Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Mar 1897, p. 5

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BBOKBINDINGI ----vu-n-v-v V Barred THAN man-sf Inc Economic Bmodcr I---u--n-an-7- nawrgygy P0350350! the tnllpwinz Distinctive MOI'|t.~. 2 New and Very Artistic BIRTHDAY CARDS. ETC, at i~ the best pos ihle heip to I no-ddny`s war .' You're sure to enjoy the dainty -lolicaoioa we would place before you. -lelliod 'l`ongue.l-`rankfort. Bo- logna and Pork Sausage. Hem! Cheese. Blood Sqnsage. Cooked Pics` Feot..Etc. Il_- ..... '\r\. I...-.. AL- ...__..- Ll`: flfl'l._&IA.'- Hay we not have the oppor- tunity to try and phase you ? -._.. _ _-.-_._ `Va can. - - `rug. Invaluable for wlxitewmabimz on wall as npmvinll fruit tr:-1.-9, etc. l rlcu- TH [U'.`E 1J()LLAR..4. Awellbuilt, self-regulating machine. stun-antoad to do good hatching or mnnoy refunded. 30 Egg ca.pa.':lty Six Dollars. 55 " Nine Dolkars. Painters . Decorators. Gluxien. Raine; better chicks and u. larger ner- uontugo wlm lens trouble and expemw than hens. Awarded Diploma. of Merit. At Ontario Poultry Auoclntiou show, Guelph. 1907. These machines uramnde in Onnmls. are o 1151 to any on the market.,nnl are an d at Very Low 1`:-loos. 1If\ IWEITIE frvrn A4 an 35.00. Furnished with thormnmoter and spa- uial lump. Itllisa I \n"lV. \JIV I 0 In Union with The London Oouego of ZhnI4u,I`2-`--|g-ulu -.a-13:39:19 IJI &\II'I Nut to Wade`: Drug Store. The Corner Bookstore. CHANGE ' OF I30 Richmond Street W.. TORONTO, oxr. 275 -7 BAG OT ST. NEW DESIGNS FOR 1897. `rim-ma .1; Wellinctnn Streets. now m.-r_\ mzrln-nin,x: - 11.:-9. `itv MEAL] ERICK SIZE! 84 O0. 85 O0 An In churn of nchtufarod nmonntant who hc 013 u t.e|uhur's oeniouta from the Nonmsl , Fla onlllngin All -mhlnntn nmhnunul in: l r\`l\f. | !e:t.sn Ila nut fur::0f Hm nur wnrkman mu - parts nnvl our plans In low on 4-m1.~i.-ft-m wit lu\\' N "a\'er,vII:i! '1 he unly PPS & Co.. Ltd London. England FRONT | I 54 00. nntnr um u.-I`(-In with dam` we-ll." st. is A trial` Insignicant lieginn|ngn--But They Steel On One A: A Thief In The Night. Anni Before Ono Elan Time To wonder who: Ail: am Be In In 'l'he\1Pirm (map or ` Disease -8outh American Kidney Cure ~ Will Break The Bonds And Lihernu, No letter How strong The Cords. The thousands of cases that have `been ` helped, and cured by the great South ; American Kidney Cure in the beat. recom- mended ofita curative qualities. The re- medy is e specic for all kidney troubles. The formula is compounded on the very Intent ecientiiic discoveries in the medical world. There are thousands to-day vho do truthfully my "I am living ,becauee I need South Amqricnn Kidney Cure. It. v 1 l relieve: in six hours. . Sold by W. H. Med- Key. Will llHII"I'IU. Mrs. George Dowdall died at. Scotch Corners on Saturday lash. aged seventy- three years. Her sickness was due to the grip. Mrs. Dowdall born in Ireland, mine to Canada when n young girl. her people settling in Drummond. wnnhin a mile of the house where she died. Mrs. Duwdnll . enjoyed a married life of forty-seven years. .____,__.__ ____ , ` narxer, uvo onrnest. may evangelists. .\lrs. Forbes Stewart, of ()Lt.awa, is dead. She was formevlv Miss Isabella Mcllregor, daughter of John .\lcGregur, I Carleton Place. Three months ago she was married. \I_.. 1"_-_._- I\___,I_|l I`, u . n . n he 11: Gaucher : oottiouto from the Nonmu { Ho ool.0w\vu. All suiwects embraced inn llmlnc shorthand. ulv I sotco and Eng- Illhco no thoroughly caught. ` Inn ..-.n....I..-. ...II .4 cl... Pall--- nmn. ` auurh Illness wlru gnppo. Re\'i\'nl service:-x am being held M the M. E. church. Cape Vincent, under the supervision of Miss Anderson nnd Miss Barker, two onrnest lady evangelists. Forbes St.e\\'art.. nf ()H.n\rn :. Wllall BUG UIVIUCS "10:/"fr. Burglnrs were nperm.inc: in Deaeronto last week. They gained entrance to the ` stores of J. J. Kerrnnd Mr. Loynea and se- cured numerous articles. 'I........_. II.:,... AAI.-..- --.-_`l_4.~Ar- -' | A curuu ll|.HnBl'DU3 .r[4|ClC9. James Price, Athens, n(_rcdec\'enty-eight, nnd Mrs. Laze, Spring Valley, have pass- ed to their reward. The latter died alter a short illness with grippo. R\\'i\'nl narvinnunrn lxninry Imhl no elm vur up-run.-c unu Dv|Ty(1lSn pro-"em. (`I by Mrs. H. F. MoLubhlin to the for most. ` curler nfArnprior. Miss Annie Boggs and Joseph Hegznnrly, Desernnto. were married last, week by the Re\. W. S. l\vlc'1`n\-(sh. They will reside with the bride's mother. ` D......]...... .......- -_.-_._. :__._ : r\,,_ , . ` \'\il.'-I .v,~.n,1'_'.~. Rev. Mr. Mc;\'uir, (_`..1r|ct.0n I'|.1co, goes to Englnml for n two years` renidolmc as manager in (ireut, Brit.-Iin and Ireland of ` the L 0. F. I l\ 1-- _,, _lI1I II I .I -- 1 Book nu_ L Uglow & 00. LUFUIILU. H. lmield, Charleston. has purchased the C. Stowell farm at Addison. and W1 tnkoposscssion at once. The price paid \\'.'l.II $.'Ll`. .'. `The Cape Vincent, liugle is twent._v-ve ` years old, Inning reached the qunrler cent.ur\' mark with tho issue nf March huh. I]. I)l_..l_'._ t\,,..,' ` V I ' A` IIWLII. Mr. Plnyfnir. Queenie. is upp|_$ing for Mr. Mralntosh Desemnto high nchunl. Mr. Mclntoeh in writing an examinations in 'I`omntn. L` Is..u:_1.l (`VI ,,I,,., v I I gbltlllg IIHLTIICU (I5 )`CKr. Lmark villuce is to have telephone cou- neccion with the world by the first ofJuno. The council gives a grant, of 5100 towards in, London, 08-4. and by l ou-lulun $311.95. py ago, to Liverpool. Derry. Be-lfnsf, Glu- gow. noonntown and London at loweat A-Mos, ovnyt lug-tonud. I hilt`! LAUPUD llll l)U."IlUIH(,'U. A number of lhsseronto young men will celebrate the queens clinmond jubilee by gettiilg married this year. lxnmrlr villnrvn u'a In Inn-n hslnnhnnn Ann Newn of the Dlatrlvt Condensed From the 1 Whig Exchauzea. ` The Montreal exhibition will be lno'(l from Augustt. lllth tn `. .`iLli. .1. 1:. Wells, Capo Vincent, will soon embark in the coal busincn.u. The (ii-uncl Orange lodge of Ontario limit. will meet in Rcnfmw next year. Miss Dniisy |`liillip<, n,-god l~'I!\'OIll80l|, daughter of William l hillip.~s, '.l`_ycmliimgu, died last. week. "LL-......... Cl .n`_...I ..A-_L-_.... xv \- UICU IHHU VVUCII o Horace S. Spnff-ml. Wutertnwn. N. Y. has purc-hnsed the drug business of L. (S, Kelsey. Cape \'mcenL. 'l`r-nunnn l\'|'H1nun (`nun \'innn-at Im... an I\C'lP.`C_\ . bp \ IHCGHL. Trunmn l\'ilbonn, Cnpe \'incent., has IC- signed the position ofmail carrier between the depot. and postolcc. A nnvnhnr nf I).um-nntn vnnnn rr\nn will :'l.\ {I l.|Ul']'Zll, I lIl'lHq'Ill(| llllll ll!` 3` aunrh he spew-*di|_\' dhillusiumsd. In` g(:v-rnnnvnml authority for .~`.uIHpli`uh '|`IH`n I \\uu|(l .s`.'I_\' Im fur Iureukorx. Suunvr lhun ham 1: slain on the p.-u*t_v lhv |il>vr.x|.< ruunlry would hurl .\Ir. l.ZIUl`it`l` .'| mwvrmnent {rum pmwr wilh :I:~ I'()ll1]IUI1('li()n us :1 Hlrkvy \\>uhl up :1 lpluvlmtllv fly. M (` Rl_.\(`|\' 10 ll.Il'. Dull-OT 01 ll]? UIUUOI Sir,-In SMurdu.y's issue of the Daily ~ Globe. n. desputch from London. gives an uccount of an interview with the Ablegnte, Merry do] Vul, hvfore sailing for Canada. He is credited with say- ing:-The hill pussmi by the M.-xmlul-u l.mIi Mnhmh-inn llw l.:u|rio~r 4 lll!.- Ill? l,`lll [lll'.(S(`(l My IHQ` ..Vlq'I.IlllUl'll l.t`.[IlSlt1lut`(`. =mhud_\-Eng the l.:turn~r and GI`e( n\\':l_V ('0Inprumis1' voult-`S lu nu- ns a painful Surprise, as it can hardly ' act favorably inwards ll s`Hl(`lnt*)ll pf lhti questiun lo whivh lttm utltlre-ssimr ' lll)'st`lf. I think it was (luv to the lV'U||(` to have vmitt-tl until he had Iinw l( t pluce l:e{ur'c' the gtwernttxonl his views and wmltt-S." (`-rml lw.-tvHt.~;! \\hithvr ure we drifting? Whvrt` urn we at,` :tn_yh0w. The (llolw has all ulunghr--~n telling: u< llml this man was mining nver only In settle :1 fu`mi|_\' quurrt-l l:v- , tween llislltljl 'lI)(l peuplv, tlllll (`Ull.\t`-- qutnlly num of our funerstl. Nnw \'.`v find he is coming to tlml with govern- ments. untl thut lt*gl.%l:lll'.)ll shuultl ...m.-.. pill uh.` D......'.. H.-2...... .\:\tl .- Tine Vlnlt or tl:o Amounts to Cxmnd|-.l Cm-re:-poudcnt Who Cnlin u llnlt-l`ho lonnlgnor Will Have No voice 1:; the I Loglulntlon. ` ' To the Editor of The Globe: Kir_'n Q-slnvnl-ut-'. i.~.:un nf Ihn l\r\Hv CANADA WILL Enact` HER own LAWS. K ` mo,nE\voN rBwnsutrii); Wm.kin"gMiradcS In `CANADA WILL 5 ._ _ .1.)-.n`Al'I.nv. A It. 1 Grand runkstntion. .. J. I . GIDIIIIBILIEVII. Await.` `_` 4! Chueuuo Street. I. U. I` . . I). Leo. an old 0. I`. boy, won t.her-il- spoons and berrydish pro-'ent.gd by u. Inr A` A rn I\.-;nr .___,____..__.:____ IT HOLDS THE KEY. THE b:srmcT"oAF-ass. lllill ll`gl-'\'HIlKJIl NIIUUIKI ~ l upv's vn-ms .-and \\'|.-xhm" id. is this why the upe-n- nnwnl us pu.~:1pum~d( II as r ` QIIIIHII` Hue Il(|\\I`l`." If ~u \ \\H.i [IUHIIHIIII (1 this pm\t`l`{ In.-xml that he` ....v D...-in .- (IIT ll, \. and :1 01` n his` : .1- {:5 1 77 bnnugass stand`; THE HAPPY HOME COOKING RANGE H V anything in the market. This oor paint will dry hard over` 'f'ght, 05% Si.-i 171'.E" LEAF FLOOR PAINT we guarantee cg?! to with a ne gloss nish. _ A `PA-imnry and ndvulced courses 0! Book keeping at the We can supply you with White Lead. Paint Oils, Dry Colors, Varnislies and Paint Brushes. \\"c have a nice line of tip-top READY MI.\'ED PAINTS in Standard Colors and Latest Shades, put upin all size cans from half pint to one gallon. |nA1~.rvwpo~..- .-.-..-__._.__ MCKELVEY & BIRCH Every day happy and cured people boar witness to the miraculous virtues of l niue a Celery Compouuzl. l hyaiciuns themselves have acknowledged its wonderous powers alto:-`nll other agencies fuiled. It has s.mt.cho;l man and women from the ,-xrm -a I uml given them new lives. ::2--:-:1 pn_y~u:mII~-I'r()K8B80r la. 15. rnelpe. M. U. Such a physician could only give whnt `was worthy of his great. and elevated character to suffering men and women. His best hours were devoted to the pro- duction of what. is now known in ever household as I nine`s Celery Compoum . or nut.uxu`s food for the brain, nerves and blood. '7 ........ .l._ I,_.,.,_ ,, I , , 1 1 u DO YOU PAINT ? I 1 l ` pound. .\'o remody ever brought, before the ci\ ilized world has done so much for poor eutfering humanity nu 1 aine a Celery Com- 1:; has won the condence of men of science. professional men, the most. eminent. legislators, and the ordinary peo- ple. l'uinn'n I Ynlnv-v (`nn1nnun:I mu. Hun nrninrn PIU. l'mno`s Celery Compound was the crown- ing pmducninn of America a mono eminent. ph_ysieim1-I ro[easorE. C. Phelps. .\l. 1). ' Sun}: 11 nhvsininn 1-rmlrl nnlu niun wlmt As a Spring Mcdiclnc it Stands~Without amval. Paine s bIeromponndAstopishes Men As Well As APlqinEvery-dgy People. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 69 d 71 BROOK ST.. KINGSTON. is fasfwta ing the lead uvqno of the best` ookiqg rant on the market. Bolddnly at; ` Made i/9 sixteen different styles BBB Dullli _VOll OI? "'l'IlO'l Celery Compound is genuine. - I um luvor DI mnnons nn eann. At this naoaon you need your blood puri- fied. your nerves braced up. ypur strength renewed and the whole `uyubem ranov|b- cd. Paine : Celery (Tompopnd will do even more than we yuan too. `Your frionds who have ulod it Ii vouch for iba curing powers. Rm: that-. vnn nnf. UDninn`;"nn nllnnn EHUIIK IIUU Hlgllly UK It! VIruU'.' Are you uuffering in any vu_v.v dill` reader, or have you a nick friond in whom you are interested? If so. we om-molly ask you to tear. the medicine chub has won the favor of millions on earth. in std. ......-.... ...... ......n -...... LI--.) _.--x n. n., says: A V During the put your I havo boon uto- ing Paine`: Celery Uompound And hum been greatly bonettod. I oonuidqr it an invaluable medicine for dyapoptis. nu-v. ousnens. slenpleasneas and nornl fomllo rlebility. 1 recomlend "ulna Celery Compound with all condenoo. Mr lb has I done me ll world of good. and I cannot speak too highly of its virtues. Am vnu nnhrinnr in an: wnvv than Mrs. Heorgo W. Carroll. of Lornovulo. N. 8.. aye: Durimr Hm nun. vain I luv. hnnnv nu- bl! Ullfllll; PUW'Ul`3u ` See that you get "Pnino`a." no other elorv Compound nenuino. nnl In: UK` I nnnun. first n|hin.0.'.2.Nl And 000. single: return. I100 and Inn. By Purl.-i|u`52.50.000 and 970,- ro : .3 ,-I 10 um. mI:i\dI?Ilb}II,4, to Liverpool. Derry `and and by l al'hI(|n| atnnmn. Liverpool. Derry. Be-lfnsf. A 9 With Ltho Institute 0! Chartered Ar.~| oountants ot Ontario. _ } Mongolian.` Nun!-dlnn. ... l4|_I rentinn I'M shm.. Monmliun...` Mute of Nebraska .. Momnllan.. .. Nnmhllnn... . Tmilsjfikrluojnvjf Kfiljzifxx LINE? " KOUTIUNAY " and " Uluul Tourist. aleepilm ours to l everv"l`hursdny and l rhluy. numnm excursion Main: 1 vorv:'l`hursdny and l l`hlu)'. l Oulnnintexunrnlnn to the Canadian Nortgn-_wesusvery'l`ne.~.luy dluiuu Ilurohund` Ami . Uh nan-Mnnlnrn :0. K R: P And n, P R. Of NORTH-WESTERN ONTAHIO and BRIT- ISH I OLUM MA, sun! for all points in KOOTICNAY " And CARI BOO " British Columbia `um-u"l`hnndnv mnl I4 :-ialnv I won. or wruo I30 A. ULANCHARI), Chnrtarml Aumnn --..nu--u Canada Paclc Railways A to J. P. HAN! Y. Agent. G.'l`. City Pusonzu Stat! -.cor. Johnston Ind OIIQIHOIIUIOOIB. naval` Slit: II|lf`.II|;.I`:'If.lll, 1 VIII coll- ung llo till I` . 1. .m\vu-zs. cg. .5?` l:{g:r'I.nooul mun... I VII Hal vllnulv lilo On piiuntaulon of u't.nndM-I form umhool corell ha lgnod by th rln 1 I. (i :1 Trunk a-nll'\:u,v Agent; 1111! `l nsnt(:t.l:J'l'on-I111`:-.nrs and Smdontm. (ram Klmuton to nil points in Coultlmoommonu-inn utunlu, Much mh. t.aSM.urduy. A ril nth, lnclmalvu; Intl mod _ to return loav nq donslnntion not Iver than I . Tuesday. Aprll i'H.h.181I. inclusive. as ONE WAY FIRST-CLASS FARE AND . ONELTHIRD. [ n 8 THE 1)lH.J\2(1 l` LINK Im I " ' -"" " I L hisiiector, Ontulocnnbors. Ilnsston. Tiokill will 30 uold TLTESDAY. April IMII. lollolllly. A 11 min, If-SH, inclxuivu. u- od to n-lrnh9_ ldoutinatlon notlnturtlzuu Tuesday. Ann! mm, 1ao7.u ignsr-obass swam: mam. wimifrom the atom and romnve nu use no of the d anus. Price fty cunt: a box. , dnwalatn. -- - ,,,.;-__- `gr, BLANGHARD, .1. Chutotod Accountant. Prln. ;hu I M rhonmselnmh opronnh. G0 ugh : honmutlo (Liver nml tdnoy) ,1 ! be on you hooomo 5 distance! wreak. Phny clear out all rhonmntlo acids and mtuonllrom nnrl thn Just woman of the any dad`! palm to d acne: in um Jomu wuu-u "0IIc|I~.cluor" nu-ugtlumn tlio volomouren lo:-lo lfhroat. me. -%___ I }x f_; ER 1qunAvs 1] I `I 0 , I I 3 "n`su".. :'o':1)-315393 -'." n`7`..'v' n' ~"au'I'Joo":'1';3 33.5 do " palm and gem: in Hm joints whlx-h 0 Id oogrnlnh. G0 u on Thu clear out rhonmntlo aetqn gmd nu..- .. nu... .. Toronto. Dlun Sn: : In acknowledging receipt olyour tovorol the mat ino.. one! In; cheque for $1,911.42. roptooontlng the p to on m .5.(I0 twenty-your ondowmont policy I: t o 5th Inn-.poI-ml: meta express my not! action at vhtt iso vory exec-lion: nunlt. Having had It -uournucc uuiupuujn tho that on my life canton dating the rtoon _ your: tho Policy hm been in tone. my present vooolm ol ol-out tmy-throo not com. of my money on I dnidend. with tho Policy uill uonoinuomor my h.-uln tho opt! a. an you toll mo 1 huwo. of ml at in nu 86.13-J2. whilo my Policy yot laolo lvo more of roach- ing its maturity. domomtrotoo It copoolty for u.on Ion tho port of your Lom- pnny with w 0 think your Poliurholdon should no volt plooood. Wh_on I booono oonnootoxl with tho North xc Imoon you: o Jdid oo Ilhfn on f Yd) olrl on true lnond, on. onndor Iueloulo. bola ptooidont, fool know tan latiny iucicnlou Vlv|ilth.:`I'.iol`.ho no o o u .t to muoo both A 3'3 fonndotgh and cowork- on whooo principle: and null won] giro oofo ud ololono Wat. (- touio no plouutono ooy 0 o cgouonq-no you no not noting with In looting. ohm osolnooo and oxpoounloo. llovlu ooh: on my 1 no.1 VilIO0lI- .i.}!.' .`:..'.`..'!.-. mm. 1 5 I I I It [I I ( I ( I I I \ : I I d I I - `:. --I _`' U - 7 . a uwv- .. 'l'is`t'I' Ital madam : Lana: us In Vlolllll H rhaumnlnm {mum in nip Dan 10!! 'l'Iat'I Rheumatism Laney us In noun: 1! ihoumnlnm upon yo `I soon he 5 norrv night. Ivory movement vi lmnlua you wrnhg with pain. and rim with ulllonod iolnba. Don : naqkogt _tho 155:3- Joints land " T - 9 .- - { Po: further particular: nnd tickets apply to . B. w. FOLGER. ' Aunt. Gen. Pun. Axe. (ion. Manager. ---.u-.. A_FFu_IA'rE'I5 I'll be sum. nvory movamem. `Intake Mmp : Iilonou iolnta. Don't nnqlaot tho won- `nn nulnn and whlx-_h lloyal mu Steamshipa. Du-H;-ul Us ;_`,_FORi;'TE puauc. "i5G:Ai7:AEf uauunona, 1~.'sq.. llu. Doc. R. '1`:-Inlty Torn begin April 1 Mn. I9: guns. oto.EIl>Dl so I. A.. con!` rinoxpal. `hgnlhbtnqohq. .N|C TO THE RATES OF PASSAGE. Ll- nr,..|ln ...._I can .:....I Fon sT-u3ENrs. TTFEKTIFEITJEL" ...._.._.... ..j...._._..._-___- .. WIIII `I II. IJUICIUII link. (lligbnd). nl 'l`n!unu-alt: ..-.I...a sat: sun. 11. um I ....`#, '........"'`.":.: mmnucn-L. ~ Portland. .. .11 Ha}: ..... .. .25 |"(gh.. ...11Mnruh.. ...z'5 Mnrvh.. 8 April... .1! April, nu nnnn ll` \_J\JI,.I.J FIELDS. Iii! ($.Il-Ill). Full stuff of Unlvudty nuluntu. lluton In lnthomntlu and Punch. no nnolllont and culture of homo combined with the high- ue mental arching. Ilnnn "AI\`I.lIIAI|I In Al Etna}- Ah: -4 I J. B. MOKAY rln, PI`;- I-.'.1:,`.`;:u. l'lIIll`(] \`llllPS s'n:u(-. Hy SQNIIIKUI -Hill Jones, the utulli-millionaire. and the silver Bmnerges. \\`ilIimn .\l.. :~`te-wart. who is the son-in-l:n\` of the mute (inv- uinor I-`oote, of ,Mississippi_ who ;n-2--d with the (`unfederm-y from sun: In {in- ish in the rebellion. and mm :\ mn- stunt. thorn in Jeff Uxwis` siula ull who down all of the lost cause. I Jtllvfrfly hope! `that both of the tlistingtnslxeil lawmakers feel proud 0|` their stale-ind its constituency. The p0l`ll0lI of the state when the fight took place wns ark Twain`: old stamping ground. Jhd t e dtitlila of the mill which resulted dist ugly to his old-time friend Jill! Hatt, will no doubt. be read wt Ilzsot-bin interest by that Innocent All-nod. I have devoted n1ora_sp:u~e tn th'n...nnutu:: tixhjcct in the preu-nt latter then I l ever; devote to any- tlting at like is nruct`i- in the future. :5: exogllent lo seem to think at1`h_tle;3t at have been furnish- d By Corbett and fitxsimmons fm-the I I3 iinllll nnnp Olin on any women. and nnsunmons Inrthe pggloy are rolled under the nunplptr Inn`! canine as a~-aorr" Intel. `lino urrouu when this 1wenu'-Iour mm ring. To tlmse not noquainled \\iIh the gen. grupliitml |)?(`l.llltll`llll`S of that pt-Irl ml` `the slate of Ne-vaulu xvhero lht,` fight took place. it may he sonw s:ni~.fm"iun to learn that this disczravvful mul .lisrv- putnhle business, driven nut ut` o-n`r_v other state of the .\1nvumn UlIl0lI.lL|5 only found shvller and ||r0l(`(`ll'Jn in that portion of the republic wln-.-h civilly, politically and nmrally `ans fur yoars lxeen known as the Ration hornu h. It is now represr-nun! iii+ln= l`nit States senate by senallox Jnnn Jnnnn, thu mnlli-milliun:air .-iml 'hn ll, HS 2| lHip(`|t`.\'.`l H.'lHKTU|H. lhuusund (lnH:u` dob: hung tin ingly over hie l.uHrl hmul lni sword of, l,);un(x-lvs; .un lmur I had t-nuugh of (`old 1*:-xh In gm :- ill full from (`V'I`l`_\`0lIl` uf hl\' Hrs` im :1 healthy hulnm'e- on lln-ri;4|1 of the ledger sufliu-in-nl In so: fusl glass puhlivk 'mm-, mm. been th'e Vulhmlu uf ewvry l!ri!i.~ ever &aim`(-. the prize rim; mu.-. pu r by ruyully in the pvrsnn of " i.s `iglnI9.~s," King Gonrgv l\'., nl` E nulnury, who could put up :1. ; a pair of fivvs hisself as h.mn_v tune in hull Hinglauul." Tho ; father ml` the pm-svnl .~.pmkvr v hmlsv of comm-Iu~: was J:um`s :1 chzllllpinn of England, and um- plut-kiesl liglulers than uwr o`-nu twentv-four foot ring. Tn l nun nnt nnnnninlml u `uh n M `7l'-Uulll ()1 ul. Carson 1 of honest suinll) Ch! no such fi the unnivn hud ever I; nimz of lh 5 II Tho Drum] and Dlagnooful Exlubltlon `Hint Om,-urrul In Ncrndu. the only Pmeo when It coum Occur In the United 8t.ll:u--'l ho notion of the Press -Cold blooded Vlllal-y on the Purl. of ufreaohor. \ ` (Quads! Oorrnsponalenrn. Iaer No. 1,019.) N"-'New'Tork. March :. 0.-\\'hun the holy St. Patrick arose from his riuudv much on Thursday morning and gvttin 1119 latest edition of the (ielosliul guru- blmver, rend in (i()ui)ii`-il;t(I(`(i typo.-. nh nN`0um of the Corheu-l-`iizsinununs mill (iiv. 1 can inmgirm the glow pride that, crinisuned his cheek win-:n ht`. rs-|'Iau1e-d that fighL as liml which hnnnv-ml unI1ivnr.=mry of his insl nul:i.| ci:i_'.' been fought .sinv= lh. b(-gin- the world. Just hmk all the slnkes! Why. tire)" v-Vere iusigrnifit-uni in compzirison (0 the entire rust. it xvua esliinuleal that 4,000 .\`pk`('iU.ln!.\' wen` present at the ring sixie, and ul llmse 4,090 at lens! 2,00!) calm from the "must. The expenses u! with .-.usve=rn vi:iIm'. for n journey of (3,000 nnile-.:.-, coming and gaping, was at the VI`Y'_ lowest eslunute, $5601). 'l`uta| for lin- i oust, $1,000,000, and those who runne- frum (`niifm'ni`i spent :1! Inn:-u imlfviim. sum. It is sufo tu any then, Hm`. .-it In alllllllll u-\..-.n nl .!..-inn an ... 3 AND THAT m we SPOT CALLED norrm aonoue:-1. BeI3st'is on the North 3 I-tltnn Llfo Aunnnco Company. 'I'nI~a-n In um UNEWE run :1. nunsnvngmtnsunt. \III'|KI 1% rC!I\Q'lI |I!I lK| l2|K'~' HIS "he lzzltc-r, u Iwn |1Pt`nlPl`dIiIu nigh mum on \\'v=dn9sd:n;., .\lun-h hupole-as hzmkrupl. 1 [H1 | lnH:.r duh: IIHIILY` li\l`Ptl|v|II~ UUIl(I|IalUlI. An old woman, giving her name as Annie Sarah Ilnwson, from Boston. Mass., came here last Febiuary. She had .-\ tic- ket. through to Guelph but got oil` the tr:\in;here, went up street nnd left. ncouple of satchela with W. Ferguson, ll carpenter ony\\'ollingt,on street, on Bay, not far from the depot. She had never seen him before. Inter in the day .\li-s Dawson mun found Acting strangely at the Union station and was arrested and locked up on a charge of insanity. Her brother came from Sheffield county. Ohio, and took charge of her. Since then nothing has been heard of her. Fer- guson. who knew nothing of the old woman : arrest wrote lo\ 94 Oxford street, Guelph. the address on the satchel. but got no reply. Re It hat. opened the satchel and found it. contained a gold watch. About forty dollars in money ind a bunk book phoning 3 cash bglnnce in Bos- ton banks amounting to over $2,000. The non-s came to the knowledge of the police this morning and they will endeavor to uooruin whore Miss Dawson now is. -u lvlvulu. Tx>n>xT;), March `_ ll. John Carnegie. aged muetecn. employod at. the Simpann knitting factory, vms xing R pulley this morning when his hand was caught, nnd he was drugged around the pulley. His .-pine was very badly injured and he was l relnoved to the hospital in u p:-.ml_\`7.od condition. A.. ..u ...-_.-.. _:4.~-" Strings Dlnppou-anon ofnn Aged Wonmn |u Toronto. -,|r .. . .. . . .. Wall paper n13. R. Uglow 1 Co. CASTORIA Forlnfnntsandchildnn. may be true nndthere tu',a.plonty of dis- 1 reputable rdhemuns to whom such new: manna lodging and daily bread. 'l` ere am, tw o journals published in t is city at the preeent time whose letterpress and libelous illustmtionsure so di.sgust__ingl `shocking tl1:tt,the)':tre now heinig lnr ed outjot all our hotels .'lIlll puhhc libraries. l`lmse pipers thrive on rotttnness and tzrow- rich-In the offal of the slums, l tmow plcllty of papers that feel disgusted and shrun- ml when compelled to devote their columns to such mut,tt*r-t-ompellad you s:iyi' yes compelled. If they Llltl not. give the details of an event whivh has dominated the attention of our People [or many months and will r-onttnue, to tlominute it "till the \`l`t)I`l(l ;`,'l'l)$.~. het- ter than it is to-tlu_\', neither you who rmtl this nor your neighhor around the ('UI`llPI` who borrows your pups`? .,iu.~1t to see how the light went would want. ll under uny t-ir:umst:ince. lteputarlilu. editors mo:-ally t'Ull(lllCl their [l1l])t`l'S with the lll)lt`. for It lllUtlt`l. The bible ltirles no tin and neither slit-Itt-rs nor tleferitls the sinner. \\'hun Davitl, the l;elovotl in Coil, fztlls tron) grrtgje, toes .\:Ithun, the prophet, attempt to vurry ltnor with the king by t-ottt'eu.lin5z' his vritne! Not he; hut, ll'l1(` to his high rni~sion, he sN`k:t lluvi-I out lllltl lyrrmm the enorntit._y of his crime lwt'ort=- him, hy the purzthle of the poor man's izllul). The duty of the press vomlrines in one the duties oi pilot untl :x`t`ll|llll`l. it tells you in time. to uvmtt tlw dangers whitrlt the \\`;tv-5 (`()ll(`(`.`I,l i|Il\l of the rocks nnd shouts whirl; lie hen.-tttlt, lut- ing the vosziger to ruin. No prie.sl among the l.ortl'.~`. ttnnointt-rl i~`. tire l`('-~ p().~itor)' of so nmny secrets on \\ lllt`l`. tleptzntl the t'lmrai<:ler ttntl st.mlin',r, ot` the struts-`s best t-itizexirt, anti ultit-ll :1 twrd front him \\t)ultl involve in .`3tIt'l!tl ruin. .\'ever has umn been [ll:It.`-.l in it more perilous position than he \\l)n controls and guitles .~t great ltt`\V's|);tpc'r nlmut elevtion time. lll` .\ I'l"S `illtl kuotw the littlt`l!`. 3S an-l lllt`&t.lllIt`.\`.3' of men as no other pvrsort sens thorn, nn.l he is ronatttntly :-l<)il<'llt`(l for tl;ll|Q'(`l`t)Uh' l'uvor.~t hy persons to \\'ll(llIl he is not under the slightest ohlig-ition. favors \\`l)t(`l1, it` granted, might provo the ruin of his paper. ' Quite er .5-ensntion was felt in rt-,liqious ('ll`t'lt'.\l hero List week In the rt-tttrn of the Rev. (lltlknmv .\`lllllll_`Ill)tI, who no this nrulnr nl` rlm l.`ir.| llntn.-I WHERE IS MlADAV7SON 7 XV IIIOIIBII "Till.- llusio Department in shun of stock: Hammond, I-1:41.. Inn. Doc. In-inn: 1~_.._ |..-|.. A...m non. " |I'.`b |ll |lI||l| AIIIII .\l'lII|II n dz.` u ihouls In-n.-all rngzmgor I] ~ s|.mli ul Lin` ......l.I ...u..ln.. ... mm DAILY WHIG..JSATURDA`Y. MARCH 27.- 1397 It you want the Cheapest and Best FURNITURE * .... CALL A'l`...... Hr RAMEVSA 1- 6L..!:_I:s.9!: 3199* St! A GOOD SQUARE Delicacy of Flavor. Superiority in Quality. Gratcful and Comforting to the Nervous or Dyspepiic. NUTRXTIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALLED In Quarter-Pound Tins only. Prlpmod by JAMES EPPS 3; Co..1.m.. Homaaomnthio Chemists. London. England Prlpnrod E] Hqmmopnthio Chemists, ENGUSH 33FAKF5T.99?A Should he nnmie I plan: uf hnxiuos .~v-rinn. Tho Io-I`,-1! ..___..__j.T_j_:_._.j_.:_:.-` EPPS S COCOA] IIIII UUUTIU CIIUTUIIKIIII WIIIKUHIV For particulars all at the Colleso oioe, coma Ptinceu and zydonhun su-ecu. King- ston. or write to A ltl.n\xnnAnn I n unwnv EUHHEWSHAHDWAHEJ U0l'lIl`l' of l'rln(~er.u nun Walllmzton lzreem , Robinson Bros., F. N ISBET 8 "EASTER BOOKLETS. rmmcannsl [ma __E0_QN01IlG _ 1_NcuBma. lAN_ ALLHB`RAS_ShSPB_AY PUMP.I DOMINION INSECT POWDER. n..; __`.l l`l._.s-..-A . H vv. "nu-V.` umvnqvn I uvv |)|..n\, Best. nnvl Cheapest one pound tin. Py nnul3. )-. Poultry supplleu of all kind.i4 ; Sand for catalogue. G. J. LOVELL, I 1f] nl-L..__._J L.__-A III KiSIOIl Ladies'0olIege closcburn. KINGSTON, ONT. I- II:-Inn -IQI| TI.` Iguulnn lhnllgmn nl

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