KINGSTON. ONTARIO. MONDAY EVENiNG. MAB\CH 22. 1897. nuvl Uvuulu ISIUIXI IIIII. Tatum, N. 8.. March 22.-In it rumored in political cirolu that the dnto llxod for um loot! elections in April mth. An earlier rumor `wan to the aoat that the dominion oIcot.ioninColc|nIiu'wuIouko phonon Aptil l7t.b, and t-In loml doouon on the tuna dn . buuho hunt:-unor xootho muL -- 5 J-.. 1.. LL. |...| -l..s:-..- q-run nuwu --- -v--- --cu.--yu `I:-uTt.ho hunt tuner 20th as dator tho Ioanl oloosiouo. j__..j:-.-_j- Join sumo. no-any EL.-'rk.:I W-lift-I5 ton. and: print! 500 13d. The Governor Attacked. Porn` '[`mv.\.~u-:.Vi-, Wnsh.. March `:2.- Ngwa from Suvnv, Fiji inlnnda. received [uh night. by the schooner J. A. Weather- yay autos than governor J. B. Thurston was stricken with paralysis. and is not ex- pound to live. He wns tent. to Australia in I precarious condition. Tho islands are under Inmpomry charge of chief judoo Bu-clny. acting governor. Thurston has livqd in the islands for thirty years. Five Live: Elnuflod Out. l(.\x.~:.\.~' Unw`, March `.513. B. B-uinwutor, A farmer living at Orrick. Ray county. on Saturday evening. murdered his wife, his mother-in-law, Mrs. William Arbman. Ethel Gentry. his step-daughter. and John Thurman, n atop-brother. and than blew out. his own brains. Jealoualy and n be- lief that his mother-in-law wns into: faring with his domestic ahira is believed to have been the cause of Rainwater! crime. Rainwater and his wife had frequently qunrrollod and they had not. lived ougothor for four months. The Lln; _l`:1 Bo num. Mn.wi:r:AI., Que.. Marvli. 2:2. - Tho (iazette says: J. H. (iroensliields, (.!.C.. and William Wuinwriglit., assistant gonor- al manager of the Grand Trunk system. returned lrom Otmwn on Saturday, and it. is said that the Drumxnond county mil- wuy is an fair. accompli. It is understood that. the road will be.) completed to Chau- diere by November, and the total l`.. 0milen from St. Hyaciiitho to Levis. leased to the government. for ninety-nine yous. will run as a portion of tho int.ercolonin.l railway. the Grand Trunk agreeing to double track their road from St. llyacincbo to Montreal. oaw. Chairman l)inale_v in his speech said : The inquiry naturally arises as to what will be the probable annual revenue de- rived from the proposed turilfrevislon in case it should become law. The only solid basis from which we can draw in- ferences is that supplied by the estimate of Mr. vans, who bns made the com- parntive statement that on the basis of ilnportutiong of clll year I894 the pending bill enalcted into law would yield an increase of revenue ol about 81 l3,000.- 000 the details of which are given in the report of the committee of ways and menus. The committee estimate. after making libv erul reductions. that for the llret year in case the bill should become :1. law by May . lat, the additional revenue would reach 7.'>.00U,000 and that for every week thereafter in case its passage should be deferred, there would have to be u reduc tion of from one to two million dollars for wool. sugar and other articles imported on speculation (oavoid the increased duties. For the second your it is believed the pro- posed bill would yield $l0().O()0,UUO of in- creased revenue. 1. ......... L- ..|...:...... c..,..... ...... ....:'..s at l,u\'lm,\', March `."_ .~ Hurry Yelvertou (ioring, n tobncconiab, of Tamworth, has just succeeded to A baronetcy by tho death of Sir Cruyen Charles Goring, the tenth haroueb of that name, who was his cousin. The new bnronot. was formerly l\ sergeant.- major in the South Stafford regiment. and the new Lady Horing W318 the daughter of n confoctioner named Hlckin. They have ve none and two daughters. IFUIII ureto HIIVU HTTIVUKI Ill: Dlllllu Tho insurgent. chief Manouh declares that Lhoinaurpzents mistook the Austrian warship Sebinico, which lately fired upon and sank in Greek schooner off the Island of Crete, for a Turkish vessel. and for that reason red u on her. He adds that the schooner had ended three cases of ammu- nition beforo she wnssnnk. One Christian was wounded by the tire from the warship. IIIU loll`: V1.11] l)AA.I\A VV\.4 unnwn. Come and see them. A big shipment received Sa- turday. More to come to- day. Prices 75c, $1, $125, $1.50, $2. Illa Lady In The Dmuzhtor at a Confou- Honor. ' Greet Excitement; In Reported In Jerusalem -Venele H-we Arrived. Arnnns, March 2`.l.~-'I`he Akropolis re- ports than them is great. excitement. among the Greeks und Arabs in Jerusalem; `. ,- U00 chrisbinns in Palestine and Syria are preparing to oppose the Turks in the event` of war. A number of Ab_ys.~uninn pilgrims have also been ullecberl by the war feeling against. the Turks and are joinimg the chrieinne. The Greek warships Alphooa and Peneus which were recently recalled from Crete have arrived at Snlamis. TL- :...............A .-.I..'-C lI........I. nI.\,.I...~nn It Took Two lloure-`rho none. In Com- mittee of the W hole. VVASlll.\`G'I`0N, March 22.-Iu the house the tariff debates are not the attraction they once were in the halls of congress. When speaker Reed called the house to order to day, much lees than half of the members were in their seats and only a ep_rinkling of visitors were to be seen in the galleries. . Sneaker Read laid : Punmnnr. tn the lllly UUIULVHLINI \Vl|UIl HU SIIIU HI [(53125 DUMB lb would be impossible to nd in history nny parallel to the progress of the United States in the (Lhen) last. ten years. gauenee. Speaker Reed mid : Purguant, to the order adopted thehonse will now resolve itee!finto the committee of the whole for the consideration of the tariff h`l| No. 379. and the chair will appoint the gentleman from New York. Mr. Sherman, chuirmnn of the committee." Mr. Sherman took the chair and directed the clerk to read the bill in exteneo. which occupied two hours. reducing by that much the period for do- hnl.n_ ' Creuaau l'B\'L'llUU. . It must be obvious from nny point of view that the prompt action by the two houses of congress is indispensable to secure the revenue which the pending bill is intended to yield. 'I`he exigency is im l)u8l".|l4 one. The people without regard to party ullilintions are nsking for action. Business awaits our final deoiuion. With this great (]uGBl.I0lI of adequate revenue to carry on the gov- ernment settled favorably by such an ad- juatnient of duty as will restore to our own people what lms been surrendered to others during the past four years, with restored condence in the future there is reason to believe that gradually and surely there will come back to us the great prosperity which we enjoyed in the decade prior to H593, nnd which the great- est of living Engliali statiaticans so strik- ingly eulogizzeri when he said in 189`) that It. umnlrl ha imnnnnihln In lint` in Iiinfnru A TOBA-CCONIST A BARONET. READING THE TARIFF BXI MISTOOK THE VESSEL. Nov: Ioolla llocllon. \v :1 an ,1 an. n Spring Cape or Suit BXLL. OX VIII W7|I0l'| DOOIIIIIIITU IIIVO |lC"- -eolnbod English llfo. A bill now bdonl Vlidlnhn In-inhtnrn ll-nnhlv nlnnnnnln nun. OI EH6). l'|0I'UV0l', If` HOW COIIVIIGXQIIE The Englinh belting {nkqrnity I! In - `noted by the legal decision. lrom wio there in nogupponl. thgt. Nady monoy bot- in such famouu onoloturu at `run- ao|l n and on not com-IO lo illogtl. If the 333'. ...'!.`I.'.`. .' .'.3.5'.!f..'. `ZuT?. ..'.Y$'.;T Kl] I IIIU 0|] PIC! COIN`? II II` iop onloroo the luv this a sh blow to the huge Duih Mann vihh which Innnknnlnn I UK Illllll IIII. A Dlll IWW XIV` `CUE D -1 I kl :1! min - |" "*'".........':r'..:.'.:..".:...:......" ....:" cue coming SIITHIIIBF. Word has been received at New Orleans. from Meridian, ll small town in North Texas. that Blnnther, the Austrian noble- mam, who killed and robbed Mrs. Phillipa, Lnngfeld. of Sam Frmcisco. last. May com. mittad suicide in jail at. that place. He was nrroated at Meridian Ian. ltridny and wne being held to await. the orders of also Authorities of Californian. I ..-.l Q_Il.|...-up ... .-i-..- Inn... hm .... .._ .||[an0rII`CU OI UIIIIUTHIJI. Lord Salisbury. suffering from inuenza. for the poet. few days, has almost entirely recovered. There Appears to be en epi- demic ol inuenza among the uietocuoy. the earl And counteee of Dudle , Loni Rue:-ell, oi Killowen. Lord nhie juelioe of England And Lord Ilnlebury. lord high cbmcellor. hevin been elfeotod \viI.h the malady within I. e 1130 Vtek. All of them. however, are now conimleecenb. TI.` Wnnnh Knlllnn '1-Alnnnitr II nine). '..o..`"J s' :.'.5?:.."s.'..'iu'.'..."'.`.`":`.`..."i ...-L..I Hnplhl. III. A Lil! -4.-I Ialof B0 EHO "HIE- Tnoro is A probability of gnrritoning Sb. John`a, Newfoundland. and restoring the fortilicatiuns formerly existing. Thl course is taken with in view to the urolo- gubioal importance of the new rnilvuy across Newlonndlnnd. which is now nearly cu/mploted. l'repnrm.iona for the insulin- Lion of troops are likely to be taken during the coming summer. \V.u-rl luu hnnn rnonivml Al. Nan: nmm. creuiu-|uI_\. Sensational reports are current at Sioux City of A series of big cut.-olfa on the Min- nuuri above Sioux (Jwy. Tho abronin in mid to hnvo shortened itself a more of miles and to have awullowod much fnrm property. The little Sioux uenr Otuo and Uorrectionvilloia rising and driving sob- Lloru to the hills. 7'`s.._.. L. .. .__..L..LlIlt.. I`: ........E......:...- GA Should be ordered now so as to have it sure for Easter. Our new materials are to hand and sample styles are made up ready for inspection. Suppose you call and see them any- way. Have a talk with our mantle maker about style. Mllllnory Goods Still Coming In. UISDTIULE l'V' UQIIIUIAS VVIII IX neuoaaary, Christiun evidences are taught. III one of the ndgnncod schools of London, Englnnd. Every your the pupils are oxmmued by the Uhrisbinn Evidence society, a well- known church of England orguniznmon. 1-`rent inberoat. I8 mmnif-zatod in the subject. and many pupils puss bho examinations credibably. u........s.......I ........-4- ...... .......-....t -1 01...... lIl'UVIUllBly IIIIIUUIIUUU` As the result. of yoat.ordny s elections for membenrof the Italian chamber of depu- ties in is lmovn that `.597 Ininjstoraliaca, seventy colxatimtionul uppoejtion candi- dates. seventeen radicals and sixteen socmliata have been choaon. In forty-seven districts re-ballots will be necessary, (`.hr|'nt.inn nvidmmma urn Lnnuht. III nun nf Ill Ulglllla be Muss Ellon Terry is quite herself again and very active just. now in roheursuis of "Madame Suns Hcne for tho Lgoeum. Boorbuhm Trcu will open Her Majesty`: theatre. London. with Mr. I urko:`s "Scuba of the Mighty. not. Juhua C.`l'!|Il'," as previously unnounco(L An Mm rnmnh. nf vanlnralnun nlnnli-an: fur HIIIUTU. l'roeidunt. Julius Brloske. of tho (}lu`ia- tophor Columbus building and loan usuociov biun, says David J. Such7.u'. treasurer. has left. Ulncago. Tho nnwng ollicml will be called on to explain why lrom 840.000 to $150,001! of tho association : funds were not. in sight. Klimt: `Cllnn Tnrr\- in unhn .\nI~n;\l` no-nln NEWS [IF THE WIJRLII. what Comes to Us From All Quarters. OVDFUHB ll'0lXl hUll(lUll. ()ol.'John Churchill owner of tho colo- brated Uhurchill Down.-x, died -"Q '3. /2s'vil!e hut night, aged seventy-eiv' A rlninnlnh frnln Kinnil` _>-on, Pnln. V. A charge of hero:-y WI" bo brou ht. ngainnt. lun Maclnrou at the Engeh l'reub 'torian synod next. month. based on oneo his books. A ..,......L\.......o 6...`... ...m|\|.l-|.nn Rn.-in ILFU IUISBIIIK. IJUHH d'),UUU- Ohio, Indiana. the southern two-thirds of Illinois, Kolitucky, Missouri and Kun- aas, wlhich produced ono-hull of last year's winter wheat, Will this year have as large or lurgor crops than that of lust. year. Re- porba tron: Illinois suggest 8. practical crop luiluro II... jrnnnunnrnswnlmsnur. The most stylish Shirt Waists are at this store at right prices. The daintiest patterns produced by the- best mills, made up in the most stylish shape. These are the only kind we offer. A I"_---- ___.I _..- A_1_-.-. one OI HIS DOORS. A Imundement, from archbishop Begin was read in ull Cutholic _9hurchv.-a in Que- bec yesterday. In dealt particularly with the coming provincial elections. The Hnlnnrrln-nnlrn nlnh Lnnllnn. nllhl` R [[150 U] uuhy. Rev. Dr. Lymnn Abbott, of Boston, will not. be allowed to lecture in the Y. M. U. A. bull in Philadelphia because he recent- ly threw doubt.-a upon the story of Jonah and the whale. 'I`|... .\l..........._ ............... .J 4|... l...:.....J.. IIIIU LIIU IMHO. The alarming rumors of tho k&iSOI"B dangerous mental condition are conlirmeil. There is talk `in Berlin of appointing his brother. prince Henry of Prussia, regent. with an advisory council. Hillv I.nvt.nn,|nirId'n wniahLI:nnr\.hml nut. W'Hlll H IIUVIHUT) CUUHCII. Billy Lnyt.on,midd'.e weight,Imocked out Johnny \'unl-leoat. feather-weight. in eight; rounds last. night. at. Hot. Springs. Ark. The light. was for $500 IlidO, Vuuliooobr agreeing to stay fifteen round: for the money, Thu Hlmmnn hlnnlz [nu-rnnnn Mau- U|UI|U_)', The Gleason block, Lawrence. Mesa, was burned curly this morning. The ruins of the Uloason block are now buing search- ed for tho remains of three women who wore mid to be ll| the building and who are Iuisaihg. Loss $50,000. Ohm. huiinnn. Hm nnuthnrn l.wn.Un'rrIn `I ELEGRAMS FROM THE EARTH S FOUR QUARTERS GIVEN. Little Mutton "run Into:-out lcvorybodr - Notel From All Over---Llulo of Ever)- thlnx Eaullv Road and Bolnombcrod by The Dear Puhlln. The Furncse line atoamer Halifax City has uyived at. Halifax twenty-t.lnroo day overdue from London. l`,.I' 1,4... l`|........|.:II .. ..... .... .J' Al... ....I.. IHIL lllglll/, UKUU bUVUl|b.y-Ul A deipatch from Maui)` vi: ja. governor-genera` islands, is ill with ID 'I`....- ....-.... an n... IUNIIIKIU, IH III Wllll II} ,UVUl- Two 011508 suppc J bu luproay are under the supervisio.."of the Wmnlpeg health department. Both are foreigners. A rn whit-h ntnrtnd Inst. nvmnmr in (MI. HUEULII Uepllfbllllllz. DUUI IIIU |Ul'|JIgIII'U. A re which started last. evening in Cul- len .-A dr_\-goods score Obbumwa. lu.. des- troyed $175,000 worth of bu=iness propor- tv_ .`&I" TIE 3'` I T_ I . DI W1hL:lXOIIAR(ll| l`Wb nw nmcx l hnnnmml nndlm W Ilium mun. Aha Cue CUUIIIIK PIVUVIIICIHI UICUDIUIIE. The liollngbrooko club, London. oller ll purse of 122,51!!! for u fight between Fitz- .-immons nud Churloy Mitchell und Wlll allow lnt7.snnmons .L'lHU for expenses. Twn Innnl.-nnl rnnn n|\fnl"nI' Mu: hnunn nf IHIUW 1` ||'I.\'!IlHlI|Ul|U .L IVVU IUIV uxpuuaua. Two [nun-ked men entered the house of Mrs. Uarr, at. Port Hope, Friday afternoon. Mm. Carr and her daughter screamed, and no trace of the deeperadoos can be found. 1' I l)....l..`.. ..o L`........ In l}.._nA.. "U UTHCU UI DH UUUPUTIIUUUS uuu UU lUlllIu- Consul lmrker at. Suguu La (irundu. telegmphs tho stutodepurlmeut. mat Frank J. Uuzalma, a Imturulmed American citizen, has been released from prison at. that place. Tim tariff nnmmimr-n lmvn mvrnml in m. The {arm committee have agreed to ro- port. an muondmont Lo tho Umgloy bill which will allow Lho import. of H311 caught. in the Camadian waters of the great Iukaa free of duty. Run Hr Lvxnnn ;\ hhnlf ni Rnnlnn will . - .....,.,,..... Aver. nf lhn \\'mnnu:m- ,.i'en. Pola- Philippine |cuvH1"(:"sWr&Bno.| Ulllllly 7 Moved by Thomas Clyde. seconded by D. H. Toiand. and resolved : Thai`. thin board Ileuiros to express its profound aor- row as the irropnrnbie loss sustained by E. J. ii. Penn: in the death of his woll-beloved wife, and beg! to tender him and family its most sincere sympathy in thintheir hour of supreme trial. praying that their grief may be chnabonod by the knowledge that she whom they mourn in not dead but.pMa- od to the reward of A life nbnnnding in chrietian cimrity and womanly grace. Mnvnrl In: Jnnmn Knnnn nlannndnrl Int J, CHTIEHKII CHEF-_V nnn womanly RFICU. Moved by James Km )1). seconded by J. hrincoll, and resolved : flint. whereas the hand of sorrow has fallen lIom'i|_v upon our neighbor. Thomas Mckiallum, president. of the liberal association of the county of Frontenac. in the death of his wife. we uller to him and family our onrnost. nym- pnthy and condolence in their beroAvo~ lnnh, (`an'i. be made out of poor material. That hoi-is nod of Boys` Cloihlnd II well any! ulna aim. You've got to not ood material to mnko nnrhinx too . Only the but mantis used in oonnn-noting our Boyn 8uits. That Account for the staying and Waring qntlitiq of all our mtrmonh. You mm dept-mi upon them nlvnys. We would like to about om 0! our Bun` suit. n an 12. pm. :3. n. 9.x H3870` Rowlutlonu 0|` Ooluloleurn. At. a mooning of the joint. liberal nml Entroll executive held in tlie BN.l'l`l.-ll Wnn: ull. Kingston. on Saturday, the 20th insb., who following resolutions were passed unani- mously : llnx-ml hv "Thnmnn lllmln nnnnntlml hv Crly DFGIIKIHK up OI UIO ICC. This morning omployoen of the different liveriou in the only woro engaged in storing away for the summer months the sleigh: used throughout the wintur. llilhn-r. Hrnnlzrilln hm|I..|':nildnr, will U`.`l\U llI|'U|l`lIUlllA UIIU Wllllrulu (lilberb, tho Brockville bout.-builder. will cum-ct.ruot. bho hulls of three one-rntora for three members of the Kingston yacht. club. The craft. will be rigged here by Oldriovo & Hom. Remembering the Anulverury of Wllllnm 1. Emperor of Germany. Bxm.|N, March 22.--The celebration of the oontennr ol the emperor of Willunn I. born March ` 2nd, I797. began to-day. and um. alum-unrl Hmnnalmnr. u-munv an n ;"`tlIn To-day street; rnilway omployecs were engaged in removin from along the dH|'er- cut. open stretches t a snow fences erected last full. h`..:.....l.. ..|' \l.... l........... l,l......L..|I VF.`-nu. IEHD Hill. Friends of Mrs. James Marshall. Toron- to, will regret. to burn that rocenlly she slipped on an icy pavement. and broke a hip bone. All Hm inn vnnhln in Hm hnrhnr warn HIP DOUG. All the ice yachts in the harbor wero brought. ashore to-dny and lxlaced out. of danger. Their owners uro coking for an early breaking upof the ice. Thin mnrnina amnlnvnan of Hm different. D0l'll AVIIITCD zznu, HUI. Ugln Iv-uu_), mm: was observed throughout, Germany an a national holiday. Th. (lav nmnnd dull and clnudv. t.lnrent- \ IIIUODII ll0ll(Xy. I The day opened dull and cloudy. irtat- ening rain, but early in tho furenoon the sky brightened and the remainder oi the day was Iulbry. In the early hour: of `the day Berlin presented the upeoz ofsunduy. The shops were closed and the stream were filled with people in holidgny attire. Every body was stir at daybreak, and by eight. o`clock crowds were hurrying to the best. points of observation of the principal sights of the day. \\/hiln Hm nnnnln were unmnblimt canopy Ill xrom. or we mullunlolna. Drums and buglcs then sounded the sig- ml for prayer after \vhich the chief inten- rlant Fahre delivered an oration. Another prayer followed when the emperor, in it stentoriun voice, gave to the troops the command, Present arms, then turning towards the monument. where It num- ber of marines with the unveiling cords in their hands, were uwniting the signals. tho kaiser shouts Un\'eil" when down comes the canvass coverings and the colossal monument to the old kaiser Wil- helem I wns disclosed. As the covers fell a salute of 100 guns began, the bolls throughout the city were rung. the bonds played and the vast. crowds everywhere as- mmhlml, nhanrml trmnendnuslv for innnv FOR ALB OR T0-LET. C -`II Z\PIII`ltI. Ulllh IIQIIJ hill DUI UUIICHUU Ill DIIU UUDIUI Ul LIIU UIII4 Egorts are making to nrrnn e n ` between two I'ort.smmnh pugi inks. (lay spoken of for the meeting is `J4I.h. II`- J-.. -L......L .m:I..._.. ..._..l.......... or me my. While the people were auembling eighteen re imenbs of the Berlin garrison, horse and 00:, were marching from dif- ferent. points to the rendezvous as tho` Brandenburg gate. Ar. thin nnint. Lhn kninar with the uunrdu nnmuennurg gnw. At this point the kaiser with the guards hendod the troops and marched to the monument. where the troops were warned to the right and left. Upon urriving at the monument. the emperor saluted the empmea, omproz-a Frederick. the prince re out of Bavaria, the kings of Saxony and \ urtonburg,nud the grand dukes nf Ihulen_ and Heaao. who were mated under` a canopy in front of the monument. hmmn nnd hmrlcn than nnundad tho sin- PIHJUU III gambled, minutes. A In... I mmuner. After the unveihng tho emperior ud- vancod and snlutod Lho monument. and was followed by tho empress, empress Frederick. the Prince Regent, of Bavaria, the king of Saxony. Lho grand duke of Bnden. the grand duke of House. cu`... in the order named, all of whom deposited wreaths at. the foot of the monument. After this ceremony in aimilinr one wna srerformod by depubahions from l.hoAusLrian lnnnnrn EIVVTI, Ill'0 ll] LIN) Ulloy. Hon. W. lIurt.y arrived home from To- ronto on Saturday evening on a short. visit. I........|. LI` D:-l............ ..|.I.. 4... ..:.:| |..'.. vmo. Joseph H. Fisher was able to visit. his store to-dn for thorst. time in two week. He was aul bring from quinay. (J. V. Chnwn. n nnumn Min roaint.rnI-- 118 Will auuarlng ll'0lll (llllllly. G. Y. Chown, no uoumo the regiotnb ship of Queen : university on April lot, in being couched in the duties of tho oibe. L` `. ........... .....l.:.... 5,. ............... .. II..- What. tho Busy Roportera Caught on mi Fly. l)r. J. H. Bell is in Toronto to day on (1 business visit. Messrs. J. A. Wilmob and A. Fair, 0&- tawn, are in the city. "nu \\', H'nrl.\- an-i\-ad hnma from Tn. A window full ommm. HARDY S. zsnuu;-ocxstnc%t.4 A NATIONAL H IDAY. WH|G'S WIND WAFTS. xu DHC Vla UFUWUB U\'BI'_VWlIUl'U I5- , cheered tremendous! y for man y , U The May A. c. JOHNSTON & BRO. Wutoluslm ud Jcwoluu. v -_ ,-_-.n nu--n_)_.'__ _ _ uoumme Jnmnumor. The oppom-Ion in Ontario lqziulaburl Inn. to our mind, irted too much with radicalism in the put. and the only run]: has been to lower in dignity and lesson an influence. lT|SH |E|{|WE THE ATHLETIC AHMJCIATION I'.'l0I l.I'|`Y norm of the fulwod (rounds. The onto - uion of Earl Street will nun directly mhroun H: 19 low, which no ulou to an-owing noo- H. of the am. Anni: to J. 8. BKINNKI. yer: FOR SALE. rli.I_I1'*.1lIiII spun Illr HI low, which ulou to ngrowlnq am. Apply BKINNKI. Solloltor. Olnrem a Street. VDJU lhil Piano in non M. Wnm ollloo. HE A'l`l-ILETIC ABMJCIATION I'.'l0l lB'l`Y nfnn nf l(`.AI| trnnl. wlll nun nllrnnllv thrnum -luliwu Iv Illl JD llooville lntolhum-or. Tim nnnnlitlnn in I ..-_- ICXCHANUIC-A noon w"r,oom- 3- ` x fnnmnml, made by Kim p. or a blow 0.} \ lmIv'n our nnnnmnnhn Ann v hi IAQJ.-I tn Rn! T0 IGXUHANUE-A UOOD BU 'l`.aG)l P I blow Imiym or uonHemnn'n. App y by lotto: to Box 1108. hlnnstonu PU. V7 Wll.l. mrv ANIOE l.ll"l`l.I onto EF- '}`J Int! Pinnoln uoollom order. 0 In amen at wlllll olllnn, .._._._._.7._ . -, V ,, _;__._.__..._....__. .__u w. if mumnm. lunnnn DIIIO'l0ll AND Enaumn-I1 hm. can name. block above old ntnnd. no. nuuu, Tm Llumm Uumnnnln--IM-IM Prlnoon strut. Tolephom uu. Open Do: And Nlchb HENRY BRAKE. Luunm Unnluuln Ann EluI.ln--uI Ptlnoou strut, Oornor Sydonhun 06:000. T010- phono communication. - %a;m YEAR. NO. as. TO.CONTRACTORS. IINDIR-S RICIIVRU BY `PHI: UNDER- : nod no tn noon ol 'l`Hlm.-IIAV. the sub nut. for the veal works nquin-d in lacking nonuin addition and Improvomoun to I hon:-0 no Wouhron an-00$. . lavas or any tender not nooeuully no- oonlod. ' VENTLEMEN CAN BE AOCOHIIODATID I with nlnalom doulnlo rooms. Allmodtrn uonveulonoou. 38 Cloray uh. nonr In! at. {SEE STf1YI:7 S Mow wmnows Subscribers for the CLASS OF FASHION will please call for the April number, just rc- ccivcd. STEAOY&STEAOY, Clrxln nnnvxbn DTY'f"1"'II"IJffVII DAWVFWDNQ J. I`. Jlnnballnvu \ Uumnrruun AND Emuunn. Prlnoou Street. P|mnoa--Wuroroomu. no; Ruldonm. M. Lowest prices. MIEIIIIGICH. Hl'.`illANh--VA.\`A|.H`l`lNl~~OlI March 17th. M Na anon, Marcus Huubmd, North Frodor okaburg. t.oMiu Ema Vnnnlufno.\=,-} Bua&'~-ln Vhhrtown. N. Y.. March lath. Willlal Itnnloy. Washr- town,toIda Perry. foamorly of Napa- mm. DIED. ' HI-;.\n At. Piobon. March l7t.h,Muxthn, wife of Philip Head. Sl'.H~`I'0l(l)~-IlI Cherry Vnllo ', March ltllh Harvey Sp.\fTor(l, ago eighty-one yours. VVn.I.Lms On 7th March. at tho rui- .I_.___ .1 L__ .I_.._LA_.. II__ I.`..._._|. II--. `VUUU GICNICRAL BIHCVANT. N0 WAS I In or Ironing. Apply-to MI. W. Hurr. ng utnot. Klngaton. K For a few of their hundreds of styles of New, Up-to-Date H06. l)muu A.~'-l)m':I.A.~4 -- Ah Capo Vinnonh. N.\'., Fob. 10th, I897. by Rev. E. B. (`.| nf thn Mnllmdintmnin. |DREss lIlR'l'liU.V . M.\.\x--Ab Ronh-ow. on March Mb. wife 0! of Dr. J. Mann. of A daughter. ELLIH -Al. Nnpunea, March Utah, wife of William Ellie of twins, both boys. B.\|u'o'I\'~lI| Nnpnnee. on March Hun. wife of Ghnloa Bubcock 0! I daughter. WARN Im-In North 1-`rerlericksbu h. on Murchmb. wife of Weilington unu- of It daughter. lhu)\\'.~u.m2 ~ In Ronfrow, on March l2hh to to Mr. nnd Mrs. T. R. Brownloo. bwhu r-a boy and a girl. I Sole Agents BUTTERICK PATTERNS. _ VENTLEMEN CAN BE AOCOMIIODATID I with nlnnln nr zinnhln rt-mm; All mmlhrn V001) GENICRAI. BlCll.VAN'l`. N0 WAS Inn nr Irnulnn. Annlv-tn Illa W. Dr. Unnpgll will leave on April In. to n|m n |runl>..arArh|Aln nnm-an AI. tho Now o13:ins`sm;' xiummn 7A'1~1inI1i'Tsi'- Amarlnnn Hots`. n.| ., luv. ION), mm. Dy IVIIV. n. D. Choeoemumpmtor of tho Mot|uodiHtEpiI- copal Church, Mr. Albert. E. lion Inn and Mrs. R. Estrella Douglas. dung tor of tho late L. A. Wheolennllof Nnpnnoo. Onb. INN}. rVfl.|.l,L\lS tlcnco of he: dnughter.Mrn. Frank Bow- Ieu,l)otroit., Lydia Williams, in the 70%: your of her age. NE I-`IRST-(ILASS IILLINERY PEI- puont HAIh\"!l. AUNDIIESHKB \V. American Hoto`. nnnn Iln-Iubn nu mun nn WEATHER PROQABILITIES. SECON D EDITION. .___-- -_- vwwwupuuug "cu. hinuun was-an. acu- You had your Watch.ovr- hauled. [fit has run two years without oil it is apt to do iiself injury if ud- glected longer. It`! _ _ _ _ . . __ II'_g.I_ A. M. `"131-'i'n1-g";;n;;Watc|n,to us and you wil|`bcVnti;&y_d with"the tunlt. 7 " n}}TuT'vv'uii{x{JciulfoiuiiAa." c._._n.-_., _ So. Lavvronoo (Upper) : `Wind: increasing to 1-wrung or a gale. bo- coming unsettled, followed by rain nr nldnt. UOIDIIIK IIIIIIU min or talent. '1`. F. HARRISON Wf+".TF;* RXEBT Ju mm). I `guru -nun. nu- GOODS. In wrnlnbn , L.$'.'2n".7..`.'.!'.`..... IST !AY._ RISIDENCE Sal QUEEN S l`.. containing 10 moms. lnost improve- in from and good cnlrdon in roar. meson! ocon iod by ti Shannon. 'l`oI-Inn moderate to when lo plu-ty. App]! to H. Hiuzntux. on pnxnlsos. or at Ponwmk. I-londry 84 Co.. Ontario Sthot. Iw wvv nay:-1:-v n-VIII-m `I Nnw Ymut. March 22. ~`-`Tho Journal says: If the steamer Thus I-`riohda which in now on hot any to the Cuban coast from one of the K: a of Florida. succeeds in spin landing r ilnpkmontc ol vufnro and man, the inmrgeut u-my wi|l ho. us iunid. ninforcod with a formidable bat. hlion of d mito___nnd nitro-glvcarino warm. thnmorhosgriu. Inside: ri cartridge. 600 gnnndan or bonus to com-Iruoud It to ho` euily hud with nfoty to the inuurgonu. Ahnnrd n Thug I`:-innd; hhn Inna:-k hm: Ill ? WWII $35! [0 IX IIIIIJPKODIJ. .Aho|ld, tho Thus Friends. the apart In: it. ullh otnonncnapoclslly coho in-`tho niipouoolcuryiugtho boob. `Ci `I Wlhla/IXOIIANOI TWO NEW Wlllhu Strut. Also bonus I)! undqlvo cu-uwh-not 1:: oh homo. rm In mm: Stud. laden Inprovonmlr Inimit- nun-mhococ tron Jmuu c. _l4_unnmu, m I KICK l_*iUSS. N0. 139! BAGUT ~'l'REE'l`. containing rim and dlninu-mom. ve bedrooms. o oolnu. oxtonsion Imvho.-u. hM.h.em. ov. water honing thmunhouv. Possasuion ht April. if-Ieulrml. Rant nu pu month and taxes. Iu.|.n&. 0l.n<.\`muuAM. _l:_;::; THE LARGE WAREHOLISE (IN 0.\"l`A|'ll() Street lately ocuupledhy Jame. Browne & Co. an wholesale arm-on. vontoiniua an ax- (-,ol1onHmnomonr.nud three lame ats. V Rent low. Apply to James nrowno. can the pro- n1ise.I,ort.0 W. H. l'I.l.|VAN. In (}II\r(~n('o .st.. T. I.AWll.l`..\'l7l-I (`.0'Il`A(iE. NJ KING ST. 0`.-upieul by (loo-no Wilson. eontrautnr. Hus twelve large rooms. hath, runny. store roomn..t<~.;Iurnm~.o and modern mprovomontu Electric Ii htnnd telephone. Exnlunivonrounds. Apply muom.-e. BROOK N'l`i.E'l`. C()N'TAlNlN(} ll .. mums and axtemaion kimhen. furnmro, lM.l|.4-Iu. Also :51 Brook Street, A Drink ronago. containing 7 rooms and oxteluinn kitvhon. furnace. hath. on-. Apply to DI. Fuw men. 949 nrm-k St not Int. of A til next. Apply to M. Flanagan. City Cler ' ;ur Mrs. Pnnyer. 360 Brock street. RUM HAY 1241', BRICK IIESIIIENCE. NO u`leny Sheet. vorner William: exten- uinn Ixituhon. six bedrooms, honhrooux. etc. Rant. wry moderate. Apply to 1-`luxrls KING, Barrister. Untnriu Chum mars. RICK RESIDENCE 191 JOHNSTON ST. Hot water hoatln .bnisy furnnoe; modern gamut-wemunts; magenta rout. b`l`|-2A(TY & "l'|A(3\ . HE STUNE l{ESlUl'lNCl!T. 75 IWIUN SI`. near King, now oc-xupied by Mrs. lllxey. Heated by hot. water. gas. etc. Lawn. Rnrvlen and stable. May be viewed from 3 to 6 p.m THE STORE NOW OCCUPIED BY MISS Wood 11!! Wellington strolat. Pousosaion 1:0. n! An.) mun Lnnlu on M IrI..m.....n ' HE STORE NOVV OCCUPIED BY MISS Wood. Int. of rh Apply to M. Flanagan, cm ;ur Pnnyer. jCC.V1C XCCICCUC CVDICVI` lbunrdrlly hub` us in coma cunt. IXOQ. 307000 aha. gtrllloohd Iuolun, _a~n.|,;A`,'-. . on--_.... -._- ROM HAY BRICK RESIIIENCE. NO ` uinn Ixihwl-mu Iv hn:'InAlnn kgol.-nnun gun I ][Al4l" U1" THE FLAT UVEK. THE BIIIBY C0 n Clothing Store. King Itreut, adjoin- 31 Hallie`: Prlutlnclco. Apply at Wine 00 HE lUCll'EN(7E AND l'H.lM[SES OPPO- site the I`-.u.-slfco. now m`:Il|nled l|_\' Dr. gllrtis. Possession last May. Apply to Jul-IN lflllli. 0! Household l`uruIl.urc. Property. Etc. HESIYBSCNIBER GIVES Ah` IVSUALHIS personal attention. assisted by an expo~ riencod utn, to this imponnnm lmumxh ofthe reprint: Iuxeineas. \Vit.h careful advertising, and judicious. mnmuxohient, I have no hesitat- tlon in nnumntooinn the beat ruults to lose onulluting me with theirnule. only intima- tion in-raqmstod f_I-om those who (usual to favour me with their snlo. Lowest nzos. Promut nuh returns. JOHN H. MILLS. WM)! Rrnnk ~'h-mot HE R.l41Sll'EN(`/E AND l'BlM[SES OPPO- `.nI-tie Pnnnuuninn Int. Mnv Annlv tn Jul-IN RE S'I`()NE }{ES[l)l-ZNCE`. '15 UNION 81`. HQAIMI In: hut. wnlnr can ntn Lawn any-Jan `rho Dali] ,'NoIo out for WM; linden - To Pout Themselves by. Sb.DJnmeu church guild on Tuesday evening. To-night. F. H. Wilson Co. at opera house: Twin love and duty." 1.`...-...-.inn tn \r\.'nnhinafnn and Virginia wnnu nu u v-4`;-.41` sr v-4..-. -c W .l. B. WHITI-`.,A(lEN'I` LONDON Ul'AR- a Anton and Accident. Cu. Kinguton: l)onr.\`ir,--l have to Acknowledge reuoipt of 350 from the London Guarantee and Aouident. Co in full svhtlemont 01 my claim under policy -Illtm. rim-h pmmptnesn on the part. of tho compan you n-pre.~.unt must command in to the uncut mr unblr-.. Go in full svttlomon pm re-pro nu gmblr-.. March 22nd, 11-H7. HE STONE HOUSE. ON CORNER. OF Princesa and Division Streets, occupied by Ahnv-I\ K: (`.n Annlv at WIIIH l')"n-n -.--g-vv-- -cw-our nu--u`.-v---u-v-u -u-vcqv-n _T ,'DAVlDIO!l. '- rnndpu 1 Princess and Division uccuuie Abernathy S1. 00. Apply at Wlllu 0911:-e. EDIIUUH SETS. 3"l'lllN(iS, l|lA'l'l`ll.AHSlS. cm. M. the vm-ant. store. next. Opera House. TUE.~`sI)AY. March zxml. the eIl'eM.u. viz. : Fivu Bedroom Sets. Spring.-u. Mutcroiuaes. Fmulmr Mods. (`Jmmher Sets. Dining (`lmi'r.~1. and Com! Table.-4, Couch in Plush. Com-h in Hair Cloth. Rxtomlon Table. lied- utomls, (lurpota.Clork, llac Rank. Coal Hunt,- er,`(`.ooklm: Stove and various other articles. bale at 10:110. JOHN H. MILLS. Auctioneer. nouns: "1'wI):!'. love nnu uuey. Excursion to Washington and Virginia Beach t.o~mo|-row at. 2 p.m., from Fo|ger'e. Grand millinery opening on Wednesday next. the 24th of March. at. Spence Y ()o s. Am-tinn nnla nl fumilurn. etn.. at | l\\:I\ nu.-sun l\I\Il|:rI\v(\v\Ir1 New Plnvs. New Change of bill nightly Prim-uu-!lk-. 150 and 951-. laucmn saw 01? FURNITURE I BI-2l>RO0M SETS. h`l lllN(lS, MA` Hm! viz : Fivu Hmhmnm Hutu. Sn:-inn 1u::1U 1. m. 20 per cent. off all packs e Lena Wednes- day nftfernoon from 1 o'c 00k to 4. not char. Gilbert : grooqgy. wmu mN'r1~:u'rs. I'3p0 E)--lllllBIl'.L(l l\l'LlCIBl. 1'3 e6.--Tho Vory Latest Telegraphic and ocal Events. , ` The Prince ofCamediam, FRED. H.\VlI."'ON. supported by a No. 1 companyo! . Dmestone Btplness Collezc` I5 III HIIICIIIVI KIIIU UIIIIUVIIIIV III I-IJI Including Hm 1-hilulwomler. BABY l*`L()IDA. MONDAY NIGHT-The Bountiful Cnmmly, Illvlu \.JlIl|Iv|Iaw In J. Page l--`-Change of Troops, Tariff Re- vision, Unveiling of o. Monument. General lmapatchee. Tum: 2--Rn|t.nn Hall : Addresses. Re- \:._.__( \__._..:.|r ONE WEEK.COMM|INCING Monday, Main 22nd, 1897. I2 Dramatic and Vaudeville Artists. lp...ln.l.._ Al... ..I.}I.l .-......I.... II A DU IJOIPBBOKIOU. Page 2-Bo|t.on Hall : Addresses. Re- coi-d of the Season. Local News. `)n(1A ,'l_,'I"nIn-anon Nlnlznn - I-nah `NI. com ox we season. uocal new-. Page 3--Tnlmage Makes 3 Break, Dis- trict. and General Tidings. Papa 4A--Editorinle. General News. Pape 5--llluetmu:d Articles. Mum 6 *,.'l`lm Vnrv Latent. Tnlearnnhic noxn, MIG `.'9Ln 0| Luurun. nu upuuuu us. uu 5. Auction sale 0! fumituro, etc., at the store next. opera. house tomorrow at. 10:30 um. um um. nnnt. 4:6` all nnnlnnnn Inn: Wnrlnnn. RICK HOUSE. N0. BAGUT ~'l'REE'l`. nonlninlnn nnrlur Ind dlninmmnm. Hvn AUCTION SALES smx }{()`UL~x1c. NOT 95 QUEEN arxwm. Apply to J. B. CAnRU'ruIna. W0 should like tho`! of ' suits at say $8. #150. #3. N. '3. No or cheap but how stood out we all in our motto. THE B. I). BIBBY C0.. OAK HALL, KING STREET. ,_ [ALF OF THE FLATVOVER THE BIIIBY I".n n Ulnfhhur Sfnrn. King um-91.9., mlluin. You Can Get THE BEST $I GLOVES {EIDROUM h`['lN(lS, hlA'l`I`[l.ASSES. an-. nu. Hm vna-nut utnrn. nnvf. (hm:-A 1" N'l`i.I rnnm-A and nvfnn `TWIXT Love AND DUTY`! H I`; SKUN E HUUSIC, UN CUKNICK. U! Princesa nernethy 81. Annly JEZNKINSRI CAPT. FOL(lER S CLAIM. u n uvnum-an .. n\l'l\ II\\vl\AL1 :- LOCAL M EMORAN DA. .-qt--_--- '` uiiyunlu Bombs. r un,_.x n.u ruin, 9 "If ak Hall Sells It It's Good." TOYBZE LET IN H. MILLS. am)! Brook Street. IRA B. FOLGER. gran \ru an-nun I.-Dl l{ N.C., Much 22.-At Durham Friday night. W. E. Holman, in the pro- aence of A great. crowd. ate a baked cat. Ho hot. on Corbett. and the Inner waato out I out. A line, lnnzo Thomas cat. was pro- pnre with proper trimmings and Angora nuance. Hnlmnn announced that. he-would out the grater part. of the car... He no it 1|). `'9 A Dal Arranged. Corxsu.u:xs. March 2:3.-Tho Harlin- o Tidendo and-ta that an ogroomont boononund into between Rania And Turkey by/ which the lonnor guarantees the inhglyol the Ottoman on `n in cuuidcl-ulon ol the cation by uh: :';..:'.-.";....,.""`.'.'-`:.`.`.""'".`....'"*"':".; cunt on Inns: ' ' In A Dlllhlod Btptr. H.u.n'.n. N.S.. Much 22. - -T|mst.enm er Delawuo from London bound to l hilulel- phi: In and in here today` in I diu- ablod condition by the steamer Miuonri. The both nouunen were on the nine voy- naound Inn London on the name date. TI`; l'\n.lnunnA in Iluinn - Inll:-no ags-Jun-Ii nun Inn luv London on cue FDVIIO (ll Tho Delay! in ying I yellow ugriw coming sickness on bgard. A Lad Drowned Sunday Night. WI-2.\`Tu.\. Ont. , March `.".2.-- Willie. tho nine-year old son of James Little, with as number ofother boys, was sitting on one of the abutmente of the bridge across the Humber river hem last evening. when in some wny he lost his balance and fell in. Be- fore nnything could be done to rescue him the boy was washed away with the flood and drowned. The body he not yet been recovered. Action has boon taken by the police to prevent tho distribution of advertising bills at the doors of Catholic churches on Sundays. Oi Into the practice has boon in- dulged in by several rms. and lust. wook a complaint wus made by Rev. Futher Hnstantinoau. pastor of St. Joseph's chulch, who said that some of the boys distributing the bills threw them deliber- ately in the faces of some of his congrega- tion while they were coming out of the church door. Eight boys were arrested yesterday in the act of distributing bills. n rignc. Vice-president. Robinson and treasurer Freeland. of the American bunk now com- pany, have awarded the contracts for the erection of mo compan_y a new establish- ment. on \\'ollu;gt.on ubrcob. Messrs. Hol- brook &' Suclferlund willdo the masonry and cement. and brick work. and Messrs. J. at C. Low all the other work. The building will cost. in the vicinity of 860,. um 123 Princess st. llortn smo - Ilngstoll lor [IDO IOCHI logluunuro. No raforence was made in the Catholic churches of Hull yesterday to the election for the federal house now going on in \\'right. \im:-nrnnizlnnt. Rnhinenn nml h'nn.=urm' nnu irce moor is now employee. Among the many projects which will come before the house during the coming rcssion is a proposition from a strong com- bination of British capitalists to open u the Yukon; and when the results, whic may be reasonably assumed as certain, are compared with the assistance asked, the project appears worthy of consideration. he White Pass is the route over which this English company intends building in reilwa . Ibis l,0UU to l,l()0 feet lower than t 10 Uhillicothe range of hills. There is, of course, no distinct trail, but this company is prepared to cut is trail at once and build 8 reilwuy across this pass, which is at the outside thirty-two miles, and the distance has been chained ull the way. Once this distance (thirty~two miles) is covered the head waters of the Yukon are reached and unin- terru pted communication, with the excep- tion of three miles at White Horse rapids, extends to the Behring sea. Nun \Nulfrirl l.:|nrinr rnlnrnnrl Trnm Montreal N150 BVBHIIIK. The liberals of Pontiac meet. ntslmwvillo on l.he3l.-1!. inst... to nominate It candidate for tho local logialnturo. Nn rafm-Anna wnn mndn in Hm (`.nt.hnlin IREIJIILARS EXIIIHINEEII-1 OXLCIHIH LU LIIU l.)UlIl'l|lg ECU. Hon. Wnlfrid Laurier returned from Montreal last evening. Tho Iilunnha nf Pnnlinn man}. nthnwvilln Canadian Vplnntccrs Sent To Halifax Garrison. 8Xp8rln]Bn[i!Il Hlrlll KHU IDS DHIKICHUE. M. Krukoll` has already visited the branch farm at Nappun. N.S.. and before leaving for the nortli-west proposes to tuke a trip to Uuolpli to inspect the Ontario ngiicultural college. M. Krukolls juris- diction covcra fl territory extoiitliiig frown Vludivostock on tho Pacic. westerly for Zl,U0() miles to Baikal lake. It contains A population of about |,UU0,000 souls. From Vlndivostock to Huburorek, tho vupitul of tho Amoor district, the Siberian railway is now running for {I distance of 600 inila. West of Hubrorsk there is a gap of l,.'i0U miles before the railway is again reached at Tnmsk. M. Krukoff says this is the most ditcult port of the route and will take six or seven years to com )lol.() it. At first con- vict labor was utilize in constructing the railway but it was not found satisfactory and free labor is now employed. Annnnnr the rnnnu nrninr-tn wliinh will I I|S A NEW l]EPARIURE.l THE ROYAL BERKSHIRES RE- MOVE TO FREDERICTON. A Slberlau Agricultural Commissioner is Now In Otta u-lle WIII lsxamlne Into Canada`: Experimental Work-ueneral lntormntlon. O1'rAw.i, March `J2.--An exchange has been made of the company of the [to al regiment of Canadian infantry stationedat Fredericton and an additional ten men from the oompan_v s regi nent at St. John's, l'.(,). .with a company of the first battalion of the Royal lierkshire,l0th foot rogimentmow stationed at Halifax, N.S. This change is of great interest to the public genera|ly,as it is the first time in the history of Canada that a Canadian company has exchanged with an old country one. The officers who will accompany the Royal Canadian infuri- try to Halifax are brovet colonel W. 1). Hordon and captains A. H. Macdonell and l). 1. V. Eaton. r ` Ottawa has a distinguished visitor at presentin the person of Nicholas Iirukotl`, inspector of agriculture of the Amoor region of Eastern Siberia. M. lirukolf has been commissioned by the Russian government to visit liuropo and America and is now on his way home via the C.l .R. route. His object in coming to Canada is to investigate our experimental farm work, as the climate of his jurisdic- tion and of portions of the dominion are somewhat similar. Having credentials to the dominion government he will be af- forded every facility for seeing the Central experimental farm and its branches. M Krulmfl` lma nlranrlv visited the 3.9 ` Box` Iomhclh huh Ghoul:-3. nohitoots.