Daily British Whig (1850), 21 May 1897, p. 1

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Tho Veteran: To Visit Out!` I\ A \l,_ no II!L___-A KINGs'roN.% QNT_ARIO. FRIDAY. MAY 21. 1897. ,~ , L bll they that F ,...' .'.........*-`;."' wigu. 3;, no lull in punt . ' Ml ARMISTIGE ESTABLISHED. Iouago of the car to the Sultan who Bo- ~ nllu. ........ Loxnox. May 2l.--A doe tch from Constantinople given the tan o the cur`: manage to the eultnn uking lot the census- tion of hoetilitiee. ne iollowe : "Your im~ periel majesty will not feel netoniehed by the fact that, encouraged by the evidence of sincere friendship nnd nei hborly feel- ing which exiet hotwoen ue. g take upon myself the ts.-k of nddreseing to your an- gust eenaihility my expreinion of the wish that you will crown the heroic successes of your eoldiere by n euepeneion of hostilities. This ie a course which will `he in entire ecosrd with the rmness lllld peaooinl model-etion you evinced At the commencement of the cam- ....:.... VA... imnnr-inl mninntw will thus }l'&|ll u member 0! un nllvlelon army, II In brishood under arrest [or India; 8100 of party from the non: of tholnun. u-y Banal. Thogoodn. clothing and Iilvor. ware found in by mndwithmgltnndnul 1: me Ir. Lipton`: Cheque. Lo.\'Do2t. May 2l.--The rumor that W. W. Aebor was the donor of the 25,000 cheque to the Princess of Wales jubilee dinner for London : nutcu-ls poor, is def!- nitely discredited. The Weetminator Ge- mme ltntes that the cheque was signed by Thomas I. Lipum, p!0pl l0l0l' of the nu- Innvnnn nrnvininn llnlll in the Dfincill Tholnn 1. Lipton, proprietor on we nu- mcroua vision stores in the ptincipal cities of ngland and 0! Scotland. -.- , -g_ I'\l-A_I_A cam Huh [um teal Lilo Tho Dlurlet. Drrnon, Mich, May 2l.--A letter has been received from the party of French- men who left hero 1 -hort time to cattle in the Miatuesini, Quo.. rogionfgohoy any that they have the but. agricultural lnndain oxiatmoo, and I grsnd climate. There in plenty for hnndrcdo man. They have named tholiulo colony, New Detroit. must, N.Y., -3-`It:-`El-: -- Governor Blggk I533 gnod CVO` puhnl and ? .: L 5`.l'~ ooI'.'.'...'6'.'.f'.`3o'3 :.`.'..F........ 9...: End an bill iinuniu evinced at we commencement or we cum- paign. Your imperial mejelty will thus accomplinh on Act. which will be entirely in conformity with wisdom and modention, and which will serve to still further eug- menh the reepeot. and admiration you per- eonnlly inspire, end of which I will forever retain the memory. [pray your imperial nnjeeby to be good enough to believe in my unalierable friendship. Tim nulhnn ranlied. exnreleimz livelv und The ltallan Deputy urea. Losnox, May 2l.-According to a special doapatch received here from Rome, aignor Fratti. the Italian dc uly. who was report.- od to have been kill while ghtin with the Italian volunteers against the urka. is not dead. A deapatch. it. is announced, has been received at. Rome from the Dulxo of Avarna, the Italian minister at Athens, denying the re rt. of Fratti'a death and it in added that t e deput has telegraphed to his sister saying that o fought against the Turks at. Domokos. but wan not even _...__.I-.l Oswmo. N.Y.. lay 2|.--MrI. I Kslly, 3 member of the Salvation 2 atop ngnung. In conclusion the sultan said : "I pray your imperial majesty also to take into consideration that I wish for the friendly intervention of the powers to assure te re-establishment of peace, having for its result the safeguarding of the rights and prestige of my government, and the main- tenance of general peace by thesnbsequent continual security of my frontier. Amullluu Man 9| __An nrmintice between Ulunrlv vlvyr. TORONTO. May `.!l.-R.eports here from ditferent. sections of the province east. west. and southeast. are all unanimous in speakin of the splendid conditions of the crops. he fell wheat has seldom looked better than it does now, and if the pro- gress already made is continued uninter- rupted until the close of the harvest. On- tario should have one 0! the biggest crops in the history of the province. It. is be- lieved there will be 3 large increase of spring wheat, and in the genenl uvengo nf hnrlnv UUU I IlI'IB N wounded. unaltemble menuemp." The sultan replied. expressing lively sincere thanks, and informing the cur that he has ordered the Turkish commanders to stop ghting. In nnnnln.-aion the said I pray continual eecurny O! my Irulluur. ATHENS, May 2l.-An armistice between the Turkish and Greek troops in Thessaly, to extend over a period of seventeen days. was nally concluded yeeterda . ' (`I-Lsvnlnl u-v-uuuuz I` Man `II ._. n nrmigtice Harrison`: best quality quad- rqple extract perfume 25 per oz. nally concluded yeaneraa ' CONSTANTINUPLE. May `21.~ n armistice was also formally concluded vosterday for seventeen days between the "I`nrkish and Greek troops on the frontier of Epirue. A-ruuvs, Mn ~2l.--C:-own mince Con- Greek troops me rronuer or npiruu. A'rmc.\`s, May `3l.--Crown prince stantine to-day had is long conference by telegru h from Lemia with premier Rnlli. Mr. Ruli, in the course of an interview to-day. mid : Tho indemnity which Greece will pay Turkey will be in propor- tion to the resources of Greece and her nancial position. The cessation of torri- tory is out of the question. Greece cannot accept a modication of the strategic frontier which would render easy the raid- ing of the Greek territor by armed bends, and which would compo Greece to main- tain a numerous army in order to prevent such incursions." rn.....m M... 0| __A nnnninl rlrunntch eea Iorcee 01 Doll] coruuulunua. LONDON, May 2l.-I`he armistice agree- mentistipulatee that a mixed commission of olcere of superior rank shall eetahlieh a neutral zone between the two armies. and that no advance on either ank shall be permitted. It in understood-that Tm- key wants the commission to be constitut- ed of the foreign military attaches with the two armies. ' Ontario Moetlone Not Yet. Loxuox, Ont., May 2l.--Hon. (l. W. ll-055. minister of education. says in regard to the report that a general election would take place in Ontario shortly: The gov- ernment is not considering an early ap~ peal to the country, nor does it consider it is in any sense bound to make such an ap- peal. It has on every hand assurances of the continued condence of the people. The change in premiers does not make a new election necessary. There have been four new premiere at Ottawa without an election being considered necessary. I.-pnng In: of barley. incursions." Lounox, May 2l.--A apocia! dospatch from Canon. island of Crete. says that. the Cremns have decided to co-operate with the admiruls oemmnnding the eets of the foreign powers in the work of organizing A government for the inland. Ituiwrm-ri.\'oPI.ic. Maw 2l.~-TIIe armis- government tor me manu. UONS'l'AN'l'l.\'OPl.E, May tice is general. and includes the land and forces of both combatants. r .......... 11.... 0| #1`)... nrminkinn acrea- On um r nyhrf.-I) II. loaning, lnvop Vanni Got Inn,,Zn Pound Thou In Sushi. `9 I? II__ l ll... I DU. Ehlldronw sallors I50. 200 Ontal-Io Oropl. 1- .u n_____ IXUIIIT B31 IIVUT "SWIFT ll) ohurvoponiculnrlythoridouonnoul-bin Inkoolwhool. when chic! -nnnbnhring coupon cnlldupua icngonh toluene oltlgolnlt unnwnrldan in ofunoLA. W. ncinglonniin thoUniIod8IuhIhnoboun inst-neudto ....a...I..I. ch. .33.... - ...s.l- IIBDOEIICIDIIIO -|. C8BIWIyl on [:00 HOOP. The Ottewe city council has penned `e motion to put a speciel water tnx of CH1 on Chineee leundriee. ea they consume more weter then the ordinery houeeholder hut heve not peid en higher rete. An emend- ment to extend t- e tax to hend lnundrieev was voted down. however. Dr. Duhemel, regiitrnr of Ottewe county. yeeterdey made his otliciel en- nouncement of the result of the recent election in the county in the Quebec gen- eral election. 0. B. Major wee declered elected byernejority of 630. The totel vote wee: Major, 3,620; Ouimet, 2.990. Fire completely wiped out the town of Hochioji, in the silk dietrict of Japan. Neerly 4,000 houses were deetroyed end between forty end fty lives were lost. All the houses were freil wooden etruc- turee end the fire too`: but e e wort time to eweep the town. giving the helpleee mem- bers of the community but little chence to eeeepe. The United States hiruetellic nomine- eioner bee errived in Perir, Frence. to confer with delegetee to he ep inted by the French government. The rench pre- mier. M. Meliue, my: therein not the re- lloteet likelihood of Frence tekingthe ini- tetire in ceiling e monetary conference until Greet Britain egreee to teke pert in such e conference. l...I_. D... AM._. I... A:-uni--cl oh. eucu come:-eneo. Judge Rose. Ottewe, has dinnieeed the cue egeinet T. A. sum. of Hentonbnrg. for elleged receiving of e etolen fur robe. holding thettlieceeeweeoneoteuem blackmail by Eli Lepointe. fether the hey, who am teetied einu Stott. end eleerwerde [withdrew _ ie etemnenh. ?oeng lapoinbe will he pteeeculed either for theft. or perjury. Among lihetble itie believed the! the 'Ln.hi|ee hone: Ir. Lenrier will neeepe will eninpuiel privy eonneillotip. Thin would leeve hi etill Mr. Leuier, bate "Ri t lion, thgyely heuor thee Mr. G J a Bright end other CHIP Inente ol the libel-el eclleol to which tho icnolangn Inn ttho olthoum-dgn. . 6mcinhofthoLA.W.na'nl mmmmwml What Comes to Us from All Quarters. lrmmcmus WIIIIILEII ur.| . M188 KBYES.-' `I ELEGRAM3 FROM THE EARTW8 FOUR QUARTERS GIVEN. uttlo latter: That Into:-out lnrybody-~ out From All Over--Little of Ivan- uung nuuy nod: |nd`lIononbuI1|by The Don Public. ` John Glover was killed on the railway near Port. Dover J unotion. 1-...-- 'I..I....t.._ An- 1\`I`\n run.` nnnuudnnnuf. near 1'0?! IJOVGT JIIDOBIOII. James Hunter, one of the moat prominent residents of the count. of Perth. died Lt Milvercon. 0nb., on ednudaly. Kl-n Ila-u-inf. Wnlnunn `nun Ar nn nnn. Jorlty 0| EOVEIIICCII UVBI'IJ- D. 1131!. Five hundred gnrmenb workers want on ntrike at. Newark, N .J .. yesterday. Their action is the result. of their determination to join issues with the New York strikers. rm... ......: 1--.- ...I 11."... lrnm. hum. An. muvercon. unn.. on vveanooun . Mrs. Harriet Holman, founior and con- ductor of the Holman opera company. London, Ont., died this morning. The recount. in the St. Antoine election. abrilrra. The residents of Hong Kong have de- cided to erect. a hospital for women and children and a training school for nurses as a memorial of t.luequeen s diamond jubi- lnn ` mun pounce. Adelaide Coggawoll. eighteen years old, had her head torn off by an elevator in Boston on Wednesday. She was looking up the elevator well, when the guard door closed on her. and before she could extri; cate herself the elevator dropped `on her head, tearing in oil`. 'l`hn Vnlnrlrnm hit-wt-In trnolr at. San Del], tearing ID OH. The Velodrnm bicycle track at San Francisco,on which Californinaeceedera have been rtcing. has been placod on the black list and a score of coast riders have been suspended for two years. with A warning that: second offence will be followed by permanent unspent-ion.` Thn nlnthincr atom of L. J. Potts. Sim- ITIDIIHOHE IIIUPCIIIIOII.` The clothing store of L. J. Potts, Sim- coo. Ont... was entered by burglars last. night and about 8200wort.h of clothin , ontlomon n furnishings, otc.. curried og`. here were three men and each tted him- self with a com loco new outt. leaving his nutawnya on t. 9 floor. Thu tfgnm nilv nnnnoil has nnnand A uonuon, unm, aueu um: mornm . The recount in the St. Antoine election. Montreal, gives Robert Bickerdike a ma- jorit y of seventeen overJ. S. Hall. Five hundred cmrmenb workers 55 ?" '% ~:..".`.'..}{s".'..?.'. . 3:2... 180. Edward Stafford. in young farmer of Stratford, is under arrest-, charged with playing the tin-box game on a German named Buntzhort. Buntzhorf says he lost mun UU. William Reid. James E. Corbett and David Ballard, pleaded guilty to a charge of arson at the Orangevillo aasizea yester- day, and with James Ballard will be sentenced to day. ` nannr Wilda, rlnrino lull imnrinnmnenh. senwnceu w (my. - Oscar Wilde, during his imprisonment. was given the minimum of treadmill on account of the condition of his heart. His principal duties were bookbinding and marking coal sacks. Mrl Rumlmll wifa nf than dnnuitv nheri marking coal anon. Mrs. Rumball, wife of the de uty sheriff of Windsor, was burned severe y while at- tempting to save the life of her \'O'}`O8l'- old daughter. who not re to her dress in discharging fire-crackers. 'l`hn Union-I Shaun nnnntn vnterdav inerelore, tune IIEIT [0 DIIB UIIIUUUIII. II is announced that E. G. Decheeney And H. A. Beeeley have been appointed superintendents for the Vancouver and Selkirk sections of the Cnnudinn Pncic under general superintendent Mu-pole. nnsm in Oh: fan of hvdmnhahin in- under general aupermnonuenc nurpoue. Owin to the four of hydrophobia in Englnn, an order has been issued by the British board of ngriculture. onnctin such stringent. regulations as virtunlfy to amount. to the prohibition of the importa- tion of dogs. "Hm nnnnnrvntiwu wnntir Charla: Tun. mm or uoge. The conservative: want Sir Chariea Tu p- por raised to the peerage and by thnt. means removed not only from the leader- ship of the conservuive party in the do- minion but. from all participation in Cans- dinn politics. Adalnidn (`.nmnwnll, ninhlman vnnrn old. ulacunrglng are-crncnarr. The United Sum aemto yeoterday passed the joint. resolution reeognizin the axistence 0! a state of war in Cuba an de- claring the neutrality of the United States by a vote of forty-one to fourteen. A numtlnmnn, n msidnnl`. of South Dy V050 OI IOIDY-ODD E0 !0lH'|Z-69!]. A gentleman, a resident`. of South Africa for a acore of years, claims to be a youn or brother of the late Duke of Harm ton, who digd May 16th, 1895, and, therefore, the heir to the dukodom. In in nnnnunnntl Hunt. ,1`. (3 nnnhnlnv Wm '90 00 `one OI IIUWIIU IJUII` ner, e sherman. A fight. ensued over ` their possession, in which Donner was `uriously beaten by the otcer, end he ie in A critical condition. V SAY, DO YOU WANT ABICYCLE SUIT `% EL; iais} ;;.;.; (01.1 'v}.-}}1{i.: Scotch and English Tweeds? at suits were made up for wear, com- fort and good appearance. Knick- erbockers, Patch Pockets. double seat with caps 9 match `with each suit, at \ $5. $6.50. 87. 87-50. 08 and 09. Equal to custom made. Celtic in and Ice them. jc. u_\_um:_sron mo. nu.` -.... -1 I!....._l. -... WHE NMEN, & AT NTION ! JUST A MINUTE. Afortrslt uul Dyoteh of a nu: P. `L0 "Bubs loprouuhuvo. Wee Nearly Alphyxlehed. Own: Sovsn, May 2l.-JnInee Thomp- son, as liveryman of Meeford. drove over some travellers lane night. from that place. Thompson blew out the gen when retiring and in nearly eaphyxietaed. The night vntchman denoted the odor coming from the room and burst. in the door. The doo- tor relieved Thompeon er eome hard work and he will be Ml ri M in A day or two. ' Arrested lror Aunnlt. O(lDE.\'SlH,'lm, N.Y., May 2l.-Shbe sh and game inspector Edward A. Human. of Hunmond. was arrested in this city hat night. ch: ed with uuult. in the second degree. Ewen seized three sh note that he found set in Chippewa bay, and eup- posed to be the property of Edvvud Den- nm-, A nhm-tnnn_ A nht. ensued over = * ;- ` - I nnonnrr wALIiln..~ Sergt. Walker joined the 14th in 1894 and by strict attention to duty he soon won the condence of his oicera to whom it was manifest that he would develop into one of the best; men in the corps. He took 1 short course at the Royal school of infantry inswuction at Toronto and obtain- edeeeeond-cleea certicate in 1895. He was promoted to the rank of corporal in H395 and received the three etripes two weeks latgrl. 0...... nI|:nn In In-Anlunnnn I-nnra n' weeks mt r. Sergt. gvnlker is twenty-one years of age, is five feet. ten inches in height. and weighs 175 pounds. H0 is an excellent drill instructor and has the reputation of being one of the moat attentive men in the bat- talion. - ALItlloSlIIISIhstrIotiII.` Eel`! Irom nngranu, rsev. rumor nuuen. Radcliffe Dolling, Portsmouth. who has been inhibited by the bishop olwinohestaer from preaching in his diocese, will leave for this country soon. Sevenl other Eng~ lish bishops have. in turn, rejected Esther DolIing`s oifers of services. He hst thus become an ecclesiastical exile from his own country, and his sympathizsrs among the extreme high-church party look upon him ss a martyr. Every effort is being made by his friends to keep him in England. Bemnrlmhlo High Llctnua law and Ile- nrlctlonn II. Pomonn, Cal. POMONA, }al., May 2l.--Pomona has {nab adopted the most remarkable high- icense liquor ordinance known in C:lifor- nia and possibly anywhere. It provides for licensing two saloons. Each is to pay $1,000 per your in ndvunoo. The saloon-keeper mun give bond: In the mun nf 350"), which I'll h forfeit.- saloon-keeper mush give uonul In um sum of $5,000, which shall bu forfeit- ed in case he fails to observe iholsw under which he is licensed. The saloons must be run in single 3 artments with no annexes or wings, an in buildings fronting on streets. Hallo! the front of the saloons must. be of glass, no painted or frosted glass or screens boil 3 allowed. The view from the street. must: be free and unob- structed. and no billiards, cards or any game shall be played. Onlv mm man. that. for the bnrkaonar. man no pmyoa. Only one seat. that. for the bnrkooper. will be allowod._and oven cash will nob be allowed for ouwmon to loan or sit upon. There must. be no buck doors or `hind-no 'I"|.- nglnnnlyngnnp -will Con-fnih em upon. There must. no one: noun or 0. The Inloonkeoper will forfeit his license and Qond if he sells to I minor or a woman or to a man concerning whom there has been A complaint. by his wife, tie- ber, eon, mother or daughter, or if A man ie an habitual drinker. mt... L-..I........_ .....-; Ant 5.. -.u..-......l I! In HIDIIUBI IITIIIKCIK The berkeeper mush rst be approved by the city council as I respectable citizen. Saloone must be open only from 6 n. In. to ` 10 p. m. on week do a on pain of immedi~ ` um forfeiture of the onda. I \Y..;__:nL..L-..,.I:__ AL--- -e-:.........b ...... IE6 I0l'I0ll'auI'U OI BUB DOIIIII. Notwilhstmxding these stringent requ- laliom mnny persons are anxious to aa- curo one of the two licenses for saloons in ?omona. Oonlng To Alnoos. Nxw Yonx, May `.`l.-According to let.- ters [rom England. Rev. Father Robert. lhu-lnIi`n llnllina Pnrnnmn: than has For [.000 Clothiers and Plrnishcn tsnunnugauu. iEllKS[llK IN EIIMHIRT THE auan..a BATTALIAON. oov?m on wmsxsv. 1L_icV;_J(_on1_c_V;_1__a; BRO. -`A. __ _.. _ Viv .. .._.-. -.-.- V-.--- --.- ..v- .. -..._. near b . and alto: I oonplool hone bud work t names were oxtinguind. Tho tug. which it ulmoot a bold loan. in upon-.. OH to be innlrod. n.-- n_- .:.._.| .-....x.. .......g .3 an.` morning uyu: "nu Iotuncrm-oadin. wrm omms an Sums, III. bug XI` \JI|l|'_I` QUIIITW I-ml. owned by llfohull Delaney. bilnbt towur. was destroyed by n Into lat night. . The vessel wu lying near the Grand Trunk wharf when the [lumen broke out. Ir. Delaney, while ondenvoring to n It uhoro with n rope, Ion MI balance and loll inr.o.t.ho rivot. He struck out lot the shore and won named with dilcnlty. The city remen were onllod out from A nation . oonplo of amp} I. nmon ram nntlnnnlnd. u $ I0 X lllIlII'CIo I Capo Ray signal sorvioo nport of IN! morning mayo : "No aiding: received of Oh nfnnlnnp `I-ning ' WOOIHND ' COAL IIIANDELABRA, A IAJIIIIIIK, Ulpli. Inw. Kl \J'I|I"I$IIII 1" for St. Thomas. is reported down the river. This in the vessel which was recently re- ported ll being in collision with theF`nnol -- schooner Vigilent on the hunk; of New- loundlnnd, when the lunar veelnni and name livee loan. Many ulognmelnve` since been regret! lute {mm Norway concerning the ining, u teen wen en- t-ertnined for her safety. Th: Lmy hnn. (`Jun-Inn Rtnu-Q Phrnnll. W. l. DEINNAN. lvnux. Dnuo-mu an nunuIn-II hil- oul strut. block show old and. 1. 1'. nnxnnsnuu, Ulmnnxn AND InnAl.In, Prlnoou` Shoot. Phonon--Wu-uoomu. 00; Buiduloo. U1. Lowut prlou. _:_:_..__....._..?._.__._.__. Norwegian nun nopoua-no ruling: of ` Dunner Annals. Qvznm, In 21. - Nonnginn but Loining, Capt. gar. from Cllriuinn Solid fnr Rh, Tlmmnn. in I-Ann:-Ix! dnin Hm Him-_ The word is new. but the subject it denotes is as old probably as the Our- clen of Eden ; only it wasn't a aoiouoo than : IT IS NOW.. Bhirtology.` the ` science of Shirts I WE HAVE STU- DIED IT, AND OUR SHIRTS SHOW IT. Our slxirts` a`re not skimped; they are large and roomy ; have reinforced fronts. endless faoings, stays, etc. nnnnx nanny. - Lunnm UIDIITAIII AID IInu.llI--ll Prlnoou nu:-clot. Oomor Sydonhun aunt. `lob phono com unlontlon. ` 'n"A?1-noounn mun: Hoiisi. no. 11 (harry Stroot. I-In largo horn in nonme- Hnn. Anu!vtn D. Rnmnn. on ch: nnmhnu. 30 .`:..`.`-'9a `x`;'s"2`s .`ni.`a.`.`. I It man In wagon ` groa. In `:-Inn :3 _ Lndhnnhundl co:-ant. C JARDY S, EAT LARGE AND (X)IIOD10UI4 PEI- miun mum with storehouse mu) lnhly ooounhd by tho hnoklostcn Hnmlwuo ou- .l with storehouse coxoa) lnhly occupied by huellostc (`on- pnn on Prtnoeu Shoot. all sdnptod for who on]: mnnufaotm-in; or huge man but- nnur. Nu be rented In wholo orpul un_d_ will bu improved uud modunlud for 3 wire able tenant. Pu-lioulnn may In hnd from tho nndr-r.| nod. Pnwun & boll. Archltootl. Merchant: uh Chunbon. } OU.`-IE T0-LEI`. FURNISHED Oll UNFUIIP nhhod. Thu. dulmblo Solid Brick ut- donco. No.1!!! Union Street. It Mod by clou- trlnhy ;nIab|o und all modcrn Inprovomonu. Apply of N. '1'. unxnwoon. on the Dtonluu. or At this ofco. l` HonIo,No. llurook 50000. last smou- hnm. com-Mnin uncle parlor. dining-room and detached I when. 7 bedrooms. upsnto bath room and w.o.. o in niche laud. plumbinmfll llld clout: o oombinnt OBI!- turu t.hrouhont.!nl! depth yard with ride and re.-\ r ontnnoo. Apply to J. OLDIII, In-km quaro. ` They wear well. look well`,f-)sll_br_q.l_.lxo perfection of t and nish,/~-mdho` um! dnnnrulxln nf nnnnnrlhnn in nrnwn. PUI IUUUIULI UI III! IUIJSI IIIJIDII/V"ECl F. tout dnsemble of appearnnce is crown- ed by the prime \ irtne of economy in theslmpo of low prices. on} Special WHITE UN- ~ DRESSED 50c. SHIRT lSTEAGY&STl3AGY. 4- Jan. xuuu. `I'll Llumlo Umn-rnn-Iu-on Prlnuu ntroot. Toluphono MA. Open Day Md Nick! _:_.-:_.-___r_- i'jj: DI ID. - AI.I.:N--Snddenly on Thursday. May 20th. :0 199 Close avenuo. Toronto, Gertrude Mary Collin. beloved dnqghcor of J. A. Allqn. Alwiuzton. Kingston. Funeral print. 0-in- o -an YnA1i.i NO. TH AT 7-KOOIKU FIIAII HUUHI, NU: `ll tion. App!y to D. SNIDIR. on the promhol. GOOD GENERAL A commandant ADD 1 I. I. I`. HOBB- uon. mo luau Strut. GOOD (llnlluu. ` A" non, luvs YYF)-TETTFIYRNEHEWOWUNFUB: Blat- nlm-um No 12!! Hninn Rmnnat. II-hand hv Alan. WV" urn -: i`sH'iBToLoaY 1 ROI HAY lu1'. THAT SOLID BRICK HonIo,No. mrook shoot. Eman- hnm. com-Mninz dnnlp nulor. dinin:-room w`......" ' o-urn--gnugpw-nut-fr. U_IP|' DI l&Wl'CIK I l'II"U| '3'-W" cloudy. with fresh to ItI'oII('~ . vindu. 5 ma. lowor Iunpontnn. above:-n mane. 6 8010 Agent: for Butte:-Ink`: Putt-emu. UTIIIIIX l0I' IIIl' Kliy. The mag bout. Chnrlu Stun Punoll. `unt! hv lnhhnnl nnlnnnv. minim HIGH`- IIIOS. ll. JOHNS, v ` I 2l.-Nonnginn .niQn:i::`rf,3Anl>.,n cum]-_ fun; ('!I|rinI.hn nlill wumen PnoaAmLmts. `Would be a boom to: Dining Table. Wo_ an o also showing a number of DAINTY cups AND swcx-zns - mm; TUG DESTROYED BY _F|RE. FOR SALE OR TO LET. is a wonder. See It. 4 `:3. M. EDITION; Upper St. Lawrence: Plrtl IINIIQ _.l_.I- _ IIAAI- I-.__.. A........A-..a. T. F. HARRISON, .- A an Dun; I H- HENRY DELHI. ununnunnn Ann Eu: huuuuiloou-wann- __ .`-_ wA-N r_BD. TO LET.` 2. TC` T.` V '6d,uuIIUIIco|Iauo\ When ho kitchen in Iuppuod with our.l\1ol. No honor or nhannn . In thovoll to do than household nooklng. ' vuicty. but qnnmg. [own vrlou. 1..-..n... thnlr marlin. It qumg. IOWOII pnnu. Investigate their mama. costs you nothing. y-wwyv --- y-_. -- 870PIl|NCBS8SI'. llonu-In. ` h onnvo Ti 92 `IX IZIII llilllvwu-us vu-. To You Thmnaelvau In. 14th battalion drill to-night. Yacht club emoker to-night. ~ Beeond drill of veterans Ontario hall to- night. Final meeting celebyation committee to- night. Lecture in Y.M.C.A. l-all by G. E. Bullie at eight o'clock this evening. _ Tender: `for three dwellmge on Union meet at Newland a olee to 6 p. In. Satur- A-n dny. We are oering come bargains for Sa- turday end Monday that are what. you can call geguine bargains." We went everyone to see them. No trouble to show you. Grand Union. . Onuu. {uy 2l.-l_)uInio n.pIuy. om ohbowcnltlnltnul III Ostumhoudof .L. nu._. |.a...`-an-Annhn nmnnnnm And A- uumnnc sTmFsi1Pco., Imi. RIVER AND GULF ST. LAWRENCE Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes. Twin Screw Iron S.S. "CampaIIa. L i.I_LA_ -I__A..l.. I.-n- -...I all unvuva u vvuuv. wu. IAILI IIOI IOXTIIIAL on MONDAYS at I p.m. `Nb and 213% June. Mh and 19th July. 2nd. 15th and 89th August. for Pinon, N.8.. calling at Quebec, mum Point, uupo. Peron, monhlo. l .l1`..I., sud Charlotte- tom. P 1. Inuit trip: 0! the suson for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN. Soon-chug. Quebec. For tickets and staterooms apply to 1uru~.nv's GENERAL Trout AGENCY: Kinlston. Ont. NEW Ilixlsaouu-lnunu I rs-\n.v-\..u l&IAKING. IN ALL I'D! BRANCHES. oxoouud with human And doopntch. as moderate prion. spacial niomiun given to children : clothes. I15 Pluwtns 8`I'l.l.l'I'. our Ion Piano Wuuoonn. TX WIDTH Ill IIIIIIU 13]!` Romulus Gnovs. Mu. May 2l.-Six nib norih of Into. on the banks of \Vhot- atone river. I no!) of while cap murdered two can last night and but-nod the home of another. Suspicion pointed to Lisp Ijyllold sad the Iihoboll brothers. John In... -3.4. Is-mg Loan inrnnd In Innvn .Il:iyold Dovo. who hovo boon wornod no loovo tho country. Tho mob did not nd Hoy- oldothotno. no hio houso. woo but-nod. Tho Kitchen`: had borrieodod their homo. and lino niduotod upon the place, kill- ` John Iitchollood his blothor-in-law, Jock Code and oorionsly injorod Doro Mitchdl. Tho ouno nidon noontly took Don Ilikboll from his homo. whipped lninondvuoodliilntolooto. but ho ro- noiood doliou no DollrlotoBootl'orI`hll30N|' nu. Dnnt III.-nnnnlvnn hi. IVVIII DLIGW uvu Josie ya---ya... With oioctrie Ii MI. alootrlo hour, and :11 mo om comforts. oven Io: three {oars rent. (too. For pnrucu us Apply to J. K. Odessa, Out. `"08 SALE OR LEASE. Anv W moon. SITUATED ox BIN! Street. This couunodious roul- donoqo rlootin tho Into. has lately been nnovot throng out. All modorn conven- ..Pououlonl modi tel. A In A. lAl. 79 0ln|`nnoe`sr...'Kin:?ton.o 193- ` Finn shlpmont of Now Hats taoolvod this wuk. No Bluff inT l'his. ` DON T TALK MUCH Xmye-s'{--:..;;.. I\I \I\lAVu I\a aw - V-"- TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED A1` THE otliw 0! the undersigned (when plans and specications mny be seen). up to Six o'clock RI. `on SATURDAY nd Inst... for the several trodes work: required in the erec- tion nnnl completion of Throne Brick Dwelling Houses on Union Street. in this city. for Paul Reid. Esq. Lowest. or any tcndot not nocessuily uc iieud".`Riq'. Lohvaost. my 0! 0 D W. NEWLANDS, run..- uom... no. A,.,hm,,,g_ II Iovvw navy-----uyv _.--..-.-_, HE PROPERTY AND OLD ESTA IJIJSHEI) business known an the I-logle Bakery. in Odoua to he let on the following emu terms : Lessee to repair ovensnd pay 13.50 per month rent for nsiulonco and to hnvo the In of thc can rm mnicu us souls: B00111. NIW TIRE DEPOT. no PRINCESS S'l`.. whom you can get any the .1011 want at the right price. Sundries, oto. .: \IInlv`r` ..._ --. I A_ (1000 BUSINESS CHANCE. !_-.. ............_ . u n mam: nl YQIJDII BICYCLE TlRES.l I53 wooos 3205.. Kingston, 0nt.l NEW DRESSMAKING PARLORS. ..--.uu-nunrun II! All I'l\I nlIA\ln|.lIQ liAND&)IE UPBIGHT PIANO OF FINE Iona good on now, {or H40 cull. Can be non at Wino Oloo. urn--u u---- - --v'_.--__, QIBNII! IN TRUST. OFFICE : :33 BA cot tnot. Annltnmaina uallniud. :_ FINE PIANO FUR SALE. -__ _ -__g_ -_ ..- s4\l\Z -r SMYTHE & LOSCOMBE. `TF nu rnI3tVI!lIIII'I\ A1` '1` LOCAL Msuonmox-. no won ot Inmo Chpm AA~-.- n_-.._ '11- :1-.. n :5T~yl%ish Flillinery. BENERLL TICK. Kingston. `About; the repu- tation of our nrnl2\ Ah |Jl...LIAu : We don't have to. |it's established ; Dbut we do feel like saying just once that our goods are the finest made in the city. `\Y..'nn Inln nf UJIIUU Ill IIUU VIII. - We've lots of fruit for Monday. Plheapplea. Ban- a.nns,0rangea,etc :BI?EX'i3,"` W , CAKES and , PASTRY. :11 1 Arohitjn`) t. Inn mnunc SERV|EE.| GREAT BRITAIN GRANTS A LAhGE SUBSIDY. Canny`: Bicycle Blll nu Puud the com- mI1.too-'l'ho Home Votes '|`wonty.8Ix Thotllnlul Dolhu for the Expense: of tho1,)uqon'I Jnblloe contingent t9 Vlalt \l:ngI nnd-0tho|- latter: Before Purin- Inant. U`l'l'AWA. May 2l.-Tbe fast Atlantic line contract. is at last an accomplished fact. A cablegram received by the govern- ment from Mr. Chamber-lain,eoloni|l sacre- s...... -o_b.. nun-, Mm mm-not-. lnr u: uarvinn The,Ladies say that for real.` good`tasty Millinery, with style and value, Hardy's is the place. W.!rdon t paint everything red here, not do we claim to be the on! Millinery Store in Canada. B!!!` we're out for business. Ruetlc Sailors 250. l..udIoe' sailors I90. 26c.50c. tender: hld DOQII openeu U. D. Dunuuu, resident of the former company. had of- ered to come down to the prices named by his competitors. The minister or the opinion that it would have been enun- dnlone thing to listen to such 3 proposi- tion. The opposition did not venture to taee`t.th:o inion of thohouee on the subject. .- -- .-go. nnbinu h-Lniuhf. nf hi- teeh the o Mr. Fie er gnve notice to-night of his intention to introduce e hill on Mon- dey nextho provide for the registration of oheeee fectoriee and creemeriee. and for the banding of dairy producte. end to prohibit Inierepreeenwion as to detee of menufectnie of each producte. There is a very general coneenaue of opin- ion in the country in favor of the measure. which will etill further increase the reputa- tion of Canadian products in England by ..._.....1ina Ann:-icon rnnriuntn fnnn bninn prevonting mono: nptuontoto Canuiaiu ` Tonoxm. Ont. llny 2l.--'l`ho _nI.onun of'66IIuou*nngodfoI-ado hhonmgo to Obtain and nit on Sir `chard (hrs- -.:.LL gating -nininbno nf militia nn mono Iron Ml`. UD&!nD0l`lMn,00l0lllIl noctu- tary,:tntes thnt tbe contract for the service signed with Messrs. Peterson. Tate & Co.. of Newcastle. but been accepted by the im- perial authorities, who agree to grant a subsidy of $350,000 a year. The contract onlyeweibedthe conrmation ol the imperial government and the admiralty subvention. This being now granted, tho rm will at once proceed to build their eet. Mr. Dunn : bicvcle bill.` nrovidimz that ruuwny commiuee. An item of $'.26,000to pay the expenses of Canada`: military represeiihatives at. the queen : jubilee was passed by the house of commons yesterday. A dnnut.nl.inn wniind nn H10 onvarnment commons yeswruny. A deputation waited on tho government yesterday to ask for a bonus of 81,000,000 towards the construction of 3 bridge over the St. Lawrence at Quebec. Mr. Laurier promised connaidem tion. Pnntmnntar mmarnl Mulock announced promu-ea conanaern non. Postmaster general yesterday that the jubilee stamps of various denominations would be issued to the pub- lic on the 19th prox. 1'}... nnnnln will ulinnrn tomorrow ol the Isnnen American nun: now unn- peny. The old contractors, he said evident- ly thought they had a mono Iy of the work, for they not only asked t a sum that they had received under the previous ar- rangement with the government but 8300,~ (X10 more. He mentioned the fact that out of a contract Iggl$gnl.in& over $525,000 and covering a period of ve years only $8,000 worth of work will not be done at Ottawa. The Canadian com~ puny had demanded twenty per oent. more than tl.o gure named by the American company. but when the tender: had been opened G. B. Burlend, ......:.l...o. nf nu. lm-mar mmnnnv. had of- We believe we show `more ac- tual~_Yinds.and varieties of good tpihg Waiststhan can be found an mumonm in the m-ovince out- Ilol Lllxlllll PIIIIUIUIIT ll;.lI{ollKI`lIIbI:iIl Li moricnn ptoouc mm ng E.'........""' E:.c.....a....- . to pnnni 00150 gonnot-gonad char" menu-inlt.otho_q_IeoIg fut tlnoiqutitution proceed to build men` neon. Mr. Cuey e bicycle bill.` providing bicycles nhould be carried free b railways M 9. baggage. hue been endb forty-one to twenty-one by the commigtee to which it was I-Afar-rad, . it. was reterreu. W. F. McLean's bill to prevent. railways from putting down upper berths when not occupied, was killed at Ottawa by the railway committee. 1.. Mann nf s-)6,n(mm nu Lha axnenses noun 0! Commons. Orrawa. May 20.-~Mr. Foster and Sir Charles Tupper attacked the government in the house today for having taken the contract for printing bills and stamps from the British American hank note company and awarded it to the American bank note company, of New York. It was charged that the Canadian company had not been treated fairly. Its tender wee, they as- eerted. the only one which complied with the specications. yet the contract had been iven to an alien corporation and n Uana inn industry had been destroyed. They emphasized the point in their criti- ciem that the American company had been permitted to manufacture the dies in New York, a work requirin the very high eet ekill, which gunediana were I ,-,:.__.._.. an... ._:..:.s.... -4` X0l`I,I W0l'K roqulrur uuu VUIJ un5u nadinna capable oi performing. The minister of finance replied that there were 153,000 nrguments in favor of the tender of the Amnrimn hgnk mm commnv. and they Il'slllllBDI a'J Ill lnvvr In um uvuuuu v- American bunk note com ny, were that in wt: $153,000 over than of the British American bank note ......- 1'5... Alf. nnnirnnfnrn In mid nviu Uoutillnn Wilson at nlunuu unn- I. acting Inininut of militia. on W ynoxt. nnduthonnoda; 5.. ..-..._n hulk. onnanau--nnn--Allilmr no on me IUWI pmx. The senate will adjourn tomorrow evening untiln week from Monday next. Messrs. D. 0. Fraser and Logan, l\I.P n. have accepted invitations to speak at e queen s birthday celebration in Chicago on Monday. The Canadian jubilee postage stamp is to be issued on June 22nd. ltie of a special design. representing two heads of the queen side by side, one IS37. the other 1897. The stamp is to he the some hei ht as the present stamp. but about one- all wider. The edition will be limited as follows: 150.000 half-cent stamps; 8,000,000 one cent stamps: 2.500.- 000 two cent stamps ; 20,000,000 three cent atamps: 750,000 ve cent stampa; 75,000 six cent stamps; 200.000 eight cent stamps; !50.000ten oent etampl: 100.000 fhen cent stamps; 100.000 twenty cent stamps: 100.000 titty eent stamps: 25.000 81 stamps: 25.000 82 stamps: 25.000 83 stamps; * `2.'i.000 84 stamps; 25,000 85 stamps: 7.000.000 one cent post cards. It is estimated that` the supply will last about three months. The smaller issues are likely to be at a premium at once. The stamps will be obtainable by the pub- lic through the postmasters only. Illllll` -VI IIIID I-IJBII villa vw -yv--.._ inhnwttdre in the province aido__of Toronto, and` some choice linqlgldtt found there. 8'1.` 81.26. 81.50. 31.75.32. We have the 50c and 760 kinds t0O. Porrlnh Kld Gloves s I. crornptonw C orasts 500. Ladies Print Wrappers 8 I. Lqqlgq Kld Bolts I50. 260. 380.` ' Ladies Capes 8| to $lo.

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