nuuw co a nun. Can you nd n case of Bright`: disease of the kidneys, diabetes. urinary or liver complaints that is curable. that Hop Bit- ters has not or cannot cure? Ask your neighbors if they can. The Ba of Quinta By. new short: lino for T . Napnnoe, Deseronto and nll local points. Train loaves City Hall dopot at-l p.m. R. J. Wilson. agent. C.P..R. belegraph ollioe Clarence an-ooh Id. the `null, no brokutln. me iovo:a%n s` Theo shah so- oordinz to e l uette. outs alone. orni- erly-he squat `and on from `snug trey placed on the floor. But since come- in: to Tehdrui he has bun persuaded to- sit upon 3 mattress and eat from 0 table about a foot high. At firsts hints cloth was on the table; but he was told it would be much nicer if he had a white cloth. and so as white cloth is qow used. Batwoeniiifty and sixty dishes are served. but If `majes- ty touches only two or three. rst he will out greased rlce. followed by as chicken or some grilled morsels of mut- ton, laid between twoshoets of thin bread-quite the ordinary Persian fare. Knives and forks are thihs unknown at court, and the king eats everything with his fin rs-grensed rice. mutton ,nnd fruit. is favorite delicate` is marrow. and he loves to stick his and among the rice searching out bones. from which he can suck tha marrow. "Flint: `kn CI-In}: hnn ll hnI1I". 8188!). St hula:-5. -'rx" onuxia ta: .1} In-mt: :1` 1 nrnh-II, * Ilvlll lo I Iulwuvuo Then he his rl .`:.?.'.. ..f. R _,-4, .5 a. poem nnncc-iv: G DlllIlIBI."1`nlu Gblluullul but -an hour: at I Itrotch. " Then he rlnoipn1n~ieal.' Au` "oh. land in can-Ah) lv` nnnu-ad And a. Nu false prov No tedious tr No quack me Nu trnuhl. in Nn charge fn Nu mere tom] No four or on I\l\!X2`I`\I` .\'1`L` -I-V: .._'V 7.. ,V.. ` Annht only an in In-Olnuvr nLI-JnL Algal-n Ill!!! 1]! rlnulpun unauu nu II>II5 . L, ed d :z...%*;`.- A::.9::,*::`t;r..e.'x.*:...,.::m: but no tricks are layod. Every dish I it is newt 11- t 0 kitchen is seal- d, and the` hue brokontln. the nwnu-chin : n-unhnnn TRI hh_ Ill!- A Novel by Frank Aubrey. Annwer This. I an- Inupcotor. Steam Carpt ;Str S- lneaEa}'iii'&T>E:n:I As the Wheels 00 By. .':=:`;:.:'..:a...;_ IJ.CUNNlNGHAM SI Is the most noteworthy invention since the introduction of pneuma. tic tires. No complication. No loss of power. No vibration or rebounding. jolts and jars entirely over- come. `Pureat and `Best. ` Use no other. GITITAI The Warwick _ Cushion Frame POPE MANUFACTURING 00.. Hartford. Q0 nn. 1836 COLUMBIAS. - - $85 HARTFORDS. - - $?5. $60 We make it easy for you to buy. |$I0o TO All ALIKE. is found only in COLUMBIA Bicyles. Strongest tubing ever made. VVe use a}! that can be made this year. Secures lasting quality, unmatched in any other bicycles. Nickel Sleel Tubing] ' was; it}. - - I'f`w' told act,xj1:I_1l- di,C"'1!"t-:;g_8: ;n3i'1gh" \ to eat, you might regegt. it;_ And yet there are -thousands of babies who never get the fat they should in their food orwho are :19: able to digest the fat that they do get. Fat is a necessity to your baby. It is baby life and baby beauty. A few drops of Scott s Emulsion for all little . ones one, two and three yearg of age is better than cream for them. They thrive and grow on it. `-I V) ' Solid Oak, polish nish, bevel- led Mirror, nicgly cgryed, only $1 _ J_7'5$_ iRE~:m J. R: c. bonus 8; co.. A III Ar\l1LInl'| Anvil Call and see the wheel at Reliable Repair Shop. DJ DIU Slllllll IUO 1' We are selling all the latest attachments. enamels; polish- es, etc. Our prices on Vic- tor, Bmutford. Pellmm.Cavn- liar and \Volff~Amerioun wheels are popular ones.We'll be "pleased to have you look at them. - l}llllllETl'S Hlllllllllll, Are you in need of any Bi- cycle sundries `P WA nrn onlnnn nll1nnlnC:.aI 5 PER cE1< IT. Corner Princess and Wei. -llngton streets. and$l 10. __ scan` I nowns. Bdkvmo. on. W-;4'(3LTAl'2E~3l;C'E Sr. Godwin's Ins;1rane Emporium Rcmpvod to Anchor Buildings, over lxnhuolci. corner Inns and Brook an-at-, KING STREET. wo don : In : --- A"fs" '5 L.. wanna &'.'J'."..T5 t'1'2"l'i'.'3a',' n'.'.' .` 3% SEQ "diam Hop Bitten b the on jiainn Hit em nnhhnh nun Inn. IEBIIIIIIR nouuuyu WIUII I! W A nnmhorof farmers have Inhn thin- ng cattle on` for summer posture to J. E` l)u1g|vnI'a lot in California. His: Birdio Htllidny has rat.IIrn'od. after having _:Ir-at hot holidnfa at Broolvtllo. IL 0. urphylnn pnrchuud I now iron Imd rollor from I lira at Sdnforth. Williah Wingnndfunily havohfb for hair In-an `n-Initinnkuown. Mumps no punks: in BIBIID I [OW III,I III` WK` IF I . llllulyvl summer cotta at Jones Falls. 8. Dar- gnnl. Hem nnivuruity.h Montreal. is spending his holidays with is puonta. thin- ISIIIIUKII III! "II Vi III! F! "HI a how Elk. eurs. Cousin and Shgg. Brook 0. also B. Lovorin.Abhono, spent. a four day: In Hroek At P. Hallidufl summer cottama at Jones FAHL H. D. WIIUKI nla ulluguwr nula VII Illllllll 50 Juan iug, jr., by Rev. H. Gonoll . Gnome Ti? H Iiday is erecting a ne dual ing Ilduao. Ihuom the has im vod his yard I nlnn L pan-L Cumin And ntchlnxn Iron llgln. El.(Il.\', April :.'9.-Schoola have to n- odnftaar the Enter holidnve. Misc lulu Howard and niece Mabel, Vankleok Hill. are the gusto of her mother, Mrs. J. How- ard. A very quiet wedding took place last week at the home of Henry Byngs. 0 when his daughter Eio wu unitodto 'I`nn'ninn, ir, hv Rnr I-I an-Ila Mr- --u-u-- -v---r---, - limit our In odnction to it uh II 1 :::::`.. ':.'..:'...:':....* m ...`.'.'*' W IAIN LII) I'I"V IIIIIFIRWV Innnnnl At Athens The Less. A'rm-:.\'s. April 30.--W. H. Steacy and W. Johnston spent Sunday in town. George H. Wiltse, formerly in the employ of W. Knrley, has resigned, haviiigscceptr l ed a position is traveller for McRse Bros, of Kingston. School was closed on Tues- day in Miss Lillie's room owing to the ill- ness of the teacher. The work of erecting a store for A. Kincaid & Son, Main street. and of remodelling their tin shop, began on Monday lust. H. W. Gilhooly snd M. 1 . Barnes, of Smith e Fells. spent Sunday in town. Samuel Boddy is recovering from his serious illnese.' Miss Horton, of New Dublin, is visiting Miss Elms Wiltee. Athens.` Aquiet weddin took place on Church street on Wednesgey night last at the residence ol James Ross. when his daughter Currie was united to J. Kilborn. of the Brockville asylum stall`. They were seronsded by the hand in the evening. 0. B. Lillie received anew Clevelsnd i-seer last week weighing nineteen pounds. He expectss tandem of the same mske next week. Athens may send out some amateurs this season. Many of the old students and teachers spent Easter vacation with friends in town. An sssembly at Osk Lee! on Monday night was attended by s law Athenians. UUUUUU IIIIYNIKKI HID. T. Bushelland W. H. Se mour occu- pied the Methodist pulpit on undey even- ing, epeeliing in behalfof the grand divi- sion of the Sons of Temperance. Mr. Bushelliuevigoroue speaker. and inede most eernoste e to all to do their whole dut . r. Seymour song The Ninety en Nine in I manner which do- lighted his congregation. On Monday evening A public meeting was celled. and after: very able p remme had been given a lodge of Sons 0 Temperance was organized. F. K. Baker has removed 90 Toronto. where he will take a situation as manager of the Walker house. Mr. Baker has long been a loading mover in sporting circles, and will be much mined by all. ' Q I -1-: Iuluu llvull. Bun. April `28.-Another ancient lend- mark has just been removed in the person or Gabriel Balfour, who assed over so the silent majority on Satori my evening et the ripe age of eighty-ve years. The de- ceased was one of the oldest and most widely-known residents of this country. having for many `years been the senior rbner in the well known carriage rm of alfour & Armstrong. During his long business career Mr. Bollour has accumu- lated much property and a considerable amount of money. end was possibly one of the wealthiest men of the country. The funeral took place on Thursday to the Methodist church which deceased had at- tended through life. 1` Rnnhnll nntl `V W Qnunuusr lM\l\|I.. Denim-. nciglwunuqu. kidnoy.nrin- ryoriivoroon ntouanol Ineu_t~nc_I- mhnnj` n-IInll._1I8A... Ill! ULUTNDO Ill lly- T e annual meeting of the ministeu and laymen of Tamworth district. will be held in the Methodist church, Mountain Grove, May 13th and 19th. An evening meeting will be held on Tuesday evening when gapers will be read by Rev. 0. Adams. linbon, and Rev. J. E. Butler, Roblin. - WUTU "1511. _ The Congregational church. Middleville, Ho town and Rosetta. has extended a cal toJ. Lambert. Alexander, I graduate of the Congregational college, Montreal. to become their ptubor. He will begin his atorate in May. T Q nnmml mantina nf than mininfnn nnd uuuln. I On Wednesday at Smith`: Falls. Rich-N ard Nolan. one of the most popular re- men on the C.P.R.. und Miss Annie, daupzhteiof Patrick Hourigun, Montague, were wed. rm.- n....-....._...:-__v ..L_._.|.' Il:.|.YI-..:II_ HUI ! I15 DOIIIJI AIIKIIIII. Thomas Kenny, proprietor of the J once Falls howl, has built. a. dock nearly one hundred feet in length. on which the largest: steamers 9n the canal can land. nun nf ninhtn vnlmrnna mhn Inx "Dc-u . ' wami NEW8;AP ll 8.. ' ` gilt El nlionnnluuod Ihnpodllo h an aim '&lI'uiutoIOI-fcduidllhlur -nap; ,.l.tan_n- I ......|. ..:n.... .........I.a:.... :- mm. -..-.. Iuuwu In ulutrllgo. Rev. '1`. J. Murdock, Athena, about to leave for the north-west. was pruonhad with a puree and an address by"hia parjlh- l ionors at South Augusta. Thoma: Kannv. nrnm-intnr nf thn Jnnmn lacuna nnzdnpoolud maul at Ottawa '1 '3:-'1'3'-cn'i. {'1? "a1.`:3'3:eo in" 0 n . Inn: and anus mm of hunnnco o'Ir.:L llrglli BEOGIIIGFB 9!] (DD CIHOI can IIDU. Ouo of eighty veterans who left Perth in 1866 to go to Brockville to face the Fenians. oxgly eleven remain to receive the models which are expected will be given them. ' I\.. T....l..-...I.... -1. Q...:AL!- II|-II_ I'):-|. FIUII 50 `III Uuurry VIIIU clrcillu. ' Many Capo Vincent armor: have last canon`: omp of hay on hsnd and unsold. They will hive hopes that: the price will advance. _ On A til 27th Dr. E. M. Morgan. of Mont:-ea. and Min: Julia M. Sonkler, daughter of judge Sonklor. Perth. were united in um-rings. Rev. T. J. Mm-dank. Athnnn. nhmlt tn |cpica.or fut Mtnoaisi up rm: .;"v.1...""aZn`."%'* 17533?" `" " `-""` ""'," `Smith : Full: than I populntionoi 4.292 and nn Monument of Cl,=040,0!). _ Finlay Sincl if, 0u\-loton Place. diod Inlt. I`!-illnv Ah. many rnnntlu "Inna: null: mum Ir, unnoron runs. a: lush Fri` the Sunny mom. u illneu. M iron. mith n Fm In. In anon Illisry George PIKE uton, '5"?I`.'f:`a.'i.f.,.,. 333! IIIOII B '5 Fa H3} tor at 8100 per yeur. mike!" and Ginny: M J.-2W':" '"i""' "5'r"."s"sfo'6',"y`3i ~ lliudlo A altar" and George Oullough, of Porch. were married on ' nndsu-1. IIGTXII WW" I IIIPPIDB IV- Rov. H. V. Mounteor, Smithold. for- `morly oi Grafton. has rooaivod an invita- tion to the Cherry Vnlle circuit. llnnvnnn Vinnnnt. Arum:-n Dun-u `nut. m3z?s,;Myx-tlo mibh. Deco!-onto. has been seriously in nu the result of ovor-exerting h toll w'bl ii in rope. Rev. '6.` Mptxangenr. Sminhnhl. far- u...`...`".3.'u3.``x.`.`'.:x..n.."ne`2'.`}s.. lulu Agont.I.Itn(c)nton nnfligigtlriol. "?k;.; -; `I W V O Q d valuation. 17%. 'Hm{h'- Pull. nhnnm I A Putrlurolx Dead. -1 1\A\ A .n kl ! 008 It. in 133m _ lhlluhlolunlnqdtynllulp. Ink-n mlstluununnudlhnci. ndjul unlo11hnol|o1nnooniInoI'IIl&- at nahltnnlnht " nluu I--hon-dune. Ihnnnu "Doe. v _ vlntnnorub-uio -. - nun. n`nnnb.n'mn.'1A, f Allluul with The Inuthto ol mutated Aooonnttnll ol Ontuia." 0 llpcr out. plan mum (lulu lhoncnth or April and In. - v. . Amt; at once. _~ - --.4.-...__ Lu..._-_ Ten Goodstudents to study shorthand at the _ Kingston Busincss Collcgcl London. Liverpool and Globe Plre insurance Company. `ml- --.- ll lII| llll Tn -Jalldvln-u Cg ZLIQK solicited to do 941 Bewareof imitations of Same Color Wrapper. Mas. J. B. Snwuu, 153 Cethoert 80.. Hamilton, anyu: "Miller": Compound Iron Pills relieved me of eevere peln in the book that I had been troubled with for over one year. I wee eleo troubled with `rheuma- tic pains and after ueing three home Iam entirely cured. For sale by E. C. Mit- chell-. . Il:-- Dig}- R..- .A-- 52.... - _.._I.._ L. p'.2"..JJn"'{.:'.I...' '35" ",..'J.'."':'.. '7 n.. pails. 35; blueberries, in cans, 70; tomato clump. in mm, 70. Crawford. urooimue Times. Our young townsman. J. M. Booth, who is taking A course in politioul science and English at Queen's univereity. Kingston. besides being successful in the peas olsss. took high honors in the above mentioned subjects. During the vacation he will re~ present. the Wnrringtons. the well-known oheeee ex rters, who reopened their oee in the Ru may block this morning. III I llU_\4 Brookville Times. nnr wanna lnnn Supposed To lie Drowned. BRO(`K\'ll..Ll, Onb., April 29.-Ib is feu- ed that an old pensioner named John Welsh was drowned in t.ho' Rideeu while returning from Newboro to his home in Clear Lake. He was last. seen near Poplar Point, where a turn is made to go through tho drowned landl. Searching parties have found where hi: skill` rnn upon I stump, and the conclusion in that this is where he upset in trying to get. hie crnft. oil` the stump. Hie boat, cup, coat and ours were picked up on Tuesday morning. Shot The Daughter And Iothor And Then Burned To Degth. Fax:s.Vo.Cal., pril 30.-A triple tngedy wucommitted mterdny at Red Banks, in farming settlement thirty mileefrom here. As a result Mrs. John Quell end her daughter are dying and their eaenilenh. James Brooks, is dead. Brookr, formerly employed as a laborer on Qunllhrrench, was discharged for persistently making love to Miss Lulu. He appeared et Quall e yesterday, armed with a shot gun, and shut the girl and her mother. He then went to a neighboring burn, to which he 88: fire, went inside nnd was burned to dent . . 1 re ` `L nirleeotcleuu to reverse the legible- th oltweyeouego. and town: goyemnent at Ottawa to e lot - ond ju in e eonnt if 5% delir- able`. - lo I`?! hezlu: to..t ` liberal governtn t. t gore nu opportunity to ll vnoancieu, and inoldent-. ally to look after its friendn. The un- nounoement in now made that A. D. Rudy. the prelnier e brother, hm re- `ooid I judicial appointment in `Brent county. Hi: honor Judge Joneule touch an mueterin ohouoery and jud ve of the surrogate court. and A. 1). HI y in to he the second Judge. A. 8. Hardy is to be congratulated upon the moons: of hie mute;-l inlutioo." ' Mr. A y in reply tothe char aye the imputatlon is wholly without anodi- A 'l\ I1....l..l- .........:..A....._t |.-;I nsps Ml`. Ilfy Ill IUDIY I'll) 500 Cull" UIJI goalie- Inon. A. D. Hardfeneppointoienh hell no relation whatever to the not of Int eu- aion. nor the not of his appointment, nor` was it. mode under or by reaion of the eon referred to. The rovieione o( the new` aohin no-wise opp led to pr e*'ec&e`d* the county of Brent. nor did it. enable the government to afpoinb two county jndgee or a second ju therefore. not hue e er".ond county ju been appointed there- for. On the other hand. the appointment: was made wholly nnrler the low as it stood prior to the not of lees eeeeion. " 5 WANTEi5 I on-rad or cum: dntn " I! `III: Iranian l&hlln. , - K I NC BTQN. ONT. M 11`--3. M M Bo. I :-curved ilum or Pouch. Bo. I|,.__A,-,I ,,I,,,, __._l .,, In I EDUCATIONAL. rAi`Efi?u*?arIbp,a.' A '}mPLE TRAGEDY. In Thojchoono Bullnou. III:-.-Iwww III Q08!" London as Lancashlro Life As- ouranco company. IIAnIIlnAI.I'.v A HAIAJIIAI nmtoniw Ein- ' 1'. McMAHON a 'co., E .' lIIkn'|'hlIhnnAnJ.nnnIn-.-II... K1fkD3`|1.3 $ All Iliqncftone _BIshsss (In human. ..anu.-dis-""" ` cm AND sir nsJonnatonam.novnouuu1ot.uxIl. ~ ~ nixidlr m@u "5 :ouuo,u onxouxu.-A ` OARDINBIPS RIII Babb `moi; T`; nn w.nn.&,&a_a.A- " __..._..-_-. V... Waod Erarpe xi cl 0 '87: 'E'""" ' T'lund-"' Inn!!! A 3:: a{`m'1':(3ou`btf"v':'oa.:a'.'s lot. chm. V FIDO OIIC O0 M . ' , nomad |M,oor. uoopn an K um s., nu: `an ac. mu. ' nsJohnntolI|a no:`hou'sonllot.Ir'~ an ` " franc Imus. a w "~'.`*"~*'-".;"'*- --:.'...a..% .... ' [ w ' III II ~. 7 2;... -.`i-.--".:"=----:.-'.-.-:-.~...`i... :13: 3. u.':'oo.'-`I:.'v':::c Int. dam. botboivoo:;I.oIhlnn old In! C |%%`%`%.s%5$`5r'l`?s?'3=:9%.`:_%' 1| lodlonl Superintendent Kingston Gono- nl Hospital`. Ooromr for city `And country Sun fonnorlr occupied by the In lhfloum don _'l`ohphono No. Ml. Sold I K] to (I I III Ida by all`! ruwndgl: ?1rII.vl.1 IY: .1` Q. "-7" ` """`-" "` llll|| _l.ZIDl|&IjCXI muy.huntcy.onunpuonoalanu9unu. Huboenpruorlbodovar aaynnhtiounulnd cues; in tho only man and Bond lhlhhl homo. Aukdruguttaewoolofhonhollnoil hooauuousowonhlunmodlulnolnglaoo 111" India whunlothlsnqnl wdwulpondlvmla mnll..Pnnu.oupnoIIlI.lf|Ilt.. out` uoouaicmlnu. Pnnphbuholonydllil `no What oonpnuio Wlnbmoal-.(hI|I|. up-Vu-guruuwua-`.7 u`v- cu-vuu-or unw , "$.31-3 Iounytolncn ,Iwao6-CUE w " """ 7 7 7 " 77 7 7 7 7 7777 B4f""""d4" gab. aumoa'o?s.h.:uou. c-u.. h.-n-in; linnnn-nnun-and-nan;-h-31:. WO0D 8 PHOBPHbDINE- The Great English Ioncdi. sumobaauoucauntoolb Dodd s Kidney~PlI|s Always Cure Femalc cunts If: D0DD S KIDNEY P17. is nI'.n'ner.I.I!IL,I9vd.'o.1sIbu`u' . nvuAf~-shesayaIt`lnnerenIRII|$ ;- V0.1 uh M`;-I.`DobI|l."IIlds aim in I News "uifl van:-mmn you what xoiit inov-.. "T `m.udIhId'l|IIIIlyuIioMoIi9I, with! andofotndocU*or.tot|OiQ$- In my--hugly I often noglectod ,to__ ;dotho myself. nndeoutmdhnid ` h-g aomwmcn Iumednllatto chnould x u-lad doctomvlhohelpcd mm and? }euNmo.vundse-vgnlspeehlalunhm j lwurellevcd butnoteued. Iva _ lntqlulbky when Mr. Shun` teconunqndod totryB|lA3E'8 lfllllclnnditbegagfpc once to help.|nd in about twomonlb emlrelycumdme. I cannotupeaktoohlgily of ms mum-lubylo medicine. and dib reeotnlnond it tonllauacufronqlnq. muucwmcugau-guhppgggnigs. x ii I lIIn\I\'| hinoou). Ton lovhono(.N4Ih'lA.B TEEEEWEEEST Jun. Dorthh an 4* Iii W. IKII, DOST. VIII sung! lion uluout Inn in no- umaumouwhuluouu dndibhluogitdliithi -ngznoll For years I have been tronbled with Female Weakness tnd Kidney Disease. I have used many remedies, but nothing did me any good until I tried your Dodd s Kidney Pills. I only used two boxes and am cured. I wish you to publish this, as it may catch the eye of some woman who is suering II I have done. `P 9. " ?'.""3".V".' I unM~I4&l Twat. Yours sincarely, MR3. Wu. Cmnnx, Chambers, Ont. Manini. aton-M,IIIuaouIwyInloI qtoot Abacus-Bantu. L. 1270.88- QUE! AUISUTT pl orrymoaculvtl P qfbuoo. ophuor ` lnnh dink-nnnlnnlhh. `I. II. MGCAMMON. M.D., 611.. loiibor Oollou Ph {ohm nnd Burnout Ontario. Ola. ll antral shut. Tolu- nhomll. ' ynrompur. W Lou:-o all torlnnohlhnul . Ir...)...... l\..:.4...'.A-an-. Tn _ I%LIKb. 1` IL! Ia.D.8.. l.D.. DEN- ` . Olloo, 3l>|.`noou strut. Rut- . :- .*:.~'~-:m:- ;..::'*-.*-=:s~ ` I I O I 1-flophon. . o. .snm:.n.n.1'5$1..n{xa. Aumum. R K. XILBOBN I.D.. l.O.P.&_B., TE Kodlonl Superintendent Kingston no- nloanlhl. city and country I @ OLIIINIB. x..n.s. nntmw aglllh an rm ode. We L .1, h. Ion. lnublhh in 1 . Innldnnn. II that Dun mom I , 1T , xnolnnmonuou know 0 uuiuhcyouruthnuon. we 9 9 wnttoyo-emphuuuthntour V- , M TjlL..PAPEilS ding. oornu 30.9% .. . ~=mW:;...r'.:.+ run uh uh. '5. a`..Iuu.u.1;. .5? nlturo lnnuucturom. QA I gnz nun-an;-nu..- .:_--- IIIIUIU CII nJ.lnID.luuu. 3m '..g.;g n, T..ox'.ig_J A. AYKIOYD. D.D... LD8. Dentin. , Ooo over Hobart`: Iodlosl Ball. corner mug and but Shrub. Kinnton T010- REMOVAL. TITIUE lU.I'l"o Inca uozdnpooltod Canal at Ottawa sow amount mono million ol n. - an Iowa tlnn tho mnorih 0 Milan -_...._.._...._....._ Aiciiacrunnu. -cu` il LARGE 0! ~~ :.._.:._,* V '-.:;:' **::.-` V :' " . at on . 3:. mm. .531: .to non: % in`/.`:nT~r.' ELISA` nhono U. INSURANCE" ~:I%lHANclAl.. "~:.._:;"::` Ii ind Intact- . 910003195 the `POIC Oioo DENTAL. DR. BEGG. JN'll'l"l'\`hI 'l`R 1 iF9IDI|0Sl|E0'lUS -mm, _...n-I1... |._. .._.. ' uifhlooin I; A QIA-an-n L- IODOIVI Itdlotl Kill, 1 f2.'2?'3 o!`.`%:2".'J. m.m':. Inn. to RI Io DUN`. 4 0| [-9 a I f` n. t. um... Ila II|- IA-.40. ll` OVIISI D0 POOEIVES BIS mm- h uluvn in bhnblt, and ,S.';'1...'.;.'3"".a_..`"\....`3s`.".."L'u?/'33` `.'s'Za"r."2 wash himself.` `a djouin . cl hO'I."`I`I uhnpclclun rend `alum; tn.o.nq_ dohu `hi . -,`.,.`,.`..`qf_.__... ....... l TIPIIOIICI KID IOW ZXIIELWO ll uuntolpa. , arises curly. has I "..'.':" "w'i..'.'.".'.`2 `lm! doll i\hnl'ha van-jinn mg min. I `men. at Van his mIn~ hgll -ma` II-C 153% (Q- Iqluuc owoekhoroeei Iaj i H nlnhjlu in I `V w` W 3 VCKTII I-II` to oulbd with personal de- f `I0 I? Ionsfeh, Vho hnlnglurv but man. ,1}: ring nn Lonuon omgunuee aw. Once again xt is ennbunoed thet the Shhh is coming to Europe to visit his brother emperors u 1 km Not the old Shah; he is dead; bu the new king of kings`? who now 1-eigne in 'lVeheran. Hlsnngjeety heard '0! the an- tention of the king of` Siam to be pre- nent at the reblelnge iirhonor of queen Victoria. and ordered his ambessedor in England codlecover whether the pre- eenoe of his august. oriental self would be appreciated. Lord Salisbury and his cbhiiet, It is exerted. protected to A man. There is nowhere to put him." "What on earth could we do with him! and Where could we lace unonan-.h of ouch exalted idea 0! is own impox-t~ :5? I33 pa-eeenioner` These and or rose on remonetrces were hurled at the Pen'hn minister. and his Ixcelleney be! e No tellomwired to his : tter come next MIIOIIIUIQOIIIII Inch - gm thieyoerg` No ptotlrt W- :-. lnnnld tn. more wm be at least. w,u In London omjuhilee day. until cnnbun cm. 7 ;T S Ii. ' ".-s,l .'2*,':- coeds In obtnlnlx wnsu. no asxeo-auu it in very prob: in that he will-no less than $180,000.01!) will be expended in that way. One room in St. cunes street. for instance. with onl two win- dows. was sold for 81.125. floor in Pall Mall sold for 02,500. For uhouse in Fleet. slroet, of six windows and :1 shop front. 85,000 is an ordinary price; and for that sum in Mr. Williams, husband of u fashioimlile society woman. has willingly sold the balcony which runs in front of lhe drawing room window of his house in St. James` sl re-t. 'I`went.y-live dollars is easily secured for 5 seat on the roof of a high club house, and as the lime npproaches there is no doubt. that fnhulous sums will be offer- ed nnd declined. simply because llie transaction has become impossible. Thousands and thousands of people from abroad and the provinces will be cruelly disap nted. and their only en- joyment of t e jubilee will be to find themselves in the midst of as awful a crush of humanity as the world has perhaps ever seen. It is estimated that than will be at least 19,000,000 people In London nnjnhilan dnv. hour or no, then he can sleep. 8 aki of matters in connecli n wit the iamond Jubilee. the writer says that a dry goods firm in St. Paul`: churchyard. let the whole of their windows. ninety-three in all. for the sum of $22,500 cash. Before the day closed the urchnser had made a profit of 020. on his bargain. If everybody who has seats to sell euc- ceeds in obtain! what. he asked-aud it in Vlrv nrnhn In that ha will-no as they hated him, his Occupation woulu be gone. The only reply Mr. Balfour ma e to this was to smile and crack his thumbs. He occasionally suffers (mm insomnia, but whenever this oc- curs he finds relief in going into an adjoining room where there Is u. ianu nnd playing Mendelssohn for but nu hour then he sleep. nnnbinn nf vnnifnra in nnnnnvii D l(`I'8 IS -11 `WDTIG OI BBHIHIIBIIL nuu pus- aion to be seen in his lurge blue eyes, which almost make his face handsome. Sometimes, it is said. i becomes so weary of portions of the de es in the commons that he retires to his little room at the back of the speaker's chair and enjoys a French novel. Apropos of this fondness for the literature of Paris, it. is related that one day his hrother. Gerald Balfour, rushed into his room. and. shaking him by the shoulder as he lay extended on the sofa with the yellow hound volume half hiding his face. said: Drop that book, Arthur. Come in and silence that beast Healv." "Oh. bother Healyl" was the peevish reply. "I um `um. in the midst of 5 love scene on t. e boulevards." On an- other occasion he was disturbed by Ger- ald with the exclamation that the gov- ernment was going to the devil." To which he replied," My dear Gerald then let it` 1 must. have some tea." T. P. Oconnor related that Mr. Balfour is fond of dainty pocket hund- kerchieia, with plenty of scent, and that he is never guilty of wearing a pink shirt without a pink eollnr. Also that at various times he has been nick- named Nanoy." and Lucy and Miss Balfour," sntl that an Americanjournal- ist. on one occasion referred to him _as "a palsied masher." When he was chief secretary of Ireland a witty Irish priest once told Mr. Balfour that it the peo- ple only hated the devil half as much hated him. his occupation would ha annm The onlv reolv mons. I had the privilege of being presents night or two ago in the commons at the time Sir Charles Dilke was making one of his brilliant speeches. l watche Mr. Balfour. lie was lying almost on his back. with his long legs stretched out in front of him, and his hat tilted over his e es. The only sign he gave of any at ention was an occasional twitching of the fingers at any em- phasis placed bi Sir Charles on his sen- tences. Then a rose and made his reply, only speaking for a few minutes. but. every sentence decisive and almost defiant. As he stood there, in a long frock mat. hanging awkwn.rdLv from his shoulders, and with equally ill-mude trousers, I could not help thinking in what. aqueer mould nziture hud cast. this English gentleman of blood. whom even his enemies allow is amen-of un- questioned culture, 9. divine musician an admirable judge of art, a brilliant conversulonslisl--in brief. exquisite in nll things and deficient in none. At time: his gesture and manner suggest effeminney. and yet he is the sturdiest of athletes. 11:: v-nrnninn n Ixnnhnlnr and Inns nvnn or nlnuauas. He remains a. bachelor. and has even been called a. hater of women, and yet there is 41 `world of sentiment and pus- ninn in ha nnon in his Inrua hlnn nvna the house or large, 4,; mmpter up wulcu he is directly opposed by, Mr. Glad- stone, who Insists that the premier should never be elsewhere than in the nnrnvnnna `scholuriy its 5 'vlr3lll i";'"' ..all"`y2au' r ski:-'oun'LoT din "N .'l:l:* `E?! is guntyllooxl? lend-hu`poesess induced to accept ' Ely ho with tho Lord Bslilbux-y`s poeiti n. The mur- quis, it is. whispered. is quite a sick man. His obeeity is rapidly destroy- inc iii!` hitherto vigorous constitution, and _he in a martyr to` inuenza. He has. it is believed. expressed it wish to retire. and to pass a year or two in the uth of _Frnuoa. free from the mul- titir ous cares of stateemtt, and par- ticularly from the dreadful stain or the premiership. For some months it may sate] be asserted that lord Salis- ims n the hardest worked man in gland. He is not the man to re- tire willingly from the leadership. but if r. Balfour succeeds him he would at t _he followed by a. near relation, who has been absolutely trained by himself. Lord Salisbury is also of inlon that the premier should sit in t a house of iord. it matter on which I... in Ii:-luillu nnnngntl liv Mr. Glad- `fuinn Pansbmu. Haut_a-j3AL- roux us; A ,nq:;HiLoa... KVCIIIT) Q uviuug yuyulluvl. _Ill|l mysteries _v,hich today tempt the imugimtion as they did in the old done! the oouqniatulon." ` ' Tho above story of adventure is having a wonderful run in England. `fire first edition was exhausted on the day of publication. The second odi- tion did not last 1 week, and 8 third and larger edition was immediately called tor. The story itself is worthy of its romqirlrable success. The scene is 1nivhn.thIt"'dcbohbio land botwoen Britiah..Gni|nu and Vonexdela. It in "i vat wilderness of forest md Eh-is. wild. u.ak:3oyn.ixvene3rntu1_ only y canoes. ooutuinng pom lnddon h-sauna. o looting populstr . sud \ lnvninpini unk Imalnu Iain-at `IL. F-_ r:Is~!3ET'sl "I_`HE... BM-T[eepf El`|]uradn.l Reserve Fund incnusod $195,104.00. OI` over 10 per oont. Pnymonts to policrholdon increased 8150,- 459.91. or ovordu per cent. The oompsny has 3 n londid position for an oxpcrienood mun in tutu-n Ontario. All communication: to ho addressed to W- J. FAIR. Impootot. Kingatou. 0 H D. F. ARISTRONG, ' W. J. FAIR, i Special Agent, Kingston. ` In no fonn$r you have such munlhont ruults boon attained. ! Total insurance in force increased 01,711,785, or over 10 per ceiit. Assets manned $915,315.20, or over 9 per 1 cont. 1 cash income increased too.s3o.u. or over 10 per cent. \ New lmunnuo lssuod manned summon, i or ova: 19 par cont. At the and of lime, compared: with that of 1895. show: the following results: a The North American Life Assurance Co s Position ` \l-)H.:\ Mn" \\`1Hl4!`i .-`.bI.l'.`l'.'!'. H-` l`l'\. 4`..-'\].l. ;\.\'D T-`..\'A.\`[- INI-I MY FA .`.ZH1'.`4 I~`.v1D`1 RATTEYIY. IN FORM HF A l`.HI/I`, (`IR .\I)D`H-IRS FOR PAM!-'ILlr2 l'. "'l`HRP}E CLASS- ES OF MEN." DR. SANDIZN. 15!": ST. JAMFIS lST., MONTREAL! QUEBEC. promises. , tn-rcuncnt. nwthuds. convince you. No for the knowledge. ternpn:-;1r:' relief. cnrmir`.-nll-ms. I`.\IMEDI.\'1`F. Hl~`.I.Il<)F. RAPID Rl'2(`0\`l-IRY. `- l'I'~\`.\l.-\.\'l~2.\TT CURE. l~`.l.l-`.("Tl{!L`I i`Y (:l\'ES LIFE AND H}`:.\l.'1`II. YT` . AND (`HINTS Y0! \\ 1'HI.!`-I .`.Sl.`EP.P. up vrv4en:r,I.' (`A11 \rn rnvnz V *~ u:.m,g .........