeu. l.0.V|mN, March `. .0.--A doapntch to the Times from Cuneu guys the ndmiruls have accepted the British voun.ul`a proposal to amend tho autonomy proclaunntion by add- ing : "While remaining under the numer- uincy of the sultan, Cretan: will be free of all control from tho pol-Lo in the conduct of the internal ulluirs of the islomd. or TURKEY AND GERMANY MAY GET PORTS. run will no ceuou no nor. ImNlm.\', March `. ().-~Tl|e London Un- zelto. tho olllcinl government. m-mm. nu- nonnces the blockade of the mrta nf the island of Crete by the wmslzipa of tho l'z`uro man powers. commencing to-morrow. Murcl) `llat. Tho blockade applies to ships sailing under tho Greek llag; vessel- aailing under nouhrnl Ila vs will be nllowed to land morclmndino on I. o islnnrl, provid- od tlmt such merchandise is not intended for the use of the Greek troops in Crete; but these vessels may be overhauled ut. discretion by tho warships of the internu- t-ionnl lloetr. l.......... \A......I. an A .I-..\..|,.l. in IL. The Newest. News From the Land 0! ureeoo--Whut. ll Oceurrlng and What the rowern Are DoIng-'l`he`l!lot-Inule WIII Begln To-marrow. A'r|u9:.\'.~i, March 20 37 Germany and Russia are popularly considered to be the worst. enemiezulreece has in the concert of Europe. and if the reports that are in circulation are true there cun be 1.0 doubt. that Russia`: animosity is but. a veil to cover her always present. desire tn v `main part. of the Turkish territory despite her declarations in support of the integrity of the Ottoman empire. Whaulermanyla real object. is has not transpired. but it. is sup- posed that she is inspired by a desire to atnml well with Russia in the hope of breaking lhe Franco-llussiiin alliance. It. is stated that there is -3 secret, Russo-Turk ieh treaty in existence. providing that` in return for the support Russia in now giving the Turks the ports of Suda and Islande- will be ceded to her. i... ..... u......|. ~s.'\ rm... l,....I,... `:1... KINGSTON. ONTARIO. SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 20. 1897. comes HERE uNBTAseD. Aoooptl Tho ohllngm II. -.._.. ll__-I. an II- Limnsb`@:_T)i 'Kingston.| ABDUCTOR SHOT. is A PARTI II!!! VI Hutu-. When you got. tlnt timomo hondnoho with oiplmou At. the stomach. MM \\'Ado`o Mnndrnko l.i\-or l`illa and yon will noon ho all right again. It is the but pill on the market. today. Txvonty-ve pill: for l.wont.y-livo cent;-only at Wade : Drug ntm-n. :a.`3'.','f"u....:..."` ""-'`.'. ':..1"'"" ~~"`.'zI`.'.-`L display on Wednesday will In loundtho long : and but in the city. W I I M. In. (Du) Harald`! on Saturday. Numb 27th. fmm 8 to I0 `in. All for uvnot charity. Admission! nun. muuuwwyuu suntan. Yostorduy R. F. Hervey. teller at the brink of British North America. wus ob- liged to return home from his duties on ac- count of illness. A ewelliug appeared on the right. aide of his face which it. was four- ed might. be en ebeoeee. A doiitiet. ex- amined hie teeth. however. and concluded that the ewelling wee cursed by uloenting teeth. coneequently two were removed. Mr. Harvey is very ill u 3 result. of his experience. . . . . . . . n .n__.., A \`leItm- To Kingston. Bolton Hall, who speaks here tomorrow. in a son of l\'.e\-. John Hall. a leading |'res- bytenandivine of New York. He is an advocate of ecu-iology and is a clever speaker. He is much in love with the work. and in creating interest and in giving in- formation nds delight. He pays his own expenses. He cnmeto the city and will be the guest of John F. Baker. Alwington avenue. Monday he speaks in Hammo- que, Tuesday in Smith's Falls and Wed- nesday in llrocln-ille. llroke Through The Ive. A Wolfe Island farmer named \'annesa came nearly losing one of his horse: while driving across the ice to the city this morn- ing. When he had reavhetl it point op- po.-i`.e Fort Henry one of the horses broke through the ice and was with seine dilli- vulty rosvued from its perilous position. Wolfe Islanders state that the ice is. in some places. as full of holes as is a (`0lllIl|- tler und that the break-up" this spring will take place at an nationally early date. Aooe;a-noe or The system. Yesterday afternoon W. llutley. secre- tary of the Smead-Dowd company. To- route. was in the city and.in company with the members of the committee on property. visited Frontenac school for the purpose of melting a linnl impection of the heating and ventilating system. Every- thing was found satisfactory and at the next meeting of the board the committee will recommend the acceptance of the nys~ tem. _. _..__ A__. n I-Iznw u - n-vu vu. The cheap excursions to cltiea in the United Suites have been taken advantage of by many families for purchasing expen- sive dress goods, underwear. hooks. jewelry and even urn goods. which are smuggled in on tho iorson or in tmunks. ln conno- eequoneo o representations made at. hand- qunrtors it is probable a strict. search will be instituted upon rcburning excnrsionista and some of them, (won if successful in puaaing the {nevcntivu ollicor. may he asked whom may purchased some of their belongings. sues For llrmwh or Prouilsc. Miss Sarah Belch. Bellevillo. has issued ll writ, for $5,001! against. Samuel Smith of Sophiueburg, for branch of promise of mur- riage. Tho plmnt.itl'. who is n young wn. man of about nineteen summers. alleges that Smith and she wore engnged to bo murrieal and that he broke the eugugmnont. and married Another gill on the l.'n.h of February. k`...:n|.. E- .. .....II In A- l`.......-_ |:..: . . _ . . . ..- 1'e0rlu|r_V. Smith is n well-to do farmer living near the Stone Mills. H0 is u man over fty yours of age and has I\ grown-up family. ` I. FLANAUAN. . Clerk of the Iunlvlpnllty. lLIc_otoI. Inch nth. ll. . i The Royal urenadlerr Dlntlngnlehed Ee- oord of sen-lne. A petition is now being circulated requeetiug the citizens` committee for the celebration of the queen II birthday to invite the 10th baht. Royal Ur npdtera, 0! Toronto. to visit thin city fivfay `. 3rd and 24th. `Judging from the euceees witihwhich those in charge I e petition are meeting in obtaining na- turee. it is the universal desire of V -.Kinge- toniam to entertain Canada : crack infan- try corps on the queen's birthday. in not a uoiitary refunai to aign the petition has so far been made. rm... ..|...:.... .0 pk. ..m...... :. cu. ....um- tilluiluul ..-`,7;--u \II\|u The city will support. two bicycle clubs this summer. Lust. night there was an on- Lllullll-lCm08l ingholdin the \'.M.C.A. ,hull at which aclub was orgrmizod with thirty members. The new orgnni7.at.ion will be known mm the l*`rontenuc Y. .\l.C.A. bicy- cle club, which will be nililiatod with tho C.W.A., conee uently all , privileges andmlvnnta eao this great. organiymion will be nrfor ed the members of the "Fron- tenae. The object, of the club is to keep the members of the Y.M.C.A. together during the summer months. It is expect ed the membership will ranch fty, giving Kingston a stronger pull at C. W.A. annual meetings. Ullioera will be elected next Wednesday night at nine o`olock. so rar oeen mauc. The choice of the citizens in this matter is a wise one. N 0 other Canadian regiment attracts such attention on the annual out- ings us do the Royall-'rens. In several re- spects the regiment stands alone and proudly unique on the militia list. Or- ganized as the Tenth Royals by Lieut.-Col. Cumberland, early in the sixties, the corps took part in repelling the Fenian raid in 1860. and earned distinction for discipline. endurance and all other characteristics that distinguish the best corps in any scr- vico. Reorganized as the ltoyal llrenadiers the regiment has earned a record of which itis justly proud. Everyone knows the gallant part the Hrens. took in crushing the rebellion in the north-west in I883, and of its participation in the bayonet charge on the deadly rille- nits manned by the un- crring Me-tis mar smen. For its serviocs in this campaign this battalion alone of all the corps that took part in stamping out the iebellion was given the privilege of lnwing the word Batoche" on the Colors, und the non-commissioned officers were granted the light to wear their chevrone on both sleeves of their tuuics. 'l``......\:.... 51.. o\r\`r\au 0|.` ......H:...t .....l U" DULH H|UU\'UU Ul IllII.`|l' LUIUUE. Trooping the colon.-4. the prettiest and most, imposing of xnilimry movements, is always R porcion of the mi. of May exer- cises oi the (lrena., and this alone is worth hnlfn dny of ordinary battalioii movement..v. Tho ( irons` band in the best. in Cmmda, mid the regimental t.ug~ol'-wnr beam line vnnquishetl those uf the Queen : Own. the 13th bath, and the Toronto police {on-.9. the conquerera of tho Bullnlo, N.\'., police 6 mm. ._.____-_:h: 3 00. k of 1-` s...;'3."'u....:.....""--..'. ';.....:....""m .-~ 51'.-. MADE A WISE CHOICE. Dr. Harvey`: lllnus. _I__I\I.` ___________n._ A notlner lilcyulo Club 0118 0' loan. ..\,. .3 Notlltoly To Bo Renewed. I.usimN. March `.20.-~'l`wo years` dun- tion of inquiry by the South African oom- mittoo is the time allowed by interested actor: and spectators if the roceodinga go on u they on now doing. ho oomluinoo can only sit. while parliament. in in notion. ditfering in this napooo from a royal oom- miwon. which con cit throughouhtho year, or yourt. The committee. therefore. 0:- pino at. the end of the patent. nation. In renewal in more than doubuul. Mond3Y` II ! Il'lIIl"IlIOI|Fl II` IIZTII I the rcfundm of the bonded am `:1/7 New York ntrnl & liudaon ri I- rond. Thus no DOIIIO 8'.'0,000.000 of bonds to In rofnndod. They dnwintonot at diffcent nut ol inurut from IIVUII to {our parent. and the Int. 0! than tuch maturity in 1006. They will to unfunded nH|Il'IInndnI\nllpu-cunt. Tovalnud Tho Dom. iaw Yomz. Much :!0.--'l'ho Tribune aye umnpmonu no nearly porfuntod f 1 m. rcfnndlnn ..m.. mam .m.:..: A vv uunu nuuuv Vlnli Nun Ymzx. March `.'0.-Judgment: ug- grognting $110,924 were on Wodnoadny or- demd vacated by ex~just.ioo Beach in the supreme court. and eleven action: were Mm onlored di-wom.inued on content. tho judgments and actions bein agnimt Eras- tus \\'iman and Austin 1. Flotolnr up glaintilf. Judgmout.s"h_v the National Ingle bank and the Bnylaton Nuionnl bank. of Boston. against. the electric power company, of Sulen Inlnnd.nnd Erutua Wimnn for $5.97`: and 55.966 rolpecuvely. were also vacated and the auiu discon- tinned. IIIUIJUFII". Willimn Fees, ii farmer. living near Wa- mego. Ram. blew out his bruins last. night. after an nmempt to exterminate in whole family. Fee.-4' wife recontiyleft. him and unturned tn the home of her peronte. Mr. mid Mrs. S. H. Johnson. Yesterday Fees went. to the house and, after his wife ro- itemied her detorminntioii never to live with him again, Fees shot. her mobher and his sister-in~h\w.Mien-Johnson.und hiawile'a father. None of the women can recover, ltlldolt is doubtful if Mr. Johnson will live. Foes then returned to his own home Illd killed himself. ..._______,__. Olllll. The total capitalization of the mining companies registered in British Columbia up to date is $1i0(I,00(),1NlU. During the week ending March |.'lt.h fty-ve. com- panies were incorporated with an aggre- gate capiuizauion of $50,000,000. In the lirab three weeks I25 companies have been registered. Tho fnrnnrln hnnlt tln-h-nrrnr \N|uiHnn rl'KlFlUI'U(ln The torpedo boat destroyer Whiting, built. by Palmer`: company at. Jurrow. lmsjustunndorgonoxx trial oll the Tyne. Sho lma rnna number of times over the measured mile nt. an average speed of 30.`: knots, and was kept running for three hours at up avoragze speed of 3I|.l knots. The machinery and boilers worked unis- faotorily. \\'3lIinm Fun: 1| fnrmnr livino nnnr WA. {News or Inn WIIRLILI IPARAERAPHSWHIIILEDIJM What Comes to Us from All Quarters. Buying early in the week gives opportunity for be- ing made by the following Saturday. Llttlo atten `nut lntoron Itnrybodr -- Note: from All Over--Llttlo or Ivor)- thlux lcnllv Bud nnd Bomombond by The Dean Pubo. John Carnegie was elected president of the Peterboro board of trade yesterday. L\'..unn (`.m-luv, mxn-nn mnmbor of the Mnmnoua. Iognmuura lur uuuum, |a uunu. Tho writ for the b_vo-election in Chum- plain has been issued. Polling taken place on April 7th. The British oducabionnl bill nsunod vnnous cnunges mnue. Fitzsimmous` father is an Irishman, hav- ing been born in Omugh, county Tyrone, Ireland. eighty-two years ago. The old man has roeided ab Timaru. New Zoalnud. since 1871. IFL- -..Il.....`..A.. :..-A:A..A.. .J' l`...l....:-L In.- VVHU IIFU HUIU LU \V'lllIU IIIUH UUUIH. A Cnlgnry paper declares that. It has re- ceived information from 1 reliable source that the ().l`. ll. not only intends building A road through the (`rows Neat Pass. but. also one through the Koubunay Pam.-, whivh is about fcy miles further to the south. VDI... A..A..l ......:n..l;....A.`.... ..I` ah. _.:..:..... `I ELEGRAMS FROM THE EARTH'$ FOUR QUARTERS GIVEN. the Peterboro board 0! H3119 youeruuy. Watson Crosby, patron member of the Mnnitoba. legislature for llonuis. in dead. Tim writ rnr tlm bvo-elootdon April mu. The British educational paused the committee stage in tho house of com- mons lasb nighb I .....1 u..I.'..i....... :. ...n`...:m. hum n milrl lash mgnb Lord Salisbury is aufioring from 3 mild nttnuk of inuenza. which confines him to his home today. ulllinm Jnhnnnn wnn Imnnecl uh Hum- lllltoa \Vn0n ll\'IgIll0H O )0?- Bort. Inks, the ex-nntnonal league south paw twirler. has signed nloontract. to play with tho Springeld, Maas.. eastern league beam. 'l`L.. \':........ l.`........I...m..n ....... +1.. Ihn beam. The Vienna Fremdenblnu. says that tho Aultrian torpedo boat`. Meteor and the dis- patch boats Kruoho Scnar have been order- ed to prepare for sea. Thu Lvnvnrlnnnnf. nf Rlllmlrin has con- Prices all in the buyer's favor. More New' Goods opened to- day. on to prepare {or run. The govormnent. of Bulgaria has con- tmcbod with this (lorman gunanaking house of Krupp for the early delivery of ninety pieces of field artillery. It. in Iikelv '.lmt. Lha third readimz (if the IOVV (lay! line legislature Wlll IIUJOUTIL Mr. Dingley reported the new tarill bill to the house of representatives at Wash ington, with :1 written re orb explaining the intention and estiinato results of the various changes mnde. l<`iI-mhnunnnn` fnhhnr in an Irishman. lmv. amco new I. The colloginte institute of Hoderich has received a gift. of s|,0O0 from Mrs. Peter Adamson for the purpose of endowing I scholarship in the institute to aid in the higher education of young men and women in auendance thoroat. ML- ll-:I .....l Y.`-n-4.-- ..g....-.-.. A` In IDLOHOMIICG DIIOFOIIII. The Mail and Ex rose. newspaper of New York, has pasa 0110 of tho blnda of tho Shomrd enuuto nnd beoomu tho ro- sorty o iobert. 0. Alexander _nnd R0 orb L}. A. Doro. who have been editing nud publishing the paper. 'I"Im minintnr nl min:-ntinn wn-a mnim-mt. !IIlU|I~'lIlIlK IJIIU INI In The minister ot odur-ation WIN! eminent.- ly in tho right. when he told Mr. Meuobam in the legislature that he would not. au- Lhorine the use of American school books Ill llnmrio no long as there are Canadians who nro able to wine such books. A l\..l......... .......... .l....I........ o|...o .5 L... ...... Ins home Lo-uny. William Johnson was hanged at Hum- burg, Ark., yesterdny. He killed Henry Hobsun last. June. A ........Ll:.....\ ..I.J\ mnnnnilw n|`rrnnI"1Ar` in nouao closed 07 we poncc. William Mulonk, poemnaator-geuotul, will try to attend the postal union meeting in VVnshing(t0n in May next. A fnrrniuhn nhumnhin umrvinn hntwnan In vvnsnmgwn In may nexb. A fortnightly steamship service between Montreal and Manchester will be inaugu- rated when navigation opens. Inks. league pieces or new aruuory. lb is likely that. the third reading Manitoba school lnw nmondment. bill will be carried without discussion. and within a few days the legislature will adjourn. Mr llimrlnv mnnrmrl Mm new Iznrifl bill uousun mar. uuno. A republican club recently organized in Madrid has been suppressed uud its club house closed by the police. \Nillimn Mulm-lc. nnnnnanmr-aenmnl. Mantle and tape [lrdersj lo. LIVINGSTON mo. I I II uunvnu nu uuv. James Johnston 8:. Co. having purchased the boot and shoe stock of Lnhoy & Mc- Konty, of Napunoe. at I low rate on the dollar, are not moving it to their atom. corner Princess and By 0. streets. Wait for bnrgnins. Jnmes `ohnaton it ( `.n, accompaniment. by miss Armllrong. First. Church of Christ Scientist. Fraser hall. King street Service t.o~morrow morn- ing ll o'clock. Suhjecst: Tho Universal Application of the Gospel of Christ. Re gular woekly meeting Friday ovoning 8 dclock. The public are cordially invited. won an noronco. All are mvuou. Queen atroot. Methodiabcliurch lla.m.. Rev. J. E. Starr: 7 p.m., Bolton Hall, New York, on The Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees. Mrs. Callfns will sing "The Golden 'l`hreahold," with violin accompaniment. by Miss Armstrong. Fir-Ar. l .IuII-oh nf (flu-int. Sninlllilt. Fraser Was the rut Played by In Fltnlm mom -8he Encouraged ller Husband. (Luuum, March l9.-~0ne of the moat dmmsbic features of the bubble was the part. Mrs. Fitzsimmolna played in the vio- wry of her husband. Never before in the histor of the prize ring bu I womnn wit- nmum Hm all-nnoln of hgr husband for! manor 0; one pnzo rung nu a womnn wu- ueaae the struggle of her husband for pu iliotic honors. and the new champion : wi 0 established that precedent. which will hudly ever be equalled. Fm mha u-nt. fnw rmmdn aha ant. uuiat. ulruly 8\'CI' D0 C|]|lII|UU- For the rst few rounds she sat quiet. but ee the rounds became hotter her ex- citement mute:-ed her. and for the re- mainder of the battle she stood up on the floor or chair. excitedly encouraging her husband or hurling mpreaches or instruc- tions at his seconds. As the battle went on she became more and more demonstrative. At every blow which her lanky npoiiso re- ceived lrom his antagonist her eyes bulged out. and with her ute clinched she cried, The hound, the Puppy." punch him. Bob. kill him. he plnn of battle after the rst round was highly displonsing to Mrs. Fitzsimmona. and in no gentle terms she chided the seconds for not advising dillerent tactics. uu..|... |.;... um... ........i.:.... (`M-lmM .. amerent memes. Make him keep punching Corbett : wind. and he will win. ahe acmnmed. You idiom, you dolfbknow how to second nmnn; you have lost. your senses. Do you wnnb him to defeat: my husband`! Do us 1 tell you now or I'll make you Wilh you had. M... %l\3Q .|....;..... 5|... ....o:.... ...-..- AH n Imu. ' Not. once during the entire lcene did u ehnde of pullor owes the woman`: fnce. On the comrury. her cheeks were ery red. and` as she leaned over the railing in front. of her sent, her eyes blazing and her gloved ngers crushed into the palms of her hands. she looked a veritable fur . Ah the end of every round as the ew '/`enlnnder ubretchedhirnself in his chair she shouted whim words of encouragement. and ad- vice, continually insisting that he aim the blows at. Corbeufs body and let the face alone. ulu- 5|... nnln IL-an In urlxin Hus haunt` on we cnrcuu. w mOl'I`OW. Rev. J. Holmes expects to be nbnent from tho citv supplying for the Rev. Wesley Mills. Shurbob uke. who will can vase the conference in aid of hits miaaion. Brock street Methodist churclI-Rev. J. Urenfell, pastor. Service tomorrow ut II and 7 o`clo<-lr. Evening subject. How men are Weighed and Measured." Sabbath school and pastor : bible clue at `. :.`lU p.m. Gospel temperance meeting inSonn of Te1npera'nce hull Sunday at 4 o clock. Address by Rev. l). Lning. lbr. Ryclunnn will also report as delognte to the conveni- tion at Toronto. All are invited. a 1..--.. -A....-. l"D|\n. :-On.-nun`: I I n l'v\ `own Ymn. N0. 67. alone. It a the only way L0 whip the hound, Bob, she cried over and over, "and if you do so I tell you he cnn t. luau." "'I`ha whnln in vnimr: hit. him on the body; punch mm Ill me wlna. When the and mine and Corbett stayed on his knees until the Iatul Len hml been counted, Mrs. Fitz.-immonl almoab went. mud wichjoy. \V|mn frnm his nnmer (iurbett. made his I [).m., HOV. DH`. DNIIT. Rev. F`. H. Sproule. it. in said, has with. drawn from tho uulhority of R. 0. Homer, and is now acting as an independent. ovum- gelian. Ran I`.nI>.|mr Hnl-mn.v_ R .T,. will nrnnnh Re-'. Fa\l .h0l` hohorny. ..I.. will pronch tomorrow evening in St. lur_v a cathedral on Catholic Rule of Faith." Collection will be Hken up. Run I` J l`im-l.ia Invnnu-v, lmn an fur WI 00 (`ICON Ill). Rev. C. J. Uurl-is, Invarury. has so far recovered from his recent. severe illnoes that he hopes to be able to take his work the circuit. to morrow. 1;-.. I u'..I...-- ..........5. 9... L. .I..m..o do 1 tell no earn. man. "The who! is going: hit. body; punch rim in the wind. \\Hmn mm and muna and abnved mud wwnjoy. When from his comer Corbett. way to Fit"/.simmonu' corner and desperate- ly uttempted to continue the fight, the new champion a wilo. beside hand! with rage. climbed up on the pluforxn and frantically struggled to get no the defeated man. "l`ll kill him," she screamed, "I'll L1!` AKA _-......._I `V Yull. `'1 ll IUII kill the coward. Ill... .....- ....-mi km me cowaru. She was carried back to her husband's corner and than of? the stage. Mrs. Fin.- annmons was Rosa Julian, a professional contortioniob. befo're marriage. She is Martin Julian : sister. ' Nun From All DonomInntIonI-'l`ho l'uI- Iug of the Church Pulpltu. Organist. Rayner will conduct St. James` choir in the pbeence of major Unl- loway. Rvdnnlmm nhwat nlmmh-}~]dunnLional ` I I Klnnton, INK March. NWT Sydenham street churoh-EducnLional anniversary, ll u.m., llov. Dr. Ryckmnn; 7 Rev. Mr. Starr. Rnv. F`. H. Snmula. it. in said. has with- Cranberries Sc. 1: .,...rr;` J.#Cmig & Co. rj A ..windo_w full of the m. A DRAMATIC FEAT URE rsnuuncxswn CHURCH PARAGRAPHS. Ag}, JonNs;o_1.& BRO; --...`. - -_.-,... -_.- of nunohold l`urnIl.nre. Properly. Illa. THESUBSCICIBER (HVI8 Ah` USUALHIS porvaonnl nnoution. assisted by an ex rhmnml unit. In this lmnomnnt. hrnneh at I 'rHE SUBSCICIBER LII`/I3 A-N` USUALHIS an rioncml ntnlf. to this important hunch f 0 prim: Iuninou. With careful tdvort ling. and judicious mnmuonmm. I hum no baits- tion in guaranteeing the bust runnlto to than entrusting me with their sale. In]: intima- lion in roqnoatod from those who intold to hnourmo with their sale. Lowest nton. Promo! -uh roturnt. _JOHN H. Iilrhli. no-:03 Brook Street. Q IOIIIWC IIII-IIUI1 Cl`DllI|`.Rl.ANlI, Md.. March 20.--A Belti- more & Ohio tnin. No. 2. lrom Cincinnati and St. Louis. was derailed near Oekleoi n. eight. o'clock this morning. The engine uul baggage our and lorvurd couch landed in u ditch and the tires sleeper tolled Into a stream of water. ~0ne man we! killed and five pereone are reported eerloully in- in:-all Ia always a good DRESS GOODS DAY. :Rni'V.'i3u7h'iI'i:"3'I i"o'3'Io'3I' .'SC.' :3? , In n It the '11 to of our ..... - in: ma. vu bu. t no In Tlvnoxl to Inll IIV jurod. `SEE sIEAcY s snow wmnows I El)R.OOM SETS, SPRINGS, IATTIA . om. If. the vau-ant non. ha`! It Home. TUESDAY. March 28nd, O. ooutu. via. ; I-`ivu Bedroom Sat-n. Springs. lsttnuu. D-vnha-r llodn, Chnmhor Sets inllr Olulrs. Centre and Card Tnbleu. much It I'll! ` Couch in Hair Cloth. Extension Tnblo. -. nIlAd,4. u rnntn. Clark. Hut. R.Ank_ Cnnl DAL Couch in Hair Cloth. Extension Table. BM- stonds, On rpotn. Clark. llnt Rook, Coal H001- er, Cooking Stove Incl vurloul other utiulu. all `t nun EIOHV II [IN IS`. For afew of their hundreds of styles of Nw, Up-to-Date OF FASHION will please call for the April number, just re- ceived. Sllllllllzllllllll, A Clnln Annnsn DYY"l`'I"|Z)If`|`I BATTWBKTE V7: -. I- I\lLV VAL`. IUNIML Dmlc-ron nu) E nu.un-In Pul- eou ncroot. Monk above old Itnnd. II An. uunuu. Tun Llunum UNuxn'ruu:n-lu-256 Prince eta-eet. Telephone N7A. Open De) end Nlgh `Sh-oet` l honea-V\ 91. Lowoat. prion. l_-lARDY S.. llnuiu 1 1213115 III` Lnnmo Uunn-run um Enu.un--14l Prlnoon atrcot. Comer Sydonhun shoot. '1\.lo- phono oommunloutlou. HE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION l'Ol`ERTY north of me funuotl (roundn. The CIND- sinn of En:-I Sn-not. will run dhnntlv tlnrouuh Hun of the Nty. Apply 1 Hulhxltnr. Cllren-.0 St-toot. A. r. lllllllilbhlc lInnI:n'rIuu:n AND EIIIUALMIII. Prlnoou Sh-oef` l homaa-Wuroroonu. U0; Iluldonoo. M. Lownnt. m-inn. Bl<`K\\lTll'R!2A Ab Saginaw. Mich. March lfnh. by the Rev. W. H. Caro . of St. Paul's Episcopal church, B. . Bockssith, M.D.. to Edith J.. daughter of I). A. Ron. of Pituburg, Ont. --<: IOYSX A(&EN'l`h'? ORDER. LIGHTNING money nuskaru. Patent. Pun, kuoeku loun- min pan out. samples 50. X Ray. pocket. wolnlt-r. shows throunh bone, iron. wood and nn,vLhlna: sample 130. H.-5. DALE, UoIu'I Lmullnx, Om. Q? OWILL IVY A NICE Ll PTLE U"IUKER- . ) Inu Piano in excellent order. To In soon at Wmu ollioe. HE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION l'll0l'ERTY I~ion of Earl Street will run directly tlu-ouuh these Iona, which are close In I [rowlnl M0- Hun of the city. Apply to J. S. BKINNII. Hulhxlmr. Claran-.o St.mat.. DIED. Du.\'n.\n-In Kingston, on March 19:1). 1807. Henry Dunbar, nged Bl yearn. Funeral will Lnko place from his Into rui- denco. 168 Bacon street. next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Friends and acquainuanoea are invited to attend. A junta ro nu. . `..`..'.5"..'.."s. " &"..".`..`$._ `V EN'l`l.E|lEN CAN BE AOOOIIIODATICD with single or double rooms. All modlrn oonvonhnoon. an Clergy at... nu: In-I It. 1'0 EX(`-HANUE---A HOOD BUA'l`4 UOPPIII fmmonod, made by XImi)p. for II hlnyolo. lady: or uent.lonum's. App 1 by letter to Box 1108, Montreal Bunk. }DREss (V001) GENERAL SERVANT. N0 WAS? - [ in or ironing. Apply to Man. W. . Hun`, inc btroet. Klngnton. I Sole Agents BUTTERICK PATTERNS. I AUN DRESSES W J American Hotel woulnaou All Joauus 4-, ;n__,,_ _'_n--,-.., '01cxcHANu1s`.-A noon 30.41:. 009931! fmmannd. made luv Knnm). lllurulu. jg? AUCTION BALE ma l.l......-|.-|A r......In.._. l)_._--n.. Do- IA1JunnitQ'WZ}'i'nn AT Barns!!- A Anuu-lnnn I-Into! VOTERS` LIST. NE FlI(.\'T-CLASS IIILLINIRY l'B._l- mu-nrnt. HAllI\"H Subscribers for the GLASS WEATHER PROBABILITIES. N E El l(.\"I`-GLASS purer at HAIIIYH. Go from shop to shop, ex- amine goods, and come to us and you will be able to In for yourself that you can buy from us the CIIEAPIIST. It does not matter what it it c I .L .p';.`f2.f;..'~2...'.z..w"`y.. goods that an exclusive lb out own trade. t ` SECOND EDITION. St. Lawrence (Upper) : Un- ubtlod with rain or 51006 no lint. followed by cloning and lower tempornturo. A Railway Dluruor. Ill ||,_-L an '1`. 1|`. HARRISON. ~-NOTICE. jnnmsr an I out nn nnmnv mun. LITIDDIIAHIII Ann FIJI 76? BEE _ _.......__.-_.._._ J AS. REID. I Inn-u.-. . --n GOODS. UOHN ll. llllJ..S`., Auctioneer. FIIIIN nr uq.l.. N0. an. ARI [tomcat |\ tho Ora. lull on `Ami III: 1| I do! .In.. for ll llhn `II III fllcm of our `KIRK HI Io.0.Ia. N4 I to most Ow Amt :nn.n I n`nIm T I -Tji V ll 0? L.0.l.. N0. an. ABI ltomnt Ounce Inn on I. FLANAUAN. Ii of In: Innlnlun I9 Uonunlnnlunora. W. Gl.lUl)lCN. hloomo lnupootor. I. IIIII. H` IA? RRHIDINOII I QUIIN H'l`., MOI!` on llnprovr in front [salon E-::.-......---.: M.-.".... O` I Ilnlol. In annulus. or Municipality oi the City at Kingston For 197. VOTIOI IR HIRIBY OH-`EN THAT A co m illhohld -h v. - hint X:o.'iu nu. n`.?.'.`.'.""'3.".`3'i.3c.?. ..?'.'L'. I lhtno-Iodoisto I0 IIWINI "`8'.`.'6`.a".2:m`.3 I (WSR. Illdsl` l.O()ALl'l`\ . an IlR0(`1( .-'.r.. at urounm ovvuuied iv! Hr. . ohn llnvdon; ll rooms. won oon\-onionm. olooulo light and an to all pum-.m\od ltd and lawn in- Osushogi. Apply to (M H. Dunn 00.. King no . $1 I rooms and extension klwlmn. nunaoo. bMh,ot<\. Also :51 Brook trooh I BI-Ink voltage. oontolnln 1 room: and urn-ton kitchen, Iurnnco. Sh` am`. Apply to DI. )\\\vI.Kl.llvBmok acme. r H T" umnux WAREHOUSE ON ONTARIO snout lately oc-unmet! by Juan Brovno N. 0. u`.v\n on Io noun. containing nn ox- I out moan and Ihroolurgo ute-. Bent low. Apply to Jnmmt llrowno. nu tho pro- mluoo. or to W. H. 8|u.I.IvAII. uoluumo st. on h A numb and In plum IAY mu umux umzaluxuun. NU ulern Street` nornor wm nun; unm- ulon Htvhon, nix bedrmxma. but room. now Ihnh \u-rv nmdnr-nth Aunlv tn II`lAH(tIn K Isn. BROOK l-l'!`R|\3ET. CONTAINING I1 247 mid oxton-don klwlmn. fncnaoo. hnlh.-tn. Alum )5] llrnok Nnnnl- A Drink BRICK RESIDICNCE l!Il .l0HNS'K ()N 81`. Hot. \\ nor heulinm hats] furnace: nm-lorn hnprnvomont-s: nmodarnlo rout. b`l`NAl'\' & h`*rRAI'\'. Woo-la hr: Wellington trust. I` uunion Inf. 0! Agrh next. Apply to N. F nan. City Olor :or Mrs. Pnnyu. am Brook ahoct. ` `HR S'l`0RI\`. NOW U()(`-l'l'lEl) ell I ulon kltuhom nix bodrnoms. bathroom. otc. Rom \1-ry mudornto. Auuy to I-uwla Kl), BurrIn'ter.UnMriuClmm rs. 'U'l`lU IN HIKIBY GIVEN THAT A . Conn will he hOla.DI\|`0\lhlI| to the V'ol~orn' Act. by 1| onor tho -ludpo 0! the Coumyuo no gannox nd A1Illn[\0|I. on `PHI Inn}, A! If A In NEXT as ten o'clock In S 0 toronoon. at tho Oounoll Oh|m- Nw. 010: II. to host and dots-rmlno tho aonvloom nlnu anon uni omlnulbno In `M DICK All` 0' `hot Hunlulnnlv nf Ihn IIOK HOUSI. NU. ma BA v-'l`Rll1`. oonhlulu. rlor not an is-room. ve Mdroo.nu. ulm. ouonnlon kitchen. Ch 00 vale hating the M. Ann-||.l slonind. Inn 0 I out n Tll llKHl|)l'2N(}l\`. AND l'KMll'ZH OPP- allc tho |'\).-t.()i-on now mmupled Iuy In-_ (Ijnrmia. Poaumuion In May. Apply t.o.luux lrnnz. ll \I(| 3`.,'."` HR lllSll)EN(}l\`. AND l`RKMlSEH 0Pl`U~ (`.nr.in, Pnnnnninn In. MALI Annlv tn.l4mN to It hmuu on V\'vllim:N\n v-treat-. lmwout. `or any tumor not. neoossnrlly no- ooptod. 'l`lH|J HTONF HOUHIT-. UN (`URN Ell (IF Prlmvosn and Division Simona, nm-upiml by Al>ornot.lny & (`o. Apply at Wnm Ovvo. ICNUICNS lIK(}!l\ lCU HY THE l'NUhI.- ll(ll()\1 up to noon uf 'f|ll'R"lllAY. flu: 25th inst. . fur the uaveml wurku roquirud in Innkimr x-ormln mlalltlmm um! hnpruwmentu hmuu Wvllimztnu ntroat. l.nwn.~4t. nr nhv tuular nnt. nocmunril\' na- u\:\.;\..'II I IIII\JI `inv- ICNDERS llK(3El\ l\`.ll BY THE UNDER- 9.'1H| Ina}. fur tlm unvnrnl wurln-4 I-mnlirml in me H. 1). BIBBYC/0., J Conn wlllho hol I A I otorow unnloom we .' 1'5` .' 0 n on All nnnonu Invl The Duly New Book tor WM; Radon To You Thomulvn by. nu I .1 . :._u.._l -1 L1. `l._--.\L p.-. `I'll run I Ilunu-nvv.--u nu. To day in the leatiul of Se. Joseph, pa- tron of l'Hotel Dieu. Tho Dofuultor." Lincoln J. Outer : nogplo at opera house to-night. (Inn millinerv opening on Wodneadny The Prince of (`.-nnodinm. FRED. H.Wll.\.`O.\'. supported by a No. 1 oompnnyol I2 Dra_n'\atlc nd Vaudeville Artists. v..-l...u.__ AL- ..|..n.| .-.....l..- IIA nv Including H) (xhll-I womlor. MAUI lL()RIDA. M().\'l\A\' Nl(IH'[`--Tlno llelultlful Comedy. New Plnlyn. New Spoulnltios. Chungoof bill nightly 'rlvon-10v. 150 and Hum no1,,plI an noule no-nlgnu. Gun mlllinery opening Wednesday next. the `. 4th of March. at Spence &. Co's. unhnn `Hall will Innhn-A in Hts Willi: March. Spence an 00's. Bolton Hall will.` lecture in the Wn_m hall, Sunday, .'I p.m. Subject : "Social Reform." fl`....n0n.Run mun: nf Nhnnnhf. in hand" |Iumu's H nonvi oomhlntu he 0 .1 of can uunnoxpum of than by 0! launch [or ll. All ponoll Iuvlnl hi-(non at the court :5 Haunted to attend at the cane mm and ..9 E-arter's New Play. x s an 5'c f,,y_ Doubleleapfor 59C A mam-*m01* wo.\1mc Company. .-a'r.m1~: ()RAl~`1`. "Tu mid. as Well us win success. Kwp all your pln\'-Ml| prumhmu." LIm'oI.N J. luurr Mr ak Hall Sells II It's Good." Faun IA?- u nla-my 3 lIHEDI:FAuLIER.-N `I__.-:...-_l \.:--_-I \:-.:|( ONE VVEEK,COMMENClNU Monday. Mah 22nd, 1897. `HE S'l`0RI\`. NOW (>()(`l`l'lhl) B Ilti \Nmn|. nu Wnllilxntcxn ntrnat. I` union day. New adverbisements to-dny-Not.ico to up nlicnnts for liquor licenses; auction sale am general bmlnou by J. H. Mills: opera house heralding Fred. H. Wilson for next. week; notice of court; under voter : list not; notice to Orangumen; to contractors from Power & Son. and our usual "grist." of changes. \\'lll[} l'0NT|`INT3. > Telegrapnlc LV owe. l nge`.!--Tellirg of '37 Days. Elevnlor Bill Need: Chnngmg, Local and Sporting Tidings. Pmrn :2..41nrnxdina n Letter. Benet. to Tidings. Page 3--~Geruldino`a Lotler. Kingston. Local News. Page 4--l*}dit.orinla, London Letter. Page 5--BroudbIim'a better, To Further Tom porn nee. Pam: H_~'l`|m Vmv Latest. Tidimts. Both nftor wlninh none nan ho mmapud. I-`orrns or Appliootionn-on be hotl there. Thou oi` por- -onu not now lioonuod. or for premium nut. nlrondy under license. must. be accompanied by nurtiiluntos ni nu-ti hy A Inuoritz of tin- o ootorn duly qnol find to vote at also ions for the Loqiuisnivo Assembly in the subdivision in whinh than premiun mmzlli to lm iioonumi on uiluuod. verifying than the nnolinnnt is a potion of mud uhonwsor and repute. that his promise: contain ihu nooouou and lawful nvnommoduinn and are suitable in an-ory way for mu hlnlnoln. and that they on not located whore thoynra likely to he on annoy- moo to tho xmbliv. Snrh mulnril. must vou- toln ouo-third M lune, or the lush oniinl aloo- torn oi` the x-nib-divinion. Annllnllltn tn whmu linnnuu urn in-nnhui I I I I. Llflcoln ago I -- nuunu. v Telegraphic News. Pmm 2 --Tallirnr Tom Pa 9 (5-The Very Latest. Tidings, Loca Iy and by Telegraph. 'l`HlC .N`TONl". |*|0l'Nl\'.. ON (`OILNER Ul" Prhmn-nu Ami lvinlnn Nlrmnu nm-nnhul In- Morvimnts ank (`lmml(-r>4- Kelorm." Twenty-five cues of bought. in bond" oodl meto be cold at Taylor`: on Mon- 1: If tixcx_x|>tr.n . No. no Q1vn:x:'NsTm:1c1~. Apply to .1. I). CAnnu1-nus. AM-` 014` THE I-`LAT ()Vl1`.R. Tl-ll: mum! Co`: Olnuulnx Home King an-90%.. Idiom- ma nuuv. Priming Ohioo. Apply at Wmo * no l rloon-i5(*. fwu. 75. OAK HALL, KING STREET. torn M the uub-dh-lnlon. Appllosuta to whom lluomoo no nnntod are to under.-tum! than the fun for min are n hculopoultod In tho hank not lntor mun min In next- Oloo own from 10 to I2 .111. and I to IS p.m. By onlor 0! the Moon Oonunlmdunors. W. (ILI l)l)lCN. Pnru Thoy re gem: nf nentncmn. 7-fv'I'|(W1V`"i:o/ui'.XibbUfY'i \\'lH(} I`(hVT|`}N .`|. *' Page I -~ Rueain Wants a Piece of Turkey, `nlnnrnnhin Nnwn, (1om'I. be nu: Tlmt lmlul-s Well as l5l1_\'V RM mmd mu Irnml. Only (1ou:'I.lm nmdn out. 0|` pnor malvriul. mm! M` Hl)_\'r4'UhHIIil1 an \vello\.-1 uuwyvhinz elm. \'ou`ve um to notnunal nnum-lnl 10 make an lhhux unml. Unly tho best. matorhsf`-s am umul In mmufructinu nur Buyn'Suitu. Time mwnuntu {or [Inn uuylna uncl wnurhuuqnmlitioaof all our smnnuun, You run dapa-ml upon (hum Ilwuyu. Wu nlmul-I Iikn to ulmw one of our Have` Ruin An. unv 9!. .K:'.'nU. 03. N. |`.\. Nut hnw rlu-up by mall in our motto. ASK FOR Wu nhuul-I likn to uhnw l Hays` Slxitu at. 3!. 4K:'.'sU. Nut how rlu-up am JE__NKlNS -pg--j---I SATURDAY. MARCH 2011. ANOTHER. SUCCESS. [`l'LlCA'l`I()NS FOR 'l`llE VAIUOI '3 RI N DH of Lluunwn to null Llquur lu this City lur- ing the your nommonolng lat Nay next will in rooulvoal lny the nmlonlannd M Ma utllno in tho GIG: Bulldlnn. Onturlo Strut. until the Ill nlunuu uuu Ilullvvluw III on Including tbn child wonder. IIAIJY TO c0N1'RAcToE-s._. nnuu IIDl\IlIYl.`I| nv mum HI LOCAL MEMORANDA. A GOOD THING undo of mluvriul. 4 mm! Iim'.~4' Uhnlnilm r:-- --u-.-------w Muumml with all Hm lnvi-4|`: norm and rvunrd to detail uharnt-lurlutiv of MR. CAIIIIUI. .:_- Thu Urmuent Meulmnlonl Er` fort. of thongs. THE TERRIFIC Double Leap For life l ElH"EOT \\'().\Il)EH. IN ORA!" 1`. .n wall nu win unnnnnn. lat bf APRIL NEXT.