I59 BI-oo u-'ItI4oet.] ldnnuvn. I nun. _ To In! In lhgntom _.s:__ :_ I`|-A-_|.___ , _ PITH OF THE NEWSL .____..--.. Lhirty-one. pro- ` Winpipeg. was ; rivet" on Tues- his ka IIIIIIIIIEUE. Mr. Taylor. the conservative whip. said 3 that as a protectionist he did not propose to vote for Mr. llavin`s motion. The reduc- tions already mnde in the tnrifl` had hurt `d industry greatly and had not helped the ` farmer n bit. lo tigured that the farmer d would lose $50 ayear ontha new tariff. The price of the wnrliingmelfa grog and tobac- ` co had been increased, but no increase of 3y duty vvas placed on the cnbinet minister : ` wines and champagnes. Mr. Taylor has lo not much use for the government. He does r: notthink they are the business men the _ country imagine-. Nine or ten of them are lawyers, two newspaper men, (`men [faultle- man farmer. onen manufacturer, am no on. Adozcnachool boys could have brought dbwnabetter tariff`. They had bungled the job. Curious. in it not-. that the polit-cal friends of these bunglers are sweeping the country clean and leav- ing hardly A crumb for the c0n9cr\'a~ tive.-`.' `Mr. Steneon. who is a pleasing speaker, took Mr. Taylor s own figures and showed that in hit county 811,550 would be saved yearly by the farmers on the new tariff. in addition free corn would be a greater benefit than that. pos- eihly twice as much. Mr. Roche. one of Manitoba's two conservatives, spoke in favor of free agricultural implements. Mr. Craig declared that Mr. Davin had always lifted up his voice for the farmers of the west. ("His voice. yes; but his vote, no," commented the tniniaterialista.) He wanted to know if there was any warrant for the re- marlu of western members that the present reductions of duty were only an instalment. Mr. Craig has objections to tariff reform on the instalment plan. He desires to be thoroughly shocked and given a few years to recover. He declares, in fact. to get a tariff measure that could be used an a scare-crow. He is. hoIrever,a conaistin protectionist. and announced that ho woul not follow M r. Davin : load or vote for his motion. Mr. Oliver. following these de- clarations for conservatives. pointed out that toaupport the motion and turn out the overnment would put in power men abao utely opposed to taking the delta off implements. Tliat__wou_l_d leave the farmer inaworse pocition than he I! in today. The farmer: of the house` were not cabbage heulr. Alter locus Sir Chkrloe'l`upper, Mr. Footer, Mr. Haggart. the younger Sir Charles and other leaders were absent. `Private bill: were taken up fora time. and in connection with come railway menurea Mr. Blair announced that Jae nronoood on the third reading: to nut. IIITIUTX HIT: Dlllr IIIIIUUIIT In.` 3'. propoood the third reading to put. in cluuuo making it. plain thuttbo nil- vnyn now authorized must come am an the opernlion o I-diva oouuniesiou that ho nub! aim nut union. V o!/lV i_oton, TU UHl[)|U_y8(.l [HIS year. The irrepreaaible Mr. llavin made mn- torial for another row in the house this afternoon. He complained that he had not been properly treated yesterday. and was not given an opportiiiiity to divide the house. Mr. Bain e action in the chair was not, he mid, according to the rules. The premier said he would be (glad to give Mr. Davin an opportunity to present his motion to free agricultural implements from duty at some other time. A few min- utes later. whenthe orders of the day were call, Mr. Davin moved that good faith with the western farmer on the part ofthe gov- ernment demands that agricultiirnl im- plementa and lumber be placed on the lee list. Mr. Douglas refused to support the motion on the ground that the farmers wished no special favors. lle hinted that the motion was a trick, as indeed it was. Mr. Rogers said the men behind the mo- tion wero not the true lovers of the farmer. and as ll patron he could not follow them. Col. llemville, who, like the members, generally, has become very tired of the daily deluge of Mr. llavin. suggested that members who bored the house every day would spare time and the feelings of members by putting their epeechesin unread. Mr. (Jneey quoted a conservative mem- ber as having said that there were Iiut two parties in the house, the lib- oral petty and Mr. Davin. Mr. Rich- ardson accused M r. Davin of taking to the woods. That gentleman objected, and Mr. Richardi.-on changed the metaphor to cm wl- ing under the barn. Mr. Davin again ob- jected. and Mr. Speaker. in adignitiedtone, told Mr. lldehardsonthat Mr. Davin said he had never crawled under the barn. Mr. Davin himself added that if the gentleman from Li:-gar meant that he (Mr. llavin) did not support motions introduced by himself he was stating ll falsehood. Then there was a row. and the speaker declared that such remarks must not be made. The conservatives asked Mr. Richard- R_n to withdraw the bani statement, b 0 instead that gentleman pointed out that Mr. Davin had in ll-llll voted against free binder twine, and in undoing had ju. his remark. ll. U. Fraser, Mr. Lister, Dr. Macdonald and other members pointed out other instances of Mr. |).win`s inconsistency en tari` ipiestion.-I. Mr. Lister told him it waa too we to cultivate the farmer, for in the bye- election ahead of him he would be beaten by hundreds. u. m....i,... .L.. ..--..-_..-..~_- ...i..-_. :.x In-. Davin`: (}r|evanoo- Ill: Amendment Meet: With Poor support-Prohlhltlon Plehlnclto-The Cupltnl Tldlngn. Orrnu, May l2.-l\Ir. McCleary.'of Wel- land, had a long string of questions on the order paper to-day re arding dinniaeala on the Welland canal. r. Blair. in his re- ply, said the men in question had not. been dismissed, but had simply not been re-on- gaged this season. He added these sting- ing words: "It. may be true that on one or more of the canals a practice had grown up of buying and selling the places of lock- masters and bridge-tonderers, and mnny persons, lm.\'ing bought. these places lrom those who had inuence with the late gov- ernment. or with members of parliament. might. have come to consider that they had thereby acquired a permanent title to em- ployment: but inasmuch as no portion of the purchase price paai-ed into the domin~ ion treasury such a tru.m-action could not be regarded as conforring.. any such right. upon the employee. Of ITU men on the Wellnnd canal only fort.y-iivelmve not been re employed this year. Tim irrnnra-niin Mr 1).. Vin Innrln |'v\n. N|SE N THE EHPIML. [A Few Members Doing All The Talking. I NC VCIY IRSLCSI. IEIDHIUII Iucda. Come In and see them. Cape Prettiness that set offthe dress and bonnet and complete the good taste stylish dressing ladies so much admire. New lots just put into stock. HARDY S. lrunumss or PHSIIIIINS. MR. BLAlR'S REFERENCE TO CANAL SCANDALS. lo. LIVINGSTON & BBO. The latest made from very light Scotch and English Tweeds ? Our suits were made up for wear, com- fort and good appearance. Knick- erbockcrs, Patch Pockets, double seat with caps to match with eah suit, at Equal to custom made. Come in and see them. I $5. $650.` $7. $7.50. 88 and $9.] WHEELMENT ATTENTION 1 JUST A MINUTE. SAY. D0 YOUWANT ABICYCLE SUIT Somllng A Car 0! Corn. - Wii.i.ow, Mi(-h., May l3.--An enthusi- astic maasmoeting was held here for the purpose of obtaining corn for India's starving millions. Over 300 bushels were contributed. and as soon us 400 can be ob- tained to ll in car it. will `be shipped to India. LIIIIUQ India. outs on Israel: strut. land or :31 undo: not nocugnlly no- Lna; nag! Ipnoioulonn may ho Jon at our \'U|U[)HlUHl'. An interesting feature of the bnnquet W.'\S the `)I`8B(.`nllLl0ll by Liont.-Col. Turn- bull, commander of the Uanndinn artillery associutionmf a shield to Capt. Stowe. of the national artillery association. en a token of appreciation of the kind treatment extended to the Canadian team `while here. The marquis of Lorne, in proposing "The Colonial Empiro,dwelr.,npon thelnnrvollous progress of (Janndnnnd othorritish colonies and expressed the hope that the Cu nndien tnri` would be regarded as an invitation to the empire to insure itself on its own in- aurnnce books. The speaker spoke in high praise of Sir Donald Smith's work in the dominion. Sir Deiuld Smith. responding, earnestly insisted that the Canadians were loyal to England. the French Uanedinmi especially. Mnrquln of Lorne Comments on the blur- vellnun Progress of Clnnda. Ln.\`n(:.\', May I3. In recognition of the presence of the large number of Cilnndinna in London and in mihicipntioii of tho jubi- lee festivities next month, the Royal Col- onial club gave a jubilee dinner hut oven- ing ill; the Holhorn rcshiurami. The mnrquia of Lorne was in the chair and covers were laid for 21.31) guests. The com- puny included Sir Donald Smith. the Cunn- dinn high commissioner, ae\'ernl~ coloninl agents, Gen. Middleton, several prominent. nieiuhais of tho house of commons, and others especially interested in colonial do- velopmenb. An inmrnaljnu fnnhirn nf Hm hnnuunf. Clothiers and Fnrnlshers. is at I: pack street. HIUIILB Illll FIJUUIIIIUIIU NKHIIIBIO ulu. A. 1'. Low and Dr. Bal|,of the geological survey. will loan) for Halifux on Friday mud will proceed from there on the Hudson Bay expedition. I V/ __-_:j._. _.. ,.._. I70" UFICK W'UI'I(l`. IUTUIIIU. Auditor-general Mcbougnll, Mr. Court.- ney nnd Joseph Pope have gone through the goologioul survey building with on view to makin v some improvements in the way of provi ing better protection fur docu- menus and npucimena against tiro. A 1 , Low nnrl Hr, RnlI.nf Hm (rnnlmrinnl Ul Lllll lll'UV|IlU- A letter received yosterduy from major Parley, who in in charge of the erection of tho Cuimdiun bungalow at. Binley. reports that good pr roan is being nmde with the work. A we come addition to tho ttings is a handsome mantel. contributed by the Don brick works. Toronto. AIIl`IInr-IruI\nrn| K1n`\hunn" Mr nnurf_ (VUHIIUK IHUIJIHCIUU. Ilon. J. I. Tiirte has determined to im- mediately set. to work to imilro Lho top Hour of the western block psmuuiontly water and re-proof. previous to erecting Llie new roof. With this end in view, he is towlny sending out invimbions for ten- ders for terracotta re-proof ooring mid the iron joists necessary to the laying down of the slime. The work will be done by day labor. Jumnn Finlmr M I I A Mnnilnhn_ in lmrn 0) U9) |D')l'. James Fisher, M. I . | ., Manitoba, is here to day und is arranging to go on the Hudson Bay 0X[)8Lllti0|) us 21 representative of that. province. /\ lnmnr rnnnix-ml \'n.xl`.nrdnv from mniar lll'|(H`lL_V '81? I I I. A deputation of the license holders in in Ottawa to urge on the ministry that only persons entitled to vote for members of purliament, be allowed :1 voice in the forth- coming plolJiscit,e. "rm .l, I Tnrlnlmn lnlnrmizmd tn inn. uepztruura WISE rUCBl\'CU. American shippers are permitted to send came from Montreal by steamship in is space of two feet, six inches to each head, while Czxnudimis are obliged to provide two feet. eight. inches for each animal, thereby giving the foreigners the adiumtago of cheaper ocean freight rates. (` (3 (`lavnInml mat: the: nnnhmct. for the '"'T'h'e 'iE'&i{; 1... sorta opened to-day direct from New York. The vexy latest fashion ideas. 12...... :. ....,u ....., um... IIUI'l.ll CIIVIIIXUI DD. IAIIVVYUIIUU UIIIIBIB. The lirat. division of the present session took place yesterday on Mr. I)iiviu a nmend- ment to put. lumber and It Iicultural im- plements on the {rec list. Taiie government. majority was III. A alnnnhnlinn nf Hm linnnnn hnlrlnrn in in pamouu men.` - At the department. of revenue on Tues- day Richard Nettle. the respected octago- nurian memmar of the department-, was. on the occasion of his eupernnnuntion, pre- sented withu handsome gold locket and gold-mounted cane and an l\ddl`0Bl', to mark the appreciation of hie long and faithful services. Sir Henri Joly de Lot- biniere made an eloquent speech. compli- menting Mr. Nettle on his good qualities and expressing the regret with which his departure was received. Amnrimin nhinnnrn Ara nnrmittad to tend CUOIIPOF OCBHH IFOIKIID TIIIC3. C. U. (/`levelund gets the contract. for the north clnnnel St. Lawrence canals. TL- L{....L .11 Tho Capltnl Events The marquis of Lorne has written to senator Mucdonuld, of British Columbia. approving lilghlyof his bill anenl: thequeen s birthday. "The ';ll0lIl|t." says his lord- ship. is u very grateful one. and the time of the year should aid in its appoammce.for the date falls in I pleasant. season. The princess was much pleased to hear of your patriotic idea." At. Lhn dmmrlmnnh nf ravamm nn Tues- talked for almost. an hour on the Devin motion without. even indioatin how be pro to vote. and still the cedar! of the house ebeented themselves. It became evident. that the were delibenltely shlr|r- ing the vote, an after 5 brief reply by Mr. an a division was calla! on Mr. 1)avin samendment. In secured the sup- port. of but ten members of the house. while l2l votes were recorded against: it. including those of Sir Adolph Caron. Mr. Custigan. Mr. Wood and Mr. Prior. the only cOneoI`va(.iveI of the cabinet. experi- ence in the house. BANQUET TO CAN'AblANS. | Ill VIUW' IIU ions I I A. c. J(_)Hl_V!(_)y_& BRO. wm nu. - - DESERT AND FJSH SETS, Carvers, Fish Sewers, Pie Knives, also any of the above with sterling silver handles. All` in cases at reasonable prices. Largo misty to choose ftom. The woman murdered at Henderson Harbor, N.\',. was a daughter of Mr. Pork, n roeidont. of Kingston. Ockowood'u non stepson of Mary Pork--in acid to hnvo been drowned hem three your: ago. T7- 3:-\-Iva Ivwvu -Ivan The Jubilee Buttery Bow and Stock Bow e in handsome designs opened yesterday. The new Col- lar is here too. More MllIlnery- l"I_- I__.-I_`--A L-` _-..L- A..___-..I I. north ouho fenced (rounds. The onen- Ilon oflcurl Street will run dlrootly throuuh these low, which no close to A growing noo- tiun of the city. Apply to J. 8. SKIKNII. Sollultnr. Clnronno Strut. T . HE ATIILETIC A&4()(`JATl0N I R()l'EllTY north oltho fonood Ilnn of lcnrl xlmmm. will run dlnnolu |........|. l`H|<) HANDSOME NEW RESIDENCE UN Union Street. near Division Htrooh. lately onoupiod by David .I. Whitehead. A umull expenditure will complete it. hot ad oinu Quoon'n Uollouo around. Apply to . V. koounns. Barrister. 77:}: mmnsomc mew RESIDENCE nnnuniml luv [David J \NhH.n|1.n:I A nun-II t,'p`I'aI mu Piano In soon at Wmu ofoe. I ll|PA'l`H'.`-i HlS'l`()RY UP` THE WORLD. four volumou, well lmuml and rofuuly Hlustnuod. May be noon at Wlllu 0 co. .H't.ure. 4 *4! VV ILL BU Y A NICE I;I'l'I`LK CHIOKER-. 24' J mu Piano In excellent. order. To be THAT COMMUDIOUH 3 h`T()R.Y STORE AND lbwvlllnu Above, WIHI nepltrllto 89190`: on- trnnca, lvehug N0. Ill Prmous ntroot Intel on- cupieal by J. Hh;uo`k an R Grocery and ruin Hmm. Apply to '1`. I019. RomurnsoN.No.1a Prhmoas ht. HE STONE RESIDICNCE. 75 UNION ST, neur King. now or-aupiod by Ira. llluy. lleated by hot water. mm. In. Lawn. knydon and ntnlllo. 110110.01! A month and tax. Alno to rent. the brivk outtnao noxt, door. VlIlL|Il6 Illl-\I I-IIUII VVU 2 cases Waist: morning. Special found in any other seen here. $I,$r.2g Ladles"New Ties. ROOM!-1 'I`()-LET, WELL l'UllNlRHID, auitahle Ioflnullen or gentleman; hunt impro\'1unonVn. elm-`trio H ht-u. use of tole- phnne. Mbrouk strut. alophuno (M1 I Ah!" or Tulc I4'l.A'l` OVER Tl-Ha: BIHBY C0'sUlotl1lnHt0ro King street. ml oin- 31 Hallie : muung ohm. Apply at mo 09. Wuohnuon and Junncu. \'1u.`us; HUUHE, Nu. m QIYEIIN !~iTREE'l`. l lmmmlinlo possosnlon. Apply to J. B. (7Allll"l`l|RIl:4. Evy Illa y. Ilnnfml In! hut. unnlnn an... ..on an... --_ .. W'AIs'l` HAND WANTED AT (MICE IN THE l)rl`\HlIU\|\iIu( In-|-m'unant. M. Human &. (31)., :0 Montrvnl St. -j Ullllll AND HUUHJCMAIIL Al`l'L\ evening to Mus. Du. STIKANUI. 100 King Street. DIED. I r:n:Im-- In Elmira. N.Y.. Tuesday, May llth. Annie Louisa, beloved wife of Hour Peters. Funern will leave the residence of her broblier-in-luw, David Ainllio. at 243 Enrl atroeb. no hulf-put. two Friday A!- ternoou. Please aooopo this intimation. Kr:umc-Ab Brockvillo, May llth,Coth- orine. widow of the late Patrick KOIIOI. aged 87 years. MAN.Q('l1`1`E-~Ab Brookvillo. May lhh, Charles Marquette, Aged 51 years, i appears the new arrivals. 'It is wonderful the beauty our Shirt Waist makers appear capable of putting into their work. In twang: `Hold: nnnnnn` Okla 1 . I` . l`|lll\l\-IDUN u UNDICBTAKER AND Elnuuan. Prince Street. l honon-Wu-oroomn, 90; Buldunoo. 9]. Lowest prices. __j___:.___._______._..__ ans. Juuu. Tm Lunnm llnnlmnxn-lsuoc Prlnoou street. Teklplmno nu. Open Day and Night. _____.__.:__.;____._..._... nnun I DlIuA.-H. Lnnmo Umnm-runn um EuuI.nn-- 4| Princes: street. Cornet Bydonhun mun. phone communication. -. unnnnuu. ruunu. Dm:c':-non um mnuun-n1 Pun- oosn shoot. block lb0VI old mound. ISTEACY&STEACY. Scotch Lace Curtains 50c, 60c, 75c,`9oc, $1.60. $1.25. Nottingham Lace Curtains $1.50, $1.75, $2.uo, $2.50, $30t-`- Swiss Effect Curtains. Lock sti_lch edge. $I 75 to $5.00 pair. Real Swiss Curtains $6 $7. $8.$ro. 5:2. sash Curtain materials (won JIENERIL SERVANT. I Fr;nut.'nuN. 370 Alfred street. \`&2s.~m* H nu'".' mf'qi?m |cTz`:~siiiE7E nossosulon. Anni: to .l. n. Lacains, ALF` OF THIC FLAT OVER THE BHIBY Cu's(7lotl1InlNt.oru. Kin: nt.mM.. mllnln. Preier and Pretlier (`-(MK AND HOUSEMAII). uvenhm to Him. Du H1 num H E ATlll:lCTl(7 ASSOCIATION I R()l'ETY un oflcurl run dlnntlv thmnuh VAIST HAND WANTED Dr!"-lNlI1!\|\iI1I!l)I1ln|I`l|nnl1f. at. lhnnxn Kr '3' Upper St. Lnwronoo:--ModoI-aha winds, tine and wum. PEARL HANDLED' -.0,Ptl:`|uuaI%|lIBhI&u WEA1 HER PROBABJLITIES. In Swiss Lace and dainty Muslims, handsomest and cheapest ever shown here, 12c to (me yard. All our Curtains are imported direct from the makers, consequent- ly you'll find our prices right. Good fair length and quality, 40c pair. 4 I . M. EDITION. T0 CONTRACTORS. MDKDS WILL III RIPIIVID luv 1' F35 ' EATCE". ' Hmmv nuns. uhltn-I-A III nun lin- w`. uf nmmt Ilhlthl Ann Iunnr III T. F. HARRISON. uh I nu I`-1.. . u :11 _iX/`ii {Fr E D. us. mun. I Inn:-nun D-3,` in as. W. n APPLY IN um. Mn Kin- THE DAILY BRITISHWHIG. ---`-- \4-an-1 I ll\ZO IIW `HII DIPUF. Q PIINOEB 87., "v~5::0rono|&goI nI7|l'f| You want at on-QLQQ 1;- - _-- , - ju `ip , tor! ldtuubuvo luv NIII|o~ 64TH YEAR. NO. 112. ORDERED TF`()(-)TWEAR. L25: 1 Ulno opened this ' designs not store can be :5, $1.50, $2. Orrnu, Mn I3.-Tho preliminary trial 0! John Rat an, of Bun-y'I Buy. took bolero ' to O'Brien, 0! Ron- Ioouuty, on Tuudsy. Dr. Froohnd. of this city. who attended decanted in boqihl ban. and who afterward: pc- -hI-nulthoubpoy, pro oduneounbo Ifhlr llnnwu an-nninul in am .5 l nu-nu . lllltlt ..s.L-n'z'J.'.'.'.."" "3a.'a':..u?.:.s ihBI_|>hu_boruuia|nin `In-oh. R(n'Iu:.~"rr:R, N. Y., May l3.-~-Hormnn M. Sliaifer, A professor in the theological seminary, was accidentnlly killed by fall- ing on`. of ll window at his home. l'ro< feesor Shnller had been ill for some time and conned to his bed. This afternoon professor Shaffer got. out of bed. and it. is supposed, atiemptetl to raise a window for lruah air. and in his weak physical oun- dmion lost. his balance and fell to the pave- ment, striking on his head and killing him instantly. Unaailufnoiory Diatriimiiou Oi rand. Wiwur-Im. May l3.~- M. H. Rue:-ell, lately returned from India. says that none of the fund: auhecribed b Canada had yet. reached there. and i at dietribuuon through govemmentntciale is not satie- faehory. Dr. McKeeler. another returned missionary. up that government men sent to oversee the relic! work care more for lining their pockeia than for relieving the daatiiution. _ : rrrotnwr Killed. D l 'w""in3I"EI:.u... on Opposed E The nu-In. Lu.\` nos, May 121. James Roche. Irish nationalist member of parliament. for the cast divieion of Kerry. has given notice of a motion to call attention to the Canadian tariff proposals, in addition to raising the question how hr the troatio-I with France and Belgium prevent (ireat Britain ac- quiescence. Mr. Roche opposes the Cana- dian tarilf proposals on the ground that they will create unfair competition with Irish agriculture by lloodin the market with cheap and inferior Cantu inn produce. Two Vouell In Cnlllllun. ST. JUIINS, N. F., May |3.--The French shing schooner St. Clair has arrived at St. Pierre with tliirty-two men. compris- ing the crew of the French bark St. Jean, Capt. Millard. from Fecam, which collided on the Grand Banks on May (ith, with the Norwegian bark Loining. a vessel of 1,800 tons. during the dense fog. The St. Jean leaked so badly that the crew took to the dories and the vessel sank four hours after. The St. Clair picked the crew up the next morning. The Norwegian vessel waaeven more damaged than the St. Jean and it I8 feared that she sank shortly after the accident. nor is it known whether the crew escaped. She drifted away in the fog and when the weather cleared next morning neither the vessel nor any of her boats could be sighted. uruouy I0 I I1OI'IQ. bu Thursday evoning last an old horse that had served its 0wner a purpose and was apbarontly dying, was drawn on a cart, to Barrietiold, dumped on the coin- monchere, and left. to die. A crowd of boys and youths anon gathered and began policing it with sticks, kicking it, etc. The animal appeared to be powerless to do any- thing except move its head and its at wmptstorise and escape from the in- human cruelty of the young toughe were pitiful. It. lay on the common until yes- terday when someone must. have carted it away again as it had disappeared this morning. IJKTIIICII III |I||I! Ulla]; Mr. Corkell has travelled over the en tire North American continent-. and is an acute and observant. man. To a Wum re- porter, yesterday, he expressed his greet. surprise that Kingston had not, long ago. secured the erection of e ayebem of grain elevator: along the water front. When informed that endeavors are now being made to have an elevator erected here. he remarked that if the citi ne ere alive to their own interests. r : will consummate the scheme with all possible deepaxch. nuu unvv vul Awuvuiu J. J. Corkell, of New Britain. Conn., was in the city yesterday in the interests of the Wheeler (2 Wilson sewing machine company. His mission was to look into the state of trade in this city, with the ob joct of ascertaining whether or not it would be wise and profitable on the putt of the lirm to establish in branch of the busi- near: here. After nrduy spent in reconnoi- tering, and in interviewing some of the prominent business men of the city, he ur- rived, it is understood, at the conclusion that it would not be well to ostublish a. branch in this city. Mr. (`nrluall hm: ti-nvnllml nvnr Lhn An. 1 Kl`.'.`{`|l\lAKlNU, IN ALI; ITS ISNANUHEH, exenuted with nastiness and despatxsln, at. moderate prices. Spevlnl ntvtontiun given to UhiIdren`sol0thes. ll! I'Ilh\'('EBS b"|`lu-:r:'r,u\'er Knrn Piano WM-oronm.-a. lL4IVI-llullh-I I IJII I Ildl-4lIV\FI ()l"F'E!1S FOB. FILLING IN THE l.()\V J ()R- tionnf Kingston Amateur Athletic A150- uiann (lruuml. within the luivyclu tmvk, will hu received by Ehw. .I. B. l`lM-rt. PI-mialont. l n `In: 3:15:34 son: -n|4r1\aI.1n AREVIEW LODGE. SITUATED ON Buvorly Street. This commodious mai- doncmovorlooking the lute. hm lately been runovntevlthroughoub. All modern -.-;nvun- lnnoes. Possessionimmediately. Applyto A. B. Cnmunumm. 79 Clarence :-ls- R lnzsmn. 1 UTE. "JOHN HA()(]ABT." which for the teat. Iour yoarfhas run H1~L'nion Park onto." Broukvlllo. Both boat. and route are too well known to,requiro an description. This is the most. popular nmfbest paying- mute on the [liver and t-hoHM:5rart" has Mmnked to run it. this Reason. The urc-lune! can probably arrange to re- nln tha route for a norm of yours. For fur- ther lnfmmnuon. mldwas the Owners. Sr;- uzv 5: P .urrA'r. Perth. Ont. I II 9l'IIi`3' HAT I OPUl;All AND WELL KNOVVN UTE. "JOHN ElA0(.lAR`l`." for bust. ymuwrhnn run nmhlvninn Pm-Ix I \I VVIV I l\rI\v I \lI\O. Tlbl WILL BI RECEIVED BY THE I act I 4 Ill I W .. DA\|"?iI.t:`1:u|..nfor otlo mural Ero- ll!!! in tho onotinn nml cumplotlon of Two out: Brock Strogln I or my candor not nocqnunu -..- HAVE INSTR.UO l`IONS FROM EMILE GONOV French Florist-, to sell by Mmtlon on sA'ruru .>AY NEXT. Mu 1.-sch. at .56 Brook street. his entire stock of Plum tznose Bll~ll(`~|. 5A'1`U NUAY NEXT. Mu 15th. Brook scruot. Plnntmose Bu~lu~-n, Palm-. and Evernret-nu` many new kin-ls 0| Rhrnhs and Blllhs`CHmM'n3 Plnmtn. Climnsrh. Bicnonina. Frulh'ln-vs. Dwarf Peon-u and Her- ry Bushes. Sula M. 10 u m _ In In. Anal 1; n m manonms.14`rulh'1`n-as, Dwarf Pear and Her- ry Bushes. Sula at 10 u m . 2p Ill. Anal 8 p 111. Terms cosh. Jn: nurrnin A....m......... on w-nlguu. Lace curtains and shade blind: in the subject of Laidlnw'a ndvt. to-day. Htnnmar Jamal Swill. hnvinn hnnn rlnlnv. IIlU 11D 0| IJIIIUIIW U IIQVD. I90-(Ply. Steamer James Swill. having been delay- ed will leave Swilia wharf to-morrow (Fri- day) six a.m., running ua'fnr as Smith : Falls. IilTCTi6l;IIl;~(;lE_ANTS. `lip Dally Noto Book For Whlg Benders To Post Thomulvoo bv. Board 0! education meets to-nights. Rocks` concert, city hull, this evening. Roynl Arcanum moot: tomorrow night. A.0. U. W., Limestone lodge. No. 9!, moot: no-night. Luna curtain: and nhnda blind: in Lha NEW DRESSMAKINU PARLORS. DRESSMAKINO, IN ALI. 11's BRANCHES, nvumntmi with nnnf.nu~x-a and dnunntvh nl. TENDERS FOR FILLINQ. lllruu m'\n II I\! mun ll\ -FOR SALE on LEASE. Irnclvvnnr l!\I\I|I.1 gurnnnrlunx A. B. HaR'o 0. 35Q Prlnconl BC. - 8tnt.tord's Old Stlnd. COIIIIIMI For THO LOCAL MEMORAN DA. Cruelty to I Horne. ___],.._ __._,,:_ _ I, _. ,., FOR SALE. ADIII All nun Inn J03. SA LTER. Anctiononr. no ulvul omopa. Lon next. May l3.--'l'ho correspondent of the Timon at Athens nay:-. Acute anxiety in felt hero pocuoo of tho aboonce of any new from gononl Bmolonokfa column. Owing to tho dohy in ur- nnging the Armistice the govern- nnt Inn nddnuod a shout nun`; The Turks. who were onlya few miles behind, could. if they had ad vnncod, hnvo annihilated them. There were no supplies at Filippinds, and when the writer left on the afternoon of April 1. -ltli the regiment was still unfed. Upon reaching Arts the writer found A similar condition of slliiirs. A crowd of soldiers on the main street. rendered almost mad by hunger. attacked ii provision store. the doors of which they battered down with their ries. Then followed a wild rush to secure food. A colonel rode u and tried to disperse the men. e was sur- rounded in a moment by the starving men. who regardless of discipline. seized his reins and stirrups Ild clumorod for bread. Elsewhere the writer saw `.300 sol- diers ghting to obtain from I bag of tobacco. lying on the street. s portion to appease their hunger. Col. Msnos. the commnuder-in-chief of the eastern Army, nslly arrived and Wu appealed to main- tain order. I .tu...tu II... I') `BL- 'l|:__-_ ,., BIIII 0l'|.lUl'a Lnz`no.v, May 13. The Times corres- pondent. st Candie says : It is feared that autonomy will fail to pacify Cmtae. owing to the opposition of 20,000 Cretan Muham- Inedane in theiolnnd. They suspect. that autonomy will end in union with Greece. wliile the insurgents are chill deant Pond actually bulk of reailting the departure of the Greek troonn. ICFllIl|_y BIIK OK I`! no GI-oak troops. Lnn nan. Mnv I3 BICYCLE Tlb. A III Iilll IVIIIIP Ito nnnrn-no usr uuvu uvun auizeu uurlng Lne DIOCKGGO. Losnox. May I3. Mailed despatches from the English reporters vontinue to un- fold the story of disorganization nnd no- glect in the (lreok army. The correspond- ent of the Daily Mail. writing from Artn, under_date of April '..'.'t.h, relates that the sixth regiment, when at Filippindn, received at an early hour on the morn- ing of April `..'3rd_ bread and water for the breakfast of its men. After- wards the regiment marched by easy eta on to the neighborhood of l'entepig- lmdin, arriving at six o'clock in the even ing. No provisions of any kind arrived that night. Next morning the men still (had nothing to out. but they were ordered to march back to Filippiada. The poor fellows begun the retreat, but many were unable to keep in the ranks. and the road aides wegelinerl with hundreds who had sunk down exhausted from hunger and fa- tigue. Thu Tnrlxn, whn warn nnlun `nu; ma... l}U|llIlvKIUEo A`rm:,\~', May l.'l.--It is Ollloinlly un- nounced that the powers have notified the Greek government. that the (lroek troops may `leave the irsluml of Crew and chat, udmirals will release the steamer: which have been seized (luring the blockade. l.0.\l)0N. Mnv l.'l Mnilcul rlmznnfnlxma IIglUUlllUl|l.I Wlbll UDIIUF IJUWWBTH. "Russia. like Austria-Hungary, has do- clurod that slio is not pursuing selsli ends in the east, but that she has as her only aims the mnintonance or order, secur- ity nnd the preeervntion of thuatutuoe quo. In the light of these facts I declare posi- tively that Austria Hungary and Rurssia have identical and harmonious aims in their eastern policies, nnd the visit of the emperor to St. Peternburg has doubtless helped to foster and to strengthen the good relations existing between the two countries. IL-...... II... III IL ', ,n~,- IL, IIUWUTN. BI'nArr:s'r, May I3. In the lower house of the Hungarian parliament to-day Baron Banffy, the premier, replying to interpol- laliona with respect to the recent vieityof the emperor Francis Joseph to St. Peters- burgz, said : "Austria-Hungary o position toward her allies is unchanged. The triple alliance is not one of these short- lived political abominations which can easily be replaced by other arrangements. The triple alliance constitutes the un- cliangeable basis of Auatria a foreign policy. It is absolutely pencefuland, therefore, al- lows its members to enter into friendly agreement with other powers. "Rlmniia. like AIiaf.riix-Hnnonrv lmn rln. \.llCUlU- VIIINNA, May l3.-The Neue Frie Prensa says ox-empress Eugenio is urging the ap- pointment. of a Bonapartist prince for tho ruleralnp of `tho island of Crete under the autonomous Ieigome proposed by the POWOTH. Rl'nAI'l`T :\lnv IR 7 In {Mn inwnr hnnan Ill LIIUSU lhlrb UK IIFUUCU. Tho sultan will personally defray the cost. of the war medals which are to be pre- Iontod no the Turkish troops which have taken part, in the campaign against, the Greeks. \,'-uuv. ll-.. 1') "Fl... KY-..` `lZ`_.`_ 'II,..___ NIIIUII IJIU IIUVV Ill IIIUKIUBU. .-\ decree issued Loday by the council of ministers orders 11 bntmlion of gomlnrmee to be dispatched to Larissa and also up- points the former Obtomanconauls at. Volo, lmrisen and Trikhaln to be Kaimuknms, or administrators of those discricts with powers to org.-mim Turkish administration in those parts of Greece. Thu nnltnn will nnrennnllu rlnfrnn Ohn ISIIIIIU OI l/TUKIB. The umbaeaadors of the powers held another meeting this morning, after which they presented at the palace and to the Turkish g;u\'ernment. a collective nato pro- posing an armistice in view of who negotiu Lions for peace between Turkey and breece which are now in progress. -\ dnornn iennml r.n`rInv hn than nnnnnil nf IBIIIIIII Ul lUHUllU:'1- CoNsT,\\"rxNoI-ma, Mn l3.--The admiral: in command of the foreign fleet: in Uretnn waters have been notied of the media- tion of the powor._s between Turkey and Greece and have been instructed to permit. the departure of the Greek troops from the island of Crete. TLA ......L....._J.\.... ml tl.- ...... __ L..l.l The sultan Wlll Denny the cost of the War Iledal|-Whnt the Premier of the Hun. gnrlpn Pnrllnment Has to Say About the Attitude of Austria - DIIOPKIIIIIIIHOII and Neglect In the Greek Army. A1'Hl\`.N.'~l. May I3 --The Act approves of the decision of the government to accept mediation. and urges upon the papers which help to aggravate the situation calmness and obedience. The Acropolis asserts that the decision of the powers should be respected. and discusses the chance of an honorable peace. The Kairi attacks premier Ralli for seeking peace, and other newspapers urge the government to or nuize for defence. and if peace is im- possi le it can continue the war on the most favorable eonditions. It is otlicially stated that there were Perman oilicers on the Turkish steamer which was captured yesterday by the Greek warships oil" the island of Tenedos. f`.m._--n..~m.u.\....a II... I ) 'l`L....,l._.:....I.. FINE ILEI nus cam moors cu. AMBASSADORS OF THE POWERS PROPOSE AN ARMISTICE. IWHM THE PAPERS SAY. Discussing the Chances of Honorable Veacc. KINGSTON. ONTARIO. THURSDAY `EVENING. MAY']3. 1897. an I1) CCU! III EIIIIKOI. At`: meeting in Potorboro yoatouluy of tho Quinn district ropnoonhuvu. the un- nul district ohuunponnhip nut VII uwurdod to Kingnonwo bohold on the _dvio hdly. Auguot 9\I|~- ... ... .._, , (II-nnd Trun In Economy, Tnncvxw, May 13.--The Grand Trunk continues to reduce its anti. ' By an order just. iunod the awitchmon are dismissed and oonductom do the awitchingfnt the following points: Carlton, Mnlbon. Bump- son. Norvnl. Rockwood. Acton, Broalau. Thodford, Forest, Swnneon. WinonA,Copo- wvwmt. George. Princeton. Dorcheator. Tbnmoavillo. Bollorivor. Cayuga, Del 3 `Aylmor. Eighteen night. opera- tors ol the line nro diamiaood and I nrm of other uoticoa to quit: Ire board 0 . Huger-vsuhoclule Doomed. Nmv Ymui. May l3. The Herald : Washington special says the sugar sched- ule ol the writ!` bill. as framed by the re- publican members ufthe senate nance com- mitee in the interest. of she trust, is do0m- v edbodefoat. A most careful <~.an\-use of the United State: senate on the amended sugar schedule allow; a clear majority against the schedule as it. stands lb pre- sent. and if not materially amended to leuen the protection to the trust, the adoption of the general anti-trust. amend- ment in possible. wlul wursmppers. The inhabitants believed that. it was on account. of their iniquitios tlmb they had been visited by earthquakes. and that. if they did not turn they would all be utterly destroyed. Not. only were services held twice daily in the small churches or chapels, but. open-air meetings were held. OE. POWII. sols`. lacuna nut cannon. u:`:.n.o.A puupiu unu luau buelr u\'u:- an I'0lnL~~l'It.l`0. Twelve houses oi brick in Guadeloupe has been domolit-had und scores of others cracked nnd seamed by the shock. From Antigua the Mndinn ntonmod to Montser- rat, arriving there on May `.. n There. Loo. A state of terror existed. That town was rocked like a boat. at sea on April Ilmln. Six houses were dosbrnyed, but 1 lives lost. The island, before the earthquake. had not been noted for tho piety of its peo- ple. but while the .\ladma was in that. port meetings were held at. short, intervals in all of the churches, which were crowded with worshippers. Thn inhnhihnnfn hnlinvhd that. M mun nu Details of the Recent Rumbllngl In the West lndles, ' Nicw Yank, May l2l.- -I'l&l`(.ll(]`.ll\l(0S are shaking the islands of (-`undeloupo and Montserrat. of the Leeward gruu in the West lndies. The cnble n tew (ll/l_)'8 ngzo reported that n number hnd been killed at Gundeloupe. lletuil.-4 were supplied by the Quebec liner Madinn, which ar- rived here yentertlny from Leeward Island ports. When the steunmr renched Antigua, forty miles from Hundeloupe, on May lat. everyone in port was discussing the shocks. The heaviest had occurred l.wndri_v:-1 before, when fty negroes hnd been killed outright by being buri )d in the ruins of their houses. In a brick church n congregation of two hundred people were caught by the collnpse of the walls and fifty crushed to denth. Thosoin the streets saw the houses sway buck and forth and the walls of brick structures crack. The report also said that twenty\'e or thirty people had lost their lives at Point-n-l itro. 'r\rnl\rA hnnnnn ni Ly-inlr in l1....rInln....\.. IIIIIU Ull'UlU Wllall DUB UFIOEIIS lmlly. Rev. J. Wilbur Uhapnnan. I). 1)., of l`hiladelphia, has received a call to sue- ceed Rev. George F. l onLe(-oat. l).l)., in the pneborate of the Murylebone Presby- torinn churvh. London, one of the largest. and most. fashionable churches in Line west. end. IVCIIIUYGU llu Enlppo [O .l0r0n[/0. The late Duc l)'Aumnle was secretly married to comma:-:3 Clinchnmp. He kept. the matter secret, because it was im- possible to place the comtesse in a posi- tion in which she would be received in the same circle with the Orleans family. Wilbur (lhminmn. l) l) , nf l.` Dlllll ILIHUU LHUIF UBCHPB. djliiford Culvcrly, the daring Canadian who crossed Niagara's terrible abyss on a tight rope four or live yours ago, has do- ci od never again to risk his life over the raging torrent. The cable used has been removed and shipped to Toronbo. Th8 lam Dun l)'AnnmIn was: nnnrnflv Throe masked robbers held up James Mcl)onogh,Lhe npembonand two passengers at the Grand Trunk station at. Urangora, lnd., on Tuesday morning. They secured $7.`: nnd than locked their vicuma in a box ca and made their escape. tlinhrd (Tulvnrlv Hm (lnrino (`.nnnrIinn UIIITIIUKB OI EHO nrmy. Richard Dawson, earl of lhrtroy. is dead. The lnbo oarl was born on September 7th, I817. and was made a poer in M66. His family is one of the great. ground land- lords of England, owning about 30,000 IN`. F03, WILII l|l|ll[ly'JLlWc Booth-Tucker. commander of tho Salva- tion army, was indicted yesterday hy the New York grand jury for Inainmining ll nuisance nnd disturbing the peace at. the barracks of the army. Rinhnrrl Dnwnnn marl nf Il.:rh~n:~ in HCDI VU l`Ur\`lCU- Elmer (Jlawaon was hanged in tho Somer- villo. N.J., jail Wednesday. On August 2901: last. Clawuon shot. his om loyer. Harry Hodgott, at fnrmer, because no refused to re-employ him. Hr, Mr-|'.nr~hrnn llnnxininn untnrinm-inn l'U'UVIlPll}'y llllllu l)r. Mcachmn, dominion votorinarinn. has been conscuting a number of animals which arrived at Montreal from the wash for shipment nbrond. They were atToct.od with lumpy-jaw. Rnnl.h~Tnr~|znr nnmm.-nulnr nf Huw Quinn. Rouri I SDOc1ultY. Give us I can. Lllb UUIIELIBKIUIICJ. The Ii1iaei()|1n|'y board of the Presby- terian church. south. will nppeul to the izenernl assembly for funds to place the missionary boat. on the Congo river in active service. !.`l....... rVl........... ...-.. L......-,1:.. AL- u-__-_ HM/Illly Injureu. K. Me-Keuzie. the defeated patron candi- date in Macdcmald, will ontor u protest. against the election of Dr. Rutherford in that constituency. ms... ..'.:..-.',`........ L...._,a -1 .L_ n___|.__ uny. Wesley Warren, a farm laborer, nee Oxenden, was struck by lightning. in clothing born oH'. and it. is feared hei fatally injured. K Mr-Kmwin Hm dnfnnrml nan-nu mu-"I IIUIEUP. F The English court will go into mourn- ing for the late due-hoes l,)`Alencon unnl next: Friday. James F`. Hnndrv. nrmd Hui:-tu_nnn mm. IIUXII rrluay. James F. Hendry, aged I vinciul land surveyor, of ` drowned in the Wmnipog day. '1.-`Aw: |l`.........` .. L`.__._ Ull UUHU I ULU. Peru and Bolivia. have submitted their territorial dispute to the arbitration of Spain. If. ill mnnrlnd thf. Rrif.inh nnnntn Mann npuul. In is reported that British agents have been sent. to Buenos Ayrea to buy cavalry horses. rm... v..._|:..L ......_n _..:n __ _-_,., ~,_,,,,,, occur and lead to nations complications. ,As M. Ralllexplaina to me. the govern- ment. is in a serious predicament. In order to secure mediation is has compromised it.- eelf in the eyes of both Greeks :1 id Crebans without obtaining a positive guarantee that. Turkey will cease hostilities. Should the war he resumed the position of the government. would be most unenviable. Bplce of The llloruln Papers and the V0" Latest Deapntchu. The biaho of Huron leaves fox England on June 19L . D...... -....l D..I:..:.. I.....- _..L__.-.;_.1n_-_-_ KILLED BFEARTHJGAKES. MIGS KBYES.