M as none hlmnr =iIl......H Ill! ll! VIUTIIHI 1VlI'U.- rBlEI' UUDTIIOII. WIIU `mend away on Thursday. l8th inst. Villiam Smith and Martin Murphy are making sugar on tho Bmeno farm. now owned by Rev. Fnnlior Spratt..-0ur new milliner, Mien M. Conghlin, has uuito a display of ladies` hendweer.--Miss leggie Coughlin. ti pendent of Athena high echool. after apendinn week at home. has recovered from or illneee and is again able to reeume her etudiee.--Miohnel Rape has purchased is new evaporator end aoeel erch.~-F`nnk Fowler is again able to be around--nnd still hie mone- mohe growe.~--0ur barber shop in running full blast. under the able meuegemenb of Mr. Stevens.--Mine Annie Mnrphv, Athens. in visiting her meront.a.--li. ll. Pnrcivel. menzhenis tailor. me the meinrinl on the round for the erection of A new brick oueo.---Mine lleteie Tellman and Mine Ketie Mocnrshy were the gueeie of Maggie Coughli n on Tneedey. Tomcno, March 30.~-Tho road: are Kt f present. in a very bad condibion.--s$ugm` ' mnklug has recovered from its moons cold and now the fnrmem are kept busy.-;~ Donth again visited our midst and olainiod as in victim Mm. Peter Johnson. who nnnnnrl nuvno nn Thursday, Hlth innh, Hllll LIUIIUUTUU, lU\`l.II'HU\l ll` l'IUVl|lI U"".llI'V| I Miss Lillio McMahon, K. C. L. spent; Sunday at home. Min Jonuio Beam: is again in our midnt..-~.\|iae (L Hamilton spent Sunday at Redford. j Tlvlmomuz. March `.. 9.--Sugnr mnkin is the order of the doy.--'I`ho new hobo in nearly completed and Mr. Brown ex- pects to move his family here ahort,l_v.-- Mr. Shibly moved the Golden Herb modi- clne company from Pnrhnm to Sherbet. Lake this morning.-LIo d Hoodfollow. of Parham. left; here to-dny or Dresden when he Intends going into famning.-Mra. Fadden. of Wnbertown, N. Y., is viaibin her mother. Mrs. Thomas Hempton.- . Brown hue mrchned the house uni lot lately occu [ied by Snunuel Hompbon.~-N. Brigden, of? parents here.~ h r. Me lride. Methodist. missionary. has moved to Blenaington.- The encrzunom. of the Lord : Supper was Barr `n Bn , in visiting his` dispensed in the Pronbytorian church yea- ` mrdoy by the Rev. A. l\lcKnight.~~Miss E. Anderson. visiting friends at Pnrhmn and Tichborne, mturnod to Plevnn ho-day. Minn Lillin Mnxlnlmn. K. P. L. nnnnt vvuruu rum, puuuuua, lIpl.IuI`ulIIolI, uumauw, I one. owever. as yet nothing more aub- scuntial than words have been exchanged. --Wilaon Buck : homo took ch}:-d place in the throe-minute race at Stella, but. Wil- aonclaima he should have lmd second as he won cooped up or boxed.--H. Baboook is doing Irruehin business in his now mill. it. being impoaalh 9 to gob within gunshot of the oetabliahvnenb for the lo e.~D. Lemon has opened up his sales ntnb es and solicits II call.--Sngnr weather is no hand and many an oxpoctnnt. hungry glnnceia out no the boiling oh. l Art.lea are nu- merous. three boln old in one woek at D. I.omon a. T. Daisy : and H. Hender- nnn n. n l\iz'I.\"r\'mc`.-I, March `..'li.~~-Prim lighting nnd toll gncoa nro relics of n barbarous ago. Excitement prevails here over the lute {mgilistio encounter between the scientific 1 mxer nnd the lanky phenomenon with n ] bull dog temperament. Strongnrgumonts ` an to the superiority of both men are ad- vanced. and passer: by are met by the words `abs, punches. upperouta, amnsheo. Ah, nwmuu-. An vat nnhhinu mnm Inh- lll EH8 VVUlllll.l- "" LIN! ITTUUHI. ITUIO II UIIIFUH the fall wheat, in this locum to look sickly. _Fnrmera fear that in I Injured past recovery. --'I`hore has been such a [low of up income bushba this spring that some owners were bu-y storing it on Sabbath lash. ~- as Terry Hull" hm removed to the real. donce of A. Neilson, Sendimrac. ~.~ D. W. Allison, of Adoi huntown. has a number of men empioye in building an extension to his deck. The low water in the bay noceuibntesib. Mr. Allison. himself, has been confined to his home for some weeks. by an attack of bronchitis. H e in recover- ] ing and hopes be be Olltc-'.)0|'|.~*I'Od Lush- er, of Siliavilleumb his foot severely last week. The accident. occurred in the wood yard. Dr. Norbhmore put. eevernl stitches in hhewound. ~~-The reeent froni: has caused )lu\ tall mix... in NJ. I.-m..I.s.. In I....|. J.LAIDLAVV& SON. .13 - -z_IZ-W wmm. lnutltnto .01 chmorod Ac- countants of Ontario. OFF` |B00KB1NDiNGi ]Crumley Bros] lllllll Iinsm ( Solioitgd to do so. Beware of imitations or same Color Wrapper. --n-n---:j_- {ms WANTED The only perfect mvei P111. Take no other. icmsws _..--- ,"' `F '9 ' xmcsrok BUSINESS COLLEGE .' the FRAUD oi tho day. you get Carter's. Ask for Carter's. Insist and demand Substitution The Ba of Quinbo Ry. now short: lino for '1` . Nnpnnee. Iksemnbo and all local points. Train loaves City Hall dopoh at. 3:30 lam. R. J. Wilson. Agent. C.P.R. tologrup oloo Clnmnco ahmoh. Wu Dy you or your Iamny n nap nluura am uaed. and ifvou nlomly have any of those dim-on Ho Bitters la the only medicine than wil positively cure yon. l)on`c forget, this. and d0u t. gel; some pull`. ed up null` that will only harm you. ._...._.... ._..._ . ...___- CIIIW (ICC IQ. 1):.-xbetoa, Brightfa disease. kidney, min- ary or livgr complaint! cannot. be contrac- ted by you or your famly if Hop Bitters nmnlnnd. nnd if vnn nlrnmlv hnvn nnv nf of this looalit . peeeed uvey last Sunday \ night. The uneruleervicee were held in St. John e church on Tuesday. Two eietere and one brother survive him.~-Mre.-lune Knowlnn and Mrs. Schuyler De Wolfe have gone to the St. Vincent de Paul hoe-n pitul. BrockviIle.--A new boiler he: been putiu the Bruce cheeee factory here.- Mre. George Cheethem, 0eo.. who re- cently lost her husband and eldeet eon. has moved into the house usually known as the "Dual Place." which in is short dietence north of hero. ~- Joseph Hteoey. formerly ewltchmen here. hoe. we understand. mode on neignment for the benefit of hie creditors. -Sunday efternoon e fnirly well-dreeaed trump, wearing a pair of mocceeine, wee noticed on the rail- road truck. A short time eltervmrde J. Peck. who lives near the Lreck. mieeed n mir of top boots that were in the summer itchen. Tho mccceaine were found after- wnrrla. Inference. moccneine Are not the beat footwear for travelling with in the e ring.-J. 1). W. Darling hee gone to Hem lton es rlelegnte to a meeting of the Choeen Frlende.-- George Redmond has left for Cincinnati in order to accompany hiewife home.- -Mre. William McNeil in visiting her daughter. Mn. 0. Bennett. in AlmonI;e.-Miee Anne Fairlie in visiting friendem the Limestone city.-~The recent improvements in the \VlIlu entitlee it to rnnk ee one of the beet papers in Canada. and its proprietor deeervee every euccoee for his energy and enterprise. CASTORIA the M- mum IIAIIM A For Infants and Children. lllll U1` KABEIIUIII. first onhln.Ml.60 And OM. Ilnclr return. mo um um Pu-hhn ou.ao.ao6.na ova; lilrn. I100, I110, 1&1 ond bin. 90 Liverpool. forty and `hon on. III. by Puinlun 9 short. ho nrno; Darn. rm, Glu- low. `con town and udon at lowest rates. ovary nu ound. J " 5.-`."`i'5&nd n'nE smaon J. P. GIBDIIILIIVI. A C.` ` . ' 1 43 Olu-0ro.Sf.root. " `A large` assortment of Boys` and Men : Cloth Caps from 20:: Wench in To inspect our new stock of 2 and 3-piece Ready- Made Clothing. Good. serviceable. well made and sure tting suit: from $2 to $6 eah. ' 1 Ilgllthl 72. ism mtue Liver Pills. Regular 1 CI 1 Or-25. $r.5o. 31-75. $2.00, On -A Vlcuu, $2~5o, 75 sale price 56c. `L N 75. _ 3*-25. " 94c. 3!-50. $1. 12}. `L75: $1-3!. $3.00. $1. 0. " 3:. 8. Royal rlnll stumchlpa. \ - Portlnnd. R: 86060 of Nobrukm...nI-`ob..`...... ....1a Mo oan...... . . . . ..!(6Pob........... Nam :11 .. .. ....n In .911 [Hop BlTTE`R"S ! 99v`-i '25 Years before the ,. ` Public. Thousindn 0*` L A % sf _ asaagc*i4 ` all Diseases of tho %. Stomach. Blood. Llvor. Kidney, Nervousneu. Sleeplesoneu. General Dob'|ll(y, _ Blllousneu. Dyspepsia, Sole Kingston Agents, HAINBS & LOClfB'l`l'. I . h at Tumonlals. h `A .mendIdbyBI'nlnunt' _ ' -A4h .nn,n ; ,\I SALE F'+`OR FRIDAY 1 SATURDAY. AND oiarnu mlouitryk UEIIIII An PUBLVIC-Slnglo rlrn-Dian` Inc. 0 od going Am-il mall to 19oh.lnolu- I|VI- Baum: until April 80th. mm. hall 11 0K. . dO.P. mam o 3:?.?3`&'n%.m?. ` `- I`. OONWAY D. W. Ant. Gen: Pun, Ago. (Ion. uggr. ALLAN LINE iI`Il'II* Dlnu an I n I cngir brirl IIKIIEE A Q 3?`! U|lI'II'IIIl0fI lIUI'l| IITIII` tun. - GENE AL PUBLVIC-Slnglo llrlt-Olnn Anril Ioth. mm. . Thlllills AND STUDENTS--(On sur- 0 mmumr form of Milton! vamtlon nllmu oorvlomo ulmod by brlnnipnlnluglo l`II'It-Olnu Pure and Ono-Tlnlrd. Good R0- inl Mu-ollh Io Am-ll 17th. lnulmlvn. Rn- Ngw. Ammo -3I.H!ILIb4Y cams BTW nonn.l mp Mont: will In tuned n follows: 'KfNION & PEMBROKE jun; Canada Pacific Railway: _ '.'.5?R_.S.1`.l:`T.-'1.A"_.E_S.f om Puu Milo I9 .1. P. HARLEY. Anna. nut Station. 60!. Johnston HIM- --2--__ I ` On presentation of standard form nnhoo ontlon|u.I1lnod _by eh principal. Gran Trunk Rnllvuy Annm wl I Inn to Tucbcn and Student return elohbn from Klnnton so I! polnon in nndmoommoncin liacurdu. uh lhto turdu.Am-H11 Jnolustvo: Illll DUIIIIUIIII I"Ul`lI'll VIDICVI lKOI'n I\InRIl50l'I 50 m mula. comment-ling [Hi 10 M\I'I\i.Ap|-ll 1 Jnoluuvr ; . 1 vi (1 . 1 1! g:;...-i.::`:,$:.:#.::..:.u:aa..:::?r.:or.r..*::. ON! WAY I 81`-GLASS FARE AND N}E-THIRD. .o'irI:*mW.`3:?.ms:E` vhl dolblnnuon not mm fA'ff"T1'(3[TI'3'7 ma-_.-Jt.:;> I M `bliss pu-nlyud. Ih to quit work triad doctors modidm. but did my was-ftp pmlll at Manley : ihulsh . mdoanhlghly nooimmnd it to my one I who my Iuhr an I did. I Am gaining in_ esh and ab work now. . ` aggggl !`o;`c.9n3h| and calm. EASTEE % BOOKLETS.` gAFFlLlATED --u--vvuvv v--vi--11-: V--- v--- - A : 1-mug`: I-may-ca. A A `main: yomi `laawu min Annie Shepherd. W 03. who ellnl II I 2 $1 "two: I III`- lo: furghor pnrtiianhn and ticket: apply to imnsh n;=ear_eor s 199` -., . -___ __._g nnafr-oLAsg3_No:.n um. FOR STUDENTS. ..\...'__..._.......... -._,.._.-.__.._.._._ EDUCATIONAL. _, ---_.--_ ._.-_- __ ._......,_ .._ ...-.v .. . REES AND B'l`UDlN"1`3--(On IM\!lI1'd`form ohuhool vlnntinn ..'..7. __'... . . . . . .. -"r'c'JL"1"1i:.:3 or mssmn. Ll- Alln -..j Ann -J.._.|. `l'RAVIlilalNO-- gdvnnood v and Ono-Tlnlrd. Good In April mh. lnoluulvo. Ro- I'lf.h.l?'l. ` aria? if! -u__|_ nu--- l\|._ -, r `tr ` 1 I ::W .--.4., U.|'|-|- z:.., `.s:.`g:..z up clamnnuon notlnour run 3061:. mm. M ` '35:. "13 Feb. II" `bu ..l$ arch ..91 lurch ..1() April. ..24 April. Vldbllx ton. N. ..Y.; and In. Chi. Bdrm. Wlllkh liondonon. n uoquudo. uxswgaoniw . I "` Reunion. at S. C. 0!! Ind wile, at Jones` `UK ||3u.lo!QI'- \.,, Outxns. uuouc-.ng\ V ' ' I ION `VII VII I II II. |l0I|l'II' "hnlhor 5.31-9 rail:--'rs.n mgooa pcapauohhoiuoemdournilrondhon -Hr. and Mrs. RAM: on vioiung no A. l(lttnot u.--JolIn Ilochunoy wan n bnulavnilo. Alimo Inn in art! At his homo.---A lmlo viol\or--I girl-- :1 Mad At 0. Pbl1`y'l. ` . ,I-A. Efsrnncnnansl l0l' IO UB3 ll'lIl|lIIn Kl`. XI*mQ|`- horn took his place the nldnring his absonoo. Viniton: Andrew Bonn and wife my l?r$nlo`o. Selby: Edward an and family Mn. Soxamiblfu; Gordon Vsllctu. Oonlnmx. Much _l).--WoIthor is voryuoaodqnng-Iiko and has the panama! owl .-no running "ma _ sll'p:::`Iugur &5"...".'I'...;` .;'..`.'JZ`. `.'.?'."'... 0l|Il'OlI TI lIIIH DX5I Ill IUI ITIQ (`lth Rov...:..0::`u..--Wo no u non n Kc". w.".:...e... u.!.".;`.`;.'.' m.....'.': lip: (hunt I\u-utlouhy uoralup to `out his house: In tho that ol Wioeoupln. u Clllhh Itnnnlnnnnn `Ina-. CIIIIIICUGXIIIIIFDCTWUI Wljll. a William llnmlcnou. Wim- to HWY. I of!!! An`. f. Chg. :1 AI . 11' I, KIVUH W DWI" I'D mm W XI. 0| ioo.- . A. Gordonwuu shout for: for '.?.-"i2..`6`.......` "":r.';.. ;'s2""`1T "a....~""`:23? hon-n hum} Ida nl-1.4 -I DI.` -`III -In-hm. L:. RICH` Ill! Illlluu W" W am 56! !!! died on Sunday.--Mr. Bow Imlodamgtr tor Ma noovorod.--_'l`ho mill dun Impac- I I I both krgooth f ..L`._'3T`1'."u`. .'..'.a'?.';'.'... .y...... m. ."..`1. Kmmmonn. Mu-oh 20.--The road: are in u very bud oonditlpn at puoont.-'l`ho oon tegution in St. Jude`: church wn am`: on Sundn owing to the um of tho math. The In as non oi Juno: Burns 4-NA:-I an Hnnnn __\ln Rn-on : ALIA A-..-L peupxu are wmung or gemng olcycloe cum eeeeon.-R. C. Clarke. of Kingston, is visiting friends heno.~- l`he ice in in the boy so I. but is unt for tmvelllng on.--(l. Flemin lm been on the eiok |iu.~~l{. and R. Rei , of Amherst. Island. visited friends have recently. ~-Rumor says a wedding will soon take place here.--Rev. W. B. Tucker ie holding revival meetings in Beulah church. Mm. Hnnx. Much .`ll.~Fall grain looln woll.---Sugar mnklng weather in horo.~-Min Julia Fleming has unturned home after spending a couple of weeks with friend: in Kingston.--~-Our school at- tondnuoo in very small no present. quite a number Doing unable to attend on account of whoopingcough.~~--Some of our young 0 lo are tulkin of Mi bw cl all Slain.---R. C. llnrg ol]gKl:nL?u. Ii: !|lll`IxlUll.*-`ll. nimllwn nus nun nnonner rola eoconning him to the lnouae.-~L. ` left here lass Monday morning I69`, Kr orvillo. B. C.-.\Iiss M. Nicol mm to Lyn. on Saturday, to at-.t.ond the fnltnlot her unclo. the late Mr. Arm- ntrnn ix -- vuuvul wlill IIIU QJIIIIK UIIIIUIU HI an-no. (ln|'lIlll)- _ hill Ital! of Unlvonlhy ndutu. Kuhn In Ibthomstlgu and lunch. no nlnotnont DIG Iiltnrt 0! homo oomblnoll with tho high- GQ BIIHCI . high Dnputmun In chum or stock: Hammond. Iuq..Il\u. Doc. ` -nun; hm hogan Apru um. '03 DIM 0'0-o Ii 00 IUIICIIII IA ! Itrongx A CA l`.\lL.\Q(Yl, March 31.3 H. Nicol in hav- ing the statues and fountains inure ceme- try bronned and gilded. and everything pm in fine shape for the nummor.--'I`ho soqinl held at. T. Forsythds. was A de- cid'od success in every way. ~-We are much leased to mm the success achieved by E. orthmoro. in his recent examina- t.ion!.A~T. Fora_vt.ho is hnvinghia barn re- sh|nglod.---D. Hmmllton has had another lling. nnnninn him on AL. |......;. I .__.j._ K.u..un.\n.. March 30.-- A. For-bee was in green lent. week on lpueineee. -- Well lin non Uueldy hes cold a yoke of oxen to _'I`. vane, of Erineville.---Mise Mary `All- porb has rermrnedto Kingston after attend- ing the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. J mnee Reid. - Harry Robinson wee in Tweed lent week.---Mrs. Abram Allporb is able to be around again. after In few days il|neu.--Mra. R. Jone: hue concluded her meetings here. some have experienced a change of` heart." and nearly all have been spiritually beneted. Her en-ices were epprecinbed b all. as was mdicatod in the libemlcontri union on Sunday even- ing. Hum Iikxn. March .`ll.--0ur neighbor, Theodore Foley, has become a neigher neighbor by movin into the residence of Thmrme Howerth. '1` o vacant farm in now (won led_ b J. Bullie, n enter rising bum er.-S cinema is M eepreed n this locality. The dnughber of Almerin Robo- eon is underl.hedoot7ur"nonre. Abmnioliomrny me be performed on the throat. of E. R0 n h the Attending physician, l)r. Cunnoll. L aster Roy Robeson in incapaci- ulad from eohool work byneevore cold: to complete the list. we are sorry to an- nounce than the wile of Mr. Redmond in conned to` her bed and eeriouely ill. ,, LE0 LAKE, March `.29. -~ Sugar making in the order of the day. -~Farmera aro ' pleased ab. prospect! of spring. fodder aoaroo.-The men: on Base Lake St. l e\t.riok s day were well attended. T. Nobel hone book first money in the colt. e tgnce and R. Muclnnore n horee rsb in the three-minute tn-ot..--M. Borrignn has re- turned. after spending the wi..;er ab Clarendon Shanon. - John Eaton and family have moved to Delta. P. Milne has one to Deaerunto ta work on the steam rge N`l.*`Mi3C M. Green has returned nfber epondlpga week at. J. Milne`e.-U. Webb epent Sunday at home. Dmmrr Lum, March .'l0.w-'[`he roads are in e very bed condltion.-~ l`here are a rent many ill eh preaenb.~LittIe Alma gnook in llowly recovering-It in with deep sorrow we record the death of M re. J. M. Snook. She was taken with grippe And up ill only efew deyn. She was an old reeidont. onming here when the piece wu new and lived to see many changes. She died trusting in her Saviour. I-[er funeral was largely attended by neighbors and friends. ` ,. V T` ` III II IIIIIXI [OIIC III "I. WIIXII H!` a if: on tho road.--Those of the farmers ` IV 0 have sugar wood: nrrbuaily onaged to Ink the trooI.~Mra. P. Mun y. is she to be out onco ngnin.--E. l`Iomin and '1`. Murray have returned After upon - ing the winter ab Mot-riokvillo.-Mr. and Mrs. hfontnino have gono to reside 50 Smith`: F'allc.--Our new look master, F. l()ll'|z:rd, bu movad to take charge of the on . I, InI.I'I'|XlI_ IIIII IIII `WWII Pl'I Dl' lI|$I Inga are well uttondod.-Mlu Jnnot. Little has gone to Poolorkuort for bbo Iummor month;--Tho mu-riod poo In an 3 party at home of Mn. Simon orgunon. where a thoroughly oujoynblo time wu 0 no.- Mout of our young people Vnbton ad the sacred oonoert in St. John : church on the 2110 into. . tn--dv Faun`:-n Loom; Mu-oh 29.-_-Tho` sleigh- Ing In almost [out and lb: wheel: an mm: `on tho rnnd.---Thtnn nf tho fm-man ` VVILLOW HANK. MIIUII IV.`-Ml` NIH Jmhon in Ilonky rooovorfng.---Tho Bun- duy aftornoon an tho richly pruyor mut- lmrl an wall nhtnndad.--M|n Jnnnr. Litbla IIIIl';UI)lll'I|) Inotoulnu mucus. mm: neehoou tn." oo:'|tpl?rln::a:':n3`ayd=nh|I:I I$l'0:s. u orwrito to ANOHARD. J. B. olAY. mrod Apoonnhnt. Pun. Pun. ' T Pom lhmon, Much 30.--Ion in non- ly nll out 0! ah. ha .-!`luhu-nun no luv. l`n:f_or tho M|ln_ ugh sher .---J. W. thidl. o!I.Iuudn~Pugo '. iro hnoo 00.. but upon! some time here. --Ilamilton Welbnnh is alto nick. - Maura. Grim- Iuonnnd n n hnvo moved to the William Lam mn.-- Revival meetings scilloonolnno. _ / int oun` n75n7WtIousfrArr` or connnponozma wnm, lmlguugr nu woonrh-Q count: no .5 manna .1 ms. ..unni`n..n nun-n...` mndlqutlgl ADM n........x n-L..s. an 1... x. ..-.- a---a-- Wm.ow Bum. Much 29.--Mr. Milan huh... I. -hunln noun;-ulna ,,,J"kA Inn. I|'Io an a j Eaxau lfn.u.. March 29.--Robin"a and swallow: an hero again.--A. M00:-Immon movod his fnmili Into their now homo Int` MondAy.-John Ferguson. who in cloning J. R. Boothhlimit in Ada!) . hu loft u hum of horns no Archit nblutlfn to pasture thin summer.-'-SoIuo of the lumen h .- gnu `.`..'.".. .tf .15'.`.?.?.'.1!'..: ..I".:".::':..;7. .... r-yv-Iv VIQIII IllI$Vl\ IIUIIIV III VII3 ICC- nro buy! mu-uh hay.--N on~in a I Jmou Ready. or opoeown; pone u fcvr_ a but walk vmmmou: brother Niels! y. Nanil. who bun nnv for duh vans. (wrung: or me nnny nrinonro Doing can no. ~~'l`ho fortnightly service was held gore Sunday; Elwood Lawson oicinbed.-AF. Cooke in with us onoo more after visiting hiufriendoin Cohnnqui.~-R. Powell, El- gin. paid in a viaitlnab week. Ho Iefbn vor lino black dog hero with Charles K0 th.--Solinn Young in visiting nlotiona on the north shoro.--Quiltin been were all the ragolmb week an}. ughnon e. J. Rondlo. jr.. is kept bus making jumpers for the fnrmomwsohoo opened I in last. week fur being closed for about in days and thochildron are all delighted to use their i anchor around ain. He has nod tlnolr affection: and o mks: delight. n oncouruging them in any apart gut. in m-my. V LAKE Ormmm, March 30.--Fiahing on tho ltke in now at its helht and good strings of the nny tribonro ing ht. ~~Tho lortninhtlv serving mun hold an AllMSTll0.\`u'B, March 29. ~ Tho roads are in u very bad condition. there being neither slei hing nor wheeling. Many in this looa ity are bnsv making mu 1'0 syrup and augur.~~ Rev. Mr. \-`issar, ioberly, will have prnyermoeting in our school Wed- neaday evening at 7:30 o`vloclr. - Owing to the bad roads there was no service in the school Sunday. - Daniel Kirkhnm lost a valuable horse last week, also M. Conroy n valuable cow. Mr. Kirkhem has bought another horse from William Palmer. -R. Munm sold his team of horses to Mr. Dodd s. Olen Toy. and has now bought another span from J. Blair. Bathurst. - Mr. Momnis passed through hen with several loud: ofim laments. etc.. for his new home at Ploy air.- -J. Buchanan hiu nold his horse. --Mrs. M. Conroy is able to be around again after a very severe illness. Kingston I.adles Go1lege *fC]oseburn." (mm-.31-on. on-r. In Onion` wild}: The London Oonon ol |i..-|- 4nu__n_ IUIIKIOIIY VIBIU IIU ITIUIIUH III DHUKUDIIS UHF` bor. Walerbown. and other ports.--(l. Tuttlo has left be take his position on the tug Glide. His pleasant. fnoe \v.ill be grena- ly mieeod here. as he in a general favorite. AH. Knapp has had ' his summer`: wood hauled. He and J. Cam bell intend run- ning A large cattle ranc i.--l). Keelel` in- bends drnwin the milk this season to the Gilt Edge ecl.or_v.--H. Jnrmll intends movin hack to this place from bhe city. -7 Miss A ice Lagercy has returned be attend to her mother. who in on the nick liab.- Mra. W. Hogan. who has been ill with grippe. has recovered. BIl.A.'lS Pom-r. March 30.--'l`hc ice in b ling up at. the shore.-Sugar-making ia order oltho du '. Them has been quim 1 good run for time pub few days. U. Harris has returned home After a lengbhy viaib to friends at Snckews Hur- bnr. Ara:-r.nwn, and nthnr mu-9.: --(1 I3 KUIIU, WIIUEIU III UFUBT. -`NIT. VVOOUTIIII, miller. has moved his family here and is kept buy by his many customers of this |ocalit.v.~-Farmere are kept busy taking care oi their cup and making n rup no the past: week has been excel ant. sugar weather. Good ayru demands 754:. 5 gal- lon.---A'l`ho storm of inneee in this vicinity seems to be aubsiding.--The government carpenters nro ut. work repairing the ap- proaches to the wing bridge and uttimz in u now pier. -Mr. Keith met. wit a and misfortune last. night, having his house and contents burned to the ground. Un- fortunately no insurance on it. I I.nA.~x.m1' V.u.I.r:\', March 3l.-Some of the farmers are bu'y making eugnr. The weather is fine and the roads nro drying up nicoIy.-There are a few of the reeidonte on the eiok iiet.~~'l`ho water in rising: rapid- ly in Kingeton e aw-amt). -- Visitors: :1 Thmmve Watson and fami t George Kit- n'Ion e; Meesre. Joseph R. ogere. Fermoy. and W. Rogere. late of Brockville, contain- gate a trip to British Columbia rhortly.-- isu Georgina Barr has returned to King- eton after apendin, a week with friends. Cl[AP`I`EY'H bows. March 30.-~Siei[3himz is none, wheele in order.-Mr. Woo ru`, n-unlnr ha. wuunul Ml: Luna: hang -nrl in DFUWH ll lVU(D\'UI'|ll IFUIII IIUK IUIIK IIIIIEBB ] ---Miau A. Palmer. ill for over two weeks. in wall Again.-Misa Cliata Tryon in visiting (riends in Almouto. hhroo years.-(1oor e Tryon hold a bee. drawing atone mg lumber fnr his new home, to be begun at on_co.---Mr. Kon- n'ndv. our successful farmer. has a; line lots of {attuned onhtlo for aalq.-Mr. Brown, who met. with nn accident some time ago. in rocoverlng.--Mii-5 L. Palmer and F. Siokler, are on the nick lisb.--~Mra. L. Brown in recovering from her long illness. .--`Miml A. Pnlmm-_ ill fur mmr Lwn wnnlun. . .'&Z.~'..~Ti': ' m'i.."a"u'u':'..".'p'.'.'e' ml - ul\ouumnon' -- in ` - onninn no anti 3. `Iln.l.':uh:.'| r*'?`2*;6s=MP*L 1 "Umbrellas LI lvzrllvlguwu I~;-:`Il-nIlIJI;l).Qy- Q A . us` list h;,_|u_ Err:--hou Halvlng secured all the sample Umbrellas and Parasols sent out by Messrs. Arthur 8:. Co.. of Glasgow. at a reduction of 25 Per Cent. off. we will offer the entire lot at A helm: oofuohu-tend ocount t who h I one rtillunh on tho onus] C N . n. :3. V\'::.....'. 133%? :?.'.2':.: ..'.:`.': ||Il.0m:-no thotouahi: taught. ll`! nnrtlnnlnrn an at Ck; n`!-4 n...' 25 PER CENT. DAILY` wia. FRIDAYS `APRIL REGULAR PRICES. \ nRo.\~.\. March 3!).--I)oput.y gum mur- don (loorgo Albon-Mon in hope. but in the dinohnrp of Na duties. Hp inton giving some forunmvd ofhndon ndon ol the law.-The water in KS Ion`: pinup il udub doonui .--AI-chic unuoiutooting ' I blnchmithmo ` Rcinll Bros. hot the contnct,.'l`wo nsorllona in the Wmn broughs on one for the nth ape found I abort Pore on tho night at Once A lonhloolnro. ho Wnm In | . ad- vurthing uodllln.-A mu. v not his arrived to Nighhn tlnhoun dilation Broom.-Henry llolllllou has nhrhd Mu Ii HI with f Ilfotooot loyal.- Mnan Bnnonn. Irdoin nn.:lp|ndn In vvm uunlwvlwllguuuu-3.. I 1'. Is. nun %'L7'as. '-3n""x; ` " sand: . . no-an t ` -with lnruothu. "N I In IIKIIUIU `HUI ? II I .us2.':'52L7:. ~9`, |`II'u\*'~lIl 331:! `OUITCVII. J: sons an Iv oonnhgc .-- lounnt '3 . cool! pics 1? (ho no Mochodiu the our on- ing whoa Ankh B. \ was usual in Innrlhnnhhn Blumhnllhg Raw. {S In an In: In -lC aw. opus. luv. . W MII QDIOII WIII|az.3Iuntonl.untnur R. I P. R on on vo.--Mia Pot Alanna. xn.;..z- _L.4t ?l.... .A._ ......g .....I__' my now um.-nu. nun smut II VII- 5 . Illmhlin Nu-ton Bu-high. cu-hut) for song Inn; in nloilv oonvnhnnino.---A ._`w\` . tr! . d` I you I) ngbpunuu . --