` In e of Ash '. gr II dlmnb :1-nmpzfmnlhv. \.n m III porn In nu from um city. 'l`hn ulmlnl (mm mm my. I The edmlrel hee evidently booome eon- vlnoed than breeke my come. In any be- come neoeeury for him to protect Ininieber Alexender or eee than etwshee of the legetiqn In Abhene euer no indignity. Beyond thle no American inbereeu are In- unl ugtl volved. Ife revolution nlxould occur in Athens with the overthrow of the reigning dyneety. thello ol admin] Belfrlclge would be- come t. e lm-eno! relu eee, eeoklng the right of uylum. Thin oeo might cretto oom lioabione. and it is poulble the: the edm rel will be given an opinion on the subject. Arrangements Completed For A Weekly In-vloe l'|-on loan-eel. 0'l'l'A\\ A, 0nb., May 7.--'l`he etonding committee on noulture mob yeetor- day, then Mr. R6 non, dairy commis- sioner. gave evidence on the subject: of .food produobe. especially butter. mente. mm-.mulr.rv end frui. end bho vu|u`o Joou proauoba. olpemuuy nuwor. menus, eggnpoultry fruiu. of cold change in this connection. Ho leiddown an A maxim that in we: not the compoeiciun of the article. but in condition that determined its value. But- ter. for instance. with I strong evor and in I nmney cundition, hedjuat. as much fab an butter which hid n ood never and looked nent. Ho into out the great value of the Englie market. The reuon we sent. to much more oheeee than butter to the Englinh market was because butter :Poiled in trenaiu while cheese did nob. k - ..-'... MIA -Inna: nnrgm Inn On Ir! tn I IIOU Ill |:l'Illlll) wuuv uuvvuu ulu uvu. '1Pl?e new cold storage system wu to try to alter the condition M to perishable pro- ducts. ll. Dnknlnnn nnnnnunnl that an nnld duets. Mr. Roberteon nnnouncei that the cold etorege arran ements inoluded a weekly service from ontreel and I fortni htly one from St. John, Halifax end Char one town, P. E. 1. Trial shipments of in our load per weelr of peers. peaohee, grapes and tometoea have been arranged tor from eoold storage buildin erected by the government at (`lrlma y. Cold storage building: will be erected aleo at Charlottetown. St. John and Halifax. The ocean veanele will have mechanical refrig- eration. Two men will be appointed to go to En land to facilitate the distribution of (Jana iau perishable products. The extra char e for refrigeration on the ocean \-eeaela wililbe twelve cents per hundred pounds. .___4-: The Prealdent May Recommend I Depart- ment of Oommeroe and Mnnuhaoturee. Wasnnmmm. May 7.-The chancel are said to be good for adding a new and im- portant portfolio to the cabinet in the course of the reeenb administration. ae it in underatoo) that the president will re- commend to congreua the establishment; of a department of commerce and manufac- tumn. cures. The new department proposed, in advo- cate: say. would nob be so much the oral- tlon of new olllcea already exllnlng in other dopurbmonu. The dopumnono of commerce would include. by mnpfor from tho tnuury department. such humus ulzho Ilfo uving not-vice. llghshouoe board. mu-inc hospital service. ntonmboao lnnpoo- Lion and navigation bureaus. United Buttes cont unrvoy and bureau ol ntaciutloe. None of these logically have anything to do wlthbhe mzmugomout. of nat.ioml lin- Anna In as light and pure as the` drift- ing snow. specially rocom mended to than who mat the but that many can purchase. ance. The department of commerce and menu. feoturere would also include I) transfer from the department of state t e bureau of ooneular service and the bureau of eta- tietica. the latter to be consolidated with the me from the treneury department. Whllvhe department of state has charge of dipl matio relntiona with foreign gov- ernment it is said that the ooneular service ehould be entirely apart from politics and diplomacy. In the department of com- merce and mnnuinoturee the conaular eer- vioe would be placed on a rational baeie to promote foreign trade and deal with pro- blerne of interstate commerce. VIN.- lmporten lay It Wlll Keep out The `In- lorlor Article. Nnw YORK. May 7. ~ l`ho pm ed duty of ten canto 1: pound onltoa it wor- nbly regarded by a majority of the import- ere. wholesalers and large retailers of tho city. A member of therm of George W. Lane & Co.. ()3 Front street. Mid: ||'l`|\n duh: nu Inn in n uood thin . b0- Lane a 30.. U3 Irons sweet. sum: The duty on tea is 1 good thinrhm cause it helps to correct A great evil. For years the United States has been the dumping ground for refuse tens. Stu absolutely unsalesble to other no- tions. or svsnio the natives wherc toes are grown, has been sold in this coun- try. and excrhitent prices charged. Here they were sold to mix with fair quslity ten. and they hevs driven out the honest loaf. The consequence has been thet the consumption of ten, per cepitn. in this country lms fallen off steadily for years. With nduty of ten cents e pound it will not pm to import inferior under. The duty mi I be more than the refuse end exhausted leaf are worth. end with e sten- dsrd of inspection tocomply with. the peo- ple of this country will get uniformly `(cod tee. such as they get in all other civi ised countries under similar conditions of test and duty." -_-_--d?:- PETITION TO THE GOVERNMENT IIIIIIIIIII In rlvuurvu v nvr. Wmoson. Ont... May!) --Somo Amber- burg Mothodinu hnvo for-wnniod to Sir Olivor Mount and Motors. Mcurogor And Oowan. M.I"a sh Otohun. I nooluuiou rc- huuting psrliunont. to exact: than the for the protection of girls and women round to went -one young that vary - von pomltiu made for the ban :1 of girls. women and young Imn: to tho imputation. uqgufuocnn. ale and ex hibmon ot kinetic ropnnntguou of print Mo, inunonl dunno nndmll form: of cturod vies In pmhmud in Gnnuja; nun I..n...i.. and mm no-hlinn of III For lotto: Promotion of um: um: Plo- hlhlllnx oi llcturoii woe. no , ,, n,,. \n-..n n-._- A..|._..A pictured vice In plvmuuu In unngn; tun Iowa-in and not (sibling of tll kind: to ibiudnnd um I law In cnoctdl in; toward: the bum: obtu- vsnooohln Stbhnth throughout Conds. `mm. `W CII1U`-UUTIC Lounox. Icy 7.--A epoch! doopotch from Cape Town unnonnou um um cu- tboritho of the Trunvnl hcvo lnntnnohd we Io|d~_cornon to shonughly para! no Natal buds: and upon Inountly my no- oiou Iovononu. Ilully. tho dnpntoh, nyulu I circular from tho Tmnvnl huiludiol todla colon;-,anIl uuomgo ' umgu u at Allnlhll ltqyu 0 do . -r ` NEW OABINET PORTFOLIO. Apposllll `IV: AIIIIOI . .. ll... W ,_l nnnnlal AA frrios; I1. .IonNs.| nnnnnvnnn anim- _____....__.._,_ GOLD STORAGE. Tl;-E DUTY ON TEA. mews or nu: wumn.| What Comes to Us from All Quartcrs. IPARAERAPHS wmnuan ur.| 1 ELEGRAMI FROM THE IARTWI FOUR QUARTER! GWEN: Llltlo lotion `rial [moron lvorybodr - Rotu from All Over---Llltlo or Inn - thin: lullv loud and Bonombondby The Don! Pnhllo. In the revolution in Hondurn the rebels hnvo captured Puorto Cortex. In April Toronto otroot. on min I were 873,766. 01.000100! than In More . Tim B R, Par-mtinn. Allan line. from 573,705. lI.UUU IIII man In Llnruu. The B. S. Peruvian. Allen line. Ulngow, pnuqd Father Point inward 0:40 5. m. TL. nnnnnl nan-uulhn Inum tannin chum- 0:40 The annunl Canadian lawn tannin cham- pionehi matches will be held lb Niagara on the Jake on July 13. In... w....u.b. nmvnnnnarn Ara bitter ab the Lake only 1.1. The En lieh newepepere are bitter the reject on of the arbitration treaty by the United Btetee eenete. Charles Welsh : dwelling in Bellevllle. Ont... wee burned lees nluhb. Loee nbouh I300; covered by insurance. flnvnrnnr Rlnnlk. 0' NOW York Hat.` hll I300; covered by Insurance. Governor Black. of New state. a! nod the gruabor New York city blll. w ioh will how come in forcoin January. 1808. Hugh Mobennnn. the board of tndo ro- pruonutivo on the board of harbor oom- mipaionorr, Montreal, for many years. has resigned. Mn. Ninhnll. of she humus Harry N. resigned. Mute Nichole. of hhe ban ue Harry Mono. has been arreeted at an Francisco on a charge of inhuman cruelty laid by members of the crew. A ......L -.. um-.l`nI nnngtlnnr nf hhn libnrnln of the A most. successful mootin of tho liborsln of South Wellington Ina old in Hue] )h on Wednesday afternoon. Officers for t. o omuing your were elected. If in nrnnnlnd bv Ch 0aV ftbOrl 0` onrulng elected. It is propoced by the oily Brnntford no but the wheelmon of the city one dollar I `our each for the purpose of building cln or pabhaon the local stream. '1'}... mmvar teacher : club in taking building cinder pabnaon lane IOCII Icruuuc. The Denver toaohol-`a taking ltepn to place the executive control of the national educational association at th nexb nununl meeting in the hands of W0mOn. As cl`- ........m nnhnnl armlnnnn narc- At. the recent Annual graduation core- mony in connection with Edinburgh uni- vereity. the honorary do rec of L. L. 1). gal conferred on the lord o M justice of .._|......l England. Australia in again ansring from I torri- ble drought. The different. governments no proclaiming city: of prayer in consider- ntion oi the very oorioul onlamibiu from the rotrnctaed droughts. T oLnko of the Wood: milling com- pany. Kouvniin, will make a shipment of nevonl our: of our from Kuwnuin for South Afrios. Thin in the rth chipmunk. of Oanndim our to Africa. `!`lw|tumahi not tho Elder Dompstor lino whiz nilod lmm Mon- bronlfor London yuhulny hnd on board u._ 4:--. ......i.........o. nf Imilclimr Inntnrinl WII UUIIIUI England. A n nhrnlu 0| UlI'|I(1lI'.| nuur W nlnuu. treal for the first. consignment 0! building Imtorlnl for the Canadian building At Bieloy. rm... n..n..a .m.s.. --wmml nnhtnr Rent for the Canadian buualng at nmey. The United States revenue cuoter Beer hee jueb ll"0d on her Annual crulee to the Artie. She will mop en Ungn inland and Ouneleelte and then proceed to Point Berry. returning to the Sound nexh No- vember. rm- .......z..... .9. Wnrf MnPhnrInn. Atlan- form! to Auanu. Milwaukee Throsophista have been pn- tertaining the notorious Anna Adolin Dian do Bar. under the nnmo of Von Ava. The woman denied hor identity. but it was proven And she was given a railroad mm nnd ordered out of town. A A (An --..hu. un-DA:-Rn: Kn nhinhli I'll vomber. The garrison at Fort MoPhorIon. Atlan- tn. Hm, is hgilutod with the report. that the Fifth infantry has been ordered to Vancouver. in Wuhin ton, to re lace the Fourtunth infantry. w rich in to sum- ferrod to Athntn. un.......|... vrkmnnnhinn lunm hann an. and ordered out 0! town. At. the semen yeeterdeg in Chicago the national association of railway surgeons changed its name to international aeeocia- tion and elected l)r. Hutchiuon. of Mona- renl. rab vice- maidenb. The next meet- :.... ...:H I... L`! in Tnwanfn Iuuu uuu WIv\4\u\- Thenoxb in will bohol in'l`oront.o. gin Oceanic phosphate compmv. Bun Frnnoiucn. has chartered the In none!` Louin D., which will today stub in March of an island reputed to be rich in guano and located on some maps as south- out. of the Hawaiian ielmuh. Object to tho lnopontol-`o Aotlnn. Wmnsun. 0nt.. May 7 Thom io otill oonnidoroblo twuhlo over tho monnor in which tho votorinary impectoro are bold- ing tho our londo of hog: at King-ox-illo in qunrontino. It in now ton do 3' since the ouimulo woro quarantined on tho ownoro hovo boon compelled to oorry food to thom. On Wodnoorluy lmnnrd Molott ond Thomu Clark. two of tho fu-morn who own the owino. took thooo thoy ownod out of the pon oml conveyed them homo with- out tho oonoont of the inopoctor. Dr. Poidno ot onco laid information ogoinot the two men to oompol thom to return tho hope. It no also his intontion to proooouto tho mon for diooboying tho quorontino lowo. Yoatordny hlolott ond Clork dooidod to ro- turn tho hogo. and cohoeqnontly tho chorgon woro withdrown. The fol-moro in that oootion will now potition tho dominion ovornmont to oond tho ohiof inopeotor to 'ingovillo that ho mo moko origid ox- ominntion of the onion o. T0 U[| OII llU|III1-III\ul nut-vs. Mormwm. Que.. Hey 7.--A meeting of the grocere` eeeooieuon wee held Int night. A oil-auler wee eubmmed, giving the name: of elxty-four wholeeele nne end menmoeunn who hed undu-`gnken In tech grooere epinet the epertmente etoree b pledging theme\eNee not no eell either lrecnly or indirectly to depart- mental aeoreein llontreel. end egreeinp so pmtetche; mae fulleet `elxtenb in thgir . Ineeeret grocery In e. Eon-e eeven houeee reheed to concur In Ihie enengenem. IOIIII IIIIIII Ilunwvutuus We lnvong panel on the Dow Edens we no at us. but othot yhllnn on`! can union to dupllosfo chm. Grand Union. Our DO! plaid colon! ohltu an n to-dAnu. Bvoryfno u what. W0 hue SL000 worth of neutron. I! cum rriouvm nduooit than will in mm Ilohnlhoondoftlnwook. AI- und Bakers mokvnu ado. haven W4--- .... -.. .`.={... I...A nah... :I..I.- -Z ro oppooo Dopnnnouhl ltont. nA.._._....- n... It... 9 ,, A mmntinu `rho Ina laouuuc the lloounllo Ono- Ir. Iulook Ihowo KI`. OTTAWA, May13.-'l`|n_g|-um put of to-duy wu `Ivan upio III uljollui do- hm rupoch ng the mnovhl of an pooc- mnhr uh Bumuvillo und tho gononl lie 0! the government In :03 rd to inn unis. The dhouulon law: until ` non-I midnight. and vhllo nothing new wuolemd thou the can in question a. .........m.... mm. um nnmrmnltv to WII OHGWOG I001!` NI. Cf In quwlylull the oppomloo tool: the opportunity oltoonumbor of othor lnutonoon ol what thoy ololmod won un]uatvl_ligl_>lo dlnmlr ulo. llr, Mulook romlndod than orltlm ol the rlnoiplo lold down by Sir Charles Tuppor n tho Ryan con. thou noblvo hootlllty to tho govonunons bi pnbllo olllclols could not ho tolontod. n unmet to Sir Charles Tuppou-`n ohallongo of Ian M ho, Mr. Lnmm (Cumberland. NJS.) no u mm- IIVJC I BOIIl`I\I|l- Ill -uuuvu vv ..... -..--.__ Loam (Cmnborltnd. N.B.) In mm- monh nhowing than the leader of tho ofoaltion hnd provided I numbor o in rolntlvoo with poulciono In his own oaunty. The only othor subject dulb with my tho Hudson Ba on Mon. in rogurd to which Mr. Dav on I and that. tho govommont had done everything in in power so ouuuro the auooouful iuuo of the undertaking. ll` Mnlnrn. the rooonhlv-elected mom- undertaking. F. Moolure, the rooonbliy-elected bor {or Oolnlmtor. wu Mroduood this afternoon by Mr. Laurior and Mr. liolcllng. The minlnberlnllau applauded vigorously. t- n.. nnnntn ml. nun-noon.ln nnly to n The minlnberlnllau Ippuuuou Vlgumuuuy. In the Innate this ntornoomln nply quubion by unator Mccalluumho Mercury 0! mm aid that H. E. Wibton. dominion innjaoctor of dumlnhuu bun Iuponnnutod _.. u.. ...n... nhnlhhn. mu nlsrv wu inn char 0! omele, hue neon eupernnnuwu on the office abolished. Hie eelery 02.000 end his retirin nllowenoe I080. Sir Meckemie Bowell t. on he then in e one of this kind, when an o oer had been ohoeen for his epeolal 1 uelionbtom lebe in life end had given 1: his bueineed be enter the government eerv co. and when it we: found neoeaeary to euperennuete him In or- der to abolish the oloe in the interact of eoonom . they should Add to hie year: of aervioe n order to give him a retlrlng el- lowence sufficient to live upon. G.....n.- slmn rnnlind that OWNII [0 I0 `rho Onpltnl Tidings. The governments will, it. in mid, boforo the muwuno place an ex rh duty on pulp logo. The decision 0 blue Unwed Shun to impoao the dutyon Canadian Jumbo:-in tho factor which but forcod them to ship oouno. WW.` anus:-nnnnnh V. lll`0,Vn0l sufficient live Senator Soon replied that owing the u use of this power by the lube overn- meub the preoenb government had eclded to abolish the practice of innreeein yenre of service alto ther. 0! course b was still 0 ion to t e government co consider I` I M1u\`n nll. lulll U Jvu uv unv - Mr. won`: out. them thus The government will build groynon on Toronto Inland nhoro. near the sick children`: honpiul. for the proboollou of the bench. no I cons of 820.000. ac. nu... Mnmm has been conned to tho D0101), III I coon ur ww.uuu. Sir Oliver Mount has been confined his homo for tho loot tow dnyo but ho woo much in loved in health yootordoy. Tho oi con 0! tho Conndion oxpodition which will otorb ohortly to toot tho naviga- biiit oi Iiudoon boy and otroito no oom- miu onod to plant tho British mug in tho Arctic nylon for tho pnrpooo of oooorting tho oovoroignioy righoo who:-o no right: on at rooont rocpoctod. rotum brought down to tho houoo shown that the miniator oi jnotioo hu ohortonod tho term of eixty-vo prinonoro in ten months onding April iith. In mony ouoo pordon was rooommondod hy tho trial judge booouno of ouboo(`uont ovndonoo throwin doubt on tho gui t of tho con- vinto. n the period oovorod by tho rotum four murdororu oontonood to dooth hnd thoir oontonooo chongod to imprioonmont for Mo. on... .........in In. rlmirlad unnn tho Hot. The premier has decided upon the of oiiioere whom he will invite to encom- peny him to Englend on hie pereonel eteif next month: Included in the list ere live members of periiement. via: Lleut.- Cole. Domville. Tiedele. Prior. Took- er and Tyrwhitt. The other: ere : Liout.-Uol. 0 Brien. ex-M.P.; Lient.-Col. the Hon. J. M. Gibson. provinoiel necro- tery ;Ool. Munro, Woodstock 3 Col. Bur- lend, Mejor llerbort, Montnel ; Col. Me- son. Toronto : Col. White. Quehoo ; Ooi. Longwitli. l`.l:`.. Ielend; Dr. 0. W. Wil- eon, Montroel ;Cept. Henry Bete. A.D.C.. Ottowe; Lieute. Ryen and Borden. oi Royel militery college. Mr. l tolmoy.chiel olerh of the provlnioel treeeury depertment oi Menitobe. hu er- rived in Ottewe to join Hon. Col. McMil- lnn. Hie mieeion. it in underetood. ie in connection with oertein ilnenciel cleime ngeinet the dominion which the provinoiel tneeunr in endeevorinix to heve edjueted. u........ .........m.-m in develanimr In [Ill in endnvormg W nlvu Iujuuuvu. Suong opposition in developing country uguum Mr. MoMu|lon`n bill for cho uppointmonb of an impoctor of choose. who shall have power to some dlupuooo bo- twoon buyor and seller van to quality. Andrew lhmullo any: the Oxford about districts no loadin in the opposition. n- u..m..... .. I ......mm aha mmintrv district: loadm III we 0p[.l)I|I-mil. Mr. Mcclury win I question the ministry as to the rotten for the diuaiunl of name thirty look-under: on the Wollnnd canal. The Buffalo Oomlnorial nfan-in; to the dafaah of the arbitration creamy. aaya tho rojoocion of treaty by the sonata cloaaa an episode that doe: tha ublio no ondib and Iondc additional boli in tho dagenan -_.. -1 ml.` .`nn.L nna lelllll Illuluwun May of tho tomb. V The demand is constantly in- creasing for our shirts, because they have proved to be better t- ting, better made. and give better satisfaction than any other. Buy your shirt: direct from us. and save at least twenty-ve per cent. H1 uvlncsrou ii 3110.] Clothiers and Pnrnnsugs. ` mu;r_nr-nun. Dome fastener or lacing hook,` Black and colors. every pair guaranteed and replaced if not satisfactory. Kid Gloves 2 c, soc, 75. Silk Gloves, ans and Blacks, SUMMARY DIIMIIIXLI We Not only Sell Carpal: NcVv?AxmlEnistcr Carpets. In the nowonl. dnlcnn. Thor III mpulor In uppnrnnco to Brussels. wlll In! u long In war ma non lon moan. sml an noiv ln uu ln the follovrlu puhllo plnoon nu ...|..... `JACAI llnuh-an! I0 III we IOIIDWIIII puuuu punuvu u Wlndnor Hosol. Ilontronl. ulllmu-y Innmuu. Toronoo. 'l`oI-omo Athletic Olub. Toronto. ltoudolo Golf Ulnh. Toronto. And twenty oehor pnhllu plumes. Lm of no we can show on Implication. Gull and no thom. STEAM STEACY. FVIIILD Mu of-not, 111: 1 shout. '1`. I. RABRISON. U: 1' min: man on .;...gg'*.:.:.:.-._`w.........:. ....~..`:r.1:...'. In. snap on. lrltnlltll Unnnnnn Pr noou ntuot. 00 or I phono nonunion on. IIIIVZI 31 DIM! UIDIITAIII I tun nhs|:a::.o:|:n||!o|?|`:I:.B' Best value in the city or money back without nwhim- .311- IIUIIIVI Oluvouum.--Ah Kingnton. May `Ms. (ho wife ol C. J. Oroohll. (Mb. 6 dumhtu. Hmnnmmu.--In Piolon. on In In. 1807. Inna Bu-rlngbon. and onto your wmd OM '1'K"r:':.}su M on April Yoo`n'.-- n n no: Ads Gnu. .13.`: m\\|glI\oI' ol Adolkrb Wynn. ma enemy yam. an Inn untuoaf to out: an mums lmprllonod. CONI'I`AN1`lN0l`l.I. May 7.-Advloa ro- oolvod hora from `font my oh till court which In trying bho Mu|wlInmu`lII|- pliontod in tho mnnon st bhntflm but than fur nntonood nix monlo nth Ind bu condomnod other: to Imprlnonlnont for from nvon to fteen rm. 'I'\..L-A In In IE4 Inna lnhnh ll, `HA A".`.i`:.:lf..:.`f"a 3`.`.'.. "*` `X. or k ho$`| whom: low in $4.33" I App y to mom: ulvnu. Dom-onto o-I3`. 1)ouronIo.Ont. Apply umlul 1)onuon0o,Ont. from to Imoon M. Tokuu In In the in: amino o!AIlA Mlnor. The Inuucro roforrod 80 occurred In Much Is. According to tho Ouch pm-in-oh. 700 pononn was killed. Oshu roporba on tho only shout I00 pononl won kill . A oomnqpclon wn nppolnbd to onqulro into the mum`. Md M0 Mumnmnm And {our Annonlnnl was ur- mhd. charged with being oonootnlllln 0 ha magnum. `III IIIIII IIIIIIIII uuppuui. Clnmum, Muy 0.--'l`on thousand doll: in chock: and tnuury now and an; ar- Iocdu of com sud whom will MI oulvmd with Dr. Tnlmngo in Chicago`: gm WWII"! We nliol of the Inmlnoatrlohon puoplooi India. That was the nmounh mind or _|-.I....I I- AL- 5-.. an-nnnnngtfnnn |\A'l. In IHA man. That on amount: man u- plodgod In the two mun muting: hold In tho Audutorinunnd Consul mudo hall Iutnlgln. and tho mombou of tho CM nlid con- mmoo bollovo that it in bub 0 lnglnutng of tho work In the middle nob. they Won Oonvloud. Tonowrn. May 7.--Dr. Wulur Hamilton and pollen oonoulolo William Buotlnl VIN found guilty in the noise noun yniocdny ll sttomptlngto `nrioru on abortion on Mary Juno MoNn ly. Thy will II no- wiood at tho conclusion oi the balm. A....n..u.... I... L`... -main Lu u ulnhnnn "Dry Pine mm Wood Also. 0! all kinds. bun we have peculiar plou- uro in directing your Moonuon to our IIIWII. UIIIIKI tho mutton. .-- 3f{.`.;".?.?..."i.'..".'."..;'5`. 1', `ii . .':""""..... lnr I no! trial. Application nu for I now trial. _.__ VVINI II III}. 0 0| DUI IIIIIIUI llUWI' the wt: Patio pm ~Io|Ih| Qpsm tho grmtouud sorrow. which MI ovoruhn the uppor claim 0! Fulll II- cicty. The muons bu orditud III. also uulnldi thutm to In cloud IIIII an-Exrdny. no I much of rapt! hr the Last a lifetime. If nceivod I51 taken it midi: the phualxlovont thouqnndn of times. and in non J `gppnciuhd as roll by. 4' i We have I take: uaoctmcuntjtt thq prmnt time. :5 many useful midis. ,` w; JOHNSTON &no,_~;g _. _ _ _ .-_:-A.__ 5' | Uppu St. Igwnnoox-~l`n|Hv'|m thor. mu. in summon ISTERLING Sm W. K. UIIINNAII. Iv no-no MII . t.)ok sh.o:om:: .3. . 10 TO I ` Wo offer a special line of Ladies Put Black Hone. seam- Ilou fut. siced heel and the, A. -2 ..- 0 A JAB. BIID. .{'.l'.'{.`?:.':.`.i1"{a`v'.T"c`{.'B$3'.'.5$1:l\` wn1Htn' PROIAIILITIII. wm. tho not on at who noldht non- npon. who Putin pt-on uoh .__|l .._kAL `L- .....I-nun] `mums: QKCAK hh 4 P. M. nnrrxon. ..a_.. D IIMALIB I '10 the wot)??? i oolnltoto h|v:||of:-gahwnq onion kw .. n mun n-nnwnu-.l)onmnto out TIIIIIIII mm; Inppllol. _,, \n__.n tn... ;|...........l TOKAT MAIIAORI. ARTICLES -`V_V. I. DIINNAN. n-..._.\- nmunuul (((((( ,) KINIY BRAKE nnnnnnhnn nun Inn WANTED. DIID. 1-\:..._ isonn. cnawrnmrs g`: QUEEN ST. Tolophono 0. $1.75 for Half Cord. .` sAn.on mus I50. mun emvas SI. m. 1 gc. I know us for Hosiery--it : zinltzv here- ,| I A__ (\_;.`_. an.` ? Child's` Sailors 15c and 256. ` I ..A:..' Qnilnn `Inc. an III! nereo I on. Curls Hose. nut Cuhmelje. Ballbriggan Hose here. a FAST BLACK nose -TL TIRES. You ll_ Like It. fun. NO. 107. l2V2cl Powder] ---a-u:--u `Ila Dally Ion Book lot Wily Dudou -In. Dani Illmnnnlvon UV. UIII] low lulu: -In vv-u- ......_..- `In You Thonnlvu W. 800 lm Wnloh In oong In house tur- nlohiugfo-dny. Foot. II much, Kingston n. Bydunhnm, K..'A.kA. A. grounds, Snturdny at 3:30 o o oo . Plan for the Wntkln-Mill: oonoon opens at Medley : drug mm. 232 Prinoou strut, Saturday morning. Butt 60. nnd 350. _..:.---u :'?:m %.;`;`;...*..2.%:*: -. -.._.\-um 'R!D?A'l'li'B 31810 Y 01" Tlc WORLD. four volunomwol bonn and rohuly lllutnud. In be non 11:00 no. "'3' lUUB' 9 full sizes. 12 "Ann `nlll T%..f%.`3 nnnnnlod I THE ANDDOIII NEW RESIDENCE on n on sumo. nut Division Home. lately occupied by David J. Whluhond. Aunnll upundhuro will oomplota It-. Lot ad olm `mun : Oollnn (rounds. Apply to . V. nu. Barrister. HE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ram-Isu'rx north of the (mood nonndn. The extan- Ilon of En! Strut will run dlnotly through then Ion which no close to :3:-owing soo- tlon o! t o olty. Apply to J. 8. Bxnumz, Solicitor. Olnnnu Shut. ~(:;l -I-1-0-\7i(; -f(`)-l.Tl*|)~il_`l;)'~ _, onmguo sugar. -_..-, _... , -_ _. , THE ASSOCIATION PROPERTY Ilnn of ghronuh Finest at Wood Working, Ba and 011109 Fitting. Mantels. Wardrobes. Tables. Eco. Custom Sawing, Planing. Tumlna. Etc. Bun sud Door Work. Everything In Wood Work. Furniture Renovated and Upholstered. IIIIUUIIII b'-Ib vn vu-J .-yr--. HI UNDERSIGNIID WILL SELL AT HIS Auction Ronmu Brook Strut, M. 1! o'clock noon, on l`HUB.'lbAY. mh H: . Lot 0. Arthur Plloe. In the City of Klnn on. front.- lins on Arch Susan 4! foot. and having I ll` Fun 0! K0 foot. hm hot. in situate onnoso Queen`: College dr HI he hot in situate opposo Queen`: Oollee ground: and clean to the UltyP1u'k, mm! It nultnblo for n dvnto to-ldonuo. The vendor rourvu om b d. Oondmom and pnttoulnn mad: known M. aha time of ml. JOHN H. HILLS, Auctioneer. Iflnn-tuna Ilnu1n, I.7, I` \JI1 l'lIuEI THAT POPULAR AND WELL KNOWN Steamer "John Hnnnnrts" which [or the It. {out you: has run thnUnlon Put me," Brooivilh. Both host and route an too well known to require: an donorlpuon. This in the most popular an but paying- routo o tho River and tho"Hng|rt." has Mun; to run in this uuon. The purohuur can probably ournnn to re- tsln u route fur I turn of non. Fox-fur- that information. mldrou the Owners. Ism- mm lonnu. Perth. QM. NEW lJI(l:aan|nIunu r r1l\uvI\w- DRESSKAKING. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. executed with nononeu and dolpatoh. uh mod rate pr! 0 . special Mn: N :1 given to un:uu.n.u1uo-. I15 Pnmcsnla I`nII'r,ovor 25;.--' ll dIxUlll:U\`I WIImus:Iv:-`turn-. ....;"....-.,T......, .t.- mo I'D ODI` 00!. D00 3 I In on QVIII 0 nm':m.u1om.. Famous B1*nn'r.ovor In Plano Wuoroomn. Ir. Olnlnlnrlnln Demanded In napal- Dlnntolul To Nolghborlng Imus. PnI'romA. May 7.-'l`ho Volkund hold 3 protrnotod secret union yooberdny to dluouno the answer to be made to tho do- apubchu of Mr. Obsmborlnin. Ba-mob eon- rotar of state for the colonies. which do- mnn ad I repeal of the Transvaal immigr tion lnw. To-duy the Volknrud reposlod the law. not boosuae it was I breach of tho London convention. but because it. wu dinuuuful to neighboring states. M r nntnr. t.hn.Tr|nIvn.ll Ihlbe DNONIGV. _ IMMEEATIBT4 LAW ru:PAL.:o.| dlltlllbolul W nllgnoorlng nuance. Mr. Cotter. bho-Trnmvulatoto attorney. has tendered bin resignation) in disapproval of the repeal. vn... m.mnn mm. in Mr. Clmnberlnin of the repeel. The poeltion taken h Mr. Chunberlein on the aub'ect oi the ronevnel elion im- migration ew. number 3|), of I896, wee eteted in hie deepetch to Lord Roeemeed. the British hi h commieeioner at the Cepe. under date of )ec. lbth. I806. He said to Lord Roeemoad: "Inform the govern- ment of the South African republic that her mejeety e overnment cannot. in view of ertlcle I4 0 the London convention. edmit thet the cvernment of the South Africen repuh ic hee e ri ht of ex- pelling or reetricting foreigner: who ere not shown to hove lniled to conform to the lure oi the republic end that her majesty : government reeerveu the right of objecting to proceedings under the eot which may emount to n breech of the convention. Inform the government of the South African republic that her mejeoty e government in edvieed thet ellen ilnmi ration lew infringee article 14 of the Lon on convention. inasmuch ee by in ..-... -...I |......I.-mam. nnnrlirjnne in ol the London oonvonuon. lnnsmuuu an uy lb, now and burdensome conditions, in most can: probably impooailfo bofulll. are impouod on persons who, under the convention, no uh lull liberty to enter and raids in the South African republic on oondlhion of conforming to in low. "Van -ill gum hhll. hnr mniQIt.v'l mov- oonamon or oomonmng to In IIW. "You will mm that her mejeet.v e gov- ernmenb appreciate: tho repented nour- nnoee of president Kruger blue the govern- ment. of tho South -Afioon republic hu no intention of deperbing from the terms of the London convention and. therefore. bell oondoht then in will not attempt to enforce the luv." 1.. - nu-.. In Inn! Rtnnmnnd. ntnlginino ontoroo tho low." In o lootor to Ian! Rooomood. ox loining tho reasons for the doopotoh. Mr. C unbor- loln odd who Britioh govornmonb could not oooopl tho olion immigronto low on on ordi- nory police In: within tho term: 0! article H of tho London convomion. Which do- oloroo that all poroono oohor than nouvoo oonlormin thomoolvoo to tho Inn at tho Soolh M eon ropublio oholl hove full li- borby to ontor. novel or rooido in my borbyeo tnvol or rooms In any pan of the ropublic. The lion iro- nignnu law vidod thus such Ihouid not ntlibortoentoror pa-tom _ mtdoin tho npuhlno unhoo shay could .1... .m....m..1u tint um : Ind the mum Nlidoin Mn npllmo aqua any wunu thou ummutivoly that tho Ind the or mu to up nix-oo. Mr. Chamber I \I that no the only con- dition in y tho oonvoution in abut 85010509 oonfpun ho |_nvu the ru- 1.. IDUI A Ladies Sailors 19c, 25c and up. The mqst style at the smallest cost hero. dlelon in by use oonvonuon no can on than oonfouneollzolnwcof thon- pu the new laws would In ultra man, had nonovot would impact I "tumm- condition 0!: burdonlouo numb which might Ndilloulhtonnn ofbho . llnnnnll nnhntlv lumlgxrgxg 13$ IIITIIJ. " `Co 53 Ian. 7. I DONG. B; W lnglon . \ Pitulmrg. 8; Oinoinnntl. I. LA`, Omaha. D311: You-k. 0, At Olonlnnd, hllnnng I. , . ZWZVIA I; III Avuu; -, -- v.-.--.._, " In Ilium --At Wilhuhno. II: ` -3. I Pnvkluoo. 8 ynout. 3. AI . xwgnmsoc. a. no --`.5 II. Ann Ill um |`\&hs II; `for Kingston, lay 1:0. um. ---ru-1---_;j----- NEW DRESSMAKINO PARLORS. nnmanunnrnltx In AIL Y'I`u RRANHHEH Auction sale or city Properly .-._ ..-..._-R-nun cant I nip: 1 All! LI ion`: Uollan 3: onl. Barrister. LOOAL MQMORANDA. Ladies House Wrappers dy to wear, for $1.00, $x.z5, .50 and up. HARDY S, .,_......___...._._ FANDDOIII NEW RESIDENCE ON an aunt. Intel; ; L BUY ANIOI IJTTLI OBIOKIE; IPluno in oxoollom order. To nn nlm FOR SALE. mun nu Ann \llI' .. ..- "F63 anus. in BMILEllES|2RIBEIl.| "Heavy losses were lnlllcted on ' the Greeks. Innsv nIssIsmn_smnm;Lv.| A hbllno lpootuolo and the lion ooolnlvc o! no lntlro Wn-'I`he comm: In Llulo Llho tho Ilanln Ducrlbul In Boon-Gruk Flu lnotfootlvo. L.uussA. May 7.--A duput nh tram Phar- nloo. dated {guards ducribou the bamlo 5|...` -Lin}. nan Lnanrlnih A Turk. RETIRED TO MORi&OMMAND|NG POSITIONS AT DOMOKA8. House Wrappers $I.00. own no u... . -- __- nl;;. . dul;-`lines 1 than which on odnosdny: A ' nnrnn rth nimnnmd on the oumm NIOTO which began wounosany: "A Lurr corp: Ill-In up red on the summit; of Mount Tokke odnudny morning. From formldnble entrenched pooitiona on the hill nldo it attacked the fourth regiment st Evezonea about mlddny. The Inner made I strong iulotnnco, but were nally com- pelled to full slowly buck. "Thu Tm-In than onnnonnded nnd dea- pellea to Ian elowly Dick. "The Turin than oannonaded troyed the village of Ordelxoni. about two hours` march north 0! Pharealoe. The crown prince having ordered the entire army to draw up in line of battle the Greek: advanced about two p.m. The Turks, numbering 30.000. immediately deecended the slopes of Mount Tekke and planted batteries which be an to bombard the Greek regiments. wing to the euperior- ity of weight the Turkish cannon iniiioted heavy loam upon the (lreeln, especially near the Itetion. uml..- 'l"....|.a nnnnnu-I an ntlvnnnn until the woman. "The Turin continued to advance until they came into close quarters and. than the crown prince docidod to resin to more commanding positions. "All than Ammunition and mmnliaa hl\V0 commanding poamona. "All the Ammunition and Iupplioo been transported to Domokou. on the hoighu of which thotlroek bnttorion are pro red for action. " ha Turks lnvo burned the village of ran tor aouon. ho Turks village Tnuri. and they have mannered as prion. and an entire family in the village ot Dion- lvnnl " Ium." Loxnon. May 7.--The Daily Mail corres- pondent with the Turkish forces at Phar- enloe, telegrephing Thursday morning. uyl : Yesterdays (Wednesday) battle we: most en blime so a spectacle and the moat decisive of the entire war. It was not in- tended at the beginnin that the light should be: regular pitc ed engagement. but on the arrival of Edhem Pub: at the out to, a furious ring began. I` In uuihnr inn nnol And the sin lnni.' Y A out to, tunoue nnng vegan. he weather wee cool end the sky somewhat cloudy etter n thunder storm. The villege of Phereeloe could be men huddledu it were under e line of low peeked hills. Higher and round about wen bleck hille, mlng behind the others. while between ue end the village ren the email etrenln known to the nnoiente an the Reipene. croeeed by A bridge at the ML wey. Between the etreexn end the village were the Gnehe in `en exeellent1poeition, well defended by earth-worke. heir ed- venoe line coneleted of r.wo`1mgndea end three reeerve. of two hnlf hrlxedee. alto- ..-e|.-. -|.....e onnnn men An mrnlneh I ol||'CO IIIOIVO. 0! (W0 nun DFIIIIUUI. unu- othou About 20,000 men. A: ugainnb Is one were 50.000 Turks. uII`I.- .-mI..-.. lunaugn oh. gnnnn-man}. 128 Pll 81.. llorth Bide - Huston UIIQCO Wll` l)U.UUU llIl'II- "The artillery began the engagement, the Greek practice being much better than unuel; but after about two hours they be- gun to retire ncrou the river. Thie wee A greet mistake. ee the were thus encloecd between the river on the mountains. with no room to deploy. The night was superb. In meny cases the (lreeka fought with the courage of doe ir. The rent black mneee. forming t e rear mm to hold the bridge. covered the w ole rich reen plain. And the endurance and dim: of the Turks were magnicent too. I reached the battle field with a regiment, whoee mon immodintoly begun to run for- ward. dlncing unller re And shouting like children when they now the enemy. The Ureeln repulsed them vigorouely and fol- lowed up the repuleo. N l`h- 'l`m-In lmrl fnr-mad in A uuni.nimlo loved we repurso. The Turks had formed in A semi-oirolo of thundering batteries and crackling bet- telions. The division on the extremo ri ht tried to cut oil` the robrest. 50 Demo os while the remeinder of the forces ung itselt u n Phnrsulos. The bottle sue bub litsle Ii e the battle: described in books. There was no ring of volleys. `no bayonet. assault. no rush, no cheering; but only a steady, leisurely edvsnoe into the open in perfect. order. There was some individual tirin , and the soldiers shouted `Allah. Alla `till the constant. repetition swelled into one heavy monotonous shout. like the `bear. henr oI'r.he houso of oommone. I saw some suddenly ing up their hands and full face downwards. but the Greek re in the mnin is inoflectivo. sID-.\.. Rn- p\'A`nn\|o ska Ignt. nillnnn nnr-OJ: In "I0 mun II IHGHBCEIVO. "Boforo ve o'clock the lat village north of the river Ind boon ukou. Then the villugo of Vuilin And the ontronohmonla near the river were stormed with consider- ablo Ion to the Turks. and the battle ocu- od at nightfall. the anking diviuion hav- ing ubabllshod ital! bohlnd tho Greeks and cut. oil tho best line of mucus into Athens." 1.. .... .. L1-.. -3 A .l.....n.h on th- LONDON. any 1.-A not can no we Deil Mail from Rome an t at. the pens of t e powers oonnicutinu the triple alli- enoe wee renewed yeetorde (Thuredey) for 5 period of eix years. he right to withdrew under the terms of the original egreement expired on May sh, end Ger- menylus succeeded in penunding Italy not to exemlne the right of wlthdnuvel. Lon-um Ilsa `I ._Anef.l-In nn (lei-menv not no exemne we runs In vmnnrnwm. Atnnns. May 7. --Auetrlo end Germany hove joined the other powen m proposing mediation between Greece ond Tutkoy. A collective none will be hmdod to the Greek and Turkish government: this oveningor to-morl-ow, oelling upon them to oeeee lmotilmee on the dminot eu- ennnce elm the powers will nnderheke the nel eolution of pendin diiooltieo. Ann-we New 7 .43.... hush`: In-L IIIIIIIBV VII-U In` I- u -u-w- ---w ,.....- .. . A1-nus. ll-y 7.--(Ion. lonokih bri- godootunol oroupoin tho about on re- was from Voiootino. Smohnohi will full but on Voio and will try to hold that plooo with tho prohotion of thoomk no. or ho nu mum! on Alnyro vmlnho viow ot pout y choking a junction [nor with tho bulk of tho Grout . Tho npon that the no inw- vonl So oonlruod. ' mnmon ol Gnu Min. Inna. Ratio and lhly hon hon inn-Iotod to nodinion hotwoon Ontoo and To oy oodoluihr In- nnouou to tho German and Autumn Inllmtta In uptown our Nnw You. May 7.-- Wash hostilities human Tut iogton ltoshosnlunyo: Forthont sins and manna." lmmon. May 7.--A dun tab to tho! Ln Mail (mm Rnmn nvn t At. tho Dam. KINGSTON. omunxo. FRIDAY nvlmxne. ~MAYL 7. 1997. I DIIIDIU . Tut-k~ -_L nl Sunght Baking