& . L--.-A .I..J._. .Ax._nA..| I La Minerva alleges that Dr. Mnrcotte was elected in Champlain in Ipito of money. whiskey. and other corruptiona. The other aide says the election wu won by those very things. So opinions differ. The Nova Scotia elections occur on April 20th. Sir Hibbort Tupper is managing the campaign for his party. Fourteen candi~ dates are still wanted by the caries. The liberal list is complete. What. doth this portend? ,__- Mr. Fielding uni Sir Charles Tupper have bad a tilt. on the coal duty. And Sir Charles was reminded of double-dealing and (lodging by his party on this subiect without: parallel. Sir Charles wanuto leeve Mr. Fielding alone. _- .. -..- H ..`.,.V...-...-..- ...... .......- So it goes. In every instance where vacancies have been created the sufferer: were persons who did not know how to conduct themselves in ollice and who richly deserved the release from care and anxiety which the g_o\'ernment gave lo them. The poet ollice department should be run on its merits. not as a part of any political system. its buildings should not be used for committee rooms. and its olliciale as clerk: of the contending parties. The purging the department is receiving by Mr. Mulock is in the public interest, however much it may disturb the jobber:-, whose manipulation of public ollioes has not been endorsed by the gov- ernment. IJUl'lI supper. Thereupon Hon. Mr. Taillon did on June 29th, I896. eix days after the defeat of his government, appoint Mr. Went to the said office. It having been brought. to the knowledge of the present government that Mr. Corbett's resignation was nnt un- conditional, but was only in consideration of the office being given to Mr. West, and it appearing that such action was within section 137 of the criminal code, which declares that everyone is guilty of an indictable offence who sells or agreee to sell his resignation of any office for any coneent to an appointment or re- signation, or agrees to receive any reward from the sale thereof, the government deemed it their duty to vacate an appoint- ment mnde to fill the vacancy thus impro- perly brought about, the making of which vacmcy under such circumstances: appear- ing to come within the class of evils sought to be remedied by the criminal code. hence Mr. \\'eet's appointment was cancelled." .-..._- Y- ....___ Z._aA-_-- ___L-.., L)- in i Dear Mr. Tm'Hon.--I ray iniLia1enclo- ed papers and ask Col. White to put them through. Corbett, resigns and Mills, of Annapolis. recommends Harry A. West; ns succeesor.-Youra sincerely, Charles Hib- bert, Tapper." Tharnnnnn Hnn Mr, 'I`.nillnn HM nn A'IIIlp3- Such resignation was-then communi- cated to the lube postmast,er~gouem| by A letter dated June 29th, 1896. from the said Sir C. II. Tuppor, in the following words : uI\-..._ \l.. IlV.. II__. II.-- :_:n:.I ,_, I_: UUl||3I|lUlxUIIUI'lII| III LIIU IUIIUWIIIK W(lru3: "Annapolis --l ost.musLer Corbett. wi ll re- sign if Hnrr A. West. can be appointod in his stand. )0 thin if possible; import.-mt.. They won t. disturb West. I have re- signation for Ocunwa. (Signed) Ju|I.\` B. MII.l.s. 0....L _..,..'_...-A:-.. _._.. AL-.. _-.__.., ..- ._-..r..- .. .vr.J nu... .... .v....v-.. After the defeat of the lube govern- men,_hut whilst they were still in ofiice. in mu represented to the then honornble postmaster-generel Hon. Mr. Taillnp, that A. H. Corbett. the then postmaster at. Annapolis. was prepared to resign his otlice. on condition that H. A. Wear. was appointed in his eteed, such representa- tion being contained in a certain telegram dated June 27th, 1896. sent by John B. Mills. M.l .. to Sir C. H. Tuppor, then aollnihnnoaneml. in the fnllnwxno warrin- % IIIOMPSON BOTIUNG C0., 2InPrInon-Bu-not Llllll. U.l.l-g DU DI!" U. II. III pill", DHOII solicitor-general. in the followxng words: "Annnumlin -Pnnt.mnauur nrhnn. \|IilII`n- GET1`IN(l ALL THE FACTS. The conservative papers have been filled. with the complaints of party men respect- ing the injustice of the government in deal- ingywitli old oicials. The time of reckon- ing has come. and the members of parlia- ment,witli grievances, have an opportunity to air them. So far they have been satis- ed with the answers which have been made by ministers. Mr. Mulock has been called upon for several screeds of political history, a he has the faculty of giving thointor I 'oncalledforinamostumcoept- able manne\'-to the conservatives. He goaslnto details and malaes explanations which are usually most distressing to the parties affected thereby. For instance Mr. Mills, of Annapolis, wanted to know why H. A. West, postmaster at Annapolis Royal. N.S., had been removed from ollioe. Mr. Mulook s reply was as follows : IlAl'A-._ as- _l-A`-_s .t `L. I_a- .___._.__. Iqunnly aid ttingly otigoldtiu thoniwho pony to moot its grgumonto -by ionl noon. The Globe my not In on the populnr side with regagd to the Crow : Nut Pun railway. but it: pooition can be ditpntod without alleging tint it is under tho {iominotion `of the Conodo Pacic uilwoy, and not frooto speak its mind. Mr. Mclnnon now uynho has no quar- rclvviththo Globe, that he in simply. on this railway question. doing `his best to protect his province from monopolista. This he can do without roiiecting upon in paper which,` under its present manage- ment. has been moot fair and honorable in its discussion of public questions. Row luau Dye Work: .L-- -3 h.A..L-_. _ It 4 ` in C ' `uh. all Doath.0t _a lothojkt mnimr. H.mx|.1~os. Out, April 9.--Rev. James Vanwyok. paatorol the Gore an-out Mo- thodiot church, died last night of non- ingitia after an illness of Ion than three wooka duration. Rev. Mr. Vanwyok was one of the new popular pastors in Hamil- ton. and ran roll-known and well likod wherovot ho Ind boon ohationod. Ho was odnoaeod in Alboro college. had hold charges iuvforonto and St. Calharineo and vaa pnpandhaooopt aoall tondorod hula (tun tho Broadway uhornaolo. Toronto. 5: tlneloooof I.|oiII'a-onloonfuoncuoru. Ho was `clout 1)! Hamilton ooafounoo and tho non! will to onion in chap by [NO lly `on load non. Ir. Van- Wyok lawn a widow and "call. LIIU uvusuu no Won 6 let you l'ol'0l7 0V0!` the bridge. At lonst. so I`ve heard psople say. Is faring that you Might. just. tumble through, And damages he'd burn to pay. ' But. don t. let us wort the chsirmun by prolonging this my. Bub go down on our knees and ask him in ' pitty To pull dbwn his old bridge and pnoeont. to the city A hlndnnonn nlnnn Iurhlnn IIIIUU On the bridge." The reason he won't let you trot over the bridxro. _YRNE-`S-3 'c`o`.'. The winds they blow keenly across this line bridge, This elongated mess of old boards, ` Them inn}. 3 place To shelter your face And not one near. this toll bridge affords: When you're driving. lull frozen. the chair- man so kind Sticks up Q notice to say no you-Mini If you no factor than walking I'll have you lined f\.. AL- L-:_I__ n Though the city of lime had plenty of stone And quarries all over the place: The bridge was of wood S I ! And not. n soul could A bit. of beauty or ornament trace. It looked like some scanlling picked up cheap at a smile And how and there fastened with a rusty old mail, You have to look twice the you lean on a mil t AL- |__:J,_ LIIUIII llllflll DIIU Uu'lHUr. The results of the medical exnlninatiomz will be posted no-morrow morning. A large number of the modicals have already `hit for home. A ....... _-.....I..n:-.. L,, L_,, W, I n uuvucl Iuulunl In. uy u.\y 0!` gazed at, Dy night, Was, and people came miles to look at the Eight, ' Th |\ri:'n-n That Brldge. The city of lime was A very fine place With every description of building : Cathedrals there were. A ne market .-qunrc. And some of the houses had gilding ! But what really caused Llidiatestdeliglil, Whether looked at by day or gazed at. by ninht. IUII. IUI HUN)- A new regulation has been made in re` card to the library. Students may securo books from the library for use during the summer on payment of at certain deposit for every book taken out. uu uuuu up nuxo nul, \'l/... "113 loll Line) In." and "Much Ado About Nothing." The parts in the plays were a~=sigIIe(l to the di'erent members who will prepaxo them (luring the summer. TI... m...Io. nl` pl. ...-.I.....1 ....... apunu (U EHO H0[l(.`e. The amend.-moo at the Alma Mater ao- cinty has also fallen ml`. At. the meeting to morrow evening, tha Journal staff for next. session will` he named. A m.mo.`.... nf I-I... I\...`....4:.. ......:-n.. .-.-_ uc.\u avenluu Wlll ms Illlllfll. A meeting; of the l)rmm\tin so~iel_v was held _veaterd.\jr afrornnon, Two nlays wull bu Lnkou up next. fall, \'i/... As You Like It." and "Hnmh Adm Akanf Nnllninn |.I\l|; us you u l[lI'llllll| lZ3IlIllU'.: U8 UUDHIIIUU. A meeting of the Levann society was to have been held _\`e.~zterdm' afternoon [or llw purpose of bidding farowell to the membe. a of the graduating class, but the ladies were too busily engaged with chair studies to re- spond to the notice. ' Th: nttnnrlunnn at Hun Ala-an Klan... EI\ re Wohder ' OK; -nnltl nu Avhlklll. uuuulluu unul Lu!) '. 1Ln IIISD. Few meetings of the your have been held lately. 99 had a nal meeting on Tuesday afternoon at. which a short programme was rondored, and business of the session com- pleted. A meeting of the curamra of the rendingroom was cnilod several days ago but as yet. u quorum cannot be obtained. A mnntinn nf Hun 'A\'nnn nnninlu Iron In UUTIVUII. St. James` chapter, brotherhood of Sb. Andrew. hold: regular session last even- ing. Only routine business was taken up. A copy of the proposed programme for the international convention to be held in Butlhln next October was presented. Sb. James` clmpt.or will send (lelegatcs. Ullvllscl UlUB.. IV IIIIKIHHLTDCE, llllll organiz- ed, these oioern being chosen: Chair- man, Alderman J. A. Minnee; aub-chair men. A. Savage, \V. H. Macnee, L. Hen derson. Q` [______) _`___,A_, I .1 I , 1 r n. ua nu n-Juuuulg In. yuxnnlop, l\|l|g crb. Last evening the young conservatives of Bydenhnm ward met at. the olce of Savage Broa.. \VilIimnat.reet. and organiz- ed. these oinarn hninrr nhnann- (`.hnir- (BIN UIILII y9IC0l'ay. See us Saturday. we can give you doth- ing bargains which no other house can ap- proach. We have mi immense stock and we wish you ' to be a fellow- orkmnn with us in reducing in. Dunlop, ing streets. oveninu l .h`n vnnnn nnnnnrvntivnn G. UU. Until yesterday nftornnon 'h~re had been no regular meeting of no local board of health since January 2uoh, and a letter written in that month to llr. Walkem as chairman of the board was not tend until yesterday. 880 SlLtul'duv_ wn r-nn oivn vnu rnfh. quusn.Ies~-Hcruunlllg and stove crushes, l'earlim=. Sapolio, Silioo. Elecbro Silicon. Sakm. Silver Dusb.oLc.. occ. Jae. Rodden at C0. l1_n.`| ......A-.__I.__ p. .I H I I I'UlIU'Ill l IUlII\IUNlan "An uufnrtulmlo at-curranno" for our cmnpetdloni in the inLroducl.inn to the pub- lic of our $3 men's puits. hal always been We selling gure. Dunlop, King street. A full supply of house-cleaning ro- quisiLies~-acrubbing and stove brushes, l'earlim=. Sannlin. Rilim T<`.|nr-h-n Qilinm. ye-wruny. Pancakes made from Quaker self-rising buckwheat. our, with mnple syrup, mu] :1 run of Redd:-n`u gum! mbe umkes an ex oellent. breakfast. I-.\.. ....|`.\..s......A- _-.,-..-r.A_" IR A V nuuuuu (Y. U0: Most men btiyn spring suit. be it ordered or ready-undo Dunlop can fill the bill for you. See his now opting suits and auitiums. Mina K. Bfvlnll. who has been vinitimr I uourwu u;. r. I>'Annuoo,_ you. can am now apnng suits and aumums. Bryann, who has been visiting friends in New York during the past three weeks. returned toher home in this city ye-lerdny. ' Pnnnnlmn nmuln (mam n.ml..... .nl6 ...:.:..... QuEEN'UaiivesisTfv"Notes. uucu IUUUIVUII I [OW 0530! OK BOIDIIID ontsup in bins, price 10. per Lin. Jae. Roddon at C0. LI..- ........ L..`..- -. v -- I , -- 0 I man I pt plnu `L58. ee mom. Mr. and Mn. Jnmu Bro-vn. Bollovilla. are spending the week among friends in Kingston. Just mosivul . r-... ....... II: o.......a.. I :1. Thrfamnly ol the `lam Rev. Mr. Portoous hnve returned to Kinguton to live. . Dunlap : Saturday upeoinl. 75 pairs mon I82puntp 31.35. See them. Mr` And Mu .l.....-- n......... n-n-..m- ---..._-- want the Buy Ropoorl caught on an IMI. 1ll`.u "u . J`-M F00lV0d I few cues of tomato mtlnn in tin: n.-.5... In. ..... :.. I..- III, A handoomo atone bridge. A. K. wzgie. n~n1t$h?. Amy, 9. 1391 wt-no-3` vo/mo war-`Ts. from Any Point of View Of the bridge. ' The bridge. I--'---"` --' anrhhhlhnnnn UIITIIIIIIIIK It um-only adds to his appear-nun. for It comes down too far over his noun, and ootnowhnt gives oue lho lnaptvssion of n Derby hat worn on the back of the head and pulled down over the ears. lndautl, it is only the King`: majestic suture and dignied bearing that preserves bin nun looking i-kltonlom when he in [at h upon his head. ' __ -_-.... _..-. ...- wiiavillo The sovereign who makes useothjs crown most frequently is that most alm- plo. unnt-curd. nnd dmnocmtlc of all monarchs of I-Zuropo, King Osmr of Sweden, who done it each time that he opens Parliament at stookholm or at. Chrtatianln. I5 ...-_..I- -_I_l- A- 1 n. V - ` nun` pu-in-u uuruugn lill` t'.`Irlli:I;rI' of his no,:i- mid :\ pipv ineu-rtmi thvn~`.n. Then, in oniu-r to rvminr tho punishlnvnt. mun iiumrt~.J. to tho muititudv, ho was .~n`at1*(i on tho imvk of M) as: with i ii\' f:It`v- in Him oily. whiiv vrivr Ul`1)(`i.'|ill)(`d his I)iT(`li.\`l` and its meritml punishment. amordimz to the law of the` sultan. Not less vruol \`i't`R` the burimritim iliir-ini upon Russian `:I]hj(`(` who, umiur (`zar Miohnoi Fl`(iUl'UWiIl., \\'Pl`0 puhii<`l_v knouted for using t0hm`(`n In any form-- in sonic instances thvir nostrils living split open. If miiity of (I Rm`0|`IIl oifvnso, doatii ninno oouixi wipe out the crime. The zunbnssadors of tho dukuof Holstein. who visitoxi M0soo\\` in 1634. miato that they were (~_vn-witno.\-~a of n `puhiiv ex- hibition of this kind. when eight. men nnd one woman we-ru punishvd with (`no knout for selling toixu-voanti hramly. By way of pniiiating this Russian Mmrity, they wen informed that hons:-s `in . Mos- cow had been set on tim by smokors fail- ing asleep and dropping their iightet! * `pipes. |vuu|.~unu-IILIII II .N'( llI`(X}' IHPK \\'lll) Il.'l(l IWPII nutghr ml:u~1n;z tho l\lll`dt`ll nf life with tho vnpur of his nvw fnuml joy. .`~'hurt- lived, Imwvvur, xvns hi.-` lmpp2l1u<.-'; hr was dx-a;z_wd hvfuru tho Irilmrml nml ~0mlmnn<-cl tnthn tvrtnw uf having n lmlv pivrvvd through the` r.-nrtil:Ig'o- of his vmci niw hl\`m'h-cl Hu\rn'n vmum loodore Irwin, "` ` '`"' "W- * Dvolnmolonnlun and Pruning. --uuu_u.~, \u I Iruu1u|\', Ill IIIF (I lulu, In-nix ts-stlnmn_v nf .~`imil.-tr ('rImlt_v by .\|ulmmInvIi IV. I)ur .-'tu_r.< in ('un.~`l:uItiImph-. hr \\'i(nv puni. u .-H11-My Turk win I .~`nl:u'imz I thu \`\'.`I h.-app}: lrihm mmlmnnml In tho h: v.-urtil.-ng-r In cu nvul -u nhu. In 9...! A|~r-- -- -nu u_v, LIIIH uvlllull (II \\`ns vmhrnllml by .\ivnt lrot`.-nlw um`. I! hl`l' Inns! Tho Turks. um]:-r Ann sim|l:n`|_v puni:~'h:>d fur mlh-L .-ugninst .~mnkin_: H.-u1d_\`.~`, of Puntvfrm-. I lwnre tn-stlmnnv 1-rl nhw I... \l.. ...... ... \. mu null .~uuuu'u, IIHH HM` ll').\'l`.`~` If .-m_\' who \`v`llYllI`l`tl M anutf. (In ~ mu not-.'\.~'iul1. ho Hm-\\' an llllful'tIllmh' In.-m \\'hnm ha` (li:~'m\'(-nwl svllinpr lnluwvo, hm n llrv. alum: with his gmnlu`. Yut, lay and by, this dunmn uf vruulty himsq-ll vm.ln-nllmi hr \i.\mIm.'.: ..1.......... . u I H`. nlrluln 1., (II Hm lips of those \ m' V ..n.. .. rurll III \\'hiu-h 1 A4. .I ... . ullu \\l U llw H-umn.~ H11` K:-pr IIIUISI. silk thrw:uL~` p.'a.~<:~; through thu in.~'rrum-Am lwfurw him, -01` \\'nl.-1m|--kwps in mus It. is rvmurknhlo to rs--0 wil tlw \\'nrI;a-rs n-t'ngn|;'.v thn sl lIII\l\l` Llll`Ill. Thu \\`v.'\\'|m.z nte:mu~ vnuoull [)i(`tllrt`.1|lln prom- vmnnuutv fur vlu. |)I\lu|\'.`l[lIl` p['lll`(" . In ]\I`1`pt|I`hl{t umnnwdity for mu mnrkn-t. The ex \\'0ndz-n :lp|llImI<'n nn whlvh lhu sll wnuml is gvzwx-.-\|l_\' in 1-hnnro uf .1 I and u wmmm, or a man and n lmy lllllll .\`if..~l ull hi: hm-L nn u l------ mm nnpuu Ia Ulll` 01 (`.\`[l`\` wqx-1-iull_\' when tho pz:u_\l tluttnr nhnut In thv pm with tho sparkling hlun nlmw them. 7I`|.. ... . .- . I An Ornament n. 15. U1 cuurst-, um uxm-um (`.hN\piiI`R6 of labor which gives India such an ml-' vnntngo over most; other silk-producing countries. At present. them is llttlu \wl~ Clllll for nnodorn nmvhmnry unlithv primitive Ilwthxxls which lmvo lmun {ul- iowe-d for ugzesure still in gem-mi use. 1\iust. of tim roaring is dune Ivy the natives in their h0lll(`l'l. whiio tho wild tux-zsnr covcmns um mih-(`iml hy tho Sun- mi.~x-th~ grout hunting mm jungle trim of Bvm:nl-\vim go out with nlnrgv unmuntuf suporstit-inn and with many strnnga ulwarvnxwan to gntiwr tin-ir hu'~ \"ust.. 'l`h~ tussnr mwmns um .-uiixjeon-d to 1u'.i1mnicui lmth hefuro tiwy um gxivvn the mune ll't`.i|tnH`ilL as tha cultivate-d vurieLl'c:-x. During Lhcdrylm: procassoxa the:-m)un.~'nrn nprvmi nut in innnvnse trays m.-uluni pinin-xi pnlln-i1>n\'1-.~`. and tho slgilt. is mm of (`.\`twnm hrillianvy, nuvuu-iniiu uni... cl... ....--I- I vuvlulln, nuyrl DI10 LIIUPIBRO DMV8. - An entinvly naw not of eggs has boon introduced in many places, pm-fectly {me from t-hmmint of the old (lisemms, and as u consaquenco them in already is de- cided advance In the product. The species of worms at present. most slum.-onsflnlly lured is one which develops mum rapidly than does the usual kind, . um! they (lo~ mum! as food the mullx-rry Inn! in is de- cldmlly mu-i_v stage. As 15 mnsvquumx tin-.re um vhln aft.-r uids of umlborr_\` shrubs. which um lmrvz-arm! at an ear]; smgo, mur-h as grain is vut. It `H Hf-,.,,",.m. n... .,.g......... ..n.....-.-.~r we uuu_)t-on u mmvu who had been trained for his work In England and Franco and who has already dwmlnpllshed much mnnng aha nam-as toward breaking down their old nw-ndnn to modern inno- vations, says the Glnlmgo Nmvs. An mlmlv naw an}. n! n...... |..._ 1.--- _'l hs chenfmou of Labor Gives the Country an Advnninge. _` , One of the most dangerous iniluenes whichihas oounhsd Against the success of the silk industry in India is the diseases among the worms. The Indian Govern- ment has recently planed at the head oi. M the subJeot"n native who had been ` work in Enulmul mm m.......... ....a _j.__.-.:.j___. A King and Ill: Crown. . mun nnu-Ir M! M1` Ill! '1 x~`lh.:htv: - In thivkm-.<.- nf thv tlu-muls, n -In its own skc-In with an: wh in lm...\_.~s|.x.. .. ... . Fllv.` ull u In-nu-h I n- I-In;zl.i.-zhlm-n mnukud and I.-nuzlw: r king s wumlrnus w.-:_v.- or ;,:nnv|N vn.-\Muu.< grip upon thnir 1....-1;, lInI|\lll .nhIe u-.-nu Gnu. u unv-upon Illl` l`u'Il'lIl.'I'l` (W "I9 u murv n.......,L. ..r mm -- Ix-u u_\ .\ ll`l|l Ill R forw nvulnvu \. AL K; W. Snidei"s Photo Parlors _L._, n____ unll hl\|'lll \\`l lllpl).-.~`)]1` <`.\'\'n x who hu\'\- dm Ill, HI` I M: I lwfm .-\ NJ I} \Tl-I INDIA sH.'K7. .,. ... ...- mun I|Ulll nu!` ms is mm of the nuns! r-:)-ms-s in pm-purim: the `Hm crude In-nun lhn silk is r.-nllr in .-hum... ..r - I II (I III 4 hurl.-a ._..._,... n \| nu vmvnb am .pr-vml vluin-d g.::u_ql_v vlml nuthos n goldvn sunlight. ling hlun sky bending (If (hp Iulll I3 1 . Um oxm-nm clwapmw V95 Imlln mmh nu ml.- -9 Ill] :1 hath -....i.. v"'----'v vv-v vvvAA\-A van-noun.-. .- '"m' FIRE Business. LONDON. ENG. W. J. B. WHITE, - Agent. Kingston. un um-My nllllsvll `nthufs u-lmrms and hi fnv-1-nnr .l. nuuuu |\.. \\`|`l`( hr jnfrinpzinu: his 33!. Sir lidwnnl in his tmvvls in u('1,;:_nl' I During: rhis u. \\`i(m`.~.~'u\d G19 \\'hn h:ul IWPII xrd.-n numl h.`|p])3l1nw`.'~`; lnwx .f I... . m Iv: \l'l numth .u-s {uI.. um 15 lUII_ll, l'lIIB'((l .th in \\'hh-hthv -`t. \\'hH~ Ilu,-. Inn zh his llmn-rs Iv hn. \\'hk-h-tho lmy mn~`t:|nt. rntutlml. with \\`h.'|t .-kill Inn.-Il..I\o.... .|:n-._ IlI"ll |"lV'I\|'l.`. fI`0:llill;.r llwh n fur luring n nuvvlty. In jmlnlli aitrifv gl... . .n._ .-ail k from the \ f H... .. n nlll uI'\`|ll`(H'_\ to Hm nlvn ml thuir live. 1 (Iv\`utz*c-q_ I \' , rum (Ill and tlw ml`. H... ... 5.. Gems In Art. ,; f x}LsT:".LSIieI \ mu : 1':~`f. di'nr~ `, pun-ingz 1 l|I`(`lll`)ll`\ _v . Ill nlmvm a nu` illwd nont it-ted {`z.-tr llcly 111-- Run I-I nmmu-r, strm-k us u-'u1 port. It nouns, his Volvo and cunw lwnr to \'l` of <~-mrsv. was a IInn'_v I fnrgvt \` u\I...._I Iv \' H I lllllll r; the I`:I|. .I. 0 I. . (Dill IQ II- SM~--And did your mend (lake 00 CI ` can adviov.` Ho-( `urtainiy. ` "A ml did be pay for It!" . "Well, I should mthcrlny In Old! I00 and !"-Yonkon sauna. luauzu. now, u |_\`r|c In almost all muslo and (Ines nut. <-hlvy nddroqu the under- pmndlngl And if \\`I` ham no noon to It and no voice for singing, but um mducedto tho Inocmsily of delivering It in speaking tours, nurvly we must mntrim iomo kind of (`I(`\`l|N0 ol manner. some ralslng and cl.-ltlnn of the voice, some special modula- tion. mum than usual emu-ndor to the rhythm. man than usual ni-gloct of grll`-l~ nlllllk`-`ll rvlmlons and of the dictionary pmnunclntlon of wordn.-Jbu`nnl of Pd- vcvn _, . V 'l'lw Into .1 fnrtnnv tn 1 uwn |m(*nI: : -mn muliun<-:~ Lln`Inur1*:|tv nun u n........ MCKEVU/`Ey` M BIRCH '\`_ 'Kmos1'0"` ` .. .. . 7 u: u: u_\ in wow mum HOW Lhv lnumuv |mum`;ml the matter. 'l`onny- so ixml.-nu-11 by Mr. Fields, strum-k u-'unll_v us wry quovr. fur the port. struck an attitude. r~lovnkxl his prncculcd to It do.H"wry that cnnw vvritnblv (,-hunting. The piece, at an high pitvhcd `lyric--l am sorry xx hnt--pussil)ly it was {mm '.\I:uul." Now, lyric ls nlmst J md um. nhlnv ...I.a..m4.. um-----I-m I-ml! AND Lira Assurance Co.. 75 & 77J`3n|NcEs'smEET. [THE ANTEL`oPE" 1ICYC [E ELLIOTT BROS.,g & 77 DDINCFRS QTDFI -`T unit: nnnn nu Now traverse the universe as you may. And on an "Ante|ope 'tis but play. From Bersheba to Dan. They all say to a man W There is nothing can cope With the Antelope." `ft-nnymn and Fleldl. C J.'u:u:~ '1`. Fivlds had the good Lu lwur TI`l`.,`)_\'.\`0ll rend uno of his ll.` Hill` \\':|-4 szu 1- inul rn kl" A .....-a ..-.u 1--r.;2_\.-nu n'nu 01 his and \\'.-1.-< as; kind to his Am0rl- -:~-= as to try (I show them how ' Innnmrnl Hm nmn.... 'l`n----- FOR" 1897 We have them in 7b'0th*3 `plain and oil finish. ' And the prices are right. LATEST PATTERN, smouc ANIS WELL mos. Iheuardian] STEP LADDERS I worm TO THE Huts:-:, $ S, 6. 7, 8, I0 and 12 Feet. Yonr homo nlrron your chunchr. Tho walls and dvoontlonn tall the story. Now in the and , when everything In qvnhnl and buil- ding Into beauty. In the mm to - change in nwoonnoo. - -' 1; If We an at your service. an! with the ad of Point. Wnlihpr. Rm. we can nah you loin clout. might and ehoorml. No Groublo to -how good: and answer quoouou. -`.-. ~`-Q; _` ..-won quuuu '~'*=4. Ix Rol;lt'1'.'son% Br 5;, % nun-. Duonmmuunu . 218-? MW! IT. REFLECTSW you. _IuFas7oi. oN`r_ ::jn-:n?-..-.n.._J V` ,I\ J McLAUGHLlN Ms THEM. W. G. Fro:t`,"(_I;;'riage Painter. Kin: mam. next to Electric 0:! Shodn. 00 YOU LIKE A NEW IURN-OUT w. Jlhkvson, ' lhtwann Pdnnmu U) OIII the hool V I Down Stoves; A. :.":?ii6b's, drinhct: of the , F , } %cAu:noNu\ wA1-pus . . -o,`Iyl '-`O .` > ` _ A, .9 .; L334} . DENTS J.\7I"i52"vii'." 7! '2'$WF! rvuvwl M..W. no:Ia.T.?i.I'Xen,s: `V I TO I I IIB `(III I IIISIJ I IIXIIA/I King street. next to Electric On Shodn. % POWELL, ` The Loading Oman` Floor Plmognphor. to I houuln R pica tonne. Those who intend creating one tho coming aprlnn would an sample: at Ornament Wlro orku. Ohonpatrona. durnhlo fonoon, dlonntruournm Also oval`! Quotin- tlou of w n work and wire cloth manu- fnoiund by. IIA II1'I'IIl\l\l' nnmunnum Ilffll -IlI VVUYIQ Fhunddu ..A._. IA -- Biore Buying Thu In what people any of our Outhou- ono nlahod photon. call up 315 and Inch your onnuunont for menu. one tlnlallod photon. Call an 515 I your onucunont mung. me womvo the that stock otwlnoququorn. uoound pot. x in tho Gt! It OUR NIW 8'10 tnanwn, IUIIIDII VV TIIYTI ol tho world on oxhlbltion 1: No.9 Iontroal menu. 89. loll uounlou nu-mum onnbooui Q. 0 French rfootion Dnuom n zlyahm whlnh In bola: zlvon urn at tho Pu-foouon Dlilloullll System Ming glvon awn than nddnu. Dnulnk I. don 5| hull ngnlnr prion until lqb. m. .-4. 1. A4; -1-,,,. ,_.n. g . W IJ1 I IJIIIII. I 3.. :..`iT'.33. cf:..'..""' """""" '" J. unvsow. .... n.......,.... Botwoon Princess and Brock Sh. Ith dulnblo to in vol! dnuod to Inn your olothu well mndo. porhot 1! Mn: ondln tho hunt at lei. You V Ibo all right! yougo trimmed and ropalnboa. Onrprlou are oonsiuhnt with high undo work. We've good ptoraao room for Sleigh: A ._ , A - - - -1: not neneuary this spring. ` your old vehicle to us and have i trimmed and repainted. Om-mien Economy. %I'~l 60' Ra;-=`*='..~=.a on Winn manor: a nu! nductinnin v I`|M.InusndCnrbona.h photm. _ Now In you chunoo. Oallnml now: k. Crayon Inna {mm the unulloutjmlnlturo. No stun tq olhnb. w. pw.". 105 Iiglxggrggs 3-r.. "i'Xiiininit'ir'.' `I Ddnnnnl nhtnat In I II; Illlllll` llll' Ill. Tlnnnulthlng In all its bnnohos. Qnlluk. satisfactory work. tuuonnblo pr con. re I; no `manor Job 0;: earth 1! you '0 know how. ` Yu nun uve all the dirt and worry lay IOIMHIII for us. I oIu..-..un.|..- 1.. -n u- |.--..-\.-.. I YIIIU YT. IE|' 2OOPrlaoou8u~c. `an an tunluhod I com o! an 1'. of ours. Bria` I. on horn and mute; ooijo of Mum. We've lmmoloto p Int for In nnfnoturlna qzlonnoos ol ovary dew ptlon. hl pan and vohlolu bocomo ,o----w- v - _.-_v - _.- --- Thno anon ubovo Opora Homo. ~5t:III7':aI|T romjfzna. ururw----uv --vw - Thu! could ho mend! it ullnplo ox- Onvunnoou Our pnolnh don't show; ,_ our solos and Incl: no noncnou Itself; our prion no low. For nythtnc In l`lno Orduod loo :,A ` BREAD that in `him. ROLLS that no light. CAKE out of night. PIES just tight. : -1' .lI:`!ouI unhonlpn noru.on.~ no the NEW BARNES. In many 0 lat fouunus (311 Barnes patents) o l:II"llIDh Jolnu. ow . mono no aunt. an In shying it h who on): pohblg on the bow . I'I_I_Q__- .. A -.-__4 lnul-'-In--n Your '97 BISYOLI he mu ind the NB BARNES. In nllllnnh Jnlnu. no . Mu-au_ununuu..xnuuo-L . `1 '0 `n er'l .. `mu D II lontroal Scuba. '9 Prinoun & Brook am. E ORB.`-IOENT WIRE I \VOBKS.ll5 [Inc on. nu the Largest Paid-up Cspltal of my Company in the World transacting 1 5. 33.f'{?`b'.f.'x'7a: P13`; -1737-3 I raw - 1-.` cross in iuu.."'""..'u'. m Prlncau "smx '" 5WlIh:- nd. Send I It to- Inuwly, HI l|Il' All! I lltndtt`. "W0 tlnnln nun `who uycor in- dnmkd tho Gloh polkyon tho l}v`I Nab hnnllun -an dinhhd nr unuuu IIIII ill unuvrpolnyon the humility vudlo on-I ovIIuu2nuh:l.dhnnka~ lndinnn -, nu IIK I W . Won Glut tholmn who says or in- Iimnho I the policy of the Glohoon public qucttiono is diohud or inlluonoed. directly or indirectly. by the Canadian Facile nilvny. anyone oqnnooud with tlnlhnulhn Pacic railway. on-anyone luring darlings with tho Cundim Pacic railway, in: Int qnd olnndoror. "WI :9 Inkling -A- -L4u `gum... in. _-_, - nun-nu. nu --.-v . "According to the Hunurd report. Mr. lclnnu, of Vancouver. toward the olooo 0! his venomous stuck on the Globe. said : `After all this month: of probondod dia- cuuion and unfair ouhmonc of tholocta with record to this mntur (that in the Crow : Nat Pun rlllilyl they nally pre- and to oonotothe conolunion than the Onnadlnn Phoic railway. their mutorr. ahould build that line many can to the country. _ "W0 my that cho mun who make: the Ihullont that the Canadian Pacic rall- uro the `unseen of an Gloho in a list A Chillin- .... .,....e......,..., .. ..... w......,. Mr. Mclnnea does not fnvor the policy ndvoootod by the Globe, but his mietnke has been to accept and repeat the insinua- tiona of conservative pepers. and to ellect that the Globe is not free to not indepen- dently upon the question. The Globe hid occasion to dispute the assertion, and `to any that the one who uttered it was "a ehnderer and liar." This mode Mr. Mo- Innea very mad, and he bulked of calling the editor before the her of the house. The Globe does not. wince in the leut_he_fowre these threnta. On the contrary, in yester- day's icon. it up : lIA..._.I:__ A- AL- I'l'__-,_.| _-, , . In -_--.`~ ---v... -.-.. -uIn\.I\. uuunw. A carious dierence has occurred bo- twoen Mr. Mclnneo. M.l`., representing Vancouver. B.C.. and the Globe. and in reference to the latter : attitude on the Crow's Nest Pun railway. The Globe has lavorod the granting of a charter and aid to the Canadian Pacific railway on the ground that it can beat carry on the work. no part of A great. continental system. and subject. to such terms and conditions as will be aatiefaotory in the country. Mr \Cnl.u... A..- ...`A 3...... AL. _-|:__ HITTING FROM THE SHOULDEIC. `cm woo Ann com. mm $4.50 A `ION. `Y v..v..._ -_... Qanncv ul In the senate, on one of these intervals which frequently occur in the senate, for rest and recreation, a member complained that a door of communication between the basement of the commons and aonnte had been opened, and that representatives of the elective chnmber could. ll they chose, wander into the restaurant at the senate and there regale themselves as they pleased.` This member went fur- ther in his declarations, and said it was scnrcely fair to the house of commons that its desire to prohibit the use of liquors should be frustrated by allowing the mem- bers to have access to the senate refresh` ment rooms. Moreover, "this was de- rogatory to the dignity of the senate and in contravention of the orders passed by the upper house last session. There was members more talk from other to the effect that the commons was not trying to enforce its order, and that the caterer had an eye to an exten- sion oi his business by the establishment of conveniences on his own account. All of which is not pleasant reading. and reading not at all creditable to the legisla- tors. The temperance men in the house may not be exploring in the basement of the house as much as some others, and may not see all that is going on, but they should insist that the or- ders of the house are obeyed by every one` and to the very lotter, and the devices known to the illicit trade generally are not resorted to in parliament. The senate. too, should have no rest from its prohibition advocates until it closes its bar also. The example it is setting, of running a bar in the face of public sentiment. and of tempting the commoners to do wrong. is not, an exhilarating spec- tacle. ' ':lH;F._ `DAILAY iwmc`. uoncnct. udvortlnu nllowod two nlumln PM week; more f nnul. clung lnllsl be path! for. The uhlla or wlll not be nm on- waln for mlunn onunndln of vorbnl n on. rltton dlroctlom ghoul In rlnmml (in all 0 t to I o npprovul of the publlnhar. . A :3 Tu for ndvutlnomonu and nulmorlp- clan: are u and puynbloln advance. Olnon o unlnoo mud Isuoolltlonu or soclou will bo hol pononnlly ruponslblo for order: they (in. ' THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG I Dllol. OI columns, in pnhllnhod ovary Tlmmiu morn `! at 01 I nor, 1! psld ln sdunoo; othcrwln r u-. su-wnnuv 1. published on non. dnln and '1`lm:-udnyn st. 01 I you In ndvnnco; Cl. Iothorivlu. _ Attached to `.110 paper In one of the but Jab Olool In Olnndn; npld. stylish and ebony work; ntno Imptovod prlntln pron. EDW. .B. PENSE. ~ JOHN OHORD > Pmprluor. Aulalnnt. ulnou llsnnnr. lle - - I48; ltnrlnl - . - . uhlh. o Efor lnrrtlon. All uulver laments are n In co the Inch. ` Blythe. Herr! or Dentin. one lnurtnon, .- twolmen-I an: `no. entnbont and found Penonele. Aruclon for eele. eta , la. pet word in dell: lame; mini- mum che Jae. Beedln rgothee Mo. ue; reduced rate when e epley ecive eeunent ncoompnnlel. 0|` ovooncreote for over we llnee. Ilnlmun olbeoree !or e nottoe. mo. ntreote (or e epeoled epeoe ere mede for Ion! Oennl for mercantile ennounoementu, but not on of he] vented. for sale. to-let. pout- nerehipe. ten re or anything be and some] ennonnoemenc of code or men nature: to: eele ere excluded . rd epeoee lor pmfoulunulg tumrence or agency announcements ere nub- Jeot. to elumer rozwriuuun. Contllct Advnrtlenn nllnwul tin nlmn-en ": :"...'::`.`;.'.",f:`..'"...... .: ~33 `nun than 5.70. ' go_ It moon by I solid. ooslo. twolvo mm to 0 Inch. mlthl. In!-rlnnnn nu Ihnthn, nun Inunrtunn, I - um tint. , `I'll: mrmlm-an Wma In pnbnahoa very 2.`.".:'.`.`:.":. `;`..}1'.'.`.}.':.'+'.t1':... . ."I:.' Mina; ot.barviuI'uowIuboo'ha . . mtlnurllon vo um: and over. we. put lino. In oonnoon n lnuruon. so. 7 One: A uni. n Minn `ml nun, ma 6! mm to numlar noutrluuun. III took; fnannnt. ohunnn ' '.1;QULIJTY NO. ZNUT. _,IoIK'LLD DRY KINDDIO $11750. gg-I an _ _ 4 ngg. -. ANNouf:_c_I3mEN1`. "cT.6??FEE{1{'J :7." '1:-I60 focal an making `:1 low 0! conic)` min; chip :0 I coach. J.0nig&Oo. uv uncut wintry. ha Maw: We no Iollingvtho PfiOl- Como in gvvw -UK: II" IIUTKII A. Packet, of Poecrboro. will opon out 3 than dyeing And uconring work: at 190 Wolhngton utnot. ncxv no Johnston`: jewelry store, _on Monday non. Senator Bolieroao bu it thnb Manitoba in in 1 man of revolt. int as much as in l8"0 bonthotroopawonaont `'1 B01. :l"hooldnnnhu|hooinhiab.II`;::. The Toronto Telegram did not see any haynoodo in Mr. Hnycocls hair when he voted for the government : mining policy. In in muny I day since Joseph wu deco- rated with hcysoeda. friend. The London Advertiser says Mr. Foster in troubled with "nesiduoua ecidity." Everyone knew there was eomething emies, but who ever would have thought. of this 1 `Bear [qt Mind