Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Mar 1897, p. 6

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SPECIALS 1 nmmgi: Fvilllcltljolariuululill `-alumni:-mi-uh. nlnnumig Tin Good: slut (III. ` 'l'.\-`mu, Wu!) . Much 1|. -The Japon- f Coo. who hurt but copying many articles [ of Auction -nnnhctnn. have conmeneod I \nLinnin- nitlann-n had. `.3 ..AL-`. -.a:v.l._ V Insane Along llellglonl LIIIQI. Sr. Tuo\i\~. Ont . March 30.-HeuryI Bonull, a gurdener. iged sixty, who re- sides in Southwold, was taken to jail this morning on a charge of being insane. On 1 Sunday afternoon the unfortunate man , surprised the worshippers at the I\letho dist church on the lake` road. Southwold, by appearing at service. clad only In I guernaey and shirt. The unfortunate mm has for years evinced I species of dementia ` that manifested itself particularly along , religious mntters. About three years Ago. r while two circuit nunietets were visiting at his home, he fastened then; in A room from ; which they hnd to escape through I win- : dot. LIKIIUCT, IUHCIDK IIIU [HUI UH CFUWVII llnali. l The Blane are not pleased with the dc claratien of Sir Charla. Tuppcr during the - debate of Friday that he would not in fu tnre exert himself to eecure further consid- eration of the ~chool question. On the other hand the Oinnrioconservativesnre scarcely loss rerlive because the leader Q-bated that personally his views were unchanged and thin the school souleineiit is in his opinion . , unjust. and unconstitutional. Seeking to please both {notions of his party. he bus i pleased no one. It in nknlnd that (`ail Tisdnla will ahnrtlu }NUHoC\l I IU UH. It is stated that Col. Tisdalo will shortly bring before the government his propoul ` to conntmct. n shnp canal across the nnr~ row poninsuln between Lake St. (`lair and Lake Eric at a coat. of 3-'~,50l_!.lm. . nu u-sac. nu-cu. 0'l`T\\\ \, .\lnrch fwzsattlors in the I non-h-west terruories who have no timber ' on their propemea have been accorded by order in cuunnl the pnvilege of cuuing from I,.\`(|0 to .`,1)0'* lieneal feet for building, timber, fencing and fuel on crown lands. 'l`I>.n `Ila... urn) nut -.!...._-AA u-ML 0|... .J.. *1-Ills`. (`ol. Francis lihi-dos. brother of Cecil Rhodes, was called to the stand rind testi- ed that since the summer of I595 until ` the Jameson raid he acted as agent for his brother in Joliniiiieebiirg. Both he and his brother. he said, had assisted in the agitation tor redressing the grieviuices of the l`itl.~milers. When funds were wanted ` for such or other purposes he drew on his brother through the British South African C-iiiipauiy. ' W-I:y~ll-e Kept L-Ixnux. March 30. -F. J. Newton, for- w merly government. commi.-suny at Muft- ' king, \\'v.\.-I examined by the parlialnentury South African committee today. Mr. ` .\'ewton described the nssenxbling of troops at Mnfcking, and said that Dr. Jameson had mentioned to him his intention to march to Johannesburg, and pledged him to secrecy. For this reason he had not in- formed the Cape gmrernment of Jnmesou's plans. (`nl Frnlmi.-1 Rhrulrxi, hrnflmr nf l`nml ` Sold To [lave Volulted l"rIIgmentn That l Looked Like llllla. ` TURU\TU, March 30. A _\`0ung man} named George Johnston was arrested yea- | terd..y afternoon charged with having stolen eight dollars in bills and silver from butcher Taylor's shop on l)undns street. 1 The principal witness. thi~` morning, was 5 in little girl the daughter of butcher T.s_v- * lor who was sitting on the door steps in ` front of her father}; house when the al- l leged theft occurred. She charged him l with the theft and he denied it, but she | -nllod the police. > In court this morning the.girl stated ` bills which he had stolen. The prisoner , elected to be tried by a jury and was com- ` mitted. After the court ha] risen an em ' etic was administerc.l to Johnston and the that the prisoner had proceeded to eat the l mutter \omil.e1l being (`\LlHIll)0(l hv ll phy =` uician the fragtneuts of II bill or bills" were I found which will be more closely eminined : later. ' T.AYL0.B, , Q? s! if I , 1 I J. I Iilumy. Iunuul Ul LIIB UPPOSILIOII. The premier gave nutnce of the introduc- ` tion of the bill with respect. to queen's counsel. twenty pointed by queen's counsel shall be up- the lieutenant-governor-in council in any four year.-. The court. of appeal or u majmity of its judges may spm-inlly 1-nnfer the honor up- on we ground of ubility, professional at- Lainlnenu-J .-uul standing nl` Lho bur. Nu unea-un be uppumled by the lieutemmtu f governor in-1`0um`i| who is nm. of ten years nmmling ul the bar. but. no such limimlicn us imp.-`en! on Line uther suulvos of appoint Inent. Alfeemly unpmtuut, xunemhnenta have been mlnplevl in the Iican-'0 bill, and il. in nnuihle Hunt. lmfnrn it. nvnru Hm final It provides that not more than _ ` urI\'lIl`a' UH Dnhuruuy. ' An mldrosa to her majesty. congrut,uln,t,- } I ing her nn the nwniunnmut. of the nixtiotln ' I . your of her reign, will be sublnittod to the ` ; homo. It. Will he moved by the pmmicl. ,5 Hun. Mr. Hardy. and seconded by Mr. | \\'hitney. leatlm of Lho opposition. . 'l`hn uremicr unve nnhmn nf than inhrmlnn. U\Ul. I would rather meet. I-`wt /..~aimlnnns or l:ml,lard Lhuu Slnuzkey. as I want to settle l old sore.-1. I have not signed yet`, but will in u few (lays. as there are three or four vlubs bidding for my go with Slmrke_\'." Corbett And Fltulmmous Wlll (ilve Rival E Shown-Wh|l: nlnher Snyl. Sn Fl`.\N(`lS4'u, March 230 Jim Cor-. both left here last. night. with his trainer, Mc\'ey, for Salt. Lake City, where hoisi . booked to give an exhibition Wednesday : evening. Champion Filzsimmons will also give an exhibition in Salt. Lake City on W = the same -:\'ening and the sporting people 1 -are anxious to see how the tighten; willi draw. Corbett says he will keep after! l*`it7.~.=immons until the chnmpion allbrdsi him another opportunity to win buck his lost iaurels or go down In whipped man for ` the second mulilmut time. \V... \ ..... \l....-|. -hi Il.L.._. ll_|..... DIIU EUITUIIU KIIHI Ill~`lz LlUlU- Nl2\\ \'mu<. .\|m`cl| Im,--l oter Muller urri\'e(l in town _\'esler\ln_\'. He is in ne (`omlicion and 'xeem.- nnxious to get. to work , at once lor his matvln with Tom Sluu'ke_\'. ; I'm go1ngint.olr:\ining in a (lay or two." said the Irish nlunmpmn. I want some quiet place where I wont be bothered with viwityora, anrl will probublyseltle on a place up in \\'esLClIo.~ which l slmll look I !'l`ho Appo|nt.ment of Quhenw (`annual -` J The Llconlo um Amendments. Tvnumw), March 30. -Mr. Hnby, con- ned to his room for a few days, was out ` driving on Saturday. ' I All :lll[ll`n.*l8 Ln .1!!!` lnninalu nnnnrnlnlukn k TO CHASE FITZSIMMONS. --.j_ GAVE HIM in EMETIC. AT THE l.EG|Sl.ATURE. :nou1.IIsod; t.lsaod:`nbon unison. ! Couou-AnaI-hm: ldIIu$ 15-M. (cuo- lmbfuid (h|ond.on 3!-326. I bl? yllllla LADIES CASIIMIZRE II()SlC,' seamless, 25c pair. I 100 PAIRS LACE CURTAINS` 30c. 40c, 50c, 75c and up. ART BLINDS from zoc up. _ Special prices for these days at V IAIIZXIIJIIII 1.1111`,- lnnroon. Icon. lch. an -when N. For; " 15.0 nu-nu. oao-:;xo.1o.1..eu-; . `. bl :yonn,!d: rI.Fl)IOI`l; Mat. 3:]: I31 or A... la hooon-l alto.` `bonrnswl; hlsiihiribortmil V1. `sin, gg._52ocd 0olond.51nu il 0 ` Ehl Utib. To-morrow members of the board of woiks and the Chairman of Ontarin. St. Lawrence and Svdenham wards will R\l V` through the wards to ascertain what. im- ) provements are necessary nnd to insert the ` each of the same in the estimates of they different, wards. Blue ribhnn tea. .1. Craig & Co. Special, No. `.. -From 7 _m. to 7 p.m. ` Wodne.-xdn_v we will sell all tobacco clump. B YYYS friends and get 1' R supply R 4 1 the duty goes on. Gilbert: grocery. TeL|ey s choice teas. J. Craig & Co. Chairman Minnee. of the tire, Wat-er anal ` light. committee, will. in company wit.h~ city engineer Bolger. make A tour of in- spection. \\ith the object. of ascertaining : what. and where change, repairs and im- provements to the fire alarm system are re quired. /hnn hnuino millinarv r.-nu uhnnlrl nl. 0 ( I } 4.1.3 to 4.501 : Ontario B018. hi) to I an UIAlN-\\'hn|t. No. 2 Hannah. Bud. I-Io : Com.3I`3 to 38; It to Na; Barley, notouo: Oatmeal. 81.!) to I N : Common , me Provnnozcs-Pork. 312.11) to 13.00 : Ln PUIIO, Molasse- .1169!) to rd 830 01 In lb .0 ` me. M to ' ` > oatmeal. 81.!) to N Cornmoulilc to P:ovmozs-Pork.n:.m to 13.00; Luci so to To ; &con.9o`to llogllunn, loo tolin ; Chung. no to me; Butter, tovnnhlp. we to 18. ' 1 f ywooton. no to Ian ; up. no to-Ila. 1115` l$3-.lo I DIJIIIIIID ZQZQIIE I-.vn:.u.. no..1Iuuh no -h.nm-B.oeo1p\ 4 Int` brh; nut 0: nice. Quontiom: Paton! * Wintot.t-(30 to I ; Patent sprim, 1.50 to . 4 75 : Strnighc llollor. -190 to no; tn. 1&0 , to 3.011 ; Superne. 3 I) to 3.00; Stmnx khan. : , 1511 Ontnrlo Bun. A UlAIN-'hAnL No. I Hnnitohn Hard. ln In new uuu IIUUUIUUL. ; There is not in single case of contagious _ disease in the general hospital and the ! Nickle wing has been without an occupant. ` , for three days. The public wards are also ` comparatively fee of patients uueringy ` from disease. ` , Kurma tea. J. Craig & Co. 1 _ Special. No. 3 l ton family flour, worth V $2.31! per cwlz. Wednesday. 3:! until the ton is sold. Order early. in 50 lb aacki I 1 nnlv. (lilbertfs gmrery. Pm-nv Law nrrnatnrl lmrn In: P I`. Law. I QIUIKUCI. When buying millinery you should al- ways :0 tn headquarters. Spence & Co. show the largest stock and make the finest display of trimmed and untrimmed goods in the city. Tan nun ton .l (`rain 3' ('.n `= neveral charges. UNIV. \1lIlJUI'l 5 KrUl":r'V- Percy Law, arrested here by P. C. Law- `nqn _\'esLerda_v on a ohmge of lmcony in Toronto, is wanted in the queen city on His capture by I . C. Lawson was a clever piece of dutectivo work and reex-ts great. credit on that om- nor CUT. Roll oats, pan dried. J. Craig & ('0. For the prettiest children's millineryi `and the newest. blouses and akirtu fur` Indies, go to Mrs. Hemslofs. 7.`! Brox-k| ? street. 7",. ._.-...._... _.-__L_.._ .1 AL. L_.._.I ..A' \\ IAH1I\Ul I: H. Alderman Tait is agitating: at. the desire ' of residents in the vicinitv of the intersoc tion of Pine and l'aLri-k- streets for a fire ` `ularm box at. the vorner of the streets, ` named. Green olives. J. Craig & Co. J0lmArmstron2 died suddenly at Lvn on Saturday. ngod spxty-ve years. He leaves a widow and seven sour, one of whom. Adam, resides in Kingston. Rnlxnr mmr nnt lun-n Hm lm-onat. any-lx nf TOWELS, 36 by 54 inches, for . 10; each. 72 INCH SllEl'? l"lNG xggcu yard. mo I`H-L(`V[:`.S PRINT 5 rents VVIIUIH. IIUIIHI, TUHIUCS In Dlnglon. Baker may not have the largest stock of manta hats in the city, but he has the new- eat, and nobbiest. 7`l`l...._.. .'.. ..._n - ..I-_I- _,_- _: ___L. __r_,,_ . UUl'l4 U L l`UCUl'_\'. ( J. Urr, of the Cobban maniilacturingi 1 company. Toronto. was in the city yester- :day. He called on Capt. Braden duringi the afternoon. | Ride El Stearns and be coiiteiib. . l). Egan will have a plate-glass front ' iudded to his cigar store. A similar im- ! provoment will be minds to the store nd- i ' joining. - lieiiwfs sweet pickles. J. Craig Vi Co. A citi7.en offered to bet $lIm this morn- ing that. if ulilornian Tuit was It candidate ilor the imiyorxilty in l.\`!)s he would be` l(`I01l. \ .... .. I ....L AI... I,.L...-L \V.._._ \'-.|_ Al_A CIUl'|.U`I. You \..I get the latest, New York flat i rimmed stiff hut. at Baker's. Orient L011. .1. (`mig & ('0. Yesterday n lady lost :\ purse contn3nin;; $24!. A small ad." in the "l.oaL column uf the \\'m:: restored the purse und money to its owner early this morning. Hen Hm i|ll\0h'. ulintan nu thnan nu-nmrn lll IL.` UVIIICI UI|Il'y lllll` Ulllllllug. See llw sunlight glisten on those orange rims. Hiden Stenrm-. N0 better wheel made. (':xmlu;_{uc on applying at. llaiuea & l.nckett.`.-. Al.l............. 'l`.:; :_ _._:._.:,._ -. .L_ _I-_:_- HUW. Special, No. l 20 per cent. of!" all` baking powders Wedneada_v only at Gil-I bertfa Lrrocory. I n.... A: n... f`..kL.... ..........r....o..--.....l v I Tho golf vlub will lulu-Iv lune it-1 ritf ` pravtmu on In about April I. -LII. The links ` 5will f0rm:1ll_y bu deularcd opened on thul I data. I).. ._....L ...-..I. l\.`_... '._ .....'...._fA.. _..,, llilll). By next. week Queen's university mm- 1 pus: will be sulliciently dry for footballers J ` - . I to get. out and practice. ` I Kinrnh ant": IHHT ref nnnn nnr nnf nn I ll`! `(UL Ulllt IIIIH Jl l7l.aIUU- 7 March 30th. I897. first open car put I the local belt. line. Weather fine; 1 1 balmy. Make It note of it. k..-..... 5..-... L-....... A.._.`I I_L _A. I Z. `V Ullllllyn LVIHKU II HULU Ul Ila. Spring term begins April atone business college, ` Mnry a cathedral. Make n "111." O VII LII? Clly. Tea cup tea. J. Craig 51 Co. `w";;`i'4\ |_4' `, FANCY PLAID (.lN(,.llAM.H\ 5c yard. A I Annrcv PAQIIKIITTQI? H091? l The Very Latest from Clty And Continent -'l`ho (lnthorecl l.InM Hy Reporters And the World : News Wired By the; llulted Press " ; Snladn ten. J. Uraig it Go. Ride a Sbezwns and be conbont. Cheap music at Re r')er s. to eastern points yesterday. Appleton a ten. J. Craig & Co. Harry Brock will use electric heaters in I his new store on King street. I , , . . ,. . 1 E-uwannn X C n A nnrnnu unlnnnru ulnanlnv I J H. S. Folger, jr., oft. on a week's trip ' i HIE IIUW QDUFU U" I I Spence & ('0': in in lullnwing. i every day. I` I .....`.. L... AND THE NE-V;;;LD IN BRIEF: I` FASHION. : lloyu Electric . . . . . . Totont-I Bnilvny .. Bunk 0! IonI.nAl.. Ontnrio huh Bunk du Pup! Iol|on's knk... nk (Ll Tnrnntn Iol|on`s max . . . . . . . . . . . nk olToronIo....... . . . . . .. Romanian` nk ............ .. Ionhnntr &ln 0! 11511131.. Union nk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` Bank of Northwest Lnndconpcny. lontnal Cotton Co .. Pun. Colored Cotton . lhmlalon (`nttnn.,. nun. Uolortd (`one Dunlalon (`otton.. __j.. . HOHTRIAL PIODIJOI KABIITI. Il.\u-Ivnr `I (In. H. _..L -In P: ..-vs l)--_X. Isnum BY nus SClSSORS.} Ounsdlua Pwlo Bantu)-.. Duluth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Duluth Prov . . - - - - - - -- Commominl cable . Postal Tel . . . . . . . . . . . .. Iontnsl Tnlocnph Go Richelieu Nut. 00 .. .. . Iontroal Strut R311 1: Iontronl . Boll Tolophono... Boyd Electric... WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY Boll Telephone. - Boys] Electric... Rnilvn vnmcn... Duluth hon. Commaminl I 5% if` at-In-can-. IOIITBIAL noon lamina-a. AI`. 0` !\I1l')' URI)". 1`. l.y0m Inn resigned Iii tune clerk in the Amernmul |.ipLon'n Lam. .|. (`raig .\~ (. le\uer s baugain eoulu u COIQMERCIAL. l\|Ilg HUIVUI. sprung miliinery display; New goods being shown ' : Iii. pnzilinn of H Annnrnnuu huts! III haul. 9 ml Folks keep on buying our mild cured. sweet avored Ham. They never tire of it. Reason-becnuse it's good, wholesome. tender. nulriti-ms __,I _-II- -. __L. -_I- _-.. IL | hntel. AL. lab at Lime-I opposite Sb.` urrnngemeuts ` W"| Ta . N3 nxsvnscmnln owls AS l'5l'A.h ms yononnl nncmion. uuhhd by an upo- ` tlonood not. to this K-punch! branch of tin :p.:din Luhuo. wm oAn`!:I. advugv. Eldon Inna-an V0 to y lo! ' rt`-IQ}.-TOY Q-Jin-11% ; 0! Iocaoholcl In-ultnn. Property. In-. IISUBSCRIIIB GIVE USUAL H13 porno: l nun` . xpos ` pinned! nh`l_:o 52.2: n.hhn I zu:usunnnAaw u\.J\n I ` ; really nuns. Try it and I ` see {our yourself. 501- I bottle. only 3: Wait`: ` ` Dmmscoro. ----ngn:-gnu --11:5?` AUCTION SA LES on $.__.n-u.n 3..-A_ n_.._._... Do- LARGEST `STOCK IN EASTERN ONTARIO. VVIIUIC\IIIIT` lVoIlLl\:l| Ill..I\IlII `U3 and sells at only ngc per lb. A fresh supply of Pigs` Fcsct, cooked or uncc-olced. P- J . AVVAL%SH \NALSH S . .. Thursday Morning, April I. WALDREN & MADEN, |`l'K"iVl'U- HENRY \AIADB~ The T Toronto yndioaTtE DR E3\//'OS 1` 8: CO. Has purchased the BAN KRUPT STOC.'\ of LOOK OUT FOR BARG1 J. LAIDLAW & SON. F_< YOU ARE INVITED TO COME AND LOOK THROUGH. D. & A. Corsets 50c, 75LT,'$1, $1.25. R. & G." New York Corsets $1, $1 25. P. N. Corsets 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50. And the; will o."fer to the Public the Entire Stock on Amounting to $8,300 of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. I! you have Rheum:-i than And refuse to cute i the proper can for P. I phov can you aspect to- uon DR. HAi.1.'s~ REXUIIATIC CURE _.-II_ -...__ 1-. K6 pun! if-N01. Why Not ?] g He rrin s w I! Xlhoumr I ` and tofu 3 `; ';'"N:.`v,6{,n(~' 2; : proper 1'. ` FRI`!!! WATIB HKI. .how "303 '0. A QVAB15 HAI'..L B . RBEUIIATIC CURE , : Thou Honing: van 03 OI! ` bottle, Wain`: 5.. gaunt " n `" r , 114.539 "`` `"' m SALES ' ` I!_m;_W- 0-rm ultnro. l'Sl AL w-- --Ab! -9 0.-,I:~ F Thos Johns Foot of Queen St. Telephone 9. SEE THAT FOR New SPRING K nnggs aoops. >oooooooooo% MY WIFE IS A WISE % WOMAN. LONG WAISTED CORSETS. SHORT WAISTED CORSBTS, AND MEDIUH LENGTH. LUMP ? CCCCOOOGG Managers. GAINS. "ml litilliwguutll-up-cutter `I _ 2.. ` ` novonfxvmnoa. - nun-`L _,... A] '.__,- _ ( .t.....-..-_ ... .~ 7 . are-uovwivjw ruu.--w-v -._.`.-, Our. J :1` (Iluhn. Iopodto uhntgll I. _ __ _'. uinestune Juslnes college. _ _.A._ --JlI.j1- In-ngj-1 _ Thou caught in on of our ` nonthorn lulu And T JAS. swm & to. Our WOOD FRAME CO.\lET is the wheel of the season. See them at MEven if others say that inferior grades of Coal are just as good. 88 8:. :50 Princess Street. She insist's that there is no Coal as good as SW|FT S ynunurxrn up not `pvt- Hui to Wash`; Drug Storm SHOES SHOES SHOES SPRING SPRING spmwo STYLES STYLES STYLES Phones: 135 and W7. ` ' V say If` IUFIIAQO nf r`l\'\I '\"n\ A lirknalriclvs Art `Store. FOR and FRIDAY. ii TIRE OF IT. - * ` . llu l';rnnI A P7C4r>.Q'S'I|IK _ I Jamel llfvlhudon has severed his mar j ` motion with the lluudly R Joray Co. ` ` Chicago. and in partnership with an young 1 ` Inn named mlloepo has opened out at bi. cycln y at Ii'S Door unset. Chi- ` ago. bundle the Tnim _v whee}. . .______ 4.... ,__ ifwlpijjl `Cf; t`":.I*&i5ugu8II shout.-Tina: - DAnAL.n.I-.L..- .. __ run ti; lndh In--no run Sinco the local list for tho famine relief fund eiunxl the Banana Methodist circuit nntinlo the Iocalhnneh of thoankd hi North Austin: 882.95. Hunger? V Rohiunn forwurdoduchequo for theunonnt ` `Uothgvnnor-gtnenl. . none? CANNOT MAKE, none? cumofnuv, lithe!` Grade Wheels than llomel and _lgI_sI_nglun Eycles. l`U,_"~" HI "`f' `'_V lllu UUKIUFU UI IHU l`I|;lI \ butt, 1'. W.'.`. I: . f-mud .-ufwr full inquiry ~hnd been made. that ve of the inst.ru-- nmnls are worn nut. and of no further use. Thuy wore. thezefnre, ounlmnnml and u rocommemlution was Imule than, the militia depmrtlnont be naked to isme new ones to replru-e them. For some mason which the members of the court. decline to make known,tho report. was ruferrod bm`k to its authors by LieuL`Uol_. Cotton, l>.0.(.`. uuuuuu J Spring in here. and not is the time `to get those cuttnius washed and stretched. Tao Kingston laundry. opposite the Wind nsr hotel. make a _-pecnalty of this cln.\~ of work: parcels called for and delivered. Phony `:3. linker R Thompson, p:`\\pri6- mm on |loI;e'I;i`Iono; Ym-zerday the venerable Archdeacon- Bedforddonen, as covnuni.\anr_\` of the dio~ ceee. arrived from Brockville to prceide over a" special meeting of the executive committee of Ontario .-_\-nod. This Inonr ' ing the lnee(i' ; occurred and the Incum- bent and`:-nniem of the handsome lwvv St. ' Paul`: church. Fliuton. Were granted leave to honour $l.\_m. Government Klperts lien- Kiras Tully. go\'ornnmnt. architect. and .\l. .\lc|lrinrI}*. plumber for the pubhu works d6[LIrl.IlIOII! ui Onlaxm. were In tho vitvto-da_\' for the purpnxeouf ms-pecking the dairy school. with u now of roportmg to the department regarding the prbpuacd onlnrgelnont In the school building and the necessary plumbing of the sauna. The II;npn*lor Well Satlnllnl. lh. Chnulberlzun. inxspocbor of pr-sons and public Chlrllla, who was in the ci:_v _\'ostor\laI_\'. Inspecting the county jail. the orplmns home mul other government institutions` .-mtecl tn :1 \\'m-. cepotter. just provmus In his leaving for Toronto. that the jail and all the other institutions he had "l\`i`e in tlns city weroin excellent condition. rlonn. well cared for and up lo the mark In every respect. Woxinenduy Nlghl. There can be no doubt about the great success attained pf the \\ hnt.nev opera company in the prom ncgtiufn of .\les~rs. IN Knvon x` Smutlfs new onora "Rob Roy." The entim pmsu of New York city. during its two years run at the Herald square theatre. referred In it as n uwelnuon in the operatic lino. Tho music is character- istic even to the necessary disc-onls that at umoo am incidental to the action. especiall- Iv when the various pipers that loud the chtlorent. clans strive for the nmate~r_v. Jail, hnuppdrnus jhillhki. Hinnnnian. ll- ` H. St-mtforul. I; H. Howard. 2. : E. Sears, .`I: A. Dalton, 4: A. Glover. 4; total, I- : Luuu, .m. 3 \\'. Swmn, T: \\'. Bell. . ti; t`. Cartwright. T: E -m ` vvv.-v-. J. 6L___E_9N. Brock St. -.I``. I\--\.. $1....` (`mum Farewell mm ~-ram" Who mu Nnl Ikllfl Hlm. M. Illcliriarty. government. plumber, and II. lmmll, vmnmercial l.rn\'cllor, butla 1 of Toronto, mune from tho quoon city Inst. ` 1 night on tho tmin from which the convict ; I I J Farewell jumped, in his attempt to regain hln freedom. Both were eye witnea.-Joe of the occurrence. and both otnte that to all who watched Farewell attentively, it was clearly apparent that he was watching for a chance to escape. He first went to tho toilet-mum at one em] of the car, a few minutes lnwr he went tn; the other; he nu-lb ' l ed several time: of pcunengeu-.~a. How far Ire` w-3 [rum Kiuy.:ul.cm mm aml at UL|b0tll';{. where he wun giwu u Iuurh, he 1-ulnpluinuxl thul. the lll:Il|:H`lt3 that bouml his: legs at the Ixnce-~a were} lnurtilw; hum. uml imlnu-ml the guunl lu n~.- v lumellu-In. Ila also retnnvecl an extra` y m'err'0ut he was weuring on the gmnncl` that he was too warm, though to the other ' passengers the temperature was comlort- 3 ` able. He tried to uppear at ense.aud sang ' hymns at intervals. Mr, MnRrim-tv in nnnllent. tlmt Fare~ IlIU\\`I| `IIKIUSI H. Strntford. - Howard, S`: A. ! total, .30. ` u` u........ -. J. Soars shot. at nine targets only. Event. No. 2 1-`Ive targets each, un- known angles: \\'. Wnuon, 7-: W. Bell, 3: \\'. Swain, u 1. ; L`. Cartwright. 2.`; A. Hlovor. a: total. IT UL \Vy. H510 Wll (lulu) 3| Iurgu |KH'lIUlI gf it. mxnnined in tlutigvnis of the King- ntouian. The keeper ~pIuckil_v jumped after Farewell was .-1-riously hurt. Ila: wnu ; loft. at Bellevilie. ` Hold I`In~Ir Regular shout The ll10lllbOI`.'| of tho Fronlolmt` gun c|ub held their regulm shoot on Monday after- noon at tho ` L.-nraqm driving park. Fol- lowing are t. !1'nl't'*<: Rx-ant. Nn I Fufrnnn tnrvnsfe nnnh nn. IOWHIK TU DllU'E|`1|l'l.`"Z Event. No. I Fnfceen target. each, un- known angles: Rfrnljnrtl |'l- \\. \\'nkunn I 1- `I IIU USLIIPU. The convict run a Lorrilrlo risk in jump ing oi? the twin. which was guing at the rate of forty miles i\n:hour. He was forced by the efforts of those who had seized him, todetain him, to jump straight. from the` car, and not in the direction in whivh the twin wns going. It. was a liingstoii man who seized Farewell by his coat-Luil. mid ` haul not the material of which the gurinont. wine made been shoddy he wouhl not have getaway. As it. was quite :1 large portion of it. mmninml in the bands of the King" snuuunmm, ; [May "all !|l'l'&IlIgUu DHU [Hill] Wllll LIIU convict, and that `after the train sturtod -again Lhoy, by means of pxo-ummged j signals. joined 1-`auowoll mm ussi.-tcxl him Louscupe. The unnvint run an tnrriluln rink in iumh Hylnlll IID IIIIRJYVIIIE. Mr. McBriarty is condent. that Fare~ well hnd accomplices on the train. Two man got nbonrd at Tnronto and repeated- |_v naked the conductor us the journey pro- gressed. How far are we from |\'ing.~Lon 1"` ` How long will it be till we reach Kings- ton? When the train bucket! to the spot ut which Farewell jumped on` them mun gut, omnd when tho trip to Kingston mus re-vommenccd they were not. on bourd. Mr. McBrinrt._\' boliovea they had arranged the plan with the nmn-irt. mud Hunt. hftnr Hm trninsl.n1'ted The "Referred Bark. . . , _ I Tue court ul enquiry than was appointed In inx-no-In-guo ne to the Condition of tho` liuglon un uw by the buglera of the I-Mb: huh. I` \n\' -` H Lmnul nfrnr full innnirv ' Ac MTJJL;ic:s oni `ruEr'iai iC , If}; \\h. Wm.-on, Dalton, II}; J. S: iell. I-J: A. Hlover, H` Soar.-I, ti; total. Iusuu, I I; Soars. I, Bu lncelod Icahn]. Hm-nun- Quc. Much :ll.--Nansgot `[0 Lou `K311. am. 1`rrrur.\. Ont. Nuoh &).--THO |egis~ lntin colnmiuoo of the dominion dliuive i-uotinthotourorroomottholiouooi commons thin afternoon. Sonntor \`i&l in tho chnir. and pound a resolution appoint- ing: committee to look over the plottin- ; cite bill when jnttoduccd to no that if ' \ ` in hand Mini: thonllinncu This I" the business doing The commit up- poinntl In : Icons. Flint. ~Chnrli Craig, Gunning and Vidal: - ASQVOHII SUIQOQIC IXZIIIOOP. or up: purpou Thu Admiral commanding the Russian vunhip-9 in Cretan taken urges the up- poinlmem of A European govomox for (11910. with full power to not and also the uisbdnual of the Turkish troops from the Bron Britain mppotts the eug- A goetions. _.___,______ Welsh lrullen To Be Sent. \'.u.i.i;1*.\, Malta, March 30. It is re-` _.r.1rl here the: 600 men of tho Welsh I ` isi have been ordered to hold them- selves in readiness for emberkezion to C etc. the Admirals commanding the eets in those waters having asked for further reinforcements oi troops to prevent any further udvnnce of the insurgents on the -Turkish positions and to occupy in_ f_orco for up: purposeAse\*er.1| stngecic poeitiooe. commanding thn l:nni.m nun!!! Ilu ll1ul'I me OCCISIOD. M. Amide Boyer, member of the chamber of leputxes forone nf the districts- of Marseilles. was arrested in Paris Lhi-I mmrning upon charges of complicity with Emile Anon. the Plnnma canal '0bb\i.~t. ' in fraud: and bribery. A great. many other arrests no hnminent. nun: Iuuuu lll um pus: UIIILVJ (ms nrcernoon. The London, I-Ingland. chamber of coni- motco_ is extending invitations to the. pre side: 3 of leading boards of trade in (`.imuli\ fnr adinner to be given to the mlnnial piemiers in London during the iublieo, On Easter .\lonIn_\' the Inembers of the \' In I: I __:n __I,| ., .1 (`P HIUIICU. Y l.(`.B A. will celelvrate the twenty-filr or slva;.- ax-..".i`:.:~rsar*-` of the fr-rrnaaiou of the local branch. No. 482:. In the even- ing a novel entertninment in the opera home will nmrk the occuion. \I A..p..J.. I)-..... ...-_,L_- -l >| - l._\, UC |ll!`l|"|l`\'. The rate war between the C. I ? ll. and the (Brent Northern for passenger traliiv to tho Knotenuy lms resulted in the cutting of the rate by nver ten dollars on through tickets from many points. A lady living on Alias street. complained to the police that she was robbed of -\'`. 0.- .'M while walking along \\'ellingt0n suxaet to the post nllice. The purse and money were found In the po=t oico this afternoon. The lnmlnn, Pnalnnal nlinvnhnr nf nnln Hlul. \\'illia\m Holse. ska, Detroit, .\lich.. is under arrest on the cluuge of murdering his twc-nt\'-one}`0ar-old son on S-utur(l~I_\' night. The defence. Will. in all probabili- ty, be insumit_v. 'ri\n rnln vnxr Ixnfwnnn Hun I` Pl I. and U . While gwng to :1 meeting in St. I` \'estr_v last. week Mr Rowan. 4-ivit 4 near. slnpped on some ice on I trcnl street. and broke a bone in hi: :1 rII\ |)_\ HI!) L'U\'I3rllUlUllL UI VITCQCE. By an explosion at eight o'clock (hl: mormng in the new northwa-at land tun uel, foot of Oak szroot. Chicago, two men wcro kille I and four others seriously injur- ed. II'l.:l. ._.. __ ._ _ _,,._.`,,_ 0. II :- ` IIIUL WI|'Il. Complaints are frequent. of law that` young men playing football on Earl stnaet near Division. break windows in the houses 5 on either side. rm... D_....'.L |_:_ A_____.,.. u._. I II! III I'l\KMl Ml [)rU(lUeU~ , [ The Austrian government has forbidden I Lho mpurmtuon of 7.UOU.mlI cartridges whivh were ordered from an Austrian firm by the government of Greece. Nv an nvnlncinn or oi:-ho n`nl.~.nl. 0|..- > DIIU U\IUUlDIUIl UIII. ' The ferry punts crossed the Canadian ichnnnol this morning without breaking through. although Considerable water was met with. 1u______| .__n- ,_- t_. ,-,,. r v,., .1 . ' U" UH:lIU|' 5llI\.'- ' I The Bnbish brig Aerommt, Capt. ' : I-`ancy. from Santa Fe, Decevnber Rlst, fur Hamburg, was abandoned at. sea. ller crow ; ` has arrived at Harbadoee. TI... A..-5....... ....................s L... r._L:.| I... ` IVUIII UMIIIIUS UII IIHUIIV lubllrll LU l':[lglII(1. A despuch from Bombay says that plague has broken out. among the British [mops an Culaba. ` In thn hnnsn `nf Innis: tn.:l-uv Hm llnlzn nf troops as Lulaoa. In the house bf lords to-thy the Duke of Devonshiro moved Lhe second reading of the education bill. > VIN... l..__.. ...._.A. , _ , _ _ __| .1. I1, I-,,, I The Very LIKQOI Nun Crowded Into the Smnoltof Space. \ Mr. and .\lr.~'. (-`ladstono started to-day 4 3 from Cannes on their return to England. ` A Iinl` Ith frnln Hnlh \' III PC [hilt (\H`r:iii-;', March 30. The arrival of Mgr. ` Merry Del \'ul from New York brought an immense crowd to tho (`.l .H. station this afternoon. The t.ruin- pulled in at 2:30 p.m. Mgr. Marou-, who ucts as adniinii-~ traitor in the absence of of archbishop Be- gin. who is now in Europe. ascended Mr. :3`huughnesay s p;ivnI.e car accompanied by . Mgr. Lengerin and several prelates of the bishop's palace. After having courtesied . after the manners of Roinun ot-iquette.Mgr. Murois escorted his excelloncy to cardinal 1 Tanchoreau s state carriage. The suite was provided with carriages and the procession started up palace hill to the llaecilica, i where a solemn thanksgiving service was celubrnted. The (`m`emon_v ended with the Te lieum. The chahcel of the Buscilicn was lled with priests and nnrates from far and near. After the service the vlergy mi- aembled at the (`t\I`(lilNIl'-I p:\la<'e. wliere a revopbiori was heid. Mgr. Merry Del \'n| then handed hi.-i vominission, wh`ch is in Latin, to Mar. Muroi.-4, who rend it aloud. The band of the seminnrv was in attend- mice in the church. Thedvhnscs along the line of ll)I\l'(`ll more giulv ilecorntocl with ll-igs und stre:Iinor.~'. The wo..`.l~er was unlendid and .`III enormous crowd viewed t ie procession. 1 [N-I. _...m_uh nu unprou/.me"L of um | uul~,e._ ; fun`: lJ!'!`lf uuupuuvl Ill LllB`lI(`.lIHJ UIII, uuu Hreeuwuy vompmmm. M win _.,,.;,[y ml It. IS powsuble that. before It gets the nal 1 M....amh...t..a.I.n|an. FnrHm:-pal,hnvinuryal nf the house other desirable! ID I! [)U`4EIUl|`.' lllub UEIOTQ IL gens LHC llllill Hreenwuy1-ompromiav will .-anti:-ly t.ho| Mnnitobu (latliolicd. For the rest, liuving y 39 We d3lmbl regard for the tlilliculty which arose in the I l_t'" '11 b0 Wld_d- _ I Would be l7nit.el Stutqs in analogous situation with i _!"'"l l.Y Innryelloins if In UIO _5"'Y' archbishop Ireland, the holy see will opon- I `"3 l' f 9 '"l'5l' 5 90" 0f 3C`l '9` l_v uphold Lhe syncem of denomimxbional . f0"m ":5 is 3" '"P"*" l8l'~"`'i"_ fwd schools in Manitoba if the l.uurier-Ureon- l 0" '_h"3l` the F9 H Shad 0f_ 0P`"'0" wuy compromise is not. sutliciontly muend- ` *9 "F" d*' 0* We P"P3d bl 5'10" ed be vomplete and incapable of improve- (.\ll`|-2l|I~Lt', Murcliilll. ` mem- HUI`) EUILLIUIIIUIID. l'nrl.|_v from archbishop iegin and pant- i Iy h-om \'11Li1'llI .-tuurvo-4 Ilm reporter I:-aru` , I el-I that the pope before inlervenin-__; wiLh_ e\'l.rema Ill0&8Ill`(` clesixe Llurnugln Mgr. Hel \'al. the papal elelegnte tn (,`.nn:ida. Lu ub- 3 Lain 2-uvh illlproxulllellb of Llm l.uurier- Hmmnwuv1-nmnrnmiau us will .-mlis-fv Lhul If lho I.nurIi-r-urconwuy Comprmulus In Hm mauqlod tn Meal HI: Hollnoun` \'|nws- The Canadian Ahlc-[Mo ltorolvmi In Quelpec To-clay. ltmu-1, March :m. .-\ft.or Llno mudicnce which archbishop Begin. of Quebec, had with the pope yesterday. he was Inter- viewed, and said: "I came to Rome in; order to see the pope on several religious ] questions in Quebec. in view of the pre- ` various health of Cardinal Taschereau, and ` about the Manitoba question, upon which t.ho(3~.umdiun bishopa are 1: unit, and Mo not nutisfiod with the Lam-ier-lIreonw-\_y (-ompmlniee, whioh tlmy r-ou.~4i|or un illu .-cry setltlennentf` Pnrllv frnun an-nlulnhnn Puuin urn. Inn I - NEVER , __ THEY wuu. as UPHELD BY THE , POPE. ,, 4 DEN GENERAL PARAGRKPHS. {2Jri6#n1iAI10NAL SCHOOLS. {W THE DAILY WBIG, TUE- S!VI%)AY, MARCH 30, 1897. I` l'[IL I' 1 on- : his left. "fir ( .v|\iehu'om\do to an the tronblo and ` upon: ol obtaining. copyrightn. x: of -nnnhctiic. Karo I lili ID copygb` todor patented 1 I ` thofnihd Shun. Loenlcnhono 1305- 1 cinh y ncoind n treasury do|.u*t- ' 3 In calling unit Attention to 1,` Ihonciof gross spun-ovcd March 3rd. 2 prohibiting ouch importation and ulna, ' -. I E; *..gpagpra,uuu.doer..`:mseIu[ A = ::.'...`"..';.:a'."'..'..' :.;.':i 1:; ` lull Iticl in III 5% at In! with

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