'l`u|-Ilsh War Prapnrntlouo. COXSTAlN"l'lN0l*L|i, May 3. --Wnr prepara- tions go on with unaltered vigor. Two commissions, composed of otiicisla of the ministries of public works and of war, have been formed for the urpose of facilitating the despatc of troops to the frontier. It has been decided to extin uish the torches in all the lighthouses on t e gulf of Smyr- ns as far as Knraburun during the con- tinuance oi the war. In :- ..u:..:..II.. ....uun.nrl that OLA 1. :-an|r mnuance or me In is oicinlly announced that the Greek resident in Turkey may become natural- ized an an Alternative to loaving the coun- try. This will be compulsory for all Greeks officially employed in Turkey. lnvnnv Mnv 3,--II. in semi-oiciullv KINGSTON. ONTARIO. MONDAY EVENING. MAY 3. 1897.` Thl I.O(I|l|3I-l` loot: .- ll... lb `FL- l-..:-I-6:. mombors of the potty would givejhoir whole auppo on the Turks occupied nminohof Groo territory. The main subject of their Iolicitndo would be to device ways and mum to drive the onaruy from thoir own- I; rt. to the new cabinet as long Colonial Troopuibetsllod For `int Buy on one Occsalon. boxnos. May 3.--Tbe arrival and do- pu-ture of the queen to Ind from London in jubilee week will be I matter of semi- atauo. On Monday, June 2m, the journey from Paddington nation to Buckingham palms will ho imposing. And on June 24th the procession from the palace to Padding- Uon station. on the return to Windsor. will be the occasion for even nnor die `lily. The Indian And ooloninl troops willjorrn the noon on _tho lather ocouion. The quota will hold a upocinl court. on June 23rd. the day mat the ceremony, at St. Paul's Cathedral. Ital Up For TI-bl. I II.As'1'1xos,0nt..~)(`y 3.-Polico Inuit- tnto Edmison. Polorboro, oonduouqho Elnliniuary hosting in mine can of tbomnn ad mound of unnlt on Miss Ilotoalfo on Wodnudny. The girl pvo ovidcnoo of much I convincing nature as to commit the porpounu to the county jail, Potorboro. Iolwsithiltricl. Tho girl wuol weak inhlluet. but in dclicoh haul: and Ind . honoolqunuyonn. Itiauovgouont If that land was _ pa-potato: Il.oIn_,nIltu.Ilip.V nlbwutrl c M. Philu-otor said that the pt-incou ou ht to be recalled from the frontier. he crown prince was ovidently too {Mi ued to loud his army. This was followed y ap- plause from the gulloriu. One at the numbers of the loeislativei plollmo Iroln Ina gluunu. One of the legislative chamber expressed astonishment at. the re- porbe of the lack of action on the put 0 tie Greek eet. ` M Dglli than nnnrmn thn 4-Intnilnd r. tne ureex neon. ~ M. Reili then conrmed the detailed re- ports received concerning the Greek victory at Veleetine. In regurd to the movements of the army in Epirue, he said that the re- treat had been orderly, with the exception of 9. part of the infantry. which hag been infected by I panic originating among the inhabitente of the villages. A motion to Edjourn was adopted. general eeeent bein given. M. Delyannie appronched M. Rnlll at the conclusion. the premier Ind ex-premier shaking hands. This incident was heartily cheered, the members of the legislative chamber then leaving the building. Lmnnn. Mav 3.-A enecinl deamtoh BICYCLE TIRES. leaving the Dunning. Loxnorz, May special doapatoh from Athens announces that the Greek army in Epirua has retreated in thorough order to Arts, where it is awaiting rein- forcementa. The doc tch adds tint the Turkish assaults on I araaloa are oioinliy` conrmed. The deapatoheu adds that M. Ralli, the new premier, continues to advo- cate a war al outrance, though he is not adverse to an honorable peace. Hnu-n 'RniInu`iA_ Mnv 3.-AnnrchiBb8 Change In the Domlnlon Public Works En- gineer`: Ofllce In the West. 0'11`.-\\\'.\, May 3.--Mr. Gamble, C.E.. reeidont. engineer of the public works de- partment. in British Columbia. bu resign- ed, nnd Mr. Roy. New Westminster, for- merly of Montreal. now engaged for the department on the survey of the Fraser river. has been appointed in charge bom- porerily. Chm-Inn Nnihnus bu been aoooinmd Mon to Manitoba Ior April. Edmund A. Dewdney Jones. of the poet oico department, died yum:-day, after a few days illness. from pneumonia. Mr. Jones wu forty-ve years of age. , to the WoIeolo_v'e sou. Sir Redvors Bullet and Lord Woleeley were almost at swords points a. year ago over questions of military policy in India. as well as of promotions In the service. Both are very strong men. and Bullet has tho reputation of being the most obstinate man in the army. It was thought. at this time that he would reeign his position, but he yielded to the pereuneions of the prince of Wales and has ever since been an outspoken Advocate of all the plans pro- posed by the commander-in-chief. porarily. Charles Neihaus been appointed posbmutor at Berlin. Thar: urn: A larae incmnso Of immiltrr posunucor an Deruu. There was A large Increase of immigra- tion to Manitoba for April. ID!-.....;I A llnurlnnv Janna nf Hm nmd . adverse no nonoraole peace. Born, Bulgaria. May 3.-Anurchiaba and revolutionary placards. signed by the Macedonian revolutionary party, were posted throughout. this pity during the night. The primer of the placards has been arrested. Du-nu llnu '1 _T`nlnrrrnrna rm-nivnrl been arrested. PARIS, May 3.-'I`elograms received here from Athens state that the new ministry acknowledges that it. would be impossible for Greece to continue the war with an empty purse and with discouraged troops. . Avruu.~.w_ Mn.v 3_-~R.enorta are current croopa. Anncss, May 3.-R.eporta here today that the powers are able to inediate between the two anmgoiiiata. The Italian and Austrian ministers have had a long interview with M. Halli and M. Scoulodia. mslu wuwu ru uu nv _vuu u-uv \IvIu 4......- rederiok Ro rm wan panned ova: in f or of the duke of Connuu ht for the Aldersbob command, as Euler belongs to the Wolaoloy a sou. Riv R1.-I var: Rnnpr and Lord WOIIGIBV Llent. Henderson`: Ylelt. At We Consider- ed1`u Be Under Brltlnh Inuence. (7.-\I`I'} Coma` C.\s'r1.I:,Go1.u Comer, Africn.. May 3. ~~Gmvo news has been received hereusto the mission of Lient. Hender- ..-._ -. \xr.. n .'. M...-..o...l that nhinf herensto the mission 01 Liam. uenuer- son at We. It is reported that chief Semoryhes attacked the mission. Au- thentic details have not yet been received but a serious disaster is feired. The ob- ject of Lieut Henderson was to make treaties with the chiefs in Hinterland. He hade large escort, but the overnor of Lagos has been asked to sen reinforce- ments. Ferguson, acoloniul oiclal. who accompanied Lieut Henderson, is known tobeseverely wounded. We is consider- ed to be within the sphere of British in- lluence. Chief Samory is very powerful and has hitherto professed friendship for the British, though in the winter of 1895 he supported king Prempeh, of Ashanteo in his ght against the English. BRITISH ARMY APPOINTMENTS. Adjt. Gen. an-.11. lluller To Command At. Aldonhot Camp. Lounox, May 3.--~Tho Devon and Ex- eter Gazette says that Adjb~Gen. Sir Red- vere Buller will succeed the duke of Con- naught in command at Aldernhob camp, that quarter master general Sir Evelyn Wood will succeed Sir Rodvers Bullet an ndjubunt. general and that the dulu of Connaught. will become qunrter master general of the British army. These ap- pointments are likely to revive the crit.i~ cisiu which ra ed ab _the time (ion. Lord n-...a....:..|. D- .4. man nnnnntl m-nr in ATTACK ON A MISSION. RESIGNED OFFICE. Quest?-35-30037. F vnxox. um. nay J.-A um pou- dont. ooonrnd in the mill 0! can. Iona & Son lutvsnturdny in which A boy and Dnnitl A. Born? I Lhirholl led his art. Hi: was on In Ibo planar and hunted in u tutti nuance tho Amputation III actuary. to elbow. Dnwallaoolunv V I III UN UQHA.` unau- `M- Imaws or nu: WllRL|l.l nnnncnnrns WHIIILED |JP.| 123 mm 8t..-l|o`rln sue - umion On Wedneedny leak. on the artillery perk. while the llth P.W.0.R. wee pend- ing pr-epentory to escorting Lord and Lady Aberdeen to Queen : university. n member of "A" battery enrolled into the perk and walked past several of the 0&- oen of the ma without nluting. He did this covers] times. and ex luv. he wee cell- ed to time by adj-mus Hagen. who node the follow mod properly to attention and then vehirnneooringforhieneglecl at dieci Inc: The betleryrnen minted in pacing the olleen next time. `What Comes to Us from All Quarters. - sions of any kind to the United states. The highest court in Scotland hes de- cided that it is illegsl for a trade union to Insinhein s blacklist. The decision grew out of ten suits for damages brought. against the executive council of the Scot.- tish typogrsphical u-socistion by non- union printers who had been blechlisted. The jury in the lower court swerded 8150 damages in eech use, and the verdict has now been sinneu . _ IELEGRAMS FROM THE EARTH'8 - FOUR QUARTERS GIVEN. Little Hutton That mm-at Ivorybodr - ` !otoIl`roInAll our---mm. or nun- Qhlng Eullv Bond sud Bomombond by The Dean Public. James Keayes. rogiatar of Russell county, is dead. Twnlvn man have been dinchnrxred from county, 15 aeaa. Twelve men have been discharged the Grand Trunk`-sheds at Bolleville. Gen. Sheridan : widow is said to be to Marshall Field, thb Chicago In I lionnlro. _ Sir Michael Icks-Bench : budget state- ment she no shah monarchy costs less now than ir_: 1837. 'n......... n.- .......\...s c..:.\ ..c .........-m- Til. man In 15.51. `Durin the recent trip of emperor Wil- liam to tendon an attempt was made to unmask OLA imnarinl train to wreak me imperial mun. The dismissal of Dr. Peters, the former German high commissioner in Africa. is`un- animously approved by the press. l`.nn.hmm|zan in the leeward islands tea to me manna asylum. The Rev. J. Munro Gibson is the presi- dent this year of the national council of evangelical free churches, and succeeds the Rev. Hugh Price Hughes. Dxj. Munro Gibson is the acknowledged leads? of the English Preabyterianiarn in London. .\ nntlanr hia rlAnl in A Huminan nnnntv I O0 ILIHR IDVIDIIQIOIIB. he United Santos nenete by its tortu- oua course respecting the arbitration treaty. has increased the diioulty of euc- oeoafnl negotiation in regard to .1 new modua vivendi in Behring eon. Neither Lord Salisbury nor anybody else in Eng- lnnd is now predisposed to make concea- aions of kind to the United States. nu__ I.:..L-_. _....-; :.. Q....n-...l I.-. A- lJun.I\l llulll I-U UIUIUUII CII uvuuw wreck the imperial train. Hun-inn Hm mnant. 1 ammoualy approveu Dy me preua. Euhhquakes in the leeward have killed a number of persons and ana- ed great. destruction of propexty. Tim tum nhnnnnf. nitinn nn the nnntinant. zausmg groan acanum. Twenty-L-ix mon of the Barcelona an- urchists who explodad a bomb in a Corpus Christi procession with fatal results, have been condemned ho death. I.*...... ....-..:..,.... nf . Inna!-. lmul nf hmmtv. uanuumn vnunury. Rev. W. W. Quicke. rector of St. David's church. New Edinburgh, died on Saturday at the home of Rev. F. W. Ferries. lane of Ottawa. in Goldboro, North Carolina. Death was the result. of a severe attack of pneumonia. Fr-nnlr Jnhnntnn, l`.hi-non. in A b Of PB- attack or pneumonia. Frank Johnston. Chicago, in a fit of re- ligious mania severed his lmnd with n hatchet. Ho said he thought; it would grow again. He added that the hand was too strong for him. The man was commit- ted to the insane asylum. Thu AP J Mnnrn (lilnnnn ll Lh l'!l`ll- nnzusu rreeuywnuunem Ill uuuuuu Another big deal in at Hastings county mine has been consummated. The Eun- ern mining syndicate purchasing n hnlf-in- terest. in the B.-mnockburn for $l5,000. The sum was paid over and will be used in the development of the property on a large scale. 'I"|-us Av-nu-{nun nvnl-mnantlnr nnllnd nnnn large scale. The American ambassador called upon Lord Salisbury Friday and will probably be received by the queen only this week. Owing to the queen : nbeence be has been restrained by diplomatic etiquette from making any public nppuranco and :0- ting invitations. lua l'nitm-I Rufus umnln hv Hi t.nrl,n. feel we Imperial unun. During the recent. trip of emperor Wifliam to Dresden an attempt was made to wreak the imperial train. 'I"hn rlinmiannl nf Hr. Palharn. the former on great. aeanrucuon DI propawy. The two cleanest. cities on the continent. today are Toronto and New York, and th J_V are both cleaned by direct. labor. lhn lnndnn nnnnrn continua to main Bl`-J_V are UUNI uluulluu u_y uuvuv wuuun. The London papers continue to praise the new Canadian tariff and point out. how benecial it, will be no English trade. Rnndinn in Nlnnhnh Axnanf. in Red THE MAN WHO KNOWS Is the` man w`ho has tried It that benencml It: Will no no mngnen uruue. Seeding in Manitoba except in Red River valley is expected to be nished in ten days. There is a large increase in the acreage this year. Prinnman Vic-mria Melim. the second uns year. Princess Vicmria Melisa, daughter of the duke of Saxs-Coburg and Gobha. refuses to live with her husband, zausing great. scandal. 'I`wont.v.nlr mm of the Barcelona by eating me nean or u uog. Miss M. Carey Thomas, president of Bryn Mnwr coke 6, has received the de- gree of L. L. 1). tom the Western univer-` sity of Pennsylvanin.at Alleghany, Pa. 'l`|m nnnnn has nnlv one hair of twin youn eec meter 01 the Herman emperor. Dzl. Hays, Sb. Louis, is charged with embezzling $15,000. He will be tried for the offence. He inn brother of general manager Bay: of the Grand Trunk rail- way. - A diltinguiahed Fiench priest urges the abolition of clerical celibacy. which he be- lieves to be the chief obstacle to the re- turn of the Anglican church to Catholic unity. I.a.m|-. Elna`, Inhn amndmn of nreeident. Pretoria police. A member of a Victorian sealing house, at present in London, says the extension of the close season for seal fishing. as propon- ed by the United Suites, would ruin the Canadian indnatry. Ram \V W, Ouinlm. rnnbnr of neon conaemneu no ueuu. Four survivors of A boat load of twenty- one men from the bri Vallnint have ar- rived at St. Pierre. hey sustained life by eating the esh of dog. Min M, (`mu-av Thomas. nreaidont any OI 1'ennsy|varm|.u Aueguuny, 1 u. The queen has only one pair great. grandchildren. the baby boys of princess Frederick. of Hesse-Cassel, the younab iater of the German emperor. D , Hnvnl. Sn. Louis. in chanted unity. Liout. Elo, the grandson of president Kinger, who recently made insulting re- marks regarding the queen, has been re- instnlled and appointed lieutenant; 0! the Pretoria police. A mnmhnr nf A Vinrm-inn nenlimr house. Aoylnooolllr-. Vnxox. Out. In: &--A chi and- |nn uuumvnrl in u mill at anon. H11 In (hned 'l'o `fluo- . .1- Crawford's Mixed Wood lo. uvlncsm & BRO. The ixgany new ideas can be appreciated best by a personal examination, . I {div van; May 8.-Isaae N. mm. in his weekly cable` ettar to the Tribune says: Mr. Chamberlain, who is tired strongest and most courageous minister, recognizes in the new Canadian tariff the first of the fruits of seed sown by him last ear on what then seemed stony ground. e startled the Cobden club by proposing an imperial customs union as the true basis of imperial federation, but the colonies were silent and unresponsive. Mr. Laurier, after defeating Sir Charles Tupper, the chief colonial advocate of an imperial zoliverein. has boldly appropriated bisideas and the dominion has taken the first step toward the commercial federation of the empire by oiferin the mother country preferential rates. his policy is welcomed by the ministers, and important use will he made of it by Mr. Chamberlain in the jubilee conference with the colonial re- miers. With this advance toward free trade with England. Canada holds what old card players call a stronp trumping hand in any controversy over t no Behring sea sheries. The new tariff` policy of Canada will increase the difficulty of ar- ranging a satisfactory system for the pre- servation of the fur seal herd. rru.- t......:.... A` Hm mnat. fawn:-nrl nation handsome petterns. Best goods from the leading makers at popu- lar prices. ' Our display of Bicycle Suits, Golf and Knicker Hose for the coming season contains the great- est variety ever shown. nu. cnnubocmu 3.`... .1 oluam New worm clout nolntlonu With luglnnd. , r,__._ J I'_-_- `I! I\....I In B0l'V&taI0 OI H10 Ill!` BOQI DBFU. The bearing of the moat fuured nation clause on the Canadian preferential tariif `with England is discussed by the En liah nu-ace with mmn decree of uneasiness. he A BIITIIII nluyulu vluuuunu.-vu. Crcooenuiyalops and Wnrwiclo. Prices Iran: 845 to 8110. J. Cunninghun, King street. Tho aloof; Dandy. ngm, u-riv-od at Rich- ardson & Sons elevator this morning. IGOLORED SHlRTS.l The Leading House in the city for COLORED SHIRTS, all Bawoshat 01.75 for an: Cord. is the but value in the city. Gullt of the Half-Breed: Now In Custody Established. BISMARCK, N.D.. May 3.--The authori- ties of Emmona county, where the six members of the Spicer family were mur~ dered in a mysterious and brutal manner last February. are now on the way to a complete unravelling of the mystery. Not long ago one of two half-breed In- diam. who are under arreat charged with the crime, made a partial confession acous- ing his companion of having instigated and carried out the crime. This confusion has been supplemented by the confusion of two Indian be a who were suspected of know- ledge oft ecrimc. They state that they happened tobe at the Bpicer -1 the day the murder was colnmittodhand found the two half-breeds there. The members of the fami- i_v were murdered, and the boys were in- duced to keep silent through fear of being suspected of having been concerned in the matter. A division of the property stolen from the place waa made, and one of the boys secured a peculiar gold ring. which nally led to the detection of their know- ledge of the crime. All four persons are clouely conned, and will have a hearing on Saturday next. llllllllu ullliuu n-uuu-;o National lea ue amos--At Louisville, 5; Chicago, 3. it gt. Louis, 3; Clevelnnd. 8. At. St-. Louis. 1; Clovelnnd, 3. At Philadelphia. 3: Brooklyh. 2. RASTEILN 1.:,\uvn:. Eastern lengue gamea-At Providence. 5; Toronto, 4. AI: Wilkeabarre. 0; Roches- ter, 6. At. Scranton. 7; Syracuse. 5. 'with England is discussed oy me nn usu press with some degree of Canadian ministers" replies to the opposi- tion taunt that they are repudiating im- ierial obligations are received doubtfully. he plea that the most. favored nation clause binds England` and crown colonies like Jamaica. but not self-governing colo- nies like - Canada, Australia and South Africa, is regarded as specious, since. as usual. the St. James Gazette remarks it would justify New- foundland in enacting legislation incom- patible with French shing rights secured by treaty. The contention that the most favored nation clausewill give Germany and Belgium equal ri hts only on equal conditions is consider d more logical, since those countries are not lilrely to treat Canada as generously as England already does. England s favors to Canada will be gratuities shared by all the world. not special concessions granted for considera- tion. It is plain that if Canada can place British trade on a preferential basis. with advantages which Germany and Belgium cannot enjoy under imperial treaties, a different view of the operation of thefsvored nation clause must be taken from that or- dinarily held in England or anywhere else. Thu Mmmhnstar muriar ha! I hllllOiV T0- dlnanly hem In rm mm: or nnywuuru man The Manchester urier has timely minder that the United States government may malxe an early attempt to establiah preferential trade relations with South Am- erican countries and that the necessity for this policy will be imperative if the Cana- dian tariff propoeala are emplofed, an reci- procity on the basis of equiva elite, not of urntnitinn. in an imnortant feature of procity the Deal: or equlvtuente, non on ratuibios. is an important. t e Dingley tariff. This reminder does not. lack force: the British trade with South America is enormous, and in would be seriously menaced if the United States should take up A new reeiprocisy policy, recklessly abandoned by the Cleveland ed- vninial rntinn, Clothiers and -Fnrnlshcrs ` }'P-Ni--W,-t A Strong Illcyclo Comblnntlou. ., II-,__I-___.._l IIr--_.:-I.- ll mwanm, FEDERATION. THE SPICER MURDER. ouann ST. lhuban Game: Saturday. A- I -_-:-. `I If you would like Anometlpilg different wgwould be planted tO_ show.you{ ' It contains a few atticles that would be admired on such an oc- cgsion. A A. c, Jonnsmn & slab. The R. & O. owsmor Hamilton ropohcd this rt. yoooordoy Afternoon M; 1:40. on her rat trip ol the Ionian, hon Moutnul to Hunilton. 8:10 curried A very ltgo our 0 of freight, not no poooongoro. tot hovqmg ooolodvnp at Swill`: whorl, who oominutd on her my to tho Ambltuou City. She was duo home on Friday. Int. but on the com] did not opon until Schr- day. the was compelled to wait. She did` not go through tho _Boy of Quinn. hot took the shorter room in order to auto up on much time go pogoiblo. Thewedding Window `Growing All the |Time, loun wmnow It never hes been possible. it never will I gosuibimto conne luminous within oer ounde or to portion it all between 01.0 on an equality basis. one has sbiuty. an r has not-. one in entetprisi enough to r mm for the bent or ever oh us you need on- other utinu men wit. the commonplace. and charge in pro I-Mon. No two atone no alike she pen ooh Mound and con to and decide or themoalvee which in. men .60- eerving of their pen-oneu. This husln u Inn nown to meatneu because you won, _ it to- |2HAWFll 8 ana uoume nor nnomuuwen wmou nu. mun yu- grown uroatneu you wan . mt no long an we continue to connldor our intuostn on n pl! with our own. and [ha 0 valuu. will it oonumw to grow. Th; author of additional ntooln ot the nlturo ol the II A secondary oouuidontlon. W0`:-0 balm to get what. our public" shows ltulf to want. and to man low prion an A matter 0! oounq. W . I. Llnnnnnn. rnnur. Dxuc-mn um Enu.In-n1 hu- oou strut, block above old utnnd. 1. I`. llnlbltloug Unnnuun AND EIIALIII. Ptlnoou Street. Phones--Wu-oroomu. 00; Euldonoo. 91. Lowoat. price. ROII HAY wr THAT SOLID 1311101 Home. No. 234 H! 5%.. non Sydonhnln. containing single on or. dining room and do- uohad kltnhon, 1 bedroom: man but '1 room and w.o..opon nluklo pin . plnlnbin . gun and elo:t.tlo combinltlon xtures throat`:- ouhflllldonth nrd. with nido and tour at- OUR BLOUSJE AND SHIRT WAISTS Are duo talk of the city inst. now. Prion nova: _ so ulow,styleI and manor uncut. never so vaglod. A ONCE A A 000:` L YOUNG I Apply 81`; GENERAL Enquire 1` FEMALE ` the work hntnl charm I and elo:t.tlo comblnutlon xtures untouch- out.fIllld0|)h yud. tnmoe. Apply to J. W. OLDIII, lurid Square. - ISTEAGYMTEACY. ~ ulna. xuuu. Tun Lnmlo Uxmn-nln-lM-l50 Prlno stunt. '1`olephonou1A. Open Day and NI; I 64TH Y]lAB.~ into. "i'< 3. Dress Tweeds. JLJIAIJ-II | Lnnnm Ulmlruxln Am) IIIALI Prlnoou -mo, Oornu Bydonhun nu phone commnnlonuon. AFEMALE OOOK. OOMPETINT TO DO the work of 1 ntclnu ooxnmoruill hotel where for regular boarder: no kept. Apply to (norm: STIWAIT, Douronto Bonn. Duoronto,Ont._ I.4KK1'Ul"-`III IXUI W. XI, ill. IIUUII Loeup, ed 7 years. Funeral on uudny Iftcmoon st. lnlf- to two ofolbk. to St. James church, ran: his son`: renidenoo. University nvonuo. Friends and ncquuintancu are rupees- fully invited to attend. \l ulln Luml at thin olnoo. ATURDAY AFTERNOON. ON ULEBHY street-, bohvoon Pl-lncou and Earl struts. I SABLE RUFF. Finder wl ll plouo Inn at this nlnn. \ snulm: I: this olco. ESTEBDAY. ON PRINCESS STREET. 811`.- twaan any and Westbrook A LADYM SABLE BUFI". The nder will be rounded nn Mn Intnrn in thin nfca. HABLE BUFI". 'l'||9 under on its Ioturn to this office. Ex sox.'m_i1uox mane.-Ininn ninlln nn or. dlmnn room and Lvoxu-Wmu..\x-0n April 28th. eb_,8. Columbife cathedral, Pembroke. by the Right. Rev. N. Z. Lorraine. blehop of Pontiac. ueieted by the Rev. Father I4 Tullippe. Chu-lee A. Lynne. eldeeh [on of Patrick Lyone, Kingston. to Mildred second daughter of J. E. Whqlen. EIq.. Pembroke. ` Your money back 1! you wcnt lt. III-CEO Lxlhm--In Kin ton. Ihy 9nd. John l'.4Fhmn. Ann! 7 van-1. Bole Agents BUTTERICK PATTERNS. - QATURDAY AFTERNOON. ON` CLEBGY k an-net.. hohmon P:-{neon and Itruh. l `U St. Luncheo-Olony u` or 3:5: cloud`. with `haven. I )2: `sK1`Un6Af zi1'Giii'.-A nt.Ax'r'i3l' niln Lamb Bu. wm Ilndcr plounluvo A thin uion. KT AT THE GENERAL HOSPITAL. ` lnundrou. SERVANT. NO WASHING in the evening :9. 55 Goons B6. : ANTLE APPRENTIOE. HAEDY'8. AN THATCAN WRITE Wu. K Snxuv HOUIB. RAFFLE `n Anna. IIADQIIIID.` WEATHER PROIAIILITIEI. '1`U.VU1s; A1` 'l`li In 4 P. M. mni'rIoN. * upper av. uwrvnuu luau; or partly cloudy. with o`l::I_l'O. little change in ulnpontun. Has been named _._.....__ W. I. DRENNAN. -ou-An .unl'unAvuu HENBY BRAKI- -nn--sA'-- Ann `Enr- T. F. HARRISON. .- Anvvn '|ltAIIl- `WANTED. TO LET. htllhhllol ' `of x % Tmu IILIRIID. L031". ~ I. ' EINIY I. Y. hx I F|I"r`LoI-.1 E&`."'-a-*-.`";.'.'.'`-5 l'i3.."L`}`;':.'.-..? COAL (run? suns _ Hf` h`. LOCAL MEMORANDA. no may nod. nqsmror mug mum rm. 9...: -I-In-nnnlran hr. TIC 1511] 30'. III [IVE 'Vlll- aI------ `lo Poet Thenulvoe hv. Annual meeting of yeobb club to-night. Meeting an mechdnioe institute this evening as eight. o'clock. Houeo cleaning lesson in o moeb oppor- tune time for 3 house furnishing eelo. See P. J. WelIh e ndve. wmn cowmwrs. Page l--War Concluding; Telegraphic Topiou Page 2-Queen e Convocation Admis- sione; Prohibition: Church Events; Loon! None. 1).... Q __ Ihnhinnu Nnnnnnn News : Non. Page 3 -- Fashions; Nnpanee News ; Country Tidings. Pngo 4-EdiboI-inla ; Local and General. Page 6--Munio : General Selections. Page 6-- he Very Lotus. hndnnu plnqou non guilty`; 0. llntfnor was the oomp inant. and in ovidonoolno told of having boon driving along Princess nuoot. mu warden Met.- onl!o I potty. on the evening of t.ho27th inst. ndnntl were driving in the op- A indirection and n collision occnrnd. Inpointofomof tho mm of (intend- nn&u' My piotcod \ho bunt of com- Slolnnnfu from which the animal ind the Mishap ooourrod. u to who wu driving when tho collision occur- pouitivo. from the infor- . x. 1...: ......a.-I, Huh nag... TI-lls HAN ME NEW RESIDENCE ON Union treat. nest Division Street, lately oooupi by David J. Whitehoa . A small axpon ituro will complete it, lot adjoins ummuvn (`mllna mounds. Apply to R. V. Outcome 0! The Inning 0|` 0. Ilnlnorh none but Wonk, . David Canon and Frank McDonald. boys nbont. fifteen or sixteen years of Age, won in #110 police court this morning, charged M: an infraction of tho attest. by- law. by iuunodorato driving. Both do- hndnnu pleaded not guilt. . I`. n.`.m- I nl the onmu `nut. was India; on the ido- wlnu collision oocnrnd. but did know who woniulhorigthu oollid~ odviIhBuIou'o._ Buwcuqnoridin on apouzhlht in did no Inn mnlhl hninllneolluion. rm all um 00% nougnno u.':s'L,a ban in the colliniou. hills! that loan hours I Ounon ulnithd that who tho col- !lD`iJ 1146 Plano In icon at Wnlu oice. ._.___._.?_.. __..____ ..._.__..__..__:___. HE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PRUPE B/l`Y north of the fenced grounds. The exten- ulon of Eu-1 Street. will run directly ghrouuh vwwvvw--- _-- - V , WTTTT V , RITII IBTATI 0' JAN! 8038!? ____. --: RIDPA'I`H .- HISTORY OF THE wun fohr volumes. wall bound and 1-o|`u illustratod. May be soon at Wine 0 co. o`oou'p'1 Dam A small will Queen : College groundu. Apply V momma. Barrister. __..____...:.__..__..______. THE ASSOCIATION k'l:tUt'llt'1`! Ilon of En! Street. through those lot: which are close to I growing noc- u.m of oh my. Apply to J. s.sxumcn, giro`:-|o`ic>-t;Vvl`1'i'0Vt: A thm of tin cm. Apply S. sxmrucn, Solloitor, Chrome Street. N0'l`ICI:` Ur Aaalum Ilzn I . Intho Matter of the Estate of M. Davy 65 Son, 01 the Village of Murvale, in the County of Frontenac. General Merchants. OTICE IS HEREBY GWEN THAT THE above named M. Davy & Son did. on the 99th day of April. A.1). 1&7! make an ensign- mont. to me. Jame: Redden, of the City of Kimutnn. In uunlumca of the wt of the BIHIUIIIIV DALI: DI nuvuvn ( F I SIORY ROUGH-CAST DWICLLING (8 rooms. heated by furnace. with extension hiI.ohen.frontim`) on George Street. (No. 63), K!nnon,()nt. , gin? Lot. 16. with lanai 335 face frontage and 110 no deep. to a lane in rear (0 ton on or over said lane to 0 Kill St Thorn 3 uino as IIYIO 8-story wood shed on amrehouu. also 3-ucory barn and 2-story drive home. Will be sold at Public Auction 9_n FRIDAY. HAY lhhhlsm. M . 12 o'clock . nun .1 A.-p.AIn-\ nnrnn R-nnlrfrnnh, E;-1;:-I30 vi`! Iahilrod, to rmain on mortgage 31.62. Igcgnlutther particulars apply to . . ULD . Aunt. that Estate and Insur- nnqo An,1M Wellington an-cot. u--.::. -\--Nl'I\.IIl r'I-1: RS. ALLEN. DRESRIIAKBR. WI~`HI-IS `IO inform her vuutomu-a that she hu ro- Inovod from over Dunlnp`a Clothing Store. Kin; Stnet. to ms Bazut Mrooc. _____.-._:____?...__._.:. A study young man. Understlmls bonus. Apply to oice of this paper. :_ DUHI rlvuvuu nu -u..n -- NUIHIER OF U000 BOAT HOUSES AT the (S3! West. Shut. For psrucuhn apply to II & Cu. Aepecial line put out for sale this morning. 35 per yard. A dozen good patterns to select from. gun Umbrellas. Comin` . the time for these goods. e are ready with better vague than we ever before oered, boght from makers. 3:, $1.25. Go on Ca Redden, of the Ulty or Kin stou. punlumca Log ulature o!Unt.ax-lo, entitled An not re- Ipuoting Auuiunmont-s n11dPreferonceu by In- nolvont. Persons, being uhuptnr 124 of the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario. 1887. and umandin n.-mu, A mutinn of the Orettonn _o{ tlgo _a_ai uuts. A muting Oredlton 0! tho aalcl ostnto is hereby convened and will be held at tho okco of Messrs. Hmynho & Lyon on WED- NESDAY, the nth da of May. A.]). 1897. at l1n'nln(`k |.m.. (or he Appointment _of_ in- Will be sold at ruouo Aucuuu on FRIDAY. 7th 1397. M. Noon, M. Hills Auction hooms. Brookzitroet. Subject. to one rouorve bid, and also subject. to I three year lease. tel-mlnulnu lst Sept. 1898. at 3 renul of 01.5 per month xnclndlnu` uuea which mum 5/. on M000.) `Perms of salo-_ amount of purohuo money on day of sale. emu balance 1! no donned, 9_$_6_Z. #0 number .1-\r u n A__-L |I-..I Ir.o-o. and Innnr- I"Ul'( 35`-1% l I.ElVlJI.nIu IHLVE INSTRUUPIONS TO OFFER FOR. nle by tender, either for whole (or in two or [hue puts it ell sold) that valuable pro- perty eituatepn north side of King Street. corner of Gore Street. Kinnlson. Ont. having II frontage on King Street. of 107 feet. more or Ion. with in! feet. iron tune on Gore Street. The euterlyiive feet fl-unmae on Kim: street (in: about 45 feet_bnck) used oonjointl as It gate way with adaoininn froporty. ' enders ad- dressed to un erulu1_g__(mg\_r_le_xi__Lljendar) will .. ...-.. dw th of K9 Ieel. ' he hot is nltnnto opposite Queen`: College grounds and close to the City Park, and 1: suitable for I private ehlenoe. The vendor reserves one lud. Con Mons and mu-Mculurs made known st. the time of sale. JOHN H. HILLS, Auctioneer. In_-..A.... un\1In. 1R'.'l _ NEW DRESSMAKINO PARLORS. DRESSDKAKING, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, executed with nestnosn-and despntoh. at modonto prices. Special nctentlun given to Children`: clothes. I15 Pnmuxsa srnusr. over Kun Piano Wm-grooms. ::.?__ wun nu Ollllll naps:-sq. .u..\-u... ... ironed on! nuf(mu-ted Tender) w be received up to RIDAY NOON, HAY 7t.l um. 'l`c|-mu-25`/, onh and balnnqe on em FRIDAY NUUN, nun um, um. and balance any term: at 5); per unnum. Title perfect. I-lichen. or any Lender not necessarily ac- tmvdnd. at 57. Du ` ooptcd. ..-_-. Auction Sale of City Property HF.` UNDERSIGNRD WILL SELL AT HIS Auction lionms. Brook Ht:-oat. M12 o'c|ouk noon, on THUIHDAY. isth May. Lot. 4!. Arthur Place. in the City of Kingston. front- ing on Arch Strobe ll feemand lmving It lm ha opposite Colioqe WWBINDINGI As (i;!(-)0'l"().l{`l-li2Ir.Pl"LlV1rBY A somm Undersunds cure of harm; Look FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. . ASURRE Y, WITH HOOD IN GOOD ORDER. Apply at Wilmn'n Llvormclnnnoe St. V N _DAY,the lithda Li). 1897. at llo'oiook |.m., f_or ll rointinent of npeotora Ami the giving 0 1 iructiona with na- feronco to the dipoual of the mid mitnte. Dated st Kingston thin 3rd day of May. A.D. IIIIT. JAMES BE DDEN. Assign in Trust 178 Princess St . Kingston. .suY'r1in: & LYON, Solicimrs, Ontario Chambormxingat on. ,,_____, I _ :51 wiilinad olninn Tenders ad- com: IlO( (marked ha nu-alvnd no uh, J. A. GARDINER. Real Estate and Innunnoe Agent. 0fco-I| Wellington st. -_.1 Kincston, Hay lat. 181.7. 7 . f{IDPATH'.- HISTORY 014` THE WORLD. (Mu volumes. proluuly IMMODERATE DRIVING CASE. K `S GROOI OR HELPER BY A stand! mun: o 7.- H . - SITUATION WANTED BOAT HOUSES TU RENT. . \vDIIll|IIl'I nI.V :\nnh nnrr unncna A BARGAIN SALE BY AUCTION .. .. mnnv nnnuu_n.m'r DWltl.l.IN(} % TENDER. runnn run-nnnnvmnxru an nwnm EC - ~` " WILL BUY A NICE LI l"l`LlI OHIOKEIL 3 1116 Plum in oxcallont order. To be no Wmu NTEICE oi= ASSIGNMENT. m ugocu n! the Estate D REMOVAL. . -vs` n , \|V n . II IIVIJI Ton SALE. WORLD. , K11-oluuly lnm ca. u x Anni Greece Would; It is Said, Grate- fully Accept It. Male. :2. e have good Market Um- brellas 5oc and 75. The Stylish Cape mm smsx IIISIIIATIIIM ohllh to Ijno In III nuyouruunuu. I. Dulysunin. who usually ntind from ` .511! than `.!'..I'.':'.`~...""".`.*.....*i`:.`....'.:s.:`.`. |REFLElJI|Nl3 nu ma xmc.| `II. In"'-I-.CIW TCCOC A1-nn.\'s. May 3.--The legislative cham- bornnlly Iocund I quorum ind hold I sitting Saturday afternoon, gt-at crowds surrounding the building. The public galleria veto throngud. The new minia- un were Iutatl on the govurnmont I-n-union uoncuco. V. II. Rdli, the luv premier. without do- lqy, addressed the home. He aid the rwcuo of thogovomnnont. would be to to-organist W` bout. 1 mar- inbion o! tho In litnry it would impossible to curry on wu nod con- clndoonhononhlo poms. Happily, the nuzb rib`: can Chill. II` I W fa}; cumoun nononnu pills. nuppuy, we u-lay. which vsswortlly of a lunar fab. uninhinod in spirit nqiaapdnd. The county night upon II with gzbuougln the ` iV;.oha:.lnI)C and union to no-opoltlu vi 3...... man. Ilunwhilo th cabinet allot] sh; ohunhdt to lg: to an Adjournment M lhlonn uhonmnllv [child] from WORKING DAY AND NIGHT LIKE SISTERS OF MERCY. plied to mnamunta or we mumor. , The Berlin correapondent of the Daily Mail learns mm. the powers will not con- sent to the levying of indemnity upon Greece. end tlmt. Aunt:-in end Germany are trying to induce the pone to modify its demands. .0hJoctIng to Food Being suppllod the In- huh|mm.u-I`oworI Will Not content to Lovylng Indemnity on an-oaoe-whnt II. Bnlll sun wm Bo thequlromontn of 1)..-.- For present wear is not a matter of price and material only-far more. Style is not bought, it is created. Fine All Wool Serge Capes, black or blue, to order, $4.50, handsomely trimmed and nish- ed. Velvet Capes, Broadcloth Capes. Style-best. Price--low- [0000 P.u5_rs, Mew l.--A deepntoh from Soe, Bulgaria, to The Gaulois alleges that M. Roll), the Greek premier, hes semi-oicieL ly intimated that Greece will gratefully accept the mediation of the powers. On the other bend it is stated that Turkey will be satisfied with the payment of a war indemnity. gusrenteed by the tem- gorery surrender of the Greek eet. The enlois adds : "The sultan, now conscious of his strength in consequence of the suc- cesses of the Turkish forces in Thessaly, is resolved to claim sovereignty over Egypt or obtain more effective recognition thereof." Amn-nun Man I -.A dnnnntnli from SMILE mm [.0 mo Wlrnull. auu L nuuuiy BUIUIUFI Ii even on their own otlioers so terrible was the panic. It is impossible to believe that the army at Pharsaloa can withstand the Turks in 1 pitched battle. That the war is now practically over is plainly ap- `run!-Auk P". . . Ismail Pasha, governor of_ the Island of Crete, has protested against. the decision of the admiral: allowing food to be sup- plied to inhabitants of the interior. 'I`hn Rm-lin con-mnondent Dailv obtain enecuve recogmmon Luuruul. ATKINS, May l._V-A deapabclxirom Santa Maura, capital of the island of that name, off the west coast of Greece. announces that the Greek gunbotb Flotilla, in the gulf of Arts, has bombarded bhe Turkish coast near Nicropolia and Samoa Petra. The Turks ed. In .... ;\\I unit I #A alnnnnhoh tn the urea. A despatch to `the Evening News from Athens says: M. Theotokia cook the oath as minister of the interior yesterday even- ing and left the Greek capital later with the minister for war. Col. Taamadoa. for Phartalo. the headquarters of the Greek army, whence it is reported that the Greek troops have aucoesafully repulsed I heavy attack of the Turks. 4...... 1:-.. '2 #Afnu- mmninina innntivn stuck or me LIHKI. Anm. Mey 3.-After remaining inactive for two days the Greek troops on Friday rednveded Epirus. The sixth regiment advanced to and occupied Filippindn for the third time without ghtin . The Turks ere still at Pentepigadia en Imeret has been fortied, the military bridge over the river Arte (Araehloe) having been destroyed. The streets of Art: present a strange scene. with the continuous exodus of citizens and the steady incoming of the peasantry, who camp out in the streets around res. with thousands of sheep and cattle. ollicinlly employed Ill Turkey. Lox nos, May 3.-lt. is semi-ollioiully stated that Lord Salisbury : propoeal to the poifira fang conference at. Paris to dis- cuss mouuroa with I view of ending the war between Turkey and Greece has al- reody been under consideration forseveral dnya nu the various foreign otlices and may now bo considered denitely abnndoned.. lnunnu Man '2 The Timon rlnnnnlnn DO conaiuemu ueunuely auunuunuw. LONDON, May 3.--- The Times deepatcn from Larissa. dated Wednesday, says : The chrietinns who are returnin here all say that during the battle at Mi ouna the crown prince Constantino we: at Random at the foot of the pass. The Greek army is described an behaving on that occasion like I disorderly mob. All discipline was H31! to the winds. and Thessaly soldiers 6 Au... an Hmir nuvn ninau An lnrrihln The Turks ed. Lennon, May 1.--A despabch to the Daily News from Constantinople says that the Greek eet has attacked Preveaa. The commander of the garrison . has asked for provisions. but adds that he can wait if necessary a little longer. It. is expected that reinforcements will reach him in two ..I...... da s. ONDON. May 3.--'I`he correspondent of the Telegraph at Athens says: Certain members of the late cabinet are ind ustrious- ly fomenting anti-royalist feeling by state- ments in the press calculated to rellect upon king Ueorge. For example. the late minister of marine alleges that be pre- pared: complete plan of action for the eet, but that his orders were not executed owing to certain other orders issued b the king. which were inconsistent with them. countermunding them. Queen Olga and the crown princess Sophia are work- ing day and night like sisters of mercy. To;quoen s health leaves much to be de- Cu. VUIVCI. Wayne, .- . . _ _ . V, est Here. The Mllllnery Store Never held so many pretty ex- clusive things as now. Fresh ar- rivals to-day. HARpY s. an. ..A.-