KINGSTON. ONTARIO. 'rU 1z:v1cNING.w_ MARCH 23. 1897. my sin any IUIII: mu: nu an A luigglonooolthooldpnrunonthngn. uluu n:-- us.--. HALIFAX. N.S.. March 23.-Arsono Tur- hide, the _only survivor of the party of three lost. from Bird s Rock while seal hunting recently, and who wan carried horn on the ice at Mon Uovor. C.B., alter t.orn blo suoring from exposure for eovoral days. died at. North Sydney last night. He was light keeper ll Bird : Rnrh all van IUUIIT. Mdx'ruL\I., Que.. Much 23.-Tho dine- lota oi the Clntonu do Rainy histolial umnouln have received 1 present from H. -1. Ron in the shape of a big lump of lead. bond in the ruin (it the rlininont build- igg of Houston] After lo of 1844. :- .....l..LI- LL. nnlw nnlin nun in `I3! 51 IIIO OI I319. Wlbn we nlstonc Ovunul In vvulcu uley BOOK part together. The prince was suffering from A severe attack of neuralgia and was unable to mnke his appearance outside the castle. but he sent 3 message of thanks. which was received with cheers. Count Herbert BismArck,Uount Yon Ranlzau and other members of Prince Biemnrek e family viewed the procession from I bal- cony. -.._; - ._.. \vn_n.. xauuunuug - nu-vu -.--nu.-um... Br.Iu.I.\', March 23. Prince Bismarck has been the recipient. of almost countless telegruphic,""`written and verbal congratu- lntionsin connection with the centenary of Kaiser William 1. Last m'euingapro- nnnninn nf I'. ()I| ma`: hear-inn tnrnlmg of Kaiser William 1. Last avemng apro- cceeion of 1.700 ind: bearing torches marched through the park at Friedrich!- rupe and past. the castle, cheering the ex~ chuicellor and indulging in A variety of expieaaiona associating his name with that of the old emperor in connection with the historic event: in which they took nu-I ommrhnr Tim nrinon I'R smlfnrina mg mnrriege. Lapm to makes answer that when he and his Nolida were constructing castles in Spain, he was unaware of the fact that she we: a hunchback, nnd that it was only when mutual friends explained to him how his loved one accomplished her toilet that he became aware of the deformity. He feels thnt l|ll_V women who could withhold such in matter from her nearest and dearest one in not built on the plans desired for the future Mrs. Laporte. Further he al- leges that under the civil code. he would be liable to a severe punishment where he to knowingly enter into a. marriage con- tract with :\ deformed person. A LIPIIV Eugllllnnull Found He Could Not Tell Promlaonouuly. SAN Fmmcxsco. March 23.-Robert Fitz- eimmona knocked out an English traveller, named Campbell, in the Baldwin hotel bar- room yesterday. After his exhibition at a local resort last night the champion; Martin Julian and W. A. Brady, Cor bows manager, returned to the hotel and spent the night. discussing a return match. Along towerdb morning Campbell walked up to the but and addreuing the Cornishman said the Carson aifuir was not. atrue fought. battle and that the best man ,did not win. Filzaimmonsjutnped towards the stranger and swung his left. with her- ritic force knocking the intruder down. f`.nrhnt.t. win an the Rnlrln-in mumrdnv I V vl` I UVFIK I YTII Ill IICIWID I ran IJNDBB no! In M noon ol UILKDAY. the nt..lou- thouvudworknnqundlg I.".':`3o 0 ultra! manna. ugndundnnundlyar sad innovqnonp Suing For Damages. .\lu\`I'Rl-:.\l., Que , March 21!. Miss Nelida (Henny is suing Arneno I.aporte,St.. Louis du Mile End. for SL000 breach of promise of marriage. She asks $1,000 as damuzea for wounded feelings and $l50 an the coat of the `tmuseeuu, which she had purchased in ant,icipat.ion of the approach- mnrriage. Lnnnv m mnhnq annwar that when he and Volenli ellliorprmcs H] DUB LJHIBCU DLHLGS. Of this great sum it is reported that $l.000,000 is to be given to the alleviation of distress in entirely new charitable chan- nels which those conversant with the mat- ter expect, will create a great sensation, when the details become known, by their originality and scope. But the precise na- ture of the benecence is keptaclose|y- guarded secret for the present. It wnn qmtml further that Slllilllil is to guarded Secret: [Of ("0 PTCFOUID. lb was swtetl further that` $100,004) is to be given to the educational alliance in which Burou De Hirsch took so much in- terest, und the remaining $700,000 will be distributed among the various other chari- ties. but. just what ones, it is believed, has not been fully determined. rlnc IUTCU KHUUIIIIK IJIU Hltruaar Clown. Corbett. was at the Baldwin yesterday watching for his conqueror. He wanted an interview__but Wu not. favored. When told Corbett was in quest. of him the champion dodged out of the door and down the street. Corbett has an offer to manage an athletic club in New York at a large salary. Should his show prove a failure he is liable to bake this place, but he haa made up his mind to go back to the stage for a while. Vviu on in; mm. NE\\' Ynmi. March `. 3.~- The Herald says: It is probable that in a very short time the Baron Do Hirsch funds in this country will be augmented by a magni- cent donation from his widow. It is stated on good authority that Oscar S. Strnus. formor minister to Turkey. and one of the trustees of the Baron Do Hirsch fund. who enjoyed a close personal acquaintance with the famous philanthropist, and who re- turned from It trip abroad last Saturday. brought with him the positive assurance from the buroness of her disposition to give the sum of $1,800,000 to divers bene- volent enterprises in the United States. nr this arsmt. sum it. in rnnnrfnd Hmt. "Wllllng To Back sulllrnn. (,`un:.u:o, March 23. --Jamos Colville, of Boston. who was Corbett ; Lime-keeper, in the recent. contest at Carson City, is one of aayndicate of eastern sports who are willing to back John L. Sullivan against. Fitzsimmona in a battle for the championship. (Ynh-illn name in venterdnv nn the Davies Clllllnplonlp. Colville came in yesterday on the Davies special and expreuetl the greatest . con- denceinSullivan a ability to defeat. Fitz- aimmnnn "l`.m-ham lm nnial in n vnrv UBHCG Ill DHIIIVHHU llllllllay IIU (IUIUJIIJ L`l|L' siinmona. "Corbett." he said, is a very clever man and Sullivan might find great. dilliculby in landing on him but Fiz- simmona is lot. so hard to reach. A few of Sullivan is blown would stop Fitz. Whonib comes to hard hinting at close range without. an opportunity for 8. run- ning blow Sullixan beats Fitzsimmona. If the champion will fight. the big fellow he can have a chance for a large stake. He will be forced to give Sullivan a match or give up the championship title. Sullivan has already begun to gob himself in shape. and before six months roll by the big fol- low will bein trim to enter into active training. We mean business, and have already posted A .(.0rfeib. Pnlvilln nut in nal nninlnn in the ntnrv ulreauy posuau ll kullulu. Colville put a nal quietus to the story ntbributed to Corbett. III which the latter is made to say that Filzaimmons was down twelve set-ends in the sixth round. "The story is absurd on its face, said Colville. Muldoon. not Siler as reported. was counting off the seconds. Just as he was about to call nine I stepped out to be in readiness to make & claim for the light. and at that instant Fill. rose to his fcet. I still think Corbett. is the better man. FITZSIMMONS KNOCK OUT. ladies ot K1'n|'nton:- Whsro can you nd I bet- ter Invoatmont `I We will nll you I Washing Iuehlno for 33.51). rmlnr print 08. TM: Inuclnuo in I qroat\IQbor nvu It does away with the hard work 0! wuh dsy. a machine: worn pg olo bankrupt. stock and '0 will sell Shun at hall the mumfnclun-n` cod. Tlislu your goldcn oppottpnlty. onorlng Prince Blamurc n n , I .10 l\_ I -m. um sagas. no as `l_.__l an An Only Belle. 1| . \l_--L Ali] up we uog jumpeu on llllll'I]|ll'Du. This morning a brown cocker spaniel owned by Joseph H. Fisher fell out of s Lliird story window in Muckloston R. Co : old sand to the stone pavement beneath. The animal was badly injured and may not. recover. It in vslued st $0. Sir lionnld Smith proposes that Montreal. should cslebnte the diamond jubilee by erecting on establishment. for the brsining of nurses. Mayor Wilson Smith favors she building at I \-icerepnl residence. in. in Inn-nu! than the Rritinh novel-nlnnnl. The British ship Melanopc. at Queens- town from Portland. Ore. reports that during the passage oicor Barrow was lost overboard. The Iiritish bark Alb n.CapL Williams. from Sun Francisco. 'ov. 13, arrived st Queenatown to-day. She re- ports having experienced horric weather oi? Cape Horn. This morning In street. car hnving on it. one of James Ha||idIy'e ' patent. lenders while running along Kin street at 1 good 1-peed picked up one of . C. Martin : fox terriers and carried it. nearly the whole dis- tance of the block. When the car nlowod the dog jumped olfuninjured. Thin rnnrnino A brown cooker annniel $06 onuomg 0! I vuxlwlu Iuluunco. It. is lenmod than the British government propose to deal with the question of con- tagious dioense nmong the British pa in India by placing the inn tion men in the Qndo of women ootaon. It I.-. In... nlgnhlmvl that Ilia nnililnrv lqnsnnunnu tuor.uo_ronn or n unurun pu-nbonlnno 90%|), abdugl-and review men In the Inna: or women uoowm It In: hum decided that the military feature of the queen : diamond jnbiloo in Iqntuululnll uhtho loan of I church _._..I. .- 3.....- SIIAI. An - no-and nnin- author 0! we bounwas bnuogln. A dot-patch from Dublin Anya Moat. Rev. Williun C. Lord Plunlcett. l'roLeat.nnt urch- bisliop of Dublin, iaeeiiousiy ill with inu- an [I , nem AL ma resmumte Lu`un_y. Among the `diatinguishad persons who are sutlering from Influenza are Sir William Harcourt, the opposition loader in the house of commons; Sir William H. Wal- rond. M.l'.. the ministerial whip in the house of oommom: Sir Walter Bennt. the author of the Countess Cndognn. A An-nnonh In-nn Ilnhlin `nun Linn}. Av fmos. n. JOIiNS.| Ilmnsnnn SIRMS.l Ylayihg Havoc in the Western States. Nobllltv urlppcd. . I.n\*no.\'. March 23. Lord Salisbury has recovered from his attack of inlluenu and took part in a cabinet council which was held at. his residence today. A.......... rkn `rlnoinwnninhntl now-nnnn nhn [HAVE BEEN mmwmm;s.| A LAD WAS KILLED BY THE LIGHTNING. Sllgln. Falls In the Water In the Mluourl Dlurlct -l`ooplo Moving to Safer Sur- roundluga--A Tornndo Swept About the llldlllll Dlstrlct. ST. L0u.~'., Mo.. March 23.--There were occasional rifts in the black cloud of dea- pondency that has rested over the ooded valleys of the aoutheln rivers. Several points report the wuter at a standstill and in two cases alight. falls. Thu nfnnlnnr Ry-van maria an mrtamlad 5.3505 3" IQTTIIOTIEE. Il.u:m.~'i:I m:,, l'u.. March 231. -A bill was introduced in the senate last evening prohibiting photographic reproductions of prize fights and another in the house pro- hibiting prize fights and providing that in the case of a man being killed in such a ght. the men striking the blow can be indicted for murder in the first degree. All persons present can be held no ncces~ nnr-inn their 11 mos L0 enter l|lIl`l'Oun(llngS. The `rat. fatality incident to Lhe high waters in the north-weer. occurred yeet.or~ day near Bangor, Wis- where a furmer named Bernard Koch. his wife and ne- IEOW were drowned whilo aktempbing to cross a rivulet. increased to the size of a in two cases angina mus. The steamer Bryan made an extended trip to Marion, Ark., and vicinity and res` cued twelve families of fortypeopie. There nre 800 refugees cured foriu Helena, Ark, and about 4,500 in Memphis. Qrr Purl Minn Mnrnh `)3 .-Arlvinma and about Law in mempuis. ST. }'.\i:i., Minn.. March :33.--Advices rocoived last night, from ooded districts in Minnesota. Wisconsin mid Iowa. give a more hopeful view. Mthough some rivers are yet. rising and people are moving from their iizmes Lo safer surroundings. Tim `rut. fntniitv inr`ir` in His hicvh {$8 FOR $2.50.] nver.l (,?.\s`i\'\ xx.LI-2, Mich., March `.23 -'l`ho Pigeon river is overowing its banks. doing consndemble damage to property on theats. 1...: u....,.1. 0`: ,,'r1... me country near one cwy. The president in so conscientious, bow- over. that he insists upon staying at his desk as long as his atren tli will permit. His friends believe that if o does not take a brief outin he will break down from overwork. T ey maintain that be has been under a terric strain since his nomi- nation last. June, and blunt it. is not. in hu- man nature to continue it indenitely. l`l`E|nC0s VVIIUITU llllll SIQCTULIIIJ [\ll\alIUlIIIU L. Stevenson yesterday forwarded to preei~ dent. McKinley a petition for his interven- tion in the district. of Columbia and the berritorities of the United States for the purpose-of preventing the kinetoscopoe hibition of the Corbet.t,Fitzsimmons fight, on the ground of its brut.alizing effect. on the youth of our land?" Letters in the same strain hum also been forwarded by the national union to the governors of the states and territories. u............ ... II.. M...-nl. 0'1 A |.:ll me nuts. I.\ IIl.\.\'.\|'\Jl.l~ , Iud.. March `_ .`}.-The storm yesterday plnyed havoc in some parts of Indiana. The gas belt was visited by a heavy rain with electriv accompaniments. In the south-western counties the worm partook of the nature of a tornado." (;`ib~ sou county was visited with particular severity. Near Fremont, Otto Spurn. a Lhirboenyonr-old boy, was (muck by light.- ning and killed. Ar. l.imn \Nillinm R, .lmmn and \:V_ L. Prenldent Melilnley Should Toke II Good Long Rest Now. W.\SlllN(:T(lN, March `.23. +President Mc- Kinley is showing the eflect of the pres- auro upon him for oilice. He gives to each visitor a courteous hearing. but the tax on his vitality is very severe. The otlice- seekers are at the White house when the doors are opened in the morning, and they remain in evidence until the pre- sident is compelled through sheer fatigue toseek the seclusion ol his private apart- ments. The warm weather of the past few days has added to his discomfort, and it has been suggeeted that he spend an oc- cneional day in rest at the see shore or in the country near the city. 'l`|m nmnidnnt. in an 0DI. haw. Object To The Boprodurtlon. C Im'.u.'u, March '23 On behalf of the 3,000 members of the national women a chnistinn temperance union, president Frances Willard und socrouuy Katherine I Qrnununnn nnafnrrhau fnru:-nu-rind tn nrnni. mm; mm: umea. At. Lima William R. Jones and VV. L. Mott were struck by lightning and fatally injured. IS TELLING ON HIM. lo. LIVINGSTON `a BM! muse Mercer. 1 At this stage chieftain Thomas King moved that the thanks oftho compare due and be hereby tendered those Indies and entlemau who have kindly contributed go our entertainment on this occasion. Bro. W. Mnssie seconded the motion which wee carried unenimouely. The programme was brought to I close by another son by the inimiteble Robert Cerawell, w ohnd to respond toencoree and kept. the. audience in roar: of laughter from start to ninh. Kingston Spice 0! The Morning Papers And Tho Vnrv Lnlnlt. llnnnnmlnl. DPIUC IJI IIIU Inutnluj u-pu-u nun uuv Vary [Ann Dolnuolnu. Safe-crackers stole over 8240 from the T. E. Walker company : cafe at Humil- rnn Lon. The bv~|aw to ieauo 310.000 debentures to consoiidale the debt of Welland. was carried almost. unanimously. I Ann-H um. u:n.-.1 nidnx, Anril inn. carnoa almost: unnnlmoulvy. April mm (Good Friday). April inn. Hub and 20th. will be observed an holidays in the Liverpool cotbon exchange. `Mm nmandmant In nmand the nchool act. In In!) LIVOTPOOI COLDOD CKCIIIIIKG. The amendment. to amend the school act. of 1890 passed in committee of the whole in the Manitoba legislature yesterday. A nun-lnnn vinihad Cvnt.hinnn_ Iml.. wen. In nulnlwua wglauuura yuawruay. A cyclone visited Cynbhiana, Ind., yea- terday morning doing great. damage. ` The open house and other buildings were de- moliahod. A - :ul|I'v nt `In-nillvnn .h..h-l..l ln re3[)0n50 U11". UTIWIUFU ITJUILDLI "Bairniea Cuddle lloon. and show- ed himself equally at, home in this line: of entertainment. The other items. all of which were well rendered. were: Recitation, A Tribute to the Bag-Pipes. past. chief ILG. Scott; song, Jock 0 - Hnzeldean, Miss B. Murray; reading, "Jimmie Low, Bro. l). Hiboon; song. Scots Wha Hue. Mrs. William Free; piano selection. Scotch, Miss King; hu- morous song. Robert. Camwell: vocal quar- tette, Will yo no Come Back Agnin, Miasea B. Murray, J. Halloway, Messrs. D. Mnlrny. J. Music: reading. Chief me- Downll; vocal duet. Hunt.ingt.own,"I)r. and Mrs. Music; humorous I-ending. W. Music; song. My Nannie 0. J.- R. Mannie; song, "Ye Banks and Bruce." Mina Mercer. '- AL aL:- ..s...... -.|.Z..lo.... 'I"|.nn.u.- Kin" mousnou. A coroner : jury at Hamilton decided that Charles Curran came to his death by his foot. being caught. in a frog not proper- ly packed. Raw. I):-_ Sims. late mumr of Bond Iy packed. Rev. Dr. Sims. late putor of Bond unmet. Uongregzatdonnl church. Toronto. has received a call to Melrose Congregational church, of Boston. At nnn n nInnIr this rnnrninn llnnrrrn muruer OI l'll|ll Bllll IJIICJD Illly. Hon. Charles Fit-/.pnt.rick explained the object. of his visit. to Rome and his posi- tion on the school settlement. to his con- abituenta at Loretta. Quebec, yesterday. Tim Ii`:-Adnrlntnn N R lnnnar nivpn T. BAWRENUE (X)'I'l`Al.}l`.'. NS KING ST. Wost.uow occupied by Ueongo Wilson. coutrncmr. Ha: twelve lnrn rooms. bnth, ntry. atom rooms. .to.; furnace and modern mprovonnonh Elootriu I` h! and telephone. Extensive Rroundu. Apply mo gem. cnurcn, ox noswu. At one o'clock this morning Goorgo Kelly was hanged in the county juil.Cen- tre City. Minn.. for complicity in the murder of Paul and Jacab Hayes. Han (Yhnrlnn Fit-/nnfrinlr pynlninnd the Bblcuelua an L4Ul'|:LU. Vucucu, _yuawIuu_v. The Fredericton, N. B., Gleaner given currency to the report that Hon. John Cosbigan will enter the reconstructed New Brunswick cabinet, taking one of its chief portfolios. The date nf closing the Ontario lezzislw TDIDIIUU. The date of closing Ontario legisla. Lure having been xed for April 14th, the Wednesday before Easter, a busy time is looked for in the legislnture for the next three weeks. VII.... I,...n.-J -) n Inna [BT86 \VE6|(!l. The Lincolnahire handicnpof 2.000 sove- reigns. which was run at Lincolnshire to- uny. was won by J. C. Sullivmfa Wink- fie-ld`s Pride; E. Couragea Funny Boat was second, and Martin 1). Rucker s Bridev groom third. At Hm in.dnnr hinvnln tournament in tho groom Inlru. At the indoor bicycle tournament in tho mechanics pavilion. San Francisco. last. night. Frod Loughoad, the Canadian, in the final of the two mile professional, lowered tho world : record to 4:24. defeating Eaton I\lcFurlo-no and Jones. ll..- Innnl. \In..I.r.II `\;nl::nl4\n`a `null Mcnurm-no ullu uuncn. Mrs. Jncob Markell. l)ickinson`s Land- ing, is cutting a new net. of teeth nteighl._v- nine years of age. Mrs. Mnrkell enjoys excellent. health, has remarkably good eye- sight, and can walk several miles without. feeling the least. fatigued. l) r 'Rnurinnt.. lmnnrnrv mnrntnrv of the: IXIIIIR Elle IGHBL nulguuu. l) r. Bourinob, honorary secretary of the Royal society of Uunada. has received a letter from the msyor of Bristol. Eng.. stating that two members of the city coun- cnl will be present. at the Cabot celebration in Halifax. N.S.. next. June. ml... .......;.... .....l n....... ......- .J H... .....oI. on. At. a meeting of the board of di- rectors of tho maiitimo exchnno, Philz delphio. Pa.. to-day a resolution was adopted and forwarded to president. Mc- Kinley, favoring: the making of the office of commissioner of navigation 1 pormnnom. one. and urging that the present. commie- uloner, Eugene T. Chamberlain, be con- tinned in the place. uuuu 11 | uwvua-uuu A regular social meeting of camp I3. S (LS., took place last. night and proved it very enjoyable affair. Shortly after eight. o'clock chief R. J. Mcbownll book the chair and after making a few brief ro- marka the proceedings were commenced by 2 piano selection of Scotch music by Miss (A. llnnbnr which delighted the au- dience. Thia was followed by a song by Mr. Crawford entitled the "Bonnie Banks 0` Lochq Lamond, which planed so well that an encore was called for. In response Mr. Crawford recited "R.Airninn (`.m-Irlln Donn. and shaw- in nnnmx. m.a.. next. uuue. The engine and three cars of the north bound local passenger train on the Chic: 0 and Texas railroad went. down with t. 0 bridge across the Big Muddy river at Ald- ridge etation, south of Grand Tower, IIL. last night. Engineer Joseph Forrester and reman James Anderson were drown- -..I HIIUUK .`i'lllI'lE'l'. LXINTAININH ll .. rooms andoxtenxion 'v.ohon.lnrnnL~o. bM.h.ttu. Also 351 Brock treat. A Brick Pounce. containing 7 rooms tnd oxfon-ion lltrhon. furnnoo. lunch. on`. Apply 1.. `I. I-`ownnn. M9 Brook Street. A window full of them. zsudznrocxsmet. PITH OF THE NEWS. A. C. JOHNSTON 8; BRO. Wudnoknn and Jcvulhn; `SEE STEACY S snow wmnows VV n -1 IllL`LV...A" luxlnu. Dll.l01`0lI AxnEuALln-II1 Pul- oou street, block above old uumd. 1 north or the fenced grounds. The ottom- uiou of Earl Street will run directly through these low, which are vloso to aprowlnq nou- tiun of the city. Apply to J. S. BKIINNII Solicitor. Clnrem o Shoat. (inn 0! the city. Apply (VOMMENCINU T0-DAY AND UNTIL FUD- ` ther notice. Hm Inna for dupctoh vlu Capo Vim-ont.N.Y.,wiu hqclosod u this 0!- co at. n :.m., and mud: for the United Kingdom will close at 10:45 n.m, JAKEH SHANNON` Pontmnnhar. nu ll I.lll. Post (Ilco. Kingston,` 231-I Mnrrh, lvl. THE LAIIUIG WARlII!0U!E ON NTARIU Sheet. lately occupied hy Jo es Browne & Co. II wholesale grocers. conniniuq an ex- cellent basement. and three Inge ute-. Rent low. Apply to James Browne. on the pre- mises. or to W. H. Sl'I.I.|VAI. ICl|r(~nce st. 1 ul wuuuvu gnaw - vullvlirun Mayor Skinner forwudod to-day to the secretary of the Royal Immune tocioty 3 copy of the petition prolenud to the city council he-I. evening. asking that tho nociety n medal boconforrod wagon to tal- Id instructor Long. of "A" III . RH A in nu:-nnvniljnn n` his In-nvnrv n IBVIFIK (O IUD DI EHO yilllx I Dalton on January `. 0t.h Int. Tho work of laying a aide walk from Ontario street. to the wharf at the lot of Clarence nmot wu begun to-day. Th new wnlk is intended for the oonvonionoo of islanders, patrons of the ferry sauna Punl Smith. 0 'I`-,.I-.. \l:.... l`--.._`I1--3- --I II.-I-n For a few of their hundreds of styles of New, `Up;-to-Date Subscribers for the GLASS OF FASHION will please call for the April number, just re- ceived. STElGY&STEACY, Qnln A nnnO- Dl"|"`Y"l"Il`IJYf`II DA 'T"I?D\YQ II (IF. IJIIILIJ` `ml Lumuo Uunxn1-AxIn-IM-:56 Pr oou street. Telephone 161A. Open Duyund uh! L . I` . nnnxuovu . Uunznnnn Am) EIIIALIIR. Prlnoou Street. Phonu-Wurorooln|. 90; nuldonoo. 191. Lowest prices. DIED. Sv'rm:nL.\.\n-ln Kingston, on March `.".3nd, John Subhorlnnd, aged 87 yegys. 4 months. ' Funeral service will be held at his late to- eidcnce. corner Brock And Barrio streets. at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon. Funeral nt.`.!o`c|ock. Friends and lo- qunintnncea are reepectlully inviud to attend. United states and British nulls. (mum-zxcncu T0-DAY Am) umu. ruin- ` notice. dumtoh R. C.A., in recognition of his bravo saving the life of the young non of Dnltnn nn Jnnnnrv `_ l.h Inn. l|'|lLl'IlCEOI' l40lIg. DI "ll IIOIU X5537. I II B. ran: amun. v To-zlny Minus Carr-Hnrria and Hour: left for New York on their way to In . IHHSHIIJH HENRY BRAKE. Lunmo Urmnnnxn um EInAuln--ul Princou street. Corner Sydonhnm utuot. 1.1.. phone communication. lI'.NTI.EMEN CAN Bl! AOG0lIODA'l`Il) I with sluzlo or double toolnl. All modern conveniences. 38 Clergy st... near In! st. THE ATHLETIC AS. CIATION PROPERTY grounds. The uinn nf Eur] Stnmt. will run dlrantlv thronnh I DRESS uuon'onN1:aAE snnvut WHILE - 3 one commondod. Ono whouun a up I prefetnd. Apply M. $80 (Jordon Stu ht. tweonhsnd ap.m. I EX(llANGI9--A GOOD ll)AT. (XJPPBB. fastened, mule by Rnn p for A blcyclo. Indy .-a or gantlamnn's. App y by letter to Box NOR, Kingston H0. WI LL BUY A NICE Ll l'l'I.E OHIUKERL 1, . [BIG Piano in excellent order. To In mum at Willa: ntHop_ QJU Ihlli Piano In neon at Wnm otoe. llU.\l HAY Isl`, BRlCK.RESlDEN(7E. NO 44 Ploray Street. I-ornar Willhun: extan- uinn kitchen. nix hodronnn, lmthrnom. om. Nam? nxrv mmlnrntn Annlv in I-`nnvrn-4 KI\;n e0Lo MINE mqnr uiit. W0 )0-l"O0'l` SAILING KIFF$ ; ON` 15- foot. sailing and rowing slim and one Id- fnnt. rnvlnn Imam. Annlv to H. J. GRAY. '0 D0-l"O0'l` SAILING 'SKl|"l"5 UNI )6- foot racing boat. Apply to H. J. Gnu`. V001) GENEIIAI4 EBVLN'l'.0 W UH- T I C. . . H Angus` I21; I:l n. 0 `H n (`HUD GENEIIAIJ UEIQVLJW in or ironing ADD!) HART, Ina Muot. klrmnton. .j.-. T<>1cxuuANmc-A uoov son`. 0091*! Rnaiw bloyu lAa|v u ur unnHmnAn'n_ Ann V [VI latter to B I Bole Agents BUTTEBICK PATTERNS. JAKE?! SHANNON` Pontmnuher. P.S.--Iniln for Wolfe lslnnd will also close ntllnm POSTZ (;l;FT6l'E-NOTlCE.` [AUNDEESSES WANTED A Amnrlnnn Hold, NE FIRST-CLASS IXLIJNIBY PRI- mu-er At. HAlmr'H. THE I.AR(}ls`. WAREHOUSE ON $N 1 Ir To A: uhnlcmnln nrovnln. c-nnlnlninn AUNDEESSES American Hots). A WEATHER PROBABILITIES. N E l'llI5'l'~l;'laA55 pater at. HAID\"H. SECOND EDITION. W NICE OHIOKER: [hull Pinnn In nrnnllnnf. nhlnr. To In on, mi 13 wan-co" - on "1}a'Jg' and you will be satised with the result. your Watch to ta: You had your Watch over-. hauled. If it has run twp years without oil it is apt to do itself injury if M4 giected longer. `H, .__.___ Il -A-I_ A_ _.__ DD. lad sud cool. St. -..r| n qjIZ 8'1` HAY. RESIDENCE $1 QUQIN S'l`., eonnlnin 10 roouu. IMO-at unprovo- nontqlup urn in from and good nrdo in r_ou.|I puoono ocou by 5. Shannon. `hr-3 -odu-Into suit: In potty. App!` C-0 8. slunon. on premium. or at Fonv ck. Rain 8 00.. Ontario Shoot. V hnunonnu A an Inn AI nu '1`. 1". HARRISON. WANTED. Lavmooo (Upplr): Fair, on]. JAS. GOODS. nnrr - THE STORE NOW OOCUPIED BY MISS Woods 19! Wellington street. Pos.~e.-sion he of Ag U next. Apply to M. Flanagan, (`My Clor ;or Mm Pnnyor. nan Brock .-street. anion kin-hon. nlx bedronnm, hnthmom. om. Ram. wry moderpn-. Ap vly to l"IA.VK(`Is Klw, Barrister. Unfnnu Chum tors. RICK HOUSE. N0. 193 BAG01` ~TREB1`. oonhimnc tlor and dinlnu-room. vo V-odroolno. ooliu. extension kllohon. bctlnoto. ot water heating throughout. Pouoauion 1-0. Apr; lfdouitod. Rant I1! pot month and tuna. mu: ac cvnuxouuu. HE STORE NOW OOCUHED BY um of Am-in -mu. A....h. on M In.......... ROM MAY HRlCK.RESlDEN()E. N0 ulnn Izih-hnn nlv Iuuln-nnvna hnilupnnun -on premises, on Blair! 00.. '0- 1&0 BROOK STREET. )(Jl'lll.l-I PAR- ` lonexfension dining zoo and kitchen. seven I-odroomu. huh and u 03 t. hontml with hot wnuor [`0s0srsi)n ls! p "I if required. (7. l.u\1.\``.:'mN 8; BRO. THE STONE RESIDENCE. 75 l'Vl()N ST. near King, now owupiocl by Lin. Ill.-my. Hosted by hot. water, mu, etc. Lawn. mmhm and stable. May be viewed from 3 to 6 nm _ HE STONE RESIDENCE. l'Vl()N Hnntnd lw Inn! wnonr Linux .0 [nu-n m.-.l..n ll 00': Clothing Store. King Itroet, adjoin- BalUe'n Printing Otlioo. Apply at Wmo 00 THE ICESIIFENCIC AND PREMISES 0PP()~ site the Po.`-tolru, now ocvupiud by Dr. anrtie. Posaossiun lat May. Apply to Jt-as l'Im:. ElCl\' RESIDENCE 191 JOHNSTON 81'. Hot wlter heating. `his! furnncv; modern improvements; moderate rent. b`I`KA( \ & S'rI-:.u`\'. The Dolly [Note Book for WM; lcendmn To Post Themselves by. To-night F. H. Wilson Co. at oem house. St. James` church guild on Tuesday evening. Munnn will meet at. their hall to motrow HE RESIDENCE AND PREMISES OPPO- ocnupiud Hun-ti; Dnu.n.~..iun Int Ilnv Ann]: 0.. Jun: evening. Muonl will at one p.m. _ Union bible class at Y.M.C. A. this even- CAPT. FOLGEFP3 CLAIM. W J. B. WHlTl1`.,AGEN'I`L()h0N GUAR- - Anton and AL`<`nidIllIt- C0.. Kingston: Dear Sir.-l have to Acknowledge receipt. of $50 from the Lon-Inn (luarlhnloo and Accident Go. in full xettlemom. of my claim under ponicy 411100. Such prumptnosa on the pan, of tha company you represent mu.-.0. command it to fho insnrinz nuhlir. March Slim}. 1897. IRA B. l~`()LGF.R. H!-I H'I`0NE HOI'.\`E. ON CORNER OF l`rim~oss and Di vision Streets, occupied by Ahnrnnuv Ky |"n Annlv at Jilin nmn. H E HTUN I`) HOl'.\`E. ON CORNER. OF Abernathy 8:. C9. Apply at Wllm Omco. _ The most stylish Shxrt Waists are at this store at right prices. The daintiest patterns produced by the best mills, made up in the most stylish shape. These are the only kind we offer. f`_,-_- _...I __- AI_-.__ at p. m. Union bible class inglab eight. o c|oc|t. nnrl millinnnr nnnnimr nn Wnrlnmdav in an exam o'clock. x-and millinery opening on Wednesday next, the 24th of March, at Spence & Co s. un nnr nnnf. n A" nnninnn tal `r"'dl'|8- next. we 29m 0! Maren, an upence on uu 5. 20 per cent, off all pack: a Loan Wednes- day afternoon from I o c ock to 4. `not. after. Gilbert : grocery. ' lll CONTENTS. 7 l!1>'vl'BUKlliEH. GIVES A-\' USUAIAHIS personal attention. assisted by An ex 0- rionced mm. tu this important. hrnnch of! is split! I usinlss. With careful advanisimz. and judicious mnnmremont. I have no hesita- tion in aunrnntceing the host rusultn to those entrusting me with thcirsnlo. Early intima- tion is requested from those who intend to favour mo with their sale. Lowest. rates. Prom:-t a-ash returns. JOHN H MILLS, wmu cosrsxm. Page l-Capiml_ Ti_dinga; Flood: and Storms; Telegmphm Taps. Dunn `)_Amnndrnnntn tn Elevatnr Bill: Storms; Ielegmpnxt-. `ups. Page `2-Amendmnnta to Elevator Bill; Sale of Thogannd Island House; Local News. 1).... 9 Main. A` I`n...:m. `nip:-An} - (ti News. Page 3-- Note: of Foreign Interest: Old Church Records; Story of So. Nazaire Survivors. Inge 4-Editorials; Ingoraoll an a Re- former. Page 5-Special Articles; Short. Story. Page 6--~'l`he Very Latest Local and Telegraphic Tidings. panlun. John Sutbarland. All Royal Arch Masons in good standing no cordially invited. By order of the Ex. Z. J05. FORTESCUE. S1-ribo N. . .-..`.. - ....-` -.....-u... 0! Household lnrnlture. Property. Etc. 7 HE HYBSCRIBER GIVES Ah` USULIAHIS An rinnnml ulna" tn thin innnnnnnf. In-nu.-In nfl .n || Gav Ivl-l\ VLAA, LI:-dun VI\4 unann- Come and see them. A big shipment received Sa- turday. More to come to- day. Prices 75c, $1, $125, $1.50, $2. Spring .Cape or Suit l- ' Mmsonlc Hull. Uolden Lion `@513 Blonhon wsnm:sn.u'.u.m~n 1-Ith. at Qqo PM . for the ur- puu of amending the funeral of our late m- panlun. John Sutherland. Royal Masons road standlmr nra -nu lvun-an-1:--`yam The Brethren of The An- viont. St. John : Lodge. No. :i, A.l~`. .\ A M., ().E.(`. . are heroby summoned to ut- . tvnvl an Elnuruunt !\leet.infz to be held at Musnnic. Hal . ()0!-Ion Lion Block. on WEDN ESDAY. Murch Nth` at. One KM. for the purpo.~'u of amending the funorul of our late Brother. John Snthormnd. Bruthren will please Mtuncl sharp on time. All Mast-nu in good M.a.milm.: cordially invited My order. R. I). BAKER, W.M. Kingston, Mguuh -:3:-I. The Prince of Comedians, FREI). H.\\"lL`50N. supported lay a No` 1 company ol I2 Dramatic and Vaudeville Artists, lnnIn.l.'-xn ALA ..I.H.l nnnunlnu Ill nv New P111 3, New Speclaltius. Change of bill nightly riues-lm-, 150 and !. )v. T. LAWRENCE (X)'I'l`AUl. KING 51`. l WAl.nnw om-unlml In Hamnn Wilnann,` 4...?! \__-__I( ONE WEEK.COMMl!`NCII\'G Monday, Ma_rgh 22nd, 1897. AUCTION SALES 1|: -n__-_n.--.. -u_____ n._,,_.. __ -.. BRICK Hot wntnr hmninu_ Ymiu fnrnnmn mmlm-n 123 Princess St.. North Side "iu"o;x"ab1vsn:'io.1.3*iz#i1 Apply to J. B. CARRUTIIBIIE. : ALI" OF THE FLAT OVER TRH BIBBY Cu`: (`.lnt.hinnr Shun. Kin: uh-not Adlnlu. You Can Get THE BEST 33! GLOVES A14!` U14` THE FLAT UVEII 'l`Hl1J IHHBY 00`: Clothing Scorn. King nd]oin- : P1-iutinl0ioo. Apply Wlll JENKlNS. | EMERGENT MEETING. n~|._ n__u.__.. .3 mL_ EMERGENT MEETING. VBROCK 3-!1lll-I81`. LXINTAINIEH ` rnnms and ans-nuinn hnnhnn fnrnnnn BROOK STREET. )Ul'[ll.l' PAR- lnlzennninn dlnina nun Ami I.-Hnlmn, III ullluclw ullu Iulluvtillv run an. Including tho uhilvl wonder. l}.{BY FLORIDA. Should be ordered now so as to have it sure for Easter. Our new materials are to hand and sample styles are made up ready for inspection. Suppose you call and see them any- way. Have a talk-with our mantle maker about style. Mllllnery Goods Stlll Coming In. LOCAL MEMORAN DA. _?_.- 7|; Biiii? II\Ilu-III |vI|-I4IlII\.au Thu Companionu of Anoivnt , F1-on tense and Calumqui Clmp~ ' for. No. 1, of R.A.M .G.R..C.. no horahy summoned to attend an Emergent Meeting to ho held at 5Mn.~u)uic Hal). Uolden Lion Rlnnk.nn \/VIlllNICHDA\'.Mnr:-In of the Ex. Z. $95. FOBTESCUE, . 'l 4. om -1 4-uh rel urns. JOHN H. MILLS. in-951 nu-ml: Rh IN H. MILLS. tr)-93 Brovk Street. [KEN STREET. III :;N`l`ARI() I nu nrn I-nu Dllllf. 60% luu I capital of 320.000. smith`: lfulle Inrder Cnee. BR|)1`K\'ll.l.l2, Ont... March `. 3.-The tra- gedy at Smith's Falls last July in which a trump was shot dead in A drunken brawl hes been revived by the discovery of what is supposed to be the won with which the murder was committe . It seems that repairs are being made on the locks at that piece where the murder wee committed and when the water was let out the other day, in revolver was found. It had one empty chamber and six loaded ones. lm~ mediately after the murder. it. will be re` membered, about a dozen tramps were gathered in on suspicion. One of them acknowledged being on the ground, but none 0! them would give any _infonuut.ion of value. HARDY S. anlenuuvu I nvnvwen BROI`K\'ll.l.K. Ont... March `;3.--Deiry- men supplying Brockville with milk are raising: big howl againet. the proposed beating of their herds by the hoard of health with tuberculin. At. the least two meetings of the boerd large deputation: of the milkmen were present and protested ugeinet the board taking Any such action. They f\_m.her-more stated that if the Leet. was proceeded with they wouldv out of the business end tend their mil to the cheese fucloriee. If they carry out this threat. four citixona are ready to form a butter. cheeee and milk association. with I ....:e-l nf Q01] I'll} ..r,,, L, wm Not Accept `Ibo lohono. Lmmozv, March 23.--'l'lIo Cretan chiefs` have rejectod the scheme for autonomy by the pouch. declaring due in; but annexation to Gnoeo will nth! dun. It in mid that powonnn driftingnpnrtonflaoir policies :94 pydhglhocnhn qncpuon. QVOTYCIIHVK lnoy UUUIU UPC. Juan Perez-.. nnngod relative of tho fami- ly. had crept. up into the loft of the old- fnahionod country home, where he was a silent. witness of all that [took place. As soon as the murderers hnd gone he Had to the camps of the insurgents and told them the story. [H6 IIUIPIUSE Illllllllo BHU nuu IH HUI lllulu The ve children were then slaughter ed. The guerillas next searched. and pil- luged thepromisee. They found the ais~ tors and endeavored to ex tort confessions of rebel plots from them. When they found that nothing could be learned. the women were subjected to the grouest in- dignities and olterword murdered. Not on natinliod, the band went through the onto and plundenal it thoroughly. taking everything they would use. Junn Para-a nn nnnd rnlntiva nf thn fnmi. Jmanucnun or numasl Upon Goods Coming from Great Britain. CnIl(lr8n "(STU Kl|IU(l III CUIII UIUUU. They were living some distance from town when the guorilhia approarhed. The women hid and refused to open the doors as the bend devmuided. They forced the doors with their muskets and soon found the women. Mrs. Perer. was found in one room hidden with the children behind the bed. The guerillas raised their machetes tokill them. The mother threw up her arms pleading for men-y. They told her she mustdio. She then pleaded for the lives of her children. but for answer she received a sabre gash that split her head open, scattering her brains and blood upon the helpless infant she had in her arms. The five nhildrnn warn than nlnuahf:-.r- inuunmn sursnnuuunnm THE ST. LAWRENCE CANALS TO BE DEEPENED. Captain Bate Wlll Accompany Mr. Laurler to Euglnnd-llon. Mr. Dnvien` Adm-on to Elector! of Xyllner. Quo.-No Cou- tncl: Slgnerl In Connection With the Atlantic mourners. 0'I'rA\vA,l\Iarch `_ 3.-Justice Taacherenu, of the supreme caurb, and Miss Pane: were married at Ottawa. yesterday. M n: 'I"nnnhpr-Ann in nnlv Lwnntv mun-n nf B'4'rng irnuz. NO. 69. llttlll Crimes Comnulttetl At The Home 0! ll (iuban Lender. Nzw Yank, March `!3.-A special to the Times from Tampa, Fla., says; The pas- sen rs of the steamer Olix-otte last. night. ml story of horrible murders committed in Pinar Del Rio province last. week, near Arbemisn, in the family of Capt. Luiz Perez. 8 Cuban leader, by the Spanish guerillns. His wife. three sisters and ve children were killed in cold blood. 7l"|..... ......... l:..:..... ..\...... .I:..o........ 5...... mnrrleu III: UUDIIWII _y'CBll'U(ly. Mrs. Taschereau is only twenty years of aigo, while justice Taachereau was sixty years last October. The bride is a sister of Charles Panel; of the house of commons stall. \Y.\ -.\..6-...-.0 L... In"... gin-.u..I I... II... J.` UIIIIII. No contract has been signed by the do- minion government wibh Mr. Peterson for a fast. Atlantic service. TL . .....:s L... f`.\In|.....b.\.. KY Q L-.. LA-.. grupn. This is polling day in Wright count.y. Although both parties are working hard. the vote polled will not likely be as large as was the case M. the last. election. This in on account of a large number of the electors being in the woods. There are more than 500 votes in the bush, most. of them from Hull. The chances are that. the seat. will be retained by the government, but the majority of 301 which Mr. Devlin had last. June may not be equalled. THE BLOODTHIRSTY GUERILLAS. Baldereon, secretary of the railways de- pm t.ment., has been auperannuulod. This is in pursuance of the policy of the govern- ment. to do away with department sec- retaries. His salary was $2,400 His superannuation allowance will be 8701. (`mm Rain A! this air" mkn mun rn. UUWIVHIIIIUHDIUII llUW|lUU Wlll IE QIUU. Capt. Rate. of this city, who was re- cently mudo A.l).C. to Hsneral Gascoigne, has accepted nn invitation from Mr. Laurier to accompany him to England to take part in the jubilee celebration. Hnn L, H, Davina, ant-nhinwin Avlnmr, H530 lllalllllblli l'Ul`\'lUC. The writ for Colcheater. N.S.. has been issued. The nomination takee plat-e on the 13th and the election on the 20th of April. ' Rnldnr-non. nnnmfnrv nf Mm rnilwnvn rin- UHIU PHIVL Ill LIIU JUUIIUU L'UIUUI'3IUIUIla Hon. L. H. Davies. speakingin Aylmer. (\)ue.. said that the budget would be intro- duced early in the session and a tariff bill that. wouid redeem every pledge given by tho liberals. He inbixxxat/ed a reduction of duty on the goods from Great Britain. It. in stated that. Hm dnmininn xmw-rn. TO CONTRACTORS. lsh DCIIDTIYCII DU UIID in: