, , us . Fiahar' g o'I,oc:i.ng I1 0' Dftpnlopfa clotfiing. ' The-vaa nraaaaion oi I-haloaal polioa oout thia inorhing. M Ho 10: dho.K.A.A.A. grounda to an bic ol_a_ra_oaa, May 24th, 1 p.In. _ ` ' ripe mam, 200. down. Fiahor. Saturdays ' I. Boya' chm-piooe $4 aui0`.75. ulilop, King street. A Ohaaaa at Lindaa. aold at 8o.: Stirling. 9o. ; Tweed. 90.: W stock. no. The Welland-Vale Garddn City Bic 010, a good an new up-to-date whoola. xtra vatua for 070, spot cash. Strachnwa hard- Il'l PI. wsv IEPDIITEIIB. noun 4:. run-gn-o-nocn- Ic- _. non Inna. IAIIQQ I I IVIIIID IIIII IE llll.`oIl' 101' F of Dnnlo n 08 light: suits. n J Ann. Hvrnnn-n u. a. moon. nyrloqpo, L1. 1.. II in one cit, spondid 3 tow days with his family. reading on go: otmt. O:-don for Mann nnd mnann tnnina left lb PIOKED up cm: I _--.L_.` _ 4'-..-, . . ___- wuo. ~ Old sport: and youn rm alike intend taking in the bicycle riot? Monday, 240.11, 1 .m. but can In nicer for the 24th than one A. nnInh n Bl "nhh -II:.' YQICIIII on Dlgli UFPOOI5. Orders for piano and orgtn tuning left no J. Rayner : reoidoaco, 131 Union street. or W. J. Koolofa. jeweler. Brook meet. Exbrn choice ham: and bnaifneb bacon W . a. noose; U. JUWBIBT. Drou: anrucu. bnafneo ohin woek. Fiahox-'3. nnndnh nun n-.5 .-as-at-A trnnnnl-Q WEI. IIIIJUYI. Saturday our finest. wanted trouurs Rognlsr 84. Many differenb pottorna for 82.75. Dunlap ; Tnin Rim: Ran - nlnM.|-in mum Ian tha nouao. P. J. Walsh, dry-goods merchant, is still conned in the Hotel Dion and is in a very low gonditaion. He in autlbring from pneu- mnmn, ' lY Dim! novel: to cm: , , -mode:-nto. P` on. uh, nu 06 n9un,aIOIu-once 0. clear nwcx. manor. It : wonderful how Dunlop secure: all cbo bargains. This week he is making a special drive in men e 86 suits. Llanta. Sears and Van Slzmnbonzie. of mlxuu, 1 Oak Itylilh house. I) I n . Ddn b fail to see the hardest of hard time parades, Monday, at. 11 mm. Start. at Victoria park. A (aw |in.nn in munr ldl at mat. to '2.'ID. lJIIIIlOp'I. Teke King Ben's electric care to the K. A.A. A. grou min to witness bicycle races, Mondey, to l p.m. Ibw, D, f`.. Rlnnrnnn Inn: hum elected monuny, an 1 p.m. Rev. D. C. Snndereon has been elected the representative to the tmtioning com- mittee by the Montreal Methodist district. Red cabbngoipicklea 15c. bobble, ne mixed, 10c. and 15c. F`ieher a. Hall. The Johnston compan a clothing to be had only an t. in hnnnn, at vIctorm_par|. Afew lines in ower seeds at cost to clear stock. Fisher. `I'D- .-n...In.-l`..I I-nu. I\..-Jan nnnnrnn :1 Upecll UHVO In IDOIYG 30 EUIIB. Liouta. Sears and Van Straubonzie, the 4th Ensure. have been detailed for duty on the staff of Lieut.-Col. Cotton, D.O.U.. on Monday next. For your new suit see Dunlop. Large refrigerator forligrale cheap. J. Fisher. rm... v_....I.. ....-..- -3 Al... I rut. L. 11.... IIBIICT. The cycle corps of the 15th bum, Belle- ville, will wheel to Kingston to-morrow under actual service conditions. The members will carry ries. aide-Irma and great coats. 'l`hnan vnn Murnhv. Smith. Benn nnd great coal; . Those yors Murphy, Smith, Benn others too numerous to mention will be on deck, Monday, May 24th. Soc them. Rnlmd hnnnl in mmnm names. 1513. Lin. l'l8llOl' I. Olk Hall. gentlemen`: furnishings. Once I customer always a customer. We use you right. Ono price only. For vnnr ninm. banners nnd decorations We cu_|uy t_u'ua}. lo job: too large or too small; we exuciu as much cure in de- cCl!lfI|!`6Iia' "room :3 the` whole (loci. monany, July ZIDII. Due uwlu. Bllod beans in tomato sauce, 15:). Lin. Fisher's. n..|. u.n ........n........'. 6...-..:.|.innn mm. yll TIKIID. UHO [D1108 only. For your aigm, banners and decorations for the 2418!: call on John F. Martin at his new paint shop, next door to electric car sheds, King street. out. Mnmhnnn nnd nhhnr huninmn men were GIT IUQGI, lung IIWUCE DIXIE Merchants and other businena men were hard at work to-day decanting their atom, oicoa. otc.. with nga. bunting and amnrarlllnl. And hhsnhroom not nruont a ...-...........-, ....- _. ........ ..-" ..----..- 7 very ne appearance. , Kolona. the nal: of Ceylon ton. 30c. Finhe. f\..L II- I`....I!-l. Lat- -I.-Lt un Onalnbn nnnera. Oak Hall-Englieh hau-,ri;zht up-to-date goods. We show the greatest variety in the city. Make no mistake WA Imnr, Hm nrnttv air]: And nnlllnh VIDQ Clliy. IIIKO [I0 lXlI3I'aIIlB We want the pretty girls and Allan young men on hand to witness the ioycle races. Monday. May 24:11, I p.m. Mn. Mnndnnnld_ wife of Francis Mac- races. monuay. may 2151:, I p.m. Mrs. M ncdoneld, wife of Francis Mac- doneld, clerk in the Kingston pout olliee. in den muely ill. Two physicians are in Acton since at her bedside, and entertain little in of her recovery. The ellnnd-Vale Perfect. Bicycle, thor- oughly up-to-date. nnd pronounced by ex- rhe one of the beat wheels in the merkeb. gepob each. 880. as Strnebani hardware. Dunlap : 88 suit for 85.50 Saturday. Self-rising pancake and toe biscuit. flour, l0c. paclnge. Fisher. Bellevillienn will awerm in Kingston on lIlIlplO plclngoa. manor 5. Thu nrioty of clothin in our establish- monbia the wonder of I. a buying public. Boys All ages and man all sizes can line just whnt they wnnc gt. Dunlap ; Thnrninn nmrnitv nf nhmh iron in the jllll wnlc may wlnn en uunlop 3. There is I earoity of sheet iron in the city. Tinmithe and others using the ma teriel are etraid to order on eocount of the unsettled condition of the tariff. At pre- sent sheet iron oomee into the country tree, but deplore hve to sign entrance pep:-I. e ',act toechenge in the preeent tn-i . `I. W` III UVTKI OII llm 'l'lIO uni~pnhIIiomln no :3 in uln- Ia M willho It in 9:- gn will to 0 you clan-lug cub, ring auteur nah unnlliod for the big mason July 106. Ian-Ihndi nnnlrl Asia A lnntl in Hm .1`. F. HARRISON co.. 1.._u.... .-`A nndnronbnu HOIIT, IUC. WKIBU. lllru Kingston Monday. And we are the people who will bedownright. glad to we them. Every- body from mayor Johnson to the 15th but. mascot will be welcome to the beat. the clt.{ can offer. In..- o........t.. ..-;..... 0 IL. 9:... '1 cm- I I'VE Iolllllll 25. Fisher. VIM... D..A..._.I. zoo. manor. The Snturday before the 24th of May was always a big day with us. If you want: any new clothing for the holiday zoo Dunlap. Oh V Rm: that. milimrv rum balzwaen the uumop. Oh ! Say that military race between the soldier boys of link, Nth, linli and A" buttery will be a beauty. Como and see is. K.A.A.A. grounds. Monduy. Gan. Cli` nffm-n nnmn nnecinl bargains in I100. bun 0lIl'l DOIIIO Bpclll Ulrgluua Ill small homes or building Iota, or if you hue I house or lot you wish to exchange call at 95 Clarence street. headquarters for rul estate. IX7..itE-um in - C--...I In Aid. niiu (`_.AII\l`l1 Til XI-350. Writing to A friend in this city George McKay intimeted than he did not intend onbering any recee on the 24th inst. He will eonkinue to train and will attend the C.W.A. meet :3 Chebbem. Sometime e 0 he said he would race here on the 2% . but hue changed his mind in that respect. Qnmnthina naw._P|mmhnt.e melamine. arm. For Roohoour North King leans Sun- day: 5 p.m.; Tuesday: and Thnndnjn Euro lava 3 In.. connecting with North King at Brig (on for Chariot. J. P. Hunky. IQUIB. difamin hotllnd nidm-_ nnnrhd nvnn. n.'l?l:B.W.A. racing board he decided to Impound dl "shady" nmatourridon who Into put in ovum on tho em. in. no ngnhnuhdanln nan rldinr in him lllll. npn. uuluvp ll um nu IIIIII I1] H; mm gun`. .33 boys units. mug`: at I6 and the boy : so . Dunlap. King unit. 1 vi to hug: Ibo Manic [830 mire: be Eh lawn. A-nilnn nlnnnn nnluhnn nay. spun. Cslifamia bostlod cider. unorud nvon. l`iohor'n. E4!` W ` pan}..- Laugh.` `in. nnhia %`Fx.;``..T'5.e9&`?..!;.!' ' _uInlnIQnou 2 "nu JIIIOIIIII [$0 I Illll III I : `nvpyma no loolihntiou. Duluopla doin his shun by ninth: Ht eiln nan : ban min. nun DIS onlngou Ill! Ullllu Ill Willa ruapuu. Somethin now-PhoaPhat.o gelntine. sample pnc Ages. Fisher 9. " Thu nriatv of olothimr in our MIlfCIDEN1'Sm%% .m I UIIIIIOEI Q0 ngno uulil. D J ooro. Bynoqpo, N.Y.. in in the Ihv nnnndini A {at (him with his fnmilv. -rv-q-ova-nu 1on5;;: " Goo. Clilf oors some special bargains -an" Imnum nr hnilrlimr Inn. nr if Iran Mo! on any up. Ivutyhody Ihould his a land in the HAHN]. Dnnlun in thin! hi: chug In IIIUVTZXZKNV The gran would hunt. - Junuii ul IIII Ilwww an IQ lawn. Anita: Ochoa Ah the t hint black of dawn. 1:-o.au:Iyu 1 built. H 0110!`. tomato cataup, 2 lb. tins, 3 for Inhm-_ CB5, aux, wlbu lungs, uuuuug cum :1, and t.he'sbI-can now present IIIIKLPIKIVQ We have them as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best. w.,_ ' A FBIDAE. MAW 21. 1397. e--aw j" 7-7'-'c'-"5-%cr-Q-- What Ooutitntu 6 .'l`ri6 Church ?' Sunday ovohing noun cfnlook. % , *- Gust Things to llqvo. II a pm of pcrfodt ning boots. You can get than at Abornethfa, the chat nhoomun. 127 Priuon: strut. A T116 "run" of - Id boning-ore frm oh; Marmot! gold dc is being pun thwll the Win: 9r_o929- -9 `:!`!'-!"3P mill.-I Lon who bum-use nonau. The highest price paid in this diabriot yontorday wu nine cum. Ah the Fron- tenac board the top bid wn mno und one- eighth oonu. Thin npoaku well for the quality of the cheeno boarded bore, and which almost alone regulates the price. um-mom gold noun 1: using pm: y:_nmI_I milling at the sump mill 1: connbcom In ch Lhh aeluobl of mines. The work in being` done by 0. Game: Rothwell. MOIIDIUII THU!" 0| II, II WUII I ICIIUIII" ship which outiclee her to I your : tuition free. She has been studying under Br3m- nnr nnd will ha hnmn nn Rnturdnv fnr the "'06- @119 Ill UIOII Ililluyl UIIIIOT DIV!- ner. and will be home on Saturday for the summer vwnfiou. BI! lllty IlCII'IIIllB -U Vn.uv; Electric lights are being plnoed in the locomotive works to enable workmen to be employed at nlght. A number of sparks have already been put up in the boiler shop. Fopr thirty-two candle power in- oandeecent lights bnve been placed above thn nnnnhino mnnhinrm In-nu-w-n an vuunuun -u-In Miss M J. Powell. atbendin the Manual to ool of uh, has won a no alu- nkin uwluinl-L nnhlnn Inn! I-11 A wasp : lnikinn UHlllI$UUlll.a II] the punching nan ohanco At This season. Provost. of the New York clothing store. Brock stress, in giving the choice of any piece of tweed in hie window for $13.50 a I-uib. made to order and guaranteed a first.- olua ts. These goods are all new and well assorted patherna of English. Scotch and Canadian manufacture. Change The Evenlng. Church members who mnke it a rule to attend the customary Wednesday evening prayer meetings` any they think it unfair that they should be deprived of the `pleasure of the weekly band concerts. and my eat that an evening other than Wed- n ay be decided on for these concerts throughout the summer. n-_n_ .q-__._.- nu..- n__|.._ Stall-Qgprpete For Spring ln Brussels, Balmoral, tapestry, wool, union and hemp, in widths of one-half yard. ve-eighta, three-fourths and one yard. and ranging in price from ten cents to $1.75 per yard. Stair oil cloths, stair linene,stair mettings. stair plates. stair pads. everything necessary at houae-cIenn- ing time an R. McFo.ul's. Kingston carpet warehouse. U IVIIIIB IlIIIllD`UIn The person whose clothes were destroy- ed by paint. on one of the benches in the city park has obtained legal advice and will push the claim. It is pointed out. the chairman of parks is personally responsible not having given instructions to have placards placed on the benches wurnin the public against. using the benches until the paint. had dried. 1-5.... as. -..- Dress shoes. Every man should have at least two pairs of shoes. By occnsional changing shoes wear batter, allowing the perspiration to dry inside; they retain their shape longer and certainly feel much more comforteble. Potent leather is without doubt the only dress shoe 1: man should wear. end as eshoe for dress or street wear, should be selected in preference to others. We are selling the $6 kind for 85 now. Heinee& Lockett. The time made by cadets Kingsmill end Harvey in the 220 yards dash an the Royal militar college sports on Wednesday. when t e nished a dead heat. came very near tone ing the world e record for that distance, now held by B. J. Welera. New York athletic club. The world`e record is 21 3-5 eecondo,and the time made by Kings- mill and Harvey. as taken by half`:-dozen atop watches was 23 '2 5 seconds. or I differ- ence of only 1 4-5 seconds. Considering that part of the distance was run on great, the time is remarkably fart. ll :1 IIDIIBU lljliluun. The Governor-General : Foot Guards, of Ottawa, have decided to visit Kingston on dominion day. and mayor Skinner eug- geste that the jubilee celebration be held on that d:._.' instead of on June f.".`nd, as at first intended. If this su gestion be ac- cepted and acted upon t e militia bat- talions that will arrive here nn June 22nd for their annual training will be enabled to take part in the military manwuvres, and the mayor thinks that with the four but- talions lhat will be in camp and the local corpe a very imposing review can be held. and that if so determined upon a sham battle could be engaged in. \III\ln|ln i saw: - `Java nu... Tho committee appointed to arrange for a smoking concert for the entertainment of the oicers of the visiting militia bat- talions on Monday evening next, and which is composed of Lieut.-Col. Drennnn. Kingston eld battery; Major Galloway. Nth 1 . \V.O.R.; Capt. Burstell. A eld battery, R.C.A.. and Lieut. Scars, -lth Huseera. Ives called to meet yesterdsy afternoon by Lieut.-Col. Drennan taper- fect nrrangeme for the smoking con- cert. Only Lncizkccol. Drennen and Lieut. Scars attended. however, and nothing was done. The event has been csncellod, as there is now no time in which to pnapere for it. can Buy As They Llke. At'a meeting of the Frontenac cheese board yesterday E. J. Madden expressed an opinion that. the board should establish a rule compelling all buyers desiring selec- tions to take at least 200 boxes of cheese. This rule is adopted by other boards and is found tozwork satisfactorily. The object. is to prevent a buyer blocking theinterescs of the boards by advancing the price of cheese and than only buying a few boxes. Of course all salesmen expab to receive the top price for their oods and will not sell unless given the big ssh figure quoted. - In t.his_way a buyer wanting only a dozen boxes can revem. others who may buy she entire lot rded from secniing any by ...x..... . niwlmantlu of I nan}. hiahnr thnn an entire lot nolruou Iron: Haunting any :1)` going I aixtnanth of I cent higher shun the market rice. Several nlosmon a in against r. Madden : auggution an the mutter was allowed to drop. no boob:-vn A Bopnnnnd. Two citiunl hnilod An electric car motor-man at the corner of Market and Ontario stmn, at oi ht o'clock, lub evening, M: which time 0 nln wn du- eendinf in torrents. The motor-man 2: turned had. and sand at the would be ..._-_.~ ..I.- rm.-I u..Im.n, huh inntnntl turned his nuamnu tuna II we womu-no puncngon-, uho heard eheirosll. but inuuud of aboppin "the car, he Invod N! hand at then In the our pad on its way. As tho corner 6! Brook and Ontario streets the our woppul to allow a to off. and the tin cium "but! for 53, werdwort " toroaoh the canning boforp the our started again. In upita of the fact that may culled loudly to the mohonnnn and the conductor from a point opposite thoonunncoto the city hall. neuron: to n...L.-gr no on an Anin dnnll _rut u-out who smnp um. The boning ore In-cnnrn anlll 1 in hnlnn nun 1-humnh ..._._.__...____. so They on you: At Night; ._A.._ I:_I.A- -.. L-.'..... ..l_....A rrv Ami vlqlurrv. .-.---I--------u.- ' lacuna A Io holn-nh|| mg `I 'I\ I couldn't Got A Quorum. ,,,:.L-- -___-:..a.-..l L- ...... A Jublleo Suggestion. _____ __ r1..__.._|I.. \....u1 no Wants Dnmn_a;. .-._ ...L..-.. ..I..AI...... ..... 5 IIRIIIZI IIIVU ng machine. I cvtnsufiou WITH ogouou l Ir. chin: Ouiqto llugntcdli l'C3!'A 1-on loom: ogpnuu - wall I ha With Annular Intent: _-u~..'..* -.._m. In... n..|-mu tn lllnh KTIUIZI. ` B. W. Suvboll. In Wooclntook Bontlnol VIIV. ` |mL1{n{A1s IN umcsroml Speaking` with on old Englishman. Goorp Chovn, who in visiting oomo mom- bou of hip family MRO. tho noon of Max. McKenzie wu moubionoal u on only boy- hood ooquuinbanoo of his in Kinsman. Mr. Chown was born at Sooton. o pfouy little watoring plooe A mile from Boer`. on tho Ioulzh cooeo 0! Devon. (I viaitiod then place: in 1894, and wrote about the lmlo cottage whore part of Princeu May : Hooiton loco mu made. and some historic smugglers` onvu nearby. whore the con- tnbondista cuusad much troublo.) n mm` In Winanbnn In IKQQ Irhnn H1>\ 13-36. C BHIIIII. I IIIUIVUIIID |I'UlII JIIUIIBIVQI visited Kingston and organized a temp`er- aeee society. The "Washin tonlans" ad started one in Montreal. but t `e name had to be changed. Dr. Mair. a retired medi- cal oicer. was its first president at King!- ton. When the Mclieruie be I arrived there from Scotland. I-lope Mo enzie be- came its secretary and Alexander was a member of the board with Mr. Chown. and they. together-.were appointed delegates to a convention to be held at Ernesttown, county Lennox.for the purpose of deciding I matter of principle. A lecturer had been engaged to forward the work of temperance, who was not sound in christian doctrine. and Dr. Burns, a Presbyterian minister at To- ronto. on being asked to deliver one of twelve sermons to be preached on temper- ance, declined by saying that "he would have n? connection with infldels.referrlng to the ecturer engaged. The convention referred to was called for the pur e of investigating, and Alexander Me enzie sided with Dr. Burns, that an em- ployee of thetemperance cause should at least be subject 0 Christian ethics and tenching. Mr. (` own was very intimate with all the McK wxzie boys and said that their principles we-e always on the side of right. After Mr. McKenzie went into poli- tics Mr. Chown once said to him that he appeared less zealous in the temperance cause than before. He replied : I am as firm as ever. but find that it is a matter that cannot be forced against impossibili- ties; but education will ultimately suc- ceed along temperance lines. Hope Mc- Kenzie was a cabinet maker. John was a tinsmith, and when he aml William ar- rived there later John's tools were detain- ed by the customs, bein so new that negotiations had to be ta en with the de- partment before they were released. All the Mclienzies moved to Sarnia subse- queutly. One more fact worthv of mention : ln UTKDIIIUIFBI CIUIIC IIIIIUII KIVLIDII-I Ho come to Kingston, in 1832. when the stone town was larger thnn Toronto. In 1838, he thinks. I merchant. from Montreal uinihx KK|\oIfnn null nrannirnrl A uumnnr. _ % f;`:;T;j.:.1 .; .;siT..`.m'.;: .".;-;iy. .. -.~: 'P;'*"'3'vs"."'*_" '!P'- .orhorad|tary,tmhln!nnoyt_ougc, : QlItInnm,wwmnausz::a'cvnonu IAr.Uu1oAno!ntIngnwl_thcu11cunA`(o:n;- of: ); the mat `mu ours`. and and dudes Ruonvnxr. (mm: 01 blood ndlumor cums. _ .. ' .113 quanuy. One more feet worthy of mention : one of the Kinglton hotels, at hhnb only period, woe is Fitzroy Kelly. who had sold out. his army commission, eold liquor for his board and was seldom sober. A school teacher by the name of Newberry. from near Mr. Chown e birthplace. was nearly always drunk. J. B. Gough coming there to lecture got. these two men to- gether and urged them to eign the pledge. which they did. but Fitzroy said he nmet get. out of the bar or he could not keep lb. He got a place at. a shipping oice to 0|} out or one Dar or no uuulu uuu Iuup got place shipping scrub and clean docks of the company : vessels, and was dressed nccordinzliy. A captain nding how could write m is him write on inventory of the ehip e ladinge, and when preeenting it to the owner, ed- mitfnd that he made it. He placed him at the deek and mid some other men could scrub the decks. After learning hie hietory he took an interest in him. and held him high in his confidence. Hie own friends in Ireland, hearing 0! his reformation. settled nn nnnuit of 800 per nnnum in his favor. and he an 1uently became Ldrd Fitzroy, of Mount Morris, Ireland. Mr. Chown a friend, the teacher. also eucoceded in get- ting 3 reaponaible otlice. and, thnnlre to J. B. (lough, both were rescued from upper- ont destruction. Attend the hat ancuion min of pinnu at Su|ter a Saturday. May 22nd, at ll mm. and 2 p.m. Finn nvnr Evvnhinln lamnnl. 50. Fllh . BDUWOTOG 000 0! I700 T.l'Ill`l-n!lI'lI!. "Do you tell me so? Well! Well! said the old mun. "I huin h been to town for bonjonr. but I did bbink that boll- gnt-oa, an tallow candle: had gone out due long ago." Dletrlet superintendent. A. T. Smith. of the Bell telephone ex- chmge, has been nppointed dietrict wiper- intondont of the Ontario department, his territory lying from Kin ston to Windsor. His headquarters will at Kingston. Mr. Smith has been in the company I em- ploy for eighteen years and in thorou hly conversant with the service. He hue oen menu or of exchan can at Hamilton. Peter- boro. elifexend llngeton. He has eno- ceeded in making the exchange here the most modern in Eastern Ontario. It is a model for all other olcee. Mr. Smith will still menng: the Kingston exchange. an assistant ing 'ven him. He is heartily congmtule ' on his edvInce- mont. Tell Gntel And Tallow Cnndlel. An old farmer, who resides in the neighborhood of N oponoe. como to King- ston, via the Bef of Quince railway, on Wednesday hut. He embed that he had not. paid a visit. to the city since ten years before. and he was very obsorvanu of the changes and improvements that have been made during ohnl`. period. Gazing out of the car window. on the way to town. his glance fell upon I t.ollgal.e, on the road- side. nun... n.-....'. ... .13 9.11 ....o.. W I-.. ..._ OIRHIIBU1 , It. is old, in one some. buhtill in use. answered one of the trnin-hands. uh- ...... 5-!) ...... ....I llfnll I III." P N00. "Why there`: an old boll-gate I be ex- claimed un .-- ..I.I :.. ....- -....-.. L..s;.o:II :. .... " Scrofula is a word you don't quite understand, but if you talk with 'your doctor, he will tell you that it is} generally believed to be due i to the same cause which gives rise to Consumption. It appears mostly in those who are fat-starved and thin, ; usually in early life.- A course of treatment of Scott : ` Emulsion w' the Hypo-N phosites w e ever Scrofula ` manifests itself, will prevent the development of the dis- ` ease... Let us send you I L. -1. T.\.__`_`. Illll llllwt cur. ti ura ` I v ' "N x-afr_hrJ`tx:6:Lh:?:i. ".'. Q ry I1o1I_!angr."'n"u. H `Hume m:-.-.%.::. sugars, Lemons, Spices, Plne Apples, Caimcd Goods, Figs, Dates, Runs and Bacon. IIIpIlH IIIII `III-Inuit nuunuunw -'l`w Iunblo Ion Button to` ma 2 Fine avor Egypbianlernons, 5c. Flshor. `on av-cone DAVE 1% H . :1 o rl I3: It u 354 Princess Bt. - Su'a.tford'o ( MCLAUGIIUN, - Princess St. Byrnes & C0. _...a....|....._.._...._.....-..----------.. Rooms 'l`0-LE1`. wnm. mums! mxmna for Indian or nntlomon: la FINE I1Y!=~r,_,c0: Bicycles to Rent Ales._ Also an A 1 Repair Shop in gonnoouon. -We do Bioyolu wonk only. ` - CITY WOOD. COAL& LUMBER YARD uuu Ior loml muou Ipun woou. nu ntovo. l1.00 for load out dry hard wood. .__._.o__ ...u ,_.n can `r Iilulrctlt Avunuu 750. for load mixed wood. illofvzr loud mind with wood. randy for Mu PI -OVCO Come Again Camovsky company, gm ommo srnm. bprln Bevuuuu In npaonuy nno ondlflon. We other to ovary um. rdorl on-ufnlly put up. pond and gieuvored. momrson admins 120., GOO Dr! D. nan: frat IIANNAY & I-i.AR0l.D. WWW ACCIDENTS JAMEWSML';I_i]l'tVlN'EY'.- j Pvlnnann -0.:-nn Th: I uy uuuluu II)! In. 'I`hum|t.h1n in All I bttnollu. Quick, nun sown work. iuinnblo I-loos. W. gg B"o guggg` Botwoon Prlnoon and Brook HM. to a homo In o pioo fonoo. Thou who intend orocung. ono tho oomln n rm; should no oomploo at Orouoon In Workoa Ohoopatro . dunblo fonooo, dmoront Moms. A no ovory downp- uon of 1: II work sud who cloth nunw footurod by. F. PARTRIDGE, 5`,`;",i'..',`f',}, .;;'.',.", A NEW TURN-OUT IBUGKBINDING` % laking Down Stoves. W. 6. Frost, Carrie Painter. Kin: street. next to Elect: o 00! 8110111. =- -4. ., .. . , . .. . . . wn.u.'.. mums. hnmmc. blecdimr. scaly. `Gems In Art. K. W. Snider s Photo Pprlors A, g_- i___- Household Economy. ROYAL cm 2.13:. :,-,--g- .,:-.m mun than an: oak our on tho noi- - O '0' -l- '5 Hunt at wood Working! Puquwry Flooring. an Aug Omen M an .`._A__. h__n___ -n___n`__ 1...`. v--vv-- --vu---g --uj-cu -wquu-ti -v-u Iuhuadboor oat.` lvctythInj1nWoodW'ork. Fnmltuu-oinovutod and Ulhhlul, m--.-.-in--., % L to-r1` .*-.:'.*.:e..... IThe Guardian) ""1'.;};-`..}.,` "' LONDON. ENG. w. J. B. wnma, - Agent. Kingston. v-_.... FIRE Business. An Ornament R00!!! FURNISH! Innblo ntlomon; hm wovolnonto. oloocrio I tn. use of to `mbrooksh-sol. olophonouo. FIRE AND LIFE Assurance Co.. w .up-nun Bopurluc u. Bpoomty. Give us 3 can. mun III! 001:0! IOII CID III- `Au mun (moon Ion maul. Ell." HIE KINGSTON MILUNO C0. ausmus POINTERO. :--q-w-&- IVIIAJ IJ1 I IlIIl`I- I N0 Prlnoon strut Tho wuuoonn with the wheel windows- -:: A; E. HEROD. Old Stud. ' uuu 1-notonon , oiilumou mt I-oi-mu Phomu Gallery. `Cull sud no then. 0 -lnlnnbn nllmh Sal: -Inhl fun. -Inn. ZIKYI. NEIL III II IKII. IIII mung ellnh. Solo rich! tog-liar Alon- There In no mount job on uh I! [on don'u know how. 1:... --_ --.... .11 AI... 11.; --.1 -pm.-u Wm h nd ch! 1 o o worn 1:: para bhodvln 3p':3ob3? :0 [mo of us. tin than hu;,An~ 0 cl wo'llma on ootlio ofohom. `V! I comploto p wt (or monufnotlulnl oonvonnon of every duorlpuon. ._- 4 .......-A..-.. fWu'i:'W T anvil onmmrl int. Rani.-modarnh. liuuoulon Jun: Including Tandems, at U011`! IIIDW [IOW- You on sum 51) the dirt and won! by nondlnu {or us. 'T`IuuInIO`\`I\- In all M: lnguuuluna I: not nooouury thin ngrlng. Send oiur oi: vagniolo t`o an have to to- :- mm I0 3 n . Outrfpr-lot: nroxisonoinongoglth lllch [Hula work. Wo'vo 1 ntonu room for Slolclu That I h 0 goal I thon- otto 11:13) oto.I.'"(?t|f`I'x`p 6 an! make your engagement for mining. Big bargains in LUMBER and v OEDAR POSTS. 1-- I _.n__ I ._-..A V.` Robinson's, BYE); nan Ln rs. Light Winn and oihu hp!` nf Bevu-an: In Ipcolllly u ondl.lon. rdm-I nu-nfnll! but un. nnohd nvuu viqv ~... .....~. W--- `PHONES 491 Ind 497. tn bnnuu Of 3 ouporlor nulltv. and` 560A WATIR. tll'IVI with mutual In-nib J nlou. .9-n_- ....- .a..n..I..... -.... Inn . FTIIIII J lllUII- CTr.v our dolloioun nu [OI- OBILI SODA. . " |19h'*=9'? APPS- Drennmking Dopu-tmonc to tho from; under tho monlcomout ot Mina \VI\h4h. 0! New York Olty. All the nowut French and Pu-Mun fashions.` ` ORDERED ' -n-`A:-u And have unothu-Hook at our REY. BoonMIulBl'RlN Wu are showing 31 the 130,000 ':m`.::'.:.':..*"'- ?'*"*'"'*' KJVIII IJ\I I IInII I`: 292 Princess street. \ IIIIlUI U TIIIIINI WEI III! 3 Three doors above 0l:I out. 3 9 Iloncrnl Stub. ' 9 Prlnoou On Brook mp. -j Pa.ld-up Olpltd at my Company In tho World trunuotlnl 3 1 \-4-I _i_-joo'rwEAR. llonctnl Boubob. \ Prlnunn On Brook BI! " 2}; 3.33 uI.'LEi.;L We hive the Oartinges. Fina lino. Loy prices. . H 7 ` I 1 O ASSOCIATION PROPERTY `:ohoI;ntE fenced (rounds. The ox!!- -.. -1 _..I ng..-L ...n| -an .u....o.I. thpnnnh an A: nor! an of I SUI--us-g --cw--.v.--. ___... We solicit I share of your pa- tronage. J. H1_g:pcK, lISPA'ra'8 HISTORY or THE wo1u.u. lent volunomwoll bound and rofnuly Ilttthd. In be non st. Wulo 0 oo. _BA_BY__C{ZRlA(lE$ ! k It s What We Do, I I III Iliuunuw Furniture and Undo:-ukincv. RPS \ - volnn EH BJSJDRNOIB. 15 UNION S'1'.. Linn. now ooannbd by In. many. TO SI LET. 31500118 and Cheese. FOR SALE. .__ Enron or Inn: woxi |mn|.Wlll bound prom k T I '-- ' ' I :-- I-.1` , .rAT LABGE RESIDENCE ON NORTH &l'oolJohnIton Strut. u-It hnuu won :10 some. with {urnnco and othor Mun oonvmlanou. Also the stone Dwel- gfhn lo Buns. with modem unprovo- V . A y to Jon: Muml. - 'PnONlI 399. Bananas, Orgnges, Lemons, Nan www- Opposite 0101 Hotel. lltilt tolo- ` 1 YITIIXM " Auto honunno I'.nu:hn' on Thlmdny Immooo, Mr. Hanan-M30. I newly skated DIONOIIU. took I0 n nikuni in 1 nhnrt nddnn thanked H10 -o..-.-,:- J-trio: Should. lo 653:: lawfu- nlnanoi In county Iohooln -liner Set. .9-I-.2" .91 '|`lh-Pnpor on no Tuolilgot lila- A.--_ Aplabunntln fnnnht Ilnnuld In Ir nowly uoqton prouuouu. soon mu 0 oibond in o abort oddtooo thonkod opoooiotion for olooting bin to tho with f doncy. Ho boioy oontrootod tho preoont ` oooociotion with thot of twenty goon Ago, T and aloof!` showed tho nooloity at note tooohot to fog on octivo port in the wor of oooh convolution. _ , _ J. J. ` l.ox-prooidont; dolivorod o lengthy od rooo. in which ho oo ogrotu_lot- od tho county `upon tho lorgonooo ond pro- groooivo ohorootor of it: touching Ito` o no =1-onrnolnlnd at that oooooiotion. uni ~..__,-... l 3ANDB0ll! NEW RESIDENCE ON 0n n Strut. non Division Street, lately ooonp by Vic! .1. Whlhohud A man you nun w u uomplato it. Lot 5 loin: n'I Oollou grounds. Apply to B. V. _l3l. Borrlntqr. moaeunponans uusy, not on: to euucaw in the geualal acce tatien of t e term, but to inculcate the lguity of agriculture. and lead the youthful mind to believe- lead him to understand. that it is the most im rtant industry of our coun- try, and tat an intelligent, educated, and self-respecting citizen is the highest type of a citizen. Ontario without doubt is an agricultural rovince, it possesses lands whose lertility s unsurpassed by that of any other pro- vince. and her rural schools of to-da are educating over seventy per cent. 0 her school population. a fact which only goes to prove what a benefit we as their teach- ers might be to the farming occu- pation in moulding the plastic in- clinasione in the direction of an agricul- tural pursuit. and enabling them by a knowledge ol the elementary principles of that occupation to make its pleasant. a protahlq,and a successful occupation. He then went on to sliow how in this direction the teachers do not receive the least encouragement or assistance from our present educational system. The legislation in the direction of an agricul- tural education has been one of retro- gresaion rather than advancement. The subject of agriculture which was intro- duced into the public schools some time ago has been a failure for the want of the proper training of the teachers to teach it. and the necessary encouragement from the eilycational department. Other countries in ntroducing agriculture into their ub- anhnnla laarran with the trainimr of t air Rafi; r`oN'r:N- `A0 -Tncnrnw Asiocumou. -an-..-.--._ n ntroauclng Igrlcullure mm onulr un- eohoole began with the training of t air teaohere, which waa the only meane of making it a eucoeee. He claimed that agriculture should be taught in the rural public echoole for many reasons : Firat, on account of the interest any occupation preaente, whoee principleewore the subject of study in oureerly school da e : second, because of the eoientio know edge it in- parte, which is now no neoeaeer for euc- oeu in that occupation ; and I. irdly be- causeol the vast amount of capital invested in it, the wealth derived from it and the large share it contributes to our trade and commerce. It wee also pointed out how the eubjeot had been totally ignored by our high schools. both in their curricu- lum and in their epirit, and referred to the Guelph agricultural college I! the only in- atitution eubeerving the interest of an agri- cultural education. A ..-..... .. oh. ogu-h.'nn of hinfnrv -in mm ImaEtts%nsnss1oN.| QYOIIIVO llflcl III III IFISIIIIJU lblll` so =-roprountod at that association. on ihowod how its present oioionl condi- tion in due entirely to the enemy and bttbntion oi the oonnt. in or. Ho called attention to the ct t thlnvu the ooeond time the county teachers had at upon from their city co-uoohon. and I ma how thot stop no gmtly to their ddmntagb. Ho told "We ropralnb those at our profouion who on ehpgod In unch- ing in ungndod schools. than of on? pro- tection to whom an ontruotod the oducn Mon of tho nan! populntion. the pducniou of mono who no to become the intolligono ond fol!-rat og I`!-iculturiotn 0! our province. I: ,tlIon be oovol us. to our` mouimportlnb `duty, not on] to educate in OLA on`nn`hl mmntntinn of t 0 term. but curwrer euuenuon. A igaper on the teaching of history was reed y Mice M. Gnllaher. She claimed that history should possess attractions for :11 those interested in the progress of man- kind. yet examination shows largely to the eontrary. But apart from examination preetigeit should he taught with refer- encetoits valuuhle educational inuence as e preparation of intelligent patriotic citisens. She referred to the necessity of breathing life into the dead historical {nets hy mean: of references to current events, showing how they go to build up history. The use of notes wae condemned as hav- ing a tendency to clog the memory at the expense of t e understanding, but the speaker highly recommended the ube of maps, globes and historical charts as be- ing very helpful in making the leseorzs clear. I). En.-dd. -ah! a Can wan`. in nnnnnn. cieer. Dr. Spenkie eeid A few words in connec- tion wit some inaportent Announcements conoerni e tting recognition of the nix- tieth enn vereery of her rnAjeety e reign. He referred to the effort thAt wen being mede to eeteblieh the Victorien Order of Nureee. And thought that the Frontenec teechere ehould co-o rete by A generel eubecription, And A an ription be Aeked of from one cent to live cente from eAch echool pupil. no Aleo recommended that eech school in the county be provided with A picture of our queen which could be eecured At A low rate. end urged thet A committee be Appointed to look into theee two recornmendetione. The following were A inted Ae A committee : Dr. Spunkio. eeere. Her I. Henutridge And Grehem. I`. W. Ay royd reed An Admireble oeArlthmetic." in which he urged t I ah. hm-hu-. Almnld do him utmneh Ln Aecnre Ella)! WIND ll ODIIIPIOEIII. no ulul un- joction to govern! otdingry math 3 of teaching nations, and noommond that in nll bin inchhn tmchor should nrocood OD Al'lBlllllIIolc. III Wllluu no Iuxvu nu-I the teacher uhould do his utman to menu inherent. II without. that on the port. of the pupil. moons onnnot be hoped for. The work ohould In an pnoticnl at possible. that It In be the non bonocinl after the Ichoo course in oomplotod. He took ob- Kantian Ln nmmml mdinnv mazhoda of ';...:."i;."..;.:;.:, .:.a".;:.;.:m;.;.`.i.'.i rug; in all use in the voucher should from the to tho tbltncb. l'lIA'l'llhl'l'1U A.B5UUlA'l`1U1V ruurunn 1 no of the exhu- ll II Strut. will run dlrooely throw]: 0 lotawhloh no olono to a growing no- Ql of 0 city. Apply to J. 8.1-Jnnln. Ooltoltot. Qlnnnu Shoot. 1?-jn ltonn of Intent: Harmon Plckod Up Alon: no win-no. IICII CI III_Il`II Z-I I_uv-- I II--"- VI Alongtlo The ac ' hhioh has to Oawogo to day In I coal for the poniuntfuy. n. mhlnnc Albotrooe. Cleveland. sinn- ybonndforthiupott. Tbqnohoooc Kntmufhrdioo ng I or mmap and '}'.'.'.'. .'."T.:';."i" In Fort Willhlnl 5...... mnnmhn-ho]; . | g.'.i'..T;'.3so'n{'&u...n..:'"'.' 1_l_&AL in-4.4;; M %}".'3f3'..?:'s........"""'.."u'1',".'.:i'"." liouforntllnosndlnnko on unwind n-...- -an-uni: huh I nnlnlv nnnn lap `tho on nnydy charm luono uurwuull. III I-- -- Ind .......:1`...."*"..'1".':.-. ..'.'.{.'. '.i...: lill. ' u E A *'*"..`:'.'..:'...'".*.'*.....* 7. K it ngvc return. ...-a ; . 'l'IQ`-l'D'I'I' VI 'I-U xv-uuu-3 1.7: u---' toq-- Arlllnuuo lbnjht Should Do Dnnnlnl.-; W Ituuuqvw nvvuuun Em 2753.35? !??.`.E " oo. Apply 38 Ill BY WIND AND WAVE. but muy bop wul no wuapa ouu ox r.uuq;uu:- iii! to whSIi`thiy Bo d`Iil`y,n uourcqot unknown. . , _ . r` ~GchIralotdu- No. 37 has the. otdndtrd and :39 for` non-commissioned oicou `sud an fomin: They mm ho botwoon oightoon and forty-vo years of Inge; excep- Jzloumny bomndo inmhocuo of unloa- non-com. whose `me much not, however, by our fty yours. The minimum chub moaanremenhia nd nnhirty-three inchu. and the minimum hii'g'hI'., for mounted 1 cox-pI..nl. ve fat but inches. and for dlwounwdou-uat_n loot ve inches; o the pliyuical olopmont of recruits, or mombon of corps must be suitable for ? 9.1.. Inn and tlnv mm. be me from un- ruhuusnthonndhg loam` ...v....-:.u.>a.:n. sum. milllh `rec ol mu guano far no pouiilo, be on tho -lnlglhnt lane. an roprdq p ynionl capability. ate. in recent gononl ordcrs referring to nxadiullnnpnotinn show thin; and it the nuln-n gm an-rind out. man! undoniud. Indluumpotlon mow um; no an un- ordon no carried out. nuny undoninqd. undongod. and inmpso aim.-ad lftqb mun! ban fl III OH` 0` `M `ROI- ms: MILITIA churns IWss uto. -na-n-In- 2.'L`}.,b'5.',`1':1i`.i2; ai`a%2`e?A`;?cu3J%:'t!er7 an whd'a`t.hiy (Sun In duly`- footed. The instructions issued to medical o`eeru ere very denite nnd- pg-eeiee. end when any cor goes into nemp having on its etrengt any men medically unfit for service. such men are to be sent home (rid the coat of their tum rt, at. we oente I mile, in to be chm-gecfoagninet the pay of the squadron, battery or company baking mmh men In cnmn. ll nnsmlmcn Union er. &r in, oo'mpio'd by llu. Ilium` in hot vuor. cu. etc. Lownmardm lion]: 016 5 month Ind tun. Aha I 0 Into ootuu next door. wu lquuuruu, unuuu such men to camp. The Public Lib:-cry. KINGSTON, Ont... Mag 20.-- (To the Edi- tor): Attention has con called to the hot thnt at a recent meeting of the direc- tors of the mechanics library, no mention or effort mu made in the direction of amal- gamatin that librnry with the public school In rcry, to the end that this city might have what certainly is much needed. I public library. . 'l'lm mtiznnn at lnrtra might well all the IIIOIIIDOPI 0! 00? I111!!! D0 lllllolluu uu their due and they mutt be tym- toome of rheumatic eeetioui. dieeue of the heart. lungs, or vieoen, from venereal disease, defective vieion, or any other de- fecb that we (1 render them unfit for eer- vioe. or `foul prediapqeeyhem to become non-effective under expeoute. They mun be free from lemeueee. mun heve full use of all weir limbs. and semen of heerln nd speech, mutt be tree from ill-Ihease or over-lepping toes. and must not be at- fnntn, public library. The citizens at lnr 3 might well meaning of all this? a it a fact as it seems to be. that the directors of the mechanics library have not their face Against`. the schomo of a public library. Nnw than Onhm-in lnuinlnhura had unmis- scheme 0! punuc nnrary. Now the Qntnrio legislature had unmis- tekeably in view in their recent legislation, the consolidation ol the severe! mechanics libraries throughout the province with the school libraries thereof to the and thnt public libraries might be established. The citv council recentlv mode I mint punuc Ilomrles mlgun nu wlauuuuuuu. The city council recently grunt of three hundred dollars to the mechanics librsry and that institution thereupon opened the doors of its reeding room to the public. and so far sogood. But the enquiry still presents itself. Is this e eon- fonnity with the ststute in such case made and provided ? I answer no enphutioslly. The intention of the statute is being both evaded snd ignored through either the ne- glect or the wilful purpose ol both the council end the directors of the mechanics lihrsry. What is to pre- vent the city from teking over the me- ohenics` library, I ask 2 Who will give me the information end who will give the press e copy of the set above alluded to? And further. how long ere we to wait for ths necessary eetion to be taken by the two bodies, ebove spoken of in order that the public library may he established, or heve we hesrd the lust of the seine for n time in the future more or less indenite? It is likely that Kingston is the only place of 20,000 on the western continent thst is minus e public librery and this too in as city that boasts of being. whet it undoubt- edly is in meny res ts. en edueetionel centro.-Punuc Linn nv. It Is Desired tlnt nil Loon! choose Fnotorlos be Represented at the Board. Members of the Frontenac cheese board are of opinion thot there sre many small souled persons in this district in the cheese monufnoturing business. Said I member of the board yesterday : "There are ogood many factories in this district which are not represented at hair or my cheese board. but who renp benet from the board's ex- istence. For instance. I know of at least two factories whose cheese are sold right slong at the prices governing our cheeoe hnnrd Thu nlnmnn for these fmtorien any. . At 1 practice Int owning the bond re- hosnod music which will In played on Sunday afternoon next at the noted con- oorh to be given by this and the band of tin 13th battalion. M Huniiuon. A new name 0! women has arrived :6 ` the atom! of the eorpl. Tho nunhun ot the bugle hand will on- btin tho bugluuol the visiting corps at ` dinuor during the ooouion of choir visit lice.-Thodinnct will boulrvod in an hold on Hands . _ g, A huh! panda oholh P.W.0.R. vruordond (or Inn atoning to pnotioo thonovmonullnt will In ononlod on ' Ilondny nut, bntouacoounl of tho II- nlnnnnmonnlnn-Illoatrngwn nnnhln In slang M2 tne prices governing our uuueus bosrd. The selesmen for these fsctoriee contrsot, it really amounts to tliet. with buyers for the output of their fsctories, saying. `you oen have our cheese st the seine rates so are paid sit the Frontenac board. Now, I osllthnt very mesn business. Here ere s few of us try- i to edvenoe the interests of the cheese in ustry by for-min ii bosrd, engaging en inspector end stsn ing sll the expense eon- neeted therewith, while s few independents remain on the outside smfresp the traits of our lebors end expenditure. This sea- son we hsve instructed ourrinspector not to vieit {sotories that are not represented st the board, and we hope this will result in bringing in the tsrdy ones. The more the merrier, they say. end if all the fac- tories would come in it would strengthen our boerd in rnsny wsys." llelnece leaded Out. The dilfereno companies of the Nth P.W.O. R. euembled at their ermoriee lee: evening, being compelled to remein in- doononeooountol the ruin. Alittle in- otmchion in ueneel exercise wee ell thet wee eweonphed. The men were eened out with helmete. preperebory to church pu-ale on Sunday and inspection on Mon- (hr. Goctnlts 1| ! nil Rania. . Jaa frlindlln Rev. 0. 0. John- ston ton ! win bl!` low Illkit that: up to 1! Binds: an war; , down, M _willcnhinn,I09uoh!noldono Inn manna-nntimnl nun-nmnnm -UIIIII, I19, lIIWO|lIUlII III 51 II` olauntwuthu-ulooorpuru nmhlojo dli is lit open lit. loch comply. Ih|nhn.,dIilhdiaiuovau-nory,nndot lhwniuunoihr. III, ww I|'?'-""'A " ` '.?.'2'.mr-~i*"*'`;_; '_``L ".':"'.......*-" em '2; an; ::nI'I m|.n3 lfxin LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. LET THERE BE UNITY. the Aura: Inc. 5- Ann, And hot merely what we say. Honest, straightforward methods `hive brought us the largest pa- t_ we enjoy tp-day. .No' min too lame small: