CIV|'|$ OI `II. Ill CIIUFFOI JIIIEIIB PHI,- no liliol oansin the puuscuuon by tho p-pot of sshwnont that Min Tlrry was about to marry her brother-in-law, Ir. Ion-in. The dohndcut pleaded that an nmulnni for-tho shamans mankind .I'. -XIII. TX IIIIKIIIIII PIXIIICI IIIII an apology fol-tho sensuous complained. of End but: pnbliohodul Kin Torry con- undotl thus that noun: 0! npsntion vunot minions. The jury roan-nod 3 vculiqcnvudiug ll: Torry 500 dun- IUZ-DUQjfI' Bxxnnoo. Oil. 3: &-I`nn hints. m-*..:z.....-- ..":.- '3.-*.~:........=--I L.A hgh k Atnlnn II. A. [00 lane. 11. n. The congress of Venezuela has unani- mously ratified the Guinea boundary ar- bitration treat with Great. Britain which was negotiate by the Unibod States. J. H. Aldrich. for navaral vaarn cashier DCQDDNIIOG Dy DUB UKIIWH DDILGI. J. H. Aldrich. for aovoral yours cuhier and payrnaster nnaaa City, Fort. Scott, & Memphis rnilwa . was nrreatod yooterdny charged with embezzling 827,000 of the company : money. Thu Amnnar Hart. the boat host. an the CUYDPWIII I money. The steamer Hart, the boot boat on the Upper Cumberland river sank in mid- river near Glasgow. Ky. , yesterday. All freight was lost but the puaengera es- cagied. Totnl loss 375,000. illerd Spencer, ll fnrmer near James- town, N. Y.. nlmoat killed hie daughter and her lady friend by cutting and beating them. Hethen burned hie burn with thir- teen head of cattle in it. and nally cut his throat. though not lntelly. Insanity is al- leged. The federal nnvernment at Wnhimnon. 16300. The federal government. at Washington. owing to the wide spread distress in eon- sequence of the south-western oods, is taking steps to relieve the same, thus es- tablishing A. new precedent. in undertaking A work that hes hitherto fsllen to the lot. of bhe stete governments. 'I"Im nhilnh-an of him In}: nnnnrnr Jnmnn Your Cape or Jacket and be of getting it for Easter. 000 BIIKO 0VOl'HlllUlIl!. The children of the late senator James G. Fair, San Frtncilco, gained a lognl victory over Mrs. Nettie Crnvon yesterday when judge Slack. of the nu rior court, decided that the suit brought them for : quit title to the proper: rs Cruven aid tho lnblnillionuirod odto her should be tried before the court. Mn. Craven was anxious to have it tried by a jury. In Lhn fnnmlnnurn unit; nf the Armmrn. "I IHXIOIIU [40 HIVU II? `TIC! 0y I ]|ll'y- In the foreclosure units of the govern- ment. against the Union Pacic railway com 37: forocloeuro will come along a quic lyaa the neceaaaryl I pa aoan boilailod by the courto. 251:0 docp:o will nndonbtadly he leaned in May. Then it ahonld not be more than a matter of sixty or ninety days after that until the fore- cloauro la oouiplaeo. the cotton. against the St. James Van tried In the queen : bunch di of the hi courtol jnutioo to-day. Th. Iilinl mm} in tho nnhlimmn hr K lor IIDII unmguu 0] min -anon B. W 1omnr.o on Daluruny, may now. The fnrawell banquet. to Mr. Bayard will take place in London on May 7r.h. It. in announced that. maqident. and Mrs. WIN (NRC PIICO In IJJIIUUII UH Elly llall. It. is announced that plesident and Mrs. McKinley will spend the summer at Sun- feo lake. N. H. Th. nnnal-Ann nf Vnnnvnnln kn: unnni. BIO '0: fit Illlt. LONDON. April.8.--An action for dun- nn Inr Iihnl hmnnhn hr Min Marlon AND THE FLOOD CONYINUES. NDON. ApI'll.0-'-`All IOKIOII I0! CORI- lor libel brought by Mia llnrion 3 ch. ants-nu; angina`. Llm Rt. Janna PITH OF THE NEWS. IO-AIOAIOIOIB _- l'\_I A_.lI Q {gs mm st. lortn sue - mmon Wwsllll "Butler Wanted To Escape From San Francisco Jail. Be Advleed That no Get Locked Up For Drunkenneat and Then They could Ex- change While In the 1 on-ulor_-Bet the `Alleged larder-or Wae loved Iletore the Hellenic Worked. SAN Fxuucxsco. April 6.-'l'.`he Call prints a remarkable atory of an alleged at- tempt by the Auetralian murderer Butler to eeoape lrom the city prieon ehortl after hie arrival here through a clever nu titu- tion. On Friday night, March `2(lth.a men iving his name an Reerdon was piclre up very drunk and taken tothe prieon. Hie clothes and reaemb- lance to Butler wee much comment- ed on and pictures illustrating the euppoeed accidental likeneee were after- wards publiehed. It now appeare that the man ie the murderer'e brother and that hie coming to San Francisco from a ranohe in Sonoma county wine in reeponee to a roqueet from Butler who wrote him. outlining a ekilf ly laid! plan wherein the multi-rnurdere intended to make his escape. Reardon, as he caltgd him- eelf, was released and has disap- peared. Snturday he was seen at the deck by a gentleman, who, neco ni1.- ing him. determined to learn morea ut the remarkable double. The man eaid Butler wrote him to come to town, have hie hair out and behave exactly in Butler's own etyle and et himeelf locked up for drunkenness. utler ex lained that he was allowed to leave is cell every morning to waeh, and at the same time the drunln" were turn- ed out into the oorridore while their celle were being cleaned. The Sonoma county man was to slip into Butler e cell while the murderer awaited hie dircharge as a common drunk. Reardon carried out his part of the plan. but the letter had been delayed and when he awoke in the city prieon it was only to find that Butler had been transferred to the county jail for .-...- in. nu `A.`7 lnmmmmmma AFTER BUTLER HAD DEVISED A WELL MATURED PLAN. Debate on the Departmental More Bill- Tho Prlnolple Approved. Tonoxro. April 5.--Afber an afternoon dovotod' to aocond readings and verbal amendments in oommibtoo the house took up the departmental store question on the second reading of Mr. Middlel.on a bill to `provide for the taxing of all much ` `atone shortly before the hour of adjournment. The debate waa rgjoipatod in by aomo halt donor; grem- rn. who. however. did not enter into the subject at any great length. all agreeing that It was too late in the aoaeion to dis- ouea such a wide and important subject. Mr. Middleton nally withdrew his bill. win... K'r- H...-dv mmmd that after C NW-IIICIQ DISIIITW ITEM, Ootinth nine in the Slooau. li|lIngth:a' man and carrying away tho baad of the Aarial tramway raoantly mud than. John R. Brown. onto! Illa cl - Ingbgl an assign an Inn. In l,wPnrlQ;.;-In-u--"1:-("ti-;'(.)ou uvduuuinu U 060!) Iaruunu greater nfoty. nos" '"'" T. in: wlailo in the lhn-icon Into din- "ue.1" '" '3I"n.m' "To; "' thought Inn 93%. Black Wool Grenadlno Will rank high as a favorite -... -_.. Dllnlp EASE Cnna, Wllily IITT II III R W _ o c|oct.undcr I.h0oup6oIIoltlo(hu-- dhn Vivi: oompny. Iii Budllln emu Subject: "Wounds Ii-luui.'_ Adnbdu (no. [adios ouvlhlly hvlhtl. Mr. Middleton nnaliy witnarew um um. When Mr. Hardy moved that Wednesday morning aesaionaheheld Mr. Whitney asked for e denite statement as to when the eeeaion would \:on- clude. The premier replied that so much dependled on Mr. Whitney that it would be hard for him to ea . but that the business could be flnii-he by Friday of this week. The printin might not be up. but the house could prorogued by his honor the administrator coming up on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. an. un.:s..-.. ...:A um. um]. it. will vnrv Illlod In A lino Vmoocvuz. B. C . April 6. -A No- pun bu boon reeoivod hon outing that snow-slide occurrod roooutiy no the (In-{no.5 Inlnn in than manna. Hlllnn Ihnn week. Mr. Whitney said that while it was very desiuble to get through. he would rnther stay a day or two longer than turn day into niahf. ni ht. aving the goal of adjournment thus clearly in sight. the home uh on un extra burst of speed and got 0 rough 3 very large amount. of bueinou during the day. wn...n.. hill rAnnnnt.inat.ha mnointment lsrge amount 01 ouslness curing uuu uuy. Wheuthe hill respecting the sppointment of queen's counsel was given its second resding s few days ego Mr. Whitney culled sttentinn to the clause which `(even major- ity of the judges of the court of sppesl the privilege of suggesting additions to the roll of queen's counsel. He thought the provision might lead to invidious distinc- tions between those appointed by the government and those lppointod on the suggestion of the court. Mr. Hardy was inclined to think there wes justice in the oheervetion. end when the hill reached the committee stsge the olsuse in question was stricken out on his motion. This was the only chsnge made. Thoueende 0! Men Idle In The llrltleh Col Innbln Ilnlng Dletrlctl. V CORH\\'ALl., Ont.. A ril li.--Writingt.o the Glenperry News, . A. McDoneId. of Nelson. B. C.. formerly of Glengerry, werne Glengerriene against. rushing heed- long to the gold elds expecting to nuke e lemme. Speekin of Roeelend, he eeyr:-- "There ere three t oueend men here who cannot get ede_v'e work. while upwenie of nhundred new men heve been arriving daily for the lees month. end I believe that before summer is over there will be fully ten bhoulend men there. I heve been ewey from Glen erry now for u Verde of sixteen yeere en I have yet be at! e bet- ou nu-e nl thn um-Id tn live in. A men uxueon yous Inn 1 nave you w uuu a nu.- tor part of the world to live in. A nun who works in that county on he must work hero. win mote I better living than ho over can here. and I con man you that I full Q: t oh no distant duy to ntnrn to Anglnncmy homo in old Gfooguq.` " Venn`: folk `lb Woman. A: no new paid: 9! Y.n.oA. build- on Wcduudoy Intact: Althea -nndnrtLnAnnnhnnlI.In(hnn.~ IN THE LEGISLATURE. Ln molars nice Ian. A .1 1.-I._....lAL-I\. A WARNING. I l'IVDl'lII- `I tllrr III IIIIIIII nut -nun. Who llu Dlfd llootntliu . `Oliver Optic" iidcnd. Mr. 'Admna- liver 0ptio'|" truo nuna was Willlmn aylor Adams--moently took V trip to H Jamaica. He was a veteran traveler. and time never was when he was afraid of the water. On his return he tell nick. His heart Wm: weak, and so ggerloun was his cumiltlou that his daughter, Mrs. I-lol Smith Russell, `wife of the tutor, was sent for. Mr. `Adams, after taking to his bed, rapidly grew weaker, and nally sno- cumbed to his malady. Many old friends, life-long neighbors, called ' to inquire about his health at his pretty home in Dorchester avenue. Harrison Square. Boston. He had been ill for three weeks. ll:-nnf nu-nxwu man \\ lI`.h hlll Whllknfi We have received our full line of Spring and Summer SHIRTS. ' [thank uoamn. no nan Deon in wt unn-u wean. Great. grown men with big whiskers know and love Oliver Optic through his books, for Mr. Adams hug been writing The engine dnwing the Bay 0! Quinta train that reached the city at ten dolock thin morning was heavily draped wish craps. out of rupees for tho memory at the late H. B. Ruthbun. stories for boys for more than n minera- tion. ills succcsss in thut style of litera- tum has been simply mm-voious. Ho has sold more than 1,000,000 copies or his books, and who win of these noon-ion is in nowiso hating. lie and Cnp Mayne Reid ciivitlejho love of small boys who have not. yet outgrown their desires for ouvaa, outdoor life, rafting on rivers. shing and hunting. Mr. Adams val 0 very good Christian. and ever paid atten- tion to moral matters, ml the nuyrvei of it is that his works have captured the fancy of boys. His homes are always good, never tell lies, go to Sunday school whenever they can, 0nd novel` take ud- vanizage of other boys not as strong as they. I-In n-nu hnrn In iiilil In Mndwnv vvv vvun uuvu nu- Aa much good: for your dollars: any new in the city; everything fresh. no old stock. Come and no as T unduy. April 8th. J. Hit-cock. HARDY S, |SHIRTs| uwy. He was born in 1829. in Medway. Muss. His ancestors were English. and the first napresentmiva of the fiuniiy to come to America was Henry Adnme. who aottiod at Quincy. Mnsu.,- in 1080. In 1843 Mr. Adams was chosen principal Cf what is now the Harvard school. and he was associated with thO~-p|lblI0~ schools oi` Boston on as teacher for up- wards of 11 score of years. }ie- had unwed much of his sninry and determined to make u trip to Europe. Reeigning `from his position as pedugogue ho visited Eur ope, spending sumo time in almost all the principal countries of the continent. nilvnr ()nHn n" rnf. hnnk fnr lmvn WINS pI'IUUI|) Il Clllllll/I'll!-'4 Ul lall Ulllllallllfllllu Oliver Optima" first book for buys appeared in 1850. His pen name was nug- gx-ated by n play produced about that time in Boston, in which was 13 Doctor Optic. Tho mime took his fancy and when he cant. nhout for a nom de plume he simply added the Oliver m the name already in his mind, and he had it. Trettment. nl Drnnknll. In Denmark when 13 man is ibund too drunk to nd his own house he is placed in a cab, taken to the police station, ex- amined by the doctor, detained till labor, and then dispatched to his home in An- other ouh; and the bill for the doctor. the only mid the police nttendnnoo hm: to bu paid by the publioun who sorvmi the hibulous delinquent with his last drink. But for n roniiy original method of deal- ing with "drunk nnd inoapnbles" we must turn to Turkey. There the punish- ment for the first outburst is the bastin- udo; the second and third offenses um also fuliowmi by chuatisoment; but after the third off:-nso the offender becmnen "`priviieg1~( ." and is entitled `to be cure- fuliy taken home by a policeman. Tho anxiety to got over tho ii:-at thn-0 oonvio- tions must be considerable: but the thoughts of the cmar-joy wiii doubtless heal the tvndorclt souls. V BU FIDO UIIII VII secured. !FYTH[NWEW At the ohnrity concert in Ronfnw 8100 van nu-.ur-ad. \o Favor-lIo= writer at Book: to! 39!! `in... H... nnul gaunnlli. THIS SEASON IN E`$he Came Back. WILLIAM T. ADAMS. inchaveh a lpok at WILLIAM 1`. ADAMS. YES. We Wlll 0|n`!oI H3-_ ~"."`$T! ` Cheaper than ever New m Spring Capes Very elegant goods. no two alike, at moderate prices. ` Inspection invited. 0| Illllllx BIIU IIKT W AW|X' dn I but patent don` 5 an `;.n5"'u:h 0}: (h 1130?`. noon on races 1. 0 pl-oponlt made to her. it in boliovcd tht "foul VIP -L-.. -III .a gag; ..A.I.Il.I. - LI.` gg A. lIHAWFllHl] 8 IIIIF Wlll I0 UlI% XCUIIIII I EXIT W tho Pincus. A protracted cabin oonhunoo was held at the Yildin puhoo IMO aim. IO` which it wu decided to and (any do ' dltional battalion! 0! Iidill (nu-vu) D " (In (hunk In-mthr, -._.. ' A SPECIAL LINE or ` Silk and cniraffaiacs. |3TEA9Y& STEACY. JAE EBA`). ....... n?.`:.`;.....1:`'.'."6:!.. n.... a':``.::'.' `III; 1- IV. WW. III. I-II I by his government M Inch ovctlllto Grace: on bolmll of the pawn with 3 view 0! onnbling the later to hononbly.wl6I- dnw {ram hu nnnnnh nnlsInn'nMInnI an vnvvuw -uvuuu I-Jvvw UIIC W and 0 honiti boliovodlhtfonl uhip:1Ilnbono:uhh|Iuh I blooao of tho Pinon; (IIBIOHII DIICIIQK 1 the (lroolrontior. W a Z. IJEIILVLVIAVQ !'mIlnAl. Dmloron um uIn-ll Inn- oou ntroot, block Abovo and. In In I'I.$l1JLV. UIDIITAIII nu) Iuuunn. Sunk. Phon1u-WnoIoonu. 00; H in. Lowont or on. IHHIOB. YIIOII I-VV pr Tum 1-uurr. no-1-"oannou.. ~ In: mam lnoonnuadod jail 3&0}. Lnmlu Ulnnnxn ` Prlnoou strut. Ootnu B: phono communication. IIOBN. HUnvn>-At. Dueronbo. March 2501:, I!!! of William Hurvid of twin irln. H.u.1.-Ab Deco:-onto. Mnmhh. VH0 0! lane Hull of 3 daughter. MAn'ns-Ab Tyondinngn. March 30th, wilt of Eliu Martin on non. 8nxsurrn--Ata Bcuiolph. Much 81. wife of Alfnd Bcxomith of I Ion. .' AV 13...... A. n..--......;.. n-...L anal; .0 ` Father. lothor um Daughter All lilo WHI- - In 1 llnglo Wool. TonoN1'o.Apri 6.--Wihhin tho abort com runof one week on in wt ud roooldol I gripp {ml work in the edit kl- ily, late of 27 Woman tonuonuo. Paul! W. Rohlodor Iuocum to thin nnluly on Saturday. March 27th. and won buried on" '1`-uudn Int. Ila. Catharina Rohlodot. hi: vi or. died on Wodnondnymud hoe romnim were interred on Fri . `llndr onl dun bur. Mill Ctthlrino lodor. di on curds} last, in Ina-24th not. and tho innnnnnh moi nlnnn MMIAI. v vvrl-Ivu Iv \IliUwUu Couswmnnoru. A ril 6.-In in upon- od hen thus the Brit oh minister at Ath- onn.E. R. Ego:-hon. bu boon inrlotod in his nova:-nmnnt in link: nnnnlmm run! Baum. ` Lnnxlo Ulnnnnn um llutmll-"I--Ill Pill: 00 III. ......:`::,:.:.:..'....~...:.":.:."*'"* . * QOLIOIIOBS WANTED FOB DR. TAB- ; nm|n'ITho In-th uh-dlod."o has but tour uouml the world. 3 tin! in: no I) argue and bmbuouu lundn. our ml Ion 'l`nlmugo`n bonkuno|d,|nd'l'h Earth 0 - lad" 1. Ma [noon and gnu us. Donald. onormonu. Eva:-`body want: this fulnouu boohonly 0&3`. in book. bl oommiulolg. A Told mine for workon. Orodl (Ivan. I33; I: pl d. Ouulu lroo. mop all truth an In tho kin: of book: And nnko III) at launch. HIGH III] DIEIIIIIIJ IKE. Ill IIKIQVII "To and the inunnont took place 60- . Thus within oight do I requiem MCI II htvo been nid in St. cry : church. Bath- nnh -IL:-nah. fnr fnthnr. nnthnr And dnnnln. IIIVU IJXII III III DB. III , IUIIU urn street. for labor. uothor I DAr W Scxumith 5! 3 - R1mo-Ar. Deaeronto. Mu-oh Louis Rama of I con. Y 15111 APEH4. A (I00? GINEKAII `ll vane good run. nquh-0 III. III- mcx. nu king Strut. after 1 pm. QUEEN ST. A Told mlnefor w_oI-ton. Orodn Igljll the king nah i at month. Addron for numb and territory I DOIIIION COIPAIY. sun Building, Ghlouo. GOOD ooox. APPLY n~r-gun` Z to Inc Jun smrr.1ol Inc . `nousnum. must Bl WIILL 3: ol- . ..3!".'::!::1..4:v:'.:.':.::`.r "**"=- ` "- HOUSNMAID. Hm-I1` Bl Wlshn Bl ol- momlod A Y]: In the ovonlncto B. W. FoI.unn. nu strut. AGRNEIML unv Wu.un|on.I|oclor|y.n.noI. -. ' . BY ma APRIL. A 000? GINEBAL `II- I: Quin III nnm, Inn kin: Hh-nah. Afmri n In ..'.;...;...`;;..:....`.;.. . . ;oua\lhunanlWU%n_Ih` hpm All rcliublo and ooox. APPLY nv ml: nvnnmo. as West Btu Inn. uowum 8. lomn. In Latest Styles, Colors and Materials. ' Tolophono 9. smu WIPED_O-UT av amp. CLOCK.S,_% viedfuin POlAi|'l_I8. sncoxn EDITION. `i PP cloudy, oolder. DPOBI QOOCB Importers. ova-cu-on `lb anon. .__.-.____ A#-2|n I- 2 W. I. DBINNLN. It:-nun: A|n\InnAIuI . F. HARRISON, -- Ann Huggins: Form time ago, In one do r"ods ' wt told of .- on who said the h 1: var bought . On! In before. but BRAKE, -nu-nnup-n Ann Dun WANTED. nulvu. nun- r and daugh- be It moxnoro. . 13: alum her money : worth in the tint ton. Our 0001 In just on ndnnlud. '1`:-y sons. II QCCIKIUU Uun urn.-u-uh was the grandest ever 92_...-A..... COAL THAT SUITS sure -__._n--- `no liulr lieu I'M WWI 3"`"' ms. nu: wlnnnlvou by. TIC IIIIII lolo non: lur vuu. --...- 'lo Pout Thonulvoo by. l Jana guild to-ni lit. To-Inorrow (Wodn I ) Gilbort. will loll No. l nnan huddle: ll: 40. 5 lb. Auction ulo of household lurniimro. etc. . It 2B_l Qooon Itnot tomorrow so l0.3lJ o'clock by J. E. Hntclmon. Prngrouivonou compel: appreciation. Joloph Hilcock has been obliged to soak larger and more commodiouu promilel. On Tburnduy he will open at I32-I34 Prlnooh moot, where with better lnoilitioo It will cater to hi: steadily incrouing -ngb`-an-an Spring Dress Goods. l IgO"`!--molznouuv uomanuuu Iu logo, Appointment: 0! Captain: und Engineer-n; Local Intelligence. Page 3--'.l`ho Duko of Leeds; Country Non; Miaoollnuy. Pugs 4-Edito|-lulu: Local News. Page 5-Sandford Flomiu a Criticism; C.W.A. 0q$:ni:a.tion; Gonorn News. Danna R__ in Van IAOAIQ QHIX _._________________ _.____ $41 WILL BUY ANIOE LI'I'l`l.l!`. ()HlCKER- J ING Piano in excellent order. To be noon at Wulu olcn. ___ THE A'I`HLE'['IC ABH()CIA'I`l0N Plturrz H1`! north 0! the fenced grounds. The exten- Ilon of Earl Street will run directly tlxrouuh thou loan which are (alone to 3 growing aeo- tinu of lm city. Apply to J. S. SKINNKB Solicitor. Clarence Shoot. . _ RS. 8'l`R.A'l`HY`S RESIDENCE. KING- L Iton. bums Stone `louse. {using Mac- donuld Park (west), Iyeawifully ninustod on lake shore, near City Park (north). Bath room water works and fun-nnoo in wood order. `brick utnbleu and much house. (Satin- lnctor dwellin In Toronto might be taken in no any) pply to Mus. 5'nu'rnY, Mao- dmnld Pnrk. ., HE AHS()CIA'I`l0N PR.0!'EB.TY Ilon of Enrl glxrouuh In exchange) dounld Park. T All of hi: Houuhold Furniture consisting ol lino Wiluumn Piano. Cnslnot Organ, Pu- lor Suite. Rockers. Fancy Tablas, Centre Ibln.PlqtIl~u. Bruuoln Oupof-u, Uhonlllu. not Ild DI ask Curtains I B. W. Book- ouou, [mics nd. W:-mug boo ,E!ot luck. ' mun: main `hhknulll Qlulu. _l Household Fnurnltuu-e. Plano, '_0rgan. Brussels snd Tapestry Csrpets,etc. IHAVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS FROM IR. S. SHANNON to 3011 at his nuldence. 181 (Jason Mun. on `t-tlln, father Beds, Iuttrouea. I Hull II` -lmiuu. Oune and other clubs, Croo orys (Glassware utohulln. Siting:-o Ball St-ova. Lawn Mowu. Garden Too I. Rain 10:00. 'l\rIns-Cnnh. J. R. HUTCHESON. This would be couoted opening day in most stores, so many new `gouge gets showing. V ` Ilist a hint for the Easter_ gown: T l Challis` Effects. Crepe Effects. Tweed Etfects. Melange Effects. Price: re small. Never have prlcol-and styles favored the buy- em like this season. 35c, 40c, soc for beautiful Goods. 0! Household Furniture. Etc. IHAVE RECEIVED INSTBFCTIONS FROM MISS HORNINO to sell at her reeldence. 191 Albert Street. on FRIDAY. APRIL nth. All of her household effects, connisthm of hush Parlor Huite. Comte and Side Tnhlea, Pictures, Curtains. Heir Cloth sofa. Hut Rack Tngeatry and other Our eta. .-owing Machine. idebonrd.Dlnln Tub e, Bedroom Furniture. Iinttnuen, Tot et Sets. Crockery end Gleuwne. Cook stove. Hull Stove, Watching Iaohlne and Wrlngor. Kitchen Utensils. Etc. SO10 ht 10:3). J E. HUTCHESON. FOR sat: on EXCHANGE. R FIIST-CLASS LADY`S OR GRNT9 lo. 3 Cult: skim]! foot long. nil ad. oontnbou-vi. his bat. stool . onlp um oonnnd now tun nu. W Apply to Pu-ucx DIIBCOLL, 13 snack ii `ICU Q-Ifttwt u uv--u-vuwv. Vumu. April O.-0uunt Badoui. the Austin patriot." Ina nonind In auto- gnph law from tho Impact in which his on to nooopl tho whims : * Tho cnpotor dceluu that to out dilcultiu cl I unpohry chanc- Jmu . ntlouiuiouryto nun: 1| hill]! Ilfilll AUCTION SALE I'ILl\.A I I\r|V s'..rrw-.---' or Household lnrnltun. PI-oporty. Ito. BESUBSCRIBIR GIVES AS USUAL HIS pononal attention. Assisted by am upe- plnncml atn. to thin important branch of she BBSUBSCRIBIIR GIVES AS Uswu. rus rioncod stuff. to important spring I uninou. With oueiui vortisiuc. and judicious management. I hnv no hesita- tion in unnntoolnc the bout resultn to those ontrnut nq` me with their sale. Fairly intima- tion in requested from those who intend to fuvonrmo with their main. Lowut ntos. Prom:-t cash returns. JOHN H. IHLLR. IIIJB I IVIV Jill-I4` III l\l4III.rn.u `via- JOHN H. MILLS WILL OI-`FIR AT HIS Auction oomo. Brock St... SATURDAY, Apl loch It 1 o'clock noon. that commo- dlou nndawei nppolntcd Brlc-I'I`wo story Rmldonct. no Colborm troohwuh extol:-ion dining mom and lnohon and modern im- provements. Oqod bu-n. ontbuildlu nnd mun Uno~uut.h out: at Vlmo 0 sale: co in! dngn. but it daalncl timo will be livonlor two-t min. with interest. nu per cent. For lurthor pnttlonlnn Apply _to___Auc- two-thlrdn. with Interest. Mun cent. rtlonlnn sang to Auc- tioneer. or S. J. 3 I bun street- c-::-2m: a Shop. ` L BVIIW LODGE, SITUATED UV tori` Street. Tim comnodlous nui- donomovor ookl tho hie. has lately been nncvnkd throng out. All modern convon- tonal. Pocoouionlmmodiacoly. Abp|]loA. I. (NIIIIOIAI. I9 Oluonoo 30.. Kluutnn. c:------:. .`.'.3" u.. -ms. ynunudolgsndin tlotlrono. In II Ii IIll-Il'Y W Italy- Ho tho u- hvo and will con- Wlll nuns llI`Il an n 1 an on lck Dress Good; 41 ch, all wool, 50c. Aq.`uIg5III' dollar Anubis x .`~.g..:'.""'f'.~`.F. -. _....:__:.--:-._.-. A UCTION SALES lb- .. _ _ _ . g . n ; - .___n__. has-LAID lo. J.W.A. Or mutton; uonoru news. LII]. Page 8- he Very me Since 130' HAVE YOU SEEN The Best Value: and PI-ottiest Designs uhown. JENKINS. AUCTION SALE OF RESIDENCE. ...n-\ u `Allin IIYIII nnnnn A!` III 'Euc'noN SALE wennlamv, APRIL 7th, Lovers. of Mllllnery 1--pupwr I nvuuluui I -x lunuvu n;`l"9-doy I D00 token. gm:-`2--Moth in Conference in 1828: ._.2-L-A-ntn nl nnnfninn uni. Enninoarl: FOR SALE OR LEASE. ;IlVIIW LODGE, SITUATED 0`! var]; Strut. ._-..-"_.==-is-?---:---------1 In flo layout`: condaeo. ._.... A..g2I A 11.--: D-.l._: OUR COLORED SHIRTS. Locn. MEQORANDA. wma cos-nun. ` 1--But.lor I Scheme; Parliamen- ..l - -3- gang hulunn romnt cash rem:-nu. HORN D)-OI Brock Street. . Auctioneer have all declared our OPiK x9__I___ -_._- AL- 1'1-v|lIt`Qf AUDI` J. . Anotionoor. ITUHJSSUN . Auctioneer. _.____. Iwmn nIsnI.Luwnm;.; Opposition To the British Colum- blan Southern Charter. THE REASONS FOR DISMISSING OE!/ETAIN OUSTOMS OFFICERS. `rho Fess they collected And the Ialarlcs They BeoeIved-'rhe Proposals Wm Beoolve the Careful consideration or the Gavel-nInent--'l`he Rallsvay Lines Advaaeod-'l`hose Illled In Accidents- Few Passengers. 0'rrAwA. April 5.-A few days ago the postmaster-general showed in answer to a question b one of the opposition members how scan alone had been the method of managing the mail service under the late government. To day Mr. Paterson. the controller of customs. scored as e'ective- ly in reply to a question put by Mr. Pettet, the patron member for Prince Edward county, as to how many cus- toms and preventive ollicers in that county had been dismissed since the present government came into power. The people of" Canada are beginning to learn how grossly the public service was overmanned. and the lucid statement of Mr. Paterson adds anotherexample that must sink deep into the public mind. Mr. Paterson stat- edthat eight otlicers in Prince Edward county had been dismissed. and that as many outports and preventive stations at- tached to the port of l'icton, at which they were formerly stationed. had been abolish- ed. The gures of receipts at` these sta- tions and the salaries paid the officers are almost beyond belief. George Ll. Chadd, a sub-collector at Weller e Bay, got a `sal- ary of\$400 a year. He did not collect a cent in 189293 and 1893-94. In 189-L95 he collected forty cents.andin I896 89. The ex- pense of collection was $l.600 in four years and the receipts 39. Another holder of a sinecure was John Shannon, preventive of- cer at Black River Bridge.wbo has drawn 8300a year. During the past three years he did not collect a single dollar. Scarcely less gusring were the other cases. Mr. Foster tried to break the force of the statement of Mr. Paterson by saying that the oicers really earned their sal- aries by preventive work. The Chadd case is o n to no such explanation. It is be- yon dispute a ty ical example of how the people were force to carry on their shoul- ders men who rendered no return for the salaries paid them. It would be interesting to learn how many oflthe customs sub-col- leetorship are of the same class as that at Weller s Bay. The prompt dismissal of these oliicers proves that Mr. Peterson is guided in the administration of his depart- ment by concern for the public welfare rather than the party interests. There ws're,,donbtless workers for the liberal in Prince Edward county who would vstahen kindly to an appointment to the sineoure at Wsller s Thu}. u-an Q-itink (`nlnnn ha class In IQ lwnsm or -Pll.|C mnmav.| in. H7111?` NU VVCIIOTI DI s This was British Columia day in the house. The Crow's Nest Pass railway question, which has been a subject of gen- eral discussion in the country. was con- sidered on the floor of rliament. A proposition was submit and supported by the Pacific coast liberal contingent that the government disallow the British Col- umbia Southern railway amended act of 1896. The effect of federal interference with this piece of legis- lation, which is admittedly with- in the jurisdiction of the province. would be to withdraw the rights now held by the railway company. The minister of marine and fisheries, on bohelf of the government. promised that the re resentationa made would receive the care ul consideration of the government. He would not anticipate the announcement of the government's licy as to the construction of the Crow s est Pass railway. which. he intimated, would before long be presented to the house. As ......I:n-. Hm; \l.- I`...I..- naluul if an HOUR. At question time Mr. Foster asked if an order-in-council had been passed by the government granting a sum of money to the Grand Trunk railway tor the ex- tension of the Victoria bridge at Montreal, and, if so, what was the amount granted 3 Mr. Blair replied that it would be premature to give in- formation pending the completion of nego- tiations for the securing of a terminal at Montreal for the Intercolonial. The papers, he assured the house, would he brought down whenever negotiations ' in com- pleted. The guarde(lnature of t e replies on the occasions when the question has been up in the house seem to indicate that the pro grant to the Grand Trunk railway or the improvement of the `Victoria bridge is to be made conditional upon the granting by the Grand Trunk railway of terminal facilities at Montreal lor the gov- ernment railway. Than nteinmnnh wen nraunntnrl ahnwina 2s'?.},'i=_.y Lglpl in I CITIIIIUHW I'I|IWIy. The statement was presented showing that during I896 oicere were auperannu- ated whore retiring allowance: add 823,- 319 In-the annual chargea on the euperan. nnation fund. The moat highly-paid oili- oera were all nnperannuated by the late government. H. 0. Small, pecretary of the department of agriculture. eecur- ed 81.264 yearly retiring allowance; `warden Lavell, Kingston. reoeivea euperaonoetion to the amount of 81.440 yearly; William Smith. late de nty minia- ter of marine. retired with an a lowalce oi O2.500a year. Hehae ainoe died. Col. Pogell`, late adjutanr I, gets an al- lowaoee 0! 82.850 year y, and L. A..Cat'el-. Iier. late under-aecretary of etate. gate a ailnilar allowance. In the majority of oaaal when ullioere were retired by the present siverrnentthe plaoeawereuot again ll- l V` `T1373 W. J.:yId nnuounhntdtbpuan I_h uhntqoplpllun UITAWA. APT" D.-`-I'o ICING` VII PUD hbly In ucooupnniod by chief juotiou oh bin visit to lingluntl. The chic! jauoogoueo the hiucu uthoimporial Fggoulhnbodnvnyo in oputionin Guuhnlcudollut Icon! yur wan,- 0uiIa.'uIinonuooll,707 ails. `Dada. tin But unlunnp Ihnnn-nun KINGS1 on. ONTARIO. TUESDAY E v"4NING. APB_IL2 3. 1397; Inufbbl citing! Orrnu, April 6.--Ir. Inuit: will pm- nhlv ha nnnnnnnnind bv nhinl inning 1 73- nn(hnn :|'nnniltnv; UIIVIIIJ vv an uuv - - - - - - held in Kingston. New arrivals yestexday. More to-day. ' bu been promoted ohiefclerk in charge ohe pounce branch. under Mr. South. deputy minister o! agriculture end deputy oomvnnuioner of. patent. Mn, Pnnv introduced 5 bill to fmllithta oomvnnunoner ox. lnwnw. Mr. Cuuey introduced n bill to fecilithte the proeeedinge necessary to construct drnine ncroee rnilvnye. The reguler chartered insurance com- panies bold $837,872,884 in tire rink: in Canada, and therein $327,814,465 of Me insurance in force. DnAnn{- In-unnv K`...-o_.:.M. nnnnintnd` llIS|1I'Il|C0ln IOFOQ. Fnnciu Lennox Cartwright. up inked` inspector of the northwenf. moun police. dating from Februnry 151.}: last. in naon or Sir Richard Carin-'right.. He in twenty- throe year: of age. He in: been hitherto qualifying for a military or semi-military profouion. He held 3 oommiuion u cap- tain in the Nth battalion cl has taken course: of inatrncbion Ab he infnntr school, London, und at the cavalry sohoo . Toronto. L Blver Overowe [to Banks And Does Iluoh Demon. HALSTEAD, Minn.. April (i.-'I`he Wild Rice river, about three miles south of here on the Minnesota side, has overowed its banks, washed away weggon bridges and carried away many buildings. The stock is sutferingegrently. being in many pieces surround by water. and reports of stock having perished have reached here. The prairie for miles out of here and north and south of the Wild Riceis uses: of water. The Marsh river some three miles north is carrying away hridges, houses and other property. _ Rm PurI.. Minn.. Anril 6.-Tho Missis- nun orner property. Sr. PAITL, Minn.. April 6.-The Missis- sippi has remained stationery at eighteen feet for several hours and the weather bureau olliciule are hopeful that it will not go much higher. The city engineer has oloeed the Tenth avenue bridge in Min- neapolis because of a fear thet it would be wrecked. The bridge cost $100,000. is sixty-ve feet above the water and l,l~l3 feet long. At St. Paul, Staple & King e icehouee collepeed yesterday. H. Gen tier : icebouee is in twelve feet of water and the ice it contained has floated. Four hundred persons in the vicinity of Washington avenue bridge, Minneapolis, have been forced to leave their homer. The eecond levee wall is now covered. and a foot more ripe will badly wash the Levee perk. constructed at considerable expense last year. Thu hridm over the Wisconsin slouch on Iaet year. The bridge over the Wisconsin slough the road to the high Waggon-bridge hes zone out,cutting o travel withwiscouain. Both the messenger brid on between Fargo and Moosehend are clo end the water is two feet high In Front street and Northern avenue and four blocks of paving are head- ed toward Winnipeg. Booms are being put in to prevent further damage. nhavanna river. wear. of Fame. has he- lllclllulng NIB pruul l'UUllll Ul nu uuu_ pupuru. MANDAN, N.D.. April (5. -'1`ha ice in the Missouri river bu gorgod below hero Jud tho tutor is now thin as the rain of six foot; r hour. In in` pro bio the lower -ujt of t. ocit. will be inundated. The on-thorn Paoi c tracks between shin city And Bismarck are under water. The great. steamboat warehouse at. the landing in aoat. Iona tied to the banks by cable. In 50 PTOVBHD l'lII`l'al16l' uamnge. Cheyenne river, weet of Fargo, hue gun to rise and is flowing across the preirie and ooding the entire west side of the town. Many familiee will be compelled to move unless the water fnlle quickly. Neerl every basement in Fargo ie ooded. inolu ing the press room: of all the papers. Mntrun. N_l)_. Ami] ll. --The ice in Bploo Of The llornlng Paper: And The Van LIDOII uunltohu. The Sunday our vote will be taken in Tomnto on Saturday, May 15th. Tim lu-wall hnnnunf. tn Mr, Rnvnrd Order This Week