we have a large . WAR stock of Fine Rai- . sins and Currants. 4 OR They are perfectly * V , cleen. Thesegoods - "0 are very degu-able ` on account of their `wn. snperiot quality, . H.JOHNS. ITDI. J. U|lll'KO Murray. M I See Gallagher : window. The lstooat. novelties in colored shirts. hate And tion. We positively lead in styloa. An old man named George Brown ro- orbod to the police this afternoon that he ad low 87 on Princess street. 0. W. Ford, H. Nil:-on, B. Silver. Mia: B. \Vn|msley and George H. Wilson, Ill of this city. were in Montreal yesterday. Hnfnntivn O Lann-_ nf Hm rlnminion do- ' Olllnnah I'M ll null. mum. n.x'.. nu` &-D~p-I: Mar 1.5. up...-gd f I` (Masha on IiolIu'o`,.n:c\h`ol Ida vlovnu II- dumhguuul iulodo U::Il8I-Ins HUI! Iln IHIIHIBIIT. Mina Elsie C. Mm'my,Enr1atreob. left for Montreal thin afternoon to visit. hor uncle. Prnf. J. Clarke Murray. I See Gnllnuherh onus clay. were In moncrem yonwx-uu_v. l)et.ectivo O Lonry, of tho dominion de- tective force. wan in town voatorday, and had A long conference with time! Horsey. Mr Mmllnv hm: mndn in (into with M r. uumagea mo mncnlncry. About eleven o'clock last. night, na tho street. cnrn were being run into the bums. two of them oollidml on Kin ucroot, slight. damage being occasioned to och. (`.nmnhxint. ha: hnnn mmln In Hm nnlim UDIHEKQ UBIHR DCCIIIIOIIOU [40 D03". Complnint has been made to the police that 9. mun nnmad Huxley. while driving a hack. mu down 1: young Indy bicvclist. last. owning, and smashed her wheel badly. Ir. in ntntnd nn Hm hmzf. nnthnrihr that XVII". RIDING, Ill}! HINGE l\ Ul` \VIl4lI Watkin-Mills, the English baritone. will sing here next. Tuesday evening, I IHL 1 IN]. Just. arrived at. (lull-1ghar`a, direcb from New York. the lending jubilee hut. in all colors, hard and soft. See them before buying. . ' Mnmr nnr No R lmrl tn Im taken to the buying. Motor our No. 8 had to be taken to the barn: from Ontario street, this afternoon. on account. of water having got into, and damaged the machinery. l\hnnt.nlm~m1 n'r~lm~|: last. night. In tho HIIUI lily U] hi: many I ity. A nrnmi TAYLOR S, my. A prominent nldormnn is said to have sang so vigorously on at recent occasion that his coar-but.t.ou broke. and its dia- mond front. was loan. and has not yet bean found. ll..- r`Il...........L ...:t.. ..l AI... o\..n...{nhu- OVUIIIHR, nun HTHRHIIKWI Il8l' WIIBBI UllUl_V. In is stated on the best. authority that Hugh Ryan. of Toronto, will be knighted shortly by her majesty in rooognition of hi: mnnv nvtn nf nnhlin and nrivnte ohm`- Mrs. Clnmmonh. wife of the proprietor of the Tlmusouid I.-4lnml house. is dimger oualy ill at. the Hotel Dion. She recoivo(l the lust. rites of tho Romun Catholic church last`. night. 7 \\/illinmn lnnvnn fnr the \\'nmnnm IIISU nlgnb. W. Williams lonvea for the Wampum gold mine on Monday to invr-.st.ignte and report. to the shareholders. The stock is (`.h.'1n;ging lnmda lrooly at 100 per cent. premium. Jnlm Nnvlnn. tho nnlv Kimr. em- PFOWIIIIII1. John Nuylon, the only Kin . ployed on the governmonb red on, has been dropped from the wrvico t, in year. although strongly recommended for m on- gagement. The nh.-xirnmn of tha nivir-. committee on gugemenr. The cimirnum of the civic commit.t.ee mnrkota states that no permission was ask- ed and none granted to arena as sign on n portion of the shnmbleo. The mnhmr will be dealt with at a meeting of the commit- Man On, llll I-nuv pnrually ma-urea. The wife of Rev. Dr. Um, (lodericlmlied on .\l:\_y lat. She lumbmn lately unrlor euro in a snnimrium nl. llnnnvillo, N.\'.. whole the doctor who also iu\`nlile Mrs. Um. u very charitable lady. was widow of tho late nhcrill Mn(`,(l0lll\l(l. rm... ........l.-... .J oh.` Kin-lnn hinrnln um late norm mncuomuu. The members of the Kingston bicycle club invite all wlneolmen to attend the smoker tonligllt. Owing to the nonlex. istonvo of :\ mgiator nl wheelmen it. was im- `I possible to m-mh all with lnvit.at.lons. but in lieu themof a general invitation is ex- tended. VVIII Bl llth. I..- boo to-inoirow. This morning the engine mom of James Hnrrimnifnplaning mill. Niagara Fiills. Ont... was discovered on ro. Before the ' deparlinoim vould extinguish tho llnmoa K the east wing was guttei . Loss, $1,000: partially insured. Tim wifu nf Rev. Dr. Um. (lodericlndied THE... | bay and mnguon. In the current issue of the Canadian . Touchor the 511%.-nor portion of W. H. Fletcher`! paper on writing is given. Mr. Fletcher is a member of the local collegiate institute stall` and the paper was ma bo- fore the recent. convention of Canadian edu- cntionnliata at. Toronto. banned. The steamer Ovlemonn. nf Ogdonsburg. has been vlmrtorod to carry excuraioni.-ca from that city to Kingston on the `2-lth of I May. She has boon ohmtered for the son- ` son by an Ogden.-lmrgz citizen and will, it. I in said, run t.ri-weekly trips to Alexandria Buy and Kingston. In Mm murrnn! innnn nf the Canadian Lot: 0! Imigrnmn. Mn.\`1~m<.u.. Quo.. May (.--Over 4,000 immigrants have peued through Montieel so far this season. more than double the number reaching here by this time Int veer. This looks in though this year will he A record breaker as far in development of the country is concerned. R. J. Munro. chief clerk for Mr. Fitn- hu h. superintendent of the Urnnd Trunk rni wny,.\lontrenl,hne elfected an exchange with Mr. Mullins. of London. chief clerk there for superintendent Jonee. ._._,_.___._____...._. chum Intel; . U1`xv.\. N.\'., Mgy 3.`--At. the Ution ` bond of nude to-day the following also of i chaos veto made :' I30 box largo white at 95` 3.. no large colond AI. 9ic.. 590 largo ooloud at 10:2,. 05 large colond at loin. > 06 mall at l0c . I65 mall at l0ic.. 6l9 ; small ct mic . H0 um]! 08 Ilo. . . An. [in]. Ball. 0.... n-Inn worn mm-In - Bxnnnmn. hlhm. |l:yMl4.-h~;l`o thonr ` 6 I hon \ tun ` I ':s:i..n. 3:...-fun: 0. n....."u.. `H Illuulvvnug I-Qy :1! av vu`--n J '1 ptiao of tho mighbon and the nuudn gldnioinno, Mn. |lu~y_ 0. Batu. tho ' Mord widow. who lunged haul! yu- hcdgy. 196 whose dam vu umonood. due uino hours of a nu ' revived (why. and it it you Ioliu oh. ' will `mount. ` l " CIIDIXI1. II hnuthctiu. EIDNI It lUj II" Imlll II III). M Little lull: than lulu vote mqdo : L040 hon: at l0e.. 350 n l0a.? at i l0|c.. 33 II !_llc.. 52 to Ho. - IEII IOHR COHKBPETICO Wlb Ollie! BOISE]. Mr. Medley has made a date with Mr. \/nHu'n.MilIn Hm lv`.nn-link |\nr:f.nn. Hh IIVIHI uyvu nu; u Snlmu. Ont... Muy 4. In hmlrn nnl. in than narh The above story of adventure is htviu 3 wonderful run in England. The rat edition was oxlmusted on the day of publiostion. The second edi- tiou did not last a week, and A third end larger edition was immediately called for. The story itself is worthy of its remarkable success. The scene -in hid in tbnt debatable land between Blitilh Guiana and Venezuela. "11 in I met wilderness of forest and loin. wild. unknown, penetrated only y ounces. containing possibly hidden trounrea. a floating population. and "mysteries which today tempt the imuginntion no they did in the old dnya of the oonquistadors. PAPER. 50 CENTS. FEEL ` pasiiikpno. _---. Wn D:n-d And In Allvo Again. .____.A_.. ll- nu-.. A 1!. .k-- H6!` HIIIJBE!/y Ill I_U('U`_`lIl \-IUII Ul acts of public and private char- lnnch I'M In Jill. ._ x0 \I |n_.L A "I13... _..___._____...._. l;:uzu-oyuu Ily rm. 1\.,. \l... I `IL: -luv. -This morning nl Han Ix`.-uni:-n | RI I". He May mm FoncERIEnmcIEo.| The Document lent Book to col. Dull end no loon Learned `that mine: lied loge Io:-ed-'l`Ie Police Are Looking up the Ann-. About three yearn ego two men. Wileon and Woods. were erreeled for breekin into W. Dunlo `a clothing homo. W e was dinmiued y the ma ietrnte when the one who up for trial end Vileon wee sentenced to fourteen yeeie imprieonment. `Last December friends of the convicted men circulated in tition among citizens for Ii nature. This woe signed by the merchant w none ploco oi bueineoe wu broken into. The petition wee forwarded to the minister of justice, accompanied by It letter pur- ported to be written lo the merchant whore goods and ohnttei; were removed from hie piece of bueinern by the two men nrreeted for the theft. The petition bore the nudlee of Col. Dull`, police magistrate. and O. V. Price, county judge. The minister of juetice recently forwarded the petition toCol. Dull` for his opinion in the matter and for further porticulnre con- cerning the crime, Wilson : character, etc. The receipt of the petition woe the first intimation the police magistrate had of ion exiotenceghie signature to it was a for- gery. Judge Price wee naked concernin his rignnture which the petition bore, on he condemned it an n forgery. Mr. 1)uniop was called in with reference to the petition mid to hit port in writing the letter which accompanied the petition to the minister of juetice. He denied having written such I letter. end branded it as u forgery.- _l...r. uim rim miilrv narunn II in A SCHEME NIPPID IN THE IUD Devil-Ttee of [I [luradu.7 Several Vonoln Anlmn-o-Oot.tn[or| Regin- ulng Io Arr|vo-0thor Dolugl. TInw.u.\.vn LN]./\.\'l) l Am<, Mny .'l.--It. was quite I surprise to many to look out on the river lnat. Tuesday morning und see several vessels ashore, vir... tho at.enmor ltoaodnlo and three barges belonging to the M. '1`. company, of Kingston. They all lie quite close t.oget.hor on diflorent. islands and shoals oppo:-its here. The Roaednle frood herself on Tuesday evening and lelt for Kingston, uudthe last, of the burger: was lightened and released on Wednesday morning. '0 am still having cold. back- wnrd weather. The association is getting out. atom) for the foundation for the new achoola. Jesse Jnmoa I! building I new cottage on the cornor of United States rwenue nnd l`aradine street. 8. ll. Wur- ner, of Syrncuao, is getting un addition to his cottage built by I). W. Gardner on Coast avenue. llornco \\'. Freeman one of the lessees of tho Park farm arrived from Rodmnn a few days ago and will remain a short time. \ -_...:...I .5. al... 13:... \':..... l\..lI M. n Ieuer. nnu Drunuuu ll nan uuuguuyy Just. who the guilty perspn in is not fully known. though a certain young man in suspected. The police have the af- fair in hand and are hunting up ovidenco. snort Mme. A rociml ur. the Fine View hall on Sni- urduy night by Miss Muurl Bockwibli. lute of the conservutory of music, Boston. drew in good house. In was under the auspices of court Fine View, I. 0. F. The (lore and Terry families of Syracuse have ar- rivod in. their cottages on Union uvenue. Edgar F. Otis and family. of Syracuse, has arrived und are occupying the Buell cottage on Outlook avenue. He will 0 en the book store in a few days. He is nlin publisher of the Park Herold. A. Belfery. of Wutertown. plumber, is here looking after his cottage. The sloop Dolphin and Flying Cloud are hope busily engaged in carrying builtlin material for the various oont.nici,ors. he water in very slow on the rise here this spring although on over plus in many other places. June: Johnston has purclmsed A small ooitn o from J. R. Robinson and has ro- ' m0\'0( it. to Sunset. avenue. Services were held in the nlmpel Sunday evening by Rev. M. I). Kinney, lately returned from Florida, A Buck-lluul slap. K|\`I:.~'T\\.\`, .\|ay 4.---(To the Editor): I have no objection to the Rock wood lioviow praising Mr. Harvey, Mr. March or my nther person it. chooses. but. I must. certain- 1 Iv Lain mmnnrinn tn Lhn lmc~|(.|u\nd nlnn I HUIIBT POVIOH Ha CIICIOSEE, DUI: I H155 CGl`(rll|ll* I Luke oxcoption to the back-|u\nd nlnp I. no other choir loaders got. through the ar- Liole copied in the city papers. llnvinn aivnn nnnmidnmhln timn tn nlmir Llcle copied In um QII -y pnporl. Having given ooneidemble time to chair work and having in my time hoimlbho boot choirs in l\lont.ro:\l and Tnronm. I make this u-serlimi that in neillmr of the above places (large and mmicnl thou h they be). do they sing any better or mm or in higher class of music. Their choirs cm) as a gene- rul thing numerically atmngar. but whon you have said than you have said all them is to be said. A _ ;. Al... ...I..- -.\..L.\.. Al` in bl... --Hal` is no In sum. As to the lee spoken of in the nrticlo referred to. fthink it. by no means a had ample. mid I have lmml it. sung by the boys of our public schools over twenty years agmnnd in a manner I venture to my Lhht. would unit. the musical critic of tho Rockwooxl Review. Everybody will admit. that Rookwood ho.-pitaxl has quite I mim- bor of excellent municimua. and in their own lino they may be just as good as the city af- fords. but thcronrn others whoaeopiniona may carry just, its much weight. when it. comes to tho mndermg of vocal aolectious, be their aubhore of A high or low order. -Yonn, etc. Cnmu.~:-run. uluu runny. nuuuw us-u vu `mu. ---nu-. `nation Tnschcronu. Gwwnne. Soclgwick. `hug and (:imu'umi. he Roetigonc h olocnon case wu called.` but was put. to the bottom of the maritime mvmco list. at the request of the counsel 0 both sides. Tho mnritimo list of cast: was than taken p: The first was that of Taylor vs. No- viinnon. which is a dispute ovor I promin- aox; note. he screw mauxuhctunue and the wool- len men amhere talking over their post tiona in respect to nductiono in (tho tlti. 51-... PM At Iiollnm In Lint. O1'1~.\\\-.\. Mn 4 --The upremo court mot to-day. T'hero were on the bench Gw'nno.Soc|gwick. `inn and llimninnl ha Rnntinnnnh IIIIIVII-II Iwuuv-I - v u, . Nntioml |onguo~At s\ nhingeon. 0; New York, 9. Ac Bmoilyn. 3; Bultimoro. IL At. Pitkburn. 7: Louisville, 4. A: Ulovolmd. 0: Cincinnati. 9. merrnnx u.r.u:rn. Euhrn luau.-.-\t Spiin eld. 10; To- ronw, 5. At Providonco, 3: ulhlo, 5. I HI UUTIIUI Dvvncsvn v. , Donor or Pnuoou um woulnnon urn :-:-j- Laval: conploxton. The mum fact should ulvmyu Inn I lnnlhlnyrivt Flow sud thin is attained In tho not of SI or`: Inn Tonic Pills who -s......5L... sh. nnrvnn nun-III lhn bland A largo gnthorinrufltnolood tho prootloo touch but night hotvoon two pichod toolno 0! tho Klugoton oooooiotion tootholl club. which ovout toot plnco ot tho K.A.A.A. ado. Tho looultvoo ovin for tho uloro hyoocaoolloono nothing. Tho tnino um mu to \ oIootino.tho .A.a.|. Az..`I..:-- uh. -ago.`-Q mnlnnnn mum mu Io Vuuultwuu \ olahlu diopkyiug the posh ooolncu ln om mun nilmq dino- I the IIIIu.o.(Il3`luI*'I mm '1oI:Itc nu; `am strong 0 turns. par y t andtonoupthon tum. Fifty pill: in: boxtocmn urlcodmguon. LETTERS T0771: smron. ISLAND PARK EVENTS. l`hnt-hull foster-way. | . I. ' n a. .n._ . WAND FAILED. Iaoolln Am: 'l`IcIr lntonlu-A nonn- nont Appolutnout. T0l\0.\'1 0. Ont. HQ d.--A largo num- lnr of tho lmnllor chants of cigar manufac- turers through Ontario und one or um from Quolm an in session to-day at the Rouin homo. Their object in to orguniu for the promotion of mutual intonou and to discus chm in the ruin`. cm. I II...-.-aI nnl-An nnnnrininnllnnf. (L. tho do mnont ol Inuunnco. nu noon Ip- Eoint ngiotnr of loan companion and u'Idi societies in Ontario. Thin in s new and was cnotod by an not pound at the late union of Iholqhlm tn rs. F. R. Guy, of Sydnly. N.8.W.. repro- uonting 1 nyndiooto of Avntnliun noun- pnpon for vhomho bu boon Muvolliung about the world for tho Int two or that yoga. in spondi a day or two in Ihocity on Many to ontronl vhonoo in you A Iopnfhndh "* . . y air. .A.. u rooontgndmu of Quad: uoivonity. cm! (or thoput your labor in olunin \ tho! univoniky. bu houuqipoinud to uoiohnt nutonhip I M V. ufpglhrond` D nooti Bo no I. Inulnn ...' '..'.n' 3.7.... .:ououl sms AND cumms WALSH S SUMMER SALES Ev Women (if Taste Witl1 no money 0 was an-euoo cnon m mo tonu, om. J. Howord nnhor. ouporintondont 0! the do muons at inuuroncc. hoo boon op- ...z.. ....:.o.... -0 I... puunnnnhn and __......._...._.......:....._.._.._. .._..._:__:_.--_.___.._.... _ ...__-._..__ Waldren 6: Mader, On sale at LESS THAN HALF PRICE: P- J. VVALSH LA DIES WHITE WEAR Successors to J. M. RICHMOND & C0. F. NISBET S| J. LAIDLAW & 0N. TORONTO TOPICS. of Prints.Dimities. Muslins. Organ- dies: and other light materials `for Drsses. Wrappers and Waists in full swing. Largest stock and low- est prlces in the city. With to waste, You are privileged characters here. We have a great many choice Some ofwhich you will see with no other rm in town. They are marked to SELL QUICKLY, ranging in price from M 4-OC` A YARD And are certainly worth your inspection. DRESS MATERIALS, 75C A YARD. On to the not that we no ulllmz hint. Knloomlno, Gordon Rana. Ollokon Win and Hon by tho on ton! to: Invinc- oomhciionu. nonnhu. noon IAIIIII- A. ol WI IIVI uu nnvuu Iunur town IIGI moon the lows. IVIRYONE KNOWS W0 In. tho niood usortmont in A.-- .-A n-length. lnunl 88 a 00 Prlncosa Street. -:?.- TWHA`T, 11% MEANS. A Novel by Frank Aubrey. :I`ho(comor Bookstore. ..-- -5 Is..n_.... nnnl -Alllntttul All "w. A- ncmsu. new P cxasa-r. | the man who claimed It was Wlntor null. but HE IS DEAD We have large of glifgs and Curgtsntls. ey are pe ect y an To cumin 3 Local Branch of Victorian om: of Nurlu. Tho oommltboo appointed to take oupo toward: the formation of I local branch of thoViot.orlnn order of nurses moo in the mug-or`: office last evening. There were present: Mayor Skinner. alderman Ryin and Wright. Lad Cnrtwri M. Moodnmoo Fruor. Skinner, otton. L oDownll. Bold. Murray. Oborndortfor. Uhown, Noll: Minna I-Iondoroon. Strange. Brophy, Huggorty, Donn and Maohor. mm- .....um- um: nnnnintnll nhnirmnn And Duran and Manner. The mayor was appointed chairmen and nldermen Wright teuretery. Mn. Freeer. Mieeee Bro hy. Hendereon and Meoher. nldermen nihem. Kent and Allen and E. J. B. Pence and J. P. Orem were ap- pointed a printing committee to undertake nll neceeeary printing. A unllnntinn committee. comiutimr of all pnmung. A uolloctlug committee, comiuting the preoldantn of all aocietioc ntllntod with the local branch of the national coun- oll of womonnvlsh Mrs. Fraser an convonor. was nppoirited. The city in to be divided into small districts in order thnt. 5 door-l.o- door canvass may be made. the collecting to bu dom entirely by the India. A mnnlnnnn urn nnnad nnnrnvlmr of/the be done entirely by one IIIGIBI. A resolution wee gassed npprovlng of/the establishment of A c ildrsn`s national 1 hi- lee ollering in connection with the ic- torinn order of nurses. In order that such a scheme should be is national one it was suggested that the co-operation of the ministers of education in the various pro- vinces and districts be secured that the school boards in all municipalities in the dominion may give active assistance and piece the matter prominently below the children of tho country to secure a general contribution of one cent from each child on June `list. such contribution in each school to be nrrun ed with such ceremony as may be detune expedient by the re- spective school boards. lt ee Not Lent a Moment of Time Blnce It Wu Appolnted. Aid. Donneliy, chairman of the grain elevator committee. says there ieabnolhtely no reason for the incessant nagging that a local paper in doing in connection with the meetings of the grain elevator committee. Since the committee was appointed not one hour has been lost. Upon every oc- casion when it was possible to further the intere-ts of the scheme the committee has been called together and haa done all that could possibly be done to bring the matter to a com-ummation. It is not hie fault that delay hue occurred. on account of either the action of the legisla- ture or of local oppoeition. -II had mllnd n mnntina fnr Innt. (wen- GRAIN EIEVATOR COMMITTEE. mire or 0! IOCII oppualuuu. "I had called a rnoetin for last. oven- inq, said the chairman. gum. was obliged to postpone it. on account of the ubeence of Mr. Mooers, who in in Montreal in response 5.. M. inuinninn nnnf. him hv nannrnl her Mr. nay: eutwa unuu nu be pleased to bring about a meet- ing between Mr. Mooera, on the one side. and the general manager himself, wd general trnilic manager, H. B. Reeves. on the other, and. he says, he be- lieves such a meeting would conduco to the mutual benet of both the elevator scheme and the G.'l`.R. Co. Mr. Mooera will be home this evening and e meetimr of the committee will be held at the earliest pos- sible moment thereafter. u'I`l....:. .-u... I.` run nnlitinn in this n':Cr slble momam. bneremwr. "There can be no politic: in this nluir. I ennaidur it. my boundon dusy to guard the oit_v u interests in this matter, as in any other, and I am not going to be turn- od from Whit I honest! and consciom.ious- ly bolieve to be the rig t. course." MI`. mooen, wuo II III Montreal III mapunw to nn invitation nent. him by oneml manager Boys, of the (}.T. R. In is lot.- nn Mr "HUI -mun that. ha wnnlui naya, 01 we n.1.n. 1 ma nut.- t-or Mr. Hays states than he would ha nlnn-ml In hrimr nhnnt: n mash. How They View It. A monthly meeting of the nurses` nluuunw association was held in the szeneml hos- ..:n..I I..-b nuoninn A fknr rnntinn hnninnnn aaaocumou was nelu Ill one izuuunu nua- iilnl lent evening. After routine businoal md been tnuisacted the scheme for the es- tnblishment, of the Vicmrinn order of nurse: was intmduced and discussed. The outcome of the discussion was tho adoption of this .oaolution : "That. as an asaocia- I tion. we highly command and hope for tho ronlizntioli of. Lady Aberdoon s philan- bhrnpic scheme. provided the nurse: on- gugod to carry on the work are grculuutoa ofa qencral hospital. where they wi!l have received ll thorough training in all the branches of nursing." A n ll p-`l`o.Dute Journal. A. H. St. llerm:\in.nn old Kingston and Toronto newspaper man. one who hm rend the Wun: for aixtyhne yeure, writes to congratulate it upon its new form. He considers it quite in line With the Toronto dailies, being of convenient size, nystoinm ' tlcnlly made up undclneaied. \\'ell~ti|led news columns and thomughlv up to-dale in local department. He adds: There is nothing that nppoarein the With; that should bring A blush to the cheek. It is beyond diapute one of the clean family papers of Cnmth." This language in Mr. Germain`: and he asks us to give it place. III Ilvwu u- u: Inn The strength of the report. pmsented to the meeting last. night by tho tmnnurer of the yacht. club was highly commented on by mombern. The clu had an income of loss than SL000. vet all running oxpenson won id. including insurance. rout. etc. The c uh purchased $400 worth of stock, About onmthird of the total amount, and owns about $300 worth of furniture. This il mounting to tho otockholdon. who can declare a dividend, having 875 in the tran- ailry. In one the stockholders hand over this 875 to the club. moro stock will be bought. in M. the and ,of the year. Totonto Nova. , W0 ` ould ouggeot th \I`. I clone! 50 Add- od to the criminal code pmvidiug for og gin; tramps who on convicted of doprodm tiono of my kind. For some time there but boon on ogulolion to apply the lush to {maps found with Bro-arms in Unit - cordon. and in is expected that this wi I be dono. Whilo Sir Olivor hos tho manor undo: conoidontion ho ohould carefully ...-ink slug nunfnngnln in favor nf thn um nf \.I. g null. An Bhbonlo preparation: have boon undo us the qomnl hupiul for tho oorouonia ot gndntion which an place tonight in contusion with the mind mun`: deput- nonk Tho harlot amphitheatre ha hon Iuhfllly dooonlod. and lap ulorn Uh Vllh and Intuit in the hlllwgy. The nun who will naive diphnu an : Klan Wanna. Candler. `Huh. Chub. llolnuh ad hrguon. undo: conuuacfuuon no Inoma curuuuy 5 tin utumonu in favor of the use of tho out oknightooftho mud on the line wo nut. - . you Iuflor 1-om ll? Do you know ' In. It unorclly mean: a great , mud lhould not be neglected. `' Ind mgdlclneu hardly ever `It bu; oloctrlclty. properly ap- `! C polltlvo remedy. as our ` ' III of cure! ln thln clly testlfy. VI Jul! luued I neat Ilttle book every Iuerer from Lame Buck d read. It explnlnu the many III and oectnof thln nnnoylnx ' ion; Ind n rntlonnl, posltlve cure .831, wonderful Eleotrlc Belt. For tununnnno-oiroththetfd W\u'IIIOItIonbloon Int. Shir" .._.. ...-A..A` nul uh. nnlnnhin I I ., muse n; Aeohnnlou. hunt .8 ---DAM Olliu '-.'4".".I'*""". `DIFINITI stir Tho lash for Tampa. L'_1_ II: UVOOI undnno. In Good Form. in TAKEN The Itnrlente Thnnened Wlth Dlemleeel It They Did Not load lock the Article Taken from n llugeton Ilnnquetlug Hi"! It will be remembered that eehort time ago the Wmu exclusively puhllehed en ec- count of the removel o A silver goblet from the Athletic hotel by: merirber of the eo~celled Hervnrd hockey teen. which came to Kingeton to play ngeimt the Frontenece of thin city. Incorporated in the report wee the enbetence of A letter from regent Bartlett. of Herverd univer- elty.diecleiming all connection with the teem, end eteting that it had no right to etyle ileelf the "Herverd hockey teem. The regent ex reeeed regret thet Mr. Devlin, pro- Erdetorof the Athletic hotel. had been rob- 'end etetod that only two or three members of the Harvard hockey team were etudente et the univereit named. He expressed e doubt en to whet or or not the university euthoritiee could not in the matter but promised to do all t-hut could be done to eet the matter right. my... on. nmminn urn fnithfullv and |Io aacovnn T rgna cosm. L ?WFAK.9F_1S. IT HAS BEEN FORWARDED TO PETER DEVLIN. done hue mother ngnn. That, this promise was faithful! honorably fullled. and that the \ nmiu censure of such nnsportemanlike conduct. as the self-styled Harvard hockeyim: had been guilty of. was not. without weight, is shown by A letter received by Mr. Devlin t.o.rlay, which in here given. and which fully explains ibaelf. Ir. renda as follows : HAn.\'Au.n UNI\'Ium1T\'. 1 ' Cambridge. Llau. April 30, 1897. 1 "Mn. l'|c-mu DE\'l.lN. nil--- Qua , I-In invaltilfjnll fl B ll Of "Mu. l'lC'l`Ell mc\'I.m. "Dear Sir,-~On investigating tlo one of the Harvard university men who were members of a team (wrongly) calling itself the `Harvard hockey team. we nd that their connection` with thixt town was so ac- tive and important that we threutouod them with dmmiesal ii they din not take steps to have returned to you the silver goblet stolen from you. "\\'a are informed bv them this morning express. Wedoalre to 08 Imormcu wnuun.-r or not. you receive it. and also ulna other amends, if any. may be oliorud to you. An, I said in R former letter to on, the main was not a Harvard Leann. an we have no Authority over it. as an orgimiz~\t.ion. but. we hull be very glad it we can be the moans of getting your property restored to you Ind of correcting a wrong done you by any member of this university. I am, Sir, very respectfully yours, (h~:nm:|-1 A. B.\m`- I |"I"I` l.N I"l`. I This letter shows a mostcoinvnomlablo determination on the part. of the Hur\>nr(l nntlnoritios not to overlook any misdeeds of students ntbondirig the ilxatibution. nnd to severely punish any such tranegren-iom-. and it shows also the power of the press in exposing wrongdoing. and securing jus- tice for those who are unfairly or wrongly troataed. Mr. Devlin has not yet. received the goblet goblet. stolen lrom "We are informed by that the cup is now on its way to you by We desire to be informed whether nr nnt. vnu receive it. Lutut News to Band About the War In tho Enn. _ Lo.\'|>oN. May 4.--A special dospatch ro- can-ed here from Arm mus afternoon says. than force of 0.000 lreelmcomlnanded by Col. Bnimchnris. while advancing on l`on~ topigadil ha been engaged by the Turks. A battle according to thus despatch us now in nrnnvrunn in progress. A1'Iu;.\'x, May 4. --The Athens cornm- ponuent. of the Times says : "The new paper clamor against. the three princes continues, but the majority of oducated and rellocting people regard the possibili- ty of a revolution with dismay mid are prepared to support the dynasty should the danger boconae imminent. Ir. mun. he nndarnrnod t.hal;. there are l in A-r|n:\'.~L 3 the danger become nnmmenc. ` It. must be undererood that no socialists, nnnrchint-I or similar organr nations in Greece. Therefore. even should royalty take its departure, there is no prespect. or likelihood of any movement. like the Paris commune." I ......-\.. \l.... .1 _,'l`|m 'l`imna nrinln Hm House Cleanmg Time IIKG tho l'uno commune. Ln\'l>0N, my I. --The Times prints the followiugdea-patch from its Yoln corros- pondom, dated 3 p.m.. Monday: When I arrived at Votouuo yesterday afternoon I had just seen the Turkish infantry advancing in two co`.umns, intending to cut thofmilwny. The Greeks, I`. ,0U0 strong, und under Hen. Smoleneki, ly whose side I watched the encounter in the rear of the oighth mgiment, under Uol. Uuluikoslu, guuluuly advanced, one battalion: to hold the railway. the other to support. the artsil~ lery, which had mountain guns on the right counter. "'l`hn seventh regiment. of iufuntrv.under right counter. I "The seventh regimentof infnntr_v,nnder Col. Rogli, ndviuiced to a low plawxux, on thglefc. whom two batteries were Ill position. Gen. Smolenski had ordemd the eliellmg to begin when the enemy were well within range: consequently the um did not open (in: before 6:30 pm. ho Turks were evidently about 14,000 strong. --Tlmir c-nvnlrv ieconnoitred the wood Their cavalry Ieconnoitred where the umoka were concealed but. the ba erioc remained silent. until six and at. AL 4...- AL- 6%.... `A`. Cup shun-I. n` hnnnn nf. be once remnnnou BHBIII: unun In uuu uh uh. ' 9 the re fell far nhort. of being of- foctive. though the Greek prncbice was the beatlhave yet. noticed. The Turks ran away from the shells, but continued to ad- vanco in good order. Our right. was really never engaged and the rmlwny station was defended only by u 1-mull lurce \\ilh two Krupp guns. Toward the end the large Turkish centre was seen to advance in the distance. but sunset, at 6:45 caused s temporuy cessation. "Tnxinn any runnirm to l lmrm-nlos now ; oasanuon. | "Trains any running \ and I mnnngod through. returning on horseback in the dnrknou to \'olo. 1 V 3 ul ...-- -....s....A Mo 5).. Hugh nntnnn}. 1 IIOPIBDIOI In N}! ululnau bu \ um. > "1 was captund by the (Brook outpost. thanks to the failure of hondqunrters to `L issue regular panes. I was uoatnd with much civility. bus was deuined until A late hour. ` uu...:.... mgr nginlnnumndnk. nn tlm wnw lam hour. Having mot roinfomomdnt on the way to Valentino I want out again when the Hush brought. up nearly the wholeof Plum salon force. Savoin the sharp Itrngglodunnu ` the ni M. the Greek: have been aneconful in ho din their ground. The Turks mounted 3 story onnhillfaciug the Hreok ; Ln. -.mm.nh~l n... and M tho wood and 1 mounbod uuuury onlnul lacing me nus: ; loft-,3 pronchod the end ol the wood gnd 1 burnosumsllvillngo. Nurlynllll Ming 1 to-day hu ban on the extnmo riv t in the dnoction of lake Rush and an out- cm \'olo road. Whoovor ninn this road command: Volo and could u off nu-at L-.. II. now at Hand and therefore many new things will be required in the way of Lace Curtains. Art Blinds. Curtain Poles. Chenille Curtains. Etc. II ! H il lllw IIIOIV I-n-I upon thn Volo hm boon occupied In I.ln']`nrhn In not (N10. but I08 the upon {Ill volo llll $n ovcupwu by _I.ho Turks in not kl-no. that thrash: Inn rmnlvul In nouccntnto choir by 3110 TI!!! II no: (flu. but was one (inch have nuolnd to concentrate thoir toroon than and Into u and. III`. Adoopnch to tho Timon from Luisni mi: in in nllnnnd more that the | THFWAR names. `DAILY WHIG, 'rU.u:sn.ur. MA Y*4. 1897." Sl.\l1`0I. UM... Mny Q.~~1nIa morning :`k.:`;tr':.`:; fire broke out in than park of the Eu in mad blo_ck` oynod b J. _B. Jackson. in d M building I! R can lmr. meurod for SL000. The other lanes are: George (lilmnnr, W" icycle npuirer. 3300. no inaunnqe: Wil- n `H. ham Janus. Empire to: note. 8250. in- mko; enmd: than laundry. ownod by H. Mn- mhdunw bee, badly unoked. Somo of the irlnwho occupied the second at of the sundry `mt: TNT: wcnnoatly mlfocgtod by c-mots. no vm nun nun crowded an no yndhot 0! Inn The Quobqg -dloouan uynod ogonod in union this morning. . .'lI|I\ll Rnlmr. at IN: nllr inn In Toron- hell 1: at-ranted with my patent kjgilpottlo lunpenlory. which I: runy ex- : In the new book. "'.'l`hree Clanu It Ion." Frau by mall. Addreu mic UANDEN. 150 ST. JAMES ET-. _' MONTREAL. QUEBEC. 7! nulon Illll mormng. Jnmu Bohr. 0!. IN: olty, van in Toron- -to iyontnrdny on bmjuou. . numh Rnnnllml. nllnh an the annual -to uwruuy on Iuliguou. Jyoooph Bannilnu. pl|oo on the shaman Alonndriu. to in the city. n 'l` R. mmlunmutnr Irwin. nf Bollavlllo. AUOXIIINTII, II III II OW . (l.T.R. trsinmutor Irwin. of Bollovlllo. was in the city ehh afternoon. 'l"|m ntnnmnr Rnnnmnunt. Inlh Port Gol- Wl NI DBO OW UNI IIIOTIIOOII. Tho steamer Roumount. loft Port Col- borno at 5:30 hub ovoning bound dpwn. Mmnt. Mm bunhnln 1:! mm in lvlmr ex- Dofno RB 8H5! IIID UVIIIIIIK DOIIIKI u?W"- About 400 buuboln ol corn in lyln ex- posed to the wouthor on ()rnig'u:WlI|r . 1 unllmhor in nhowinn the man in inhi- I posed to one woubnor on urmg I,wu|n. (lnllaghor in showing the late jubi- lee shirts, ties And huts. Ulnnoo at window Uni! Felllll. Western Ontario has had three days min and the queen of May is wrapped in un- neln and lmimont. u:.. !.`|.:. (V M.--.-... I.`...i .0-mm-. I.n. fnr as you pass by. The schooner Trude Wind is unloading 300 tons of coal for Craig & Co. at Craig`: * Whnlf. n|.....l... lh\.\ unit in .u.H..a-in ohnnnnnnlhu Wlml I. Charles McA way is acting in the capacity of second mute on the nchoonor Grantham this reason. \|Y...o.um nnhn-in Inn 1...: Hum: rlnun min We show Lace Curtains from 350. 45c. soc .750. $1. Also the ner goods for $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, 82 and up. Art Blinds 20c, 25c, 35c, 45c and up. For New Goods go to