Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Apr 1897, p. 4

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II-T I'UUU$II 7' 3I'`I' ` o! 0 world on exhibition at o. ' ~ Ion stun. sh-iotl , gt-monuunboont b 3 0 rloouon Dnuconuxna which In being glint nu`: Qbnloddnu. mun: ' at nnlu prion nnzl a co.. :.::.`:.',':.':z:'.9..'.-.~.,':::. xuueneu to me rook man cannot be moved. We think that if we were in the laces of others we would do better than t. oy. for- getting that others are saying I aimilnr thing of us. Rm... 0... 5.. ....|...I.a u... .a....._:..-_ -: .;_ uulmg In ul. Some try to uphold the doctrines of the bible with their tonguea. when they should ll: tsying to uphold its precepts with their n I. Du... AL- I--- __.,-.1 , - uunuuus. ueuneu, or unueultmul sloop. Hope is an anchor to the soul in trou- bloua times. But our sure hope must be futened to the rock that cannot be moved. Wu mhinlr oh. if _. ........ .'.. .3... ..|...... ..t IIIUII. To be unconscious of sin is to be in a dun erous condition. -It. is evidence of hlin uses. deafness, unbenlthful sloop. Ham it an nnnhnr n (Ln gun] in mm... `.l`o~Day'u Gem: of Thought. Envy is a foolish sin. It brings I pleasure or profit. oven for a little season. That nhnnlrl nnnrnnlv ha n.II..-I In... ylunuuru or promo even I0!` mm: That should scarcely be called love, which is merely mind and beautiful devo- Men. "I`.. L- ...._-.__-:-___ _: _,- -, A I On dit. that Sir Richard Cartwright, nt the close of the session, will go to London as high commissioner. Tho rumour. may be incorrect. but such an appointment would be according to the eternal fitness of things. The Champlain election occurs to mor- row. The constituency is conservative. and returned Dr. Mercotte, in June laet. by over three hundred majority. The triumph of the liberal candidate would in- dicate a tremendous politicel upheaval. Judge Robertson indicates that he does not think much of the press. And judg- ing by the remarks of some of the western papers the press does not think much of him. Thin interchange of compliments must have a very exhilerating effect upon the judicial mind_. j_L..__j____i II. Carnovsky, Hnnnknlnnno nl Ink-In. D..-- The wheelmon do not see why their wheels should not be carried free on the cars like ordinary baggage. Would the wheelmeu be aatioed if their property was handled in the same way ? If the railway men are allowed to pitchjtho bikes on the platforms and heap them up in wreckage, they may go free. ........... -u ynuel. [Jul Pvawg us upuuuu. The Quebec liberals are, it is true, face to face with A crisis, but it is s family at - fair for the present, and the apostolic dele- gate showed his discretion when he do- olined to reveal what his inclinations were. The school settlement will come below par- liament some of these:days.and then it will be apparent whether Mgr. Del Val camp to Canada to dictate to the house in regard to it. .. v--.-nu e The Hamilton Herald, however, wants tolknow whether Dr. Trudel a principles are those of the premier, of Mr. Torte, and the other members of parliament. It is an idle question. Dr. Trudel is the only one now callged upon to make a deliverance to tho electors. and it is for the people of Champlain to say what they think of it. Mr. Luurior. Mr. 'l`urte and the other liberal members of parliament, have been before their con- stituents, and have been elected with the distinct understanding that they favoured theschool settlement. .There is no evi- dence thnt they have undergone any change of plan, purpose. or opinion. Thu l\nn|-nu: Ill-nu-..l_. ....- .'A :. A._.-_ r, , , I 4 l ~.~.-- -nu -up \.aIl\A nu vvuulvuu That in 0 mun stand, the only position Dr. Trudel can onoumbly and honestly take. He is new inq, we opine, that Mgr. Merry del Val w l not see in his policy as in liberal nnythin to condemn. but if he mnnot be A polibicinh, with perfect: free- dom to act on all mabbera that affect the acute, primarily and piincipally. he will be 3 Catholic wiyhout. Any responsibility save f|'\n.- no 91... :...l:..:.a....l 5.. L:.. ..l...-,.L -...x :._ - \dCIwIlIIII|f n-x_y-av-no null: nvcrvvuuuu:-uJ an that of the individual to his church and i Founder. ---v. u. tudv vuvvvvl nu yvunvlvul unuuuo A question has "been ruined by the deelnrntion of Dr. Trndol. liberal candi- duie in the Champlain election. Asked as to where he stood on the school question. on which the previous election hinged. he laid be approved of it, and of Mr. L.\urier'n wand upon it. but if bii apostolic delegate did not endorse in. if it were indicated that he could not be a liberal and a good Cntholic er. the name time, he would cease to be a liberal and` remnin 3 Catholic. In other worde. if the dieohu-goof his duty as a supporter of I liberal government in parlia- ment, proruming that he would beeleoted, and the dieohnrge of hie duty as I Catho- lic were inconsistent. he would resign his seat and no and iii conflict. _..-... ,-- ._....,.. ...... .... ......... ,............... of Quebec. bot Iona pooplo are an: oipotin tognlta`, in Advance of the con- fonnou =with' intoratod potions,` and con- cluding that he in {of or against the school nottlomont. That it was the origin of the dliculty, and that it will be incidentally dloouuod, goon without saying. but it is a. imall matter computed with the indepen- dence of the eldctor in political ntfaira. A nnnnl-Inn I.-. `I.-4.. ..-:.-..I I... AL- war 13 ms `mssroue ` Mgr. Merry e,oti,,v-I%s- in-bu;-Am. an: Inn uh to my issue be- tween the church and the Mann! politicians ll Dnnlugn Lulu -4-.` _.._I- -... _-A Gottlng Into lhlpo. -...:.... - ........:u.. -1 .1.- WOWIIIIOOEDC .. ll1__..l.__ A , n A ` an `cum mm. mnlwm bar xmnnto onxyvac. $1-- 13--.: on; _l_ ,, -- DAILY`-v 'l`U.FS:DAX..`,_ Cl` .IlK KEIWSOC. ho qulity of `I nuke; u pun nu'o.60Ir' ml inc:-.Iuuuu mo in oi: city holders of it then!!! cpll at 0ilhIl'.lIto-mob row nnfaiavr uonlolsiau `~w`U`.s0'` in II 0?: in qua-a I If .. . \ uncfuuua. Alnc-noth,y,1 Phou. uomo 9'4` Prhicoun I006. II-J C-Z! CIT]! But genuine hols.` We no tolling the bouhboouultholovucpriou. Oomoin nndnnul. Aha:-nnthv-l97 PpInm...`...g _ uunuw aun uungnty. ' We have I ohoiot uuntmont of the Inc Cpnndiun. Engliah and American (ooufooomrychun y up My. Every- thiagnov, bright oriIp._- J. Elltook. pmnwu VIIIKVIIII guvurnorl lot we menu: of April. Account: _to the amount 0! Cwwqapunod. noooruonm. anmpson. mv. J. Macho. W. F. Nickle, Hugh Nickle. Dr. E. H. Smytho. Q.C.. and Principal Grunt. Rev. John lactic and I. Binron were up- pointod visiting governor: or the month of Am-il_ Anlmnntn tn Aha nrnnnno-. nl Ollrlnl uluui.-uol. uun pronmn . There won resent: E. Chown, B. \ . Robortoon. .Simpson.R.ev. J. Maclxio. W- F. Nicug. Hnnh Ninlln. n.-. 1.1 u llotplcpl uovornoru` looting. 5 The board 0! governor: of the Kingston gonorsl hospital men yostordn afternoon, chairman Liens.-Col. Du prouidin Thorn wan nruont: F2, Churn. R \ ';;f;l';i'f1'u:':h":l'o7:e:.':':=.:v:k`:? 2'3 I ` MI th 3-"%'?.'a`..?m':'..'a'.`. .c'., ` '" l`I;fW.`Robinson, Agent,",`.`,:.,"'_"' 5' uvvu prupuny uuurluuou, DIID nnu proonoly been fed on "buy instead of milk. He is determined tho the offering of un- wholoaome voal. M well as of unwholoeomo men of other kinds. must stop, and be willhke utefner measures to accomplish his objecc. should` he nd any further transgressions. wlui nunureus or men working at her. Belfast wears a marked air of prosper- ity. Everyone appears to be busy. No idle men are to be seen standing on the street corners during working hours: the shops are very fine--weu stocked, well kept. and are continualljlrongod. This is equally true in every respect. of Liver pool, which P. C. Ballnntyne says, in a wonderful city. There is no appwront din- content regarding the political situation in Belfast. There is more or lose agitation there regarding the proposed endowment in the city of a Roman Catholic university. and the project is being strenuously op- posed by the Protestants. _r Uuwholeaome Veal $Iaed. the market equate. this morning. four quarters of unwholeaome veal that were being offered for sale by a Wolfe Island farmer. Mr. McCammon stated that the veal was the eah of an animal that, although it was. doubtleea, old enough to be lrilletk for meat. had not been properly nourished, but had probably "hlv me" instead of rnillr, Market clerk McCammon conscated, on. I 1 l I libel ruauineu ms regular duties this morning. In conversation this morning with a Wnn: reporter, I . C. Ballantyno said he had enjoyed his trip home" immensely. He visited Belfast and was astounded to nd that tho citv had grown so wonderful- ly since he he last seen it. The ship- building establishment of Wolfe & Har- land enjoyed a world-wide reputation. and was huge in its extent when he left Ire~ land for Canada. but its enormous size now and the almost incredibly large amount of work done there almost took his breath away. There are 9,000 men employed in the establishment, and the shipyards have the appearance, to a visitor approaching them. of an immense tract of forest. through which tire has passed and has stripped the trees of their branches and bark, leavin nothing but countless white poles. renc ing hi h into the air. There are on the ways |t ere now ten or twelve huge ocean vessels, and five big ocean steamers were taken off the ways while our visitor was in the city. The big ocean steamer "0ceania. which was de- signed to cross the Atlantic in four days an is in course of (BOHHUUIEUOII, with hundreds of men working at her. wears a mnrlzml Air nf hr-nanny-, _ . .. _...........,..v nvuuuuu ulu uunu OI [III Forefatheru. I . C. John Bullantyne, who has been on a mont.h a leave of absonce,and,who during that period, has visited Ireland, his nnbive laud. returned to the city lass eveningmnd resumed his regular duties this morning. thin morning with . [III I UUUIS. Will all who received circular formeof re- quisition and interested themselves l.bore~ in, uccet my congratulations that. their request. is not diaregarded.~Sincorely yours, A. B. JouN.~x1'oN. wuv. A. D. uonnacon. Dear Sir.--I am in receipt of your petition and favor of the 30th March. Allow me to say in reply that this bill will come up again shortly far its third reading, and I have no doubt it will be so amend- ed as to be more satisfactory to the tem- penmce people. I shall rln all I nnn on 1...... n.:.. ......--- puruuca people. shall do all I can to have this matter made noceptnble.~Yours very truly, J. L. HA\ U1)(1l(. R508 R009 HA\'(}U(,'K. \lY.'II _II Courteoun Attontlon. C1'sIm.\'n.\i.i., April 5.- (To the Editor) : Petitions praying for further restriction of the liquor trulllc continue to come to hand` and are being forwarded. As the following letter answers mine, which appeared in the Wmu lint week. you will confern favor by publishing the reply of courteous uttontion accorded Frontenac`: electors by their representa- two. The letter bears the stamp of the house of assembly. and runs as follows : Ton0.\'Tn, Apri! f. nd., 1897. Rev. A. B. Johnston. Junl. litll " -H -~ . I `u 0:.I&\ot|or Ion uottnrm-torn. on A.nhg.;-4;. Ag: . --.- A- ".l`0R().\`Tn Johnston. H- u.'.. _,t ..... ` AI mm more men Dill) such I POPSOH was so employed was generally known, would not this knowledge have the elfect ofdeterring many urchins lrom committing these nameless and numberleea offences? A prominent citizen told the writer not long since that boys had broken lately into one of his vncanls tenement houses and oomInit- ted damage to the amount of 8:O.-L.\w A.\'D:()n.nr.N.. __.- '. C. Ballantyne Revlnllotl the Land of III: Ifnr-Inn.-.-. mure nonunralby. We suggest a plan for the consideration of the council and the police board. Sup- pose that these authorities employ a good detective, say at $50 per month. whose business it shall be to be on the lookout for those offenders who break windows, insult Indies, steal from the stores, etc. 02' course it is sil- importanb that the name and person of this detective should be entirely unknown to the neral public, else his usefulness woukfeepeeclily vanish. If the mere fact that such ..... .. ...._..u_.__.u ,, -- HOME AGAIN FROM IRELAND. us pruvellullg all this. The city of Kingston possesses at much oxpeme an undoubtedly eicienb police force and. system. But these unruly, vicfous and olfem-rive lads know a police- man : atop several blocks away. Ind thus our force of constable: is to them A mere nonentity. We nmronnr. ll nl... 0.... 51.- ......-:.--_-uA-V ....., .....u u pun-ea tor e considerable time. It is Ii ely unquestionable that our fair city in making I reputation for Indece- neee on the pert of the lads. some of whom are of considerable size, that in not at all an enviable one. The proximity of so -large it penal institution as the Kingston penitentiary is probably respon- sible for much of this hwleemua on the principle that our juveniles become more or lean familiarized with criminal accounts and criminal ways, etc. Batu moreim- portnnt.q__u,nstion is w hut in the bent method of preventing all this. 'l`h8 citv (If Kinunfnn nn..=...---_ ..; .....-L . . (V Inuku conduct 0! non. Knwsmx. April 5.--(`l'o tho` Editor): The Wam bu recent! nooonvith I-ofirunoo to the lawless `con- duct of boy: in uvoul parts 0! tho city. These notions are not A new feature. for thoy have a poured for consider-Able Ibinli ely`unqnsAt.iqptbl_e t:lno_ hip nit... I. ....-|. _ y contained govcrsl. Q`I|uVty And '0Inq8lk:. `mg - nkmlnn -...:`s...-..4 15775 T0. Tl-II: zngoh. Lnvlau cu-4.4 in nu...) flio; Njnth Wonder 4 4).- -...IA ._ -..|.|Lnn 5.92;: mail \ shall Ian M 5 u nu unounn or may In lvhnilghh will we jut < and Iomlhnhthnni um . iisiS'c.h. children ` know what Ind bocomo ol tbdr old and won- do.-cam "'.`i`;".'.`. .'.."?.'. mum` - potion in vain yI;oozn"n-cu.' in mum M -' ullnond uyul I-msdtn huol:I'I:in`nfu;td youiblo`; ri dug brown chub, A blue qno wu nude black, with tho henna at shale nld . ....I ...... 45 any menu. I writ! :3 follows: unnn. ha---.- Rev. Dr.'U|-0. (boderich. well known to many Pruhytnrinn clorgymon throughout the dominion. is seriously Ill and very littlo hopes are oneortcinod of his recovery. _ W _- ---~--T- --- (nii Dressing Handsbmely and reg , Well At a Small Cost. lnuuuiu I!!- r. PARTRIDGE. v3.%x."3. .1 Z. .`E5. .: uu are: H on. me exact. spot to go I II Abernothjo, I27 Princotn strut. About gotting 1 pair of shoot for Euur? You are? Well. the shot. spot to get them Abornothyb. Princmn an-at. nun nu! vorulllly IIIVIECG To the opening of our new store. Nos. 132 and 134 Princess street. oppoaita Standard bank. Thursday. April Sch. Telephone No. 300. J. Hiscock. of band concerts in the city parks by the bands of the visiting and local regiments on the Queen's birthday anniversary. Last evening the literary society of Wil- liamsville Methodist church mot and dis- cussed the life and works of Tennyson. Quotations from his poems were given by the members, nnd altogether the meeting was a profitable one and a literary treat. The |`or.tsmouth village council has in contemplation the filling in of Aberdeen park." surrounding the town hall. As soon as it is possible to secure a supply of earth. the place will be graded and a num- ber of elm trees planted around the plot. The non-ooms. and rivates of A field battery are wearing t eir summer serges of the new pattern. They are neat soldier- ly and of handsome appearance. The ser 8 of the sergeants are particularly rich loo ing and show oil` to perfection the physique of the wearers. The teams that will play an indoor foot- ball match in the \'.M.O.A. gymnasium on Thursday night will be thus composed: Kin stonr--W. Montgomery, H. 0. Mar- tin, . Murray, I`. Murray. N. Mccaig. Y.M.C.A.--G. Kennedy, W. Hamilton. W._Linton. G. Gates, N. Robinson. Germany and Russia Areel--The Latter to Make for Constantinople. Nicw Yoiui, A Jfll .`.-James Creelman cables from Berin: Hermany has now reached a full understanding with Russia. and the czar is the leader in the polio of coercing the Greeks. I am informs by \8I' hnzh authority that if the powers iindyit impossible to preserve the status quo llermany will not object to a Russian advance on Constantinople. Bismarck has told friends that he was willing to let the Russians take Constantinople in l876, but the iron chancellor was afterwards Russia s most determined opponent. It is all changed now. Germany re- cognizes England as her chief rival in cohimerce. and is resolved to make war on her everywhere. hence the sud- den friendship which has sprung up be- tween the czar and kaiser. English pre~ tensions in Africa have alarmed Germany. and the. whole adjustment of European power is rapidly changing. No details of the new Russo-German alliance fur- ther than those cabled recently are ob- tainabls. Having forced the powers to blockade Crete. the German amn-mu I... .|..m..a .. . . l 1 l 1 s 1 oer ur elm nroes planted around the plhc. IV handnnmn nnnnnrnnnn 'l`|-A was pronmoie nna literary lling and nrivatm of --A nlrl wu um Queen 3 mrnmtny enmverenry. protable villnae cmmnil he: in A lady friend. 3 nor of Dyel, nine follows: ITIWUIII --wm. |n-L-nk ecu mm around again. The postponed meeting of the 24th of May celebration band committee will be held this evening to arrange for the giving of bnnd Queen : evening: the limrnrv nmioxu nf wn. from Any Point of View pull: uuuueu uuc., Mcl.eod's drug atom. [ Alderman R. E. Kent was able to be l down street. this morning for the first time since hisrcoont illness. extending over two months. His colleagues at the council board and citizens generally we\re glad to see him around again. Doatnnnml mnntinrv nf Hm A9]. at UTE: ` Now fa the time to take Sarsnpnrille. The kind to take is Cm`t,er s purely vege- table. n.d\'ert.ieee itself wherever used. Full pint. bottles 50c., McLeod : drug atom. Kent. wnn nhln tn lml luw uuya man ner mend Mine Merrin. A feature of the reception to members of the Y.M.(}.A. by the local union of the christian endeavor society on Tuesday night next. will be a basket. bnllmabch, Y.M.C.A. members vs. christian endeavor- OPS. IVA ILUHUH. Mien Jessie Hay, of Bellovillo. who has spent. the past: two months visiting frienda in Montreal. remained in the ciby yester- day on her way home, and will spend a few days with her friend Miss Merrin. A fentnrn nfth. ...;,.....a.:.\.. 4.. .........L--- HYU- Now is the time to attend to your lawn.. Sow our pcorlees lawn grass and you ll have a lawn like velvet. and constantly green. Special price in quantities. E. C. Mitchell. \I.`.... l'-_-.'_ 11' :-v-\ .. no LVJUIABUU a urug snore, nun. ' ` Last. evening the executive committee , of the Granite rugby football club met at the ollice of U. R. Webster and decided to formally re-organize on Monday, May! 3rd. demonstrated an an early date. ,. In is not necessary to take a half dozen bottles of Cnrter a Sarnparilla to alfecc a cure. one bobble is euicienb in most cases. at McLeod`: drug store, 500. LSEL avenina hhn Avnnntivn n.umw.:u....' nu ouu muuupuuuul cuurcu. `A team composed of members of l.l.e A.O.F.. of this city. is practising the amplied form of initiation, which will be demonstrated early date. not. nennnmrv tn fnlrn . lmlt .l........ I urlu RY. uuu .Vl[`F. IV. VVMHBI`. Rev. C. 0. Johnston has been selected to preach the anniversary sermon to To- ronto Oddfelluwn on April `. .')th at 4 p. m., in the Metmopolitam church. 'A tmxm nnmnn-ml nl` ........l......- ..: n - .. .... -.._- -. Irwin, Dnlnn. Olnnnlnn nu` eggs. in. U. Mitchell. Mrs. Hugh McNamee run] two children. Upper William street, left, for Snow Road yesterday ona visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wanner. H... I` n l..l....-L.... I... L - UUFIIIDSS. l llonomble clothing at honomble prices: our establishment. is noted for honorable ` dealings. Soe Dunlop for yournew spring l garmen ts. Moth bags. moth shoots, cedar oumphor. cumphor gum, ot.c.. everything on keep moths away from furs. and now In the time i 1 to put. them away l);`f0l`0 the moth deposits hcr eggs. E. C. Mitchell. Rh`:-I llnnli MnNnmna .....I L... ..L:I-I-- 4 l ( ( ( ( nu. ,1. noun; nu. ;:, 1 at (hlbertfs grocery. Cant. T. Hmmnllv nu uuuuru B grocery. Capt. T. Donnolly, inspector of hulls, and T. 1'. Thompson. boer inspector, amin Heseronto to-day on professional ` but-inoss. ll.\......_LI_ _I_.|- - I uuuguranu on 1:. war we to recovery. H J. Nolan. late of hcParlu.nd a liquor store, will leave for Chicago within awe weeks to take up permanent residence there. fVl...:-__I_:,,_,| .. - - DIIU IVU. Choicodairy butter in one-pound squares. No. 1. l:+c.: No. :3, 160.; fresh rules. 150., Lvrnnerv_ wards me end of this month. Miss Maud nrtmnn, Division ntmet. ill with grippe for some weeks. is out of danger and on a. fair to hcPsrlu.nd n linfmr nu. uuuerb B grocery- Courb Maple Leaf, A.O.F.. proposes, holding a concert in the oourn room bo- wards the end of this month. in: Mnnrl I-Inning... I\:.:-:-.. -A,--- "` out--)iM Aln BIZPOOD The No. amber bo'ar soup that dry good: men pull about we will sell U to-morrowat 8c. Gilbert`: grocery- Mania Lnnf, A O I.` n-n-m--- wuuu, Ill recovering. Scotch euicinga an SM and 8l5.the latest. goods III the fashionable world. Dunlop. 351-353 King street. ' Th lnl"__ nmhnr hnr -n-n Aknt AA... -.---J- An Ornament can uowl no-any. This morning cor ration ompioyees were put. to work on Oxlfrenco street. scrap- ing the road bod. Min M n....`I ..c r_..-..-..-. ..L, I~- mg 0118 r0ll(l 000 Miss M. Quail. of Inverary, who bu been seriously ill during the past two weeks, in recovering. auihinnm nr. 314 nnrl 3|: 41.- |..s--. was oy nro no u_va_onhun on April 2nd. Try our furniture cream when house- cleaning this year, 25. a bottle. E. C. Mitchell. Sylvester Keith. Lnko Opinicon, lost. his house by tire on March 31%. His loan will be about $500. A nunuu. Al _-.-. -A----3A ' au ounce III 19'. U. MItohell e.: E. Boyd, efeere long illneu. is Again able to follow his daily I vomtlon. W. H.-Godwin settled Joseph Moore : loan by fire at Sydonhun April 9nd. Try furniture mum wlum I-nu--- .1 ! Raynor : bufgnln tale in book: sad I nude; Sovorhl recruits for` pho uh Hnuiu-0 won mom In yutordny. Wyetlfo min extmoo 3 bottles for 81 at E. C. Mitoboll o. Within I couple 6! wooka E. Obrd will leave for Richmond. Va. Enkfm-d . nnnt. ...a...a ......s an in- wave I0!` mcnmona. VI. Eckfor-d'u nub mixed sweet pea 100. an ounce at E. C. Mit.oholl a.: R. Bowl, nffnr . la... :n..... :_ ----r jg-j V-Min BI-I Itononm Caught on no .. _ mm ` D.-....'- L-....-.l.. --I- 2 n. . . You Are cordlnlly Invited LA np.....`.... ..l A... ._-_ -4 _,,, `I Are You `lhlnllnt :50:-can g --2- `R _L__- K. W. S_nide_r s P_hotq Par_lors wmn-s% wish` inns. go, 1397 WWII Ulllnl or oilv gt um V in will no mu To no you Thnndny. April uh, nowhntgo. 182 And Prinooi cont. u ur choc gtooll. and con!:ot.iono\-y In an hatch! Run buy. Ppmlng Thndly. nwur-u;I-If-C _ K but hon-hr thou. w.?.1.`:3. ':... .."'E....u: _....; nanny. tn ht-#1 ` :...:; I .'- 4.4-. uu ovanonuou mm Innnrmomoul puls- tion that the does not dare to d now elements to hcr confused domublo polipiol. i f I II 1 ` - \::rt:r r\r%I'I`II..|m 'a.'nl:no:nl?u-2.-ma.-a Lulnemi. I Crete, German emperor hee decided to temporarily retire from the leadership of the prevent internetionel diplomacy end let the greet atru le for eupremeoy be~ tween England en Rueele go on.` Get`- meny bu eagerly urged Auetrie to occupy Sund Jek us once under the `terrain at the Berlin treaty. eo thetif tlze Greeln declere wer on Turkey the Auetrlen ermy cen march eoroee the been of M , oedonie. eelee Beloniue. end eo control the eituetion. but the emperor of Auetrle bluntly related to not. Aueetle le elreedy eo overloaded with inhermonloue le- Linn aha eh: rlnnn -me alum ea. .P:... w.'.'..':'...-':"...:.`:."'.:`."..:;....' r.:......"" n Calm-ml Europa. ' A `L-airge Safe and Small Boiler, about ve-horse~power, both se- cond-han'd, for sale cheap. Bpuardianj I Plumbago. Asbestos, Soap Stone, , BEST ANE) u. s. NAVY cmon TEA THE PERFECT TEA BOTH AGAINST BRITAIN. 1-935 Packages only, Th: hnvlgl. thns is mechanically `correct in construction. It. is tha- vago, Gum Core. tos, Rubber, itone, |Locomotive. FIRE BRICKS, FIRE CLAY AND DRAIN PIPES. VMcLAU'GHLIN Ms mam. White and ColoredWas t6i ` 69 & 71 BROOK ST., KINGSTON. FOR YOU AND" M_B. :kages 25, 30, 40. 5o ma 60. per lb. Sold by nu gropn. ` ' Tho Dnvldnou .2 Kay, um, Wholoulo Anntn. - o on. unr- in to o'm-mu Grooh r are of Mr of Austin I | . 2".5.`i".`I.`. V-cngpnoo oAKu1\1 __-_ v-u-my-a `IJV I\ Some good second-I I in stock. `J. cunnmcmm. me. st. ___________________ -;.`_._ uuuuu no \lU\l you ride it. Warwick Bicycles are knowniu ' the perfection bicycles, built on honor. See the PNEUMATIC Cunt- ION FRAME for Ladies or Gentle- men. Good roads everywhyreil vou ride it. i -- > A NEW iulm-out OOOOOO {STRICTLY HIGH ems. ___.- wvvu Ivuui VVVI."V'I!![= ll ourideit. -=*.`* Good wheels $50 to I . ` 9 - .?` second-hm` 'v\aI{oAls_;-t` nstock. - Silvr 7 Washing Powder. 'rryIca'ndyon'llno_I. loo. Amlxooon. ' "199- p;@---A It's workto clan-no uouglow` to not Nady. No null when tlgroug youull ( V. 6. Frost, Carriage Painter. Ihu nun. nan to Elootrlo On Shad; DO YOU LIKE ..... ., W. J. BRYSON, Eivnnn `human ` Idling Down Stoves. A. ."IT:ii6b's. 2,-2.5:}? o..=r:.-;.:: ACCIDENTS .V A 0 We no math: as A in! reduction In ' Plouno and Onrbonogtlrpbotov. Now In you olunoo. U31! and uoworl. Oruon I from the unnllue mhuun. No 1 to climb. 165 PRINO':g'B ST.. Gems In Act. I0 216043! Wis. 'V 0 $0 I I `I35 Iolll I Iugv I IIIIIUCI Ilnc mus. next to Elootrlo On Shodn. to I homo In A 9100 (once. Thou who intend onounc on. tho oomin a ring should no Iunplu at O:-noon in Work. Ohumlu-on . duublo hnou. dlollnt turns. A so every duoriy Ilon of wbn work and who cloth manu- r. Ilon of win V hound by. II A IITIIIIIA "`.!.`V._!?!h '-.';% Th in what pooplo on of our Carbon- olu nlohod photon. 0:11 In: 315 and Till! I: whn people at Carbon- photon. u lush your engagement for -1 ting. =11; _wvuuvu EIIU IIIIIIII IWCI lwm nhonndpors 1 " oltyItOUBNIW 8'10 UD&WN. ` WOOD AND COAL YARD FTTIU II VVIII I Dmlnc. Olunlng und Pruning. II II dulroblo to be vol] (ironed to have your olothoa well mndo. porfoot. Swing and in the Intent n In. You , will be all right If you go Inn your clothes wall mndn. an-lam. ' Ialllg 0I 0Ill:Ph0f Photognplur. J` ID 35106 strut. Botwoonplnoou and Boooh Ben. 7 Z wohnvotho nnutuoch ' `Insuring `lg. -uul noun a uumnod snl ropnntod. Onrpriou no consistent with high nude wovk We've good utox-an room {or Blolghr n- .g - .-. I: not nooouary this spring. Send your old vohiulo to us And luv: it re- Otilmnod and ronnlntod. on vohlulo to an III 1 ropnlnud. Onrmiooa no oomhtu: UIVII U BIIIIW HUN. fan can save all the dirt and worry . M myilnl 19: ul- ".Nm'm|t.hln in All In brnnohol. Quick. uelnlaobory work, rouunnblo lulu. `Then is no manner Job on earth if you damn know how. t ... A... --..- -II AL- .11.; .._,n _..-_-_ Will hnxpon and vol-1l;:lo:n booomo, won an cu-nkhod In sum or the of out. BI-in them horn and we make: ood Jo of shun. Wo'va 5 oomoloh 1: not for munnlsotutlnl conveyance: of every description. Thno doors nbovo 090:: 1 III! FIIOII III IV. ' got anything in line Ordoud Foot- ` wont go to - .-n---. -.. _ . _. -_.v-.--V-7 .-vv- nu ho mondod is Iimplo ox- hnvnuloo. Our pscohu don't show; our sole: and hula: no nutnuu itulf; our prion no low. `An nunnlklnp I-A Elm` n..a....| Ilno.6_ [U INICI POINTEIII. BRIAD that In whiu. ROI-LS tho! on light. OAK! out of gum. PIES ivut right. hlllltglhllll. Y '97" ":0 c 1.. -o:"uu NEW 35%. '1`m1'3 vlleuhl ouuuu (all Bu-nu potoncn) I opicl ll Plush Joum. otc . nukes no unusual in Inna: It in nu only -,__- .-_. _--_--,-....... .IAMi uriilitv, D l'rlno1u acme. The wanrbomn with Oh. when windows. lhtintnnu. _:l V `llll `t It 0:11 , on Evlll I 7` ` Trimminu. E. - Agent. Kingston Paid-up Capltu 0! any Company in the worm tnnwcuni a man: auunosa. 4 an Prlnoou IGNOI-J Homo. Ihln xtho dnnd (TEX!) BIVIOW LI -nu-uvllquuuuu . Lin Nlluhhn Ibo|cuhr- _-I3` ".;Ii.|9"E,"f_'g_':u_dc vi uuuu -vutfuu-CU IIKCIII [IT Ezkqniu Int.-"cl phase. It in none- V ihldanuw ro,nndiHohuvin upon. no so`. olvomntion :- pnniqnyny. udinitnplooo incoming lhlutlnljndgunudotiorhighoo alto oubjootto n A-Xndinnl-n_......| .1 ...Lu. ._;_ , en. 58 .-w-u-u-cu noun-5, -uu upvu _WllVlll, oun- Iiduing his on former politiosl mo- ehtionc. hthunortghlloiiocf... The pointolnlliiooonltovoliyin the in- huinimoo ulkiqyvhioluonoot thojndga hvodhhlndulgiul. Thyu-ooxpoctd Nuhhf guarded in choir huqo. liyaeupyunla uhlghnnd Qpdlioh nodllvoitunolunnirol agc high In'Ln-an.-5. -_...L |____ .- -----vu-wu- vu - uvuuuuuuuu. III GI` hibih that independence which in the promino of ham things to come. The pun. unufou. in not to be bold ruponai- blofortho oloollon of thc thick-okinnod. rllinoououb-hidod hoolon. to whom Judge Rnlnnohnn ml-n uni nnn -Iu.-. -.-. .............. --........,... Judge Robertaon is speaking persorslly, for, of course. he was oncoin parliament, to the roprooontntivo of Hamilton, and he then had tho inuence he would not have hndothu-wine which lifted him into the place where he can not as I sort. of plan conaor. But when he ran for parliament-. in Hamilton. was he the choice of the pron? He and Mr. Kilvort. who Afterwards be- came A custom: collector. defaced Mean. A. '1`. Wood (now M.P.) And A. Irving, 0.0." Who Infected them `for I political pniotmont! WA: is not the party mucus? How an moat candidates chosen nowadays for pulinmonuryhouoraf Ha tho pron anything to do with it? Not my much. and it is hocmuo the protein Iometimu uvu up-n-on--vu on-u qp uxluulvl DU IIVD in ondouoncns to I nominnuon. and ex- Llkn. AL-A :_.I-_-_.I-..-- .4- u..- -v -av vvassnuvavu Ila Illa UUIHIIJUKIIJ. The judge did not take much account of this plea, and proceeded, in addressing the jury, to say that in his opinion the Expositor did not exhaust all reasonable means of getting at the truth in the case. But he went out of his way to attack the press, to say of it that a public man had to put up with everything a newspaper writer had to say against him. "What is to be gained by that sort of thing." he went on. I cannot tell except this, that it keeps decent. honest, sespeetahle men from seeking to represent the people in parliament. It allows the thick-skinned, rhinoceros-hided heeler to get into parliament for the purpose of serv- ing his own ends first and the public after- wards. If the press would take another stage, and advocate the election of men who stood highest in the country in intel- ligence, respectability, and also with refer- ence to interest in the country, instead of traducing them and bringing them down to the very lowest depths, making a man almost ashamed of himself, and say- ing things there is not a word of truth in. and holding a man up to ridicule and everything like that, and all for party pur- poses. Itis the whole pressl am speak- ing of. Both parties are alilie. I`_hero are some honorable exceptions, as a matter of course, but the great majority of the press of Canada have got into the way of abusing their opponents in such a way that decent, holiest and res hie `men. who care for quietness, and K1 ,sire to serve country first, cannot be persuaded to go through the turmoil and blackguardism of an election campaign. ,l...l... D..I..--a--.. :- -_--L.-_ ,. W . A -- The charge delivered by Judge Robert son at Brnntford, in the Expositor-Henry libel suit, is Attracting a rest deal of at- tention. The case arose o of an editorial criticism in the Expositod of Mr. Henry. M.P.. for his eeeumed part in forcing one Spence into superannuation in order to mnlre way for e minor oiciel end a favorite with the member. The facts, so for as the superannuation were concern- ed. were right enough, less the assumption that Mr. Henry bed todo with it, and heroin consisted the grievance, the libel, the oestigation which the Expositor gave him for his Alleged wrong-doing. The Expositor set up the plea of justification and its advocate held its remarks were en- titled to be considered as fair comment. NIL- _-.__I__ J! 1 THlI_ _DAI-I..TY WHIG. 50 othorwlu. Kztmhod to `Jan popor In one of tha but Job Oou In Oanndn; up (1. utyush and cheap I` in 1 id id IOIIO . "I 'n "9"" 'iww'.`5. u.p14:'Nsn. JOHN OFFORD. Pronrintot. mo 5 on: 1 spam no madd for ' nm for muolrnot lo nnnounoomoncu, but -pt lwl wuntod. for sale. to-lohpnrta an]: III. no on at nlalng he and actual __ nouutmncnb ol J31 or manIJnmtuNI for Illa In ulnllnlod . rd Ipnou lot professional, lncnl-anon or agency Announcements are amb- llot to ulmllnr uotrletlon. Oontnoo udvortlun allowed two nlnngu par weak; man I uont. changes must. loo POM fol`. Tho nbll or will not ho nu n- lo lot mlunn on-ntondln of vorbul n on. rltun dluotlons ohoul be land on all no for lnurtlon. All Mlvor lsomonu on III to tho opproul of the pnbllnhu. on Io: advertisements and Il1bl0l`lD- payable In ndvanoo. rand suoelulou or pouonall! ruponulblo V not olonn no no and Ooon of nnmoo uoolctlu will In hol for 0 they (ln. TH! wnnuv nnT1-Isa wmo a plan. on column. 1. publlnhod ovary Tnmd. morn- aliolt O1 3 you-, ll paid in advance; ot orwlu 'i'E`iWEllKLY in published on Mon- gpyg Ayd Thurudnn M II A year ln ndvnnca: THE SEII-WEEKLY :tlLt'l"'l:I`I:;udnyn 01 your advance; Attnohnd n `.hn um. I. A... .0 n.. 1...: 1-1. "'*.".:a'.'.`a!.:`. .:.P-*-~ ~ "- ' Ru-Lou antenna!` A: `l`|l?`|o.1efnutvo:II huh; 'mDllQ.OfIO.&. ` - J Io r`l.5fs{tM. om lnuttnon. - than-tlon on u:d our. pu.l.lm. a wool` u nnosnd 'ovu, " I no ANNOUNCEMENT. T an--I-h . , uuuxsau. V ndvnu; ourvlu IUD will ohonod. lilo moi a no. In tlmnnwnt. II M `I I I n";"J'."a'.'n IIAIPIIDIX. SI ' - ` 1vw.J.'u."m'c1~ OFBDBD Prop: Aulnuno nslnou Human. TIIAIPIOIX. Olga - - - "OP"/69' per Orbcsn I)t'oor." llnozrodndz out oooommu 5. visual. Proprietor. nun. Ujlli" [UT VJ Vllll '5 M`. In at 8:30 L3,. utlllnnhit notion. :- my now. 15: II!!! In l'n`ncoII otnot. Inllddo. On motor ' - `ad anhotiounr ii an. ';:;.3.:'_`.."it: . / an snow II II No Ilfortl will` 5. opqqd to auto coming show 3 Inc- cau in wary pucclu-. ( \lWIIIIl` II cu BIIIPC. Lust evening A committee of director: of the ho:-ticnlmrel society not It the resi- donceot Dr. R. '1`. Welkem with theobjoct oi eating arrangements for the oomi ex ibieion. It wen reoolvod to give Ipocie enooungement to grown-I of bones giants and wipdog [anions and oler lulteble uuwurngunum to groin:-I 0! bonus giants window} gudun oor print f.or dioplnyo ol nu:`$phnu:. The pin own you ovoc . rt y pro- m. ltvuulnodooldod tonvonn ab- vu conoun during`: the owning while DOOM! I ' W N Kort! will h Imilholl :||n- - nun ` IIIIIIII. Pity the lam with meny wooera. and the oou reg-etion with many candidates. Each ieli ely to choose the poorest one in the whole lot. Christ. ntende At the door of the heart and khocke. Open the door to Him and He who holds the keys of heon will open its doors to yon.--Tl:e Midland. fEm.t*;;:. 9: :.'.::.`:. 7.....'.'

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