Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1897, p. 1

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A \'I.ol'0ll Polloy Plopoood. Waumuz-1-ox. April 7.-Tho adoption of a vigorous policy to obtain from the Turkish govornmont I ntslunont of the chin: preferred by the United Baton. on account. ol the dun-notion of the Americana ..:...:...-_- -nu.-.4-Di Anal nnhnq-Q in Ann.-4` IOCQIDII 0| `DO QI0l'|ICIl(l'I Ill IO QIIIUFIIIII nniuiomry pro and outrage to Amen`. our minonurio mind duri the up timing a `out the Armenians in! lslhof Mr. nnyooct nos omy eoaoneu ue unne- erbion. but advocnto the npplioesion of the principle, with POIIIO alight modica- Hone in details, to my oen from eyndi- antes or oeupeuiee making eimilnr pro- poeitiooe. When the vote wuuken a few minutes after one o`clock the Qivieion lieu Ihowed A majority of thirty tor thegoverm man}. mace, in visiting Ottawa for I weak bo- lero leaving to onto: upon his now dntiol an an inspector ol the northwest mounted polioo. - A. 1 . Ron, superintendent ol the Corn- ll canal. has been removed and the po- I uion abolhbod. June: Ramon . Corn- wall. will assume the duties of tin gico an a reducod salary. Ind wish the name of nuluunt to the engineer in ohu-go. '1`. 8. Rubidgo. -..-nu au--cpl` A --nc- IIIOUIOII OIIOIX Dy IIHU XIIIIIIIXIWIUT OI crown lands endorsing the agreement. with the Englodue eyndicnte occupied the en- tire attention of the house to-day, with the exception of A for minutes devoted to routine proceedings. '1`. iobnte wu brink. the apoelora on the opposition side of the house importing spice by inniuuetiona respecting the porsonnol of the oynaiouto md shoallegod minions between its member: And the governmonc. Mr. Ilnyoocl not only endorsed the tuna- u-ninn, hut. uIvnnAt.the nnnlimkinn nf WEDNESDAY EVENING. APRIL 7. 189]. Bloyele Club Gives Ioney To Pathlnnter Who ans Beet Beat. I s:n'ru. April 6.-The first smoking concert. to be held on Thursday of this week. was postponed until Friday. There is tslk of n baseball club hein started in town. Dr. Beeman has been t g recipient lntely of some ancient coins, sent by a friend in India. Messrs. G. it 0. Finley have pieced three new and attractive de- livery waggons on the road. A wise move`- ment was made at the first business meet- ing of the bicycle oluh,whioh was a motion to award the psthmuster on the routes from Perth to the ferry and to Christ 's Lnke with a rim of $5 or having his beet t e best on the road. Several summonses were issued to parties this week for using bicycles on the side- walk. The trouble arose from on unfor- tunnte report that the council had been petitioned and had granted permission to ride on the sidewalks lor three weeks till the roads dried up, which was en all- together false report. On Thursday morn- ing Dr. F. Hanne, late of Perth. errived in town from Brentford, where he has opened an office. to remove his family to that city. On Friday evening he was banqueted by his friends at the Revere house. About twent ~two set down to atahle lavishly sprea , and songs and witty touts came in due form after supper. Durin the even- in the doctor was presented wit a beauti- fu marble clock. with gold lace and solid gold name plate at the bottom. This dnntnr was taken whollv hv surnriae [to ill!) &Ul`UlGTy Ul IIIIU DIRK)` UK` change, in which he intimated that it might be necessary for Mr. Ride- dele to declare himself a defaulter. owing to his queetiomble action in connection I'ith`300 "Lady Hunpton shares which lied been entrusted to him. The defend- ant admitted having written the letter but claimed thet it wee I privileged communi- cation. vvu-n 1-..; cu ,-vvu-. Tonoxm, April 6.-'l`ho debuts upon the motion offend by the commissioner of -....... I-...I- -...Ia...i..n oh- .-...........o -.`o|. `OK! IIIIYIB plume ID la DOUUOYII. The doctor wu taken wholly by surprise but. replied very foolingly. The doctor lofb for his home in Branbford on Mondly amid the regrets of an exceptionally lugs circle of friends. Inn: Vleltorn In `the Village-lormnlon Of a Young Men : Glue. Tauwonu. April 6.-.Sugnr melting in over. The last. `few days heve been very spring-like, and the roads are drying up very fut. Lire. William Silver, while driving home from town. was thrown out of the weggon end had her leg broken at the thigh. Mr. Richardson. our school teacher. is geining in health and will in a few week! be able to resume his school again. Harold Fuller and Sidney Roee phid Newhurgha visit. on Saturday and Sunday. Rinlnnrl Cnnltar and wife. of Tweed. ' -3-; us ivuuw .-uvu--can Lonnos, April 7.--Messrs. Ridsdnlo and Moore, stock brokers And members of the London stock exchange, began an action forlibel in bhequoen a bench division of the high oourt. of justice to-day against. Robert l`ntl,or1-on Houston, M.l'. for West Toxtoth division of Liverpool, claiming 50,000 damages. The all libel was contained in a letter writtnn y Mr. Houn- Lon. who is the head of the rm of R. 1`. Houston &_ Co.. steamship own!-rs and merchants of Liverpool And `London. to the aocretary of the stock ox- nlnnng in whim-.h ho intimnhul u}. aunuly. Richard Coulter and wife, of Tweed. paid Tnmworth a visit on Monday last on buaineee. Mrs. Amelie Mane gave I puny At. her home on Monday evening Int. Mr. Cobum, of Toronto. A blind preacher. oo- oupied the Methodist. nlpit. on Sunday inn endleoturod no I urge audience on Mondny eveni . Mien Lewie. deter of Mr. Lewis.-who as been visiting It the peruonnge for the put. four weeke, left. for her home in Peterboro thin week. ` M r. Keeler. of Trenton. is viaiting at. the peneonege. A young men's clue meeting is being held in the Workmen`e hall every Sundey morning. Dr. Clark, was chosen leader of the clue. Dr. Clark was very honorably Imde high chief ranger in the Independent order of Foresters as their luv mmmlnm `:|;HEY OFFER A PRIZE. TAMWORTH TIDINGS. Inuug onnuuuvu ny unuuw au- -ntion and probably will ho put into Bay It Was Privileged. -. A__.'I ". \l...-_- Di). Wan lolly Approvod. _,. A _._:l A.` CVLA .I-L_A- Ill] I08 Loan ! 18. Losuox, `April 7.--A dupntoh from vnnthgg do Chili up tin prdbnt was mccualuuy paw Ill sun nun: In Montreal hon. but douotodwhon pnoonb oIH.o|boBnnk of0nnfc redemption. Tho ends of uvoaollnr billlnd Non clippod uutl od mdin the the larplotlul uftydollu-till bun inn:-ml. Thounll Bgnnlontln has ofthobillvonvn sndupon tho but oftlohllltho gnnvu alto vidilo. mmenmnnnnnseni The Entire Christian Population Object to Antonomy. In: In: Amqmzt run CRETE. LONDON. April l.--Anu)o uranu aruua meeting Tuesday Mr. Rivera-Wilson stated that arrangements had been virtually con cluded for the Interoolonial railway. owned by thedominion government. to run ite trains into Montreal over a part 0! the Grand Trunk system; and that to provide for theincreaaed traio the Victoria tubu- lar bridge at Montreal would be double tracked on term: raving the Grand Trunk from any addition to it: capital obliga- tjnna. --------- --.~`.v--v__v-.v--. V PAl'&l1`.'l0O'.|'Ol1IDAl. } lat tlahlnt Ioounnculod X -H -QQn uh. XIII OI UIIIWI IIIICI (0 III. IIIIIIIII was mocaafully passed in the Bank of Manual ham, Inn dnunntnd Ihnn nnnni. EASTEl3y`: RQSMELIA seucrzo \ air LOMATS. `rho Withdrawal of Turkish 1`;-oopo From (Into Wlll lot 80 Oonoldorod Untll the Greek loroo Now In the Inland lhnll llnvo 0opnrtod-'l'ho Governor For no - W mum: win no 3 ldropoag. 0 LOSDON, April 7.--'l`h Duly Telogrnph bu advices from Alikianu, where in situ- tod the hoodqunrtors of Col. Vnaeoa,atntin that the (lroelx commander hu rooai written And signed replies to the autonomy proclamation of the admiral: from every province and district of the island. The aigmturoo of the head: of fumilios number nearly 40,000 md re resent the entire christian population. ot a single zignor approves of the scheme of the powon to grant autonomy to the island. A-nmm.z_ Am-il 7 - -.'I`ha urovornrnont hora Le a Result of on ore elem-lag Job.-scouring Properties. BnLu:v|1.LI:,0nt..A ril7.--Neweheebeen received from the gol mining re ion. The eecond oleening up at the Gen ien gold eldl oompeny e work: hue taken pleoe.nnd. although exact. details cannot be got` uni- cient. hue been learned to show the the re- eult. he been entirely eebiefector . The company are ndvertieing for one t. oneend cords of wood to be delivered at. their worke et. Deeboro. I.`.. _AL-- 5':-an-nnAD:An nf nnlrlhnnri no Begretted The oecnrrence. Lm~:no.\', April 'l.---In the houee of com- mons Tuesday answering a question on the subject the parliamentary secretary for the foreign oioe. George N. Cur-non, said that the British agent at Pretoria had reported that the Transvaal police insults for which Lieut. Elolf. the grandson of president Kruger, had been suspended, were of such a nature that they could not be re ted. Mr. Cursou added that president ruger L-.I ...........IIu gwnra--1| hi: nuyrnt. A}. than Ml`. Uumon lauoa mas pruluuuu arugu- Iud pononully expressed his regret at the occurrence. grant. eutonomyw we isumu. Ann-:Ns. April 7 ~.The government hea learned that the diplomats in Constan- tinople have adopted eustern Roumelia ea the model for Crete. The governor df the ieland will be a Euro n who will be selected from the recon ary powers. The Turkish troops now on the inland will be temporarily retained. although if Greece will undertake to recell Col. Veuoe the powers will take immediate measures to withdraw the Turkish troo 5. I nunnn `Inh:` 'I .__'l`|uA . knaadlnd henna we Iauna. anau navo aopnrwu unancu. I`Alus.ApriI 7.--A rumor is in circulation hon. than the king of Denmark. at the in- sbmoo of the czar. ha: been asked to arbi- tanh the Cretan question. woru ll. uoaooro. Fun-that discoveries of gold-bearing quartz veins are re rted from Mu-morn and Adjoining towns ipo. Wgllnr Fnnnimr. of this citv. has bond- and eajommg nownempu. Welter Fanning. of this city. ed. and will at once proceed to develop 3 silver-lend mine in Bertie township. Fron- tenac oounty. The mineral eueye eixty dollnre 1' ton in silver, and then ie elno gold in: Permian Am in heetv for e mine mine. in Came Back. uouguooro. rrunwn anoooutully worked. SAN FRAN1-xsaro. April 7.-The super- intendent of the Olympic club, William J. Kennedy. received I letter feeterdey from Tommy Ryan. at Syracuse. N. Y., which sated thnt Ryan will not meet George Green in this city until the Olympic club ollere 85.000 and ellowa$500 for the ex- enoee of the waiter weight to the coast. yen also atipuletee that Siler must be the referee. end that he he allowed 81.000 and his expenees to end from the coast. Kennedy answered the meeeege u follows: Metch off; you've tot eold feet. Everyt.h|ng ll Domocnt. Clll(`.\G0. April 7.-Cerl.er H. Harrison, democrat, was elected meyor yesterday by n mnjoricy of 2.222 over ell competitors. Hie plurality over Harlan. indepeudenb re~ publicen, the next oandidete in order. in 77.756, the largest. ever given a candidate lor any oice in the bietor of the city of Chicago. The reel. of the emocntic city ticket is elected with Mr. Harrison by plnrelitiea mnging from `.!8..'50 to 58.428. The city council will be changed from an overwhelming republican body to a demo- cratic council. 0'l'l`A\\'.\. A `I 7.-A ve dollu bill of the bcnlol unwnnieod to fty dollars an. nnnnannfnllv nnnmtl in tin Rgnk nf wmiamw me '1'ul'l(l8n rroo 5. LONDON. April 7.--Tho gtuidard has a deeputch from Constantinople, stating that the council of ministers hu nfuaod to con- sidor` the withdrawal of the Turkish troops from Croto until the Greek force. now in tube lalnnd. shall have departed thence. than An.-il '7 _A rumm-in in circulation gold nun. Parties um in treaty nine. Longhboro. Frontenac, which bu boon nnnnnufullv worked. Rnhod `no mu. ' I.. Is.-.5 nl Qn-n school to ll: tlnllnrn `I'D Dolblo Ttlok Tho llrldgo. Lolwox. April 7.--At. tho Grand Trunk vmnminn Tnnnrlnv Ill`. Ri'olI.\viIlI phi cnmnnn's SATISFACTORY RES U LTS The latch In on. Call and have a look aft; them. ' u ~`-4% , 2 ._,.,', Splat or `lino Inning Papou And `I'll! Wart [giant nnnnnmhnn. mnlol u. urunn, wliuun died this momin at. six o'clock. `llguul Anal Ina: n tllnnnunlul We have teceived our full line of Spring and Summer SHIRTS. northern ehoree of `Lake Winnipeg`. Tbelled river is rielng up Iv, and there no fear: of e ood at Emerson. The London council hee impoeed A license fee of 8500 on cigarette deelere. Nnrtnr Hnnl-I Hnrrimn- non of the Ilia HUI OUCI [IX neon UICEUVIICI Ull IIIIII lloenlo In 0! saw on cigarette uoueru. Cutter Hoary Harrison, son of the an or, In: oloctaoii msyor of Chicago yac- hn Av taorday. The Ponnsylvnnia railway compnuy Inn to carry bicycles free over their en- Nn uylwn. _ .~A mmmmaa of tho Winnioelt board of him lyluln. :A committee of the Winnipeg trade hue reported adversely on the do` mimon bankruptcy bill. Twantv nnnnnl warn killad and mnnv QUEEN ST. mnmon nanurupwy om. Twenty persona wen killed and many other: injured by an oxplooion in 0 fire- worlu factory at Lisbon yesterday. Hnntlurnn will nmnh I Wuhimrton worn ucuoijy M. maonu yuwruuy. Honduran will gnnh I Wuhington syndicate u concoosiou for no electric mil- rood from Puorto Cotter. to Truxillo. Dgb-.n--m In-nun Elna nnnntnriml nlinfrilih nf roan nom ruono um-oer. to uuxmo. Returns {mm the senatorial district of Keuuuok conrm the re;-on of the elec- tion of lilh. Huger. Blackburn`: silver democrat. as aemtor. n-| n...:-| u l,.........o_ L... In... Agnichui |sH1RTs| democrat. aemucr. Col. Daniel 8. Lamont but been decided upon as pmidopb of thy Nnshnnl Pacic rmlrond. and the appointment will be an- nounced within a week. A 5 `Mat... gaging: \xl:ll:.m "Anna W"- nounooa vmnm weer. At. Picbon uaizu William Henry Wil- kinoon was aentanood to Shun yarn in Kinguton penitentiary for bufglnry. This in bi: seventh conviction. . I\ 1\...Iy.-u|.i.-4 L (`n Rn-no} vi": hnvn n ma sovonnn oonvncuon. D. Don-byehire & Co., Brockville, have received the conmnct. for supplying outt: to the five government orumorien to be established in the norbhwout. 'l`|.- n..|.-.-9- n-nnnun nnmrnnv nf eounouaneu In one norunwou. The Doborty process xgompnny, of Hnmilton, has cold tho` pntom for mnnufncturing iron, in Europe, to an Enalieh company for $100,000. nnininnl nlanbinnn in St. Paul. Minn.. 11.` nan company xor uuu,wu. unicipal elocbiouaju St. Paul, Minn.. yeaterda and throughout Minnesota show the repu lican part met with [great auc- ceu. oapocinlly on t. 0 head: of tickets. Corbett. turns up at every oxhibibidn Finn by Fituimmonu md mnkon 5 chol- ongo. The vanquished has been do ing Fituimmona ever since be left. San ran- II a mg. '1` e half yearly meeting of the Grand Trunk nilwey was held in London yester- day with Sir Charles Rivera-Wilson in the chair. The report, whichwu very fever- eblemu adopted. 'I`hn nnn-nrvnjvnn nf Tinninner mot Inst `V I. IIIILIIIZIJ ._Qcn amount`. mg. nu uovolopou me man alarming oympoomn. Mr. Mclhnxio in now do- lirioun and knows no ono. Hi: phyoiciono have little hope of his rooovoty, his bail: hing seriously olfootod. IKIWHINGNEW Herr von Stephen, the imperial pou- muoor-gonoral of Germany. whoiu to have been the chief representative df Gor- mnny at. the Wuhingbon postal congreu, is d ing. 'I` aim]! mun-Iv manhino of the Grand nmmwu nuopwu. The conurvntivou of Winnipeg mot last night. but reached no decision in regard to putting I candidnto in the eld for the commons. Anoshor meeting will be held on Sunday night. A dnnnnmh no the London Timon from nemonu glllrul 0! Inc nupul. The river in front. of New Orleans. Ls.. in at e Itend end the outlook locally in very encouraging. A tremendous volume of water is being deflected down the At.- chnfelsyn and this relieves the etnin on the Mississippi aouhh ofed River landing. Wnrd run rnnnivad ll . Chicano vantardnv nuulwuuvu J u` \-uvv-un-v-u G. M. Maodonnoll. of the lard : Day alliance. Kingston, Inn 8 speaker for tho deputation waiting on the Ontario govern- ment yootordny. He said that tho quot tion of Snndoy oboorvonoo nor. be left. to local outhority. - plondod. Mr. Mocdon ' that i. was a question wbot r the govern- ment. had decided to rope: tho fourth nnnunnnthnnnh [Jule llopo of Iooovory.\ Nxw You. April 7.A-A special to the Honld lroln Lima. Peru. syn: The ill- noes from which the United Shtiuninir tar, James A. Mclionxi bu boon nn'nr- ina In-n 4-lnnulnnnd moat. nlnnnimr Aooruin amount. of ceremony is pro- Eoud in oonnoction with the Enlhhion y she archbishop of Cantor In to ex- ambuoadqr -Bayard of the log of t. a May- o or. W 'l.l`..-.. urn-1 Hbnnhgn OLA innnnu-nI nnnD_ on auuruuy mguu. A (I such to the London Tilnu from Monte deo mm chat the rovolutiomry mqvcmoub in Uruguay remains uouvo. The vornlnont. bu iIl|IQd'I decree order- ing I. o immediate noblliution of 8.000 mtioml gnu-do ol the oqiul. Th. rivnr in front. of Na: Orleans. L:.. one Mlllllppl auuun In nuu nlvur Iluulug. Word was received at Chicsgo yesterdsy that president Poster. of the L. A. W.. had appointed Henry 8. Dixon. of Dixon. III.. to fill the lssc piece on the racing bosrd with jurisdiction over Illinois, Wisconsin. Iows. Minnesota. the Dakotas snd Ne- hrsske. A I-.......l-.. n..lt:u..:..L - _.lI-I....-n ....I Tolnplonc D. DPIIII. Alexander hlcliittrick. I well-known uud hi hly roopoohod farmer. who lived about I mo from Ornngevillo. Ont.., stabbed him- self in the heart yootorduy wish 3 Inge butcher knife. Deoeued wu nhogh fty- five years of age, and was in good-nancial cimumumnoee. l\....6 T-n|-M bpilng Al Illa`:-A Inrlinnn Hr. cIl'DIllIlUuInl1- Capt. Jack`: tribe of Modre Indium liv- ing in Mndoc county, Uulifornie. in [the nei hborhoad of the scenes of captain Jan '3 treachery and general Cenhfe death in I882. are now in e pitinble condi- tion. virgin; on actual etnrution. In All there an about one hundred of the tribe left. lllull U II-II U13! commandment. Ifllli VI IIU tbtllllj tupvru 1-` --- Yon nun Dollltphuo _ Dmiol G. Griin. wiuuovm. 11-Y Iigpl this nun-nina .0. air n n`nl\E, H33` E1233 .I.'.$miT."'IE.".ix'3'?.i"ooi:'.""' ""' ' " Had ooalhu n disco-and on the ....LL..... .L.-.. A. .I .-|p- `Min-`Inna! :. .I"-T:'.".. "A'f"c'1'{ZuIs'"'B. "boon .T{E.'.'-. g. has developed most. Alarming lnnl.n|nL Mr. IlcKnn:in in now do. tsnlttlrucktuu, h -._ THIS SEASON IN PITH OF THE NEWS. YES. IIOIII . 9nd 6 clay ' woo I00 tho some mun. only Oh! not or om)`: worth in tho nt Ion. ac. mm mm. |The 13$?" ` Experience |Spring& Summer Dros Goods Cheaper than ever ihown. Ban proved `mun nuursoiory than u [no one. This In not only the oxporlonoo of one womnn but all In the past. who dofonod bu- ini until oven Isle in April. The dumnndn of our purom mantra that we Ihould always In in the cloud contact. with the notod fuhion contra. Appreciating this two we mute every pupa:-anon to no- qnnlnt ounolvu with the movements ubrond. or whonvor BRIGHT IDEA! 0 DRESS can be obtnlnod. Our uhow window: will ;lvo yous slight ides of our stock. but the department Mull will oonvlnoo At I glunoo of the Burn: and Lownou in Price of our DI-ou Goods. % Inuqluuy III I. 1'. T W stones on the come : of Wimm and Clergy until I would In nsllz IMO If than nmmranlnmd In I nl ll 1. toonoonngvuluoolautuulngu, lot n n Iuncungouhlytothoothcddo III In all right. Shounonanddocwn ought to probes ugninut choir ronovnkforlldnd mnimm their mun-al onwonq. Do lot mum aloud, and don't ogihhoudty m-.:.'::.:-.-:-.:-= -- -*-'--v ~-- if, WIIQ IIIVU III on choir nindu.-P. tho Our min at Ion. in km would be counted opening day in mast stores, so many new goods gets. showing. Inst a bin: for the Easter QAIDHI We are prepared with 3 Supcrb Stock for the Easter Trade. [STEM IEY W n 1. Animus` Q41. lunnn. Dunc-to IIIALIII OOII strut. block .o3."3xa stand. LIADIII UIDIITAIII mama street. 00 0| 8 one communion on. lull they Intoroplnood by I nl it an- tnrycrouing. Tomponnoo pooplo I toonoonngothuooldorouingo, loci A mnmnam-Mvmshnnhndch ha In Un Elli}. `Pu Lunnm UxnuuIn-:5-Mu V mus. Tolophono nu. Open Dun In In EQIIIIIEJL" Unonnxn um IIIALIIII. noon tnot. Phonon-Wanrooml, 00; dance. 91. Lowut. prion. won IHOIIDCT Win DIIDUD III. U W crossing. I wu eurpriud boonulo & hoped that with the oponi of iho spring anon you could havo lonn some mote I`, or anyway moro protable topics to can y our space. The discussion on the " ago in not. no ancient manly no this qua- tion oi crouinp. Somuhillr in duo to antiquity and I Inn 1! than am:-ma nn thn cm-no`: of Wi Iiun and V.m.1.Anmvn1---0n the `M: A I. at Ma lather : residence. Bnrriee d. Junoo Valllnncourt. 25 yum. Funeral on Thu ay M. 2:15 p.In. BLACK ANDTAN SCOTCH (X35141! PU 'l`ho,ndor will bu rewarded on ntnrll It to llncuIn.|.'u Humnu swu. nous: IN FID.s'l*-CLASS air "so. xmoolborus I.` A In 10. Ron mhodonto. Applyto . 1 . LL. Pllotoln D II`. ' - . uousn IN I mqoolboru modonto. App] phn.` \`TUDEN'l`S AND TEAOHIB3 WISHING 5 ; worthy and profitable oooupatlon for tho mmmor can cut the sumo by vtltlnc lu- Wc don't. promlu 010 per dny. but non 1 I Ohnt nor rook. For ontloulun oddnu J. Wu don't. prolnlu 010 any. but par pntloulan odd? ginxuou 3:00., as DJ.-hmond 31.1 W.. olonto. H Inluto'n"TlI0 Earth Ulrdlod." or hll Obnr around thy-*wq;~ld. 1 lhxlllln W and lnulmronu landu. Po mags : book: now, and Tho lad" I. hit latent sud grandest. `ll enormous. Eve body wont: this on: bookumly 03.50. inbook, Mg ooilo . A olalmlnolorworhormcndl (I OI d. Outtu froo. mop Ill tn _ 5.`. king of books and Inks mo ` II. Address for outt and tudtoty `ml CoIl'Mn'. star Budmn. Ohluno. Address for outt and urtitoty Tm Conn-Mn`. star Bandung. Chicago. w Iurprlluu no an ill yuiuuuy a gun- bion mother letter About the that mvnnnina, I ran nnrnrinnd hnnnnln hnnul momlod An 11 In tho ovoninc to II. AHOUSRMAID. RUST Bl WELL 3! U- D. W. l'oI.o|:n., K In strut. V vsnt good Iuun. Inquln 811.1 Y 1."ll APRIL. A GOOD GENERAL Iutx, mi king strut. Afar`! p.II). ABLAOK ANDTAN SCOTCH (XJLLII PU . liumun Bron. "" `"" '*`' '." n?a"..: _. . o :35- In an uh : `OLICIVORS WANTED ['03 DB. TAD- : Inuo`n"'l`haRart.h0lnllod."orhu mm mm chm-wrodd. lhxllllnl `hf Uppir 8|. :` 5' nu winds. manly northerly,` gum-Ally uh-and a little cooler. `rho clergy Iona! crooning. KI smx. April 7.-('l`o tho Edilol): up nnrnrilndlnnnn in vnnhlllnvh Adi. Alltelinblevand Of most ladies has been that an early purchase of BY 1.'`!I APRIL. A GOOD Gllllghla ] vnnt. nnnd inn. Innulri I AGINEEAL SERVANT. APPLY TO [I'll \Vn.lunon. H) (nun shut. 1--jr. G001) (YJOK. APPLY IN THE EVENING to Him Juan bwnrr. 181 [Inc stunt. lvullhlnton. CLOCKS ` 'T" WWVW- wumm I-no|`.\Iu.mu.` TTUA'noNs vacnrr. ixuluuu 2uuLvAN'r. Arr: \Vu.|uIuou. 60 ohm strut. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. smconp EDITION. "W.'i.nn.:nnAn -.A .- Jnln-ron AInlx|ALu$_d' ` '1`. F. HARRISON. In Ann Inunlul nmunr nnum. IIIIIIIAIII AIII III: PAINT. TO LET: ff`; COAL THAT SUITS Tho oods In Washington are Proving You nlnunu. 8|-noun. Walt. April 7.--'l`ho south QK'p0iO|l0' Lined H `- In-Inn hon Eh: III!` ud `.:lI LLVIIW LODGE. RITIVATID UN veil: 801000. Thu oomnodioun rul- donomovu-Ioollnp tho Into. has lshly been unontod throughout. All modern unann- luou. Pun-oion Immodinkly. An-l.ytoA. I. Ounmumuu. ncumno. at. Kingston. win xginjk high as a favorite among Black Drops Goods. 4: Inch, all wool, 50. _1_ AHOY HR'CUNTY HEARD FROM. "I II E".':.`::`.`'.`.:'`....`'`'.. :`.....`.`5:I`.\`.".i .'.':'.2 IIAlINO. IN ALL I13 BBANCHI8. uoeuud with autumn and dnpqtch. at Inodonk ptlou. Svooinl attention an-on to ohndzorc clothe: as Plllflall stun, our lam HIIO Wuoroo-nu. proumeuu. uood bun. onumuau and rounds. 0no~tout.h cash at limo .0: lance luaado , hug if dosltod time will be `given (or hurt irds. with lntemst us por mm. For further rtiomnn npl to Ano- uonou. or H. J. ll.I`A`l`Il(`R. If lo shop. FOR SALE OR LEASE. LAVIlW LODGE. RITIVATID 03 donomovnloollnn Intel! `HIGH CLASS '3 GENTS FURNISHINGS. Lgpu of Mllllnory L...` on aIAn`aI-no" nnr AUCTION SALE OF RESIDENCE. OHN H. IILL8 WILL (bl-`FER A1` HIS Auction Rooms. Brook 8%.. SATURDAY. April 1o\h.u 1! o'clock noon. that oomrno~ diou sud well appoluhd In-I1-l'l`wo Story Iotldonco. no Colbou-no 8:.not.wlt.h extension dlnlnc room and kitchen and modern Im- provements. Good bun. one!-nildln and (rounds. IIVUII I07 WWWIIIIITII` WIIII IIIIUIVBI ISO HUI` Euoulnn n pl Ano-` donut or H. J. umnrnma. Shop` Duos dim. guuuujuuuy yuu'y, gun ..., --.v.v. ..~, mm to-marrow onnin . `linden {or lankvn. kl. crouingrnnd dull: lo olou o-marrow at 4 p. In. A mnnlnnln II" III hlld lb 200 QUOOD ff - Ijli tr: wjzt 0! louulold Ifnrnltnro. VI-opoy. Ito. JIESIYBSORKBER Olvki AS USUAI. HIS uononul ntuntlun. ushud hy nn ox rlonood null. to this important lumnuh on. g aprinn Iuaiuou. With careful ndvuuuing. and udiolom mnnngoumnt. l have no hesita- tion 11 unusual 3 H10 host rouultn to those outrun ng mo vi thelnuslo. Karly Intima- tlon in uqnuted from those who intend to fuvgmrmo with their sale. - Lqveu ntu. Promm. uh returns. :JOH.N ll. IILLS. `.000 Brook SMQOL u:--:-3 Tho Doll: Iota Book for Will 30040 - -I-n ran -lmnnulvu by. fllllil 01000 to-lnorrow II Is p. In. A uneiosle will be held st Queen street tor B0. Jemee church tomorrow evening. Good programme end ielreeh- menu. Admission. hen cents. wmu oosnxvre. P , Vl-Perliementery; Creten Trou- bles; Feds. 2--A Silver Jubilee; Inspecting Deix-ies;Inosl'1`idln . it -Gonntry. ewe; eQueer Funerel; Misoelleny. . Page 4--Edit.eriels. P-Inge 6-Outews Lester; Merkets; Goun- e or` we. .- RJLA VA:-n Lnlnnh A MEETING OF THE LICENSE COMMISS- ionn of chic city will be old In tho Pollen Com-B Room on THU $04! . I! APB; INSTANT. M.au`olouk, for the pun- pou 0! oonuidorlnx applications for Llvunsll tldjunln tho name {or the you common- olnc on In 8! non. of which all interested thonin no rot all-od to mu notion John Elinor In 5 new npplionnt. for n Tuvorn Ialoomo Int the promhu on Princes litre op~ poalh News oloo. known In tho IloGowuu &~oport1:nnd Phllndolph L Clash-mont for 0 low Island Home foot of Brook strut. Then won luuul during the onnent Li- oonunu 57 Tnvorn Lloouos (one of them being 5 us months lioonu), ll uhnp and one w r` Mir. KT. llnIL1.l bx-unr'n. ll shop and (0 V0 cannon have been uppllod for. 5 r of the Lioonao Holnmlulouon. - w. unmnmr. J Llmnn Innnooto RS. S'l`EA'l`HY`S RESIDENCE. KING'- Iton. Loren Boone Homo. facing Muc- onnld Pork (won) beautifully nihunud on lake shore. hour CH5 Put (north). Bath room water work: an furnnooln aoodordu-. (}oo nnblu and (much house. (anh- fnoto dwollin In Toronto might be when In an Auto) only to Ins. 5-rannv. Mao- .__._.__:.____..___.___.__ $45WILL BUY ANIOE 1.1 ML! OHIOKEB IEO Phno In uoollont order. To be non M Wulo otlloo. ___ THE ATHLETIC ASHOCIATION P9.0PEB.'l`Y north of tho fenced (rounds. The unn- don 0! Earl nut will run dhootly u-ouuh Ihouloau w {oh are alone to ngrowlnq noo- uon or ciao om. Apply to J. 3. slmmn Solicitor. Olnnnm Shut. ad: Tall declared our opening display was the grandest ever held in Kingston. New arrivals yesterday. More to-day. l.I00(l nuuu IIVIUIIII Iuuu uv-uu uuuuw. `u---- dwollingln pply 5-rgnnv. License Disujiit ol KIngston| THE H. D. BIBBY C0 OAK HALL, KING STREET. - - J lllnton In April xm. ::- NEW DRESSMAKINO PARLORS. DBIAKINO. IN ALL 11% BBANCI-II9. nxaeuud with nontnou doaoatoh. AUCTION SALES III -n-nAh-nlnl En-Ihnnn Prnnnolr, `n. Fi IJIIIJ IIIIII IIUUI nu: wan. cum...- `to Paul Thonulvu by. Hlqoooi oponlng to-mon-ow. Limestone Lodge. No. 91, A.O.U.W.. Mono I|9.a.A.... 0... nlnnkil. h. nmuinnmnnd Tho But Value: and Pnttlut Doqslnu uhowu. JENKINS. HAVE YOU Spools] ulna in B0 ' and Men`: Swanson. (Judi Al svy and Whito Natural Wool n u-won. French. lnlhria an. Silk and Wool Under- unr. 6.... unit Umluwou. Fina `UWIIE Challis Effects. Crepe Effects. Tweed Eccts. Melange Effects. Prices age small. Never have ptices and styles favored the buy- ers like this season. 35c, 40c, 50c for beautiful Goods. Black Wool Grenadlne Bslhtlu Silk and Wool Under- vou. ( t`: Hair UIMIOIWOII. Silk Nockwur lmou in lhhvollnr. Juponon Silk lhndkomh oh. Initlul (.lcnu'HunmoxlStlchoc.l Hundkotohiofn. Initlnl Nnmsl Wool and Silk Hall Non. Fm: lllnnk Cauhmem Hose. Inlunl Nnuml Wool and Bill Hall Non. hue Black Cashmere Inn: thlnn numoroun to mention. All of the n on in the Kelly Bron. mm: recently bought by cu in Ian- I _________Z,, , , 5WILL . ma Pinno OUR COLORED SHIRTS. LOCAL MEMORAN DA. -'I`ho Very Lttetb. FOR BA LE. ULIDDEN. I moons: Inunut. 7( KINGSTON. ONTARIO. Order This Week In company. but it would appu- Ihtthoahlqctoducliutltonoogniulr. Pacudintlocuobnnuuofhionotlning annnlntof than 3. huoollr.Pa. outlined non` Hovovcrllndis uhllixy ovcoounbylbodounncnhbo Th Cilol tho of Ia rmmouutfau-u uvollub cl,llr.laniouud `noun lihnl nacho oping `P3: can of the interdiction of la Soloil. tho umoonot to the -L`EIoctour. by :5. Rinhonnl Chiannlii. in mid In ham CIV OPEN `III IX I@II%B III (II CD, inllllinlthodoolsntiouon tlnnb by nnvnp human. 4:! (Janina. t. of 17.0.9 VINO) OIIIII DIG 500 P) I 0 discussion snd the vrsr would be proso- cutsd as rapid! as tho nances of the country would II ow. Aonnndinn to n shlammh hrounht dawn x`lIu" WOIIIII IIIOW. Awording to a statement btought down Urdu the unfonsoon oxponau from July Int. 1398. to 24th March, I897. Imouneod ho 8l3.880. This include! 33.639 `d to ropntonutivu of otlioiulo who diodpi`; the Ionics. for civil union iuveatiguiom 85.0% in Ioquind and of thin 84.000 in in the man 0! Mr. Lnurior. For the tu- i` enquiry 83.000 was a `nod by oI'dor~in-oonnci|u|d of an an 8934 was Your Cape or ncket and be sure of getting it or Easter. Tho clpltnl Goulp. 0'l'l'.\\\`.\, April 7.--Gem-go A. Donot. secretary of the Jamaica agricultunl novi- ety. bu wrinon to the Cnmdinu undo aud commerco department pointin out: bnblo maths in Junaios for out 0. Phnrlan Guillnt. Ina haon diumiaood from OI, "3.rI'F Ill UIEIIIX IUT UCUWIUA Charles Guillot. boon dismissed from the position of postmutor, Cobourg. and Al d 1` tt ` ted ` h` ?I`::` arr :`?nnr?lE rplj(:I':I A ,|`:tAII-:nnPI!v-ncda.nnn. Aloxunuor rruu Ippulntou in ma pace. Hon. Mr. Lnnrior told I Peta-boro depu- tation that the question of com sting the Trent Valley canal had pound point of work _...-.n -- .._..:..II- -- AI... R_..-... -4` sk- 000]!!! um Buulluuuu ul nun gu\ urlmr- enlunmemher of rliemeut. when e neigned he went name and we: not called to the aemte for nven weeks After. The money hed been peid him in the or- dinny oourae of affairs. When he found that the euditor-general objected to the payment: mode he told him thot. if there was in his mind any suspicion of wrong- doing he would refund the money. The Auditor. in the published correspondence, retreated the remark: he had made pre- vlonuly and edmitted that hehed been per- fectly justilied in drawing double mileage. Senator Scott did not think anyone could ettech euegioion of any irregularity to eennnor Me een. He was entitled to the money by luv. Sir Heokenxie Bowell tenti- ed tlint. he knew nothing of aeoetor Mo- Keen hevjng heen promised e eenetnrehip prior to his being called to the senate. Walnut IN SESS|N.l Inna unsmucnnu Pll|.ll2Y.I loutot Icloon Explalno the lllonn 0hugo-A Blll To Prevent lJInry-'rho [Ann `rlnlngn from the Cnpltnl. O'1'n\u, April 6. -Tho homo at for an huor to-dny without. any pnctioal remit. beyond demon:-trating the determination oi the o position to nvnil iuolf of every toohnicu objection thou may be interposed to retard government. measures which are in nrlvnnnn nl mha Iuu-i'. The obiooaion Mr. Laurlcr Vromptly Adjourns `the House. OBJEGTION TO A BILL NOT PRINTED IN FRENCH. I0 reuru government: lnuwunae wuluu urv in advance of the tar-ill`. The objection that Mulock e bill to abolieh the superan- nuation eyrtem was not printed in the English and French languagee. ' ao- oordin ~ to a rule of the house. wae raised, Mr. Laiviere. the member for Provenoher, an e reaeon why the ooneider- ation of the billehould not he proceeded with. Mr. Daviee had laet night intimated that the franohiee bill would be taken up to-day. but the eecond reading wise not moved. apparently for the realon thatit was printed in English only. While it was ible that the 0 position to the franchise ill might taken vanta of the rule re- ferred to. it wue evi ently not antici- pated that the point would he raised in re- gard to the superannuation bill. A: the opposition would not yield to the appeal of the premier to waive the right of objection. ta- I .... -- l`.|a cl... L- .u...l.I l-In nnrhi-no HARDY S, ll_PllmI8t..lortl8ldI - lnutol oppoeluon woula not ylem no we uppeuu UK Mr. Leaner felt that he could do nothing more then move the adjournment of the house. Thereafter charges of obstructing the public hueineee were hurled across the oor. end diapla eof righteoueindignetion, eppenntly for t e benet of the country, where made on both eidee Of"the epenker e 0 ur. , Tl.` A-ul-u Ann A` r\nA`ln\:nn|In Hun:-Ann onur. The only item of preliminary business III the introduction of a bill by Mr. Quinn, of Montreel, providing that no matter whet interest me be agreed upon between n lender and e rrower the legal rut reooverehle shell be six per cent. Un- der the present lew respecting interest any rete agreed upon mny be exacted. The measure is intended to prevent the exaction of usurious retee of interest. Mr. Quinn mentioned A case in Montreal where a man obtained a loan of $l50 end paid in in- terest 85,000. In Hun -nnnta this nnrnnnn hnfnrn Han Loreen 90,000. In the eenete this afternoon before the orders of the day were called senator Mo- Keen rose to a question of privilege and read an item which appeared in one of the local papers attacking certain senatore for sitting in the house of commons with eenn~ torial appointments in their pockets and for drawing double mi leage ae members of the oommone and senatora during one eeealon. He characterised the language ae scurrilous and inanllieg the eenators re- ferred to. AI he was on of the senators referred to he deeired to make a pereonal explanation. The item was the outcome of correspondence between the auditor- :-enarnl and the clerk (1! the aenata. He OI COITUPOKIIICNX TUWXII lull Illllalll" eneral and she clerk of the senate. He s owed that. as far as he was concern- ed be had resigned his position as a member of the house of commons to make way for Sir Charles Tapper. He hsd no promise of my senatorial appoint- ment at the time and was only ssked if he would accept a senatorship after Sir Chsrles Tupper had been elected. So for as the charge of drawing double mile- aqe was concerned he felt. himself quite innocent of wrong-doing. He had obeyed the summons of the governor- rnnarnl mu 3 member of nnrliamsuh. When IQIIIIIIIIO 3&1!!! lllll -IIIIIII muting oonpu to uoovr sa.m.ooo for the value nnnllqodhohrolnnu ulna- ml tho dohodnnt unpunyfn-on the vcinofthqku-uoniuuiu III lathe put I894. `rich I0 I50 hut it gvqblinthrlhu. : n `N ,\ \ \ \ Q \ \ \

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