TREAT A Peculiar Suit lnvolvlugn Father's Action Towards nls Chlmn-n. T.\rnn|.. llnil uu_vn In mus Clby. This morning the delivery horse of John Olsen ran away from near the corner of Clarence and Bagot, streets. Near the British American hotel the rig attnnlied no the runn_way horse collided with Lhnt of A. \V.BurLch. Olse `srigwasbadlysinashe-(J as :1 result. of the c llision. HOW THE SCHEME ;/ORKS. nus! rmuu vuiumos. }ield s troupe of minstrels, of which Clarence 1 . Jonei is A member, is at; pres- ent travelling in VVest, Virginiu. The theatrical season will soon close. when Mr. Jones will return nr)'t't,h and spend his holi- days in this city. This mnrninrr Hm .4nl.'m:u-u lunran nf Tnl-n uunugnuyn uunuu umrence BDPBGD. A set. of Encyclopedia Britxaica, Am- ericnn edition of 189i, ten volumes, has been left at, the Wnn: oflica for sale at a fraction of ori;:in.\Ll`cost: as nlso was {id- puLh's history of the world. {our nely il- lust rated volumes. Ifinlpl ,-. >........... _: _, - . u 4- I - I 1 ;.w p.m. nu are cormaily Ill\'llBd. The Bay of Quince Ry. new show line for Tweed, Nnpanoe, Deaeronto and all local points. Train leaves City Hall depot at 3:30 p.m. R. J. Wilson, agents, C. P.R.. tolegmph ofce Clarence street. A mar nf I<`..m.,.I........1:.. n_.-..-.;:-- A ._, nun cuuu lxlllg EDFBOD. A series of special mission qervices will be held, 1). V.. at St. A,lbu s church, Odessa, every evening for `two weeka,c:om- mancing on Sunday next, nrcli `.38th, at 7:30 p.m. All are cordially invited. Bav (.)llll\fn Rv nnu: nhnrn lunn uulnucu wILu Lnell` alleffl singing. Your name please if vou can beat our Scotch tweed I-nit, at, $8, 3:]! sizes. Dunlop, low side King street. A Marian nf CI\DI1:nlI\rn:::n:t\I\ ........:..u- will uual. umut: to order. Uunlop. A driving party, o-Jnsisbing of about. thirty persona, drovo nboub the eastern portion of the city last night, raising the echoes with their alleged singing. nlem-in if vnu r-an haul: mn- awmnur null armnn. 3H for a nobby, natty new spring over- coat; made to order. Dunlop. driving xmrtv. n-1nninr.inor nf nknnt. Facing The Pug, by Jules Verne. 50c. uuw auu U1 WIRECIE. George Cliff makes a specialty of real estate, you can always secure a good in- vestment tltrouuh him at 95 Clarence street. l)unlop s $1.50 child's suit. See it. A new wharf has been built and plunked at the foot of Clarence street for the con- venience of passengers using the new terry steamer Paul Smith. still 6.... .. .n.\L.L... _,..__,,.,,, ,, ` un um 51100!!! was morning, having been thoroughly overhauled and supplied with a new set of wheels. (.\.AnIrIn (`INT ...,.I.,__ _ ,, - I. p - UU ELIHIIHUIIUU. 75 men : black worsted coat-a and vests at. $6 and 86. Dunlop. Street car NO. 9. math its l'A.nnr\M:rnnnn um and unu (nu. uunlop. 9, made its re-appearance on the streets this morning, having been thorouzhlv overhauled and pulnnlinri with n DUO IIIBIIIUCF. The police are today notifying citizens who have bhrown aehee. on the sidewalks that. they must remove them or they will be summoned. `PR -..\.. .. LI....L i 7 I \ lIlIU- _ Coal, all aizemdeliverfed promptly to an part of the cioywat 85 per ton by W. G. Craig & Co. Thevgolice rooeivod this morning from Hon. . Harty A number of parliamentru-y reports, for which they return thanks to the member. ML- ....I:..- -.._ L- ,1 --n - unupvu -no cn|u!IIl0lI OX TIIOIO WHO `I'D Tuklnz Notes. Dunlap : $5 man a suit. See it. The American hotel is being thoroughly renovated. , Open water is visible surrounding Belle Island. The ice is nearly all broken up between Cacaraqui bridge and Belle Is- land. . PARAGRAPHS `blcxao usv oun ausv REPORTIRS. , T41 __--. um` tuna: who Jutou. -.-. :__L_n- -1 .L, 7 I- Don Bulasco of Key West, by Gunter, ` 50c. ` mcmE WASVi=`R`l'\UD uNT"e i~IbEo. ho gplco of Eur] Day l.lfo--What tho Pdoplo Are Talking About-NothIng En- onpu tho Attntlon of Those who no Tnklnz Hutu. governments mo stock of binder twine stored in the Kingnton penitentiary, ie in the city. Mr. O'Gormnn in here for the purpose of formally aakin over a aoock of binder twine for the nbbe pany. The material wil .ba\al|oIred to remain here for the p t. and will be shipped in consignments irocb to` purchaaera. Mr. O Uorman aye Hobbs company merely cook over from t , government a contract which another ma uld not fulfil. The rm deals extenaively in binder twine, having &l00.(l)0 invented in the in Caneda. Tbepanitentiary not a . ratvlana article in ovorypq.-out . ........ wuluu purcnuseu Irom the dominion government tho stock of binder Kimnrnn n.nio....:..... :- :_ Taking Over The Twine. John O'(-`ormnn, Toronto, ' roprooenting thg Hobbs hardware company, London, Ont... which purchased from the dominibn government um mm-I. nf 5.4-4-- .-:_- All The Time In lght Time-. The i\linnoupoli.< .lour1ml notes that bicycle manufacturers used to :l.(l\'elLl.'~`0 only in the selling HOJISUH; but oxporiomeo has taugzht them that poopln buy bicycles in their mind before th-3_v buy them in the stores. This is truo of not only the l.`|!(`_V`Cl6 trade, butof many others. Wlnle there is much advertising that must yielrl imnieilmte rosiilzs in order to be protable, there is lllS'J much thnt inu.<.*. be planted ahead so in to give it time to take root. Let those who sow l'I(l9. in tho Wnu: note that it is none too early now to sturt some of the z-'ummer seeding. Drnth (If John D03 Re. John Dovle, express messenger on tho Cnm(li:ui l'ut-ilic mllwny from Montreal to Toronto, died during the night at llilotol l)ieu, in which institution he hnzl been for six weeks suffering {ruin 1). wnvttiiigr dis- en- c. l)ecen.Herl, furr.y`5vo years pf age, was the eldest son of John lbylc. of l it:s- burg township. He hud been from home for over sixteen years and for fourteen years was an employee of the Dominion oxpress company. He was faithful and painstaking and had secured a good posi- tion in the concern. He was unmurriod. The funeral occurs from his father's resi- dence on Friday morning. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved. Not A Depnr tmentul store. lev. J. E. Starr lms roceired a letter from his brother, I). E. Starr. Toronto. stating that by VVodnesrln_v evening he will have closed his businci-9 L are. and that by April 3rd all the goods intended to be sent here from Toronto for use in the Kingston store will have boon shipped. Mr. Starr asks that o contrndictiunbo giv- on to the report that lms been set in circu- lafior. here to the effect that he and Mr. Sutc-liffe purpose opening a departmental store here. There is Absolutely no truth in the report. Mr. Stnrr is evidently n be- liever in the efficacy of printers` ink. and he proposes to advertise pretty extensively. nu-any An I|('('l(lellt. Street cur No. 1.": and a rig nearly came into collision yescenlay nflernoon near the corner ul Alfred and Earl streets. The car wna going down Alfred street at. a good clip when a horse and rig drove up Earl street and got upon the tn:-zk before the driver noticed the nppro:1chin;: car. He at nnm pulled up his horse nn:l.nt~ tempted to back of?" tho mils, but, in doing so broke one of theilines, rendering himsell helpless to guide the animal. In the meanbilna motorman Mouc-`kn hnu thrown off the power and plug;;c the motors, bringing the cur bonsbop witln'n 11 few foeb of the strandcal h0r;~o and ring. n u qogul IV orx. On Sunday n/fternoou nbnut. twenty-five men in the employ of the Collins Buy raft- ing company will leave here for Toronto. where on Monday morninf: they \vill ro- nommence work on the new conduit pipe for the Toronto water works system. The work will be looked nfwr by L. Lnlonde, foreman for the Collins Bay co-npnuy. Cnpb. George Wnlkem will also be con- nected with the work. wliioln will be push- ed through without loss of Lime. Will Leirture Hi-re. Mrs. Hariier. Booiner, London. Ont. widow of the late dean Boomer, of Huron diocese, will lecture here at mi curly (lute on behalf of educating the chilrlron of um- sionaries. Mrs. Boomer is H. lecturer of more than orrlimiry ability. As an nu- tlmress she iii at the head of tho profeseioii. Her latest work on the Transvaal question is said to he the finest ever published on the South African dilliculty. Mrs. Boom- eri.-! an aunt of him l\.ln.:cn-a \\`..n,..... R- F. NlSBET Sl uuu uuuuu nnn;uuumI(:l1lr.y. Mrs. 1100m- aunt. of the Messrs. \\'uIkem &. Walkexn. nvcny uuy New goods are arriving. l armm| time will soon be here and we have some beau- ties. New sill; rain umbrcllmz very cheap. '0 lmve ulwnys lmd splendid value in l:u`0 curmina, but. those of this season beam (hem nil. We ure showing a lace nurlnin for SI that ia really worth $|..")H. Uarpets me better in quality and luwerin price. Come and see them. R. Me-Fuul, King`-Ilon carpet \\'&I`0l|OllF8. uuvv Icnvuolllr Ill n-uunester, N. \ ., has p868- od the civil service examination for in- .-sbruczionof the care of steam boilers ut. the state industrial achool in that city. Nu will likely secure an nppoinuncnt- H0 and three others alone passed out of :1 class of two hundred. U... \ cl-alul x\u|;;!I|l)llllIlI. John S. C!mpm:a.u. 9011 of Mrs. John l re.salcy, corner of Jixng and Gore streets, now resident, in Rochester, N.\ has oxmnixmninn for in. LII] IIUUII Unless they fit. That is the supreme test of an Oxford Tie. If in docsn b t don't wnntit. If it. doesn't. fit. at. first; it never ts. Ours t: at first. Have you seen our new $1.51) Oxfords fur_ lu- (lies? They ure bemzties. Mont, stores would ask you 3;). Come in and look over nu:-stuck. See the new lines for spring. llaunes & Lnckott. um vtu:u.nb poruon. or me welgn house on the hay market is being used for purposes which make in a nuisance to residents of the localiny. The let-see has been notified that he must clean the place and must keep it. in proper condition. .-uuu vntnu nun nclxu IIUKIII`. In has been reported to the police that the vacant. portion. of the weigh house bh hBV market hnimv [Hind fur liIII'f\l\kLlu `Importation 0| 1897. Provost, at the New York Clothing Store, Brock street. has received all his spring importations, consisting of Scot-ch and English cweods ; also a line selection ofwnrstedsforsuitingsand spring ovarconts. In panting we are showing extra value this season. uuua. L . W .U. IV. Will D0gIl) H}! evening. Capt. and quarter- is the president and Lieubs. Sutherland are the members. an IJIIIIII LII -IIIlI|IlIl"a - A courlz of enquiry to investigate as to the condition or tho bugles of the Hth bath. 1 W.(). R. will begin its session this quarter-master Whine Mncnoe and Sutharlnnri nrn Hm mmnhm. uunuuu ay u rortulle, DY (180336 Milf- wlth Fern, 750. London Pr!de,by M. E. Braddon, I750. The Money Spinner, by H. S. Memman. 750. In Glvenulunnv.-o. Stoker Henley has again assumed duty at the penitentiary, but with I convict to help him temporarily. Irwin, relieved from duty, has had no helper for threo months. / Bleyelo Talk. There are wheels then are good, some t t are mm. and other: then are bent. '1` e Steam: {in one of the very best. Hninee do Loehtt will explgin why. .._-___-j-q--.`.. Mun Clean The `alga Home L... Ln-.. ......-_._.J ;- .L. , u A uurcansful Mlngutoulnn. Q (1|__,_,,_, ,, r I- Nearly An Ac:-lclent. ..... \V. I ` I Olf Y AND VIOINITY. To legTn '01-k. `n ..b`,............ ._L- .. A icourl 0! Inquiry. :....-..;.l_ AC A-......'.... L- 'i:7eTy7T..}- |\.o1*'ro _ ::o:.ia.?., Cursed By a Fortune, by George Mair. with Fern. 75. IBOOKBINDTNGI lm! In Hm amid Registry omen. 4rh~Locs :I. 4. 5. 6 and 7, fronting on Hue mrth side of John Streak. woqt of Patrick Mrev-t..a\.~: laid down on mid plan made by Booth. Them propnrtiu will bo offered In 4 blocks, as numbenod above. Title (odd. ` For further lnfnrmstlon apply to J03): lUD:.Ed--Folicltnr. Clarence Street. Du Mb umn. 51. property is in good condition. No. 1 mu! 2. went. nf Ri-Juan Street. with I right. of wuy t.hnrei.0'lem!iniz f 0 he and street. mid lots being lnivlrioivn u 2: plan mama for Robert \\ hi&o by T. W. Nu-II. i`. '15.. and tiled in the lieaishy olca for the Cuy of Kingston on the bill: duyof November. 1877. Lot 1 has A small frame uinlnle thereon, and Inrmoriy bei-mized In one John iiouny-and Lot xnsdjoius the us]. boundary of H 8rd-lmt.1 J! and 4. frunfinc on the West side 0' Pxurivk f.reor.nn laid duwn on the plan nude {or the ui-I Michael Ilomn by Charles `Bomb. l .I...~.`\. dated titn soptoxxxlier. 18-*4. and lm! .'I. 4. 5. 6 nmi 1. I` on Man E Cu`1*'VariE'o'tlcq Successful nlc.-onnznr On Saturday evening last, a week of re- vival services was begun at the Salvation: army barracks. Major Unskin, Toronto. general secretary of the di.~Lrict.. is in charge. Hois being xx.-2.-=isto(l bvull the ofcera of corps in the vicinity. The meet,- inga nre being quite successful. l7p bill Tuesday night. there have b(er. forty con- versions. Afternoon and evening meet.- ings are: held. um rumu xnsmuunn on C0l1\ l(`l.|0ll of n similar offence. McCoy was found guilty run] was sentenced three months ago, but has been detained by the Toronto police as he is wanted to give evidence at. a coming trial in that city. The case will not be heard for some time yet. and McCoy will have to be taken to Toronto to testify when it is called for hearing. Two To ronto Touqlnl. Two Tnrontorniam nrrived in the city on Monday evening, in ulmrge of nhez'ills oili- cers. Lizzie Tucker, an wnywurd young woman, who has been giving the police of the queen city a great deal of trouble latc- ly, was sent, down to FCIVC Lhreo yours in the penitentiary on c0n\'i:'Li0n of larceny. Amos MC-Cov will El)(:I|(l a like tarrn n. Luv [l!:llllt1llb|Hl'y UH convn-uon OX larceny. McCoy spend like term In the sumo institution on conviction of -ilvlilur n`.....m lAn(`.... .....,. L.. ,.l _.,`|-- In um: guilu vuly lul`. -lllllge l\ l(`I}0l|.'.llll, of Brmkville, was in town _\'e visit- ing his mothor, Mrs. John Mclkniuld. 1\Ium:g_5cr S. A. McKenzie has booked the kinetmjcope and ;_{ruph()ph0lIc for the operu hou.-0 April (3th. Frank l'nrker. of the March-ant,s b:mk stn', Brimtfnrd, is visiting his parents-, Mr. and Mrs. Henry l au`kor, for a few days. The ice has ull gone out of the creek, uml for quite a space below the swing [Midge the river is open. A ho:n'_v wind would now clear the river in this section of ice. 21d all vf`fe<`t.=x from abuse and I .\n I\r\(r-n linn auuua nuluuaxe, Dy MP8. Lovltt Cam- eron.25o. _ From Youth Up, by Marlon Ear land 25, it is uuu DI one man struck. The Citizens` band's third benefit con- cert. held in Turner`e opera house last evening, was the most successful of the series. The selections were all new, and were interspersed withcomic songs by T.E. Shields and Charles P. Byers, and an ad- dress on health by Dr. Bowen. The most catchy of the band : selections was the Circus Gallop, composed by William E. Rees, lender of the band. This piece bud to be re eated. As a composer of b.\nd music A r. Rees ranks muong the foremost on the continent. Bolton Hall, of New York, lectured on Social Raforru" in I.Le Presbyterian lecture room Monday night to a small eu- dionce. The lecture wise not as interest- ing as was expected. A meeting of those interested in the plebiscite movement; was held lust evening in the lecture room of the l ro:.b_vterian church, to form an educa- tional plebiscite campaign coinmittee. lhilcgates were present from the various churc-hos and societies in town. and the meeting was a \'er_v- I-piritetl one. The meeting wus formed into n. so- ciety and oilicers elected, and in resolution _ was adopted protesting against the proposed umemlmcnt to the license law. now before" the ()ntnrio house. as being inadequate. uml it was rosolved to forward in onpy of the resolution to the Ontario l(3g`lt4lIll|li`6. l)u\-irl l little tlnuglitcr was run over by u bug-,;_v on Sun- day but happily wn.-i not much injured. A horse belonging to ll. Acton, which was tied in Miles Wri;zlit :4 shed on Huntley night, broke loose nnd run iu\'u_v, upsetting and breaking loose from the buggy before it hml gone very fur. .lu;.lgo Mcl)onnlrl, Urn .-kville, The Teanperunee Won-Inn Making Ready `For the Cumpnlgn In unnunoque-llo|- ton Hull`: Lecture Bllmly Attenua- Gouernl Nun. GANANOQFE. March 2l.-.A. Edwards received yesterday from is relative in the Birmingham mint one of the bronze mednle. struck in honor of the sixtieth year of the reign of Queen Victoria. The medal bears on one side the inscription: "Victoria Regina. Eb Imperatrix, with the queen's head. On the reverse side is the crown and the words: In Com- xnenorubion, Victoria, 1837-1897. Mr. Edwards Prizes the medal very highly. as it is one o the rat struck. 'l`hn (`ir.`~m...' k.....l`.. .i.:-.: I__..-RL -4- om; 0F mg FIRST SIRUCK."| TO COMMEMORATE sux TY vans upon THE Tl-IRONE. .19!" "2! .5r..tI=,h- . you----v--u du;I_I_Q.n IOI Wm. Allen & Brock Street... .,.'.` MEN S SH-(_)_l`.;' Ladies box calfbuttoned shoes, welt sole, neat tip, stylish shape, and a genuine rain shedrler, with style, comfort, health and long wear guaranteed all over. 4 an auuvuuv. uuvux, uy NLIB. h0V1EEU3.In- eron, 250. AL1te'a Mistake. by Mrs. Levitt Cam- ax-on_:'!n_ RAIN PROOF LADIES `SHOES ($3.00. without ILHHH not he paid fm -I. ll. DRIALJIVISSUN. Sacremry. Department of Railways nnd Cluuls. Omuwu. zuth March, 1597. cept. Ine l.;wo~xt. or any tender UonlI`.u'[0rs are n-'|na<-lnlly notied tlmt. the mmdltiun requiring the works to he whnlly vnmpleu-:1 by the 3]. day ol'Jnnu-sry, A D. ism, will he ripzidlyenfon-evl and all penalties for delav exm-tml. Hv nrlls-r Lemlnr.-e urn unt novepted. The Impurtnnent does not bind itself to ac- cept. lhe lawoat. tender _ ans .-um-inllv nnhml olmo cl... m1lt('Il The arm-med hunk cheque thus sent in will he returned to the resm-.-;t`ive purtios whose temlnr.-e Iiapnrtment bind itanll` In nu-- at the plm-ea nxentinucsd. In Lhu r'u~x9 of rm.-c them mu-xt. he nttnnhett In the rennin: the m-tun} Niulllll-|lrII! of the full mune, the nnturv of Hue m`r`.Ixpn1i(mnn<|resi- dence at` each nu-mher of thn name. and fur- 1lmr,un Au-opted haukvhnque for the sum of slsmcmz xnnut nvcnlnpvmy Hm candor. Thiu tw- napted hank Chequn mmst he anrlorsml over to the Minisvur of Huilwawuuni Geuml.-I. and will be furfnitod if Hm party N-ndarma det-liners onterinw into (`unlrnvtr for the work on. than ma I()rh:lc0u u the party ts-ndarma devllneri onterinwinto at the rates um] on the terms 5! utml m the otter sub- miltwl M the (-`Mops (lanul. Plans and npuuillw-ntlonso! the work can hn .:om1-on and after the 31st. duv of Man-h. 181:7. untheonicu nflhuUhls-f_En1:inuer of the De- pH,l fnmnV of Railways zuul Clumlu. Ottawa, and at the Engineer :1 oivn M Uorllwnll. Printer! forms of tender can also be obtained at the pluvea rnn.-4 Hm!-n nxnuf. I... .n....1...c u_r-1.` " CANAL, an----j NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. `EALED l`ENl)ER.*& Al)l)Rl`.~XSl'Il) TO THE x undnr.-uiunenl. nnd e-ndor:-uni "Tonxlar for tho Cnrvlinnl .\'-uriml of the Hnlops Uamtl." will he rt-(mi\'9l at thinnh-9 until o`('Lm-.k unSA'[`l'l{DA\'. Hm 17th day or April, It-:I1,fur thn wnv-k.~am)nInL-vreui with the enhnzemenb of H10 (-`ulopu (lanul. HlIu(:ill1'nHnnn M um wm-I: 1-nu I... A Duvout Lover, by Mrs. Levitt Cam- an-cm, Q59, Newnm-umr.~: without mnhn `mt In maid fur Our Uplnlstering and Carpet- Cleaning departments were not interfered with by the re and we will be able to fill all orders promptly. F.C .MARSHALL Your I`! feet. are rourlotlnnyoh the best. of norvico and due:-vo up bout of Shoes. Why not ban lnllhfnl to )Ol1l fO`G an yoiir {cut an to you 7 If you Hive been Waning "ordlmru" shoes. for I change give them tho_ but nhoo m|de-givo thou! ALI-_`N'8 $6.50 Bqpd Judo Gontlomoxvs Shoe nndhoto the ddoldsgl dilu- -ll, SWEEDING REDUCTIONS, ' TERMS CASH. Everything must be sold in order to make room for re-building. FIRE ~ SALE u nu -um; uu. nun. nun-A nu vluv .unu-n mm thmufhnnltho vnrld. Pan-`u Dunc up Clllll. Cn|u- . shale 'roya.. llouum. r How to dun 8k|n- 'l\n-Cum! Iluhlu.` (NI. -...n. `A.-_ , 1 -C jv 1 T , And rest for tlrod mothers in it warm bath with Cm-xcunzn so.\P.1uulnalngIeup olloathm of ('uT;I`UI:A (ointment), the NM Q In cure. C`.)l`lCU.A Rnncnnm mm) innrnhl mhnf. UL \ U I'iI.:u1m Ulilllllllclll), lue nun [SUI Uurco Cuncuzm Rtmmmn mo Instant I01. I`. ma poms ton speedy cum of torturln , ll- -,:urIng.hmnillaung,Itchlnmbumlng, neod- lng. cruumd, may akin llltl lchlp lmznon, with loss or hair. when all clue Inna. --u n......-g....n .5- ......I1 n_._1- I\-.._ ..._ n..-.. NEW BOOKS I 1 26.4 & 265 Princess Street. 'xni""Eh f"`452;;': lav exm-tml By order. WEDNESDAY.` n inserting thic rulvertncmenf. m-Hy {rum llw l.`.-pnrtmcnt will n` It. .1. u. BALDERSON. Sm-.rn.n ru FOR _._v' .-w - -.9 VA Jun; v `:1: qn::-'p;;c:oa. Brock St. nn-_;` Lo: U loo-u.I)I|ldtc\Vl|lhn 7" (`IRS in _ .'_Axn'`.$e.":`. .".'.`3.".":. .'.`$'. n.?.!.`.'.'.`.` I um ammo-1 :m'xcU1u MIL L5." Tb lane 0! our" Delicious Ban gr `neon. 'r2me's no cholcgr, \ Ihot, news:-orbpttcr stock MQU city. _'s .3! Ztnku very qttlo money to Ah; ;l_` -.|_.- -3 ._.- . Martyr To Love. by Joanna Wood 500. tho cure of efery curubfo dim-nse .' Munyonm ltcnnmlles M an drugglsts, most- ly 25 cents n vl.-1|. Personal letters to Prof. Munynn. 11 nnd 13 Albert street, Toronto. umnvm-ed with free medical advice for any disease. ' Guide to Wlth Ilunyonm Remedies every one can become his own doctor. No experlmentlng. no (non-work. no purging, uo numioouu clout. The cure in certain. quick and per- manont. Munyon's system ls to bulld uf). not tear down; to strengthen, not to wen :- on. It you are slck can naldn all other lncdlclnen. bury prvjudlce-; step lnto tho noun-an an}? more. and null: for n Munyon eulth." lt wlll cost you noth- lng and wlll tell you how to cure yourself an lave doctor`; blllu. A twenty-Ilve-cent ` vlal of mm or Mun,von u llemedleu may be llll that you ll( ('d to cure yourself, utter everything else has lull:-cl. ln nny (want. your c.m'u will rout yun but 11 lrllle. 'l`lIon- unudn of tentlmonlnlu from grntr.-l'ul Entlu-nu-c In all purl: of the country nltvst 1 u wou- derlul elflcncy or Mun un's lie-medlcn ln tho every curab 0 disease. all drnmrlntn mnut. The Cornor Bookstore. Inn- Al I)-I.._--- _.._ ah-r- man and Poor Allko Provided \vm'71 Runodlu That May be mailed Up as sure specific: for all mscn;cs-Got lluIu'on'a Guide to Health From Your Nauru: urnu!u:--nuy n 25-iicnt Mun-` you Remedy and Cure Yourself. Vlj Iiidolhuton lIunyon'sImp1-oved Homaaopathic Remedies Place the Means of V Self Cure within the Reach of A11. jsmx P[3_[* man 1` Iotmms 3:: mm: nun scam: 7 1'0 umrua nunmmzss. u-._.--- It iflok homo, ...-...:'.t.. `'35.. Muuvaws GOOD WORK :1 WALL PAPER With Ilunyonm even-y' ` ygctnpo ovyn exporln That our Sul- tana. Citron, S e e d, Ri c h, Wa s h i n g t on and Fruit Cake at 20c per lb. are as near per- fecgion as long e x p e r ie 11 c e. carefulselcction of ingredients and cleanliness pcan make them. inc R1 .N0. 3| LUIOII tr luqiln %YW. H `ft? III1`. YOUR SELF r De pot ru rota sun on 1'0-La-r. a nu ru-uperxy Involved. Our Harlow. out write: us 150! the upon. that A. oibe 4 qualica- tion In ample when Mr. Bx-whey was going In protect his citation for rean- uhipr Ageqdia to -neon: which It muwu. |,vIo.4a: total amount contribu- ted to Kingston (and. 82.019 69: bounce. 3103.0]. hie in correct. an in an it . but of 8110810291 the dierent. bent: at which enbeoriplione were received. remit.- ted the amount thereof 898, leaving 1 balance at 84 9| for ex nuuun runuuc Illllu JJPOIIIQI. The expenses in connect.i;>n with tho local conuibunions to the Cunadian fund for the India fktnino snlforers amounted to 84.9] instead of $102 91 as reported nomo' day: ago. Thajmisuko was made In inad- vortoneo. The" statement of the Jimmi- lion of the fund as published road thus : Fins remittance to houdqunrlaerb fund. 81.000; nal remittance. 8916.78; ooh! ro- Inittod. 8l,9lB.78: total ahzounc contribu- ml to Klnggu... Inna 3-) mo nn. n..u-_-- umgmrute to answer for their offences. The chief says that if parents would as- sist the police by enforcing the rule re- garding the hour at which boys and girls under iifeeen mint he in their hoines, there would be no dilliculty in the matter. and the benets of the curfew law would be much more plainly apparent. When a boy oragirl under iifteeu _yonraold isfound on the street nfter hours, for the first time, by in police constable, the ollendeii is warn- ed by the oiliccr. Should the same oll'end- er be found breaking the law It second time he. or she, is taken home by the policeman, and the parents are warned and given notice regarding the consequences of II third olfence. When this notice is not heeded, and the delinquent is found trime- gressing a third time, the chief writes to tho purenl.s-, nnd the fourth offence is fol- lowed by the summoning of the offending child nndpuronte to the police court. The chief believes that the law is "winked at" in [l):lll_\' cases; and that it is dsliiherately ignored in many others. If parents desire that their childmn nlmll be saved from tho contaminating iniluenco to which they be- come exposed by remaining on th- streets nfter the curfew ringing, they; will assist the authorities in carrying out the law.and save themselves the odium of appearing in court with their children. Was A severe dale. Forty years ago this spring Capt. Milli- gg.-in P.'l_\`6 navigation opened very early. The weather was very mild and the ice broke up very quickly. On April let be left Port Dnlhousiov in a sailing vessel for Port Robinson. but before the journey was half accomplished is heavy snow and wind storm was encountered. delaying the paus- age. Arriving at l`ort Robinson the offi- cers and crew repaired to a hotel where they remained for two weeks before the weather moderated sufficiently to allow of then atnrn trip being taken. On May 4th of th v anme spring the severest snow storm of the season set in. blocking trailic in all lines for some days. Many vessels were grounded and wrech during this storm. Wlnluul at In some Case.-. Ignored In Others. Chief Horsey has written to the parents of four boys, each of whom is under fifteen years old, and has been found on the streets several times after the ringing of the curfew ball. If the chiefs warning is not heeded the boys and their pa rents will be summoned to appanr before the police mngi~urut.e to answer for their offences. The rhinf aura that H` nn.....o.. ....~.-I-I --- laKlU yuuuw moon: stunning out in chunks on the face of the hard rock. Tm`: vein from which the rock was taken is about two feet wide at the surface, but its length and depth nre unknown. but it is expected that upon investigation it will be found that the vein broadens ns it Lle- ncenda. Upon Lli=m\'ering thnt the rock contciinerl gold i\lr. Amen drilled a. small hole mul put in n small charge of gun pnvrlcr. This was sufficient to dislodge quite a portion of the ore and irom the pieces thus loosened the ezunples brought into the city yester- day were secured. If it is discovered that the vein is of good size and that gold runs all the way through it, the nd will prove at great boon to the county. If one such vein exists it is reasonable to believe that there nre others in the locality. -A promi- nent citizen interested in mining feels positive that before many months 20 past gold mining will be actively engaged in 1 within a few miles of the city limits. V ll [NIH lln. Yesterday Mr. Amos hroughtlo the city a. number of suunples of free milling gold beminp;ure. The ore was rich in gold. the yellow metal standing out. in chunks Che farm nf Hm h.-arr! u-rmlz 'I`...-. no... Iuuullj nuu uumuply. UI um-.1 IESD variety 0! ore it. is chimed a large and valu- uble deposit. has been discovered on a farm near Buttornea, Lheproporty of n man nmned Amos. At. pre-ent. the nwner of the farm does not care to talk much about his nd. rather beim: de.-gimuw of nwaibing de- veloplnsnts. but it. is claimed he has made a Iich nd. \ -..L..._,l-.. IL, A , I v A` unu mining. in some cases arsenic, sul~ phur and other refractory substances were sfliar-od with the gold in the ore. If it should be demon:-trated conclusively that large deposits of this last mentioned va- riety of gold-bearing quartz exists in this vicinity, large enough to pay for the min- ing of it, the gold could easily be extract ed by what is known as the chlorination process. It can be readily understood how much more valuable is free milling ore, from which the gold muy be extracted readily and cheaply. Of this last variety of n lnrcm nml mi... Inigo uuuluvr ux ciuzana, nun It 18 neverthe- lens a fact. This number or therenbouts have been known to have been exhibited in me oiny.but. certainly"herei1iust have been more of which more is nogwledge an accord by those whose busine in is to know of such matters. Of course. of the samples viewed some contained only minute portions of gold, strange to say the innjoriby of it. being free milling. In arsenic, sul~ llhur and nthnr rah-.mr_n.-.-, ...k..p......... -m-A WANT YOU TO % KNow: TOYE' I l - gating for themselves, digging away and ` .FREE.M|LLlG.'ORE.` I-mun nu Ve/In mu Pan out wim-rho Gold Is In! of Ext:-uuon-'rhe on Bleh In the Preelons letll-Gold Inn. '13; Will Likely be a nature of en. County. Citizens need not be eaten` ed if some of these fine days the non uncement is made that goid,,hut delusive yellow metal, has been found in paying quantities thin e few miles of the city limits. For the past year or no a. number of residents of the county, who do not alto other believe in the. dry facte of eoienco an history. par- ticularly those which tench that gold Qu- not be found in certain localities or where rocks (Hpoaited during the Laurentian period abound. have been quietly inveeti- keeping the result of their research to themselves. These plcdders have met 'with varying luck. Some have found slight traces of gold, traces only but gold unmistakably. The result has been en- What only will dis- couragement and further research. the tinal result will be time clone. During the past six months as many as 150 samples of gold bearing quartz minerl in Frontenac county hnve been brought in- to the city. This is doubtless news to a large number of citizens, but it is neverthe- a feet _, India Funlue Inna Expenses. g .n.n.u.`-...' :. .... ._A:__ __:.n THE CURFEW BE|:|:.-ABY-LAW MADE A mm OF com] FARMER 'uNArm-I's- vzm or the Input: Involved. I.-I`.__ -__._-._ J ,, . gun: or van. '11:;-toy no vpgmn ngyu in tho inland. pnbhshod that the powonlnvc tempted an proposal undo by tho Jul` ulna that King Goonn.of.Greoeo. odniniohr the govern- 3oopv_vuul m 3?] reserving hot, in- the returna din-ct from buyrrs. I state positively that all monies were correctly handed over to the secretary-t-remauror and that no money was left undivided except about 83left over because the secretary did not make An exact dividend for the ` lutvmonth. I find moreover lhnt the pro- prietor not only made an honest return but had also given to the patrons during theluet year over $50 of the money be was entitled to for making. I further certify thatl have been auditor for Mr. Metzlefe factory for fourteen years and have elvraye found him `upright and atrai ht-forward. We yvould be very fool` to allovour factory to be broken up by a man when chief recommendation in the persietency with which he tries to advertise binge}! to the world no wonder- fully great. - I know no factory where the a patron: have fared better, or that has given.more general eat.infaction.-A. M. SCOITTIN. V Correcting False livports. EHXI-`,\"l'['t)\\'.\', March 33. -- (To the Editor): An interesting party having circultcd a false reports to the detriment of Morzler choose factory, I deem it my duty as auditor and in justice to an old-eetablielied industryto state the facts. It has been stated that according to the books eight cheese were not accounted for. I state most distinctly that every cheese was ac- counted for, the returns from the sales agreeing exactly with tho cheese-makers record of cheese made in the factory. It has also been atnted, that somebody had money that should have boon given to the pntrnne. Having gono carefully through the accounts and having got the pouitivelv Ill mnnina warn 1-an-mwlu In hnporhnt z-nough to talk about. Our stock ixcompfeto and we are showing ova: | hounnd dllferent, style-9. We ' ON in Q position to doubly discount our V put record. both as to quality and Ylllu. Baa mu an-mo. |....a... .-.. n_ Iv nu uuvu (`I uIlIOI(6l'. At a meeting of the oxecut.i\'e com- mittee of the Kingston hie` Le club it was decided to recommend that a smoking: con- cerb be held on or about April 23rd. A sub-coxnxnintee was appointed to look after suitable rooms for the club. An effort. will be made at. once to collect all the mem- bership fees. The Game Lost. The Kingston Y. M. C. A. basketball team that pluyell at Belleville last evening was badly worsted. The players were bmlly liandicappr-J by lll1\'lll;_jCL) play in u ruuch larger hall than that to which they have been accustomed, the match taking place in the city hall. The local team put up )5 still game but were eiitplnyeil by their opponents, the score at the nish standing twelve points to eight. represent- ing six goals to four. Members of the lo- cal teem speak highly of the treatment no corded them while in the city of the bay. The Bellevilloteani will be invited to come (lawn here at once to play a return match. K 3 l . uupv xucy VVIII ua |l|9B(I]. While pI'epz1rnl.i0n have been going on in the United States for a successful battle for the Seawanhaku intornutionul trophy for small yachts, which at present; is held in Montreal in the custody of the Royal St. Lawrence yacht; club. Canadians have not been sleeping. Many were busy in a quiet way preparing for the coming yachting season and guring out what would be the surest and best way to keep the much coveted trophy which Glencairn brought home. Five new one-ruters have been built at Montreal, and those will take part in preliminary races early in May. Toronto may have a couple of new llyers, and King- ston will have at least three. Out of the aggregate is is fully expected that a win- ner cau be picked who will safely defend the Ulencairn trophy. The Kingetonllyers will sail preliminary races. and if any prove speedy enough will be sent to Mon- treal to compete with yachts there. UllAl\I .u -uunuu u-`.1 uuuusu `ulllrlllll \H)u!(l be 1; sure winner: now things look dill"erent. Brnntford has lately (gained steu(lil_v in the content, and the in- dications tlmt; the telephone city will be eelecterl as the place for holding: the meet. The local committees have been unable so far to obtain from the raihaya it better mte than single fare. If no other nrrnngeinants can be made, the rate from Kinxzston t) Ilmntfonl and return will be $6 65 and from Kingston to L`hath1m and return. $10. wuzs nuun unu Baueu Dy A. A. mckey Brantfnrd and Cbnthum nreaLir.lnunn1or and bong.-1 for the C. W`A. meeb. For n time is looked as though Cbatham wnu!d EIIPG Willllff nnw thin": lnnlz What. In Transplrlng In the Sporting Area: of TM: Busy City. Frank Rickey, ar., Bnrrieeld, never built or sailed (L boat. as stated by a local evening paper. The skiff Little Muck, which won Lha race last Queen's birthday, was built and asuled by A. A. Rickey are Bf. if. hummnr LUHIII DIIIS FUIIFOH. To-day Capt. A. Sharp left. for Ottawa to resume his duties as messenger in the house of commons. Capt. Sharp has been ill for a couple of weeks. but has suicient`. ly recovered to allow him to assume his duties. The house opens Lovmorrow. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. uu_v nu uuulness. Hurry Tnndy,_ the speedy centre of the Frontenac II hockey team, will likely play on the wing of the G runite rugby football team this Fens-on. VI".-. ,1.... (`...L A C'L.._.. I_:'. 1, r\.. ,___-..v- wvp: Kingston 1`: int Shop nud Boom Pnpor Dc (X33: BROOK 5: BAOUT STREETS. . LIVU PIIHIDIUII. W. 1;. Camoll. who was an interesting personality in the mayoralby campaign in Gnnnnoque last; January, is in the city to- dny on business. 11...-.. m.....:.. L. ..._..x, .. ,1, , r -- 1 . Kelly, attending the Kingston busi- ness college. leaves in u. few days for Pitta burg, l'.:., where he has secured A lucra- tive position. W I! (`.nI'x'n" Irkn uvna an `nib-vnni`-'n~ vuuuuig uuuns Iur nun bu come no iungsnon. A. H. Blackby, inspector of agencies for the ():ldfailown relief association. has returned from {I trip as far west. as Winni- neg. IJIUII-UHUU LHBTC on I`!lll]l]_V. Cupb. Hora is acting as adjutant of the Hub bnbmlion, P.W.O.R., during the ab- sence. in Toron 0. of Inmjor Galloway. Rev. W. J. L l)(!ll!lil.nn. M A par-H1 in acucu. m moron 0. or mmgor uanowny. Rev. W. J. L uckleaton, M.A., Perth, is in the city visiting friends. In is like visiting home for him to come to Kingston. Blackbv. inanectnr nf mvanninn Incllun rualulllg LHCIE. Rev. '1`. G. Smith, at Brockville on buni ness, returned home last. evening. He preacher] there on Sunday. (`..m+. "nrn in nnrinnv nn nriiuubnnt nf LL.-. UIIUII. Duff]?! ILTOCU. Miss M. Ferris, Lemoine a Point, left to- day for Brockville to spend a. month with friends roaidiug there. Raw. '1` (1 51mm. at n...~...I,..m.. .... 5...: III!` I5 IJUHHUII` U110. Dr. H. Mitchell, South Bond. Ind.. is in the city visiting his mother, Mrs. P. Mit- chell. Barrie street. Min M l`-...;- r ........:....-.. n.:..i. kn A... I'll Hill [18 ll HKUIIV. T. F. Harrison unturned this morning from a. trip bbrdugh the west. He went as far as London, Ont. [NE W Mitnhnll Qnnflu Rand Tn:-I in in HIITUWIIYB 36075. C. N. (Jrenz-1. Toronto, was in the city to-dny. Charlie is booming the wheel for Irhich he in agent. T, F, Hm-ri-nn rnhn-nut` fhin rnru-.~n'nn F___ ___,,..., ....... Inc In qullll-I Int! vnllto. 800 our newest shades in In- (nine. with Border and Muul ling to match. T. MCMAHON 6: CO... LIBTC. Stanley Wilt-on, of football and hockey I fame, has accepted 0. position in Snrachan hardware store. I` M l`.......... I'l`|..-....4.. ....-- :_ ;L- _:.__ seriously III Wlul uornun manual. R. S. Richardson, of Tweed, spent yea- tordny in town calling on his many friends here. s....I-.. Il7:I-.._ -r :_-u__n __,1 I ,,u ,, Vllllrlllx HUHUI IF \iIOllVIlC. G. '1`. arlu, mayor of Port Arthur, was I visibo} o the city yesterday. . A little dlnahmr nf Jnmnn narkuxnu in vnuwr 0 we may yucoruny. A lime daughter of James Harknesa is seriously ill with German measles. R. R, Rinlnnrdnnn nl Tuynnd -nnnt. nan, Iovomonto ot. the Pqoplo-What `tho: no Ibyln; and Doing. . `Mia: B. Mccnunmon, Main street, is` visiting riondn at Glenvnle. (3 T nu-Ln mnvnp nf Dru-r Artluuu um. SPORWNG PARAGEAPHS. llope They Will Be Speedy. {la .n.n...\....o:`.... L...... n.___. -,- Will Ha;'e Smoker. ,__-.:,,,_ ,2 .1 P:nso'NAL Msfnrnu. 7 mun mm? ware, wn;'msm, MARCH 24. 1397. :: What we are now ready to do with Now Yeti : douotivc bureau bu {non warned to leak out for robber: of the North Eastern .blnI, ol Suntlalond. Eng. The amount tnkmwu 3555-linaald Intlnotu. [A nnrd don: 8l,)_in ootod. vuu nut `I150 Junou. Tho noun jacket: of the Inglis & Sons `valor works pnmcring engine will be teat- ed by euporinton out Hewitt of the do- gs:-tmont. in ` chi! pnoonce of chairman ynn and tin members of the Inter work: oommitto.,thio evening. _-_-. UIIU PIECE- The secret is thus explained by ll police- man: After the company has lled its en- gngement hero tho boys collect. by one means and another, as many as they can procure of the tickets that have been `used. These they keep for months--for A whole year at atime. perhape--unlil the some company visits the city again. Then the tickets stored for so long a time. and with such great care. are brought forth and used as the opportunities occur. To show that this is the cm-so `look at the list of checks found in the pocket of one of the lads arrested for attempting steal into the theatre last night. He had dne tioket,_or more for each of the plan named below : The Kidnap per. Field`: minstrela. Mme. Album, Ben Hnr. Harry Lindley. A._0. U. W. concert, the Fast Mail, Richard III.. Woodward : Dramatic Co., Mcllill college banjo club concert. Faust. Lillian Kennedy. Hehed also eix tickete for admission to Cnturaqui driving u.-eoc'ation race meet. l89. _...,.. v........ vuu-guru run Auv unnuun Plays. People frequently express surprise at. seeing so many boys in the gallery at the opera house during Hie perfomnnnve of plays than are known as high-priced," such as Faust. Riclmrd Ill, eLc., especially as it. is known that. a m.-ijoricy of the boys do not work and that. their parents cannot afford to pay for their sons admission to the place. 'l'hn nnnl-at in thin nu-nlnlnn.-l L... - .~-I:- uu) Illulllllllg cnnt. Ur. noskin, the omcml gunrdimi. be made is party to the case in plm-o of William Mudden. Madden in his first examiimtion stated that ho was in financial diicuities and winhel to get out, of them by selling the farm. but he pro- posed making in up to his children, and leaving them the place when he died. Me..~.ra. Mowab and Mc(I.-u*t.hy opposod the motion. lloys Collect Chuquca For The Vnrloun Illum- nuurwurues mauuen Dncimtloln. 0! mo den]. McF`ur|une a defence amounts to the charge that Madden was the author of A plan to defraud his children of their inter- est that ho might attain to an absolute Liblo. On the ground that. Madden is not. a tin person to appear in the case as friend of the plaintiffs, Mr. M.-islen, of \Vnt.-son, Smoke & Ma:-ten, counsel for the (lefand- ants, moved before Mr. (,`n.rt.wright yester- day niorpiiig that Dr. Hoskin, the official llnrtii-III ha mm-in n n....n on H... .-....... ... [HEW April L0 J. Mctmrlane. In the statement of claim it is alleged that this sale was fraudulent, without. pro~ per notice. and made with a view to de- frauding the children 0'1" their interest in the property. This J. McI<`arlane denies in lll dofonce, but states that at the sale w high he attended with the purponenf buy- ing the land he was approached by William Madden, who asked him not to bid any higher, and offered him $400 over the pur chase price if he would buy in the farm. Afterwards Madden bnckmlout of tho rleul. M:-l4`.n-l..nn _~. A.-.6'-....... .............- 1.. .L_ 1070!!! Dlli. The eight children of William Madden, of the township of Ramsay, coury of Lnnark, have, through their father, they being all minors, entered suit against W. H. Staiford, J. Thomas and David Mcill, It. and A.` Young, to recover their interest in A farm bequeath- ed to them by their grnzidiather, 'John Madden. William Madden was be1euth- ed R life interest in the farm, which is stated to be worth $8,000. Before his death the grandfather mortgzaged the place for $'. ,OU() to Thonme and D. Mcfiill. Under this mortgage the farm was sold last April to J. McFarlane. In Hm ai..n..-...:.n+ .J ,.I...'... .3 :. -n-._,_1 Tomntn Mail. Tim m`n)\o I` __._ v-..-... -v-rnguuvlwp Como! of Princess nun Woulnxxon Attach