SIYTIIE I Losconse. A'RE"'j-'-'5'-'-"*5-"-'33.` nu civic Dy`lIW Iuucn ll F0 masonry forth: running of Sunday can cannot ho for No not I ' which my Pm mien: far .'m'u".':.'_ I Iwp IUIIIW Wlll nu Iluuvi 1 Id! Ill view of tho null nnjotity. The by-law. howovu. nut ho punt! within two weeks IMO u. val` in QnLnn The Oelel Became. Towno. May l7.-'l`be oiciel returns of the election reduce the majority for the can to 32L The exoeu in the u-It gures on due no the error 0! seven]. returning Bacon who. when iseuin the returns to pan. lrenepoeed no iv` the Snndev care An ".d...'.'..:` F` lfllllpj I00 IIKUIC lm 3: Sunday The civic bv-law which mu unnany Advantage. by-luv which in you Mom." for the runninn of Sunday mu CHINE 1 W III IV!) VIII, "IND. which an doctor rnnjesll for I scrutiny. I atop iollwillno doubt ho union in uA- AC ALA -n-II -Alnoihn TL` L- I-- anon: -av-uv no; uuuuu :- Puun. May 17.-~ There are indications of the ibility of serious trouble be- tween ronoe and Morocco. owing to the incnreione of Moorish tribeelnen in Alger- ian territory. These Moore, it appears. recently revolted against the authority of the governor of Cudida. a town near the Froncb frontier. and on Tuesday the in- I-urgent: attempted to rein an Algerian village. The latent news from the eoene of dietnrbnnoe in that A column or French cavalry is being messed on the frontier of Morocco, and two companies of Zounvea and a number of Tirailleure. with eeverol held pieoee, have been ordered to hold themeelvee in rendineu to leave Oran. the port of Algeria neareet to Morocco. u up you - New You. May l7.-~Lee and Frank Stevens, the aeronauta of New York city. who it II! believed were drowned while making a balloon ascension. were brought to Long Branch last night on the schooner Mary Jane. Capt. Conroy. They were picked up on Wednesday night by the captain of the schooner ten miles elf Highland li ht, below Sandy Hook. It was their ha loon that was seen to drop into the sea on Thursday by William Furrie. the Sandy Hook pilot. The Stevens brothers told a thrilling story of their ndventure and reecue. They made the neoeneion in order to test a pa- tent gas generator which ivould allow them taoremain in the air indenitely. An air current drove them out of their course and they were carried out to sea. They cut their car loose from the balloon. The car was made of willow and had a canvas cov- ering. time. They dropped into the sea and for six home they clung to the car and just as they were nbout giving up in despair the eohooner Mary Jane hove in night and took than aboard. They were 400 yards high at the 1 1 QUEEN ST. lllVHPlUrl WUIU IIFIVUII1-I, IIILI UU.U\7U ITHHCE in %old and notes were seized. All of t e dozen fair gamblers neeumcd the nemee of notorious women to avoid pub- lication, and it is learned that many of them were members of the beet families in Europe. The rnid was mode by I lnrge number of gendermes from the city. The oicere entered the town in plain clothes, and arrived at the popqlnr gambling house without attracting attention. Business: was in -full blast. When the police nppeered all the women began screaming. Several fainted. Some of the men made a rush for the windows, only to fell into the hands of the police outside. One youn women. while trying to jump from a win omceught her skirt in the shutter and fell violentlv to the ground. She etruck on her hesd,but we: not severe- Iy injured. The prisoneru. including two American girls. were lined I00 francs each. Society in Brussels is greatly excited over the matter. Balloon Drlvon out I A Belgian Bald That create: 3 lonutIon- Inn: Arnolu And Much Gold. BRUSSEIB, May 17. - The Police have made I big raid on the Casino l`huin, near tho French frontier, during which twelve femnle and 117 male players und thnrcy nroupiarn were `arrested, and 90.000 frames in bold And nnhu warn nninvl All IIIJU LII uuum Ill [FUND UK EU: l`IuI I. Lonnox, Msy l7.--The ropossl that Queen Victoria make an ad itiol to her many titles upon the occasion of the com- letion of the ion est ;reign grows in popu- er favor and perspe something will come of it. There are plenty of reoedents, for there have been fteen c snges in the royal style snd title since the time of Wil- linm the Conqueror. The queen in ssid to be hesitation. but when calling herself Queen of the united kin dam of Great Britain and Ireland. of `t e dominion of the British nation. defender of the faith, empress of India, eto., etc. ," and a formula which would describe her as empress of India and the British colonies. The domi- nating idea of those favoring the change is to bring the ooloniee in somehow. SURPRISE FOR THE GAMBLERS. Wlll IIUIIIIIW Ullilllll Il'l'Ill'OIOIlI.I IIIU preparatione for the patriotic festival. Grand stand andtemporary balconies are now under construction in the yard at Whitehall, in Picoadill , and all along the route, althoug the parade will not occur for the weeke. The national allery hae an ugly timber front. and St. ul'e is flanked with hldeoue plat- forme. Rumore of cerpantere' etrikee and e comer in lumber have induced the vcetriea nnd private Ipeeulatore to die ure the etreetea long time in advance 0 jubilee week. The conversation in clnbe and weet end houeee turne upon the eingle pivot of the jubilee celebration with the prioee paid. for windowe and open air eeate, eohernee of decanting street fronte and illuminating buildings, court balls and greet parties, the ripe in provizione, the eceroity of servant:-,eepecially butlera. and the probable list of honoreend decorations. If politice are dull. and Arthur Balfour more indolent than ever. it ie jubilee your and the queen commands the undivided attention of her subjects. lf European diplomacy bediecredited and nix powers are following meelxly behind the eultnn e triurnpbal car, it ie the que3n e year and there must be no discordant note of war in the Te Deum in front of St. Paul's. Tnavnnn II-.. I ! '01.- ..........--I A-._L Nlw Yonx. E-1;`! .-.-2;-`l':o London oor- I cm of the Tn-it uno Ioyu: There in renllv onlv om uubioce. nah hum: hhn JUBILEE PREPARATIOYVNJ Thu 0!!!! In] lull Addition To ;_l0r Knnv 115;. . ICWIICCIW OI VIII .lI'I( UIIU Xyli 'In II reull only om Inbjoct. now bdoro the Egg uh public. tndit in noithor political nor oontrovoniql. It in tho approuchin jubilee oolobnbion. The press in ll with dotniluof oiaclnl nrnugomonu and nronnnhiom bum-iotic futivnl. onopainro THE SEA. A |3AVlF0ll'S Inn luau`! Ia\v lncnrllonn By Ioori. ll__ In IE3... ____ 0! no Couru--Clan; Cur. .5- 1.3 \Y..... \'....I. `:4... l'II'I'U.IIllC. W II.-IJIIIXKTKC |to- thctovuuovcrunlnuudrod bun on bohaonluoh. ` ~ . K ` . A manage on the Cuban Iitunion ,will honnuoaongnu hi. the pnoidonu. It will don] npocinlly wit the qnoltion qf tho deprivation up which Anal-inn oitinnu snub in Cuba and it in under- gnnnulh gt in -All -naun-----.u-I .. -___. Iii IIIII ID Wlll ICWIIIIUIIU In W prioliou fortloirroliol. Jlhonnloriaiu onto nsbtho aim-ity honor gtlkrio baboon loud out. It III oouod by on ouployoo of tho cinc- unhognph booth who triod no 611 tho lunpmhioll wolbnrni liodly.vll.lI othor. Ho on-ooh `o mtoh. nno olvhioh ignltil tho upon a boil tho lnlgingo. g_,---..-j- UIIOWI BIIIS U01: UBIIIIIIITV. IBIIU II y systematically min-opnunud the this of tho company. It in now aid that thy eoloncru dash rooontly In an to his an Act. IIUUIIII III UWX nun II II `Inui- umodsrg will recommend an appro- nrhnu In t$r mlid. BIIU I. IIOIEUII KXDWI-lI, IIINVQ -lI-'VIIW- Thu Hamilton Homeaboad Loan tsavingt oociety is inoolvont. And an invnutignion about that 00!. Studdut. tho lab avotamnmllv min-unmanned tho Anirn `You; Think Q Will) IUI' IIIIUXIEI UCIIIHF [Ur Drvlnll 0| Erolniao of marriage against John Craig mm. youngus non of Timochy Eamn and manager of one of the do menu in the T. Eaton ooumany atom. oronto. Thu Hnmiltnn Hnmnntgul [nun hnvimn IAIIU UHUJRXII UI lIIUI"y. I "U CUIIITl'n`l VI" begin hearing the evidence on Tnoodg an the proceedings no expected to uo much entertainment. - Placards have been posted in tho Sum- bonl qunrterl. Conlhncinoplo, prokoetin against. thoshodding of Mnoaulman bl rm aha around that tho nnnrinna imnnmul IKRIIIIII IJIC IIICIUIIIK (II 1 UIIIIITIII UIOOCI on the ground that. the eecricee imposed upon Turkey by the wet Are out of propor- tion to the Advantages she can in. Miee Ethel Henriette Smith u ieeued a writ. for uneubed dunngee for breach of nmminn nf man-inn uninnn Jnlm (Y:-do pllllll Wife. The Winnipeg rowing club will not. sand I spare man to Henley with their four- oamd crew. Gootgo Gait, the veteran of the club, will be there and able to take I position in the boat should I change be- 0lT|0l180&8IPy. D | Thu British onvnrnnnnf. rusnnhlv An- UUIIIU IIBIEQIYY. Tho British government roconbly lp` pointed a select oolmnittoo to innvutigsbe the subject. of uuury. The committoo will hnoin haul-inn lm nvirlmmn nn `hunk: VIIIL The Winnipeg barb wire factories have closed down on account of the now tariff. The reason is that A duty still remains on nlnin -3vn Rana; nf thn lnlnnl .l.._|A-u will LIIVIUIJUII | llllllll ll uuuy null nrnmne 0|] uin wire. Some of the local dealers will ooeheavily on large imported stocks of plain wire. Thu linrnnn In-inn nlnh -u'II nnf. -A-ul {tin etnted in Berlin that an antenna has been established betwaon Germany. France, and Rusoia. and that the cabinet: of those powers intend regulatin the British policy in Egypt and the rans- vall. l'I'\L- Il7:_..:_-_. L--|. ._.z.__ 2 . . A . __-_- L,,,. Clywh. Martin D. Ruc|:or e nix-year-o'Id brown horse. won the handicap of 300 sovereigns of the eleventh your of the Kempbon perk great. "jubilee" emkee at the Kempbon park spring meeting Sunr- dnv. uu Iuvuavuu In Ullnllllll properuee. Two little girls were burned to death in a barn at their home new Maydo, Mich., on Thursday. They were playing with matches and not fire to the barn, and be- foro help could arrive the place was in ames. tVI-_L lI .._a.:_ l\ *n._-:._._2_ _:_ ___,, 41; Maybe ullllllg U UUIIEU I" c Ade. S. Turlan , an English capitalist from Johannesburg. South Africa. is in- spoong Rab Par e mines. He says the capital withdrawn rom South Africa will be invested in Canadian properties. Two little nirla warn hm-nml tn rlnnth in UUBD Ulln on record. The signal service reports from Cape Ray. Newfoundland, any the Hamburg- Amarignn yackot. company`: steamer Ama- dia wont ashore four miles north of there during 3 dance for Ado, Q, 'l`nrhu| , nn Rnaliuh nnnitnlint. no uuuuuu, nus aurrenueroa nunneu. The veeaol Wollipa, wrokod in the Sea- forth channel. British Columbia, was com- pletely lootad. The government steamer Qundra will capture tlioguilty purtiee. Hon. Thomn F. Bayard, ox-U. 8. am- bassador to Great Britain, and family or- rivod at. New York Samrdny. Mr. Ray- ard will go at once to his home in Dolo- WIPE. WIKU. The premier of New Zoulnnd in in` Oth- vn on his wt to the jubilee celebration in London. 0 doncribes women : aulfrqe in his country at working with satisfactory results. IIVI... lV....__..l I:_.._ I_____:_ _.L.-_|, -4 The Cuqprd liner Lucanis. which at- rived at Quoenotown on Friday. made tho run from New York in live dny.| fourteen hour: and fty-four minutes making ' she best time on record. rm- ......-I .......:... _...._A. t_..... (V... U ll LUIUUFIIIIUII (II T ulelll "II!!- Hamilton R. Nerve I, euperintondenb of Weldon avenue nub-ehation. Buffalo `poth- ofoe, who misappropriated 8461 and lied to Canada, has surrendered himlelf. TH`: IIQCIQI A:nA an-un3\I-gpl in 55.; QA. loiiardinal Camilla Siciliano Di Rondo, archbishop of Benevento, is dead. He was born in 1847 and received the red but in I887. I ..L..-L ..-..._. l...._. LL- -A_._.I-.I 11--..-- Ill I001. Latest. news from the atrnndod German steamer Arcadia ub Cape Bey, Nd.. enyl aheia in the name position :1 when we grounded. Thu vntn in Tnrnntn in fnvnr of Rumlnu guuuuuvu. The vote in Toronto in favor of Sunday ours was 16,298 against 15.770, majority for Sunday car: 528. The votes polled totalled 32.066. . 9 9 '9 9 Small, suitable for plant- DODIIIUU c'|Z.\.K}0. Walter Foley. Ottawa. I lad of sixteen, had his leg broken in an uaooiation foot.- ball game Saturday afternoon between the Rideau club and the Y.M.C.A. Th; nnniun-.--..n n` 4|... .I--AI. Al I\-_:-I [\al(l6lIll UIIID anu DII6 I .lVI.U.ll. The nnnivernry of the death of Daniel O Connoll, who died May l5th, I847. at Genoa wu observed at. Rome on Saturday by A: celebration of r uiem mass. Norvtfl, BIIIUU 1001) II HUI- Madame De Lnumo and her daughter have succumbed to_ the injuries the re- oeived st the charity bazaar fire gt ulna. A mmrnifinnnh nnnnntrinn nhnfnn nl UUIVVI-I CI! IDIJU UIIITIUJ IJIEIHT urll _.ll K>.l'I'- A ma nifioenb equestrian name of George aahington wee unveiled in Phila- delphia on Saturday by president. McKin- ley. IV.-Jinn] f`..-_:Il.. D..:l.`.._.. T\: D__.I- LFIIII UII Lllllfllyn The Right. Hon. Charles Robert Barry, lord chief juntioo of appeals in Ireland since 1883, is dead. Mnnmn rln `LIIIIIQ and Mar 4-Inn:-LIA: lUl' Duuuuy Uilfl totalled 32.066. II7..l>.... `Il`..l_.. um. mean mm um-on lvornoor -- loan from All ova--Llttlo of Ivan - tun; lullv Ind and lononbond In `tho Dou~PuhlIo. The diamond jubilee contingent will mobilize :1: Quebec on 27%!) inn. 'I`I\n I-nnnnnin Ilnhi nli `Rn:-Iin Oh: It`. IHDUIIIIU IF QUEBEC 0 It I IIIIK The marquis Mnai di lie. the la- lian ambassador to Russia. in iod. TL: -hnpn A. n nnnnhin-n: at llnpcnnnu I l'II'ICU Illu [VII revived again. It ` in nnnnm IUVIVGJ IKIIII. . lb is announced that Mr. Hague. this general manager of the Merchant: bank, I! to retire in June. I`:..l.L_ 6...... Iuull... L-..- L . . _ . -.......I W08. II. JOHNS, UU l`l`ll'Q lI'l |l|lU- Eighty-four bodies have been recovered from the wreck" of the Ruuaiun military train on Thursday. Thu Rioht nn, Char-Inn Rnhnrf. Run-I7, {NEWS llfjj wuuw.| | What IPARAERAPS_!lIHlE ur.| 1 ELEGRAM8 _F ROM THE EARTH'8 llllll IIIIUOEIDUUF DU .l\UUCl`I. ll U|Uu- The shot of I combination of Germany, F:-unce an Ruuia ngainsb Great Britain is ravivgd mrnln. . FOUR QUARTER8 GIVEN. ms to Us from All Quarters.` "T Eh;}E E413; irI;..}'v'e}y I{i{: Scotch and English Tweed: ? ur suits were made up for wear, com- fort and good a pearance. Knick- erbockers, Pat Pockets, doulgle ---A ...2"e|. .u._. 4.. ...-L-L _. AL ` Equal to custom made. Come in and see them. 'r0!IDhono O. la uvmcsrou mo. Fl II\I\rl\CIU I UIUII I UBQGIC `I`l|lI' seat wiih caps to mltch with each suit, at WHEELMEN, ` ATTENTION I JUST A MINUTE. SAY. DO YOU WANT ABICYCLE SUIT an: an uunvnyuuuu wvnvwuuu. Liout.-Col Drury has oolocud the men of "A" eld battery. R. C. A. who will :2- nt that corps on the Canadian ubiloe tuliof). Their names are: Rid ng-in- otrnobor Gimblobt; Sorgt. Pierson: Burgh. Wnnlnns Cm-n'I_ Hanson: and Br. Rum. anvuvl [nu uuvvpo Ar.-rmmra. May 14. ~ The wet weather at roeent ivea the farmers I rest. John utler, nrper. passed through here on his wny to Weetport. lair. G. A. Jackman. "Juekmnn Houne. Perth. and M. Adams, Perth. called hero on their way to Fermoy. William Thompson has returned from Bnthuret. when he has been working for some time. Our young folks nre hulil ongngod practising for a social to be he! in the near future. Watch for the date, an the young folks are nlwa a successful with their entertainments. Mill Violet Dowdell, ill for some time, in recovering. Dune Rumor reporta nnochor weddin noon. Our cheeeemnker. John McCardle, e purcha- ed a bicycle. UBTIIUIAIT Ulllllllllii DITSK FIITHIIH 1|. Wnnloaa;Corp'l. Benson; and Br. Bump. Pleeenre lteerner Beeeme Unmenegeeble --Swept Over Dem. PHILADILIWIIA, l'n.. Mey I7.--Mrs. Jemee Ewen end Jeeeie end Eleenor Devin. eietere. were drowned on Saturday in the Schuylkill river-through the cepeining of the Devid W. Sellere. e emell plennre eteemer. The twelve other occupente oi the boot were eleo thrown into the Meet, but were reeoued hy men who et from the there in row heete. The uehend of thedrowned women wee emong thoee reeoued ee wee eleo the mother of the unfortunate little girle. The eteemer hed been enge ed in tehing out puaengore to witneee rem the river the exercieoe and military perede connected with the Washington monument dedice- tion. In eome menner ee yet unknown the little eteemer got beyond the con- trol of there in charge and drift- ed to the dam ecroee the river at the Feirmount weter worke. The etron current ther. ewept the beet overt e dam and it cepeized eeit went over. The fteen pereone were preoi ite- ted into the ewift-moving current en the three reone named were ewept ewny. Their odiee heve not been recovered. The eccident wee witneeeed by thoneendn of pereone on the ehoree. Whether eny othere were drowned in eddition to the women and two children ie not yet denitely known. DI VH5 ITIUIIIIII. The Quebec contingent will nil for Liverpool by the steamer Vancouver June 6th. At Quebec the men will be ut. through eight or nine days herd dril in order shut the may arrive in E lend well up drill an thorou hly ueim leted. T Bronson & eetou lumber com- n...- I... -..IJ :5. .u.....-.... -_..-.- - nut 15` 20 CENTS PER BAG. IUIJIDOF. lD,UUU.UU\l ICED. 000- Wu 1000, 0| Watson & Todd. of Liverpool. Eon. Mr. Todd any: the lumber rnnrkoo imlnglund is good with every prospect of continuing ll. Hon. Frederick Peters. counsel for Can- nda in the Behring IOI seizure: urbitrstion. has returned to the capital and will attend theAIncriconcuewhich will be prountod at the forthcoming meeting of the nrbibratoro at Montreal in June. The verbal ungu- mcnt will probably take place at Halifax in August which will close the proooodingu of the tribunsl. |'l\|.- l\....L.... -....H.........L .-ill --:I C... ciothlers and Furnlshers. nllrock saga. Illl IIUIQ. It. is reported that D. B. Mchnnnu. Q.C.. of Cornwall. in to boappointod to the chanoory division of the supreme court of Ontario in place of justice Forguaon. who in to be promomd to the court of up- penl. Hnn. Fmdm-inlz `Pnun-n. nmmnnl for Cun- [III IIIDDID III III (lull. It in hinted here that when the govern- ment bill for the prohibition plobiooito is made` public it will be found to contain not merely the quootion. Are you in favor of the prohibition of liquor 2" but. the q\IOl- tion. "Do you mo: direct caution to replace the lore of tho government which prohibition will came 2 _ 'l`hnnrlnm Pnlninr. nhgrv nun-mar on PTUIIIDIIIOII Will Cl|IlUi Theodora Poitier. shery amour on the Thomas, at Chnthsm. bu boon diu- minod. and Timothy McQueen. J.P.. who formerly held the position. appointed in hi: wand. :- ........-s-.A 9%.- `n n \l..l-....-.. Oruvu. Mu; l7.--.WilliaIn White. do my pootnuhor-Pun-nl. in gutthd n olopto on hols: I of tho dominion gov- ommanh in nunnd Mn nnnnl union ann- 5313.5? ZZ"u'33I lo! 5:. }i'....'s'..:'a..""'&..'3 ormnout to stand Mao pottol union con- grou no Washington. - . G. McPherson, ol Klnurdllmitguubhod A nnhmnllnnlnr nf mntnlnn. I I IIID-wlllllf 0| culrouu. John F. Bill. of Wolland. in guothod nub-collector of custom. The prohibition plobinoita bill and tho I!- pon of tho pouitnnsinry innotiguulng oom- miuion will be brought down in the homo of oommom this rook. I I t....-1...:_ ...|... L-- L... L... C..- OI 0OllIl'lIOI'|I lllll WXL J. J. Loughrin. who bu boon hero for oomo time ohumpionin on export duty on pulp wood nnd pine `ego. loft Saturday nftor hnving hnd an Interview with town! of the minintan. Mr. Lomphrin. who bu I j $9. I '4Tnokwhcd&:u& Il(OI' IIIVIDI DIG an IDFQIVICW WWII XVITII of the nninietere. Mr. Lough:-in. who been engaged in lumbering end pulp wood oontncte for the Inc twenty yeere, chime tint. en the preeenb rehe of cutting there is pmbebly not. over fteen yoere eupply of 3 race left in readily eveileble position in orth Amerioe for peper pulp. Cenede bee elmoet. all of thin. In 2. |.:..s_.l L-.. eL.L ..|.-.. 55.- titans`-n, It: CUFHITCIII, OI IXIIIXIV 3 mlwollootor of cuutouu. Ink- I` III at \lI_II.-. IITIU DTUIIEUII (K VVUUIJUII IIIETT GUI!!- pun has sold its coming season : out of `mm 1', 15,000,000 feet. t.oJ. w. Todd, of 7n}.nnnb'[`ndd nf Liunrnnnl Run, Mr TO COME DOWN THIS WEEK. -'CICI IWIIIIIUCIU :IHU I KIT- tluy Report to no Prnlolbd. do mt: nut.-nnhu--natural. in nndl I 86-50. 87. 87-50. 08 and :9. SAD DROWNING ACQI DENT. `Rho AI-tlllorylnon Ioloctotl. L lV_I 1 \__.__ g._ _-l-_-_l AL- Althorpo out. . Il,._IA 'I`L-._- I luIo-!`Ixo Penna- . Q- D-n-ghoul M :70 PRINCESS S1`. A". In-lo-I ..':.'!.'E lb was ob. A._c_._ Jgnnsyoy & no. cur cuss uvv III Cl uvgvvvo BAI.-rnnonn, May l7.--It is to not! have that the Cothoiio univonily so uln- ington has roooivod 1 hguy of 8160.000, the auto of Mr. O'Brien. on New Orhnm. The money will ho mod to ondow that chain to In nlootod by tho authorities 0!, the univuuity. Oomnorom oeutlohory and oco cup- plloa. R. Uglow &0o.. 86 Prinoou strut. o. AF.UIll0IIInlI a|. `I: unuuvluo. 6. A0 Bultimoro. l4;Bt..Louiu, 5. Eastern I no-Au Roohuhr, 0; To- ronto. 7. Ab yncuIo.2;Buh|o.8. norunwn. 0; IOWIHI KIIIIC. ITOVNIOIIQ. C3. Bcnnton. 5. At. Byruoueo. 5; Bulfulo, 7. At Rochuur, 5; Toronto. 2. IIYIDAV IIAIIE vv ll . : IOCOINI KIIIII. Dwm 14; `Wflfsurle. 5. A0 Providonoo. 1'; Scranton. 5; Iooond pun, Providonoo. 4-, Scranton. 5. A}. u-smug. e llnllhln 7 --cu-u u-urn -In-nu-yo National I no -- At Cincinnati. 9; New York. 4. t. Pittnburg. 2; WuhinX- (on. 0. Ab Chicago. 6; Brooklyn. 4. I B|ltimore,`0: St. Lenin. 3. Clovolsnd. 5; Boston, 7. Benton. 7;(3|ovoland, 6. Eutorn loupuo--Ah Bprllld. ; Wilkubu-re. 7:aoconduno. nghlq. I4. wm...s....... K As n_....u--_. BAN hunoxmo. Hey 17.--John D. Bee- rell. commercial agent or the Queenelend government. in here on behelfof the colon of Queeneland and hopee to induce a - ly number of Iermere and skilled to emigrate. "We have several millioneof eoree of neet lend that ever ley out o! doore, said Mr, Rueeell end we oen rulee everything from eerdlne oene toeuger end mangoes. Whet we went in for ple of the middle cleeeoe. with experience and some cepitel, to emigrate to Queennlend and develop the natural re- eouroee of the country. There le en abundance of good government lend thet mey be rented or purohaeed for aenng. Out of 668.487 equere milee of land in the colony the government he only eold thin for 2.2.205 uere milee. Over 460,000 equaremilee ave been leaeed ondthere romaine nearly 200,000 rquare mllee open for settlement. The mineral depoeite in the country ere rich and verled. People with ex `once and email cepital can here make a otter living. in my opinion. then in any other country in the world. IIUII VIII UUlVUDo Put an to the test that to` mlny other: have put Lurto. by giving us your; most pnroulor ordou. ,- We guarantee mtinfuo- .1 llnn Ant` nun nnnu-nnInn1 I. I`. HD5511. Ulmnunn AND IIIALIII. Strut. Phonon-Wunrooun. 00; I an. Lowest prices. HAT 1- III) FRAME HOUII. 110- 'll Cherry tract. u largo barn In connec- Nnn. Annlvtn I) Rmnnn. nn an nraunhgn W . Z. DEERE` l'aIIuL Dnloml Alumna can shoot. block I50" old on Dunno UIDIITLIII All) linkin- Prlnoou ntnot, Oox-nu sydonhul shoot. '1 phono oomumnlouuon . THAT 1- III) FRAME HOUUI. N0: Tl` Cherry barn tion. Applyto D. Smuln. on tho prolnhon. {V -WANTS, wmmu. (IA (IL Aluuulnnoo o `nu ans. luau. TEI LIADIII UIDIITAKII strut. `1`olophono14u. Opon Duumn TAP EST RY CARPBTS. lSTEACY& STEAGY. all our talk shout prompt, honest. proper-priced Cod and Wood 1: "bush." and that we're just talking to hear ourselves." n__A' .._ L- AL- L__l. AL-A 75c, goc and 81.00. AXMINSTBR CARPBT5. UNION CARPBTS. ICARPETS Just now._ Note a fw of their prices and then call if at all in- terested and see the goods. WOOL CARPET5. ISTEACYS: STEACY -- -.......wu-v-, .., ,u-v-now. no SUNDAY (HIE. ` N tionAl|oague~At_Ohi Azmollyn. -. t.CincinnAtl. 7: villa. 8. Al hltimnm. I4: Rt.,l.4-min, A KOUOK. APPLY `I0 I88. BIYTHI. E0 Wont Smut. KGENEBAL SERVANT. APPLY A1` at Bath lance. _ Ugpnrb. l J'nwnnu:--l`lno M wit nodcntowinuundalllo Id than Innnnnhnnnn VII, CIIVI IIUI `I mean uomething. Inspection invited. ~ noon noV1-run. no A FOR SALE on TO LET. `FVI FLOWIB BOWLS. VASE '10-. I70. BON-SON DIIIRI. Qnrvonl Ouraxj `wnazuta ivnouunL:i`-Es.` Gendine all wool faces, 30c, 35c. 40c. soc. 60. 70. 75 per yard. V Are oering SPECIAL VALUES` in Iuobau than lulu-day. -\..-l I._....- A. ru_-:...... 5 P. M. EDITION. ` 143307 0! 0150.000. -.-__ II__ In I; )_ _ RICH w. n. nnnmul. IIHKTII A-I\ EHQALZ 1`. F`. HARRISON. II A an Inch AI nu HINBY BRAKE. In-IUBAIII `an `In- wnmrao. us. mm). Hunnnqu II.I__` $1.10 and 8: 25. 35. soc, 6oc. 1'o. " 115. Inn to Iv] ioi :'..:';... P. Me! 11:`! tho ho: guy`: was with with vi 1.! mouth in 3| n III vuuit - vip. Bibby will donut uhnndaono hthnhldiluhuohull lnguoionn- and ndnhrnnhrn natal: Jntuhlnrdnlo. `richn- ll, uhfor ldhu In human ch 241.: until. rgunununuuu wuua I has on tho 9004 inct. with the 0 use Bnnun. club Fly owncu Dy -IlI uuuoruuuvu. ll] cart- ng soil on it. The offoudon won mu-nod non to upon the M-upnn nn upon their promising as so do I0. ohnrgown withdrawn. llcliqnoy having ollhoboy whowunthckul by his (|lo- Knnnnfnl (Inn. thn ohm-on nnnlnn him Ii Kg YIIU WtIhl.IBhCrIT II, DUI [:U' quay` . 0 sin ` wixdnwn. Williungnlg. chug: mu bun dicotdarly on El. aunt, wan` Clo Ind coats; and was given the 'eiudp|yintBoInoor of qnnding I tin cannon jnil. 7 muss I Dllalllv. I83 Brook at:-cot. Annmnnx Lxl 3-.5 nlnun, DI runaun wu nniu OI Ina uuul. I coat: for lnviu been drunk. Donald Mo- 2...}. And. J n R '.n-In- Anni... -`.- In Tho 0010001`: court. In the line oonrl thin morning John Smith, 0 Po:-umouth.wu ned SI and nnnkn for Iinvinn boon drnnl, Ilnnnhl Mn. mu"'"'":'or'.3sI""'""&}JJi. wlhnddn " Ea"; Kouio and J n R. Luvlor. carton. were nhnmul with hnvinn uunnnnui nn um. nouuu nun uuun n. uunor, carton, I with having: tnopnnod on 1 non! nrnad In Him imnnlnnm in o. onuuuu van nuvmu uupauou on pro- rorty owned by Ilia ildoroloovo. by cars- ..-- g. _._..n AL- a._...._--_ -_.| ....__ .L_,-_ III Illly WJIIUIEIIIIUIICIX WnQl'.oln.I'W| LDC tron: would have been successful. Ho and the noun and famnen of Manitoba vtorooqnnly diontinod. and complained of the injnuioo in lnoin mining machin- ery on the frog in w ilo ignoring the rumor interest of `tho ugricnlturiou. Mr. E: advocated that the government he Id to in plod . and the uri` made stable, so that. mine: would settle down. Talking In Winnipeg. Wmsu-nu, May l7.-J. L. Hnycock, patron leader in the Ontario legislature, is on B busineen trip to Manitobo in the in- terest of the Ontario binding twine oom- peny. In oonvereetion he laid thou the patron: were not ntised with the tariff and that the felt they had been deceived by thelibene who. prior to the general election. bad iven A pledge to place coal oihogrieulturo implements. eto.. on the free lint. This pledge had drawn reform pn- trene into line and inuenced the elections in many oonetitnenciee whereothea-wine the nah-nnn would hum hum nnnnnnnfnl R. :21-j nncvcua rin. lltlilllilllg IDFII G DIIIFI I3 PIIIOIIRBT , tniu No. 1 went through a trestle sixteen miles south of here Sunday morning, and tumbled down I twenty-foot embenkment. Fifteen passengers and member: of the crew were injured, some fthemfntally. No one was killed outrig t. The tnin consisted of ix pus aenger coechea and one Pullmen. All enve the engine end the sleeper went through the trestle. which had been veehed out by hiuh water. Mmy of the pueengers had to chop their way out of the coaches. funnier lulu WI-shod-lllteo_n Injur- ocl. Bonn fatally. ARDMORR, I.T., Ma 17,--South-bound Atchiaon. Topoh& nu Fe pueonuer tl-nin Na. 1 want. thrnubh n t.rnnI.ln airman NEW DRESSMAKINO PARLORS. DREIAIING. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. oxoqnud with nutnon and dupqtch. n Inodonto prion. Spools] Attention given to Ohlldnnh clothes. in Famous s'|-nan`. ovu- Knn Pluto Wnoroonn. : IXIVYXIIX I ?I" I IXXIIVIPI FFIIS `FOB FILLING IN Till LOW POR- Iion ! Kin ton has In Athletic Anno- o an mun within the ioyolo track, will he nulvod by Kim. J. 3. Pill. Pllhlollt-. l`\III \ll'l&Id \lll 5151119!-in AKEVIEW LODGE, SITUATED ON Bonrly amen. Thin oommodioma nai- donomovorlookinz tho lat . has Indy been ronovntod throughout. Al modun conven- louoou. Posuulon immediately. Apply to A. B. Oulmlcluu. In Glnuneo 80.. Kingston. - EIBIBS OF THE ASSOCIATION Wlhb mmde for drill on TUESDAY. lath. nnd FBI AY.ll1t May. I p.m., Ontario Hall, 0! Bnllalimu. FRIDAY. 111% I City Buildings. By onlor. VETERANS I866, Arreunou 1' Inuunnnu nu VIIIJII Annnntnwrlnnr `III! I If on could read with ur eyes ut {on could see this ar- gnln of t o do.y--a flue, closely wovenserge, 43 inches wide, in dark colors, Navy. Black, Brown, Green, also Cream, at 25c. ` Aitothor Lot Cheviot Tweed: made for a soc line. We have them so as .0 all for 35. They are a decided bargain. There is great comfort in a good Lawn Mower. They are not ex- pensive, are very easily kept in order, makes the lawn look like velvet, and is therefore an indis- ensible article around awell~kept ouse. Different makes and sizes Cm "Wm-'" C to root no-anus by. V Spools! lusting 0! city council. to don- III`. `' ' Eur Gypoiu chorus at St. Juno guild nut Tainan; night. Admission, 10. ` flinnllylotolooilotugloodon E. D-`A OLA-an-I-an Int ICALI. AND SET Lawn Mowers. Klrkpatrick s Art Storm] * Wood Frame Comet EIBIJBS OF THE ASSOCIATION WILL nnrnds for drill nn TUESDAY. mm. and A. Strachan's. OF CANADA. 1 b I {Oh to W 11 P l`oeg=|':tl.on`I..0l?u:oh:n ?m..'3.. 1.333 onu. Public Hnlln, utoln, Scores And our booklot. "How to Paper," l0lI\ iron to any oddnu. Write. postal to Best smrt Waist Style and xhlileis here. We bought on `D-Sal-.. an A`Anv:l|aI l\` C. B. SCANTLBBURY. Box uo. ' nonovmo. Ont. lontlon whst prices {on oxpoot to pay. the toomn you whh 0 paper and vi on you nw this ndvoruumont. 0 6! oxprou churns. 3' ma wanted ovorrwhen. nauoens fan FILLING. I-'-Ell -11 III 7 I'I`ll.l I'll Til` I !\IIf [II THEWALL PAPER KING FOR SALE OR LEASE. wnnrunv I oxrurnu urnwv A man Ildol Quin. look: bower. will stand non And cont loan for ro- uln than my ochu wheel at any 4 prion. Don t take an opposition donut : account of it but no it for Lom. uuudnauom Oulng u of Whack and not out prison for (XMIIIS. KINSIBGTOHB nwul IILIVI (Inu- noonnaonp. lLL_ -.lII .I._-n. W. KING I . e...:`. ..'.,. Illll VIII!`-`ID lIUlWe vv U IJUUSIJL vu Fride a clearing line of high class mists. which we will offer on Wednesday at less than manu- facturers prices. e HARDY _S. cutout Appointments. Wmnaou. Icy l7.-John Purl has but: sppolnud puvonuvo ollloor in the Windnorouulunn Ilouuin photo! 0. L llcnhh. Waller Walsh. of Oombtt. Oink. in boon lid dcpuly oolloctor Inplnen cl W. . Kilhckoy. when ur- ...'... L...` L... a:_.._...a ....nL ll ITKIIIIZI II | her own all ly dilni ` WC Q Noun Bu. on. May I7.-mama lao;.pl|Iu-.olIiio 1::-dour I`KIIIC'II"ll- IIIU UIIIK UK EDI UIVII CUUW I! hold in Germany and with the Inlun bono upon obhlining a hen ndomniby with the (hook ue u aocnriuy for io, the to dintion of in ncncinl obligation: y the bankrupt kingdom in V inovihblg Tho tho omnnmn onnxauoua 0} inc uunxnlpu llngaom ll inevitable. The two omparon ban dragged the European power: behind them in a cam.:iinLol diplomacy. almost. as far- cical an arluquo milntary campaign of the Gnaknand in the and the a-nlhan alma Oil 1 IIK IIITICTIIIU IIIIIIKI1 XTFICII DI Gnokgand in the and the sultan alone in nuhr at the revels. I-Iennwhih France is irriuhd by evidence that the value of ianoo with Russia bu grout- lv dimi For Summor are ri this morn- ing. Over lly c arming new creation: arq on show in the Mil- linary patlors. Chic, charming ' bits` of heudwcgr. Sailor Hats and Bicycle Hats ireready as well, ready by scores. Jaunty and new. Drou Goods Num- IB 5! ODIIIIPIOIL The German emperor, while he has humiliated hi: sister. tho crown princes: of Greece. wiuh whom he had qnu-tolled. And while he bu boon on the winning side to I friend and all of the sultan. in now con- ociaus of the not that the financial losses 1:` OIL; ngu-nnfon cl Cu nu-I-`Inn -Ann-. IL- XIJVIU III 509 [I05 IIIIB VII` IIIIIIIIIIII Im. of tho ounptign will fall minly upon the fabhu-land. The bulk of the (inlet debt is Lnhl in (1;-mg;-up and u-bl. pk- -..I>-_ L...L that the sultan, instead of being do ndenh upon Russisn protection. is now `sposed no not for huneell, a d may prove un~ manageable when Euro attempts min- terveno on behalf of the reeks. Th downfall of the Ottoman empire n deferred indefinitely by the revival of the Turkish military power, and shah is not a resnltover which Russia can rejoice. es- pecially when the sultan has humiliated a royal house closely ailiated with the ini~ perielfamil and has vanquished a race professing I. e orshodox faith of which he is the champion. The Gm-man amnarnn ihiln In In: UITX 00 DC l.`I'|llllE(I\D|lIi nueynow WTOOIVO I VJ VIII! UIIVU KFUVUBII \lrUII)0H|llII. New `fmui, May l7.-Commontin on (ireeco-Turkish war. Mr. Ford in his on- don letter to the Tribune eaye : Signs are not wanting that the two em rore who are mainly responsible for the urka mili- tary triumph will now nd themselves em- barrassed by this vast increase of prestige. The czar and his advisers have been acting on the theory that Russia must have no pett rivals when the Ottoman empire brea I up. and consequently have allowed Gneeoeto be erunhed.but theynow perceive that the sultan. inntuad of hnimr dnnnndnnh Iallllill IIIYIUIUII OI IIIIU WIT` Tux IP' ffoaching the town at a narrow gorge rem the direction of Uremenitn. charged the hei ht: of Gribaro and Koknneria, but an end heavily. loeing `.200 killed. while on the other side the Greek: were driven back upon Pnekenpru (Pu-nekevi.) The commandant also utntee that 6 int- inn has occurred at Kumuzadee. No iurt or details are iven exeept tho -allthoeebattlea lasted unti evening and that the imperial troops retained their position, with the probability that the Greeks will be rein- forced and theghting renewed on the marrow. No statement is made as to the Turkish losses. The Turkish commander at Luroa tel mphe under yesterday's date aefollowa: he outcome of a desperate battle. lasting two days, against a force of l5.000 Greelra. is that the latter have aban- doned tlie poeitiona of the heights they had reviouely capturedandhnvewithdrnwn to t e olive groveat Gremonitu. Nnw `fniur, Maw 17 _(`.nmmnnI.inn nn IIIIII. Altogether the reply of the porte has caused the greatest surprise. It appears that during the discussion of the note from thcpowers by the council of the sulten s ministers news reached the council that 3,000 Greeks had landed at Pslona and were marching to Janina with the inten- tion of co-operation with other Greek forces from Arts. This created a bad impression among the ministers. The council of ministers met again today, and the sultan has ordered a diutsibntion of troops at various points along the Salonica railway. Oicial dsspatchee have been received from the commandant at Janina. who says thatc division of the Ghost brood sp- nlrnnnhina the mun at n nu-I-nu: am-an DIUIIUU UK IIIID PUWUITIII Ulu I.|lI'K WIT W3 . If the pone should prove obdurate a European conference is not improbable, al- though at present Russia is opposed to such 3 step. It is regarded as quite eer- tein that the were will not ooneent to e retrooeeeion o Theeeely. Even Germany is believed to be resolute on thin point. he- ceuee it would involve I violation of the Berlin treaty and imperil the peace of the Rnlknnn. DUTIIII III Bolkuu. A Is.......a "W3 ambassador: mob to-day to coneidor bhe porto s answer which is regarded as "raising an extmmely gnto issue. It in be- lievod that roproaontniona will be made no the uultan personally to induce a modifica- tion of those terms, but it. in foroneon thnt. this will be very diloulb owin to the as- titudo of the powerful old Tut war party. If tha norm should nrnvn nbdnrnta I u.-v av--u---uvuv I-ow Iavv uvu vuv O-n-' ieh arm will continue to edvenoe. The ennnd for the nnnention of Thee- uly I: based upon the not thet the pro vince wee originally ceded to Greece on the advice of the powers. with the object of ending brignnduge and Greek incursions in Ottoman territory. the porte believing at the time tlnt the cessation would `attain tlieee objeote, but the recent incursion: of the Greek bonds and the events imme- diately preoedin the wnr have proved to the contrary. his ia.the eubetence of the re ly. gnu nmhnmndnrn mull in-(Inn In nnnnidnr First Hats IEXIREMELY cam-: ISSUE. A EUROPEAN OONFERENOE IS NOT IMPROBABLE. `lho Bowen Wlll Not content to o Botto- ouulon of `l`hounly-lnrp|-no at the At- titude Auunod-lighting (loco 0n-`I'ho Gnoh llltu-ad laouol - `tho Groom Alnndolod tho Poonlonl they Hold and Wuhan-ow. CONSTANTINOPLI, May l7.--Tho rho bu replied oloinlly to the note 0 the pawn sud doclinou to agree to an armin- tioo until the following condition: are oo- oo : The annexation of Thessaly, an in enmity 0! l0,000.000 (Turkish) and the abolition of the ccpitulation. The pol-to proposes that the plonipoteutiurieaol the power: should meet an Phu-salon to dis- ouu the term: of peace. and declares that if those conditions are declined the Turk- :-|. .-...-u -.:II ......c:...... 5.. -.l..-....- I ll BIIUIUI TL- - more an Armistice can B: Agreed Upon. [THE EHNIIIIIDNSNIMEB] KINGSTON. ONTARIO. Mom DAY` nvnxme. ,MA:Y 17, 1897. Potatoes.. 3' 5 an PFNTCXD IIAI: "Q